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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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QUINN FABRAY is 24 YEARS OLD and she is a TALENT ACQUISITION MANAGER in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. She is living in Apt 226. She is portrayed by princess DIANNA AGRON and unfortunately for you her role is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) intelligent, independent, loyal
( – ) manipulative, elitist, calculating
The ghost of Grace Kelly, Quinn Fabray is the epitome of glamor and poise. She’s got a traditional beauty and an influential family name that has given her the kind of easy life that others could only dream of. But behind all that outward charisma lies someone who is tactful, aware, and often manipulative. She is calculating and she knows exactly the kind of advantages she has and she’s not unwilling to use and abuse those advantages in her favor. She’s used to a certain high status of living and she lives to maintain that. Evident by her Yale graduate degree in business administration with a focus on music business. She works within Talent Acquisition for a fiery indie record label - rewarding her with a practical and well paying career in an industry that is simultaneously cutthroat and "eat or be eaten." She adores her job and the way the excitement of it burns low in her belly.
Quinn comes from old money - from a family name that spans over decades of respect and power. With that family name comes certain expectations. Expectations that her family, loving as they are, have ensured their children uphold. And though she is happy to uphold this cultivated image, she can't help but feel well....bored. She can’t shake the need for some excitement in her life. Something more than the poised Sunday brunches and monthly dinner parties. She's got the undercurrent of a rebellious streak below the glamour that she loves to tap into. Whether or not Quinn will be able to get her her need to keep her life looking perfect on the outside and live the life she truly desires remains a mystery.
♛ While her parents have expressed how proud they are of Quinn's ambition and supportive of her desire for career growth, they have also not so subtly been pushing her towards marriage. Whenever she is invited to some gala or dinner party by her parents she can always expect to be introduced to yet another stiff business buff. Quinn entertains them and works her charms on them, if only just to appease her parents, but she knows that she's in no way ready to settle down.
♛ Quinn adores her friends. She may place a great deal of importance on maintaining a cool and unblemished public perception, but her relationships with those she cares about will always come first. That includes her siblings and parents even with how frustrating they can sometimes be. She is particularly close and protective of her mother - of who Quinn knows is unhappy in her marriage to her father. It's never spoken about out loud but everyone in the family knows of her father's infidelity. It's quite the scandal - all whispers and rumors and while Quinn does love her father she hates that her mom is essentially powerless. She has sworn to herself that she'll never let herself be in a similar situation. Which explains her tendency to withholding and reserved while in relationships.
♛ Quinn was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where there is a church on every block. She left Georgia when she received her acceptance letter to Yale in New Haven, Connecticut. Her family eventually followed suit, relocating to New York, where both her older sisters also live, in order to be closer to their daughters.
↳HUNTER CLARINGTON: HUNTER looks for nothing less than the best. He wants to achieve in all walks of his life and right now he’s successful, he has an amazing apartment, and a substantial income. However, one thing that’s missing is a nice girl to take home to his parents. And there’s only one person who he thinks could fulfill that role: Quinn Fabray. They’ve been long time friends - both of their fathers having worked together for the same company. In fact, their families have been trying to not so subtly set them up together for some time. He’s tried asking her out on a date before but so far it’s been fruitless. Quinn has obviously thought about it (he IS gorgeous after all) but she’s still been itching for that little bit of rebellion and she’s unsure if Hunter is going to give that to her. Though, he isn’t planning on giving up quite yet.
↳SAM EVANS: Quinn has had her eye on Sam for quite some time. He lives a couple doors down from her and he just has this likable and slightly rugged quality about him that’s hard for her to not like. She loves to flirt with him and even more she lives the attention he gives her in return. Perhaps it’s because she knows he’s exactly the kind of person that would not please her uptight parents that makes her excited to talk to him everyday. Or maybe it’s just because she adores the way he flirts right back. Either way - she has no intention of it going any further than just a flirtmance…at least right now.
↳SEBASTIAN SMYTHE:  Sebastian’s right hand girl would definitely have to be Miss Quinn Fabray. She’s full of elegance and grace and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it charming. He can appreciate a beautiful girl as much as anyone (after all he’s, to the core, a lover of all pretty things) and she’s absolutely great at reeling in all the other pretty boys and girls in when he’s looking for some bait. And he has got to say…she’s good at it too. Not only do the perks of being friends with blondie mean more respect points from Blaine Anderson but he also thoroughly enjoys her company. She’s a bright girl and a little harsh/judgmental at times which makes her company all the more fun.
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Pansy Parkinson…
a woman of eighteen who is driven and detail oriented, yet intolerant and priggishas well… seems like you belong in S L Y T H E R I N!
[taken by Casey. faced by Odeya Rush. blog link.]
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wickedworld-rpg · 9 years ago
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Pelos corredores todos sussurram: Vejam! Este é Belerofonte, o filho da primeira sereia, Aquata! Está em Fatales há pouco tempo, e todos já sabem que é um Regillus, além de ser o herdeiro do Reino de Atlântica. Aparenta ter por volta de 20 e se parece com Diego Boneta, mas pode ser apenas um feitiço.
As criaturas marinhas já esperavam que aquele dia chegasse. Tinham ouvido a risada de criança ressoando pelos corredores abertos às correntes marinhas. Tinham visto o relance de uma calda azul e brilhante como a de uma safira. Azul-escuro, pesado, mas de um fulgor tão forte que somente a juventude podia se justificar. Golfinhos relataram suas jornadas de trabalho, contando em detalhes sobre os cabelos encaracolados e escuros do ocupante tão rápido quanto uma flecha. Não podia falar mais do que isso, ou as princesas o sequestraria e o prenderia no quarto da beleza, somente Poseidon capaz de prever a que castigo seria submetido. Um cavalo-marinho foi ainda mais modesto, simples, falando dos olhos redondos tão verdes quanto a própria profundeza do mar. A tartaruga logo interveio, sabia e experiente, dizendo que eram olhos de areia. Areia escura que dava as algas e verde como as próprias ervas que as princesas plantavam pelo castelo. A discussão continuou pelo salão apinhado. Polvos puxando peixes para lhes sussurrarem sobre a voz nova e fina. Voz de criança. Criança! Peixes-boi e tubarões não se controlavam, circulando perto das paredes com os pequenos olhos viajando de uma janela a outra, de uma porta a arco. A maioria não entendia o motivo de tanto segredo, muitos ainda não faziam ideia porque tinham chamado, mas a hora chegara. Era hora da revelação.
O Tritão entrou majestoso pela entrada principal, o tridente vibrando de poder pelas bolhas soltadas em direção à superfície. “Atenção! Atenção.” Peixes de nariz comprido e com luzes penduradas no meio da testa anunciaram, criaturas fantásticas para prender a atenção do mais distraído dos animais. Um longo discurso foi feito, sobre a criação de Atlântica, sobre a evolução do reinado, sobre os animais e sereias. Não podemos nos esquecer das sereias! As caudas poderosas não sossegavam, queriam bater e subir, ficar acima de todos para ver tudo em primeira mão. Aquata entrou em seguida, altiva e sorridente, seguida de… Sim, uma criança. Um lindo garoto metade homem metade peixe, de cauda azul resplandecentes como a mãe e olhos esverdeados como o fundo do mar. “Meu herdeiro, Belerofonte.” E o mar entrou em festa. As seis sereias puxaram o coro, a água entrou em festa e a vida se seguiu. Perguntado sobre o motivo do segredo, o Tritão foi muito simples em suas palavras. O tridente escolhia seu próximo sucessor e este precisava estar pronto para fazer o teste. Fora um acidente que acontecera, o jovem tritão ingênuo em seus atos completara todas as etapas sozinho, e sob o olhar orgulhoso do avô. Tinha sido uma brincadeira, um concedimento do desejo do mais novo. Posso segurar vovô? E quem recusaria alguma coisa para o pequeno príncipe?
A mãe e as irmãs o mimaram, o avô o orientou e os peixes o guiaram. Para quem ouvira pelas paredes que a vida de futuro rei era enfadonha e sufocante, Belerofonte estava se divertindo à beça, e tudo por um único motivo. Ele amava, amava, cada uma das lições e treinamentos. O jovem se entregou tão profundamente que seu corpo respondia por si só, perfeitamente. O orgulho de seus familiares se juntou aos da população, que se apaixonava cada vez mais pelo jovem príncipe. Em pouco tempo era tão comportado quanto a mãe e tão habilidoso no tridente quanto os guardas do palácio. Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adela e Alana, cada uma delas contribuiu para a construção de Belerofonte. A paixão dos livros de uma, o flerte de outra, a hiperatividade de outra, a criatividade daquela, a facilidade de se comunicar da mais nova. E, cercado de mulheres, não foi surpresa crescer na fama entre as sereias de fora da família. O jovem cresceu e cresceu, se tornando tão carismático quanto suas tias, e tão querido quanto os produtos de beleza de Alana.
Tão logo a adolescência veio se foi. E só não foi tão trágica porque não existia a veia dramática na constituição sólida de Belerofonte. Como todo e qualquer tritão, o príncipe herdeiro saiu numa grande aventura com seus dois grandes amigos. Feneu, filho do chefe da guarda de Atlântica, e Slash, o jovem tubarão martelo de três metros. A missão era relativamente simples em quesito de execução da força bruta, mas ardilosa em seu planejamento. Os três passaram um dia inteiro calculando e expondo obstáculos, elaborando rotas de fuga e planos alternativos para todo tipo de contratempo. A história era, basicamente, o sumiço de uma sereia nos terrenos amaldiçoados de Úrsula. A correnteza a pegou desprevenida e algas encantadas serviu de amarra para a prisioneira. No primeiro reconhecimento de terreno não encontraram vivalma, no segundo e no terceiro tampouco. Na manhã do quarto, a luz do sol atravessou diferente a água e evidenciou a posição da sereia, o brilho de suas conchas sendo um farol leitoso no meio da vegetação daninha. A equipe de resgate avançou depressa por cima e mergulhou logo acima da sereia. Quem poderia prever que as algas que a prendiam se tornariam em enguias enfeitiçadas? Cada um tomou conta de uma e todos tentaram se ajudar. A sereia perdida dissolveu em bolhas negras, um ardil, o corpo se tornando longo e escamoso de mais uma enguia.
O príncipe retornou com a garganta aberta, o poder do mar invocado servindo como bandagem, e os corpos dos companheiros enfraquecidos flutuando atrás de si. Belerofonte perdeu a voz, a capacidade de falar e cantar, mas ganhou outro trunfo na manga: a magia dos mares. É um tanto incomum esse dom aparecer em espécimes do sexo masculino, ainda mais aqueles destinados ao trono, contudo, não havia regra para esse tipo de coisa. Ainda mais quando descobriu ser capaz de se comunicar com seus parentes e amigos com o toque e a mente. Querendo afastá-lo, ou melhor, dar férias ao herdeiro, Aquata e o Rei Tritão matricularam o menino no Instituto Fatales e criaram um pequeno refúgio perto da praia para que morasse durante os estudos. Belerofonte aceitou a mudança com a esperança de se tornar melhor e mais apto ao trono de Atlântica.
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inwonderland-rpg-blog · 10 years ago
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❝ Vejam quem acaba de atravessar o espelho! Aimèe Blanc é uma intrarrena e tem 85 anos. Atualmente faz parte da Corte branca e é assustadoramente parecido com Danielle Campbell! ❞
Aimèe sempre vivera uma vida de regalias, mas estas nunca a agradaram, para a morena a vida deveria ser composta por coisas simples da vida, por sentimentos e ações que demonstrassem, não mostrar o quão rica era sua família. Mas isso pouco importava ao seus pais que desde cedo treinava a garota para ser uma perfeita donzela, educada, simpática e acima de tudo esconder seus verdadeiros sentimentos, apenas demonstrando um sorriso e que seus verdadeiros sentimentos fossem escondidos dentro de uma caixa em sua mente.
O espírito da Blanc era livre, por este motivo que não foi tardio a garota encontrar uma forma de fugir de suas aulas e ir para a aldeia que havia próxima de sua casa, andava disfarçada com uma mulher simples daquele local, uma pessoa que não havia um sangue nobre circulando pelo seu corpo. E ela começou a ir uma vez na semana, depois se passou para duas, três… Por fim todos os dias.
Em uma dessas fugas a garota se encontrou com Kilian, logo se tornaram amigos e com o tempo, como era de espera, o relacionamento se tornou algo muito maior. Se apaixonaram sem mesmo perceber, assim se tornaram mais que amigos, amantes que faziam juras de amor escondidos e que contavam tudo sobre si, até os piores segredos. Loucuras eram planejadas. Foi uma destas loucuras que fez a garota fugir no meio da noite e ir morar com o seu amado.
A partir daquela noite nunca mais se ouviu falar da herdeira dos Blanc, agora seu nome se tornara Lucinda Matarazzo e uma trabalhadora entre milhares. Naqueles anos que passou ao lado do marido foram os mais felizes de sua vida e aquilo foi para o lixo no momento que voltava para sua casa e viu o marido caído no chão com uma poça de sangue embaixo de si e um soldado ao seu lado com um sorriso macabro em seu rosto.
Vingança é um sentimento constante na mulher desde que viu seu marido ser assassinado brutalmente por um motivo banal, isso poderia ser verdade, mas esse era apenas um sonho para Aimèe pois a verdade doía ainda mais, o crime foi sem motivo, apenas um desejo dos soldados vermelhos, ou melhor da Rainha de Copas de matar um camponês que nada fizera a ela ou qualquer componente da família real.
E por causa desse sentimento a garota se viu encaminhando para o palácio de Marfim e dizer para Nivee, sua prima de segundo grau, que precisava fazer algo contra rainha vermelha. Ela poderia esperar que receberia frases de que como aquilo tudo era absurdo, mas não um sim. A partir daquele momento Aimèe partiu do reino em direção ao seu objetivo final, ferir Elizabeth. Seu nome permanecia Lucinda, como poderia desconfiar de uma camponesa que não havia ligação nenhuma com a nobreza de Marfim?
Uma atriz nata sempre com um sorriso nos lábios e nunca demonstrando suas verdadeiras emoções, quando isso acontecer, meu caro, você é um grande sortudo. Com esta facilidade de mostrar o que é apropriado para si, rapidamente conseguiu trabalho no palácio, de início era o cargo mais baixo e ao passar do tempo se tornou a dama de companhia de Elizabeth, o começo do seu plano estava feito agora restava o resto.
❝ Vingança, essa sim é uma palavra bela. ❞
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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RACHEL BERRY is 25 YEARS OLD and he is a BROADWAY ACTRESS in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. He is living in Apt 224. She is portrayed by sweet angel  LEA MICHELE and is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) Ambitious, Talented, Social
( – ) Demanding, Abrasive, Seflish.
As a budding Broadway starlet, Rachel’s eyes were set on New York City in a post-high school world. Though Julliard seemed the most practical, NYADA fell into her lap from the hands of her doe eyed guidance counselor. Months and months of planning went into her application – as the reigning president of over 16 school clubs, Rachel’s resume spoke for itself. Her talent, however, was another thing, and when her audition came, she knew she could finally, finally prove to someone that she was better than what everyone else said she was. A recent graduate (2 years out), Rachel’s found herself in the center of a whirlwind fantasy. Though she’d been talking about it her whole life, arriving in New York and achieving Broadway success, she wasn’t prepared for how she’d feel when she got it.  After a year long stint in the long anticipated revival of Funny Girl, Rachel is now involved in an original project. The show has yet to open – in fact, preview start in just one month – and Rachel’s both terrified and elated to originate a role. She’s spent her entire life waiting for this moment, to be on stage and receive applause and gratitude for all the hard work she’s put into fostering her talent. However, the underlying nerves of not being good enough – and flopping truly before she found her stride – lingers over her head nearly every single day. She, of course, isn’t one to show such worries openly, and Rachel puts on a wonderful front for her friends so they won’t worry that she’s in over her head.
♕ The second Rachel’s Dads found out about how talented she was, they spared no expense. Tap lessons, ballet lessons, voice lessons – Rachel received any sort of class and enrichment that would further her chances at success. She was very musically capable from a young age, and the more Rachel grew, the stronger that talent grew. Despite the fact that their town wasn’t much for fostering young people’s passion for the arts, the city was just a train ride away. There, in the depths of Chicago, was where Rachel got her first taste of local theatre. National tours came through, community productions lit up the stage, and Rachel wanted to be apart of it every chance she got. In fact, she nearly got a taste of professional stardom when casting calls went live for a National tour. However, her Dads decided she was too young to give up her education, and despite the fact that she knows they had her best interests in mind, part of her always resents them for holding her back from achieving her dreams.
♕ The innate stress that Rachel was put under since the beginning of her life has given her anxiety in a variety of ways. The amount of attention she was given in terms of fostering and growing her talent makes her think that if she’s not constantly striving for the very best, she’s slacking and wasting not only her time, but the time of those around her. Without any real roadblock to tell her to slow down, Rachel can and will run herself into the ground with work. She never truly means to torpedo into a stress induced work cyclone, but her lack of interpersonal connections in grade school never enabled her to friendship. Therefore, her career will always come first, and her work ethic is the most important thing in her professional life. Other than her actual talent, of course.
♕ Rachel’s constant boundary pushing is the result of being told she wasn’t good enough over and over again. Her family was loving, and fostered an amazing environment for her to succeed in. However, her peers weren’t always as kind. Her looks didn’t lend her to popularity in high school – in fact, any softness she had was cancelled out by her larger than life attitude. With the constant need to announce herself, and her talent, every time she entered a new room, Rachel kept people at an arm’s length away. Truthfully, she didn’t have many – or any – friends. A penchant for animals sweaters topped off with a brass attitude that most people didn’t give a second chance to has led to a very reclusive life. Maybe she’s over eager when she meets people she think could stand the Rachel Berry Friendship Test, but that eagerness can rub people the wrong way. And if those people can be a threat to Rachel, or her talent? They don’t last very long in her world.
↳ BLAINE ANDERSON: The moment Rachel met Blaine in the elevator of their apartment complex she had major heart eyes. Kurt had this calming, stable (and not to mention oh so handsome) demeanor that Rachel was instantly drawn to. She actively pursued him, much to Blaine's, amusement until she finally realized the oh so obvious truth of Blaine's gayer than gay sexuality. Since then, Rachel has continued to keep Blaine tucked in close as one of her close friends and she honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
↳ SANTANA LOPEZ: Santana is her closest friend at the complex. Santana's found that she’s constantly surrounded by men (and women if we’re being honest) just trying to get into her pants and she likes that Rachel never tries to. And not just because she’s straighter than straight. She genuinely seems to enjoy her company and really listens to her thoughts no matter how insensitive or snarky they may be. Rachel appreciates Santana's individuality and that she’s unapologetically herself. It’s refreshing.  
↳ QUINN FABRAY:  Quinn didn't have much to say about a one Rachel Berry when she first moved into the complex. She was rather loud at times and one of the most talkative people she had ever come across. Quinn kept her distance - until of the artists her record label represents was cast in Rachel's new upcoming original play. They have now crossed paths quite a few times due to work and while Quinn isn't quite sure she even likes her, Rachel is slowly becoming maybe not quite as irritating as she percieved her to be originally.
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Lavender Brown…
a woman of eighteen who is bubbly and loyal, yet obsessive and stubborn as well… seems like you belong in G R Y F F I N D O R!
[taken by Paige. faced by Jessie Cave. blog link.]
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wickedworld-rpg · 9 years ago
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Pelos corredores todos sussurram: Vejam! Este é Apollyon Aequor, o filho de Morgana! Está em Fatales há pouco tempo, e todos já sabem que é um Sedetiosus, além de ser o filho mais velho de Morgana. Aparenta ter por volta de 23 anos e se parece com Bill Skarsgard, mas pode ser apenas um feitiço.
A Profundeza dos Sete Mares nunca foi um bom lar. Para Morgana, foi apenas mais uma das formas de ser comparada com a irmã, Úrsula. A maldade sempre esteve presente, ambas banidas por não terem uma vida digna como o Rei impôs, e mesmo assim, Morgana dizia que a sua irmã era a favorita da mãe. Para mostrar que era capaz e obviamente melhor que a mais velha, Morgana arquitetou todo um plano para acabar de vez com a ruiva, a sétima sereia, aquela que não deveria ter escapado e dado o fim horrível a Úrsula. Mesmo não admitindo, a mais nova tinha uma certa compaixão, não poderia deixar que humilhassem a irmã do jeito que tinham feito, mas, também tinha que se mostrar melhor, mostrando posteriormente isso aos filhos, como ser melhor que os outros e como eles eram melhores.
Seu plano nunca foi posto em prática, antes disso, Úrsula conseguiu de alguma forma descobrir tudo que foi planejado. Morgana sentiu o gosto da traição por parte da família e claramente a humilhação feita por um membro próximo, não que Úrsula fosse de toda bondade quando eram pequenas, mas isso nunca saiu de sua mente. Exilada, sozinha, amargurada e menos poderosa. A maioria dos cecaelia ria dela, Morgana era claramente motivo de piada. Sempre que se aproximavam dela, Morgana dava um jeito de espantarem, ela não iria mais deixar que qualquer um ficasse pelo seu caminho. Montou uma moradia em uma caverna bem longe de tudo, se era para ser exilada, tinha de ser mesmo exilada. Tinha uma foca que lhe era fiel e sempre cantava para ela, sua voz nunca tinha sido a das melhores, mas, ela estava em uma forma humanóide. Sua beleza que praticamente atraiu aquele navio com os piratas. E o seu capitão claramente se viu apaixonado pela voz da cecaelia mas não por muito tempo, depois de se divertirem um pouco, ela mostrou as suas garras e o devorou completamente, sem deixar pedaços.
Ser filho de uma bruxa amargurada realmente não era boa coisa. Mas, Apollyon se acostumou e sempre que podia ficava longe dessa loucura toda. Quando nasceu, foi uma alegria imensa, já não estava mais sozinha. Para a bruxa nunca foi difícil dar a ele o que ele queria, conseguia tudo com magia. Apollyon cresceu sem amor e sem conhecer as coisas e era uma relação conturbada a dele com a mãe. Vivia longe de quase todos os cecaelias mas sempre que encontrava um, Apollyon se sentia como se fosse um nada, tudo por causa do que a sua mãe representava. Ser filho de Morgana era considerado vergonha. Ele, já tinha estrangulado alguns de sua espécie por dizer que faria alguma coisa parecida com a sua mãe. Apollyon nunca seria como ela, pisaria em todos que diriam alguma coisa em relação a isso e provaria para todo mundo que iria conseguir destruir todos os sereianos que a exilaram.
Porém, Apollyon se viu em uma situação tensa depois que a sua irmã nasceu. Mesmo pequeno, ele tinha plena consciência de tudo que rondava a mente de sua mãe. Era mesquinha, enciumada e queria mostrar um poder que não tinha. Apollyon nasceu com as habilidades de Morgana e até mais um pouco. Era um cecaelia mais poderoso que a mãe e claramente se orgulhava disso. Mas, Morgana queria chamar cada vez mais atenção para si e atraía cada vez mais barcos piratas para eles dois, os viciando em carne humana a cada dia que passava. Apollyon estava querendo se livrar da mãe, como ela poderia ser assim tão inconsequente?! Sua cabeça sempre ficava a mil por hora e naquele tempo os Guardiões o acharam. Não enviaram uma carta porque até mesmo ele não leria, Apollyon foi levado para Fatales para aprender a se comportar melhor, mas, ele via nessa viagem a chance de descobrir as fraquezas de quem ele sempre quis torturar.
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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SAM EVANS is 23 YEARS OLD and he is a FREELANCE ARTIST in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. He is living in Apt 223. He is portrayed by the hunky hunk CHORD OVERSTREET and his role is currently CLOSED for auditions.
Sam Evans has definitely not had the most ideal childhood in the world. He was born with dyslexia, which made him have to work a little harder in school than everyone else, and due to his parent’s unstable financial income, he was never really able to seek extra help. They didn’t have a cute house in a nice suburban neighborhood with white fences and birdhouses; instead they inhabited the slums of New York. Sam spent most of his teenage life working whenever he could in order to help his parents and younger brother and sister. His favorite spot to work was a small used bookstore not too far from his house. Sam especially enjoyed the graphic novels and found solace among the pages filled with brave superheroes and the adversities they faced and saw himself. Sam managed to draw inspiration from these graphic novels and realized he had a real knack for art. When he wasn’t working or taking care of his siblings he could be found in the art studio of his high school. Reading wasn’t always his strong suit, for obvious reasons, but in art he could express his creativity in a way that made him feel smart and useful. In fact, once high school graduation came around, Sam was able to use the inheritance that his grandfather left him to obtain a degree in art from NYU. Sam got a few different job offers after graduation, including a prestigious entry level position as an illustrator for a publishing company in Los Angeles. However, Sam couldn’t justify it to himself to be so far away from his family so he decided to stay in New York and now just freelances for advertising/marketing firms. It’s not as fun or creative or stable but at least he can stay close to his family. Sometimes he wonders what would have been….and hopes that his future has some more opportunities in store for him.  
♛ All Sam has ever wanted was to make his parents proud and to repay them for everything they’ve ever done for him. It didn’t matter that they didn’t have a lot of money growing up, because regardless of their financial standing, they always supported him. They were his biggest fans and never failed to make him feel worthy. If he had to thank anyone for pushing him to stay on top of his art, it’d be them. His mother and father were nothing but loving parents, even through the hardships they faced as a family. That’s why he couldn’t leave for California; he owed this to them.
♛ Sam often takes on enough jobs to support himself and his family. He sends checks to his parents, even though they’ve practically begged him not to. He knows it hurts them to need help, but hey, they helped support him for how many years before he was up and on his own? Plus, he wants his siblings to have a better life than he had, not that he had a bad life. He just doesn’t want them having to work their way through school, because it wasn’t exactly fair then, but it totally wouldn’t be fair now. Besides, they both have super bright futures ahead of them and the last thing they need to worry about is where their next meal is going to come from.
♛ Sam was born and raised in New York; it’s quite literally all he’s ever known. He never had the luxury of traveling out of state for vacation or for any other reason. The home he grew up in was only two bedrooms, which had been fine for the most part. He slept on the couch and let his siblings share the bedroom. After all, he just needed a place to sleep after going to school, working, and focusing on his art. 
↳ FINN HUDSON: Finn is Sam’s roommate and best friend. Put these two together and you’ve got the Einsteins of party theme. These guys know how to throw a wicked party. They’re the social hub of the scene once the Pizza man starts rolling in with their twenty-fours and Sam brings the keg. They both have a strong belief that you’re never too old to party like a college kid and that’s how they intend to roll forever. That is, until the complex owner sees the damage it’s all done. 
↳ TINA COHEN-CHANG: Tina’s verbosity, while sometimes perturbs other residents never seemed to deter Sam. In fact, Sam finds Tina to be very intelligent and patient while others weren’t willing to be and that’s pretty awesome if you ask him. They’re never without something to talk about.
↳ SEBASTIAN SMYTHE: They don’t talk much….besides the occasional short conversation here and there. It’s not that Sam dislikes him per se…he just isn’t sure what to make of the rowdy, outspoken, and sometimes crude remarks Sebastian very often makes. There’s something about Sebastian that Sam distrusts though he can’t quite put his finger on why….
1. Do you ever get tired of playing baby sitter of your younger siblings? You are twenty three, after all.
“What? No way. They’re my siblings, why would I get tired of watching over them? They need me and they’re honestly pretty cool.” Even if he was tired of it, it wasn’t like he could just say it. Besides, he’d grown so used to to playing the role of babysitter that it didn’t even really matter anymore.
2. Would you say you have a type when it comes to women or are you an all loving kind of man? 
“I’ve never really understood dudes who have a type. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve totally dated plenty of chicks who kinda look alike, but it’s more than that. Good personality trumps hot bod sometimes. Guess you could say I’m all loving?”
3. Are you worried you’ll never get a job offer close to home and you will have gone through years of college for nothing?
"I’m gonna get a job offer. Might not be today, or tomorrow, or 2020, but I’m going to get one eventually. I know it wasn’t super smart to pass up the LA gig, but New York is huge and there has to be something here for me. I just have to be patient, because apparently it’s a virtue or something. Whatever that means.” Hell yeah he was worried and he had every right to be.
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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HUNTER CLARINGTON is 27 YEARS OLD and he is a FINANCIAL ANALYST in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. He is living in Apt 227. He is portrayed by hot-bod  Nolan Gerard Funk and is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) confident, charismatic, industrious.
( – ) elitist, hedonistic, manipulative .
Mr. High and Mighty really needs to learn to get off his high horse at times. Coming from a line of intellectuals and Richies, he’s got the over-achiever ‘tude and fine threads that will make your mama proud. With a good paying job as an financial analyst, everyone questions what the hell it is he is doing living at this particular apartment complex when he could afford a skyline view. He’s got an emotional attachment to the place and to be honest the idea of some big cold penthouse up in the city just sounds….extremely uninviting. He may decorate lavishly but he ultimately wants his home to feel like a home - not like it stepped right out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. He believes he’s smarter and better than everyone else and that often times steers people away. Though, it’s the good looks and sweet ass car that draw them all back in. He may come off as brash and condescending at times - but he genuinely does care for those around him and is a true romantic at heart. Despite the air of superiority he often sports.   When you take away the designer suits, the business card, and the Porsche, there’s a man as lonely as the rest looking for love in a city of millions. The one night stands are fun and all but all he wants is one special person he can come home to every night after work and boast about to his parents. He’s got everything in his life plan but that. It’s not that he has a hard time getting someone it’s just no one out there is interesting enough to share his bed with twice. Will he ever find someone worthy of a second cuddle?
♛ Born into a long line of well-respected military men, Hunter was the sole heir of the Clarington family’s fortune and high expectations. His mother was a young Hollywood starlet before she fell for a handsome man in uniform. A beautifully grand house, a white picket fence, and a perfect son - their life looked like a fairy tale. However, their relationship was mostly PR, and their little family was really only picturesque when there were literal cameras around. The Clarington family was always, if only just a little, dysfunctional.
♛ Hunter was given his middle name, Lucien, after his great-grandfather who had been a highly regarded General in the army. It was always expected that Hunter follow in his footsteps and become a commanding officer in the branch of his choice. However, after spending two years at West Point, Hunter chose a different path, thereby raising his parents’ expectations further. Now he had prove that he had made the right decision, and considering his established success as a financial analyst, he has certainly met those expectations.
♛ Hunter has a lavish penthouse down at the Pierre which serves as an ideal setting to host business dinners and formal events, and of course, to bring back dates from such events. It’s polished, cold, uninviting - perfect for one night stands. However, that’s not where Hunter wants to live. He wants his home to feel like a home. That’s why he continues to live in Kensington Apts, a place that he has an emotional attachment to. Most people are far more impressed by the penthouse, but in Hunter’ opinion: it’s fuck pad, not a home.
↳ QUINN FABRAY: Hunter looks for nothing less than the best. He wants to achieve in all walks of his life and right now he’s successful, he has an amazing apartment, and a substantial income. However, one thing that’s missing is a nice girl to take home to his parents. And there’s only one person who he thinks could fulfill that role: Quinn Fabray. They’ve been long time friends - both of their fathers having worked together for the same company. In fact, their families have been trying to not so subtly set them up together for some time. He’s tried asking her out on a date before but so far it’s been fruitless. Quinn has obviously thought about it (he IS gorgeous after all) but she’s still been itching for that little bit of rebellion and she’s unsure if Hunter is going to give that to her. Though, he isn’t planning on giving up quite yet.
↳ KITTY WILDE: Kitty thinks he’s absolutely GORGEOUS. He’s got that older, successful man smolder that she positively melts for. He’s rich, he’s accomplished, and would definitely fit that picture perfect life she has envisioned for herself. She never tries to put a move on him or anything, she may be bold but she’s not quite THAT bold. She’s also got a lot on her plate and she’s not sure adding a boyfriend to that is quite what she needs. 
↳ FINN HUDSON:  Close friend. At first glance, one would not expect temp Finn Hudson and financial analyst Hunter Clarington to mesh well at all. Especially with Hunter’s judgmental tendencies. But Hunter really respects Finn. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he’s an army man - which Hunter has always grown up respecting. Or maybe it’s just that Finn never does seem to flinch away at Hunter’s brashness and instead sees right through all his bravado. Either way - Hunter likes to hang out with Finn during his free time and wants to help him succeed and get out of his rut.
1. You’ve got quite the big ego…compensating for something? Or rather, lack thereof?
2. Ouch…how many times have you been brushed off by a one Quinn Fabray now? Ten, fifteen?  
3. So what exactly is keeping you here at this apartment complex? Surely you can afford a penthouse overlooking the New York skyline by now?
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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BLAINE ANDERSON is 24 YEARS OLD, GAY and he is a TEACHER in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. He is living in Apt 323. He is portrayed by man candy DARREN CRISS and is currently OPEN for auditions.
( + ) Compassionate, Driven, Optimistic.
( – ) Sensitive, Jealous, Selfish.
A kid at heart, Blaine Anderson has always surrounded himself around children. He always loved babysitting his cousins and knew from day one that he wanted to work with kids for the rest of his life. Fast forwards to college - where he attended Columbia University and received a degree in Education with a minor in Music. Just as kids were his passion, so was music and there’s nothing he believes in more than the power music has on furthering children’s education. He teaches 5th grade and is known as the teacher that somehow finds a way to incorporate music into every single one of his lesson plans. Last year - he was awarded Teacher of the Year (the youngest teacher to ever do so in the state of New York) for his unconventional yet effective methods. During the summer months, Blaine volunteers at a kid’s summer Music and Arts Camp and enjoys every moment of it.   Lately, Blaine has been considering spending some of his free time performing as well. He’s had his eye on some community theater productions but has yet to take the plunge. He adores his job and could honestly never imagine not being a teacher but every now and again, late at night while he’s laying in bed, Blaine thinks about what it would be like to allow himself to be selfish and do something for himself rather than everyone else.
♛ Blaine knew that New York was the city for him from a young age, and that didn’t change as he grew up. He’d love musicals since he first saw Aladdin, which soon shifted to Moulin Rouge (his mother still worries that it was a little much to let a six year old watch) and then to Broadway musicals. His appreciation for music grew too, picking up a guitar at the age of five, mastering it by seven, and picking up several more instruments on the way. But as his love of Broadway grew, so did his appreciation for teaching, and the impact that teachers could have on the lives of young people, after a stunning example of a teacher in his middle school years who subtly helped him on the road to self-acceptance. New York offered him a chance to foster all of this loves, and the moment he graduated high school, that’s where he headed.
♛ Blaine latched onto his music more than he would let anyone in on. On days that he has free, you’ll find him in his apartment with his guitar writing songs, for his class but also for himself, and the things he’s going through. It’s a form of self expression that he wouldn’t give up for the world.
♛ Blaine’s relationship with his father is strained at best. They do well to keep each other at a distance. When Blaine came out to his family, his brother accepted it with indifference (which, Blaine did find acceptable from the brother that had other things to focus on), and his mother with nothing but grace. But his father grew uncomfortable, shifting from someone who would take Blaine out to throw the ball around in bonding to someone who did it because he thought that keeping on track with the more masculine of activities would make him straight. Once Blaine caught onto that, he grew distant immediately, not wanting to be anything less than himself. And they’ve not patched things since.
♛ Blaine loves people, and if there’s a chance that you’re a decent person, he’ll jump at the opportunity to get to know you. And once Blaine Anderson likes you, you’re his family, and there’s no getting rid of him.
♛ New York also allowed Blaine to learn that you don’t have to suffocate your hair with hair gel to be stylish. After his first (and only) one night stand in college and an embarrassing encounter of the guy pulling his hand back and trying to look incredibly grossed out by the stickiness of his hand, Blaine learned that a little bit goes a long way. Long gone are the days of the gel helmet, and his locks flow a little more freely now.
↳ QUINN FABRAY:  All Quinn cares about is that Blaine is happy. He knows that and he finds it endearing, yet it can also be extremely annoying. She has this idea that he’s lonely. And he’s getting real tired of all the blind dates she pushes him towards. He wants to find love the good old fashioned way and blind dates are just awkward. And he’d much rather spend his evenings enjoying life at home in the apartment or out sipping smoothies down the street. He’s perfectly happy living the single life until Prince Charming shows up at his doorstep. Despite the fact that she’s constantly budding into his love life, she’s one of his best friends and he cares about her just as much as she cares about him.
↳ SEBASTIAN SMYTHE: Sebastian is the boy who lives across the hall from Blaine and while Blaine must admit that he’s attractive, Sebastian has a reputation and everyone tells him to stay away despite his attempts at seducing him. Blaine has a dream to find a prince not a villain. But that doesn’t mean he can’t sneak a peak once the guy’s back is turned. And only when his back is turned.  
↳ RACHEL BERRY:  The moment Rachel met Blaine in the elevator of their apartment complex she had major heart eyes. Kurt had this calming, stable (and not to mention oh so handsome) demeanor that Rachel was instantly drawn to. She actively pursued him, much to Blaine’s, amusement until she finally realized the oh so obvious truth of Blaine’s gayer than gay sexuality. Since then, Rachel has continued to keep Blaine tucked in close as one of her close friends and she honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
1. Lucky for you, I heard annoying kids with runny noses and grimy hands are the hottest accessories this year. Maybe love is right around the corner?
2. That Sebastian Smythe is pretty hot. Have you hit that yet? 
3. We’ve seen you eyeing those community theater flyers around the complex….too afraid to try out? I mean, you know what they say…those who can’t, teach.
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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SEBASTIAN SMYTHE is 26 YEARS OLD and he is a TBD in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. He is living in Apt 328.He is portrayed by the love of everyone's life GRANT GUSTIN and is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) Charming, Ambitious, Perseverant.
( – ) Conceited, Materialistic, Arrogant.
Pompous prince, Sebastian Smythe, has never been one to get what he wants. He’s got a calculating mind and the kind of attitude that seems to simultaneously intimidate and attract those around him. He has a lack of empathy for other people’s opinion because as far as he’s concerned, they don’t matter. They’re just a mere blimp on his radar until he wants or needs something from them. Sebastian supposes it was his upbringing that made him who he is. His father is a successful businessman who started his own business from the ground up and if there’s one thing his father taught him, it’s how to sell something. Growing up, if Sebastian ever wanted something, his father would ask him sell it to him.  Sebastian has applied this to every part of his life. By night, he knows how to get any guy or girl to buy him a drink at the bar and he knows how to entice them into bed. By day, however, Sebastian works adamantly at his father’s side in his company. He listens to his father teach him all about the ins and outs of the company so that one day Josh can take it over. Deep down, though, Sebastian has always dreamed of one day branching off on his own and making name for himself without the piggy back rides from his father. He keeps it hidden away in the one thing that Sebastian isn’t sure of: if he could ever make it without his father’s help.
♛ Before settling in New York, Sebastian spent a lot of his young life traveling around the world. His father’s job required them to constantly be on the move for meetings and business deals. While it’s exciting to say that he’s spent time living in many lavish places overseas, until recently he’d never actually been living in one place for such an extended period of time. Though the big city isn’t always enough to keep him from getting restless, he’s enjoying being in one stable place for the first time in his life. Now part of him dreads the idea that he’ll end up without a permanent home as his career sees him traveling more and more in the future.
♛ So much of Sebastian exists in a gray morality, so no one ever really believes him when he pulls a well-intentioned act out of his sleeve. It takes a lot to get through the many thick layers of aloof, non-committal attitude, but despite how easily he can fake a smile when he wants something from someone, and how quick he is to exploit others’ emotions for personal gain- if he deems someone worth his time, then he means it. It’s a rarity, but he’s not above taking the fall for something when someone’s in trouble. They just have to earn it. In fact, most of the things he got in trouble for in his youth were from being willing to be at fault for those that couldn’t manipulate their way out of a bad situation like he could.
♛ Growing up as the son of a notoriously successful business man left a lot of weight on Sebastian’s shoulders. He was a talented young man, and good with a lot of different things, but he knew exactly what was expected of him. It was a message he’d gotten a lot as a kid: sit down, shut up, and behave. He’d been at the receiving end of many “it’s time to grow up lectures” in his life, but he didn’t quite know how to settle himself to a life he didn’t want. It was exactly why he hadn’t let anyone in on the fact that he’d slowly been making other plans for himself- just in case he ever got the courage to really tell his dad he didn’t want to take over the family business and marry some quaint, safe woman all for the sake of stability in a miserable life.
↳ QUINN FABRAY: His right hand girl would definitely have to be Miss Quinn Fabray. She’s full of elegance and grace and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it charming. He can appreciate a beautiful girl as much as anyone (after all he’s, to the core, a lover of all pretty things) and she’s absolutely great at reeling in all the other pretty boys and girls in when he’s looking for some bait. And he has got to say…she’s good at it too. Not only do the perks of being friends with blondie mean more respect points from Blaine Anderson but he also thoroughly enjoys her company. She’s a bright girl and a little harsh/judgmental at times which makes her company all the more fun.
↳ SANTANA LOPEZ: They couldn’t tell you exactly how or when this came about but Santana and Sebastian have seemed to have created a bar rivalry. Santana likes to challenge him because she finds his smirk creepy and his “better than thou” tiring. They make bets with each other over which of them has more lure over the men and women at the bar and enjoy any chance to sabotage the other while they try to make a move on someone. It’s thrilling to say the least.  
↳ BLAINE ANDERSON:  Sebastian finds Blaine to be absolutely beautiful. And if there’s one thing Sebastian likes, it’s pretty things. Lucky for Sebastian, the guy is right across the hall from him. He loves the days when he gets to run into Blaine so he can throw a seductive smile and and watch him squirm underneath it. Blaine hasn’t showed any interest or any sign that he would actually want to sleep with him but Sebastian is nothing if not persistent.
1. When was the last time you got tested? A guy like you probably needs to get them done about twice as much as a normal person.
2. Blaine, Santana, Quinn… damn, Sebastian, why not leave some of the single residents for the rest of us?  
3. So just how content are you to continue being your father’s lapdog?
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kensingtonapts · 5 years ago
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SANTANA LOPEZ is 25 YEARS OLD and she is a BARTENDER in the inspiring city of NEW YORK. She is living in Apt 328. She is portrayed by the stunning Christian Serratos and her role is currently CLOSED for auditions.
( + ) sarcastic, spontaneous, fearless.
( – ) temperamental, vindictive, unapologetic.
Santana Lopez is one hottie whose dresses are perhaps too short and opinions too loud. She’s also extremely talented. A regular triple threat, her whole life she excelled in everything her parents threw her into. Whether it be dancing, singing, acting, sports, instruments….she even excelled academically (receiving a near perfect score on the SATs and graduating with a 4.0 GPA.) She’s a woman of many hidden talents that one can’t even begin to scratch the surface of. Despite all of this, though, Santana has, deep down, always felt extremely lost. Perhaps it’s because nothing she’s come across has ever been challenging enough or maybe it’s just because she has yet to come across something that she thoroughly enjoys doing. Either way, she has not a single idea what she wants to do with the rest of her life. She bypassed college (after going to orientation she felt overwhelmed by everyone asking her what she planned on majoring in and decided it wasn’t the place for her) and currently works as a bartender for a club down the street from the apartment complex. She’s not a heartless girl, though her reputation may have anyone else thinking otherwise. In fact, she’s got a big heart-on for her boss, the owner of the club, especially after he took her under his wing after being kicked out of her last living situation. And he’s good for a hook up when she needs it.; Santana knows she’s hot stuff, knows that she’s a bad bitch, and fiercely independent. She knows she’s destined for greatness she just…isn’t sure how to get there or what that looks like. She cares about her future even though she hides behind a snarky, carefree attitude of “I don’t care what happens to me as long as I’m having a good time.”   
♛ Santana proclaims to be from “the wrong side of the tracks,” but that’s a bunch of bull. She was born and raised in Coral Gables, one of the most affluent suburbs of Miami, Florida. While most wealthy people enjoy a bit of pomp and circumstance, Santana always hated the idea of being a socialite. So while she was at the top of her class and captain of the cheer team, she also had a penchant for running her mouth and instigating catfights . For Santana, it was a tightrope walk of staying in her parents’ good graces while still avoiding becoming a fucking debutante.
♛ The Lopez family is actually incredibly tight knit. So when Santana decided to blow off NYU, her father’s Alma Mater no less, she was expected to return to the Sunshine State. But there was something about The Big Apple that had already wormed its way into Santana’s heart. It was new and gritty, a far cry from the sheltered life and doting parents that waited for her back in Florida. College may not have been her path, but Santana knew that going home wasn’t either. Perhaps it was her unquenchable thirst for a challenge that made her stay. To say her family was dismayed would be an understatement, but Santana was adamant that she could fend for herself; she promised to return if she couldn’t hack it. The past seven years have been hell, but Santana can honestly say she is the master of her own life.
♛ It’s no secret that Santana is bisexual…at least among her New York village. Her family, on the other hand, is unaware of her fluid sexuality. Deep down, Santana knows that her parents will love her regardless of who she shares her bed with, as long as they’re good to her, but her Abuela, the woman she has looked up to since before she can even remember, would be disgusted. A devout Catholic, Alma Clara Lopez is the crux of the Lopez family and the one person Santana absolutely refuses to disappoint.
↳ HUNTER CLARINGTON: What all can Santana say about Hunter? She finds him to be stuck up, arrogant and have an air of superiority that is undeserved. Santana doesn’t have time for his “stick up the ass” attitude. He may have a big fancy job, a fancy car, and an apartment right out of a magazine but she finds it positively boring. Money and success isn’t everything, after all.  
↳ RACHEL BERRY: Santana is her closest friend at the complex. Santana’s found that she’s constantly surrounded by men (and women if we’re being honest) just trying to get into her pants and she likes that Rachel never tries to. And not just because she’s straighter than straight. She genuinely seems to enjoy her company and really listens to her thoughts no matter how insensitive or snarky they may be. Rachel appreciates Santana’s individuality and that she’s unapologetically herself. It’s refreshing.
↳ FINN HUDSON: Santana also enjoys a conversation here and there with Finn - he’s a comforting presence to her (though she won’t admit it) because she senses his lack of direction and uncertainty about the future and resonates with it. It makes her feel a little less alone in an apartment complex filled with people who seem to have their life in order.
1. Tell us the truth, you’re obviously the top when you and your boss get in on, right?
2. Let’s talk about the sexual tension between you and Clarington, shall we? 
3. Exactly how long do you plan on mooching off your boss? Isn’t it time you got off your ass and got a real job?
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Astoria Greengrass…
a woman of sixteen who iswitty and charismatic, yet cynical and territorial as well… seems like you belong in S L Y T H E R I N!
[taken by Zeina. faced by Willa Holland. blog link.]
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Ginny Weasley…
a woman of seventeen who is independent and courageous, yet defiant and impulsive as well… seems like you belong in G R Y F F I N D O R!
[taken by Jill. faced by Kat McNamara. blog link.]
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Harvey Miller…
a man of seventeen who is brave and daring, yet hot-headed and can be a sassy bitch as well… seems like you belong in G R Y F F I N D O R!
[taken by Ginevra. faced by Shawn Mendes. blog link.]
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sumofthingslostrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hm… Daphne Greengrass…
a woman of eighteen who is intelligent and alluring, yet haughty and vindictive as well… seems like you belong in S L Y T H E R I N!
[taken by Rooms. faced by Nina Dobrev. blog link.]
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