#no guys seriously i am emotionally attached to him
daisybell17 · 1 year
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i don’t think anyone in my life understands the lengths of my love and literal obsession with Loki and Tom 😭
I literally find myself coming back to this man over and over and OVER…even if i think the obsession has died down…IT JUMPSCARES ME OUT OF NOWHERE
like i had my obsession with him start like 2012-2014 then it died down…then came back 2017-2020 then died down…AND THEN IN 2023 ITS JUMPSCARED ME BACK LOLOLOL
can y’all blame me tho? HAHA…seriously i love this man so much ☹️
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4str0nuts · 4 months
Disclaimer before I go in; i’m using the global translations and the english voice acting as I am on the global server lol. This may affect some things but hopefully not a lot! Also i’m using this video [https://youtu.be/ygAkz4L2AMo?si=elrUeXGompMKYXUJ] for my proof and will provide timestamps!
Horropedia is one of the most loved characters in Reverse:1999 (bc haha funny autistic guy) , yet I literally see no serious posts discussing his character or even going into his character— even at a basic level. I’ve kinda been off to the side observing how the fandom treats Horropedia and it makes me question if people actually like him or some alternate version of him. Yeah sure this is a problem in every fandom but I’m too attached to Horropedia and i’m going to make it everyone’s problem.
There's all sorts of mischaracterisations of him where his autism is reduced to him being an “asshole” and “uncaring”, or that he is some funny reddit meme sona when that’s the case at all! Every other character gets to have serious posts yet when it comes to a very blatant autistic coded character, suddenly no one knows how to act despite the fact the fandom (going off of the twitter fandom here) prides itself on neurodivergency; so I’m here to dump a ton of analysis on Horropedia using ingame sources as proof as well as my own knowledge (as someone who is autistic myself), whilst also debunking mischaracterisations of him. I’m also doing this as I don’t think people treat Horropedias autistic coding seriously, seeing it as silly and thus ignoring all of his character.
Jumping straight in, Horropedia is not an asshole and is actually quite a caring character, even if he doesn’t show it conventionally. To me, it’s quite obvious that he cannot understand people at an emotional level, and always relies on his logical way of thinking no matter the situation; for example, when he broke Blonneys camera, he clearly does not understand why she is mad/upset and instead tries to comfort her logically rather than emotionally. Even when Blonney is very much showing she is mad, Horropedia cannot process that and cannot understand until she actually explains it [Part 5 54:07-57:20]. I can see why people may see it as an asshole move since he tells her to be “reasonable” over the camera breaking, though it is clear that this is another one of his autistic traits as people with autism have a hard time connecting with others’ in an empathetic way(which can come off as being blunt and uncaring) yet no one seems to mention that. Despite this, he still offers her to buy her a new camera once Blonney vents out to Jessica, coming to terms with what he did and making it up to her. [Part 12 2:10:37]
Adding onto the last point, Horropedia shows concern and care multiple times throughout the story. Even if he is bad at comforting people, he still tries to acknowledge what is wrong in regards to the situation. I’m trying to keep this short as I don’t necessarily think this is due to his autism but a cool detail I found with the English voice acting is that his tone gets softer when he’s more genuine (it could be seen as masking but shrug. Not too sure on this one as I'm making this point to show he does care in his own way.) He constantly makes sure everyone is safe and goes out of his way to protect others [Part 4 51:08 , Part 6 1:16:18-1:16:39], which is a small detail I think people gloss over. It’s just nice seeing Horropedia care for others in his own way since I struggle with expressing affection / emotions like him.
Back to his way of thinking, it’s practically plastered everywhere that he thinks in a logical way and takes everything at face value no matter what, which is a trait associated with autism. At the very start of the very event, he even breaks down Vertins joke and still a conclusion was that she wasn’t the person he was looking for (knowing full well she was) [Part 1 11:06-11:50]. Horropedia also explains things at face value— in a basic and straightforward way no matter what it is, which is another example of not truly understanding things at an emotional level! [Part 9 1:42:45-1:43:09]This does not mean he does not consider the consequences of a situation, and Horropedia actively avoids situations where it poses a threat / harm to others. Mentioning this to point out how some people in the fandom treat him like he is stupid?— Despite how he is the basic definition of a nerd with references to it all over his character and voice lines! Yes, he could be seen as careless considering he goes to Green Lake just like that with no approval, but he certainly isn’t oblivious to dangers around him. Horropedia himself explains that he is into horror movies because of how illogical they are(stating how it is like a puzzle), not necessarily the fear of them; so it makes no sense for Horropedia to directly put himself or others in harm's way.
Still relating to his way of thinking, Horropedia uses his horror logic so he can understand situations around him. He directly links back to his special interest to understand things— and to an extent others— better, special interests are a trait exclusive to autistic people! By using his horror special interest, he can understand the world better from his perspective. I don't even need to get examples of this because throughout the Green Lake event he makes references and links to horror movies, basing predictions on what to do in order to survive in the stereotypical like scene of Green Lake. Horropedia is full of reasoning, and despite his “debatable manners” (thanks Sonetto),he is not always too absurd with his predictions. It baffles me that people treat Horropedia like he is some happy-go-lucky kid, running head first into danger; he takes the time to understand a given situation in a way he would understand before doing anything.
Another really obvious thing is that he can’t understand social cues, or the body languages of others at all. Essentially he cannot read the room. The whole “I know the rules of social courtesy” [Part 12 2:19:19] line doesn’t necessarily mean he understands social cues— rules are (usually) based in logic and reasoning, and not emotions. Social courtesy just means the rules of society (or the foundation in this case? eh), and Horropedia knows he HAS to abide by the rules or else he will be in trouble. Something seen as ‘basic’ and ‘simple’ to people considered ‘normal’ by society may be hard to grasp by people who do not benefit from society (autistic people). Horropedia understands the ‘logical reasoning’ of how someone acts but he can’t connect with or understand someone else’s emotional responses. Literally look at most of his interactions with the film crew and Blonney, Jessica even steps in at one point to stop him from making the fight between Jason and Blonney worse [Part 6 1:11:38]; and even then he tries to use logic to break down the situation. Horropedia can’t pick up on social cues for the life of him, including body language and tone.
Smaller point here but I have a feeling Horropedia’s tone is hard to understand to some of the characters. Tooth Fairy couldn’t tell if Horropedia was joking towards the end of the event , where he shows off his “sense of humour”. Nothing much to add here I just found that really interesting…
Ive rinsed out all the notes I’ve taken on Horropedias autistic coding so far…….. feel free to add on more….. I may have gotten some things wrong because I have been working on this for a few hours straight. Surprisingly I still have more to analyse outside of his autism so if people are interested let me know bc i’m desperate .
TLDR: horropedia is autistic thanks for reading.
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brellafaun · 19 days
today's episode is what build a bears i think the brellies would have/get. they take five as sibling bonding and he pretends to hate it but secretly loves it. allison records all of the heart ceremonies and cherishes the videos forever. i'm truly losing it i miss them so much
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luther would 1000% appreciate a golden retriever build a bear. he probably really wanted a dog as a kid but reggie wouldn't let him, so this would be kinda like healing that inner part of him (also rebelling against what reggie said!! win!!!). he would probably name it something like rover or scout and get the pumpkin spice scent and some jammies for it.
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shaggy highland cow. lila would tease him while they're looking at bears by saying their hair matches. it would only motivate him to get it out of spite. cannot think of a name while at the store, comes up with one once he's home. either gets one of the button ups with a funky print or an all black outfit with combat boots, with no in between. definitely a birthday cake scent guy.
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pawlette girlie all the way. classic, but not outdated. likely matches with a bear claire has. she would commit too hard to the bit and spend way too long trying to find the perfect outfit, maybe something that matches whatever she's wearing when they go. gets either sunglasses or one of the fake lattes as an accessory. either pumpkin spice scented or strawberry.
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rainbow bearlien no i am not taking criticism. maybe a frog, but this is the funnier option tbh. he would assemble the cuntiest little outfit possible for his bear, definitely using the faux leather crop top and some boots. additionally, he might get the emotional support bear shirt. takes the heart ceremony and birth certificates extremely seriously and gets his laminated. lavender scent ftw (maybe even gets his bear weighted?? weighted stuffed animals are great for anxiety tbh)
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timeless teddy bear because. he's timeless. okay listen that was funnier in my head. but i feel like he'd dig this guy because it's more like something he would've actually had as a kid. maybe it'd be like a bear he did have, sewn together by Grace. he would pretend that he doesn't want it, but he absolutely does. gets a little suit and shoes to match his (that, or he gets the emotional support bear shirt). the scents are probably a little too on the sweet side for his liking. (if she had planned it out in advance, allison would've gotten him one of the ones that has embroidery on the foot. it'd probably be something simple and grounding for when he's stressed.) immediately emotionally attached. the employees ask if it's his birthday at least twice.
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jennifur the cat. we all know why. but in all seriousness, i think he'd dig this one because he's got a secret soft spot for cats. it's also pretty separated from the aquatic animals, and doesn't remind him of the horror at all. gets a zip-up hoodie and jeans to match his. potentially gets a voice message in the paw, something from klaus or the whole family. fresh cut flowers scent.
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buffalo check pawlette just kinda fits the vibe? idk man, it clicks in my brain just right. the ears and paw pads are a good texture and he jives with it. joins mr. snuggles in the lofty position of on the bed. emotional support bear shirt, little denim jacket, jeans, and boots. maybe the plaid pajamas if he's feeling a more cozy vibe. lavender scent for sure. doesn't get a box and carries it with him as they leave.
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mothman. she's the family's own little cryptid. it works. finds the goofiest sleeper she can and bunny slippers. gives him a ridiculously intricate name like Sir Cornelius Weston XXVII. gets diego to record a voice message for her and refuses to tell anyone what it says (it's just him saying "I love you"). laughs at five doing the heart ceremony and refuses to do it when it's her turn. cotton candy scent
...........hargreeves family going to build a bear fic when
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hadassah4ever · 1 year
the three times they wished they kissed you, and the time you finally did (igby slocumb, greg hirsch)
warnings: alcohol use, sex mentions (no actual sex), reader being decently obvious, nothing too crazy, mild mild hurt/comfort
authors note: mother bird has come to feed you some regurgitated worms. i was going to add roman or tom in here, but i was already taking so long to finish the igby part, and i’m scared of making them ooc. enjoy tho. <3 (it’s 3 am and im barely awake. 💀)
word count: 3k
playlist (if you’d like): romanticizing my delusionship— https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6rLX5L9fLuEWueJz6lVaem?si=6gPlbG7LRLKd6aq_eNfp1g
igby slocumb
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number one
Settling in was harder than Igby thought. He really didn’t think about how moving across the country with no roots in that area, or really anywhere, would affect him emotionally, but at least he was in California. A benign concept to his still frazzled brain, but he tried his hardest to block out any negative emotion, he got what he wanted, and that’s really all that mattered to him.
He found himself getting attached to strangers he thought were interesting due to the scenarios he made up in his head, and you weren’t safe from that. He first saw you studying in a cafe he frequented. Deducing the fact that you were probably only in there due to the fact that it was a particularly hot and humid day, and you were clearly studying for something considering the textbook sprawled in front of you, and by the fact that you were going over old notes.
His eyes grazed your facial features, but certainly for too long, as you moved your eyes from your notes to the young guy staring at you from across the cafe, he casually glanced away, but it was obvious he was just doing it just to avoid a staring contest with a random girl about 25 feet away from him. You quietly chuckled and playfully rolled your eyes at the fact that he didn’t even try to hide his staring problem, eventually he got sucked back into making eye contact with you, your eyes darting down to the empty chair in front of you, then back to him. Beckoning him with just your eyes.
It’s not every day he was asked to sit down with cute people at cafés, so maybe he’d seize this opportunity to get to know you.
number two
Neither of you were truly used to such mild autumn temperatures, being from different parts of the country. The fact that you moved from the more northeastern part of the states made him cling onto you even harder, you knew what it was like to pack up and leave everything behind, and he respected you even more for that.
“So, how’s college going?” He asked, not really knowing what else to talk about as you walked beside each other.
“Ew, small talk? Seriously, Igby, I thought you were better than that.” You spoke, playfully. “But, yeah, pretty boring. Can’t complain, though, considering I literally signed myself up for it.” You added. The dry, crunching leaves serving as white noise.
“I don’t really know what else to talk about. I’m not going to rant to you about… fucking… Kafka, like your little college boyfriends.” He replied, playing up his annoyance for laughs. “No, my college boyfriends talk about Dostoyevsky.” You joked back.
The way you two clicked was different, and also something he wasn’t used to, unlike anyone else who came before you, your chemistry was different, it was better. It was effortless.
“Have you made any new friends?” You asked. “Why do you care?” He retorted, not used to actually being cared about. “Because I can’t be your only friend. Sometimes I’m concerned for your social well-being.” You shrugged. “Although from your reaction, it’s safe to say no.” You glanced over to him and saw as he playfully rolled his eyes in defeat.
You really got him there. You really were his only friend, even though he truly wished you were more.
number three
As college picked up, you couldn’t help but wonder if there’s a life outside of California that would be worth pursuing. After you graduated, of course. It was still probably a mistake to bring it up so casually, you invited him over to have a relaxing night with a good friend. Instead you watched as his eyes slightly widened and his lips slightly curled into a frown.
“What? I— Where do you even wanna go?” Igby asked, clearly getting defensive, if you truly put two and two together, maybe you’d know truly how much he liked you. “Texas, maybe. Possibly Arizona.” You replied, pretending to think about it in the moment, but truthfully it was consuming your mind most of the time. “Who do you think you are? You wanna make out with a cowboy or something? What’s even over there? Tumbleweeds?” He bombarded you with questions, making it sound like he made California.
You inhaled slowly, to keep yourself from getting too angry at him. “I just really don’t know if California is my forever state. God forbid I try something new.” His simple offended demeanour swapped for a somewhat agitated one, “It’s not about that, it’s the fact that you’re so willing to leave me behind, you know you’re my only friend.”.
“Number one, I’d only leave after I graduate, and number two, whose fault is that? I’ve spoken endlessly about how you need to get some more friends and guess who didn’t follow my advice?” You ranted, irritation taking over your voice. Igby was left speechless, words escaping him aside from: “I’m leaving.”
He would be lying if he said you didn’t look hot while angry, but maybe that didn’t matter much anymore.
number four
You didn’t know if you wanted to be able to completely forget about Igby or have the lack of stubbornness to be able to go and apologise yourself. In reality, you had neither. Which is why you ran to pick up your phone when it began to ring, and how you ended up at his apartment door at 2AM with your tail between your legs.
When he heard you knock, he immediately opened the door, he was clearly standing right behind it, waiting for you. His gaze was fixed on the floor, it was odd to see the boy who was so snide and cynical look like a kicked puppy all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry.” He spoke in a voice that made you sure he’d been crying. “You know I can’t stay mad at you either. But I really shouldn’t have said some of that stuff, either.” You slowly began to move towards him, asking him if you could hug him without verbalising it, eventually you ended up with your arms wrapped around him. “You’re very likeable, and I don’t know how people don’t cling to your side and beg to be your friend.”
He stayed silent for a few seconds, just taking in the warmth of your arms and basically basking in it. He used his socked foot to close the door behind you, in preparation for what he was about to admit to.
“I— you probably know why I said that stuff though.” He basically muttered, you didn’t answer in embarrassment, feeling like you should know. “Fuck, I… think I love you.” He spoke, a bit nervous to actually speak the three words he was essentially waiting to drop on you.
You didn’t even hesitate on pressing your lips to his, the kiss was magical, like how they described in the romance novels that made middle aged women swoon, it was abstract. Like warm hospital blankets, like rain in the evening, it was domestic and comfortable.
He attempted to slide his hand up your shirt, knowing what he was trying to do, you redirected it to your waist, the rejection not embarrassing Igby too much. He almost respected you for it more, you could be intimate without sex, and that’s truly what he needed at that moment.
Tender and warm, you two were utterly entranced with the kind of young love that elderly ladies comment about, and maybe Texas didn’t matter to you much anymore.
greg hirsch
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number one
You found yourself sitting outside of the venue for the latest Waystar party, right on the last step of one of the staircases outside, the air was wet which signalled the fact that it was most likely going to rain soon. You heard the small taps of dress shoes behind you, getting closer.
“Uh— are you o-okay?” Greg spoke, you didn’t even turn around. Greg was a mere work acquaintance, someone you swore you would try and talk to more, but never really ended up doing so. He seemed kind enough from the brief interactions you had, though, so you really didn’t mind him speaking to you while you were trying to escape the party atmosphere, at least for a few minutes.
“Yeah. Just needed some space.” You replied. A small, awkward silence fell between you as the chatter from the party continued behind you two. “W-Would it be… Could I join you?” He asked, trying to sound confident.
You glanced up at him, a soft look in your eyes, but the rest of your face didn’t portray much. “Yeah.” You answered, voice getting slightly higher in an attempt to sound as non aggressive as possible. He awkwardly smiled and nodded, moving down to sit beside you. His long legs were almost against his chest, in an attempt to copy how you sat, you watched in silent amusement as he tried to move around and get comfortable, before inevitably just letting his legs just rest in front of himself, completely straight like toothpicks.
“Sorry if I’m intruding or anything.” He said, more so out of muscle memory politeness than actually apologising. “Out of all the people who could’ve possibly come and sat down next to me, I think you’re the one I hate the least. Don’t apologise.” You told him in a slightly monotone and tired, yet genuine tone.
He felt a light blush overtake his cheeks and his brain stopped functioning for a second, he was searching for any possible words he could string together to charm you like you just unintentionally did to him, but nothing came, he just stared at you like a scared puppy and let out a “Thank you.” that bordered on being muttered.
You didn’t really speak much on the steps, but there was a mutual sense that you didn’t really have to.
number two
“Er— y/n?” You heard Greg say behind you, you softly swung your desk chair around to look at him. “Do you wanna like… Come over after work? I’ve got a uh— bottle of wine and yeah.” The end of his sentence didn’t really sound like the end, sounding more like he just ran out of words. You nodded and gently smiled. “I’d love to, Greg.”
You knew that as soon as he uncorked the bottle it was never going to just be one glass. That was kinda just how wine worked, and at this point, you were tipsy enough to have no filter, but not enough to be full blown drunk, which meant you were both opening up about every little thing in your life like it was the end of the world. After a particularly deep question, you didn’t really know if there was much else to talk about.
Greg spoke up, trying to keep the conversation going anyway. “So… what do you think of like, ATN and st—“ “Could we save that kind of talk for the office? Not to be rude or anything.” You interrupted, Greg completely stopped and nodded. “I— yeah, yeah.” His voice got higher to show his non-confrontational-ness. “Sorry. I just swear I get a migraine when I remember what the company I work for actually stands for.” You joked, trying to cut the tension. “No, no. I understand.” He replied through an awkward chuckle.
There was a silence that was reminiscent of the night on the stairs but much more awkward. Greg took another chance to speak with you, “Have you, y’know… been in any relationships recently?” He asked, a realisation set in for you, the tone in his voice wasn’t casual enough. He liked you.
“Mmm…” You pressed your lips together and looked up in thought. “Nothing too recent, clearly. Dating in New York is weird.” You answered and looked at him to signal his response. “Yeah. Same. At least not lik—L-long term.” He rushed out, trying to lean back slightly on his sofa and look confident and suave, clearly you saw through it, though. The stutter not helping his case.
“Not gonna lie, that’s a bit odd to me. In my mind you seem like the kind of guy to either have a pretty decent girlfriend.” You stopped yourself from saying the last bit, but it ended up flowing out anyway. “Or fuck Tom. But either way you seem… Dateable. Compared to some of the people I’ve met here, at least.” You shrugged, feeling some of your own awkwardness come out of hiding.
He didn’t really know how to reply to that, he glanced down from your eyes to your lips then back at your eyes. He was feeling kind of lightheaded, your lips just looked too kissable, a thought which he knew wasn’t sparked from the alcohol, it was lingering on his brain for a while, fantasies about taking you out on a date and kissing you afterwards like a proper gentleman ran through his mind for most of the day, which was embarrassing to admit.
“Yeah cool, uh— you too!” He chuckled nervously, getting slightly sobered up by his own adrenaline. You just smiled and softly nodded, Greg felt something impending which never came to fruition. Your smile was like the whooshing of a guillotine through the air to him, he assumed it was you preparing to lean over and press your lips to his.
He was wrong about that.
number three
It was raining and you’d completely forgotten your umbrella like the idiot you are. It wasn’t just a tolerable drizzle, it was essentially pouring, Greg saw this as his opportunity to be in his own cheesy rom-com and offer to walk you home. Much to his surprise, you accepted. He really thought you’d just get a ride from one of your friends or get an Uber, but his heart definitely skipped a beat when you accepted.
His heart continued to skip beats when your shoulder would brush against his arm, he felt weird. He felt creepy feeling this way, but he really couldn’t change it. It was mostly silent aside from the occasional comment on how hard it was raining. You two knew how much you wanted to kiss each other, it was almost like if you tried to hold a normal conversation, you’d black out and wake up married to him with 2 kids in a typical suburban life.
His rom-com idea was cut short with you arriving at the front of your apartment. He didn’t even know if he could say goodbye without feeling a small ache in every inch of his body, but he did anyway. He stood looking into the glass of the front doors as you walked away, maybe you didn’t really like him in that sense. The only time you really showed clear interest in him was after 4 glasses of wine.
number four
You didn’t really know what you did to fuck up. Yeah, you two didn’t make out on the front steps to the entrance of your apartment, but you didn’t really know if that was grounds to stop talking to you. Honestly, you didn’t really know what to feel, so you defaulted to feeling pissed off at him.
Did you have a reason? Yeah. Kind of. Sorta. A little. Maybe.
In reality, Greg didn’t know what to say about that night. Was he supposed to apologise? Were you supposed to apologise? Did either of you have to? He had no idea. The need to kiss you was overwhelming at this point, if he saw a genie and only had one wish, kissing you would be the wish that rolled off his tongue in milliseconds. On the other hand, you were confused. Not really putting in any thought to thinking about what you actually wanted, you decided on closure.
The idea of your apartments being on the path to each other felt like divine intervention, but dear god was it hard to keep up with that lanky ass man.
“Greg.” You projected. Not necessarily a shout, but loud enough where he could hear you, you had very few people around so that was a plus too. His body completely took over and he immediately stopped and turned around to see you borderline running to catch up with him.
He didn’t know if he should’ve turned back around or stayed, but it felt like he was being weighed down, his feet completely anchored to the sidewalk and he watched you with a sympathetic and anxious look as you finally reached him.
“Fuck. I really didn’t plan what I was going to say. What did I do to you? You’ve been avoiding me like I fucking— killed your mom or something!” The frustration that came out shocked you, but you still spoke at a reasonable volume. “I— honestly, I don’t know.” He answered, realising he didn’t know why he stopped talking to you, cold turkey.
“I think that’s the worst part… I— do you even like me?” His voice had both an anger and sadness oozing out of it. “Of course I like you—.” You replied. “No, you know in what capacity I’m talking about. You don’t know how much you fucking affect me, y/n, just…” He trailed off, his typical anxious stutter gone.
You held the signature somewhat awkward pause that always graced your conversations and nodded. “You’re right. I know what you mean. And if you don’t fucking kiss me right now I’m going to go insa—“ He didn’t even wait for you to finish before he dove down and pushed his lips against yours in a very new display of confidence. His kisses weren’t very skilled, but fulfilling nonetheless.
He pulled back and looked down at you, your lips slightly rosier and held a look of ‘did I just fuck up?’ in his eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He spoke, his breathing heavy and quick, slowing down when he remembered you asked him to kiss you, and when he saw your extremely happy smile.
“Don’t you dare apologise, Greg. Kiss me again.” You chuckled, cheeks slightly pink and your voice filled with a lightness that eased him. You didn’t have to ask him twice and he bent over, much more gently, and kissed you again.
Jesus, he could do that all day.
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ask-a-bot · 23 days
Prime. I promised Starscream I would have a word with you, and I have full intention of honoring that promise. Be grateful that I am currently ill, and couldn’t muster up an entire lecture because my head feels like someone has shoved a knife into it, and I subsequently don’t have the energy.
Also, I feel like the Bucket guy and their Seeker siblings beat me to it.
First order of business:
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Could this situation really not have been approached differently? Preferably in a way that didn’t risk triggering a Panic Attack in Starscream? He’s incredibly emotionally attached to that spider and was already in a state of extreme distress. If it had been me in that position, I wouldn’t have been able to breathe due to the panic.
Also: do not take the spider away from him. I understand why you feel like it might be necessary, but the long term affects on Star’s mental health would be negative. I know for a fact I never recovered when it happened to me.
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No. That just sounds unhealthy to me.
I understand your perspective, and I understand you were in a difficult position. But my priority is Starscream. I’m not expecting any grand gestures, or long winded apologies. Just… just go sit in the corner. If the kids have to sit there when they f☆ck up, so do you.
Alright. I’ve said my piece. I’m going to go nurse my damn headache now, hopefully I’ll never have to do this again.
Cullen out 💤
I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering.
I admit that I didn't handle that well, but if you'd seen the state Megatron was in at the time, you might appreciate why I... why my judgement was somewhat impaired.
Looking again at Starscream's repeated pleas for his pet's life hurts my spark. He's never even begged for his own life like that. I did apologise to him – profusely – once we were alone in his room. I explained to him that I won't harm Rust and that Megatron just needed to believe the house was a giant spider-free zone.
I want to make it up to him but I don't know how just yet. Maybe I could take him out to get Rust a better enclosure or some other present.
Rest assured, Rust isn't going anywhere.
Megatron has warned Starscream that he can't control his fear and that, now it's been severely triggered, he is likely to kill Rust if he sees him. Starscream understands and will keep him safely hidden away. Megatron is gonna stay away from Star's room. That should solve everything, providing Rust doesn't get loose (I hope he doesn't).
Look, how am I supposed to react to stuff like that? Do you have any idea what "eat my skidplate" means? The gesture that went with it made me see red. I apologise, but you might understand if you knew what he was saying to me and if you saw what he did as he said it. Made me feel sick to the fuel tanks!
You... you want me to go sit in the corner? Do you really think that's necessary? Well... OK. But only if you'll have a little talk with Starscream about the stuff he gets up to, because... he could get himself seriously hurt if he tries that with the wrong guy – and I'm not talking the violence I implied in my response.
Truly, I hope you feel better soon. I suspect you wanted an apology and not for me to try to explain myself.
Seriously, I do apologise. I will try not to react to Starscream's... behaviour issues. But there are things that get under my plating and he's good at finding them in people.
OK. Well. I think I've said plenty. I'll go sit in the corner for ten minutes. That's twice the longest time I've made Star sit there.
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Donnie and Raph
The Raph and Donnie dynamic is very important for any tmnt and 2003 does it so well.
Raph is so protective of Donnie. There are probably dozens of posts that say it as well as it can be said. Just watch any episode. Nobody lays a finger on or says a word against Donnie that doesn’t have to deal with Raph.
But why is he so protective of Donnie specifically? He jumps in front of Leo and Mikey too at different times, but it’s obvious he’s especially watching out for Don. This may be partially just out of necessity. The writers kind of made Don a weaker ninja (not physically less strong, but clumsier ninjitsu), otherwise he would be way OP being the tech guy and a ninja. (He still is kind of OP.) The brothers are all pretty close in skill but if there is one who needs someone to watch his back in a fight more than the other guys, it’d be Donnie. So is that it?
I choose not so. Raph has so much confidence in Donnie, not just his smarts but specifically his fighting. Look at the H.A.T.E. episode; Raph talks him into jumping from one moving car to another. And when Donnie finishes and just says “Raph, get down,” not explaining till later that he removed the Plutonium core, Raph is expecting an entire nuclear explosion and he just lets his little bro body block him. He’s pretty chill considering. Then in the ninja tribunal arc, when Donnie is able to tap into his mystic powers, he’s shocked and ecstatic and the first thing he does is look at Raph, who isn’t shocked at all. He just gives him a nod like “see I told you. Are you as proud of yourself as I am of you yet?”
So maybe it’s that he knows they need Donnie? He is the one who gets the most excited about weapons and vehicles, he’s probably thought about the fact that Donnie is the reason they’ve had those. But that doesn’t really fit Raph. He’s not the strategist, he makes decisions based mostly on emotion.
So he is emotionally attached to Donnie in particular. Probably because Donnie is the one who most openly looks up to him. When Raph helps out Mikey or Leo in battle, their focus still stays on the battle. Sure, they’ll holler a thank you. But look at Donnie’s face every time Raph jumps in front of him or yells at him to watch his back. Look at his face. Wouldn’t he be your favorite brother, too?
I think their mutual admiration has a lot to do with their opposite strengths. Raoh is impulsive, aggressive, but proactive and reliable. Donnie is flexible and resourceful, also passive and kind of unpredictable. Donnie helps Raph stay calm in an emergency. Raph helps Donnie stay focused and grounded in reality.
They also just bond over causing chaos together. Total enablers, both of them.
I’ll get into favorite moments because there will be a lot
Raph: I hate bugs!
Donnie: From the look of things you also hate (everything Raph accidentally broke) (it were an accident) (seriously Donnie can be such a bully sometimes—)
Raph: It really pisses me off.
Donnie, with The Fondest expression: Raph, everything pisses you off.
Raph: Not everything! … Okay, everything.
Raph, about football mascots: What about something more reptilian?
Donnie: The Turtles? Sadly the lowly turtle has been saddled with the stereotype of being velocity-challenged.
Raph: … say what. (No literally Donnie he doesn’t know what you said—)
Them playing video games together, forcing Mikey to give them a turn because he hasn’t in forever. You can just imagine the lead up. “Raphie, no one is paying attention to me.” “Hey don’t worry we’re gonna play that new game you were talking about tonight.” “There’s no way, Mikey always plays. He always plays.” “Oh yeah? Oh yeah?”
Raph: Those bozos May be tough, but Donnie here learned to drive in New York City.
(He offered to drive earlier. He does not trust Don’s driving but he still gets into the car—or completely unknown vehicle—with him every time.)
Raph’s “I gotta hand it to Donnie” intro
Donnie: Raphie? We got a problem down here.
Raph, already on his way to help: You think I don’t got problems up here?
Leo, about Raph: He’s crazy!
Donnie: Yeah, nuts… hey Raph, wait up!
When Donnie yells at them for accidentally throwing a frisbee at him and instead of snapping back Raph and Leo are both like, Hey baby bro are you okay? Have you been sleeping enough? Do you wanna talk about what’s been bothering you? Leo is precious here too but that’s how he always handles things, Raph is being soft specifically for Donnie
SAINW when Raph sees Donnie again 😭
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scaryspears · 1 year
Mileena: Thoughts and Opinions
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
[Warning: This post is very long. Revealing cosplay.]
I always saw Mileena as eccentric rather than crazy. The eating people thing? She's not human and is a fang faced creature, we are not to be surprised.
Appearance: Now before Mkx the female characters were sexualized for marketing purposes, but a lot of the fandom recognises Mileena to be the go to when it comes to sexualization. Even when Mkx took the designs more seriously Mileena still has that flare of... marketing. In mk11 that goes out of the window. Now mind you, I like the costumes and skins for Mileena in this game, I'm a sucker for kimonos, and that kimono still has a titty window and comes off as more revealing than Kitana's. Even when you put Mileena next to Kitana, knowing what she looks like without the mask, she's still seen as the 'hotter one' out of the two.
I think it's just the fact they babied her. And when I say they babied her I don't just mean her childish attitude that is significantly different to mk9, I'm talking about her face model. In another post I headcanoned that Kitana is 17-19 in human years because I genuinely believe she looks like she's around that age. In the previous games Kitana and Mileena both look like they are in their mid to late 20's which is how they were able to get sexualized.
Because of the redesigns I think it retconned the interactions that took place between the characters.
I find it bizarre that most of the male roster roasts the hell out of her, yet have an undertone of flirting based on interactions I've seen. Now, that's probably me being delusional and pulling at strings just to make a ship happen, but it's there.
Mileena + Kung Lao (If I'm feeling bold), Liu Kang (If I'm feeling bolder), Kuai Liang, Hanzo (childhood ship), Takeda ("You can look but you can't touch"), Stryker (watched Sonic XD's mk9 sucks video), Erron Black (I mean he did date Nitara and Skarlet), Bi Han/Noob Saibot
Out of all these ships I've listed I feel the most strongly about shipping her with Bi Han. It's mainly because of a post I saw, which was based on a meme. 
Kitana: Am I ugly?
Liu Kang: No. 
Mileena: Am I ugly
Bi Han/Noob Saibot: Yes. 
Mileena and Bi Han are dating in this meme, btw. I think it was built on the fact that Bi Han can see her for the tarkatan she is but it doesn't disturb him. I don't think he goes out of his way to mock her, either, he's merely analytical of her. Following one of my headcanons, he takes things literal, meaning he has no intentions of harming her emotionally.
Yes, I ship him and Sereena, but I like to try new things.
"We have met before." - Mileena
"In the Netherrealm, where I consumed your soul." - Bi Han/Noob Saibot
That wasn't supposed to sound sweet, but it did. To me. There's also this video.
They both have sibling problems and were killed unfairly. Mileena's crown was snatched from her while Bi Han was made a slave alongside Scorpion. You know, the guy that killed him. They fought Kabal together.
Oh, and they can both teleport :).
It could be argued that Noob has a better chance with Skarlet since she reminds him of Sereena, but I like her interactions with Sub Zero.
I'm starting to think I should write a yandere Liu Kang/Kung Lao x Mileena (one sided), I mean Kung Lao wanted Kitana too so he could see Mileena as some kind of replacement.
I think Shao Kahn does feel some kind of fatherly attachment to her, although I headcanon that he's a narcissistic father. In Mk11 story mode he was ready to kill D'Vorah the second he found out she killed Mileena. Protective dad. I think some of it comes from the father-daughter bond he has with Kitana. While Shao Kahn did say that he kept her around just to appease Sindel, he had no need to do that after her death, so he technically adopted Kitana just because he could. And then teenage rebellion kicked in and he had her replaced by Mileena.
"Where's this boldness been hiding, Kitana? Had you shown it before, I'd have no need for Mileena." I think Shao Kahn did care for Kitana but not in a way that his mind can fully address. But he prefers Mileena, as she's the version of Kitana that won't betray him. Even though Mileena was created as a replacement he still recognised her as an heir, and his daughter.
I also think Shao Kahn can't produce children... I mean I still see Skarlet as his adopted child. Dude's straight up just picking up daughters.
Shao Kahn being a dad:
"Raiden chooses champions poorly." - Shao Kahn
"This from the man who chose Mileena?" - Liu Kang
"Do not mock my daughter!" - Shao Kahn
"Those who betray me suffer, Black." - Shao Kahn
"Our contract died when you did." - Erron Black
"You should've served Mileena." - Shao Kahn
"You'll pay for Mileena, D'Vorah." - Shao Kahn
"This one did Outworld a service." - D'Vorah
"And so shall I." - Shao Kahn
"With Sindel's return our family is complete." - Shao Kahn to Mileena
"Daughter, you have returned." - Shao Kahn
"To reclaim my place at your side from Skarlet." - Mileena
"First prove yourself her better." - Shao Kahn
Yeah, he's a narcissistic parent.
"You didn't teach me blood magic." - Mileena
"Sorcery is Skarlet's gift, not yours." - Shao Kahn
"You'd never know, you never gave me a chance." - Mileena
That sounds like sibling jealousy, Skarlet was certainly adopted.
"Back from the dead, I see." - Rain
"You must answer for scheming against Mileena." - Shao Kahn
"Your daughter got exactly what she deserved." - Rain
Bonus: Kitana
Kitana is just so out of pocket. Now to be fair, she reacted in a way that is understandable. If I found out someone cloned me and I was face to face with that clone I would freak out too. But it's what happens afterwards. Kitana claimed that Mileena attacked her when it was the other way around.
Now if we follow the events of mk9 and not the events that came before it, Kitana never got to even know Mileena, so that comment was uncalled for. Not only that, but Mileena was welcoming towards Kitana upon first meeting her. While she was created to replace Kitana, that was not her priority when she woke up and saw Kitana for the first time. It's very clear that Kitana has absorbed Shao Kahn's narcissistic habits.
Now with some interactions:
"You're more my sister than Mileena." - Kitana
"So why must we fight again?" - Jade
"Where there are siblings there is rivalry." - Kitana
"I don't suppose you have a sister." - Kung Lao
"There is only Mileena." - Kitana
"Thank you. I'll pass." - Kung Lao
I think Kitana actually carries pride over being the pretty one. I also think she took pleasure in making Kung Lao uncomfortable.
"You will be queen of the damned." - Noob Saibot
"That honour is Mileena's" - Kitana
Out of pocket, no one said Mileena's name yet Kitana brought her up just to insult her.
Skarlet and Mileena should've had a bond of some kind that wasn't antagonistic. I already wrote a post about this some years ago on my old Tumblr account, but I deleted it so I have to start over with this post. In Skarlet's original story (before the retcon) she was created in the flesh pits and even appears a few times during the mk9 story mode, so by that alone Mileena and Skarlet have a connection.
In the retcon Shao Kahn is the one to teach Skarlet blood magic, but I always saw sorcery as Shang Tsung's speciality since Shao Kahn has his kingly duties to fulfil so I think it would be much more fitting if Shang Tsung taught her under Shao Kahn's orders, that way her and Shang Tsung have a bond of their own being teacher and student to compliment the fact that he created her back in mk9.
Now, Kitana has Jade so it was an opportunity to have an evil doppelganger situation with Mileena and Skarlet. They both like gore, they both hate Kitana because Kitana was mean to them, and they both don't like Jade. They both also have a thing for Sub Zero, which means they have similar tastes. They should get along. And for them to not get along I think it should've been the normal sibling dynamic where they would easily get into fights and do little things that annoy the other, but deep down are fond of each other. Something that counters Kitana and Jade's you're like a sister to me that you don't see real siblings experience.
If we're gonna follow the fact that they should get along, then Skarlet could've been the cool older sister. She had a boyfriend (Erron), she is good at what she does, and she's just as feral as Mileena but is more laid back. I can picture her helping Mileena with her makeup and her training. The sister that Kitana never was and refuses to be. On Skarlet's part it could be a thing where she remembered how it felt for Kitana to belittle her and for Jade to shun her for not being Edenian, and decides that she refuses to be the same to Mileena.
I have said a bunch of times that Shao Kahn sort of adopted Skarlet or sees her as a child of his. He took her away from the streets because she showed fire, and that's how a lot of adoptions go from what I heard, there's something about the kid that sparks something in that parent. But I think because Skarlet doesn't have royal blood and is a street urchin is what doesn't make her worthy of the title of daughter in Shao Kahn's eyes even if the bond is potentially there.
As much as I would love them to get along, Skarlet is jealous of Mileena. The fact that a clone was able to be given the title 'daughter' in a blink of an eye in comparison to Skarlet who had been serving him for more than centuries. "Shao Kahn needs no more Kitana clones!" is her way of saying that she wants to be recognised, loved and appreciated. "A pity you will never be his daughter." from Shang Tsung wasn't just any statement, he can see that this street urchin orphan who will not be mourned wants a parental figure in her life, and that unfortunately became Shao Kahn. There could've been the potential that it would be Shang Tsung, but we all know what he's like, he would see her as nothing more than a student who wants something more.
Skarlet lusts for power, and I theorise it is because she's trying to fill a hole, which is common in people who lack certain things in their life such as emotional stability and parental support. Having power will give her that sense of control over her life, supposedly.
Following my headcanon that Skarlet desiring Skao Kahn is a sign of her insanity, her need for security, appreciation and love has been perverted by the very thing that gives her power. Poor Skarlet.
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thesubtextis · 1 month
@gimmemore14 asked for a Gladiator AU and I accidentally deleted their ask!! Because I am bad at technology!! Let's try this again...
3) Over the years, Slade has made several offers to buy Dick, or even to train him in exchange for a cut of his winnings (and *other* favors, from Dick himself). He makes Dick nervous, and Bruce openly dislikes him, so that door remains shut for a long time. Adeline is Bruce's distant cousin, and through her, Dick gets to know Slade's sons. He hears about it when Slade adopts the child of a slave, as well as the rumors that she was his illegitimate child. 4) Bruce hears that someone is plotting against the emperor (Ra's). Bruce doesn't approve of a lot of his policies, or even like him, but he is related to the emperor by marriage, and he takes his oaths of loyalty very seriously. He has reason to suspect that Slade is involved in a plot against the emperor, but at this point Slade is also a favorite of the emperor, and Bruce can't make baseless accusations. Together, he and Dick hatch a plot for Dick to spy on Slade, while Bruce "loans" Dick to Slade for training. 5) Dick tries to play spy, but it gets messy quickly. I don't think that Slade is the one plotting against Ra's, but he's involved in other messy stuff. Also, he suspects Bruce is the plotter, and is trying to use Dick to get evidence against him (or, failing that, sufficient blackmail material to prevent Bruce from acting against him in the future). Further complicating the issue is that the one plotting against Ra's is a good guy-- Oliver, or someone, and then Dick has to decide whose side he's on. He doesn't want Oliver killed, and he doesn't want Bruce to feel morally obliged to turn in his friend for the sake of an emperor that he doesn't like. More than that, when Slade catches on to what he's doing, he has to convince Slade not to act before Dick can make up his mind. Bonus) I imagine a lot of dubious sex, which is very emotionally fraught for Dick (who is unused to bottoming, unused to being manipulative in this way, whose every choice is betraying someone), and great fun for Slade (who catches on to most of what's going on pretty quickly, and is pretty sure that no matter what Dick chooses, he can get something he wants out of it). Think: Slade making Dick seduce him, making him beg for the privilege of being fucked, in order to convince him to help Oliver. Slade being a total asshole about it, like he's doing Dick a huge favor, and then spinning it around so that, by betraying Ra's, he's gained more power, he has the new emperor in his debt, and he's isolated Dick from Bruce (so now he can keep Dick for himself). Double bonus) Because bad endings make me sad for Dick, he manages to turn most of this into a win for himself as well. And even though Slade knows he's being seduced, he still gets emotionally attached. He ends up helping Dick, without benefit to himself, at a couple of crucial moments. And they fuck nastily ever after, the end.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hey, so like i said in our message can i ask a dating headcanon for Gear, Tsurugi and Kuro like how they are in a relationship, who have done the first move ? do they get jealous easily? if so how do they behave when they are jealous ect ? 🫶 (I find that there is not enough writing on Tsurugi while it deserves to be highlighted so since I found your account I think I will surely bother you with my requests for Tsurugi) sorry in advance 🥲
No apologies needed! I adore Tsurugi and am always happy to write about him. I’m still finding my Gear voice and don’t know if I’m quite getting him in character, so his section might be a bit weak! I hope you’ll enjoy anyways and thank you again for the request!
I don’t think he’s a very doting partner in the more traditional ways. He can be secretive and stand-offish, and he has trouble really letting down all of his walls and barriers. In some ways, he’ll keep his partner at arm’s length but then in other ways, he’ll be almost desperate to have them close to him. He wants the comfort they bring him, but he almost doesn’t know how to properly reciprocate and any partner he takes will have to be patient with him as he figures it out. That being said, he’ll be a protective partner and will make sure his lover is safe, healthy, and as happy as they can be, and he’ll be generous financially and as generous with his time as he can be.
Gear’s partner will have to make the first move. He needs to be sure that any affection or lust he feels for them is fully reciprocated and that they want him before he’ll let himself grow any kind of attachment towards them, because I do see him as someone who can’t handle rejection mentally or emotionally very well.
I do think Gear is the most likely out of all three of these guys to get jealous. He actually forms really strong bonds and gets attached to people strongly, though he has odd ways of showing his attachment and has probably out and outright stating it. He can get kind of possessive and likes to have his partner close to him or at least where he can see them, and he’ll often accompany his partner where they need to go for that reason. If someone does try to flirt with his partner, he’ll get really clingy but not violent. It’s just that he will get really close to his partner, almost uncomfortably so, and he will be touching them, staring at whoever is flirting with them while remaining almost scarily quiet and it puts him in a really foul, grumpy mood, even if his partner didn’t return the flirting at all.
Tsurugi is a born flirt and he’s going to carry that over into any relationship he gets into. He’ll compliment his lover often, flatter them, and they’ll never feel unloved in that way, though they might sometimes wonder what he’s after, as he will sometimes use that flattery to get them to do something he wants to do or to gift him something. He can be a little bit of a user too, though he will try to give as much as he gets when he does get serious with someone. But he does want his partner to take care of him, financially and emotionally and even somewhat mentally. He’s never really had the experience of being properly taken care of, without people expecting something in return, and there is that hunger to have that that can make a relationship with him difficult in the beginning. When he does seriously get into a relationship and really trusts his partner though, he will find his own ways of giving to them in that he’ll almost become their servant, will hoarsely promise them as he wraps himself in their arms late at night when he thinks they’re asleep that he’ll be their dog for the rest of their life if they just don’t leave him. He will do anything they ask of him, anything he thinks will make them happy, but it’s coming out of a place of fear and insecurity that his partner will really have to help him deal with and cope with to have anything approaching a healthy relationship.
Tsurugi isn’t shy; he’s more than willing to be loud and out-there and, like I said, he’s a natural born flirt, so I can see him making the first move because he thinks his partner is cute. That being said, I do think that, when he does make the first move, he’s only after a surface-level relationship, nothing serious and it will scare him when he starts getting attached seriously and his partner would have to make the first moves to take their initial relationship to a deeper level.
I do think that Tsurugi gets jealous. However, it’s more that he doesn’t have the healthiest self-esteem and his jealousy will stem from worrying that he’s not being good enough for his partner to stay with him. Instead of acting out, he’ll become almost ungodly clingy, very needy, and will start showering them with affection and words and over-the-top romantic gestures, just anything he can think of to make them stay with him instead of moving on to someone that he is sure will probably treat them better…but will never love or need his partner the way he does.
Kuro’s really not that different in a relationship than he is outside of one. He’s lazy and slovenly and he’d rather sit inside eating junk food and playing video games or reading manga…it’s just that now he wants to do it with his partner beside him. He’s not going to have this huge personality change or make all these gestures to change himself or behave differently just because he’s interested in someone and he’ll expect his partner to accept him as he is, not as who they think they can make him into. He’s still going to be lazy and he’ll still need his partner to push him into getting up and doing things. He’ll still prefer simple hanging out over huge romantic dates. And he needs his partner to be okay with that.
Honestly, it would have to be Kuro’s partner who does make the first move. He’s not really going to go to any length to do something so potentially troublesome, even if he’s pretty sure they feel the same way he does. And honestly, I could actually see the relationship more growing organically and them just falling into a relationship naturally because of the feelings between them, how they get along, and the chemistry they have rather than anyone ever having to outright make a first move or say anything.
Kuro is the least jealous out of the three of these men. He does love his partner and he does want them to stay with him. It’s just that he either trusts them or just does accept that they’re a person with free will and he can’t make them stay with him if they don’t want to.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
I think Jared parents are Christians.
Hello Anon, I see you sent this twice probably by mistake. Yes I have heard of them being Christian or Catholic before. I do stand by what I've said before, that he seems uncomfortable with the discussions of signs, what they do or don't mean to him, etc. at least publicly. I don't really see the point of being uncomfortable with this kind of discussion personally but then again, I divine on a pretty regular basis and have had many experiences and such. So to me, this stuff is a norm to me and doesn't seem to be for him outside of having filmed Supernatural for 15 years (and wants to do the reboot pretty badly). It is a very sweet message from his parents, siblings and grandparents (unclear if it's on his mom or dad's side of the family). For anyone interested in seeing the message in the yearbook or whatever this is, look below.
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I feel like he's lost his way and is trying to find himself. I will not lie, seeing this does put into perspective even more that what I'm saying is true. I feel like some of his past and more recent actions, such as the multiple mental breakdowns, arrest, the past customer/hospitality service posts essentially doxxing people (seriously guys, don't go attaching photos of people or giving full names when reviewing places negatively), Prequelgate reaction and even how he addressed the cancelation of Walker proves my point overall. Yes, it's fine to express your sadness and such but I don't believe in badmouthing an employer you were with for so long at least publicly like that. I firmly believe in not burning bridges, even if they at in the wrong in firing you or whatever because you never know when you'll need someone's help. Got a legit legal problem, go the legal route. Questioning why you're being fired, ask your former boss to be what's up and how you can do better. Instead of reacting to situations negatively, be proactive and learn from these "losses" to do better in the future.
My guides including his higher self have told me that Jared isn't being challenged mentally or emotionally enough, and that his growth in some respects have been stunted as a result. I am starting to think this is very true, that his behaviors in ways shows a lack of introspection at times and can be immature about handling things when he's upset or in other words, don't go his way. Like he said of himself, he is quick with developing a sense of perception of things (interpreting sensory info) but slow at developing perspective of things (abstract, big picture framework of how we view things).
Thank you for this share and for the chance to discuss this, Anon!
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sweetshelluvaau · 5 months
I really want to you know get invested on stolitz but the problem is is just how the couple is presented. I may love toxic couples but I really don't like how the show didn't acknowledge it,like I see stols as this person who need sto get his shit together literally and spends really good quality time with Octavia(like I want to believe he is trying but we didn't see that freaking effort and that's coming from an ex shipper of stolitz) and blitzo,look I feel sad about the man and I do because of how literally he have seem to care but I shut,I pity the man. No offense to fans who made stolitz that is fleshed out,mad respect for them seriously.
Hey, you want to know secret: I was slowly getting on board the Stolitz train post Ozzie's. Not necessary in a 'I want these two together forever and live happily ever after' kind of of way but I was starting to get invested in seeing them both grow as people. I still wouldn't want them as end game and putting aside the icky stuff for a second, they're two different people with two different wants for a relationship plus BOTH really need to get their shit together before even entering any kind of relationship honestly.
(I was also indifferent about Stolas at this time as well. Didn't hate him but didn't really care for him neither. Just thought he was another asshole in a sea of assholes but rich).
Blitzo put his foot down and Stolas finally coming to the crushing realization that his actions hurt his family (regardless if he loved Stella or not, he still cheated and the whole mess harmed Octavia emotionally) and even realizing that Blitzo gave him some comfort, 'escape from the gilded cage' you can say, but that comfort was at the cost of the other person's happiness (plus ya know, you did force the guy the sleep with you Hooters).
There was real room for even as fucked up as their relationship was, them learning a thing or two from each other, more so Stolas. He learns some humility, ending the deal and just letting IMP use the book no strings attached until the times he does need it until they find another way to access Earth without it, or just have Stolas give Blitzo that crystal things or something like it at the very start of the season, genuinely apologize and be on his way. Perhaps his treatment of Blitzo and IMP has him reevaluating how he's treated those underneath him in the past. Boom! And being we have that assassination plot thing with Stella and Striker going on still and depending on how the whole thing is handled (NOT HOW IT'S HANDLED IN THE SHOW NOW GOD PLEASE NO), you aren't completely writing Stolas out of the show. There are ways to still have him play part of the story without taking away from IMP and the premises.
Honestly, I thought the 'Stolas wakes up from his delusional fantasy and owns up to his actions' was the direction the story was going but I gave Viv too much credit as season two dropped and we know where this tale goes...
But yeah the problem in itself isn't that it's toxic I happen to like toxic ships myself, the problem is the show acts like it isn't. It's a weird show don't tell Uno Reversal where we're being gaslighted to believe that Stolas is this great guy that Blitzo just hates because he's blue blood but his actions and treatment of people show differently and that he's a whiny, entitled privileged dick. The 'this is hell' excuse doesn't hold water when you refuse to acknowledge your characters are horrible or keep telling us they aren't when they are.
A roleplay partner of mine told me they viewed Stolitz as Fizzmodeus' darker mirror which I think is an interesting way of viewing it. I've seen plenty of writers in the rpc write great interpretations and their own takes of these characters that I honestly wish those portrayals were what we ended up getting suppose to the wattpad fanfic bullshit we did get. (it likely also helps that surprisingly half of the Hellaverse RPC on tumblr is just as salty as I am)
Also Viv, if you really wanted A Main Gay Couple in the show who ends up with Blitzo, I know I keep saying it but *will smith poses at Fizz and her one true polycule* STOP BEING A COWARD VIV LET FIZZ HAVE TWO LOVING BOYFIRENDS IT AIN'T CHEATING I PROMISE!!!
I hope I'm making sense here I feel like this turned into a ramble more than anything else XDD
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jawritter · 2 years
Story time?
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You guys know when I have a tough time dealing with things, certain things going on in my life, I write about it to vent it, and it works for me. Well, I need to vent for a minute. I’m not looking for sympathy or anything like that, I just need to get this out on paper to work through it. So, here I go. 
When I turned 18 years old, I went to school to get my CNA, and then immediately started working as a homebound caregiver, or as we call it down here in the south, a sitter, for the disabled and elderly. Basically, I come in and sit with them during the day and help them feed themselves, clean themselves, clean their homes for them… basically I do for them during the day what normal people would have done for themselves if they were able. I even go shopping for them/with them, if need be, and take them to doctor’s appointments as long as they are able to move around some on their own, and are not on hospice, (end of life ‘comfort’ care). 
When I got pregnant with my first child, I decided not to do it anymore, and just stay home with the kids until they were old enough to go to school instead of paying for childcare while my husband and I both work. Financially it just makes more sense for me to stay home. Also, while this job is not a nursing or doctor’s position, it’s stressful and emotionally taxing. When you sit with someone day in and day out, whether you want to or not, you get attached to these people, and when their lives are over, and they are no longer here, sometimes it seriously feels like you're losing your own family. 
Recently, and some of you may remember me talking about it a little, I started up again when both my girls went back to school. I like to take care of people, it’s just my calling, it’s what I do; no matter how hard it is. My first patient that I was sitting with made their transition from this life to the life here after (whatever that might be), and I took a few weeks break before I allowed myself to be assigned with another patient. 
This is where the part I’m struggling with comes in, so here we go…
Yesterday, I met my next patient. 
They told me his name was Austin. That he’d been disabled after an accident offshore, and that he now needed a sitter, seeing as he was a single male, who was currently unable to walk and take care of himself. (I’m paraphrasing obviously for privacy reasons and to make this understandable for people that do not work in this line of work.)
I’ve taken care of men before, that’s not something that’s bother me and never will. Still, there’s one thing that got to me when I read it in his chart, it’s the fact that he is only 43 years old. 
I’ve never had to take care of someone that young. Most of the time, when we step in, the patient is in the twilight stages of life so to speak. This guy, well, they warned me when they gave me the file, might be a patient of mine for a LONG time to come. 
The accident only happened less than three months ago, and he’s in physical therapy currently, (which is something I will have to take him to). But he can’t bathe, cook, or clean for himself at all currently. He only is mobile, basically above the waist for the time being, and with no immediate family that lives close by, if he wants to stay in his home, this is his only option. 
I met him for the first time yesterday. I go in today when the transport drops him back at his home from the nursing home (that’s where they had him for the beginning of his physical therapy after leaving the hospital), and that’s when my work begins. I sit with him Monday - Friday, 6:30 AM to 7 PM in the evenings. (Another CNA is scheduled for his night shifts and weekends unless we need to swap up for some personal reason). 
He’s so handsome, and young, and it’s not fair that his life has suddenly come to a screaming halt. It’s just not fair.
He’s still learning to cope with it too. He’s not really opened up to me yet, and that’s gonna be a challenge. He’s not happy with the situation he’s found himself in. (Who would be?) This might be the toughest thing I’ve worked on to date. 
I’m still gonna write, I’m still gonna be on here updating as much as I can. But please understand if updates come a little slowly at first, or if it takes me a little while to answer ask or something back. I’m not ignoring you, I’m just working, and I’ll be on as soon as I can. 
Okay, I’ll get off my pity party and get ready to go to work now, and if you made it this far in his too long vent session, thank you, you’re awesome! 
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qlventingspace · 1 year

It's Eclipse day, I'm tired and feel absolutely smashingly (cough cough), so it feels appropriate to talk about Sand and Ray. If you been here before, it's no surprise FirstKhao are my faves. In each and every aspect.
Well I'm sorry cause by extent Ray and Sand are my babies too and whatever atrocities they might commit in the future are absolutely insignificant to me.

Sand is by far the most normal human there. I love him. HIS SASS. Seriously marry me. And also choke me pls. Nothing hotter than irritated Sand with a cigarette.
Honestly I'm interested in seeing him loose his cool and explode one day. There's just something delicious about that.

What I was hella surprised about is how attached I became to Ray. Pathetic sad man in your area just wants to be loved and not abandoned.
Ray was such a red flag from both trailers and what now? You expect me to not coo at his "I love you guys so much" and "I'm such a burden, right"?

SandRay are honestly the couple I'm going after the most, because (surprise surprise) I LOVE FIRSTKHAO.
Their chemistry is seriously off charts and I cannot wait for them to destroy me emotionally and rip my heart to pieces.

The bathroom scene?!? The morning after?!?
I giggled seeing Ray in a t-shirt that says poor boy, but I lost it when I realized that Sand probably bought that shirt for himself as some sort of dark humor.
Uncle Jim "isn't it enough you're poor, now you have to be gay" I raise you Sands "I am poor and gay, deal with it" *SNORT*

asdfagfsghfhdgfhgjlkfghsidrutuerghjlfcgbcfkj.... well, I cannot wait what tomorrow is gonna bring :)))))
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banazirgalbassi · 7 months
I realize that if anyone reads this, they will come at me for my negativity, and seeing all the other peoples' opinions on the latest chapter has proven to me that I am definitely in the minority here, probably even the only one who took it so negatively. But I desperately need to vent somewhere, and I have no one to talk to about this.
If I hadn't been curious to see where the plot is going, I would have dropped BSD entirely at this point, because it's more than I can take, and the heartache is unbearable. For three years my only solace in life has been the character of Fyodor, whom I saw as a role model and admired him for his strong will and endurance.
The reason for this is that I am a person with many chronic illnesses, and to see a manga character who lives with a chronic illness, even such a relatively minor one as anemia and overall weak immune system, has still inspired me so much and pushed me to go on. It didn't even matter if he was a villain or a good guy, just that he was human, physically susceptible to disease and hardships, and that he endured them day to day and still accomplished so much.
It was the contrast between his fragile sickly body and his genius sharp mind that made him such an interesting character for me, one I've grown emotionally attached to and actually worried about his fate. To me his supposed humanity and frail health meant everything, and now I just feel robbed and betrayed knowing that it was all a lie, that he is not physically human, but some immortal indestructible entity that can't be killed and is immune to all wounds and hurts.
My last hope is that it is one of his past lives that is shown in this chapter, and a different body, not the one with which he was born in the present timeline. I am clutching to this one possibility. Please let it be his past incarnation, and he is just a human who remembers all his past lives. Or that somehow he fabricated false memories in his head for Sigma to read, and he is not immortal after all. Even time-travel would be a good option, just not... THIS.
Because that would mean that he was probably never a child, he doesn't require food or drink to stay alive, sleep deprivation or cold weather won't harm him, and he is not afraid of dying. He certainly doesn't suffer from any health conditions, because it's likely that all the cells and organs in his body can constantly regenerate, thus making it impossible to get sick and cease to function. Even if something can kill him, he won't stay dead and would revive sooner or later. That sure explains every strange thing regarding him in the story that I ever wondered about.
If losing a favorite character to death was bad enough, then losing him to immortality is infinitely worse, as much as I'm happy that he's alive.
I was hoping he would somehow be saved and survive the helicopter crash and recover gradually in an ordinary way, I was even prepared to accept his death. But it turns out he never even needed saving in the first place, and nothing ever threatened his life, there was no risk for him to die from the poison injection, no risk from all the wounds and the explosion, and he will grow back that torn arm, if it was even really his. He will just revive and come back to life like nothing happened.
Yes, I'm taking it way too seriously, and I should lighten up, it's just an anime story, and it's just an imaginary character. But he was my reason to get up in the morning and keep struggling. Now this reason is gone, and I'm completely crushed. My heart is broken. My worst fear about Fyodor's backstory reveal has come true. He was my comfort character and my coping mechanism, and now I have nothing left to hold on to.
Nothing suggested to me in the plot so far that he was not human, quite the opposite, I was led to believe that he was a regular person, with all his purposeful mentionings of his bad health and anemic constitution, other characters repeatedly calling him anemic, him saying he was afraid of catching a cold, etc. Now I understand it was all done deliberately to camouflage his true nature, and I should have seen all the subtle hints that I preferred to ignore.
I thought he had a complex and tragic childhood back in Russia that shaped his personality and motives. Now, regardless of what his motives are, all the depth and mystery to his character are actually gone for me, as he stopped being relatable to me altogether. The circumstances of his life are different, his mindset is completely different to ordinary humans, and he is now as far from all my headcanons as can be.
I thought that one of the main themes in BSD was the human struggle, exploring what it means to be human, the human psyche, and the ability to persevere in the face of any hardships with the help of friendship. In the case of an invincible character like this there is nothing to overcome, other than loneliness and boredom throughout the ages, but that, too, is different from what a mortal would experience. Even the overpowered Chuuya is still mortal and faces risks, even the regenerating Atsushi and the self-healing Yosano can still potentially be killed.
Why, of all the characters, Fyodor had to be the one to turn out immortal and inhuman? We already have Lovecraft who is definitely not human, Bram who is arguably not human, as well as Chuuya and Verlaine who are questioning or denying their humanity, but who are eventually proven to be human despite everything. So I hoped that at least Fyodor would be left out of this non-human otherwordly creatures category. Moreover, everything now seems to lead to him being revealed as the Antichrist or the Devil himself, which makes it all the more frustrating.
Here I was, simply hoping for a character I could relate to and symphatize with his daily struggles. Now it all feels like a big joke and a farce. All I thought I knew about him has been a lie from the start, it was just a fable I made up in my head, and I have only myself to blame for it. For taking it too close to my heart, for having such a childish and petty way of thinking, for exagerrating the importance of a fictional character in my life, for overreacting to this whole situation.
Yes, it's all my fault and my personal mental issues for which I need to seek professional help, I am aware of that. I will just have to learn to live with this pain and utter emptiness, the hole in my heart where there used to be some hope and comfort.
P.S. I sincerely apologize for all the harsh words and my bad attitude, and I hope it didn't trigger anyone too much. I will probably delete this post later.
And I know that I'm just jumping to conclusions and being judgemental when a huge part of the plot is still unrevealed, and I will be the happiest person in the world to be proven wrong in subsequent chapters, but so far I have the feeling that not much will play out differenly to these assumptions.
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itlivesproject · 1 year
(another VERY VERY long thought dump, apologies in advance for how much i talk in this one😭)
as someone on the blood path rather than shadow i am so STRESSED
abel being part of the family🥹
she’s gotta stop throwing us into the void like this
this music is beautiful though
so uhhhh loha just asked ro to give herself back to the power…… please do not do this to me i will not emotionally recover
“you will shed this mortal shell and lose the identity you gained as rowan burke. you will be forever separated from your friends. you will lose the man you love.” yup ok i’m already crying
ro is not dying. i am too attached to the humanity that she has grown AND THINK ABOUT ABEL. HE CANNOT LOSE SOMEONE ELSE HE LOVES YOU CRUEL PEOPLE
this isn’t my purpose. i will find another way.
how the hell did abel’s family get their hands on an amulet that just so happens to be endowed with the power of spirits
ghost rowan :( my baby :(
yet again, why am i so overwhelmed before the intro sequence even plays
i had to get my emotional support hot water bottle (we are READY)
ghost rowan has me cryin i feel sorry for her :(
THE WAY SHE SPEAKS ABOUT ABEL got me giggling through my tears
god damn you really like to make my life difficult, i know i want to keep rowan’s humanity but making the choice between reuniting with human rowan or just staying as she is took me SO LONG (i chose to merge with human rowan, but i’ll definitely play the other ending too after tomorrow!)
i am frightened
this music is beautiful too !!!! you guys outdid yourself
“promise me you’ll try to be happy” i hope you can hear me sobbing
“you close your eyes and remember all the things you love […] you think about abel” BDJWJSJXHDH I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM
“Affection, fondness, late nights, early mornings. Anger, sorrow, petty squabbles, explosive fights. The pain of losing, the joy of living. Everything that makes Sadie, you remember and you feel.” this kinda shit gets me EVERY TIME i love gentle reminders of what makes us human (i’m just a very emotional person ok)
oh god does this mean we don’t have powers anymore? i am so scared of her dying PLEASE SHE CANNOT DIE
well then.
the lore docs coming in useful with an extra scene💪
WE SAW HUMAN REDFIELD?? why is he kinda..
oh matthias you dirty little actor, oscar winning performance you dickhead
“Over your long life, you've learned that men are as predictable as the tides. Eager to believe they're special and different, even when they're nothing more than ordinary.” ilw said man hating rights! matthias dissing men as if he isn’t a man himself ????
YOUNG CORA??????? she is beautiful
luis i love you
everything he says is pure comedy gold
HE FLIPPED HIM OFF? this is amazing
this music is EPIC
“rowan?” “yeah?” “go get the bastard” HELL YEAH
i seriously cannot get over this music it is insane i’m literally just sitting here jamming to it i’m too hyped to focus
“It's a good thing she's not alive to see the kind of person you've become. It would've broken her heart.” holy shit man, linky you’re gonna make me cry and then who’s gonna win this fight?
“I will not kill Matthias McQuoid. I pass his judgment over to the Power, to the force he used and abused for centuries.” ok i am in tears i am just very emotional that this whole thing is ending
update: upon catching up on the discord i am so glad i didn’t choose the shadow route because i am cryin a whole lot and i just know that if i played it in my own game with my own mc and her abel romance i would actually be SOBBING
OKAY!! i won’t keep you any longer, but wow the music this chapter was incredible, especially the final fight music SOMEONE INJECT THAT SONG INTO MY VEINS BECAUSE WOW i can’t express just how much i loved it, definitely perfect for that fight
-abel simp anon 💓💓💓💓
this is soooo late, i'm so sorry dear 😅 But EVERYONE should read this and enjoy dear abel simp anon's ch 22 reaction post 🙏
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Danneel planned to eliminate Jared from the picture all along. It's clear she orchestrated everything and Jensen went right with her plan….||
Before I get to my opinion I just want to say I mean no harm or disrespect. I understand not everyone is liking Jensen at the moment. Reading a lot of anti danneel blogs as well as what I have seen and heard from those who didn’t have a good experience with her Danneel seems to be a very controlling manipulative person. While she may not be abusive towards Jensen physically it seems she is abusive towards him emotionally. The things she says to him while she thinks it’s funny you can tell sometimes it bothers or hurts him. Of course she plays it like a joke not realizing it’s hurting him or maybe she does realize it and doesn’t care. She forgets it’s not what you say but how you say it. I was with a guy that was manipulative and an emotional abuser like her. He would find ways to tear me down and bring my confidence level down. So I can definitely see the signs and see how Jensen tries to hide his hurt in public. When you are with an controlling person you sadly end up going with anything they want. Even though you know deep down it’s not right you feel you have no choice. You know if you don’t go a long with it you will face backlash you don’t want. To me that is what happened here. She pushed him into this and rather than to say no he agreed in hopes he can keep peace and she would leave him alone. I know Jensen isn’t perfect and to be honest I don’t want him to be. It’s one of the things I love about him. He knows he isn’t perfect and he doesn’t try to pretend to be. He knows he has faults and I love him for it. But I honestly think he knows this was not going to go over well. Jensen may not post a lot on Twitter or Instagram but he does lerk around so I know he sees the comments. He sees the negative things so he knows it’s not going over well. But he knows he can’t back out of it cause it’s too late. I think that is why he is pushing for something with Jared as to hopefully get people to forget about The Winchesters if it ends up flopping. With his name being attached to this people won’t forget. It makes me feel bad for him yes I know he agreed to it but I still feel bad. I have supported Jensen way before people even knew who he was. So it kind of makes me feel sad to see him get so much hate over this. I seriously hope he gets past this and people look at his other great projects instead of focusing on this one. Jensen is one of the sweetest guys out there along with Jared and I hope Jensen goes on to do better and greater things in his career. I know you may not agree with everything I’m saying which is okay. I mean we all have our own opinions about it. Also I’m very sorry this is so long just wanted to share my thoughts here. 
I love it when people freely share their perspective so thank you, Anon, for being vulnerable and honest. I suspect the same thing you do, I think Danneel kept insisting until Jensen thought it was best to let her have what she wants, embarrass herself in the process and learn from it. Because it was the only way to get her to shut up about it. I think it's beautiful you still see great things in Jensen and you should never feel weird about sharing that, even with people that may disagree, because it's your truth and your experience and you should lead it.
I am sure both Jared and Jensen will keep accomplishing beautiful things, not so sure about this prequel though. Jensen attached his name to it and his presence because he knew it was the only way to bring in the audience, same reason he cast Tom Welling, to bring in audience. Due to both Tom and Jensen having some pretty rabid fanbases it's possible the show might take off, at least initially. But it's clear the quality of the product leaves much to be desired and even though Jensen is trying to shift "credit" to Danneel, if the show does flop, it will no doubt affect his name within the industry. I think what's saddest to me is the preplanned canceling of Sam. I'm still very sad over that.
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