#non binary 2D real
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miloscat · 2 months ago
[Review] Sonic Dream Team (ATV)
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Hardlight finally gets let off the leash.
Based in the British town of Leamington Spa, Sega's studio Hardlight has been pumping out Sonic mobile games since 2012, mostly numerous versions of Sonic Dash but also Sonic Jump (the smartphone version) and the mobile non-Team version of Team Sonic Racing. These games, with their streamlined gameplay and aggressive monetisation/grinding mechanics, have rarely impressed me. Finally, Sega has allowed them to make a real game and the result is a pretty gosh dang decent Sonic experience.
Cream is an important part of the plot for maybe the first time ever as Eggman has kidnapped her in order to hijack her unconscious mind to steal the power of the dream dimension or something. Luckily, Sonic and pals follow him into the dreamscape to help the sheep lady Ariem (geddit?), guardian of dreams, to fight back. You know, this game presented the perfect opportunity to incorporate Sonic Team's Nights into actual Sonic lore after decades of cameos (or, for that matter, reference the existing lore of Sonic Shuffle)... but oh well. The dream setting gives a good excuse for the level design to be surreal and out there, but Sonic is usually just like that anyway.
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The core loop is about getting dream orbs to unlock new levels. The main source of these is challenge levels which like various Wii Sonic games remix each main level with specific goals. While there aren't too many levels in total (12 in the story mode, plus boss fights) they get good mileage out of these, or replaying for collectibles on alternate paths. What I like about the level design is the semi-open spaces that are often included, little playgrounds to test your characters' abilities and explore between the linear platforming sections and grind rails. While there's a lot of asset recycling, all the levels are fully 3D—no filler 2D sections in sight—and often manage to have some memorable setpieces, despite being relatively small. Beating the campaign also unlocks a handful of harder stages, added in a postlaunch update, which offer a fun and satisfying challenge.
Another cool feature is the character roster. For one of the very few times in the entire franchise—thank you Rush—there is actual gender parity [within the binary, of course], with your playable cast coming in pairs: Sonic and Amy (can air dash and light speed dash), Tails and Cream (can fly briefly), and Knuckles and Rouge (can glide and climb). On a basic level they all play the same, with a homing attack and boost: this is damaging like in "boost formula" games, but with a short Frontiers-like recharging bar that's also quickly refilled by pickups scattered throughout the game world. Once they're unlocked, you can freely swap between them during a level, and their strengths all feel useful at different times.
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Actually, forget what I said about gender balance because just recently Shadow was added to the game. He is playable in bespoke challenge stages in a separate mode, but you can unlock him for story mode... by playing and consistently beating challenges for... [carry the two] upwards of forty days!?? So this game does retain some obnoxious mobile game-isms in the form of time-restricted content and reward tracks. Anyway, Shadow is fun to use with unique abilities borrowed and adapted from his powers in Shadow Generations: he can slow time with Chaos Control and warp short distances in arbitrary directions. I just wish I could simply play his levels without being forced to come back for the randomly allotted dribs and drabs.
Being set in an otherworldly mindzone isn't quite used to its full potential. The opening world is a beach zone where much of the landscape, and the crab boss, are made up of inflatable pool toys, a fun idea. The second world's goop factory and robot boss are a bit less inspired, but the third world's spooky hedge maze is cool and plays with gravity à la Lost World, ending with a fight against a creepy bat-octopus monster. The final world is Eggman's idealised metropolis, the aptly named Ego City, filled with statues of him (and some Colours-style pronouncements over the tannoy). This ends not with a proper boss fight but a platforming gauntlet, although the giant multi-armed dream-Eggman that you clamber all over is a cool enough setpiece to justify itself.
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At the moment I can't say how the extra stages end, because the current version of the game contains a bug that means Ego City Act 3 Challenge 6 can't be completed, and you need all the orbs to unlock the final bit. I'm told a fix is on the way, but who knows when it will release? I should note that this game remains for now locked to the Apple Arcade service which many Sonic fans aren't happy about. I don't mind too much, there's plenty of games in the series locked to certain formats or that have been delisted. Being playable with a controller or on touchscreens, the control scheme is simple and despite a few welcome accessibility features, it can be a bit clumsy to control at times. Some of that can perhaps be attributed to my Apple TV model, which can technically play the game but with problematic performance and frequent crashes, even on the lowest graphic settings. Using a Mac or connecting a controller to a higher-end smart device is what I'd recommend if you can.
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After toiling in the mobile game mines for so long, I'm so glad Hardlight got the chance to show their stuff with a more full-featured Sonic game, and it's a commendable effort considering its relatively small scope and probably low budget. I'm disappointed by the performance issues and crashes though, considering I've played games that seem more technically demanding on this same device without problem. The music doesn't have quite the same punch as the series' heavy hitters either, but it's pleasant enough. Anyway it's worth playing if possible, and hopefully one day there'll be a version where the side levels aren't locked on a three-per-day cycle.
And that brings to an end my six-month-long journey through the Sonic franchise! It was supposed to be a brief jaunt but turned into a monumental odyssey, with soaring heights and crushing lows. The series is constantly reinventing itself, for better or worse, and I wouldn't have it any other way. What a rollercoaster, a thrilling exercise in radical creativity, unselfconscious attitude, and corporate meddling. I can't wait to see what the next roll of the dice brings us!
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moonsydracoryf · 3 months ago
Nice to meet you, we are-
Moonsy (Host):
Artist- 3D, 2D, and music
Alterhuman shapeshifter
Base form- Dracoryf
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Genderfluid, prefers he/him and prefers having a female body
Artist- 3D, and 2D
Base form- fluffy anthro shark
The embodiment of extreme obsession over and dependency on the one you love
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Gore artist, 2D, 3D
Base form- Dracoryf
The embodiment of hunting instinct and sadomasochism
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Form- Fruit Bat Vampire Bat hybrid
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The embodiment of self hate
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Collectively autistic, and schizoaffective bipolar type
I- Moonsy, believe I have some form of OSDD, I go into different dissociative states that have their own personality and quirks, I'm still me but not quite
apologies for the roblox felandia morphs, we're still working on models for Gore and Honeycomb.
Gore has a model now
We are heavily leaning Proship/Profiction because fictional stuff doesn't hurt anybody if you just ignore it, and we have not seen a single decent argument against that. come at us with one if you want
We are pro para, anti harmful contact for harmful paraphilias
We are Pro Endo
We are pro Neopronouns
We are anti radqueer
We are collectively nonhuman, and are pro animal packers
One of us (Slicer) is a paraphile and has the following (HE HAS HIS OWN BLOG(@0bsess1v3-dracoryf) AND WILL NOT BE TALKING HERE MUCH):
Ped0philia (only actually attracted to fictional characters for this one, has never and will never hurt a child)
Z00philia (has never and will never hurt a real animal)
Necrophilia (Only likes fresh gory bodies, has never and will never violate a corpse)
Biastophilia/raptophilia (has never and will never touch someone without consent)
So if interacting with us knowing one of us has these paraphilias bothers you or makes you uncomfortable, then you can go :3
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hopeymchope · 2 years ago
Finished the main story of "Rain Code"
As you likely expected of me, I loved it. There were times when I had misgivings, of course. But as per usual with Kazutaka Kodaka's works, they were extremely minor compared to all the things I loved.
Random spoiler-free thoughts:
The messaging in this game is both very anti-late-stage capitalism AND very anti-privatization of criminal justice, and I'm so fucking here for ALL OF THAT. PREACH.
Yuma is reminiscent of Shuichi in that he starts off so deeply insecure that it actually pains me to watch and embody someone so completely incapable of speaking up for themselves that they'd only ever do so if they're about to DIE. Holy FUCK. ... I'm so glad he eventually gained strength in his convictions, because JEEBUS.
Furthermore: Yuma is one of the shortest grown-ass people in the whole game, yet he still has like three characters that I believe are clearly attracted to him. Between him and Naegi, I guess Kodaka likes himself a Short King... ?
Speaking of liking people? I like Halara Nightmare a ❤️❤️❤️ completely normal❤️❤️❤️ amount. Our precious non-binary monarch, may your reign be long.
Shinigami's snark-ass comments about Desuhiko during Chapter 2 feel SO real. I see/hear those, and I can easily imagine people in my life who'd say the same shit if they had to deal with him.
Is it me, or is Iruka one of Rui Komatsuzuki's sexiest character designs ever? ............................................... oh? Just me then?
Halara's cat allergy = DR3 Seiko Kimura's sugar allergy in that both of these are presented as a life-altering issue with no possible workaround. Meanwhile, those of us in the real world are like "There's an extremely obvious solution to this. Multiple possible solutions, even."
I still prefer Class Trials over Mystery Labyrinths, and that's mostly because Non-Stop Debate >>> Reasoning Death Match. Having to dodge text that's flying FORWARD at the player character without having any depth perception to rely on because the screen is only 2D? That ain't it, chief.
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indranilpractice1 · 2 months ago
Blogpost #25:
In this blogpost I would like to discuss and critically analyze the film ‘Coda’ by and Maps and Plans.
The films beauty lies in its simplicity and its message. The film portrays ‘Death’ embodied by the large character wearing a cloak that follows around the spirit or the soul of the person that passed from the accident. The spirit is shown to be wandering about aimlessly till the reach the bench where it finally confronts its death. He requests more time as he still has things that he wants to see. To me the short film felt like a ballad of what makes someone human. The film comments of materialistic and non-materialistic attachments we human have in the world. The soul goes from fearing death and embracing it.
This film has strong themes of light and dark. However I feel that its beautiful message is that there can be light in the dark when you look for it. Death becomes the spirits mother making him feel protected and loved and showing him the world as our own mothers do.
This film seems to have been done in 2D and there don’t seem to be any 3D elements in it which personally adds to why it does a great job at feeling more human. The character and environment designs are simple, almost minimal helping in the clear cut delivery of the narrative. The colours in a lot of impactful scenes often use a monologous or a binary colour scheme. These help in reinforcing and further pushing the contrast of the binary oppositions one can see in the film like light and dark.
I also enjoyed the interesting leaves in the foreground that are seen through. This transparency of the leaves makes the viewer seem more close and intimate with the characters. In a scene like this in real life one would not notice the leaves and this graphic element is able to both insinuate the leaves while making the viewer feel a part of the unfolding narrative. I feel the film is excellently executed in terms of art direction and sound design. I loved the voice acting of the character who is seemingly death and it had a sense of ease in it similar to what one might want to feel. The being said I feel the scene where the baby wants to feel the sea could have been shown better as this can be quite a controversial choice. Even though the scene is shown there have been similar events that have occurred in reality due to the Syrian Refugee crisis and shown in this article https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/shocking-image-of-drowned-syrian-boy-shows-tragic-plight-of-refugees
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alineonfire · 1 year ago
COURSERA_MODULE 4 Week 1_ Decision tree
Before developing a decision tree, variables need to be managed. I am still working with AddHealth data set and the possible influence of an overweight and/or alcohol habit on the feeling of depression on adolescents aged 10 to 20yo.
In Python, I managed the different variables to obtain binary outcome variables :  [‘H1FS6’]: You feel depressed ? with 0=Never/rarely ; 1=sometimes ; 2=a lot of the time ; 3=Most/all of the time ; 6=Refused; 8=don’t know=> recoded as [‘DEPRESS’] with 0 (Not depressive) =0 and 1 (Depressive) including responses 1 to 3; 6 and 8 as NAN
[‘H1GH28’]: How do you think of yourself in terms of weight? and recoded it as [‘OVERWGHT’] keeping only responses 4=slightly overweight and 5=very overweight as 1 (overweight) and 3= about the right weight as 1 (Not concerned).
[‘H1TO15’]: During the past 12 months on how many days did you drink alcohol ?
with 1=everyday/almost everyday; 2= 3to5d/wk; 3= 1or2d/wk; 4= 2or3d/month; 5= 1/month or less ; 6= 1 or 2d/year ; 7= never; 96=refused; 97=legitimate skip ; 98=don’t know
=> recoded as [‘ALCOHOL’] with 0 (No alcohol habit) = 4-7 and 1 (Alcohol habits) = 1-3; 96-98 as NAN
Once done, I created a new data frame that drops all NA’S, because decision tree analysis cannot handle any NA’s in data set. This new frame is sub3clean. I set explanatory variables (OVERWGHT and ALCOHOL) and response variable (DEPRESS), and include the train test split function for predictor and target. Training sample is set as 60% and test sample is 40%.
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Thus, the training sample has 1778  observations (60% of the original panel) and 2 explanatory variables, the test sample has 1186 observations and the same 2 explanatory variables. classifier.fit function give us the below results :
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On the total of 1186 observations from the test sample, 460 are true negative depressive subject  (so real non-depressive people) and 206 are true positives i.e. real depressive subject.
On the other diagonal, 187 are false positives, classifying a non depressive subject as depressive, and on the other side, 333 false negative, i.e. depressive subjects classified as non-depressive.
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The accuracy score is 0.56, this means that the decision tree model has classified 56% of the sample correctly as either depressive or non-depressive adolescents.
For the next step (graphic representation of the decision tree) I am very annoyed because I can’t resolve an error message that I always get in spyder :
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I asked several people for help, to no avail. So frustrating !
I hope to be able to resolve this problem by the next module, in the meantime, please bear with us
Thank you
Extract from my code make a final copy of my new subsetted data
sub3clean = sub3.dropna()
sub3clean.dtypes sub3.describe()
Split into training and testing sets
predictors = sub3clean[['OVERWGHT','ALCOHOL']]
targets = sub3clean.DEPRESS
pred_train, pred_test, tar_train, tar_test = train_test_split(predictors, targets, test_size=.4)
pred_train.shape pred_test.shape tar_train.shape tar_test.shape
Build model on training data
classifier=DecisionTreeClassifier() classifier=classifier.fit(pred_train,tar_train)
sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(tar_test,predictions) sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(tar_test, predictions)
Displaying the decision tree
from sklearn import tree
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
from IPython.display import Image out = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(classifier, out_file=out) import pydotplus graph=pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(out.getvalue()) Image(graph.create_png())
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jcheriecueuntos · 1 year ago
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I am J'Cherie (obvi I will not be divulging how I got this pseudonym) I am slowly but surely collecting information and research for my first historical romance novel!! (Don't worry I'll be posting my introduction and rough prologue for you to read through).
With numerous years of reading romance novels, as well as writing fan fiction for Anime 2D husbandos/waifus, I wanted to write a story that hadn't been told before. The besties and I had noticed that with our combined experience of reading romance novels the Cis-Het Romances always had the same type of rugged male lead...there was no real representation of our male POC counter parts.
I am a Latinx, AFAB, Non-Binary human I want to write future books with queer romance and friendships; but for now I really wanted to tell this story. So, follow along, read, give feedback, or help with research items that I might have missed!
Enjoy the madness of writing and putting coherent thoughts together to write a riveting story!!
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otakusheep15 · 3 years ago
Obey Me Sexuality HCs
I’ve already done the gender hcs, so why not do sexuality (and romance) hcs. And remember, this is all just my opinion, so there’s no need to start a fight if you disagree lol. 
Lucifer: Bisexual demiromantic 
He has an easier time hooking up with people and then just brushing them off the next morning. It’s super rare that he actually feels a genuinely romantic connection with someone. When he does find that connection, it confuses him and he can’t differ that feeling from his other desires, so it takes him a while to get used to it. In terms of preference, he doesn’t really have one, especially romance-wise. 
Mammon: Pansexual panromantic 
Same sexual attraction as his romantic attraction. He’s still a major disaster though. Constant pan panic every time he sees someone even remotely attractive. He identifies with the pansexual label the most, but he will admit that he does have a slight preference for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals. Something about them is just so cool to him. But it’s only a very small preference he didn’t realize until very late into life. 
Leviathan: Asexual grey-romantic 
However, he’s a very sex positive asexual. He does enjoy the pleasure of sexual experiences,  he just doesn’t feel sexually attracted to real individuals. And as for romance, he doesn’t particularly care for it. He’s fallen in love with 3D individuals once or twice, but never that often. It also has a lot to do with his shut-in nature. He’s just too shy to go out and make connections with others. In general, he just prefers his 2D characters. 
Satan: Demisexual demiromantic 
Another one who’s sexual and romantic attraction match up. He’s just never had much of a need for any kind of relationship, sexual or romantic. He much prefers platonic relationships. Not to mention, he doesn’t have much time for those types of relationships. They just feel like a burden to him most of the time. However, there’s always that one-in-a-blue-moon individual that changes his mind real quick. 
Asmodeus: Omnisexual demiromantic 
As is obvious, he loves sex, and he feels sexual attraction very easily. However, he very rarely feels a connection beyond that. In fact, he finds he only really feels romantic attraction towards those he’s very close to, like Solomon. He actually does have a preference for more male/male-presenting individuals, both romantically and sexually, but he’s honestly up for anything. 
Beelzebub: Grey-asexual panromantic 
Genuinely has no preference towards gender in the slightest, especially in the romantic sense. In terms of sexuality, he’s just never really felt a need for it. He supposes he enjoys it every now and again, but he rarely ever craves it. In fact, he’s only ever felt any serious cravings for sex when he was with serious and long-term partners. Back to romance, he doesn’t really seek that out either, but he’s not as opposed to it as sex. 
Belphegor: Asexual demiromantic 
He doesn’t really mind having sex, but he’s never been one to initiate it. If he just so happens to have a partner who wants sex, he’ll indulge them if he’s in the right mood. Speaking of partners, he’s also never been that interested in having one, but there have been a couple of times where’s he’s wanted to date someone. However, he only has those feelings towards people he’s close to and trusts a lot, meaning it’s usually close friends. 
Diavolo: Homosexual panromantic 
(this is definitely going to offend at least one person lol) So, he feels romantic attraction towards anyone of any gender. It does not matter to him. However, he only feels a sexual attraction towards those who identify as men/more masc-presenting people. He can’t explain it, I can’t explain it, but that’s just how it is for him. Oh, him and Lucifer have totally done it before btw. 
Barbatos: Asexual aromantic
So, like, let’s be real here. As much as we’re all in love with him, him being aroace just makes sense. His main focus is his work and taking care of Diavolo. And that job takes up basically all of his time. Plus, he doesn’t seem like he’d be all that interested in relationships if not for the fact that he’s in an otome game. 
Simeon: Asexual panromantic 
And before you ask, no, I did not make him asexual just because he’s an angel. Personally, I just can’t see him being sexually attracted to anyone. Would he consider having sex with a partner if they asked? Of course. But it’s more for them than for him. And in terms of romance, gender/gender presentation doesn’t mean anything to him. He looks more for personality. 
Solomon: Bisexual demiromantic 
He probably has slept around with a lot of different people. It was most likely as a coping mechanism because he felt lonely, but he still did it. It’s rare that he’s felt any romantic attraction towards someone because he doesn’t want to go through that burden of losing someone to their own mortality. He sort of just sleeps with whoever he finds and then leaves the next morning. (then he met Asmo and barbs and now they are all dating) 
Bonus Luke: Questioning
He’s still a kid, and so he’s still trying to figure stuff out. Yes, I know children (myself included) can and sometimes do know what they are from a young age, but he doesn’t. No one ever really taught him about this sort of thing, so he’s never had the chance to think about it. But coming down to the Devildom and seeing all of these different types of orientations made him realize there are options. 
Also, all of the non-Lukes are poly and/or open to poly. I may or may not expand on that later, but who knows? I sure don’t lol. 
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pissjesus · 4 years ago
Hi!! I love short Murdoc. People always draw him almost the same height as 2D but short Murdoc!! Makes my heart swoon!! Do you have any more takes about him? I’d love to hear it!
I don't like how Jamie keeps making Murdoc as tall as 2D either put him on a milk crate or stop being homophobic!! But I'm always happy to share Murdoc headcanons~
He's autistic-- vocal stims, hates noise that he's not in control of, feels emotions very intensely, can't read the room and thus takes inappropriate jokes too far, musically inclined, and in Rise of the Ogre, as a kid, he was a "problem child" and would interrupt class by "quacking"
He's trans (and non-binary because I said so)-- along with sick bass playing skills, he asked satan for a dick (apparently he's canonically had 3 vasectomies that reversed themselves-- Satan said "oh the dick I gave you isn't good enough?")
He's half Latino-- we don't know anything about his mother and there are references and associations with Mexico sprinkled throughout the lore, so why not?
He's a fan of John Waters' movies
He has a habit of parroting phrases he likes. He walks around Kong going "please Dawn, it's Christmas. Please Dawn, it's Christmas" over and over to himself
He's not a bad dancer, he has rhythm, but if he noticed you watching he'd stop and pretend he doesn't dance, what are you talking about? Bugger off
And he's surprisingly flexible for an old man
He has a bunch of weird crushes, like Gordon Ramsey, Rum Tum Tugger from Cats (he doesn't even like Cats, he hates Cats), Michael Myers (of Halloween fame), Mike Myers (of Cat in the Hat fame), Tiffany Valentine from Bride of Chucky, Glenn Close, etc.
I think he'd have a place in his heart for Kesha and Brittany Spears
He'd blow thousands of dollars on something stupid like shoes or fancy cars he's going to crash but won't buy himself a real dresser. He uses a Rubbermaid bin as a bedside table. He doesn't have a bed frame but his sheets are "real Egyptian silk"
He doesn't particularly like dogs or cats, but he likes birds, reptiles, and bugs (though I think if Noodle got him a sphynx cat he'd warm up to it)
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anonymous-eggy · 4 years ago
okay, im gonna get a little real for a second and use my voice. this is literally just me ranting and getting this off my chest because its been bothering me a bit.
you can ignore this if you really want to im talking about the pronoun options thing
while I cant speak personally for the race part of representation because im white as hell, i can speak personally for the gender and pronouns part because I am a Non-binary person who uses he/they pronouns.
I've seen some people say the pronoun choices are to bait people into playing. you know what? im glad the choice is there.
i dont remember who i saw say it, so im not going to assume the gender of the person, but females honestly have it good with romance games. it's literally marketed towards them. males and nonbinary people dont get that, so these pronoun options are more than just "bait" to us.
To us, these pronoun options are like being told "there may not be many of you guys, but we see you. and we welcome you. you deserve to be seen and have a chance to experience this comfortably!"
i. am. glad. okay? because as a he/ they person who absolutely despises using she/her pronouns, those pronoun options that you call "bait" are one of the main reasons i play.
this world still has a hard time accepting me and others for who we are and I'll straight up say it. The Arcana and Fictif's pronoun options, along with their love interests have saved me multiple times.
I would not have learned who i was and become comfortable with it without The Arcana. Asra being a he/they Non-binary character taught me that its okay for me to feel that too. If they didnt exist, even if you guys insist his pronouns choices are performative, taught me something that made me more whole as a person. Asra is so special to me because they helped me with something i was struggling with for a while and tearing myself up over.
those "baiting" pronoun options? those make me feel comfortable being my true self. i dont know if you guys know this, but not a lot of romance games do that. Usually. you are forced to align femininly. which is a big oof for people like me who love romance games, but arent female.
every single time those 2d characters refer to me with my correct pronouns I get a rush of happiness.
those devs put in the effort to make sure people like me enjoy their game. I am so thankful for that. they decided to be inclusive to people who are male and nonbinary aligning. they chose to put in that extra effort so that we could feel safe and comfortable playing their game.
and, yeah, its not perfect all the time. sometimes they slip up a bit (which is more than a little jarring), but the fact that they are even doing this is more than majority of romance games I've played do.
what im saying is, leave those pronoun choices out of your discourse. I'm damn glad those are there.
i hope you all have a good night/day and if you read this rant and have thoughts to add go ahead.
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planetsano · 4 years ago
Sorry if this is an intrusive question, but how did you know you’re pansexual? I think I’m a lesbian as I don’t recall ever having a sexual thought about a guy in real life but when it comes to women It’s the opposite but I haven’t acted on anything. Oddly enough I’m really into these 2D guys though 😭
i just knew. i don’t have a preference for and gender identity or any sex. i’ve had crushes on men, women and non-binary people alike. that’s all.
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emile-hides · 4 years ago
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I’ve been thinking lately UA needs more teachers with how big their school is, so I decided to make some, and finally post a student OC I’ve been working on while I’m at it.
Kentaro Yagisawa (right)
Age: 41
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Quirk: Fix it - The user is able to mend any broken object by making direct contact, including bones and wounds. However, all components need to be present during repair.
Family: Kei Yagisawa (Wife), Shiori Yagisawa (Son)
Affiliation: UA High school, Splatterbrush Hero Agency
Occupation: Pro-Hero, UA General Studies Physical Education coach, UA Janitor/Repair man 
Personality: Kentaro loves his family, his wife specifically, she is his idol and he absolutely adores her. He’s very hard on his students, pushing them to grow stronger and stay active. He wants them to be able to defend themselves as civilians without the use of their quirks. He’s surprisingly a very emotional and soft person.
Kei Yagisawa (Left)
Age: 41
Gender: Female (She/They)
Quirk: Line-art - The user is able to pull their drawings off of surfaces, turning them into solid objects. The drawings will remain 2D, paper thin, but have the properties as though it was the real thing.
Family: Kentaro Yagisawa (Husband), Shiori Yagisawa (Son)
Affiliation: UA High school, Splatterbrush Hero Agency (Head)
Occupation: Pro-Hero, Class 2-B homeroom teacher, General Studies Art class teacher, Arts Club Sponsor
Personality: Kei is very peppy, she’s been a bright bundle of energy sense she was young, and to this day always puts forward her best. She gets very competitive for her class, encouraging to always be going outside the box with their quirks, and their art. She won’t say it, but she’s very glad her son ended up in the hero course.
Shiori Yagisawa (Middle)
Age: 15
Gender: Non-Binary (He/Him)
Quirk: Voodoo - The user can turn any solid object into a weaker clone of anyone he knows, the more he knows of the person (their quirk, their personality, their manner of speaking) the more the doll will behave as that person. Shiori carries around small, handmade blank plush dolls to use his quirk on. They will remain mini clones for a max of 3 hours.
Family: Kentaro Yagisawa (Father), Kei Yagisawa (Mother)
Affiliation: US High School, Class 1-B
Personality: Shiori is a crybaby, he is weak, shy, and prefers to keep as to himself as possible. He’s also a romantic, and forms crushes on people very easily. Originally be planned to enroll into UA’s General Studies course, but after filling out the wrong paper work and arriving at the wrong test, he was placed into the Hero Course’s 1-B class. He’s requested a transfer, but it is still pending. After the sports festival he formed a crush on Katsuki Bakugo, and has been slowly growing the courage to talk to him. In a crisis situation, he’s actually a rather quick thinker, and makes great use of his quirk in heroic situations, making him quiet the asset during provisional license training, and the battle against 1-A. He’s slowly warming up to the idea of being a hero.
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lutrain2020 · 5 years ago
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Cromulent Crab!
Commissions:  I don't think I will be for quite some time ^^ I still have much to learn in the ways of valuable art
Social Medias:  No thank you
What's your artistic process like?
I'm a great deal into both traditional and digital art, but I've found that in both cases using the loomis method for people and/or power lines for animals has really started to boost the quality of my art. My inspiration seems to usually stem from music (Perhaps due to my synesthesia), and blooms into a story based on the words and feel of the piece. It took a few weeks of me listening to the song I chose for my Zine to finally get a clear vision of what I wanted.
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Greetings! I'm a closeted Non-Binary person who prefers to go by the name Marzen on the internet though the nickname Marz I also seem attached to. I've been absolutely engrossed by LoZ games and everything else they have to offer since I first played Botw in 2018. How real and fleshed out the world feels really brought me to what you could call a release from responsibilities. And, since I have diagnosed ADHD, botw just so happens to be the only puzzle-focused game I've ever 100%ed! Sorry Skyward Sword. I love the colour gold, not like jewellery or riches, no, like a bright gold against a black background. Red through green are colours I am also delighted to see. I'm a dog person with an infinity for reptiles and birds. And Bugs! Maybe crustaceans as well... and arachnids. Well, you get it! I'm a sucker for angst, love the Hunger Games books, laughs at everything, allergic to just about everything as well, middle school student who's thinking of joining the Canadian Military just to make enough money to pay for school- I would give anything for a scholarship to RingLing college of Art and Design! I want to work on video game rigs when I come of age!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
If I had any money at all I would use it for cosplay and/or and apple pencil, I was able to scrape together enough last year for a Wild costume to be made but I have greater aspirations for when I'm old enough to get a job ^^ For now, I've been spending my time memorizing Richard Williams "The Animator's Survival Kit" so I can get a head start in animating. Just wait until I get an apple pencil! I'll be animating 24/7 now that I'm out of dance!  
What got you into art? what inspires you to keep creating art?
Art for me is the ability to create ANYTHING! There's no limit with a pencil and paper. I mean, the LU wouldn't exist without it! There's so much power to be harnessed in being able to draw anything. You can tell stories, make gifts, brighten people's days and bring life to worlds that couldn't exist otherwise. It took me all 15 years of my life to figure out how much art can mean to people. It's so much harder than it looks, and yet, when you finally get it right, a lot can come from that!
What's your favorite/least favorite subjects to use in your art?
I love drawing cats. That's it. They came easily to me! In fact, learning the ways cats move was the key to me figuring out how to use power lines! I'm not great at fan art, I've fallen victim to the whole 'The sketch looks better than the final piece' thing which is sincerely frustrating sometimes. Really, creating completely randomized OCs help teach me how to draw much more than trying to paint Legends hair from 11 different angles.
What's the worst thing you had to draw?
I tried to draw curly hair once... never again. That's what I need to work on the most.
Is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as an artist?
Currently, I've been working on attaching legs to human figures a little more seamlessly. My big breakthrough came with finding the inspiration to learn from others. I've never had 1on1 help when it comes to art, but watching YouTube videos have provided me with an archive of vital information. Learning the way torsos worked in general on a person was a big turning point. That's when my art went from 2d, staring directly at the audience doing nothing, to being able to picture how I want the character to move in my mind and translating that with fancy angles and weight distribution accounted for. That either came from me watching other people create art or I just unlocked that part of my brain during puberty. I will admit though, I can draw the shape of a head really well but I struggled to capture the right emotions.
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
I did an art swap with a friend a few months ago, while I gave her Warriors to draw, she gave me a furry and two weeks to complete an "exciting" scene. Now, I have nothing against this type of art, however, I had absolutely no clue how to draw non-humanoid characters in that format. I forked over ALL of my free time to learning how to draw fluffy people and it honestly drained my soul. The piece didn't even turn out good.
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The Itchio bundel for racial justice and Equality ends in about 12 hours
This bundle is $5 and comes with over 1,500 items. Games, Tabletop instruction manuals, development resources, like 30 visual novel dating sims. And tons of other things.
Since there’s so many things, I’ve gone through a LOT of them to pick the best ones that should interest people. None of the experimental/visual novel games/resources/tabletop stuff will be on this list. And no, this list isn’t complete. I was going to finish it but then I saw the remaining time and decided to make the post early.
Below is the readme to make this post not unbearably long.
Local Versus  - Rebop Blaster: Smash Bros. but everyone is goku  - BADBLOOD: Hide and seek for adults  - Cosmic Rochambo: Everyone is Goku...IN SPACE!  - No Brakes Valet
Local Co-OP:  - Nuclear Throne: Roguelike bullet hell twinstick shooter  - Ollie & Bollie: Outdoor Estate is a game about restoring things. With a friend.  - Tonight we Riot: Riot against capitalism, with up to a single friend!  - Micromages: 1-4 player NES platformer with death animations.
The Rest  - Pyre: NBA jam but you’re wizards and it’s a choose your own adventure. Airbud is there.  - Celeste: Outstanding 2d platformer with a story of equal compare.  - Night in the Woods: Furry game about solving a ghost mystery murder  - A Short Hike: Title is self-explanatory  - NIGHT OF THE CONSUMERS: Survive the 5 minutes before closing a store  - No Delivery: Run a cursed pizza place at night and fight balloons  - Death and Taxes: Be the grim reaper, sentence death appropriately  -  Democratic Socialism Simulator: Legally mandated fursonas request giving rights to the gays  - KIDS: Better than you think  - Wheels of Aurelia: Top down crazy taxi while managing dialogue  - Dujanah: This ones spooky  - Hidden Folks: Where’s Waldo  - Super Rad Raygun: Megaman clone...With 4 unqiue shades of off-grey!  - 10S: Bullet Hell Tennis  - Fortune 499: Deckbuilding fortune telling Rock Paper Scissors  - Sewer Rave: Talk to MSPaint rats  - Speed Dating for Ghosts  - Underhero: You’re an underling, you have the hero’s sword. Real time Mario & Luigi style combat.  - Rym 9000: There’s treasure on the moon! Destroy 2 of your senses getting there. It’s a shmup.  - Bit Rat: Singularity  - Master Spy: stealth Platformer with Ninja Gaiden cutscenes.  - Gun Rounds: Cutie Patootie turn based shoot game  - Mable & The Wood: Shape shifting girl cannot lift sword, so she lets it come to her instead.  - Overland: XCOM but Oregon Trail  - BEACON: Twin stick roguelike with a cool mutation system  - Haque: pronounced “Hack”  - Hyperspace Dogfights: Luftraser 2  - EAT GIRL: Mrs. Pac-Man horror story  - Butterflies: JET SET RADIOOOOOOOOOO  - Hair Dash: One Finger Death Punch But Cooler  - Ganbare! Super Strikers: fire emblem Soccer  - Boreal Tenebrae: Murder Mystery Horror Explore A Town Game. I think a Frog is mayor.  - NEXT JUMP: Schump Tactics  - Ruya: Lesbian Bejeweled  - Gutwhale: Descend through a giant whale  - Double Cross: Multi-dimensional cop propaganda  - Mobius: twisty 2d puzzle platformer  - Midnight Ultra: Another game about making your eyes bleed. In first person!  - Dominique Pamplemousse in “it’s all over once the fat lady sings!”: you’re non-binary and in a musical. With singing and everything.  - Dominique Pamplemousse and Dominique Pamplemousse: Who’s cannon, you? Or your clone from the alternate ending?  - The King’s Bird: Super Mario World Cape Powerup on Cocaine  - RISK SYSTEM: Side scrolling shmup  - cook, serve, delicious, 2!!: Cook, and serve. Be delicious.  - Radical Solitaire: Basically just Solitaire but cooler  - Headliner Novinews: Control the news, endorse drone police! Or don’t!  - FLAMBERGE: Turn based tactical rpg but everyone goes at the same time  - Octodad: It’s in here!  - Silver Grapple: You’ve got a grappling hook dude!  - Semblance: Shape the world around you. It’s all dough.
...I’m only about 1/5th of the way through. I’ll probably update this list when I see more games worth talking about just for convenience for people who DO buy the bundle.
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cavedraconem · 6 years ago
Non-Binary Language in Living Latin
(Disclaimer: I am not non-binary, nor are any of my best friends non-binary. I would just like to live in a world where non-binary Latin speakers would be able to talk about themselves, and have others talk about them.)
Latin has particular issues when someone wants to use the language to talk about non-binary people. Grammatical gender is built into the language at a fundamental level and is impossible to avoid in any reasonable context. Unlike in English, it is not just a question of replacing some personal pronouns and nouns - large categories of adjectives, some common verb forms and a variety of other pronouns all mark the gender of the referent. And of course in the language’s initial iteration (the Romans) there was very little cultural awareness of people outside the gender binary, so the language doesn’t really come with anything to build on. (Although see Catullus 63, where a young man castrates himself in service of Cybele and his grammatical gender starts oscillating; here it is as a rap.)
That was all well and good for the Romans; but I speak Latin today in a world where more and more people are openly neither male nor female. How do I refer to them, and how do they refer to themselves? 
Here are some other solutions I have seen:
Use the neuter: Latin comes with a built-in third option, so why not use that? This is apparently not uncommon in German. However, in Latin the neuter is generally used for objects and very rarely for people, equivalent to the English ‘it’. Some people might be ok with that, but I suspect others would not be.
Use the masculine: In Latin a person of unknown gender, or a hypothetical person, is described in the masculine (si quis advenit, qui est altus...) However, there is a difference between a person of unknown gender, and one whose gender is known but neither male nor female.
Alternate grammatical genders: What’s fine for Catullus is fine for us? Not really - he was writing an isolated poem in a semi-mythological setting, we want something that can describe real people, every day.
Use the singular they: Ouch. This would be a lazy borrowing from English, mess with the grammatical structure of sentences, and wouldn’t even solve the problem - you still have to choose masculine or feminine in the plural!
Latin gender is grammatical, not social, so just pick one: “Hey, I know you’re not male or female, but could you please choose whether you want people to refer to you as male or female?” 
Avoid or abbreviate gendered terms: This is maybe fine for a short document, but completely untenable in a living language. Even some verb forms would be off-limits!
What Living Latin needs for non-binary people is a really robust solution. We can’t just come up with a couple of new pronouns and endings and call it a day - to get the full range of the language there need to be entire paradigms. But that causes its own difficulties, because the newer the paradigms are the more difficult they are to understand in speech, and the less likely people are to actually learn them. We want something that is distinctively non-binary, but also something that fits into the structures of the language, and can be understood even by someone who hasn’t sat down with the new textbook.
So here’s my idea. Our main problem is with the nouns and adjectives of the first/second declensions, which come in basically unambiguous masculine, feminine or neuter. But the other declensions are less clear-cut - adjectives of the third don’t distinguish between m. and f., and the fourth and fifth contain nouns of both kinds. We already know a bunch of ‘gender neutral’ paradigms. So why don’t we just borrow endings from another declension for use on stems from the 1st/2nd? 
For example: I see my non-binary friend, who is very kind. I borrow some endings from the third declension to refer to them: amicem video. benignissimis est amicis. Sure, it kind of just looks like I’m making a grammatical error, accidentally using 3d endings on 1/2d stems. But I have also succesfully referred to my friend without assigning them a binary gender. What’s more, it wasn’t very difficult - I already know the third declension endings. I don’t need to invent or memorise anything new, 
I have two potential candidates for this borrowing: the 3d i-stem endings (-is, -em, -is etc) and the 5d endings (-es, -em, -ei etc). They are both completely unambiguous with the 1/2d endings, while the fourth declension dropped out of contention for seeming a little too much like 2d masc. They each have their own benefits and drawbacks. 
3d i-stems (parens mihi amatis est):
A very well known set of endings that is already used for adjectives. Very natural and unobtrusive to use in normal language. 
Truly epicene/gender neutral.
Sounds a bit like you’re just making a mistake. This could be good or bad - you may not want to sound like you’re making a mistake, but also you won’t have to explain what you’re doing unless someone tries to correct you (which hopefully they shouldn’t, by the way I was taught). 
5d (beniginissimes est amices. a parentibus amatebus visa sum.)
The fifth declension is less used and doesn’t normally have any adjectives. This makes it a bit more difficult to use in normal speech. 
On the other hand, this also makes it more obvious that you’re not just making a grammatical error - you’re doing something distinct and different. 
It actually has a slightly archaic Latin sound to it, which *I* like.
The fifth declension generally contains more feminine nouns, but there are exceptions (in particular dies can be either gender). 
Maybe some issues disambiguating between the nom. sing and nom/acc plural which all end in -es?
Either way, we are essentially creating a fourth grammatical category for the 1st/2nd declensions: masculine, feminine, non-binary and neuter. This can then be applied to nouns (like amicus), adjectives (like benignus) and participles/verb forms (like amatus). I do realise that this is kind of an ‘add-on’ to the gendered grammatical structure of the language, when maybe it would be preferable to tear that down entirely. But I don’t have the ability to rewrite the whole language, and if I did no one would use it. This is an attempt to balance those competing demands, using the resources Latin already has. 
Note that a few pieces are still missing: both the vocabulary to describe non-binary people and the wide variety of pronouns of various kinds that Latin graces us with. But I hope this is a good start. 
I guess this is the point where I ask for some feedback, given that I know a lot about Latin but haven’t experienced life off the gender binary. Non-binary people (whether Latinists or not): what do you think of my suggestions and do they seem like ways you might want to be described? Which of my two options seems better? And Latinists: would you use these endings in speech or writing? Any suggestions for the missing pieces?
TLDR: Local woman mixes stems and endings from different Latin declensions, passes it off as gender neutral language.
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designsjust · 2 years ago
Best handy calculator
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If the other apps on this list are too simplistic for you, this is the one to go for. There are also unit conversion functions, a wide range of mathematical constants, undo and redo functions, and support for hexadecimal, octal, and binary calculations. Calculate project cost based on price per cubic foot, cubic yard or cubic meter. How to calculate cubic yards for rectangular, circular, annular and triangular areas. Enter measurements in US or metric units and get volume conversions to other units. With their stylish designs, our range of handheld, desktop, office printing and scientific calculators are built for every task. Importantly, the app also offers an RPN mode, letting users eliminate any ambiguity over operator precedence in complicated calculations. Calculate cubic yards, cubic feet or cubic meters for landscape material, mulch, land fill, gravel, cement, sand, containers, etc. Some users of the app - the real diehards - have even used it to recreate vintage HP calculators from decades ago. y Handheld, tablet, or laptop computers (including PDAs). The level of customization offered is impressive, with the app letting you choose whichever button layout you want. This calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in. Rather than targeting the general public, it’s aimed squarely at scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or anyone with a particular love for well-made calculators. Example calculation: For a female, aged 35, weighing 165 lbs and with a moderately active lifestyle, the daily water intake is of around 107.3 ounces or approximately 3.2 liters or 13.4 cups. It may be $10, but PCalc is pretty much the most hardcore calculator app in the universe. Once you press calculate you will be given the amount of water you need in various measurements so it includes the units you feel most comfortable with. The app also offers customizable themes, the ability to copy and paste, and a home screen widget. Online calculators & conversion: unit conversion, finance calculator, love calculator, BMI calculator, pregnancy calculator, time & date, etc. One other very handy feature is the ability to use the app as a thumbnail window-in-a-window over other apps, so you can check, say, your bank balance in your browser and still perform calculations. It also lets you plot 2D and 3D graphs, allowing you to plot multiple functions at the same time. It can be used as a basic and scientific calculator, with a wide selection of functions and mathematical constants, as well as the ability to add your own functions. One of its most distinctive features is that it uses gestures, so you can swipe up or down on particular buttons to use them in different ways or simply tap them to use them in yet another. Here’s a deceptively complex calculator app that hides behind a logical and non-threatening layout.
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teresadesign-blog · 7 years ago
Concept Statement
My poster reflects a study and conceptualisation of question 4 - on interrogating and offering insights on representations of binary oppositions. My research process mainly entailed looking at interpretations of how binaries function, or don’t. Supporting arguments were made for technology, the functionality of which is grounded in binaries, and, more interestingly, earlier civilisations whose lifestyles encompassed the distinction between predator/non-predator, food/non-food etc. Media articles I read, such as ‘Right and Wrong in the Real World’ by Joshua Halberstam, suggested that the evolving human race perpetuated this model of thinking, even when complex matters of ethics, identity, culture, communities and more became prominent. An example of this I present is... ‘right’ versus ‘wrong’. In the globalised and technologically impacted society we inhabit, I find that this existing binary is one humans find hardest to reconcile with, especially in everyday life. I endeavour to interrogate the understanding of this binary, and any which relates to the fabric of human life (black/white, straight/gay, man/woman), by distorting the two-dimensional ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ terms with layered phrases and words of value and meaning.
Firstly, I selected clear A2 polypropylene sheets, six in total. These will be positioned behind each other to sustain the A2 structure while also intimating depth and layers of understanding - I want the form of my poster to be interrogating the two-dimensional binary process by subverting the traditional poster form of a 2D piece of writing material (cardboard, paper).
Layering the polypropylene engages the audience, communicating through the first sheet, which has more pronounced font, that there are initial and more obvious layers of thought which distort right and wrong, while communicating through those behind it, in which the thoughts and understandings become less comprehensible, that clear answers aren’t often plausible.
This is why I have positioned the overarching terms, ‘wrong’ and ‘right, on the last layer - to demonstrate that the binary is overshadowed by a vast amount of other considerations. The words are written in simple yet defined typography so as to assert my understanding more fully, and with varying sizes and levels of opacity, communicating that, in perceiving human life, we encounter strong, weak, complementary and yet sometimes contradictory possibilities.
The style of my poster was largely inspired by a combination of mindmapping, evident in Keg de Souza’s mind map poster ‘Common Knowledge and Learning Curves’, 2018, and Alison Knowles, ‘The House of Dust’, 1967.
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