#no one needs that in their hobby space ‼️
raytm · 1 month
remember to curate your space, write with those who appreciate the time and effort you put into your writing and your muses ! 💗💞
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stories-untold · 6 months
The plight of the Palestinians (an unfair fight against dehumanisation, and the impact of our activism)
before I start, I want to preface by saying that, I'm not writing about the Palestinian genocide because I find it fascinating in some morbid way, or for any other fucked up reason. I'm writing this because I love to write, and I want to be able to use my love for writing as a means to amplify the Palestinian cause, as everyone should with their talents or hobbies, if possible. (I know no amount of words that I've written here could be enough for the lives we've already lost, so I'll just keep writing until I physically can't anymore. my heart goes out to evey single Palestinian. ) also, my thoughts were a extremely jumbled bc the Palestinian cause is extremely important to me, so I apologise if its not the smoothest read through.*also, I have a public Palestine playlist on tiktok, with over 2000 tiktoks filled with information, ways to help, and every gofundme that I come across, and I would be an idiot to not use this post as a way to ask you to check it out (my username on tiktok angelwingsdotcom, no need to follow me just save the playlist) thank you, and free Palestine 🇵🇸‼️*
there's a very depressing pattern that's hard to miss while watching the Palestinians displaced within Gaza as well as their families outside of the country ask people to donate to their gofundmes or PayPal accounts, and it speaks to a much larger issue. they must always try to convince the viewer that they to, are worthy of living a normal life, through self humanisation as a direct pushback to dehumanisation that they face by the hour. they speak of the ages of their youngest children, the ailments and disabilities of their family members, and talk of their hobbies, jobs and likes and dislikes, and it serves as a reminder. a reminder that they are all human, as are we, the ones on the other side of the screen, safely away from the carnage that they face at the hands of the "Israeli" offense force. I find myself being disgusted at the world that they need to do this, use a love for video games, or a 10th birthday missed, or the cries of a newborn baby, to contextualise that this genocide is happening to real people, kind people, undeserving people.
the global pandemic of apathy is currently attempting to bury any sense of solidarity we have amongst each other alive, shovel in its bloody hands. the amount of people who vehemently refuse to boycott any brand, with a shrug of their shoulders and a swift "I have my own problems, and I don't live there so." stands between the space of distressing, delusional, and blood curdling. since when did the metric for whether or not you should care about the ethnic cleaning of a people, depend on your proximity to them? how can any living, breathing, feeling person watch on and see the corpses of lives that we will never be able to get back even if a ceasefire is called tomorrow, and decide to simply not care? I ask these questions rhetorically, because I don't want to hear anything from someone who does not care about the lives of others.
sustenance of the self is extremely important, that is something I acknowledge, but the acts that one can undertake in order to support the Palestinian cause are so simple, that they should not incite so much defensiveness from those who have their own internal issues. all it takes is a repost here, a comment or a follow, lending and an eye and an ear to bare witness to the atrocities that Palestinians are being subjected to the IOF and the billions given to them by the USA (a country which had many issues of its own, none that will be fixed by the relocation of money to an active genocide), boycotting pressure targets and finding alternatives of which there are plenty. all these acts culminate towards the eventual true freedom of Palestinians, and yet, people refuse. individual efforts are deemed useless, and people are able to comfort themselves in their apathy through the belief that their efforts would nevertheless be in vain. but that could not be further from the truth.
its incredibly easy to feel useless when watching the violence being inflicted by isnotreali murderers posing as soldiers on Palestinians in real time, but I want to remind you that each little action you take helps. I remember a few months ago, my brother asked what I thought I was doing by boycotting McDonalds when almost no else in the country is, and my answer was simple. I don't care what others do, I know what and who I care about, and I care about Palestinians, and they asked me to boycott, so I will. and my boycotting, however small it is on an individual scale, is made so much more impactful by people who similar beliefs, thus making my boycott significant through unity. and that is the one weapon we can wield against our oppressors, togetherness. they try to convince that you can't do it alone, and the truth of the matter is that you can't. but you're not doing it alone. I'm just a girl living in South Africa, and you're probably somewhere else in the world, and yet, your and my efforts mixed with everyone around the world, will incite change, do not be discouraged or manipulated into believing that you are not helping, because you are, no matter how small your effort may feel.
if your individual effort truly didn't matter, then zionist would simply turn the other way, and yet, they consistently parrot each other "boycotts don't do anything" "reposting a video isn't gonna help anyone" but they know the power of people standing together. they use it too, flocking to pro Palestine posts and floding the comments with the same falsified information and zionist rethoric, and if they can he united in their hate, then surely we can do the same. so keep posting, keep commenting and sharing, keep donating, and keep your eyes on Palestine, because you mean so much more to the people currently in gaza than you could ever know.
the goal of zionism is not to get people to hate Palestinians or Arabs, the end goal is disinterest. they want people to hold their tears and roll their eyes when they hear the cries of a Palestinian baby, and the current generation is already so uncaring even with no ties to zionism. its disgusting, and the attitude of "what can I do?" only works to aid the zionist agenda. its especially disheartening to Palestinians displaced within gaza right now, as they only have us to count on. they've pleaded with us to listen, and given us simple instructions, it is truly the humane thing to do to follow them. my fyp is almost exclusively Palestinian informational videos, updates, and gofundmes, and that's thanks to my personalised algorithm. but if I were to take this very platform as an example, 3 or 4 months ago, Palestine was first on trending, but now it isn't even in the top ten. people are losing interest, and it's heartbreaking.
people are even going as far as to defend others for not using their platforms to speak on the Palestinian genocide and its truly mind-boggling to witness. they deflect by asking why we put pressure on influencers and celebrities instead of politicians, but I can't help but wonder, since when were the two mutually exclusive? I've seen countless videos of protesters interrupting politicians during events and calling them out for not only being complicit in genocide, but actively defending and funding it. we can do both, and I refuse to be shamed for expecting people who have large audiences to do the right thing, the humane thing, and speak on the genocide of Palestinians. if anything, all the celebrities and influencers staying silent, whether it be for money or to keep their status within the entertainment industry, or simply because they couldn't be bothered to care, they should be ashamed.
it's obviously impossible and frankly unhealthy to be consuming the harrowing updates and videos of corpses run over by IOF tanks, the bodies of starved babies, and the blood in the hands of parents who cry for the children to wake up, and that's not whats expected of you. find a balance that works for you, that's vital. but completely taking your eyes away from the genocide, muting the word Palestine, and carrying on exactly as you were before the genocide started, isn't the answer. please, use social media to help Palestinians, it's easy, it's effective, and people are counting on you.
Palestine will be free, and having a small hand in their eventual freedom, is worth so much more than fame, or money, or a big mac, or coffee. even in the midst of a genocide, Palestinians continue to exhibit a care for others, they help those around them, use the tiktok sounds dedicated to other genocides and crisis around the world, and they always express their gratitude for people donating, liking, commenting and sharing. they show more humanity and kindness than us who are sitting comfortably in our homes, not constantly surrounded by rubble, blood, screams and cries for help, and drones flying above, remnants of what once was. they deserve to live, and we should not need convincing of that irrefutable fact. I am not in proximity to Palestine location wise, I'm not Palestinian, or Muslim, or Arab. but I don't need to be, and neither do you.
Free Palestine.
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f1crecs · 11 months
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Help Needed - Fic Rec Volunteer
I need some help!
Please reblog this so it can reach more people. 🤍
This blog has received some truly wonderful feedback, including that it is a useful resource, and I am desperate to keep it going.
As you may have noticed, though, posting has definitely trailed off a little bit! That is mainly because I am just one person, with a busy job and a few new hobbies to contend with.
I am, therefore, looking for 1 - 5 volunteers to help me with the research, requesting, and formatting of this blog. If by some miracle I am inundated with requests to help, I may not be able to take on everyone, as this would become hard to manage.
Please see below for full details. It is really important that you read through the Important Points section before putting your name forward. 😊
What would I be doing?
You would be putting forward fics to include on the fic rec lists on the @f1crecs blog, based on a given prompt. This could be a pairing (maxiel/piarles/strollonso) or a trope (soulmates/coffee shop au/canon divergence). This would include you selecting a favourite quote from the fic, as well as a brief summary of why you enjoyed it.
How would it work?
🔸️ We would communicate on a Discord server.
🔸️ I would receive requests for rec lists through the blog's inbox, and share them in the Discord server.
🔸️ We would have channels to work together to compile the lists.
🔸️ We would decide together on a banner image and any other text needed.
🔸️ I would format the post and publish to the blog, crediting you in the body of the post.
🔸️ I imagine we'd work on five or so requests at a time, dependent on numbers. 😊
What pairings do you need help with?
All of them! I am looking for support with all pairings and tropes - I believe that rec blogs are stronger when run by a team, as they have more eyes and are less likely to forget or miss something. 😊
Due to gaps in my knowledge, the areas I need most support on are:
🫂 Maxiel and Lestappen fics
🫂 Sebastian, Daniel, Valtteri, Mick, and Lewis centric fics
🫂 Rookies fics (Oscar, Logan, Nyck)
🫂 Gen fics
But as I said - whatever your favourite pairing, you are welcome here and your knowledge will be much appreciated 🤍
Important Points
‼️ I ask for permission from EVERY author that I want to feature on a fic rec list. By joining the blog team, you would agree to do the same. If we are not given permission to list the fic, or if the author does not respond within one week of our request, the fic does not get included on the list (or any future list). You will be given a template to make these requests, to make this easier. 🥰
‼️ When compiling the lists, I include my favourite quote from the fic and a couple of sentences about why I enjoyed it. Please consider if this is something you'd be willing to do.
‼️ I have all kinds of pairings and character requests come through to the inbox. f1crecs is a neutral space, with no driver, ship, or trope hate allowed.
‼️ This blog is f1 only. At least one person in the pairing must be, or have been, in f1 - or, if gen, the central character must be or have been in f1.
How do I express interest/ask questions?
Message the blog (@f1crecs) or send me a quick inbox by 3rd November. Thank you!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hii first of all i hope youre doing great! Make sure to drink water‼️
So i saw that your requests r open but idk if u can do matchups so feel free to ignore this if u dont
But if u do, i was wondering if u could do a jjba matchup from parts 2-7 (any gender idm)
Some info ab me:
Im agender but i use any pronouns, im aroace (! Aroace ppl can still feel romantic feelings js limited, just letting u know bc ppl get confused🥲!)
Id like the matchup to be romantic and some characters i wouldnt rlly like u to include r stroheim, kira, pucci and funny valentine
Okay lets get to the main stuff
My personality is pretty confusing even for me tbh
I can be very serious at times but i can also be very js energetic and yk goofy ig? My energy gets drained quickly after that tho so yeaah
I get told pretty frequently that im harsh but im just honest🤷‍♀️
I prefer saying whats objective and truthful rather than sugarcoating stuff
I can be very supportive tho dont tske this the wrong way
Im an ambivert and idk if yk mbti but since it might help im an Intj e3
Also im a night owl so yeah i love staying up and stargazing from my window💁🏻‍♀️
As for how i act in daily life well, i always try my best to get everything that im assigned done and most of the time i do. I strive for perfection and success in whatever i do and i am very ambitious🏃🏻
At times tho i feel like i need breaks so once in a while i like to just stop and relax, to do absolutely nothing
I like to read books every now and then but i dont have a good attention span and i zone out A LOOOTT
Not just while reading, if im doing anything at all ill just zone out eventually
I really enjoy being in my head with my own thoughts its like my safe space even if its not safe ykwim
Im just a very brain-ish person yk i like thinking i spend hours in my head its like my comfort place
I also like being productive it makes me feel alive
Like doing stuff
Im also a result/success oriented person so yeah
Also other than reading im also into make up and i like to listen to music if u consider that a hobby
I have a very mixed music taste but my friends say its good
I really like lana del rey and indie music but I also love rock and grunge like ac/dc, nirvana, pearl jam etc.
I also listen to stray kids sometimes their music is cool (kpop) but i also listen to j-pop and classical music (ascends me to heaven fr)
I also listen to 90s hiphop. Yeah.
Thats a lot of stuff I KNOW but i told u its a mix
As in fashion i dress either very y2k-ish or like my friends always tell me i look like those 2 girls from mean girls (my clothes)
I like to dress coquette-like though too!
Id also like to be a gothic lolita but i cant so thats sad
I also have brown hair and brown eyes and im average heigthed
My friends say i have the best style so yeah
I dont really have a type but i do have a preference for either people who are like me bcz yk they get me
But i also like funny people like very energetic funny people
We can be like sun moon dynamic idk😭
I like every love language ngl
I have a slight preference for gift giving though
I mean thats the one i use so
The fic is up to u idm what it is
Tysm for ur time, ik that was a lot, feel free to ignore if u dont feel like it have a nice day/night <3
notes: omg hi!! I am finally doing your matchup <3 I feel like it has been in here forever omg. but i am so glad im getting to it today!! i literally have the PERFECT character for you tee hee so let's jump in <3
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him have a very similar personality. you can both have a serious front, but goof off with each other, which is the most fun
it makes you a super successful couple too because you both know when it's joking time or not
though you will find him making stupid jokes more often than not
he likes that your harsh/honest
it just really shows that you know who you are and you cant take certain stuff
it just means your strong-willed and that's what he loves about you
there is nothing wrong with being harsh and he tells you that all the time
you and him are very supportive to each other and it really helps the relationship grow
i feel like gyro is honestly a morning person, so you wont find him staying up with you late that often
so while he sleeps next to you pet his hair
but he will 100% stargaze with you while you talk about life and cuddle
you get shit done and that's what he loves about you
and when you two are together, you're literally unstoppable tbh
as ambitious as this man is, he is also lazy, so he will ask you to just sit and cuddle him so you can take a break
and who are you to deny gyro??? i would cuddle in those arms any day
doing absolutely nothing sounds amazing to him, so please stay wrapped in his arms
just know he will fall asleep
since you love reading, but zone out a bit, this man will read to you
he loves to read to you
even if you zone out, he will catch you up
he overall just enjoys reading out loud a lot, so you're going to hear a lot of it
while you're just thinking, he'll be right beside you
you are your own comfort space, but you begin to feel that he is becoming your new one
he is also a mixed music dude, so yall listen to whatever
literally force him to dress up to and you will be walking ICONS
do his makeup
he loves when you make him all pretty
he'll braid you hair if you braid his
he is super energetic and funny, so you have the literal perfect man for you
and he will provide every love language, just expect a lot of words of affirmation from him and way too many cuddles
and if you give him gifts, he gets all flustered and blushy
and then he'll get you gifts too :)
and now for your fic :)
You stayed up on the edge of your shared bed with Gyro and watched the stars from your window. You lived in a nice enough area to see all the stars and you were very thankful for that. You couldn't go to sleep, so you decided to open the window and get a breath of fresh air along with your view. Your boyfriend slept quietly next to you, his arms hugged around his own lanky body. You watched his breaths for a moment. In. Out. In. Out. You smiled and ran your fingers through his long sandy blonde hair before looking right back to the window. "Darlin?" You heard from Gyro, making you jump. "What's up?" You asked, seeing his long arms stretch in front of him as he sat up. "Can't sleep?" He asked, avoiding your question. "No, not really. Just wanted to do some stargazing." "Come here," he said, patting his chest. You gladly laid your head on your chest, having an even better view of the stars as he petted the top of your head until he fell back asleep.
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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cryptix-art · 5 months
10, 14, 15 for the ask game :33
((Ask game is here btw!!))
Ok so, 10: “What’s one thing you like that you think your f/o would also enjoy?”
I think Zo would enjoy stargazing… I imagine there would be lots of nights where we’re just chatting late at night outside while we stargaze (gives Elio the perfect opportunity to infodump too‼️) so I think these late night chats would make Zo rlly come to love stargazing (not as much as Elio ofc but still hehe)
14: “Do you and your f/o share any hobbies?”
Ok so when Elio first joined, he ofc wanted an excuse to be around Zo as much as possible, and he DID already have some prior swordsmanship experience… and since Zo is like the best swordsman out of all the Mugis, Elio would eventually ask Zo to give train him/give him lessons in swordsmanship (Zo was confused at first cuz Elio technically doesn’t need to know swordsmanship cuz of his DF powers but he didn’t question it)
So ya !! One hobby they share is swordsmanship <3 (other than stargazing ofc)
15: “Badly describe your selfship!!”
HAHAH uhhh if I HAD to describe it… I would say they’re like if the moon fell in love with the stars (C’mon I can’t NOT relate them to space in some way </3)
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☆ masterlist ☆
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formerly known as "agathalovesrocksbands"
﹆ Agatha's Library ﹆
♡ JOSEPH QUINN ♡ *soon!*
Popular Fics that I made <3
pretty please 18+ 🖤🩰
at the end of the day, I choose you 🩰⛓️
need your loving tonight 18+ 🖤🩰⛓️
you're Gareth's....WHAT?!? 🩰⛓️
smeared lipstick 18+ 🖤🩰
drenched 18+ 🖤🩰
you make me feel brand new 18+ 🩰🖤⛓️
you ain't woman enough 🩰⛓️
after last night 18+ 🖤🩰⛓️
careless whisper 18+ 💋🧸🚬
baby come back 18+ 💋🧸🚬
the greatest 18+ 🖤⛓️
I don't tolerate people that are BULLYING, HATING, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, SEXIST, MISOGYNIST, MEAN AND RUDE! on my page! this is a safe space and y'all better learn to respect it! y'all disgusting gtfo outta here📣
Hi, I'm Agatha! I'm 21, I started reading fanfictions about Eddie Munson back in March 2023, I got curious about it and immediately fell down the rabbit hole and here we are, I love reading it- I have so many fic ideas and why not I also share them as well? I developed a new hobby and now I get it why everyone likes this app hahaha I made this just for fun and my sincerest apologies for my mistakes and wrong grammar in writing! I'm trying my best! I hope you'll enjoy it and liked my ideas as much as I do! :))
currently and obviously, the one and only Eddie Munson, but right now I'm beginning also like to write for Steve Harrington as well because he's also my favorite! We shall see more in the future! ;))
what I write down here is the ONLY things that I love to write about ANGST, FLUFF, SMUT, FRIENDS TO LOVERS, ENEMIES TO LOVERS, STRANGERS TO LOVERS, DRAMA, CRIME, V*OLENCE, HORROR, SUPERNATURAL, THRILLER, PARANORMAL, ACTION, FANTASY, ADVENTURE, COMEDY, FAMILY, ROMANCE, I don't wrote "weird" stuff like i*cest nope I don't do that never will!
I love films and music! literally the whole POP CULTURE! I'm a movieholic & a music lover 🫶🏻 I am so enthusiastic about it! these are the things that keeping me alive and well! that's why most of my title fics are related to my beloved artists songs and I also referencing some of my favorite films on my fics! I love pop, metal, speed metal, heavy metal, glam rock, British invasion, new wave, grunge, pop rock, etc. on my banner you get to see some of my faves! 😁
there's more to come very soon!.... ✍🏻
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pwnyta · 1 year
Okay so there’s the thing… I play CROB still (for some reason 💀) and couple of updates ago I sent you a pretty long message about all the changes and how ugly they are and how much I hate them and how they demotivate me and I don’t really wanna play the game, but that message, sadly, was completely lost when I sent it because of the internet disconnection… so, I was really angry about it and just decided to let it be.
But OOOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOD I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE‼️‼️‼️‼️ THIS FUCKING GAME JUST GETS WORSE AND WORSE, UGLIER AND UGLIER, LESS AND LESS CONVENIENT I— god I REALLY don’t want to be angry about it, but I’ve been playing this game for 2-3 years and put good amount of many into it (let’s not discuss whether it was a good idea or not, I have money to spare and CROB was one of my hobbies), but now the game is just so. Fucking. BAD.
They changed the way to level up characters. I LEGITIMATELY don’t know how to do it anymore. You can pay GEMS to level up your characters (yes, you heard it right), they got rid of the character and pet gachas, BUT IT DIDNT MAKE IT BETTER!!!! I AM!!! SO‼️ ANGRYYYYYYY AGHHHHHH‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Today was a new update (it’s a Yogurca update) and I’m just…. Not only did they bring ANOTHER legendary treasure that is near impossible to get (I spent 50k+ gems that I’ve saved up + a lot of free pulls for treasure gacha and didn’t get SHIT), But also - and, tbf, I didn’t connect the dots until I went to the CROB’s YouTube channel - they’ve released a BOMBER cookie with a BOMBER jelly shapes for a middle eastern inspired world during Ramadan… need I say more?
God I’m so tired. I really liked CROB, I preferred it heavily over CRK, I was there for quite some time, but devs just get greedier and greedier, and they keep making game uglier and less convenient. I really don’t want to leave it behind, because, well, I put money into it, but outside of that, I still really like characters, I love their designs, I love the concept of the game and I REALLY love guild runs, they are fun! But at this point, I just login into the game everyday for rewards and to login into guild lottery. I just… god I feel so defeated. Why are they doing it? If the game is doing worse than they want, then just pull the fucking plug. I understand that some people are going to play and going to whale no matter what - I’ve already seen people with fully refined new legendary treasure, and that shit came out only couple of hours ago. But my GOD. I really liked this game, I felt nice while playing it, I liked the sense of accomplishment when I was getting better. Now the game is ugly, I don’t understand how to fucking LEVEL UP the characters and just….. ugh. Sorry for this rant, I just needed to talk about it somewhere 😓
Damn… Yeah IDK whats with CROB lately either. Im assuming theyre just putting more time and resources into CRK now, I know they never expected for CROB to get as consistently popular and well loved as it did and were planning for it to end well before… but like I honestly wish if they dont wanna do it anymore that they really did just shut it down rather than making things super bad until people just leave.
Which I mean theyre PROBABLY not going out of the way to make the game worse… but certainly FEELS that way. Or I guess its more they just wanna make more money off it. Since the Gacha was super generous when I was playing at least with the character/pet Gacha
And Peppercorn Cookie... great design... probably ANYWHERE ELSE at ANY OTHER TIME would have been a better time to release her... remarkably tone deaf.
It all really sucks since with Kingdom you need a higher end phone and it takes up way more space so theres probably a lot more people on the poorer side of things playing CROB which is probably why its so popular still… IDK.
Well IDK what to tell ya… I know I really loved the game and praised it for a long time and even spend money on it as well cuz I really enjoyed it… but it just stopped being worth it. If your still having fun just enjoy what you can… if you just wanna see the characters im sure you can find the stories on Youtube or something so you dont have to waste your time with it…
No worries tho. Im always ready to commiserate the loss of a good series or game...
(Unlike BNHA Im more sad about CROB than mad about it.)
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zorcskhakis · 2 years
Please tell us about your YGO autistic headcanons, I'm really interested
Okay so I feel like Bakura is definitely what I like to call the "‼️" autistic, he's constantly over-loud and over-expressive and has a poor grasp on personal space so he's usually sitting or standing too close to people. Special interests are Duel Monsters and tabletop games but ESPECIALLY tabletop games and he WILL be absolutely insufferable about them and "um ACTUALLY" everyone about the rules. He's also bad at reading sarcasm and usually takes everything everyone says literally. Super duper prone to sensory hell and getting thrown off by bad stimulations. (Mood.)
Marik is the "I'm very socially awkward so I will compensate for it by acting super arrogant and hoping everyone thinks I'm cool" autistic, he's also VERY stimmy and loves ASMR and slime and stim toys. His cargo pockets are probably full of stim toys tbh. Hates physical contact unless he's very used to the person and even then he probably has a limit to how much he can be hugged. Bakura (mostly) gets a pass.
Ryou is probably hyperempathetic but struggles to really express it, he spends so much energy in interactions trying to make sure his expressions and tone and body language are right that sometimes he loses track of the actual conversation. (he just like me fr) His special interests are horror, tabletops and paranormal stuff and if you get him going about those he probably gets!!!! Really overexpressive and starts gesturing with his whole body a lot. He often has a bit of a flatter/more monotone affect with ppl he's comfortable around bc he doesn't feel the need to micromanage every single aspect of his tone around them.
Yugi is the "gets way too invested in too many hobbies at once, is always on something new when you see him" autistic. Ssssometimes that causes some conflict with Atem whose entire raison d'etre is DUEL MONSTERS. Yugi is like omg Atem I love Duel Monsters as much as the next guy but there are OTHER GAMES. Definitely owns a 35lb weighted blanket.
Atem is the autistic who care about one thing and one thing only and it is Duel Monsters. He will find a way to relate literally anything and everything to Duel Monsters. He's sometimes moderately aware that other people find this annoying but he can't stop. Pretty expressive in convos but horrendously bad at reading other people's tone and he has probably laughed at very inappropriate times bc he accidentally read something as a joke when it wasn't.
I don't need to explain Kaiba, that's just the text.
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erensnubs · 3 years
Hi there congrats on 100!!!!!
For the event can I please do King Midas’ castle, in the courtyard with transportation 1 and food 6? I’d prefer to match with a guy but I’m open to girls too, I’d say I’m attracted to more dominant people, as well as people who are very passionate. I like to support their hobbies and j like when they come support mine (like sports and stuff) I also like people I can joke with and be mean to/with because I love having snarky convos to see who can outdo the other lol. Also I go by Ky (she/her)
Tyyy and congratulations ‼️‼️‼️
Thank you ky!! Here is your night at the ball
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑽𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒍𝒆 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑨𝑼
𝑰 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒖
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No matter how hard you tried, Oikawa never ever got the hint that you loved him and him only.
Oikawa Toru was your body guard, not that you didn't need him for tonight. It was just an annual ball between the Five Kingdoms. Everyone wanted to see you, the future heir of your kingdom. Some wanted to see you succeed, others prayed for your downfall.
The attention was all the same. The eyes of the people no matter how much they promised that they loved you, were empty and they all made you feel the same.
You were used to the fake smiles, the numbing, chilling feeling you felt after you shook hands for diplomacy and events. It wasn't until you made your first friend, if you can even call him that, that you were able to experience true authenticity.
You were about 18 and your parents decided that you needed more protection than just the guards you've had for years, and you needed a personal one. Enter Oikawa Toru, 18 years old, fresh out of training and the cockiest boy you ever met.
At first you were fascinated at him. He was different and you didn't know then if it was in a good way or not. He did a great job at protecting you, that was his job but Oikawa he always did more.
When you absentmindedly mentioned you wish you could eat street food instead of the castle's food, he gave you a little wink and smile.
"Don't worry ma'am! Just wait a week and I'll have your street food ready."
Sure enough, your parents allowed you to have more flexible schedules to leave the castle grounds and visit the cities below with Oikawa.
Later in the course of time, Oikawa and you became much closer than just protector and protectee. Sometimes it flipflopped.
Oikawa might be a bodyguard but boy was he clumsy. Always at balls and parties the both of you crawled under tables or you used the curtains to catch an offbalance Oikawa from crashing into a chocolate fountain.
Though there were plenty of shits and giggles in your weird, friendship there were times where it felt like there was something more. An unspoken thing that was shared when you stared at Oikawa's chocolote eyes a little too long after a joke was shared between the two of you. Or when you allowed yourself to trace patterns on his fingers during rides to places. Maybe it was Oikawa's comforting words of encouragement and his big smile before you made a speech infront of thousands that was the unspoken thing that needed to be spoken about.
But of course that would never happen. Because Oikawa left you. And he never, ever left your side. Not when you got angry at him or when he got frustrated at you. Not when you were stressed about your duties and not when he felt insecure about his abilities of his job. But he's not by your side because of something you said that cracked him and left you in an instant.
All you said were harmless, three little words. Words spouted out without thinking, without logical reason. Words spouted out as you looked up at the stars and the both of you laughed again over something stupid but something that was yours.
Those three words caused one to take three steps back. And you could describe Oikawa leaving you alone on the balcony that night in three simple words.
Just. Like. That.
Now you're alone at the ball, behind the chocolate fountain mindlessly watching the ribbons of cocoa liquid fall from the plates. You didn't see Oikawa for the whole duration of the night except recently where he was dancing with some other girl.
Good for him, you think as little flashes of events ran through your mind as he took his hand in hers.
Oikawa's bright smile flashes and she blushes. Is that what you looked like when he told you he was proud of you?
You turn away abruptedly and almost knock a waiter over.
"Excuse me- oh I'm sorry," you say as you swerve around him and steady your breathing. You look through the windows and crowds of people to find some place, any placr for you to breathe. So that you don't cry for all of royalty to see. So Oikawa doesn't see how much his rejection damaged you.
You look to your left and find the entrance of the courtyard and you grabbed your skirts and quickly rushed off into the green shrubbery of the gardens.
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Oikawa panicked. When you said those three words the night before, his heart hammered three times and he wanted to break out into song and get down on his knees right then and there.
But he didn't.
The memory seemed to haunt him for the next 24 hours as his cowardice took over and he ran away and didn't even tuck you in. Or say good night! Oikawa thinks himself a complete idiot.
The words he wanted to say replay in his mind from the time he woke up to the time of the ball. But Oikawa over thinks and when he does he panics. The whole night of "preparing" to talk to you turned into a whole night of procrastination and dancing with others to keep his mind off of it.
It wasn't until Oikawa heard you apologizing and the murmurs of people when you ran away from the room that he realized his plan of action did more harm than good.
His trained eyes follow your dress, or at least the last trails of it and he instinctively lets go of his partner's hands.
The girl looks at him in confusion.
"I'm sorry, but there's somewhere I need to be," he says concentrated, eyes never leaving your figure.
He carefully sprints through the mass of people and through the entrance of the garden.
This time Oikawa is prepared to say the four words that he didn't have the courage to say the night before. He's only hoping those four words would be enough.
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You swing your legs back and forth on the marble bench. Your arms shiver with the cold but you don't mind. Wiping the snot running down your nose, you stare again at the stars and try to make up your own to pass the time. What time exactly, is something that you didn't need the answer to. You just do.
Eyes trace the stars from left to right, as you specifically avoid patterns that Oikawa does when he has nights out with you. You swear to God if another thought or moment pops up into your head of him you'll-
"[Name]! [Name]?!! [Name]?!" A voice calls out from the dark.
You audibly groan. He came here now?! The one time you didn't want to be near him?
Hopping from the marble bench you skitter over to the ivory walls and hide behind the shrub. You hear the sounds of footsteps as they crunch through the autumn leaves.
"[Name], I know you're here. I could hear you. You forget I am a bodyguard," he says, and you can hear the attempt at jesting but you clearly weren't in the mood.
Oikawa was met with silence.
"You're not trying to play hide and seek with me are you now Princess? Got bored at the ball and needed some entertainment?" He tries again.
He stomps around and whines a little, which makes you stifle a laugh, "Come on, [Name]. Just get out of the shrub."
He sits down on the bench and sighs.
"I'm sorry you know, for today and last night," Oikawa says finally in a quiet tone.
Oikawa hears a muffled sound from behind him. "You should be."
His face lights up and he bounds himself from the marble bench and leans against the ivy wall.
"Yes, it's me dipshit who else," you say curtly.
Oikawa chuckles softly at your banter.
"You're not going to come out of the other side?"
Pouting, you reply, "No."
"Well why?" His voice is teasing, but he really was asking if you were gonna be okay. If this is gonna be okay.
"Why should I tell you Oikawa? It's not like you'll listen. It's not like you'll actually stay and hear what I have to say and take my words for what they are."
The wall of indifference that you put up, hopelessly crumbles before you as your slew of emotions tumble out of your mouth.
"That was a dick move. You just left me standing there, in the cold even! And you-"
You gulp a little, "You never leave me! It's just something that you don't do. And then you ignore me for the whole night and the whole day. Then you dance with some-"
Oikawa imagines your hands, furiously making figures into the air. You were cute when you were angry.
"Some random person?! And you have the nerve to say I'm sorry."
You finish with a huff.
Oikawa peeks you through the shrub, "I'm sorry and I promise I won't do that again."
"You better."
Oikawa leans through the flora again, "Isn't there anything else you wanna talk about?"
Oh he cannot just apologize then bring up why this was happening in the 1st place.
"No. You can leave now," you say curtly.
Oikawa snorts, "I love you too you know. If that's why you're worried."
You sniffle, "You're just saying that. So I can get up and leave and everything will be back to normal."
"No I'm not," his voice, soft and quiet. "I really do. I really love you. And I feel like a complete idiot that I felt that way, only when you told me. And I feel like a coward for running away."
"I didn't even know why I said it Oikawa. It sort of just slipped out. Like it was almost natural-"
You catch your little slip up and quickly shut your mouth. Maybe then you won't reveal stupid, dumb shit again maybe-
"I'm glad you said it. Whether it was on accident or on purpose. It made me realize how much I love you, [Name]. How much I look forward to waking you up in the morning and recieving insults from you. I get excited when you get excited over the little things and it makes me so happy. You have made me obsess over lady bugs and perilla leaves and I don't regret it. "
Oikawa breathes out as you take one in, "Yeah, I don't regret any time we have spent together. I didn't know it but I treasured every moment. So I have to ask you."
"Have you felt it too?"
You feel yourself shaking, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"Yes. I feel it too. Always have."
You allow yourself to peek over the shrub and walk out.
And lo and behold, there was Oikawa Toru, your body guard, your friend, your buddy star gazer and the love of your life waiting for you with an outstretched hand to begin the rest of your journey.
𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔' 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍
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