#non dairy products
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Hullo 👋
Looking to invest in my health & well-being with a transition into more vegan products--wanted to hear your thoughts, let me know! ✌️
#vegan#veganism#veganlife#veganfood#vegan community#what vegans eat#vegan tumblr#go vegan#vegan alternatives#non dairy products#health#healthy living#cruelty free#poll#polling
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there's a new carbon footprint calculator out adjusted for the nordics and its great and all (lists me as about half of the average norwegian) but it also pinpoints how hard it is to make these accurate because the "best tips for how YOU can improve!" are very much along the lines of "take the train!" no trains in my region. "stay at your vacation destinations longer and fly less!" i don't go on vacations. "eat less meat!" i buy 1 pack of salami per month. "buy fewer eggs!" i haven't bought an egg in several years. "take the bus to activities!" i don't have regular activities.
#i also just have#a teeny tiny bit of skepticism abt the climate effect of animal products when#all the animal products originate (and are largely processed) within an hour from me#from a system of animal agriculture that relies very heavily on utilizing otherwise non-farmable areas#aka places you can not access with a tractor#vs chickpeas shipped from - wherever i guess since they don't require clear labelling#not saying its necessarily better! but im not convinced its as skewed as it would appear#+ smallscale farming food security local economy cultural landscape and other reasons why one might#decide to make particular choices regarding meat or dairy consumption#(this is also why its so fucking hard for me to pick dog food)
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i cant think of anything less leftist than choosing to pay for the slaughter of innocent, child-like beings, sexually exploit them, and while doing so unavoidably paying for one of the leading cause of the climate crisis
everyone's "radical leftist" and "remember, you are not immune to propoganda" until you bring up the animal and environmental suffering we've been raised to ignore
#eating animal products is a choice that you can always change!#almost every vegan(including myself) was non-vegan once#(also this obviously excludes those w health issues / in poverty etc as thats not a choice#see my post on that)#vegan#veganism#activism#activist#activist witch#leftist#leftism#left wing#feminism#dairy is scary#dairy is anti-feminist
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Why is there a vanilla flavor of basically any non-dairy milk but actual cow's milk doesn't come in vanilla?
I mean, I always on team 'more milk flavors' in general but man, I would drink the hell out of vanilla cow's milk. Fortunately, vanilla oat milk is also pretty good.
(I'm aware that I could...just add vanilla extract to my milk. It Would Not Be the Same.)
#i don't have any dietary reasons for drinking non-dairy milks#i buy them sometimes because#a) vague environmental stuff about using fewer cow products#b) they all come in vanilla
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i was throwing out a pack of emmental slices that expired 2 days ago when my dad asked what I was doing because, he says with complete confidence, "cheese doesn't expire"
#guy who bought cheese 6 months ago voice:#oh boy I can't wait to check on my favourite non-perishable dairy product
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*Specific brand answers provided are the results of a quick, pre-lim search through my local Whole Foods' available options*
Looking to transition into a more vegan diet & lifestyle! As with my last inquiry into vegan alternatives for another type of dairy product, I wanted to poll the audience of a place near & dear to & also on fire in the background of my heart. Thanks 👍🙃🔥
#vegan#veganism#veganlife#veganfood#vegan community#what vegans eat#vegan tumblr#go vegan#vegan alternatives#non dairy products#health#healthy living#cruelty free#poll#polling#tumblr polls
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spent so long looking for a non-dairy coffee creamer that tastes good, isn't overly sugary, AND delivers a satisfying vanilla flavor and i can't believe i finally found one after all this time
#AND it's made with oats!!!! my favorite non-dairy substitute!!!!!#i already use oat milk as coffee creamer so it's just perfect. they made this product for me specifically#can you tell i went to the grocery store today bc i keep talking about food lmfao
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kosher rules continue to elude me in this place
#theres a huge binder of what is and is not kosher and im still confused#all ive gotten is no pork no non-fish-sea-creatures and no meat touching dairy#and everything needs a separate dish set#but like. there's mention of approved cleaning chemicals. is the degreaser kosher. i do not know.#and someone who isnt jewish cant prepare the kosher meals but what happens if the guy who does the kosher meals suddenly goes home#do we call the rabbi? grab one of the guys getting the kosher meals and get him up to speed real fast? who knows!#its all 'follow the policy' but we have no policy on these things#or at least. no one put the policy in the kosher binder.#at least we have no pork products allowed in the kitchen#makes things easier#theres a very high muslim population so they just said fuck it no pig
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commonly confused words
accept: to receive except: with the exclusion of
advice: recommendation (noun) advise: to recommend (verb)
adverse: unfavorable averse: opposed to
affect: to influence (verb); emotional response (noun) effect: result (noun); to cause (verb)
aisle: space between rows isle: island
allude: to make indirect reference to elude: to avoid
allusion: indirect reference illusion: false idea, misleading appearance
already: by this time all ready: fully prepared
altar: sacred platform or place alter: to change
altogether: thoroughly all together: everyone/everything in one place
a lot: a quantity; many of something allot: to divide or portion out
angel: supernatural being, good person angle: shape made by joining two straight lines
are: plural form of "to be" our: plural form of "my"
accent: pronunciation common to a region ascent: the act of rising or climbing assent: consent, agreement
assistance: help assistants: helpers
bare: nude, unadorned bear: to carry; an animal
beside: close to; next to besides: except for; in addition
boar: a wild male pig bore: to drill a hole through
board: piece of wood bored: uninterested
born: brought into life borne: past participle of "to bear" (carry)
breath: air taken in (noun) breathe: to take in air (verb)
brake: device for stopping break: destroy; make into pieces
buy: to purchase by: next to; through the agency of
canvas: heavy cloth canvass: to take a survey; a survey
capital: major city capitol: government building
choose: to pick chose: past tense of "to choose"
clothes: garments close: to shut; near cloths: pieces of fabric
coarse: rough course: path; series of lectures
complement: something that completes compliment: praise, flattery
conscience: sense of morality conscious: awake, aware
corps: regulated group corpse: dead body
council: governing body counsel: advice; to give advice
dairy: place where milk products are processed diary: personal journal
descent: downward movement dissent: disagreement
dessert: final, sweet course in a meal desert: to abandon; dry, sandy area
device: a plan; a tool or utensil devise: to create
discreet: modest, prudent behavior discrete: a separate thing, distinct
do: a verb indicating performance or execution of a task dew: water droplets condensed from air due: as a result of
dominant: commanding, controlling dominate: to control
die: to lose life; one of a pair of dice dye: to change or add color
dyeing: changing or adding color dying: losing life
elicit: to draw out illicit: illegal, forbidden
eminent: prominent imminent: about to happen
envelop: to surround (verb) envelope: container for a letter (noun)
everyday: routine, commonplace, ordinary (adj.) every day: each day, succession (adj. + noun)
fair: just, honest; a carnival; light skinned fare: money for transportation; food
farther: at a greater (measurable) distance further: in greater (non-measurable) depth
formally: conventionally, with ceremony formerly: previously
forth: forward fourth: number four in a list
gorilla: animal in ape family guerrilla: soldier specializing in surprise attacks
hear: to sense sound by ear here: in this place
heard: past tense of "to hear" herd: group of animals
hoard: a hidden fund or supply, a cache horde: a large group or crowd, swarm
hole: opening whole: complete; an entire thing
human: relating to the species homo sapiens humane: compassionate
its: possessive form of "it" it's: contraction for "it is"
knew: past tense of "know" new: fresh, not yet old
know: to comprehend no: negative
later: after a time latter: second one of two things
lead: heavy metal substance; to guide led: past tense of "to lead"
lessen: to decrease lesson: something learned and/or taught
lightning: storm-related electricity lightening: making lighter
loose: unbound, not tightly fastened lose: to misplace
maybe: perhaps (adv.) may be: might be (verb)
meat: animal flesh meet: to encounter mete: to measure; to distribute
medal: a flat disk stamped with a design meddle: to interfere, intrude metal: a hard organic substance mettle: courage, spirit, energy
miner: a worker in a mine minor: underage person (noun); less important (adj.)
moral: distinguishing right from wrong; lesson of a fable or story morale: attitude or outlook usually of a group
passed: past tense of "to pass" past: at a previous time
patience: putting up with annoyances patients: people under medical care
peace: absence of war piece: part of a whole; musical arrangement
peak: point, pinnacle, maximum peek: to peer through or look furtively pique: fit of resentment, feeling of wounded vanity
pedal: the foot lever of a bicycle or car petal: a flower segment peddle: to sell
personal: intimate; owned by a person personnel: employees
plain: simple, unadorned plane: to shave wood; aircraft (noun)
precede: to come before proceed: to continue
presence: attendance; being at hand presents: gifts
principal: foremost (adj.); administrator of a school (noun) principle: moral conviction, basic truth
quiet: silent, calm quite: very
rain: water drops falling; to fall like rain reign: to rule rein: strap to control an animal (noun); to guide or control (verb)
raise: to lift up raze: to tear down
rational: having reason or understanding rationale: principles of opinion, beliefs
respectfully: with respect respectively: in that order
reverend: title given to clergy; deserving respect reverent: worshipful
right: correct; opposite of left rite: ritual or ceremony write: to put words on paper
road: path rode: past tense of "to ride"
scene: place of an action; segment of a play seen: viewed; past participle of "to see"
sense: perception, understanding since: measurement of past time; because
sight: scene, view, picture site: place, location cite: to document or quote (verb)
stationary: standing still stationery: writing paper
straight: unbending strait: narrow or confining; a waterway
taught: past tense of "to teach" taut: tight
than: used to introduce second element; compared to then: at that time; next
their: possessive form of "they" there: in that place they’re: contraction for "they are"
through: finished; into and out of threw: past tense of "to throw" thorough: complete
to: toward too: also; very (used to show emphasis) two: number following one
track: course, road tract: pamphlet; plot of ground
waist: midsection of the body waste: discarded material; to squander
waive: forgo, renounce wave: flutter, move back and forth
weak: not strong week: seven days
weather: climatic condition whether: if wether: a neutered male sheep
where: in which place were: past tense of "to be"
which: one of a group witch: female sorcerer
whose: possessive for "of who" who’s: contraction for "who is"
your: possessive for "of you" you’re: contraction for "you are" yore: time long past
commonly confused words part 2 ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
#writing#writing reference#words#writeblr#literature#poetry#poets on tumblr#writers on tumblr#spilled ink#creative writing#writing tips#lit#langblr#studyblr#dark academia#vocabulary
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A non-exhaustive list of Foods in the Nine Houses (why? fucking because)
Foods that they definitely have (mentioned directly by a character/character's internal narrative)
Tomatoes (from “red sauce”), grapes (for wine), eggs, grain (of some kind, presumably wheat - for “flour shapes”, beer, Canaan House bread and also Fifth House couscous-dish), onions, carrots, pomegranates (assumed - from Fifth, cf. Abigail & Magnus' dinner party), potatoes, chocolate (Harrow mentions something smelling of 'dust and chocolate'), snow-leeks, nuts (of some kind - peanuts definitely, cf 'peanuts in an admiralty meeting'), apples ('diet comprises mainly red meat and apples'), chilli (sufficient to make the Fifth food “spicy”), sugar, ginger (god’s ginger biscuits), cinnamon (nona knows what cinnamon smells like; Palamedes recognises what cinnamon is sufficient to ask Nona how she knows that), lemons (Harrow's preserved lemon tea, Gideon mentions someone looking like a 'sack of lemons'), fish (of some kind, served at Canaan House), coffee, tea,
Foods that they may have had once and perhaps no longer (largely Lyctoral references - Valancy & Cyrus' paintings, spoken of by Lyctors)
Melons, bananas, pineapples, oranges, coconuts, pickle(s)
Foods that are up for debatefrom description/inner narrative
Mayonnaise ('mayonnaise uncle'), chicken ('chickenshits don't get beer'), duck ('you're a sitting duck', 'we tried that, duckling'), cows ('milking a large and invisible cow', 'muscular, lean-beef arms')
Why do I care? Well because food production in a post-apocalyptic world where the planets have been stripped of their thalergy is a contentious issue. I'm astonished that they have chocolate, and that the Fifth (at least) has dairy. Palamedes says 'my whole House for a reliable food source' and the level of physical weakness amongst both necromancers and cavaliers (as evidenced in As Yet Unsent by Judith's assessment of 5K times for top necro and cav Cohort recruits) suggests that it's not just thalergy depletion but malnutrition that might pose an issue to the Houses. And yet...chocolate? Lemons? Red meat? What are they eating on these installations? Where are they farming not just food (which could be hydroponically grown) but livestock?
I have no answers I just think it's very interesting what does and doesn't get mentioned
#tlt#the locked tomb#ignore me I'm just spouting food thoughts#but the fact that Harrow knows what chocolate smells like haunts me
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟏

listen up, pookie your kitty (yes, her) deserves to be treated like royalty. she works overtime for you, keeps you feeling good, and deserves top-tier maintenance. if you’ve ever wondered how to keep your girl fresh, healthy, and thriving, then sit back, grab some tea (preferably one that benefits her—more on that later), and let’s dive DEEP into the one and only guide you’ll ever need on vaginal health, hygiene, and overall reproductive wellness.
taking care of your kitty isn’t just about hygiene, it’s about honoring your femininity, connecting with your body, and embracing your divine energy. when she’s healthy, fresh, and balanced, you feel more confident, radiant, and in tune with yourself. a well-cared-for kitty enhances your sensuality, self-love, and overall well-being, making you feel empowered in your femininity. it’s an act of self-respect and self-care, a ritual that reminds you that your body is sacred. when you nurture her, you’re not just maintaining hygiene, you’re cultivating a deeper connection with your womanhood and stepping into your most powerful, feminine self.
1. internal care: what you put in is what you get out.
your kitty is a self-cleaning queen, but she still needs your help to stay in her best shape. what you consume directly affects her smell, taste, moisture, and overall health. let’s break it all down:
🎀 water is your bestie
first things first “drink your damn water, babygirl.” if your kitty has ever smelled a little “off,” felt dry, or just hasn’t been vibing right, chances are you’re dehydrated. dehydration leads to:
• stronger vaginal odors (not the good kind)
• increased risk of infections
• dryness and discomfort
how much should you drink? at LEAST 2-3 liters a day. and if you struggle with drinking plain water, add:
• lemon (helps balance pH)
• cucumber (hydrating AF)
• mint (cooling & refreshing)
🎀 lemon water = ph queen
starting your day with warm lemon water is a game changer. why?
• it flushes out toxins
• it helps balance your vaginal pH (prevents infections, odors, and irritation)
• it keeps your skin glowing (bonus win)
make it a daily ritual, and your kitty will thank you.
🎀 tea time = kitty care time
certain teas work wonders for your vaginal health. here are some of the best ones:
• ginger tea → reduces inflammation, fights infections
• red raspberry leaf tea → strengthens the uterus, great for periods
• chamomile tea → reduces bloating & period cramps
• green tea → full of antioxidants, helps with vaginal odor
sip on these daily and watch the magic happen.
🎀 probiotics: the real MVPs
your vagina needs good bacteria to stay healthy, and probiotics help maintain that delicate flora balance. if you’re prone to yeast infections, BV, or UTIs, adding probiotics to your routine is non-negotiable
best probiotic sources:
• greek yogurt (plain, no added sugar!)
• kimchi & sauerkraut
• kombucha
• probiotic supplements
🎀 best food for your kitty
strawberries & berries
coconut water
citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits)
plain yogurt (probiotic-rich foods)
celery boosts pheromones and gives a clean, light scent.
ginger & mint.
pheromones are natural chemical signals your body releases that can subconsciously attract others and enhance your sensual presence. they play a huge role in sexual attraction, confidence, and even how people perceive you. the more balanced and active your pheromone production, the more naturally alluring, magnetic, and desirable you become.
foods to limit or avoid (can cause strong or unpleasant odors)
onions & garlic
red meat
too much dairy
excess sugar & processed foods
alcohol & coffee
2. external care: keep her fresh & clean (but not TOO clean)
your kitty is a self-cleaning goddess, which means less is more when it comes to washing. over-cleansing, using harsh soaps, or douching = disaster. let’s talk about how to properly care for her.
🎀 washing: gentle, gentle, gentle
• use only warm water to wash your vulva (external area)
• if you need a cleanser, pick one that is pH-balanced and fragrance-free
• never wash inside your vagina (she cleans herself)
• anything scented (no bath bombs, no perfumes, no harsh soaps)
• douching (throws off your pH and causes infections)
🎀 menstrual care: keep it fresh
your period is not dirty, but you need to maintain proper hygiene:
• change your pads/tampons every 3-4 hours
• if using a menstrual cup, sterilize it before and after each cycle
• wear breathable cotton underwear during your period
• drink iron-rich teas and foods to replenish nutrients
during your period, your body is already working hard to clean itself, so you don’t need to scrub down excessively. instead:
wash with lukewarm water & a gentle pH-balanced cleanser
avoid harsh soaps, fragrances, or douching — these strip your natural protective bacteria, making you prone to infections.
if you need a quick refresh, use unscented, pH-balanced feminine wipes (no alcohol, no fragrance!)
pads & tampons – change every 4-6 hours to prevent bacteria buildup. leaving them in too long can cause bad odors, irritation, and even infections.
menstrual cups – empty every 8-12 hours, wash with mild, unscented soap, and boil between cycles for proper hygiene.
drink 2-3L of water daily – helps flush out toxins and reduces bloating.
eat fresh fruits (pineapple, watermelon, oranges) – these keep your kitty’s natural scent light & sweet.
take probiotics (yogurt, kimchi, kombucha) – maintain a healthy vaginal pH & prevent yeast infections.
avoid too much caffeine, alcohol & processed foods – these can make you smell stronger and increase cramps.
drink herbal teas (ginger, chamomile, raspberry leaf) – these help relax muscles & ease cramps.
do light movement (yoga, stretching, walking) – keeps blood flowing & reduces bloating.
apply a warm compress or heating pad – this soothes your uterus & relieves pain.
take magnesium & vitamin B6 – these reduce cramps & mood swings.
cut down on salt & sugar – excess sodium & sugar make bloating & cramps worse.
🎀 underwear game: cotton only, babes
ditch the synthetic panties and switch to 100% cotton. why?
• it’s breathable
• reduces sweat buildup
• prevents yeast infections
also, sleep without underwear when possible, let your kitty breathe. (i don’t wear at home at all lol)
🎀 yoni steams: ancient but powerful
yoni steaming is an old practice that helps:
• cleanse the vagina and uterus
• balance hormones
• improve circulation
• relieve menstrual cramps
how to do it:
1. boil water and add herbs like mugwort, lavender, and rosemary.
2. sit over the steam (like a chair with a hole or squat over it but please don’t burn yourself, pookie).
3. let the steam cleanse and refresh your kitty for 15-20 minutes.
subliminal for yoni (listen whenever possible)
3. maintaining, tightness & strength
a strong kitty = better bladder control, better sex, and a healthier reproductive system. let’s talk about keeping her snatched and healthy.
🎀 kegels = tight & right
doing kegels daily helps with:
• stronger orgasms
• bladder control
• postpartum recovery
how to do it:
• squeeze your pelvic muscles (like you’re stopping pee)
• hold for 5-10 seconds
• repeat 10-15 times
do this every day, and you’ll notice a difference.
how to do kegels exercises?
pelvic exercises for women
🎀 waxing, shaving, or au naturel?
how you groom is completely your choice, but here’s the tea:
• waxing → lasts longer, reduces ingrown hairs
• shaving → quick but can cause irritation
• lasering → best long-term option, reduces hair permanently
• natural → totally fine but at least trim it time to time and clean it nicely to avoid any odour or infection
🎀 wipes: do we love them?
YES—but only the right ones.
• fragrance-free
• pH-balanced
• alcohol-free
use them after sex, gym sessions, or when you need a quick refresh.
4. sex & post-sex care: protect, cleanse, and glow
listen up, pookie—what happens in the bedroom affects your kitty’s health. whether you’re getting spicy on the regular or once in a blue moon, proper aftercare is a MUST. neglecting this step can lead to infections, irritation, or discomfort, and we don’t want that, do we?
always, ALWAYS pee after sex
i don’t care if you’re tired, cuddly, or just feeling lazy—get up and pee. this flushes out bacteria that might have entered your urethra, preventing UTIs (urinary tract infections).
wash her up (gently)
• rinse your vulva (external area) with warm water
• if needed, use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser
• pat dry with a soft towel—don’t rub! (also keep a separate towel only for her) (her means your vagina)
does pineapple really change taste?
yes and no. diet does influence how you taste down there, but it’s not just about pineapple. your diet plays the biggest role in how you taste. the goal is to eat foods that are light, fresh, and naturally sweet.
• sweet, hydrating foods = milder, pleasant taste
• too much processed food & dairy = stronger, unpleasant odor
foods that help:
drink at least 2-3L of water daily – keeps your juices light, clear & fresh.
add lemon or cucumber to your water – natural detox, makes your fluids lighter & more neutral.
drink coconut water – packed with natural electrolytes & lightens your natural taste.
chlorophyll water = internal deodorizer – helps your kitty and cum stay fresh & clean.
pineapple, mango, strawberries, watermelon – these are nature’s candy and make your cum sweeter & fruitier.
oranges, lemons, grapefruit – full of vitamin C, which neutralizes strong odors.
apples, grapes, kiwis – naturally sweeten your fluids.
cinnamon, honey, vanilla – add natural warmth & sweetness to your juices.
cucumber & celery – high in water & help flush out toxins, keeping you light & clean-tasting.
mint & parsley – natural breath & body fresheners.
sweet potatoes & yams – help maintain a balanced, natural sweetness.
foods to limit:
onions & garlic or strong spices
too much red meat and processed
alcohol and coffee
excess dairy
🎀 protect your pH: condoms matter
raw is fun and all, but if you’re not in a committed, tested relationship, you NEED protection. unprotected sex can:
• throw off your vaginal pH
• increase risk of infections (BV, yeast, UTIs)
• expose you to STIs plus girl you don’t wanna get pregnant especially if you’re not committed
if condoms make you itchy or irritated, you might be allergic to latex switch to non-latex condoms instead.
5. infections & odor: keep things fresh & problem-free
let’s be real sometimes, your kitty acts up. you might notice a smell, unusual discharge, or irritation. this is your body talking to you pay attention!
what’s normal vs. not?
your vagina has a natural scent—it’s NOT supposed to smell like flowers, vanilla, or candy (despite what some brands try to sell you). HOWEVER, extreme changes in odor can be a sign of something off.
when to worry:
❌ fishy odor → bacterial vaginosis (BV)
❌ strong, foul smell → possible infection
❌ yeasty, bread-like smell → yeast infection
🎀 infections 101: yeast, BV, and UTIs
(please go see a gynaecologist)
yeast infections
• symptoms: itching, thick white discharge (like cottage cheese), redness
bacterial vaginosis (BV)
• symptoms: fishy smell, grayish discharge, irritation
urinary tract infections (UTIs)
• symptoms: burning when peeing, constant urge to go, lower belly pain
6. gym, sweat & hygiene: stay fresh all day
your kitty is working overtime when you’re sweating it out at the gym. here’s how to keep her fresh, dry, and happy:
🎀 gym tips for vaginal health
• wear breathable cotton underwear or moisture-wicking fabrics
• change out of sweaty clothes ASAP
• wipe down with pH-balanced wipes after workouts
• carry baby wipes for quick fresh-ups
7. pregnancy, birth control & hormones: long-term kitty care
your reproductive health is more than just hygiene. hormones, birth control, and pregnancy all play a role in vaginal health.
🎀 birth control & vaginal health
obviously there are so many different types of birth controls like hormonal birth controls like pills, shots, etc. even non-hormonal birth control like using of condoms, copper iud etc. all of them have their own set of advantages and disadvantages so please please please chat with your dermatologist which is well suited for your needs and body
🎀 pregnancy changes everything about your kitty—expect:
• increased discharge (normal, but should be clear/white) and even month long periods (my mom faced this)
• higher risk of yeast infections
• vaginal stretching (kegels help postpartum recovery!) ask your gynaecologist when to start cause possibly your vagina tears during parturition (delivery)
8. womb care
whether you’re planning to have kids one day or just want to keep your reproductive system strong and healthy, taking care of your kitty and womb right now is one of the best things you can do. think of it like preparing a garden: the healthier the soil (your body), the better the flowers (your future pregnancy and baby). even if you’re not sexually active yet, you can build a strong, fertile, and balanced reproductive system so that when the time comes, you have an easy, smooth pregnancy and a strong, healthy baby.
your hormones control everything. your period, ovulation, fertility, and even your mood. keeping them balanced now will make pregnancy much easier later.
eat hormone-balancing foods
• healthy fats: avocados, salmon, olive oil (support hormone production).
• leafy greens: spinach, kale, broccoli (flush out excess estrogen).
• seeds: flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds (help regulate your cycle).
reduce stress
• high stress = high cortisol, which can mess with your fertility.
• try meditation, journaling, or long walks to calm your nervous system.
limit processed foods & sugar
• too much sugar can cause hormonal imbalances & irregular periods.
avoid plastic food containers & BPA
• these contain chemicals that mess with your hormones & fertility.
tip: try seed cycling (eating specific seeds during your menstrual cycle) to keep your hormones naturally balanced.
maintain a balanced vaginal pH (3.8-4.5)
• drink water with lemon to help detox & balance your system.
• take probiotics (yogurt, fermented foods, or supplements) to maintain good bacteria.
• avoid harsh soaps, scented products, & douching—these strip away natural protection.
practice proper menstrual care
• switch to organic pads or tampons (regular ones have chemicals that disrupt vaginal health).
• if using a menstrual cup, clean it properly to avoid infections.
protect your womb
• avoid sitting on cold surfaces for too long (cold affects circulation to your uterus).
• practice yoni steaming with gentle herbs like lavender, rosemary, & chamomile to cleanse your womb.
• avocados → full of folate, which is essential for pregnancy.
• eggs → contain choline, which helps with baby brain development.
• berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) → full of antioxidants that protect your eggs.
• walnuts & almonds → improve egg quality.
• leafy greens (spinach, kale, broccoli) → rich in iron & folate.
• raspberry leaf tea → strengthens the uterus & prepares it for pregnancy.
• ginger tea → reduces inflammation & improves blood flow to your womb.
• nettle tea → full of minerals to keep your reproductive system strong.
too much caffeine (it affects egg quality).
alcohol & smoking (lower fertility & harm future pregnancy).
too much processed food (affects your hormone balance).
prenatal vitamins aren’t just for when you’re pregnant—they help prepare your body years before conception.
folic acid (B9) → prevents birth defects & supports healthy eggs.
iron → prevents anemia & strengthens the uterus.
vitamin D → improves fertility & hormone balance.
omega-3s (DHA & EPA) → support baby’s brain & eye development.
final words: love your kitty, and she’ll love you back
babygirl, your kitty is a queen and deserves royal treatment. stay hydrated, balanced, and mindful, and she will always be fresh, tight, and healthy.
this guide? your new bible. bookmark it, re-read it, and share it with your besties. your kitty care era starts NOW.
#girlblogging#dream life#empowerment#levelling up#manifestation#manifesting#love#aesthetic#flowers#gaslight gatekeep girlboss#girlboss fr#becoming that girl#just girlboss things#it girl#hygiene#female beauty#devine feminine#higher self#self care#self love#self help#self improvement#that girl#becoming her#becoming the best version of yourself#positivity#positive thoughts#natural body#body positive#body posititivity
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Buy Dairy and Non Dairy Products by Gauneeti

We're a Gir Cow Dairy Start-up, professionally run by Engineers & MBAs. Our Product Range includes Premium Gir Cow A2 Milk & Bilona Ghee, Range of Organic Groceries, Range of Organic Fertilizers and Gomay Art.visit us: https://gauneeti.in/
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interesting links roundup #2
America’s dairy farms are disappearing
The Canary (forgive me for sharing a michael lewis wapo piece but it's about mineshaft engineering safety which is super neat I promise!!!)
‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’
Diving lizard’s built-in ‘scuba tank’ allows it to breathe underwater
The Empathy Punishment
The Final Penalty
Gold Treasure Worth a Fortune Was Just Hidden in a Forest. The Hunt Starts Now
How a Scientific Dispute Spiralled Into a Defamation Lawsuit
How to succeed in MrBeast production
How Weed Strains Get Their (Amusing, Provocative, Downright Wacky) Names
Human cases of raccoon parasite may be your best excuse to buy a flamethrower
I sell onions on the Internet
Man Called Fran
Moral progress is annoying
The optimal amount of fraud is non-zero
Planet of Person Guys
Real-Estate Shopping for the Apocalypse
Some Notes on Attunement
U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
Why Is It So Hard to Go Back to the Moon?
Why We’re Turning Psychiatric Labels Into Identities
You are not a commercial for yourself
archive.is (this is the paywall remover I've been running all the paywalled links through (you're welcome) and pairs nicely with the news aggregators below)
Microsoft Activation Scripts
Radio Garden
Tom Paine Today and The Brutalist Report (both of these are news aggregators that let you quickly see what's in the headlines and how different outlets are reporting on it, although the latter is a bit more tech-focused)
Unclaimed Baggage
Observations - Journey (YouTube)
Shouting in the Datacenter (YouTube)
This American Life #839: Meet Me at the Fair
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I know it’s hard to adjust your buying habits in such a way that all American products are ousted from your shopping list. We WERE partners in trade. But now you have a responsibility. Here is a brief list of essentials and brands that are non-American, or even better, made in Canada.
Feel free to add any that you like.
-DAIRY: Armstrong, Saputo Canada, Gay Lea, Lactancia, Astro, Liberté
-POP: Canada Dry, Bubly, PC Colas
-MEAT: Maple Leaf, Pillers, Scheiders, Lilydale
-COOKIES: Dare, Leclerc
-CONDIMENTS: French’s, Presidents Choice, Renee’s
-SOUP: Habitant
-HOT DRINKS: Van Houtte, Nabob, Red Rose, Tetley, King Cole, Tim Horton’s, Second Cup
-TOILETRIES: Schick, Monday, Live Clean, Green Beaver, Nova Scotia Fisherman
-SNACKS: Old Dutch Canada, Frito Lay Canada, President’s Choice, Laura Secord
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