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teleportzz · 2 years ago
pretty unlikely but are there any other autistic people with non-24 sleep-wake disorder out there who experience this odd mix of distress and jubilation when your sleep schedule realigns with polite society? on one hand, i'm happy that i get like a week or so of actually feeling well-rested and awake at school and like i'm part of the world and society around me, but on the other hand, i get kind of used to being awake at 3am when everyone else is asleep and the world is quiet, so i get very distressed and get sensory overload more easily because i'm reliant on being awake in the middle of the night to help me regulate
taking a shot in the dark here, i know, but if anyone else knows what i'm talking about i'd love to connect. maybe people with other circadian rhythm or sleep disorders like insomnia might also relate?
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may-be-a-plant · 5 months ago
Having a sleep disorder is at least a little funny.
I've literally been prescribed sunlight and water as a part of my chronotherapy.
Excited to see what other medieval fantasy sidequests my life has in store.
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heartinhyacinth · 2 months ago
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Made this sketch a while ago to try to put a visual to feeling “behind” for my age due to disability and illness. With everyone sharing their recaps, accomplishments, etc., for new years, this seems like the right time to share it.
For anyone feeling like you're somehow "behind"—life is not a contest or a competition. It is not a race. There is no universal way and order in which you must live it. It is yours and yours alone. You can't be behind. You are traveling on your own separate path, as is everyone else in the world. Everyone has different obstacles, different goals, and "checkpoints". Some paths are set so that certain people end up in the same spot at the same time, and some paths aren't. Some paths are much longer and treacherous than others. You are not behind. You are not lazy or a failure. Your path is just longer or filled with more barriers than the paths of those you are comparing yourself to. Or maybe the path isn't longer, but the goal is simply different. You don't have to strive to reach the same destination as everyone else. If that's not where you believe your are heading, don't cut through the branches, the thorns, and the cement trying to reach a finish line that is not your own. You are not behind. Different paths just have different maps. Follow yours <3
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abyssbirds · 2 years ago
The fact that most of the tags under n24 have nothing to do with the disorder and that there's only a handful of posts under every single tag for it sure FEELS like ableism even though it might not be. But I have the time to talk about it so I might as well spread visibility.
(Info under read more)
N24, Non-24, or Non-24 Sleep-Wake Disorder, is a circadian rhythm disorder where your body doesn't run on a (roughly) 24-hour cycle like most people/people without the disorder itself. For example, my days run roughly 18-19 hours instead of a typical 16. My sleep gets later and later and later. I've tried melatonin, tried resetting my sleep schedule by staying up for >24 hours until a "normal" time for bed, and tried keeping ambient noise on like music or nature sounds. I've tried blue light filters. My days are just 26-27 hours instead of a normal 24, though every person with N24 is different.
It's primarily diagnosed in Blind patients, since the cause among Blind people with the disorder seems to be that not being able to see the transition from day to night makes their bodies not produce the proper sleep hormones at the right time.
Among sighted people, the cause seems to be unknown (last time I checked; just one person with the disorder should not be your only source of information!) and, since N24 among sighted people is more rare and less lucrative, it's an orphan disorder. There's not much research into how to help us sighted people with N24 because treatment is often pricey or not an actual solution, or it is aimed directly towards helping Blind people with N24.
As far as I know, there's apparently an implantable device in development. The main suggestions I see are training via sun lamps and melatonin or just trying to get on sleeping pills by lying about insomnia. There is a pill that can be taken, but if you live in the US, it is extremely expensive. So, essentially, this orphan disorder is overlooked and misdiagnosed, and those of us with it have to hope that one of the coin-toss methods of treating N24 works.
N24, even on its own, can be a very disabling disorder. You're either too-sleep deprived to do the things during the day you need to or are busy being asleep because the human body needs rest at some point. Socialization gets very difficult when your circadian rhythm is nocturnal for a couple of weeks. It's an isolating experience. It also makes it harder for people to work and make themselves money. I don't even know if N24 is something that can apply to an application for disability, though given it's not well-known, I doubt it is.
I'm not used to making informative posts like this, so I don't know how to end it, but please do some research into N24 on your own time--I am by no means a medical professional and my anecdotal explanation may contain errors. I just want people to know we exist.
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waggermama · 1 year ago
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I’ve finally gotten around to updating Teen’s sleep diary. I had the data from Fitbit, but rather than faff around with spreadsheets (who am I?!?), I went old school with my monthlies from @diyfish .
This is a classic representation of Non 24 sleep wake disorder (I’d hoped for some change, but no, it’s still textbook), at least Teen is getting some more hours in.
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jokeofanartist · 1 year ago
I love having a sleep disorder so rare that there are like 10 posts on it and no real fix for it because it usually occurs in blind people :D
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ibrokemyotherone · 2 years ago
sometimes non24 is funny because you wind up doing things like having a nice glass of wine with my steak dinner at 6:30am
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Being a non-24 therian is hard cause I can't do quads for like a week because my sleep schedule is in the morning :(
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crowdearest · 1 year ago
I was so upset earlier bc I had an appointment about my sleep study and he said "oh you have sleep apnea, if you want a cpap let us know, and if not bye" and I was upset because I was seeing him about non24. And I was crying about that and then the HETLIOZ PEOPLE CALLED ME AND SAID "HI WAITING ON INSURANCE, HERES A FREE 30 DAY SUPPLY THO" AND I WAS NO LONGER UPSET
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vodid · 2 years ago
keep feeling like time is going unnecessarily fast like it was JUST january and i was telling my comms i'll get to theirs next week. it was just february and i was rushing to prepare my store. it was just march and i was partying with my friends.
its april
as per usual, time's flying but i realize for me, that feeling is only heightened because time really is just. zoomin'. i literally experience less days in my life compared to normal people. 💀💀 in the past 90 calendar days, i've only experienced 78.
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where did my days go, you ask? towards sleep. so much sleep. or just in general, having very long days. sometimes 12+ hours asleep, 20+ awake. its kinda funky to think about.
am i experiencing a shorter life, while still living as long as my peers?
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teleportzz · 1 year ago
fucking bullshit that i got diagnosed with "sometimes-lives-like-a-vampire" disease and it isn't even fun. it's actually kind of a nightmare
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crowdearest · 1 year ago
When the phone starts ringing at noon just as you get settled in to go to bed
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rotblume · 1 year ago
y’all wanna hear something funny ?
the thing is, when others “complain” about any aspect of me living with Non24, it’s - naturally really - usually the hypersomnia part they focus on (e.g. sleeping till noon and missing out on things during the day) .. and that is a real nuisance, the main reason for my “certified disability attest” is missing like 35-50% of the life going on around me, but for me, the insomnia part is almost worse: being exhausted, tired, but not sleepy and instead physically unable to fall asleep during the night
yet another funny thing?
for months and months on end and this over years, by now almost a decade, I have - not quite willingly, and before my diagnosis not even quite knowingly, but intentionally all the same - ignored my body’s signs that it needed rest - so that I could go to school and sit in Uni lectures before the diagnosis; so that I could take care of my terminally ill Ma even after understanding what’s “wrong” with me - and so by now, it happens far too often that I simply don’t even notice the signs because I have trained myself to deal with it - in a similar way that I have managed to build up an already high pain tolerance to an even higher pain tolerance because of chronic pain .. though there are also still more than enough days &/ nights where it's the pain that's keeping me awake ..
anyway, here comes the insomnia-part of my whole Non24 shtick into play: if I don’t use the sleep window that opens - the time where my body wants me to sleep - ‘cause I don’t even recognize its existence, it just closes up again and I have to wait another day for the next opportunity to fall asleep - and hope I don’t miss that chance as well ..
that’s why - only a week after my last (at least partially intentional) 60 hour shift cause of an important Uni workshop - I am preparing for a long day to become a (far less intentional) 35-40 hour episode of “I can′t get no sleep” after too many hours awake for the day, realizing 'I must have missed my latest sleep window, cause I was focusing on something else' .. or mayhaps I am currently back in the mindset of "not wanting to sleep because I'm afraid to miss my Ma needing my help and I cannot allow that" as I'm subconsciously just waiting for some bad news from yet another, my next closest, family member currently suffering serious health problems
I'm getting too old for this stuff - and I'm only in my mid-twenties ..
10 years ago I could handle 2-5 hours sleep per 24 hours, 5-6 days a week for months over years; even 5 years ago, I could semi-regularly deal with 2-3 days only on caffeine and power naps, and generally needed much less sleep, instead fueled by concern and grief and pain
now, I'm exhausted .. and I'm tired, is the thing .. but: I am not sleepy
so I can just as well scream into the void and silently rant, for rage is simpler than tears
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crowdearest · 8 days ago
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teleportzz · 7 months ago
taking a nap with non-24 makes everything on planet earth so so evil and unpredictable. i crashed four hours earlier than i was supposed to in my sleep cycle last night and woke up around when i should be going to bed, and then took another four hour crash only ten hours later????? and now i have absolutely no idea and no way to predict when i'll be going to sleep next. and this basically happens every time i take a nap. as i understand it, people with functioning circadian rhythms can actually have naps sometimes without ruining the whole next week of sleep and having to reschedule everything they had planned 😭
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mordcore · 14 days ago
it occurs to me that feeling like i have to fight every night to go to sleep as early as 4 am is less a sign of delayed sleep phase and more a sign of non24. ergo, now i'm posting ah 7 am. i should freerun for a while and see what happens im workin thru my fears and kinda liking the idea of non24 when the youtuber said that they get to experience all times of day (on different days) i got jealous... i dont see the sunrise a lot but i LOVE early mornings im just never awake because i force myself to go to bed at 4 am (earlier doesnt work at all anymore) we'll see what happens i guess???
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