#nobody on this island is the person they were when they arrived
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petrichormore · 1 year ago
u know what i think is interesting tho. q!Bagi suggesting that q!Bad kidnap Fred. is she mad he kidnapped an innocent worker or is she just mad he lied to her about it?
It’s fascinating that some islanders disapprove or act disapproving of q!Bad’s actions but aren’t willing to actively do anything to stop him nor get involved nor snitch. Which is fair, i mean, the only people they can snitch to are the federation and the belief that islanders come first is probably the correct one; and none of them can really stand up to him even as a group - q!Etoiles perhaps being the exception. but just. Hm.
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kaivenom · 23 days ago
Since February 9th is my birthday I got an idea, how about what one piece dilfs do on your birthday?
What the OP Dilfs do on your birthday
Characters: Doflamingo, Mihawk, Crocodile, Smoker, Shanks
A/N: oowwwww, happy birthdayyyy, i am so glad that you asked me for this.
Dracule Mihawk
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He prefers a rather small event, just him and you, maybe Perona and even Zoro if he can.
But if you want a party with other people, then he would try to tolerate other peoples presence.
Picture this: the backyard of your families house, all with balloons, food and all your relatives from all ages.
Then Mihawk with a glass of wine having to stand children and annoying aunts.
When you didn't found him anywhere, you searched for him and found him with your grandma (or another old female relative) gossiping.
When you left the house and finally are alone, he finally gave you your gift... probably jewelry.
Donquixote Doflamingo
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He doesn't make it an official holiday but every one takes it like that cause there is a parade all over the city.
Like a Valentine's day 2.0
Privately he does a big feast on the castle and it's the only time you got to sit on the throne (and not his lap).
Like he says "You are the queen for the day"
He even orders some people to do humilliating things to make you laugh, but you have to stop him and reassure him that you just need to be with him on the moment.
Every one of the crew was invited to the party which means that Doflamingo ordered them the exact gift they have to get you, so you can have everything you want.
Baby 5 told you his plan so you went to thank him for the party and for being so sweet and lovely, at least for your special day.
Sr. Crocodile
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A surprise trip, to anywhere you want like... you woke up and he asked you were you wanted to go, you said and hours later there you are.
You went to all the sites you wanted and he even ordered some fireworks for midnight.
He reserved on your favourite restaurant and he even "asked" (he literally threatened their families) to do your favourite cake.
Of course, all the things you've been wanting since christmas, he got them from you.
In the case the trip couldn't be made cause you already had plans with friends and family, expect him to celebrate before you go and wait for you to continue celebrating.
He understands that you can share your time with other people and he won't interfere but he absolutely would use all the other time you had.
Quality time and gifts are his love language so expect that a lot.
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You both go a day out at work for personal affairs.
He mades you breakfast and put it on the bed, this day, you are the only thing on his life.
You do everything you want this day: a picnic? done, a fancy restaurant? movies and popcorn?
All of it? also yes.
He even tries to cook himself a birthday cake but the attend gets so bad that you had to help him.
He is reticent about it but when you suggested him that this is the perfect couple birthday activity, he accepted.
The ussual movie flour fight type of thing, but you ended up doing the dessert and you finally made your wish.
But there is no better wish than to have spent the day with him.
Akagami Shanks
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You are free from all your responsabilities on the ship.
You are the first to be served on lunch and everyone left you alone to be at peace.
More than that the day went awfully normal, even with Shanks, you started to even feel crazy cause nobody even said "good birthday" but they clearly know due to their behaviour.
Then Shanks ordered to arrive on an island without warning, was almost night so you decided to go to your room, a little sad about the day.
So, half an hour later, Shanks lifted you up and forced you outside, to the night, and you saw how they had prepared a surprise party.
You almost slapped all of them for the secretism but you know you have a soft spot for these idiots.
Food, alcohol and cake passed among everyone and lasted all night.
Shanks took the moment when they all were drunk to be more affectionate and attentive with you, showing you how much love he was acumulating all day for the brithday girl
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grandline-fics · 7 months ago
If you’re down for it, could you do Ace and the prompt for “taking a hit for them”? Idk if you need other specifics but preferably with a afab!reader 👀
DESCRIPTION: Prompt: Taking the hit for them
WARNINGS: angst, description of injury, comfort
WORDS: 1,303
A/N: Thank you for the request! I wasn't expecting for this to be as long as it was but I hope you're happy with the result for this one.
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“You need to stop being so overconfident you know that?” You lectured, frowning heavily down at Ace as he lay on the railing of the Moby Dick for his afternoon nap. At the sound of your voice he tilted the rim of his hat up to blink at you sleepily and confusion. Already he’d forgotten and you rolled your eyes, staring down at him with arms folded tightly and and scowl deepening. If there was a competition for the most laid back person, you would have no doubt Ace would have a gold medal. You were almost jealous. Strictly speaking you admired his personality a majority of the time, but then moments like this came up and that admiration swiftly turned into worry and a lecture. You just needed him to think a little before charging headfirst into things. “That fight back there? They had you surrounded when I arrived. You could have been hurt!”
Ace lolled his head to the side, lazily looking in the direction of the town you’d both just returned from. It took a moment for his mind to drift back to the ‘incident’ that you were getting so stressed over. A long yawn rose through his chest and idly he scratched his chest. Vaguely he recalled a few nobodies trying to start something with him in the hopes of getting their own bounties increased. Honestly that was the only thing that slightly resembled a fight that he could remember being apart of. But still it was hardly anything and he threw you a grin, amusement glinting in his dark eyes. “Hurt by them? If I did, I’d happily give them my bounty myself. I’m fine, you’re fine. What’s got you so tight?”
“You, Ace!” You shouted firmly, your frustration drawing the attention of others on board, their own relaxation being disturbed by the beginning of the lover’s tiff. “Is it really so hard to just take a couple seconds and assess the situation for once? Just because someone looks weak doesn’t mean that’s the case. I mean look at your brother!” At that remark Ace’s need for a nap dissipated and he sat up to glower at you. Just because you were annoyed at him for some needless reason didn't mean you had to drag Luffy into it.
“What about him?” Ace asked evenly, his voice colder than normal. “He’s proved his strength time and time again on these seas.”
“Exactly! He’s taken down big names and part of that is because his appearance makes those he fights underestimate him.” You let out a sigh and rubbed your neck, feeling a headache coming on. “I just don’t want to see you hurt over something that could have been avoided.”
“Sweetheart I’m literally made of fire. No one can hurt me even if they tried.” Ace smirked at you, now that he knew you weren’t insulting his little brother his demeanour had returned and he flopped back down onto the deck. “I love that you worry but please don’t.” Seeing the discussion was hopeless you shook your head and left muttering under your breath. 
It was a week later before it all came to a head. Word came that Whitebeard’s territory was under threat from attack by pirates on the island. Obviously Ace insisted he could handle the threat on his own and you lightly smacked the back of his head. You rolled your eyes and remained quiet, breathing a silent sigh of relief when Pops insisted that a small group go to handle it instead of just allowing Ace to go. Ace accepted the order without hesitation. While you were glad Ace saw sense in that respect you just wished he would listen to you as readily. It was an even greater relief that Marco was also joining the group, at least he would be level-headed.
Your group landed on the island and almost immediately were drawn into a fight. For the most part it was barely worth a warmup, the pirates were in over their heads against you and the other Whitebeards, a clear show in difference in your power against theirs. However in the middle of the fight you noticed two of your enemies disappear from the thick of the fight. If they were drawing back they had a reason for it. Something didn’t feel right, and the fact that the others you were fighting didn’t seem bothered by their allies disappearance only reenforced your suspicions. Then you heard the sound of their fast approach and saw them draw their guns, aiming them at Ace. 
They were already aware that he was a Devil Fruit user from reputation and the beginning of the fight but they stared at your boyfriend with glee and sickening satisfaction. You felt your blood run cold at the realisation that they were fully confident their weapon would harm him so you ran. Quickly you made it to Ace in time just as the sound of the trigger being pulled rang out. Ace turned sharply as you hit the ground, watching as blood slowly darkened and spread against the fabric of your shirt. Immediately the group launched into a vicious assault, no longer going easy on their attackers while Ace gathered you into his arms and yelled for Marco. When Ace tried to reach for your stomach to put pressure on your wound at the same time your blearily made out the soft blue glow of Marco’s flame approaching you found the strength to grab Ace’s hand to stop him from coming into contact with your injury. “N-n-no….sea…seastone!” 
You slipped in and out of consciousness, blurred shapes and muffled voices that you could partially make out as Ace and the others working together to get you stabilised enough to get you back to the ship. You finally tumbled into darkness when you were set on the operating bed. Ace paced outside the infirmary with anxious fury. He wanted to burn the bastards that hurt you but they were already dealt with, he wanted someone to hurt him since this was his fault. Not only had he let the one responsible flee but he’d also heard them pull a gun on their return and made no move to avoid them. You, however had known, you’d considered the possibility that their actions weren’t just bravado or a bluff. Now you were hurt and it could have been avoided had he just done what you’d always asked him to do; consider everything, stop underestimating the enemy.
“Sweetheart, you can tell me ‘I told you so’ everyday.” Ace whispered from your bedside when you were out of surgery, his hand holding yours tightly. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting with you, but through it all he kept talking. “I swear it anything you want, you got it. Hell, I’ll even give you my hat. You just need to get better.”
“Ace?” Your groggy voice broke him from his constant rambling and looked to you with relief and adoration. You smiled tiredly when his free hand stroked your face, always finding comfort in his touch. You could see the guilt in his eyes and tension in his shoulders. You didn’t need to tell him you told him so, he’d be remembering this day for the rest of his life. “I don’t want your hat. I want my own and a kiss. I want a kiss.” 
Ace couldn’t help but let out a small huff of laughter and lightly pepper your face with gentle, loving kisses until he found your lips and kissed you properly, deeply. What had happened had shaken him completely but for you he’d be strong, he’d be better than he had been and more certainly of all, he’d take things more seriously. For you. Always for you. 
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld
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cozage · 7 months ago
A/N:FINE I’LL FIX THE ANGST HERE YOU GO (sorry if it sucks and has lots of typos I had COVID while writing this) Characters: f reader x Ace, Law, Shanks Cw: Cuteness :)  Total word count: 3k
Disapproval Part 2
Part 1
It was a long time before you were alone again. You and William spent the rest of the day together, and he brought up your encounter with the pirates to everyone you ran into…minus the kiss he had seen. And every time the story was told and the people spoke of how dreadful they were, you hated this island and its people a little bit more. 
Whitebeard and his crew protected your island from the horrors of the Grand Line. Whenever you needed aid, the Whitebeard pirates were the ones to answer. And yet behind their backs, the people on this island acted as if the pirates were the scum of the earth. Some people, like William’s family, said it to their faces. 
You were pleasant through dinner. You smiled when stories were told. You spoke when you were asked a question. But your mind kept wandering back to Ace. To the pirates. They were really the only people you were ever excited to see, and the only ones who ever showed excitement at your arrival. 
And it wasn’t just Ace. Everyone in his division was kind to you. On the rare occasion another division was sent in Ace’s place, the leaders always sought you out and delivered a message. You weren’t just another face in the crowd to them. You were a person. 
When William finally bid you farewell with a kiss on the cheek, you retired quickly to your room. And once you were alone with your thoughts and all you had lost today, you couldn’t help the tears falling down your face. You weren’t even able to make it to your bed to muffle your sobs with a pillow before they began racking your body. 
“Bit of a weird reaction to spending the day with your betrothed.”
You spun on your heels toward the voice. You could only see a silhouette, but you would know that voice anywhere. 
“Ace-” your voice cracked as you spoke his name. “I didn’t want you to find out like this.”
He shrugged, but you could see the pain in his eyes as he stepped out from the shadows. “You always said you were going to move on if I kept leaving you behind.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. Tears were already reforming in your eyes. Your chest ached for his touch again, but you resisted the urge to step closer to him. 
“Do you love him?”
“He’s a good man. He’s kind and loyal and always looks out for me” You couldn’t look at him as you said it. It felt wrong speaking about William here. You didn’t want to think about him now. 
Ace stepped toward you and reached out toward you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. He held your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him. 
“Do you love him?” he asked again. 
“I-” You tried to avert your gaze, but he held your chin firmly, forcing you to look at him as you answered his question. “I think I could, given enough time.”
Pain flashed across his face again, but he quickly recovered. “Do you want that?”
“Do you want to love him? To marry him?”
You weren’t sure of the answer. Especially with Ace here in front of you. 
“I have to marry him,” you finally said. “My parents need me to do this.”
His eye twitched for a moment, and you could feel his hand warm against your cheek. “What do you need?”
“You.” The words were out of your mouth before you thought to change them. 
That was all he needed to hear. His lips came crashing down onto yours, passionate and hungry. His warmth enveloped you like a summer’s day. You only wanted him. You would only ever be his. Nobody else mattered at this moment. 
“Sail away with me,” he whispered, his fingers already tangled in your hair. 
You simply hushed him in return, trying to find his lips again. 
He indulged you with another kiss, this one longer and slower, as if he wanted to draw it out for as long as possible. As if he wanted to remember it. 
This was a goodbye kiss. 
“Sail away with me,” he offered again, his lips caressing your jawline.
“You’re serious?” You resisted the urge to laugh. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“I’ll go if you want me to.” He kissed your neck once, then twice, slowly moving toward your shoulder as he spoke. “Just tell me to go and I will leave you to this life. I won’t interfere anymore.”
You whimpered in response. This couldn’t be the last time you ever saw him. You needed him as much as you needed air. Your heart waited for him on that cliff every day, praying he would come back whenever he could. The very whisper of the Whitebeard pirates returning could turn your whole day around. 
“Or you can come with me.”
“I can’t.”
“You could.” His lips pressed against your collarbones as he said the words. 
You considered it. Being free on the ocean. The only thing to worry about was where you would go the next day. Having people around you who actually cared about you. Being with a crew loved you for who you were, not who they wanted you to be. 
“Okay,” you sighed, already seeing your new life play out before you.  
Ace grew deathly still, only his eyes flicking up to meet yours. “Okay?”
You couldn’t look away from him. “I’ll go.”
He stared at you, refusing to believe it was so easy. 
But your mind was already pushed into high gear, trying to think of everything you would have to do before you left. “My parents will never let me go, so we’ll have to sneak away. I’ll have to write them letters. And I’ll have to write a letter to William. And pack some of my belongings.”
You pulled away from him and moved to your closet, planning what to take and what to leave behind. You had a few bags you could pack. Between you and Ace, you were sure you could carry it all. 
Ace stood in the center of your room, watching your whirlwind of preparation as you shoved things into bags and weighed the value of your items. 
“Wait.” He finally said. His eyes had never left you. 
You glanced over at him as you packed up a few shirts. He looked dreadfully pale, and your heart sank. The question he had asked was in the heat of the moment. 
You froze, watching him closely. “You weren’t being sincere in your offer?” 
“Of course I was!” He rushed to get the words out. “You really want to go?”
“I do.” You went back to packing. 
“You’d leave everything behind? For what?”
You shrugged. “A life on the seas.” 
“What changed?” He took a few steps toward you. “I’ve asked you every time, and the answer was always no. So what changed?”
He was going to make you say it. Of course he was. He had to hear it from your lips. Your actions weren’t enough. 
You stopped folding your clothes and turned to him. “Because I love you, Ace. You absolute buffoon, I love you! And I was never at risk of losing you- truly losing you- until now. And I can’t bear the thought of you going away and never coming back. I can’t imagine a life where I marry William and live a perfectly normal life and die an unimportant death and I never see you again. Is that a good enough reason for you?”
He stared at you, shocked by your sudden outburst. It was all the things you wanted to say to him since the first time you saw him at the bar. And now it was out in the open, hanging between the two of you. 
He rushed toward you, effortlessly scooping you into his arms and covering your face in kisses. When he finally put you down, you felt dizzy from the heat of his lips peppering your cheeks. 
“What else needs to be packed?” He asked.
You gave him a few tasks and pulled some paper from a drawer. You had a lot of apologizing to do for those you were leaving behind. 
A few hours later, in the dead of night, you walked hand in hand as you carried your belongings toward the pirate ship in the distance. The only thing that would remain of you on the island was two letters and an engagement ring. 
Ace squeezed your hand. You could see his beaming smile against the moonlight. “You know,” he said softly. “I couldn’t live without you either.”
You went to your room as soon as you got home. Your parents didn’t object, didn’t even ask if you wanted dinner. You weren’t hungry anyway. 
You laid in bed, trying not to think of the day. You hated the way it had all turned out. The lack of freedom you had on this island due to your parents made you sick. You had no freedom here. No sense of self. 
You weren’t sure when you dozed off, but you woke to a periodic tapping on your window. For a moment, you were too scared to get out of bed. It could be anything or anyone. But after a few more taps on the window, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. Besides, you were on the second story. Nobody could get you from outside your window. So you got up and peeked outside. 
Trafalgar Law was standing under your window. His golden eyes glimmered in the light of the full moon as they locked onto you. 
There was a moment of weightlessness, and then your bare feet slammed against the cobblestone path. You let out a yelp of surprise, but Law’s hands were around your mouth to muffle the sound. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I figured this would be faster than you trying to sneak out.”
“What the hell did you do?!” You looked back at your bedroom window, confused about how you had gotten here so fast. You were still in your pajamas and barefoot. Hardly the way you wanted Trafalgar Law to see you.
He scratched the back of his head as if it had just dawned on him that his actions might not be the best approach. “It’s, uh, my devil fruit ability.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “Can you put me back?”
“Do you want to go back?”
You scoffed. “I’d like some shoes, at the very least. And proper clothes.”
In the moonlight, you could see his cheeks pinken. “Right,” he said quickly. “Just let me know when you’re ready.”
Another weightless moment and you were back in your room. You had been expecting it this time and resisted the urge to let out another shout. You didn’t want to alert your parents to your movements or the individual outside. 
You wanted to do more than simply change clothes and put on shoes, but you didn’t want to keep Law waiting. You weren’t even sure how much time you would have with him as it was. 
Once you were as ready as you could be, you gave the window a little tap to alert him, and then gave him a thumbs up. 
A moment later, you were standing next to him. His hand instinctively went out and helped steady you. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” you said breathlessly. 
Law gave a smirk. “You’d be surprised.”
The two of you walked in silence for a while, waiting until you were out of sight from the house before you dared to speak. 
“Where are we going?” you finally asked.
“I had bigger plans for us, but the beach will do for tonight.” Law jerked his head down a side path through the forest. 
It was a path you knew well. It led to a small private alcove. Nobody would find you there. Especially at this time of night. 
“This is my favorite place on this island,” he said softly, leading you to a large blanket lying on the sand. “The view of the stars with the sound of the waves is unmatched. I always come here when I need to think. It’s the most peaceful place on the Grand Line.”
You snorted at his remark, looking up at the sky. “Surely there’s better places out there.”
“But this is my favorite.”
“I dunno why,” you grumbled. “People here give you no respect. You’ve helped these people more than they can count and they still refuse to treat you well.”
Law hummed in agreement at that. He couldn’t deny that the islanders weren’t always kind to him. “You speak as though you’re not one of them.”
“I wish I wasn’t.”
Law’s eyes flicked over, studying you closely. “What do you mean?”
“I just wish I had more.” You turned to look at him. “There’s a whole world out there and I’m stuck in a sandwich shop.”
His eyebrow quirked up. “You don’t have to be.”
“I have nowhere to go and no one to go with. I’m stuck.”
His eyes returned to the sky, not saying anything. The two of you were quiet for a long while, staring at the sky lost in thought. It was the perfect night out, between the soft warm breeze and the waves crashing against the shore. You could feel your eyelids starting to close, lulling you back to sleep. 
“You could come with me.” Law’s voice jolted you awake, and for a second you thought you were dreaming. 
His eyes were still on the stars. “My crew. You could join us and sail. We could go anywhere you wanted.”
You sat up, staring at him intensely. “You’re serious?”
He gave a nod in return. 
“I want to,” you said. “I will. I’ll go with you.” 
“We leave tomorrow.”
“I can’t leave tomorrow,” you frowned, shaking your head. There was too much to do to prepare. You couldn’t just vanish. “But…ask me again next time you’re here.”
He gave a nod of understanding. “I’ll be back in a week.”
You broke out in a smile, your mind already turning with possibilities and dreams. “I’ll be ready then.” 
One more week, and then you would be with Law. One more week, and then you would be a Heart Pirate.
The next morning you left the house before your parents were down for breakfast. You didn’t want to face them after dinner last night. You didn’t want to think about what they had said to you, how Shanks had been with another woman. 
You wanted to be out of the house and distracted from your thoughts, so you took off early to make it to campus and study before class. You tried to think about anything other than that red-haired pirate. You had exams and projects coming up. Going over the concepts you researched and studied for, you walked right into another person. 
“A bit distracted, love?” You didn’t have to look up to know who was speaking. Out of all the places he could’ve been on this island, he had to be on this path. 
You took a quick step back and nervously tucked your hair behind your ear. “Hey Shanks. Sorry about that.”
His brow furrowed at your formality. “Everything okay?”
“Just on the way to class.” You tried your best to smile. “Busy day.”
“I’ve been trying to catch you since we got here. I’ve missed you.” He reached out to grab you, but you stepped out of his reach.
“It was good to see you.” You gave a quick look around, hoping nobody was watching you. “I don’t want to be late for class.”
His lips pressed into a thin line. “Your class doesn’t start for another two hours.”
Shit. You had told him that the last time he visited. His mind was too keen to forget small details like that.
His hand reached out again, this time grabbing your wrist. “What’s going on?”
“Please Shanks,” you tried to pull away, but he held firm. “Let me go.”
“What is this cold shoulder business? Did I do something to make you upset? This can’t be over-”
“Why don’t you ask that girl you were with at the market?” You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but you spat out the words to him. 
Shanks visibly recoiled from your words, pure confusion on his face. 
Confusion. Not guilt. Not shame. He had no idea what you were talking about. 
“My mother lied to me,” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes. “Oh god, Shanks. I'm so-”
He pulled you into his chest, clasping his arms tightly around you. “Shhh,” he whispered. “It’s okay. I should’ve found you sooner. I’m sorry.” 
You buried your face in his chest, ashamed. “I believed them. Why did I believe them?”
“It’s okay.” He smoothed your hair as he held you. “We figured it out in the end, right?”
“I can’t stay here. We need to leave.” You pulled back, looking at him. 
He only gave a light laugh, unsure of what you meant. 
But that only made you more determined. “I’m serious, Shanks. I can’t stay here anymore. It’s suffocating. I’m dying here. I need life. I need adventure. I need you.”
The smallest spark of light gleaned in his eyes. “You want to sail? With me?”
“You’ll be a pirate. An outlaw, wanted by the government. You’ll be-”
“I’ll be with you,” you said, cutting him off. “The only one who has ever made me feel like I am my own person. I’ll be with you. I don’t care about the rest.”
He broke into a grin. “You’re serious?”
You stood on the tips of your toes and leaned forward to kiss him. “I’m serious. When can we go?”
“As soon as you want to.”
The excitement of living flooded into your veins. “Now.”
The two of you took off toward the docks hand in hand. And you felt more at peace looking into the unknown than you had in your entire life.  
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cleoluvrr · 1 year ago
strawberry shortcake (rafe cameron x reader)
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got sent home to change 'cause my skirt is too short.
WARNINGS: mature content; dark!rafe, non!con, dub!con, spanking, use of belt, victim-blaming, manipulation, degradation, explicit language, depiction of explicit sexual acts
word count: 9.1k
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you and rafe were…complicated. you’d known him just as long as you’ve known his sister, and yet, you’d never had a particularly great relationship.
your father worked closely with the cameron family. he and ward met each other in college, but went their separate ways after graduation. ward returned to the outer banks after a few years of living on the mainland, slowly making a name for himself as a real estate developer. your own parents moved back to charlotte after graduating, meeting at school and getting married in their hometown. raised in the city, all of your family was there, and all your friends were there. 
one fated day, your parents decided that your entire family was going to pack up and move to the outer banks. you were eight years old at the time, so of course it felt like your entire life was falling apart. everything you ever knew was going to be miles and miles away just because your parents said so. 
it felt so sudden, so unexpected. as far as you were aware, there was no one you knew in the outer banks. your family had a beach house there that you would visit every other summer, but that was all. to you, they might as well have said that you were moving to a deserted island with zero human interaction.
the moment you arrived the summer before you started third grade, it was a complete culture shock. you were used to living in the city; busy streets, skyscrapers that kissed the clouds and lit up with the colors of the rainbow, and so many people that you’d never see them more than twice. kildare was the complete opposite. you could drive across the entire town and back in under two hours and the tallest building in town was a church. everybody knew everybody, and every person had their place.
you only found that after your parents were pulled over by a police officer while driving around figure-eight. it wasn’t too often people that looked like you drove around the “nice” side of town in a shiny, new car. not that they’d never seen it, but they knew all the people that did, and nobody in your family was one of them. you couldn’t count the number of times someone had asked if you were lost or ‘supposed to be here’ when playing around your front yard, taking a walk, or existing in any public place on figure-eight.
your parents allowed you a week to adjust before they threw you into the merciless waters of small town social politics. 
the first time you were properly introduced to the cameron family was during sunday service. you didn’t grow up going to church despite being from the bible belt, mostly because big city life didn’t revolve around it as much as it did in kildare. your parents forced you out of bed early in the morning to get ready, your mother all but stuffing you into the best sunday dress you owned. like any eight-year-old, you complained about it. you hated blue, but your parents insisted on all of your outfits being color-coordinated. the mary janes and frilly socks made you feel like a little kid, but your mom wouldn’t budge on it.
begrudgingly, you sat through an hour long sermon in a church filled with flamboyantly dressed rich people. and then you sat through another hour of brunch with the camerons and their friends, even more annoyed than you were sitting through service in the hot, old chapel.
ward and your father had kept in contact over the years, and it was a couple years before the move that the two of them became business partners. your dad became the cameron family’s lawyer, and it was easier to actually be in the same place as them rather than hundreds of miles away. your mother didn’t mind the move; in fact, she was excited. she worked as an oncologist back home, and the lack of them on the island meant there was great demand for her work.
it was there where you met sarah cameron, the girl that became your friend at first sight. she was younger than you, but at that age it really made no difference. the little blonde girl was excited to meet someone new and declared that you two would be ‘best friends forever just like your dads. though it took some warming up on your part, ever since that day, the pair of you have been attached by the hip.
rafe, however, not so much. 
“hey, sarah?” you called out to the girl standing across from you, her surprised eyes wide as they snapped towards yours after being pulled out of the conversation with her boyfriend. 
“could you tell your brother to fuck off?” a smile lit up your face as the question slipped from your gloss-covered lips. “please?”
you had come over to sarah’s house a few hours ago, the girl inviting you to attend a large party that her parents planned every summer for the fourth of july. at first, you weren’t too keen on coming, but the two of you hadn’t spent much time together this summer and you felt too guilty to turn her down. this was the summer before you left her for nine months to attend college, and  even though you didn’t want to come, you did it to make her happy.
the moment you stepped foot onto the property, rafe buzzed around your ear like a common house fly with comment after comment on your appearance. 
“what’s the matter, princess?” rafe speaks up from his spot just a few feet away. his head quirks to the side, a look of faux-concern covering his face. “stick up your ass a little too big today?”
topper and kelce chuckle at the comment, attempting to hide the sound by clearing their throats when they catch the dangerous cut of your eyes. your gaze meet rafe’s again and you watch as he raises the whiteclaw to his lips, the white can covering the smirk on his face as he takes a sip.
when you first met rafe, he was nice enough–very cordial. the boy was only older than you by a a year, but he acted as if the difference was so significant that he couldn’t be seen around you. he wasn’t necessarily shy, but every boy that age was concerned with catching cooties. it was impossible to keep his distance, though, especially since your dads worked together and you were constantly over their house. you and rafe maintained a somewhat friendly relationship with each other for years–never getting as close as you and sarah, but it was amiable. 
that all changed when you got to the eighth grade.
the older boy had started his first year of high school, while you and sarah were still in middle school together. 
the difference in maturity was beginning to have an affect on your relationship with both of them. you were turning fourteen and sarah was turning twelve; it felt like you were in totally different worlds. she was starting to become more of a little sister to you than a friend, but you loved her no less than before.
rafe was only fifteen, but he was in high school now. he hung out with guys older than him, and that meant doing whatever to impress them. he had completely brushed you off as a ‘little girl,’ and acted like you were a burden to have around if you were at tannyhill while his friends were there. 
it hurt you at first. you knew the two of you weren’t close, but to be completely disregarded for people he barely knew didn’t make you feel great about yourself. 
you were naive to believe it’d be any other way.
when it was your turn to enter high school, you felt alone. sarah was still in middle school, and rafe treated you like dirt on the bottom of his shoe. it was like you had to start all over now that you didn’t have either of them to cling onto. it wasn’t hard for you to make friends, but you still felt alone without your best friend–and betrayed by her brother.
“rafe, stop! you’re being an ass.” sarah shoves her brother, eyebrows furrowed as she scolds her older silbing.
“what? it’s a joke, chill out.” rafe barely stumbles from the shove. his eyes remain on you, not even sparing his sister more than a second of a glance. “she can take a joke. right, y/n?”
“of course i can take a joke, rafe!” you tilted your head in the same manner as he did just a few moments ago. “remember that time you asked me out senior year? that was really funny.” 
a smile grazed your lips softly as you watched him freeze in place for the briefest second before regaining composure. both his friends and sarah snorted at the quip, catching onto the implication. nobody noticed the look shared between you and the oldest cameron, nor the rise in tension.
it was the summer before your junior year and rafe’s senior–two weeks before midsummers, to be exact. rafe hadn’t let up on what was the borderline bullying he’d been subjecting you to since you started high school; in fact, it had only increased that summer. you were at the cameron’s house almost everyday with sarah, and her brother didn’t spare you a moment of peace when you happened to come across each other on the property–or off of it.
rafe spotted you alone by the dock, tossing rocks into the water as you stared into the dimming light of the july sky. you knew it was him approaching because his feet were heavy against the twigs lining the ground, not light and nimble like sarah’s. 
“y/n,” he called out from behind you, towering presence warm at your back. he sounded nervous, which struck you as odd. when he spoke to you, his voice carried the weight of condescension or irritation–never the champagne bubbles of anxiety. it was obvious he was trying to disguise it, but you knew him too well for it to work. “can we talk?” 
you responded with a disinterested hum, throwing the last rock into the water before turning to face him. you expected him to say something stupid, the sole purpose of him catching you there alone to bother you until you went back to your own house.
what you were not expecting, however, was for him to confess his feelings–feelings for you. you could hear your ears ringing when he asked if you would go with him to midsummers, brain sparking up with disbelief and agitation at the sound of the words leaving his mouth.
there were no second thoughts when he was met with firm rejection. 
you weren’t sure why it caught him by surprise considering he’d been treating you like shit for three years, but he acted as if you shot him at point blank. though you never told anyone, you had a crush on him at one point as well. it began to feel more like hopeless pining after he began to treat you like an incessant fruit fly, which is why you got over it–for the most part, at least.
that’s when the mistreatment from him became a feud on both ends. you felt justified in your feelings towards him, and rafe having the audacity to be mad at you for turning him down only fueled the fire. 
the oldest cameron sibling had his own issues, ones that made him quick to anger towards everything and everyone for no reason, especially you.
“you think you’re funny, huh?” the blonde looks displeased by his friends’ reactions, jaw clenching in annoyance. he could dish it, but he couldn’t take it.
“as if you know what that is.” you raised your brows at him, a smile still covering your face. you reached out a hand towards him, palm landing gently on his broad chest in a false gesture of comfort. “its okay, rafey, not everyone is made for being funny. stick to being useless, okay? you’re amazing at that!”
shoving past the blonde, you walked in the direction of the house after telling sarah you were going to sit inside for a moment to hide from the heat. the coastal carolina humidity was taking a toll on you, and rafe’s presence was only adding to the irritation. 
you took your time walking around the house, the massive interior surrounding you on all sides. the sound of your shoes softly tapping against the ground was the only sound filling the air, the commotion of the party outside left behind the further you ventured. your feet carried you up the grand staircase gracefully, hips swaying with each step until you reached the top.
the mansion was not unfamiliar. you and sarah had run these halls together countless times over the years, no room left unexplored by the two of you–including rafe’s. 
out of curiosity, your eyes drifted in the direction of the boy’s bedroom. the door had been left wide open for anyone to walk in, and there was an invisible force pushing you to enter. it’s been years since you’ve explored it, the last time resulting in being caught by its inhabitant. memories of you and sarah snooping around his drawers flashed through your mind, rafe coming in and cursing the two of you with colorful words you’d never heard in-person before.
this time, rafe wasn’t here to stop you. he was far too occupied outside with his friends to interrupt your impulsive decision to explore his room once more.
you shuffled towards the open door of his room, head peeking into the empty space before stepping inside. the room hadn’t changed much from the last time you saw it; it was still reminiscent of a teenage boy, just much cleaner. your feet softly padded across the floor to the window on the opposite side, staring out of the window at the crowd below. 
the music was just barely audible through the thick glass, the little ants of people wandering around with cups in hand as they interacted with each other. eyes scanning the crowd, your brows furrowed together in confusion. kelce, sarah, and topper were right where you left them, but rafe was nowhere to be found the longer you searched over the attendees.
“maybe he left…” you said to yourself, shoulders raising in a weak shrugging motion.
you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of the voice appearing in the background so suddenly, a scream bubbling in your throat before you turned around to meet it’s owner. the sight of rafe cameron standing in the doorway barely did anything to calm your nerves, his stern face and crossed arms only making you anxious.
“y’know��i could’ve sworn i told you to stay out of my room?” his blue eyes bored into yours, gaze unrelenting and intense as they awaited an answer for your presence. 
“what are you doing in here?” you were tempted to pinch yourself as the question slipped from between your lips. 
“this is my room,” he said pointedly. “what are you doing in here?”
you shrugged again, the nervousness that filled you moments ago dissipating the longer you faced him. the worst thing he could do is tell you to get out, there was no reason to feel anxious about his appearance. you pushed yourself off the window frame you were resting against to walk towards the door, ready to make your exit now that you’ve been caught.
“not going through your shit, if that’s what you’re worried about. i was bored–now i’m leaving.” you were at the halfway point of his room, eyes rolling nonchalantly as you brushed him off. “what are you doing?”
rafe entered the room fully, a look of mischief shining brightly from behind his eyes as your own flickered to the door that shut behind him with a soft ‘thud’. you could feel your brows pinch together ever so slightly at the sight before you met his face again.
you didn’t flinch when he began to approach you with slow, rhythmic steps. his legs were long and he could have easily made it to you in just a few but he deliberately took his time walking in your direction, each soft noise of his shoe hitting the ground spaced a second apart. 
“what for? not like you have anywhere to be,” his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his shorts and his head tilted to the side in a feigned curiosity that was clearly heard through his voice. “actually–i think we need to talk…”
the blonde stopped barely a foot in front of you. he wasn’t quite invading your personal space, just pushing against the boundary lines of it. your eye twitches involuntarily, but you say nothing.
pushing the boundaries was something rafe had been doing for a while. mentally and physically. it was part of what further pulled the string of tension between you two.
maybe it’s because he’s a guy, but there wasn’t a day you could go seeing rafe without him making comments on your body or touching you without permission. your chest, your backside, your lips, your eyes–there was nothing spared from his overtly sexual thoughts. you weren’t sure if he was doing it solely to piss you off or make you uncomfortable, but being either one did nothing to discourage him. 
in fact, it only served as motivation for him to continue.
it had been more times than you could count that rafe had groped you and claimed that his hand slipped–that you were overreacting. sometimes he wouldn’t even deny it; he’d blame you for wearing a too-short skirt or a top so small that ‘you had to have been wanting the attention or you wouldn’t have left the house like that.’ he had a habit of standing uncomfortably close to you, so close that you could feel the rise and fall of his chest against your back or the hair on his arms tickling your own.
you just brushed it off as him being obnoxious, slapping away wandering hands and giving quick-witted responses to the suggestive remarks. guys his age were assholes and because of how long you’d known him, you never let it bother you too much. or at least, you refused to let him know that it bothered you.
“i don’t think so, rafe.“ you eyed him suspiciously. “what could we possibly have to talk about?” your arms raised to fold across your chest, fingertips cold from the air-conditioning as they rested against your bare skin. 
if it weren’t so hot and sticky outside you would have worn pants, but the frilly, pink skirt adorning your bottom half was far too tempting to pass up in this weather. you could feel the goosebumps rising over your entire body from the coolness of the house.
rafe just stared for a moment. you could see the synapses firing behind the blue of his irises, and the sight unsettled you. the feeling of his eyes raking over your frame did nothing to shake the discomfort either.
“your attention-seeking behavior. your disrespectful attitude.” his gaze flittered back up to meet yours and you could make out the ghost of a smirk wash over his features. “it's becoming a problem, don’t ya’ think?”
“what?” that was not on the list of things you were expecting him to say. you couldn’t help the amused laugh that escaped your lips in a breath. “what the fuck are you talking about right now?” 
“what am i talking about?” his dark blonde brows come together in an expression of concern–one you were sure he was faking.
rafe’s tanned arm reached out towards you, long fingers grabbing a braid from your head and twirling the end around the digits. not abnormal behavior, but you still squinted at him anyway.
“you must be the stupid one if you don’t know what i’m talking about.”
a scoff left your mouth and your hand lifted to smack his away from your hair. your eyes nearly strained out of their sockets from the amount of restraint it took not to roll them, lids blinking away the urge that fought against them.
“bye, rafe.” your path was blocked when you tried to move around him, the tall man following your step before you could even finish making it. “move!”
he caught the hand raised to push him out of the way with ease, the strength in his grip restrained but still felt as it surrounded your wrist. every attempt to take it back into your possession failed, your opponent unrelenting.
startled, a gasp left your mouth when you were pulled forward roughly, rafe’s body pressed tightly against yours as he brought his free hand to rest on your lower back. the ghost on his face was now living, a grin widespread over his lips that showed off the whites of his teeth as he stared down at you. 
“stop touching me, you’re being a creep.” you didn’t raise your voice at him, but you were firm in your demand.
“oh, please,” he rolled his eyes at you, as if you were the one acting out of line. “i think you want me to touch you.”
the hand that rested on your back fell even lower, the entirety of his hand capturing your ass in its grasp. you inhale sharply, the roughness of his fingers squeezing down causing you to jerk forward in an attempt to escape. you were met with rafe’s warm chest trapping you between him and the hand gripping your backside through the fabric of the skirt keeping it covered.
“rafe!” you said loudly. “what the fuck is your problem?”
it’s not like he hadn’t touched you there before; he’d done it plenty. but those were only light brushes in passing or pinching you when you weren’t paying attention. things that he could pretend never happened, things that you could brush off as him being annoying.
this was not that.
“you walk around town in these itty, bitty skirts,” rafe’s smile was gone now, the mischief behind his eyes remained but it was mixed with something else–something you didn’t feel too keen about. “like you own the place–walking around my house like it’s yours. always acting like you’re better than everyone. like–like you’re above all of us. do you think you’re better than everyone, y/n?”
you shook your head at him, doing the best job you could muster at remaining calm despite the alarm bells ringing in your head. the free hand you were using to push his hand away from your ass was useless; he wasn’t budging. however, even with the little voice in the back of your mind telling you not to, you couldn’t help but to give a smart-assed reply.
“i don’t think i’m above everyone, rafe,” the corner of your lips twitched as you fought back the smile that wanted to appear. “just you.”
he chuckled at that, but not because he found it funny. it was obvious by the way his face darkened, which is what queued you into thinking that you should’ve just kept your mouth shut.
relief filled you when he released the clothed flesh of your behind from his vices, but only momentarily. your feet stumbled over each other clumsily as rafe walked forward with purpose, forcing you backwards until your the crease of your knees hit the bed. you remained standing, but if he were to push you again you’d certainly lose your balance.
the oldest cameron sibling was much…larger than you remembered. you saw him practically every day, but you couldn’t recall his biceps ever being this big as your hands held onto them to stabilize yourself. you’ve never felt intimidated when standing near him, but as you craned your neck upward, all you could feel was the fear bubbling in your stomach. faced with his towering height, he could easily overpower you if that’s what he wanted to do–and you had a feeling he did.
a chill ran down your spine.
“you come over here every day wearing practically nothing, swinging that pretty ass in my face like a fucking tease, and then treat me like you don’t know who you’re talking to.” he shakes his head in faux-disappointment, the sound of his tongue tutting against his teeth filling your ears. “i told you to stop doing it, but you refuse. if you weren’t begging for attention, you wouldn’t act like that.”
“are you being serious right now?” you were in complete disbelief. the fear in your stomach remained, but a pang of vexation was thrown into the mix. “the last thing i want is your attention, rafe. i already turned you down once–stop being weird about it. just ‘cause you can’t keep your dick in your pants doesn’t make me the problem.”
the tall blond’s eye twitched, lips raising like hackles as he all but snarled at you. 
both of his hands dropped suddenly, giving you zero time to react as he gripped the bottom of your skirt in his hands and yanked it upwards. a sound of surprise rolled out of your mouth and rafe took advantage of your shock to spin you around and push you face down onto the bed. your body barely bounced once before rafe was seated on the mattress next to you, strong arms reaching over to grab your legs and throw them over his lap haphazardly as he pinned your arms behind your back.
you felt him lean his upper body against you and apply force, preventing you from lifting yourself up off the bed and leaving you completely at his mercy. 
“rafe!” you scolded as he hiked up your skirt even higher and exposed you further. his position under you left you unable to lie flat, back arched uncomfortably with your pelvis resting on his muscled thighs. panic was beginning to fill you. “rafe, stop! what are you doing?”
he doesn’t respond, a bump silence filling the tense air. you could feel the heat of his scrutinizing gaze, unable to control your squirming as the warmth of his hand palmed at your barely covered skin. he massaged at the soft flesh, squeezing it between his fingers like he was being entertained by putty.
“you look so pretty in pink.”
a yelp escaped your lips when he brought his hand down against your ass with a resounding smack. he repeated the action on the other side with the same amount of force before half-assing an attempt at massaging away the sting. you hissed from the pain, his rough groping doing nothing to ease the feeling.
he hums to himself, hand pulling away to deliver another blow. you cursed at him, leg kicking up out of anger but able to do any real damage.
“y’know,” rafe says and you couldn’t help but huff in anger. “you brought this on yourself. we wouldn’t have to do this if you were just a nice girl.” you could hear the disappointment dripping from his voice and it enraged you.
“maybe i’m not nice to you because you’re a fucking dick.” he smacked you again. “fuck! stop, rafe!”
“and you’re a loud-mouthed bitch who needs to learn that actions have consequences.” 
if you thought he wasn’t holding back before, you were proven wrong. 
he spared you no second to recover from the barrage of smacks that he bestowed upon you. each time his hand raised, it reconnected just as mercilessly as it did before. all you could hear was the sound of skin on skin echoing throughout the bedroom, mind completely encompassed by the fiery heat produced by his palm against your ass. 
you wanted to scream out, cry for help from anyone that happened to be wandering the halls of the old manor. you didn’t though. not because you couldn’t, but because you were scared. scared that if someone did come to help, they would see you bent over rafe’s lap like a misbehaving child. scared that the someone who came to your rescue would be sarah–or ward.
the humiliation would kill you.
instead, you settled on continuing with your demands to stop. you swore at him, threatened him, kicked at him as hard as you could. you tried everything to get him to let up, but he refused. the sound of your voice was nearly drowned out by the deafening sound of your backside being brutalized.
you were sure if someone were to walk past, it could be heard on the other side.
“i’m going to fucking kill you, rafe!” you gritted out through teeth clenched so tight that you could pop a blood vessel. “you’re disgusting!”
the blue-eyed man tutted from above you, abruptly pausing his assault. unexpectedly he pushed your legs off his lap and rose to his feet, leaving you in a heap on the bed. you almost sung out a praise to whatever angel had been keeping an eye on you, finally taking pity on your bruised behind. it felt like you were on fire; face hot, skin sticky with the sweat from putting up a fight, and the site of rafe’s abuse burning from the phantom of his hand.
your eyes snapped in rafe’s direction, pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of metal. he’d taken off his expensive leather belt when he stood up, the accessory folded in half between his hands as his hardened, amused eyes stared down at you. your eyes flitted between his face and the belt in his hand nervously, throat bobbing as you swallowed dryly.
he predicted your movement before you could even make it, moving so fast that you thought he was transported to you. rafe caught your legs as you attempted to crawl away and pulled you back over the edge. your feet landed on the floor but your top half remained pinned to the mattress, a strong hand keeping you in place as you struggled against it.
“change of plans,” he whispered against your ear. you were sure he felt you shiver against his hold from the breath on your skin. “i tried being gentle–well, as gentle as i can be with you. clearly, that’s not teaching you anything. “
“haven’t you heard? corporal punishment is outdated and ineffective.” it was in your nature to argue with him, even when he had you pinned beneath him like a wolf would a rabbit. “i’m not learning anything except for how much of a pervert you really are–not that i didn't already know.”
rafe chuckled at this, very darkly. he pulled away from your ear and positioned himself behind you, the heat of his presence radiating in a way that was almost suffocating. the silence was so loud that you could barely hear the sound of the party outside, blood rushing past your ears thunderously.
you braced yourself, unsure of what his next move would be. however, he made no moves. the blond just stood there behind you ominously, keeping your hands pinned to your back as he watched you noiselessly. the temptation to look behind you was overwhelming, and it was then when he decided to act.
the belt made fierce contact with your sensitive skin the moment your head twitched, the stillness between you no longer. 
it took all of your strength to contain the scream that itched to leave your throat, a pained groan coming out from your gritted teeth. this was worse than his bare hand by miles, the fury of the leather leaving you thrashing with a single lick.
“i think,” he landed another strike to your ass after he spoke. “corporal punishment is very effective. it just takes a little…more to break through girls like you. it’s okay, though, you’ll learn.”
the belt comes down again and you couldn’t hold back the scream this time. 
he gave no time for you to recover, the viciousness of each swat intensifying each time it landed. it was loud, much louder than his hands and in your foggy mind you worried endlessly about what would happen if someone else were to hear.
you don’t move when he lets go of your wrists, body paralyzed from pain and fear. rafe takes hold of your barely there underwear and yanks them down, the fabric pooling around your ankles leaving you fully exposed and hot with embarrassment. he takes no time to look between your legs and quickly returns to delivering your punishment.
the comforter beneath you fell victim to the deathly grip of your now free hands, talon-like fingers digging into the fabric as you used it to brace yourself. tears ran down your face uncontrollably and every muscle in your body was tense from the torment.
“rafe, please!” you cried out, hardly able to form a complete sentence. “ow! stop, stop! i’m sorry!”
you weren’t even sure what you were apologizing for, but you couldn’t take the torture for much longer. you’d fix your mouth to say whatever it takes to get him off of you.
“how many times have i told you to stop dressing like a slut? huh?” you responded with a pained screech. he paired the question with another lashing, your cries for mercy doing nothing to garner any of his sympathy. “and yet, you still do what you please. so i’m going to do what ever the fuck pleases me.”
it felt like you’d been here for an eternity, but it’d probably been maybe twenty minutes. twenty minutes since you walked into his room like a dumbass instead of going to sarah’s like you planned on doing in the first place. twenty minutes wasn’t a long time, and nobody would come looking for you any time soon.
a sob racked through your body at that. your hands reached back to grab at his weapon of choice in a desperate effort to stop the battery, and in response rafe put them right back where they were against your spine.
“you want everyone to see your ass so badly,” the leather slashed through the air and landed on you with a crack. “so i’m gonna give you something to show ‘em.” 
you had been reduced to a pile of tears and tender flesh. rafe’s hands holding you down against the bed were hardly necessary; the both of you knew that you didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore. all you could do was scream, cry, and beg for him to end the attack against your poor ass. the welts on your flesh were beginning to form, you could feel it.
“stop crying.” he says from above you. you could practically hear the sound of his eyes rolling, but he paused the lashings anyways. “begging me to stop but–” he cuts himself off, his silence falling loudly on your ears.
the sound of the belt falling to the floor as he threw it into a random corner didn’t even register to you, the metal buckle thumping against the wall. all you could focus on was the hand between your quivering legs, and the throbbing sensation that you hadn’t noticed before. rafe’s fingers gliding against the wetness of your core made you flinch from being unprepared for his touch.
“you're leaking all over yourself…” shame washed over you in a tsunami-like wave, the feeling amplified by the wet sounds coming from where rafe’s hand meets the junction of your thighs. “i don’t think you want me to stop.”
“no!” you shouted. rafe let out a breathy chuckle as he watched you shake your head desperately against the mattress. “no more! please, i don’t want it...”
he hummed in response, fingers still toying with your dripping heat. they were just barely brushing over your clit, the bud swollen with need and twitching with every ghost-like touch. if you could scream, you would, but all you had the energy to do was whimper pathetically as he held you in place.
“hm, alright.” rafe’s agreeance made you release a shaky breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding. “i know what you do want, though.”
you felt his thick fingers grazing your entrance; just the pads of them. he was being a tease, letting you soak in the humiliation of being so adamant on him leaving you alone but having your body betray you. 
he leaned down once again, the softness of his lips tickling the shell of your ear. you swallowed dryly as you struggled to focus on anything other than his torturous fingers sitting idly between your puffy lips. 
“you want me to fuck this little hole open with my fingers,” he hummed again, the vibration of it sending a shockwave through your body. “wanna drool all over my hand with that messy cunt.”
you shook your head, squirming against his hold once again in an attempt to escape his curious fingers. 
“no?” he asked and you shook your head again. “i don’t believe that.”
he only removed his hand from your long enough to flip you onto your back, barely exerting any strength to do so. instead of holding you down by your wrists, you were planted against the mattress by your neck with a firm hand. your own fingers moved to wrap around his arm while his returned to the heat building between your legs. 
you gasped at the feeling of a long, thick digit pushing against the tight resistance as it coaxed you open enough to slip inside. with him between your legs you couldn’t close them–all you could do was lie there pathetically as he did what he wanted. 
“aw, you feel that?” he cooed at you, eyes flickering up at your face briefly before dropping back to his hand. “it slipped right in…i think you can take two, don’t you?”
a whine slipped out at the feeling of a second finger slipping past the barrier of your hole to join the first one. his fingers were way bigger than yours, fitting inside of you more snugly than you were used to. he pulled them out at a snail’s pace, purposefully dragging against your spasming walls before pushing them right back in.
“yeah, you take it real good.” he grinned smugly, clearly enjoying the juxtaposition of the pained look on your face and the way you desperately latched onto his two fingers. “don’t want it, but your pussy’s sucking me in…why’s that?”
you couldn’t answer–not when you were panting like a bitch in heat, trying and failing at catching your breath as rafe stole it away from you. your arousal leaked out over his fingers and there was nothing you could do to stop it. his fingers felt too good, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
he continued with the bare minimum for what felt like forever, probably waiting on you to give in and beg him to fuck you. unfortunately for him, you would never do that. your will was much too strong to do something as desperate as that, and you were basking in enough humiliation as is; you’d never give up the single sliver of pride you had left.
it was rafe who broke first. he said nothing as the speed of his fingers increased, eyes focused on every scrunch of your nose and the whines that forced their way past your bitten lips. the heel of his hand kept making contact with your clit and it made you want to start crying again.
“such a pretty girl,” his eyes raked over your clothed body in satisfaction. something about you having to walk around in the same clothes that he turned you out in got him off, while it made you think about throwing them into a bonfire or burying them in the deepest part of your closet. “getting so wet and needy from me welting up her ass. i think you’re the pervert here, not me.”
“uh-uhn.” you protested the accusation immediately, reaching down the push rafe’s hand away weakly. he looked amused. 
“you’re not?” the blonde moved back to stare at your cunt grooling all over his hand, fingers fucking the mess back inside over and over. “why are you so wet then?”
you didn’t have an answer to that. his fingers pulled out of you completely, using the wetness as more lubrication to spread over your swollen clit. the bucket of sparks in your stomach had long turned into a bubbling cauldron, and the attention to the needy button did nothing but make it burn hotter.
his fingers dipped back inside with much ease this time and you nearly died from the embarrassment. your brain was foggy yet defiant, but your body worked against you by welcoming everything rafe had to offer. 
“no normal girl would get wet from shit like that. screaming and crying, beggin’ me to stop–but look,” rafe shook his head at you, eyes hot as he watched your frame twitch beneath his hands. “you’re squeezing down on my fingers like you want ‘em in there forever.“
he was right. you were screaming, you were crying, you were begging him to stop. now you’re letting him spread you open and getting wet when you should be screaming for him to get off of you. 
what was wrong with you?
you had no time to think about that, not when he added a third finger without warning. a cry filled the air–yours–from the stretch. you were so full. he sped up again, too, treating you with little compassion as he watched ruined your sopping pussy with the thick appendages.
“so pathetic to be this wet for me,” he shook his head at you, lips pulled together in a pout. “you know it too. you should be ashamed.”
you were.
“you’re not even gonna stop me, look at your legs shaking.” he pointed out the way you couldn’t keep still.
he was right; you weren’t gonna stop him. you couldn’t.
the veins in his arms strained with each pump of his fingers, biceps bulging against the tight sleeves of his shirt. you could feel your juices dripping down your ass, your other hole fluttering in sync with the one being stuffed with three fingers. every part of your body was tingling and desperate to be touched, and you were rapidly losing control of yourself the closer rafe brought you to the edge.
he noticed it, too. the way you couldn’t stop clamping down around him, how you unconsciously ground into his palm, the dazed look in your eyes and the desperation in your voice as you lost the ability to hold back.
“look at you,” he said. his eyes were filled with lust, dark and glossed over as he observed your behavior. “ready to cum after putting up all that fight. dressed up in this tiny, little skirt; you were practically asking for this. so disgusting.”
your breath was uneven and you felt like you were going to pass out, mind dizzy and drunk with the forced pleasure. he showed no signs of letting up, digging you out with a fervor that you’d never experienced. the sound of your whining became higher pitched, tears pouring from your eyes as you tip-toed the cliff ahead of you. 
“you’re about to cum, huh?” you nodded your head at him, eyes wide and wet with the lubrication. “yeah? you wanna cum?”
you screamed, but not for the reason you wanted to. 
“no.” rafe pulled his fingers away right before you fell off the edge, leaving your hips bucking against the air as you were denied the release he was forcing upon you in the first place. “you’re not gonna cum unless i tell you to.”
you would have rolled your eyes and protested, but the feeling of his hand coming down against your bare pussy made you yelp. your clit jumped and your nipples were begging to be released from the constraints of your shirt, the pain giving you a kind of pleasure that you weren’t equipped to handle. he did it again, and again. he did it until you were fighting to push him away and close your legs.
“aw, does that hurt?” he pouted at you when you whimpered out some semblance of a ‘yes,’ which was rewarded with another slap. “good.”
it was agonizing; how deliciously painful it was. it was so much–too much. you were becoming dumb, all brain function replaced with the pulsing of your abused cunt. he continued to slap your clit, entranced by the way it twitched and your hole clenched around nothing.
“you want me to stop?” you couldn’t answer; you were too stunned to form a coherent sentence and it made you feel like an idiot. rafe took pleasure in that. “stupid girl, you can’t even say anything. so fucked out and easy for me.” 
you were tempted to push him away and get yourself off, but even through your foggy brain you knew he’d never let you get the chance.
“need to taste this pussy…” he mumbled to himself, not caring if you heard or not.
he dropped to his knees with eyes still focused on you as he blew against your exposed clit, both thumbs spreading your lips open. he wasn’t worried about you trying to escape anymore; not really. it was clear you were too dazed to do much of anything but pant like a dog and take his abuse. 
he finally gave you his tongue after waiting for you to whine for it, the wet muscle flattening against the whole of your sensitive core. the texture of the appendage on your clit had you writhing, legs trapped in his hold and prevented from clamping down around his head.
you trembled as he lapped up your wetness, grinding against his face as he buried himself deep into your wetness. he was like a man starved, licking up your arousal as it spilled out of you in an endless fountain. the plush pillows of his lips encapsulated your clit, sucking on it roughly as he brought his fingers back down to fuck you open. 
your head fell back from the intensity, cries tumbling out of your mouth clumsily as he laved against your rosy bud.
everything was so wet.
“don’t you dare fucking cum.” rafe growled, pulling away from your pussy. his fingers kept going, but he kept his eyes on you now. it was impossible to ignore the way you pulsed around him. “i’m not gonna stop, so you better hold it.”
a broken wail left you and you wanted to curl into a ball. this was just as much of a punishment as being beaten with the belt in the corner, you were now discovering.
“please…” the rope in your stomach was being sawed in half by the second and you weren’t going to last much longer. “i can’t…”
he rose to his full height, staring down at your messy for; thighs covered in sticky precum with your skirt crumpled up at your waist. your skin was hot to the touch and covered in a thin layer of sweat, face wet with tears stains and eyes filled with lust fueled desperation. his fingers worked purposefully in the deepest parts of your pussy that you’d never been able to explore yourself. 
“taking me so fuckin’ deep, princess.” he teased you with his words, his voice only adding difficulty to holding back from cumming all over his merciless fingers.
“rafe…” you couldn’t tell him off; not when you were getting so close, so fast.
“‘rafe…’” he mocked the pleading tone in your voice. ocean blue eyes flickered up towards your own, dark with arousal as he watched you squirm. “you sound so pathetic.”
you could feel your thighs tensing as you tried your best to hold back. you didn’t know what he would do if you came without permission, but it was getting hard to care. his fingers were hitting repeatedly against a spot that had you seeing white and holding your breath. 
rafe let you stay like that for a while, desperately hanging on by a thread as he watched. 
“okay,“ he said, head tilted to the side. “you can cum–but i’m not gonna give it to you.”
“rafe!” you yelped. he pulled his fingers out and delivered a final smack to your already abused clit, smirking at your reaction. 
reaching up towards your face, rafe squished your cheeks together until your mouth was forced open. you audibly protested when he brought his wet fingers to your lips, the smell of your arousal invading all of your senses. your noises of defiance were ignored as he shoved the digits into your mouth. he coated your tongue with the wetness covering his fingers, fucking your mouth in the same way he used your other hole.
you couldn’t stop the saliva that fell from your mouth; it leaked down the sides of your face uncomfortably and you wanted to wipe it away. 
“you can go home later, and rub that dirty little cunt to the memory of this.” you stared up at him wide-eyed, mouth stuffed and clit pulsating at the wanton actions being performed on you. “every time you pick out a skirt to wear, you’re gonna sit on that welted up ass and you’re gonna think about how wet you got from my belt tearing you up.”
he watched you shift uncomfortably on your bare, bruised behind, but showed you no pity. 
the sting of it brought you back to reality, the weight of what just occurred finally coming to your clearer mind. rafe’s hand gripped your jaw and tilted it upwards to bring your attention back to him. the fear that you felt earlier bubbled back up. 
your mouth was relieved from the violating digits grazing the back of your throat. wet fingers slapped against your cheek twice, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to make you wince from the sting.
“still think you’re above me?” rafe asked, face lowering to just mere inches away from yours. you shook your head the best you could, jaw still under the steel grip of his hand. “you–you should be thanking me, really…i’m older than you, remember? your job is to respect your elders, and my job is to correct you.”
you say nothing; not that you could anyway. he lowered his hand, pulling it away from your jaw and resting it on the circumference of your exposed neck. the tall man hummed at you, head tilting to the side like a puppy as he observed your disheveled form beneath him.
“i did it so that nobody else has to, y/n. jus’ looking out for you like i’m supposed to–even though you don’t deserve it.“ you blinked at him, prompting the fingers lying limply at your neck to squeeze as a warning. “say ‘thank you, rafe.’ you can do that right? ‘thank you for looking out for stupid little girls like me.’” 
you gulped away the part of you that wanted to spit out a curse at rafe, resistance vibrating deep in your bones. this had to be more humiliating than being spread out over his fingers, you thought.
“thank you, rafe.” the voice that came out sounded pained, and rafe could tell. he tutted at you, clearly dissatisfied.
“i don’t think you mean that…do you want the belt on your pussy this time?” his eyebrow quirked up at you, amused clear in his eyes as he watched your own widen in panic.
“no! no, i really mean it!”
his free hand landed between your legs again as it delivered the stinging punishment of his palm once more. 
“then fucking act like it.” rafe snarled at you, the heat of your center against his taunting hand. “‘thank you for looking out for me, rafe. you’re so good to me.’ and you better fucking mean it.” 
“thank you for looking out for me, rafe. you’re s’good to me!” you cried out weakly. rafe continued to slap at your achy clit with his flattened fingers, wordlessly telling you he wasn’t satisfied with your response. “i’m stupid ‘nd i don’t deserve–ah! i don’t deserve it. i’ll be nice, i promise!”
happy enough with your gratitude, he relented. he pulled his hand away from your quivering lower lips and stepped back, allowing your legs to fall shut and guard your crying, battered cunt from the cool air blowing against it from the ac.
“you’re welcome.”
you watch from your spot on the bed as rafe picks up your discarded underwear from the floor. he shoves the item in his pocket, leaving you bare with nothing to protect yourself. standing from your position on the mattress, your legs wobbled like a young doe before straightening themselves to their full length. 
you’d never felt so violated, so defeated. what made it even worse was the way your body still tingled with need. the feeling was deep inside you, walls clamping down on the phantom of rafe’s manly fingers. he was right, and it brought a cloud of shame that rained down on you. the first thing you’d do when you got home is stuff yourself with your own and pretend they were his. every time you sat down and felt the sting of his punishment, you knew you’d leak just like you were right now.
how could you call him a creep, a pervert? how could you call him disgusting when you were the one making a mess all over him after being held down and beaten?
feelings of guilt weighed heavy on your chest. you could pretend that none of this ever happened, but rafe would never let you forget; there’s no way he’d ever let it go.
shaking away the thoughts plaguing your mind, you pulled yourself together the best you could. a hiss sounded out through the room as you pulled the skirt down from around your waist.
the last thing you wanted to know was how bad your ass and thighs looked, the raised skin evidence enough as it painfully rubbed against the fabric of your skirt. rafe opened the door of his bedroom in a swift motion to reveal an empty hallway, eyes staring pointedly at you. the sound of your swift feet echoed off the floor, legs carrying you the fastest that they possibly could without tripping over each other.
before you made it past the threshold, rafe snatched your arm up into his grip. he leaned down to meet you at eye level, closely examining the way your breathing hitched.
“and stay the fuck out of my room."
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portagas-chan · 10 months ago
Yours Forever and Ever : Part 1
Yandere Katakuri x Isekai Reader
Summary: [Y/n] is part of the Strawhat Crew. She followed Luffy and the others to retrieve Sanji. However, she was separated from her friends and was kidnapped by Big Mom's children. Luckily, she wasn't going to be killed but held as a hostage by none other than 'Charlotte Katakuri' who is considered to be the strongest sweet commander in the Big Mom Pirates.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portagas-chan/748738024063516672/yours-forever-and-ever-part-2?source=share
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Nobody knew she was from another world, not even the straw hats. She never told anyone and when she first arrived here, she came up with a lie and they all believed her, even Zoro which was surprising. The straw hats accepted her and welcomed her to their crew. She felt joyful.
Anyways, that's not important. [Y/n] was in trouble. She got separated from Luffy and the others in the Seducing Forest. She would be doing okay if she encountered an opponent who was not a sweet commander. However, she would stand no chance against them if they were a sweet commander. She hoped Lady Luck would be on her side today.
[Y/n] walked and walked, she didn't know where she was going but it didn't matter. It wasn't like she could fly. There was nothing she could do. Suspicious enough, the trees shifted to form a path where she found herself outside the Seducing Forest. All the thinking was giving her a headache and she decided to be meh.
[Y/n] looked around in awe at her surroundings. The whole island was literally made up of sweets. It was even crazier seeing this in person. Suddenly, she felt her leg go numb and fell onto her knees. The last thing she saw was the triplets -Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon- staring down with Flampe laughing at her.
She widened her eyes in realization, 'I knew it was too good to be true. This was a trap made by Brulee.'
A harsh splash of water stung her face as she scrunched her nose and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Flampe who had a now empty bucket of water, glaring at her, "Was that necessary?"
"You were sleeping so soundly. I thought you weren't going to wake up," Flampe retorted to which she rolled her eyes. She was tied up in a chair.
[Y/n] analyzed her surroundings. Sitting in front of her was Big Mom who stared at her with that creepy grin on her face. It was frightening to see her in person.
Then there was Katakuri and his triplets -Oven and Daifuku- looking intimidating as ever. There was Perospero licking his lollipop and Smoothie with her triplets and of course, Flampe. All attention was on her and it was not in a good way.
"[Y/n] from the StrawHats. I will admit, your captain is a brave one but to survive in the New World, bravery is not enough. Mamamama!" Big Mom laughed.
[Y/n] stayed silent. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared at all. In fact, she was terrified. Terrified of what would happen to her. But she had faith in Luffy. Even if she was kidnapped, she knew Luffy would eventually come and save her. He would never abandon his crew member. That's just how he is.
"So, what do you think we should do with her, my children?" Big Mom asked.
"I say we kill her!" Flampe demanded.
'Bitch,' [Y/n] cursed in her mind.
"Now, now, don't be hasty. Taking her hostage can give us so much advantages in many ways," Perospero suggested.
Big Mom's expression seemed to brighten a little. It seems she likes Perospero's suggestion. "Taking her hostage? I like that! Which one of you would like to take on the job?"
Katakuri stepped up, "Mama, please allow me to deal with her. There's no way she can escape me."
"Katakuri?" Big Mom looked at him, studying his face. When she saw that he was dead serious, she laughed, "You're right! Then it's settled!"
[Y/n] didn't expect Katakuri to voluntarily choose to deal with her. She thought he wouldn't bother with this stuff. Either way, Lady Luck seems to hate her. She knew Katakuri had a soft side behind that mask of his perfect demeanor but it wasn't like she could suddenly bring out his soft side to her. If she ever saw what was under that scarf, he would be blinded by anger and accidentally kill her before he could even hear her out.
Big Mom placed cuffs on her wrists that explode if she disobeyed Katakuri. Crazy, right? She didn't even know you could give certain commands to the cuffs.
One thing she noticed about Katakuri was that he never let her out of his sight. She must always be with him but of course, she was left alone when he had something important to do but he always made sure it ended quickly. But she paid no attention to it, shooking it off as him doing his job and that it was due to the loyalty he had for his mother.
Sitting across him, she could feel the hard stare Katakuri was giving her. He always had that kind of stare whether he was doing it intentionally or unintentionally. Nevertheless, it made her feel nervous as she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.
"Why did you join the Strawhat pirates?" Katakuri started.
She looked up at him, "Are you using your observation haki thing again?"
Katakuri closed his eyes before opening it again, "I asked you a question."
"I will take that as a no," She muttered. "There's no deep meaning behind it, actually. They seemed fun and interesting, that's all."
Katakuri raised his brow, "That's all?" She nodded her head.
"Then will you join our crew under my wing if I promise to make it fun and interesting? I will make sure you stay happy too," Katakuri said.
[Y/n] was puzzled. Why would Katakuri want her to join the Big Mom pirates and be under his wing at that? She tried to think of a good reason but there simply was none. Sure, she could fight but she wasn't all that strong. She wasn't special at all. So, why?
"Why would you want me on your crew? I'm not strong," [Y/n] said.
"You don't have to be strong because I will protect you," Katakuri said and he meant it. He was not joking around. He was being serious.
To [Y/n], this was weird to see Katakuri acting like that. It was out of his character. It has just been a two days since they first met and he's acting like they have known each other for years.
[Y/n] remembered something important. "Why are you asking me that when you already know the answer?" She raised her hands to show the cuffs.
Katakuri smirked behind his scarf and [Y/n] could tell because his eyes changed a bit.
Katakuri stood up from his chair and walked towards [Y/n]. She tensed up when she saw him approached her. He sat on an empty chair beside her and dragged it closer to her.
He suddenly picked her up and placed her on his lap. His hand on her thigh slowly rubbing it while the other hugged her in place.
Don't get her wrong. She loves Katakuri but being this close to him like this and having no choice but to obey him in real life was scary. He was so huge too and it didn't make it any better.
"Katakuri?" She called out nervously.
"Are you scared?" Katakuri touched her hair, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
If she were to answer him honestly, it would be a yes and a no. He looks intimidating and scary, but she knows he's actually a cutie inside. He was getting touchy with her and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about it.
In the end, [Y/n] is unable to answer at all.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you," Katakuri reassured her. "And I promise you, no one will lay a finger on you."
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star-spacer · 2 months ago
And Tonight, We’ll Be Warm
It is technically still the 25th where I am so have a holiday-related fic! This is just an excuse to write that obligatory Christmas fic that nobody asked for
Whitebeard Pirates x Reader (no particular pairing but very Ace-centric)
The Whitebeard Pirates never needed an excuse to party, but surprisingly, they always celebrated one specific holiday.
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The sight of white flecks on the deck heralded the arrival of the Moby Dick to its destination, the cheery winter island in front of you a familiar sight. You couldn’t see it at this distance, but you had no doubt that if you asked Marco, he’d say that it was decked out in its annual holiday decoration already.
Around you, the hustle and bustle of docking preparations were in full swing, excitement filling the chilly air more than usual. Every year, on the same day and if time was willing, Pops liked to return to this specific island, deep in the heart of his territory, known for its celebration this time of year. It was done often enough that the locals left a special place for the Whitebeards and the crew always brought in supplies when they came. What would commence would be a two-day, island-wide celebration where the Whitebeards and even other friendly crews would toss aside their worries to rejoice. Though Pops’s family may have been a wide assortment of characters from all over the Blues, it was a unanimous agreement that all of you would indulge in this holiday because of how much joy it brought the old man. Though as pirates, there was never a reason needed to party.
You’d been with the crew long enough to have attended a few, the first few times never something you’d never forget. Overwhelming in the best of days, there would be lots of work done once you docked to unload the supplies and crates, but then the locals would whisk it all away and the crew would be able to release themselves upon the festivities. There would be stalls upon stalls of vendors selling indulgent foods, gifts, and knickknacks for the holidays. And—of course—the booze. It was a pirate island, after all.
A relieved cheer broke out as the Moby coasted gently to a stop, a few of those who could handle the jump vaulting over the side onto the dock, while those who remained up top tossed down the mooring line for them. You double-checked the ropes on the winches responsible for lowering the cargo and leaned over to ensure that nobody was in the way.
“Lowering the crates!” You yelled down to the people milling down below. The worn wooden crank was familiar in your work-calloused hands as you cranked it, lowering the creaking platforms of foods and ingredients down. A ‘thump’ and the lines slackening signaled the contact with the dock below you, and you left the unpacking to the ground crew.
Beelining for the rope ladder, you scaled down it to join the others, an eager grin pulling at your cheeks. Wagons waited for their loads, but you left that to those like Fossa and Blenheim, the likes of them able to move much more efficiently when they had no smaller crewmates running underfoot. Your eyes darted across the space, seeking one specific person. For once, a majority of the crew had a shirt and jacket on, only the hardiest of them forgoing it, so it was easy for you to find that tattoo stretched across a tanned back.
The young man spun around, seeking the call of his name. You started toward him, waving to attract his attention. He returned your grin easily as the two of you met up. Close to him, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Despite your layers, it was still bitingly cold with the snow fluttering down. But with Ace nearby, his heater tendencies, courtesy of his Fruit, were a warm balm against the low temperatures.
“You were right, this does look fun!” Ace said, hands on his hips as he regarded the festivities beyond the dock. I’m glad I’ll have someone to lead me around.”
“Hm.” You rubbed your hands, fingertips red. “I’ll show you all the good places to hit up. Ignore what Commander Marco says. He’s a geezer who’s got outdated tastes.”
“Does he now, yoi?”
You stiffened, spine prickling with unease as footsteps came close. The warmth of the other flame-related Devil Fruit user on your back betrayed his approach. You shot Ace a nervous smile, grabbing his shoulders and swinging behind him to escape the fingers that skimmed the collar of your jacket. Grabbing the black-haired man’s hand, you readied to bolt but flailed when he didn’t move.
“C’mon! We gotta run!”
Ace glanced back at you, shrugging helplessly, still gripping your hand.
“You should know better,” Marco tsked as he stopped in front of Ace (and you, who ensured you were soundly on the opposite side of Ace from him). He crossed his arms, a lazy smile twitching into something mischievous. “We have to wait for Pops, yoi.”
As if that mention summoned him, the ground trembled with the impact of your captain landing down from his leap off the ship. He did a sweeping glance over his nakama, still milling about the dock as they waited for his arrival, and unleashed his booming laughter. “What are you all waiting for? Go have fun, my children!”
Noise erupted over the dock, and you suddenly found Ace very agreeable as you ran away from Marco. The two of you darted into the crowd, away from the blonde.
“Go! Go! GO!” You yelled as Ace swept you onto his back, laughing as he bolted. You wrapped an arm around his neck to keep balance, while the other one pointed in front of him to where you wanted him to go. Rakuyo jumped out of the way just in time to avoid being plowed over, and Atmos bellowed in laughter when Ace ducked under his arm, revealing you clinging to his back.
Despite you acting as a backpack for him, Ace was barely winded when you finally told him to stop. He regarded the street around you with wide eyes as you slid off him, dusting your clothes. “Where to know?”
You pointed to a little stall that had a small metal stove by its side. “First order of business: Drinks!”
The little old lady there waved as you approached, a smile of familiarity greeting you. “Welcome back, dearie. I see you’ve brought a friend!”
Nodding, you stepped aside to showcase the now-shy ravenette to her. “Hi again Miss Rose. This is Ace! He joined us a little while ago.”
“Showing him around, I see…” Miss Rose said
“Yep,” you said. “I gotta do it since I don’t want to put him through the history lesson that Commander Marco might’ve exposed him to. And I thought it’d be good to start everything off with drinks from your stall!”
Miss Rose tilted her head, an apologetic expression falling onto her face. “I’m sorry, dearie, but my stove just went out, you see. I sent my son off to fetch flint, but it’s going to be a while before I can get anything warm for you.”
“I can help!” Ace said, straightening up as he lifted a hand, small flames flickering to life. He, however, quickly extinguished it, and added on nervously, “I-If you want.”
The woman didn’t flinch at the small display of Ace’s powers, long-familiar with Devil Fruit displays on an island such as this, and toddled over to the stove, pulling open the door, and stepped aside for Ace. “Oh, if you could, that would be delightful.”
Caught off guard by the open friendliness, Ace glanced at you in a silent question. You bumped him forward with your shoulder. “Yeah. Miss Rose has the best cider all around, and you can’t start the festivities without getting a cup.”
Ace exhaled with a smile, sticking his hand into the open maw of the stove. With a flash of orange, the lumber within it lit up. The door was closed, and Miss Rose quickly put a pot over the top. Within moments, the warm smell of spices suffused the air and the pot’s content bubbled merrily away. Miss Rose moved with a speed that belied her age as she quickly set up two steaming cups of liquid. You barely just finished fishing out the appropriate payment before they were shoved into your grasp. Passing one to Ace, you slid the coins over to her quicker than she could react. Grabbing Ace, you led him away despite the woman’s protests refusing your payment and called back, “Thanks, Miss Rose!”
Your action prompted a curious look from him as the two of you hurried from her stand. “What was that about?”
“She’s too kind for her own good, and if I didn’t do that, she would’ve tossed my coin back at my face,” you explained. Taking a long sip, you let out a satisfied sigh at the warmth spreading through your guts and prompted Ace, “Try it.”
He took a tentative sip. Your catlike grin widened as his eyes lit up, and he went in for seconds. “Woah, this is good…”
“Mhm,” you hummed, turning to look at the busy street in front of you. You pulled the cup closer to your face to allow the steam to warm up your cold nose. “It’s good that we got here before the crew. Otherwise, we’d be fighting Kingdew for a spot in line.”
Ace didn’t reply, and you glanced over to see him staring at the colorfully lit lanterns above you that cast festive colors onto the street. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It was nice seeing the awe on his face, and you realized this must’ve been why Marco was chuckling at you when it was your first time on the island. 
The growl emitting from him broke you out of your reverie, and you chuckled, hefting a bag of Berry in your hands.
“Alright Ace, since it’s your first time here, you can get any food you want, my treat. But—” You held up a finger when he brightened, “Only as much as this pouch can pay, and don’t spoil your appetite for later.”
“What’s for later?” Ace asked as he began walking to the nearest food stall, something to do with skewers.
“Five, please,” you said pleasantly to the vendor. Glancing back at Ace, you said. “There’s always a big feast and bonfire set up. It’s great. You’ll love it.”
The food was given to you, and you exchanged it with the correct amount of bills, passing four of the roasted chestnut and meat sticks to Ace while you kept one to yourself. Silence stretched between you two for a few minutes as the food was savored. As you were crunching through a chunk of chestnut, you heard Ace murmur, “Lu’ would’ve liked this.”
You swallowed your bite. Aside from his explosive (literally) introduction to the crew, there were a few other things about him that he never kept quiet about, one of them being his very cherished brother. “Oh yeah? I mean, this island is known for good chestnuts year-round, so food like this is common anytime. You can bring him here when you meet him again.”
Ace polished off his second skewer, expression wistful as he murmured, “Yeah…”
“Oi, you two!”
Like twin dogs, the two of you turned to the call. Thatch waved at you, Izou by his side. The former looked a little silly, with a sprinkling of snow piling up atop his pompadour, while the latter looked immaculate in his dark-blue kimono, its woven threats gleaming when it caught the lights. Amusement lit up the two Commanders’ faces when they saw the food in Ace’s hold.
“Putting another person’s wallet to work already, I see,” Izou said with a small smirk on his painted lips.
“Well, better than the alternative,” Thatch quipped, hands on his hips. “The locals may like us, but that can change if someone decides to dine and dash.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you pipped up. “I’m treating Ace today since it’s his first time.”
“How thoughtful,” Izou said. “You would have had the same result tossing your wallet in the sea.”
“I know better! I only brought a set amount.”
“Hey!” Ace protested. “I’m not that bad, am I?”
You, Thatch, and Izou exchanged glances. A beat of silence passed.
Thatch was the first to crack, folding in half as mirth shook his body, and you had to make efforts not to spill your drink in your laughter. Even Izou cracked, one fist coming up to cover his mouth as he snorted. Ace leveled a betrayed look at you all.
“By the way,” Thatch began, once he finally reigned his laughter back in control. “Where are the two of ya headed?”
Shrugging, you motioned down the street you two were on. “Just roaming for the most part, but the goal is to the town center to show Ace the stage before going to the bonfire.
“Hm. Mind if we join y’all?”
You shrugged. “I don’t mind. Ace?”
Silence greeted you, and you whirled around to find him face down in the snow, breathing deeply. Somehow, he still held his drink and food aloft. Sighing, you sent the other men a helpless look.
“We can wait until he wakes up to see what he wants,” Izou amended. “Let’s move him to the bench over there.”
Thatch smiled, lifting a hand. “If ya can grab the food and cup, I’ll carry our resident flamethrower out of the street.”
Chugging the rest of your cider, you crouched down and carefully wormed the sticks and cup out of Ace’s hands. There was no food left, so you tossed those, but Ace’s cup was still three-quarters full and steaming, so you decided to keep that for yourself. At your go-ahead, Thatch effortlessly lifted Ace’s snoozing form, while Izou cut ahead to dust off the coating of snow from the seat. Thatch set Ace down first before sitting down, and you immediately claimed the other empty spot of the sleeping Logia-user, sighing in happiness at the warmth that bled off him.
“I’m surprised that you’re not with Commander Marco, sirs,” you admitted, moving to sip from the cider cup.
You squawked as Thatch took it from you, using his long reach to lean over Ace. He took a sip from it and hummed. “Ah, that’s good. From Miss Rose?”
Sulkily side-eyeing him, you nodded.
“And stop with the ‘Commander’ stuff. We’re off-duty, and we’re all friends anyway.”
“Well, as my friend, you should give me back my drink.”
“Is it really yours in the first place, if you took it from Ace?” Izou asked. He waved the cup away when Thatch offered it to him.
As the brown-haired man was leaning back, Ace suddenly shot forward, knocking into him. The cup flew out of Thatch’s grasp, spilling its contents onto the snow in front of you all. Izou hissed, jerked the hem of his kimono away, and shot the others a poisonous look.
“Haahhhhh? Since when did we sit down?”
“Since you decided the snow would be a good cushion for your face,” Izou replied.
“Ah dang, was I out for long?”
“No,” you said. “Thatch and Izou were wondering if they could tag along with us.”
Ace stood up, stretching his arms above his head. “I don’t see why not! As long as your offer still holds up.”
Sighing in exasperation, you stood up with a shake of your head and a smile on your face. “Fine. But if you want to explore, we gotta get going.”
Your words were a reminder of the changing sky, the days shorter in the thick of winter. The others all agreed, and once everyone gathered themselves, you all set off again. Your motley crew would’ve struck an unusual sight, with Thatch’s stature and hair, Izou’s elegant dress, and Ace completely bare-chested in the snow, but the locals of this island were long-used to it, a few folks even greeting the Commanders by name.
The festival was still as eye-catching as ever, with the soft haze of snowfall spreading a dreamy air over everything. True to his nature, Ace ended up dragging you to a few more food stalls. You four wandered with no hurry, simply basking in the peaceful, jovial air that was seldomly seen on the seas.
“I wonder how long these chestnuts can keep,” Thatch mused as he rotated a candied chestnut in his fingers. Popping it into his mouth, he passed you one from his cup. “I have plenty of recipes that’ll be nice for the colder weeks when we’re sailing.”
“I think if you can store them in the ice closet, they can last up to six months!” you chirped.
You could see his mind beginning to form ideas. “That’s plenty of time. I doubt they’ll last that long. Since it’s so cheap here, I think I’ll arrange for an order to the Moby tomorrow.”
A folded hand fan whapped Thatch on the side of the head, Izou tucking it back from wherever he summoned it from when the brown-haired man turned to him. 
“What gives, you bastard?!?”
“Stop talking about work,” Izou sniffed. “We’re here to relax and enjoy the festivities, damn you.”
Thatch leaned down into Izou’s space. “Well, you didn’t need to hit me!”
While the two senior members squabbled like little kids, you turned your attention to Ace, seeing him contemplating the roasted squid in his hands like it contained the secrets of the world.
“What’s wrong?” You said, popping your head over his shoulder. “It raw?”
Ace blinked, shaking his head and taking a big bite out of it. “Nah. Just thinkin’.”
“Don’t hurt your head over it,” you said. “Now’s a time to turn it off.”
He hummed, and you linked your arm with his and marched forward.
“Well, we’re almost at the town center. You’d like it, I think. And if you don’t, it’ll be something to distract you, yeah? No worries.”
Izou and Thatch fell in line when they saw the two of you heading off. One was fixing the collar of his kimono, while the other had a red mark on his forehead. Neither said anything when you raised a teasing eyebrow in question.
You led them down the streets until it opened up into a wide space, the large, towering pine tree in the middle marking your arrival to the town center.
Ace froze as he gawked at the monster of a tree in front of you all. “Holy shit.”
Tall enough to make even Pops look small standing next to its trunk, the ancient growth was decked out in flickering candles and carved, wooden ornaments of all colors. Bands of embroidered cloth swayed gently, depicting the winter flowers that bloomed this time of year.
“This is one of the island’s pride and joy,” You told Ace, banking on the information Marco told you during your first time. Damn, if he knew, he would never let you live this down. “It was said that this tree was already massive by the time people settled onto this island, and it was decided that they would keep it and treasure it. The festivals came later, but this tree was integrated into every celebration as well. Looks like we came just in time.”
Chattering quieted as a door hidden in the tree trunk opened. A pair of men walked forward to the platform mounted there, rolling some sort of canon in between them.
“It’s safe,” you reassured Ace as you saw him shift in nervousness. “Just watch!”
With a muffled pop, a flurry of flat, petaled shapes shot up into the air. The crowd roiled, eager hands reaching up as the large charms fluttered down. This was what you came here for. This town’s yearly charms, hand-carved from a specific type of lightweight crystal only found here. When refined down into the flowers and the snowflakes fluttering down upon you now, they caught the light in a kaleidoscope of rainbows. They were beautiful.
And very desired.
“Quickly,” you hissed, pushing Ace forward. “Try and grab one! They say that whoever got one will have good luck for the upcoming year.”
Unsure, the man reached out, only to have it snatched in front of his fingertips. The old lady who took it from him gave him a sharp glare and toddled off.
A spark of competitiveness lit up in Ace’s eyes. “Oh, that does it.”
The two of you shared a look of determination, exchanging a nod before delving into the crowd.
“Over here, Ace!”
“Too far!”
“Watch out for that lady!”
Your teamwork fell in line seamlessly, the months together on the seas and all the training and fighting giving you and Ace a leg up. Though it always seemed like there were five people trying for every one charm. Eventually, there was nothing left in reach, but you spotted one still fluttering above the crowd. You were not the only one, as you locked eyes with a burly man who was bullying his way through the crowd toward it. The two of you scowled at each other, and you stuck out your tongue at him.
Looking back at it again, you saw that it was out of reach for even the tallest folks.
But not too tall for what you had in mind.
Spinning around, you pointed at the crystal and yelled out, “Ace!”
The man turned around to spot it, and you quickly took a knee, putting your cupped hands low to the ground. A move that you’d done once or twice before.
“Go for it!” You yelled, hiding a wince when an elbow dug into your back.
Ace stepped back, lining himself up before running towards you. His boot landed in your palms, and you pushed yourself upward, propelling him up with you as he jumped. You turned around to see his trajectory, a wild grin on your face. Ace had a similar expression, one hand on his hat while the other was outstretched as he approached the snowflake. With bated breath, you watched as his fingers grazed the edges of the charm, seemingly missing it before, with a burst of flames from his legs, he propelled himself up a bit and the charm landed in his grasp. With the prize secured, he brought it to his chest and pivoted in the air, landing at an empty spot with a perfectly tucked roll.
You let out a whoop, throwing your arms up in victory, before moving your way through the crowd to where Ace landed. Your cheeks ached not just from the cold, but also from the size of the grin overtaking you sported. Spotting Ace, you hauled him up and pulled him into a hug, your laughter ringing out in the air.
“You got it!”
His cheeks were flushed as well when you pulled back, a pearly smile on his face. “Yeah.”
The crowd’s excitement was dying down and a part of you dropped in dismay over the fact that you’d missed your chance to grab something, too busy making sure Ace had his moment to focus on your own. But you were at least glad that Ace managed to get one of the charms of his own, so you shoved down that bit of sadness.
“What shape did you get?” You asked. “Can I see?” 
He pulled the hand holding his charm away from his chest, and your eyes widened in excitement at the sight of a flat carving of a flame lily. As he lifted it into the air, the clear crystal caught the light, throwing out fiery red and orange iridescence from within its lattice.
“A flame lily, lucky you!” You shot him a thumbs-up. “That’s the most prized one. A symbol of undying warmth in the cold. Good luck is definitely coming your way.”
“There you two are,” Thatch said, panting a bit as he got through the crowd. “You crazy little cretins, I can’t believe you two did that! And don’t deny it, I saw Ace in the air.”
You whistled, adverting your eyes. “Welllll, it was worth it. Ace got this year’s Flame Lily. How ‘bout you?”
“Right here,” Thatch sighed, reaching into the top of his pompadour and pulling out a glittering, clear hexagonal plate that had flashes of smoky black when he tilted it. “Some lady tried stealing it from my hands after I got it.”
“Looks like all that hair really is useful for something,” you chuckled.
He harrumphed, tucking it in the inner breast pocket of his coat. “Whatever. Did you get one this year?”
You shook your head, a rueful smile on your face. “Nah. Looks like my collection is not growing this year.”
You only caught a flash of guilt on Ace’s face before something was thrust into your face.
“Here,” Izou drawled, a bored look on his face.
Going cross-eyed, you took a step back to see what it was. Your eyes widened when you saw the intricate poinsettia carving in his hand, the details of the flower it was mimicking catching the light prettily.
“I found this stuck to mine,” he said, motioning to the bird-shaped crystal peeking out of the collar of his kimono before you could ask. He shook it. “Take it. I don’t need two of them.”
“Aww, you do care,” you teased as you reached for it.
Izou jerked it out of your grip, raising it out of your reach. “I am not above breaking it over your head.”
“No don’t! I’ll be good, I promise!”
He finally gave it to you, huffing out of his nose as he swept past the tree of you. “Fine. Let’s go. We need to head to the beach if we want to catch the bonfire in time.”
At this point, the sky was blue-hued with the end of sunset, the chill settling deeper into your bones. But still, the lights and candles kept the island festivities in full swing.
“So, what do we do with these things?” Ace asked, inspecting his lily carving.
“You just keep it.” You shrugged. “Put ‘em in a box or something. It’s your choice. Hell, you can even toss them into the ocean, but make sure to point out where you did it so I can go diving for it.”
Ace hummed in thought, glancing over to see your expectant gaze on him. With a smile and shrug, he shoved it into his pant pocket. “I guess I’ll keep it. So what are we doing now?”
“Bonfire should start soon,” you affirmed. “There’ll be food and drinks, the full Whitebeard Pirates shebang, yaknow?”
The growling of a stomach was the response you received from him, and you chuckled.
“We’re almost there,” Thatch reassured. 
True enough, you four took the stone steps down from the edge of the town, where your shoes immediately sunk into sand. Already, you could hear the hubbub of conversation, men on their way to getting sloshed. There was a chorus of greetings that rose when those present saw you four.
“Finally,” Atmos roared, his beer sloshing over his tankard. “Was thinkin’ you guys died fighting in the town center.”
Izou scoffed, sweeping past him as he headed for where Vista and Haruta were. “Please. As if I’d be taken out by something so simple.”
“I’m going to check out to see if the Fourth Division needs any help,” Thatch called, splitting away too.
That left you and Ace again, and you steered him toward a table set up with food. You unleashed him upon the meal, picking up a few things that pulled at your interests too, and allowing yourself to mingle with everyone.
Like most other Whitebeard parties, it was easy to be swept up in the merriment. At one point, you managed to wrangle a spot beside Haruta as he lit up the main bonfire, toasts being called out into the air. Smaller bonfires went up around the beach too, like twinkling, golden stars in the dark.
And when the moon was high in the sky, just about the time when you knew the spectacle of the night would begin, you sought out Ace again.
He was warm as you slung an arm over his shoulder, warmer than even the slight bit of alcohol coursing through your veins. “Aceyyyyyyyyy. Come on closer to the bonfire.”
“Hm? Why’s that.”
You pointed to the towering back of Blenheim in front of you. “Too many tall ones over ‘ere. And you’re warm, but I wanna be warmer.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a heat hog,” he said, rising from his seat at your insistent tugging. 
Fossa smirked at him when he saw the two of you pass by. “Looks like you’re the victim this time, brat. Good.”
You stuck your tongue out at the older man, aiming towards a log laid on as a seat, angled to look into the island instead of out over the sea. Plopping into it with none of the grace you normally held when somber, you sighed at the heat that suffused your back from the bonfire.
At Ace’s questioning look at you, you raised your arm and pointed over the top of the island, where the top of the pine tree could be seen peeking out. “You’ll wanna watch o’er there. It’s good. I promise.”
Following your words were the lights from the town being extinguished, plunging the inland into darkness. Soon, the only lights came from the bonfires dotting the beaches like fireflies as everyone settled. An air of excitement took over the party, those sober and not tilting their heads up to the sky.
A whistle announced the first of the launches before the sky exploded with color. Fireworks bloomed in their brilliant glory, popping and crackling hues of sparkling rainbows before fading out. It was stunning as ever, but since you’d seen it a few times before, you chanced a glance at the man next to you.
Ace’s eyes were wide, the glow of the firelight making them glitter. You smiled softly at the way it transformed his features into something softer.
Even though you haven’t known him for long, the look on his face earlier was too somber for your liking. The two of you may not be close-knit, but you were at least friendly with him on the account of you two being newer to the crews. So to see that troubled look that bellied something deeper made you worried. You may not be close enough to pry, but at the least, you hoped that this was enough to lift his spirits lightly.
You tore your gaze from the black-haired male just in time to see the second round of fireworks going up. More impressive than the last, this time the fireworks were set up into shapes. All around you, cheers rose from the crew as the doggy face of Stephan bloomed into view, followed by an impressive arrangement forming the Moby Dick. 
As this round began to die down, Marco appeared at your side, handing you a steaming drink. “Here, yoi. Keep warm.”
Reaching for it, you asked, “Is it warmed rum?”
“No. I’m not letting you have that again, yoi.” He turned to Ace and jabbed a thumb at you. “No matter how much this one asks, no more of Raykuyo’s rum, alright? I promise you don’t want to deal with the aftermath.”
You sulkily sipped from the cup, finding that it was hot chocolate. Sweet, yet not too heavy to upset your stomach. “Whatever, I drink it ‘cause it chases the chill away.”
“You have Ace with you, yoi.”
“I’m still cold!” you barked. Your eyes gained a calculating gleam as you shuffled closer to Ace, your free hand whipping out to latch onto Marco’s wrist. “But if you’re insisting, why don’t you come have a seat, Marco? I’m sure you’re awfully tired, and it’s an awfully good view to see the fireworks.
His half-lidded eyes were knowing as he moved to sit beside you, bracketing you on all three sides with heat. You sighed in happiness, and relaxed, returning your focus to the sky.
With the bonfire at your back, Ace and Marco by your side, and the crew all around you, your heart was warm.
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uluvjay · 1 year ago
Sandy Christmas- L. Sargeant
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Logan Sargeant x fem! Reader
In which you and your boyfriend take a vacation for Christmas and end up getting busy on the beach.
Warnings?; SMUT, public sex, nipple play, p in v, unprotected sex(use protection!), cursing, kissing, ass slaps, porn with little plot🧍🏼‍♀️
Day 3 of my Christmas celebration!
"Logan" she whimpered as he pushed her bikini top to the side, lips wrapping around her nipple.
A smirk tugged on the corner of his lip, from his position between her legs on the lounge chair.
The couple had taken a small vacation the week before Christmas for some much needed personal time however logan couldn't take the sight of his beautiful girlfriend parading around in her little bikinis any longer; landing them in their position.
"P-people could see" she breathed with worry
"Baby there's nobody for miles, I brought us to a private Island for a reason." he replied before returning to his task.
Her body shuddered below him as his fingers slipped into the other side of her top to pinch the bud on that side.
Logan continued his patient and focused movements for a while, pulling cry's and whines of all different octaves while her hands tangled in his sun kissed locks.
"Lo, come up here" she grumbled the hand was tangled in his hair, pulling him up to meet her lips.
Logan grunted into the kiss, her lips were so soft and the way she teasingly ran her tongue along his had heat that wasn't from the beaming sun shooting down his spine.
"You're so fucking beautiful" he whispered When they parted, a deep blush filling her cheeks at her boyfriend's words.
She pulled him back to her lips but allowed him to take the lead this time, a loud whimper escaping her throat when his right hand came up to rest on her neck; his thumb resting right on her pulse.
One of her hands tangled back into his hair while the other ran up and down his tanned back, the kiss had slowly became sloppy and slow as they simply took each other in.
"Baby m' not gonna make it in the house" Logan groaned when he pulled away, his eyes dropping down to her still exposed breasts and her tanned thighs that rested on the sides of him.
She looked around their surroundings while she thought about Logan's words, they truly hadn't seen anyone in days since arriving at the small island.
And despite the slight anxious feeling in her lower stomach she'd be lying if she said Logan touching her in public didn’t get her going.
She didn't reply to her boyfriend, just watched his face as she untied the sides of her bottoms. His pretty blue eyes widened as he realized what was happening, his hands quickly moving down to remove his Christmas tree covered swim trunks.
"Are you sure you wanna do this? I also don't have a condom" logan spoke.
"Logan just fuck me before I change my mind, just pull out" she smirked sweetly as she patted his shoulder, knowing damn well he had horrible pullout game.
Logan shook his head with a scoff before pressing himself against her entrance, whimpers escaping both of their throats at the feeling.
Her nails dug into his freckle covered skin as he slipped inside, her back arched allowing her chest to press against his.
"Fuck" she whimpered eyes intently watching where they connected, his cock coming out glistening even more with each thrust.
Logan's jaw was shut tight as she clenched tightly around him, he was doing his best to keep his sounds in so he could hear hers; however his girlfriend didn't like that one bit.
"Why are you being so quiet? D-don’t hold back" she groaned.
Still sensing his hesitation she spoke up again, “Come on Lo, wanna hear your pretty noises.”
A deep groan released from the man above her at her words.
"My perfect girl, letting me fuck her out here in the middle of some island. So good to me" he groaned feeling himself getting closer and closer to the edge.
She could feel her own climax approaching, the heat in her stomach getting hotter and hotter as he continued to fuck her.
"!Logan" she cried as her thighs began to shake, feeling Logan's thrust falter at how hard she was clenching him.
"Fuck, come for me baby. Go on, be a good girl and give me it" he egged, loving the way she threw her head back-hands reaching out for him as her high ran through her body.
Seconds later logan was quickly pulling out and using his fist to pump himself a few times before he spilled himself all over the outside of her puffy cunt.
He whimpered at the sight of her running release mixing with his, his fingers unconsciously movingdown to swipe through the mess; bringing them up to his lips for a taste.
He didn't miss the moan that escaped her, looking up to find her tongue out and ready for a taste.
He did what she wanted, his cock getting hard again at the sight of her lips wrapped around his long fingers-tongue purposely running around the tips like it would on his cock.
Pulling his fingers from her mouth he pulled up his trunks and hastily tied her bottoms back before he was up on his feet and scooping her into his arms.
"Where are we going?" She giggled as he placed her over his shoulder.
"Into the house so I can fuck you again" he replied.
"Can I be on top this time?" She pouted.
“I don’t know, are you gonna give up half way through like you always do?” He laughed
“Hey! I do not give up” she scoffed, a hand coming down to place a slap on his ass.
However a squeal quickly came from her mouth as his hand came down hard against her ass in retaliation.
"If you keep touching my ass then my answer is no" he spoke.
He knew she was never one for listening so he wasn't surprised when both of her hands came down on his ass once again.
998 notes · View notes
elliesbelle · 2 years ago
nobody compares to you
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chapter 6
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: you're in your junior year of college and at a party, you run into the girl who broke your heart: ellie williams. despite the time it took to reset your life, will you risk a broken heart again for her?
content warnings: modern college au, cursing, angst, messy lesbian relationships/situationships, loser!ellie makes an appearance for 0.5 seconds, brief and indirection mention of marijuana, mentions of death, brief mention of reader's genitals (implies that reader has a vagina, but if you headcanon reader as a trans girl w/a penis, just pretend it's a metaphorical vagina, i fully encourage it), sexual speech and content (not fully smut but there are drops of it), depictions of nudity, minors do not interact
word count: 4.6k
chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the "nobody compares to you" spotify playlist
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Abigail Anderson. Pre-med student. Rugby star. A brief hook-up from freshman year. 
And now approaching your frozen figure at a rather fast pace. 
As your shocked face emerges from behind the football you're still holding in your hands, Abby begins to register who it was that she’d almost killed via pigskin. 
“Oh, shit!” She murmurs your name as her jog comes to a stop at your feet. “I’m so sorry, my friend Jordan was being a dick. I meant to catch that.” 
You let out a nervous chuckle as your trembling fingers lift the football up to her. 
“Oh, it’s okay. My life definitely flashed before my eyes, but I’m alright otherwise.” You give her a smile. 
She returns it with a crooked one of her own, her fingers softly brushing against yours as she takes the football from you. 
“Well, you still look alive and pretty,” Abby says, tucking the ball underneath an arm. “And those were some impressive reflexes, I gotta say.” 
“Just practicing in case of a zombie apocalypse.” You joke, cheeks burning ever so slightly at her calling you pretty. “We can’t all be built like Themysciran Amazons the way you are.” 
“Themy-what?” Abby asks, eyebrows furrowing in confusion and chuckling. 
Your face erupts in flames in embarrassment from your geeky comic book reference. 
“Y-you know,” You stammer. “Like Wonder Woman. She’s from that island where it’s only women and they’re all these gorgeous, buff warriors who’ve renounced men.” 
Abby laugh. 
“Really? Well, thank you. You’re very cute for thinking I’m some hot warrior chick who’ll survive a zombie apocalypse.” 
Before you can respond, she continues. 
“How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you around much.” 
“Hey, I’ve been around.” You lie. You really haven’t been. “Probably haven’t noticed being an aspiring doctor and all.” 
“Still remember that, huh?” She smiles. 
“Of course.” You say, returning her smile. 
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Freshman Year, Fall
You met Abby Anderson at the beginning of your freshman year when she was a sophomore. 
Being in a new and independent environment, you did what many single freshmen do upon first arriving: scoured the dating apps. 
Fresh out of a messy high school relationship, you came to college a little raw and emotionally vulnerable. You jumped into a casual relationship with a girl named Adriana within the first month of arriving on campus. After a drunken night of you and your roommate Tara recklessly swiping through your profile on a dating app, you somehow and hesitantly found yourself with a girlfriend after just two dates. 
The best word you would use to describe Adriana was nice. She was a pleasant person: brought you out on cute dates, paid for your food, always held your hand. You spent the two weeks of dating her trying to convince yourself that you were as into her as she was into you. But the further you tried to force attraction for her, the less interested you became. Then she introduced you to her friend, Abby Anderson. 
Abby was the kind of person that closeted gay girls would develop their first gay crush on at their initial glance. She was bold and exuded a sense of confidence & charisma that most 20-somethings haven’t achieved yet. People knew who she was when she walked around campus, whether personally or through reputation. Abby made friends quickly and kept them easily, so it was no shock that you got along very well with her when Adriana first introduced you. 
You pretended at the time not to notice the way Abby looked you up and down when first laying eyes on you. It was a quick glance and she pulled it off well enough that nobody else but you had caught it. You were amused by the way that Abby had held out her hand to you upon meeting. None of Adriana’s other friends had offered a handshake, and you chuckled quietly as you introduced yourself to her. 
Is she for real? A little prim and proper, you’d thought. You’d later find out it was merely her excuse to initiate physical contact. 
You’d originally come over to Adriana’s dorm to meet her friends, but you’d spent most of the time talking with Abby. She was very charming, keeping you engaged in conversation as if she’d known you for months already. She would ask you questions about yourself, seeming to be genuinely interested in your responses. It was effortless to keep up a banter with her, and she had you laughing in a way Adriana hadn’t been able to elicit from you herself. You weren’t fawning over Abby the way newly-discovered gays constantly were, but you were intrigued. By the end of the hang-out, you’d already exchanged numbers and socials. 
When Adriana amicably broke up with you a week later, saying that she felt as if “your heart didn’t seem quite into this” and “she’d like to see you comfortable” and “we honestly seem like we would vibe better as friends” over a phone call, you’d felt a wave of relief followed by a pang of guilt. You could tell that Adriana really didn’t feel any ill will towards you, but it did feel indecent that all you got out of the relationship was a mended heart as a result of the rebound. That, and a very interested Abby Anderson. 
It didn’t take a week since your split from Adriana that Abby was flirtatiously commenting under your Instagram posts or sending you at least ten snaps on Snapchat daily or messaging you borderline thirst traps accompanied by texts that were asking for your “opinion on her gym progress.” It was a mere five days since the break-up that you were dolling yourself up a bit to go hang out with Abby in her dorm room, just the two of you. 
Most of your friends playfully teased you about the position you’d placed yourself in. Hooking up with a recent ex’s friend seemed messy, but they encouraged you to put yourself out there all the same. Never having actually gone all the way with Adriana, they all hyped you up to hook up with Abby. All but one. 
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“You’re judging me!” You said, lightly smacking Ellie’s arm. 
She chuckled, rolling her eyes at you. 
“I literally didn’t say anything, dude.” 
“Uh-huh, sure.” You returned her eye roll with your own before jumping off your bed to walk towards your closet. 
“Just sounds like a guilty conscience to me.” She shrugged, leaning back onto your headboard. 
You sighed and said, “Should I feel guilty, though?” 
Ellie shrugged again nonchalantly before saying, “Not gonna tell you how to feel.” 
“I just want to know your opinion!” 
“It’s your love life, dude. It’s up to you, not me.” 
“I know that! But what do you think I should do?” 
“Make your own decisions.” She chuckled once more. 
You groaned, turning away from her to continue rifling through your closet. 
“You’re so fucking useless.” You complained, fingers weaving between hangers as you tried to select an outfit to see Abby later that day. 
“What can I say? It’s a gift.” Ellie replied, resting the palms of her hands on the back of her head as she watched you. 
Despite yourself, you giggled quietly. As you continued to browse through your wardrobe, you felt Ellie’s ocean green eyes trailing your every movement. You kept your back turned to her, hiding the flames tickling your cheeks.  
You hadn’t bothered the rest of your friends about this the way you did Ellie. They’d all given their blessing for you to sleep with Abby, but Ellie? Ellie was persistent in remaining mysteriously neutral. She refused to voice any kind of personal bias. She didn’t seem disinterested, but she also withheld offering up her genuine opinion on your Abby situation. And for some reason, this bothered you. Something about her unhelpfulness compelled you to pester her about it. You knew you didn’t need Ellie’s approval. So why did it feel like you did?  
Ellie watched as you picked out a short dark blue dress, spreading it out on your bed next to her. She listened to you question yourself out loud on whether you should wear fishnet stockings underneath it or just go bare. She felt the way your fingers lingered when brushing softly against hers after she handed you your silver hoop earrings laying next to her on your bedside table. She inhaled your signature lavender scent as you slowly caressed your arms and legs up and down while applying your favourite lotion.
It felt so strange, prettying yourself up for another girl while Ellie sat on your bed and watched. She and you were just friends. You’ve never been anything more than that. Why did it feel strange, then? 
Are we though? Just friends? 
The way you’d stare at the way her big, calloused hands moved when she’d be rolling a joint or etching in her journal. The way she observed the exact manner your lips moved every time you spoke or laughed. The way you always noticed when she’d trace that intricate arm tattoo of hers when she’d get lost in thought. The way she watched exactly how your smile would often meet your soft eyes. 
Is this just friendship?
Ellie observed as you sat at your desk and carefully began applying your makeup, scooting towards the foot of your bed to better marvel at your technique. She’d begun to learn the routine you had by heart, mesmerized by how carefully and naturally your hands moved in a creative dance. She blurted out a compliment about how you were an artist for the way you did your makeup. You attempted to brush it off, but she insisted. You’re the artist here, she’d said. 
After finishing applying a shade of dark red lipstick, you gave yourself one last satisfied look in your mirror. You got up and began to shake your hair out of the bun it was in, walking to the foot of your bed where both your dress and Ellie waited. You looked at your chosen attire for the night and were suddenly hit with a predicament. 
“Umm, Ellie?” 
“What’s up, man?” 
“D-do you think you could help me with something?” 
“Uh… sure?” 
Your fingers fiddled with the bottom of your t-shirt. Your face flushed for what felt like the millionth time today. 
“C-can you help me put my dress on?” 
Ellie looked like someone dumped a bucket of ice-cold water right over her head. 
You scratched the back of your neck, a habit you’d picked up from her. 
“I forgot how t-tight this dress is, and I might fuck up my makeup if I just pull it on myself. Can you help me g-get it on?” 
Ellie’s face remained unreadable as she looked you up and down. 
“Yeah, okay.” She said finally. 
“T-thanks.” You said, nervously biting the inside of your cheek. 
Normal friends do not get nervous when they ask their friends to help them get dressed. 
“Just…just one second.” You said, meekly holding a finger up before turning your back to her. 
As you profusely thanked past you for already putting on your desired underwear for tonight, you carefully peeled off your t-shirt and threw it to the side. Though you had your back to her, you could feel Ellie’s gaze land on the black lace bra you’d decided on earlier. When you shed your pajama shorts, her eyes then drifted onto the matching black lace panties that left very little to the imagination. 
She quickly averted her stare as you turned to face her, not fully meeting each other’s eyes. 
“Do you think you could—?” You gestured to your dress next to her on the bed. 
“Yeah.” She said, picking it up before approaching you. 
You watched her face as she lifted the dress above your head. Her tense fingers gripped the collar tightly as you raised your arms. You felt goosebumps form where her hands inadvertently brushed against your skin, lowering the dress onto your figure. As you fit your head and arms through, she pulled the dress all the way down to your thighs. You tugged your hair out from the collar and let it fall behind you when your eyes met hers. 
“Uhh,” She said awkwardly. “Your lipstick…” 
Your right hand flew up to your mouth. 
“Oh shit, did it smudge—?” 
“Yeah, a little, but it’s okay, I got it.” 
Before you could react any further, Ellie licked her thumb and brought it to the edge of your bottom lip. It was as though your entire body was set on fire the exact second that you felt the wetness from her finger meet the corner of your mouth. Her eyebrows furrowed as she rubbed off the small streaks of smeared lipstick. You could have sworn she could hear how loud your heart was beating in the moment, feel the way it echoed through your entire body. You felt your mouth water as your eyes fell on her tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Someone could easily sneak into your room right now and rob you blind, the way you both remained completely encaptured in this moment. 
“There,” Ellie whispered. “Got it.” 
Her thumb slowly drifted from your lip to your cheek, her hand suddenly caressing your face. You were frozen in place, trying not to combust as every cell in your body danced fervently. Her ocean green irises kept darting back and forth between your eyes and your crimson lips. Both your mouths were parted, the unsaid at the tip of both your tongues, waiting for whoever was bravest to let the truth drip out. 
But instead, after what felt like twenty-five years, Ellie let her hand drop from your face back to her side. She swallowed and cleared her throat, breaking eye contact with you to stare at the floor. You blinked and gulped, quickly plummeting back to reality. 
“Th-thanks, El.” 
“No problem, bro.” 
“Bro.” Ugh. Okay, Ellie. 
You were far less clothed a minute ago, and yet somehow you now were feeling much more naked than ever before. 
“I-I think I left the shoes I want across the hall in Sidney’s room. Give me a sec?” 
“Yeah, man. Go ahead.” 
You nodded and retreated quickly out the door. As you shut it behind you, you leaned against it and clutched at your chest with both hands. 
Oh god, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck. What just happened? What the fuck. Fuck. 
Inside your room and unbeknownst to you, Ellie was leaning against her side of the door, quietly cursing to herself. 
“Did I really just fucking do that? What the fuck, oh my fucking god. God damn it. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
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“Hey, are you okay?” 
You blinked. 
“Yes! Sorry, just spaced out for a second.” 
You adjusted yourself under the covers to turn more towards Abby. Your previously glassy eyes met her concerned ones. 
“Was it that bad?” She joked. 
“No, oh my god, Abby,” You giggled, covering your face with your hands. “I think you getting me to cum twice in less than a minute speaks for itself.” 
Abby smirked. 
“Only twice? Wanna add a couple more to that?” She said, propping herself up on her elbow to look at you better. 
“I think my pussy needs a sec before you make her see heaven again.” You replied. 
“Mmm,” was all Abby said in reply, drinking in your naked figure in her bed. 
The rest of the evening seemed surreal. Ellie had watched you finish getting ready, remaining mostly quiet for the rest of the time. She didn’t touch you again, almost as if she was afraid to. She’d walked you partway to Abby’s building before giving the excuse that she had some client she needed to meet. Her signature Converse stormed off without a second glance back at you. As you waved her off, you thought about how she didn’t have anything on her to sell, and you both knew it. 
Throughout the entire night with Abby, though you allowed yourself to unwind and have some fun for once, your thoughts still continued to dance back incessantly to your auburn-haired friend. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Abby asked. 
“Just taking a minute and being impressed by you.” 
Abby laughed. 
“So not that bad, huh?” She joked. “But really. What’s up?” 
You pursed your lips. You liked Abby, but she did not need to know all about this “friendship” of yours with Ellie. 
“Not gonna lie,” You said, quickly coming up with a lie. “I was feeling really guilty before coming here tonight. Just cause Adriana’s your friend and we just broke up.” 
It wasn’t completely far from the truth. You were feeling guilty about seeing Abby after Adriana. But she wasn’t the lesbian who you couldn’t get out of your head all night. 
“Mm, that does make sense.” Abby replied, understanding. “It’s true, though. What I said earlier. Adriana did say it was okay.” 
Sometime after you’d arrived at Abby’s dorm and before you’d both dropped the pretense of you coming over just to “hang out,” Abby disclosed that she’d asked for Adriana’s permission to fool around with you already. You were a bit surprised, but pleasantly so. You did come here tonight with specific intentions, but it did relieve you to know that Adriana meant it when she’d expressed no ill will towards you. And it kindled a warmth in you that Abby’d gone into this prepared and still with the respect of her friend. 
“No, I know,” You said, the crease between your eyebrows crinkling as you thought up a quick lie. “I just… I still like Adriana as a person and I didn’t want my wandering vagina to get in the way of your friendship with her.” 
Abby suddenly guffawed, her laugh so infectious and genuine that it made you giggle in response. 
“D-did you just say ‘wandering vagina,’ oh my g—” She chortled. “Never heard that before.” 
You shrugged, smiling at how easily amused Abby has been turning out to be. 
“You say the strangest shit, you know?” Abby said, still chuckling. 
“What can I say? It’s a gift.” You replied, to which Abby smiled. 
“But really though,” Abby continued. “You don’t have to worry about me and Adriana. We’re still cool; nothing’s changed in our friendship. You both told me you weren’t serious, and she’s also just someone who’s never been possessive or jealous as a person. We’re all adults here, so no need to feel guilty. I promise.” 
“Yeah, that…that does help.” You said, hoping that answer would suffice for Abby. 
Abby seemed like she wanted to press more but decided against it. Instead, she grabbed your hips all of a sudden and lifted you up to place you on top of her, making you straddle her waist. 
“Wh—Abby!” You said, startled. Your arms instinctively flew up to cover your bare breasts, the bed covers no longer shrouding your nakedness. 
Abby chuckled, reaching up to your wrists and pulling them away from your chest. 
“Anyone ever tell you how cute you are when you have such a serious thinking face on?” She said. 
A bashful look crossed your face as you stuttered a quiet “no” in response. 
Abby smirked, dropping your wrists and placing her hands on your waist, tracing up and down your inner thighs with her thumbs. Your breath hitched and you gulped, feeling yourself instinctively grind against her. 
“Well, you are.” She said. “And you’re cute, acting all shy about being naked in front of me like I wasn’t just knuckles deep inside you ten minutes ago.” 
You bit your lip, partly from embarrassment and partly because Abby’s tracing of your thighs turned into squeezing. 
“Y-you w-weren’t… knuckles-deep…” You stammered. 
Abby chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 
“Why the hell are you correcting me on how far inside of you I was anatomically?” She asked, extremely amused. 
“I don’t know!” You said, flustered and rolling your eyes. 
Abby chuckled, wrapping a muscular arm around your waist to keep you steady as she sat up to be at eye-level with you. With her free hand, she firmly gripped your chin between her large fingers and forced your eyes to meet hers. 
“You’re very easy to fluster, you know.” She whispered. 
“I-I—” was all that you could get out before Abby’s lips found yours. The sentence you’d meant to continue instead turned into a quiet shriek of surprise then into a lustful sigh that melted into the kiss. 
Not ten seconds later, Abby pulled away slightly, a cocky look on her face. 
“Any more anatomical complaints, then?” She murmured. 
“Not at all, Dr. Anderson.” You chuckled breathlessly. 
You jolted as Abby laughed again all of a sudden, grabbing both your shoulders for support. 
“Was it… that funny?” You chuckled, a little confused. 
“No, no, I’m sorry,” Abby said. “It’s just that—my dad was Dr. Anderson.” 
“Your dad?” 
“Yeah, he was a doctor.” She explained. “Before he passed, he used to be a surgeon back when my family and I lived in Utah.” 
Shit, her dad. Of course. 
Abby had mentioned her father to you several times already. You didn’t know much about him other than the fact that Abby completely adored the man and that he had died when she was only 16. 
“Right, makes sense.” You said, wrapping your arms around her neck. 
Abby’s father didn’t seem like an off-limits topic with her. In fact, you were in awe of how at peace she was with it. She seemed happy to talk about her dad, somehow able to acknowledge his passing and yet speak of him as if he was always present in a way. She didn’t make it uncomfortable to ask about him, and you often had the impression that she actually preferred it when others didn’t fuss over it. So you made sure not to. 
“So no to calling you Dr. Anderson, then?” You asked. 
“Well, actually,” Abby embraced your waist and pulled you closer to her body. “Kind of studying to be a doctor. Like him.” 
“Wait, really?” You replied, a bit of shock in your voice. “How did I not know that?” 
“Don’t really know, pretty girl,” She replied, smirking. “Got too distracted by my washboard abs to notice?” 
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up.” You scoffed, smiling and rolling your eyes. 
Abby chuckled before leaning into your neck to leave trails of kisses. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re also very cute when you have a little bit of an attitude?” She asked, lifting her head up slightly in between kisses. 
“Mm, I don’t know,” You sighed, pulling her further into you and trying not to grind too eagerly against her once again. “Maybe once or twice. But why don’t you remind me, Dr. Anderson?” 
You heard Abby suddenly moan in your ear, almost growling, before you were suddenly thrown on your back onto the bed. Any words that meant to roll off your tongue were replaced instead with cries of pleasure as your knees were pried apart with Abby’s strong hands, her mouth finding ways to answer your question without words. 
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Present Day 
“So still planning on becoming a surgeon, then?” You ask. 
“Starting med school immediately after I graduate this year.” Abby replies. 
“Wow,” You say, impressed. “That’s really soon. Are you nervous about it?” 
“Hmm, not nervous, exactly,” Abby replies, thinking. “I grew up around doctor shit, so I have a tiny idea of what I’m facing. I’m choosing to stay positive about it all for now.” 
“Commendable,” You smile. “How the hell have you been surviving all your pre-med shit with sports and all?” 
“Hey,” She says, shrugging. “You said it yourself. I’m basically a superhero.” 
You chuckle. You’ve forgotten just how confident Abby is and how attractive it was to see it in action. 
“Right, of course. How could I forget?” 
“You know, maybe if I really was Wonder Woman, I could attend my next class and get a coffee with you right now. If you’re not busy, that is.” 
“That is not how Wonder Woman works, Abby.” You say, giggling. 
“Oh, whatever.” Abby laughs, rolling her eyes. “Forgot just how much of a nerd you were, pretty girl.” 
“Hey—” You start. 
“YO ABS, are you gonna throw that shit back or keep flirting with hot chicks?!” A voice behind Abby calls. 
Abby grunts in annoyance, turning around to face her friend Jordan who was several feet away from where you both were. 
“Stop throwing like a little bitch and we wouldn’t be having this problem, dumbass!” She calls back at him, to which he replies with a playful, “Oh, fuck off!”
You watch as Abby draws back, arms flexing as she throws the football in a quick, perfect spiral towards Jordan. He catches it, but not before it makes a loud thud against his chest. 
“OW, FUCK—" He shouts in pain. 
“Dumbass!” She hollers in response. 
You're both chuckling when she turns back to face you. 
“Need to go?” You ask. 
“Didn’t you hear? I’m busy flirting with hot chicks. Well, just one hot chick.” 
Your purse your lips, sheepish. 
“So,” She said. “Coffee?” 
“Abby, you just said you had a class to get to in a bit. Also,” You gesture to your mostly-empty coffee cup still next to you in the grass. “Beat you to the punch.” 
“Ah, fuck.” 
“Sorry,” You chuckle. “I’ve also got class in,” You checked your phone for the time. “Around five minutes or so.” 
“Wow, you really wanna avoid getting a coffee with me that bad, huh?” 
“Oh, absolutely. I premeditatedly mapped out my entire class schedule this semester just so I didn’t have to hang out with you right at this moment.” You joke. 
“I knew it.” 
You laugh. 
“Can I at least walk you to class, though?” Abby asks. 
“Sure,” You replies. “But what about your class?” 
“Got a bit of time; don’t worry about it.” 
You smile before you gather your things together quickly. You reach for your coffee cup but it disappears suddenly before your hand is even inches from it.  
“Abby!” You exclaim, jumping up onto your feet as you quickly pull your backpack on. 
“What?” She questions, walking backwards while still facing you to throw your coffee cup away in a nearby trash can. 
“I can’t throw away my own trash?” 
“Just being helpful.” She says, shrugging. 
“You can’t be both a superhero and some chivalrous lesbian knight.” 
“I can do whatever I want, pretty girl.” 
You feel your face getting hot once more. 
“So,” She starts. “Which way is your next class?” She begins walking in the wrong direction. 
“About twenty feet east of where you’re heading, silly.” 
“Oh, uhh…” Abby stops in her tracks, eyebrows furrowed in concentration while processing your directions. 
You laugh and roll your eyes, grabbing her arm and leading her towards the building your next class was in. 
“Straley Hall, right in front of you, dummy. Remind me never to travel across the country with you.” You say. 
“What kind of nerd actually says ‘east’ when giving directions!” She complains. 
“That’s a perfectly normal thing to say!” 
“Why are the cutest girls always the weirdest ones?” Abby says, shaking her head. 
You looked away from her, trying to hide your embarrassed smile. 
“How are you supposed to save people’s lives when you don’t even understand simple directions, Dr. Anderson?” 
She smirks at your comment and her lips form to reply with a retort of their own. 
Just a few feet down the brick college road, Ellie stands frozen on the spot. Her hands are balled up in fists and her jaw is clenched. Her ocean green eyes trail after your unknowing figure, fixating on the wide smile on your lips as you let out peals of genuine laughter and your fingers still gently caressing the bicep of golden girl and star athlete, Abigail Anderson.
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author's notes:
HAHAHAHA "in case of a zombie apocalypse" get it, cause the game is set in a zomb—yeah y'all get it (sorry not really)
let's all take a brief sexy second together and imagine abby as amazon from themyscira... now let's all let out the collective horny sigh together.
thank you all for being so patient waiting for this one. life has been... yeah (if you've been keeping up with the personal stuff I've said on my blog the last week, that should add more context to what a shit my life has been recently). i've been having to push myself with writing lately cause i feel like i'm getting too into my head about it. but thank y'all so much for being supportive and all, thank you for not giving up on me!
not gonna lie, loves. i may have gotten extremely horny writing certain scenes in this and had to take multiple breaks because my mind was concocting too many distracting scenarios as a result (the ellie scene took me days to get through to write, i'm so dead serious, and the smut-adjacent abby scene almost turned into a full-fledged smut scene cause i'm such a fucking lesbian, oops, i genuinely had to restrain myself so i could write the story the way i actually have it planned out).
abby having no sense of direction at the end of the chapter is just a personal reference to me when i played tlou2 for the first time and when i was playing as abby at the very start when she's mad at owen for getting mel pregnant and trying to go after joel on her own, i got lost for like 10 minutes just going in circles in the fucking woods and snow like a moron. just wanted to be a little bit silly by creating no sense of direction!abby hehe
taglist: @lonelyfooryouonly, @elliesinterlude, @sawaagyapong, @peppesgirl, @iconsoft, @maybeidohaveadhd, @ellieswifee, @valiantllamapersonpony-blog, @nil-eena, @echostinn, @uraesthete, @softbunlvr, @cherriessxinthespring, @amitycat, @chrissyfishywissy, @yevheniiaaa, @machetegirl109, @bertandfearnie, @ximtiredx, @efam, @elliesnoviecita, @oatmilkchaii, @tayyyystan, @emothurman, @livvy-2000, @abigaillovestoread, @gold-dustwomxn, @liabadoobee, @yuckyfucky, @ximtiredx, @qtefolleunpez, @libr4sonsa
1K notes · View notes
strawberrystepmom · 4 months ago
shifting sands and the fingers they fall through | two
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cw: discussion of an injury reader has with mentions of blood, pus, and infection. reader is also described as smaller/shorter than law. trafalgar law x fisherman f!reader. | word count: 3.1k, reading time: approx. 15 min.
note: this is a series. each post will contain warnings that pertain to that particular chapter. | part: one, three, four, five, six
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A gulls cry has been the constant alarm clock through your adulthood for as long as you can remember. It has also become your background music and dinner bell; the cry that reminds you that you’re alive even on days when you aren’t as pleased to wake up as one perhaps should be. 
Mundanity can have that effect on a person or at least that’s what you’ve read in some of the silly self help novels you’ve been able to procure from the small island library.
You don’t have enough free time to do much but reading is how you prefer to spend those few precious moments. Nobody will admit it on the island, least of all the librarian, but they ask other islands to send new-to-everyone here books solely for you to enjoy. 
The gull woke and led you out to the shore this morning. It was a late night spent spearing flounder and coming up short. You’ve cast your net twice this morning, catching a few unimpressive but big enough to be sold mackerel. 
You’re unlucky today but at least you’re at peace.
A contented sigh escapes while casting your net back into the shallow, turquoise water a third time. Your eyes aren’t looking down at the foamy waves, they’re locked onto the horizon. If the sunrise were less spectacular you’d be upset to be here. Everything feels drenched in a glow that no other time of day can replicate and you get to enjoy it all by yourself, uninterrupted.
This is the type of loneliness you wish you felt perpetually. Happy to be alone, embracing the world around you with no expectations upon you. Instead that pang comes in the middle of a long night or when you can’t reach something on the top shelf at home or when you see one of the few other young women on the island hand in hand with the one they’ve chosen to fill their time with.
You learned to more or less accept loneliness as a consequence of freedom years ago, not long after you finally felt accepted by your fellow fisherman on this little gem settled amongst the waves. Arriving here as a stranger and a young one at that raised everyone’s hackles but you proved yourself trustworthy and hardworking, simply pleased to be away from the shackles your life would’ve become if you’d stayed where you came from.
Drawing your net back up to shore, you sigh when it comes up empty yet again. Footsteps pad through the sand and their cadence sounds familiar to you, similar to the ones heralding the man you assured you’d tend to your wound three days ago.
As assumed, you did not tend to it at all. You’ve been too busy to focus on how it throbs, the current fishing season passing quickly and your stall as busy as it always is. 
A chuckle rings from behind you. It’s quiet enough you’d miss it if others were around. It mingles with the waves lapping at your feet, encouraging you to look over your shoulder even though you refuse out of spite at this point. 
You know it has to be this enigmatic man, Law, based off of the way your skin prickles with awareness of his stare just as it did a few days prior. Something about him makes your body react. It could just be an overreaction to someone new. Your best guess is that you are anticipating his imminent lecture and that’s why everything about you feels off right now, your usual go with the flow approach failing.
“How’d redoing those stitches go?”
Now you turn around, dropping your net at your feet and pursing your lips. He looks charmingly mussed up, wearing a tan button down shirt with too few buttons fastened instead of the blue t-shirt you saw him in prior. The unenthused look on your face remains although your traitorous eyes take a peek at the tanned, tattooed skin he’s showing off.
You’re caught in the act, of course. He rolls his shoulders when he catches your roving glance and you almost believe you see the faintest hint of a smirk on his face, those hands shoved deep in the pockets of his pants that are as unique as the rest of him. 
It’s the closest you’ve come to a smile or really anything that isn’t, in your opinion, overt disinterest from the man. It brings back that same feeling you had during your first meeting, stomach turning and feet itching to get away.
You promptly look away while pretending to busy yourself with your net, cheeks warm. It makes you wonder why he approached at all if only to give you a hard time which only makes your face heat further.
“Didn’t have the time. I’m a busy girl, you know.”
Grunting his initial response, he takes a few steps to close the distance between you two. You jump back a few steps, pretending that they were necessary to untangle your net. Law pauses, eyebrow raised.
“Does your health mean nothing to you?”
Sighing, you drop the net at your feet and fold your arms over your chest in an ill guided attempt to puff yourself up. He’s intimidating, not just in expression and brusque conversation, but in stature too - broad and twice your size. You’re no stranger to dealing with men who talk a big game but an eerie feeling in your gut makes you believe that this man could back it up. 
This stranger who insists on disrupting your day, your silent, peaceful beach time with you and the foam and the fish. Agitation gnaws and you tilt your head to the side curiously, brows raised.
“Why do you care what a woman you don’t know does with her body?”
It appears you have finally taken control of the situation judging by the way he slowly blinks like he’s processing what you said. Then he shakes his head, rolling his eyes enough that it’s your turn to catch it and scoff.
“I’m a doctor. It’s my responsibility to care.”
Although that isn’t enough to explain to him why he cares. As a principle, he believes men like him should not take a vested interest in the wellbeing of civilians. Pirates live a life that few can understand and certainly not simple fisherman on an island that he and his crew are currently taking a brief respite on.
“Then care about someone else,” you shoot back with a smile, finally bending to reach for your net and walking a few steps closer to shore, back toward your unexpected guest. The gentle morning waves wash over your boots. He watches as you toss, seabreeze ruffling the end of your shorts.
Unburying one hand from his pocket, he scrubs it over his face defeatedly. You’re just an honest person trying to make a living as difficult as you are. That’s why he cares. Not this strange draw he feels, a little poke between his ribs every time he thinks about the unique woman from the fish stall.
“My ship has an infirmary. I can take care of it since you apparently refuse to.”
You glance over your shoulder, a single brow raised.
“I try to avoid following strange men anywhere.”
Law sighs, exasperated. 
“We aren’t strangers, we’ve met before. You even know my name.”
You shake your head, heaving your net back toward shore. “And that suddenly makes you perfectly upstanding and trustworthy?”
He doesn’t miss the wince that flashes across your face when the knotted fibers drag across your arm and subsequently the wound. Looking into the weave, you frown when no fish are flopping around and prepare your arm to cast again but stop when your arm twinges. 
The doctor shakes his head, pulling his other hand from out of his pocket and folding his arms over his chest. If he can’t reason with you, he believes he may know another way to convince you yet.
“I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. Let it fall off for all I care.”
Worked like a charm. That caught your attention, the ever astute man notices. The defiant smirk on your face falls, eyes widening in horror instead. 
“Can that really happen?”
Internally he’s nearly aghast at your naivety but he nods once, face unchanging. He could sever it himself if he were to use his abilities, it would probably be less trouble than getting you to take him seriously would be but something tells him to be patient. You are a little prickly, perhaps distrustful, but you don’t seem to lack sense enough to dismiss his help a second time. 
“Fine. But promise you aren’t going to steal my organs or hurt me in any way first.”
He snorts, shaking his head.
“I’m not promising anything. You can let me look at it or you can suffer, those are your options.”
You contemplate the suffering option for a second until your arm aches again. This draws a dramatic groan from you, your empty net tossed over your shoulder. It’s so rare that you need help from anyone for any reason but this is out of your wheelhouse. It’s time to take what’s being offered to you, albeit reluctant.
“Lead the way then, doctor.”
Thankfully Polar Tang isn’t submerged and waiting terribly far from where you stand right now. It’s how he stumbled upon you anyway, walking the shore before the rest of the crew decided to greet the day. 
Things are already off to a strange start but once he gets this done, he can stop worrying about you completely and move on with his life.
You’ve never been aboard a submarine before and admittedly, you kind of would be alright not doing it again. Or maybe just not this one, its grumpy captain leading you inside and instructing you to remain quiet and walk straight in the direction he’s pointing which must be toward that infirmary he talked about. 
When the two of you finally arrive, he shuts the door tightly behind you and instructs you to sit down near a stainless steel bench attached to the wall. While you do so he grabs his glasses off of the bench and a pair of gloves and snaps them on, leaning over you and grabbing your arm to stretch it across the table.
“This won’t take too long.”
You nod once, sitting in the stool and looking around at the incredibly clean environment he calls his own. It’s strange and you never would have considered looking at him that this is how he maintains his space. It seems like a direct contrast to the man in front of you who seems at least a little bit rough around the edges.
You suppose the same could be said about you though, precise in your work despite everything else about you being flighty at best, so you keep your opinion to yourself. It’s kind enough of him to see you in the first place that you don’t want to make him mad and potentially end up without an arm if his claims were to come true.
Noises on the other side of the steel walls capture your attention and Law groans, looking up from his work for the briefest moment.
“Go away. I won’t tell you again.”
He doesn’t raise his voice because he doesn’t have to, the low growl clearly enough to send the several pairs of feet eavesdropping outside of the medical bay door scurrying. You giggle, shaking your head.
“Friends of yours?” 
Law’s face is unchanging, glasses perched on his nose while he leans back in.
“My crew. I assumed they’d still be sleeping but apparently I was wrong.”
“Oh, a crew!” You exclaim and he shoots you a warning glance encouraging you to be quiet lest they catch wind of the fact not only a stranger but a female one is onboard. “Sorry, I was kind of excited to hear you aren’t traveling all alone. You seem like the type that does.”
A strange thing to say but he chuckles so quietly you believe you imagined it, that same thumb from three days ago holding your arm as though it’s made of glass. That feeling of being seen and not simply viewed returns, settling strangely while you kick your feet back and forth where they dangle. 
“Do you guys go around the world and help people like this all the time?”
Reaching for his scissors that are in a cup on the table behind you, he shakes his head once but his eyes never move from your wound. He cuts through one of your poor stitches and then another, the tension keeping the cut closed finally releasing and showing you just how much pain you’re about to be in. You play it cool, kicking your feet a little harder to focus on something besides how bad it hurts and finally, he speaks.
“No. We’re pirates.”
Staring wide eyed at the man, you try to will your face to change before he can look up and catch the expression. Unfortunately, you failed and he looks over the top of his glasses, mouth set in a flat line.
 “What? Are you scared?”
“No no no, just surprised is all,” you chirp, playing off your anxiety. “You’re helping me so I have no judgment either way. Besides, I don’t have much a pirate would be interested in anyway.”
Trafalgar could name a few things about you the pirates he knows would be very interested in but he keeps them to himself, squeezing the edges of your wound together to release any lingering pus. You wince but swallow it down, tough girl that you are, gnawing your lower lip and flaring your nostrils as you breathe through the sting.
“How did this,” he nods and you know what he’s nodding toward. ”happen?” 
You swallow thickly, blinking fast to keep from crying.
“Uh, it was nighttime. I was by myself and something was caught in my nets that wouldn’t come out. I tried to cut it out and ended up cutting myself instead.” Sniffling, you wrinkle your nose to keep any further show of pain or emotion from arising. “Cut the net too which really sucks.”
The pain is immense but manageable while he cuts through a few more of the stitches, gently squeezing as he goes. It’s bad but it isn’t as infected as he thought, fighting off annoyance at your utter recklessness like he should care or something. 
“I hate to break it to you but maybe you shouldn’t be doing things on your own if this is the outcome.”
Contrary to the immediate offended glare you cast toward him, you have to admit to yourself that he may be correct. This time wasn’t the first you’ve ever injured yourself alone and as long as it isn’t the last, you have always sort of just considered things even but this is bad. It aches. Every stitch he pops releases the tension of the thread and you hiss through your teeth. 
“You’re probably right,” you admit aloud, feet no longer kicking out and instead planted firmly against the legs of the chair to brace yourself for the worst of the pain to come. “But all I have is me so I do what I have to.”
The remark about his crew suddenly makes more sense. He hums, reaching for cotton and disinfectant solution to clean now that it’s squeezed out and the stitches are gone. 
“Then you need to be more careful,” he warns, that cursed thumb finally letting go of you so he can use both hands to soak the cotton with the solution. He gently swipes it across the surface and he feels the tension in your body return.
“This is what happens when you get hurt and ignore it. It’s a pain in the ass and it hurts when it comes time to fix it.”
Frowning, you can hardly hide your displeasure over his poor bedside manner. Not that you’ve been to many doctors in your adulthood outside of the one who occasionally comes to do semi annual checkups for everyone who lives here but you assumed being a doctor meant you kind of had to be nice. 
“I’ve learned my lesson.”
Your words are dripping with sarcasm but he ignores them, stepping on the trash can pedal beneath the bench and tossing the cotton in there. He moves as swiftly as you’ve ever seen anyone work and procures a needle and thread also from the bench behind you. That thumb touches the outside of your arm, again, and he pauses a moment to look up at you.
It’s obvious that you’re in pain and pretending like everything is fine. He gets the sense you do that a lot. Not that it’s his problem but he feels obligated to take the best care of you that he can while this situation is happening so he speaks slowly.
“This is going to be the worst part.”
You nod.
“It was when I did it too.”
At least you can laugh about it. 
Gently poking through one side of the wound with the needle, he pulls it through and you see a tidy line of thread left behind. Far better than the messy, knotted, too big stitches you had before. He continues his pattern - poke, pull, weave - and you marvel at the quality of his work. It’s clear he takes his duties as a doctor seriously and a wave of gratefulness washes over you. Sure he hasn’t been the nicest man alive but the fact he’s done this at all tells you that he isn’t all that bad no matter how he acts.
“Thank you.” You want to leave it there, mouth opening and then closing again, but you don’t feel right saying that and nothing else. “I don’t know why I’m even telling you this but I’m not good at asking for help or accepting it either. Most people give up after I shoo them off the first time so I guess thanks for not taking me seriously.”
Finishing the final stitch, he cuts off the thread and looks directly up at you. 
“Yeah, well it’s not like it was hard or took a lot of time.” 
Averting his gaze back down to his work to give it a final inspection, he considers telling you he’ll check in again to make sure it’s healing right. It isn’t his responsibility now that the work is done but your honesty has convinced him you aren’t very good at looking out for yourself.
“Alright, I’ll walk you back up to shore.”
You’ll have to figure out how to do it without him because once you leave this ship, he won’t bother trying to see you again.
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system-to-the-madness · 3 months ago
Fire Bending - Zuko x Reader
Word Count: 2 329 Warnings: kidnapping, slavery, human trafficking, colonialism, mentions of: torture, physical violence, death Summary: You learn about a camp where your kidnapped sister might be held, so Zuko and you head out to find her   A/N: Part Seven of the series Perfect (10 times Zuko thought you were perfect and the first time he told you)
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It was the middle of the night, when Zuko woke up. Staring at the fabric to the tent stretching over his head, he wondered whether there was a specific reason why he had woken up. There was no noise outside, no storm or rain, no voices, no footsteps either.
It had been not even a full day since he had come back to ember island with you after saving your sister. Upon your arrival in the middle of the night, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki and Toph had welcomed you excitedly, immediately making sure Xiang got as much to eat as she liked and preparing a tent for her, even though she ended up sleeping in yours. Zuko had slept in late that day, and after he had gotten up, had learnt more about Xiang’s story, which just had reinforced his resolve in making sure the school, and any other of its kind would be disband after his father had been defeated.
The whole day Zuko had wanted to talk more to you, about your Fire Bending, about your sister and family, about anything at all, really, as long as it gave him an excuse to talk to you. But you had been so busy with taking care of your sister, getting her new clothes, food, introducing her to everyone around, that there had only been little time for him, and while Zuko felt a little frustrated, he could perfectly understand your priorities.
After a few minutes of laying in the dark, he started feeling more awake than sleepy, and thus decided that perhaps it was time to get up. Crawling out of his tent, he found the night was warm, making the combination of his simple tunic together with his trousers enough to not get cold. Quickly he slipped into his sandals and snuck past the other tents. A soft glow, emitted by some glow-stone Toph had found for Xiang, shone from your tent, and for a moment Zuko was tempted to see whether you were awake, but reminded himself just in time that it was the middle of the night. So instead, he crept on, quietly making his way past the tents and towards the beach. He had always loved this beach. It was secluded, sealed away from the other beaches by the spiky rocks the island was made of. The only ways to access it were the stairs that lead down from his family’s holiday home or the cliff on which team Avatar had taken up camp. Even during the busiest days of the summer, nobody ever came down to this beach, except for him and his family. But it had to have been years since either of them had last relaxed in the white sand.
All the more he was surprised, when he now spotted some figure close to the water, lit up in the moonlight. It only took him a moment to recognize the person as you, and he almost would have called out your name, when suddenly the glow of fire, originating in your palms, lit up your face. Were you practicing Fire Bending? He stopped in his tracks and watched as the flame died down again, only to grow back a moment later. You were timing the size of the flame with your breathing, he realized. It was an exercise his teachers had made him do for hours on end when he had first started out learning how to Fire Bend. How did you know about that? Had you come up with this yourself?
He wasn’t sure whether he had made a sound or a movement you had noticed, but suddenly the flames died down completely, and you called his name.
“Zuko, is that you?”
Quickly he nodded and slithered down the last meter to the sand.
“Yeah, it is,” he answered, walking over to where you stood at the water. “What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you admitted. “What about you?”
“Me neither,” he shrugged. “You were practicing Fire Bending?”
“Not really…”
“Show me,” he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest and earning an eye roll from you.
“But don’t laugh, okay,” you requested.
Really? Why would he laugh at you? You were practicing, and any kind of practice was admirable, not something to be belittled.
Zuko kept those thoughts to himself and only nodded before he watched you lift your hands in front of you, the right hand, palm facing downwards hovering over your left hand, its palm facing up.
You inhaled deeply and with the exhale, a flame flickered alight between your palms, it danced and flickered, as if threatening to go out again, and as you inhaled again, it did. It disappeared into a small cloud of smoke and reappeared as you exhaled once more, still as fragile and small as the first time around.
“This already looks pretty promising,” Zuko nodded approvingly. “What made you think to time it with your breathing?”
You let your hands sink to your sides and shrugged.
“Back when I was still living in Yu Dao, before we moved to the earth kingdom, there were kids in my school who were Fire Benders. They always would show off their Bending with this exercise,” you recalled.
So, you hadn’t figured it out by yourself? Zuko was almost relieved, otherwise he’d have to deal with the most brilliant Fire Bender the world had ever seen. But then again, you had, without any training whatsoever, produced fire spears, so you still might be considered more talented than even his father.
“But I can’t seem to keep the flame around,” you admitted. “It always extinguishes when I inhale.”
Zuko nodded. “It’s hard to maintain the flame for a longer period of time,” he agreed. “But it’s a good exercise. May I ask why you’re training down here, at night? And not up on the cliff during the day?”
You averted your eyes almost shamefully, making a knot appear in Zuko’s stomach.
“I don’t want the others to be scared. And if I lose control over the fire, I can use the sea water to extinguish it.”
“I see…” Zuko watched you for a moment. “You know, the moon and the water are making it harder for you to bend, right? Water is the natural opposite of fire. Just like Aang struggled with Earth Bending, because it’s the natural opposite of Air Bending. Us Fire Benders, you know, we’re the most powerful in the sun. You’re throwing boulders in your way if you train by moonlight this close to the water.”
“But what if I lose control? I can’t let anyone get hurt!”
“Well,” Zuko stepped forward and grabbed your wrist softly, guiding you a few steps away from the water. “I’m here now. Let’s bring some distance between you and the water, and if you lose control, I’m here to help, alright?”
You nodded and allowed him to guide you into the middle of the beach, a safe distance away from both the cliffs and the water, over which the horizon was gradually growing brighter. The night was almost over.
“Now try again,” he encouraged, and you lifted your hands once more, summoning the small flame. It still extinguished upon your inhale, but this time it seemed to flicker less.
“Can I give you some tips,” Zuko asked, making you drop your hands again and you nodded. “First of all: your hands. You’re holding them very stiffly away from your body. Try holding them like this instead.”
He reached out, carefully adjusting your hands so your elbows were bent and your hands closer to your body.
“Having the fire so close can be scary, but it allows for better control of the flame,” he told you.
“Okay,” you breathed, trying to calm down.
“And your stance… you’re standing very straight. Try to bring your feet apart a little, like this, and bend your knees.” Zuko demonstrated what he was trying to explain, watching your attempt to mirror him.
“Like this?”
“Hm, almost,” Zuko tilted his head, trying to remember how his teachers had guided him when he had been little. They had always stood behind him, guiding his small body’s movements with their own body. “May I?”
You nodded even though you didn’t really seem to know what he was up to, and he felt you stiffen up, when he walked around you, standing right behind your back.
“Your feet need to be a little more like this,” he instructed, placing his hands at your waist and using his foot to adjust yours. “And bend your knees a little.” Using his own knee, he nudged yours from behind and into the right position. “And now you just have to take your hands like this…”
He let go of your waist and reached around you, taking your wrists and maneuvered them to where he thought they needed to be.
And suddenly he realized the position the two of you were in. Him, standing behind you, his whole front pressed to your back, you completely trusting him not to hurt you. After months and months of chasing you and threatening to hurt your friends, you now stood so close to him, utterly defenceless. And all Zuko could think about was how nice your body felt against his, warm and alive.
“Zuko? Uhm…”
Zuko had frozen in place and only your slightly confused voice tore him out of his stupor.
“What do I do now?”
Quickly he let go of you and stumbled backwards, apologizing over and over again.
“I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry, I didn’t realize-”
“Zuko, Zuko!”
Your call for his name interrupted his rambling as you caught his wrist in your hand the same way he had done so many times with yours already.
“It’s okay, you hear? I would’ve said something if I had minded.”
You were standing too close; he couldn’t think properly. All he could think about was how beautiful you looked, with the sky that kept growing brighter reflecting in your eyes and your face so close to his. It wasn’t fair, really. How perfect you were all the time. It made catching a clear thought very hard.
Instead, all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss you. Yeah, it was a stupid, romantic idea, kissing you, his former enemy, during a sunrise at the beach. But what else was he supposed to think with how close you had moved to him, your hand still around his, the other one lightly resting against his chest where his heart seemed to be beating twice as hard as it usually did. Could you really blame him for having such thoughts now?
His eyes skipped to your lips, and he was sure he had to be blushing, but if you minded, you didn’t mention it. Instead, he realized that your own eyes had skipped to his lips as well, and a moment later a smile tucked at your lips as you looked back up to his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?”
Zuko couldn’t help the furrow that appeared between his brows. He had never asked Mai if she wanted him to kiss her, nor had she asked him. Getting asked was… it was nice. It felt like he had some sort of control over the situation, when really, he felt anything but control over the way his thoughts were so completely focused on you and his heart beating harder than he had ever imagined possible.
Instead of answering, he just nodded weakly, watching how your eyes skipped back and forth between his eyes and lips a few times before you slowly leant in, brushing your lips against his. The kiss was awkward and slow, but at the same time it was the best kiss Zuko could imagine. It made his heart soar, and as ridiculous as it sounded, it made him feel like he was where he belonged. As if something had snapped into place, and he was finally on the right track. Everything seemed so clear in this moment, clearest of all that you and he were made for each other.
You gasped against his lips as he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to his body, but wrapped your arms around his neck, making him smile into the kiss. When had been the last time he had been this happy? He couldn’t remember. Had he ever been? Feeling your body against his, your lips, your hands, it made him feel like after all that had happened, he might still have the chance for a happy end, one where he was actually happy and not just at the place, he had always imagined he should be at.
By the time you moved away from the gentle, and truthfully rather innocent kisses he had been sharing with you, the sun had risen over the horizon, blinding him as he blinked his eyes open. You were smiling at him, and for a long moment he couldn’t understand why life should ever be anything other than kissing under the sunrise.
“Do you… ahm… do you want to try Fire Bending again,” he offered, suddenly feeling awkward, but at the same time utterly content with this latest development.
Determined you nodded.
“Now with the sun up it should be easier, right,” you asked, turning in his arms so your back was turned to him. “What was the stance again? Like this?”
You tried assuming the stance Zuko had guided you into earlier, making him smile.
“Almost,” he nodded, moving closer behind you, the smile on his lips broadening as he felt you relax against him. “Just bend your knees more like this.”
By the time the rest of the team woke up, you were still not able to produce a continuous flame, but the flames you did produce were a lot more stable. And Zuko was grinning from one ear to the other for no apparent reason at all.
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months ago
Or: Post-Bad Romance, Cell tries to adjust to life on Quesadilla Island.
For Spiderbit Week Day Four: Murder Husbands
The island is a prison. And Cell knows prisons.
There are the wardens: the mysterious blank-faced bear things with guns and clipboards that follow the prisoners around asking questions and watching.
There are the prisoners: the idiots trapped on an island paradise and seemingly unwilling to try and escape.
There are the cells: buildings and statues and neighborhoods that the prisoners were allowed to make themselves that have security cameras watching every entrance and exit that the prisoners don't seem to know-slash-care about.
So. Prison.
"Pai? Why are you staring at Mister Roier like that?"
Prison. With children.
"Don't call me that," Cell snaps. "And he likes it, that's why. Go somewhere else."
The kid- assigned by the faceless overlords- just smiles cheekily in response. He clasps his hands behind his back and rocks onto his heels, head tilting slightly.
"Pais Tazer e Craft said I'm not supposed to talk to you," Richarlyson innocently says. His eyes are hidden behind his curls, but Cell can imagine that they're glittering mischievously.
Now, Cell knows that the kid is an evil genius. Like recognizes like: Cell doesn't remember much from his childhood, but he remembers looking at himself in a puddle of blood one morning after breakfast and seeing a smile that he recognizes now every time that he and Richarlyson see each other.
Richarlyson is a master manipulator. He's not even ten years old, but he can already poke and prod his government-assigned parents into doing what he wants. He hides behind childhood innocence and sweet smiles and sweeter words, but he's also a little asshole.
Of course, Roier adores him.
Of course, Cell doesn't want anything to do with him.
But what he does want is whatever Pac and Mike don't want, so he scowls and shoves his hands into his pockets and looks away.
Content, Richarlyson plops onto the grass and props his chin up in the palms of his hands. He watches Roier just as Cell was doing a moment ago, which is bound to make Roier fucking ecstatic.
Or, well, it would if Roier knew that the two of them were there watching him.
Since arriving on the island a week ago, Roier has managed to find himself an entirely new little family. He squeezed into their relationship like a strangler fig, and Jaiden and Bobby accepted him with open arms.
("Friendship", apparently. That's the thing the prisoners care about the most besides their artificially-created government spawn.
Friendship, and communication.
Idealists. Idiots.)
Roier has moved in with Jaiden and Bobby. He's decided that he's Bobby's father. He's decided that Cell is Bobby's other father, and he got Cell to agree with a knife subtly poking into his side.
Cell, meanwhile, lives in a cave. It reminds him too much of the island- the other island, not this one, but it's also natural, and the wardens don't know where it is. He's searched the area a dozen times over by now: no cameras.
One day, if he and Roier are stuck here long enough, he'll hollow it out by hand. He needs a place to keep his tools. He needs a place to hide his bed so nobody can destroy it.
He needs a place to torture Pac and Mike and teach him what real friendship looks like. Roier will be by his side, and they'll show them.
Cell doesn't miss Roier, though.
At all.
They spent three weeks practically together in the Brazilian countryside, and Roier is annoying, and Cell has had enough of him.
Roier is the only person besides Cell to know where the cave is. And he'll be the only one there when Cell shows Pac and Mike a real partnership. Because he and Roier are partners.
That's it.
(When introducing themselves to the other prisoners, this is how they did it:
Roier: Hola, hola! My name is Roier, I am Mexican, and I am engaged to Cell!
Cell: You can call me Cell, and I'm going to kill every one of you someday.
Roier: [Glares at Cell pointedly.]
Cell: [Sighing] And Roier and I are partners.)
Cell definitely isn't just annoyed that Roier decided to go and live with two strangers and not him.
That would be ridiculous.
Today, Roier is working on the garden with Bobby, and Cell is watching him from a hilltop a fair distance away. Jaiden is asleep. (She'd be asleep forever if Cell had anything to say about it, but that would make Roier upset. So.)
Roier glows in the sunlight. With proper access to a shower and shampoo and skincare, he's positively ethereal. His nails are freshly painted. His eyeliner is meticulous. His hair looks soft.
Richarlyson cocks his head in his hands to look up at Cell.
"Why don't you just... go hang out with him? Aren't you guys getting married?"
Cell's scowl only deepens. "Do you see a ring on either of our hands?"
There aren't any. Roier hasn't gotten any, and Cell sure as hell isn't about to start begging the wardens for silver and gold like the other prisoners would. He has dignity. He'll just dig up the materials himself and make them into rings. Somehow.
He scuffs the toe of his boot against the grass, kicking up some into the air.
"Besides," he says, voice softer despite his attempts to remain objective, "he's busy with his kid."
Roier had mentioned once that he had a child. His asshole (piece of shit bastard motherfucker evil-) ex killed the kid, and Roier killed the ex.
Cell doesn't know how old Roier's kid was when it died, but Roier seems to be doing just fine with ten-year-old Bobby. It's like he was born to be a parent, he's just so kind. He's gentle. He teases Bobby, and he teases the other brats on the island, but he doesn't go out of his way to hurt them.
Roier's smile when he's around kids is entirely different than it is when he's around Cell. His eyes are different, they're... they're just different.
"You're literally also Bobby's dad," Richarlyson dryly responds.
He pauses, and then he asks, "Wait, does that make me Bobby's brother?"
"No," is Cell's immediate response. "You aren't even my son."
"No, I am. Cucurucho says so."
"And I say you're not. You have Felps."
"And Pais Pac and Mike."
A foul taste fills Cell's mouth.
"See?" he says. "You already have plenty of parents. You don't need me."
"Maybe," Richarlyson acknowledges. He smiles, and Cell can't tell if he means it or not. "But I want you. You're cool!"
"I know that," Cell scoffs. "But you shouldn't be hanging around a killer, kid. None of the other kids will want to play with you."
"So what? They don't like me, anyway."
Ducking his head to look at the grass, Richarlyson starts tearing some of it up.
Cell winces. He... doesn't know how to deal with kids. It just isn't what he does. It's what Roier, does, but Roier is busy with his actual family now.
In the garden, Roier laughs. He drops a flower onto Bobby's head and ducks away playfully as Bobby swings his sword at him in retaliation.
(Roier's smile is beautiful. Cell doesn't know what beauty is anymore, but he knows this.)
During the war, BadBoyHalo once told Cell that he was too kind. He wouldn't survive that way, and he almost didn't. He didn't start winning battles until he started being mean, and he's been mean ever since. That's simply how the world works.
Cell rolls his eyes up towards the sky. With a grumble, he settles onto the grass next to Richarlyson.
"You're too young to be depressed," Cell says. "So stop that. If the other brats don't want to talk to you, then don't talk to them. They're assholes. Fuck 'em."
Richarlyson frowns. "But that's mean. I want to be their friend."
"And they don't want to be yours. What are you going to do about it?"
Bobby is chasing Roier around the garden, now. Cell loves watching Roier move, he's so... wow with everything he does: long limbs, muscles. Wow.
Richarlyson doesn't say anything for a moment, so Cell takes the silence as an opportunity to keep watching Roier. He wasn't lying earlier, Roier loves to be watched. He practically begs Cell to do it, and Cell is happy enough to play along.
(Sure, Roier hasn't moved in with him, and he hasn't gotten Cell a ring, and he hasn't really done much with Cell, but he wants to be stalked. Fucking freak.)
(Cell isn't much of a stalker, but he'll do it for Roier. He'd do anything for Roier, and isn't that a novel thought? This is a real partnership, fuck you, Pac and Mike.)
Eventually, Richarlyson lets the grass in his fingers fly into the wind.
"I'll make them be my friends?" he tries, looking to Cell for approval.
Cell shakes his head. "That doesn't work. I've tried, trust me. In prison, you have to force people to be your friends. Those relationships don't last. They'll stab you in the back at the first chance of an escape."
"Uuuuugh, then what?" Richarlyson groans. "They all hate me!"
"How do you know?"
"Uh, because they're all siblings and I'm not related to them? Duh?"
Wow, what a stupid kid. He really is Felps' son.
Sighing, Cell nudges Richarlyson's head with his hand. He maybe ruffles the kid's hair a little, but not purposefully.
"They don't know you, idiot," he explains. "How can you be friends if you're strangers? Have you even tried talking to them?"
"No. Because they hate me."
"They don't trust you. Big difference."
Looking right at Roier, Cell continues: "Trust is the most important part of any relationship. From trust comes honesty, and from honesty comes everything else. You need to prove to the other kids that they can trust you."
Richarlyson leans into Cell's touch, still frowning. "Okay, but how?"
Cell shrugs and yanks his hand away. "Hell if I know."
"You trust Mister Roier."
"He's- he's. Roier." Cell's heart twists fondly in his chest. "I don't even know how he did it."
"Oh," says Richarlyson. He smiles, then. "That's nice. You two really are partners, aren't you?"
Cell scoffs, "Of course we are."
"So that's why he's been staring at you for the past, like, five minutes."
Cell blinks a few times, scrunches his eyebrows together.
Indeed, Roier is looking at him now. He's looking right at him, eyes glittering in the sun, smile so wide that his jaw has to be aching.
How did Cell not notice? Was he really so caught up with Richarlyson's kid drama? Ugh, he's getting weak. He needs to kill someone.
Roier waves a hand and shouts, "Gatinho!"
Cell raises his own hand in response. "Guapito."
"Come here! Bring our son with you!"
Richarlyson squirms happily at that.
"See?" he crows. "I am your son."
"Yeah, no," Cell huffs.
He stands, anyway, and he brushes the grass off of his pants.
He doesn't rush down the hill, not like Richarlyson does. He might run a little, and his heart might skip a beat as he gets closer, and his face might be fighting a smile, but he doesn't rush.
At all.
Roier meets him at the bottom of the hill with a hug so tight that Cell's lungs threaten to collapse inside of him.
"I missed you," Roier murmurs. "Don't leave me again."
Cell can't help it. He hugs Roier back just as tightly and grumbles, "Says the one ditching me to play house with some strangers. What do you mean, 'don't leave me again'?"
Roier gasps, and it sounds like he's going to cry for just a second.
But then he starts laughing, hard and loud.
"You're jealous!" he declares.
Cell feels himself flush red.
"No," he says, pushing himself out of Roier's grip and turning around entirely to face away from him. "I'm not."
But Roier just hugs him from behind, chin tucking itself right into the crook of Cell's neck.
"Thank you for watching me," he hums.
Cell grunts. For some reason, he can never speak properly around Roier. It's like his brain just shuts down, it's embarrassing.
He doesn't like being held from behind, though, so he grabs Roier's hands and turns back around. Roier, for whatever reason, twirls in Cell's loose hold like a ballerina.
"Wow," Richarlyson comments from somewhere out of sight and out of mind.
"Ew," Bobby agrees, equally ignorable.
Roier would look so good covered in blood right now, Cell thinks. Red is his color. Cell doesn't have a favorite color, but the closest thing he can think of would be the shade of red Roier's face always is when Cell is killing someone.
Leaning in close, Cell murmurs, "Screw the kids. I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."
Roier's eyes light up. "Brazilian?"
Cell ponders. And then he shakes his head. "Not worth the trouble. I'm thinking... Mexican?"
His voice pitches up slightly, questioning.
"Mmm, Quackity, Mariana, or Missa's place?" Roier asks.
For whatever reason, Cell thinks back to a week ago when Quackity and Mariana and Slime had tried stealing Richarlyson away from him... and the others. Missa behaved, he's safe (today.)
Cell's arms find themselves draping over Roier's shoulders loosely. Their heads lean closer together until their foreheads are pressed against each other.
Roier's eyelashes are long and beautiful. He doesn't really use mascara, so it's all natural. He flutters them delicately as Cell thinks.
"Quackity," Cell eventually decides. He smiles crookedly. "Fast food."
Roier's canines aren't as sharp as Cell's are, but he's still borderline vampiric. Wow.
Cell doesn't feel ready to kiss Roier yet- he's still working on speaking around him. But he still considers it as Roier looks up at him through his eyelashes.
One day, he thinks. What did Bad always say, "save it 'til marriage"? Cell can do that. He just needs to figure the rings out first.
"As you wish," Roier breathes.
The kids both groan and wander off to do their own thing elsewhere, but Cell couldn't care less. They aren't his, no matter what Roier says.
And they never will be.
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xjulixred45x · 11 months ago
Can I please get HCs for Young Gojo and Geto with a boiling isles witch reader. Wherein both of them are utterly slacked jawed when they see her in action for the first. The context is Yaga was the one who enrolled them and acts like their guardian in the human world
This is kinda strange (? But okay! Whatever i love The Owl House so-
SatoSugu x Boiling islands! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: some spoilers from Both series(JJK Hidden Inventory mostly) but nothing too relevant. Reader is a Witch. Fluff. Mainly comical.
OK! Taking what you said as a reference, I imagine that (reader) is a Clawthrone, and that is precisely why she had access to a door that led to the human world.
(although this may only be an option because it is canon that there are not only witches on the boiling islands, but on other islands, so it will be more ambiguous from now on)
but in general (reader) she was something like a reject from magical society (probably for not wanting to join a coven, like a boss) and that's why she started using the door constantly.
because 1- she could get human products that helped her survive and 2- if they chased her for too long she would simply go to the human world for a while.
Fortunately her magical abilities were not affected by the new world, yes, she was weakened, but she was still strong.
Besides, it's pretty cool to be "interesting" in an unknown world when in the world where you're known you're a juvenile delinquent or...a nobody...
Although in general I think that (reader) would end up staying for an indefinite period of time in the human world living as a vagabond precisely because they wanted to force her into a coven.
So now she's in the human world trying to adapt.
In general (reader) only used her magic if a quick escape was necessary or, even if she knew it wasn't the best idea, when there was a human-related emergency.
Let's say that (reader) realized that there was something strange with the country she was in...something familiar but at the same time VERY dangerous...
That's how Yaga found her.
He had followed several reports about a mysterious woman who used "magic" to prevent incidents, heal injuries, even fly on a kind of stick (Palisman).
At first Yaga thought it was simply an unidentified or unlicensed sorcerer, but she realized very soon that (reader) really didn't exist anywhere, no matter where she looked, there was nothing about her.
Besides, the way she used her "magic"...was definitely not sorcery. He had to know what it was.
It would probably take Yaga a little while to get (reader) to trust him, he probably lost her the first few times he caught her, but the more they interacted the more (reader) gave in.
and eventually decided to learn "sorcery" from those of the human kingdom.
(Let's say that Yaga was scared when she saw the living conditions she had (reader), even if she told her that it was fine like this and that it was only temporary, that only made her grab her pointy ears and give her a lecture about hygiene😅)
Yaga tries to learn as much as she can about (reader's) magic before sending her to the academy, to see what things can adapt to her fighting style and what can't.
there is a lot of trial and error😅
But is it worth it.
(reader) still uses mainly the fighting techniques of a person from the Boiling Islands (a witch) but now she also knows the basics of sorcery, so she will be able to easily pass the entry topics.
Now, when she knows the group she was assigned to, I'm not going to lie...
They laughed in his face.
Although well, she doesn't blame them, if she hadn't had the door and had visited the human world several times before, she wouldn't believe any of this either, but she definitely got quite angry with that reaction.
to the point where he did a spell in which he made plants grow on their heads... and maybe some abobinables...
It wasn't until Yaga arrived that things calmed down and were better explained.
Gojo was the first to laugh.
although also the first to get confused.
yeah, right, like those things happen-- and before he knew it his seat was being lifted by some kind of...purple golem??
Geto doesn't want to laugh. oh really.
but you can't really ask him to take this seriously.
although he is definitely surprised when out of nowhere he gets trapped in a vine that appeared OUT OF NOWHERE in the living room.
When Yaga explains the situation, that (reader) is not lying and that she really comes from another realm, they demand to see the portal. There has to be proof...
and when they take a look at the world of the boiling islands...Bonesburg (they had to pinch each other to know that this was real and not a collective hallucination)..well, they definitely believe him now.
Although definitely when they return to class they feel a little bad for having laughed at her in her face, so they try to ask her things about her.
It definitely doesn't work at first, but little by little you can see that (the reader) is losing her bitterness.
Both Geto and Gojo try to help (reader) adapt to a "more normal" school environment where doors don't bite you and your locker doesn't eat your books.
Speaking of which, they are quite curious about the "cultural differences" between worlds.
Gojo definitely wants to get on a flying boat. or see the giant skeleton that the boiling islands are on (although Geto questions how hygienic that is).
Imagine the reactions of both when they find out that the Giraffes are from the Boiling Islands but that they were banished by the ancestors of the witches 🤣
or that opossums are considered myths and not real! (reader) definitely goes crazy when she sees a real one.
Geto LOVES (reader's) Palisman, plus he seems to gravitate toward the natural one when he's feeling sad :')
Geto definitely wants to know how (reader's) magic works on a technical level (I don't think he can use glyphs, but maybe adapt some of the reader's moves into his fighting style).
Gojo wants to learn to do poses solely and exclusively for PRANKS, fortunately Geto avoids this.
Geto is more interested in the culture of the islands, more than anything when they both learn about the "coven system" of this "Emperor Belos" and why (the reader) did not want one despite it being dictated by law.
Let's say they understand it.
Geto strongly suspects that more than a security measure, it is more a way to limit power, which he can tell with certainty from (the reader's) level of strength even when weakened.
Speaking of which, they both have a difficult time with (female reader) at first.
whether due to illusions, unwindings, roots, etc.
All this without mentioning fireballs or snow coming in all directions or large constructions that look like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist.
the three of them flying! Geto in the rainbow dragons, (reader) with his Palisman and Gojo with his infinity.
If things end well (with Geto not turning evil, Amanai still alive, etc.) they are like a chaotic trio.
I highly doubt that island magic can be taught in the human world without glyphs, but it can definitely be taught as I mentioned before, by adapting movements.
Geto still has a great friendship with (reader)'s Palisman! and it makes him happy to know that the little friend will easily live longer than him :,)
Gojo is somewhat jealous of the Palisman, it seems like they compete for the attention of their partners and Satoru definitely LEGITIMATELY says that the Palisman blames him for things (sometimes yes, sometimes not).
Although I think they would both protect the palisman with their lives.
They are affectionate couples, and I think that together they manage to empathize better with (reader).
especially if you are homesick.
so they could take a vacation getaway to the boiling islands!
and it's actually pretty fun.
Gojo doesn't stand out in the slightest for once in his life and it's a little strange at first, but he gets it after 15 minutes on the busiest street.
Geto and Gojo now understand (reader's) strange tastes in food. Do you have anything to eat here that doesn't have eyes?...or guts?
They go to places of historical importance to understand a little about the culture of the islands, they avoid scammers, they go to eat somewhere that has food that Suguru and Satoru can digest, they avoid more scammers, they see the emperor's palace from afar, etc. .
(aunaue definitely seeing the place gave them BAD YIKES)
BOTH ALMOST DIE FROM BOILING RAIN, or when Gojo wanted to dive into the water without knowing it was also hot😭
They would both appreciate it FOR LIFE.
In general, these types of experiences help them to better understand each other mutually. and it also happens the other way around.
They have gone several times to the Thousand Red Doors with (reader), who, being (reader) wanted to go through ALL
They saw the old Buddhist temples, the trails, some mountains.
Although the cherry trees are definitely the best, especially when the three of them are alone and (the reader) uses magic to make the trees even brighter and more beautiful.
definitely a beautiful view...
In general, they appreciate the literally otherworldly beauty of their partner, they really love how unique she is and they wouldn't really change anything about her.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
I don't like writing for SatoSugu THAT much, but this was fun🥰
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seetangus · 1 year ago
Ember island - Azula x reader os
Azula x gn reader, warnings: jelously, heavy arguing/fighting
1.844 words, this is not entirely proofread, so please point out mistakes!
This was requested, but since something went wrong with answering to the request directly I'm going to pop in a screenshot:
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I hope I got the request right, enjoy :)
Ty Lee looked at Azula. She sat on her chair, wanting to look more confident than ever, and she was succeeding at it. She always wanted to look even more confident when y/n was present. Why? Well, why would she? Everything was perfectly normal, wasn't it? And she surely did not have feelings for anyone at all, and even more surely she wasn't insecure about them not being mutual. No, everything was fine.
Then Ty Lee looked at you. You sat there, also wanting to look confident, failing quite miserably, but nobody present dared commenting on it, as everyone knew the reason for your misery; out of all the persons it could have been, your princess had for quite some time been the center of your tender love and admiration, but since she seemed pretty well off only admiring herself and not you, and since you did not feel worthy of being with royalty, you had yet to dare making your feelings official.
Ty Lee couldn't help but acknowledge how well the two of you fit together. She had rarely seen a duo emit such silence together, especially on a journey to beautiful Ember island where victory would be celebrated. Ty Lee decided to say something to rescue you from this situation. If it continued to be so silent, she feared you might lose your ability to speak.
But somehow talking in this atmosphere was hard even for Ty Lee, so her talking wasn’t much more than a few comments about how sunny it was. Still, you really appreciated her effort and responded by saying that it was indeed a very sunny day. Even Azula confirmed that the sun did shine more brightly than usual.
It was a delightful conversation.
Anyhow, once you arrived at Ember Island things got much easier, since you and Azula weren’t so close to one another now. You still were close, after all you somehow wanted to be, but it wasn’t the “it’s-awkward-if-we-don’t-talk” kind of close.
You had to say, this island really was pretty. You couldn’t wait for fun things to happen! Like, how funny would it be if Azula confessed to you, wouldn’t that be, like, really funny? You quickly got rid of that thought, as that would never happen, sadly. You shouldn’t let yourself go with these dangerous thoughts.
Luckily there were many other things to think about, such as the party everyone would go to this evening. You had been told that it would be in a beautiful villa next to the beach and lots of people your age would be there. It surely would be fun!
But since there was lots of time left until the party would start, the three girls and you decided to visit the beach. It really was a wonderful experience, especially after having fought against the Avatar for many months.
After some time you noticed that Ty Lee was being more and more blocked from your sight by an ever growing pile of dudes who held a biceps-competition of sorts to impress her. If they only knew she could defeat them in a heartbeat. You chuckled about the thought.
Throughout the day and much to your surprise quite a few girls wandered to your beach mat and started some kind of smalltalk, but since your only interest in a romantic way, Azula, laid only a few meters away from you on her beach mat and, unbeknownst to you, was giving you jealous looks, the girls all left when they realised you wouldn’t react to their hints.
< • ◇ • >
Then the party came.
Azula, Mai, Ty Lee and you were amongst the first ones to arrive. That probably had something to do with your training during the war, but you didn't really think about it.
Much more important was Azula. She wore a beautiful red dress with golden embroidery today, and the dim lights of the room made it seem as if it was glowing. And she was paying attention to you, making you wait eagerly for an opportunity to talk to her.
As more and more guests arrived and the general mood got more party-like, you dared starting a conversation with her. You very, very, very carefully tried to get the topic to be more intimate, and you noticed her giving some reluctant hints that she would like that.
But somehow, the two of you didn’t manage to warm up enough to get the conversation rolling, always ending up in small moments of silence. In one of these moments, a few girls who stood beside you in the now completely filled room, started talking to you.
You were hesitant in responding to them because you didn’t want to ruin the ‘conversation’ with Azula, but since neither of you said anything anymore or tried to get away from the girls your talk was now over. After a few moments, Azula walked away and the girls surrounded you completely.
You very much did not like what was happening. There probably were many people who would have rejoiced in your position; surrounded by pretty ladies, every single one of them seemingly wanting you, but you reacted quite reserved, to say the least.
Firstly, you never had something like this happen to you before. Well, except for the thing that had happened on the beach, but the crowd surrounding you there and the people who stood around you here probably consisted largely of the same members. Secondly, this went strictly against the intentions of your heart. Even if it was hopeless, you were devoted to Azula, and you were not going to become an unfaithful lover before any relationship even started.
So, turning down an ever increasing amount of gestures and advances from the people around you, you looked for Azula.
You made your way through the masses of people who attended the party, looking everywhere. Finally, you saw her red dress! She stood on the balcony, with a boy your age by her side.
You had been introduced to him, his name was Chan. They stood there, way closer than you had ever stood to her. The fabric of her dress shined under his fingers as he shamelessly touched her. And she was enjoying it! Feelings of pride and dignified contempt you had long not felt tried to cover up the deep cuts that opened up in your heart. Blind jealousy and despair flushed your consciousness to hide the pain you felt as Chan leaned in and … kissed her.
You were furious. Azula was wasting her first kiss on someone like this! Azula was a work of art, she was perfect, and now she let herself be tainted by the frivolous touch of this man? The purpose of your life, which Azula was, now was being held by the hands of that person and used to their liking. Your eyes burnt from what they saw; you couldn’t endure this horrible picture any longer.
You turned away, throwing your now pointless self into the pit of temptations that the party represented, hoping for them to make you forget what you saw; hoping to wash away the gruesome sight from your memory by letting yourself go.
< • ◇ • >
What felt like hours had passed, the party was now at its height. You had tried to let yourself go like Azula had. To show her that you were well off alone. You had flirted with anyone that came to your sight, but it had not worked. Even if they responded well to you, it did not feel right. You had underestimated your feelings for Azula… you did not only have a crush on her, you loved her! Your whole heart was aching for her, even after (maybe even more than before) you had seen her with Chan!
And it made you sick. You wanted to get fresh air, get away from all the people around you. You went to the balcony - Azula and Chan wouldn’t be there anymore. They had probably long ago gone to a more comfortable place. You scoffed.
You had finally reached the balcony. You inhaled the fresh air when stepping outside, but your breath hitched when you saw who stood before you.
She was here. Azula. Alone.
Suddenly, you did not hear the noise from the party anymore. Only the sound of the waves from the beach and your breath. Sometimes you thought you heard her breath too. The silence was deafening.
The looks you gave eachother were dreadful too. Her eyes resembled gemstones not only in how beautiful they were, but also in how clear and cold they were. She did not look at you, she looked inside of you.
“Alone again? Did that boyfriend of yours leave you for another girl?” You should not talk like that, but your blind jealousy made you say these words with a tremble in your voice.
“Like you are the one to talk,”, Azula immediately snapped back, taking a step towards you, “surrounded by a crowd of little lovers the whole day!”
You both were angry. The words you threw at eachother were hurtful, but something like this was predetermined; months of tension dissolved in this fight.
“Why should you care who tries getting my attention?”, you responded, mimicking her and also taking a step in her direction. “It's not like you wanted it instead! You don’t even appreciate me enough to talk to me properly!”, you continued, thinking about your conversation at the start of the party.
“Oh yeah?” Azula was furious to a dangerous extent. Normally she would have shown it by setting things ablaze, but this time her anger showed by her talking very emotionally: “I am the one who doesn’t talk properly? I am the one who doesn’t invest enough into our connection? Pah! Of course I don’t appreciate you; I love you, and if you even had the guts of a turtle-duck you would have kissed me before Chan got the chance, Idiot!”
In an instant, you forgot every thought of fighting. “You do?”, you asked very hesitantly, not wanting to believe your ears. Azula simply took another step forward and nodded. You felt her breath on your skin and her gaze resting upon your face.
Every bit of anger that had been in the atmosphere before had now been transformed to tender love; “I love you too, Azula” was everything you had to say to complete the moment.
Azula and you finally embraced eachother. After months of uncertainty you finally held her in your own arms. You only pulled out of the embrace for a very brief moment to look at her face - her crystal eyes were more beautiful than any star the firmament had to offer and her lips made yours feel incomplete without being connected with them.
Azula felt the same way and, having regained her usual demanding attitude, she looked up from your lips directly into your eyes. “Y/n, kiss me.”
Not only the lips of her and you, but also your souls united in this moment of love.
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h0nology · 2 years ago
The Metkayina Way
Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader
summary: when newcomers arrive at your clans island, you, as the olo’eyktan’s eldest daughter are the one to teach them your ways. the metkayina way.
warnings: nervous neteyam, reader is a little mean, ao’nung being ao’nung. reader and neteyam are aged up btw!! i can’t think of anything else, let me know if i missed anything!!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4| part 5 | part 6 | part 6.2
authors note: would just like to put out there that this is my first time ever writing for avatar, this genre isn’t usually what i write so pls bare with me. this was originally just written for me and my friend, @alaynnnna entertainment but i decided to post it. this is from my imagination (and james cameron obv) but any resemblance to anything else on here is purely coincidental.
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You always started off your mornings with a swim around the reef, either with your younger sister Tsireya or alone. Usually when you’re alone you’re able to clear your mind and prepare yourself for the day ahead of you, and when you aren’t alone your little sister is either making you collect shells with her or trying to race you. This morning she had joined you, making you race her back and forth. Your little sister brought out the best in you, she was actually the only person who saw this side of you. The smiley, gushy, not so strict side. Considering you were the next Tsahìk and the eldest daughter of the clan leaders, you had a reputation and image you needed to protect.
Nobody ever messed with you, or your siblings. Everybody knew better, you weren’t the one they wanted on their bad side. Taking after your father, Tonowari you’ve always had that persona.
“I think something is going on. We should head back.” Tsireya signed to you.
You nodded at her, making your way back towards the beach. You two hadn’t gone out far so the swim back wasn’t too long, as you emerged from the water your heart rate went back to normal after seeing that everything was fine, and your clan wasn’t in any type of danger. You flipped your wet dreads back as you looked at what causing all the ruckus, locking eyes on an unfamiliar face.
Within that moment it felt like time stopped, he was beautiful. He was the most beautiful thing you’ve seen, maybe because you haven’t seen anything like it before. His golden eyes, the darker blue for skin, the way his hair was neatly braided with a few beads here and there. You made eye contact with him but quickly broke it as you noticed the others around him, two girls, a boy and their parents obviously. You had noticed the younger one caught the eye of Tsireya as she giggled and waved at him.
“Tsireya.” You scolded and she quickly stopped what she was doing, walking beside you as you approached them.
Your father was in the middle of talking to the man and his mate when you noticed your idiot brother and his friends messing with the two boys, teasing them like they had no sense.
“Tìftang!” You hissed, getting your brothers attention. He turned around and rolled his eyes, you slightly hissed at him again as he walked away.
You stood looking at the two boys, circling around them and their eyes never left yours. You stopped at who you assumed was the eldest, he stood a little taller than you but that didn’t mean anything. You looked him dead in his golden eyes before examining his body, big muscular arms, four fingers, golden freckles on his face. You walked over to the little version of him, the only difference being he had five fingers—
Demon blood.
The two boys extended their fingers from their foreheads at you, you blankly stared for a minute, but you finally did it back before walking over to your siblings. Your mother was going on a rant about the family being infected with demon blood, which was prone to happen.
“They are not real Na’vi!” Your mother yells and the crowd gasps, soon after she was clutching her stomach.
“Mother.” You said lowly, walking over to her. You had told her earlier that she needed to be off her feet, resting, “We need to get you off of your feet, to rest.”
She looks at you like she wants to scold you for interrupting her, but she knew you were right.
She grabs your arm as you lead her back to your home, just as your father announces that the family will be staying. Your mother hisses as you help her sit down on a mat.
“You watch over them, keep them in line. All of them!” Your mother began to talk, “You will teach them the ways of the Metkayina.”
“What about my duties with you?” You asked.
“My child, do not question me. You know what you are doing, and you will be a great Tsahìk when it is your turn, right now just do as I ask of you.”
“Yes ma’am.” You nodded, walking out of the pod.
You watched as the crowd emerged and Tsireya showed the family to where’d they’d be staying, you walked down on the beach thinking about what the first lesson would be. The ways of The Metkayina. Swimming obviously, breathing underwater, fishing, communicating under water.
“I already informed your sister about the training, please watch over your brother.” Your father interrupted your thoughts, “Yes sir.” You replied, seeing Ao’nung talking with his friends.
There was no way you were doing this alone, there was too many of them to train by yourself. You approached the group of the boys, them seizing their conversation as soon as you got in their sight.
“I care nothing about your stupid little conversation.” You look at all of them, “You. I expect nothing but the absolute best from you, do not embarrass us. You will be helping me train them our ways.” You point at Ao’nung as his friends laughed, “Rotxo, you too.”
Rotxo was a good kid, you treated him like family. Why was he bestest of friends with your idiot brother you didn’t know. You guess you can say that Ao’nung is a good kid too, deep down. This little tough guy act was nothing to you, you knew how you and your siblings were raised.
“Sister, how do you expect us to teach those freaks our ways?” Ao’nung asks as him and Rotxo follow behind you.
You whip your head around, “Ao’nung! Do not call them that, they are not freaks. Just different. Different from us, you must accept that.”
He smacks his teeth, and you ignore his antics as you looked around for a secluded part on the beach, after scanning for a moment you found some rocks that you could all sit on. Soon after Tsireya was walking back with the group, quickly approaching where you stood.
“This is my big sister. She is next Tsahìk. Warrior, powerful healer, and great swimmer. She will be teaching you all our ways.” Tsireya smiles as she introduces you, “And I know it may look it, but I promise she does not bite.”
Everybody seemed to remain quiet, except for the youngest one who was making her way towards you, ignoring her siblings calling and reaching after her.
“Your hair is really pretty.” She smiled up at you, “Thank you, so is yours.” You smiled back, “What is your name?”
You had a soft spot for little kids, all the kids around the village loved you. Constantly teaching and playing with them. Just because nobody messed with you didn’t make you a bad person, you’re not a bad person. Just intimidating, when you needed to be.
You outstretched your arm towards her, and she grabbed your hand, “Come, all of you.” You say to the group as you begin to walk.
You led the group to the rocks, and everybody got situated and comfortable as you began to speak.
“Before you all even begin in the water you must master your breathing, it is the most important thing.” You spoke, “Once you are good at this we can start in the water.”
“How about we just put everybody in the water now to see what they know.” Ao’nung chuckles as he leans against a tree.
“Once we get to that, Ao’nung, you will start off the training.” You look at him out the side of your eye, “Now let’s begin.”
You all practically sat in a circle, you started to meditate with the group, helping them when needed. The two girls, Kiri was her name and Tuk had caught on quickly—especially Kiri. You let the two go to the water after a while, they were the only two who had almost mastered the whole thing. As for the two boys, it was taking forever. You watched from afar at first, watching as the younger brother struggled simply because of your sister's presence and the other was too busy laughing at his brother to focus.
“You! What is your name.” You approached the boy, sitting in front of him.
His laughter stopped and he looked at you as you sat in front of him, “N-Neteyam.” He spoke.
“Okay Neteyam, you need to focus. You are breathing from here.” You place your hand on his hard chest, “When you need to be breathing from here.” You placed your other hand on his lower stomach.
“Okay.” He breaths out, his heart beating out of his chest.
“Your heartbeat is too fast. Relax.” You scolded, “I am trying.” He replied.
Tsireya seemed to be having the same problem with the younger one, Lo’ak is what you heard her call him. You tapped her on the shoulder signaling for you two to switch. The boys' heart was trying to escape from his chest, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the affect your younger sister had on him.
“Breathe with me, Lo’ak.” You slightly hit his shoulder since he was looking over at his brother, “Remember, from down here.”
The boy's heartbeat regulates and you two breathe in sync, he wasn’t the best at it but it was improvement. You wanted to have everybody in the water today before eclipse, which would be happening in the next hour or so.
“We are going to head to the water now, you two stick by us. I do not need anyone drowning.”
You all got into the water and joined the others who had already been swimming back and forth and on the Ilu.
“Woo!” You called, clicking your tongue for the Ilu you had been riding your whole life and she came jumping out the water, circling everybody.
“This is Eymei. She is a showoff.” You smiled, “In order to become one of us, you have to learn how to ride. Lo’ak, I want you to start us off.”
He hesitated, looking over at your sister and she shot him a smile before he made his way over towards you. You held Eymei steady so that he could climb on.
“Regulate your heartbeat and make the bond.” You tell him, “Just breathe, Lo’ak.” You hear your sister tell the boy.
He takes a deep breath and grabs his queue, connecting it with Eymei’s, and with that the two were off. The boy was doing well at first until he had gotten underwater, you all had watched him in the distance as he landed face down in the sand.
Everybody laughed at the boy, Tsireya swimming over to him while Eymei swam back to you. You swam back up to surface and everybody’s laughter simmered down when they saw the boy was genuinely upset with how he had done.
You tried not to roll your eyes, “Lo’ak, you are not going to perfect it your first try, it is not the end of the world. Some things just take time, that is all.”
He didn’t respond, only shrugging before swimming over to his sisters.
“Neteyam.” You say, signaling that he was next.
He quickly swam his way towards you, jumping up on Eymei without your help. He connected his queue with hers, his breathing slowly down as he took a deep breath, just as his brother had done. Within the blink of an eye, he was halfway out your sight, quickly going under water you watched as the boy didn’t struggle at all. At one point he was out of everybody’s sight, you were about to get worried, fingers going up to your mouth to call another Ilu until you saw him appear again, emerging out the water into midair with your Ilu—though technically, she’s not really yours but you were the only one who did tricks and such with her.
They landed back in the water, and everybody cheered, (with the exception of you, your brother and his younger brother) as Neteyam hopped off the Ilu and back into the water.
“We seem to have another show off on our hands.” You say, the smile he had on his face dropping slowly, “That is all for today. Eclipse is soon, everyone will meet here tomorrow first thing in the morning.”
You all said your goodbyes and went your separate ways, Ao’nung walking Rotxo to his pod as you and Tsireya returned to yours.
“What do you think about them?” Tsireya asked you, “The girls are great, it is the boys we are going to have to work on.” You responded.
“No, sister.” She giggles, “Besides the training, what do you think about them? Him.”
You smile slightly, “I have no idea what you speak of, Tsireya.”
She giggled some more, your sister knew how you were so she didn’t speak of it anymore, knowing she would eventually get on your nerves. She knew you’d come around eventually about him.
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cardverseut · 5 months ago
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• This kingdom was one of the poor and decadent of the 4 kingdoms, because of that it had a large number of thieves, assassins and mercenaries. It was not until the arrival of the new King that the kingdom began to prosper and enrich itself, positioned next to Diamante in wealth.
• There is a rivalry between the Clover and Diamond kingdom that is very strong, although the rivalry only comes from Clover. • They have one of the best armies of the 4 kingdoms.
• It is the only kingdom where its rulers are almost always ex-criminals.
• They have the best gastronomy and trade routes. _________ ♧ __________
Name: Nightmare. (Previous name: Night Joku) Age: 26 years. Spouse: Error G. Crayon. Family: ???.
Weapon / Abilities: His body is surrounded by negativity and liquid hatred that he can use at will and form tentacles that can change his density and become affiliated and hard to pierce his enemies. His staff has a hidden katana. It also has the power to feed on negative feelings that people have, making it stronger.
Personality: At first glance, he usually seems very polite and polite, but in reality he is a being who cannot bear insolence; It is known by everyone in the 4 kingdoms that the King of Clover is extremely cruel when he sets out to do it, there were many people who did not want him as king due to his past, but they disappeared. Although what precedes the King's attitude the most is the continuous hatred and competitiveness against the King of Diamonds, nobody understands those clashes between these two kings, but what is known is that, if the King of Diamonds does something, the King Clover will do the same and better. And no one in the Clover kingdom wants to anger their king.
Life before the coronation: The only thing that is known about King Nightmare for sure is that before he was known as "The Nightmare of the Seas", he was the most feared captain of the 4 kingdoms for many years, along with his second-hand Killer, a Day they described their marks and abandoned piracy to rule the clover kingdom. His past before being known as a pirate captain is unknown, but many can see that he has great hatred and dislike for the King of Diamonds.
Bonus fact: He hates sweet things. He is a reading freak and has a great library just for him.
Name: Error G. (Glicht) Crayon Age: 24 years. Spouse: Nightmare. Family: Geno A. (After) Crayon (Big Brother), Fresh S. Crayon (Little Brother), Piggies Q. Crayon (Mother. States = Deceased).
Weapons / Skills: Summoning and manipulation of its magic threads that come out of the tear marks on its face. You can control people's bodies with their strings by wrapping their souls around them, but it is easy to remove control by cutting the strings. Aside from his threads, he is also extremely good with the Halberd.
Personality: Many describe the Queen of Clubs as a grumpy older cat. Her attitude is quite dry and cutting, with the few people she shows affection for is her royal family and the Queen of Sword. But he is usually quite cut between all that, although with the Queen of Diamonds the worst of Error comes out, he usually has several fights that end with the destruction of his surroundings, only his older brother or the Clover family can calm him in that state .
Life before the coronation: Born in Espada, but raised all his life in Clover. After the departure of his older brother to the kingdom of Espada, he was in charge of taking care of his younger brother Fresh. One night, however, there was a great storm on the island where they lived and their house was destroyed and carried away by the sea; Error managed to survive, but his younger brother was taken by the storm with the remains of the house. Unable to bear the thought of telling his mother and brother about his failure to save Fresh; Erase any clues from him, making believe that he died along with his brother in that storm. He lived on the streets of the Clover kingdom, stealing in order to survive, until one day he was captured by the kingdom's guards and sentenced to death. The day of his execution, being prepared to die; the King of Clover himself interrupted the execution. King Nightmare approached Error and showed the Mark of the Clover Queen that she had under her broken gloves of Error, she was immediately acquitted of all her charges and taken to the castle to fulfill her role. For saving her life, Error is indebted to her King and determined to become the best Queen for Clover.
Bonus: He loves to eat chocolate, likes to knit, and stars. She has eyesight problems, but refuses to wear her glasses in full view of people, as she thinks it makes her look vulnerable.
Name: Killer Raha. Age: 24 years. Spouse / Lover: None. Family: All dead.
Weapon / Skill: It has a greater handling than close-range blades such as knives or pocket knives. He can summon a giant GB (Gaster Blaster) and sharp bones like stakes. He has a natural ability to hide in the shadows, he is always hidden guarding the backs of his kings.
Personality: He is a very sadistic joker and with a sense of humor that many would call sick. It is usually quite "friendly" in its own way, but make no mistake about it; his devotion to his two kings is very great and he will do everything they tell him without hesitation, one day when you least expect it he can stab you in the back without hesitation. Despite all this, he hardly ever interacts with anyone, he usually remains in the shadows taking care of his kings' backs.
Story before being the Jack: His family died in unknown ways one day (it is rumored that he was the one who killed them) and with their money he bought a ship and began his life as a pirate with some comrades.
One day he met Nightmare and after he covered him from being caught by the guards, Killer gave his boat and his crew to his new "owner" without hesitation, as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. After a few years they became the most feared pirates of the 4 kingdoms, his Jack mark appeared on his left cheek and left the piracy behind after Nightmare ordered. He and his comrades became the personal and undercover assassins of their kings.
Extra: He has a taste for spicy ketchup. He loves stars and sits with his Queen watching them on sleepless nights
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