#no but really this whole concept is just sooo sweet and i adore it
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beanghostprincess · 6 months ago
Thoughs on Transfem Luffy? Personally I actually love this concept, some of my main hcs are:
- She comes out after Garp leaves her with Dadan so when he first sees her bounty posters he thinks he is going crazy at first
- Design is literally the same but with pigtails and the classic op girl eyes
- She casually nentions being trans after a visit from Chopper and everybody is cool with that. (Exept sanji)
- Amazpn Lily is a nightmare at first but after explaining herself Boa makes misgendering her a crime
- Impel Down is a lot more interesting
- Akainu is the only transphobic person in op and he gets his ass beaten
- Sabo cries (of joy) at Dressrosa for her
- Wano is more interesting too
Very very positive thoughts about transfem Luffy. She's my beloved. My little ball of chaos. The same exact as our canon Luffy but with different pronouns and somehow I imagine her to be even more unhinged because you wouldn't expect a cutie pie like her to be so damn chaotic.
Honestly, the whole thing is just something so cute to me. Makino? Dadan? Ace? Sabo? Shanks? They'd all support her like crazy. Ace and Sabo would beat the shit out of anyone saying anything bad about her while Makino teaches her (and her brothers) how to do her hair so it doesn't bother her while playing/running/training. This makes even more sense now because both Shanks and Dragon give major girl dad energy, so of course they'd love her (thinking about Dragon seeing the first Wanted poster and being thrilled about it and mourning a bit not being able to see her). Uta!!! Uta would tell her to be more feminine and delicate but she'd end up being charmed by her freedom, so she'd also beat the shit out of anyone who doesn't consider her sister a girl. Luffy is very nonchalant and careless about these things but is very stubborn so she gets frustrated when someone doesn't respect her identity. She's all like "I am a girl but I still wanna do stuff boys do, y'know? It just feels right to do whatever I want but, uh, as a girl. It makes sense".
Not to mention that she'd come out in the worst moment possible, in the most sudden way, and everyone in the crew would accept her but they'd be so astonished because Luffy is just so damn stupid and blunt sometimes. Also, I think it'd be good for Sanji to learn about trans girls... It'd help Sanji... In so many ways... The closet is glass for Sanji too but this isn't about her...
Amazon Lily is even better because Boa and Luffy would've been even greater friends (even though I love the whole "Luffy being the only guy she feels safe with" I also think that Boa acknowledging trans girls in an island specifically for women would be awesome).
Akainu can go rot in hell. If someone's transphobic in this show, it is him only.
Sabo!!!!!!! Sabo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sabo would be the best brother ever to his sister. I just know that he'd be even more protective than he is now even knowing she can protect herself. Like that's his baby sister!!! And he'd be so happy to see her again and realizing she has the family and support she has always wanted!! The fact that she lives free and by her own ideals is enough for Sabo to be the happiest.
Wano is more interesting because she'd actually relate to Yamato's experience!!!!!!!! Trans besties!!!!!!!!! And Kiku!!!!!! Wano truly is the trans arc...
Overall, I believe she'd be the exact same as she is now but would easily get bothered by people telling her she's not a girl or saying that she isn't girly enough. She'd be ruthless and yet the cutest thing ever. Btw, she'd still go shirtless/topless even if she gets boobs because she does not care about it lmao--
I've been saying we need more Luffy female protagonists, tbh. It'd be soooo good for the story and would add more to the topics of freedom and liberation.
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yesihaveaobsession · 8 months ago
Date Me?
Alastor x female reader
Summary: The old timer aka Alastor attempts to ask the reader (you) out Infront of everyone at the hotel.
A/N- Enjoy Ya'll!! :) I would be scared to date him. BUT like he said it'll be interesting SOOO why not?!
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You sat at the hotel’s bar, striking up a conversation with Husk, totally oblivious to the red eyes locked on you. Alastor. His eyes had been on you ever since you stepped into the hotel, and he’d been wanting to ask you out since then. However, he’d hidden himself in his room or the radio tower because he had no idea how to ask you out properly.
Being a charmer himself, you’d think he would know how, but he was still quite literally living in the past. It was hard for him to figure it out without asking for help or using wretched technology. He could ask Rosie or Charlie, but they would make such a big deal about it, and frankly, it would ruin his reputation.
So, he sat in his armchair in the lobby, taking a sip from his ‘oh deer’ mug and adjusting his position, fixing his newspaper to make it seem like he was reading it while catching glances of you laughing with Husk.
Alastor could not be apart of the party! So he put his newspaper on the side table next to his mug and made his way over to you. Butterflies filled his stomach; he was going to do it. Alastor fixed his suit and bow tie, cleared his throat, and leaned on the bartop next to you. The conversation ended as you smiled at him.
"Ah, my dear... a moment of your time, please!"
You gave him a small nod, tilting your head. "Sure, Alastor, what’s up?" You were just so sweet and understanding that he couldn’t fathom how you ended up in hell in the first place.
"I have been pondering the concept of... companionship, you see," he leaned in closer to you, still smiling and winked. "And I find myself in need of a consort, a partner in crime, if you will."
Charlie leaned in closer to Vaggie, blocking her mouth to not be rude, and whispered, "Is he really doing what I think he’s doing?" Vaggie's expression was laced with shock. Out of everyone to confess, Alastor was the last on her list. Charlie practically had hearts in her eyes as she watched the interaction. "Yep, this is happening."
Angel, who perked up from the couch, smirked and snorted. "This oughta be good."
Alastor felt like leaning on the bartop wasn’t him, so he straightened back up. "In my time, we had a more... refined approach to such matters. So, if you would be so kind as to indulge this old soul, I would be honored if you would consider becoming... my girlfriend."
You were more confused than anything. Alastor, the Radio Demon, asking you to be his girlfriend? You must be dreaming. You blinked and were surprised. "Your girlfriend?"
Alastor nodded vigorously, his smile never faltering. "Indeed! We could embark on all sorts of delightful mischief together! Picture it: you and I, ruling the airwaves, spreading chaos and charm throughout Hell!" Husk watched the scene unfold in front of him and muttered into his drink, "This is too rich."
Charlie was clinging to Vaggie but was finally pushed off. She then jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "Oh, Alastor, that’s actually kind of sweet, in your own twisted way!"
Angel Dust rose from the couch, let out a laugh, and slapped his knee. "Oh man, he really went for the whole package deal!"
You considered his offer; he had also treated you nicely when you first arrived. "Alright, Alastor, I'll give it a shot. But only if you promise to keep things interesting."
He bowed deeply, causing you to let out a giggle, and he locked eyes with you. "My dear, with me, 'interesting' is guaranteed." He then straightened up, and you smiled at him, taking his claw in your hand. "Well, Radio Demon, looks like you got yourself a girlfriend." You thought his attempt to ask you out was adorable, and when you agreed, you saw the way his eyes lit up; it warmed your heart.
He beamed, "Excellent! Let the chaos commence!"
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panelshowsource · 3 months ago
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my IMMEDIATE thought is judi love, right?? her and roisin 1000% not even one show each, A SHOW WITH THEM TOGETHER 😍 and it's called JUDI & ROISIN'S DOUBLE DATES 😍
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hahahaha absolutely! do you remember the stationary shop / pun guessing task that tim vine did on taskmaster s6? i always thought victoria would have enjoyed every single thing about that, just my intuition...
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hahahaha this is so cute! they got married not to terribly long ago, so no worries. don't you love how sweetly they speak about each other 🥹 you know, when i saw richard at his last book signing in new york, he told a quick story about how ingrid had recently written for a doctor who publication and that she is super engrossed in & proud of the doctor who world 🥹🥹🥹 (made me so happy!!! bc i'm also a massive dw fan (i make those gifs on my main!) 🥹)
this is my modest richard and ingrid tag 🥹 i hope to flesh it out even more over time hehe
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yes i've been listening to these!! they keep teasing a nish kumar one coming up that is supposed to be very special in some way?
anyways the richard osman one was very sweet because there was tons of kitten talk (LOVE) and you can tell how much richard adores david — which means he had a lot of fun teasing him hahaha that's what makes richard such a good podcast guest: he's such a comedy fan!
also enjoyed the eps with ivo and sam campbell, and i'm gonna listen to at least ed gamble, rose matafeo, and amy gledhill this weekend!
are you guys liking it??
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i've def seen it (i saw the comedy blogs advertising the pilot) but i'm gonna be sooo honest and say i haven't had time to give it a listen yet TT have you?? i'm obsessed with both of them and will DEF listen to it this week! i'll post my thoughts :)
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honestly, i think there are more comedy writers and comedy actors than proper comedians that i would like to read bios of. simon pegg comes to mind first! i also think it would be fascinating to read a kind of day-by-day journal of a proper circuit comedian, someone who could humorously and truthfully document the lifestyle. did you have someone in mind who hasn't written one?
as for books that are already published, i really want to read bonkers by jen saunders as well as richard e grant's semi-new autobiography (i'm worried it's going to be exceptionally sad since he'll always be dealing with the passing of his wife and he's very open about grief 🥺), so hopefully i get around to those before too long!
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i haven't, tbh i never watched miranda, not going out, or even call the midwife — so even though i've obviouslyyy seen her around, sometimes on panel shows, and absolutely acknowledge how big she was/is, i don't carry enough nostalgia to read her whole bio. THAT SAID, i agree she was so so touching on graham norton and i think her stories both about her health and about finding love were SO LOVELY 💜 but if you tell me it's a must read then i'll definitely check it out!
and for anyone who's interested i added the audiobook to my drive :)
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okay this scared me HAHAHA because as much as that is obviously not true if one uses a single modicum of common sense i am so easily fooled—
anyways it was a sweet episode! i don't really listen to that show but i was hoping to hear more about joe's particular approach to parenting, and even though he is clearly very private it was endearing. i love how much he loves birmingham (as someone who doesn't really have a hometown it's something i'm always fascinated by and envious of in others), and he really put his foot down about his sexuality! he was like "bi is bi, pan is pan, it's on you if you wanted to call me gay anyways" and PERIOD KING !! anyways, super happy for him. i have a feeling he won't post very much about it or even talk much about it in general, but i selfishly hope he does 🥹
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it was a cute episode!! highlights for me include rob being extremely new to the concept of kimchi, rob claiming he doesn't understand why people care so much about seasoning (my fellow americans, have fun with that one), and rob roasting steve coogan lmaooo also i never get sick of the alan bennett impression i love how it's almost tom courtenay it's hilarious to me
i've loved a lot of the recent eps, especially the ones with matthew macfadyen and richard e grant (funniest man alive)! and i watched the gordon ramsay episode like 5 times, it was sooo interesting and soooooo sweet to hear about his relationship with angela!
one thing i really like about this show — besides how awesome angela is — is that nick asks the genuine questions someone who isn't big into cooking would ask. like, when they were eating the rib eye, he was like, "if someone wanted to make this at home, what would they ask the butcher for? is this a specific cut of meat?" and even though it's like 'lol yeah nick...rib eye...' people who aren't familiar with cooking beef wouldn't have known that! he asks about cuts, measurements, cooking times, that sort of thing in a way that feels genuine and curious, which i appreciate (as someone who doesn't cook a lot lmao)
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for sure!
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hello anon! these are always posted on reddit every single night that they air, i recommend sending a polite "hello would you kindly add me to the sub?" message (you don't need to get fancier or more specific than that; they have to keep the sub private for obvious reasons so no need to feel intimidated) to r/TV_NCA so you can snag those links each week
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sure anon i'll work on that for you this weekend xx
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months ago
What are the things you like or appreciate about shin soukoku? /gen
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
I like sskk! I like everything about them. I feel like there's just so much to unpack about them, and there's no end to it!! After all this time I'm still finding out new possible dynamics and ways to interpret their relationship, it's so much fun. They're both very very complex characters, and their dynamics together are pretty awesome? There's the whole deal– I hate myself, so I have to hate you, because you're just like me. It's sooo cool. It's nice to see characters who hate themselves so much, but who also try to do better (Atsushi), try to be better (Akutagawa). They're both so so complex individually, and I simply adore what becomes of them when they come together. I think that when they're together, their individual characterization shines the brightest, because they're souls precisely created as parts of the same whole. And I've written about this forever ago, but I really like how their journey goes from hating each other to loving each other to loving themselves, I think it's a very nice concept to explore.
It's just a... Low-pressure ship in a lot of ways? It's something very very comforting to think about for me. As a ship, it constantly feels like saying “yeah, you do kind of suck. That doesn't mean you can't be loved.” It's just such a sweet sentiment for me!! It's not saying one shouldn't try to be better, but sometimes you do feel like you're utterly bad and unlovable, and there's no helping it; and sskk is there telling you “look. Here's two of the worst people on earth. One of them is unlovable by definition. And they still have in them to love, and to be loved.'” It's just :')
I genuinely love how both of them are kind of awful people. I mean, there's probably not a single thing about their moral code I agree with. But for some reason that makes them very compelling to explore? It's interesting to engage with characters that share worldviews so strikingly different from mine. Them having such fucked up ideals, so many flaws and selfish goals, makes them feel terribly human, and also makes them very sympathetic, in a way. They're a true mess, but one that reminds me so much of how sloppy and incoherent humans are like. Them being so distant from me greatly adds to their appeal tbh! Generally, I have a very strong moral code, and I try to do the right thing, while they're terribly selfish and self-survival driven. I'm mostly perceived as a woman, and they are two men with superpowers who fight and die for each other. I like reading about characters I can't see anything of myself in! I already have enough of myself irl lol.
Now that I think about it, I really really love how they don't mince words. Again, it's something personal, but I heavily dislike the habit of using euphemisms to sugarcoat reality. Sometimes things are unpleasant and ugly, and trying to deny it feels insulting more often than not. Sskk are always very direct, and never hesitated to tell what they think to the other's face, even if it comes at the cost of throwing insults; weirdly enough, it's something I appreciate. I think deep down, they appreciate it too.
The perspective of having someone who makes your true nature emerge is nice. Again, instead of mincing words and faking it, it's nice to imagine there's someone who could see them for who they really are, and loves them still. It's compelling to explore the true terror anyone would feel from being completely naked in front of someone else, but at the same time the sort of relief that comes with it? “This is the part of me I've always beaten up and suppressed and hidden. Look! Isn't that deeply disgusting? Yet that is nothing but the real me.”
The whole complementary-in-everything thing hits that specific part of my ocd brain that has me do stuff like organize my posts in a coherent string so that every post is connected to the previous, have every post posted at a round number timespan, count the pixels in every single picture I trim etc. Atsushi is mostly white in his design and Akutagawa is mostly black but the colors are reversed when they use their abilities combined. Atsushi is good and Akutagawa is evil. Tiger & dragon & cat & dog. Blue and red. government-affiliated job and mafia. Healthy and regenerating vs. sick and decaying. Loved & hated. Attractive and hideous. One loves reading and the other finds it unnerving, one knows how to cook and the other is a cooking disaster, one likes coffee and the other likes tea, early bird and night owl, so on and so forth. Then, the fact that when they come together they end up looking so deeply similar is kind of neat, it's like there's some sort of Hegelian synthesis in their love.
Their canon moments are truly great and exciting. I care relatively little about the amount of moments a ship has in canon– an interesting dynamic is an interesting dynamic no matter their screentime, right? And you're free to imagine what the characters interacting would be like in your head any time. And while I still like to believe their relationship would still be very compelling even without the moments they share, wow. Their canon screentime is crazy, it's outstanding. I think the depiction of their dynamics in canon is exceptionally good, and extremely well-written. The “the words of your past are fundamentally unrelated to who you are now”, the Atsushi wearing Rashomon, the “you damn fool // hurry up and go”, the “just the two of us?”– they're all such epic and sublime moments, every time they leave the reader gaping and bewildered and, frankly, wondering if that really happened. And their scenes are so consistently homoerotically charged!! From the “it's been reserved solely for you today” to the “the man-tiger's my main dish” to the “their eyes met. Akutagawa's lips moved, mouthing the words I found you” to the “once this is done, I'm going to teach you things other than ‘killing’ ” to the “as long as I can't deny your very being, I'll never be able to move forward” to the “don't touch me! Disgusting!” to the “I'm sorry”. From Akutagawa piercing Atsushi with Rashomon to kicking him to getting unnecessarily close to his face. From every second they've spent admiring each other to the way they call out each other's names with so much passion. The list goes on forever. And chapters 84-88 are short to a masterpiece. The characters' growth is madly well-executed, how we see them go through it almost step-by-step, and it's all so consistent, and it's all so human.
Finally, the picture that made me go “Ah! There's something about them!” for the first time. It's very dear to me :)
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It's got Atsushi being cute and Akutagawa looking at him with a fairly undecipherable expression that yet is distinctively non-hostile, and this precise illustration made my brain go “Wow, what if Akutagawa actually had a soft spot for Atsushi. What if there was tenderness in his eyes.” Then it all went downhill from there ahah
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jjunbug · 26 days ago
dropping some more praise to you because my mind cannot rest after the dollmaker <3 !!
you have such a talent of weaving in foreshadowing throughout a story. readers really need to read in between the lines and read every word !! to see all the details you’ve added. it’s truly genius what you’ve done. again, your level of subtly in details is so so so good. the build of tension, scene settings, characterization is all so well done. you deserve to be so proud of what you’ve created. i kiss your brain !
their love literally haunts them both (in different ways). she is smothered by it physically—i.e. the dolls all around the house, but also yearns for his touch even if with undertones of violence because it fulfills her; it gives her maintaince of perfection purpose (if that makes sense?? i’m rambling idk). and he is consumed by it mentally, to the point where all his work is centered around her. there is no waking moment where they’re not on each others mind. their level of devotion is so bittersweet and sickening.
he desperately wishes to be delicate with her, his precious doll of a wife, but his hands so badly want to break and destroy in hopes of making what’s already his truly his own creation. something that cannot be taken from him (as if she was going anywhere like ㅠㅠ) and something that is everlasting. goddd this sunghoon is so morbidly beautifully in all the wrong (right 🤓👆🏼) ways !!!
i’m sooo happy you enjoyed me picking up the details i did <3 (there were so many more but those really stood out to me hehe) & i’m glad you liked the song !! it’s so fitting ?? in regards to the horror rpg game ‘mad father’ without major spoilers: dolls, experiment lab in basement ! i immediately thought it when i grasped the dollmaker concept. i think you’d like it :3
okie im done, for now.. i adore you writing and can’t wait to read more !! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
actually gonna cry from this hehe thank you so much!!! i’m so so happy that you got all the little details and such and that you really enjoyed it so much!! and thank you for all of your super sweet words!!!! literally gonna start sobbing ♡♡♡
but hehe yes!!! my favorite thing to do is add little details and foreshadowing here and there especially in stories like these where i feel it really matters to get the whole story!! i did this a lot in the prologue of between twilight skies too hehe ^^ but eeeekkk!!! hehe thank you so much!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)♡♡
and you get it so bad yes!!!! i wish i still had my notes because you saying “also yearns for his touch even with undertones of violence because it fulfills her” is LITERALLY what i wrote down how i wanted it to feel like!!!!!! like are you in my brain? their level of devotion to each other is so bittersweet and sickening and literally insane if you really think about it!!! i said this in another ask, but truly like sunghoon is split in two especially when he comes to the mc: husband sunghoon and dollmaker sunghoon. it’s truly a battle within him which one is more present and as you can see from the fic……. we all know which one wins most of the time… he truly just cannot escape is need to make sure that she never leaves in any ways that he possibly can, that she’s always as perfect as her sees her constantly. he really is morbidly beautiful in all the wrong (right as well!!!! ☝️🤓) ways!!!!!
i’m so happy so many of these details did stick out to you!!! and the song omg omg like it really is SO fitting…. like when i first listened to it i was so amazed at how perfect for the story it is like omg????? that’s definitely mc and sunghoon to the CORE. and mad father!!!! i still haven’t checked it out yet but i will once i get the time!! hehe if it’s like the dollmaker’s concept then i know i’ll love it (∩˃o˂∩)
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hiemaldesirae · 8 months ago
Tis Alice! I'm so glad you liked the new fem rdst update and my deer wife drabble!
I was honestly a little nervous about writing Vox the way I did because Vox is very sweet in my deer wife au and my fem Vox is much closer to canon Vox so I'm thrilled you love her! And oh yeah she is way more judgey and conniving than people think she is. I wanted her to have subtle Queen Bee vibes, badass bitch who is used to getting her way.
Also you said the think about it being like wicked and now i think i understand why the soundtrack has been playing in my head all day lol
Okay so I'm really fucking happy you liked the name for the shadow because i was so worried it was lame it's literally Alastor backwards lol i don't write a lot of sick fics but it seemed like a nice setting to try the shadow's POV in cause we get to see it being protective of Vox and also get how Alastor is really feeling.
HII ALICE to be completely honest im Always down for whatever u post . even if you posted a r*dioapple drabble tomorrow id probably give it a chance tbh thats how much i love ur characterization and writing
oh no i totally get why theres a difference between the two! i actually really adore just how varied ur characterization is across aus and how much u take into factor the dispositional factors affecting each character and their inherent personality traits . it makes for such compelling storytelling and universes that really feel like theyre sucking u into them!! also she totally gives off heather chandler vibes i love her go girlboss i support your warcrimes. the w in warcrime is for woman after all 🤗
LOL i made the connection after i saw the whole difference between vox and als social groups and i was like "holdon this is a bit familiar"
I DIDNT EVEN NOTICENLFMAOWI this is how shit i am with anagrams . its no wonder lemony snicket got me with so many of those while i was reading asoue. it honestly just sounds so cool though god i love rot as a nickname and rotsala also sounds like some sort of ancient deity people would worship even tho it literally doesn't exist as an actual name and thats a whole other spiel i cant afford brainpower to get into ... Anyway bottom line is it is Sooo cool and i love love love the concept of als shadow being a conduit for his true feelings <3
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garden-bug · 1 year ago
Ninjago crystallised gets a 4.5/5 for me!
Overall, nice conclusion to the series, it had all the energy and fun and dynamics I adore, and the call backs to previous seasons were pretty great. The story with Sally was sooo fun! I love Zane. His moment with Pixal in ‘Compatible’ made me cry.
More time could have been given to Nya, y’know, coming back to life. I was going to say more time for Lloyd and Garmadon as well but leaving some loose ends felt natural actually. Zane’s emotions being off could have been more of a source of tension I really liked that concept.
My biggest qualm is with the overlord design. He was not scary! Yes S2 overlord was our childhood sleep paralysis demon, but come on! He was so cool. The tension suffered from his lacklustre scariness. I guess they don’t want to traumatise kids like that anymore huh (as my 8yr old sister put it: “yeah I was kind of traumatised by that.”)
Second biggest issue is Harumi. From this season I believe Harumi is irredeemable and that her motivations are a sham. I loved her in S10 and I think she’s a really cool character; this season just didn’t do it for me. Her ‘death’ in season… uhh I’m losing track WHENEVER was perfect symbolically and for her character.
1) She works with Pythor who released the great devourer… did she not know? But then betrays the Overlord because he created the great devourer. I feel like this is a much less direct link…
2) She believes that because she suffered everyone else should suffer too. She’s smart but not smart enough to see that reviving big evil baddies is never going to end well for her. I think she’s probably insane for trying the same thing twice and for not caring how many people suffer or die as a result of her actions in the same way she suffered and her parents died. She needed a very proper redemption arc for me to even consider her as a romantic interest for Lloyd. Oh my god. My sweet Lloyd deserves someone who can give him the whole world. I don’t care how many parallels there are or how they are the opposite. It doesn’t change the fact that as of the end of crystallised, Harumi is still manipulative, evil, selfish and cruel. HARUMI RANT OVER. I am glad that Lloyd never stopped believing in her though… but it’s not as though that’s the reason she changes sides, which would’ve been nice. I can’t help but feel like their relationship would be incredibly toxic and they’d have a lot of issues. (Harumi redemption believers DNI this girl is not redeemed) That being said I’m open to fanfic interpretations of their relationship because we can just head cannon our way outta this one (pls lmk if there are good Harumi redemption fics).
I would say S2 finale was more emotional. Ohh and S3. Nothing will beat Zane’s sacrifice. That scene changed my life.
Vanya… I don’t think Cole needed a romantic interest. That’s another discussion though.
IM SO EXCITED TO START DRAGONS RISING!! My sister was crying that Ninjago ended and I was like DO NOT FEAR CHILD THERE IS HOPE-
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magnumdays · 2 years ago
Magnum PI 5.06 - “Dead Ringer” review
Oh boy, the Miggy feels this episode gave me. 
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Actually not just them, it just gave me feels all around. Rick being adorably awkward and wanting hope and TC and Kumu being them and the case being so sweet and Gordon and his son being goals. Even Higgy and Thomas showing up to ask for a favor and wish him good luck with his thing was so cute and on point. 
So yeah, new favorite episode?
Starting to feel like I say that every week but this one really *Chef’s kiss*
So we got Magnum and Higgins being Magnum and Higgins and disagreeing about how to go about the mystery case. They haven’t really done a lot of real disagreeing since being a couple and I think showing it and how they can still be them and together was really nice. And part of why I think Higgy can so confidently say it is “definitively working”. Because it is.
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I did enjoy this bit though, where Magnum is just being sooo annoyingly smooth and Magnum...
But yeah, Magnum and Higgins working a case and being awesome PIs is def. just my favorite thing ever. Especially now with them just being a little extra adorable with their looks (okay, okay, they were always adorable with the looks!)
We also got this one! 
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Isn’t it kind of funny that the long awaited kiss-lift moment really (while cute) was the one I cared the least about? Funny world.
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Case of the week was really good. I liked that they found their “client” (even if I though getting DNA testing took like a bit of time even for the cops, but maybe I’m just not up to date on crime lab time frames.) and got the story using both their skills and method. I suspected the ‘dead’ girl would be alive as soon as we got the story from her dad, even if makes the whole “they’ll never find her body” kind of weird. Like maybe, I guess, because she’s not dead, no body to find, but still kind of weird.
Gordon being nervous and saying his peace and his kid being there and just all around them being an adorable father/son duo makes me happy. 
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I wasn’t sure Gordon actually would get his badge back, I thought he’d be denied and like go into a dark depressed spiral of doom. Question now is - what does that mean for Childs? Maybe he stays until mid-season finale? I guess time will tell.
Rick and the Ohana at La Mariana being a hoot and then finally Rick and TC asking Magnum and him being all “Yup, that’s my girl and I’m all about happiness and joy now” was nice. 
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Call back to last season with the Nuzo moment right? With the framing?
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Final scene will forever be in my heart. Like doubtful I could have written a more fluff Miggy scene myself if I tried.
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Yeah... peak Miggy right there! 
No Greene case stuff at all, but that’s fine (we’re worried enough about our TC as it is.) This episode was better off just focusing on the main plot of Magnum and Higgy (and Childs) investigating + Rick being all “they’re doing it” and Gordy’s hearing as side plots.
(Side note;I can’t wait to watch it the  whole episode in HD, because there was a distinct 2010 quality to the ones I’ve found so far!)
Next weeks promo looks... confusing. But from the summary “Magnum and Higgins investigate the robbery of an elderly man suffering from Alzheimer's. The ohana tries to help TC overcome a past trauma.” It seems we might get both a bit of Higgy backstory (if someone remembers her mom backstory) and TC and backstory is always fantastic. Plus more Miggy team up, that’s what we love to see!
I’m also excited for 5.08 which according to the summary will see Higgy undercover at a mental hospital. That is simply a to die for concept and I can’t wait to see it!
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hide-in-imagination · 10 months ago
Hiiii <3 I love your fanfics, okay "love" is a very weak word, I'm literally obsessed with your ff. That's why I want to ask, I've been thinking for a long time about the fact that I'd also like to write a fanfic about Ámbar and Simón, because I'm not okay and in my free time I think about different situations that could have happened between them behind the scenes. I tried to write something, but either it was very short and by that I mean extra short, or I ended up thinking that it was horrible and decided to delete it, so to get to the whole question, how did you start writing fanfics and how do you do it in general that your stories are always soooo perfect? Do you have any advice for people like me who want to start writing? Aaaaanndddd one more time, I really adore your work, please keep doing what you're doing, every time I get a notification that you've released some update both here and on ao3, I'm like a little girl who was allowed by her mom to buy candy, I mean, it always makes my day 1000% better 💞🩷❤️💜
Hi!!! Oh my god, you're so sweet, thank you 🥹🥹 ❤️❤️
I'm so honored that you would ask me for advice. I'll do my best, but, honestly? I'm my number one critic! I don't feel like I have the right to be advising anyone kdsjs. You say my stories are perfect but I don't believe that. I'm constantly frustrated by my lack of ability and depressed when I compare myself to my favorite fanfic authors.
But this leads us to our first lesson: You will always find someone who likes what you do. So don't worry too much about your first fics being too short or not being good enough. They're your first creations! You'll grow from there! And someone will like it. I mean, look at my first drabbles! They were- what? 300 words long? That's very short, but people liked them!
How did I start writing fanfics? I just did. I got an idea and I started writing it just because I thought it was fun. That idea was 'What If'. Hell, the whole concept was in the title, I'm not that creative 😂 And it wasn't supposed to be more than a fun oneshot! But then I thought "What could happen after that?" and I got more fun ideas, and people were asking for more anyway, so I wrote them.
Now. While I don't regret it by any means, because, as I said, you gotta start from somewhere and it was fun at the time... I do wish I had taken more time to think things through. If anyone's ever wondered why I used to write fast and now it takes me months, it's because now I worry about a 100 different things I did not think about when I first started. I usually just wrote the first thing that came to my head. And again, it was fun! People loved it! But, there is sooo much that I learned later. So many things that could've helped me make a better narration. So many things that I wouldn't have to go back to and change years later if I had taken the time to consider them the first time around.
So. For the sake of helping you and any other person who might want some advice, here are some things I would encourage anyone to do or don't do when writing a fanfic.
No matter what anyone tells you, there is nothing wrong with using the verb "Say." "He said, she said, they said"-- It's fine. You don't need to use a different verb every time. Different verbs are a great help when you want to add an specific edge to it. For example, if you say "he spat" the words, that immediately implies he was angry. You could also say "He said angrily" and it would convey the same message, but "growled" or "hissed" or "snapped" add a different image to it. It's all about preference and nothing is right or wrong.
Having said that- Don't ever use the word 'orbs'. Never. Please just say 'eyes' sdkfs.
Don't use the phrase "their tongues battled for dominance" because it's a fanfic meme by this point 😂 (I didn't know this when I started and I wish I had! I'm sure I used it somewhere 😂)
Similar to the whole 'Say' debacle, there's nothing wrong with repeating words if the context calls for it! For example, if it's a hot scene, you can use 'moan' more than once, there's no need to look for 8 different synonyms. (Sorry for the example, it was the first that came to mind skdf)
(Actually, I might have a whole list of Dos and Don'ts specifically for smut scenes, but I won't go into that kjsn)
Try to keep all the five senses in mind: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. This is something I personally struggle with a lot, I forget most of them knsf. This does not mean that you need to mention all of them in every single scene, jesus no, that would be too much 😂 Personally, it just helps me when I want to add more to an scene. I think of what sense I haven't mentioned yet and go with one that fits.
Sometimes less is more! Don't worry if your writing style isn't as detailed or flowery as others you've seen before. Some people thrive describing settings, for example, and they might write 3 full paragraphs about the exact shade of the leaves on the trees and what kind of trees they are and how the sky looked and what the wind tasted like. If that's not you? It's okay! Sometimes, just saying "they were at a park with lots of greenery" it's enough. Hell, you could just say "they were at a park" and let people imagine it! Don't force yourself and just write what makes sense to you <3
It's okay to repeat characters' names! This is also something I wish I knew right away. Don't say "the Italian and the mexican" just say "Matteo and Simón". Same thing with "the brunette" or "the blonde". Those are fine sometimes, but I try not to use them either. "Girl," "boy", "woman," and the like are fine too sometimes.
Play with subtlety and try to make it feel human. AKA: try to avoid the melodrama. I've unknowingly fallen into it before so I know that it's hard. Hell- some people like it! And if you do, by all means, go ahead, I can assure you you'll find readers who love it. But if you want to avoid it, like me, just... try to avoid anything that sounds like it could be on Wattpad?? LJDKSF I don't even know how to explain this😂 The only example I can come up with is that, if someone is sad, they don't need to fall to the floor sobbing. How many people do you know that do that? Reserve any big displays of emotions only for huge emotional blows (Someone died, someone is dying, huge betrayal, someone is or could be sent to jail and it's innocent, apocalypse AU, stuff like that).
Also, try to avoid anyone being 100% right or 100% wrong. Real life isn't like Disney. People usually have reasons why they think or act a certain way. A girl might start acting cold to her boyfriend because she thinks he doesn't love her anymore. The boy might be confused and hurt by this because he does love her. If they talk about it, it would be wrong of the guy to just say "Well, you're wrong, I do love you" and leave it at that. We should focus on why the girl thought that. The girl might be "wrong", but feelings are never wrong; they just are. (And she should've talked to him instead of acting cold, they were both wrong in this scenario. See? No one's 100% right)
Personally, I see scenes in my head as if it were a movie or an episode and I describe in words what I see the actors do. That might help you or it might not-- Everyone is different! For thoughts, I just go with what I imagine they might be feeling based on what I know of the characters. Sometimes I have to reign myself in and not make them too self-aware though 😂 They haven't watched all the youtube videos on human psychology and couple's therapy that I have! 😂
That's another thing that might help you! Especially if you'll be writing romantic stories. I was first introduced to the concept of Couples Therapy because of this duo of therapists. They have some YouTube videos and a Podcast on Spotify if you wanna give it a listen. Recently, I've been watching a looot of Cinema Therapy. I totally recommend them! They're very fun and I always find something I can relate to Simbar bc I'm insane
Of course, I research so much because I don't have any personal experience, but if you do, draw from that! Whoever said that you shouldn't put your own stuff onto the characters is a liar! Simón talking about what he missed about México? I was thinking about what I missed while I was away from my own country. Ámbar not knowing that bowling balls have different weights? Literally happened to me- I wanted the blue one! The important thing is to keep in mind what the character is like and not just force your own beliefs on them. For example, I hate Luna with a burning passion, but I don't make the characters hate her too because I know that's not them. My friend Chiara has asked me multiple times why I haven't just killed Luna off in a fanfic. My answer is always the same: Simón would be so sad!!
You can also draw from experiences your friends told you about, or something that happened to your family, or you can read people's experiences on Reddit-- Anything works!
And since we're on the topic, I think one of the things that have helped me the most is just: Read. If you want to write, you have to read, that's just how it works. It helps you a lot to discover what kind of narration you like, what kind of narration you don't like, what phrases you like, what words you like. You can start analyzing what this specific author does so well that makes you love their stories. You can start realizing "Oh, I was liking this so much until they wrote that, I better not do the same thing." It's not about copying word for word, it's about trying to capture the essence and then shaping it onto your own style. (But C, what's my style? What is a style? I don't know! I don't even know what my own style is but I'm sure I have one. If you have your own brain, you have your own style, it's that simple. Everyone thinks differently after all!)
Lastly, but very important in my opinion, once you've written something: Check your spellings and grammar. There's this cool Chrome extension called "Grammarly" that I always use. I didn't know it when I first started and now it's a life saver!
This is all I can think at the moment. I'm sure there's more advice that could help, and I'm sure I'm not a paragon of wisdom, so, I invite you to google writing tips if you like, or you can search for that tag here on Tumblr too if you want some more profesional insights.
My main message to you is to just enjoy the love you have for these characters and let it inspire you. Fantasizing about your favorite ship is very fun! Let that fun be your guide ❤️
Lots of love, Anon. I hope you have a great week^^
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castlebyersafterdark · 1 month ago
let's just hc byler + byclair instead then
so... are mike and lucas sharing will politely or does it get frisky? are mike and lucas getting into each other or are they strictly there for will? and lastly who spends more time watching which two together??
(i am enjoying the latest byclair resurgence cos one of my fav little details from s3-s4 was people tagging any lucas and will s3 posts with the tag 'byclair heart soared' which is sooo adorable
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These are both older and I put them off because I kind of like the concept in general, but I don't have many ideas myself for a Mike-Will-Lucas situation (even if they are the characters for my three favorite actors from the show). My multi-shipping is specific and situational.
I love the friendships between them all? Lucas and Mike are so interesting because they have conflicts about the how but the why is usually the same. Like they stand for the same things and both try to be leaders but the methods may clash. That's a fun friendship. And they are next door neighbors - underutilized concept. And Will and Lucas have a really sweet friendship. Never forget that Lucas was just as determined as Mike to find Will in season 1 and never forget that Lucas also biked through the rain to apologize in season 3. I firmly, firmly believe that if Will was in Hawkins in season 4 - Will would have found a way to delay the Hellfire campaign and if not, he'd have absolutely gone to Lucas's basketball game anyway.
I do HC Lucas as totally straight but for imagination or fanfic-y purposes, pretend that's not the case. Ideas for fics I will probably never write but hmmm brainstorming:
Mike and Lucas who are going through it with love after Max dumps Lucas again and avoid him and El and Mike not back together when she and Will move away. Mike depressed. Lucas confused. Sneaking out to hang out because they're neighbors. Long talks in Mike's basement. Maybe they experiment a little 👀 Why not? Mike opened up to Lucas and Lucas was confused but stayed a confidant. He got curious too. They fool around a bunch but ultimately Lucas is straight and Mike is... still confused. Of course he is.
The Party having a party. Drunken confessions, Will admits having a crush on Lucas when they were younger. Jealous Mike, proud and flattered Lucas. Drinks flowing. Will dares Mike and Lucas to kiss - he is very drunk and very gay and wants to see. They kiss and Will is so into watching it. But he wants to join in. He kisses Lucas, then they all have a fun night, it's a whole drunken thing.
Something something Mike and Will talk and talk and decided they DO want to have a threesome and are not into finding a stranger, because the vibe of the moment is specific. Somehow they land on Lucas. Mike and Lucas don't really want to indulge each other much - this is mostly for Will. It's all about worshiping and taking Will apart because he's expressed a secret desire to take two guys at one time. Will, Will, Will 😏😏 Hell yeah he would. So. That's what happens here.
I'm not very into poly relationships but I can entertain the fun idea of a Party polycule where Mike, Will, Lucas, and Max all live in NYC. Mike and Will date and are together, serious relationship. But sometimes Will and Lucas fool around and go out. Lucas is dating Max in the same way Mike and Will are dating each other. Sometimes it's Will with both Mike and Lucas on his arm (this is my husband and this is my boyfriend kinda vibes heehee). Sometimes it's Mike/Will/Lucas on rare special occasion. Max is not "involved" with Mike or Will because they're both gay but they're all a little freaky and Max might observe sometimes, especially Lucas with Will. Party polycule!
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willowfolksong · 3 years ago
Heyyyy may I please request a Mikey x female reader oneshot ( they are in an established relationship) Sooo the one shot is about a night out with Toman how it’d be to spend the night out in the busy streets of tokoyo with your gang leader boyfriend and his friends? please include racing through the streets with you on his bike everything else is up to you thanks 😊
birthday ride
- Manjiro Sano "Mikey" x Reader
- SFW; slightly suggestive
a/n: hiiii anon!!! thank you so much for requesting! Don't worry, I got both of your asks but decided to answer on this one. I love Mikey so much and his time with the Toman gang is like the best 🥺❤✨ Makes me soft. always let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy this!!! ❤
Willow ❄
Requests are open! ❄
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At exactly 12:01 a.m, Mikey climbs to your balcony, opens the doors you always forget to lock, and climbs into bed with you.
You wake up when he pokes your nose, and then proceeds to silence your screech with a kiss.
"Happy birthday!" he cheers, and you scramble to sit against the headboard to glare at him, crossing your arms over your chest. Mikey follows the movement, his eyes lingering for a couple of seconds on the swell of your breasts under your shirt, and then snapping back at you, smile growing bigger.
"What are you doing here?" you whisper, covering his head with the blankets.
He chuckles."It's your birthday! What do you mean what am I doing here?"
"It's also 12 a.m and my parents are sleeping on the next room" you argue, and watch him shrug under the covers, only one of his eyes peaking at you.
"So you shouldn't be here!"
He whines, slowly uncovering more of his face until you can see his adorable pout in full glory "But I've been here before. Just a couple of nights ago when we fucked over the..."
"I get it!" you hurry to say, covering his mouth with your hand "I get it now"
He tilts his head to the side, his voice coming out muffled between your fingers "Can't a boyfriend want to be the first one to say happy birthday to his girl?"
You can't help but smile at that, your gaze softening and your hand falling to his lap. Mikey's... an unusual kind of boyfriend. He might not be around school that much, and so there's few walks home together and no kisses shared near the lockers. He's also not very good with the whole traditional date concept, and so you don't have romantic stories about dreamy restaurants and walking around the park hand in hand to tell your friends. He's not there to text with you until late at night, and sometimes he doesn't even answers your calls.
(And you really prefer to not know what he's doing at 3 a.m, when he texts you while you're sleeping to say 'Just got back home with Kenchin'.)
Instead you get impromptu calls during the subject you hate the most, and when you look down through the window right next to your desk you find him there, waving at you by the school's entrance, his bike behind him, as if he also didn't technically had to be in class. You have kisses in front of the traffic lights, when your boyfriend forgets danger and turns around to peck you on the lips. He takes you to his favorite fast food restaurant, and you have ice cream under the stars, when it might seem like it's too late for anyone else to eat that kind of treat.
And you also get a boyfriend that knows exactly how to sneak into your room.
"Thank you, Mikey" you tell him, and lean forward to kiss his lips. He tastes like dorayaki, as always "You're very sweet. And I do really appreciate this"
"You do?"
"Yeah, I do"
His face lights up and he claps, beaming at you "Great, because it's time to go!"
"Wait, go where?"
You hear a motorbike start outside your house in that precise moment, as well as the sound of what it seems like a pebble hitting the glass doors. You scramble out of bed and part the curtains to see.
The entire Toman is outside.
You don't know if you should scream or laugh. You decide to chuckle awkwardly, when your eyes find Draken's and he waves at you.
"What is this? What's happening?" you ask, confused and starting to panick, watching how your boyfriend follows you out of bed and stretches his arms over his head with a yawn.
"We're going for a ride" he casually explains.
You gape, looking back at the street. Draken seems ready to throw another rock at the glass, but stops once he realizes your looking their way. Mitsuya looks incredibly amused by his side.
"Mikey, listen..."
"You should start calling me Manjiro" he cuts you off, and you feel your left eye tremble. "We've been together for six months now, after all"
"Mikey" you say again, trying to rein in your nerves "I don't really know what's happening, but it's definitely not good" the overwhelming roar of another bike startles you, and you jump and push your face against the glass to try and shush them "Please, tell them not to do that! My parents could wake up!"
Mikey complies, sliding the doors open to yell "Don't do that! Someone could wake up!"
You blanche "Don't yell either!"
He ignores you in favor of pecking your lips and smirk at you "I'll be waiting for you outside. Don't take too long"
There's nothing in your closet that says 'I'm sneaking behind my parents back to go motorbike riding with my boyfriend and his gang, past midnight', and so you decide to put on your to do-everything pants and a simple white t-shirt. Draken is the first one to greet you as you slowly close the front door behind you, grimacing once the lock is in place.
"Happy birthday" he tells you, and you smile and hug him tight, amused at how he seems slightly confused for a moment, only to hesitantly return the hug a few seconds later "I'm sorry for all the commotion. Mikey insisted"
"I bet he did" you say, and look behind him to see your boyfriend talking in hushed whispers with Mitsuya.
"Don't worry. We'll try to get you back soon, so you don't get in trouble with your folks"
You snort, because trouble is not the word you would use for the hell you'll be in if your parents find out about your midnight rendezvous. Mikey smirks when you approach him, hoping on his bike and patting the space behind him.
"Happy birthday" Mitsuya tells you, once your arms slide around your boyfriend's back "I bet you must be surprised"
"You can say that, yeah"
"Okay!" Mikey announces cheerfully, and you move even closer to him, as you always do when his bike is about to set off "Let's go!"
You shudder at the thunderous sound of all the bikes starting off at the same time, and as the engine of his own roars to life, Mikey turns around to give you a scorching kiss that leaves you dizzy enough to forget that your parents have to definitely be awake by now.
The wind blows against your back as you rode down the street with the members of the Tokyo Maji Gang, the few people around at that hour quickly diving out of the way and out sight. Pah-chin yells something behind your back, earning the laughs of the rest, and you busy yourself trying to read every sign you encounter in the way, as you leave the residential area behind and enter the shopping district— the neon pink lights and the still busy street a sight to behold.
"How is it?" Mikey asks all of the sudden, over the howling of the wind around you.
"Your birthday" he says, and turns to look at you when you reach a red light, and all the Tokyo Manji bikes come to a stop in front of the traffic lights, to the very visible horror of some of the passersby "How is it so far?"
It's exhilarating, the feel of the warm summer Tokyo air whipping around you as you speed down the streets. The city is different under the moon light. There's things to see at night that you won't find during the day, and you know it thanks to them. To Mikey and the gang, showing you the other face of the city. The other face of life.
The one with the chilly air, and the street lights above your head, and the feeling of owning the road. Pure adrenaline in your veins.
You look around, at the members of the gang you used to fear so much, and that now have become your family. At Chifuyu's smiling face, at Mitsuya saying somethin to Hakkai, and to Draken, who nods at you as if there's something only you and him known.
And you suppose there is.
You squeeze Mikey's waist and kiss his neck "It's going great, Mikey. Thank you"
He laughs, stepping on the accelerator "So I'm the best boyfriend ever, right?"
"You are!"
He takes off before the light can change again, and you close your eyes and scream for dear life, not wanting to see if a car crashes against you or not— the hollering and the amused whistles of the gang fading behind your back.
You fly down the road until the buildings you pass are just a dark grey blur, mixed with the colors of every sign and every open shop. Mikey takes the curves with a finesse only the President of the Manji Gang has, and you can feel the muscles of his abdomen tighten and contract every time he leans his body with the bike.
You reach the river half an hour later, the stars that you couldn't see before making the water shine, like a pristine mirror. You slide off the bike as Mikey shuts it off and puts down the kickstand.
"I love this place" you say, voice only a whisper. There's something magical about the silence that surrounds you, only broken by the cicadas sweet summer song.
"I know" Mikey nods, plopping down on the grass and glancing up at you "You always say that"
You roll your eyes and sit beside him, and only then you notice the box in his lap. It's a small one, wrapped on red bright paper with little hearts on it.
"What's that you have there?" you say, pointing at it. Mikey doesn't looks down, his eyes watching your face intently.
"My gift" he says, and you feel the blush rise to your cheeks when he moves closer to you, shaking the box in his hand "For your birthday"
"I thought the gift was the ride around the city"
Mikey hums, eyeing the box for a moment before placing it on your lap and moving even more close, until his shoulder is touching yours and you can feel his breath ghosting over your neck as he leans towards you.
"Open it"
Your fingers dance over the edges "Did you wrap this yourself?"
"No, Emma did it" he tells you, scratching his chin "I tried, but couldn't do the corners and ended up making a mess. So she offered. Said that way the gift could be from the two of us" he winks at you, smirking "It's my gift still tho"
You smile, and carefully lift away the tape keeping it together, trying all the time to not tear the pretty red paper, and making a mental note to call Emma in the morning.
Inside the box, there's a Toman jacket.
You look at Mikey, then back at the gift, then to him once more. "This is..."
"Your own jacket" he says, smiling at the way your mouth opens in shock "You wanted one, right?"
"But... I thought it was for members only"
"You're my woman" Mikey says, tilting his head to the side, and you rub your thights together at the sound of those words leaving his mouth "You can have a jacket if you want one"
"Are you sure?"
"Let me put it on you" he offers, and you take it out of the box to unfold it, admiring it for a few seconds before you let him slide it over your shoulders. "There you go"
"I... don't know what to say" you whisper, caressing the letters that run down the sleeves. You notice they're silver, instead of gold, a nice touch to make it unique for you.
"I want a kiss" Mikey says in your ear, and you turn your head to the side to crash your lips into his, letting him push you on the grass.
His lips are soft and tender, and he kisses you lazily, as if you're not two teenagers in the middle of the night, making out by the riverbank and risking someone to catch you. You moan when he sucks on your bottom lip and then nips at it with his teeth, and he takes that opportunity to coax your tongue out with his, groaning when you open your eyes to stare hungrily at him.
"Thank you, Manji-kun" you say, and the smile that lights up his face at the sound of his name is more than worth it "This is the best gift ever"
"And now I won't need to steal yours anymore!"
He stops pepering kisses over you neck to look at you, frowning. "What?"
"Yeah" you say, hugging the jacket closer "Because now I have my own"
Two seconds pass.
Then two more.
Mikey clicks his tongue and pulls you up with him, trying to take the jacket away from you "Give it back, I'm going to return it to Mitsuya"
"What? No! It's mine!"
"But that's not fair! I want you to keep using my jacket!"
You swat his hands away, and run towards the bike with him hot on your tail, laughing all the way "Stop! You can't take it from me"
"Mine's better anyway! Give it back now!"
You stop once you reach the motorcycle, and turn to him to place both of your hands on his chest.
"If you let me keep the jacket" you propose, licking your lips and enjoying how his eyes linger on them after "I'll let you do what you've always wanted to do to me here" you pat the bike seat behind you "On the bike"
Both of Mikey's hands immediately take hold of your hips, bringing you closer to him "Let's do it now"
"Wait! Now?"
"As a birthday gift!"
"But it's my birthday! Not yours!"
That night, both of you return home with the best gifts you could have ever asked for.
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iiruwu · 3 years ago
give us some harringrove recs bestie!
i gotchu bae!! but be warned, many of these are pretty much just the ones i've read at the top of the list, filtered by most kudos b/c thats just how i find all my fics. so, there's a chance you might've gone through them already. regardless these are some of my faves and have stuck with me for years after reading them. (this was also requested by @roseinthewoods so here you go!)
let us begin:
Under the Covers by ToAStranger -> my all-time fave harringrove fic. this absolutely deserves its popularity and has one of the best characterizations i've ever seen of the entire cast post-s2. not only are billy and steve super fleshed out, but i just adored how steve interacted with jonathon and nancy (who were equally great as far as characterization goes) along with many other characters. but steve rlly shines in this one! this author truly brings the world to life with their writing and makes you feel like you're really watching everyone's lives unfold in an organic, but also bittersweet story :)
dried up, half full by lymricks -> SUCH a good billy characterization. i mean, truly. also one of the best interpretations i've seen of what could have been billy's journey towards becoming a better person. lots of angst and inner turmoil. made me feel like i was truly in billy's shoes and rlly conveyed this sense of just not being able catch a break in any aspect of life throughout the story. im also gonna throw a quote in here that i have had saved for a while just 'cause it was so heartbreakingly good:
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we could be heroes (just for one day) by brawls, ToAStranger -> another fic with really good characterization overall. unfortunately this one is unfinished but as im skimming this im remembering that the dynamic between steve and billy for this was just AGHHHH i was frothing at the mouth the whole time. so funny and sweet and very slowww to build up. it was a very realistic take on billy in specific post-s3, but, more than that, i loved the inclusion of almost the entire ensemble throughout this fic. the kids were such rays of light, it rlly made this fic that much better :)
master of puppets, i'm pulling your strings by wearealltalesintheend -> ONE OF MY FAVES!! this fic hooked me on the idea of billy & robin being friends and i was totally obsessed for a little while afterwards. the author wrote the two of them so damn well together in the s3 plotline and i just love how they were snarky as hell but also progressively more friendly and deeply trusting of each other as billy continued to open up. its also refreshing to see harringrove from an outsider perspective, with robin being there to help them connect the dots. (also characterization was an a+ as usual!)
Don't Leave Me (Hanging on the Telephone) by Glitter_Bug -> this is a fic that is a lottt more recent in comparison to the others. i've been reading this since it was about halfway done and i must say - the banter is PHENOMENAL between steve and billy. the dialogue alone hooked me in with how accurate to the 1980s it was with references and had me reading non-stop. the concept of billy being stuck in the upside-down and only able to contact the real world through the phone at steve's house is sooo damn good. it rlly offered a lot of opportunity for fun scenes with them through phone calls. this is also a fic that is actively being updated and is nearing the end soon!
Renegade (Who Had It Made) by moonflowers -> this was a very tender fic about billy's supposed death and included multiple POVs. i found max's POV abt her grief and coming to terms with his death to be such a nice inclusion that added a great touch to the story and also the many journal entries that she found as well!!! this fic felt very human and personal, like it was something not meant for ppl to see - which, considering the concept of max finding billy's journal with notes about steve in it and giving it to steve, makes sense. it was a nice harringrove slowburn overall!
andddd there we go! these are the most memorable ones i've read but there are so so many more harringrove fics out there that are just as good. i found some interesting ones just while skimming the tag alone. hopefully you liked this anon!!! these are very near and dear to my heart :')
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nitrodame · 3 years ago
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐢, 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐣𝐨𝐛.
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Pairing(s): KING! Tamaki Amajiki x QUEEN! Reader
Genre: Historical Romance
Fic Type: Multi-Chapter
Status: Ongoing
Warning(s): Possible Smut, Descriptions of Violence and Abuse, Brief Mentions of War
Tag(s): Arranged Marriage, Historical AU, Angst/Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
A/N : Sooo this is my first fic for bnha! I got into the fandom a little late but better late than never right? Anyway, I'm really excited about posting this and hope you all enjoy! This is fic can also be found on AO3 , I'll always update ao3 first so be sure to check it out! Thanks!!
Chapter I / II / III / IIII
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A loving marriage. Such a pathetic concept. Who really got to spend their life with the one they loved? Such an illusion was nothing more than a child’s broken fairytale. That was something you recited to yourself over and over again as you stared blankly at the man you were going to spend the rest of your miserable life with. Tamaki Amajiki, a distinguished prince from one of three ruling families of your land. A man who did not love you and probably never would. He was to be your life sentence and he couldn’t even meet your eyes. You wondered, somberly, if there was a special person that already occupied his heart as he quietly recited hollow vows that meant nothing to either of you.
How different would his words be if he really did love the woman that was standing before him? How fast would your heart beat if you truly adored the man cradling your hands? It was a bitter thought. A fleeting glimpse of a life you would never have. Your union was born from nothing more than necessity and as his quivering lips pressed stiffly against your own, it was a fact you would never let yourself forget.
You woke up in a bed that was much too large, all alone, yet again. The vacant sheets beside you, that were always cold to the touch, was something you had come to expect. You hugged a lone pillow to your body, burying your face into its softness. Your mind began replaying a familiar fantasy as you tried desperately to ignore the rays of spilling sunshine that forced their way through your silky curtains. You would often imagine the pillow as the warm chest of a lover, they would run their fingers through your messy hair and whisper sweet nothings in your ear after a long, passionate night of love making.
It was the same scenario day after day but it was all you had to stave off the numbing loneliness that renewed itself every sunrise. Just a little longer, that’s all you wanted, just a second longer to pretend you were adoringly desired.
However, your dreams were dashed as your chambermaids filed in, their idle chatter causing you to begrudgingly open your eyes. You fought the urge to tell them to leave so you could continue to indulge in your pity party...but you knew better, after all that was no way for a queen to behave. You sighed internally as they urged you to your feet.
Today was a special day. It was your birthday, the first one you would be celebrating as the new queen who was lucky enough to exist next to Tamaki's side. The whole kingdom was a buzz about your special day, nobles from all over the country would be attending your grand celebration. You couldn’t seem to share their enthusiasm, you were already alone, but what better way for that painful point to be driven home then by meaningless interaction with hordes of faceless strangers who cared nothing for you. You could almost laugh at the absurdity of it all.
You were pulled out of your stupor when you felt nimble fingers gently tugging at the loose threads of your favorite worn nightgown. Ah, you knew who those tiny hands belonged to.
“Good morning Eri.” You hummed sweetly, picking the little girl up with a smile.
“Good morning big sister! Happy birthday!” Eri giggled enthusiastically as your heart swelled with affection. The only blessing about being trapped here was becoming familiar with the little angel that was Eri.
The long days that ate away at you sped up and the world regained its vibrant hue when you were with her. Her innocent smile and childish bright eyes filled you with an indescribable joy that had been missing for as long as you could remember.
She was your everything.
“Thank you sweetie, but anymore of these birthdays and I’ll get all wrinkly.” You chuckled as the small girl cupped your cheeks, her crimson eyes scanning your skin with immense precision.
“I don’t see anything!” She concluded with insistence.
You only placed a soft kiss on her nose in response before your chambermaids began fussing with your garments. You set Eri down amongst your numerous pillows and blankets, she quickly pulled one to her chest.
“Has big brother Tamaki said happy birthday to you yet?” She asked softly, there was a painful squeeze that gripped your tightened chest.
You couldn't tell her.
How COULD you tell her?
Tamaki probably wouldn’t even remember your birthday had it not been a public affair.
“You beat everyone to it Eri, you're so fast that no one can tell me before you!” You grinned playfully, which quickly earned you a shy smile from the little girl.
"I'm really happy everyone is going to be together today!" Eri said after a moment, she seemed so excited you couldn't help but mimic her energy.
"Yes, all our friends from all over will be coming! I'm sure they all can't wait to see you!" You hummed as you did your best to help your maids undress you.
"But it's your birthday!" She countered, falling back against the soft bed, her arms stretched out as she spoke. "They'll be more excited to see you!"
"If I were them, it be you I'd be thrilled to see Eri." You chuckled as you watched her.
Her little face bloomed with an embarrassed but flattered blush, her small hands fiddling with the golden seams of the peachy satin pillow that resided in her arms as she thought about your kind words.
"Oh! Are your parents coming?" Eri asked with curiosity. "I'd really like to meet them!"
You stilled for a moment, the chambermaids froze, their fussing coming to a halt at the seemingly innocent question that poked a wound that was far from closed.
"I'm afraid not dear. There's much more urgent matters they must attend to this evening." You sighed, your tone gentle but the severe pain in your words rippled just beneath your annealed glassy façade.
"But..." Eri's face fell as she sat up, the miniscule shift in your steady voice not going unnoticed by her keen ears. "...It's your birthday."
"Aw, don't worry sweetie! I'm already surrounded by lots of my beloved family." You replied with a chipper tone, reaching out patting her head affectionately. You did your best to conceal the waver leftover in your words. "You're here, aren't you?"
The tension in the room began to dissipate as Eri's dazzling smile crept back onto her little face. A silent wave of relief washed over your maids, it was common knowledge among the castle that they were to never bring up your family...but Eri was a child, she didn't know better and it's was not something you spoke about openly anyway.
You didn't want your sour mood to undermine the little angel's excitement, she was so happy for you.
How could you dampen such enthusiasm?
You both continued your idle chatter as your maids finished their ministrations, it had been quite a while since you'd seen Eri after all. Mirio, her guardian and Tamaki's childhood friend had been away on confidential business for months and he had brought Eri with him.
You had begged the man to let her stay in your care while he was away but ultimately... he refused, he always did. Instead insisting she remain in his sight at all times. You did understand why but that didn't stop an Eri sized hole from forming within your heart. Even now, after your party concluded, she would be whisked away for no doubt months yet again.
And your one happiness would go with her.
A swift but polite knock at your bedroom door called your attention away from your thoughts. You sighed internally, knowing you'd have to continue your conversation with Eri later.
"Yes, come in." You summoned.
Tufts of bright blond hair entered your field of vision. His large ever present smile greeting you as Mirio stepped in, a sizable bouquet of pink peonies in hand.
"I should've known this is the first place you'd be, Eri." Mirio laughed as Eri gave him a bashful look. "She's been talking about seeing you nonstop ever since she heard about your birthday."
"I am equally as excited to see her. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about her." You replied sincerely, not missing the look of guilt that crossed Mirio's face.
"Don't worry! I'll be able to come over more soon!" Eri grinned, her eyes darting to her caretaker. "We promised!"
"Is that so?" You questioned, a playful but equally skeptical look dancing across your features as you turned to face the man before you.
"Yea, we'll be returning home shortly after this upcoming week for a while and I've promised Eri that she'll be able to visit you as much as she'd like until we have to leave again." Mirio admitted sheepishly. "But it was supposed to be a surprise, Eri."
"Ah sorry, I forgot." The little girl giggled as she watched an expression of pure joy light up your wide eyes.
You could barely contain yourself as you gathered Eri up in your arms, squeezing her in an almost crushing hug. You found yourself unable to let go, afraid she'd be stolen from you if you dared loosen your grip, even for a moment. Your eyes closed as you held her, the weight of her small form grounding you to the world beneath your feet.
"I couldn't ask for a more amazing surprise." You whispered, burying your face in her soft white hair as she wrapped her small arms around your neck, laughing happily.
Mirio said nothing, choosing instead to watch you with understanding and sad eyes. The immense pain was written all over your body, it always was. From the first time he'd met you to the last time he saw you, he could've sworn you never once smiled at anything other than Eri. Your eyes always seemed distant and empty, filled with resignation and thinly veiled loneliness.
It was hard to witness.
Even more so when he took away the only person that gave you a reason to smile.
…But hopefully this announcement would give you some respite at least for a little while.
"Oh, before I forget-" Mirio started after a moment, offering you the fragrant bouquet with a grin. "Happy birthday Y/N."
"Thank you, Mirio." You said gratefully, a true, genuine smile painted onto your lips as you took the flowers from his outstretched hand. "I'll never forget this."
"I know..." Mirio gave you a gentle nod, his eyes flitting to the girl cradled in your arms protectively.
"..I hate to take Eri from you but we have a couple things to get done before tonight's party." Mirio said tentatively, his voice careful as he relayed the information to you.
"I'm getting a new dress for the party!" Eri squeaked enthusiastically.
"I can't wait to see it darling!" You grinned up at her, tucking a loose strand of stray hair behind her ear before setting her down gently. "I'm sure whatever you choose it'll be beautiful on you!"
"We'll be back as soon as possible." Mirio reassured you, resting a soothing hand on the small of you back. "I promise."
"Thank you Mirio, I really appreciate it." You replied quietly, your gaze still fixed on Eri as she waved to you, heading out with one of your maids to go collect her things.
"I wouldn't have been able to return if it wasn't for Tamaki." The man sighed wistfully. He had promised his best friend he wouldn't say anything but you just had to know, he couldn't keep this from you. "Us being here is all his doing."
"Is it?" You muttered, finally lifting your stare to gaze upon Mirio.
"Yes, he was able to buy us some time with the Commander." He continued after you granted him your full attention. "I honestly have no idea how he did it. He's super amazing, you know."
"Will he be here tonight?" You inquired, moving to set the flowers on your vanity before gesturing for one of your chambermaids to bring a vase.
"He wouldn't miss it." Mirio insisted, watching as you gingerly pulled the peonies from their festive wrapping.
"I'll be sure to speak to him then." You mumbled while you ran your fingers over the soft pink petals, taking in their sweet smell. "It's been a long time since he's been home."
"I know you miss him." Mirio dared to say, his tone light. You paused, staring vacantly at your reflection as your maids hurried out of the room.
"How could I miss a man I don't know?" You huffed, eyes dagger like in appearance as they regarded Mirio with tired annoyance. "I'm surprised he even remembers my birthday."
"He cares about you quite a bit, more than you think he does." The man refuted, not dropping your icy stare.
"Hmm, I'm sure he does, that's why he leaves me here alone for months and never writes." You hissed bitterly before correcting your tone to a more polite one. "Well regardless, he's the reason Eri is here so I do want to make sure to express how thankful I am."
Mirio saw no point in trying to plea his best friend's case, you clearly didn't want to discuss the matter anymore and it's not as if you were completely wrong in your irritation.
Tamaki, though he did try, was never good with his communication and his status dictated him away for long periods of time. Your relationship was strained even before that but the constant distance really seemed to dig at both of you.
Tonight was the first night you'd see each other in over three months and you weren't looking forward to it. Your interactions weren't malicious or cruel but they were sterile and cold, most wouldn't even know you had been sworn to each other for life.
It drained you.
"You should go Mirio, Eri is probably waiting on you." You concluded calmly, breaking the staring match you'd had with the man only moments before. "Thank you again for the flowers, they're beautiful."
"Of course, I'm happy you like them." Mirio finally relented after some time, knowing that there was no use trying to engage you in further conversation. "We'll see you tonight."
He gave you one of his famous signature goofy grins before stepping out, you watched his back as he left, silently wondering if he really would return.
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changlix-mp4 · 4 years ago
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
well , we all know how caring he is?
he is so dad , caring , like yea daddy ( sorry ksjsk )
ok for real ,
I think he is the type to wait a little bit , to let you both calm down , holding you into his arms
after cleaning you up
he’s gonna be soft with you
treat you right huh
little caresses and all
he is so affectionate , he’s so adorable ,, I want to hug him forever 
*crying session is open*
I definitively can see him wanting to cuddle you afterwards
he would lay his head on your chest at first , wanting you to play with his soft curly hair
after awhile , he would put your head on his chest and his turn , he would play with your hair
holding you close with his hand on your waist until you both fall asleep
c u t e .
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Well , before I start ,,
Chan said he loves his dimples when he smiles ,, well same
I think Chan’s favourite body part are his dimples and his whole body? I mean I don’t really know, and I can’t really explain , but the fact that he works out and take care of his body ,,
he prob likes his arms aswell ( anyways , I do )
For his partner , he’d prob likes ,, oh no ,, loves your thighs , the skin so soft , smooth  ( so sexc sksj ) ,, he loves the fact that they’re not too slim and skinny . He also likes your plump lips , so kissable and soft and your tummy uwu
knowing Chan , I bet this boy loves every parts of your body
I know y’all don’t care , but
I love Chan’s veiny arms , his hands omfg choke me daddy , his cheeks , his hair , his smile omg, well … EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM ! His dimples are my weakness bye.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
not the greatest taste?
but more liquidy and not sticky gross
so I-
I think it’s fine to swallow it?
he thinks it’s hot when you do this
but he’s not the type to want you to do things that make you uncomfortable
If you don’t want to swallow it , then don’t do it
If you want to , just do it
you’ll just make him moan at the sight before him
he likes loves to cum inside
it’s his fav place
when he doesn’t cum inside you
he would cum on your thighs ( because he loves them asf )
and your stomach too
but not on your face
you both find it gross so it’s a big no no
and it’s more embarrassing than sexy so , NO
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
chan is actually pretty open about his kinks?
he’s a dom ( we all know it jk )
act like he knows what he’s doing
but sometimes it’s not the case
actually there is one thing he’ll probably never admit
he acts like he wants to do all the job
the one who control
but daddy he wants to feel special sometimes
that’s why he f loves when you want to take control
he’d act like he doesn’t want to , but boy inside is burning with excitments & anticipation
I also think chan is the type to use your underwear when he jacks off
the thought of you in them, really turns him on
he’s just a bit ashamed to steal some panties of yours he loves a lot
ohh and he really wants to try fingering you in a public place
like in a restaurant? , library
He’s nervous about bringing it up tho. It’s a thought that he jacks off to sometimes
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
not really experienced.
chris is super hot , well build , really charming , polite and all
let’s just say perfect ( I’m not even exaggerating )
everyone want to get in his pants
I’m pretty sure chan is a virgin ,,
I mean , he prob just saw a few porns
my boy is really intelligent so
he just learn very fast skjsl
but yea ,,
and plus , he was a trainee since he was young , 14?
being under jyp had its own restrictions
and I don’t think he needed that and he had time for that
busy man *sigh*
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. will probably include a visual)
I don’t think he is very demanding
chan is someone very simple , understanding , he’s just not complicated
not someone hard to please
so I think ,
he enjoys the traditional one ( lmao ) missionary?
he also enjoys doggy style too
he can pulls on your hair to lift you up and have your back against his chest
in this position he can put his hand on your stomach and your neck to slighty squeeze it
he loves when you ride him
boy gets harder than he was ,, as hard as a rock
is that possible??
this position makes him horny asf
he finds it f hot
he loves the fact that he can see your pretty face making yourself feels good
with this position he can see your face when you orgasm
he can easily kiss your neck , make hickeys
he can holds you and yea ,,
he can do a lot of things with this position ( hell yea )
but like I said chan is a super easy person to please
missionary is his fav one
he actually finds it very confortable for the both of you
very soft in a way and romantic
making love uwu
depends of the situation obv;)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Chan is a goofy person
I mean is so giggly most of the time
ma babey!!!
he loves to tease , oh yea he does
he can be the type to laugh during sex , if you make a joke ( yea why not lmao )
if you’re uncomfortable , he’d try to make you feel better
so he’d try to make jokes ,if his first option of consolling you doesn’t work
if you guys feel like laughing , you’ll do
looking into your eyes and smiling at each other
c u t e
ngl he can get pretty serious
again , it depends of the mood
when he’s frustrated , angry , tired..
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I’m pretty sure
he is not bare down there ,,
veeeryy well groomed
doesn’t shave it all off, simply trims, all nice and neat
the amount of hair isn’t too crazy
armpits shaved , he feels more confortable and clean
guys , this boy armpits is cleaner than my whole face tf
happy trail shaved since
but wants to keep his happy trail ,, maybe??
ughhh I want him to keep it bcs damn this is so hot
please hear me out daddy chris
i want to suck hug him
but honestly I feel like
he can go natural when he has the choice?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
he is so caring
so very romantic
he is a passionate man and he shows it through many ways
we all know it
ahhh I love this man sfm
but sometimes he can be rough
not too much but it depends of his mood
I mean he is daddy so sometimes he feels like he have to show his daddyness lmao i just cringed help me ughhh
he feels like he have to show his dominance sometimes
but when I say rough
it’s not something really wild x)
even when he’s rough
he controls himself
and make sure to check if you’re alright
tbh rough sex happends very very very rarely
but it makes it more special ,, x)
he cares a lot about you
i think he’s more into vanilla sex
yeaa I’m sure he is sooo into it
I mean c u t e
I mean I want him to make love to me!! lord forgive me
he is naturally sweet and adorable so
lord I’m so in love with this man <3
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
he doesn’t do it often
only when he really is alone
especially if you are not around
when he’s really frustrated he also tends to jack off
and one of the reasons why he doesn’t really masturbate
it’s just because he’s constantly around the boys
and my boy is a really hardworking man
well , like I said before he doesn’t do it often
probably once or twice a week? Or not at all the week
it’s when he really needs some reliefs
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
chris is kinky , PERIOD .
y’all can’t deny it
• daddy kink for sure , no doubt ahah
he said it himself sooooo
he’s daddy material tho lmao
he gets turn on when he is being called daddy sometimes
if you call him daddy in public he will get a light boner for sure
guess what will happen next;)
BUT it’s not a need !
he doesn’t want to be called that every time you guys have sex
•maybe roleplay
teacher x student / doctor x patient or stuff like that ( I think he can prob play both, that boy is a switch )
I think he’s definitively not into hardcore bondage ( sorry ) but doesn’t mind to blindfold you
•edging : giving and receiving
he loves the way he can make you whine and scream when he’s overstimulating you
BUT that is only for pleasure and not for torture
•praise kink: giving and receiving
he thinks it’s somehow important
•biting kink : both giving and receiving
he likes feeling you bite down on his skin when he fucks you
he also loves it when you moan out for him as he nips at your skin
thinks hickeys are sexy ( and tf yes they are )
•so marking kink: giving and receiving ,,
it makes him horny when you give him hickeys out of nowhere
and he loves it when you do it while he makes love to you
but most of time he is the one giving them to you
loves leaving hickeys and little bruises on your hips , neck , collarbones , stomach and thighs ( your whole body should be decorated by his soft lips skjsk )
having hickies and love bites on his neck and collarbones
he loves his back being scratched
likes seeing the scraches on his back in the mirror
oh my gosh imagine what it looks like when he takes a shower ,, the water cascading over the red marks omg help me I’m-
since I think he likes thighs ( idk why but yea)
his muscular thighs!!
he likes it when you wear strockings // it’s so fucking hot
•impreg kink tho it’s so sexy and cute damn <3
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
chan is not picky , he’s a simple guy
the bedroom is perfect
why? because it’s confortable
AND secure , intimate
it’s somehow warm and all
but the rest of the house is ok tho
kitchen ( but very rarely bcs you guys feel like it’s not very hygienic but it happens only when one of you are reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally horny and impatient)
living room : couch , carpet ,, shower sex is one of his fav
bath sex with chan is a concept
he’s not into public places
he wants thing to be confortable and intimate ,, that’s why he prefers doing it at home
Or maybe omg
s t u d i o
one of his fav for sure!!
he loves having sex with you in his studio ,, hot
having you riding him slowly
or cockwarming while he’s working ( arg stop me )
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
kisses by his ears and down his neck
his ears seem to be really sensitive hehe
he really likes when you trace his veins with your fingertips ( it also turns you on , ugh it’s like i’m talking about me *moan * )
seeing you in his clothes really turns him on aswell
when you stroke his hair , like when you’re sitting on his lap and run your fingers through it , pulling at the strands a little ( goosebumps kskjs)
but ngl he can get turn on by you whatever you do lmaao
just smile , just breath , boy is turn on ( jk .. unless ahah)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that involves bodily matter or fluids that are not sperm or vaginal fluid
he does not like degradation , it’s a big NO !
He would never ever degrade you! He likes and respect his girl too much to talk down to her ,, chan is a gentleman . He expects you to treat him the same btw
AH!! sharing you sexually . Don’t even think about it
things like threesomes and all, aren’t his thing
anything that involves violence too
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he f loves it when you go down on him kissing him from his neck all along his collarbones , abs ,, running your hands on his torso
it pleases him to hit the back of your throat ,, but stay careful to not hurt you
he loves the sight of you inbetween his legs
he likes threading his fingers through your hair ,, pulling at it a little
but my man chan is one of the few blessings on this planet
he equally loves both : giving and receiving
he likes pleasuring you ,, looking at you from between your legs seeing you rolling your eyes in the back of your head , throwing your head back
seeing the way your eyesbrows frown , biting you lips
seeing how you clunch at the sheets , and pulling at his hair ,,making him moans at the sensation and at how sexy you look like
oof this is so sexy I want to disapear helpsk
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
he can be rough y’know not really hard and fast but yea it depends of his mood
he is the one controlling the pace
even when you ride him , he’d place his hands on your waist/ hips to guild you
but I think he’s more into sensual things
he’d be slow and sensual
really slow when he wants to tease the sh^t out of you
he’d be gentle obv
y’know into vanilla sex
Idk why people think he seems to be into really rough things but I DON’T THINK it’s actually the case
my babie is so soft behind all those muscles uwuuuu
Q= Quickie ( Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex and how often? )
No, quickies mainly have to be done in a risky area and that freaks him out so no
plus he hates feeling rushed.
he’s not the biggest fan but he def. won’t turn you down if you suggest it
he won’t push you away for sure
He finds it kinda hot because it mainly means you are needy for him.
Would rather have proper sex. He likes taking his time so quickies aren’t ideal.
On the very unlikely occasion he’d go for a quickie it would definitely have to be in a place he would never get caught
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
He is not that risky, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or to get caught in a sexual act
He has his own boundaries
He is prob open to try new things
he just needs to be convinced first but mainly just to tease you. He wants you to give him reasons
ngl i think he doesn’t know a lot of different kinks and stuffs so he is probably quite open for experimenting ,, curious boy
As long as none of them involve pure pain and violence he’s good.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I don’t think I really need to write something for this one? He has a good stamina and can last a long time. I think he starts really slow at the beginning and then uses more force and speed after a while .
SO all night bcs of his crazy stamina , I mean he is pretty athletic so , but again DEPENDS of the day and mood
making love all night , taking his sweet time my fucking heart is beating so fast omgg
doesn’t get tired easily i think ; I mean boy can’t even fall asleep irl
BUT don’t get me wrong he can go for rounds but makes time to appreciate your presence and enjoy having conversations with you , y’know?
So prob tried to not go too crazy bcs he wants to spend time with you afterwards get me
If i have to say the numbers of rounds i’d say 3-5 rounds max . Again , it would depends on his mood and pace
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Definitely NOT a toy user
he’s not into it at all
a vibrator is what he will use ONLY if you ask him to ( I think you must really insist if you want it )
he def prefers tease you with his fingers , cock but not objects
it’s skin against skin for him ,bye.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
lmao we all know he is a fcking tease
sometimes , I think it comes to him naturally and it’s apart of his personality
he finds it so cute when you’re frustrated ,blushing and super shy ahah ( my body is burning just thinking about him teasing skjls)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
L O U D.
I mean , please listen to 3RACHA songs , he’s pratically moaning ( that’s so sexy tho *moan*)
deep , or high pitched ( lord help me ) soft grunts
moans , groans , breathy moan ( does not scream that’s it )
please just imagine when he’s getting close and makes those sounds
( i’m the one horny rn , brb imma fix my problem lmao )
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he loves to hold your hand while you two are having sex ( uwu I’m so in love )
enjoys strip teases. Whether it’s giving or receiving ( lord , imagine him getting rid of his clothes slowly and looking straight into your eyes , biting his lips .. I’M NOT OKAY!!)
loves it when you hold his head while he gives you oral , pulling at his locks
fucking loves buying cute and sexy ( not vulgar ones) lingerie sets for you
not necessarily for sex , he just loves admiring the way you look in black or red lingeries ( or even pastel colors )
he just lives for the moments when you dress up for him , only for him
like knowing he’s the only one who sees
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
long and thick. veiny
6-7 inches
( please i just took a ruler to look at the length , the way i moaned i’m-)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
normal?, average. 1-3 times a week
but he doesn’t need to have sex every week to stay satisfied
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on how long you two were having sex
of course after a proper after care.
but would rather hold you for a moment , talking with you , making you laugh and smile. It means a lot for him , want to enjoy the warmth of your bodies against each other.
c u d d l e  to sleep. uwu cute
A/N : sorry I wrote a lot , it wasn’t supposed to be this long 😭 // FEEDBACKS ARE VERY WELCOMED ♡ taglist :@justamessofablog @mermaidshmari || since you guys asked to be tagged here you are lovelies 💕🥺 ||
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bunnyywritings · 4 years ago
a shy, goth s/o who goes by they/them pronouns
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requested by anon; HIII!! I recently started watching soul eater and i finallyyy found someone who writes for them so im reallllly exited!! So i wanted to request something!! Can you do like how Crona, Kid, Soul and Stein would be like in a relationship with a shy goth s/o who uses they/tem prounons (sometimes she). Also when they talk about the things they like they get superrr extroverted and could talk for hourss about it! Also would it heart to ask if you could make cronas a lil longer, they are my comfort character🤧Also wanted to ask if you did emergency requests! If you dont that’s totally fine!!
[a/n: thank you for this request, my lovely anon! It gave me the way to get back into a writing flow again. I quite enjoyed writing for these characters since I don’t get very many Soul Eater requests, as for emergency requests...go ahead and send them in but I apologize if I don’t get it done quickly, seeing as I’m not quite that active on here like I was before. for now, enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-] 
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- truthfully, i think he'd be a little confused at first
- about the whole pronouns thing
- despite being friends with Crona
- so, he'd approach Maka, Crona, and Subaki about it
- he'd be a little embarrassed because he mistakenly exposed his HUGE crush on you
- Subaki coos at him and thinks it's sweet
- Crona is glad to help, knowing that using they/them pronouns is still a foreign concept for some people
- Maka would definitely tease him but ultimately, she's glad he had asked for help
- after realizing that it was a rather simple concept to understand
- he'd get SOOO cocky
- he absolutely loves your style
- obviously thinks you're the coolest person to ever exist
- now the only thing in his way??
- your shyness
- he's only interacted with you a few times but because he tends to be a bit abrasive, you usually keep your distance
- the few times that Stein had called on you in class to answer a question was the most he's really heard you talk
- you were good friends with Kid though
- so you ended up hanging out with the group a lot
- he's seen how passionate you could get whilst talking about your hobbies or about things you liked to Kid or Liz
and Patty
- it made him a gajillion times more attracted to you
- after FINALLY gaining the courage to ask you out (you can thank Black Star for telling him that it wasn't cool to be such
a wimp)
- he'd be on cloud nine
- being in a relationship with Soul would be fun
- he'd be a little awkward at first but he'd soon ease into it
- he's really good at respecting your pronouns
- in the case that he slips up, which i don't really think he would, but if he does he'd feel absolutely terrible
- like he'd beat himself up so hard
- he would do anything to make it up to you
- 100% would cook you a super nice dinner as an apology
- if anybody ever made fun of your style or your pronouns, it's over for that person
- they'd have, not only Soul and Maka on their ass, but they'd have Black Star and Tsubaki, AND the literal son of the grim
reaper and his twin pistols
- overall, Soul would be such a sweetheart
- you make him so, so soft
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- gosh i love him so much
- okay
- Kid is definitely somebody who would be up front with his feelings
- he knows about your use of different pronouns and he really admires your bravery to be so open about it
- i feel like he's definitely thought about going by he/they pronouns
- thinks it's absolutely adorable how shy you are
- despite being shy and closed off, he never overlooked you like some students or other staff
- he knows how clever you are
- don't even get me started on your style
- he love love loves your goth style
- especially when you wear anything with skulls on it
- when it comes to his feelings, Liz gets fed up with how ridiculous he's being
- she's watched him break down crying because the stripes on his head aren't symmetrical and someone as precious as you
would think he's trash
- which obviously isn't true
- he sees you out on the balcony, sat on the ledge and book in hand
- he's noticed you with it a lot but it's only the 1st book of a series
- he figures that maybe you just haven't had the chance to find the rest of them
- after some research, he finds that the series had been completed but because of the lack of readers, it was put out of
production and copies were pulled out of libraries and bookstores
- but alas, he had found one of the only complete series in existence in somewhat excellent condition
- it was quite expensive but that was really no problem
- he had wrapped up the set and had gifted them to you with a note and as you read the note, your cheeks burned
- he confessed his feelings
- the next day, you had approached him and thanked him for the gift as well as confessing your own feelings for him
- he thought the stuttering and flushed cheeks was adorable
- 100% the power couple at the DWMA
- sorry i don't make the rules
- Liz and Patty are definitely in love with you, especially with how versatile your fashion is
- Patty has definitely volunteered to paint your nails before
- Kid definitely gets you a et of skull rings, just like his
- will go beast mode on anyone who makes fun of your style and/or use of pronouns
he's be such a gentleman and he practically worships the ground you walk on
- as he should  
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- Stein would be quite used to the use of they/them pronouns since he has students who go by them
- when there's word of a new teacher at DWMA who goes by they/them, he's quite intrigued
- so much so that he would volunteer to show you around the enormous school
- 10/10 falls in love with you instantly
- your shy demeanor is such a contrast to your style
- definitely lives for teasing you
- anything to make you stutter
- but he'd be very blunt about his feelings
- he makes sure that you're being respected by students and staff alike
- threatens anybody who doesn't
- he gets you some screw earrings or a necklace (if you don't have piercings)
- it's his way of making sure people know that you're his
- Stein would be an excellent significant other
- he's a bit more on the playful side so just always be prepared for cheeky remarks
- he doesn't mind your shyness at all
- since he doesn't really favor going out too much so most of your dates are in doors, his place or yours
- probably with a cup of coffee and a book
- he can be sweet when he wants to
- isn't really into pda but i wouldn't be too surprised if he had a moment of spontaneity and pull you into his arms and
kiss you passionately  
- some students think it's romantic and others definitely tease the both of you
- since your social battery probably runs out pretty quick, he loves that it gives him an out from tiring staff get
- Death Scythe thinks it's absolutely HYSTERICAL to make fun of Stein's moments of softness
- but ultimately, he thinks the way Stein looks at you is sweet and makes him happy that his friend has found someone like
- cause you're the best
- duh
- his wardrobe has infinitely improved since the both of you got together
- all thanks to you
- overall 15/10 a good significant other
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- ahh Crona, sweet sweet Crona
- they're the freaking cutest
- now i know that in the anime and manga, it's written that he uses he/him pronouns but it seem like on tumblr everyone has
just settled on using they/them instead because of Crona's androgynous style and frankly it's a bit of an unclear area
- so uhhh yeah, let's get started
- Crona would have trouble admitting that they had feelings for you, so they tries to hide it but alas, Maka had caught on
- it took Soul a bit longer to realize but he eventually did
- the group had caught on and thought it was adorable
- all of them had tried to help in any way they could
- but Crona just couldn't muster up the courage to tell you
- the both of you were quite shy so it was nearly impossible to get some type of interaction between the two of you
- Crona also really loved your style
- the both of you were similar in so many ways
- Black Star had actually been the one to let it slip that Crona had harbored some kind of affection for you
- Tsubaki had smacked him upside the head and chastised him since it wasn't his place to say anything
- but now that it was out in the open, it had given you the slight confidence boost you needed to confess
- but when you did, Crona just stood frozen, almost mortified by your words
- you took it as rejection and ran off into the woods surrounding the school campus
- Ragnarok had then made an appearance and started tugging at Crona's cheeks and telling them that they should go after you
- but of course, they hadn't
- instead, turning to Maka and Tsubaki for help
- the two had taken it upon themselves to look for you and clear up any misunderstandings
- the next day, Crona had approached you and apologized
- even though they're words were stuttered, you appreciated the gesture and asked Crona on a proper date
- they accepted before panicking because it had dawned on them that they had never been on a date before
- overall, Crona is such a sweet partner
- sure, a bit unexperienced but sweet nonetheless
- they try their best
- both of you have similar styles and everyone thinks the both of you are just the most adorable couple on campus
- Crona loved hearing you talk about the things you loved
- your eyes would sparkle and you'd move your hands so animatedly
- it's almost like you're a different person in that moment
- they just adored you
- they'd get upset if someone had disrespected your pronouns
- Ragnorak would definitely rage if someone disrespected you
- as much as he hated to admit it, he really really liked you
- mainly because you always carried sweets around for him
- ugh I just love Crona
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jyushi-thoughts · 4 years ago
I really like the pony-matsus you drew!! Especially how they're all blank flanks cuz their neets it fits so well! Though, what do you think their cutiemarks would look like?
haha thank you!
honestly i never even watched much of mlp but i know that their cutiemarks are associated with their talent, or what their job is. sooo what are the matsus GOOD at anyway?
Like, the obvious thing for Jyushi would be baseball, but he just LIKES baseball  he isn’t good at it. He doesn’t even know the rules! He just likes the exciting parts like running the bases and screaming HOME RUUUN even if he hasn’t actually hit one. Thats why I love the silly doofus.
I could say his talent is cheering people up but is that a good thing? He kinda does that to his own detriment, like when Oso kicked him but he was like “HAHA IM FIIIINE HAPPY HAPPY!” Or when he let his selfishness get the better of him with little Eitarou’s girlfriend. Though talents can be self defeating in real life too.. tho i dont think the actual mlp show would ever go that deep with it lol. the concept of destiny in kids media is kinda messed up when you think about it too hard right? but im getting off track.
I think his mark would be a sunflower with a goofy smile. His talent is sharing his energy with others.  :D
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Choro’s talent i know for SURE right away. He’s a good planner. He doesn’t follow through on them, but if making plans was his ONLY job he’d be good at it! So his mark will be a quill pen with a checkmark. a very worriedly drawn checkmark...
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Ichi’s cutiemark is his fragile heart. HA you thought it’d be something with the cats right? But it’s not like he even takes the cats home he just hangs out with them cuz he’s scared of people. I think Ichi would be one of those ponies who’s got more of a nebulous concept for a talent that could mean a lot of things. Most people wouldn’t say being sensitive is a good thing, but it can be right? I think it is. Ichi would probably resent it though.
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Oso I legit can’t think of anything right away BUT I’ve thought of the perfect pony NAME for him!!! Osoi = slow, matsu = pine... His name in equestria would be Pokey Pine!!! cmon it’s adorable it sounds like pinky pie.  I think his talent is being a good big brother even tho he’s a dumbass. It should suit their personality too so I’ll make it a deck of cards. His whole sense of self is based on being one of the pack. (plus gambling influenced it)
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Karamatsu's would be pretty straight forward honestly. Something about sewing. It’s implied he MAKES all that “perfecto fashion” he wears and he’s clearly good at it. If he had the drive to DO anything with it that’s a pretty decent talent right there! Not much introspection to do about this guy really, he’s pretty uh... fake on the surface on purpose lol. I wanna see more of the REAL him. (The fandom tends to characterize him as being super depressed secretly and I dont really see that... was exclusivematsu this season the REAL kara? is his motive deep down just to be pissed off at everybody? who knows man i didnt get a lot of the choices made in s3 but im ranting again)
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poor Totty gets so misunderstood in the way the fandom characterizes him as some unfeeling devil like how the brothers tease him. he IS a cruel little prick but its barely more than the others lets be real. I think Totty is the most clever of the group and has a sweet heart deep down. He’d get a personality based one like Ichimatsu. A candy heart wrapped in plastic.
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I also wanna explain the one I gave Homura too! She’s always associated with the ocean, whether it’s a tragic moment or the silly dolphin thing. But I feel like she’d get her mark RIGHT after saving Jyushi and he makes her laugh with the water trick. (While he’s still passed out too so he never realizes she got it because of him. it’s sweet) It’s supposed to mean like, there’s always sunshine after the storm, that kinda thing.
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YAY PONIES. lmao again I was never even a huge mlp fan I just went wild with ponies lately! Analyzing characters in this stupid show is a lot of fun. You get to really take liberties with the loose canon!
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