#no job no plans no ambitions and definitely no intention of living all the way to 30
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fjordfolk · 7 months ago
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Yesterday was Sparta's gotcha day and by extension my 10 year mark as a dog owner. I'd never had responsibility for a dog before, hadn't grown up with dogs, didn't know what I was in for, and certainly had no idea how far this little dog would take me.
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watkinsdaisy · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [DAISY WATKINS]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [OLIVIA COOKE]. You must be the [TWENTY-FIVE] year old [ATTENDANT AT OCEANIA BOOK SHOP]. Word is you’re [SWEET] but can also be a bit [BLUNT] and your favorite song is [BY AND BY by CAAMP]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
full name: Daisy Joy Watkins
d.o.b : October 24th
gender & pronouns: Cisfemale, she/her
orientation: heterosexual
occupation: book shop attendant
family: her mother and father who also live in aurora bay, and two older brothers.
Daisy was born in Central City, Nebraska, to a typical middle-class family. As the only daughter her parents had always dreamed of, she was the 'baby' of the family from the very start and the apple of her parents' eyes. With two older brothers who sometimes got lost in the mix with two working parents, this caused some tension between her and her older brothers at times. It didn't help the situation that Daisy was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis very early in her childhood, which only intensified her parents' focus on her. At the age of 5, Daisy's family moved all the way from Nebraska to Aurora Bay for better medical care, and Southern California is all Daisy has ever really remembered. However, for most of her life she was outstandingly healthy given her condition - she even started competing in beach volleyball competitively and ran track in the off-season. Her adolescence was pretty close to idyllic - she graduated at the top of her class, was a great athlete, and fairly popular, too. She assumed the rest of her life would go just as swimmingly.
College changed everything for Daisy. She was psyched to finally break free of her parents' tight grasp on her and start living for herself and making the career she had always wanted. She attended UC Berkeley with the intention of becoming a movie producer - from a young age, she had always loved films, especially horror films, and she had no doubt that she'd be able to kill it in her undergraduate career and eventually move to LA in pursuit of the film industry. However, it didn't take long for things to take a sour turn. Being so far away from her doctors, drinking heavily and staying up late, not participating in the same sports she had her entire life, and the germs and stress that come along with college life took a toll on her health at a scary pace. She was barely halfway through college when she dropped out and moved back home with her parents. It became obvious that she needed to be closer to the doctors that knew her well and could get her better, but Daisy never fully recovered enough to really consider going back to college.
This took a huge hit to her self-confidence and overall ambition - she'd always beaten the odds her entire life, but the reality of her illness became much more apparent in her adulthood, and she stopped dreaming about the life and career she had always aimed for. She was eventually able to get a job at Oceania Book Shop and move out of her parents' house to her own apartment, but she's never been as independent as she used to be. And she doesn't plan to be - after all, she's not expected to get much better over time, if anything worse, and her experience at Berkeley pretty much confirmed to her what everyone had told her her entire life. She's still stubborn and has a lot of spunk - but it's definitely been dimmed. Nowadays, Daisy is trying to find joy in the day-to-day of working at a bookstore in the town she grew up in ... but it's no secret she wishes she could be somewhere else.
Her older brothers: she has two older brothers that grew up alongside them in Aurora Bay. Their story and personality is completely UTP, but she definitely has a somewhat strained relationship with at least one of them due to her parents unintentionally neglecting them.
A childhood friend: Daisy grew up in Aurora Bay and attended the public school there, so she likely knows those that would have attended school at the same time/live nearby
An unlikely friendship: Daisy is commonly viewed by others as being cute, sweet, and unassuming (despite the fact that she can have a little bite to her at times). No one would think she would hurt a fly ... so how strange would it be that she's befriended a loner/shady chatacter in town?
An ex/past relationship: Again, Daisy grew up in Aurora Bay and dated while she was in high school. Coming back to Aurora after college, she may have reconnected with a past ex or fling.
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thevoidable · 5 years ago
Why did Dabi let Hawks into the League? (major manga spoilers ahead)
This is a question that’s been plaguing my head ever since Dabi proudly announced to Hawks that he’d known all along that he was lying.
If that was the case, what was the point of bringing him in? Surely Dabi must have seen this coming by enabling Hawks to continue his infiltration? What exactly was Dabi’s end-goal here???
It’s unclear whether or not if this will get explained eventually, but after giving it a lot of thought, I think I have a pretty good answer to the question regardless. Essay under the cut.
What is Dabi fighting for?
First, we have to address Dabi’s motivations. They run deeper than just making Stain’s will a reality - he’s taking steps that Stain never even considered to make, because even he was blinded by something that Dabi despises more than anything: hero idolization. Stain saw All Might as a true hero, someone worthy of the title, but in Dabi’s eyes, All Might is one of the biggest contributing factors to why there is such a huge problem with the hero system, and aside from All Might allowing other heroes to become complacent, it’s all because of Endeavour.
Hawks and Dabi are two sides of the same coin when it comes to the new no. 1; Hawks grew up seeing Endeavour’s ambition to surpass All Might as impressive and heroic, mostly due to the fact that Hawks himself lacks the drive to become so great, because all he wants is to live life comfortably. But for Dabi, Endeavour’s need to surpass All Might was nothing but a blinded greed for power, the need to be the best of the best for his own selfish desires rather than to actually save people. It was a path that led him to horrifically abuse his own family in order to achieve it, because he saw Quirk breeding as the only way to fix his own flaws. As such, Dabi, AKA Toya, suffered greatly at the hands of it. He knows firsthand just how much the hero system is unjust, allowing for people with unhealthy mindsets like Endeavour to gain positions of power. He knows that people admire Endeavour for his heroism, but are unaware of the monster that lurks behind closed doors, even when his temper comes out during public patrols. This is a man who is the very definition of a false hero, a man who let his eldest son die and traumatized his entire family.
Dabi goes on to claim in chapter 267 that there are no true heroes - this, however, does not mean that true heroes cannot exist. All he means is that there are simply no heroes currently present and he plans to change that, because in the system that society has right now, it’s near-impossible. Hero idolization forces heroes to become perfect images that people can admire, and it also enforces the mindset that only the greatest heroes can come from schools like UA and Shiketsu. This results in a flood of people longing to become heroes for reasons other than saving people. Uraraka, for example, while she is gentle and kind-hearted, is still only becoming a hero so she can support her family. It’s a well-paying job, and that kind of promise will most certainly lure anyone in who is desperate enough. Yes, she has good intentions in mind, and she does want to save people, but saving people is not her ultimate goal. So, by Dabi’s definition, she is not a true hero.
Becoming a hero should also not be as easy as it is, and becoming a hero certainly should not start at such a young age. UA and the other hero schools are putting teenagers between the ages of 15 - 19 at severe risk, and we’ve seen worst-case scenario results of this twice over the course of the series, and it’s terrifying to think that there are most likely more that we haven’t heard of.
First you have Shirakumo who died before he had even graduated, an incident that led him to becoming a nomu working for the League, who would then go on to cause the second result.
By placing children in such a dangerous training course, it automatically places targets on their backs for villains before they even get their licenses. The League proved just how incapable the staff are at protecting their students by not only successfully attacking a location within the school, but also kidnapping one of said students later on, even after UA’s attempt at keeping the location of the training camp hidden and Dabi himself had revealed their basic plan to Aizawa.
This is all fuel for Dabi’s fire in his journey to rip hero society apart at the seams, and while he is absolutely planning to kill every false hero he comes across, he also has a secondary plan in mind, and that is for the students.
In One’s Justice 2, Dabi has this particular voice line to Hawks: “We’re working for the glorious future where those UA kids are hollowed, and brought down to earth. We’ll have to see what you’re working for.”
Dabi knows that while they are all still young, there is still time to prevent them from falling into every hero’s brainwashed mindset: villains bad, heroes good, no matter what either of them do. 
Something extremely important that the MVA and the current war arcs do is flip the black and white narratives on their heads, showing us just how human and empathetic the villains can be, while the heroes are doing nothing but making unheroic choices and opting for making the violent move first. We’ve seen all of the heroes do nothing but dehumanize Shigaraki, calling him “it” and “thing” like he’s just some monster that they have to kill. We’ve had to watch Hawks murder Twice in the name of “justice” simply because Twice refused to come quietly and be forced back into a life he felt miserable in. Even X-less chose to focus on the machinery next to him rather than getting a near-dead Shigaraki medical attention, and we all know how karma decided to treat that.
And this is where I would like to bring your attention to Tokoyami.
We’ve seen multiple times before how Dabi seems to have no interest in actually harming the students - initially, anyway. He leaves Aoyama alone even though he saw him; he taunts Shoto but doesn’t attack him to get him away; and lastly, Tokoyami first showing up to rescue Hawks actually calms Dabi down. Dabi shows no intent of hurting them because they’re still just kids, not heroes.
Calling back to how the heroes are currently being depicted as the ones making all the disturbing decisions, Dabi doesn’t hesitate to be the first to call out their decision to bring the students into what is essentially a covert-ops assassination mission that has turned into an all-out war. He first recognises that the boy in front of him is just that: a boy, and instead of attacking, Dabi gives Tokoyami a chance.
But what chance, exactly? To escape? Absolutely not.
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The first thing Dabi does is make Tokoyami aware of the crime his so-called mentor just committed, and carefully wording it so that the stakes were made clear.
Twice was trying to run away to protect his friends.
But Hawks still killed him.
Dabi is giving Tokoyami a chance to recognise that the hero system he admires hides many skeletons in its closet, and is something that is severely corrupt. He’s giving Tokoyami a chance to rethink his working relationship with Hawks and everything Hawks has taught him.
But Tokoyami doesn’t take it.
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As soon as Hawks speaks up again, Tokoyami returns to being obedient, ignoring everything Dabi just said and focusing only on the task at hand regardless of the moral dilemma presented before him, and that’s when Dabi’s intention for Tokoyami changes, because as Dabi put it, “You’ve stopped thinking for yourself.”
And indeed, Tokoyami has. Tokoyami is now cemented in the brainwashed mindset, blindly putting his faith in that Hawks’s decision to kill Twice was right, simply because Twice is the villain and Hawks is the hero, and Dabi realises this.
Tokoyami is now a false hero, and thus on Dabi’s kill list.
So, we have established that Dabi fully intends to wipe-out existing false heroes, while simultaneously trying to save those who have the chance to recover/escape from the brainwashing before it’s too late.
“Keigo Takami!!”
It’s no secret that Dabi clearly knows exactly what kind of situation Hawks is in. The fact that he knows Hawks’s real name alone tells Hawks that Dabi knows far more than he is comfortable with. So, seeing as Dabi was able to see through Hawks’s lies so easily, let’s assume that Dabi knows most, if not all, of what we the readers know about Hawks and how the HPSC groomed him.
Considering that Dabi came from the no. 1 hero’s household, there’s a high chance that he knows quite a bit about the HPSC and just how shady they actually are, especially if the theories are true that they had a hand in covering up his own death. Dabi is well-aware then that the HPSC is responsible for the hero system being so broken, and the reason they do nothing to fix it is so they can stay in power. They are not afraid to make questionable decisions which they know is only making the villain situation worse, because villains are what’s keeping them in business. And what’s sad about this is that even when the decisions they present are clearly morally wrong, the heroes are in no position to argue, because the HPSC is in complete control of their jobs. The HPSC governs the hero system, so whatever they do must be just, right?
Well, Dabi definitely knows the answer to that.
The HPSC deliberately manipulated the heroes to believe that the UA students were needed on the front lines for this mission, and so far, we’ve seen that they really weren’t, actually. The evac team remains the best place for the students to be, because while the pros with all the combat experience can focus on the villains, the heroes-in-training can focus on the smaller task of getting people to safety. Sure, Kaminari, Tokoyami, and the other front-liners helped, but the pros absolutely overwhelmed the PLF on their own. All the front-liners did was just kind of...pave the way, make things easier, and then they were sent back to rejoin their classmates. And the heroes didn’t question the decision at all.
What’s even more disturbing is that the students weren’t even aware of what they were getting into, and most of the pros weren’t aware that the students weren’t aware.
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But, as mentioned before, Dabi doesn’t hesitate to call this out.
It’s highly likely that he’s able to connect that the HPSC were the ones who organised this attack and sent the kids out onto the battlefield, which also means that he’s unfortunately no stranger to the HPSC reducing talented children to nothing but weapons, a concept he is also personally familiar with.
Toya was bred with the intent of creating a Quirk superior to Endeavour’s, and then put under extremely harmful training that abused both his mind and his body. We already know that Dabi is heavily against valuing a person’s Quirk over their individual worth, thanks to his fight with Geten.
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And in the world of heroics, this unhealthy mindset is unfortunately in abundance, especially in Hawks’s case.
What makes Hawks an especially tragic character is that he started out with the same longing to be a great hero that every child has. He wanted to be a comforting sight to those in need, and his innocent mind thought that the HPSC would help him make that reality.
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Instead, the HPSC presented him with a life-changing decision that a child his age has absolutely zero mental capacity to consent to, and it’s heartbreaking that Hawks’s grooming began right from the second they met. The HPSC forced a child into intensive training at an age even younger than students training at proper hero schools, and they ever-so-gradually began chipping away at Keigo’s hopeful dream, starting with the erasure of his own name, the first step in disconnecting him from who he once was.
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Over the years of the hero Hawks growing up under the HPSC’s wing, he had been stripped of his childhood and moulded into the perfect image of a hero, one that is loveable to the public, obedient to his handlers, talented in his work, and completely self-sacrificing to his missions.
The HPSC has successfully groomed Hawks so that his selflessness is now their trump card that they hold over him - instead of using his selflessness to save others no matter who they are, he’s been manipulated to believe that he has to give up everything in his life to be a great hero, that he’s not suited for being a “shining light”, thus bringing about his new goal of creating a world where heroes have free time, a goal that he is unfortunately pursuing in the wrong way. He’s been brainwashed to not think about villains too much, to not sympathize with them and dig into where they came from and why they became villains, which is why he’s targeting the wrong problem when it comes to making his dream a reality. He believes that he has to solve every case as fast as possible, and eventually there will be virtually no more villains left to hunt down, but the League has already shown us that the roots of villainy stretch much further down than that.
We catch a glimpse of how Hawks even acknowledges that he’s being held down by hero society, caged, and yet he does nothing to change it.
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The result of his grooming has left him stuck in a thoughtless state, where it’s easier to believe that everything he is doing is right, and the villains are wrong.
And this is unfortunately something that he has spread to Tokoyami, as evidenced earlier.
Hawks is a hero who was groomed and manipulated from a young age, being thrown into training just so he could become a tool for those in power to use.
Sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it?
Dabi can read Hawks like a book
It’s wonderfully ironic how Hawks prides himself in being capable of fooling anyone and everyone, making himself the hardest person in the room to read while simultaneously being able to read everyone else, and yet the one person that he couldn’t predict ends up being the only one who knows him better than anyone else.
Throughout all of their interactions, Dabi has always been two steps ahead of Hawks, able to catch him off-guard and ruffle his feathers. Keeping in mind that Dabi had known all along that Hawks was faking his desire to join the League, it’s interesting just how long Dabi kept stringing him along. Was he simply doing it for his own enjoyment?
Maybe a small part of him was, but in the long run, Dabi was absolutely still testing Hawks’s worthiness. What makes this great, however, is that Hawks was unaware that Dabi wasn’t testing him for what he originally thought.
Loyalty was absolutely out of the question for Dabi, since he knew from the start Hawks wasn’t planning on being as such. So, what exactly was Dabi looking for?
Looking through the tests that we know Dabi put Hawks through (the battle with Hood, and taking out a hero of Hawks’s choice), we can analyse what Dabi was impressed with, and what he wasn’t.
First off, there’s not a lot that Dabi didn’t like about what Hawks did. The most he complained about was Hawks simply bringing along Endeavour to the Hood fight instead of someone else.
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It appears that he also complains about Hawks not letting anyone die, but Dabi is always quick to point out when heroes are prioritising lives, and this will become important later.
Then, we have Dabi asking Hawks to take someone out who isn’t the no. 1. When Hawks brought him Jeanist’s body, Dabi was genuinely surprised, but pleasantly-so. 
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Now, Jeanist’s death here serves multiple narrative purposes:
It shows us that Hawks won’t hesitate to kill for a mission (RIP Twice),
It shows Dabi that Hawks is capable of killing anyone, not just villains,
And lastly, it serves as blackmail for Dabi in his pursuit of bringing down false heroes.
(There’s also Bakugo’s whole thing with his hero name, but this isn’t about him.)
That last point is what granted Hawks access into the League, contrary to Hawks believing that the only reason he got in is because the merging of the League and the MLA suddenly made it easy to do so. 
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Dabi wasn’t going to let Hawks in without making sure he had a backup in mind in case Hawks tripped up.
But, blackmail wasn’t the only thing that Dabi was looking for. If anything, it was just a bonus.
What the Hood battle and Jeanist’s death showed to Dabi were the two sides that Hawks possessed: a bird of prey that isn’t afraid to kill for a cause, and the innocent child who just wanted to help people. Dabi was searching for both of those qualities within Hawks, because they’re both qualities that Dabi himself has.
Dabi relates to Hawks
As previously mentioned, there’s no doubt that Dabi is aware of how Hawks was trained and forced into a life he didn’t want. He’s very aware of how much Hawks longs for freedom but still wants to help those in need, but what separates them from each other is that Dabi has achieved the freedom that Hawks wants and is pursuing his dream in a way that works.
Dabi kills for his cause, but that cause is ultimately to prevent the future suffering of innocent lives at the hands of false heroes. In his own twisted way, he too wants to save lives. He wants to stop the possibility of another him from being created. He is choosing to be the unfriendly reminder that something is very wrong with the current system, and it needs fixing ASAP.
And that is exactly why Dabi can see through Hawks’s lies, because he recognises that Hawks too is a victim of the same system.
Dabi’s plan for Hawks
With Hawks presenting himself in front of Dabi, it offered up a multitude of opportunities for him. Dabi not only had a new connection to Endeavour through Hawks, but here was a hero who was prepared to get his hands extremely dirty just for a way to bring down the League. 
Dabi’s prior knowledge of Hawks and his past allowed him to constantly have the upper hand, but not in case Hawks attacked.
Through testing Hawks to see what qualities he possessed, Dabi was able to see if Hawks was worthy not for joining the League, but for undoing the brainwashing he’d been subjected to.
Dabi let Hawks into the League because he was giving him a chance, the same chance he gave to Tokoyami, to see hero society for what it really was and decide to do something about it. Dabi saw the potential in Hawks to be a true hero, to return to the boy he once was and save people for the sake of saving them. He saw Hawks’s potential to kill false heroes and that he wasn’t afraid to do it, and the idea of someone thinking the same way as Dabi, of understanding him and his goals wholly, would have absolutely been enticing to him.
Dabi claims to not care about the League, but even if that were true, Dabi recognises that the other League members are important to each other, especially when it comes to Twice and how eager he is to make friends. Dabi introducing Hawks to the League was his chance to show Hawks that they’re all human, and gain sympathy for them and what they stand for. It would have been the ultimate power move on Dabi’s part for Hawks to turn on the heroes and go villain, undoing what hero society did to him, providing him the freedom he always wanted and ultimately proving Dabi and his ideals right.
But, unfortunately, that wasn’t how things went.
How Dabi’s plan backfired
When Hawks first joined the PLF, it was obvious that Dabi was sticking close to him, both to keep an eye on him and to be genuinely friendly and accepting.
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It’s rare to see a smile like this on Dabi when he’s around heroes, and he never smiles around the League, but for Hawks specifically, Dabi is always smiling. I think it’s safe to say that Dabi did genuinely enjoy Hawks’s company and that he was the only one Dabi actually liked, which is probably what led to him being comfortable with leaving Hawks to his own devices for the next few months, especially when he started a budding friendship with Twice.
Dabi must have been confident that Twice would be the one to break through the last of Hawks’s walls, because if we were seeing genuine smiles from Hawks, then Dabi must have seen them too.
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However, it’s clear that Dabi severely underestimated Hawks’s capability to kill anyone. 
Hawks leaked the information to the heroes, an attack was launched, and Dabi immediately knew why.
And he was, understandably, incredibly pissed.
Upon confronting Hawks and hearing how he was about to kill Twice, Dabi used what he’d learned about Hawks during the Hood fight to his advantage and triggered Hawks’s rescue response, prompting him to subconsciously save Twice from Dabi’s flames, because Dabi knows deep down that a hero is who Hawks really is. What he was most likely hoping was for Hawks to maintain that response, but he instead made a mistake and directly caused Hawks to go back into mission-mode.
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And it’s just a downward spiral from there, with all of Dabi’s last-ditch efforts falling flat. In one last desperate attempt to reach through to Hawks, he called out his name. His real name.
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Dabi’s final chance to bring Hawks to his senses was to try and reconnect him with his past self of whom the HPSC had carefully erased, and it almost worked. Dabi let Hawks know that he knew everything about him, everything that he once was, but just like with Tokoyami, Dabi learnt the hard way that Hawks was beyond saving.
With Twice’s death, Dabi completely lost it, scolded Hawks for not focusing on him, and dropped one last bomb on Hawks before ending yet another false hero.
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Until, yet again, that too backfired due to Dabi’s hope that he could save an innocent mind from the hero system’s brainwashing, and Hawks escaped with his life.
We get a glimpse of Dabi’s defeated expression, the knowledge that he can’t cry, and that he just lost two friends within the span of just a few minutes.
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What next?
Honestly, if there’s one thing that is going to break Hawks, it’s knowing the truth about Endeavour. My hope is that Dabi is going to have a chance to make his reveal public to the entire nation, and exposing Enji Todoroki for the abuser he is will really shake things up.
At the moment, it’s still not clear exactly what Dabi told Hawks in his redacted bubble, but it was obviously something relating to his identity. Only time will tell what Hawks knows once he regains consciousness.
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cdt12345 · 4 years ago
I just finished answering one of these and now I wanna know yours. Top 10 straight OTPs?
1.) Ben and Leslie - Parks and Recreation
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If this was my OTPs list, they’d be second after Gallavich, but since this is straight couples, they have to be my number one. Amy Poehler and Adam Scott had great chemistry. Adam Scott played a lot of creepy/bad guys before this. So, when he showed up in Pawnee, I didn’t know what to make of him when he came in at the end of season 2. Pretty quickly I realized I was not only going to love the character of Ben Wyatt but we finally found Leslie Knope’s perfect match! I’ll never forget the moment I knew I was going to ship them. It was at the Freddy Spaghetti concert when Ben helped Leslie after he was against doing the concert in the first place. As soon as I saw Ben give Leslie that look as she walked away, I knew I was all in with this ship. That’s all it took! Leslie finally met someone who got her, admired her, was in awe of her, and was so supportive of her and her ambitions. They were both willing to put their jobs at risk by making their relationship known. And if you know Leslie Knope, her job is her life. Leslie’s love for Ben’s butt is also something I loved. Their love for each other is so beautiful and one of my favorite things about this amazing show.
2.) Ava and Boyd - Justified
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Joelle Carter and Walton Goggins did amazing work together onscreen. Ava and Boyd Crowder did not have the most conventional start to their romantic relationship, seeing as Ava was married to Boyd’s brother. For me, that is a deal-breaker! I know they’re not blood relatives but it’s still weird to me when in-laws get together. In the pilot, we learn Ava has just killed her husband in self-defense and Boyd was supposed to be killed off in that episode. The powers that be, loved both Joelle and Walton so much they brought them back for more and they were series regulars for the rest of the series run. To keep Ava part of the storyline, they had Boyd staying at Ava’s house in season 2. It all evolved from there. I had no intention of shipping these two during season 1, but by season 2, I was all about Ava and Boyd getting together. They were the true definition of a power couple. They even had matching bullet scares on their chest! They stood side by side as a strong force against anyone who tried to overpower them or intimidate them in their growing criminal enterprise. Boyd really saw Ava, treated her with respect, and saw her as his equal. They had a long history, even went to the same high school together. I always love a couple who has known each other since they were kids. I never thought I would root for current or former in-laws, but it was hard not to fall in love with them.
3.) Jess and Nick - New Girl
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I knew I was going to ship them from the very first episode. They are everything I love in a good ship, complete opposites who bring out the best in each other, who are also friends. Over the years, any time Jess would describe her perfect man, she was always describing Nick without realizing it. Once she was asked what her dream guy would be, and she said Walter Matthau in Grumpy Old Men and Nick fits that perfectly. He really is like a grumpy old man. There was nothing these two wouldn’t do for each other. One example of this was when Jess burns her finger on a cigarette lighter in the car and Nick puts his finger in the cigarette lighter so they would be in the same amount of pain. Who even does that?! I was so happy when they finally had their first kiss and when they officially got together. Those are some of my favorite episodes when they were finally dating. Any time they dated anyone else it became even more clear how much better they are together. They never fit with anyone else as well as they fit together. They really were perfect for each other.
4.) Corey and Topanga - Boy Meets World
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Corey and Topanga are the OG’s of childhood sweethearts on TV. They’ve known each other their whole lives and were very believable in their genuine love for each other. It’s not always easy to believe that people who get married that young can make it work, but these two always seemed to defy those odds. They got married during their sophomore year of college. Today I would be like whoa that’s too soon to get married! But they felt so right together, I believe I would still think they made the right choice. I may be biased because I grew up watching this show and I was even younger than them at that time, but it always felt like they were meant to be. I still remember what a big deal their wedding was. My friends and I were so excited about that episode. They clearly did do the right thing because the show came back as Girl Meets World, which was more focused on their daughter than them, so of course, I wasn’t planning on watching all that. The only good thing to come out of that reboot, for me, was to get confirmation that Corey and Topanga were still together and had two kids. 
5.) Arnold and Helga - Hey Arnold!
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This was a very one-sided crush on Helga’s part for years! This was another show I grew up on. I shipped them so hard because Helga was obsessively in love with Arnold. It definitely wasn’t a healthy obsession, but she really loved him. It was hard not to root for her. She fell in love with him when he was the first to notice her and be nice to her on their first day of preschool. A part of me could identify with her at that time in my life. I was in 5th grade and was experiencing my first love too. She was always so mean to Arnold because she was terrified for anyone to even suspect she had a major crush on him. The best way to describe Arnold is through Helga’s own words, he’s “a funny little football-headed kid with a good heart but no sense of reality”. Helga was realistic and tough but very poetic and sweet in private. In 2017, when Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie came out, I was really hoping she would finally come clean with Arnold about her feelings. It FINALLY happened! That was 21 years in the making. Talk about slow burn!
6.) Tiffani and Jake - California Dreams
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Jake and Tiffani are one of my very first ships ever. They were high school students who were in a band called California Dreams together. They were like night and day. She was the surfer type, who was positive, sunny, and friendly. Whereas Jake was a biker type who scared everyone. They were even too scared to let him audition for the band. He played guitar and would sometimes sing and write some of their songs. He wasn’t the main singer of the band, but he would sing every once in a while. She played the bass and would sometimes sing too. They did have a breakup that was heartbreaking for me. He dated their friend Lorena for a short time, and it felt so forced and didn’t work at all. Again, I could be biased because I love Jake and Tiffani, but Jake himself and Lorena realized they didn’t work either. That’s when Jake realized he was still very much in love with Tiffani, and they got back together. This show also had the best theme song ever! I sing it every single time I hear it and when I do hear it, it’s stuck in my head all day.
7.) Monica and Chandler - Friends
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I always preferred Monica and Chandler over Ross and Rachel. They were never on and off like Ross and Rachel, which would get tiresome. We never had to deal with that with Monica and Chandler. Obviously, they are friends and know each other so well that it was easy for them to get through anything because of it.
8.) Castle and Beckett - Castle
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Richard Castle and Kate Beckett had amazing chemistry, even after the actors themselves were no longer getting along behind the scenes. I am amazed at how they were still able to be so believable at being very much in love with each other. Castle, a best-selling mystery novelist, and Beckett, a New York City homicide detective. Castle is inspired by Beckett and she becomes his muse for a new book he is writing. Castle uses his connections with the mayor to force the police to let him shadow Beckett. Their personalities clash in the beginning but they soon find their groove and become friends and great partners at solving crimes. The will they, won’t they was excruciating at times but paid off when they finally got together.
9.) Sabrina and Harvey - Sabrina The Teenage Witch
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Sabrina and Harvey were such a cute couple. I already went into this show knowing they were meant to be because of the Sabrina comic books. Harvey was always the boyfriend. So, when Harvey left the show after season 4, I was surprised and saddened. Especially, since Harvey had finally learned about her powers. He did guest star in season 5 but was brought back for the last two seasons. I really loved when he came back because Sabrina and Harvey’s relationship was so much better after he knew about her powers. They didn’t get back together and were only friends but whenever things got complicated, he was there to help her now that he knew she was a witch. She didn’t have to hide who she really was or lie to him anymore and I really loved how that changed their relationship. Sabrina was dating someone else at this time and was going to marry this other guy, but she doesn’t go through with it. For once I can actually say Sabrina and Harvey are soulmates and really mean it! Remember she is a witch and has a soul stone and Harvey was given one too. Harvey is waiting for Sabrina outside the church when she comes out and they kiss. Their soul stones drop to the ground and fit perfectly at 12:36pm, the exact time they first met seven years ago.Then they drive off together in his motorcycle.
10.) Kelly and Zack - Saved by The Bell
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Who didn’t grow up in the 90′s and wasn’t shipping Zack and Kelly? I thought they were the most gorgeous couple I had ever seen. Saved by The Bell: The College Years wasn’t a great show, but I was happy to see Zack and Kelly went to the same college, and eventually, we got to see them get married in a TV movie with Saved by The Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas.
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everlvrks · 5 years ago
naming in songbirds and snakes
authors note: it is 1 am and this is unbataed, apologies for any spelling or grammar errors.
the hunger games is known for its outrageous, futuristic names; one of my favorite pieces of the series. this post does a beautiful job analyzing the names that appear in the original trilogy and categorizing them into 4 different categories. but that post is a little old and we’ve just recently got a lot more content (and names) to pick apart and analyze.
researching these names reminds me how everything suzanne includes in her novels is intentional. she doesn’t pick random names because they sound good but because they mean something. i think that’s important to remember while reading this series. it’s definitely something i will keep in mind during my next reread of the trilogy.
i didn’t cover every name in tbosas. if there’s a name you have thoughts about, reblog and let me know.
potential tbosas spoilers and long post under the cut
names will be divided into capitol and tribute (district) names  
capitol names take many influences from ancient roman and greek names, but they also tell the story of the character. i will only be discussing major characters, not all will be mentioned.
coriolanus: snow’s first name largely has to do with his story. from the play coriolanus by shakespeare, meaning “conqueror of corioli,” a heroic roman solider, caius marcius, gains his name from a victory at corioli. when he leads the attack on corioli, it does not go well. but he keeps fighting and returns to rome victorious. he brings glory to rome and his mother volumnia. basically summing up his whole story. he tries to lead an ‘attack’ (him trying to win the games) but that fails. he’s reduced to a peacekeeper but he still doesn’t stop trying to be something greater. he wins in the end. he goes back to the capitol, attends university and is mentored dr. gaul.
which brings me to...
dr. volumnia gaul: dr. gaul’s name has two parts. one representing her relationship with snow. the other representing her relationship with panem. volumnia is the mother of caius marcus in shakespeare’s play, coriolanus. volumnia, in the play, uses caius as a means of securing personal prestige aka using snow’s ideas in her games. she wants her games to be better, the best. and she uses snow for that. gaul was also a roman province that embarrassed rome (read: gual’s games not being popular, things going wrong, etc.). but unlike gual, dr. gual was not stop/conquered by panem/rome.
sejanus plinth: sejanus was a close friend and ally of roman emperor tiberius who worked to improve conditions for the empire. he was also strangled to death. sejanus plinth was unable to change anything before his death by hanging. a plinth can be looked at in two different ways. @hutchhitched described it as a platform—a place someone can take a stand and deliver a message. it can also be looked at as a means for climbing. social climbing, if you will. the main ambition of the plinths.
strabo plinth: a wealthy philosopher who allied with the romans and was granted roman citizenship as a reward. seems familiar? plinth: see sejanus.
crassus snow: crassus was a roman general who played a key role in the transformation of the roman republic into the roman empire. just like his namesake, crassus snow was known for his military experience and wrote the proposal for the hunger games, successfully transforming panem into what we know today.
typically, tributes have names that reflect the industry of their district. there are a few exceptions to this; including sabine, ginnee, jessup and lucy gray baird.
district one
one of the wealthier districts in panem, district one is responsible for producing luxury items, such as jewelry, for the capitol.
male tribute: facet, literally meaning “one side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem” suggest gemstone that is placed into jewelry but he is merely a part of the captiols larger plan.
female tribute: velvereen, derived from velveteen, meaning “a cotton fabric with a pile resembling velvet.”
district two
another wealthy district, district two is the home of the nation’s quarries and masonry workers. also recruits and trains peacekeepers and produces weapons for their use.
male tribute: marcus, derived from malleus, latin meaning “hammer.” the main tool of a masonry worker.
female tribute: sabyn, derived from sabine, italic tribe located near the tiber river. captured and raped by the romans. parallel to her current situation of being captured by the capitol.
district three
one of the poorer districrs. responsible for technology, district theee manufactures televisions, computers and other electronics. citizens of this district are very adept at engineering.
male tribute: circ, derived from circuit, something which an electric current can flow; used in electronics.
female tribute: teslee, possibly derived from tesla, an inventor and engineer.
district four
it’s major industry is fishing, trains citizens at a young age for their industry.
male tribute: mizzen, literally a part of a ships mast aka ships used for fishing.
female tribute: coral, do i have to explain this one? marine invertebrates that live in the ocean.
district five
it’s main industry is power and electricity.
male tribute: hy, possibly derived from hydroelectric, alluding to the hydroelectric dam that produces power for panem.
female tribute: sol, derived from solis, latin for sun. another producer of power.
district six
responsible for transportation.
male tribute: otto, variation of auto derived from automobile. a form of transportation
female tribute: ginnee, meaning “pure” a reminder that these are innocent children.
district seven
main industry is lumber
male tribute: treech, possibly a styilization of tree, the source of lumber
female tribute: lamina, the blade of a leaf, something trees have ;)
district eight
the textile makers
male tribute: bobbin, a spindle which thread is wound. typically found on sewing machines
female tribute: wovey, possibly derived from woven because textiles are, woven.
district nine
responsible for grain production
male tribute: panlo, derived from pan, meaning bread in spanish. bread is made from grain.
female tribute: sheaf, literally meaning “a bundle of grain stalks.”
district ten
the cattle ranchers of panem
male tribute: tanner, from the verb to tan, meaning “convert animal skin into leather”
female tribute: brandy, a brand is “an identifying mark burned on livestock”
district eleven
male tribute: reaper, to reap, meaning “to cut or gather a crop or harvest”
female tribute: dill, an herb. that you grow
district twelve
the coal miners
male tribute: jessup, derived from hebrew “yosef.” interestingly this is only the second name derived from hebrew within thg. second to johanna. could also be a reference to jessup, nevada; a mining area.
female tribute: lucy grey baird, she explains her own name. baird meaning poet or minstrel.
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long-cosmos-overhead · 5 years ago
Oswald x Reader request coming in :D In which someone tries to rob him and though she is short and not that strong either she somehow saves him and though shes shaky and a bit panicked herself she grabs his hand and runs away. When they're save she asks if hes hurt and if he is ok and all though they don't know each other
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(I do not own Gotham or its characters/ gif not mine)
Head down, work hard, mouth shut. The three rules you had been taught by everyone you ever came to meet. Gotham was brutal to say the least infected by crime, impaling fear, gangs and a composition of the most dangerous and mental people to grace the planet. Ever since you were able to comprehend words those ways of staying alive were drilled into your head to the point you dread not forget them. Thankfully you had witnessed little but the headlines on papers that strung across the street were the terrors of any sane man or woman alike replayed again and again. Truly they had lost their meaning, the fear and uncertainty of a cold murder spun only as a broken record. Old news seen before and most definitely to be seen again.
You had clocked off work early today, a rare but welcomed occasion. Your job was not strictly speaking very sustainable nor enjoyable. You didn’t intend to stay there long, you had no actual plan or blueprint of your life but somehow in the back of your mind you knew you’d throw in the towel and jump to the next job until you get bored and did it again. Not living luxury but spontaneous.
The streets you walked down were engraved into your head yet you didn’t even dare say you knew them. No one knows anything until it happens for even a house lived in a lifetime can still turn into a nightmarish fever dream. It was around four in the evening somewhat dark from the autumn setting into the sky which also caused fewer people to lurk around too long for the dark can be a cursed concept. Still few people braved the cold and gloom however their intent unknown. Head down and keep walking. This motto serving you well swaying danger opposite your direction.
You had walked a while only little under halfway left to go before reaching your apartment. The cobbled streets dark enough for weak street lamps to guide the rest of the way illuminating small circles of pavement. Your feet shuffled turning perhaps the worst corner of your route. A dark dingy alleyway. Dumpsters shoved aside the wall, cigarette butts littering the floor and a distant but strong smell of urine sometimes they’d even be a stray rat picking at the litter on the floor.
Today however the dumpsters and used cigarettes didn’t even cross your mind. A man stood feebly against a wall trapped by two other men clearly much taller and bigger than he was. It was clear by his every move he was scared and the men were not conversing in a friendly altercation. You should’ve walked away, found another way round and forgotten what you saw. Theft was common and the one thing you had been told all your life was to keep your head down and move along yet the man had you in his grasp something about him captivated you alluring you to go against every rule you’d been told.
He looked like a child and a man at the same time. A strange but rather fresh look compared to the city. Rather short and thin with an air of mystery and intellect. His hair was dark and messy something you found oddly attractive. He was almost an advancement, an attractive person who carried a strongly blended sense of submission and dominance. He felt like an opposing force not only to others but to himself. You saw huge amounts of intelligence and ambition beneath his eyes but clearly he knew he couldn’t hold in a fight his body language seeped it. You didn’t even know his name but you knew you had to save him. He was something far far different.
Head down. It was screaming at you, the voices of every person with sense who ever entered your life. The one thing they all wanted you to remember and abide by discarded all for the safety of a man you didn’t even know the name of. Years of teaching washed away over intrigue. If you were to carry anything with you it was the sense of good, the thrill of breaking through and the righteousness that followed by attempting to save a man for even if you failed your heart would be in the same place as if you had succeeded.
What followed was rather a blur. It wasn’t like those old but gold war and crime tv shows. It was messy, uncoordinated, rash and terrifying. You remembered running the wind whipping past your body almost trying to drag you back, to plead you to reconsider. You didn’t have to run for very long in fact it felt as if you had barely gotten started. You saw without seeing your body guiding you like in a dance, adrenaline exhilarating your blood flow. You could distinctly remember a sharp impact smashing right into the side of one man. You weren’t tall nor very strong yet he was thrown off balance hopping to the side as if he tripped.
For a moment no one moved or at least they looked as if they had forgotten how to. Your adrenaline left and you stood as a little girl arm throbbing from charging into another triple the body mass of you. How foolish it was of you to believe you could do something against such beasts. A lifetime of knowledge spoilt. But then your eyes came to rest upon the very person you sought to save. His entire face expressed shock, fear, relief and a tinge of admiration. You didn’t know what it was about him but just like keys in the ignition you were revved up again. Determination clouding your eyes.
You knew you could not fight and by the body language and frame of the black haired man neither could he. Panic began to set a course, you were by far outmanoeuvred. The eyes of the robbers darkened their initial shock worn off and it was clear they had a different goal on the table.
You didn’t think when you laced your hand with the smooth skin that connected to him. You ran hand in hand like an old fashioned movie. His touch sent a spark through your body. Your cheeks flushed pink which you hoped momentarily would be mistaken for anything but his charm that grasped you so easily. Despite high tensions and a painfully fearful atmosphere he was gentle, so gentle. His grip was light yet heavy enough for his presence to be known, he didn’t grip your fingers painfully so they folded in on themselves neither did he run ahead and retreat from your grasp. He was naturally gentle.
You ran until your lungs ached and your legs groaned in protest. You both came to the conclusion that neither of you were willing nor capable to go any further. Your feet stopped pacing and you came to a standstill panting and beyond disbelief. The air having hit your throat enough to leave it stinging. It was rather mad. You and some man you’d never met holding hands in an unfamiliar alleyway desperately trying to catch your breath after almost getting murdered. It was so surreal it sounded like something straight from the pages of a dark romance.
“Thank you.”
His words were split by the sharp intake of air and heavy dosage of shakiness but it was a sound you immediately wished you could hear again and again. The corners of your mouth twitched upwards a little.
“You’re welcome.”
It was evident neither of you knew what to say, too consumed in shock and fear.
“Are you okay?” You asked discreetly running your eyes over his face and upper body scanning for injuries which you were relieved to find none.
He responded by turning the question on you his voice shaky and nervous but genuine. He was as rare as gold in a dumpster anyone else would’ve straightened themselves up and walked off not even taking one look at you let alone ask about your well-being.
“J-just a bit banged up.”
His eyes morphed from confusion to somewhat greatful and sympathetic. He knew you were a keeper just the way you held his hand made butterfly’s flap wildly in his stomach let alone be lucky enough to find someone to defend a stranger from a gang of thugs.
“I got a place not to far.” He cut off seeming afraid. He really wanted to get to know you and thankfully you grasped at the hint.
“Let’s go -,”
“Oswald. Oswald Cobblepot.” His name seemed fitting to his appearance it felt natural as if any other name wouldn’t have been able to serve him the same justice.
“Y/n L/n.” Oh he loved you already. Everything about you had him stunned. Your bravery, your kindness, your voice even your name had him in a pit of deep desire.
You both walked side by side like old friends down the cobbled streets already infatuated with one another setting the scene for something incredibly special.
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otomescriptdoctor · 4 years ago
Masking - Chapter 2
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27939147/chapters/68451419 You take a deep breath. It’s always hard to ride out your heats alone. Past lovers haven’t been able to handle you during a heat, because you’d rather take care of your own needs than worry about unpracticed hands further frustrating you. It’s all over now, though. There’s an electronic hum from the dresser, you only have a few moments to fix yourself. The mirrored surface is swept away by the display interface of an EAC agent. It reminds you of Minority Report; one of the few non-Mission Impossible movies you adore because it has Tom Cruise. Yes, maybe it was Minority Report that made you want to work for EAC. The Boss’s voice comes in, polite but betraying a mild impatience, “How are you getting along, Nagisa?”
Hearing Boss's voice call your alias switches you into work mode, your posture stiffens.
“The same as usual, all going according to plan.” Your reply is automatic, like your muscle memory, it’s part of your routine.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that, last night was a lot of fun.”
Your mind wanders, thinking about the woman he was dancing with. Did he go home with her?
The Boss continues, “I almost can't believe how quickly you completed your mission. You never fail to impress me.” You detect a hint of sarcasm at the end.
This is not our Alpha. He is jealous.
These thoughts are not helping. Usually your hindbrain is leashed after heat, but it’s stubbornly keeping part of your attention. Reminding you that there is an Alpha who wants you to burn for him. You are thankful for being exhausted enough to leave a towel on your vanity seat. The Boss clears his throat. Oh shit, you’re expected to respond.
You manage to get out, “Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you, Boss.”
It was honestly sheer dumb luck you got it so fast. Remembering his touch gets your heart racing. Remembering you didn't have control boils your blood.
But we met Alpha. Alpha will take care of us.
No, you think, you should use your frustration at your unusual lack of control during the mission to reign in your rebelling hindbrain. That inner voice quiets again, for now.
The Boss continues, “I collected more information on Mr. Soejima, I'm sending it to you now.”
Kei Soejima’s curriculum vitae appears on your monitor. He went to Oxford. Still doesn’t explain how an Englishman ended up with a Japanese name. Oh, his family name is Romley. Huh.
“He is descended from a line of English nobility. His grandfather is an Earl. Earl Romley is a powerful figure who owns some of the most valuable land in England. Mr. Soejima is following in his footsteps. He's a special diplomat working for the British Embassy.”
You have your own ideas about long-time diplomats, and remember the feel of his strong arms. He must work out a lot despite being a diplomat.
Your mouth races ahead of your brain. “Does he have any enemies?”
The Boss frowns slightly. “That's the strange part, he doesn't seem to have any enemies to speak of.”
That explanation feels odd. He's an Alpha. Alphas make enemies everywhere. They literally can’t help it. He definitely didn’t smell like he was suppressed.
Your employer continues, “He's an influential man not only in Europe, but around the world. He helps out with his family's foundation in addition to being a diplomat.”
It’s your turn to frown. “It sounds like he's... perfect? Literally, too good to be true. There has to be some reason he's one of our targets, Boss.”
Any excuse to drop this case. You silently plead with the universe to give you a break.
He continues in a lower pitch, “This is off the record, but there's a snap election coming up - parliament is being dissolved ahead of time and obviously the prime minister position will be in play. Given that's just around the corner, why is he in Japan on unofficial business? Your next job is to monitor him and find out why he is here. Perhaps ascertain whether or not he has political ambitions.”
Inwardly you groan. Your heat only ended this morning. Being around that Alpha is likely to awaken it again. Okay, you don't have to steal any information or prove wrongdoing. That's a plus. You look down at your planner while replying.
“Understood, I already have his contact information, I sent it to you earlier this afternoon,” You look up to see him nodding, “I've already been invited to afternoon tea hosted by Mr. Soejima. I'll work on getting closer to him there.”
This is what you’re known for, and he gives you a smile. “Impressive, you've already made arrangements with Mr. Soejima… I knew I could count on you.”
You used to live for compliments like this from the Boss, but it doesn't give you the glow you used to get. He only asks you to do one thing after all: be an excellent agent. And now it’s simply what is expected because in many cases, you have arrived. A long time ago.
“Sounds like you're well on your way to success as usual. Mr. Soejima was quite taken with you.”
Your heart rate quickens involuntarily. Oh dear. His spicy, woodsy scent lingers in your mind, as well as the only warmth he had -- the warmth of his lips on yours.
“...What makes you say that?” Smooth… just barely saving face while your mind was racing.
“You looked like you were enjoying...the dance with him.” His pause to watch for your reaction offends you. You are a professional.
You scoff, "I better have. It was part of my job to make it seem like I am having fun. You were the one who taught me that.”
He doesn't sound convinced. “Just a part of your job? Hmm. I wonder if that's the whole story. There were times when you weren't even looking at me.”
He is jealous because we found our Alpha and he knows it.
Oh, was he jealous? You feel a little relieved he was keeping an eye on you, but now you wonder about his intentions. Maybe he saw you had a crush on him previously. Maybe this was why he insisted on having you, despite marking your calendar for private time to deal with your heat, to perform this mission. Disgust rises in your core.
“I wouldn't have let him touch me if it weren't for the mission,” you hiss.
“I'll believe you this time. Just be careful prince charming doesn't sweep you off your feet. I'll be looking forward to your success.”
His smile seems genuine, but you know this is a test of your loyalty. Same old song. Same old routine. There’s only ever one correct answer.
“I won't let you down.” He ends the call.
You sigh. Being tense at the start of the mission is normal. You're just edgy staying at home. Especially when the dress you wore the night before still smells like him. You even used his lingering scent to help you get off during your heat. Now that the smell has mostly worn off, and your heat is over, you are eager to scrub the rest of his scent from your memory.
While there may not be as much obvious danger, you remind yourself that you'll need to stay on your guard. Soejima is an Alpha, and your Omega reacted very strongly to his scent. Suddenly, his smile invades your mind. It’s upstanding and refined, but there's darkness underneath.
Was it just your imagination? You're unsure if you want to see it. You’re going to have to keep close to Mr. Soejima and his associates to gather as much information as you can at Raven Resort.
You take a deep sigh. Well, at least you still have most of that tub of your beloved Lady Borden French Vanilla to polish off. You walk out to your living room and decide that you need to spend some time centering and getting your id back under control. Preferring to disassociate by having a movie marathon, you know the perfect man to get your mind off of Prince Charming incarnate. Waving your arm across your DVD collection you stop on Minority Report. Time to put it in and get comfortable.---It’s the weekend, and you make sure to dress far more conservatively than you did for the masquerade, an off-white lace dress with a high collar and three-quarter sleeves. The pencil shaped skirt of the garment comes down to your knees, but it does hug your curves. You’re ever aware that part of you hopes he’ll like it.
You step into the hotel lobby at agreed-upon time, and you see Soejima is already there, waiting. Seems like he always has his own bubble, separating him from the crowd. There’s no hint of the devilishness he displayed at party. You start wondering if you imagined it. The Boss’s warning echoing in your brain - he may look like prince charming, but you’re sure you’re prepared this time.
You want his attention, on your terms. You turn towards him, taking a step and loudly clicking your heels on the floor. He immediately notices the noise and spots you. His eyes widen in recognition and he breaks out into a gentle, welcoming smile. It's only the second time you’ve met. Mirroring facial expressions will make him feel closer to you. You smile back. He maintains eye contact as he walks to you. It doesn’t feel quite the same as it did at the party. Back then, he was a predator stalking an easy kill. Now, he is a living embodiment of charm. But his eyes darken, drawing you into their warm depths. You curse at yourself for falling for those damn eyes again. Time for grounding your senses. You’re wearing work perfume with suppressants. Your comm device is in your ear. You’re insistent that today will go by your terms today. His steady pace toward you is producing an almost hypnotic rhythm. You struggle with trying to ignore the smoke and spice of his scent.
“I’m so glad you would make it, Nagisa.” His voice sends gentle rumbles straight to your core.You bow deeply and reply, “Thanks again for the other night.”
“Don’t mention it. And if I may say…” He takes the opportunity to look you up and down. “You look absolutely stunning.”
A blush crawls across your cheeks. No mask to hide it today.
He takes your hand and brings it to his lips, “No matter how bewitching the mask, it's just an unnecessary decoration on a woman like you.”
Your hand slips from his cold grip as you reply, “You’re too kind. By the way, thank you for inviting me today.”
He smiles. “You’re a welcome addition to our little get together. Now if you’ll come this way...”
 He directs you to an elevator that goes directly to the upper floors. Although he makes no further contact, it nonetheless feels like he is escorting you on his arm. The perfect gentleman. You think back to your intel -- he owns the floor where he’s hosting the afternoon tea. Considering the masquerade, you brace yourself for this being far beyond the average get-together. You have no idea what to expect, and Soejima doesn’t seem keen on letting go of all his mysteries. You wonder if you can peel off his Prince Charming veneer and expose him for who he really is. Overcome with a feeling of exhilaration, you step on to the elevator with him.
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celestelavie · 5 years ago
Campus Tours || Athena & Celeste
TIMING: About a week ago PARTIES: @athenaquinn & @celestelavie SUMMARY: Since they’re staying in town long term, Celeste decides to go to UMWC to get information on their nursing program. Athena shows a lost Celeste around
After a particularly grueling shift at the diner, Celeste had decided she needed a step in the right direction. College had never made much sense, being on the run all the time, but if they were going to be making roots here, now was a good time as any to start. It felt like a huge step to be taking with the threat of her parents still looming, but she had to believe even that would be under wraps soon enough. She could at least hope as much anyway. She figured she could visit the Admissions office as the very least and get an idea of what her next steps needed to be. However, she found the campus to be a little overwhelming to navigate. She stared down at the map on her phone, trying to figure out what part of it corresponded with the building. She’d been grumbling at her phone when she noticed a figure in front of her just in time to prevent herself from a collision. “Sorry,” she started, “Oh! You’re Athena, right? Ariana’s friend?”
School was out for the summer, but that didn’t mean that Athena wasn’t still on campus. She liked going swimming in the pool and she had friends taking summer courses. It was also a place in town that she knew her parents were fine with her spending time at. They had to be, even though they didn’t wish for her to live on campus. Today she was simply going for a walk around campus, enjoying the nice weather. She wondered where her brother was - he had still not yet come home, and part of her worried for him, no matter how angry she was at him for leaving in the first place. Caught up briefly in her own thoughts she didn’t see the woman who was about to run into her, but luckily the woman stopped before the two of them collided, and Athena briefly side stepped, ready to wave and be on her way when the woman began talking to her. “Oh! Yes, I am! You must be Celeste.” She grinned, turning to face the woman. “How are you? It is such a wonderful sort of coincidence to run into you.”
Of all the people to nearly run into, Celeste had to be grateful that it was a friend of Ariana’s. Using the map on her cell phone to navigate the campus had proven to be more difficult than she would have liked. Plus, it was good to actually meet Athena. By all indications, she was a good influence and had gotten Ariana in with that summer soccer camp she was so excited for. She extended her hand forward to shake Athena’s, “It’s good to meet you in person. I’ve heard great things about you and your cookies were quite delicious.” She stuffed the phone back into the pocket of her jeans and answered, “Oh, I’m doing well. I was just looking for the Admissions office, actually. The map was a little confusing… hence, the near collision.”
She’d been wondering if she was ever going to get to meet Celeste. Athena was always curious about other siblings - and the fact that Celeste was a good deal older than Ariana just added another layer of fascination into the whole thing. They also seemed to get along well. Better than her and Orion, certainly, though Athena was self-aware enough to know that though she and her brother might have appeared like ideal siblings, they had not been that for years. Namely due to his refusal to believe in his destiny - or at least that was what she told herself. “It is good to meet you in person too.” She took Celeste’s hand in her own and gave it a quick, solid shake. “I am glad you have heard good things - and oh, I’m so glad! Baking and sharing what I bake is just the best.” She tossed a bit of her hair over her shoulder. “Well, you know, I might be able to help you with that. You were headed sort of in the right direction. What do you say? We can walk and chat along the way? If you don’t mind the company, that is.”
Celeste welcomed the idea of someone helping her find her way to the Admissions Office, especially a friend of Ariana’s. It was becoming more and more apparent that the younger woman really was a perfectionist. Celeste couldn’t even remember the last time she baked something though she was sure it was probably chocolate chip cookies. “Well, I can’t complain since I get to eat some of the baked goods. I’ve never been much of a baker myself.” She shifted her purse on her shoulder and exclaimed, “I’ll gladly take the help. I was beginning to feel a bit silly not being able to find it. Chatting would also be nice.” She smiled as she followed Athena’s lead, thankful she ran into someone she sort of knew to help her find her way. “How’s everything been with you? I know Ariana mentioned you two would be volunteering at a soccer camp together this summer.”
“Well, if you ever want some recipes to try out, I’ve got some good starter ones to try.” Athena grinned. “I won’t go all out and send you complicated ones, don’t worry.” She gave a small shrug. “Just let me know.” She grinned as Celeste accepted her offer of help. Good - this would give her a specific task for the day. Not to mention, she was curious to get to know Celeste more. She liked Ariana, and it was good to get to know the family members of those you were friends with, wasn’t it? “Please, this campus is a mess of planning, sometimes. You’d think an admissions office would be the easiest thing to find and yet it is far from it.” Adjusting her pace so that she was in line with Celeste, Athena grinned. “Chatting would be nice. Things with me are good. College is out for the summer, which is nice, though I do like school so part of me is also sad - but I think I did very well in all my classes this semester so I am pleased. Ariana and I will be doing that! Starts the end of June, and I’m super excited. Ariana’s such a great soccer player, and it’ll be nice to have her around. How about you? How are the repairs on your home going? I hope well, though I know these things can sometimes take forever.”
“I may take you up on that one of these days,” Celeste responded with a smile, “Thank goodness, I remember my mom tried to have me make a meringue once without any previous guidance on it and it… well, it turned out disastrous.”  She welcomed the chance to get to know one of Ariana’s friends. One of these days, when they were able to have a place of their own again, they’d have to have her over. As they walked through the campus, Celeste laughed. “Yes, they definitely didn’t make it easy. I was hoping to get some information on what I’d need to do to get myself enrolled in the nursing program.” She kept pace with the younger girl and listened as she talked about her summer. It was rare to see someone who liked school, but she supposed she understood. She seemed like a very ambitious young woman. “Well, I’m glad to hear your grades are doing well. What brings you to campus if you’re out of class for the summer? I know she’s really excited for the camp, too. She’s always loved soccer.” At the mention of their home, she shifted her glance a bit. It wasn’t like she could explain it anyway, so she shrugged, “It’s coming along. Hopefully we can be home soon.”
“Absolutely, just let me know.” Athena grinned. “Meringues are incredibly tricky to get right, so I will be certain to not give you any of those recipes. Admittedly, even I do not love working with meringue, so I do not have many recipes that even use that.” She found Celeste surprisingly easy to talk to - though she supposed that she should not have been so very surprised, in the end. Athena liked to think of herself as someone who could win most anyone over. Certainly something she’d used to her advantage on more than one occasion. So far though, at least in this conversation, everything she had said was filled to the brim with honesty - or at least as much so as she ever properly used. “Oh, nursing! That’s so fantastic! One of the girls in my sorority is starting there in the fall, it’s supposed to be a wonderful program.” She glanced over to Celeste. “Thank you, and well - I like the campus, and it gives me a nice space to walk around and collect my thoughts. It’s nice to walk around here and not have to focus on thinking about an exam or paper or project that I’ll have to do.” She bit her lip. “I’ve loved soccer for years too. It seemed like a nice thing to mention to her, especially given how skilled she is.” She watched Celeste’s expression change for a moment at the mention of her home and for a moment (though only a fleeting one) Athena wondered if perhaps that was not the best sort of question to have asked. “I hope you can be as well.” She continued to make her way through the campus, past a few classroom buildings, as she pointed them out, “that’s where some of my favorite classes have been held. Introduction to Neuroscience, for one. The class that I came into excited for and left knowing that it’d have to be one of my majors.” She looked back over at the other woman. “Can I ask - what draws you to nursing?”
The talk of meringue brought Celeste to a not so pleasant flashback of a job she worked back in San Diego at a bakery. It had been short lived due to how many meringues she had messed up and she had no intention of putting herself through that kind of torture again. “That’s a relief. If it’s meringue-free, I’m sure I can make the recipe work and not have flashback nightmares to an awful job I had when we lived in San Diego.” Somehow the news that Athena was in a sorority hadn’t been surprising to her. Everything about her screamed Type A from her school ambitions and her involvement as a student athlete. Even down to the enjoying campus when she didn’t even have to be here. It was a nice enough campus, but she had to imagine a break was nice. She knew Ariana was always eager to leave school unless she had practice. “Maybe I’ll see her in classes then. I’m sure I have a ton of prerequisites to take. I haven’t taken any college classes.” Hell, she hadn’t even graduated high school though she had gotten her GED. Technically, she also had a very convincing counterfeit diploma and transcripts, too, but she was inclined to take the honest route. She walked along with Athena, bag swinging from her shoulder and mused, “I suppose I can understand that. The campus is nice and I’m sure has good spots for reading and the like.” Celeste smiled as she spoke of how she enjoyed soccer and how skilled Ariana was. It made her proud to see Ari excel at something, especially when it was something she enjoyed. She hoped the carpentry apprenticeship worked out well for her. “I’m sure you two will have a lovely time.” She shrugged calmly at Athena’s well wishes. The little house they’d been staying in wouldn’t be an option anymore. Finding a new place would be nice though. Ulfric’s was kind of cramped and as cordial as he was capable of being, it was fairly plain to see he wasn’t her biggest fan. She focused instead on the last part, “Well, I’ve always wanted to do something that helps people and I’m not at all squeamish.” She thought to her own stitches on her leg that she’d done herself, “Figured I have the personality to provide comfort and medical care, so may as well go for it now that Ariana is out in the working world. You mentioned going into the medical field as well, right?”
“You lived in California?” Athena’s eyes lit up for a moment. “I’d love to go there someday.” It was almost as though with everything Celeste said she felt all the more connected to her - or even if not connected - more intrigued. She’d lived such an interesting life - lived in so many different places, and Athena had only been in one. She knew that it was for an incredibly good reason, but it didn’t mean that she didn’t sometimes wish she could have traveled elsewhere. “You may! I’ll tell her to look out for you. You might need to do some prereqs, but like, I know they always want new students so that’s also something in your favor.” She gave a small shrug to the woman. “Besides, if you’re anything like your sister, you’re likely a quick learner. She told me she was struggling with math classes but then got up to nearly an A in almost no time!” It was genuine, her compliment - she knew that she wasn’t always genuine but she did enjoy talking to Ariana. So she figured that being honest was the best way to go about things in this case. “Exactly. Especially with the beautiful weather, it’s nicer to go here than in a library or coffee shop in order to read. Plus, I know this makes me sound like a giant nerd - not that there’s anything wrong with that - but sometimes I like to get my books for the fall in advance and read those, and doing it on campus seems even nicer.” Her grin matched Celeste’s. “I bet we will, it’s a great camp and she seems so excited.” Celeste didn’t seem to want to remark any more on Athena’s comment about the house - which was fine. She knew that they were still mostly strangers, and just because some people enjoyed talking about home repairs, others were more cautious. She only hoped that there hadn’t been a sort of terrible attack. “I feel much the same way - and yes, all of that makes sense. I am going into the medical field! Hopefully I’ll get into some good med schools come next year. I agree though, I truly just want to do whatever I can to help make the world a better place, and if medicine is one way to do that, then why not?”
“Yes,” Celeste answered with a small grin. It had been a very brief stint before her parents had gotten wind of their location, but she had enjoyed it. The state had a lot to offer in terms of different terrains and national parks. “It’s a beautiful state. I miss it sometimes, but White Crest has a homey feel to it.” The prospect of being a student again still had her nerves on edge, but having a connection could be nice. Make the whole thing easier. “I appreciate that. I’m sure any friend of yours is lovely.” As much was true. Athena seemed like a smart kid with a good head on her shoulders. She was definitely driven and friendly. It was nice to have someone showing her the way around campus. There was a certain excited energy that came with being here and it was nice to get some of it out. She walked alongside the girl and commented, “It has been beautiful as of late. It’s good that you enjoy where and what you study. I imagine it makes the whole keeping up with your coursework so much easier.” At least she had assumed as much. It’d been too many years since she had to study anything herself. A smile grew on her face at the mention of Ariana being excited for the soccer camp. It was nice she had something to look forward to, even in the midst of everything else. They were choosing somewhere to be home permanently which gave them both the freedom to pursue things they were passionate about. “She really is, which I love to see.” They walked through a part of campus that had a fair number of little picnic tables under trees. She could envision herself content under one just studying away. As much had always been something that felt so out of reach, but here she was. She studied the campus around her and listened as Athena spoke. “That’s an admirable goal. You seem to be very motivated, so I have no doubt you’ll reach it. I like the way you think though, helping people. The whole leaving the world a better place than you found it thing. I wish you the best of luck with applying and getting into med schools.”
“White Crest has a homey feel for me too,” Athena grinned. “Then again, it has been my home my whole life, so I suppose to some degree that’s to be expected. Though, if you don’t mind, I might ask you about California sometime.” She shrugged. “Oh, of course! She’s great, and plus, she knows the place well and so she’ll get you all in the know and everything. Which is something that counts, I think. Even if just to let you know all the shortcuts around campus.” Celeste seemed happy, and that made Athena stand up straighter and continue to lead the woman along, giving a small wave as she passed a boy who was in one of her lectures last semester. “It has been, and I am so glad for that. Though I love Maine, winters do get so dreary. Also true, that studying what I love does make everything a lot easier. More appealing, too.” Another nod. “I’m glad, I’m glad I could do this for her - but she really got in all on her own. Knowing me was an added bonus to her application, she’s incredible in her own merit.” She sighed. “Thank you, and same to you. Anyone who wants to further their education is bound to succeed in their own way.” She did believe that, to an extent. Certainly, this was a bit more forced than usual, but she wanted to make a good impression. “I agree. I have always been that way, for as long as I can remember. Just wanting to make the world as good a place as is possible. Thank you!” She looked up. “We’re almost to the admissions building. Not too hard after all, hm?” She winked.
“I didn’t live there too long, but I’d be happy to answer any California questions that I can,” Celeste stated easily with a smile. She did know the state was a popular tourist destination for a good number of reasons. Her initial thought when they had moved there was that it would be far enough away from the Aquilla Estate that her parents wouldn’t venture out there on a whim. She’d been wrong and now they were going to be here soon enough. She focused back on the nursing school things, noting each building they passed. “Thank you, Athena. I look forward to hopefully joining in the program and meeting her. This place is huge, shortcuts would be most helpful.” Potential study partners were also a plus. She’d always enjoyed making friends. Celeste smiled in the direction of the boy Athena waved at, not wanting to appear rude. She’d yet to experience a Maine winter so she wasn’t sure what she was in for. Whether it’d be better or worse than winter in other states. “I suppose I’ll see for myself soon enough,” she thought aloud with a laugh. It couldn’t be any worse than Minnesota. There was a surge of pride that went through her hearing Athena speak so highly of Ariana. Their life hadn’t been easy, but she’d always done her best to steer Ari in the right direction. “Thank you, I know she’s a bright kid. Passionate, too. I’m sure the kids will get that from both of you.” She scanned their surroundings, noting they were by the Financial Aid department. She made a mental note of that. She’d need to visit them shortly after Admissions. Not surprisingly, Athena mentioned they were close. “Oh good, I’ve been trying to keep an eye on landmarks to make it easier for next time. Thank you for taking the time to lead the way. Good deeds definitely help in making the world a better place.”
“Oh, I don’t expect you to be an expert, it’d just be more what it was like living there,” Athena offered an easy smile. “Of course - I hope you get into the program too, and shortcuts are for sure always handy to know.” Though the nursing program and medical school did not always work together so much, if Athena did end up at UMWC’s medical school (her parents might want that, she figured - even though Johns Hopkins or Harvard or Geffen were all higher up, she’d stay here if it was needed) then there was a chance that they’d run into one another, still. “I suppose you will, although hopefully not too soon! We had a time of complete darkness, and that was a bit difficult, but I do not wish for winter in the middle of summer.” This entire conversation was incredibly normal. She was used to it, but there was something about Celeste that felt more natural than some of the other conversations she’d had. Maybe it was that even though she was meeting her for the first time technically, they had already connected a bit online and Athena did already know her sister. The shared interest in the medical field didn’t hurt, nor did the fact that Celeste was certainly not fae. “I’m sure they will,” she said with a quick nod. “You have a good sense of awareness, it’ll serve you well here. The landmarks method is a good way to go about it, it allows you to figure out where places are from any point. Also, don’t even mention it, I’m more than happy to be able to help out and to finally meet you. Good deeds do indeed, and the world certainly needs more of that.”  
“Warmer, sunnier, more hip if that’s still what the kids are saying. Way less mimes,” Celeste answered with a laugh. Of all the things in White Crest, she found she hated the mimes most of all. With a wide smile, she said, “Thank you, Athena. I appreciate it.” The prospect of being able to settle in a place and beginning to build a real life both excited and terrified her. Still, it’d be nice to pursue something she was actually passionate about and never have to ask another person how they wanted their eggs. The mention of the complete darkness made her laugh lightly. “Yes, definitely don’t want winter too soon. I’d like to enjoy the summer weather.” Though she figured she’d opt from going swimming anywhere in White Crest. It seemed almost inevitable something would try to eat her and that wasn’t her idea of summer fun. She looked over the Admissions building, still slightly filled with nerves to get this journey started before turning back to Athena. “Thank you. I agree with you, landmarks and being aware of your surroundings truly help. I think I could actually find this building again. It truly was great meeting you. Once Ariana and I get settled back into our home, you’ll have to come by for dinner and games some night. Enjoy your day, Athena!” With a final wave, she made her way into the Admissions Building feeling more hopeful than she had in a long time.
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manggojooz · 6 years ago
Take My Hands Now (Part 3)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
word count: 2,076
genre: drama
summary: You were born with a condition that allowed you to feel the pain someone else was going through when you touched them. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked like he could not be any less bothered with other people’s feelings and was a well known playboy of the school. One night, at a party, while he attempted to turn you into his toy for the night, he grabbed your hand and pain crashed through you, making you wonder whether behind the facade of this pleasure seeker, he could also be hiding something.
warnings: fainting? if i say anymore it might be spoiler =( but it’s all PG stuff... 
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“Since when were you friends with Jeon Jungkook”, Namjoon questioned you.  
“Since never? If you guys hadn’t abandoned me by myself during the party, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“What happened?”, a very confused Mirae was asking with a mouth full of udon.  
“Nothing...”, you wanted the conversation to stop.  
“Yeah right. Jeon Jungkook, famous for not giving a shit about any girl in school, walked up to you in lecture today to talk to you that way. I am sure nothing happened alright”, Namjoon was needlessly sarcastic about it.  
“How would I know what is wrong with him? I just spoke to him for like two minutes at the party!”, your voice was crescendo-ing louder.
“Ooh, someone has a crush on Y/N~”. Mirae was so not helping. Both Namjoon and you turned to look at her with bewilderment, Namjoon still having udon hanging from his mouth.  
This was Jeon Jungkook she was talking about, he who would not bat an eyelid at womanising the most sought-after girls in school and then dumping them on the roadside like used toys.  
“The only thing he is crushing is someone’s heart, that’s for sure”, Namjoon spat at Mirae.  
“Ok ok! I’m sorry. You look like you are about to spit all that udon into my face.  
But what if he just wanted to be friends? Heard he’s super rich too. Maybe he just needed a friend in that lecture?” shrugged Mirae. Trust her to always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, how would you have become friends with her otherwise?  
“Just stay away from him, Y/N. Guys like this are never just out to ‘make friends’. Anyway, aren't you going to be late for your part time job?” Thank goodness Namjoon changed the topic.  
You counted yourself very lucky because you managed to get a part time job at the bookstore in the nearby mall. It’s one of the jobs that really had minimal physical contact with anybody.  
The store was quiet as usual, with only a few patrons. You liked to people-watch while working. By looking at the type of books they picked up or the genre of music they were choosing from, you imagined to yourself what kind of life each person led. Today, there was just a girl who looked like she was also a university student, another lady who was pregnant and an elementary school boy.
But your thoughts were elsewhere. As you were arranging the books on the shelves, your mind drifted back to the queer “confrontation” in the lecture theatre.  
“I’m not ok. What are you going to do about it?”  
Why was he telling you that? Oh right, because you asked. But still, why was he telling you that now?  
You were glad the lecturer came in right on cue to save you from answering the pointed question, but it definitely looked like Jungkook was intent on getting an answer from you. How you regret now what you had asked him previously.  
Breaking your moment of regret was the school boy who came up to ask if you could help him look for a book – “The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh”. It didn’t take you too long to locate it for him in the children’s section. The cover of the book intrigued you and so you picked up another one, randomly flipping to a passage:  
“Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet" said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice.
"We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay."
Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself.”  
As you grew up you have always wondered that as well. Everyone looked like they were ok, but are they really?  
Back in high school, Namjoon was the class president. He was the smartest kid in school and his family was sufficiently well off. He was like the model high schooler, like he had everything.  
Namjoon had come over to your desk one day to ask if you were going for the school camp and you meekly said you would rather not.  
You still remember vividly how he squatted down to meet your eye level before saying, “I know it may be hard for you, but I think you can try to make friends with the rest. If it helps, I will be there with you”, he smiled and gently rested his hands on your shoulder. That contact quickly sent hundreds of tiny pricks through your arms. You winced and pushed away his hand. Namjoon looked at you with an unreadable expression but you knew he was definitely not pleased by your reaction.  
He didn’t talk to you for the next few days and you thought to yourself, “This was how it would turn out to be every time anyway.” You never tried to explain it to anyone, because it never felt like anyone was interested in listening. Until that afternoon.  
Mirae was in another class and they had an activity going on so you were sitting alone on one of the benches waiting for her to be done. Namjoon came over to you and sat down resolutely.  
“I’m sorry if I offended you that day by insisting you go for the camp. If I made you uncomfortable in any way, you can just go ahead and let me know. I won’t take offence. Just want to make sure that you are alright”, he said.  
There was no doubt your class picked the right guy as the president.    
“I wasn’t offended. I know this is going to sound very strange...”, you said hesitantly and after taking a deep breathe, you continued, “I can feel your pain when you touched me, it’s a condition I have since I was a child and...”, you were carefully studying Namjoon’s expressions.  
You never knew if people would judge you for who you were but you felt like if it were to be anyone, you’d like to try and see if Namjoon would be accepting.  
Namjoon looked puzzled and started to frown a little. You were mentally prepared, after all, this would not be the first time someone labelled you “weird”, “socially awkward” or an “attention seeker”.  
“Wait... how do you... so you feel... so you mean when I touched your shoulder that day, you felt pain?”
And that was the story of how you grew closer to Namjoon, because you were the only one who saw him beyond the polished exterior and he was the one patient and understanding enough to figure out what was wrong with you. 
His mother was a serious case of a perfectionist and somewhat of a control freak. She had his life all planned out for him, which as he grew to have his own dreams and ambitions, he started to detract from. Essentially, he was under immense pressure to live a life he didn’t enjoy, a life made up of her standards and wants. 
That was also the story of how you found out that maybe your condition wasn’t always a curse. Others can only see what someone may be willing to show them, but you, you could feel the things that most people wanted to hide.  
“Aren’t you a little too old for that book?”
You turned around to find Jungkook’s dark eyes staring down at you, it’s the third time but it never fails to send shivers down your spine.  
“What are you doing here?”, you asked while looking around wondering if this was possibly a hallucination.  
“Came to look for my dad. And so, you work here? Part timer?”
“You came to look for your dad here? In the book shop?”  
“I came to look for him here, in the mall. My family owns this mall, you already knew that right? So technically, I’m your landlord”, and he took one step closer with you backing up against the bookshelf. “But do you notice that you have never once answered any of my questions?”  
Your senses were on red alert with the proximity he tried to put the both of you in and you absolutely had no idea his family owned this freaking mall. Before he could trap you further between himself and the bookshelf, a commotion broke out at the music section. The pregnant lady was now sitting on the floor and calling out for help.  
You dashed past Jungkook; the store manager and you converged to check on her. Horror dawned on you both when it was clear that she was going into labour. The store manager immediately rushed to call an ambulance and to alert the mall staff while instructing you to stay and help her. But, help her, how?!  
Yes, you had watched lots of medical dramas but no, this is not something you knew how to deal with. You knelt down next to her as she let out loud wails, one of her hands clenching onto the shelf so hard that her knuckles were fully white. Her face starting to be immersed in her sweat, hair sticking to her cheeks. You tried to help her pace her breathing, the only thing you learnt from the dramas, and kept reassuring her that everything was going to be fine, the ambulance will be here in no time.  
Another bout of contractions led her to scream out again in pain and she instinctively grabbed the only living thing closest to her – you. The moment her hand clutched yours, you immediately understood why giving birth was scientifically rated the most painful thing in the world, and without the maternal hormones boosting pain tolerance, you passed out from the shock.  
When you came to, you were lying on one of the beds in the A&E section of the hospital. Jungkook and your store manager were both next to you.  
“Oh good, you are up. They did a check on you and said they couldn’t find anything wrong. If you are ok, I will go check on the lady now”, your store manager rattled off and it took your blurry mind half a minute to process that before you replied, “yeah sure, go ahead.”  
You sat up on the bed trying to grasp the situation and Jungkook’s staring was making you very uncomfortable.
“Part-timer, do you know how much trouble I went through because of you?”, he was leaning back into the chair he sat on and his arms was folded as usual in front of his chest.  
You were absolutely not interested to know at that moment.  
“As a token of appreciation, you really should answer at least one of my questions. Why does it seem like whenever someone touches you something will happen to you? Do you feel something when they touch you? What is it?”
He looked at you in anticipation of an answer.
“Y/N”, you muttered your name to him.  
“What?”, said Jungkook.  
“That’s my name. You told me to answer one of your questions and you asked me for my name the other night. So stop calling me ‘part-timer’ or ‘new face’ or whatever it was”, you replied defiantly. He was the last person you wanted to share your condition with and you were still having a hard time pulling yourself together.  
Jungkook’s expression turned colder.  
“If this is how you would like to play it then I guess I will just try to figure this out myself”, he spoke with determination as he grabbed both of your hands.  
You struggled to free your hands from him but his grip was strong and there it was, the dull pulsating feeling through your chest. It could have been slightly different from the last time, you couldn’t really pin point it, but it still made you feel nauseous, as if every wall was closing on you and every light was going out. You started to tear up.  
“Stop it... let go!”, you yelled at him.  
He released your hands after a long while and you were staring down at the bed sheets, tear drops staining the untarnished whiteness. You looked up at him, feeling angry and violated.  
With some despicability, a hint of excitement and mostly realisation, Jungkook said with a raised eyebrow, “Y/N, are you ok? Or should I say, is either one of us really ok?”  
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years ago
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Freed up some time, actually!  Gonna blog the new pages of HS^2.  Liveblogging resume...
FYI, the post I glimpsed that alerted me to the fact that new pages exist had a translucent screenshot of Brain Ghost Dirk on it, so I know that at least is in store for me.  Makes sense; a way to involve Dirk’s voice obnoxiously heavily even when he’s too far away to narrate.  And ties into this... chapter(?) name, of course.  Chapters, huh?
> CHAPTER 1. Ghostflusters
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God. Damnit.
Could we NOT???  No?
Fuck you, Dirk.  I blame you for this.
So we have greenery, a can-city and Sburb-legal human house mix... some sorta cow-looking thing from far away in the front yard...
The void resounds. Space seizes and warps as the bounds of relevance erode away to nothing but the wishful nostalgia of times passed. There is a hole in the middle of the universe, and it is hungry.
All very literally true.
But the denizens of this particular iteration of Earth C don’t know it. All of this is just business as fucking usual for a planet plagued by war, continuous inclement ghost weather, and the general malaise of being absolutely severed from canon.
--oh, FUCK.  This isn’t the new planet, this is Candy timeline Earth.  I didn’t wanna come back here!  :C
I guess that explains most of the content warnings.  Except fucking ALCOHOLISM.  Gee, thanks for adding THAT to the Candy timeline, as if it wasn’t fucked over enough!!!  Bluh.
I thought the closing lines of the Epilogue were that after RoboDave, Aradia and alt!Callie dove out of the Candyverse inside the singularity, the black-hole timelines and Dirk’s presumably-still-”relevant” nonsense weren’t going to collide with each other again?  So... why are we seeing this?  Is there going to be MORE influence like that, and the ending line was just fancy-talk?  Is it just an irrelevant little follow-up to Candy to show things turning out okay or pseudo-okay, like an epilogue to the epilogue?  Or is some of this Dirk nonsense presumably within the bounds of some sort of canon going to still have some last bit of influence on this so-called non-canon timeline?
That last one would make sense, given that it echoes how Homestuck^2′s dubious canonicity would still have definite influence on fanworks outside of canon.  Right?
Let me pull that last line from the epilogues again--
...where’s the Epilogues’ log, this is getting kind of hard to find with all their reorganization... fuck, I had to guess at the URL even.  Here we go, the last page of Meat...
The hole leaves behind an absence in the sky so calm that continuing to call it a sky wouldn’t seem to do it justice. It’s a perfectly neutral expanse into which anything one can imagine might be summoned. And for a while, anything was. But not anymore. Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
...Right.  This implies that Canon and Non-Canon shall never meet again.  BOTH ways.  Doesn’t quite gel with the fact that we’re cutting back here--
This is about Jake and Brain Ghost Dirk isn’t it.  I noticed his name down further on the page.  THAT’S why we’re cutting back here.
So, Canon and Non-Canon aren’t exactly meeting... not for anything relevant, anyway.  But we’re using Candy Jake’s visibility of Brain Ghost Dirk to get a better idea of Dirk’s broader self and plans through a splinter of him?  While getting another glimpse into how the post-epilogue Candy timeline is going for our, er... “curiosity”?  Is that it?
Hm.  I guess that doesn’t count as the twain “meeting”... I’ll just keep reading now.
They spend their days absorbed in the petty and pointless pursuits of “having jobs” and “raising families” and “falling in love”.
Is this Dirk’s narrator voice?  This sounds like something the current megalomaniacal Dirk would say.
I’m not going to quote the rest of the text’s further reminders of how Jane has been made into an absolutely fucked-over asshole in every timeline except the one where she grew old to open a Joke shop, adopt Dad, die, get prototyped and timeline-doubled, then mysteriously disappear from any mention in the Epilogues as if the Sprites were just forgotten about completely eventually.
> (==>)
Oooh, using the less-relevance-surrounding-parens that were used on retconned ghost!Vriska back in Homestuck proper to denote our presence in the non-canon Candy timeline? How handy!
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Not a far-away cow, then.
John has been an incredible pal, opening up his home to Jake and his son on such short notice, and even offering him a pair of pants, as well as a shirt that he has so far neglected to put on.
Alright, that got a chuckle from me.
John’s house doesn’t have air conditioning.
What the flying fuck.
...Ah, John’s been away patching things up with Roxy some more, I presume.
It, like the rest of his assets, is in her name. She’d seen to that as soon as they were married.
Life players and assets, huh?  Always gotta be hoggin’ em.
He hasn’t seen much of Tavros today either, but that’s not unusual. He’s probably out with his kismesis, the one he thinks Jake doesn’t know about.
Huh.  Maybe Candy’s young Vriska?  Couldn’t get the real Tavros with your main self, so your alternate nigh-clone self settled with a human by the same name?  Or one of the other kids we heard of from this ‘verse..?
> (==>)
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Jake’s hot man-bod cropped out of this image to avoid titillating my readers too much.
(Tumblr keeps jumping back to the top of my post after I add images and I keep thinking the title reads “Ghostfuckers”.)
Jake washes the dirt out from under his fingernails, and his eyes fall on the bottle still sitting on the counter. John had opened it, but together they’d barely touched the stuff. Jake had promised him and Tavvy he’d dry up his act and all, but... well.
God damnit.  If this is still Dirk-voiced narration -- I’m not sure it can be, now I think about it, as he’s supposed to be “out of range” or something, unless non-canon is just malleable like that, which wouldnt be surprising (or Dirk’s splinter’s presence allows it) -- he could literally be inducing or writing in Jake’s drinking problem just to hurt him more.  You can’t really put an overstep that assholish past Prince Dirk the way he’s gotten to be.
There was another ask in my inbox insisting that Dirk wasn’t going to stay the true villain here, if only as some sort of karmic revenge for declaring his self-importance... but I still don’t think that’s the case.  For one, Dirk HASN’T declared himself the villain... he still can’t see how fucked-up and unjustified his trampling over of everyone’s wills IS.  Shadows of recognition... but not really.  He really honestly believes he has the fucking RIGHT to do what he’s doing.
(Which is, incidentally -- to answer another ask -- why there’s basically NO chance that Rose has some sort of control or recognition of her situation under the surface, and is playing Dirk, as another person hopefully surmised.  No.  She really IS being unknowingly steered away from personal growth and recognition of the thought-control she’s under... because nothing less could feel as horrible to us.)
Part of the entire POINT of Homestuck and its Riddle was to show that these crazy kids, if they put their wills to it, always had the potential to be the literal Gods of the world around them.  That when ordinary people grasp the will and drive to shape the world around them, they can turn everything back from the brink of destruction... or vice versa.  Thus, it’s only appropriate that a player from this game could become a villain more disgusting than any we’d imagined in the series so far.  What he’s been doing -- writing twisted sorrow directly into the lives and experiences of those around him, nurturing their worst, most power-hungry tendencies (Rose) and deceiving them more directly than Doc Scratch (who was PART Dirk) ever did, making a JOKE of their free will in a more terribly direct way than ANY have been shown onscreen to do?? It IS, and is MEANT to be, the worst we have EVER seen in Homestuck.  Not as clumsy and from-the-outside as Lord English, but just as blatantly direct.  Not as easy to ignore or mistake as Doc Scratch’s horrible, intentional Prince-of-Hearty worsening of the players, instead just as impossible to gloss-over as it is to bear witness to.  That very TITLE, “Prince of Heart”, can embody the very ANTITHESIS of the Ultimate Riddle itself, robbing EVERYONE of their ability to shape not just the world around them, but even so much as themselves or their very thoughts.  When used the way Dirk is using it RIGHT NOW, anyway.  And his ambition is to impose this on all of Paradox Space.
There COULD be another villain, later.  But I can’t imagine a single one more appropriate.  And Andrew’s just the type to use one of the Striders, both practically self-inserts of parts of his personality and presence, as that ultimate villain to be overcome in a story about escaping Canon, too.
Turning his ex into an alcoholic just for his own self-satisfaction?  In a side timeline where Jake didn’t even try a relationship with him again and finally had a chance to grow up happy in SOME universe?  I wouldn’t put it past him, and you shouldn’t either.
Moving on.
> (==>)
Eugh.  I just... don’t want to think about him being an alcoholic on TOP of everything else.  As if there wasn’t enough to deal with in Candy already.
> (==>)
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> (==>)
The jungle air is heavy, humid, and familiar. Twenty years on and the thick drag into his lungs settles on him in a blanket of nostalgia, reassuring in its discomfort.
Hm.  Is this his fantasy, or a view of him in another timeline?
He is deeper in the jungle than he’d ever venture in his waking hours. There were places on his island that not even his Gran would tread, and she’d been the bravest person he’d ever known.
Hmm.  So he even knows it’s a dream, but is still in control...
Jake doesn’t recognize anything. The jungle of his dreams is wild and unknown, and there are things moving in the dense undergrowth.
...Hhhuh.  Still not sure what to think of this yet.
A sudden wind thrashes the canopy. There are pine needles in his mouth. There aren’t any pine needles in the jungle.
Very Dream, then.
> (==>)
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> (==>)
> (==>)
JAKE: Yes you are i know that much. I saw your body! I carried your coffin chock full of all those stupid fucking swords! DIRK: Nope. JAKE: Dont nope me mister!
They would pile all those shitty swords into his coffin, yeah.
Anyway, now to see how much Prince Dirk is in this Dirk.  And if he’s in one mind with himself or has the slightest chance of feeling rebellious.
JAKE: I know a dead dirk when i see one! DIRK: Sure you do. But that wasn’t me. Are you really surprised to find out I got a couple of spares? JAKE: So what youre saying is you arent my dirk. DIRK: ...That is a whole ‘nother conversation that we really don’t have time for, pertaining to exactly who or what ‘your dirk’ actually constitutes. DIRK: Do you mean the Dirk from your timeline? DIRK: Then yes, that Dirk is dead. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you fucked and then ghosted, no, I’m not your Dirk. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you felt closest to, that you really knew--
...well, this Dirk still knows how to be a presumptuous, pushy creep.  :(
JAKE: Ahhh! Brain ghost dirk! DIRK: In the ghosty flesh. JAKE: Crumbs bro where have you been? JAKE: I could have used someone on my side! JAKE: You just disappeared one day without even the odd toodaloo to mark your passing! DIRK: That isn’t strictly true. I did disappear, but it was in a catastrophic blaze of hope-drenched pathos. I even threw out a couple one-liners. DIRK: But you wouldn’t remember that. JAKE: Because...it was a different dirk? DIRK: No, a different Jake.
Hhhuh.  So in the claymation-reproduced Lord English stagefight -- or, maybe more likely, the pre-retcon Aranea-induced Game Over timeline -- he was too washed out by hopesplosions to manifest properly?
DIRK: Until recently there’s been a shortage of ambient narrative relevance for Dirks, since one particular motherfucker has been sucking it all up like a thirsty little twink at his first interspecies rave.
Hm!  So Prince Dirk has been making it so other splinters of himself have really limited ability to influence, huh?  Guess that’s a sort of price for the narrative-hijacking power he’s attained.  Wonder how this Dirk really feels about that.
> (==>)
--Pff.  He’s certainly not shy about letting Jake know he shouldn’t trust him, though!  That’s a good sign.
I’ll split the post here for a bit.  Seems we’re about halfway through this upd8 from the look of the log.
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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QUINN FABRAY is 24 YEARS OLD and she is a TALENT ACQUISITION MANAGER in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. She is living in Apt 226. She is portrayed by princess DIANNA AGRON and unfortunately for you her role is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) intelligent, independent, loyal
( – ) manipulative, elitist, calculating
The ghost of Grace Kelly, Quinn Fabray is the epitome of glamor and poise. She’s got a traditional beauty and an influential family name that has given her the kind of easy life that others could only dream of. But behind all that outward charisma lies someone who is tactful, aware, and often manipulative. She is calculating and she knows exactly the kind of advantages she has and she’s not unwilling to use and abuse those advantages in her favor. She’s used to a certain high status of living and she lives to maintain that. Evident by her Yale graduate degree in business administration with a focus on music business. She works within Talent Acquisition for a fiery indie record label - rewarding her with a practical and well paying career in an industry that is simultaneously cutthroat and "eat or be eaten." She adores her job and the way the excitement of it burns low in her belly.
Quinn comes from old money - from a family name that spans over decades of respect and power. With that family name comes certain expectations. Expectations that her family, loving as they are, have ensured their children uphold. And though she is happy to uphold this cultivated image, she can't help but feel well....bored. She can’t shake the need for some excitement in her life. Something more than the poised Sunday brunches and monthly dinner parties. She's got the undercurrent of a rebellious streak below the glamour that she loves to tap into. Whether or not Quinn will be able to get her her need to keep her life looking perfect on the outside and live the life she truly desires remains a mystery.
♛ While her parents have expressed how proud they are of Quinn's ambition and supportive of her desire for career growth, they have also not so subtly been pushing her towards marriage. Whenever she is invited to some gala or dinner party by her parents she can always expect to be introduced to yet another stiff business buff. Quinn entertains them and works her charms on them, if only just to appease her parents, but she knows that she's in no way ready to settle down.
♛ Quinn adores her friends. She may place a great deal of importance on maintaining a cool and unblemished public perception, but her relationships with those she cares about will always come first. That includes her siblings and parents even with how frustrating they can sometimes be. She is particularly close and protective of her mother - of who Quinn knows is unhappy in her marriage to her father. It's never spoken about out loud but everyone in the family knows of her father's infidelity. It's quite the scandal - all whispers and rumors and while Quinn does love her father she hates that her mom is essentially powerless. She has sworn to herself that she'll never let herself be in a similar situation. Which explains her tendency to withholding and reserved while in relationships.
♛ Quinn was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where there is a church on every block. She left Georgia when she received her acceptance letter to Yale in New Haven, Connecticut. Her family eventually followed suit, relocating to New York, where both her older sisters also live, in order to be closer to their daughters.
↳HUNTER CLARINGTON: HUNTER looks for nothing less than the best. He wants to achieve in all walks of his life and right now he’s successful, he has an amazing apartment, and a substantial income. However, one thing that’s missing is a nice girl to take home to his parents. And there’s only one person who he thinks could fulfill that role: Quinn Fabray. They’ve been long time friends - both of their fathers having worked together for the same company. In fact, their families have been trying to not so subtly set them up together for some time. He’s tried asking her out on a date before but so far it’s been fruitless. Quinn has obviously thought about it (he IS gorgeous after all) but she’s still been itching for that little bit of rebellion and she’s unsure if Hunter is going to give that to her. Though, he isn’t planning on giving up quite yet.
↳SAM EVANS: Quinn has had her eye on Sam for quite some time. He lives a couple doors down from her and he just has this likable and slightly rugged quality about him that’s hard for her to not like. She loves to flirt with him and even more she lives the attention he gives her in return. Perhaps it’s because she knows he’s exactly the kind of person that would not please her uptight parents that makes her excited to talk to him everyday. Or maybe it’s just because she adores the way he flirts right back. Either way - she has no intention of it going any further than just a flirtmance…at least right now.
↳SEBASTIAN SMYTHE:  Sebastian’s right hand girl would definitely have to be Miss Quinn Fabray. She’s full of elegance and grace and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it charming. He can appreciate a beautiful girl as much as anyone (after all he’s, to the core, a lover of all pretty things) and she’s absolutely great at reeling in all the other pretty boys and girls in when he’s looking for some bait. And he has got to say…she’s good at it too. Not only do the perks of being friends with blondie mean more respect points from Blaine Anderson but he also thoroughly enjoys her company. She’s a bright girl and a little harsh/judgmental at times which makes her company all the more fun.
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douxreviews · 6 years ago
Star Trek: Discovery - ‘The Red Angel’ Review
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Spock, to Burnham: "Perhaps you simply have a penchant for the dramatic."
By nature I love brevity: A serviceable 'moving parts' episode that gets us from Point A to Point B, and does it in a way that's often entertaining to watch. Quiet and subdued, building to an exciting climax that mostly works.
And the Red Angel is...
To the great bereavement of all, not Patrick Stewart in a lobster costume as a backdoor pilot to the Picard show.
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All joking aside, I... think I like the big reveal? Maybe? To be sure, I am tired of the big mystery character being revealed to be a parent of the main character. It's absolutely a trope, and it often leads to recycled and stagnant storytelling. I do think it can done well, however, as it instantly injects emotion into a character dynamic without having to build the characters' interactions from the ground up. It all depends on how well the show uses it. Whether or not they will do a good job with this storyline remains to be seen.
I do think the writers are hitting their stride, though, and it definitely shows. The stories have suddenly been slowed down to the right pace, which improves the show by leaps and bounds. Part of this is perhaps the direction, which was fittingly subdued and understated here, but I think that even from that standpoint, having far less story to cram into an hour is helpful. 'The Red Angel' has time to spend on its key interactions, like 'If Memory Serves' and 'Project Daedalus' before it, and the show is far better for it.
That said, some of those interactions are better than others. I still don't believe a single thing that comes out of Shazad Latif's mouth, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the purpose was behind Georgiou's scene with Stamets and Culber. On the better side of things, I liked the reconciliation scene between Burnham and Nhan, and I thought Spock's conversation with Burnham was good, if a little bit of an abrupt shift from their dynamic last week.
Leland and Georgiou are on the side of the angels this week (no, wait, they want to capture the Angel? I'm confused), with a few caveats. The first of these is the big secret that Leland tasked Burnham's parents with Project Daedalus, and that his actions indirectly got them killed. I'm not sure why Leland would think that Burnham needed to know this for the mission, however, unless he knew that the Angel was Burnham's mom. Wait, did he? Huh. In any event, the moment that I guessed the Angel's identity was in that scene, when Burnham told him what her parents were, and Leland said her mother was also a great engineer.
How Burnham processes this revelation is interesting. Her guilty perspective was, as Spock put it, 'a child's understanding,' but she was still living with that childish mindset. And her reaction to the news was emotionally quite childish. At first, she denied it and provided counter-evidence that showed her naïveté about the situation. In that scene, Sonequa Martin-Green's performance reminded me so much of a child that I'm unsure if it was an intentional choice or not. Then, confronted with reality, she got mad and expressed her anger by lashing out at anybody and everybody related to the situation, whether they were responsible like Leland, or not responsible like Tyler. It was only after Spock came and forgave her that she was released from the childhood burden of her guilt and anger. When he did so, Martin-Green's face beautifully conveyed the lifting of a heavy weight from her shoulders.
Let's talk briefly about the plot, before we unpack what this episode may mean going forward. From the outset, it didn't make a whole ton of sense - admittedly, as time travel plots do. To be fair, I at least have a better sense of this plot than I did of Enterprise's utterly nonsensical Temporal Cold War, but certain elements of the time travel irked me. Although the problems worked themselves out from a story perspective with the reveal that the Angel is Burnham's mom, it still made no sense that the characters weren't seeing the obvious flaws in their plans. For one thing, if the Red Angel was Burnham, then she would know in the future everything that they were planning and therefore be prepared. Secondly, and perhaps worse, having Dr. Culber there to resuscitate Burnham if she dies completely invalidates the 'bait.' Nobody except for Spock seems to understand that the only way their plan works is if Burnham will actually be dead if the Angel doesn't show up. This bothered me the whole time that I was watching the episode.
So what does this mean going forward? Disco now has the Red Angel, who is Burnham's biological mother, trapped on the planet. But something fishy is going on with the Section 31 ship, as evidenced by Leland getting The Phantom-ed. Could this be Control taking, er, control of Leland's 31 ship? It certainly seems that way, especially since the voice actor who recorded that line from the computer is credited as 'Control Computer.' As this show seems to be ready to start slowing down for meaningful conversations, I think we will see Burnham and her mother work out some of their emotional issues and baggage next episode. I suspect Stamets and Culber will do the same, as they will be trapped down there as well. How Georgiou and Spock will figure in is anybody's guess, but I don't think it's an accident which characters are left on the planet at the end of this episode.
Strange New Worlds:
Essof IV was a testing site for Project Daedalus. Its inhospitable conditions rendered the planet's surface unlivable, so the researchers built a facility to control the environment.
New Life and New Civilizations:
No new species or creatures in this episode.
-Good funeral scene at the beginning, that did the Wrath of Khan parallel a little bit but didn't overdo it.
-So, if the Federation and the Klingons were so close to developing time travel, why don't they all have it and use it regularly in the rest of Star Trek? The Temporal Prime Directive isn't until way later.
-The theme of faith has been lost in the shuffle here. We'll see how it ties in as the season draws closer to its end.
-Leland said they needed a time crystal for the Red Angel suit. That's the same thing that was in Mudd's time loop device in 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad' last season.
-Another chance for Cornwell to use her therapy background. I like that her profession is a consistent and recurring aspect of her character.
-There was a very interesting and important-feeling shot of Sara Mitich's character Lt. Nilsson taking Airiam's place on the bridge. Sara Mitich played Airiam in season one. Huh.
-Burnham was on a roll with her impressions this week, doing the bug-eyed look of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at one point (please note: no political statement is to be ascribed to this joke about a famous person's most distinguishing facial feature) and her best Nicholas Cage 'not the bees' when she was exposed to the atmosphere of Essof IV.
-Hanelle M. Culpepper directed this episode, as well as last season's well-liked 'Vaulting Ambition.' She will direct the first two episodes of the Picard series.
-Happy Talk Like William Shatner Day for anyone reading this on the 22nd! What's your favorite Shatner line delivery?
Tilly: "Some people choose to live their lives as if nothing is a miracle."
Georgiou: "I was thinking you might be smarter than the Stamets I knew. You're also much more neurotic. Have you considered medication?"
Tilly: "What just happened?" I'm with her on this one.
Admiral Cornwell: "Love is a choice, Hugh, and one doesn't just make that choice once. You make it again and again." Whew. Almost had this one as my opening quote.
Spock: "I do wish I'd been there when you struck him. I believe I would have found the moment... satisfying."
4 out of 6 lobster costumes.
CoramDeo doesn't like to lose
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blackaquokat · 6 years ago
64 & 87 william and celine? ♡
A/N: My first Willene Prompt ever! Thank you, Nonny!
64. “Whathappened back there?”
87. “You’reso adorable.”
William had never been under any illusion as to who exactlyCeline is.
She’s manipulative. She’s callous. She stops at nothing toget what she wants. Her ambitions are boundless in a world where only lockedgates and roadblocks await her.
She’s his best friend’s sister.
She’s the love of his life.
She’s the wife of hisother best friend.
He received news of that last piece of information while hewas overseas and he can honestly say that particular letter hurtworse than the bullet he took to the hip later that week.
(They had never made any promises to one another, onlystolen glances and hands that hold one another a little too long to be called “friendly,” and yet the betrayal hit him with bone-deep pain that keeps him up at night even after all this time.)
But it’s been so many years since that day and so much haschanged.
For example, William no longer considers Celine’s husband tobe his best friend.
Sticking a bill on time spent together tends to sourfriendships, even one as tightly knit as his and Mark’s once was.
The thing is…William is pretty sure Mark still thinks theyare friends. And somehow that makes it worse.
He bursts from Mark’s office one late evening and ends upout on the back patio, sitting under the gazebo. He’s not quite sure how he ended up here, but it doesn’t really matter at the moment.
“You still owe me fromlast month, William. Do you ever plan on paying me back?”
Like the bastard doesn’t have enough money to feed a smallcountry.
“What happened back there?”
William sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. It’s likeCeline has a third eye specifically for times when he wants to punch herhusband in the face. “I haven’t been able to work off my debts,” he sayssimply.
She’s standing by the door and he finally dares to look ather. Her bright eyes are narrowed. “Do I need to talk to him?”
Oh, what William would pay to hear that conversation.
“I don’t think so. The old bag of bones would probably upthe bill out of spite.”
She rolls her eyes. “He’s been so cheap lately, abouteverything but his party functions. I don’t understand what’s changed…”
Neither does William. When he came back from overseas, Markhad given him enough money to get back on his feet, especially after months andmonths of not being able to find a job. With every financial roadblock Williamhad come across as a military man with little prospects, Mark always jumped infirst to help him.
But sometime last year…well, that’s when Mark startedpulling out check stubs and demanding recompense, without a warning.
And now…William feels like everything is about to crumble.
“Doesn’t matter, I suppose,” he contemplates aloud. “I’lleither pay the man back or live to serve for the rest of my life. I’ll be athis beck and call so much, you may as well slap a metal bracelet on my wristand call me a genie.”
That actually gets Celine to laugh. Her fingers entwine withone another and hang in front of her. “You’re so adorable…and awful at the sametime. How do you do it?”
“Years of practice, my dear.”
Wait. He hadn’t meant to tack on the term of endearment.
Crumbling friendship or not, William has never had anyintention to get between Celine and Mark. He’s not that terrible of a person.
Celine is staring at him with an intensity that wraps aroundhis throat without remorse. She’s fiddling with her wedding band.
She seems to do that a lot lately. Usually when it’s just thetwo of them.
But William tries not to think about that too much.
He stands up from the fountain and hurries towards the door.“Well, I better get going then. Have to get a jumpstart on those payments!”
Celine grabs his elbow as he passes, stopping him in place.
“Don’t let him walk all over you,” she says. “Or he’ll neverrespect you again.”
He doesn’t want to think about how she learned that.
William chuckles bitterly. “Oh, my dear. I think we’re wellpast that.”
He pulls out of her grasp and leaves the premises.
He doesn’t see Celine find her way to the balcony so she canwatch him go.
He doesn’t see her contemplative look as he climbs into hiscar and drives off.
He definitely doesn’t see how she stares at her wedding ring,as if wondering what is keeping it on her finger in the first place.
Angst/FluffPrompt List: Send me a number and a pairing!
@starcrossedforever87 , @dontworryaboutanything , @beereblogsstuff , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @axolittle-boi , @falseroar , @intemperantiae , @ren-mon , @memetoyoko , @soul-wolf , @marki-dumb , @withjust-a-bite , @raimeyl
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illegalastrology111 · 6 years ago
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Planet: Jupiter Sign:  Sagittarius Date:   November 8th 2018 - December 2nd 2019
With Jupiter in your house of expansion, good luck, travel, opportunity, study, optimism and freedom, you are benefited with an especially positive cycle to reach beyond your current limits, to excel.   Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house its natural “home”.  Therefore, you can’t make excuses about not being given the chance to make big things happen this year.    
The more you have the “eyes to see” potential at your disposal, the more successful you’ll be.   Taking up a course of study to enhance your talents wouldn’t be a bad idea either, in conjunction with travel, reaching out to meet new people, especially form other cultures, will bring opportunity of some kind  .Legal matters could also come to the forefront this year either from you or others, but you will be involved for sure.
At the same time you may decide to move abroad or at least to a new location, further away from you current place of living.  Think very carefully before you do this, especially during Jupiter retrograde, April 10th - August 11th.  Use this cycle to contemplate your next move but not to actually put it into action, until Jupiter moves forward.
Once Jupiter moves into your 10th house of career, goals, ambition, authority and power,  December 2nd, you should be ready for recognition to come your way, assuming you’ve made the right moves up to this point.  During this Jupiter transit, career change is likely.  But more about that later.
Ultimately you must have faith in Self and believe the impossible can be made possible, courtesy of Jupiter in Sagittarius, Yes, the sky is the limit.
The good fortune of the Jupiter/Sagittarius transit will only happen if you make a concerted effort to get rid of people, situations and things that are holding you back from growing, learning and overall progress.  The past still haunts you in some capacity, keeping you bound by tradition, habits and certain behaviors.  Because Jupiter falls in the house of joint financial partnerships, karma, the past, the hidden, secret enemies, endings, the occult, destruction, rejuvenation and regeneration, you must tread with extreme care  when dealing with others.  Jupiter will “shine a light” on secret enemies.  You must pay very close attention to them and jealous friends who harbor resentment, waiting for you to fail with your ambitions or make mistakes.      First you must assess whether or not people new and old have your best interests at heart and avoid giving them qualities they don’t have. You should be able to see and know who these individuals are as Jupiter is a “magnifying  glass” highlighting strengths/weaknesses, the good/bad.  
During this Jupiter cycle, you should be focused on making vast changes in job, hone, friends, lifestyle and commitments,   Plus there will be new people coming into your life to help and support, just choose with care.
For Taurus the best will manifest if you’re able to have an introspective reevaluation of Self and your intentions past, present and future. A retreat, fixing ip the home, repairing and restoring Self and things around you will help to generate positive energy for good luck and prosperity to come to fruition.  Bear in mind,  Karmic debts will need to be paid from you or from others this year and financial dealings that weren’t honest or forthright, dealt with. Best advice - learn your life lessons, so you don’t have to repeat them.    
Contractual agreements, partnerships, the public, open enemies, legal issues are the highlight  of Jupiter’s benevolence, for better or worse.  First, unique creative abilities at your disposal have the potential to bring  success when presented to the public, the right way.  How you choose to interact on this level will determine the outcome. In addition any legal matters begun during this cycle are likely to become public and not stay hidden and could expand to include a lot of other people.  Truth, honesty, proof and evidence will be key factors in whether you win or lose.
Bear in mind that any project/plan you embark upon, has potential for success if all the necessary pieces have been put together with care and attention.  If you treat others with kindness and respect they will return the same back to you and be willing to help where needed.  
Long-term partnerships/relationships will also fare well this year if there is mutual understanding between you and your partner and you  both continue to listen/communicate as much as possible.   If you’re not sure about something it’s best to ask and not assume.  
Jupiter also bestows its positive energy in the form of protection where needed, as long as you’re on the right side of Natural Law.   If you pay attention and avoid being the “ostrich with its head in the sand”, this particular Jupiter cycle will run daily smoothly. 
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Day to day employment is the area Jupiter will highlight the most.  Now is the time to consider career change or at least job change .  You can do better, if you could just see beyond what’s in front of you and stop settling for less than you deserve.   Look for a job that serves your needs and not just your employers.   Something connected to travel, teaching, health, animals, health/well-being, writing are other areas to look into.    If you’re really honest with Self you know it’s time to move on.
Health is also another area to pay attention to in particular diet/digestion.  There’s a strong possibility you could put on excess weight with Jupiter in this area of life too.    Jupiter expands, so you could find yourself eating too much of the wrong foods if you’re not careful.  
Spiritual health is also something to be aware of, which could help you have a clear picture of what exactly you want to to do for work/money.  Meditation, yoga, Tai-chi, or similar modalities are things to look into as well.
This Jupiter cycle is a year of remarkable ideas, meeting new people, a time to figure things out and come to a better understanding with Self and others. Contracts will need to be signed this year at some point, so you need to know exactly what it is you’re getting into and should ask the right person if you don’t know.  Now is when you should map and plan your way forward with  a journal by your side to write down the abundance of thoughts and ideas flowing your way.  A year to act and not get caught up in just talking.
With Jupiter in your house of risk, pleasure, childhood, creativity, ego and happiness, highlighting the best and worst of each character trait, you must be careful that the so-called good advice of people who claim to have your best interests at heart doesn’t lead you astray.   The tendency to take risks that do more harm than good is very high, so this is a cycle where self-awareness would really help to keep you out of trouble.   Ego massage will be prominent, used as means for others to get you to do what they want.   Success will come from being very picky and choosy of whom you allow into your “inner circle”.
Jupiter has the potential to bring opportunities to increase finances, travel, the chance to achieve your goals and desires. Over-indulgence or going to extremes should be avoided at all costs.  
Creativity is also  another area in which to excel during this transit.  If you can strive to increase current knowledge or learn a new talent, the rewards will be more than abundant.   Jupiter in this house magnifies your special abilities, especially ones you’ve carried with you since childhood.  Don’t be afraid to put them to good use.  
Lack of faith in Self is the thing to confront. To be more empowered, with a knowingness that you have latent qualities/talents waiting to be “tapped into”.  If you can muster the courage to leave behind people and situations that do little to bring positive energy into your life, the Universe will bring the luck you need to excel.
When Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, introspection is required of Self and what you’ve accomplished so far.  Look for weaknesses that you can change during this four month cycle and also how far you’ve come.   Maybe all that is required is for you to have a different approach of doing things differently, but either way, make use of this “downtime” to get things in order.
This year, Leo should avoid taking unnecessary risks without thinking things through or understanding exactly what you’re getting Self into.
Jupiter urges Virgo in the direction of expanding prosperity consciousness, in order for new financial opportunities to pour in.  First your foundation of life needs to be altered,  changed and restructured as much as possible. Wherever there is stagnation growth and expansion must occur, at least if you want certain hopes and wishes to come to fruition. Opportunities to travel, get involved in literary, publishing, working away from the home base, will present themselves throughout the Jupiter cycle.   During the retrograde cycle, dealings with family issues and re-organizing your home will be the focus, making improvements where you can, that will, in the not too distant future, make room for new opportunities, people etc.to come into your life.
Throughout the year women will feature prominently.  Whether these opportunities are good or not so good, you have to explore them to find out and at the same time learn how to use your instincts and discernment.
Family will also be in the spotlight.  You can expect many changes to happen as a result of this Jupiter transit. Good luck could also come through these changes.
As mentioned earlier, prosperity consciousness plays an important part on how things go for the rest of the year.   If you can see beyond your comfort zone, that there’s good luck and good fortune in taking a “leap of faith” into the unknown, understanding/believing the Universe is really abundant, doors will open and your life will most definitely be better off by the end of the year.
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Wealth of mind, body, spirit and Soul will garner remarkable ideas, which in turn will bring opportunity and good fortune during 2019.  Every idea you have is worth something, but needs to be guided towards the right direction for rewards to be reaped.   Jupiter is also the sign of protection, therefore all your business. projects and plans must be adequately protected to avoid them being “taken” by others.
The house that Jupiter is in, the third house, represents communication, short journeys, siblings, relatives, neighbors, business, projects, plans and ideas and study. Some areas will feature more than others, but all will play their part in your good luck this year.
The question is, how are you going to reap financial reward from the ideas you have.   There will be many chances provided to you for this to happen, however, it’s up to you to decide which one will be the most beneficial.   New people will come into your life to help you too, even if only for a brief moment.   This is the transit for you to figure things out carefully, understand your own motivations/intentions and that of others.
As communication is very much a focal point, writing things down, being in touch with people consistently is an important aspect of your success. Poor communication or lack of it, could result in a missed opportunity, therefore a good reason to make sure this is an important factor for you to remember, Dreams could be vivid, especially while Jupiter is retrograde, April 10th - August 11th, because this is an internal cycle, one of going back and over things already done.  Some of the information you receive can be used immediately, some of it later.  You’ll know which insights are for immediate action, because they’ll make the most sense.
Ultimately, appearance is another area that is highlighted this Jupiter cycle.   You must always present your best Self because you never know who is watching or who you’re going to meet.  Most of all the universe is around to help you make your ideas a reality.  Jupiter is a protector and will guide you to do the same for everything mentioned in the third house and of course, mind, body, spirit and Soul.
Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem will all be “tested’ by the Jupiter transit of good luck.   In your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, finances will increase if you are strong in your convictions of what needs to be done.  This especially applies when dealing with the public, literary, publishing, travel, higher education/consciousness, beliefs, contractual agreements and legal matters.   This is not a time to vacillate/procrastinate, but to be focused and determined in your objectives.   New partnerships are in the forefront. However, you must make sure the people involved are on the same page, as there is danger of individuals coming into your life with their own agenda and nothing more.   The seventh house that is the subject of the Jupiter transit, rules open enemies. Meaning, if you’re paying attention, it will be very obvious who has your best interests at heart and who doesn’t. 
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, you may not feel so confident that you’ll achieve your goals.  This is the way of the Universe urging you to be introspective and question why you feel the way you do. Is this a learned thought pattern you feel comfortable with?  You have the whole spring/summer to find out the answer.
Anything connected to women/family/home are also strong topics throughout the year.  
Jupiter will move into Capricorn December 2nd for one year, into your house of projects, plans, ideas, study, short journeys, communication, siblings and relatives.   As far as your ideas are concerned and communication, you may have to give these an overhaul during this particular cycle.   If by this time you haven’t had significant success with anything you’ve tried to accomplish up to this point, it’s a sign that whatever you’re trying to do is old and outdated.  This may require you to start from square one, but it will be worth it, if you listen and observe the signs around you, guiding you in a new direction.
With Jupiter in your sign, Sagittarius holds all the cards of good luck and good fortune for the year.    You have at your disposal, the support of the Universe to really go beyond your comfort zone in ways you never thought possible.   Creating new opportunities and expanding present involvements should be easy.  Positive energy is present for you to overcome, negotiate, prosper and succeed in creative ventures, even starting anew business is recommended.   If you want to enter the entertainment industry,  you’ll be well received, especially if your ideas are out-of-the-box.
If you have any long-standing disagreements or outstanding payments to be made or received, now is the time to settle and  “wipe the slate clean” ,before Jupiter moves into your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, December 2nd.
At the same time, underlying all this, is the issue of childhood memories/experiences, that need to be looked at and relinquished, While Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, because they’re in the way of your personal growth and progress.  You’ll know why they are when you hit a “brick wall” and can’t seem to move forward and/or fear, insecurity and doubt surface.  Retrograde are for the purpose of introspection and going over everything accomplished up to that point.
If you’re willing to learn a new talent that “stretches” your creativity to the limit, there’s no doubt it will pay-off very handsomely in the near future.  When Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your second house, of money, material possessions and self-worth December 2nd, you should start to see financial rewards coming your way for your efforts up to this point.   A chance to build a solid structure for your goals, restructure the old to make way for the new and be ahead of trends that could potentially garner recognition. If you reach for the stars you’ll make it.
This is your year Sagittarius, don’t f…k it up!
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When Jupiter moves into the 12th house of an individual’s birth chart, it’s a time for “cleaning house” and one’s life.   Capricorn is in this place now. Jupiter is a magnifying glass, highlighting the good and the bad.  For your sign the focus is work, projects, business, plans, ideas, communication, learning, siblings ad relatives.
Most importantly you have to be realistic with all of the above and clear with your intent.   There are those who have been in a and around your life that do not have your best interests at heart and hold you back.  Capricorn has to be able to  “see through the veil” with great discernment, in order to discard people and situations that are not the most positive.  
At the same time enlarging your belief system, spiritual practice and learning to avoid situations/people that lead to sorrow and self-undoing. Karmic debts will need to be repaid, whether from you or others.
When it comes to employment, there will be offers to travel, expand and/or start something new.  All opportunities must be explored whether er they work out or not.   You have to move forward with the Universe, in preparation for Jupiter moving into your sign December 2nd for one year.
If you can be realistic about plans and ideas for work and not get misled off on tangents, your Jupiter cycle will prove to be very beneficial.   Serving your needs and the needs of others is important and finding a way to “teach” others what you know and knowledge you’ve gained over the years, whether spiritual, physical or a combination of both.  Your voice must be heard.     Anything of a visual nature is also under very powerful stars.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself in the spotlight and let others see who you are and what you’re capable of doing. Also take care of your health/well-being, especially diet and digestion.
Your luck/fortune lies in your ability to constantly work towards moving out of darkness towards the light, on every level.  If you can accomplish this in 2019, 2020 will be the start of reaping rewards far beyond your dreams.
Your Jupiter cycle is one of the unexpected.   Sudden fortunate twists/turns of fate, cathartic changes/transformations that occur will later prove to be very fortunate.  Whatever is stagnant in your life will see the “winds of change” blowing away stagnation.  If you’ve been working diligently towards a particular hope/wish, the chances of it coming to fruition are very high this year.
New friends will be abundant, these individuals will only too willing to help, Everything that occurs will be indicative of what is to come in your life, new job, friends, home and lifestyle are all written in the stars for Aquarius.
Avoid the temptation, of hanging on to people and situations that are hard to remove or seem insurmountable.  The Universe is on your side and will provide everything needed to remove what/who needs to go.
Try to avoid “get rich quick’ schemes because they won’t work out to your benefit and will leave you with a minus instead of a plus.   Aquarius has strong instincts and Jupiter will magnify them beyond your expectations. This will be your ”weapon” this year, to help yo navigate out of and away from difficulties and challenging scenarios.  
When Jupiter moves into Capricorn  your 12th house of karmic debt, sorrow, self-undoing, the hidden and spirituality,  December 2nd, you’ll be in the final phases of changing what needs to change.  Benefits will come from old and forgotten sources and your spiritual guides will be more prominent than usual, ready to help pave the way for success. 
2019  for Aquarius is a year of big changes and surprises that will be the catalyst for success when Jupiter moves into Aquarius December 20th 2020.    If you stay on track with the Universe, you’ll see life-changing results in the not too distant future.
Success will come this year if career, goals and ambitions are on solid ground and karmically correct.  Hard work up to this point could reap substantial rewards and gain recognition.  If the foundation isn’t strong or some aspect of what you’re trying to achieve isn’t built on a firm foundation, everything could potentially crumble when Jupiter moves into Capricorn for one year December 2nd.  
Its also important for you to have contractual/legal agreements to ensure everyone is on the same page.  
It may seem as if certain aspects of what you’re trying to achieve are harder than ever, but that’s because you’re close to accomplishment, therefore perseverance is necessary till the very end.
Ultimately, this year, you’ll receive benefits from previous commitments, friends, people in authority/power, past commitments and experiences.   Jupiter will bring new long-term opportunities that are for the purpose of expansion and growth.  
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, freer of failure, insecurities and feelings of being powerless will crop up for you to confront.   You’ll have to be very introspective and dig deep in order to overcome these feelings, but it can be done.
If you’re able to stay on track with the Universe, when Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your house of groups, friends hopes and wishes, December 2nd, the stars will highlight this area for changes to come, giving structure to all of the above.  This will be your chance to take a major leap forward towards making hope wishes come to fruition.
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astrox-style22 · 6 years ago
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Planet: Jupiter Sign:  Sagittarius Date:   November 8th 2018 - December 2nd 2019
With Jupiter in your house of expansion, good luck, travel, opportunity, study, optimism and freedom, you are benefited with an especially positive cycle to reach beyond your current limits, to excel.   Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house its natural “home”.  Therefore, you can’t make excuses about not being given the chance to make big things happen this year.    
The more you have the “eyes to see” potential at your disposal, the more successful you’ll be.   Taking up a course of study to enhance your talents wouldn’t be a bad idea either, in conjunction with travel, reaching out to meet new people, especially form other cultures, will bring opportunity of some kind  .Legal matters could also come to the forefront this year either from you or others, but you will be involved for sure.
At the same time you may decide to move abroad or at least to a new location, further away from you current place of living.  Think very carefully before you do this, especially during Jupiter retrograde, April 10th - August 11th.  Use this cycle to contemplate your next move but not to actually put it into action, until Jupiter moves forward.
Once Jupiter moves into your 10th house of career, goals, ambition, authority and power,  December 2nd, you should be ready for recognition to come your way, assuming you’ve made the right moves up to this point.  During this Jupiter transit, career change is likely.  But more about that later.
Ultimately you must have faith in Self and believe the impossible can be made possible, courtesy of Jupiter in Sagittarius, Yes, the sky is the limit.
The good fortune of the Jupiter/Sagittarius transit will only happen if you make a concerted effort to get rid of people, situations and things that are holding you back from growing, learning and overall progress.  The past still haunts you in some capacity, keeping you bound by tradition, habits and certain behaviors.  Because Jupiter falls in the house of joint financial partnerships, karma, the past, the hidden, secret enemies, endings, the occult, destruction, rejuvenation and regeneration, you must tread with extreme care  when dealing with others.  Jupiter will “shine a light” on secret enemies.  You must pay very close attention to them and jealous friends who harbor resentment, waiting for you to fail with your ambitions or make mistakes.      First you must assess whether or not people new and old have your best interests at heart and avoid giving them qualities they don’t have. You should be able to see and know who these individuals are as Jupiter is a “magnifying  glass” highlighting strengths/weaknesses, the good/bad.  
During this Jupiter cycle, you should be focused on making vast changes in job, hone, friends, lifestyle and commitments,   Plus there will be new people coming into your life to help and support, just choose with care.
For Taurus the best will manifest if you’re able to have an introspective reevaluation of Self and your intentions past, present and future. A retreat, fixing ip the home, repairing and restoring Self and things around you will help to generate positive energy for good luck and prosperity to come to fruition.  Bear in mind,  Karmic debts will need to be paid from you or from others this year and financial dealings that weren’t honest or forthright, dealt with. Best advice - learn your life lessons, so you don’t have to repeat them.    
Contractual agreements, partnerships, the public, open enemies, legal issues are the highlight  of Jupiter’s benevolence, for better or worse.  First, unique creative abilities at your disposal have the potential to bring  success when presented to the public, the right way.  How you choose to interact on this level will determine the outcome. In addition any legal matters begun during this cycle are likely to become public and not stay hidden and could expand to include a lot of other people.  Truth, honesty, proof and evidence will be key factors in whether you win or lose.
Bear in mind that any project/plan you embark upon, has potential for success if all the necessary pieces have been put together with care and attention.  If you treat others with kindness and respect they will return the same back to you and be willing to help where needed.  
Long-term partnerships/relationships will also fare well this year if there is mutual understanding between you and your partner and you  both continue to listen/communicate as much as possible.   If you’re not sure about something it’s best to ask and not assume.  
Jupiter also bestows its positive energy in the form of protection where needed, as long as you’re on the right side of Natural Law.   If you pay attention and avoid being the “ostrich with its head in the sand”, this particular Jupiter cycle will run daily smoothly. 
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Day to day employment is the area Jupiter will highlight the most.  Now is the time to consider career change or at least job change .  You can do better, if you could just see beyond what’s in front of you and stop settling for less than you deserve.   Look for a job that serves your needs and not just your employers.   Something connected to travel, teaching, health, animals, health/well-being, writing are other areas to look into.    If you’re really honest with Self you know it’s time to move on.
Health is also another area to pay attention to in particular diet/digestion.  There’s a strong possibility you could put on excess weight with Jupiter in this area of life too.    Jupiter expands, so you could find yourself eating too much of the wrong foods if you’re not careful.  
Spiritual health is also something to be aware of, which could help you have a clear picture of what exactly you want to to do for work/money.  Meditation, yoga Tai-chi similar modalities are things to look into as well.
This Jupiter cycle is a year of remarkable ideas, meeting new people, a time to figure things out and come to a better understanding with Self and others. Contracts will need to be signed this year at some point, so you need to know exactly what it is you’re getting into and should ask the right person if you don’t know.  Now is when you should map and plan your way forward with  a journal by your side to write down the abundance of thoughts and ideas flowing your way.  A year to act and not get caught up in just talking.
With Jupiter in your house of risk, pleasure, childhood, creativity, ego and happiness, highlighting the best and worst of each character trait, you must be careful that the so-called good advice of people who claim to have your best interests at heart doesn’t lead you astray.   The tendency to take risks that do more harm than good is very high, so this is a cycle where self-awareness would really help to keep you out of trouble.   Ego massage will be prominent, used as means for others to get you to do what they want.   Success will come from being very picky and choosy of whom you allow into your “inner circle”.
Jupiter has the potential to bring opportunities to increase finances, travel, the chance to achieve your goals and desires. Over-indulgence or going to extremes should be avoided at all costs.  
Creativity is also  another area in which to excel during this transit.  If you can strive to increase current knowledge or learn a new talent, the rewards will be more than abundant.   Jupiter in this house magnifies your special abilities, especially ones you’ve carried with you since childhood.  Don’t be afraid to put them to good use.  
Lack of faith in Self is the thing to confront. To be more empowered with a knowing that you have latent qualities/talents waiting to be “tapped into”.  If you can muster the courage to leave behind people and situations that do little to bring positive energy into your life, the Universe will bring the luck you need to excel.
When Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, introspection is required of Self and what you’ve accomplished so far.  Look for weakness that you can change during this four month cycle and also how far you’ve come.   Maybe all that is required is for you to have a different approach of doing things differently, but either way, make use of this “downtime” to get things in order.
This year Leo should avoid taking unnecessary risks without thinking things through or understanding exactly what you’re getting Self into.
Jupiter urges Virgo in the direction of expanding prosperity consciousness, in order for new financial opportunities to pour in.  First your foundation of life needs to be altered,  changed and restructured as much as possible.  Wherever there is stagnation growth and expansion must occur, at least if you want certain hopes and wishes to come to fruition. Opportunities to travel, get involved in literary, publishing, working away from the home base, will present themselves throughout the Jupiter cycle.   During the retrograde cycle, dealings with family issues and re-organizing your home will be the focus, making improvements where you can, that will, in then too distant future, make room for new opportunities, people etc.to come into your life.
Throughout the year women will feature prominently.  Whether these opportunities are good or not so good , you have to explore them to find out and at the same time learn how to use your instincts and discernment.
Family will also be o=in the spotlight.  You can expect many changes to happen as a result of this Jupiter transit. Good luck cold also come through them too.
As mentioned earlier, prosperity consciousness plays an important part on how things go for the rest of the year.   If you can see beyond dory comfort zone, that there’s good luck and good fortune in taking a “leap of faith” into the unknown, understanding/believing the Universe is really abundant, doors will open and your life will most definitely be better off by the end of the year.
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Wealth of mind, body, spirit and Soul will garner remarkable ideas, which in turn will bring opportunity and good fortune during 2019.  Every idea you have is worth something, but needs to be guided towards the right direction for rewards to be reaped.   Jupiter is also the sign of protection, therefore all your business. projects and plans must be adequately protected to avoid them being “taken” by others.
The house that Jupiter is in, the third house, represents communication, short journeys, siblings, relatives, neighbors, business, projects, plans and ideas and study. Some areas will feature more than others, but all will play their part in your good luck this year.
The question is, how are you going to reap financial reward from the ideas you have.   There will be many chances provided to you for this to happen, however, it’s up to you to decide which one will be the most beneficial.    New people will come into your life to help you too, even if only for a brief moment.   This is the transit for you to figure out carefully, understand your own motivations/intentions and that of others.
As communication is very much a focal point, writing things down, being in touch with people consistently is an important aspect of your success.  Poor communication or lack of it, could result in a missed opportunity, therefore a good reason to make sure this is an important factor for you to remember, Dreams could be vivid, especially while Jupiter is retrograde, April 10th - August 11th, because this is an internal cycle, one of going back and over things already done.  Some of the information you receive can be used immediately, some of it later.  You’ll know which insights are for immediate action, because they’ll make the most sense.
Ultimately, appearance is another area that is highlighted this Jupiter cycle.   You must always present your best Self because you never know who is watching or who you’re going to meet.  Most of all the universe is around to help you make your ideas a reality.  Jupiter is a protector and will guide you to do the same to do the same for your everything mentioned in the third house and of course, mind, body, spirit and Soul.
Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem will all be “tested’ by the Jupiter transit of good luck.   In your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, finances will increase if you are strong in your convictions of what needs to be done.  This especially applies when dealing with the public, literary, publishing, travel, higher education/consciousness, beliefs, contractual agreements and legal matters.   This is not a time to vacillate/procrastinate, but to be focused and determined in your objectives.   New partnerships are in the forefront.  However, you must make sure the people involved are on the same page, as there is danger of individuals coming into your life with their own agenda and nothin more.   The seventh house that is the subject fo the Jupiter transit, rules open enemies, meaning, if you’re paying attention, it will be very obvious who has your best interests at heart and who doesn’t.  
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, you may not feel so confident that you’ll achieve your goals.  This is the way of the Universe to get you to be introspective and question why you feel the way you do.  Is this a learned thought pattern you feel comfortable with.  Well, you have the whole spring/summer to find out the answer.
Anything connected to women/family/home are also strong topics throughout the year.  
Jupiter will move into Capricorn December 2nd for one year, into your house of projects, plans, ideas, study, short journeys, communication, siblings and relatives.   As far as your ideas are concerned and communication, you may have to give these an overhaul during this particular cycle.   If by this time you haven’t had significant success with anything you’ve tried to accomplish up to this point, it’s a sign that whatever you’re trying to do is old and outdated.  This may require you to start fro square one, but it will be worth it, if you listen and observe the signs around you, guiding you in a new direction.
With Jupiter in your sign, Sagittarius holds all the cards of good luck and good fortune for the year.    You have at your disposal the support of the Universe to really go beyond your comfort zone in ways you never thought possible.   Creating new opportunities and expanding present involvements should be easy.  Positive energy is present for you to overcome, negotiate, prosper and succeed in creative ventures, even starting anew business is recommended.   If you want to enter the entertainment industry , you’ll be well received, especially if your ideas are out-of-the-box.
If you have any log-standing disagreements or outstanding payments to be made or received, now is the time to settle and  “wipe the slate clean” before Jupiter moves into your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, December 2nd.
At the same time, underlying all this is the issue of childhood memories/experiences, that need to be looked at and relinquished, While Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, because they’re in the way of your personal growth and progress.  You’ll know why they are when you hit a “brick wall” and can’t seem to move forward and/or fear, insecurity and doubt surface.  Retrograde are for the purpose of introspection and going over everything accomplished up to that point.
If you’re willing to learn a new talent that “stretches” your creativity to the limit, there’s no doubt it will pay-off very handsomely in the near future.  When Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your second house, of money, material possessions and self-worth December 2nd, you should start to see financial rewards coming your way for your efforts up to this point.   A chance to build a solid structure for your goals, restructure the old to make way for the new and don’t be afraid to be ahead of trends that could potentially garner recognition. If you reach for the stars you’ll make it.
This is your year Sagittarius, don’t f…k it up!
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When Jupiter moves into the 12th house of an individual’s birth chart, it’s a time for “cleaning house” and one’s life.   Capricorn is in this place now. Jupiter is a magnifying glass, highlighting the good and the bad.  For your sign the focus is work, projects, business, plans, ideas, communication, learning, siblings ad relatives.
Most importantly you have to be realistic with all of the above and clear with your intent.   There are those who have been in a and around yor life that do not have your best interests at heart and hold you back.  Capricorn has to be able to  “see through the veil” with great discernment, in order to discard people and situations that are not the most positive.  
At the same time enlarging your belief system, spiritual practice and learning to avoid situations/people that lead to sorrow and self-undoing. Karmic debts will need to be repaid, whether from you or others.
When it comes to employment, there will be offers to travel, expand and/or start something new.  All opportunities must be explored whether er they work out or not.   You have to move forward with the Universe, in preparation for Jupiter moving into your sign December 2nd for one year.
If you can be realistic about plans and ideas for work and not get misled off on tangents, your Jupiter cycle will prove to be very beneficial.    Serving your needs and the needs of others is important and finding a way to “teach” others what you know and knowledge you’ve gained over the years, whether spiritual, physical or a combination of both.  Your voice must be heard.     Anything of a visual nature is also under very powerful stars.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself in the spotlight and let others see who you are and what you’re capable of doing. Also take care of your health/well-being, especially diet and digestion.
Your luck/fortune lies in your ability to constantly work towards moving out of dearness towards the light, on every level.  If you can accomplish this in 2019, 2020 will be the start of reaping rewards far beyond your dreams.
Your Jupiter cycle is one of the unexpected.   Sudden fortunate twists/turns of fate, cathartic changes/transformations that occur will later prove to be very fortunate.  Whatever is stagnant in your life will see the “winds of change” blowing away stagnation.  If you’ve been working diligently towards a particular hope/wish, the chances of it coming yo fruition are vey high this year.
New friends will bead andante those individuals will only too willing to help,  Everything that occurs will be indicative of what is to come in your life, new job, friends, hoe and lifestyle are all written in the stars for Aquarius.
Avoid the temptation, of hanging on to people and situations that are har to remove or seem insurmountable.  The Universe is on your side an will provide everything needed to remove what/who needs to go.
Try to avoid “get rich quick’ schemes because they won’t work out to your benefit and will leave you with a minus instead of a plus.   Aquarius has strong instincts and Jupiter will magnify then beyond your expectations.  This will be your weapon” this year, to help yo navigate out of and away form difficulties and challenging scenarios.  
When Jupiter moves into your 12th house of karmic debt, sorrow, self-undoing, the hidden and spirituality,  December 2nd, you’ll be in the final phases of changing what needs to change.  Benefits will come from old and forgotten sources and your spiritual guides will be more prominent than usual, ready to help you pave the way for success.
@019 for Aquarius is a year of big changes and surprises that will be the catalyst for success when Jupiter moves into Aquarius December 20th 2020.    If you stay on track with the Universe, you’ll see life-changing results in the not too distant future.
Success welcome this year if career, goals and ambitions are on solid ground and karmically correct.  hard work up to this point could reap substantial rewards and gain recognition.  If the foundation isn’t strong or some aspect of what your’e trying to achieve isn’t built on a firm foundation, everything n could potentially crumble wen Jupiter moves into Capricorn for one year December 2nd.  
Its also important for you to have contractual/legal agreements to ensure everyone is on the same page.  
It may seem as if certain aspects of what you’re trying to achieve are harder than ever, but that’s because you’re close to accomplishment, therefore perseverance is necessary till the very end.
Ultimately, this year, you’ll receive benefits from previous commitments, friends, people in authority/power, past commitments and experiences.    Jupiter will bring new long-term opportunities that are for the purpose of expansion and growth.  
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, freer of failure, insecurities and feelings of being powerless will crop up for your confront.   You’ll have to be very introspective and dig deep in order to overcome these feelings, but it can be done.
If your’e able to stay on track with the Universe, when Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your house of groups, friends hopes and wishes December 2n, the stars will highlight this area for changes to come and giving structure to all of the above.  This will be your chance to take a major leap forward towards making hope wishes come to fruition.
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denisa-blr · 7 years ago
Sam and Jack fanfic
This story grew a lot bigger than I anticipated :lol At the beginning I was inspired by all those 3 sentences hand-written fanfics that were flying around two weeks ago, and I wanted to see, if I`m able to write something short. That`s why there is a descriptive style at first. I didn`t know what will come out of it.
This story is set after season four of Atlantis. A couple of events got mentioned, but there is no need to know all the seasons. But please, read only if you`re aware of a major events up to the end of season 7. of SG-1 and beginning of season 4. of Atlantis. I`d hate to be the one to spoil things for you.
I would really love to know, what you think about this, because I`m not a writer, just got lucky and finally finished one of my works :).
Also, please bear in mind that English is not my native language. But when you`ll see some glaring mistakes, feel free to let me know. I like to learn and correct my  mistakes. 
3232 words
Sam took a deep breath a looked straight into Jack`s eyes. „I`m pregnant.“ she announced. She was worrying about this moment for over a week now, ever since she first found out.
Right before their wedding she and Jack agreed that they`ll wait a while with the decision whether or not they`ll try to have a kids, since Ori were just planning full scale invasion on galaxy. After their defeat, Weir was killed and Sam was offered the command of Atlantis expedition.
They both knew this was their last chance to have a child of their own. That, if Sam took the position, they both may end up tangled in yet another endless war. With Replicators, with Wraith or with whatever new enemy of Earth will arise. And that one day, it may be too late for them.
In the end, duty won again. The new replicator threat and their ambition to find Earth was too great a risk to ignore.
This time they both agreed that their vague dream about their own child would be put definitely to rest. It was one of the hardest decision they ever made. The deciding process involved Sam laying out all their options, including one or even both of them giving up their military career and taking up a job with more steady hours, either in office or in the lab, Jack retiring (again), he was kind of fond of this option, even moving their family into other galaxy got mentioned, then quickly discarded. What made them finally decide though were  extensive medical tests from Carolyn Lam, Sam insisted on before making anything final.
Results showed that Sam`s years of service at SGC and the many ordeals she endured left quite a toll on her body. Carolyn concluded that a pregnancy could be possible, but with intensive treatment beforehand. There was also a significant possibility of high-risk pregnancy. Hearing this, Sam was devastated. She still kept a hope in her heart, that one day she`ll carry Jack`s child. Now that hope and that dream was about to die. She knew they couldn`t afford spending long months maybe even years with treatment, especially when the results were this uncertain.
When Jack heard about possible risk to Sam`s life, the issue was solved for him. There was no way he would be responsible for another tragedy in his family. Truth is, he`s given up a long time ago even the idea of having a child again. After Charlie, he felt absolutely unworthy of that great privilege of calling himself a parent. Cassie changed that a little. That kid wormed herself into his heart whether he planed it or not. How she clung to Carter first few days stirred something in him, that he didn`t have a name for for many following years. Then Janet adopted the girl and SG-1 became her extended family, that spent as much time with her as possible.
Jack loved Cassie as his own and after Janet died, their bond became even stronger.
So he felt, he already had much more, than he deserved. When he and Carter finally worked things out between themselves, his attitude shifted again though. He would do anything to make Sam happy. The day he married her was fulfillment of his biggest and wildest dream. Whether or not they`ll have their own child, he left for Sam to decide.
Now he stood by her side as they listened to the devastating news. After Carolyn left, Jack wrapped Sam in his strong arms and let her crumble under the pressure of shattered dreams. As he held her, he was startled to realize, it was his dream too.
The ride from hospital, where Carolyn worked alternately to SGC several days a month was quiet one. Only their joined hands spoke of their mutual support in their shared pain.
After their initial shock subsided a little, they accepted things the way they were. They agreed that Sam will take an offered position on Atlantis, that they`ll focus on defeating Earth`s enemies. And when the time comes, and Cassie will have her own children, they will be most loving and spoiling grandparents on this side of galaxy. They even joked, that Cassie would never know, what had hit her. And meanwhile? They will be just loving each other and enjoying what was denied to them for such a long time. With this decision, and somewhat reconciled to the realities of their lives, Sam departed to Atlantis.
Now, a whole year later, she is back with most unbelievable news. Truth is, she is back on Earth two weeks now, and Jack still doesn`t know. First she was too shocked herself, to tell him right away.  Then she decided to wait for test results, to see, if everything was okay. These couple of days were really trying on her, but Sam wanted to have all the information possible before she`ll says anything to Jack. She knew, he would be worried about her and wanted to spare him long days of uncertainty. Or maybe she just wanted to delay possible confrontation. She didn`t know. But she knew, she already loved this child and was prepared to take any risks. Past few days, Sam let Jack write her emotional distance off to her being pissed off on IOA`s decision to take away her command of Atlantis.
Now she looked at her husband expectantly, awaiting his reaction.
Jack was momentarily rendered speechless. When his brain caught up on him a little, he finally asked: „How...? When.. ?“
Sam smiled a little. „Um, remember those interviews I had with IOA concerning Teyla and Ronon three month ago?... I stayed overnight on Earth... you flew from Washington...“ Sam edged on slowly.
„Oh yeah.“ Jack couldn`t help the smile that spread across his face. He definitely remembered. He almost turned whole Washington upside down, but he ensured he had two days leave precisely when his wife will be in Colorado Springs. There was no way he would`ve passed up the opportunity to see Sam after her nine months stay on Atlantis. Even if it was only a dinner and a couple of hours spent together. The video calls just didn`t cut it for him.
Sam blushed a little when she saw Jack`s reaction. She herself was a bit surprised by intensity of that night. But when she saw Jack that evening after such a long time, in his old house, dinner ready, all those feelings she harbored for him all these years, first locked up tightly in her heart, then in open, came rushing up to her and transformed into best night of her life.
In the morning Jack complained that he slaved in the kitchen for hours for nothing, but Sam could tell, he was doing so just because it was expected from him.
„So, that night...“ Jack prompted little uncertainly.
„Yeah.“ Sam smiled. „I found out only after I came back to Earth, when Carolyn did a complete post mission exam.“
„Sam.“ warned Jack.
„I know these exams are supposed to be after every off-world mission or monthly when there is no mission,“ defended Sam, „but you weren`t there, Jack. At times Jennifer was really overwhelmed. With all the teams going off-world on daily basis, the Hoffa virus spreading throughout the galaxy and occasional accidents, she and her team had always their hands full. I couldn`t bring myself to make her do a full body exam every month, especially when I wasn`t in a danger.“
Jack understood her. Knew how hard it was sometimes to follow the protocol and how tempting it was to let things slip at one`s own expense, especially when well-being of subordinates was involved. Still, he will have to have a talk with Sam. Make her see how dangerous that action could be. But now he had more important things on his mind.
Jack took a moment to work out a lump that suddenly appeared in his throat, then asked: „You probably already have the results, do you?“
Sam nodded. She got them this morning. „Carolyn says, everything is fine, Jack.“ Sam said softly, but with conviction.
Jack felt how an enormous fear, that had plagued him for last couple of moments, was leaving his body at Sam`s words, leaving him dizzy momentarily.
Sam took a step toward him and continued: „All my results came back normal. Fetus is healthy too and is developing accordingly. Carolyn said she`ll keep a very close eye on me throughout the pregnancy and I will probably have to leave even desk work for last trimester and rest, but in six months we are going to have a healthy baby.“ Sam said with tears of happiness in her eyes and brilliant smile.
Jack listened intently. As Sam`s words more and more penetrated his mind, he was awashed with such joy, he was sure just this morning, he wasn`t even capable of.
„A baby.“ he breathed out and enveloped Sam in his arm.
„Yes.“ laughed Sam and returned Jack`s hug. „I take it, it`s a good news for you then.“ she asked, relief flooding her for second time since she first heard about the child.
„Best one, I ever heard.“ replied Jack with a huge smile on his face and pressed Sam even closer to him. He couldn`t believe how lucky he was. He bend his head down and buried his face into his wife`s neck.
_ _ _  
Vala was standing in the hospital hall and intently studied a big poster of young mother with a newborn child that hung on the wall. „So Daniel,“ she suddenly turned to the archeologist sitting nearby: „when will be our turn?“
Daniel, who choose that moment to take a sip of coffee, he bought from coffee machine, started coughing violently. „Um, what?“ he asked a little startled. When he saw Vala look pointedly at the poster, he quickly collected himself and said „Vala, I didn`t know you...“
„What? Want children?“ Vala interrupted him. „Of course I do.“ she said incredulously.
Cassie, who sat across from him snickered a little. She liked Vala. When she first met her, she couldn`t quite understand how she and Sam can be such a good friends, they were almost opposites. But as she spent more time with them together, especially last few months when they both were helping Sam, she saw they were perfect for each other. Vala had an uncanny gift to make Sam relax and unwind, which Sam needed tremendously in Cassie`s opinion, primarily when Jack was in Washington, otherwise it was his job. On the other side, Cassie noticed, when Vala was near Sam, she acted a bit subdued, more mature than usual. She certainly looked up to Sam, Cassie concluded. Of course even that didn`t stop her incessant teasing of Daniel, which was happening right now.
„Vala, I... I...“ stammered Daniel.
„Relax, Daniel.“ Vala said pretending to be exasperated. Then continued disappointingly: „Now I at least know where we stand.“
„Vala, wait! I didn`t mean... I mean.... You just can`t...“ he scrambled for words for a moment. Then he finally calmed down and said: „I do want a kids, Vala. You just surprised me.“ He defended himself.
Hearing this Vala`s smile grew from ear to ear. „Really?“ she asked excited, then sat down on his lap and planted a big kiss on his lips. „I`m sure one day you`ll be a great father, Daniel,“ she said happily and stood up.
A very confused Daniel opened his mouth to ask what`s just happened, when the door opened and Jack appeared. In his arms rested a beautiful tiny girl. Everyone stood up and came up to him.
„Meet Grace Carter O`Neill.“ he said, heart swelling with pride.
„Carter?“ asked Daniel little perplexed. „I thought of Sam as more traditional.“ he added with amusement.
„Yes Carter. It`s her second name.“ explained Jack. Then added defensively: „ You have a problem with that?“
„Ahh, not at all.“ replied Daniel conciliatory and exchanged a look with Teal`c, who merely lifted his eyebrow. It seems Daniel Jackson is still sometimes unaware how much does Samantha Carter mean to O`Neill, Teal`c thought to himself, but said nothing.
Jack was totally oblivious to the exchange. His whole focus on his precious girl. Jack was a little afraid that Sam won`t agree, when he first presented the idea of giving their daughter a name Carter. He thought she wouldn`t understand and he was hardly able to explain it rationally. He spent most of the time he had known Sam, calling her Carter. Even these days sometimes when he forgets himself, calls her that. In all those years „Carter“ came to mean so much to him, that it was only natural in his mind to give their daughter that name. But Sam just looked at him funny and after making sure it would be their daughter`s second name, she agreed without a single word. Jack for a fleeting moment wondered, if Sam ever had even slightest desire to name their child Sir, but then quickly dismissed it. Sam certainly was not as crazy as he was.
Cassie, after greeting little Grace into this world, left the guys and Vala happily cooing at the baby, and quietly slipped into Sam`s room.
Sam was lying on hospital bed exhausted, but Cassie didn`t remember seeing her so happy. „Hey.“ she greeted smiling. „How are you feeling?“
„Hi.“ replied Sam, glad to see her adoptive daughter. She adjusted her position to more comfortable one, then sighed contently. „I`m fine, just tired.“ After a moment she asked: „ Did you see Grace, Cassie?“
The young woman walked to the bed. „She is beautiful, Sam.“ she smiled. „Jack is proudly showing her to everyone.“
They both laughed a little. Cassie noticed a strand of hair stuck to Sam`s face and she moved to tenderly smooth it away, then let her hand continue on its path to caress her hair. „I`m so glad you are okay.“ she said quietly.
Sam sensed the shift in young woman`s mood and moved a little to make a space, then she patted a free spot besides her. After her initial surprise when she darted a quick glance at the door, Cassie sat besides Sam. She didn`t waste any time and pulled Cassie to herself. After a moment of hesitation from Cassie, they both relaxed and snuggled together, like numerous times in the past month, when Sam has been confined more or less to her home and they were often killing time by watching TV, reading, planning a future or just simple talking.
„Thank you for being here for me these last few months, Cas.“ said Sam, her fingers combing through Cassie`s hair who rested her head on Sam`s shoulder. „I don`t know what I would have done without you.“ It was true. After the scare they had at the end of seventh month when Sam suddenly started feeling a pain and the doctors narrowly avoided a premature birth, they ordered her strict rest. Then Jack was called back to Washington because the scientists who worked on a mystery of ninth chevron and soldiers who were assigned to protect them went missing. He hated leaving Sam so much, but he got a direct order from President, so he didn`t have a choice. That day he sweared he`ll retire the moment the imminent crisis is avoided, and this time he fully intended to see it through. He never again wanted to be put into a position when he`ll have to choose between his family and his duty. Or when his family will have to get a short end.
„No problem.“ replied Cassie with easy, but Sam felt her snuggle closer.
„I`m alright.“ she assured her again, then decided to try and take Cassie`s mind off of the last few months and all that worrying she has done. „Now you are a big sister, Cassandra.“ she announced seriously. „Are you ready for the job?“
Cassie looked at Sam surprised, then burst out laughing. „I`m afraid Jack won`t give me much a chance.“ she said when she stopped laughing.
„True.“ admitted smiling Sam. Since his return two weeks ago, he didn`t let her out of his sight, which led to Sam threatening him with going on battlecruiser if he won`t let her breathe, pregnant or not. After that, he backed off a little. „Therefore you must be sneakier than him.“ she advised playfully. They both laughed after that.
Then Sam grew more serious again. „It`s time to return to school, Cassie.“ she said.
Cassie looked at her for a moment, then she lay her head back on Sam`s shoulder again. „I still have a couple more weeks left.“ she said. Then added: „And I haven`t even been to California yet.“
„Cas.“ Sam admonished.
„Alright, alright.“ replied young woman. „In three weeks I`ll be back in school.“
„Good.“ answered satisfied Sam.
When Cassie first came to them with that she wants to skip a semester, Sam was vehemently against it. It was right after the doctors ordered her to rest. And even though Cassie insisted that she wanted to take a break from study and travel, both Sam and Jack saw right through her. Then Jack got called off and Cassie suddenly appeared on their doorsteps. The next day she moved in with Sam. Cassie later told her, that she didn`t listen to them right away and she requested the leave from school the day she heard Sam was in the hospital. Sam wanted to be mad at her, at least a little, but how could she be, when it proved eventually that Cassie was right. Even though Sam hated that Cassie was skipping the school because of her, Cas being with her was a blessing. Besides helping with everyday chores in and around the house, Cassie was a constant emotional support Sam so much needed. Especially when Jack couldn`t be with her.
The door slowly opened and Jack entered with crying Grace. „Look, who miss her mom.“ he said and walked toward bed.
When Sam saw her little girl, her face lit up with brilliant smile „She`s probably hungry.“ she observed and sat up little straighter.
Cassie slipped from the edge of the bed and stood up. Jack handed Sam their daughter carefully, then kissed her on the lips. Sam begun to prepare for breastfeeding.
„I`ll leave you guys alone now. See you tomorrow.” said Cassie and started toward door.
„Bye, Cassie.“ „See Ya.“ replied both and then they were left alone with their daughter.
„Guys has gone to cafeteria to buy themselves some snacks. They`ll be back in twenty.“ announced Jack, and sat down on a chair near the bed.
„Mm-hmm.“ acknowledged Sam, but continued gazing lovingly at their daughter.
The silence settled in the room for a moment, interrupted only by the sounds of feeding baby. Jack was transfixed by the image before him.
„Thank you, Sam.“ he said suddenly.
„For what?” she asked, still not looking up.
„You gave me the happiness I thought I`ll never have."
Sam looked up from their daughter and their eyes met. And she saw such love and open earnestness there, that her breath hitched.
„I love you, Jack.“
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