#st. patricks day  astrology
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taratarotgreene · 1 year ago
St. Patrick’s Day Astrology
vm.tiktok.com/ZMMkXss8V/ I will be doing Ceremony March 17 working with the beautiful Sun Neptune conjunction. I will be in nature calling in the directions, I’m a high priestess and Green witch., Please send me names of those you’d like added to the prayers. Blessings Tara
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gunnrblze · 8 months ago
What month I hc the Ghost boys were born in (+their astrological signs that I apparently decided halfway through to actually include lol). Can’t stop thinking about this for some reason
Hesh- April (Shhh he’s an Aries, I need that feisty man)
Logan- February or August (I actually cannot decide, he’s a Leo to me but Feb. stands out for some reason?)
Elias- January (This man is definitely a Capricorn, argue with the wall)
Merrick- December (this isn’t even about what I think their astrological signs are [update; it is now] but he’s a Sagittarius I don’t make the rules)
Keegan- October (I feel very strongly about him being an October Libra, and not just because I’m one too lol. Could also see him being a Gemini, def an air sign man)
Kick- March (this mf would totally be born on St. Patrick’s day or something lol, he’s a Pisces)
Rorke- May (evil ahh Taurus man. Taurus’ aren’t evil or anything, just his brainwashed ass smh)
Ajax- April (also an Aries. Do we know literally anything about him? Hardly, but I know I’m right, mwah)
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months ago
Ms M, I just realized how very specific your header is. I could give you a year I developed a more in depth interest in astrology, but no way I could remember the exact date. What happened on March 18th, 1979 to make you a student of astrology?
One day in July 1978, my mom came home from work to find me (then age 20) draped sideways over a chair, listening to the Rolling Stones at top volume, and smoking Marlboros. (I don’t smoke any more, otherwise unchanged!) Mom literally threw a book at me with the immortal words, “Here, you figure it out! You’d be good at it!” She had borrowed a friend’s copy of Heaven Knows What by Grant Lewi, and the calculation logistics were beyond her.
I was able to figure it out, but at the same time I somehow realized there was more to it and resolved to investigate further, and then promptly forgot about it for eight months - until March 18, 1979. As soon as I remembered, I set out for the closest book store and bought my first astrology books.
I can remember the specific day because one of the books had a green cover, and the store was having a St Patrick’s Day sale on green-covered books - I remember being unsure about it because St Patrick’s Day was the day previous, but I still got the discount.
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buttermybooks · 2 years ago
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hello!!! do you have any plans for st patricks day? one of my favorite ways to celebrate is to visit the st patricks day parade in new york city!!!! Ritual by @nikkivandecar is a wonderful guide to appreciating nature, which is the source of all magic. In this book, Nikki discusses 40 different rituals celebrated by different cultures all over the world and helps guide you in ways to respectfully participate in these traditions while honoring their origins. on sale now! @runningpressbooks #bookstagram #bookish #buttermybooksblogs #nikkivandecar #practicalmagic #ritual #potions #thewitchyhomestead #calmingmagic #magic #astrology #stpatricksday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2xpRbueku/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theprocraftinator · 2 years ago
Embroidery tags:
Bats Bears
Big Cats
               Caracal                Cheetah                Leopard                Lion                Tigers
               Bees                Butterflies                Fireflies                Moths
Cats Dogs Elephants Frogs Marine Life
               Fish                Jellyfish                Octopus                Seahorse                Turtles                Whales
Embroidered clothing
New Years
Valentine’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day
Fourth of July
Pop culture:
Children’s lit.
Children’s media
Children’s toys
National Parks
Alphabet (letters/monograms/initials)
Cemetery / Graveyard
Decorated hoop
Famous art
Home decor (signs, phrases)
Mixed media
Not Stitched For Work (nsfw)
Office humor
Traditional tattoo (Old school, Sailor Jerry style)
Vehicle (cars/planes/boats)
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strawberryclothing · 7 months ago
What Happens in the Shanty T Shirt
Official Frank Ocean Album Blonde Shirt I don’t leave everything up, but I do leave our tree up. All the Official Frank Ocean Album Blonde Shirt have a special meaning, and we like to look at them, talk about them, and remember the times associated with each one. Having that glittery, softly lit beauty in the front room just gives our house some cheer in the bleak days of winter. Also, we always get a live tree, and I can’t bear to trash it until it completely dries out. It takes a long time to decorate, so all that work seems more worth it if the tree stays up a long time. One year, I left it up until St. Patrick’s Day. Usually, though, it stays up until mid- to late February. As long as it looks fresh and healthy, I leave it up. I started this tradition about 6 years ago when we had an especially beautiful tree. The day after New Year’s Day as I was about to start the take-down, I remarked that I hated to do it because the tree was so pretty. My husband said, “Just leave it up, then, if it makes you happy.” So I did. We have three sons, and I like to think they will have memories of this tradition.
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Best The breeders sep 26 2024 mission ballroom in denver co shirt Christmas decorations are a Best The breeders sep 26 2024 mission ballroom in denver co shirt affectation. Whether one puts them up or doesn’t put them up, whether one leaves them up or takes them down, whether they are put up in January or any other time before December, has no impact on the superstition defined as luck. Good luck and bad luck are merely characterizations of serendipitous occurrences that are random in nature but which leave us either going hooray (good luck) or lamenting the vagaries of uncaring nature (bad luck). But worrying about or praying about or hoping for either as the case may be, like astrology for example, is simply superstitious dreck. As a native yo the city I must say there are three a places that I would suggest to visitors to really get the best holiday scene amd spirit. My first pick is going to be Westfield Mall’s extended outdoor shopping area Union Square. Located at the corner of Powell and Geary in the heart of downtown San Francisco the Christmas spirit is reminiscent of the movie “A Miracle on 24th Street”. That is minus the snow.
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Official Soja jul 31 2024 old national centre indianapolis in shirt You know what almost all Christmas ornaments are made in China. However, I will say there are different qualities within that. Not saying the Official Soja jul 31 2024 old national centre indianapolis in shirt ones won’t be decent however you will get what you paid for- they won’t last forever that’s for sure. I bought a bunch of decorations last year from a store in Australia along the same line as Walmart. I bought them for a DIY pool noodle wreath I decided to give a go (not crafty at all btw lol) anyway they were pretty ordinary some of them I had to throw away, very cheaply made but I got what I paid for. Every year we go to Pottery Barn to buy a couple of new special ornaments, it’s become a tradition. They are gorgeous and the quality is very good, still made in China. Bottom line is if you want something that’s going to last forever and look the same each year, pay a higher price point at either higher end department stores, one off boutique stores etc. My ornaments from places like Costco and Cracker Barrel etc still look good too. If how long they last doesn’t matter so much then go for the cheaper stuff. Thanks for the A2A.
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Official Allezlesrouges Liverpool Not England Tee Shirt I would suggest that spending more often than not leads to the Official Allezlesrouges Liverpool Not England Tee Shirt of wealth, either by paying for goods expected to be sold right away, or in anticipation of sales in the future Either way, for the most part those things sold will not be produced or cared for if someone wasn’t going to buy them. Whether perishable items, most of which help preserve some more durable form of wealth, like human capital, for instance. Or durable forms of wealth are produced that will last beyond the current time period. It is the “spending” that encourages the increased production and preservation of wealth. So whether you spend it or not, in terms of money you will have the same amount of money at the end of the given time period. which we can refer to as savings.
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Nice Smoke meat not drugs natural shirt No! It’s much too early for Nice Smoke meat not drugs natural shirt . I want to enjoy this fall (although it seems that fall has decided not to visit us this year) and each holiday as it comes. One year, ages ago, I put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend and by the time Christmas came around, all the decorations were dusty and I was sick of looking at it..lol. That was a good lesson. Christmas, for me, is sparkling snow, pine trees (not maples turning gold and red) and a very special time, especially if you have family (cherish them because some day they will be gone). It’s a time of selflessness and love and that “Christmas spirit” which is incredible which takes hold of you.
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Penkmatters Oi Shirt So not only did they actually have their homes both have Hanukkah and Christmas decorations, but these very different families they happily and joyously hosted celebrations for Penkmatters Oi Shirt. What’s key here though is that what is meant by “Christmas.” Many people associate this holiday as a traditional Christian-themed, religious holiday with various Christian themes, decor, etc.. But many other people associate the holiday with snowmen, winter weather, reindeer, hot chocolate, egg nog (often with rum), various evergreen trees (artificial or real) festooned with glittering ornaments, pretty gift boxes under the tree, etc., or a secular (with Pagan roots in Saturnalia) winter holiday just a few days after the annual winter solstice. In fact, it seems to be a holiday that many non-Christians and even non-theists celebrate.
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crystal-wind · 1 year ago
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Welcome, March! 🌼 As the third month of the Gregorian calendar, March heralds the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. It's a time of renewal and new beginnings. Join us in celebrating International Women's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and the start of the astrological new year with Aries. Let's embrace the season together! 
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pillarsxofxdreams · 2 years ago
🌻🌻🌻(from Az ^_^)
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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🌻 - When I was being promoted and moved from receptionist to recruiter, my work wife and I legit were having a custody battle over this toy duck I got during a St. Patrick's potluck. She and I had too much fun with it that she would point out I don't visit and provide duck support and I would be dramatic and say how she kept me bared from my visitation rights....The CEO came by one day and we stopped because he stared at us in judgement.....And no I didn't get the duck. She kept it.
🌻 - Last DnD night my boyfriend and a few friends were having...
Me: How's DnD going tonight?
Boyfriend: It's going good, I tamed a giant crab.
Me: .....You befriended your astrology sign?
Boyfriend: Yeah.
Another friend chimes in: SPANK THE CRAB.
Me:...Excuse me?
🌻 - The very first DS game I owned was called Trace Memory.
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13thpythagoras · 2 years ago
st. patrick's day is astrological new year's eve
aries, and the spring, are next. I am stoked
i guess technically march 19th is the true eve of the equinox to be precise
but astro new year's eve is such a big deal it's a 3 day celebration so it already kinda started
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illegalastrology111 · 6 years ago
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Planet: Jupiter Sign:  Sagittarius Date:   November 8th 2018 - December 2nd 2019
With Jupiter in your house of expansion, good luck, travel, opportunity, study, optimism and freedom, you are benefited with an especially positive cycle to reach beyond your current limits, to excel.   Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house its natural “home”.  Therefore, you can’t make excuses about not being given the chance to make big things happen this year.    
The more you have the “eyes to see” potential at your disposal, the more successful you’ll be.   Taking up a course of study to enhance your talents wouldn’t be a bad idea either, in conjunction with travel, reaching out to meet new people, especially form other cultures, will bring opportunity of some kind  .Legal matters could also come to the forefront this year either from you or others, but you will be involved for sure.
At the same time you may decide to move abroad or at least to a new location, further away from you current place of living.  Think very carefully before you do this, especially during Jupiter retrograde, April 10th - August 11th.  Use this cycle to contemplate your next move but not to actually put it into action, until Jupiter moves forward.
Once Jupiter moves into your 10th house of career, goals, ambition, authority and power,  December 2nd, you should be ready for recognition to come your way, assuming you’ve made the right moves up to this point.  During this Jupiter transit, career change is likely.  But more about that later.
Ultimately you must have faith in Self and believe the impossible can be made possible, courtesy of Jupiter in Sagittarius, Yes, the sky is the limit.
The good fortune of the Jupiter/Sagittarius transit will only happen if you make a concerted effort to get rid of people, situations and things that are holding you back from growing, learning and overall progress.  The past still haunts you in some capacity, keeping you bound by tradition, habits and certain behaviors.  Because Jupiter falls in the house of joint financial partnerships, karma, the past, the hidden, secret enemies, endings, the occult, destruction, rejuvenation and regeneration, you must tread with extreme care  when dealing with others.  Jupiter will “shine a light” on secret enemies.  You must pay very close attention to them and jealous friends who harbor resentment, waiting for you to fail with your ambitions or make mistakes.      First you must assess whether or not people new and old have your best interests at heart and avoid giving them qualities they don’t have. You should be able to see and know who these individuals are as Jupiter is a “magnifying  glass” highlighting strengths/weaknesses, the good/bad.  
During this Jupiter cycle, you should be focused on making vast changes in job, hone, friends, lifestyle and commitments,   Plus there will be new people coming into your life to help and support, just choose with care.
For Taurus the best will manifest if you’re able to have an introspective reevaluation of Self and your intentions past, present and future. A retreat, fixing ip the home, repairing and restoring Self and things around you will help to generate positive energy for good luck and prosperity to come to fruition.  Bear in mind,  Karmic debts will need to be paid from you or from others this year and financial dealings that weren’t honest or forthright, dealt with. Best advice - learn your life lessons, so you don’t have to repeat them.    
Contractual agreements, partnerships, the public, open enemies, legal issues are the highlight  of Jupiter’s benevolence, for better or worse.  First, unique creative abilities at your disposal have the potential to bring  success when presented to the public, the right way.  How you choose to interact on this level will determine the outcome. In addition any legal matters begun during this cycle are likely to become public and not stay hidden and could expand to include a lot of other people.  Truth, honesty, proof and evidence will be key factors in whether you win or lose.
Bear in mind that any project/plan you embark upon, has potential for success if all the necessary pieces have been put together with care and attention.  If you treat others with kindness and respect they will return the same back to you and be willing to help where needed.  
Long-term partnerships/relationships will also fare well this year if there is mutual understanding between you and your partner and you  both continue to listen/communicate as much as possible.   If you’re not sure about something it’s best to ask and not assume.  
Jupiter also bestows its positive energy in the form of protection where needed, as long as you’re on the right side of Natural Law.   If you pay attention and avoid being the “ostrich with its head in the sand”, this particular Jupiter cycle will run daily smoothly. 
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Day to day employment is the area Jupiter will highlight the most.  Now is the time to consider career change or at least job change .  You can do better, if you could just see beyond what’s in front of you and stop settling for less than you deserve.   Look for a job that serves your needs and not just your employers.   Something connected to travel, teaching, health, animals, health/well-being, writing are other areas to look into.    If you’re really honest with Self you know it’s time to move on.
Health is also another area to pay attention to in particular diet/digestion.  There’s a strong possibility you could put on excess weight with Jupiter in this area of life too.    Jupiter expands, so you could find yourself eating too much of the wrong foods if you’re not careful.  
Spiritual health is also something to be aware of, which could help you have a clear picture of what exactly you want to to do for work/money.  Meditation, yoga, Tai-chi, or similar modalities are things to look into as well.
This Jupiter cycle is a year of remarkable ideas, meeting new people, a time to figure things out and come to a better understanding with Self and others. Contracts will need to be signed this year at some point, so you need to know exactly what it is you’re getting into and should ask the right person if you don’t know.  Now is when you should map and plan your way forward with  a journal by your side to write down the abundance of thoughts and ideas flowing your way.  A year to act and not get caught up in just talking.
With Jupiter in your house of risk, pleasure, childhood, creativity, ego and happiness, highlighting the best and worst of each character trait, you must be careful that the so-called good advice of people who claim to have your best interests at heart doesn’t lead you astray.   The tendency to take risks that do more harm than good is very high, so this is a cycle where self-awareness would really help to keep you out of trouble.   Ego massage will be prominent, used as means for others to get you to do what they want.   Success will come from being very picky and choosy of whom you allow into your “inner circle”.
Jupiter has the potential to bring opportunities to increase finances, travel, the chance to achieve your goals and desires. Over-indulgence or going to extremes should be avoided at all costs.  
Creativity is also  another area in which to excel during this transit.  If you can strive to increase current knowledge or learn a new talent, the rewards will be more than abundant.   Jupiter in this house magnifies your special abilities, especially ones you’ve carried with you since childhood.  Don’t be afraid to put them to good use.  
Lack of faith in Self is the thing to confront. To be more empowered, with a knowingness that you have latent qualities/talents waiting to be “tapped into”.  If you can muster the courage to leave behind people and situations that do little to bring positive energy into your life, the Universe will bring the luck you need to excel.
When Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, introspection is required of Self and what you’ve accomplished so far.  Look for weaknesses that you can change during this four month cycle and also how far you’ve come.   Maybe all that is required is for you to have a different approach of doing things differently, but either way, make use of this “downtime” to get things in order.
This year, Leo should avoid taking unnecessary risks without thinking things through or understanding exactly what you’re getting Self into.
Jupiter urges Virgo in the direction of expanding prosperity consciousness, in order for new financial opportunities to pour in.  First your foundation of life needs to be altered,  changed and restructured as much as possible. Wherever there is stagnation growth and expansion must occur, at least if you want certain hopes and wishes to come to fruition. Opportunities to travel, get involved in literary, publishing, working away from the home base, will present themselves throughout the Jupiter cycle.   During the retrograde cycle, dealings with family issues and re-organizing your home will be the focus, making improvements where you can, that will, in the not too distant future, make room for new opportunities, people etc.to come into your life.
Throughout the year women will feature prominently.  Whether these opportunities are good or not so good, you have to explore them to find out and at the same time learn how to use your instincts and discernment.
Family will also be in the spotlight.  You can expect many changes to happen as a result of this Jupiter transit. Good luck could also come through these changes.
As mentioned earlier, prosperity consciousness plays an important part on how things go for the rest of the year.   If you can see beyond your comfort zone, that there’s good luck and good fortune in taking a “leap of faith” into the unknown, understanding/believing the Universe is really abundant, doors will open and your life will most definitely be better off by the end of the year.
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Wealth of mind, body, spirit and Soul will garner remarkable ideas, which in turn will bring opportunity and good fortune during 2019.  Every idea you have is worth something, but needs to be guided towards the right direction for rewards to be reaped.   Jupiter is also the sign of protection, therefore all your business. projects and plans must be adequately protected to avoid them being “taken” by others.
The house that Jupiter is in, the third house, represents communication, short journeys, siblings, relatives, neighbors, business, projects, plans and ideas and study. Some areas will feature more than others, but all will play their part in your good luck this year.
The question is, how are you going to reap financial reward from the ideas you have.   There will be many chances provided to you for this to happen, however, it’s up to you to decide which one will be the most beneficial.   New people will come into your life to help you too, even if only for a brief moment.   This is the transit for you to figure things out carefully, understand your own motivations/intentions and that of others.
As communication is very much a focal point, writing things down, being in touch with people consistently is an important aspect of your success. Poor communication or lack of it, could result in a missed opportunity, therefore a good reason to make sure this is an important factor for you to remember, Dreams could be vivid, especially while Jupiter is retrograde, April 10th - August 11th, because this is an internal cycle, one of going back and over things already done.  Some of the information you receive can be used immediately, some of it later.  You’ll know which insights are for immediate action, because they’ll make the most sense.
Ultimately, appearance is another area that is highlighted this Jupiter cycle.   You must always present your best Self because you never know who is watching or who you’re going to meet.  Most of all the universe is around to help you make your ideas a reality.  Jupiter is a protector and will guide you to do the same for everything mentioned in the third house and of course, mind, body, spirit and Soul.
Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem will all be “tested’ by the Jupiter transit of good luck.   In your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, finances will increase if you are strong in your convictions of what needs to be done.  This especially applies when dealing with the public, literary, publishing, travel, higher education/consciousness, beliefs, contractual agreements and legal matters.   This is not a time to vacillate/procrastinate, but to be focused and determined in your objectives.   New partnerships are in the forefront. However, you must make sure the people involved are on the same page, as there is danger of individuals coming into your life with their own agenda and nothing more.   The seventh house that is the subject of the Jupiter transit, rules open enemies. Meaning, if you’re paying attention, it will be very obvious who has your best interests at heart and who doesn’t. 
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, you may not feel so confident that you’ll achieve your goals.  This is the way of the Universe urging you to be introspective and question why you feel the way you do. Is this a learned thought pattern you feel comfortable with?  You have the whole spring/summer to find out the answer.
Anything connected to women/family/home are also strong topics throughout the year.  
Jupiter will move into Capricorn December 2nd for one year, into your house of projects, plans, ideas, study, short journeys, communication, siblings and relatives.   As far as your ideas are concerned and communication, you may have to give these an overhaul during this particular cycle.   If by this time you haven’t had significant success with anything you’ve tried to accomplish up to this point, it’s a sign that whatever you’re trying to do is old and outdated.  This may require you to start from square one, but it will be worth it, if you listen and observe the signs around you, guiding you in a new direction.
With Jupiter in your sign, Sagittarius holds all the cards of good luck and good fortune for the year.    You have at your disposal, the support of the Universe to really go beyond your comfort zone in ways you never thought possible.   Creating new opportunities and expanding present involvements should be easy.  Positive energy is present for you to overcome, negotiate, prosper and succeed in creative ventures, even starting anew business is recommended.   If you want to enter the entertainment industry,  you’ll be well received, especially if your ideas are out-of-the-box.
If you have any long-standing disagreements or outstanding payments to be made or received, now is the time to settle and  “wipe the slate clean” ,before Jupiter moves into your second house of money, material possessions and self-worth, December 2nd.
At the same time, underlying all this, is the issue of childhood memories/experiences, that need to be looked at and relinquished, While Jupiter retrogrades, April 10th - August 11th, because they’re in the way of your personal growth and progress.  You’ll know why they are when you hit a “brick wall” and can’t seem to move forward and/or fear, insecurity and doubt surface.  Retrograde are for the purpose of introspection and going over everything accomplished up to that point.
If you’re willing to learn a new talent that “stretches” your creativity to the limit, there’s no doubt it will pay-off very handsomely in the near future.  When Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your second house, of money, material possessions and self-worth December 2nd, you should start to see financial rewards coming your way for your efforts up to this point.   A chance to build a solid structure for your goals, restructure the old to make way for the new and be ahead of trends that could potentially garner recognition. If you reach for the stars you’ll make it.
This is your year Sagittarius, don’t f…k it up!
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When Jupiter moves into the 12th house of an individual’s birth chart, it’s a time for “cleaning house” and one’s life.   Capricorn is in this place now. Jupiter is a magnifying glass, highlighting the good and the bad.  For your sign the focus is work, projects, business, plans, ideas, communication, learning, siblings ad relatives.
Most importantly you have to be realistic with all of the above and clear with your intent.   There are those who have been in a and around your life that do not have your best interests at heart and hold you back.  Capricorn has to be able to  “see through the veil” with great discernment, in order to discard people and situations that are not the most positive.  
At the same time enlarging your belief system, spiritual practice and learning to avoid situations/people that lead to sorrow and self-undoing. Karmic debts will need to be repaid, whether from you or others.
When it comes to employment, there will be offers to travel, expand and/or start something new.  All opportunities must be explored whether er they work out or not.   You have to move forward with the Universe, in preparation for Jupiter moving into your sign December 2nd for one year.
If you can be realistic about plans and ideas for work and not get misled off on tangents, your Jupiter cycle will prove to be very beneficial.   Serving your needs and the needs of others is important and finding a way to “teach” others what you know and knowledge you’ve gained over the years, whether spiritual, physical or a combination of both.  Your voice must be heard.     Anything of a visual nature is also under very powerful stars.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself in the spotlight and let others see who you are and what you’re capable of doing. Also take care of your health/well-being, especially diet and digestion.
Your luck/fortune lies in your ability to constantly work towards moving out of darkness towards the light, on every level.  If you can accomplish this in 2019, 2020 will be the start of reaping rewards far beyond your dreams.
Your Jupiter cycle is one of the unexpected.   Sudden fortunate twists/turns of fate, cathartic changes/transformations that occur will later prove to be very fortunate.  Whatever is stagnant in your life will see the “winds of change” blowing away stagnation.  If you’ve been working diligently towards a particular hope/wish, the chances of it coming to fruition are very high this year.
New friends will be abundant, these individuals will only too willing to help, Everything that occurs will be indicative of what is to come in your life, new job, friends, home and lifestyle are all written in the stars for Aquarius.
Avoid the temptation, of hanging on to people and situations that are hard to remove or seem insurmountable.  The Universe is on your side and will provide everything needed to remove what/who needs to go.
Try to avoid “get rich quick’ schemes because they won’t work out to your benefit and will leave you with a minus instead of a plus.   Aquarius has strong instincts and Jupiter will magnify them beyond your expectations. This will be your ”weapon” this year, to help yo navigate out of and away from difficulties and challenging scenarios.  
When Jupiter moves into Capricorn  your 12th house of karmic debt, sorrow, self-undoing, the hidden and spirituality,  December 2nd, you’ll be in the final phases of changing what needs to change.  Benefits will come from old and forgotten sources and your spiritual guides will be more prominent than usual, ready to help pave the way for success. 
2019  for Aquarius is a year of big changes and surprises that will be the catalyst for success when Jupiter moves into Aquarius December 20th 2020.    If you stay on track with the Universe, you’ll see life-changing results in the not too distant future.
Success will come this year if career, goals and ambitions are on solid ground and karmically correct.  Hard work up to this point could reap substantial rewards and gain recognition.  If the foundation isn’t strong or some aspect of what you’re trying to achieve isn’t built on a firm foundation, everything could potentially crumble when Jupiter moves into Capricorn for one year December 2nd.  
Its also important for you to have contractual/legal agreements to ensure everyone is on the same page.  
It may seem as if certain aspects of what you’re trying to achieve are harder than ever, but that’s because you’re close to accomplishment, therefore perseverance is necessary till the very end.
Ultimately, this year, you’ll receive benefits from previous commitments, friends, people in authority/power, past commitments and experiences.   Jupiter will bring new long-term opportunities that are for the purpose of expansion and growth.  
When Jupiter retrogrades April 10th - August 11th, freer of failure, insecurities and feelings of being powerless will crop up for you to confront.   You’ll have to be very introspective and dig deep in order to overcome these feelings, but it can be done.
If you’re able to stay on track with the Universe, when Jupiter moves into Capricorn and your house of groups, friends hopes and wishes, December 2nd, the stars will highlight this area for changes to come, giving structure to all of the above.  This will be your chance to take a major leap forward towards making hope wishes come to fruition.
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lunaleetarot · 4 years ago
Sagittarius- No need to worry... your recent hardships are about to turn around.
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1. Queen of Cups- Your lacking faith in yourself here, perhaps you’ve landed in hot water recently. Despite whatever has occurred, I feel your intentions were in the right place. Just because you didn’t get the results you wanted doesn’t mean you can’t make it right.
2. King of Pentacles- You need more hope in your financial situation. Many people have been hit hard by these tough economic times due to Covid-19. This may not be a windfall of cash, but something more permanent like a job offer or something substantial.
3. The Emperor- You're a lover who likes to be in control. You like for things to go your way, and as long as your partner doesn’t mind this type of relationship that isn’t a bad thing. However be mindful that your partner may not see eye to eye with this behavior. This is a case by case basis, so if you have a docile partner this can be good, but if your partner doesn’t want to be tamed this can be a bad omen. I see this more as someone who appreciates that you know how to take charge.
4. Five of Wands- Take any hardships or competitors as an opportunity to grow. Don’t waste time being jealous of others.
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everyday-signs · 5 years ago
The signs on St. Patrick's Day
Aries: at a bar in a plastic hat
Taurus: wondering what green to wear
Gemini: pinching people for fun
Cancer: partaking in some clover 🍀
Leo: throwing a party
Virgo: wearing blue like the Saint
Libra: enjoying the parades
Scorpio: planning revenge on Gemini
Sagittarius: at Leo's party
Capricorn: got roped into doing something... Again...
Aquarius: in anything but green and ready to fight
Picses: at a party but out of the way
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welcometomestarringatyou · 5 years ago
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🍀Happy Saint Patrick’s Day🍀
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jessicastrovibes · 5 years ago
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It's been SO long since I've been active! With the day of luck and hope, it's good to spread joy!
Also with spring arriving soon, I'd like to continue this blog. Let the passion of astrology bloom again!
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badbitchzodiac · 3 years ago
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Pisces appear sweet & shy but they have a very wild side here for all the St Patrick's Day shenanigans! ♓️ Tag a bad Pisces bitch & check out our store today! 💕
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noelcollection · 2 years ago
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Step aside, St. Patrick! This March we’re celebrating St. David’s Day, the feast day honoring the patron saint of Wales, with a post on our seventeenth-century copy of a Welsh-English dictionary. 
Y Gymraeg yn ei Disgleirdeb or The British Language in its Lustre was “compiled by great pains and industry” by Thomas Jones (1648?-1713), a Welsh publisher and bookseller who was likely the first Welsh journalist, although no copies of his newspaper are extant. Desiring to revive and purify the Welsh tongue, Jones endeavored to create this Welsh-English dictionary.
In this selection of entries, we can see where Welsh has impacted our modern English: “bard” from “bardd,” “druid” from “derwŷddon,” and “dad” from “tâd.”
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And here is a sampling of Welsh terms that capture some of the rich culture behind the language:
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Finally, if you need to brush up on your astrological and alchemical symbols in Welsh, look no further: 
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Images from: 
Jones, Thomas. Y Gymraeg yn ei Disgleirdeb = The British Language in its Lustre. London: Lawrence Baskervile and John Marsh, 1688. Catalog record: http://bit.ly/3xURGrA
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