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teleportzz · 2 years ago
pretty unlikely but are there any other autistic people with non-24 sleep-wake disorder out there who experience this odd mix of distress and jubilation when your sleep schedule realigns with polite society? on one hand, i'm happy that i get like a week or so of actually feeling well-rested and awake at school and like i'm part of the world and society around me, but on the other hand, i get kind of used to being awake at 3am when everyone else is asleep and the world is quiet, so i get very distressed and get sensory overload more easily because i'm reliant on being awake in the middle of the night to help me regulate
taking a shot in the dark here, i know, but if anyone else knows what i'm talking about i'd love to connect. maybe people with other circadian rhythm or sleep disorders like insomnia might also relate?
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neopronouns · 11 months ago
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flag id: the leftmost quarter of the left flag has 4 stripes, which are golden yellow, sky blue, faded indigo, and dark blue. the second quarter has those stripes shifted down by half a stripe, with a small section of dark blue at the top. the third quarter has them shifted down again, making the top dark blue section a full stripe. the final quarter is shifted down again, with a small section of faded indigo at the top. the right flag is the same, but each shift down is a full stripe length rather than half of one. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
two versions of a non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder (n24swd/n24) flag for myself!
both flags use yellow and sky blue for being awake and purple and dark blue for being asleep, with both flags shifting those colors 'forward' several times to represent one's circadian rhythm being out of alignment with the typical 24-hour cycle.
tags: @mad-pride | dni link
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abyssbirds · 2 years ago
The fact that most of the tags under n24 have nothing to do with the disorder and that there's only a handful of posts under every single tag for it sure FEELS like ableism even though it might not be. But I have the time to talk about it so I might as well spread visibility.
(Info under read more)
N24, Non-24, or Non-24 Sleep-Wake Disorder, is a circadian rhythm disorder where your body doesn't run on a (roughly) 24-hour cycle like most people/people without the disorder itself. For example, my days run roughly 18-19 hours instead of a typical 16. My sleep gets later and later and later. I've tried melatonin, tried resetting my sleep schedule by staying up for >24 hours until a "normal" time for bed, and tried keeping ambient noise on like music or nature sounds. I've tried blue light filters. My days are just 26-27 hours instead of a normal 24, though every person with N24 is different.
It's primarily diagnosed in Blind patients, since the cause among Blind people with the disorder seems to be that not being able to see the transition from day to night makes their bodies not produce the proper sleep hormones at the right time.
Among sighted people, the cause seems to be unknown (last time I checked; just one person with the disorder should not be your only source of information!) and, since N24 among sighted people is more rare and less lucrative, it's an orphan disorder. There's not much research into how to help us sighted people with N24 because treatment is often pricey or not an actual solution, or it is aimed directly towards helping Blind people with N24.
As far as I know, there's apparently an implantable device in development. The main suggestions I see are training via sun lamps and melatonin or just trying to get on sleeping pills by lying about insomnia. There is a pill that can be taken, but if you live in the US, it is extremely expensive. So, essentially, this orphan disorder is overlooked and misdiagnosed, and those of us with it have to hope that one of the coin-toss methods of treating N24 works.
N24, even on its own, can be a very disabling disorder. You're either too-sleep deprived to do the things during the day you need to or are busy being asleep because the human body needs rest at some point. Socialization gets very difficult when your circadian rhythm is nocturnal for a couple of weeks. It's an isolating experience. It also makes it harder for people to work and make themselves money. I don't even know if N24 is something that can apply to an application for disability, though given it's not well-known, I doubt it is.
I'm not used to making informative posts like this, so I don't know how to end it, but please do some research into N24 on your own time--I am by no means a medical professional and my anecdotal explanation may contain errors. I just want people to know we exist.
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floortile34 · 3 months ago
ugh annoying having like a 26 hour circadian rhythm
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vodid · 1 year ago
non24 sleep-wake disorder is going from 26 hour long days to 32 in a matter of two days bc ur body really hates being awake during the day. and not feel tired.
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crowdearest · 1 year ago
I was so upset earlier bc I had an appointment about my sleep study and he said "oh you have sleep apnea, if you want a cpap let us know, and if not bye" and I was upset because I was seeing him about non24. And I was crying about that and then the HETLIOZ PEOPLE CALLED ME AND SAID "HI WAITING ON INSURANCE, HERES A FREE 30 DAY SUPPLY THO" AND I WAS NO LONGER UPSET
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whoselabelisitanyway · 2 years ago
Hello i couldn't help but notice that u offered urself up as a resource for info abt N24 (sorry if i got that wrong, feel free to ignore this.) So as someone who very recently found out abt it and also probably has it, do u have any resources? Links or articles or anything for me to look at? Anything you could/want to share abt it??
Hey! Yes, I'm happy to write about my experience with N24. (It's not fun, but it's reality for many people.) The sad thing is that I don't actually have many online resources as far as articles and such. A quick internet search showed me Non-24-Hour Sleep Wake Disorder: Definition and Causes | Sleep Foundation which seemed to be a good overview (more articles linked at the bottom of the page). It's very clear that there hasn't been enough research done in a practical sense, though. Treatment options are few, and there aren't any that are at all flexible. Which, I'll just say it, sucks.
For me personally, my N24 is pretty severe, with my days lasting about 30 hours or such, so that I'm awake for something like 20 hours at a time. None of the treatment options presented to me (melatonin and/or light therapy) were effective (I have unusual environmental factors against me, though). That doesn't mean you shouldn't try them, IMHO - but I would caution you against accepting whatever sedatives doctors are handing out these days. If that's their initial reaction/treatment advise, ask them if that medication is approved and tested effective for long term usage. (It won't be - if I'm wrong, lmk, because I'd like to be wrong.)
Lastly, I'll tell you a bit about how I got my diagnosis. The biggest factor was a comprehensive sleep diary. Sometimes they'll ask you to do a sleep study as well, to rule out other sleep disorders. A sleep diary is crucial in helping the specialist evaluate the progressive time changes in your sleep patterns. I recommend getting a low-cost sports watch (with a small profile so it's comfortable to sleep in) if you don't already have one. That was a huge help to me when I was documenting my sleep patterns.
I hope that helps! I wish I could give you better news, but I do believe it's preferable to know what you're dealing with than to not - even if it's not something with an easy fix. Let me know if you have any other questions - I am not a sleep doctor or physician, but I can speak to the realities of living with N24. If I can help others at all, I like to. Good luck!
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crowdearest · 1 year ago
When the phone starts ringing at noon just as you get settled in to go to bed
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teleportzz · 1 year ago
fucking bullshit that i got diagnosed with "sometimes-lives-like-a-vampire" disease and it isn't even fun. it's actually kind of a nightmare
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disabledpkmntrainers · 3 years ago
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Adaman is autistic with OCD traits and has non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder
Headcanon by anonymous
[Image description needed]
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floortile34 · 2 months ago
ouppy has trauma from being forced awake in mornings :( not hyperbole, i literally have trauma from it and it's gotten really bad and i can't do anything about it and i feel like it'll get worse....
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vodid · 2 years ago
ah yes, another case of labeling something perfectly normal a "disorder" because the Super Perfect Normal world imposes itself upon everyone like a one size fits all and tries to erase everything else. there is a REASON ppl with dspd get sleepy during the day 💀
and you know all those articles that say sleeping late can cause health issues in the future? like diabetes, obesity, heart issues, etc.? IT'S NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE DSPD. THOSE ARTICLES ARE NOT FOR YOU.* those articles are for people with "NORMAL" circadian rhythms, because the article is assuming you're intentionally keeping yourself up and waking up early instead of going to bed when you should. but with dspd, your bedtime and wake-time are just naturally later!! *these do not apply to you if you're getting good sleep!! because these risks are byproducts of chronic sleep deprivation!!
there are no health risks for dspd, afaik, unless you are trying to conform to a "normal" circadian rhythm. do not be fooled by anything saying "night owl" because chances are, they mean people who stay up late and wake early — NOT dspd. and if you look into it, the studies are held on a NORMAL sleep schedule (which, if the ppl participating actually have dspd, then congrats, your data is skewed. of course they're gonna have health issues; one study had them starving overnight and waking up early 🥴)
i very very much wish i knew of dspd BEFORE lockdown, before i started self treating via chronotherapy, thinking i had insomnia/something wrong with me BECAUSE OF THESE ARTICLES. and attempting to treat it threw me right into n24swd and now i have an actual CRD (maybe i was predisposed for it but still. woulda been nice to know ppl just. have different chronotypes... that i could've stayed with dspd and been perfectly fine)
this is just me ranting at this point but it's so annoying to me that schools knowingly sleep deprive kids but they're fine messing with their BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS as some sort of fucked "preparing you for the real world" or "eventually it'll stick" shit. that is NOT how it works and there's a reason i was not able to perform well in school; why high school were my worst years. I WAS FUCKING TIRED
and now i'm disabled! so yes, pls understand the difference between having a different chronotype and staying up late. understand your body's cues and go to bed when you're supposed to, whether that be advanced, "normal" or delayed. sleep is important.
i fucking hate
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this is literally just labeling someone’s natural circadian rhythms as disordered.
“may fall asleep later than intended and feel sleepy during the day”
hear me out
like!!!!!!!!! WHY is this a DISORDER!!!
i remember during lockdown when i had nothing to do and i just started naturally letting my sleep return to what felt most natural, and that happened to be around 3am-10am ish. and i felt fucking fantastic!!!! i felt the best i’d ever felt!!!!!!
and now i’m back to bullshit trying to knock myself out using nyquil or weed or benadryl so i can wake up at 8am and get to work at 9am which is apparently “late” and i feel like shit all day and can never find the motivation to work on my books!!! during the pandemic i wrote an entire fucking book!!! usually between the hours of 11pm and 3am!!!! and now when i start to feel that itch to write i have to ignore it bc i have to go to bed at a time that feels so unnatural!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!
i hate everything!!!!!!!!
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medicalgadget · 8 years ago
Evaluation of circadian phenotypes utilizing fibroblasts from patients with circadian rhythm sleep disorders
Translational Psychiatry - Evaluation of circadian phenotypes utilizing fibroblasts from patients with circadian rhythm sleep disorders
We evaluated the circadian phenotypes of patients with delayed sleep–wake phase disorder (DSWPD) and non-24-hour sleep–wake rhythm disorder (N24SWD), two different circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSDs) by measuring clock gene expression rhythms in fibroblast cells derived from individual patients. Bmal1-luciferase (Bmal1-luc) expression rhythms were measured in the primary fibroblast cells derived from skin biopsy samples of patients with DSWPD and N24SWD, as well as control subjects. The period length of the Bmal1-luc rhythm (in vitro period) was distributed normally and was 22.80±0.47 (mean±s.d.) h in control-derived fibroblasts. The in vitro periods in DSWPD-derived fibroblasts and N24SWD-derived fibroblasts were 22.67±0.67 h and 23.18±0.70 h, respectively. The N24SWD group showed a significantly longer in vitro period than did the control or DSWPD group. Furthermore, in vitro period was associated with response to chronotherapy in the N24SWD group. Longer in vitro periods were observed in the non-responders (mean±s.d.: 23.59±0.89 h) compared with the responders (mean±s.d.: 22.97±0.47 h) in the N24SWD group. Our results indicate that prolonged circadian periods contribute to the onset and poor treatment outcome of N24SWD. In vitro rhythm assays could be useful for predicting circadian phenotypes and clinical prognosis in patients with CRSDs.
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vodid · 2 years ago
speaking of n24, my 2nd anniversary of tracking my sleep and joining the n24 community is coming up \o/ very excited to share my graph. it's gotten funky in some areas
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crowdearest · 11 days ago
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teleportzz · 1 year ago
man i love going through the non-24 swd tags every few months and being sad when there are no new posts and you can scroll through all of them in like 20 minutes tops and there's a bunch of unrelated stuff in the tags. like i know it's an extremely rare disorder and very little is known about it but still. i wanna commiserate with other people that have it pls
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