#neteyam series
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Safe heaven
Pair: Neteyam x Human!reader (sully family, others na'vi)
Warning: Neytiri being a bit(a lot) controlling, forced pairing, cozy moments, comfort moments, All characters are adults.
Note: I had this draft half done, and decided to finish it today. Let's see what you think, I left it open ended. If it's received good feedback I'll continue…it's a short story. But how did you find it so far?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4[final]
Returning to the Omaticaya clan, where Neytiri was born, grew up and raised her children, was the best thing she could have done. After the confrontation with the RDA, things seemed to calm down. After a year of living in the Metkayina clan, the Sullys returned to their clan in the jungle. They were accepted immediately and things seemed to be running smoothly. But lately something was making neytiri anxious, and it was the future of her children. Tuk and kiri were still very young, they were just starting to live, lo'ak was still in training, he was not far away from becoming a man. But neteyam was already a man, he was at the perfect age to find a mate and make a family of his own. And neytiri was going to handle this. She wanted neteyam to make a good choice, neteyam was next in line to be Olo'eyktan. As the son of toruk makto, that was a position he had to take, and he had to have a good partner by his side. The mate neteyam chose also chose the position he wanted to belong to, and neytiri wanted him to have the best place in this clan.
Neytiri was given the task of introducing them to the best women in the clan, and with the best references. Many girls were after neteyam and she knew it…she had heard how the girls talked about how amazing and handsome her son was, but neytiri had to find the girl she found perfect. But whenever she introduced a new girl to neteyam he would just say hello…talk to her for a few minutes and that was it. He showed no interest in them, it was as if another ordinary clan member was talking to him. But this did not stop neytiri, that was until she met Lekka. She was a majestic na'vi, she was very beautiful. Not to mention how skilled she was at hunting, a true warrior. Neytiri thought that this girl would be the perfect match for her eldest son, besides the girl had told him that she was very attracted to neteyam and that she was interested in him. So neytiri took this sign as a good opportunity to introduce them both to each other.
Today was a hunting party, neteyam with the Na'vi hunting party had a good day. The hunt had been a success, and they were having a small celebration in the clan, just outside the hallelujah caves. A nice hidden place and perfect for carrying on the omaticaya traditions. The whole clan was there, including some humans. Of course, the Omaticaya clan already had to coexist with the good humans, who had helped them fight this battle between species. The laughter, the dancing filled the atmosphere with peacefulness…neteyam was with his group of friends, moving away for a moment to get a drink. It wasn't until he bumped into his mother. -"Neteyam I glad you're here," said neytiri, next to her was this girl, lekka. Neteyam had to admit she was very pretty. But… he wasn't impressed. -"Hi mom…" neteyam speaks nervously, he already knew where his mother was coming from. It wasn't the first time she introduced him to a na'vi girl. Neytiri laughs a little, taking the girl's arm to bring her closer to Neteyam. - "May I introduce you to lekka, she is the daughter of telup" speaks neytiri. Neteyam makes the 'I see you' sign waving to the girl.
Neteyam could see how nervous the woman was, she was shaking a little bit. And she was looking down, he felt a little sorry for these girls. Her mother always put them in this embarrassing situation. -"Nice to meet you… it's a pleasure. My name is neteyam" neteyam speaks. -"Yes… I've heard a lot about you," says Lekka with a trembling voice. Neytiri apologizes to the couple of guys, telling them that she was going to go get more food, but it was a pretend to leave them alone. According to her everything was going as she had planned. Neytiri proudly approaches the group that was waiting for her and watching from afar. Mo'at, Tsu'tey, Jake were looking at her walking towards them, with a big smile on her face. Neytiri approaches and sits down next to Jake. -"And what do you do now?" asks Mo'at, the woman didn't have to look at her daughter to know that she had done something. -"Me? nothing…the essentials," says neytiri, she is proud of her work, she has just introduced an amazing girl to her son.
"You know that's not going to work, right?" says mo'at. Listening as neytiri chokes a little on her drink. "Mother what are you talking about, of course I do" says neytiri, looking to jake for support. But he just shifts his gaze, trying not to be included in the conversation. On the other hand tsu'tey looks curiously at the two women. "You're trying to get neteyam together with that girl…you can tell he doesn't like her. Besides…this trying to get together never works, look at you," says mo'at. Now it was jake's turn to choke, but from laughter. He knew mo'at was referring to how he and neytiri met. Meanwhile tsu'tey made a groan of annoyance and leaned back on the log behind him. - "I witnessed that, and I agree with mo'at" complains tsu'tey watching as jake continues to laugh.
"Hey…but this is different. Neteyam is different, I know what I'm doing" says neytiri, sitting up more in her seat. She was getting upset, no one in her family understood her. But she wanted neteyam to make the right choice and take her rightful place again. "Love…I know why you're doing this, but it's not necessary. Neteyam will eventually find a girl he likes, you should leave him alone" jake says, but he can see how neytiri is looking at him with a pout. Grimacing for him to keep quiet, jake just laughs a little and keeps drinking. he knew neytiri was stubborn and didn't care what anyone else thought, she was going to do it. Jake watches as neteyam is talking to the girl. You could see how uncomfortable he was, fidgeting a little. His tail was curled up at his heels and he glanced at the group of friends from time to time. - "He looks very nervous," says tsu'tey, he was also looking at the boy. - "Why is he…neytiri" speaks mo'at, looking at his daughter. Neytiri rolls her eyes, and now looks at her son. She clearly noticed how uncomfortable the boy was, but she supposed it was normal. He had never talked to that girl before, he might be nervous because of how cute she was. -"They look good together," says Neytiri. - "Yes they look good…but he doesn't look good" jake grimaces, the interaction his oldest son was now having with that girl was horrible.
"Mo'at?" y/n taps the woman's shoulder, getting her attention. - "Oh, what's wrong?" says mo'at, turning to look at you. All the group's attention was now on you. -"I'm going to go rest, I've finished doing the chores you told me to do," you say, laughing a little.
You had been one of the human children born here in Pandora, just like Spider. And it was normal for you to have interacted with the na'vi from an early age… but while spider preferred to be playing with the sully children, you preferred to go look for fun elsewhere. And that's where you met mo'at, the woman noticed how every day you would go to her hut and watch her in awe as she worked. Or when she was doing her daily chores, you always followed her. She never complained about you, you were quiet and calm, so your presence pleased her. One day mo'at invited you to approach her, and that's when you started asking questions. Which surprised mo'at, you were a very intelligent child, for such a young age. Something told mo'at that she had to help you, and accept you. So she dedicated herself to become your guardian…she would teach you, take care of you and make you join the clan. She would never be your mother, but she would care for you like one.
"Oh thanks, I'll look at the results later" says mo'at, stroking your hand a little. -"Hey, why don't you stay a bit to celebrate… kiri is over there," says jake, waiting for you to accept. You had grown up with his children, you were practically a daughter to him. For some reason, neytiri had no problem with you when you were around his children, she thought you were good. But only that. -"mmm no thanks, I want to go rest" you apologize, and say goodbye to everyone. Starting your way to the lab. -" She has helped you a lot, hasn't she?" speaks tsu'tey, looking at mo'at. The woman was still looking at you from afar, with a proud look. - "You know…she has a great future. She's smart and a quick learner," mo'at says. -And not only in the medical field…in technology she is amazing, you have to see how she helps norm, she is very smart" says jake. Everyone is silent for a moment. -"Besides…she's a very sweet girl, she's good" says mo'at while he continues eating. Neytiri doesn't say anything, she just listens curiously and then turns all her attention to her son neteyam. When she looked, she saw that the boy was no longer there. Instead there was a lekka alone, waiting for the boy to return. Neytiri stood up quickly, approaching the girl. "Where is neteyam?" asked Neytiri, looking around to see if she could find her son. -"I don't know…he said he was going to look for something, and he hasn't come back," says Lekka. Neytiri was going crazy, she didn't know what she was going to do with that boy.
After talking to mo'at, you decided to go to your favorite place. You knew you had told mo'at you were going to rest, but you didn't dare tell her where you were really going to go or do. Walking secretly, as you went deeper into the jungle, you thanked Pandora's nature for being so bright. It was a spectacle for your eyes, walking faster to get to your secret place. Not far away, about 20 minutes walk, there was a crashed plane. You were sure that it was from the first war that the RDA had with the clan, because it was very deteriorated, and the first time you had found it you had to clean some skeletons that were still inside. After a while this had become your secret place. You reached the entrance of the plane, opening it carefully… pushing open a door you had made out of metal. Entering and pointing at it as you closed the door. Approaching a machine you had created not long ago, stretching the rope so that it would turn on and start doing its job, oxygenating the area. This machine allowed the air around it to be clean and safe for you to breathe, at least 10 feet away. The plane had some closed areas, so that the good oxygen didn't get out, but still the pandora's air came in. But still, it was safe for you.
This was the best thing you did…invent. As Norm used to say, you were a little box of surprises, always inventing things and improving others. Since you were little you had been like that, your head was full of ideas and this hideout was the representation of that. Although it didn't have the best structure and your goal was to sign it completely, you were still working on it. Taking off your oxygen mask, placing it on the wall. To start getting more comfortable, he had to be here before long. Or so you thought, looking out the broken window a little. Not getting too close, without leaving your safe zone. You see that no one is around. You sit down near a small table you had down at night, starting to work on the new oxygen mask prototype you were making. You were so busy, you didn't hear the first knocking on the front door. Knock, knock, knock… the knocking got louder and you panicked. Keeping silent, and turning off the lights you had on.
Carefully approaching the door, to see who it was. -"Hey…baby it's me" you hear his voice, and smile a little relieved that it was him. You turn on all the lights and open the door quickly, meeting the boy. Neteyam was at the entrance, looking around, making sure no one was watching him. -"Hey get in quick…the air is getting thinner," you say, taking his hand and pushing him into the plane. Neteyam laughs as he enters carefully, lowering his head as he passes through the door. As soon as he enters, he can feel you wrap your arms around his neck, trapping him in a soft kiss. Giggling against your lips, as he holds you around the waist. Sitting carelessly on the floor. - "Y/N…love" neteyam was laughing, as you pull away caressing his face. Arranging his hair, looking at him carefully, studying his mood. He looked somewhat exhausted and overwhelmed…something seemed to be bothering him. -Are you upset?" you ask, watching as Neteyam lays his head on your chest.
He was sitting on the floor and you were standing between his legs. This allowed a perfect height for him to lie on top of you. -"I am… but it's not you," says Neteyam, as you hug his head closer to your chest. - "Well…anytime you want to talk about it, I'm here," you say. He closes his eyes for a moment, then pulls away from you. "hey, take this," neteyam pulls out of his small pouch, a piece of food that he had wrapped in a leaf. -I saw that you left quickly…you haven't eaten anything," says Neteyam, watching as you take the piece of food and walk away from him, sitting down right in front of him. "Mmmm yeah…I was going to eat with you, but…you looked busy" you open the leaf, but neteyam could see your raised eyebrows. -"Oh, that…this is lekka…you know how my mom is about introducing me to girls" says neteyam, taking your foot in his hands to start massaging it. He didn't want you to bother with him, he wasn't to blame.
"mmm she's very beautiful, I've heard how good she is" you speak, taking a bite of the meat. Now looking up to see neteyam, he was looking at you with a soft smile on his lips. His little eyes are sparkling, as if he is looking at the most beautiful thing in this universe. -"But she's not as beautiful as you…you know that," says neteyam, watching you grimace. Trying not to laugh or choke. Neteyam reaches out his hand, to wipe some sauce from your lips. - "I'm serious… you are so beautiful in my eyes" says the boy, leaving you speechless. He always left you speechless.
You two had grown up together, although you preferred to be with mo'at. You also went to play with spider and the sully boys. Even when you were growing up you preferred to be with neteyam, nothing ever happened. You were just good friends, it wasn't until neteyam had to leave the clan that you noticed that your feelings for him were much greater. Just like neteyam, you promised each other that you would see each other again. And so he kept it, when he returned to the clan the first person neteyam went to look for was you. From then on you had not separated, starting this relationship on the quiet. You used to meet here on the plane, and only here you could be together. Outside you were just good friends…but here is your secret hiding place, you were yourselves. This situation was time consuming, and sometimes it could be exhausting for the two of you.
After eating, and making jokes about hunting neteyam. You both decided to lie down and talk for a while. Neteyam was leaning back in a rather large chair in the plane. While you were lying between his legs, with your back against his chest. Netayam was holding your hand, playing with your fingers, looking at how strange and beautiful they were at the same time. - "Hey…did you notice that now the walls of the plane are sitting more" you speak, listening as Netayam answers you with a 'hmm'. - "I won't close all the windows though, so you can still get your air in and be comfortable in here" you speak. - "you're great baby… I don't know how you have all these ideas" says neteyam, kissing your hair. "I don't know, it's just natural" you laugh, feeling Neteyam wrap his arms around your torso. To pull you closer to him, kissing your shoulder. Lately you had been wearing the na'vi outfit that kiri had given you, and neteyam loved it. He could feel you better this way, without the horrible human clothes you used to wear.
"Baby… how about if you stay to sleep with me here…today?" asks neteyam, you can feel how his tail gives you some taps on your feet. He felt nervous about your answer, it wasn't the first time neteyam proposed this to you, but you always denied it. Saying that norm was waiting for you in the lab. It was partly true, but not that much. -"Mmm I'm not sure" you start to speak, but neteyam interrupts you. -"It would only be today… I don't want to leave you" neteyam hugs you more tightly. Norm wasn't necessarily expecting you, but you knew he was going to ask a lot of questions the next day. Just like neteyam, he knew what he was expecting and even more so coming from his mother. But he didn't really care, he wanted to rest with you, to spend more time with you.
You think about it for a moment… it would be fine if you stayed here. This place was perfectly equipped, besides… you also wanted to stay with him like this. - "Well… it's okay. But we have to get up early, ok" you look up, seeing how neteyam was giving you a big smile. In one swift movement neteyam, grabs you by the waist and lifts you up to get on top of you. You were all giggles, feeling him start to kiss your neck, and chest. "I'm at your service sweetheart" neteyam says excitedly, lying on top of you letting his head rest on your breasts. Breathing deeply of your scent, wrapping his arms all over your body. Sometimes he could forget that he was almost twice your size, and that lately he had grown muscularly. -"You're crushing me," you tease, feeling him release you. -"I'm sorry" he laughs, kissing your lips one last time before settling back. You were his safe haven in this world.
In the hut…
"Hey, have you seen neteyam?" neytiri asks jake. They had gone to sleep very late, noticing that they had never seen neteyam return. Neteyam was still with them in the family hut, although he could go and do whatever he wanted. Noticing that all the kids had arrived but him. "No, maybe he went off to do something else, or he's with someone else," said Jake, not really paying attention to what he said, he was too busy sharpening his knives. But this made neytiri even more curious and she started to think. Maybe neteyame saw lekka again, and she told neytiri that she hadn't seen him so she wouldn't be embarrassed. Or was neteyam with another girl? Or he was getting tired. Neytiri didn't want to look like a stalker mother, but she had to know what was going on in her eldest son's head.
P.S What do you think of this story? I would like to know what you think. <3
#avatar the way of water#avatar x y/n#avatar x reader#avatar x you#avatar 2022#human y/n#neteyam imagine#human reader#neteyam#neteyam x human reader smut#neteyam x human reader#neteyam x human!reader#neteyam oneshot#neteyam sully x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam scenario#neteyam series#neteyam smut#neteyam x you#neteyam x female reader#atwow neteyam#avatar neteyam#neteyam x y/n#neteyam x reader#female y/n#neteyam fanfic#avatar masterlist#neytiri avatar#neytiri x neteyam#neytiri imagine
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 2.2k words, fem!omatikaya reader, aged up neteyam
authors note: soooo…i’m back! i got this spurt of motivation ever since avatar 3 was announced and i thought i should continue this. if ur reading this i’m so grateful!!!❤️❤️
Neteyam spent days pondering on how he could possibly prove his honour to your parents. His family already threw that away when they left.
He knew that if you were to go to him without breaking apart from Va’tep. That it would end in blood shed between the two men. He didn’t want that, he didn’t want to hurt anyone. But how else could he?
Yet all he wanted was for your beautiful soul to be his once again. For him to be able to hold you in his arms as you rest your eyes. To finally make the bond with you as he never got to before he left.
That’s why he was sat at the tree of souls. His eyes closed, kuru connected as the cold breeze brushed across his blue shimmering skin. He felt his conscious connect, a feeling indescribable, the hairs on his skin standing up as he took in a deep breath.
“Please I need guidance…help me please.” He could hear his ancestors, all of them converse as if they were right next to him. He could sit there for hours. Wisdom and guidance passed on spanning from the start of clan and from Eywa herself. He would find the knowledge he needed here. He was sure of it.
The late night sounds of the forest chirped and buzzed in your ears as you took a stroll. The leaves under your tough feet, crunching each step you took. Your bow was slung behind your back as you held a basket. You thought you may as well make yourself useful if you were to walk around so late.
Va’tep still had not arrived back in his tent after the hunt that evening. It wasn’t unusual he tended to take longer on days were he hunted. You didn’t mind though, it meant you were free from his presence just a little longer.
Walking further into the forest I heard a ruffle in the leaves. I perk my head up, my heart beat starting to fasten.
“Y/N?? Y/N what are you doing here?!” Va’tep was angry, his brows furrowed and his finger pointing at me as if it was a blade.
“I just wanted to go for a walk. Why are you still out here?” You asked with a sense of worry but also in a way to turn the question on him.
Va’tep grumbled stomping his way over to me “I was out training. I got carried away. I thought you knew not to go out alone. It’s too dangerous now with the demons”
You rolled your eyes with a huff. “Well I couldn’t go with you, you were out!” You knew it was dangerous, but you could protect yourself. You weren’t the broken, fragile woman you were when Va’tep found you.
“Don’t raise your voice at me” He said with a growl, his ears perk, chest heaving.
“I will raise my voice if I like Va’tep, forbid I try and clear my mind and walk on Eywas soil!” You were shocked he was so angry, maybe his hunt did not go well, but that didn’t give him the right.
“No. You don’t yell at me. You shouldn’t be out so late it is dangerous. You were never this defiant before!”
Your chest plummets in shock, defiant? That is word used for children, not one for an adult, especially not one you are promised to.
“Defiant?” The words came out quiet but they were not soft. Your tone was sharp and angry.
“Yes! Defiant! You speak against me in clan meetings, you go out late! I have been patient with you…picking you up when that skxwang left. And now he’s back! And you disrespect me! Y/N…you are my mate, not his.” Va’tep loved you, he did but he knew deep deep down you didn’t.
He was a prideful man, with a large ego. He did not like to lose. And he felt as if he was losing you just a little more each day. He knew if he wasn’t as stubborn he would’ve walked away already but this last month he was at his breaking point. It was affecting his own mind, his skills. The thing he prided himself on, no matter how much he thought he loved you, he knew he was fighting a losing battle.
You opened your mouth to talk, only a slight sound exiting before Va’tep continued his speech. His once angry tone has turned to desperation, making guilt bloom in your heart.
“And you- you never return any of my affections anymore! I cannot remember the last time I felt your touch! I don’t understand why you don’t appreciate me after sticking by you when all he did was leave!” Va’tep was getting breathless now with a tight and furious grip on your arm. His nails slightly digging in to your soft skin
“I just don’t understand you! I never know what you are thinking! I thought you’d get better and maybe one day you would return my affection! And I really thought you did…just for awhile before that moron decide to come back and throw everything into chaos AGAIN! I don’t understand what he has that I do not…we are both mighty hunters, we are both skilled men…if it is not my skills then jt is my character that must not be enough for you.”
“Va’tep- I” You were lost for words, yet you had so many thoughts swirling in your brain. Guilt grew in you. You didn’t love Va’tep, no one could ever fill the space in your heart that Neteyam did. But seeing Va’tep, a man whom you didn’t love but respected to be so hurt and angry in front of you. It felt like you were seeing yourself in him.
“What?” He spat angrily, his eyes tearing. Va’tep felt his body coil in embarrassment, he has never shown anyone this much vulnerability in his life. And Eywa did he hate it.
“I am grateful for you Va’tep…you know i am” You couldn’t look him in the eye, grabbing the hand that was wrapped around your arm.
“What are you saying Y/N? Am I correct it is me?” His voice shook a little, his grip loosening.
“I…I wouldn’t be here without you. A-And I know you care for me. But I never- I have never” You couldn’t get the words out, your throat closing up.
“Loved me?” He let go, you watched his face drop. His scowl turning into a frown. “I know…I know I am not the kindest man…I know I am not Neteyam. But these years…did you never feel anything?”
“I- I cared for you…You were a friend someone I cherish. But you cannot love me how I want to be loved.” It was as if you were stabbing him in the heart over and over again.
“No. No I just can’t be the man you want to love. We are promised…your parents gave us a blessing!” He was growing angry again, his teeth grinding, hands shaking.
“Because you are the family of the Olo’eyktan! Of course they would give there blessing! It wasn’t as if i was mentally there to give mine!” The bioluminescence of the environment let the tears on both of your faces shine brightly. Displaying just how frustrated you both were with this ill fated relationship.
“You are a good man Va’tep. Though you can be rough, and stubborn and temperamental. You are a good man…just not the man I want. And when Neteyam came back- I didn’t want to get back with him. I made a promise with you and he broke me but- but I cannot let myself be miserable.”
All the thoughts you had kept locked away forever had started to trickle out of your mouth, becoming a waterfall of confession. Va’tep’s grip finally left, as he took a step back seething pointing a hopeless finger at you.
“You- You are miserable?” He was defeated, for the first time in his life. And did he hate the feeling…it repulsed him. “Fine.”
“What do you mean? What do you mean fine?” A puzzled look painted your face.
“I am not an evil man. I will not keep you if you you don’t want me. I just wish you told me of your lack of love to me before I had spent so much time. But- But I guess it is my fault, I know I am brazen man.” You had never seen him so defeated, it hurt you.
“Va’tep…I’m sorry” I look down but I feel his rough hands touch my cheek…the most gentle touch he had ever given.
“I’m sorry for not treating you well…but know this Neteyam is a coward. Don’t let him hurt you again.” And he gave you a soft kiss to the forehead “Come now. We can move your stuff out tomorrow.”
The walk back was quiet. The crunching of the fallen leaves below and the quiet sounds of the night were the only ones you could hear. Not a word uttered between you two the entire walk home. It wasn’t awkward…but it wasn’t peaceful. This was the most time you two had spent together in weeks. And knowing it would be one of the last times. Va’tep walked just a little slower home.
As you woke Va’tep had already disappeared into the chores of his day. It didn’t surprised you at all, why would he want to see you? The guilt of last night harboured on your heart. Yet relief courses through your mind. You had your freedom. To finally live the life you thought got ripped away when Neteyam left.
Getting out of your shared tent with a box of little trinkets you kept. It was as if you were waving goodbye to a chapter of your life. You knew your parents would be furious, it scared you a little, to be a disappointment to them once again.
A mix of strong emotions hit you when you walked off to your new tent. You could feel the gossip hungry eyes of your fellow people stare at you. Promised mates, breaking apart it was not common. The news would travel to your family fast but you did not have the courage to tell them.
Trying to find just some peace to calm your own emotions down you decided to walk down to the river. The rushing sounds of the waterfall, the wind blowing through your hair and the cool feeling of the water engulfing your feet as you kicked. You couldn’t describe the serenity it brought you.
Neteyam walked behind you, he knew if you were at the river something was clouding your mind. You two hadn’t talked for awhile, he wanted to give you your space. But being from you when you were so close was killing him.
“Hi beautiful.” Neteyam said quietly “What are you thinking about.” He sat down beside you
“I fear I am terrible.” You say out loud the confession shocking Neteyam as his eyes widen.
“Why do you say that?”
“I thought Va’tep was…I always thought he thought of me as a trophy, to show he cared for his community by taking me in when you left. But he did care for me, I feel guilty for not loving him.”
Neteyam knew what you were talking about. He knew it was wrong to not keep walking back home when he heard you two fighting in the forest last night. But he couldn’t get himself to move.
He was shocked as well, when the ancestors cleared his mind. Showing him that jealousy was clouding his conscious. It was Tsu’tey that stayed with him at the tree of souls.
Neteyam opened his eyes and saw Tsu’tey the mighty Olo’eyktan standing infront of him. Jake and Neytiri had told stories of the virtuous warrior.
After greeting him Tsutey huffed. “You have a human mind sometimes…”
“I’m sorry sir but i’m not sure what you mean”
“Va’tep is not evil…he is stubborn just as I was. We’ve all heard his confusion when he comes to Eywa just as you do now. He sees you as a threat, just as I saw your father. Your father proved to me and the omatikaya he was a honourable man, he tamed Toruk. Deep down he cares for her, you must let it happen as Eywa wills it to be. And you must prove you will never ruin the woman he cares for because just as i saw my lover die he saw yours broken.”
Looking at you he held your hand gently, a touch you felt your body sink into. “Do not feel guilty for feelings you cannot control. He will find someone just as we found each other.”
“I am still scared of you leaving and now Va’tep is gone…I’m relived yet so worried.” Neteyam shakes his hand and caresses your cheeks making you look directly into his bright yellow eyes pupils dilating as he sees yours.
“I promised to you I will never leave again, I know you do not trust me I mean how could you. But we are taking this one step at a time…this is just our first hurdle my love.” You smiled as you fell into his chest. His arms enveloped you in a tight embrace as it started to rain on you both.
Though it didn’t bother you, his embrace felt like home. A warm fire you could sit near and never leave is what he reminded you of. A flame between you growing larger everyday, finally returning the spark back into your heart with his delicate love.
thankyou so much for reading my lovelies!!! ur replies and reblogs mean the world to me ❤️❤️
tags: @notsaelty @mommyneytiri @hannabanana-09 @gloryavila @peachinsominac @jaidalise @neqeyam @hello222sthings @tsuteysyawntu u @neyetams @yhern05 @emjeez @adaiasafira @kiri-tuk @yaya6765 @biscuitbeater15 @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @plooloo @savvysscandles @dilucslilmeowmeow @69cocktimusprime e @newjeansbonnie @chatoicboy @antheris @plzfeedmebread @afro-hispwriter @lollife1617 @goddesslilithmoriarty y @cinetrix @grierpilots @melsunshine @valentineheartzz @tsveria @mechformers @junnniiieee07 @wifeyofeveryone @baebinana @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @neteyamssbaby @taleiak k @cheyehc @shoyos-sugarbaby @be3flow3r @suntizme @ellabellabus07 @siriuslysmoking @innercreationflower @depressed-with-music @sakuxxi
everything taglist: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby @hana-yuri @solanare @s-surreality @aerangi i @papichulo120627 @bellstwd @sussybaka10 @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9 @arminsgfloll @bakugouswaif
#neteyam#return#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar oneshot#neteyam x y/n#neteyam oneshot#neteyam fanfiction#neteyam x na'vi!reader#neteyam fluff#neteyam series#neteyam angst#neteyam imagine#neteyam x reader#neteyam sully#avatar fanfic#avatar fanfiction#avatar2009#avatar way of water
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Love Story || neteyam x omatikayafem!reader
cw // chilhood friends to lovers, fluff, start from childhood to adulthood, humans returned to pandora but no quaritch and his minions in sight, no use of y/n, bonus part on the end, one shot story.
"What is wrong ma'ite?"
Your mother ask when she notice you're staring intently at her and to your father.
"Sa'nu do you love sempu?"
Both of your parents looks at each other soon they broke into a laughter, your mother bringing you closer to her. Her arms wrapping around you, your father's arm rest at the waist of your mother and resting his chin on your mother's head.
"Ofcourse I do ma'ite. Soon when you grow up you'll find someone you love too."
You giggle at her words and snuggle closer to the hug between your mother and father.
"Olo'eyktan Jake Sully, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite."
Your parents greeted the leaders of your clan, you stood between the legs of your mother and father trying to hide yourself. You notice someone behind the legs of your clan leaders too, looking directly at you. The staring contest you had with that person broke when your mother introduce you.
"This is our daughter. Say hello to your elders ma'ite."
Your mother lightly push you upfront and you look up, the couple infront of you both have a smile on their lips.
"I want him! Sa'nu can I love this man?!"
You said and latch on towards the man's leg that is infront of you.
"Ma'ite! I'm so sorry olo'eyktan. Come here child!"
Your mother smiles apologetically but Jake can only laugh and when he was about to pick you up, another small pair of arms wrap around his leg
"No! My sempu is only mine! Go love someone else!"
Another child that is just around your age, maybe a one to two years older than you. You puff your cheeks and hug Jake's left leg tighter.
"I want him! Go away you narvä'"
"Who you calling ugly?! You're more uglier!"
"You look like a prolemuris!"
The child who you're bickering with gasp and tears are already pooling on his eyes. You stuck your tongue out and both of your parents can only gawk at your exchange bicker.
"Oh eywa! I'm sorry for her harsh comment Neytiri."
"It is fine. Neteyam, you should not call a woman ugly."
"She called me ugly first mother! Also, she's not a woman! She's a little girl!"
Neteyam huff and you giggled as if you just won a big argument by just having his mother on your side.
"Okay okay, kids settled down. Why don't we join the other clan members, hm? Up we go!"
Jake effortlessly lift you and Neteyam placing the both of you to his shoulders as he walk towards the big bonfire at the center. Your parents and Neytiri followed while conversing.
"Mister, I can love you right?"
You ask once again whwn Jake put you and Neteyam down, Jake laugh softly and make a mess of your nicely comb hair
"Hey! My mother spent a good time combing my hair."
"Sorry babygirl, I will and only love Neytiri. Don't worry, I know you'll be a good and strong woman when you grow up."
You pouted and cross your arms then you smiled and cling to Jake's arms
"Are you sure mister? I want to be a warrior then!"
Your mother and father who just arrive heard what you said and felt proud. You are so young but your eyes held so much determination. Neytiri put one hand on your mother's shoulder and smiled at her. Neytiri's eyes look at you then to her son and she silently chuckle. Eywa really does work in mysterious ways.
》》 [ neteyam is 14, you are 12 ]
A groan escape from your lips seeing how your arrow landed too far from the red dot you are aiming. You heard several chuckles behind you, turning around you place your hands on your waist
"You haven't shoot your arrow, Neteyam."
The boy before you smirk and got down on the log he was standing on together with his friends. You watch how he stretch his arms before picking up his bow and arrow.
"Don't blink syulang."
You were about to retort when he let go of his arrow and it hit the red dot. His friends cheered and Neteyam went to them smiling and doing a fist bump. He turns to you and a annoying grin is plastered on his face.
"What now? Are you going to stomp your feet like the little girl you are?"
You can feel your face heating up and push him hard before marching away and you can hear his laugh and it made you more annoyed. When you got back to the camp, you're greeted by his younger brother, Lo'ak.
"Oh Lo'ak! How I wish you are the one who is training me."
"Pfft- it's still early in the morning. Did Neteyam already annoyed you sevin.."
"Him and his friends! Argh!! I wish I can punch him straight in the face."
Lo'ak laugh and told you that his visiting the scientists lab and you immediately nodded. Being with Lo'ak is an escape from the tormenting grasp of Neteyam. Ever since he pass his iknimaya, he became more cocky towards you. Seeing a single strand of his hair is enough to make your day miserable.
"Heya Spider, Kiri!"
You greeted the two when you entered the lab, grabbing a mask you went at the side of Kiri. She greeted you with a smile before turning her attention to the avatar inside a container.
"Shouldn't you be practicing your bow skills?"
You heard Spider ask
"Fuck that! I suck at it because Neteyam sucks at teaching."
The choice of your words made Spider, Kiri and Lo'ak gawk at you before laughing, hard. You look at them with a confuse face.
"Holy! If your mother or father found out that you use such vulgar human words, they will skin you."
"Psh it don't matter if they don't find out, right?"
You sheepishly answered and now all of you are laughing, you stayed there for an hour before all of you decided to leave. You walk at the side of Lo'ak, your handd wrap around his as you both talk about your rendezvous tomorrow. He have been planning on sneaking out and going to the old shack, a place where Jake specifically told you and his kids not to go.
"Bro bro!"
Spider frantically tap Lo'ak's arm and when the boy turn around he immediately got rid of your hands wrap around his arm as if he just got burn.
"So you skip practice to slack?"
You recognize that voice that you hate down to your deepest core in you, you gathered all your strength and turn around. Greeting him with a fake smile.
"Oh hello there Neteyam!"
"Wipe that fake smile of yours."
Your rolled your eyes and cross your arms beneath your chest, you can feel his glare. Why is he mad? You should be the one who's mad!
"Glaring at me? Is that how you treat your student?"
"If that student of mine is hard headed and skips practice. Then, yes. You deserve to be glared at."
You gasp hearing his answer
"You- wasn't it enough when you shame and laugh at me together with your friends hours ago?! You're horrible!"
You shouted and walk away and Neteyam was left standing there dumbfounded. Lo'ak shrug his shoulders before walking away together with Kiri and Spider. Neteyam let out a low growl before making his way towards their family's hut.
When he got inside he saw his father and your father discussing something and the both of them stop and look towards his way.
"Back so soon? How's the training?"
"It was okay.."
His timid answer got the attention of the two adults but they just ignored it. Neteyam sat down at a corner and grab a small pouch that was place on top of his other knife. He grab the bracelet, made by you and was given to him during his 10th birthday. He smiled when he remembered how you gave it to him, you waited for him to be alone and when he was you sneak behind him and tug on his tail. After laughing at his reaction you step closer to him and slip the bracelet on to his arm.
Neteyam was smiling from ear to ear when suddenly the image of you clinging to his brother cross his mind, he immediately got irritated. He was about to place the bracelet back on the pouch when you suddenly entered their hut.
"Oh, I didn't know you guys were busy.."
You shyly said and look down, you are always hunted by the memory of you 'confessing' towards your olo'eyktan when you were just a child.
"Don't worry babygirl, me and your dad is just finishing up. What brings you here?"
You look at the side and saw Neteyam staring at you and you just rolled your eyes at his
"My mother wish for my father to be back a little bit earlier today. If it's possible..."
"Why? What happened ma'ite?"
Your dad immediately ask and you reassured him that everything is fine.
"Well, we can continue this tomorrow."
"Thank you olo'eyktan. Come now 'ite."
You nodded and followed behind your dad but before you can step out from the Sully's hut you glance at Neyeyam and his eyes are still on you, it made you feel weird so you ran towards your father.
"You look like a fool, son."
Jake stated
"What? I don't like her!"
Jake stop what he was doing and stare at his son then Neteyam just realise what he said and immediately hid his face with the use of his palm and that earn a laugh from Jake.
"Whatever you say, son."
"I'm pregnant."
The mat that you were holding drop down on the floor and the meat your father is holding also drop down on the floor. None of you dared to move and your mother let out a groan
"What's with the reaction of you two?! I said I'm pregnant!"
It was your father who move first and immediately hug your mother, showering her kisses and telling how much he loves her.
"Aren't you going to hug me, ma'ite?"
You broke into a sob and immediately went to hug your mother as you cried out. You silently thank Eywa for the gift she have given your mother. Your father presented himself to be the one who'll cook and you also decided to help, you spend your dinner with your family full of love and smiles.
Soon after your mother and father decided to rest early for the night and you told them that you'll be just outside. Looking at the stars, they didn't forbid you since you have always done this since you were young.
Just right around the corner of the camp there's a small way that will lead you to the top and you'll be greeted by the shining stars that adorn the night sky. You sat down with your legs cross and your right elbow resting on your lap as you stare at the vast of the forest. You were enjoying your peace when you heard someone going up
"Haaaa what a peaceful night, I hope that person who came up here falls."
"Is that the right way to greet your superior?"
"Superior my ass.."
Neteyam softly flick your forehead and that made you hiss at him which he just laughs. You scoot away when he sat down beside you. The two of you never bothered speaking up again but Neteyam can't handle silence that much. Maybe his used on the daily bickering of his family.
"So, are you going to attend the practice tomorrow?"
You turn to him and look at him straight in the eyes
"The day you'll stop treating me like a little girl and teach me properly, maybe I will."
He can sense the irritation on your voice and he wants to get rid of it. His body act on it's own accord and reach for your cheeks
"Oh yawntutsìp, How will I teach you if you keep on missing and skipping your class?"
"Stop calling me that! Will I stay on your class when all you do is tease and make fun of me with your friends?! Ugh, you ruin my night!"
You spat and stood up as you hurriedly left the place. Your cheeks burning up when you can still the warm of his fingers against your cheeks.
Neteyam runs a hand through his hair and laid down as he stare at the sky, he wants to be at your side at all times. He knows his attitude sucks when his near you but can he help it? You make his heart beat faster that he fumbles on his word and keeps on messing up. He stared at the fingers he used to touch your cheeks and brought it closer to his lips and kisses it.
"Look at this!"
You went to where Lo'ak is and saw him pointing at something and you squealed seeing a not very large nest and there rest three ikran babies. You are on your way up to the highest part of Hallelujah Mountain, to try once again on taming a ikran.
You guys couldn't even sneak out to go towards the old shack since the momen Lo'ak woke up his father was already on his trail.
Together with Lo'ak, Kiri, Neteyam and Jake, all of you climb towards the top and you felt your stomach turning at the sight of the ikrans. You gulp down as your eyes wander around the area
"Here, let me help you kid."
You felt Jake's hands rest at your waist and help you get up. Once on your feet you were grinning but it was soon wipe from your face when you saw Neteyam looking at your way.
"Now remember, taming an ikran is not easy. You need to be patient. Understood?"
"Yes sir!"
You beam and Jake chose Lo'ak to go first, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and you heard someone snicker at your back, you turn around saw Kiri nudge her older brother.
"Go get your ikran bro."
Neteyam can only blurt it out as he cross his arms, it wasn't easy for Lo'ak. Seeing how this ikran before him almost bit his arm off. He got a rope on his side and slowly walk towards the side and when he did he immediately wrap the rope on the ikran's mouth and made the bond.
"Go Lo'ak!"
"You can do this boy!"
Everyone cheered for him and he kept telling the ikran to keep calm, it took him a couple of minutes to get it calm. Soon after Lo'ak instructed the ikran to fly and it did. You were practically jumping while cheering for your friend. It was Kiri's turn but all of you were dumbfounded on how the ikran she chose was calm all the way even after she did the tsaheylu.
"You are amazing Kiri!"
You beam when she landed back, her hands pat your shoulders as she smiled at you
"You can do this sister, I know you can."
Right, the three of you failed together at your first try so maybe you'll pass this one too? Unlike them, once you pass this you'll be no more a warrior-in-training. You'll become a full pledge warrior and will be helping the clan.
"Look out!"
You wince when you felt a surge of pain on your stomach that almost made you stumble on your feet. Your head snapped towards the ikran who just whip you, you hiss at it and ran towards it and jump to get on it's back. Grabbing your braid you were struggling on forming the bond and when you successfully did the bond, you soothe the ikran, letting your breath go slower and when you felt it calming down, you instructed it to fly and it flew beyond the clouds.
You were amaze on how pretty the sun looks, you fly around at the top of the clouds for a minute before landing back again. When you got off from your ikran, a strong pair of arms engulf you into a hug. You were about to push him off when you felt him trembling, you look at the people infront of you and all of them just silently told you to let him be.
To let Neteyam embrace you.
》》 [ timeskip ; neteyam is 19 , you are 17 ]
"Hell yeah!"
You scream when the demon ship you just struck with your bow crash, the warriors beside you also cheered as you grin flying up again to hide on the clouds. It has been years now ever since the humans are back on your planet. With your every own eyes, you saw how they destroyed your home. Now, you live at one of the mountains in Hallelujah.
"We have secured a lot of items, fallback!"
You heard Jake's voice on the intercom and you immediately redirected the flight of your ikran towards the homebase. Upon landing you were greeted by your little brother who was waiting for you to get back.
"Hey there!"
You beam and immediately hug him, you notice your parents standing on the side and you hug them too. Your father and mother both step down being a warrior and decided to do another task that can still help the clan.
"How is my little sister?"
You cooed while gently rubbing your hand on your mother's belly. Yes, she is pregnant once again. You even joke to your father that maybe he just step down as a warrior so he can have moments with your mother.
"You got some bruises ma'ite. Why don't you get yourself treated first?"
"Oh it's fine. It's not that deep."
You said then you heard Jake's loud voice as you turn around and saw him scolding his two sons.
"Mother, I'll just go look at the things we gathered."
Your parents nodded as you pat the head of your little brother. You may be oblivious to it but anyone can see how you care for Neteyam. Maybe it was the day where he didn't leave your side after seeing you get hurt while passing your iknimaya or maybe when he saw a man trying to win your favor. Throughout these years a silent mutual understanding can be seen on the both of you.
"The both of you are supposed to be lookout!"
"Sir I-"
"Stop. I don't want to hear your excuses. Go get yourself patch up Neteyam. For you Lo'ak, you're grounded."
You watch and listen at the sides trying to tidy the things the clan have gathered. Seeing Neteyam about to walk past you, you hurriedly put the things down and catch up to him.
"Why do you disobey his orders? You must really like getting lectured."
Neteyam groan and rolled his eyes
"Not you too. I had enough of my father's scolding, I don't need one from you."
He said coldly and brush you off, you were taken back at his actions but didn't bother walking with him anymore. You know better than to annoy or talk to a mad Neteyam. Walking back to where you were sitting down, you went over to Lo'ak who was tending to the ikrans.
"He has eyes everywhere. You better not stick close to me or this small bruises of mine will get bigger."
You scoff at his statement and help him on tending to the ikrans, you're not dumb. You know Neteyam is the reason why you don't have anyone courting you. You know how he snakes his arms around your waist whenever you guys walk past to a group of eligible men. How he rest his fingers on your thighs when the both of you are sat down next to each other during some feast.
"His grumpy. I mean, isn't it his fault? Sometimes, I don't understand him."
"You guys grew up attach to each other's hip and you still don't?"
"Time change Lo'ak. We are not kids anymore, Neteyam's mind works in a very mysterious way."
"His grumpy because his self proclaim mate were flying with some other warriors and not him."
Lo'ak whispered his answer to you and thank eywa that you didn't hear it. When the both of you were finish, you told him that you'll just go to Mo'at's hut to get treated because your wounds are starting to hurt.
When you got there you were greeted by a Neteyam who is hissing in pain and it made you laugh seeing how he is flinching away from the touches of his grandmother.
"I see you, Mo'at tsahik of our clan."
"Mhm, Kiri go and patch the girlfriend of your brother."
Mo'at simply hum and Kiri giggled, you sat down across Neteyam and instantly his eyes are fixated on you. You were the first one to look away and let Kiri treat your wounds. Neteyam was the first one to get done on getting treated. He left immediately that he didn't even said a another word. You sat there in silence as Kiri finishes her treat with you.
"Thank you"
You bowed slightly before exiting the hut but you were shock seeing Neteyam sitting on a box just outside. When he saw you he got up and walk towards you.
"Next time, fly with me. You'll be safer when you fly closely to me."
You arch your eyebrow and lightly get rid of his hands that is place on your shoulders
"Why should I? I am safe even if I don't fly with you. Also, I'm getting to know my soon-to-be mate."
You smirk at him before walking towards your home and Neteyam is just standing there as if he was struck by a lightning.
'Mate'? You? The woman who he watches everyday manage to found herself a man? The woman who he shoo's away the men lingering around her? You?!
He storm out of there and went towards his home, he ignored Tuk's greet, his youngest sister, if he was grumpy moments ago then his more grumpier right now. He decided to sharpen his knife, maybe he will keep sharpening till dinner.
Night came and the clan decided to have a grand feast since they have took down another base of the humans. You are currently sitting down with your friends, chatting and sharing moments on each other's life. While Neteyam, he feels his losing himself. He can't take his eyes away from you because he thinks once he do you'll be gone from his sight.
"Really?! I am very happy for you sister.."
You said towards one of your friend, knowing she'll be mated before eywa tomorrow makes you happy. The man she loves and loves her are finally presenting their self to Eywa.
"Don't worry, Tay'lin likes you. Why don't you give him a chance?"
One of your friends said, Tay'lin is also one of the best warriors. Actually, you know he likes you but everytime you want to strike a conversation with him, Neteyam always, ALWAYS, shows up.
"If Neteyam allows. I mean, he didn't even allow you expressing your love towards the olo'eyktan?"
"Hey! Stop that!"
You laugh when you were once again reminded about how silly you were during your childhood. Even now, you can't look straight at the olo'eyktan.
"But you're right. Even now, I can feel his burning gaze on the back of my head."
"Pfft- just go. We also know you want to sit next to him."
You laugh before standing up and bidding a goodbye to them. You turn towards where Neteyam is and you almost broke out into a laughter when you saw how he shove Lo'ak on the side to make a space beside him.
"What the fuck bro?!"
You heard Lo'ak burst before walking away and going towards a girl which you hunch he has a crush on.
You greeted and sat down beside him, his one arm instantly around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"If you keep doing that, Tay'lin won't have a chance with me."
"Good. He should know."
You smack him at the back of his head and he took away his arm but it was replace by his tail. You sigh before staring at the bonfire at the center of the camp.
"Neteyam... what are we? You act as if you don't want other men to be near me. Or do you just do all that because you still view me as a little girl who needs protection?"
Neteyam look at you widen eyes but then he immediately look away and you let out a sigh before standing up.
"Where are you going?" He ask
"Away from you. I don't need a man who doesn't speak for himself."
You said and began to walk at the back part of the camp where you have put up the hut that you made. Usually you and the others uses this as a hangout spot. Laying on the mat that was place there, you felt someone sit down behind your back.
Neteyam followed and found you laying down on the mat, he sighs as he squat down facing your back.
"Look at me"
He softly said, his fingers caressing your arm. You close your eyes and relaxes on his touch.
"I'm no idiot Neteyam. The way you touch, hold, and look at me means a lot more.."
Still not looking at him but you can feel his gaze on you, sighing you sat up and look at him straight in the eyes.
"I know we had our ups and down while growing up, we bicker a lot but we'll aways find solace to each other's presence."
You held his hand and you notice his breath hitching but you didn't pay any attention to it. You rub his knuckles and smile softly at him
"Do you remember when we were building this hut? You told me in the most meanest way you can that I can't finish this but later at night, I found you fixing the things I scewed up that in the next morning I found you sleeping inside."
"The foundation wasn't enough so I had to fix it."
You laugh remembering how he always come at day time to bother you but then when you sneak out from your home, you found him tidying it up.
"What I'm saying is somehow, we always found our self tangled to each other... I like you, Neteyam."
His eyes found yours and he saw you smiling, your smile that made your eyes shine. He purse his lips before pulling you towards him. Your head against his chest, his hands on your back rubbing it. You let yourself be immerse to his warmth but you had to pull away. His hand immediately cup your cheeks, his lips stretch into a grin
"Who knew my most annoying childhood friend likes me?" He said, teasing.
"Hmp! For all we know, you're the one who's been crushing on me. I even thought one time that I'll grow old since no one is courting me."
Neteyam laugh and showered your face with kisses and it made you giggle, he stop just above your lips and you close your eyes.
"I love you, yawne."
He whispered before letting your lips and his touch. His one hand place at the back of your neck as he use his other free hand to guide you on sitting on his lap. You can feel all the unsaid feelings througout the years spilling at every second that passes. Your fingers playing with his hair as you let out a moan when he bit your lower lip, parting your lips he slid his tongue in and you let out a sigh when his tongue get tangled with yours.
You were the first one to pull away and his kisses trail down towards your neck. Grazing his teeth on your soft flesh, he slowly pierce his fangs through your skin and it made you whine. Seeing the bite marks he grin to himself before licking it.
You called out and he kiss you again on the lips, you can practically melt into his kisses. Though your kiss stop abruptly when you heard the horn, it means that the feast is coming to and end and the olo'eyktan will be saying a few words before ending the event.
"Let's join them!"
You said and stood up while tugging on his arm, Neteyam wanted to bask in your presence more but for sure his father will be looking for him. He stood up and snake his arm around your waist and kiss your cheeks as you both walk out the hut.
"Is my hair okay? How about my top?"
Neteyam chuckle and tuck in a lose strand of your hair behind your ear
"You look beautiful, syulang. If we didn't just do all those things back there and declared our love. I would think you're trying to impress my father."
The both of you are already nearing where the others and you snickered at what he said. Slipping away from his grasp and walking ahead of him you turn around while grinning.
"Maybe I am? Your father still looks good even- Neteyam!"
He didn't let you finish and carried you like how he carries his catch when hunting. He only put you down when you guys were few meters away and his father is already giving out his speech.
"You're so cute when I tease you."
Neteyam rolled his eyes in response and captured your lips for a another kiss
"And you look cuter after I always kiss you."
He wink and the both of you sneak back on to the crowd, both sitting down on the empty seat. Your head resting on his shoulders, your hands and his intertwined to each other.
"To my son, Neteyam, who'll be the next olo'eyktan!"
You pulled away when he stood up and greeted the clan. You can't help but feel proud looking at him, then he looks at you and made you stand. Blush creeping to your face knowing what he'll do.
"I have chosen my mate, the future tsahik."
He turns and look at you and even if your attention is only on him, it's hard not to notice everyone's attention are on you.
"Oel ngati kameie."
You both said at the same time and it made you laugh, the whole clan cheered and you even saw your parents clapping while your mother is tearing up. You hug him tight as he did too.
"I love you."
○ bonus part! [ neteyam is 25 and you are 23 ]
Your voice boom and your mate immediately went to you leaving all the weapons he has been sharpening.
"What happened? Are you all right? Do you need-"
"Shut up! Help me with this baskets."
Neteyam immediately did what he was told to, you told him to put it inside your home. You can feel yourself growing tired as you rub your round stomach. Who knew pregnancy can be this hard? You can't even hunt on your own now. Well, it's not like Neteyam will let you.
"How about you sit down, hm? I will take care of this."
"It's fine. Just put the baskets on the table. I will chop the fruits."
"No, I can chop them."
You glared at him and he pouted.
"I will chop them and your fingers if you won't let me."
"But you love my fingers..."
Your mate immediately exited your marui pod while laughing, you shake your head in disbelief, a smile can be seen on your lips. When you were about to begin chopping you felt something wet trickled down and your eyes went wide when you see a pool of water at your feet.
Your scream can be heard throughout the camp as you use every bit of your strength, your hands gripping tightly on your mate's arm.
"Breathe, ma yawne. Breathe, follow my breathing.."
"I will really kill you after this, Neteyam!"
Neteyam wince at what you said and wipe the sweat on your forehead
"Tiyawn if you'll kill me then we can't make a another Neteyam junior."
You scream your frustation and when your head fell back again on the pillow, you heard a cry. A cry of a newborn baby. Your tired eyes darted to where the voice is coming from and Neteyam is already holding the baby, your baby, his baby.
"She looks so much like you..."
Neteyam cooed as he place the baby on your chest, you can't help but broke into a sob as you hug your baby. He felt his heart swelled at the sight of his family. He lean down to kiss you on your forehead and kiss the cheeks of the baby.
"Thank you, yawne. Thank you great mother..."
He muttered softly as he hug you and the child of you both. This is his family now, the one where he always dream of having it with you. You, him, and the childrens you guys will be raising on the future. This is everything he could ask for.
#neteyam x reader#atwow imagines#atwow neteyam#atwow x you#neteyam#atwow angst#atwow fandom#jake sully#neteyam x y/n#atwow fluff#neteyam fanfic#neteyam sully#neteyam series#neteyam scenario#neteyam suli x reader#atwow jake#jake sully x reader#avatar the way of water jake#lo'ak avatar#neteyam angst#neteyam fic#neteyam fanfiction#neteyam fluff#neteyam avatar#neteyam atwow#lo’ak fluff#childhood#lovers
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“I don't want somebody having what we had”
Avatar: The way of water
Pairing: Neteyam x reader
Note: PART 2 of “the way that I feel about you is how you feel about her”
Sorry this took forever! But I hope you enjoy. This is based on the song “what we had” by Sody! Please listen to it!
Themes: angst! Jealously, second chance romance, arguing, fighting, pleading, rekindling, happy
Neteyam didn't know how much time had passed. A few minutes? Hours? All he knew was the pain he felt in his chest. No. His whole body felt suffocated. His tears had dried but the stains remained. The cold ground against his forehead and hands on his head. He wanted to slam his head over and over until he could erase everything that had happened. He wanted a do over.
He sat up back onto his knees. Lifting his torso up. How could he be so stupid? How could he have let you walk away? The way you looked at him, the thought made him brace his arms against his thighs so he didn’t crumble to the ground again. Everything had happened so fast. Your confession caught him off guard. Then again nothing could have prepared him for you to say you loved him, that you saw him. What you had asked him was simple.
Did he have feelings for you?
Now with a clear mind. Yes. Of course he had feelings for you. How could he not? He had pushed away any attraction, any feeling or emotion remotely close to love when it came to you. Why? Because his parents wanted him with Neriaya. Yes, they loved you but Neriaya was more grounded and less impulsive than you.
That's what his parents thought but him? He thought you were perfect. You are perfect. Perfect for him. Yes, were you a bit impulsive and liked a good adventure? Yes. But he loved that about you. Everything about you, you always thought with your heart first, you cared deeply for others and you were loyal. The most loyal Na’vi to him. So loyal that you broke your heart to be by his side and broke it again to leave his side. He understood why you left, Neriaya. But now he knew what he wanted. He didn't care what his parents wanted.
Neteyam shot up. Standing tall now. He was going to fix this.
When Neteyam flew back to camp on his ikran it was dark. Na’vi were finishing up dinner, walking around. He searched for you among them. Then decided to head to your hut. Before he could even start he felt a small hand on his shoulder. He turned around.
“Neteyam” Neriaya.
“Hello Neriaya.” the nervousness he felt around her was gone. He no longer left pressure to impress her for his parents.
“Where were you?” she shifted her weight, she was nervous, “I looked for you before it got dark but you were nowhere to be found.” he flashed her a sympathetic smile.
Neteyam took a deep breath, he didn't want to do this here. In the middle of the camp. Anyway, if he is going to win you back he needs to set things straight with Neriaya. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the forest.
From not too far away Neytiri and Jake watched with Neriaya’s mother. Smiling.
“Well, looks like they are a good match.” Jake looks to his wife. But her smile isn't convincing
“Yes! They will be perfect. I will tell her father before we tell others.” Neriaya’s mother moved quickly to her hut.
“Ma Jake. I’m not sure our son is happy.” Neytiri stared at the forest where her son and Neriaya had disappeared into.
“Why do you say that?” Jake was confused, this is what Neytiri and him talked about.
“I don't know. I know my son. That wasn't a happy smile.” she crossed her arms.
Jake placed his hands on his mate's arms, “Neriaya is the best choice for him.”
Neytiri pushed Jake’s hands away.
“My mother and father thought Tsu'tey was a good match for me.” She crossed her arms
Jake scoffed, “do you agree?” a smirk appeared on Neytiri’s face.
Jake pulled his mate in by her waist.
“No, you’re the only woman for me”
“Ma Jake, if our son is not happy with Neriaya we cannot force him.” She wrapped her arms around him.
“You're right.” he kissed the top of her head.
“I’m sorry Neriaya. You are a great hunter, a great singer and a great woman. But... I cannot take you as my mate.”
“Ne-Neteyam? But I thought you...” she was confused. From a young age her parents told her who was to be her mate and he was rejecting her?
“Neriaya. I-I am in love with someone else.”
“Y/n, it's her isn't it.” She placed a hand on her mouth, she always saw you and Neteyam together but it didn't matter to her. Because Neteyam was supposed to be hers.
“Neriaya, listen to me” he put a hand on her shoulder. “You deserve a man who knows you. Knows every part you. A man who see’s you. We have never really spent time together or know each others favorite colors!”
Neteyam knew it was silly but it was true. He didn't know the first thing about Neriaya. How to calm her down if she is upset. How to read her body language. How to make her smile and when it's real. He knew everything about you.
Neriaya sat there for a second, thinking. The tears that were once flowing had stopped. Her “love” for Neteyam were things that had been told to her about him. She never truly saw him.
“You’re right. I don't know you Neteyam.”
He smiled kindly at her. Happy to not break her heart.
“I'm sorry it won't work out between us but I wish you happiness.”
“I'm sorry too Neteyam. Goodbye and may Ewya be on your side to win Y/n’s heart.” she smiled kindly and left.
Neteyam sighed he is going to need a lot more than Ewya’s help to get you back.
A day had passed. When Neteyam returned from his talk with Neriaya, he broke the news to his father about not wanting to be with Neriaya.
Neteyam faced his father in their hut.
“I know what I want. I'm..Y-you cannot tell who I can love. I want to be with Y/n and that is my decision. You canno-” Neteyam stopped rambling when he felt his mother's touch on his shoulder behind him.
“We know Neteyam and it is okay.” she smiled at him.
Neteyam looked back at his father, Jake had no anger on his face just pride.
“I myself know it is impossible to not fall in love with someone you're not supposed to” Jake smirked.
Neteyam’s eyes brimmed with tears. Tears of relieve. His parents weren't upset at all. They supported him.
“Y/n will make a fine Tsahik.”
When you woke up the entire village was buzzing about Neteyam and Neriaya. They were no longer to be mated. Everyone assumed the pair would mate so the sudden change in plans confused everyone. Neteyam was 19 and already a year late to pick a mate.
Although it felt like your heart had fixed itself a little at the news. It didn't make you feel better. Neteyam did not reciprocate feelings for you. Even if he didn't have a mate now. He would one day and you would love him from a distance.
Your mother was next to you while you ate.
“You know. Maybe it is time for you to find a mate my daughter.”
If your mother had said that two days ago maybe you would've gone into panic mode. But today? You thought about it. You didn't want to be alone. Although your mate could never be Neteyam, there were other fine men in the village.
“Maybe it is.” you looked up at her.
She was shocked, but a smile spread on her face. She knew you loved Neteyam, but knew you were never the Sully’s first choice for their oldest son.
“I will spread the word then.”
The news traveled fast because during your day many Na’vi approached you. Only one had caught your eye, Ru’ak. You had been friends when you were younger but you were always glued to Neteyam.
Neteyam had noticed the men in the village talking to you. Of course men always talked to you but today was different. It was excessive. He tail flicked back and forth in annoyance. You were his. You had always been his. Why are all the men suddenly interested in you.
“Oww! Watch it.” Lo’ak howled. Shoving Neteyam, his tail had flicked him.
“Sorry.” Neteyam mumbled
“What’s got you so worked up.” Lo’ak noticed his brother had been off today.
“Y/n, I feel as if all the men in our village have talked to her today.”
“Oh you didn’t hear?” Neteyam became stiff.
“Hear what.” His breathing picking up
“Her mother told Tsahik she was looking for a mate.”
Neteyam’s head spun. No. This wasn’t happening. He had kept his distance waiting for the right time to pull you aside to talk. It had been about a week now since he and his parents made the announcement about him and Neriaya.
He thought the news would make you happy but now you had suddenly decided you needed a mate?!
“No..n-no that can’t be true.” He shook his head.
“Ru’ak is really chatting her up.” Lo’ak grinned, He loved seeing his brother riled up.
Neteyam’s head snapped in your direction, it was true. Ru’ak had made you laugh. Your beautiful smile was directed towards Ru’ak. Not him. No way was he letting Ru’ak have you.
The sun had started to set, Ru’ak asked you to join him on a sunset ride with your ikrans. You decided to accept the invitation. Fixing your braids and grabbing a snack in your hut. Before leaving you paused for a second. This is going fast. A little too fast. Your heart was still broken, shattered.
Were you ready to open your heart to another? The answer was no. But this was better than feeling the utter despair and loneliness from being rejected. Just as you were about to walk out again. He walked in. Neteyam.
He looked out of breath.
“Wha-what are you doing here,” you spoke suddenly feeling as out of breath as him.
“You’re going somewhere with Ru’ak.” His eye brows furrowed.
“That’s none of your business Neteyam.” You tried to walk by him but he stepped in front of you.
You stepped back from him, frustrated. You didn’t think your heart could rip apart anymore but being this close to him felt like someone was doing just that.
“What are you doing Neteyam. Don’t you know this hurts me. You being here hurts me. You talking to me hurts me.” You looked into his eyes. Pain flashed through his. You tried to push him aside but he would budge.
“I know, but I called things off with Neriaya!” He raised his voice a little and you stopped fighting him. Did this mean?
“I heard.” You looked down
Neteyam was confused, if you had heard the news... Why did you suddenly want a mate?
“I don't understand... I heard you are looking for a mate.” Neteyam’s voice was low.
“I am.” you stood your ground, looking him in eye.
“Y/n-” he reached for your shoulder, you took a step back.
“Neteyam, it's too late.” you looked away. You weren't sure why he was doing this. Even if he confessed his feelings for you, how would you know it wasn't just so he wouldn't lose you? Is he mistaking friendship for love.
His heart dropped hearing those words leave your lips.
“Neteyam, Its hard for me to believe that suddenly you have feelings for me. That suddenly you know now that you see me and love, especially when I asked you directly if you had feelings for me.” although it hurt you to say this, you knew you had to. To protect yourself.
“I know Y/n! And trust me I have been kicking myself ever since.”
“I- I just, I'm tired Neteyam. My heart keeps being thrown around and I can't take it anymore.” tears brimmed your eyes, you tried to compose yourself.
“You don't love me, now you do? You end your engagement and I hear from you for days? And now you're mad at me?! Me. For looking for a mate when all my life I had been waiting for you.” you were angry now. Angry at him.
Neteyam saw the change in you, you were angry but so was he.
“I know I messed up Y/n, but you say you love me all your life and now you go looking for a mate?” it was a low blow and he knew it but he let his emotions get the best of him. Only with you did he seem to lose his ability to think.
You gasped in anger. “You know what, I have a date to get to. I've had enough of you catching me off guard and forcing conversations.”
He knew you were right. Maybe if he hadnt forced the conversation a couple weeks ago and now, you two wouldn't be fighting.
“Y/n..” He sighed and took a deep breath trying to clear his head to say what he actually wanted to say.
“No. Netetam. I've kept Ru’ak waiting long enough. I'm leaving.” you pushed by him and he let you. This conversation was going nowhere, he knew you. You needed to cool off before trying again.
And he was going to try again. Because there was no way he was going to let you walk away from away a third time.
You couldn't go on the date with Ru’ak. It was unfair to him and you let him down easy. Although you thought he was great, he wasn't the one for you. You knew that.
Instead you flew alone on your Ikran over the forest before noticing Lo’ak on certain tree.
You landed softy and climbed up to meet him, he had already seen you coming and made room for you.
“Hello Y/n” he smiled at you as you sat down.
“Lo’ak” you hugged his side. He was like a younger brother you to.
“Crazy couple weeks huh.” he smirked, he had heard all sides of the story possible besides from you. Between Kiri, Neteyam and his parents, he had a good idea of what was going on.
“You know it.” you shook your head.
“How was Ru’ak” he liked Ru’ak but he knew he was nowhere close to his older brother.
“I didnt go. I let him down easy. It wasn't fair to him.” you looked off into the sky. You enjoyed the small breeze and the smell of the forest.
Lo’ak raised an eyebrow. Proud of you. “Youre right it wasn't.”
You narrowed your eyes had him playfully, “what are you doing here” he was usually out here.
“Had to escape, all this mate talk has mother and father talking about mates for me, but if I'm being honest I feel like my mate isn't here.” he looked sad, you hugged him again.
“She may not be here, but Ewya always has a plan.” he smiled and leaned into you.
“You're right, I think I'm going to head back now, you coming?” he stood up and you followed him down the tree.
“No, I need a little more time to think, but you know where i’ll be” you winked at him and mounted your Ikran.
Lo’ak watched you leave, and he ran back to camp. He had a mission to accomplish.
He found just who he was looking for. Neteyam was in the hut, laying down sulking. He gave Lo’ak a tight smile before looking back up at the ceiling. Kiri was there too and he smirked at her, she tilted her head aware Lo’ak was up to something.
“Kiri! Has Y/n told you about her date yet? You have to talk to her, turns out she had a great time.” Kiri’s eyes widened, “o-oh really? I'll have to talk to then.”
Neteyam’s ears flattened back, he started to breath heavily. What the hell was Lo’ak playing at.
“Do you think they will be mates?” Kiri continued, Neteyam’s jaw clenched. It was taking every fiber in his body to not lose it.
“Yeah! Romantic Ikran ride and If I'm not wrong I think he kissed her from the way she was blushing.”
Neteyam snapped.
He stood right in front of his brother, fisted balled up against his sides.
“What the hell did you say”
“Hey, don't be mad at me that's just what I heard. If you don't believe me, I know she is at the rock you two always hang out at.” Lo’ak knew he was pouring salt into his brothers wounds. Suggesting that you would even bring another guy to your designated spot.
Neteyam shoved past Lo’ak and headed straight to you.
When Neteyam landed his Ikran his anger started to dissipate. Especially after seeing you alone sitting down, he started to remember that he needed to keep his head clear.
You turned to the noise near you and looked away when you saw it was him.
Neteyam kept his distance, “Y/n, is it okay if we talk?” he wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.
You took a deep breath. It was better to talk, enough of the fighting. You turned around and stood up. “Yes.”
His heart soared, you were giving him a chance.
“Y/n I know this has been so confusing and that I have caused you so much pain. But please just hear me out. I know you had an amazing date with you Ru’ak but please just listen.” he slowly started to make his way towards you.
“Neteyam-” you started to speak but he cut you off.
“Y/n, please.” his eyes held you captive, you couldn't look away even if you wanted to. You nodded your head for him to continue.
“When you asked me if I had feelings for you, I was so off guard. So many things were happening at once I couldn't think straight, usually around you it's always hard to think straight.” a small smile started to make its way to your lips.
“Even when we were little it was hard, but you always made me feel so comfortable and let me just be me around you. You know me better than anyone. I know you. You, better than anyone. What makes you laugh, sad, mad, how loyal you are, how much you care for other Na’vi, how passionate you are. And it kills me to know that I didn't see how much you were hurting over me.” your eyes started to tear up.
“Y/n, when it came to feelings for you I always pushed them away and made myself think it was only platonic. Even though j knew they weren't, it was because my parents always thought Neriaya was the best choice for me. They were wrong. I told them that, right after we talked the first time. I called off the engagement because I knew that my feelings for you were far from platonic.”
“I can't stand the thought of not talking to you one day and I know I'm being selfish, and I have no right but I can't help thinking of you every night. And I don't want to say it, because I know it's bad but I don't want somebody having what we had.”
“Y/n, I see you” his fingers brushed your chin making you look up at him. “And I love you. I always have.”
All your life you had wanted to hear those words. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Excitement and joy.
Everything he had said, All your doubts and worries disappeared. Neteyam saw you, he loved you.
“I see you Neteyam and I love you too.” tears finally spilled from your eyes.
“And for the record, I didn't go on the date with Ru’ak. I couldn't, my heart has always and will always belong to you.”
He let out a shaky laugh, finally feeling like he was getting air. The thought of you with someone else was crippling him. Lo’ak... He should've known his brother was playing him, but thank Ewya he did. He will have to thank him later.
“And I have always belonged to you.”
He brought both hands to your cheeks and he brushed away your tears with his thumbs cradling your face. You placed your hands on his wrists, holding his gaze.
Neteyam looked down at your lips then back into your eyes. You did the same. Anticipation sizzling through the air. Your entire body felt on edge. Neteyam’s breathing picked up.
“Nete..” you whispered just before closing your eyes and Neteyam closed the distance between the two you.
He groaned into your mouth hearing his beloved nickname leave your lips.
He pulled away from you for a second to look at you. How could he have waited this long to make you his? One kiss and he was ready to get on his knees for you.
He deepened the kiss and moved his hands to pull you back in and closer by your waist. Your hands gripped his shoulders.
When the two of you broke apart after several minutes you were out of breath. Panting.
“You're mine.” he grinned pressing his forehead against yours.
I finally finished. I am so sorry for the wait, but I kept deleting and rewriting and I am finally happy with this! If you guys want I can write a little epilogue ;). Thank you for all the supportnoknosrt one and if wasn't for all the love part 2 would never exist!
#lo’ak#lo’ak x reader#neteyam imagine#neteyam x reader#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#neteyam x omaticaya!reader#neteyam sully#neteyam x y/n#neteyam series#neteyam imagines
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— chapter 21. earn me.
a/n — oh my god guys we made it it's the end
series masterlist. | previous / end.

written portion below. —
"since when did you listen to taylor swift?" you snorted as you made your way into the car, lo'ak only shrugging in response.
"rey kinda just takes the aux chord anytime she's in my car, taylor started to grow on me."
"as she should," you nodded, immediately turning up the volume when you saw the song, gasping in excitement. "LONG STORY SHORT IT WAS THE WRONG GUY!" you shouted from the top of your lungs, lo'ak laughing beside you.
"you said that with a little too much heart, if you ask me."
"shut up!" you scoffed in mock offense, reaching over to flick his forehead. "you're actually horrible."
"hey, i just said what needed to be said."
the whole car ride consisted of uncontrollable laughter and shouting of taylor swift, before lo'ak turned down the volume, making you look over in confusion.
"ok, so what's going on between you and my brother?"
"lo'ak!" you groaned in annoyance, only to be met with his laughter when you turned red. "we just decided that we liked each other again, i guess."
"did you ever really stop?" he questioned, pulling into a parking space.
you pondered for a moment, sitting still before getting out of the car. "i guess not."
"shut the fuck up."
you both bickered as you walked to the cafe, lo'ak stopping just a few feet short of it, blocking your view inside. "you know, are we really sure we wanna do this whole barista thing? i mean, i did burn coffee."
"well hopefully you know how to work a cash register." you laughed, trying to push past only to be met with the hard of his chest.
"you know, i don't think i ever told you the full story of how me and tsireya got together-"
"lo'ak, you can tell me inside, okay?" you pushed past him once more, this time successful. you chuckled to yourself at the boys odd antics, your smile fading as you stopped a few steps into the cafe.
"i'm sorry i tried to-"
you cut lo'ak off, flashing a glare towards the blonde. "literally what the fuck is her problem? why is she so obsessed with neteyam- like take a hint, he doesn't want you."
the boy besides you only laughed, clutching onto your shoulder. "so true. she probably just is clueless."
"annoying," you grumbled under your breath, walking over towards a register, trying to put the thought of neteyam and another girl as far from your head as possible before you could take your interview.
neteyam, who only stood still with a confused violet across from him was approached by lo'ak, whispering lowly in his ear. "if you let y/n leave this cafe before talking to you, you might not have another chance with her again."
─── neteyam !
lo'ak's right, eywa, neteyam knows he's right.
the thought of losing his chance to be with you, once again, is enough to tear neteyam to shreds. and he knows he should probably go after you, talk to you before you go to that interview instead of watching you walk into a separate room and letting violet even slightly think she has a chance with him compared to you.
but alas, even neteyam succumbs to the many voices in his head that tell him he shouldn't. that tell him he wasn't enough for you then and most certainly won't be now. that tell him he should let you go and be with someone you deserve, that tell him he shouldn't be as selfish as he wants to right now.
so he sits in silence, let's violet try to figure out what the hell is going on with him from across the table. he thinks and thinks and thinks, and he doesn't realize how much time was really passed until he watches you brush past lo'ak, making a beeline for outside.
and as he makes a move to follow after you he hesitates, wondering if maybe the voices in his head were right all along.
but this time he decides he shouldn't stick around to find out.
so neteyam leaves violet in the dust, her calls of protest only white noise to him as he chases after you.
─── y/n !
as you heard your name being shouted from across the parking lot, you turned at the familiar voice.
a voice you could recognize anywhere.
you're almost sure you could recognize neteyam by his touch alone, the tenderness in the way his calloused hands ran over your skin, or the hesitant way he'd reach for you.
and even yet, even at the feeling of possible betrayal from the one person you're almost positive it would break you, you still feel comfort from his voice.
he catches up with you, face rather flushed. "whatever that was back there, it wasn't what it looked like."
only lifting your brow in amusement, neteyam continued. "violet's been dming me like crazy the past week, and i've been ignoring everything. i probably should've just blocked her instead because she saw my post and figured we were something we weren't and-"
"neteyam," you cut him off, gaining his whole attention by calling him by his full name. "it's not like- like we're dating, you know?" you noticed the way his shoulders dropped slightly at the statement, but you both knew you were right. "you don't have to explain yourself to me. i know about violet, and especially how she feels about you."
"i don't know where you're going with this," neteyam honestly answered, looking all out of sorts. "what are you trying to say? that you don't care that another girl was holding my hand?"
"i'm saying, you're allowed to live a life and not have to explain every waking thing you do to me," you countered. "and of course i care, neteyam. i care so much. but don't you see what this is doing to us? to our friendship?"
"y/n," neteyam started, refusing to let you step away from him, his hands grasping for your arms. "we can fix this, can't we? we've had some miscommunications here and there, but eywa, i've only wanted you. i don't want violet, or any other girl for that matter. i just want you, and i know you want me. shouldn't that be the only thing that matters?"
"you want me?" you inquired, not waiting for his confirmation. "i need you to prove it. i refuse to be someone you think you can run back to so easily. if you really mean it, earn me."
you left him in the parking lot and went back inside, not giving him the chance to say anything else.
the ride home in lo'ak's car was relatively silent, neither of you daring to talk. lo'ak was still a little lost on the situation, only understanding that things clearly didn't go as well as he expected them to.
nevertheless, he didn't question you in respects for your privacy, and trusted that you would tell him when you were ready.
"let me know if you need anything, yeah?" he called out as you got out of the car.
you smiled softly in response, nodding. "thanks for the ride."

you ended the call with kiri, flopping yourself on the nearby couch.
the past few weeks and the fiasco have been more than enough to keep you busy, and honestly? you just wanted to nap. so you grabbed some random blanket laid across the couch, settling on top of the cushions and closing your eyes, trying to let sleep overtake you.
until you heard a knock on the door.
"i'm dreaming, it's apart of my dream, fuck off." you whined, hoping whoever was there would go away.
your hopes were crushed when the knocking continued, this time more insistent.
"i'm coming, i'm coming! so impatient." grumbling, you wrapped the blanket around your figure, opening the door to face neteyam.
"hi, i-"
"what are you doing here?" you cut him off, more shocked than you should be at the fact he was standing in front of you.
"proving it to you," he simply replied, as if it made all the sense in the world. "i'm serious about this, y/n. i know you're skeptical about this and really you should be, but you can trust me, i swear. and i know i've been stupid when it comes to you-"
"really stupid." you added quietly, making him chuckle and roll his eyes at your remark.
"really stupid," he confirmed. "i just- sometimes i cant think straight around you, you know? you drive me absolutely insane and i lose my mind around you half the time."
"are you implying i'm difficult?"
"i would never," he smiled, stepping inside and closing the door, figuring the entire hall didn't need to hear the entire conversation. "i'm trying to imply that i know i don't make the best decisions when it comes to you, and i'm trying to fix it. because i don't think i could stand the idea of only being your friend when i know we could be so much more."
you nodded, your silence making him worry for a moment. "you're right. and you aren't the only one being stupid— i am too. i'm overly cautious around you, it's like i cant stand to make a mistake when it comes to us."
"we're gonna make mistakes, that's natural," neteyam spoke, laughing to himself when he reached for you and saw you wrapped up in the blanket. "but i'll make as many mistakes as it takes if it means i can finally learn how to be with you properly."
"you really mean that?" you know you should trust him, and eywa, you really do. but you're still clinging onto the feeling, the desperation for confirmation.
"i do," he assured, opening up the blanket. "now can you please move this damned blanket so i can give you a proper hug?"
─── one month later ! (your birthday.)

you had just finished your shift, ready to head home and take a much needed shower.
alas, your plan was deterred by a call of your name, a smile immediately making its way to your face at the sight of your newly named boyfriend.
"teyam!" you called, engulfing him in a tight squeeze when he lightly jogged over. "what are you doing here?"
"well you're working on your birthday, i had to come see you one way or another."
"awh, you remembered?" you teased, landing a kiss on the soft of his cheek.
"i'd never hear from you again if i forgot," he quipped. "i actually brought you something, before i see you again tonight."
"neteyam-" you started, no doubt in his mind about to complain about multiple gifts.
"shhhh, let me spoil you," he cut you off. "it's actually something i've wanted you to have for awhile now." wordlessly taking a hidden gold chain from underneath his sweater, neteyam pulled it off himself, revealing what looked like a round locket.
as he handed it over you opened the locket to see an old photograph of you and him, and you smiled, remembering the day like it was yesterday. "how long have you had this?"
"i-" he started, tilting his head with an awkward chuckle. "i got it the day we broke up, actually. the girl you saw me with had it made for me."
your mind flashed back to the argument where you brought her up, and as your face fell, neteyam quickly stopped you before you could think anymore about it. "i just wimped out of giving it to you. now seems like a great occasion for it, though."
"i love it," you declared, looking up at him. "i love you."
eyes widening at the sudden confession, neteyam was unable to stop the smile creeping up on him. "really?"
you nodded, taking his hand in yours. "really."
"i love you too," he admitted, and somehow the dirty alleyway that led to your car was the most romantic scene you'd have to experience yet.
"i always have."
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl @alwayswndr @khaleesi56 @azaleaniath @dilfverz
─── all i can say is just omfg we finally did it guys 😭 i wanna say thank you to everyone who read this smau and enjoyed it, your support and love was truly amazing and really was my motivation to keep this going. you all are so so special to me and i hope you enjoyed somebody else!
yours truly, rory. ⭐️
#neteyam sully#ao'nung avatar#— somebody else ᥫ᭡#avatar x reader#avatar fluff#avatar neteyam#neteyam fluff#neteyam x reader#neteyam angst#neteyam series#neteyam smau#neteyam fic#ao’nung x reader#ao'nung x you#ao'nung series#ao'nung x reader#ao'nung smau#ao'nung angst#ao'nung fluff#avatar smau#avatar series
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Neteyam Masterlist
Main Masterlist Avatar Masterlist Neteyam & Ao'nung Masterlist Neteyam & Lo'ak Masterlist
Mate of Mine
Whether or Not
Labs & Trees
Your My Home
Without You
This Can't Be the End
#neteyam x na'vi#neteyam#neteyam sully#neteyam smut#neteyam series#neteyam x na'vi!reader#neteyam x you#neteyam x oc#neteyam x aonung#neteyam x avatar!reader#smut#neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan#loak sully#lo'ak sully#lo'ak smut#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#avatar way of water#aged up neteyam#neteyam x reader
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ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴇ (Neteyam x Best Friend!Reader!) Part 2
(Image from cinetrix )
Part 1 https://www.tumblr.com/mooskey/724431901726752768/%E1%B4%A1%CA%9C%E1%B4%87%C9%B4-%CA%8F%E1%B4%8F%E1%B4%9C-%CA%9F%E1%B4%8F%E1%B4%8F%E1%B4%8B-%E1%B4%80%E1%B4%9B-%E1%B4%8D%E1%B4%87-neteyam-x-best
Warnings!: Suggestive content, angst, minor Lo'ak x reader, violence, language, pissy Neteyam
Neteyam stared at you and Lo'ak from across the large fire with narrowed eyes. You sat together, alone, Lo'ak cracking jokes and you cracking up. It made Neteyam's tail whip behind him in indescribable frustration. He never thought Lo'ak would actually be so bold to ask you out, especially at an event as large as the end of the war celebration. He thought it was a bluff when the younger brother brought it up that week ago, but here he was.
"You're glaring at them, brother," the voice of Kiri broke him from his harsh glare.
"I am not," Neteyam denied, looking at his sister. His cheeks felt hot in embarrassment of being caught. At the sound of you laughter although, his gaze snapped back to you and Lo'ak. Part of him admired the way you smiled so brightly but a part of him wished it was him making you smile in such a way once more.
"If it bothers you so much, why did you tell Lo'ak he could ask her out?" Kiri challenged, following her elder brother's gaze.
"It doesn't," he growled, his jaw clenching at his own denial.
Kiri looked at him with a knowing face, that Neteyam completely ignored. "You know they can probably feel you staring."
As if on cue, Lo'ak turned and made eye contact with his brother. Neteyam's glare on hardened, making Lo'ak audibly gulp.
"Hey, let's get outta here," he said, grasping your hand gently and helping you up from your previous seated position. You only smiled gently and allowed the younger boy to pull you into the forest.
"Bold move brother," Kiri mumbled as she and Neteyam watched the two wander away from the crowd.
"What the hell does he think he's doing?" Neteyam exclaimed a bit louder then he meant to. He turned back to Kiri, only to be met with a knowing look, very similar to the one a mother may give to her child. "Okay, it might bother me."
"It seems as though it does," a new voice added.
"Great, let's add the whole family into this conversation," Neteyam said sarcastically as his eyes landed on the forms of his parents.
"Did our son really sneak off with the Na'vi his brother is in love with?" Jake asked Neytiri, his voice laced with disapproval.
"Right now, he's your son," Neytiti scoffed, taking a sip of some sort of drink. Jake's cheeks flushed at the comment, thinking back to when he and his mate first became one.
"What?" Neteyam questioned, looking at his parents. "What does that mean?"
"Someone was in love with me when I mated with your father," Neytiri explained. She frowned as her eldest son's face dropped at her words. "I was to be mated and your father and I became one on the night he became one of the People."
"This isn't the same scenario," Jake denied. "Lo'ak would never mate with the Na'vi his brother is in love with."
"I'm not in love with them!" Neteyam yelled, his face growing hot with embarrassment and frustration. "I just don't want Lo'ak to hurt them."
"So you're fine with them now spending their time with Lo'ak?" Kiri asked. "With Lo'ak now being the one that is there when they cry, when they need someone to hold them?"
Neteyam's chest grew heavy as Kiri spoke. He had felt, even the past week, how his heart fell everytime he saw you with Lo'ak instead of him. How his little brother was the one who got to hold your hand.
"I'm supposed to be the one to hold them," he seethed. His mind wandered to what Lo'ak could be doing to you deep within the forest. and his fists began to clench. "I'm supposed to protect them. To be with them, like Lo'ak is with them." He released a low breath, his eyes softening as the realization hit him. "I love them."
"Why are you telling us, boy?" Jake asked, making Neteyam look at him. "Go get them. Just, don't beat up your brother."
"No promises," Neteyam said before dashing after you and Lo'ak. He weaved through the luminescent forest floor, eyes flicking through the scenery, desperately searching for your figure. The more he searched, the lower his heart would drop. But then, he found himself in your hideaway. His breathing grew heavy and anger coursed through his veins as he saw you and Lo'ak lying in the middle of the clearing. "Lo'ak!" he yelled, causing both of you to sit up and look at the older boy.
"Jesus Christ, it took you long enough!" Lo'ak exclaimed, throwing his head back. "We've been here for like, half an hour." Neteyam watched in confusion as his brother stood and walked towards him. He gave him a hard pat on the shoulder as he pushed past him. "We didn't kiss or anything... today. Good luck bro."
Neteyam watched as his brother left, still filled with confusion and a bit of remaining anger.
"Hi, Yams," you said softly, staring at Neteyam with a sad expression.
"You brought him here," he responded, his anger taking hold. "You brought him to our hideaway. And you kissed him?"
"What does it matter?" you asked, watching calmly and Neteyam approached you. "All you've been doing recently is glaring at me."
"He's my brother, y/n!" Neteyam yelled, looking down at you. "I didn't see you for a week because you were with him instead of me! I tried coming here to catch even a glimpse of you, but you were never here!"
"Bullshit!" you exclaimed, scrambling to your feet. You stood to full height, frustration now coursing through you as well. "You never attempted to see me. You didn't want anything to do with me when I was with Lo'ak. Are you such a spoiled brat that I can't have more than one friend?"
"Friend?" Neteyam asked, his ears pinning to his head at your choice of words.
"Yes! Friends," you exclaimed. "And I never kissed him! He just kissed my scrape!"
Neteyam felt his anger wash away, a small smile poking past his lips.
"Oh my god," you scoffed, watching as Neteyam's behavior changed so quickly. You crossed your arms over your chest as he laughed.
"He kissed your scrape?" he laughed loudly.
"I fell and was being whiny!" you defended, fighting back a smile of your own. "He was teasing me and kissed my scrape to make fun of me!" You let out a giggle, finding the eldest Sully son's laughter contagious. "I'm still mad at you," you said, forcing a frown back onto your face.
"I'm sorry," Neteyam giggled, the apology behind it genuine. "I was under the impression my little brother was dating you. I admit I was jealous."
"Why the hell did you think that?" you asked, your brows furrowing in confusion.
"Said brother told me as such."
"That little dick," you grumbled. Neteyam laughed once more. "You were jealous?"
Neteyam froze, clearing his throat. He felt uncomfortable under your gaze, shuffling back and forth on his toes. His tail whipped as you stalked towards him, placing a hand on his chest.
"Shall we sit?" you asked softly. Neteyam nodded, his breathing uneven against your touch.
"Y/n, my Hì'i syulang, I love you," he said quietly, placing a hand over the one that still rested on his chest. The nickname he had given you in your childhood now sounded so intimate. "I want to be held by you. I want to hold you. I want to be the one to see your beautiful smile. I want to be the one you come to when you cry. I want you to be my best friend and my lover. I love your eyes and your nose and your heart. Ewya, how I adore your heart and that voice." You felt your cheeks flush at his words, a bit overwhelmed by all the praise. "The way you laugh is heavenly, I remember every word you say. I want to hear you talk forever-"
Neteyam let out a small gasp and you pressed your lips against his. He was quick to respond, leaning forward to kiss you deeply. He frowned as you pulled away, your heads still connected.
"Do you love me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You need not to shower me with such praise to convince me to love you, I already do," you said, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. "I have since we were children, My Neteyam."
Neteyam felt his heart stop in his chest, a wide smile growing on his lips. He laughed gleefully before pulling you into another kiss. You giggled as he did, making the kiss messy and short. He felt his breath grow ragged as you wandered into his lap, your thighs tightening against his own, your arms around his neck. He stared up at you with nothing but pure admiration.
You stared right back at him, feeling nervous but comfortable in the new intimate position. You contiued staring into the eyes of the man you loved as he lowered you to the grassy floor, the soft greenery tickling your back.
"I had dreams similar to these," Neteyam admitted, carefully untangling your hands from his neck as he hovered above your figure. You watched with uneven breaths as he took one of your hands and carefully kissed your wrist. "Images of your beautiful body below my own." His kisses wandered up your arm until they reached your shoulder. He placed a gentle kiss of your collar bone, making you inhale deeply. Your eyes fluttered closed as his kisses trained lazily up your neck and to your lips. You were quick to respond to his lips on your own. You trained your free arm up his bicep and to his back, nails scraping against in gently as you kissed. You let out a small whine as his released your lips and trailed down to the other side of your neck. You watched with red cheeks as he kissed down your opposite arm, finally kissing your other wrist. "Tell me this isn't just another dream, Hì'i syulang." His eyes met yours, half lidded and filled with a mixture of lust and longing. Pure love.
"It's real, my love," you said, stroking his face gently. "Makes your dreams a reality, my Neteyam."
A/n hehe
Hì'i syulang: little flower
#james cameron avatar#avatar the way of water#neteyam x na'vi!reader#neteyam sully smut#avatar twow#neteyam#atwow#loak sully#avatar neteyam#jake sully#neteyam x reader#neteyam fluff#atwow neteyam#neteyam suli x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam smut#neteyam scenario#neteyam series#partial loak x reader#loak headcanons#atwow loak#avatar loak#avatar fluff#avatar#neteyam imagine#neteyam x omaticaya!reader#neteyam x y/n#neteyam x you#childhood best friends to lovers#best friends to lovers
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Fourth Times the Charm - Prolouge
Hey guys! So I had this idea for an angsty Neteyam story that was a mix of like ‘one sided’ enemies to lovers but also grumpy/sunshine without making Neteyam a total butthole. I think this prologue gives a good idea of how I am going to do that, I really hope you enjoy!
Please read the A/N at the end if you are intrested!!

Finding a mate was something most Na’vi looked forward to. Traditionally, it was the first step that was taken after passing the rites of passage. That special bond was desired and sought out by almost everybody.
I, for one, was never really one of these people.
I was one of the youngest people to pass their Iknimaya and was the youngest to become a warrior in our clan. My father was Olo’eyktan and some day I would be too.
Knowing this, the idea of finding a mate never really interested me past the age of 10. From a young age I’ve been very aware of the possible threats posed against our clan. So from that age I decided that I would put all my energy towards being the best warrior and future leader I could be.
I believe it was a good choice on my part. After all those years I’d become the esteemed warrior I’d always wanted to be. Through it all my clan stayed safe and I’ve always had my family by my side.
What more could I ever want or need? What more fulfillment would a woman give that I had not given myself?
Sadly, my logic did not align with the tradition of being a future leader. Because where there was an Olo’eyktan there would always be a Tsahik. So although I was okay with not finding a mate, the lack of having a future Tsahik was starting to concern much of the clan, especially my parents.
My mother and my father had one of the best love stories I have ever heard in my life. They knew how great the right bond could be and it was evident they wanted me to find my mate so I could be as happy as they are. They saw how hard I worked to be the warrior I am today, there was no doubting my skills or capability of being Olo’eyktan someday. So now all they wanted was for me to settle down and find my Tsahik.
They never forced me though, only making a few comments here and there. They tried to be understanding, telling themselves I was just taking my own path and would eventually find a woman in the clan that I’d want to be with. But on the other hand, it was traditional to be mated by the age of 21 so when I had yet to show interest in finding a mate of my own at 18, they began arranging women for me to court.
I know that it was their last resort, they had never really liked the idea of forcing mates together since they knew first hand how powerful a bond was when you truly loved the other. I think that’s why they never forced me to actually bond with any of the women permanently. I think the plan was to encourage the idea of how great having a mate could be.
Their plan failed.
In one year I went through three arranged courtships, each possible mate worse than the one before.
There was Tallulah, Lì'ee, and Aìyana.
Tallulah was picked from our clan and our courtship lasted a mere three weeks. She was a year younger than me but I had known her my entire life seeing as she was a good friend of Kiri’s. She was intelligent, beautiful, and a talented forager. They were great traits for a Tsahik to have which is why I think my parents picked her. Although I admired her for all of those things, I could not for the life of me see her as more than my little sister’s friend.
Luckily Tallulah didn’t take me ending the courtship too roughly. She understood and simply hoped the two of us could still stay cordial. There were no hard feelings; her and Kiri remained friends, and Tallulah and I never had any animosity towards each other.
I wish I could say the next two ended the same.
Lì'ee was a young woman from a nearby clan in the forest. She was the oldest child of the Olo’eyktan, and although whoever she mated with would become the next Olo’eyktan, she couldn’t seem to find a mate.
That should have been an instant red flag to my parents.
Lì'ee and I’s courtship lasted three months and it started off great. She was very sweet and caring, raised to be an amazing Tsahik. I could see myself building a future with her, until we hit the three month mark. By then I began to understand why nobody had wanted to court her.
She was atrociously needy and practically demanded all my attention. It didn’t matter if I was with my family or friends, or even out on a hunt. If I was not by her side 24/7 I would come back to her upset or even crying. I had tried to comply with her needs, reducing my personal and even family time to be with her, but it was never enough.
On top of all of that she had absolutely no backbone. Yes, she was sweet as could be and it was lovely, but that was all she was. She couldn’t stand up for herself at all whether in a social setting or out in the wild. I swear Tuk was mentally stronger than Lì'ee even at her young age.
Yet, I put up with all of these flaws hoping one day I would get used to it or she would grow the fuck up. That never happened, and somehow it got worse.
I was never intimate with Lì'ee. Maybe a kiss on the cheek or the back of the hand but that was all. It never felt right to do anything more with her but she could not respect that. She constantly begged for more, to be intimate even when I stated I had not wanted to be. My last straw was when I overheard her speaking to a group of girls about our ‘amazing sex life’ that never was.
I never desired to be rude to the girl at any point, and I in no way wanted to ruin her pure reputation by telling her lies. So I kept her actions a secret from all, even my parents asked why I ended our courtship. To them I was just being picky.
Lastly, and worst of all, there was Aìyana.
When choosing my next possible mate they decided to look further than our clan and other forest clans all together. Aìyana was the daughter of Öyatx, an Olo’eyktan of one of the Ash clans.
The ash people were located high in the mountains where the forest ended far from the Omaticaya. They were mighty, composed of the strongest warriors of Pandora. An impenetrable force for any enemy who even thought of going against them.
Though they were so strong, they were also some of the most peaceful Na’vi to walk our land. They never exerted their strength unless absolutely necessary. When I met Aìyana it had been decades since their clan had seen a war.
My parents knew this which is why I think they were so quick to introduce us and begin our courtship, because if we mated our clan would be forever connected to the ash people. I would find my mate and the clan would have the fiercest warriors of Pandora backing us.
What could go wrong?
Me not liking her.. that’s what I thought could go wrong. There was no way I could reject the daughter of Öyatx without there being major consequences for our people.
Luckily, not liking her was nearly impossible.
I was star-struck the moment Aìyana stepped foot in our clan. Yes, all the women before were beautiful, but nothing compared to her beauty. Her skin was dark blue, closer to a shade of gray than the more vibrant blue I was used to seeing. Her hair, long and soft, was pure white complimenting her glowing freckles beautifully. And then there were her eyes, a shade deep red that I thought I could never get tired of gazing into.
Her physical beauty only scratched the surface of the many layers of Aìyana. We instantly connected in our first conversation. She was oh so funny, with a beautiful smile that could brighten even the gloomiest of days.
She was the first woman I genuinely desired a courtship with.
As time progressed I never lost feelings for her, they only seemed to grow far past the capacity I believed feelings for people could grow. She was the strong warrior I expected her to be considering where she was from, but she was also so sweet and caring. She knew how to be soft and open up about her emotions, but she also knew how to listen when you spoke. She was one of the most understanding people I thought I could ever meet.
I never opened up about my emotions, as I grew up I only ever felt that it was a burden for whoever I decided to tell. But with Aìyana, it was different. She’d insist on me opening up to her when I was obviously obsessed, ensuring I knew I didn’t have to but also promising it was okay for me to open up to her.
I was so nervous the first time I opened up to her, fidgeting with my hands until she took it upon herself to hold them. Talking to her was like nothing I had ever felt before. She didn’t make fun when I spoke of my hurts, nor did she laugh when a few tears embarrassingly fell from my eyes. It was so relieving that I almost didn’t know what to do with that empty space where my burdens would normally sit. But when she held me that night, I decided to devote that space to her.
She was the first person I felt truly saw me, the first person I was ever truly intimate with, and the only person I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. I was totally and irrevocably in love with her.
We courted for six months before we decided we wanted to finally mate with one another. It was traditional in arranged courtships for the soon-to-be mated pair to visit the others clan for a celebration of the clans union before having another celebration in the clan they planned on residing in.
In respect of this tradition, Aìyana, my parents, and I all flew to her clan up in the mountains. It was dark there but very beautiful. Aìyana was quick to show me around and introduce me to all her friends. I was nervous that they would not like me, but they were inviting and I felt as if I fit right in.
A certain part of me was anxious that something would go wrong, but I knew that it was just my nature and that after six months with Aìyana nothing could go wrong.
And nothing did for the first few days, but looking back, I wish I had listened to my gut because things can always go wrong.
- Two years ago -
The night here is so much different than at home. There are much less trees and far more caves up here, it would be much harder to navigate if it wasn’t for the white glow of the moon right now.
Today Aìyana and I did not spend as much time together as usual. It was more of a quality time day for her to be with her family and friends alone before our celebration tomorrow night.
I spent the day with my family, which was fun, but now since night had fallen I was on my way to Aìyana’s hut where we planned on meeting.
When I arrive though she isn’t there. I brushed it off though, I was early and she hasn’t seen her friends in six months, she wasn’t obliged to rush back to me when after tomorrow she’d be leaving her home to officially become Omaticaya.
Uncomfortable with staying in her hut while she wasn’t there, I decided to take a little walk. Maybe she’d be home by the time I got back.
My walk is peaceful, by this time most have retired to their huts for the night. I venture into a small bout of trees similar to the forest, exploring more of this foreign area when a laugh catches my attention. It’s a beautiful harmony that I recognize as none other than my Aìyana’s.
I smile, glad to hear she is enjoying her time with her friends, before deciding to continue my walk in the opposing direction. As I turn through another woman's voice stops me in my tracks. “He cried?” she laughs.
“Like a little baby,” Aìyana responds.
My heart sinks, she couldn’t possibly be talking about me.
Another woman speaks next, “So much for mating with a ‘mighty warrior.’ Who would’ve thought Toruk Makto’s son was so soft.”
“Why are you even staying with him?” another asks.
“Well, it would benefit both of our clans. And my dad plans on mating me with someone else anyway, so why not just get it over with instead of wasting a bunch of time picking suitors.”
“Okay but you’ve got to tell us.. how’s he in bed?”
Aìyana sighs deeply, “Amazing in theory, sometimes I’m just not mentally there, it’s whatever. Anyways, speaking of ‘being in bed’ I’ve got to be somewhere before a certain someone comes crying at my doorstep.”
The group laughs bidding Aìyana goodbye, but I can’t help the pang of hurt that I feel in my chest. Especially when one of the girls yells after her, ‘Tell Tavo we said hi!!!’
My heart sinks impossibly deeper in my chest, who the hell was Tavo?
I decided to extend my walk, trying to convince myself that I was making all of this up. But how could I when I’d heard it all with my own two ears.
After prolonging my return to Aìyana’s tent, I decide to finally make my way back. I needed to speak to her about what I had heard. Despite it breaking my heart, another completely delusional part of me believed that we could work past this.
As I arrive at her tent all hope drains from my body though. The sounds from inside the tent burn their way into my ears. The mix of moans between the woman I love and a man that was not me fills me with dread, betrayal, and anger.
A part of me wanted to barge in, embarrass the two and unleash my anger in a way suitable for the Toruk Makto’s son. In a way that would prove to her that I was way too mighty to just sit back and take this.
But the reasonable part of me tells me it’s not worth it. It tells me that although I love her to the moon and back, the extent of her love hardly reached the forest.
- Present -
That night I went straight to my family hut, holding back the tears that threatened to pour from my eyes as I told my family we were leaving. My parents attempted to argue it but I was persistent so, despite their wishes, we left.
I spent the entirety of the next week sulking alone in my hut. Seeing as nobody had a clue as to why I ended things with Aìyana, everyone was concerned. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.
But when Aìyana’s father became infuriated with my impulsive decision to leave and not mate with his daughter, the threat of war knocked at our clan's door. I could tell my father blamed me for this, he was mad that I had ended things and even more upset that I wouldn’t tell anyone why.
That next week Kiri came to my hut in the night. She’d brought me dinner and sat with me as I ate. She didn’t try to force me to speak or anything, she just wanted to know that was okay and that meant the world to me.
That night when she left she gave me a big hug, my first hug since Aìyana. I did the one thing I’d been trying to do at that moment, I broke down like the crybaby I am.
It was humiliating, crying in my little sister's embrace, but I knew that if I could trust anyone it would be my dearest sister Kiri. So when she pulled away and asked me to talk to her, I did. I told her every event of that wretched night, leaving her stunned and angry.
Before leaving that night Kiri promised she wouldn’t tell a soul of what happened. She did ask me to at least tell our father that Aìyana was unfaithful, she promised he would understand.
Trusting Kiri, I told my dad that I had overheard Aìyana’s betrayal and that’s why I had decided to leave her. To my surprise my father more than understood, he was infuriated. I asked my father not to expose her though because although she had hurt me, I still felt a deep love for the woman.
He agreed but still with two furious Olo’eyktan’s butting heads, war was inevitable.
The almost two year fight was rough and draining for the clan, but when it did finally end, the Omaticaya came out on top.
Grieving my love for Aìyana was rough, but throughout the first year of the war I learned not to crave her, I learned to be alone again, and I had come to love it once more.
By the end of the war I was completely over the woman and what she’d done to me. I was myself again, strong and mighty all around. In pure spite, I gave up on keeping what Aìyana did a secret.
With the humiliation of a cheating daughter, and having a war that could have been completely avoided if it wasn’t for her. The ash clan, that I am proud to have no more connections with, surrendered.
Now it had been a little over two years since the war had begun, and six months since it had ended.
Everything had been back to normal these past six months and I couldn’t have been happier.
Well, until today when I was told of my fourth arranged courtship.
I thought that I was past this shit, and that Aìyana was the perfect example that nothing good would come from this and that I was better off by myself.
That didn’t matter though because in one week I will be thrown down the rabbit hole again, but luckily this time I know what to expect. And I’d be damned before I got hurt all over again.
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Hi guys!! Okay so the reader will be intorduced in the next part! I really hope you are enjoying my story idea so far, I've been absolutly obsessing over the plot in my head. I really wanted to write more angst than my other story Anomaly (which I am still working on promise!) To all my current Anomaly readers, I have tagged you from my taglist from that story here so that you would know about the new story, but if you aren't intrested in being tagged on this one just tell me. :)) Okay okay, it's like three am, i'm going to sleep now. Much love to you all!!- Mak
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @peachycrime @jackiehollanderr @fanboyluvr @killua2dot0 @neteyamsbabymomma @lovedbychoi @aihimitsu @ken-zah @ghostmadeofglass @alfie2401 @awow-2
#avatar#fanfics#neteyam x reader#avatar fic#avatar way of water#kiri x reader#lo’ak x reader#neteyam fic#neteyam x f!reader#neteyam x y/n#neteyam#neteyam fluff#neteyam fanfiction#neteyam x you#neteyam smut#neteyam sully#neteyam series#fluff#grumpy sunshine trope#enemies to friends trope#angst#romance
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Every night
Pairings: Neteyam x Y/n, Fluff
Every night he would watch you walk away from him, heading towards your home to go to sleep after an evening full of laughter and sea shells. Neteyam would stand every night at the same place, his feet rooted to the ground and his eyes glued to your disappearing frame.
He was scared of you. You were something so much more than what you seemed. You were better, stronger and a better fighter but you were also gentle, kind and full of life. He wasn't prepared for that.
But that made it all so much better.
Once again night fell upon you as you were collecting shells. Neteyam walked to his place but quickly stopped as he noticed that you sat down in the sand, face towards the sea legs crossed. He slowly walked back to you and found himself sitting down towards you.
You smiled at him, "Close your eyes."
Neteyam watched you close your bright eyes. He took this moment in and sighed as his eyes travelled you. How your hair fell around your face, how you breathed in and out in a calm rhythm, how your ears twitched at the smallest of sound that was heard. You were Eywa to him.
"Neteyam, close your eyes." You said once again as you sensed that he did something completely else.
Finally Neteyam closed his eyes at your request and focused on his other senses. He heard the birds chirping, your steady breathing and the sea which lapped against the beach, he felt the moist air, the sand between his toes. It all united to make a symphony of life, nature, Eywa.
You reached out into the darkness and took his hands into yours as your eyes remained closed. His skin was warm and lived. You felt as he gripped your hands back, soft but firm. It was physical touch but to you it meant more.
"Listen as the sea whispers to the moon." You quietly said as you opened your eyes, only to find Neteyam looking at you. His lips were parted as he breathed, steady but sure. You don't know why but you felt the need of more. As if Neteyam read your mind, he lifted you hand up and placed it on his chest, on his heart.
A whisper escaped from your lips, "Right in front of me."
Neteyam leaned to you, his forehead gently touching yours as he whispered back to you, "Right in front of me."
The sea whispers to the moon, how the love is right in front of them.
#avatar#avatar 1#avatar 2#avatar x reader#neteyam#neteyam imagine#neteyam sully#neteyam x reader#neteyam fluff#neteyam imagines#lo'ak avatar#lo'ak sully#jake sully#sully brothers#neteyam scenario#neteyam series
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ch 4
neteyam x reader
word count: 4k
Language: ‘evi - child (affectionate)
summary: Your relationship with Neteyam seems to only grow more complicated as it’s announced you are too be mates. With feelings and secrets exposed everything starts to change as you start drifting from the boy you use to know. Years pass and while things seem to be looking up it all plummets when a new star in the sky makes itself known.
The next few months there was no doubt in your mind that the Neteyam had been avoiding you. At first you thought maybe it was a coincidence that he was busy every time you stopped by or had to leave as soon as you would enter. The responsibility’s of a warrior was new to him, so he was probably taking time to adjust or adding extra training. After a while though, it was painfully obvious it was intensional, he was acting as if you carried a disease.
One evening your mind was especially troubled by this. That morning you had tried to approach the boy, your eyes had met, but before you could call out to him he quickly reached to his side pulling Kyna near him. The girl wore a smug look as she passed you almost as if to smear in your face that she had won even though the clan knew you and Neteyam were to be mated. You felt hurt and even more rejected than before by this action, you knew he regretted that night by the mossy rock but did he really have to chose Kyna? The one girl who openly shamed you at the celebration, for the thing you could not control.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kiri’s calm voice spoke from next to you as she plopped herself down next to you on a log.
“It’s Neteyam,” You let out a long sigh as you leaned into kiri “Ever since our engagement was announced he has been cold towards me.” Your ears drooped as you looked down at your bare legs, not needing to wear your skirt around your friend. “The night of his iknimaya he called me beautiful and I feel asleep in his arms by a pond, I think he regrets it. I think those words were meant for another na’vi.” Kiri listened intently as you told her all the details about Kyna, how Neteyam has been avoiding you, and how you yearn for him.
“y/n, you are one of the most beautiful women in our village he is a fool for not jumping in joy. I can talk to him if you want.”
“There is no need kiri, he has made up his mind. He does not wish to spend his days with a half breed.” Sulking you brung your curls around your shoulder to cover your breast. Tsking kiri swiped them back behind your frame.
“He is a fool, now come, I’ll wash your hair for you.” You followed her into the hot spring as you both dipped your hair. A good washday with kiri helped cleanse your troubled soul, it was nice to bask in the heat of the pool and have all your worries float away. Sadly you guys could not stay there until you melted away, kiri had forgotten all her hair stuff at her pod. You playfully rolled your eyes as she announced her mistake. The two of you quickly prepared to travel down.
You threw your skirt over your soaked loincloth , you liked to think of your loincloth as a ‘bikini bottom’ because you found the word the sky people’s used to describe your little cloth humorous. Of course you did not walk around exposed, your skirt did a nice job of covering most your skin. Your hair was still dripping as you mounted kiris Ikran but the animal did not seem to mind as it flew with the urgency the both of you felt. You reached highcamp in no time as you both ran off the Ikran giggling with eachother along the way. Your hair was still soaked as you reached their pod, you and kiri rushed in to her corner as she drew her make shift curtain shut.
“Can you give me another pair of bottoms, and is anyone going to be home soon? My skirt is uncomfortably wet.” Laughing at your pitiful look kiri tossed you a new set of clothes
“No one should be home til after the communal dinner.” You celebrated at that information as you shimmied out of your skirt and cloths, putting on the dry ones kiri gave to you. It felt strange not having something skin tight to cover your breast as you placed her decorative necklace top on. Unlike you kiri preferred loser tops while you loved the one that fit you tight, often times wrapping around your frame or shoulders
“Not having that skirt on feels so freeing, i’m thinking about getting rid of it.”
Kira’s ears perked up at your words as she finished putting her dry cloths on.
“Y/n oh my Eywa yes! The clan would be blessed to see your all of your beauty, and than we can match our outfits!” The girl beamed her ideas as you felt your cheeks burn at her compliments
“I do love the cloth that hang from your loincloths.” Your hands trailed on the square fabric that your covers lacked as you admired the outfit you were borrowing.
“You could also just wear the ones you have now, your ‘bikini bottoms’” Laugher broke in the pod out as kiri used the weird sky people word.
“Now back to our original plan.” You both regained your composure as you began to brush out your hair. Kiri always helped you first because in order to get the comb through your locks it had to still be wet while her hair did not take much effort. Some days she would just leave it natural, you wanted to try her way.
“Do you think I could just let my curls be?” Kiri only hummed in approval as she went to get some oils for you to run through your hair.
“It’s perfect if you do, I also forgot my hair ties in the healers tent.” Laughing at her forgetfulness you waved her off to go find them. She smiled shyly as she left, not forgetting to hand you the oils.
“be back soon!”Hollering the girl left the pod as you heard her footsteps quickly disappear. You began to rub the oil through your curls as you looked into the reflective surface the sullys kept. You could not quite remember the name but it was fairly useful letting you see all the places you had missed.
Suddenly you heard footsteps enter the pod. “Wow talk about record speed.” You said as you continue to style your natural curls. When you got no response confusion swept over you as you looked behind you. There stood Neteyam in all his glory. Sadness settled in your stomach as all the events of the past couple months came up again. All the feeling of sadness. No words were said as he looked at you with his fierce eyes an awkward silence consumed the pod, you could cut the tension with a rotted leaf.
“Neteyam! What is taking so long, the other are waiting!” A whiny voice soon interrupted the long stare as Kyan forced herself into the pod. Her eyes seemed to land on you and almost immediately she let out a scream/ laugh.
“Oh my god! Is that thing your tail?!” She cackled as she looked at you and with all the commotion 3 other young na’vi poked their head into the tent. They all shared a shocked look as they looked you up and down. Scrambling to your feet you quickly face the other way hoping to hide your tail, but that did not do much as their was a mirror behind you. Making your rear side even more visible. You felt exposed as their eyes burned into you. Some of them laughed as the others made comments you could not hear but you knew it was not positive as the other na’vis only snickered. Trying to hide behind your hair was a fail, it could only reach your waist but in the moment it was the only thing you could do.
“Everyone out of my home!” Neteyams voiced seemed to silence the commotion as it dripped with an anger you had never seen before. He grabbed Kyan by her shoulder as he harshly pushed her out of his pod, hissing at the na’vi that poked their heads in. You watched as his hands tied the door shut, his movement were fast as he made sure all the curtains were closed.
Exhaling deeply Neteyam turned his body towards you. You felt exposed as his eyes scanned your body, finally seeming to be acknowledging your presence for the first time in months. Uncomfortable you hugged your body as you looked back at the boy with glossy eyes. Not only had your feelings from the past month been brought to the surface but the harsh reality that your secret was out was starting to set in as you watched his gaze shift down to your tail.
Neteyam could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he took you in. He would like to think it was from the rage of the other na’vi seeing you but he knew it wasn’t. Pushing you away had only seems to make him want you more. He felt foolish knowing that you resented the engagement, and did not see him but he could not help it. His heart only seemed to pick up its pace as his eyes scanned your newly revealed lower half as a purple hue rose to his cheeks.
“Y/n I- are you ok?” Cutting off his own sentence the boy slowly made his way towards you. Looking up again you could not control the way rage overturned your once teary eyed face.
“Am I ok?” Scoffing your repeat his question looking at him with accusatory eyes. “You have not spoken to me in 4 months, gotten cuddly with the only na’vi that openly insults me, and my tail has been exposed to the clan, what do you think?!?!” The harness in your voice made the older boys ears droop, he looked as if he was a kicked puppy. Normally you would fold but you were too hurt to care as you felt tears of anger slide down your cheeks.
The boy felt guilty as you spoke your words. He wanted to save you from every having to shed tears again, but as he processed your words his own anger and resentment rose to the top.
“I have been with Kyna because of you, and what did you expect after the words you said in my pod!” Neteyam voice slightly raised as he poked your chest with and accusatory finger. The force made you take a step back and as your regained your balance rage consumed your body.
“Me?!” Hissing at the boy your tail whipped from side to side with aggression. “You’re the one who led me on! You were so intimate with me that night in the forest then after that you act as if I am a disease!”
Reacting to your aggressive actions the boy stood tall as he used his height to tower over you. “I have done no such thing! You said you could never see me!”
“Yet you act as if our engagement is a burden! You are ashamed to be promised to a freak! Running to be with Kyna as if you are replacing me with something you desire!”
For one you did not cower as the boy stared down at you with the same fury you had in your eyes.
“I went to her for a distraction!”
“From what?!”
“From you!”
Silence fell over the room as you tried to dissect the boys words. You did not know if his word were positive or negative.
“I do not understand.” Lowering your voice you felt the anger leave you as you looked up at the boy. He managed to back you into the mirror as you felt the cold surface graze your tail. You flinched as you felt the na’vi grab your waist, he quickly turned you around, and your eyes were met with your reflexions in the mirror. Pulling you into him the boy slid his arms under yours as his head rested on the top of yours. You felt his swallow thickly before his hands began to sign. You watched his hands intently as they moved through the motions you had taught him, you felt as if something had been caught in your throat.
‘I see you’
You felt his heart thump in his chest as he pressed himself against you, and how his hands slightly shook as you placed your tinier ones on his. You removed your body from his hold as you turned to face him holding his hands in yours.
“I can not trust you with my heart. Not after these months…I thought I saw you.” Your tone was drowned in silence as you softly spoke to the boy. You felt how his body tensed and saw how his tail dropped at your response.
“Y/n im sorry, please.” Neteyam pleaded as he cupped your hands. You only shook your head as you pulled away from his grasp.
“I will not be played with again.” With that you made your way out the pod. You did not dare to look at the boy as you left, tears dropping down your own face. Your father always said the first love hurt the most and right now you felt as if he was right.
You did not care how many heads you turned as you walked back to your pod. The secret was out anyway and you were too lost in your own sorrows to even care. You wanted to trust the boy, but you were scared, especially after he proved that he could live just fine while he left you in torment.
That night you did not go to the communal dinner. You knew your father was worried because once he entered the pod he placed freshly picked Yovo fruits in front of you. He commonly displayed these little acts of affection but the sheer amount of fruit your eyes landed upon you knew that the man was troubled. He always spoiled you extra when he felt that you were down.
“‘Evi, why have you discarded your leg cover? Did something happen?”
Bam there it was. The prying of a concerned father.
“The kids found out…I can no longer hide.” Ears dropping you stared down at the yovo fruit in your hands. No word were exchanged as your father sat next to you and trailed his large hands along your back. You did not need to say anymore, your father always understood. He was the greatest comfort you had in your life, no matter what happened he would always be there.
“I love you dad.”
“You are my world ‘evi, I will be here when you want to share the full story.”
A hum left your throat as you rested your body against his side. An old Metkayina tune met your ears as you felt yourself drift from consciousness. Your father gently ran his hands through your curls as you drifted off to a peaceful sleep. You did not know how precious these memories would be to you.
Ever since you turned Neteyam down things have not been the same. If he got injured he would request treatment from anyone but you, the boy did not ignore you but he did not pursue you like he use it. It was understandable as you did reject him but you still missed the connection you use to have.
Almost as if sensing the change Lo’ak had become a regular part of your day. The free time you would have spent with Neteyam was now spent with his mischievous baby brother, 90% of the time going places your father would not approve of. He took you deep into the forest on some of the most beautiful and thrilling adventures you had been one since you had come to clan.
The boy seems more drawn to you ever since your tail had been exposed. You understood the connection knowing he had always felt like the odd one out in his family. Of course your differences were more extreme. Surprisingly the reveal of your tail did not bring teasing but instead it seemed to make you more popular than before. You had even gained some friends, they took great interest in your differences. Kyna was not pleased with this and you could tell her resentment for you only grew as more and more female na’vi close to her began to have a distaste for you.
Your relationship with the Sullys did not waver as your family’s kept a strong bond. Every time you were at their pod things seems as normal as they always been. Occasionally you would catch yourself looking at Neteyam, he had become colder with his family and stricter on his siblings. He spent most of his time with his father preparing for his future role as clan leader. You wishes to be there to help him calm down but your realtionship was no more. You had simply turned into acquaintances as the months flew by.
Time also did not stop as your life went on you were soon approaching the age of 16. You and your fiancé had become strangers over the years. Your healing has only improved as your knowledge rivaled Mo’ats. You had slowly drifted away from the sully family, of course you were still bestfriends with Kiri and Lo’ak but as they dived into their warrior training you had been left behind. Even the human boy, spider, had been torn in a separate path!
The Sully brothers often went on hunting trips with the other warriors including your father. Kiri was no hunter, she was a gather and a healer but her father still pushed her to complete her warrior training, so you had less time with your beloved friend. You would often hang around the gathers of the clan venturing out to get herbs along side them, and that’s how you met two other na’vi who genuinely wanted to be your friends. You lacked no attention the past three years since the exposure of your body but the people who claimed to be your ‘friends’ seems to always have an alternative motive, but not Tseo and Zey.
Tseo was a male Na’vi, he was fit to be a warrior but he did not find joy in that lifestyle so he would gather unless the clan needed him. Zey was a female with the most beautiful markings you had ever seen on a na’vi. Although the two were obviously head over heals for each other they never made you feel left out when you guys would spend time together. You had grown close with the two gatherers. They often gossiped about the clans latest drama and you would be right there with them most communal dinners.
Your life seems to be going great you no longer dealt with the pettiness of Kyna as you surrounded yourself with positive people. Your confidence grew and you were turning into a fine woman. Any member of the clan would agree there was no one better to be their future Tsahík. The only downside was you no longer knew the na’vi you were promised to. The only interactions you got with Neteyam was when it was forced or there was simply no one else around. The boy has also grown into a fine warrior and you could not ignore it but you no longer had a relationship.
Tonight would be one of those moments as the warriors left on a hunting trip Neteyam was tasked with staying home. The boy had fallen because of a warriors reckless, shooting and had hurt his arm. That day kiri complained endlessly to you as you helped her gather her stuff for the hunting trip, her father made her come in Neteyam place.
“Can you believe i’m getting dragged on this stupid trip! I hate this stupid Iknimaya, I literally have an Ikran why do I have to hunt?!”
Throwing herself in her hammock kiri groaned into its fabric. A giggle breached your throat as you watched the girls dramatic display.
“After this your suffering will be over. I will dance the most beautiful routine for your celebration!” Mimicking the moves you were learning for her celebration in a week you gave the girl a sneak peak of your surprise. Her eyes lightened up as she watched you twirl and a new excitement filled her.
“Oh yeah! cant wait to see you kill it!”
“If i don’t die from tension while i stay here with your dearest brother.” Now it was your turn to complain as you let out a long sigh.
“You will be fine! You guys have to break the ice again eventually, you’re literally gonna be mates.”
“Ugh if my father ever lets me began training for my own Iknimaya.” Kiri laughed at your statement knowing how overprotective your father was. He did not even want you to pick up a bow!
“Well I have to bounce! Don’t be a creep and drool over Neteyam from a distance!”
“I do not drool!” Defensive you sat up ready to run after the girl but she was already long gone.
god these next few days were gonna be stressful. Especially with Tuk staying with her friends! Ears sinking at the thought you began to organize your supplies in the sullys tent. ‘Might as well get comfy If im staying awhile.’
That night it seemed to be even harder to tear your eyes away from the warrior. You would always sneak peaks or admire your future mate but he seemed extra alluring today. You did not know if it was the fact you would be alone for the next few days or the new necklace that fit him so perfectly. All you knew was he was as stunning as ever. Although you rarely talked these last few years the attraction had not faded, he was a hot ass na’vi.
“Y/n you’re staring” Tseos deep voice knocked you out of your trance as you the two Na’vi. Zey had an amused look on her face as she looked at you.
“What?! You can not shame me.” The pair only snickered at your defensiveness as you crossed your arms.
“Don’t worry babe I catch him looking too, guess the realtionship faded but the attraction didn’t.” Zey commented as she shrugged her shoulders casually putting a chunk of meat in her mouth.
“It’s cause I got the hips of a goddess.” Winking at the pair you motioned to your body as Tseo snorted.
“You’re too much y/n, eat your food.” Shoving meat into your mouth Tseo shut you up as Zey laughed at the exchange. The dinner was filled with petty teasing as the three of you took turns laughing at the others comments.
All too soon it was time to leave as the Na’vi on clean up duty began to work. Zey was the unlucky one this week as you and Tseo walked away you stuck your toungue out childishly at the girl. She only threw a bowl at you and you quickly shuffled away from the girl with Tseo not far behind you.
“Tomorrow can we have lunch together?” Tseo asked as a nervousness consumed his tone.
“Sure, why you so nervous?” Cocking your head to the side you slightly look up at the Na’vi. A purple hue covers his cheeks as his eyes are casted downwards.
“I want to start making a courting gift, for Zey.”
Your squeal could be heard from a mile away as you grab Tseo shoulders and jump around in excitement. you chant “yes yes yes” as you excitedly shake the boy. He seemed fluster by your loudness as he repeatedly shushes you. Collecting yourself you bid goodbye to the boy as you passed the Sullys pod. Entering you felt the joy rush through your body, about time the boy made a move.
Riding yourself of your dirty clothes you toss them to a corner as you place more comfortable cloths on to sleep. It was a feathered top that seemed to barley cover your breast and a bottom that you so happily called your ‘bikini bottom’. As you finished tying your top you heard the cloth entrance shuffle as a new presence entered the pod.
You did not need to turn around to know it was neteyam as his earthy sent filled your nose.
“Have your bandages been changed?” Questioning the man was the first thing you did as he walked in the tent. He only hummed a no in response. Sighing you looked over at the boy with a ‘really’ look.
He only looked at you with his cold yellow eyes that sent chills down your spine. You hated how nonchalant he had become with you.
“I will grab some” sighing you made your way toward the exit but stopped as a hand was placed on your stomach.
“Do not go out like that.” His tone was bothered as he looked you up and down and you couldn’t help but smirk at the reaction. Neteyam quickly covered his care as he quickly followed with another sentence. “I have fresh ones with me.”
Walking away the boy went to rummage through his things as he pulled out the the fresh bandages. You watched as he sat down and began to unwrap the cloth that covered his shoulder and chest. Beginning to do your own thing, you began grinding herbs together to make a paste. The wound was mostly healed you were simply applying the paste for pain relief. The man eyed you suspiciously as you lowered yourself onto your knees with your healing bowl.
“Don’t look at me as if I would poison you.” Half scoffing you rolled your eyes as you saw his concerned expression. The warrior did not respond as he left the pod filled with deafening silence. You payed no mind as you got to work wiping any leftovers from the bandages away with your hands. He has light scar from his shoulder to his pecks that would fade in the days to come. You saw no need to mess with the already healed wound your hands traveled to his shoulder. Annoyed at his poor cooperation with his criss cross legs you grabbed him by his ankle and placed them at the side of your hips.
“Y/n!” Your name left his lips in a surprise tone as he looked at you with wide eyes. You swallowed a laugh as you looked at the boys oddly cute expression with his mouth slight open and ears on full alert. It was your turn to leave him in silence as you shimmied closer to him and sat on your knees between his legs.
“Tell me when it hurts” Batting your eye lashes at the boy pride swelled in your stomach as his ears turned a hue of purple. Your fingers explored every muscle in his shoulder as you searched for a weak point. In response the boy suppressed his groans when you hit a sore area. Intrusive thoughts one as you gripped a sore spot roughly digging your fingers into his flesh.
“Sk’awng!” Hissing the boy gripped your waist pulling you away from his shoulder. Sea green eyes wide you eyed him slightly wincing at his grin on you.
“What?” cocking your head to the side you continued your little game. “You didn’t tell me it hurt.”
Seeing right through you the boy only glared as he motioned for you to continue. With a playful glint in your sea green eyes you slapped paste on his sore shoulder smearing it around his shoulder. You felt his eyes burn into you as you wrapped his shoulder, you wouldn’t lie that you did enjoy this proximity. You rarely got this as you were never the one to heal him.
“Your healing has improved these past few years.”
“yeah you would know if you hadn’t request to not be treated by me.” The words dripped off your tongue in a sour tone. The boys face twisted into an almost guilty expression as he gazed at you.
“Yeah weren’t expecting me to know that were you.” Shooting him a sour smile you gathered your supplies to clean up.
“Y/n-“The nose of foot steps behind you was heard, “I meant no harm when I made that request….your rejection was fresh.”
You felt your heart pick up it’s pace as the memory from that day swarmed your mind. The way his body was so close to yours as he signed those three words. You were stupid and young, still were, but you stood by your decisions.
“We are not close Neteyam I need no explanation. Things are not as they were”
You turned facing soft yellow eyes as you looked up to the boy. One thing over the years did not change as Neteyam was still almost a whole head higher than you.
“But what if I want them to be as they were.” His hand engulfed your wrist as he looked at you but not with stone cold eyes. He looked at you with the eyes you knew as a kid. Soft Neteyam, Kind Neteyam, the one you fell for.
“Neteyam I-“ Cut off by the sound of the war horn your sentence was not finished. Instead it was filled with a sense of panic that the warrior seemed to catch onto as he took your hand quickly headed out of the Mauri.
When you go the center Neteyam was quick to pull you both to the font as he was met with the site of his mother, tear staines across her face and his father with a stern sorrowful look. Worry consumed the warrior but he waited for the clan to gather.
Neteyam pulled you in front of him as more navi gathered. A tiny yelp fell from your lips when you felt his arm press against the bottom of your breast. Angry you looked up to hiss at the na’vi but he was not looking at you, following his stern gaze you felt embarrassed as you realized the reason for his sudden proximity. A group of male na’vi turned their heads away at his stern gaze as you realized that you were in an outfit you never entended to wear outside the pod. You did not have much time to sulk as Toruk Makto began to speak.
“The sky people have returned!” Gasp ran throughout the clan as he announced this. Soon questions started flowing out of people’s mouth as panic set in. The older generation were filled with a sense of urgency and dread while the younger na’vi felt fear rise throughout their body, or at least a you felt terrified. You had heard stories of what bad sky people can do.
“We will need patrol 24/7, hunting trips will be shorter, and I need to talk with all our craftsmen. Things will change my people, we will not prepare for war, we will prepare to defend ourself!” With that jake dismissed the clan as he called the people he needed.
You felt fear evolve you as you thought about the hunting party that could run in to these demons. Will kiri be ok? Will my father be ok? You were so sucked into your own world that you did not noice Neteyam dragging you back to his family’s pod. He was nervous, and angry that these people had returned. Why could they not just leave pandora in peace?!
Neteyam knew you were scared as he seems to be dragging an empty body back to the pod. He was worried and angry, but he knew you should be his first priority as his father would fill him in tomorrow. He wanted to mend his relationship with you anyway and he could use this as a chance.
“Are you ok Y/n?” Knocking you out of your trance Neteyam cupped your cheek with one hand. His voice brung you out of your trance as you looked at him.
“I am afraid.” Dejavú hit the boy as he looked into your fear ridden green eyes. He felt as if suddenly you were kids again as he looked at the little girl afraid to cross on the vine. It filled his heart with warmth as he repeated what he had said before.
“As long as you’re with me you will be safe.”
That night you slept in Neteyams arms for the first time in three years. It did not matter that you no longer knew him like you use too. The only thing that mattered was the tempo of his heart beat against your back and his hand that traced comforting circles on your stomach while you played with his other hand that came from under your torso. You needed comfort, safety as worry consumed your mind. The fear that tonight would be the last night you slept in peace.
a/n: I totally didn’t proof read this sorry for any spelling mistakes or repeating words 😭🙏🏽
#avatar#avatar the way of water#neteyam fanfiction#hybrid#neteyam#neteyam x reader#sky people#loak sully#kiri sully#kiri x y/n#tukitrey#jake sully#neteyam fluff#neteyam sully#neteyam series
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My edits have potential for a possible series which I’m sure I mentioned already.
But if not:
The RDA creates a new program. Not the ambassador, but something darker. Driven by only greed. To create an army of brainwashed super soldier Na’vi. Captured young, and taken from their clans, the Na'vi are put through rigorous brainwashing and pro- RDA propaganda. Neteyam and y/n were just children when they were taken from their homes. Now tasked to aid the humans take Pandora for themselves. They face their biggest battles yet. Each other.
#mine#avatar edits#avatar explore page#avatar for you#new avatar blog#avatar fics#avatar 2009#avatar the way of water#new avatar writer#new writer#Neteyam edits#my edits#neteyam sully#neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan#Neteyam au#Neteyam series#new series idea#avatar au#Neteyam Avatar#avatar editors#avatar blog#avatar community#avatar world building#avatar series#it has a similar theme to marvels hydra and winter soldier storyline#i couldn’t help myself#new blog#avatar#neteyam scenario
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Safe Heaven | Part 2
Pair: Neteyam x Human!reader (sully family, others na'vi)
Warning: 18+ (some smut...a little) Neytiri being a bit(a lot) controlling, forced pairing, cozy moments, comfort moments, All characters are adults.
Note: I promise you that the third part will not be as late as this second part. Still…I hope you enjoy this part.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4[final]
That night was too cold for your taste, if you had known you were going to sleep in your secret place you would have brought a blanket. But the warm body heat that neteyam's body gave off was very warm, you had snuggled more on his chest, feeling how his arms wrapped around you completely. You had gotten up as soon as the sun started to rise, but you decided to stay still and enjoy this moment. Feeling neteyam's calm breathing, and breathing in his scent. This man had such an addictive natural scent, you could only think how addictive it had to be for the female na'vi. If you were a human you could smell him, you didn't want to know what the female na'vi who had a sharper sense of smell smelled like. Sometimes you didn't understand what neteyam saw in you…just sometimes you didn't understand.
You feel his arms tighten, and he starts yawning. "Baby…" says neteyam sleepily, looking down to see you curled up on his chest. "Good morning…did you rest well?" you can see neteyam laugh out loud, of course not. The airplane chair wasn't comfortable, but you knew he wasn't going to say he slept uncomfortably. He preferred this more than anything. "Well…I'd prefer to sleep on top of a rock," Neteyam speaks, listening as you now laugh. Lifting you off his chest, lowering you to the ground to stretch, behind you was a sore neteyam. You are thankful that he had endured a whole night of discomfort for you. You move behind him, and since he was sitting it was much easier for you to stroke his back, and begin to massage him. "You are so tense teyam" you reach over and give him a quick kiss on his skin. You can hear him humming, and relaxing into your touch.
You didn't want this moment to end, but it was getting late. You were supposed to be in your respective homes, you were practically on the run. "And what are you going to tell your mom?" you ask, pausing to wait for an answer from neteyam. He looks at you, and lifts his shoulders. "And you?" neteyam asks you. "I don't know… I'll say I was with kiri" you watch as a smile tugs at neteyam's lips. Kiri didn't know anything about your relationship, but she didn't mind being an accomplice in your adventures. She will always be there for you. After getting ready, before leaving the plane, Neteyam gets off the plane. Neteyam comes down to you, giving you a quick kiss. "I want to see you later? Yes?" says Neteyam between kisses, you push him away a little. "Go away…otherwise they will kill you" you were all giggles, while he continued to kiss you all over your face. You ended up pushing him away seeing how he was running away, it was getting a little late. He was supposed to come home and lay in the hammock and make it late at night. But it was already too late for that. On the other hand, you turn everything off…pick up everything you had to take with you and start walking to the lab.
On the other hand… neytiri practically didn't sleep all night, she realized that her son never arrived. Sure, neteyam was a man now…and he had his own life. But she wanted to know who he was with, he liked leeka?. She had barely spoken to him…plus she suspected something was going on. Neteyam was not one to do this, he was a well-behaved boy. The whole family was up, and they were eating together. Noticing Neteyam arrive, he looked a little agitated as if he were running. Stopping for a moment at the entrance, watching as his family looked at him curiously. "Good…morning" neteyam says, coming over to sit next to his brother. Carefully taking his portion of breakfast, he dared not speak, as he felt his mother's piercing gaze. "Good morning son…hey where did you spend the night?" asks jake, but it was not in a tone of authority but one of forming a conversation and breaking the ice. "I was standing guard" says neteyam, chewing his fruit. "Oh… was it calm?" asks jake, looking at his son noting that he was a little nervous, neteyam just nodded his head.
But this didn't convince neytiri, she knew something was up with her son. "Teyam… why did you leave leeka alone last night, that was very rude of you" speaks neytiri. Kiri, tuk and lo'ak look quickly at their brother, as if he was in big trouble. And yes he was… because he didn't really have a clear answer to tell his mother. He just didn't like leeka, and he had no business talking to her if he wasn't interested. "Ahh I had to leave, because I remembered I had guard duty" says neteyam, swallowing hard, hoping neytiri won't pursue the subject. "mmm and what do you think of that girl?" asks neytiri. "Ahh she's…fine" says neteyam. Feeling his brother push him a little "'fine? Are you kidding?" lo'ak almost gives him a fit, leeka was the most counted na'vi of the clan.
And he was rejecting her. "you should get to know her better" says neytiri, jake was getting tired of this conversation, it was very clear that neteyam didn't want to talk about this topic. "Ok… it's too early for these topics, why don't we just eat and spend this time as a family" says jake, giving neytiri a look. She just rolled her eyes, she knew that jake didn't really care who her son was hanging out with. After he was safe was more than enough for him.
But for neytiri, this was a cultural thing…something that had been passed down from generation to generation. She didn't want neteyam to make a mistake. After breakfast, all the family members began to divide into their daily chores. Neteyam was about to leave, just when neytiri called out to him. "Neteyam?" neytiri approaches her son, it was just the two of them so it was the perfect time to talk to him. "Honey… I don't want to burden you with this stuff. But the mating season is coming up and I just want to…" neytiri speaks, watching as her son begins to shift uncomfortably. Neytiri did not understand the disdain her son had on this subject. "Mama I have a lot of things to do" neteyam says, taking up his weapons. "Neteyam I wish you would choose a mate who will give you the position that belongs to you…just that" says neytiri, watching as neteyam only answers her with a 'hmmm' and walks out of the hut. Leaving a more worried neytiri. Besides knowing that her son was lying, she could detest a different scent…a scent that was attached to her son's skin. It was feminine…but which one was the na'vi girl? Who? She had to act fast, she had to have a second plan.
In the lab… You had arrived a little late, you had gone back to the plane to look for other things. And you stopped on the way when you met mo'at. She told you to stop by her hut, she wanted to show you some things. Mo'at understood that there was something wrong with you, and that you were in a hurry. But she didn't want to ask too much, eventually you were going to tell her what was wrong. You had always been like that… saying goodbye to her. To run to the lab, finding it empty. "uhhh I'm safe!!!" you cheer a little, you didn't have to lighten up with awkward questions. But you weren't expecting your favorite intruder. "Safe from what or who?" asks spider, making you jump a little. He had been sitting in the back all this time. " Nothing…just ahhhh where's norm?" you ask, watching as spider chuckles a little. He knew you had done something. You and spider had grown up together, you were practically like brothers, so he already knew when you were lying. "He's sleeping…but the real question here is…where did you sleep last night?" asks spider, approaching you. You nudge him, sometimes it could be very annoying. "I was with kiri" you speak, turning away from him and starting on your way to your room. You didn't really have much to do there, but it was the best place to escape from spider. Spider laughs, winking at you…he knew you were lying to him. But he didn't care where you had spent the night either, he had his suspicions but he wasn't going to say anything until he was sure. "Well… that 'kiri' smells a lot like ….neteyam" says spider, seeing you stop in your tracks. And you turn quickly signaling for silence. "Shut your mouth…you idiot!!!" you whine, ignoring him. Listening as spider laughs out loud.
Spider didn't know anything, or so you thought. Maybe he could have been suspicious, but you ignored his comments. And you go on your way, you wanted to get ready to go help mo'at. So you practically run for your materials, and run out of the lab. Running as fast as you could, you knew mo'at didn't like to wait, so you had to be there in seconds. To your bad luck, or out of pure conscience…you were so distracted running that you could barely see who was in front of you. Without realizing, you were about to crash into neytiri and leeka. Hitting your head on leeka's thigh, falling sitting down on the ground. "Hey…watch out!" the girl speaks, looking down. "Sorry" you groan, you'd taken a good punch. Neytiri reaches over, and grabs you by the forearm. Helping you to stand up.
The relationship you and Neytiri had was not great, but you knew she treated you better than spider. You always thought it was because mo'at treated you like a daughter. But you never got close to her, you barely talked to her. You had always related more to her children and jake. "Are you all right?" asks neytiri, helping you to adjust the ornaments that covered your breasts. "Yes…I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Mo'at is waiting for me" you speak, thanking her for helping you and running towards Mo'at's hut. Both women look at you as you walk away. "She is…strange. Well, she's a sky person so everything about her is strange" says Leeka, she had a bad look on her face. Neytiri is silent, she didn't want to comment much about you. But she did have some very respective comments about you and your relationship with her family, but she kept them to herself. "Well…as I was saying. I think you should meet neteyam one of these days?" says neytiri. The girl was a little disappointed about the night before, neteyam hadn't talked to her much and then left without saying anything.
"I think he doesn't want to talk to me" says leeka, neytiri laughs a little. But it was a more ironic smile. Touching the girl's shoulder, so that she calms down. "Sure he is… he is a little shy" neytiri says. "I'll try to talk to him…I'll ask him if he wants to go hunting with me or for a walk" says leeka, seeing how neytiri smiled approvingly. Neytiri didn't want to force anything, but she knew what she was doing. She had to support the girl. "He'll love it…I'm sure," Neytiri says. Staying quiet for a moment, she had smelled a familiar scent on you. She wanted to think it was because you were always with neteyam and his children. But this awakened an alarm in her.
You quickly arrive at the mo'at hut, seeing how the woman was already waiting for you. You excuse yourself, and sit down next to her. "Where were you?" mo'at was cutting some herbs, preparing for the demonstration she had prepared for you. "Ahh I was in the lab" you speak, nervously. "Mmm but we ran into each other earlier… so you weren't there" mo'at looks at you for a moment, noticing how your little eyes widen. She had caught you, but she wasn't going to say anything. Mo'at hands you the container she was working on. "Ok, let's get to work" Mo'at speaks, watching you settle more into your space. She had to teach you everything she knew, she had plans for you in the future. You had shown her that you could stay in charge of the medical area of the clan. The people in the clan trusted you, and little by little you were improving every day. Mo'at knew you were doing a good job, you were a very good girl. It had been a while, since morning. You were in a corner eating something, enjoying your free time. While listening to mo'at. "I hope this mating season will be successful…and many couples will come out" says mo'at.
"Yes" you speak, lowering your head. This was something you did not like to talk about. You were aware of your position, neteyam could tell you that he wanted to get away from you and choose a na'vi woman. You knew what happened every week, every week neytiri tried to match his son with different girls. They were so…perfect for him. You couldn't compete with them, you were…just you. And you had a lot of confidence in yourself…but you were aware that you and neteyam were different species. You didn't know what was going to happen. "There's no one you're interested in?" mo'at looks at you curiously. "ahh there are no boys my age here" you laugh nervously. "And spider?" mo'at asks, watching as you fall silent and then start laughing. She joins you… she knows that you and spider are like brothers. But she wanted to make you laugh. "H-hello" speaks neteyam, carefully entering the hut. "Ahh what are you doing here?" asks mo'at, examining his grandson with his eyes. He looked very well.
You get a little nervous, chuckling a little when your gaze meets neteyam's. "I came to see if you would help me…with this cut" neteyam points to his shoulder. "teyam…there's nothing there" mo'at says, watching as his grandson laughs. "Grandma…it's really annoying, I cut myself on a branch" says neteyam, sitting down on the ground. Mo'at gives you a look, causing you to laugh. "Y/N…clean neteyam's deep wound" says mo'at, you get up from the ground approaching neteyam. To sit in front of him. Taking a cream that was in one of the many bottles that mo'at had. You can see the smirk of confidence on his face. "You're bleeding to death" you joke, watching as he moves closer to you. "I just wanted to see you… it's been a long time" neteyam takes your hand, to caress it.
"It's only been a few hours" you place some medicine, moving closer to him. You two were now very close. "That's a long time….hey" neteyam whispers. You look back, glancing at mo'at. The woman was too busy at her work, so she wasn't paying attention to you. "What?" you say, while pretending you were putting in more medicine. "How about we meet at the waterfall?" neteyam asks you. "What for?" you feel neteyam's hand hold yours, pulling it closer to his chest. Lowering his head further, so that it is now closer to your ear. "To bathe together…you and me" neteyam laughs a little, watching as you place your hands on his mouth. He had to be quiet, his grandmother couldn't hear anything. Seeing mo'at still not paying attention to him. "close…touching us" speaks neteyam, a little loudly. You tell him to shut up, laughing at him.
Mo'at looks at you from afar, the scene ahead of her was interesting… the two of you were in front of each other. Your hand on neteyam's chest, he held it caressing your skin. While both of you were laughing, whispering to each other. The woman takes a deep breath, the feelings she was feeling that you two were transmitting was something that she knew would cause problems, but it was something strong. Something unavoidable, it was more than evident that the two of you were together. Mo'at turned her attention back to her work, it was best if she pretended not to see anything. She knew that when they needed her help you would talk to her. "Well…see you at sundown,ok?" neteyam waits for your reply, you nod, watching as neteyam walks over to you and gives you a quick kiss on the shoulder. You push him away, pushing him out of the hut as you two were giggling. You sit back down next to mo'at, you can feel her giving you a few glances. But you see that she doesn't speak, she doesn't seem upset. So you assume she didn't see you and doesn't suspect anything.
That same afternoon… Neteyam had finished all his chores, he was ready to go to the waterfall as he had planned with you. Today had been a good day, the only downside was the conversation he had with his mother that morning, but everything else had run smoothly. Neteyam had rushed to the family hut, leaving his hunting tools behind. Feeling more relaxed and to come find you at the lab. This meeting was important to him, being with your company was very precious. With you he could be himself, no longer the perfect son that his parents wanted him to be. Well…that his mother wanted. Neteyam was aware of his mother's plans. And he knew that in the end he had to make his decision, but at this moment he was not going to think about anything and he was going to enjoy the afternoon.
Just as he was entering the laboratory he bumped into Leeka. The girl greeted him from afar, neteyam tried not to make a bad face. He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't want to talk to her, especially knowing that she was doing what his mother asked her to do. Leeka approached him. "Hello, how are you?" the girl asks. "I'm fine…thanks" neteyam was already feeling uncomfortable, and now even more so that he was in a hurry. "Hey…I was wondering if you I…can we walk for a while" says the girl, noticing how neteyan tenses up and laughs uncomfortably. "It can be now…or whenever you want" leeka was sure neteyam would agree, he looked like a guy who wouldn't say no. "Leeka….I don't" neteyam was about to answer her, but just at that moment the door to the lab opened. "Y/N!!!" neteyam shouts a little, coming closer to you. Taking your hand quickly, pulling you closer to his side. "Is something wrong?" you are a little confused, you were going to go look for him. You weren't expecting him at the entrance, and even less so with this company.
"No…I was just waiting for you. Why don't we leave?" says Neteyam, the boy is anxious to get out of there. "Aren't we going for a walk?" leeka looks at neteyam, she still couldn't believe he was denying her request. "no….we'll talk later" neteyam drags you with him, while you look back feeling how leeka's gaze is glued to you. You decide to ignore what happened a moment ago, and focus on neteyam. The path to the waterfall was a bit far, so he ends up carrying you like a little horse on his back. Talking about anything, and enjoying the moment. When you arrive at the waterfall, neteyam puts you down. While he goes to check on the water. "Love… this water has a nice temperature" says neteyam, seeing how you were taking something out of your bag. You had been carrying a strange bag all this time. A long time ago neteyam stopped wondering what were the things you sometimes brought with you, it was a common thing with you. Always with bundles, and boxes with you. You are kneeling on the floor, your back to Neteyam. "Baby what are you doing there?" neteyam kneels behind you. Putting his head on your shoulder, you push him a little. "Wait!!!" you speak up, you wanted to show him something you had been working on for weeks.
You had been working on your new oxygen mask for weeks. And you had waited all day to show it to neteyam. Neteyam sees you take off your current mask, and gets nervous. "Baby what are you doing?" but within seconds you turn around, showing neteyam that your face was free of that annoying glass. "Taraaaa what's up?" you were very happy that it worked well, you had tried it but you still had your doubts. "This…I can't believe it, you finally finished it" neteyam kneels down to be at your height, getting closer to you. Watching carefully how everything worked, small tubes that entered through your nose and traveled behind your ear. Then connecting to your oxygen machine. Neteyam takes your face with his hands, kissing you. It was the first time he could kiss you, being in his environment. He felt needed, as if he couldn't have any more of you. "ok, what are we waiting for" neteyam gets up from the floor. You were still a little shaken by the kiss, you didn't want him to pull away from you. You move closer to him, moving to his arm to rest on his forearm. But you can see how neteyam moves away from you and starts to take off all his clothes, the bracelets.
"Hey…what are you doing?" you laugh nervously, trying to stop him by placing your hands on his waist. "We weren't going to bathe?…we have to take off our clothes. Come on," Neteyam says as if it were the most normal thing in the world. And yes it was, you were the one who had that conflict. But even so, you knew from the look neteyam was giving you that he had other plans in mind. You watch as he continues to remove his clothes, reaching for his loincloth. "You're going to leave me alone, come on love…" neteyam starts to take off his loincloth. While you look around worriedly, you didn't want anyone to see you naked. Well, it's not like you have a lot of clothes on at the moment. Your top of ornaments, didn't cover much of your breasts. The last piece of neteyam falls to the floor, leaving him completely naked in front of you. You shift your gaze, you felt your cheeks were getting hot, neteyam was very beautiful…too much of beautiful. "Do you want me to help you?" asks neteyam, approaching you. Neteyam kneels in front of you again, coming over to help remove the knots from your top, moving it out of the way. You swallow hard, you loved it when he took care of you. Pulling the knots out of your loincloth, leaving you naked.
Neteyam pulls away a little, looking you up and down gently. It made you nervous, when he did these things. You laugh shyly, touching his chest. Neteyam meets your gaze, and there was a tender smile on his lips. His look was one of love and admiration. Damn…you had him so in love. "Hey…come on!!!" you move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, to kiss his cheeks. "Ok, ok" netayam wraps his arms around you, standing up suddenly. Making you scream, as he walked towards the water. Sometimes you forgot how tall neteyam was, holding you tightly. As neteyam got deeper into the water you were stealing sloppy kisses all over his face and neck. When the water finally touches your shoulders, you can feel neteyam tighten his grip on you. Taking your thighs, to wrap them around his waist, you squeeze him intently trying to seek friction on his skin. He begins to kiss your neck, while his hands move over your hips, and squeeze the soft skin. You were getting a little desperate, kissing and seeking more of his touch. "I thought we were just going to bathe" neteyam says giggling between kisses, enjoying the attention you were giving him. Holding you tighter, lifting you higher on his body. "You started it" you laugh. "Hey…did you know I can hold my breath for 5 minutes straight?" says neteyam, looking at you mischievously.
"And?" you speak, feeling neteyam pull you a little away from his body. But he still holds you so you don't move too far away. "I would like to know if I can break my record…and I need your help. What do you think?" neteyam starts to go down in the water, while you laugh. Feeling him pull you closer to him. He dives completely into the water, kissing your stomach leaving a line of bubbles rising up. You place your hands on his hair, helping him a little. You knew the way he was going. Lowering it further, feeling neteyam take your thighs, to wrap them around his shoulders. Sinking his face into your cunt, His tongue flicked your clit and then spread from the bottom of your pussy to the top. The sensation of rough tongue, the feeling of bubbles caused by neteyam's lack of air. They caused you to shudder, and squeeze your thighs tighter against the sides of his face. Tangling your hand in his braids, you didn't know how he was managing to stay underwater so long, but he was making his point.
Leeka thought about what had happened. For her it was strange enough that a boy like neteyam was denying her proposal to count. Leeka was a highly demanded na'vi in the clan…but she had her eyes set on neteyam. But what she was most curious about was the strange relationship neteyam had with you. She knew that you had grown up together, and that he had always been around demons. But… neteyam was very very close to you, and she was thinking that this was not normal. She was beginning to believe the rumors among the younger members of the clan. The romantic closeness the two of you had, how neteyam's scent was wafting over you. How you had been seen together, in unusual situations. But she knew she could fulfill what she promised neytiri…besides neteyam couldn't be with human, that's ridiculous. Leeka decided to go for a walk, she wanted to clear her mind. But she also wanted to look for neteyam, he couldn't be far away. The girl had walked quite a long way, she thinks it's been an hour. But she can hear the sound of water very close to her. She was going to stop and get some water…but stopped when she heard some voices.
Neteyam climbed up, breathing fast and with a stupid smile on her lips. You were stunned by the previous activities. You felt your cheeks burning, when Neteyam placed his hands on your face. Leaning in for a kiss, pulling away a little. Enjoying the view, of his partner all shattered in his arms. And that was just a little bit…of everything he wanted to do with you. You relax into his touch, resting your head in his hands. As you try to regain your normal breathing, neteyam slides his thumb across your lips…sliding it into your mouth. Watching as you instinctively suck it gently as he withdraws it, leaving a 'pop' sound. "You're a good girl" neteyam says, moving closer to kiss your lips. "Thank you" you speak, watching as neteyam lets out a laugh, pulling you close to his chest, so you can hug him. After a moment of cuddling, keep silent. "I want us to unite before eywa" says nateyam out of nowhere, noticing how your eyes widen in surprise. "What?" you ask.
Neteyam was getting tired of playing these little games with you, he wants you to be his partner. May you be his woman completely. That he could have you completely and he knew that you wanted too. He could feel it. “But what will your family say,” you speak, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I will talk to my family…they will understand. I want this to be serious, I love you” Neteyam is interrupted when they both hear Leeka's voice calling Neteyam. “Neteyam?” Leeka is standing on the shore, the girl glances at her feet. Noticing the mountain of outfits on the grass. And seeing how you and neteyam were together. You quickly move away, swimming further. Meanwhile, Neteyam turned around, now looking at the girl. "What's going on?" Neteyam asks. "What are you doing here? “I thought they were somewhere else,” Leeka says, crossing her arms. “I never say where I was going…besides, why do you care so much?” Neteyam sounded arrogant and annoyed. Leeka sulks, but she knew that she was no one to complain to him. “Sorry…I only found you guys by accident” Leeka says, looking at you intently.
You were trying to cover yourself, you didn't want her to suspect anything. Leeka looks at clothes again, and then laughs a little. “It seems like you are enjoying the river,” she says sarcastically. “Yes… and you are interrupting us” says Neteyam. “teyam!!!” You scold him, but he ignores you. His attention now was on Leeka leaving them alone. “Well… sorry for interrupting, see you later teyam” she laughs and looks at you as she says the last word. They both stay there, watching the girl walk away from the river. Leaving you alone again, Neteyam watches carefully, making sure she's not around. To turn to see you. He can tell how upset and scared you were right now. “Y/N?” neteyam calls, trying to take your arm. But you walk away, swimming towards the shore. “I told you that someone would come…and ahhh” you start arguing to yourself. You knew it wasn't his fault, but you were also aware that this could cause problems. “It's no big deal…she won't say anything” Neteyam says, keeping up with you. You guys had already gotten out of the water, and you were starting to put on your clothes.
“Of course…neteyam that girl was chosen by your mother. She talks to her, spends time with her…her” You turn to look at him, as you put on your last piece of clothing. “I want to go back to the lab, yes?” You give up, you didn't want to talk about this topic now. Your good time had been ruined by her. Neteyam also felt like you. “Okay…but” neteyam takes your hand, kneeling down to be at your height. “How about we meet in our place today? Yes…please” Neteyam begs, kissing your hand. You think for a moment, you didn't want things to escalate, but you also wanted to spend more time with him. You smile at him, and move closer to kiss him on the tip of his nose. “Ok…we'll see you at the same time” you see how the boy gets excited. They both finish getting ready, and begin their way back home. But this time, neteyam would carry you all the way, you were too tired to walk back.
Neteyam dropped you off in front of the lab, he was aware that what had happened had hurt both your spirits. You had barely spoken on the way home, but he was not discouraged. Maybe all you needed to do was get some rest and then you could go see each other. Neteyam came up to you, giving you a big kiss on your cheek. And another on the crown of your head. "I'll see you…yes?" neteyam looks at you hoping you wouldn't stand him up. "Yeah" you speak, smiling shyly and walking into the lab. Looking back, watching as neteyam stood there waiting for you to come back to him. But you decide to continue on your way, leaving him more frustrated. The boy sighs loudly…why that girl had to show up, why his mother was so insistent. He was going to put a stop to this whole situation… his family had to know the truth and accept it.
Neteyam arrived at the family hut, to his good fortune he found his mother and grandmother. Mo'at was visiting the hut, helping her daughter. Both women watched as Neteyam entered the hut, they could see that he was upset. But not in comparison to his mother, who had barely turned around to greet him. "Mom?" speaks neteyam, approaching his mother's side, to sit next to her. "I have to tell you something" neteyam didn't mind that his grandmother was with them, in the end she always found out everything. "I want to talk to you too" neytiri says, neteyam is silent so that her mother can start first. Neytiri looks up, her look was one of confrontation. "What the hell were you doing naked, and kissing Y/N in the river this afternoon" neytiri blurts out, neteyam gets nervous quickly. Jumping out of his seat, looking quickly at his grandmother. Mo'at looked shocked, but she already knew her daughter was going to ask that question to the poor boy.
After Leeka left the river, she went ahead. Running as fast as her feet would allow, she quickly reached neytiri. Telling her everything she saw, this left neytiri astonished. She couldn't believe it, it was one thing for her son to be friends with these humans. But that he was romantically involved with one…she couldn't believe it. As soon as mo'at arrived to visit her daughter, she told her everything that was happening. Even neytiri complained to her mother, because of the closeness she had with you. "Are you suggesting that because of me the two of them are together?!!!" shouts a little mo'at. "Don't say they are together" neytiri was falling in crisis. And now she finally had the chance to ask him in person, neteyam had to tell her the truth.
"Mom…" neteyam looks down for a moment, takes a breath and begins to speak. Now…this was the moment. After so long he was going to tell her everything. "Y/n and I…we want to be a mates. And we are going to unite before eywa. That is my wish and Y/n's wish" says neteyam, he had a confident voice. He knew what he wanted and that no one was going to change his mind. Neteyam's statement left Mo'at speechless, she looked at her daughter. Neytiri's eyes were closed, and for a moment she bit her lower lip in anger. "You're going crazy…that's impossible. I won't allow it" neytiri shouts, turning completely around now. "Mama but" neteyam tries to defend himself. "No…you know all that we have sacrificed for those humans and now you tell me that you want to join your life with one of them…that is something, impossible. It is something almost…grotesque" neytiri speaks, neytiri's words hurt neteyam.
And yes, he didn't have the heart to yell at his mother. So he just lowers his head, letting his mother vent all her frustration. "Daughter" mo'at tries to rationalize with neytiri, touching her shoulder. But neytiri pulls away, getting up from the ground angrily. "Listen neteyam… you're not going to see that girl again. I know you're of age, but I won't let you give away your future" neytiri storms out of the hut, not before stopping at the entrance of the hut. "I'm so disappointed in you" neytiri says, walking away. Meanwhile neteyam had remained there, sitting with his head down. And mo'at could notice, as some tears fell to the ground. Her grandson had been an exceptional child all his life…she knew what was going through his head now. And how bad he felt…but she also understood that no one was in control of his heart.
Mo'at settles down next to her grandson…wrapping him in her arms. Giving him a kiss on the side of his head. "neteyam don't worry… I will talk to your mother" Mo'at says. Watching as the boy looks up quickly. His face was teary, some tears were still running down his eyes. "You're not upset?" asks neteyam. Mo'at was a little confused, but not upset. She had learned that things in life cannot be controlled, that eywa has its own plans. And even if you interfere with them…it never works. Besides, they were talking about you, she knew you. She had practically raised you, she knew you and she knew you were a good girl. Neytiri was either overreacting…or she was already going crazy. But she was going to support her grandson…she couldn't leave him alone.
#avatar the way of water#avatar x y/n#avatar x reader#avatar x you#avatar 2022#human y/n#neteyam imagine#human reader#neteyam#neteyam x human reader smut#neteyam x human reader#neteyam x human!reader#neteyam oneshot#neteyam sully x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam scenario#neteyam series#neteyam smut#neteyam x you#neteyam x female reader#atwow neteyam#avatar neteyam#neteyam x y/n#neteyam x reader#female y/n#neteyam fanfic#avatar masterlist#neytiri avatar#neytiri x neteyam#neytiri imagine
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 1.5k words, fem!omaticaya reader, angst, swearing
authors note: AHHHH first chapter i'm so excited to post this guys!! thankuu to all my mooties that helped me brew this series

Nothing could ever surmount to the despair you felt that day. The day he looked into your weeping eyes, looked right into your aching soul, and told you he was leaving.
Leaving. You begged him to take you with him. Pleaded with his pained expression to let you stay with him. To take you with him. To walk every journey together.
But he didn’t. He shook his head, pursing his lips that have kissed you for the last time. Crossing his arms that embraced you for the last time. He said no. One simple word that crushed your entire self.
“It won’t be safe, I can’t take you from the forest, this is your home.” No. No he was your home! He was your everything. The last face you look at when you say goodnight to the day left behind you. The one you would run to, so you could tell him everything good and bad. The man you imagined your entire life to be with.
That same man who was running from his home, to never return back to you.
You pleaded with him, crashing onto your knees, wrapping your arms around his torso. Crying into him as you begged to accompany him. How could he leave you? How could he have the heart to tear out yours.
“Y/N…let go.” His deep voice ring deep in your ears. You knew he was talking about your physical grip on him. But it felt so much deeper. Let go. Let go of us. Let go of everything we ever were. Let go of me.
You shook your head desperately, hands still clinging to his body. The rough soil beneath you cutting into your knees but no cut would ever be as deep as the one he had laid into your soul.
It was as if the hands he took to pry your frail body off him were the daggers that were slicing up your heart. Leaving wounds so deep they would never heal. How could you ever heal from this?
You looked up at him, tears letting his cheeks dampen, his face showing nothing but grief as he met your hurt eyes.
“I have to go…Y/N you know I have to.” You did. You knew you had no say in this. Your words were insignificant to begin with.
His figure crouched down in front of you. Wiping the salty tears that stained your cheeks. He saw the way your chin quivered as he caressed your beautiful face.
A salty, sweet kiss was the last one you ever shared with him. A kiss you both cried into, gripping onto each other knowing it was the last time. It was bittersweet. To share a moment so close together only to be ripped apart.
All that connected you both was memories. Memories that now serve you nothing but hurt.
Five years had passed. Five dreadful years.
You were now a 20 year old woman. Adorned with your bow and the physique of a fit warrior. Though no amount of time could ever heal the cuts he left so deep in you.
For the first year, you were nothing but a shell. Never eating, never sleeping. You simply existed. Which was a chore to do without him.
You wished nothing but to stop existing. To stop experiencing every bit of sadness, every bit of grief. To stop mourning the loss of the only man you could ever love.
Tears were your most worn accessory, no one ever daring to tell you they looked bad. Too scared to send you spiralling even more than you already had.
Though, those times you spent rocking in your hammock. Looking at the stars that lit up the night sky, those cuts that ran deep within you, the cuts that caused so pain. They started to seep.
Started to seep blood red rage.
How could he ever have left you? Was he so selfish to not think of the effect this would have on you? Did he simply not care?
How was the one time he decided to act selfishly be the time wounded the one who loved him most? To be so selfish, to claim he would be keeping you safe.
Safe to what? The sky-people that reigned free through your planet. Constantly on the verge of war to aliens that had no consideration for your people. Just like he had no consideration for your heart.
You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate him so bad, that every memory of him would fade into a blood red image of evil. That every memory would turn into a disgusting thought of a disgusting man.
You wanted to hate him with every fibre in your body. But you couldn’t.
Maybe that’s when everything stopped looking so blood red. When everything dulled out. Nothing mattered, he would never come back.
So with a tainted heart and an aching soul, you accepted that you would never experience the love of your mate every again. Never feel his touch, hear his voice, smell his scent, taste his kisses. You would never be with him.
That’s were Va’tep entered into your life. Barging into your knocked down walls and building a crappy foundation.
Va’tep, Tarsem’s younger brother. One year your elder. A fierce warrior, a man who refused to lose, a man who claimed what was his. And to him, you were his.
Your parents always longed for status. To be high up in the clan. You were their golden ticket, finding your way into the heart of Toruk Makto’s eldest son. They rejoiced in your heart’s residence, rejoiced in the fact that you fulfilled their one wish. They were your number one advocate. Pushing you to train for your rite of passage ever since you became closer with the boy. They worked every inch of their being towards the union between the pair of you.
But the hard work washed away as fast as the waterfall plunged.
Washing away all your dreams, your happiness, your meaning. It washed away your parent’s status, Va’tep being the life guard that pulls them out of the strong currents.
Nothing could ever amount to him though. Your heart resided with someone else as your body laid with his. You felt yourself fill with shame every time you shared a touch. A shiver of disgust running down your entire body. Breaking the vow of your love towards the boy who broke you.
“Where’s your head at beautiful?” That was what he called you. Beautiful. His voice would never be as sweet as his. Never send the right shivers through you.
Va’tep’s calloused hands caressed your cheek, so rough it felt as if he was dragging you with his touch. Everything he did was rough. Rough like the soil you pleaded on.
Maybe this was Eywa laughing in your face. Giving you a man so opposite to the man you craved so desperately. Even after 5 years, Eywa would never let you forget those memories.
Shrugging his hands off your body, he let out a low hiss. One that showed his offence towards your actions. A hiss so quiet, it would only be heard if you cared. But you didn’t. Something else was clouding your mind, taking your attention away from him. And it wasn’t just your past lover.
You made your way towards the growing crowd of people that formed around the entrance of High Camp. Va’tep’s calls after you were silenced by the gasps and whispers of your people that were creating confusion that bubbled in your stomach.
Pushing yourself to the front of the crowd, definitely stepping on the feet of others. You looked for the source of the commotion. Ears perking up and eyes squinting to find the one thing people were gawking at.
Though now as you look towards the source, you wish you minded your business. Everything was coming back. Every emotion, every curse, every thought, every tear. They all fell on top of you, crushing your soul as you let out a small whimper in fear.
The source was making its way towards you. No. No. NO. This can’t happen. This cannot be happening. Feet stumbling as you paced backwards, avoiding looking straight ahead.
Dread filled your entire being. Filling it from your toes until it felt as if it would spill out of you, gurgling in the pits of your stomach. No. No. NO.
Crashing into the back of a person, you were forced to halt your escape. Frozen in shock as you looked at the man who had broken your heart and given it back to you.
Lips quivering, tears pooling in your eyes. He reached his hands towards you. How could he come back? Why was he back? This is all some sort of sick dream. A nightmare.
“My beautiful girl.” His voice was deeper, still so sweet it would cause a cavity. It enticed you. You had been without his voice for so long.
So long…because he left you. Because he was cruel and selfish.
Shaking your head profusely, just like you did that dreaded day. Your hands shook as you pointed at him, an accusatory finger aimed at him as your mind swirled.
“I’m here now.” He should have never left, he should have NEVER left. What a sick fuck. To come back expecting open arms when all you wanted was to never have your arms leave him. “Beautiful? What is it?”
“I am not your beautiful, Neteyam.”

tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9
thankyou sm for reading lovelies!! reblogs + replies sososososo appreciated ilysm ily ily
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Eywa's Child pt.iii || Neteyam x omatikayaf!reader
cw // mention of drug
chapter recap
Slowly your memories starts to come back but the sky people have up their game, letting you take something to make you forget.
author's note;
Hello! I'm sorry if I'm not that fast on updating since class started but rest assured I will complete this series! Also, don't forget to reblog, like and share your thoughts on this chapter! Thank you!
part 1 , part 2
"Did you give her the pill?"
The general ask and Z-Dog just smirk and walk away. The pill is meant to be given to you during this mission since there might be a chance your memories might come back. They have spent a long time manipulating you, with you being a full na'vi your a big help to them by exploring the Pandora.
"I absolutely hate it when someone doesn't obey me orders."
Your body flinch when you heard Quaritch and you can already tell that his looking at you. Rolling your eyes you got out from the ship and called your ikran. Today's events made you feel suffocate and something or someone is just telling you to get some air. Away from those people. Away from everything.
After flying some time you landed on a rock, you look around and saw three mountains. Just how much did you space out while being on your ikran. You look at your ikran and it nudge your face, you smiled a little and stroke it just below it's mouth, when suddenly your head throb
'My child.. come back to us..'
Your eyes scan your surrounding but no one is there. Then your head began to throb again but this time, it lasted longer.
'My child! Please bring her back!'
'Oh my daughter...'
"Stop.. STOP IT!"
You scream in pain as memories keeps flashing through your mind
'Her name shall be Y/N! A gift from Eywa!'
A scene from your birth as your father held you up, people from your clan circling your family. Your mother looking at you with full of love.
"No.. this is just a play of my mind. They betrayed me!"
'Come, play with us!'
'See that? Try hitting it'
You drop on your knees as you clutch your head, you heard your ikran screeching as it began to fly away from you. The last memory that flash into your mind was you being taken away by the sky people
"Save me...."
Neteyam's POV
The meeting with his father and the leaders of the metkayina clan just ended and when he is on his way back to their marui pod, he heard the noise of an ikran. Why would be their ikran near here? I thought their ikrans decided to stay at the forest just behind on where the metkayina lives.
"Lo'ak come with me!"
His younger sibling followed and they came to the spot where they first got here, when the ikran landed it made a cry and it may be dark but he can recognize that ikran no matter what
"It's Y/N's ikran!"
Tuk and Kiri appeared telling that they heard the cries of an ikran, they quickly got here.
"But why would her ikran be here?"
Lo'ak said while scanning then he notice the saddle and they all look at each other
Neteyam ran to the water calling for his ilu, the ikran also started to fly and they all followed to where it is going. After some time they arrived at the Three Brother's Rock. Your ikran landed on where you collapsed.
Tuk pointed and they all immediately got off and the first one to get to you was Neteyam.
"Wake up, Y/N!"
He held you into his arm but there's no avail of you showing signs of waking up.
"Let's get out of here bro!"
Neteyam carried you and signaled your ikran to go where the others ikrans are. But before your ikran can fly somebody fired and luckily your ikran were able to dodge it, Neteyam quickly look back and saw two avatars holding up their gun. He saw a gun strap on your thighs and he quickly got it.
"Go go go!"
He shouted to his siblings as they all rode their ilus and swam away from the place.
"Shit! Don't let them get away!"
Neteyam place you on his ilu before shooting back and when he manage to hit one of the avatar he quickly jump and rode his ilu then commanded it to swim away. He just knows that tomorrow something big will happen.
- end of neteyams pov-
"This child is under a spell! Sky people corrupted her."
You are now laying down inside the Sully's pod with Ronal treating you. Neteyam gritted his teeth, so that's why you acted like that towards them.
"What can we do?"
His father ask
"Nothing. Let's hope that as soon as she woke up, she'll be the same person you people know."
Ronal walk out from their pod and Neteyam can only carress your face. Jake lets out a sigh.
"I'm calling Norm and Max again."
Jaket steps out followed by Neytiri, his friends just got here weeks ago when Kiri had a seizure but he needs them again. He also wants your family to come. They can't simply do this.
"Is she going to hate us again?"
Tuk broke the silence and Neteyam can only lower his gaze. Day turns to night and you still haven't woke up. Norm and Max arrived just hours ago and they examined you, they found a weird substance in you. It's like a medicine that you take making you hallucinates or replace some of your memories.
"So like a drug?"
Neteyam heard his father and Max nodded
"Since she is a born na'vi it might have dealt a great damage on her system. She was gone for a long time, who knows how many pills she have taken?"
"My poor child.."
Your mother is now at your side, your father holding your hand and offering a prayer.
"I must kill them. They have harm my sister!"
"Mawey Casnu, we must come up with a plan to attack them."
Neteyam put his hands on the shoulders of your brother then Tonowari walk up to them, looking at them as if he carries a bad news
"They are at the north side of the coast. We will attack tomorrow."
Tonowari insisted on having a meeting again and this time your father and brother took part. There's no way they will let this slide. Neteyam stayed back offering to aid your mother.
"You must rest"
Neytiri pat the shoulders of your mother and when she was about to refuse Neteyam spoke
"It's okay. I will watch over her."
Your mother nodded and Neytiri and her walk out from the pod. He held your hands and brought it close to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
A warm light woke you up from your sleep, slowly getting up you notice that you are in a unknown place. You quickly got up to your feet and that alerted the people around you. You hiss at them and grab the knife at your pocket, pointing it at them.
"Stay back!"
Your vision blurry but you need to defend yourself. They must be here again to force you again on stepping that machine. This people will trick you again.
"It's us, my dear child.."
You squinted your eyes and quickly rub it and slowly your vision clears up. You saw your mother, father and brother standing in front of you.
"You people just don't stop! Now you are even copying what my family looks like."
Your family look at you puzzled, the Sully family heard the commotion and decided to check that's where they saw you in a defense stance.
"We are not them! See, we are real.."
Casnu, your brother slit the palm of his hand letting you see that they are indeed your family. Your eyes watered, dropping your knife you ran to them
"Ma... Pa... they- they tried to trick me!"
You sob at the chest of your mother, Jake told his family to come later since you and your family needs a lot of time. Neteyam is just simply happy that you are now back though he saw Max said something to his father that made Jake halt and look back. That made him look back too but all he see is you smiling to your family.
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In the Heat of the Moment | Epilogue
Word Count: 1.9K
Pairing: Jake Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader, Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Story Description: Every month female Omatikayans go through their heat whilst men go through their rut. It’s a time for mates to engage in the most animalistic desires. But when one of the two is gone, it can be a rather painstaking endeavor. With Neteyam gone on a hunting trip, (Y/N) has to go through her heat alone for the first time. Or does she?
Warnings: All of the feels
A/N: read at the end of the story 😬😬 I lied like a liar, I wrote too much and there's this short epilogue. This is the real last part that i didn't make y'all wait for 💖 also, I really tried with the songchord song but it was really hard. I took most from Neytiri's songchord. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee
Dedicated to every single person that read, liked, or reblogged this story! It was such a joy to write and I will miss it💖
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In the Heat of the Moment | Epilogue
It hurt.
That was all that (Y/N) could process.
Her baby was ready to make their journey to their earth and all she could think of was how much it hurt.
“Okay, (Y/N),” Mo’at said. “I can see the child’s head. When the next contraction starts, I’m going to need you to push with everything you’ve got.”
“I can’t,” she cried. “I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can,” Neteyam cooed as he wiped away the sweat from her forehead and the tears from her eyes. “I know no other woman as strong as you. I know you can.”
“It hurts so much, Nete.”
“And how I wish I could take it away,” he comforted. “But I know you can do this, baby. I know you’ve got it in you.”
“One moment of pain, my child. For a lifetime of happiness.”
She wasn’t sure if she could do it. Not even with the support of everyone around her. The pain was incomparable, almost indescribable. During the months of her pregnancy, there had been some pangs here and there, some strong enough that they worried even the experienced healer. But, it was nothing like what she felt at that moment.
From the woman in the village, she had only heard only the beautiful parts of pregnancy. Creating a life inside her womb, cementing the legacy of her family, the magical moment of having the child for the first time in her arms. But none of them had told her that it would be a blood-filled battle to reach the finish line. It made her ears stick to her head and her tail swoosh hardly on the mat.
“Another contraction’s coming,” (Y/N) announced as she felt the lightning-fast pain clutch at her stomach. “Oh, Great Mother, it hurts!”
“Alright, (Y/N). I’m gonna need you to brace yourself and push,” the healer said. “We need to get the baby’s head out.”
With an ear-piercing scream, the girl grabbed hold of Neteyam’s hand and pushed as if her life depended on it. At the instruction of Mo’at, she kept pushing and pushing and pushing. She continued until she felt like she wasn’t in the tent anymore.
The only thing that brought her back was the sound of a baby’s cry.
“Congratulations, ma (Y/N),” Mo’at beamed as she placed the baby on her chest, gifting the young couple the biggest smile. “You have a beautiful and healthy baby boy.”
“Oh, he’s perfect,” the girl cried. “I can’t believe he’s finally here.”
After placing a kiss on her temple, Neteyam held out his hand to the child, the newborn instantly wrapping his little hand around his finger. “He truly is perfect,” he smiled. “As perfect as his mother.”
“Have you chosen a name yet?”
“Yes,” (Y/N) smiled. “We will be announcing it at the celebration.”
After a quick moment with the child, the delivery of the placenta, and a clean-up of the birth, the rest of the Sully family trickled into the tent – all but one. Kiri and Tuk cooed at the baby, admiring their new nephew. Lo’ak tried to remain indifferent, but soon enough gave in to the cuteness of the tiny baby. Meanwhile, Neytiri congratulated her daughter-in-law on her beautiful son, the woman’s first grandchild.
Long gone was the guilt, (Y/N) felt when she was near the woman. In the beginning, she could barely look Neytiri’s way without feeling a gut-wrenching shame for what she had done. But, with the help and support of Neteyam, she was able to put her turmoil to rest and walk alongside the woman in her pregnancy journey.
The only person they steered clear of was the same person that was not present in the room. Jake had made sure to keep his distance. He told himself that it was because he wanted to respect Neteyam’s position. But the reality was that he couldn’t bear to see (Y/N) happy with his son. That she had chosen and would continue to choose him for the rest of their lives.
His envy had been laid to rest, though, alongside his anger. Those days, all he felt was misery and sadness for a life he could’ve had. A life he was supposed to already possess. It didn’t matter how irate he had been at his son, ultimately it had been the girl’s decision, and she had always been clear about who her heart belonged to.
So, he went by pretending. Something he had learned to do perfectly when he had been human. Pretending he was content with his life, pretending his heart wasn’t shattered and unmendable, pretending he didn’t wish he was the one standing by her side. She had told him not to, but he just couldn’t help himself from praying that one day she would magically change her mind.
But, she never did.
Then, nine months had passed, her belly growing with their –his– child, and she never did. Her son and she remained as together as ever. And suddenly, the child was here and they were preparing to celebrate the new heir of the Omatikaya clan. The child that, after their father, would lead the tribe.
Everyone had gathered in the village center, eager to meet the new baby. Music and excited chatter filled the air. In a matter of minutes, a new life would be presented to the village. Another life that represented hope and prosperity for the clan.
“Are you ready, my love?” Neteyam asked his wife as they prepared to leave the tent. He was dressed in his ceremonial attire, all feathers and headdress. “You look as breathtaking as ever.”
She wore the intricate necklace Kiri had done for this special occasion, a magnificent artwork of beads and stones. Her hair had been done by Tuk just moments before, and no one would have guessed that she had just gone through an arduous labor.
“With you by my side, I am always ready.”
Silence fell across the tribe as the entrance of the tent opened. The crowd parted as Neteyam led his family, his sights set on the cleared space at the center. (Y/N) followed close behind, covering her son from sight. No one would see him until his father raised him to the skies.
As they walked, the clan started humming in prayer, blessing the new life that would now be a part of their tribe. They blessed the child’s parents and they thanked Eywa for allowing a safe delivery. It was a communal chant of love and thankfulness.
Tears welled in the corners of (Y/N)’s eyes as she felt the love of her people. Even though the baby had been created at an unfortunate moment, he was their miracle. He was the product of their love, a testament to their union.
The new family of three stopped once they reached the cleared area where Mo’at was waiting for them. She smiled at her grandson and his wife before she turned to direct herself to the rest of the tribe members.
“Brothers and sisters,” her voice boomed. “We gather here today by the grace of Eywa to welcome new life to our clan. We have surpassed great sorrows and we have been granted the blessing to see the light of a new day.
The birth of a child is a miracle given by our Great Mother. A beacon of hope in our darkest moments and a testament to her generosity in the lightest of them. Today, the Great Goddess has expanded a piece of my own family and my granddaughter-in-law has given birth to a healthy baby boy, the next heir and Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya clan.
Now, I leave my grandson, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan, to bestow upon us the name of his firstborn.”
The woman stood aside, joining the rest of the clan as they linked to each other with their arms, the soft hum of their shared player a beautiful melody for the moment. They were all witnessing how Neteyam took his son from (Y/N)’s arms before placing a soft kiss on her lips, their faces illuminated by their big smiles.
“Brothers and sisters, it is my greatest honor to present to you today the future Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya clan; the fruit of the love between me and my wife, (Y/N); my firstborn, Eytukan te Suli Neteyam’itan. Named after a great man, husband, and warrior.”
The crowd broke out in cheers as Neteyam lifted little Eytukan to the sky. Mo’at and Neytiri hugged (Y/N) and thanked her for honoring their husband and father, respectively.
Once the baby was back in his mother’s arms, the girl stepped forward, her songcord hanging from her hand. Neteyam stood proudly behind her, his eyes never leaving his family. Then, she began to sing about that monumental part of her life – the birth of her firstborn child.
“Irayo [Thank you]
Oe lu nawma Sa'nokur [I am blessed, Great Mother]
Fa nga, oeyä nìʼawve'ongokx, Eytukan. [with you, my child, Eytukan]
Atanti ngal sìlpey, [You bring hope]
Mipa skxom, mipa tìloho. [New chances, new surprise]
Lawnol a mì te'lan. [Great joy within my heart]
Lawnol a mì te'lan. [Great joy within my heart]
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe [We thank you]
Tonìri tìreyä, [For the nights our life]
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe [We thank you]
Srrìri tìreyä, [For the days of our life]
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa. [Oh Eywa, oh Eywa]
Zola'u nìprrte', ma Eytukan. [Welcome, my Eytukan]
Ngati oel munge soaine. [I bring you to the family]
Nga meuia si nawm tutan, nawm tìrey. [You honor a great man, a great life]
Nga awngeyä parul, nga mip atan. [You are our miracle, our new light]
Lawnol a mì te'lan. [Great joy within my heart]
Lawnol a mì te'lan. [Great joy within my heart]
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe [We thank you]
Tonìri tìreyä, [For the nights our life]
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe [We thank you]
Srrìri tìreyä, [For the days of our life]
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa. [Oh Eywa, oh Eywa]”
Once she finished her song and the crowd had cheered once more, Mo’at led them all through a prayer to Eywa to watch over little Eytukan. Overwhelmed by the love and the joy, (Y/N) couldn’t help but look over her people. She smiled at their closed eyes and their melodious chant, her heart swelling with pride.
Until her gaze fell onto yellow eyes that she knew too well.
Jake had stayed back in the crowd, watching as his son played the part of father better than he ever could have. He couldn’t bring himself to stand with his family, so close to the girl that held his heart hostage. And when her gaze met his, they glazed over with a mix of sadness and happiness. He was glad that she was happy, even if it wasn’t with him.
Then, she gifted him a smile that told him everything. She was grateful for this gift and she was sorry for his pain. There was no pity or disdain toward him. Her smile was an invitation. Whenever he was ready, his whole family was waiting for him.
Neteyam smiled at his wife once his grandmother had finished, calling for the food and the music to fill the air. He smiled at his son, that had not come from him, but still had his blood. He kissed Eytukan’s temple and he kissed (Y/N)’s. “I could not have asked for a more perfect family,” he beamed. ““Oel ngati kameie, (Y/N).”
“Oel ngati kameie, Neteyam,” she smiled in reply.
Taglist: @uwunuggetchan @ellabellabus07 @sweetllamaparadise @crazy4books1 @jake-sullys-whore @saltedcoffeescotch@laylasbunbunny @atxara
A/N: Thank you for following along with this story and supporting it all the way through. To all the people that were here from day one to the ones that joined on the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart for liking this story. It was very fun to write and I loved every second of it. This story truly fanned the flame of my love for creation and it really inspired me to continue with my craft (especially through all the community support it got). It honestly means the world to me that people enjoy what I write, and it brings me so much joy to know that there are people out there that have met me through my words. Hopefully, I can continue to share this passion with you all, and maybe someday you'll have a book written by me sitting on your bookshelf. 💖
#jake sully#jake sully x reader#jake sully fic#jake sully x y/n#jake sully imagine#neteyam sully#neteyam fic#neteyam smut#neteyam imagine#neteyam#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar imagine#avatar smut#neteyam x you#neteyam x reader#jake sully x you#jake sully smut#jake sully series#neteyam series#lo'ak sully#lo'ak#loak#loak sully#neytiri#neytiri sully#kiri#kiri sully#in the heat of the moment#andreafmn
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— chapter 20. not him.
a/n — it's a fun one buckle up lads
series masterlist. | previous / next

written portion below. —
you were pretty sure you were on the brink of insanity.
knowing the conversation that awaited with the male sitting just across the classroom from you made you jitter in your seat, kiri having to calm you down and force you to focus every ten minutes or so.
from the looks on his face, you were almost positive ao'nung knew what was to come, and you hated yourself for it. he was perfect on paper, and always someone you could rely on.
so how could you have it in you to break his heart?
because someway, somehow, neteyam made you feel complete. you couldn't imagine yourself without him, even if you both had your faults. you pushed the guilt aside for just a moment, letting yourself forget what you had to do.
until your professor wrapped up the lecture.
you glanced over at ao'nung, the two of you sharing a nod, and with an exhale, grabbed your things and headed towards the door, waiting for students to file out.
you picked your head up to match the familiar voice, sending a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"you wanted to talk?"
"i'm sorry," you started out, and ao'nung nodded, and you assumed he already knew. "i'm so sorry— i didn't- eywa i didn't mean for any of it to go this way. i just can't-"
"you can't control how you feel, i get it," he kissed his teeth, looking down at his shoe laces. "it's always been neteyam for you. part of me always knew that. i was just kinda hoping i was wrong. and i know i was out of line when i tried to keep it from you, i should've never done that."
"i shouldn't have blown up on you," you sympathized, heart squeezing when you noticed the soft glaze in his eyes. "but i meant everything i said, when i was with you. i meant everything, and if i could've changed anything to not rope you into this mess i swear i would. i just don't want you to hate me." you finished quietly, hoping he would meet your eye.
"i could never hate you," he smiled sadly, "but i'm gonna be honest— i'm hurt. and i can't talk to you knowing we'll only ever be friends."
you nodded in disappointment, knowing he was right. "i get it," you bit the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say. "if it means anything— i'm sorry. again. and i'm here if you ever need to reach out and need somebody."
"thank you," he shot a grateful look your way, bringing you into an embrace. "and it means everything, y/n." he held you for a moment probably too long, shutting his eyes and pretending that maybe, for just a moment, you were his.
"i'll see you around?" you spoke, squeezing his hand reassuringly when he nodded.
you turned away, walking further and further away from ao'nung, missing the way he stood still, missing your warm embrace.

─── neteyam !
it had been about a week since neteyam's met up with you, and he swear he's going to lose his mind if he has to wait any longer.
and yes, he knows, it was originally his idea to wait and give you time before getting back into another relationship with him, but he's really starting to think how much he took holding you for granted. it didn't help you were busy the past few days, out applying for some jobs, so you two didn't have your daily breakfast trips together.
so he opted for a cup of coffee on his day off, figuring he could get ahead on some of his work rather than procrastinating (probably with you) later on.
with a hot cup of coffee on his left and a notebook on his right, alongside with a computer screen in front of him, neteyam was finally able to buckle down, feeling contempt for the first time in the past few days.
it didn't last for long, when a familiar blonde caught his eye.
attempting to avert his gaze, neteyam practically buried his head in the computer, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand and somehow avoid violet all at once. the plan wasn't foolproof, clearly, as she spotted him almost immediately and invited herself over where she clearly wasn't welcome.
he winced at the sound of his nickname, it felt almost forbidden not falling from your lips, and your lips only.
"hey, violet."
"i've been texting you, have you been getting them?"
"can't say i have." he lied, not wanting to have another cafe fiasco with the girl.
"that's so weird," she huffed, taking out her phone. "maybe i could just get your number then? so that we don't have any more cross ups."
"violet, look—"
"neteyam," she cut him off, sitting across the table from him and grasping his hands, missing the way he went stiff at her touch. "i know things might have been a little rocky lately, but all couples go through things like this and..."
whatever violet was going on about was lost on him, and time seemed to pause when he saw you, walking through the cafe. you looked like an angel, the sunlight kissing your face and highlighting your features, a smiling gracing you as well.
a smile that quickly faded at the sight of him.

— y/n and lo'ak are planning to apply as baristas at the cafe so when they saw neteyam's post they were going to surprise him there
— violet's starting to suspect neteyam and y/n have something going on so she went to the cafe to talk to neteyam about what they were
— lo'ak saw what was happening inside the cafe and tried to stall y/n before she could walk in the cafe
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl @alwayswndr @khaleesi56 @azaleaniath
#neteyam sully#ao'nung avatar#— somebody else ᥫ᭡#avatar x reader#avatar#avatar fluff#neteyam sully x you#neteyam angst#avatar neteyam#neteyam fluff#neteyam imagine#neteyam x reader#neteyam series#neteyam smau#ao'nung angst#ao'nung x reader#ao'nung x y/n#ao'nung smau#ao'nung series#ao'nung fluff#aonung angst#avatar imagine#avatar series#avatar smau
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