#no but but but un-cheated cheated is actually so pretty??
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neverpathia · 3 months ago
fuck you, I like you [un-cheateds my cheated]
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at this point I don't know if cheated or thorn is the wife in the relationship. cheathorn yuri fuck it
also you might be wondering why his wings are open here when I don't normally draw the voices like that. well the thing about the right eye being covered is kinda meant to symbolise how their perspectives are always limited by what they are. the wings are shaped in relation to the voices' beings and their beliefs, right? and it is this very thing that clouds their judgement, and prevents them from seeing what is truly right. in the end they can only see what's left behind for them, so their left eyes remain visible.
but 1. I wanted to show off cheated's freaky ass eye socket
2. he's not 'cheated' yet there. he's just a dude.
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wonderjanga · 2 months ago
This is a Setup
Billy has a problem. Multiple heroes keep trying to set them up on dates with other people. The worst part is that none of them know he’s 12, and he doesn’t plan on really telling them anytime soon so he’s just forced to go on the dates. Don’t worry though. He has a plan. Or at least Mary has a plan. A plan that includes her and Freddy sabotaging his dates.
Marvel: *trying his best to converse with this lady normally*
Lady: *thinks the date is going well and puts her hand on his arm*
Marvel: *internally panics so hard*
The date was actually going pretty well. Like actually. Too bad Billy was not interested in dating anyone.
Mary: *dressed a super villain crashes through one of the windows* “Captain Marvel! I have come to enact vengeance upon you!”
Marvel: *so relieved and looks to the lady* “Miss? Please find somewhere safe.” *stands up from the table* “Stop right there, villain!”
Mary: “Never!” *flies away*
Marvel: *follows*
They pretended to fight, and Billy pretended to take her to the police but instead flew away so she could return as Mary Marvel.
Reporter: “Captain, what can you tell us about your latest villain?”
Mary: *grabs the mic* “She’s awesome!”
Marvel: *nods along* “That she is.”
Then there was the other time they did this but with Freddy. He also wasn’t cosplaying as a villain.
Marvel: *pretending he wants to be there*
Junior: “Dad!” *flies in from somewhere*
Marvel: “Yes?”
Junior: “There’s an emergency! Mom is hurt!”
Date: “Mom?!” *gasps* “Are you guys still together?”
Junior: “Yeah they are! He’s a cheating cheater!”
Date: *double gasps and is about to smack him before they realize they’d probably break their hand so they just throw their napkin in Billy’s face and leave*
Marvel and Junior: *watch them go*
Marvel: “Questionable means but it got the job done.” *gets up and gives him a thumbs up*
They did this schtick of sabotaging dates until the heroes trying to set him up with people gave up and gave Marvel some looks of pity.
Flash: “Maybe you’re just un-dateable?” *trying to make him feel better*
Marvel: *doesn’t need to be made to feel better cause he’s chilling* “Yeah, it’s probably that.”
Supes: “Oh, come on don’t say that about yourself—”
Marvel: “In fact, since I’m un-dateable, we should stop setting me up with people.”
That got him even more pity glances even though as soon as he left the room, he went to the kitchen, grabbed some ice cream sandwiches and ate them with Junior and Mary in a rec room with a smile on his face.
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iiiiiiis-things · 7 months ago
ꨄ bsf!Satoru headcannons
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who whenever you lean down to pick up something he immediately walks over, back facing you, as he covers your bent over form from preying eyes of horny teenage boys
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who takes you on mini shopping sprees when you succeed on a mission or pass an important test
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who teaches you everything you need to know about boys & how to know they're cheating as you do the same with girls
❥ "-and if he breaks up with you for 'mental issues' he probably got bored of you" he explains as the two of you sit criss cross in pretty pink silk robes on the softness of his king sized mattress. you nod and apply the peel off face mask on his tinted pink cheeks "so like what does it mean when a boy starts to flirt with you out of the blue?" "he's either lookin for a hoe, or it was a dare" letting out a small okay as you finish up with the face mask you lean back admiring who perfect the ridges were, you grab your phone to take a picture "pose!" you shout and soon laugh as he lays down with an arms over his face making an overly exaggerated expression after snapping a few pics you open insta to post them "hey so... is the g-spot real? because i heard it was a myth-"
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who whenever you ask for a soda you hear 679 by fetty wap began to play in the background
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who damn near cries when you ditch him for- out of all people- utahime
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who makes it his life mission to cheer you up whenever you're pissed off
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who whenever you say "i love you" he responds with a fat ass smile and an "i love you more"
❥ “I love you" satoru looks over at you writing things in your journal most likely studying for the upcoming test, his heart squeezing at the words that just left your mouth as it was completely random and out the blue. he admires your beauty, grin growing wider and wider as you twirl the pen in your hand reading over your notes checking is they made any sense "i love you more" this causes you to tear your attention away from the notebook and look at satoru who's smiling hard as hell "well i love you most!" "nuh un not possible!"
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who whenever you drag him to the dance floor at the snowball he sneakily sends your ex a smirk before harshly bumping into his shoulder
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who walks into your apartment whenever he wants bc he has the spare key
ꨄ bsf!Satoru who hides your actual key so you can call him for the spare
whenever ꨄ bsf!Satoru goes under the table you know to cover the edge of it with your hand since his infinity is always down when he's around you
a/n- this is based off of my bsf!toru post so please check it out ♥︎
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the-teufort-nine · 2 months ago
The BLU Chemist Reader returns for their final fic! 11k words and about a week of work and beta reading by @pinkypiechar have led to this! I hope it lives up to expectations!
If you like the idea of a Chemist Reader, please consider checking out my longer, RED Chemist Fem!Reader fic, whenever I actually get around to writing it.
Mercs x GN!Reader | Respawn Malfunction PART 3: Chem and RED's Excellent Adventure
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Hurt/Comfort, Discussion of Poly Relationship, Crossfaction Flirting | NSFW, because while technically no sex happens, its definitely discussed/implied| Cw: starvation, mentions of graphic death/description of a corpse, mentions of pet death (non graphic), possesive behaviours ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Everyone! Even Miss Pauling is here, as well as a particularly charming duo from the enemy team.
Scenario: Having been stranded at the new base with no hope of making it back to their team alone, the BLU Chemist must ask their mortal enemy for help. Thankfully, even a RED Engineer has some good ole' southern hospitality, and the Texan offers to get the BLU back to their team. (Un)fortunately, someone else has joined in on their little quest...
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The RED team's Engineer had seen many things during his time working for Mann Co., but the sight before him now may have been the strangest yet.
The BLU Chemist, whom everyone knew had died during that horrible Respawn failure, was standing on the other end of his trusty shotgun.
Well, standing might have been too generous a word. The Merc was swaying like a sapling in a storm, trembling from the effort of staying upright. Their usually vibrant eyes were dull behind their safety goggles, which didn't hug their face like usual. Everything they wore looked baggy and ill-fitting, barely hanging onto their gaunt, thin form. They looked dead, as though their soul had been dragged back from the afterlife and shoved into their corpse.
“How the hell…” he lowered his gun, blue eyes narrowing in disbelief, “Ain't you supposed to be dead?” 
“I was.” They shrugged weakly, stumbling slightly, “Now I'm not. I actually just died again a few hours ago, and I'm pretty sure my team might think I'm actually dead. Again.”
“Jesus Mary and Joseph.” The Engineer cursed, before opening the door wider. “Well, I reckon since it's a ceasefire, ah ain't bein’ paid t’ kill ‘ya, so y’ may as well come in. Just try ‘n keep the noise down, otherwise you're gonna have 9 curious bastards pokin’ atcha.”
“I'll be as quiet as a church mouse.” The BLU replied, wincing as they stepped into the illuminated interior. “Jesus, that's bright.”
“It really ain't.” The Southerner arched a concerned brow, “You’re just sick as a dog.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Came the Chemist’s grumbled response.
“Where’d you come from? Ain’t much ‘round here that could get ‘ya killed, aside from us.” He asked, extending a hand to steady his unexpected guest as they tilted towards the wall.
“Uhhhh,” The Chemist scrubbed at their eyes, letting their hand drag down their face. Their E/C eyes stared blankly at the wall as they tried to call forth an answer. “Colorado. Yeah, we were in Colorado. We had to stop at this little town called Limon ‘cause there was a tornado.”
“A tornado?”
“Yeah. It knocked down a utility pole. That’s how I died again, actually! Biggggg ole electric shock.”
Engineer let out a low whistle. “Nasty way to go. You are one unlucky sumbitch, huh?”
The Chemist inclined their head. “Or, I’m a lucky ‘sumbitch’, depending on how you look at it. I’ve cheated Death twice now, after all.”
Engineer snorted at their attempt to mimic his accent. It reminded him of his own team’s Chemist, who was tucked away upstairs, sleeping peacefully. She often copied his countryisms, and he would sometimes catch her unconsciously copying the accent or speech mannerisms of whomever she was speaking to.
“Maybe.” he acquiesced, “Yer a right tough bastard, ah’ll give ‘ya that. No wonder yer such a pain in the ass when we’re scrappin’.”
The other Merc grinned a bit. “Being a pain in the ass is my specialty.”
Before he knew it, Engineer found himself standing in the Intel room, where the base’s phone was located. Thankfully, their Intel was still packed away in a secure safe, but even if it wasn’t, the man was fairly sure that this BLU wouldn’t try and snag it.
“Here ‘ya are! Hope ‘ya get through to someone.” He said, offering the phone to the exhausted Chemist.
“‘Preciate it.” They said, taking the phone and punching in a few numbers. They leaned against the wall, head resting on the wood as they listened to the phone ring. After a minute, they frowned, letting out a soft curse.
“Pauling’s not picking up. The storm must have knocked out her signal.” They sighed, “Great. Guess I'm waiting back at our base for them to show up. Whenever that is.”
“Are you gonna be able to hang on that long?” The Texan questioned, “No offense, partner, but you look like yer gonna drop.”
The Chemist sighed again, in a long, drawn out way, the way someone did when bone deep exhaustion finally caught up to them. The way animals do when they've given all they can, and now simply must lie down and wait for the inevitable.
“It's not like I have much of a choice. I mean, what else am I supposed to do?” They asked.
“Well,” The RED Merc scratched at his chin, contemplating if what he was about to do was a good idea, “Ah don't know if you know this, but we're in good ‘ole Texas, and Colorado really ain't too far from where we're stationed. If ‘ya want, ah could drive ‘ya on over there.”
The BLU raised their head off the wall, eyes widening in surprise.
“You- you'd do that? For me? Why?” 
Engineer shrugged. “Ah feel bad fer ‘ya. ‘Sides, if you die, then they're gonna replace you with someone new, and ah rather prefer the enemy ah know to the enemy ah don't.”
The two mercenaries stared at one another for a long moment, the only sound being the cricket song coming from outside. Finally, the Chemist let out a dry, wheezing laugh, their teeth bared in a vicious grin.
“Good God I must be insane, trusting a RED.” They chuckled, “You know what? Sure, I'll take you up on that offer, cowboy.”
They reached forward and playfully tugged down the brim of Engineer's hat, causing him to lightly bat their hand away.
“Cream gravy! Alright, let's mosey on out then. Ah wanna be back before mah team starts wonderin’ where ah went.” He said, starting off in the direction of his truck, which was parked faithfully outside.
The Chemist plodded along behind him, and there were a few times where he had to glance back to make sure that they hadn't fallen behind too much. When they finally did make it to the truck, Engineer let them climb into the passenger seat while he nipped over to the trunk. Flipping it open, he pulled out an old, well loved blanket. It was black and white and gray striped, something he'd gotten for his childhood dog, Bucket. Bucket had been a fat, lazy beagle who did nothing but lounge around and bark at guests, but the man had loved him more than anything.
Bucket had passed away some time ago, but he'd never stopped taking the blanket along with him. Now, it would finally get to see some use again.
“Here,” he passed the blanket to the shivering Merc, “It ain't much, but it should help keep ‘ya from freezin’ over ‘till the heat kicks on.”
“T- Thanks.” The Chemist replied, gingerly taking the offered fabric. They thumbed the worn fabric, setting it across their lap.
“No problem.” Engineer replied, shutting the door to his side. 
For a moment, it almost sounded like one of the back doors had shut as well, and he looked back over his shoulder, eyes squinting in the low light. His gaze lingered for a moment, but when nothing revealed itself, he slowly turned back around and started up the truck.
“Ah’ve got a map in ‘m glove box. Pull it out and let's find that little town of yers.”
The Chemist nodded, and Engineer put the truck into drive.
It was going to be a long drive.
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A couple of hours into their trek, the RED Engineer noticed that his passenger was starting to droop more than usual. Worse than that, he could hear their stomach growling like an ornery gator every few minutes.
Wordlessly, he eyed up the nearby fast food places before pulling off the road they'd been driving on. The Chemist didn't even seem to notice, too preoccupied with just staying somewhat awake.
“You up for a snack, Darl’?” He asked, gently nudging the BLU.
“Mnhm.” They mumbled back, “C’n I have m’ cheeseburger yet?”
“Sure, we can do a McDonald's run.” Engineer replied, turning into the nearest drive through.
He quickly placed an order for both his guest and himself, paying and grabbing the food before finding a spot to park.
“Here ‘ya go. One genuine American cheeseburger.” The Texan said, handing the Chemist their food.
The Chemist stared at the offered meal, gently cradling the wrapped burger in their hands, as though it were some sort of priceless treasure.
“Engie, I could genuinely suck your dick right now.” They said softly, before sinking their teeth into the cheeseburger, not even bothering to take off the wrapper.
The RED Merc’s face turned the same shade as his uniform, and he pulled down his hat to hide his rosey cheeks.
“Don't- y’ cant just-” he stumbled, trying to make words come out of his mouth properly, “Jesus, don't eat the wrapper!”
“Sorieh, ah can't heawr you.” The Chemist replied through a mouthful of cheeseburger and cheeseburger wrapper, “Ahm too buwsy eaghting.”
“At least slow down.” He muttered, tucking into his own food.
And yes, he did take the wrapper off, thank you very much.
“Yes, please do. I have no desire to see you hork down that disgusting slop like a wild beast.”
Both BLU and RED mercenaries choked as a third voice piped up from the back, scaring them out of their wits. 
“SPY!” Engineer whirled around as the Chemist hacked up their mouthful of food, the BLU thankfully having the wherewithal to stick their head out of the window, “What the hell do you think you're doing here?! How did you even get in mah truck?!”
“I followed you and slipped into the back when you were rooting around for that rag.” Spy replied, indicating to the blanket, which had halfway slipped down onto the floor. “What are you doing here, labourer? Having some sort of illicit affair with zhe enemy?”
“If- If you actually thought that,” the Chemist coughed, pounding on their chest, “then you hiding out in the back is super creepy, dude.”
“Yeah, well bein’ a creep is about all this one knows.” Engineer grit out, nostrils flaring like an enraged bull, “But usually, he knows better than to try that with me.”
“I was simply curious as to why you were sneaking off with someone who is supposed to be dead.” The masked man said, producing a cigarette from one of his pockets, “Zhe Administrator is not going to be pleased when she finds out you have been acting rather… friendly with each other.”
“Yeah, well, what is she gonna do, kill me?” The Chemist snarked. “If she wanted me dead, she wouldn't have let Pauling go ‘n get me. I must be worth more to her alive than dead.”
“She ain't got no eyes here anyway.” Engineer added, “Trust me. Ah personally go over every inch of mah equipment and vehicles at least once a week, t’ check for any bugs or cameras. Mah Betsy is as clean as a whistle.”
Engineer moved like a striking cobra, his prosthetic hand closing around Spy's suit jacket. The Frenchman dropped his cigarette as he was jerked forward, a flicker of fear coming over his face.
“And you, spook, ain't gonna breathe a damn word to Her ‘bout anything that happens on this trip, ‘cause if you do,” he tightened his grip, the metal components straining slightly under the pressure, “ah’ll know, and you won't like what happens next.”
Spy rolled his eyes, but both the Chemist and the Engineer could see that the man was sufficiently intimidated.
“Very well, I shall be silent about your little ‘road trip.’” he sneered, “And zhe Chemist's generous offer.”
“Great.” Engineer said cheerily through gritted teeth, “Ah can tell this is gonna be real fun.”
“Yippee.” The Chemist added dully, before taking another bite of their burger.
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Travelling with the RED Engineer had been surprisingly nice. It was almost like being back with your own Engineer, what with the southern man being so kind and polite to you, despite you both being on opposing sides.
Travelling with the RED Spy was not nearly as pleasant.
Him and the Engineer bickered almost constantly, and when they weren't bickering, Spy started semi-flirting, semi-picking on you, which usually led to yet another round of bickering.
Truly, it was almost like being stuck in a car with two overgrown toddlers.
“Is he always this insufferable?” You hissed to Engineer after Spy started listing off all the ways your outfit was offending the very concept of clothing.
“No.” Engineer sighed, looking very much like he'd like to drive all three of you into a ditch, “He's purposefully bein’ more of an ass than usual ‘cause you're here. Usually, he's a lot more quiet.”
“I'd like to see that.” You groused, before refocusing on the map in your lap. Your previous consumed cheeseburger and fries felt uncomfortably heavy in your weakened stomach, but they did help to restore some of your lost energy.
“Okay, it looks like we need to take a left in about 6 miles. We'll be turning onto Canyon Rd.” You read aloud, “We'll be on that one for a while.”
“It's real nice to have someone along who can actually read a map.” Engineer chuckled, “Usually, it's either Scout, Solly, or Pyro who rides with me into town every time we need t’ get supplies, and none ‘a them are any help when it comes to navigatin.’”
“Heh, yeah, mine aren't real great at that either.” You smiled, thinking of all the times you'd heard the three of them bickering on missions.
“Are zhose three good for anything besides destroying zhings?” Spy asked, lounging in the back like a smug cat.
“Sure.” You replied, not looking up from the map, “My Scout's actually really good at impersonating other people, Soldier is a baking whiz when it comes to bread, and Pyro can sniff out backstabbing French bastards like nobody else.”
Spy definitely didn't start pouting as Engineer started cackling like a madman, his shoulders shaking with mirth. You grinned at the sound, your own quiet chuckles joining in.
“Hooo-wee! They gotcha there, slim!” he laughed, wiping at his eye.
Spy glared. “I'm glad you find zhe idea of me dying so amusing, toymaker.” 
“Oh, lighten up, would you.” You glanced back over your shoulder to look at the masked man, “Are you seriously going to tell me you guys don't joke about killing us?”
“I don't joke about killing,” Spy sniffed, “I just kill.”
Engineer snorted as you rolled your eyes, turning back to your map. “Uh huh. Sure. Whatever you say, frog legs. Turn left up here, Engie.”
“No insulting names for zhe cowpoke?” Spy arched his brow.
“Considering he's been nothing but nice to me? No. Maybe if you turn your attitude around, I'll think of something nicer to call you, too.”
“I have no desire to be as, ah, close as you two seem to be.”
You gripped the seat as you whipped around again, eyes widened in anger-tinged disbelief. “Holy shit are you still fixated on that? What, do you want me to offer to suck you off too?!”
Spy recoiled back a bit, stiffening up as the exposed skin of his upper cheeks turned a shade of pink usually reserved for flowers. However,
He didn’t say no.
“Oh, my God.” You said, raising your brows as a smirk pulled the corner of your mouth upwards, “Oh, my God.”
“Merde, no, zhat’s not what I-”
“Well,” You relaxed your grip on the seat and folded your arms, tilting your head slightly as you watched Spy squirm, looking every bit like the cat that got the cream, “you’d have to be very nice to me to get that sort of offer.”
“Je vais t'éviscérer comme un poisson si tu continues à parler!”
“Now, see, I don’t know what you just said, but it didn’t sound very nice.” You turned back around, barely holding in your laughter, “No blowjob offer for you. I guess you won’t have to share, Engie.”
“Well don’t that beat all?” Engineer replied playfully, “You sure yer team won’t mind, though?”
“The way I see it,” You said, readjusting the blanket the man had given you, “you have gone out of your way to bring me back to them, and you let me actually eat the cheeseburger you bought me. They can suck it up.”
“Sounds like you’ll be the one suckin’.” The Texan murmured under his breath, too quiet for you to hear.
“What was that?”
“Nothin!” Engineer replied, “Just talkin’ t’ m’self.”
“Is that a thing all engineers do?” You asked, “My Engie does that too, usually when he’s working on something.”
“Maybe. Mah Pa used to do it fer sure.” The RED Merc shrugged, “Wait, does yer Engineer let y’all into his workshop?”
“Well, he let’s me and Pyro in.” You said, recalling all the times you and the firebug had hung out in the space, “Sometimes Medic is allowed in, but everyone else gets the boot, unless he calls them in to help him with something.”
“Interesting.” Spy said, apparently having recovered from his embarrassment enough to speak, “Zhis one has barred us all from entering his sacred domain. Not even our Chemist get’s zhat privilege. You must mean quite a bit to him.”
“If y’all didn’t go ‘round putin’ yer grubby mitts all over everything, maybe I would let y’ in.” Engineer smacked the steering wheel, frustration in his tone, “Honestly, it’s like herdin’ cats when I let y’all anywhere near mah stuff! ‘Sides, don’tcha remember what happened the last time I let someone play around with mah equipment, Spy?”
“Oui.” Spy shuddered, “I don’t zhink we will ever fully get zhe smell of bread yeast out of zhat base.”
“I’m sorry- bread yeast?” You shot the two RED members a confused look, “What does bread have to do with you not letting anyone near your stuff?”
“It’s a long story, but I suppose we got the time.” Engineer cleared his throat, “It all started one afternoon. We’d just got done killin’ yer team and makin’ off with yer Intelligence…”
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Engineer and Spy’s wild tale of love, RED victory, and bread monsters kept you entertained for the next few hours or so, the three of you eventually getting sidetracked by various other topics. By the time the sun started to rise over the Colorado horizon, the conversation had switched to being about everyone’s favourite foods.
“Look, there ain’t nothin’ better fer breakfast than a nice cup’ a coffee, bacon ‘n eggs with a side of buttered toast, biscuits, and sausage gravy ‘n grits.” Engineer said, voice full of confidence.
“I think I would actually explode if I ate all of that.” You stuck out your tongue, feeling ill at just the thought of eating so much food. If this man ate like that every morning, then it was no wonder that he sported such a plump figure in comparison to most of his other teammates.
Not that you were complaining.
“I agree, mon petit saphir.” Spy said, curling his lip. “Zhat is a disgusting amount of food for zhe very first meal of zhe day.”
“Ooh, whatever that name was, it sounded a lot nicer.” You said teasingly. “See? I knew you could do it!”
“Well would ‘ya look at that? You actually got him to simmer down.” Engineer grinned, ducking when Spy swiped irritably at his head, “Maybe you should come join up with RED. We could probably stash you away somewhere, hand y’ over to Spy when we need him to settle.”
You laughed, imagining yourself with a little service animal harness. “Tell you what, If my team decides to murder me for dying again right in front of ‘em, I’ll switch sides.” 
“Heh, partner, you’ve got yerself a deal.” Engineer stuck out his hand, and you gripped it, giving it the best shake your weak arms could manage. 
“It seems as zhough you’ll be making your decision sooner rather zhan later.” Spy leaned forward and pointed at an upcoming road sign, which read “Limon Welcomes You!”
“Oh SHIT we’re here!” You sat forward quickly, before wincing and holding your head, “Oh, woof, headrush. That was a bad idea.”
“Good Lord, this place has seen better days.” Engineer said, gazing at the many fallen tree branches and damaged buildings, “Where did you say y’all were stayin’ again?”
“We sheltered in an old garage near the outskirts of town.” You replied, wincing at the amount of damage you saw, “I hope they haven’t gone too far, but I wouldn’t blame them for wanting to get away as soon as possible.”
“I doubt zhey wanted to linger around your charred corpse.” You nodded grimly at Spy’s comment, not particularly looking forward to seeing it yourself, but needing to check if your team was still around.
Soon enough, the three of you pulled up to the abandoned mechanic shop. The building looked even worse than when you had last seen it, and the lack of nearby vehicles did not make you feel particularly hopeful that you would find your team here. Still, your temporary RED companion pulled over and hopped out of his truck, putting a steadying hand on your shoulder when he saw you struggling to maintain your balance. Spending so many hours sitting down did not help your already weak legs to support your weight. Stepping inside the building proper, you were careful to avoid the downed utility pole and various cables. Only a few feet away from the door lay an unmoving mass with a familiar colour scheme.
Seeing your own dead body never got any less unsettling. Usually, it was blown into unrecognizable pieces, or shot so full of bullet holes that it resembled red and blue swiss cheese, but this time it was wholly intact, save for the skin that had burned and blackened from the intense heat of the electricity that had rocketed through your body. The stench of burnt clothes, hair, skin, and the early stages of rot permeated the still air, and you quickly tugged your respirator on in disgust. 
“Eugh, thank God I ate earlier, because I think I just lost my appetite.” You scrunched your nose, pulled down your goggles over your eyes, and began gathering chemicals from the various pockets and vials on your person. “Step outside, gentlemen, I’ll have this gone in a moment.”
The two RED’s quickly nodded and left, eager to get away from the smell and knowing exactly how dangerous your materials could be.
After a few minutes and a decent amount of hydrogen fluoride and antimony pentafluoride later, you emerged from the workshop’s interior to see Engineer kneeling on the ground, looking at some tire tracks that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Looks like they turned themselves ‘round and went back the way they came. They’re probably takin’ one’a the nearby backroads.”
“Think you can catch up to them?” You asked, praying that you wouldn’t have to return to your new base without your team. You wouldn’t be able to make it by yourself, and you doubted that the rest of the RED team would be as kind and hospitable as their Engineer had been.
The Texan gave you a sharp grin as he pushed himself up, dusting off his overalls.
“Do sheep wear sweaters? Hop in, and ah’ll show ‘ya just how fast ol’ Betsy can be.”
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If you asked Florence if she knew her mercenaries well, you’d probably end up with a bullet in your skull, because you were not supposed to know about her mercenaries. Well, technically, they were Reliable Excavation & Demolition and Builders League United’s mercenaries, and, really, the Administrator’s above even them, but she was the one who scouted them out, checked in on them, interacted with them, gave them their assignments, and helped cover up their fuck ups. 
So, yeah, they were her mercenaries. And you weren’t supposed to know about them, so now you’re lying in a shallow grave after getting very well acquainted with her hacksaw.
But if she pondered your question after the fact, then she’d say that, yeah, she did. She’d spent almost all of her very limited free time around them for the last few years, after all, and she kept an eye on them through the various hidden cameras almost as much as her boss did. She knew both teams equally well, easily picking out each of their many similarities, as well as all their little quirks and differences. For example, she knew that the RED Scout had far more freckles than the BLU one. She knew that the BLU Soldier was actually slightly more tame than his counterpart, and that he wore earplugs more often than not, though he is dedicated to never ever letting anyone find out. She knew that both Pyro’s were afraid of the dark, and she knew the exact brand of cigarettes the Spies liked to order.
She knew that both teams were full of loud, borderline rabid, bat-shit insane lunatics that enjoyed the thrill of killing almost as much as she did, maybe even more. She knew, from experience, just how difficult it was to get most of them to quiet down.
Which is what made the situation she was in so damn eerie.
She was back in Spy’s car, having taken the now available passenger seat. Her eyes kept flicking to the neatly folded blanket in Spy’s lap, its minky blue fabric still damp from the rain. The car was silent, save for the occasional muffled wheeze from Pyro, who had just about cried themself hoarse. Medic was sitting next to the arsonist, hands folded as he stared out the window. To a regular onlooker, he likely would have appeared chillingly nonchalant or uncaring. However, as has been established, Florence Pauling personally knew the men she hired to kill each other, and so she was able to see the little cracks in the man’s facade; the way his lips twitched occasionally, like they almost started to wobble before he caught himself, the slow, controlled breaths he was taking, the way his eyes were wet behind his glasses.
Spy was much the same; a perfect picture of poise and aloofness, unless you knew where to look. His suit had been left lightly rumpled, his expensive leather gloves creaked when his hands shifted, showing just how hard he was gripping the wheel, and his mouth was set in an unnaturally tense line. Occasionally, one of his hands would release their death grip on the steering wheel and slip down to feel the blanket in his lap, gently rolling the fabric between his thumb and forefinger.
None of them spoke. 
What was there to say? What could any of them possibly say to make this situation better? 
What could she say? ‘Sorry for your loss, let me fax you those application forms Medic shredded?’ ‘I know you’re mourning, but we need to hurry up and get back so you can all go back to killing the RED team, which still has their Chemist?’ 
No, silence was the better option here by far.
The purple-clad woman leaned back in her seat, head resting against the window as she committed to memory the sound of a tired yet happy voice saying her name, and the feeling of gloved hands pushing her back towards safety. It was better to think of that, rather than the sight of the BLU Chemist’s body spasming wildly before collapsing to the ground, their smoking body giving a few last jerking, dying nerve reactions. 
As she stared out into the vast, dusty nothingness of the New Mexico landscape, something odd began to appear in the corner of her vision. At first, she thought it was a mirage, a strange flash of red in an otherwise sky blue and sand yellow landscape. 
But then it didn’t go away. 
In fact, it actually began to get bigger, becoming clearer and more defined as whatever it was drew closer. On instinct, she reached for the radio and tuned it to a specific frequency, drawing confused looks from her fellow passengers.
“Guys, I don’t want to alarm you, but something’s coming at us. Fast.” she said, leaning in close to the speaker.
“What zhe hell?” Spy said from her left, taking his eyes off the road to squint towards the horizon.
Pyro and Medic peered outside as well, squeezing in close so they could both get a look at the strange thing that was approaching.
“Sniper, can you get eyes on that thing?” Engineer asked over the radio.
Yeah mate. Just gimme a sec.” came the marksman’s reply.
Turning around in her seat, the raven could see Sniper’s van through the rear window. The man was in the passenger seat now, holding up his rifle and peering through the scope. After a moment, he jerked back, a look of shock on his face. He ducked his head back down to look again, as though he wasn’t sure he’d seen something right. In the driver’s seat, Heavy, who had taken the wheel, gave his teammate a confused and slightly concerned look.
Sniper lowered his rifle after another few moments passed, sliding back into his seat as he shouted something to Heavy, who’s confusion visibly deepened. The Russian did a double take when the marksman said something else, and he quickly said something back to the Australian, who shook his head and pointed out towards the still encroaching… whatever it was.
“Sniper wants team to slow down.” Heavy relayed, his tone making it clear that he wasn’t onboard with the idea. “Says that he… believes he saw leetle Chemist.”
“Oh joy,” Spy snarled, baring his teeth in clear disdain as he spoke into the radio, “our Sniper has finally lost it. I knew too much time spent in zhat deathtrap of his would eventually get to him.”
“Ah hate ‘t say it, but ah agree with Spy. We all- we all saw what happened to ‘em. Even if they survived comin’ back again, they'd have died of exposure, thirst, or starvation by now.” Engineer added glumly, “‘Sides, how in the Sam Hill would they get all the way out here? Snipes, ah think you should maybe go lie down for a bit while we deal with whatever's chasin’ us.”
“What is that?” Pauling asked in a low whisper, rolling down her window to get a better view.
Tuning out the sound of fully grown men bickering behind her, she focused on the anomaly. It was a bright, almost familiar shade of red, and it was kicking up quite a bit of dust as it moved across the desert. Pushing herself slightly out of the window, she picked up on the faint sound of… an engine?
Wait a damn minute.
Wait a Goddamn fucking minute.
Faster than a striking rattlesnake on cocaine, Pauling whipped her phone out and began dialing, holding it up to her ear. After a few rings, a man answered in a thick, smug-sounding Southern drawl.
“Why hello Miss Pauling! To what do ah owe the pleasure?”
“Engie, you fucking asshole!” Florence screeched, getting a confused, offended yell from the BLU Engineer, who could still hear what was being said over their shared transmission, “Did you seriously find the BLU Chemist and not tell me?! Do you know how mad the Administrator was going to be at me?!”
She could hear the RED Spy's telltale snorting cackles in the background of the call, while his BLU counterpart looked the farthest thing from amused.
“Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il vaut mieux que ce ne soit pas une mauvaise blague, sinon je jure devant Dieu que je tâcherai de rouge le sable autour de moi.” he growled as he began to slow down, shooting a deadly glare at what was now obviously a RED vehicle, likely their Engineer's truck.
“Woah now lil’ missy, we didn't mean any harm by it. You were outta range back at the base, and ah just figured it'd be easier to just deliver ‘em right to ‘ya.” The RED chuckled, “Iffen y'all are lookin’ t’ shoot us as soon as we come near, though, then we can always keep ‘em. They make pretty good company, and ‘ah know Spy likes ‘em well enough to help vouch for ‘em to the rest of the team.”
“Shoot you, what are you-” the young woman turned around, spotting several members of BLU pointing their weapons at the approaching REDs, “Scout, Soldier, Sniper! Put your guns away- Engie DROP IT!” 
The other Texan had been gearing up to toss down a mini sentry, but paused at his boss’s shout. Disgruntled, he acquiesced, dropping the beeping little robot back down onto the seat.
“Now that's a might bit better. Chem, you wanna take over communications?” The RED Engineer said, before sounds of rustling fabric and a quiet ‘Thank you!’ came over the line.
“Hey, P.” Pauling could almost hear the smile in the other's voice, something that was rather impressive, given the explosion of noise that came over the radio at the sound, “Guess who's two for two on kicking Death's ass?”
“Hello, Chemist.” She replied softly, smiling back, “Are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, I'm fine!” The mercenary replied quickly, sounding tired, but cheerful, “These two have been great company. Well, Engie has, at least- Spy I'm kidding- and guess what? I finally got my cheeseburger!”
“Zhose are not vhat you should be eating!” Medic chastised from the back, “Zhey are nothing but empty calories! 
“Shut up! I was hungry, and Sniper didn’t let me have mine!”
“Chem,” Pauling interrupted, not wanting to be caught in the middle of another argument, “I’m happy you’re alive, really, I am, but how did you get here?”
“Oh, I Respawned at the new base. I guess the system kicked on because the other team was already there.” the Chemist explained, “I tried calling you, but it didn’t go through, so Engie offered to take me so I didn’t, you know, curl up and die.”
“I… wow, that was really nice of him.”
“Yeah, it was. I seriously owe him for this. I’ll have to buy him a nice dinner some time, or, uh,” they snickered, clearly trying to muffle their laughter, “do something for him.”
Florence got the feeling that she was missing something here.
Judging by the intense glares and scowls Medic, Spy, and likely Pyro were directing towards the truck, which was now close enough for her to pick out details, she knew she wasn’t the only one who picked up on the Chemist’s friendly tone.
“Whatever it is you two end up doing, just remember that, if you want me to not have to rat you out, the Administrator cannot know about it, which means I can’t know about it.” the purple-clad woman stressed.
“I would certainly like to know what zhat cow-boy analphabète believes our Chemist shall be doing for him.” Spy muttered lowly, finally bringing the car to a stop as the RED Engineer’s truck parked on the dusty scrubland a few feet away from them.
“No fighting guys. We don’t need anyone else having to risk not coming back.” Florence warned.
Like a pack of stalking wolves, the nine BLU mercenaries leapt out of their respective vehicles and formed an almost defensive group, most of them having only heard bits and pieces of the phone call, but understanding that they were not here to fight. They walked with an air of tenseness, hands flexing as they resisted the urge to reach for their weapons, clearly feeling uneasy in this unprecedented situation.
Still, there was a clear feeling of nervous excitement. The emotional whiplash of the past few hours had left their emotions raw and more sensitive than usual. All of them stopped when the passenger door of the dusty red truck opened with a soft ‘click!’, the wearily smiling face of their teammate popping up over the metal as they shuffled carefully towards the road.
“CHEM!” Scout yelled, unable to hold himself back anymore. A fond smile made its way onto Pauling’s face as she watched the young Bostonian dash over and scoop the other mercenary up, spinning them around for a moment before gently setting them back down on their feet.
Like deadly, man-slaughtering ducklings, the rest of BLU followed after, warmly welcoming their missing friend back into the fold. Medic was on the Chemist in an instant, examining them while asking more questions than was probably necessary. Soldier gave them what was likely meant to be a gentle pat on the back, but which ended up nearly sending poor Y/N to the ground. 
Meanwhile, Pauling, Spy, and Engineer moved to greet the RED team members, who were stepping out of the vehicle themselves. The two men at Pauling’s side kept their professional appearances well, but she knew they’d like nothing more than to give into their instincts and go for their counterparts’ throats.
“Hey guys,” Florence started, hoping to make this conversation as smooth and bloodshed-free as possible, “thank you so much for bringing the Chemist back. I’ll arrange for your team to get a bonus or something for this, I promise.”
“Aw shucks,” the RED Engineer replied, tipping his hat, “it weren’t no trouble. Ahm sure y’all woulda done the same if y’ were in our shoes.”
“But of course.” the BLU Spy responded, “We’re mercenaries, not monsters.”
“What you are is lucky. Your Chemist should have never survived zhe first time, let alone a second.” the opposite colour Frenchman said, producing a cigarette to light, “Tell me, has your team figured out why Respawn went down?”
The BLU Engineer frowned. “Can’t say we have. I reckon y’all haven’t either, then?”
“Unfortunately not. It's got our team all twisted up with worry, ‘specially our Chemist. The stress has been makin’ her feel just plum awful these past few days.” the crimson-clad Texan sighed, pushing up his goggles to pinch the area between his eyes, “To be honest wit ‘ya, ah’d somewhat hoped that travelin’ with yer one might’a given me some answers, or at least an idea of what went wrong, but ah couldn’t find one single tell. If yer feelin’ amicable enough, ah’d like to work with ya t’ find the problem, so we can all stop bein’ so damn nervous.”
“Hmm.” the BLU Engineer hummed, resting a hand on his chin before glancing over at his boss, “Would that be alright, Miss Pauling?”
Florence adjusted her glasses and nodded. “Usually it wouldn’t, but under these circumstances, I’m sure the Administrator will understand.”
Suddenly, she jumped, remembering something.
“Oh, shit! Guys, we actually need to get going! I need to give the RED Chemist a contract and, like, a thousand other things that have been piling up since I’ve been gone.” She said apologetically, before turning to the RED team members, “Do you two mind if I ride back with you?”
“‘Course not.”
“It’s always a pleasure to have you around, mademoiselle.”
“Okay, great!” the raven said, smoothing down her skirt. She looked over at her companions, tilting her head slightly, “You’ll be fine getting back, right?”
They nodded, and started walking back over to rejoin their teammates. They explained that their employer wouldn’t be coming back with them, and, to her surprise, Chemist pulled away from the rest of the BLUs, walking as fast as they could over to her.
“Hey, I just wanted to ask if you were alright before you left.” The goggle-wearing chemist said, their worry clear in their voice as they laid a hand on her shoulder, “You were pretty close to that powerline too, and I wasn’t sure if you’d gotten injured or not.”
“I’m fine, Chem.” Florence reassured, giving her friend a smile, “My clothes are going to smell like burned cloth and skin for a bit, but that’s it. You got me out of the way in time. Thank you, for that, by the way.”
The Chemist inclined their head, smiling back before turning their attention to the two RED Mercs. “You two get her back safe, understand? I’d hate to have to kill you permanently after all this.” they joked, pointing a ‘stern’ finger at them.
The RED Engineer raised his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t worry, Darl’, she’ll get there right as rain.”
He stepped forward, took the white cowboy hat off his head, and plopped it down onto the Chemist’s, tugging it down gently to secure it.
A few feet away, the other Engineer’s mechanical hand nearly crushed his gun as he shot daggers at his counterpart. 
“Y’ can give me that back when y’all finally show up at the base.” he smirked, “And, iffen yer still up for it, ah think I’ll take ‘ya up on that offer of yours from earlier.”
The Chemist turned a very interesting shade of pink as they tipped the brim of the hat up slightly, revealing that their pupils were blown wide.
“Mnhm, sounds good.” they replied softly, before spinning on their heels and making a beeline for their teammates. 
“I-” Florence started, before cutting herself off, 
“You know what? It’s better if I don’t know what that’s all about.”
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You watched as the RED Engineer, Spy, and Miss Pauling drove off, waving to them as best you could.
“Well, ain’t you ‘n them real close.” Engineer said in a tight voice. While it was quite hard to tell where the man was looking most of the time, you got the distinct feeling that he was staring at your new accessory.
“I had to listen to them argue for, like, half the trip.” You replied, “If you come out of that having not murdered them or killed yourself, then it's because you learned to like them.”
“Kinda sounded like you didn’t just like ‘em.” Scout pouted, crossing his arms, “What the hell did youse three get up to?”
“Well let’s see.” You raised your hand, ticking off your fingers as you recounted your joyous road trip shenanigans, “I got the ever loving shit scared out of me by the RED Spy, melted my own corpse, got a cheeseburger so absolutely scrumptious I offered to suck off the RED Engineer,”
“You did what now?!” your Engineer yelped.
“I listened to two fully grown men bicker like toddlers, got regaled with a tale of bread monsters, got my outfit called every French insult under the sun, and passed out from, like, severe malnutrition, probably.” You finished.
“Uh, can we walk that back a couple’a steps, mate?” Sniper asked, flushing pink.
“What, you mean the bread monster? Yeah, no, I didn’t believe it at first either, but Spy swears-”
“Not the bloody bread monster, ya daft tit!” Demo groaned, slapping a hand onto his face, “Why the bleedin’ hell are ya offerin’ t’ give our enemy a gobble?!
“Dear GOD, have they brainwashed you?!” Soldier gasped suddenly, “I swear, I will hunt down each and every one of those communist RED bastards if they so much as touched-”
“Woah, woah, woah!” You rushed to clear up the misconception, “Easy, Sol! No one did anything to me, I promise. I’m still one hundred percent me.”
“Zhen vhy…?” Medic questioned, coughing into his gloves as he trailed off.
“It started as just a joke, honestly. I wasn’t seriously thinking about acting on it at first, but when their Spy accidentally revealed that he was jealous, I started thinking about it a little bit more.” You shrugged, “Plus, well… he’s hot! And he’s nice! And he’s clearly into the idea, so… why not?”
“Why not? Why not?” Spy growled, “Because you are ours! You wear zhe same uniform and kill zhe same men as us! You are a member of BLU, and your standards should be higher zhan zhe first, non, not even zhe first, man who shows even zhe slightest interest in you! Il n’y a aucune raison de se prostituer à ce gros, analphabète Texan!”
You threw your hands up into the air, letting out your own growl of annoyance.
“Look, unless one of you is going to help me take care of my needs when I’m better, I’m walking my ass over to that pretty little base they have!” You stated firmly, crossing your arms and tilting your chin up in a petty, almost defiant way. “Maybe I’ll even proposition the rest of ‘em, I don’t know!”
“Oh my freakin’ GOD!” Scout yelled, “We are literally right here! I don’t know a guy on this team that wouldn’t fuck you if you just asked!”
There was a moment of silence after that sentence, the Bostonian’s words echoing slightly in the empty desert scrubland. The ten of you all stood there, turning red from something that wasn’t the harsh New Mexico sun.
Heavy made a sound first, awkwardly clearing his throat. 
“Scout is- what is word- tactless, but he is also… not wrong.”
“Er, yeah,” Sniper scratched at the back of his neck, “the big guy's got it right. It's just we, uh…”
“Mh muph mmnmnh mhmh.” Pyro finished, talking animatedly with their hands.
“The arsonist is correct.” Spy agreed, still looking a bit flustered under his mask, “This is far from something that is easily brought up.” 
You blinked slowly at your team, absorbing the information. Now, technically, you'd heard this all before, right before you'd died, but hearing it again solidified it in your mind as being real. 
“Well shit.” You swore, planting your hands on your hips, “We all could have been a lot happier ages ago, huh?”
The gathered mercenaries made various sounds of awkward agreement.
“Okay, we definitely need to talk about this, and I mean a real conversation, not all of us standing around like idiots, cooking our brains in the sun while we all blush over the fact that you'd all like a piece of me.” You said, “But I think I'd rather talk in the comfort of our base, wouldn't you all agree?”
Your teammates nodded in agreement, dispersing into their chosen groups as they started back towards your vehicles.
“Yo, Chem, you ridin’ with us?” Scout asked hopefully, hooking his arm beneath yours instinctively as you wobbled slightly. He looked as though he was still feeling a bit hot under the collar, but was doing his very best to keep your conversation casual. 
“Sorry, Scout, but I think I’m gonna pass out soon if I don’t lay down.” you admitted. “I promise I’ll spend some time with you when we get back. Maybe I could help you pack when I’m feeling a bit better?”
“Don’t even worry ‘bout it. You should focus on gettin’ bettah first.” Scout replied, leading you towards Sniper’s campervan, “‘Sides, I already packed up most of my crap, and I think Pyro handled your stuff, so you can just take it easy. Pretty sure the Doc is gonna make you stay in the Medbay, anyway.”
“Scout is correct, mein Chemiker.” Medic piped up, matching your slow, careful stride as he came up beside you, “Now don’t give me zhat face; it vill only be for a few days. I just want to ensure that jou are okay after going through Respawn again in jour state.”
Your expression, which had been one of pouty, light annoyance at being forced into mandatory bedrest in the Medbay, softened a bit. You could hear the genuine concern in the German’s voice, and you knew he had good reason to be. You yourself were worried that something might have gotten messed up, and you knew you were due for another round of supplement shots.
Still, it was going to suck to not be in your own room, surrounded by your familiar comforts. You knew that you’d have a lot of pent up energy by the time you got out.
Huh, actually… you could think of a few fun ways to burn off any excess energy.
“Okay, Doc, I’ll come to my appointment, I promise.” you said, smiling, “But this time, I get to choose the operating room music. You’re not cutting me open to Lili Marlén again.”
“But jou said zhat jou enjoyed it last time! Lale Andersen has zhe voice of ein Engel.” Medic pouted.
“Yeah, but if you keep playing it while you're dissecting my spleen, I’m always going to associate it with getting picked apart like a biology student’s frog.” you explained, “I won’t pick anything too bad, swear on my good beakers!”
“Hmph, I vill hold you to zhat.” the doctor warned teasingly, “Zhere vill be no more ‘Sugar Pie Honey Bunch’ in my operating room.”
“Ugh, you’re so boring.” you teased right back, sticking your tongue out at the man as Scout handed you off to Sniper, who had a fond, lopsided smile on his face. “Hey there, Stretch. Mind helping me to the bed?”
“Not at all, mate.” Sniper replied, laying a warm, sturdy arm across your shoulders, “Not at all.”
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Sure enough, after around two weeks of being kept in the Medbay upon your return, your prediction of being just about ready to explode with unreleased energy had proven to be true. Your organs had actually suffered a bit of damage this time around, which had necessitated a longer stay. On top of that, you had needed to move to the new base midway through your treatment, which hadn’t helped things. However, this also meant that Medic could focus on accelerating your healing, and by the time you pranced out of those swinging double doors, you were feeling like your old self again.
Scout and Soldier were waiting there for you, just as they had been on the day you’d failed to come back.
“Heyyyyy, there you are! Freakin’ finally.” Scout whooped, bringing you into a tight hug. You returned it, squeezing back with all your regained strength, “Oof! Yup, you’re bettah alright!”
“Sure am.” you grinned, before releasing the Bostonian to tackle Soldier, who grinned and crushed you to his chest.
“It’s good to have you back in fighting shape, private! Your presence has been missed on the battlefield.” he said, patting you in between your shoulder blades, “Also, I just missed you.”
“I missed you too, Solly.” you replied, knocking your forehead against his helmet gently, “Show me around the base? I saw a bit of it when I Respawned here, but I wasn’t exactly taking in all the finer details.”
“Of course!” Soldier set you down, taking the lead as you, him, and Scout headed off down the hall.
He gave you a tour of the base and the battleground, loudly and excitedly chattering about all the great places to set up ambushes and assaults that this new location provided. You nodded along, adding your own ideas occasionally as you took in your surroundings, inhaling a lungful of warm, apple-scented air for the first time without pain. In a few days, the RED Chemist would be returning from her contract, and you would be returning to the fray, but for now you got to revel in the relative peace of the time between battles.
Eventually, Soldier led you to the barracks, showing you to your room. It had been partially set up; your bed was made and your uniforms had been hung up in your closet, but your casual clothes and personal belongings had been left in their moving boxes. You smiled softly when you flipped open the first box and spotted Pyro’s drawings sitting on top. The firebug had added a few new ones, depicting a healthy you and them frolicking through a shimmering candyland, or petting beautiful unicorns. You snorted with laughter at one of the last ones, which showed you and Pyro sitting aside a golden, fire-breathing dragon, flying high above the base, the arsonist flipping off the RED Spy and Engineer, who were being roasted by the beast.
Speaking of…
“Hey, has anyone seen my hat?” you asked Soldier and Scout, who were peering into one of your, currently empty, terrariums. The two mercenaries glanced at each other.
“Uh, I think Engie took it.” Scout rubbed his chin, “Kept mutterin’ something about the ‘cowboy hat rule.’ He sounded real pissed about it too.”
You tilted your head and frowned. “Cowboy hat rule? What the hell is that?”
“Dunno.” Scout shrugged, “You’d have to ask Hardhat.”
“Maybe I will.” you said, putting the drawings down, “Where is he?”
“The grease monkey is in his workshop!” Soldier said helpfully, “I saw him go in there before I went to wait for you.”
“Perfect,” you smiled, “I’ll be back soon, fellas. Oh, actually, could you two do me a favour?”
The men nodded.
“Tell the others I’d finally like to have that conversation we talked about.” you winked, stepping out the door, “We’ll talk at dinner, yeah?”
Slipping out into the hallway proper, you left two very warm-cheeked mercenaries behind.
“What are the chances we actually score tonight, you think?” Scout asked, biting his lip slightly.
“If Engie doesn’t make ‘em mad?” Soldier grinned, tipping up his helmet slightly, “I’d say I like our odds.”
“God, he bettah not screw dis up.” Scout huffed, folding his arms, “I hope he’s smart enough to just give Chem that hat.”
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“Ah ain’t givin’ you that hat.”
The Texan and the Chemist stood almost chest-to-chest, locked in a standoff. Engineer folded his arms and fixed his colleague with the firmest look he could muster, standing absolutely resolute in his decision.
Chemist set their jaw, squinting in annoyance.
“Engie,” they started, voice firm and tone indicating that they were done with this argument, “that hat was a temporary gift. I need to give it back. I don’t know why you’re being such an ass over this, but-”
“Because it ain’t a gift!” the man finally shouted, gritting his teeth.
Chemist reeled back as if they’d been struck, shocked at the man’s outburst. They blinked, then slowly shifted to a more passive stance.
“Okay, clearly I’m missing something here, and it’s making you upset.” they said, backing up a step to give Engineer some much needed space, “Mind filling me in? Does it have something to do with that ‘cowboy hat rule’ Scout mentioned?”
“It has everything to do with that.” Engineer sighed, deflating slightly as his anger returned to a very low simmer, “A cowboy’s hat is considered an extension of his body, a real special article of clothin’. If he puts it on someone’s head, or if someone takes it and puts it on, then that’s basically the same as sayin’ yer real interested in ‘em. The ‘rule’ is basically that if you wear the hat, y’gotta ride the cowboy.”
He folded his arms again, looking into Chemist’s wide eyes. “Him puttin’ that hat on ‘ya like he did and bein’ all flirtatious was almost like him brandin’ you; a real bold move to pull right in front of all of us. You bein’ so friendly ‘n receptive ‘bout it all was just salt in the wound, and now he’s been down right gloatin’ about it ever since we got here!”
Chemist winced, rubbing at the back of their neck. “Aw, jeeze, I’m- I’m sorry, Engie. I didn’t realize how much that might bother you. This has really been eating at you, huh?”
“It has.” he confessed, feeling slightly ashamed by just how much it bothered him, “Ah know yer a grown adult, and ah obviously can’t control what ‘ya do in yer free time, but as ahm sure you’ve figured out, we’re all rather fond of ‘ya, and I ain’t no exception. Seein’ you with him? And then having to work with ‘im these past few days?”
The man shook himself, scowling. “It’s like swallowin’ glass.”
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this worked up outside of battle.” the other mercenary said, before reaching out and taking Engineer’s hands into their own, causing the Texan to jolt slightly in surprise, “Look, I might joke around sometimes, but I am one hundred percent loyal to BLU and everyone who’s a part of it. That other Engineer might get me once, but you can have me as many times as you like.��� 
Chemist winked, and Engineer’s eyes widened like saucers, his mouth turning dry as cotton as any words he might have intended to say died in his throat. The other BLU leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, and Engineer closed his eyes, burning the sensation into his mind as he swallowed.
“And if you’re still worried,” they whispered into his ear, “you can always leave your mark on me.”
“Careful, Darl’,” he growled lowly, wrapping a hand around their waist, enjoying the feeling of muscle and fat, “you don’t know what yer askin’ for.”
“Oh, I think I do.” they grinned ferally, nipping at the Southerner’s neck. Engineer inhaled sharply and let out a curse, tightening his hold when he felt a warm tongue lave the area lovingly.
Suddenly, the contact was gone, Chemist pulling away with a satisfied grin and leaving the poor Texan stunned.
“You can hang onto the hat for now, but I really do need it back.” they tapped his nose, causing him to blink, “Now, we’re all gonna have that little chat at dinner tonight, so don’t be late.”
And with that, they sauntered right back out the door they'd come through earlier, leaving Engie to try and collect himself. Eventually, he managed to shake himself out of his stupor, a grin coming across his face.
“Well, this ought to be mighty interestin’.”
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The conversation at dinner had been, to absolutely no one’s shock, awkward as all hell to begin with.
Once everyone had gotten a plate of food in front of them to stare at when things got too uncomfortable, you started laying out basic ground rules. You stressed, through your many stutters, the importance of boundaries, consent and communication, and you made it very clear that if anyone was at all uncomfortable with what you were proposing, then they were more than welcome to voice that without judgement. You were firm as you warned that if you caught wind of anyone teasing or pressuring another teammate about this was going to lose any and all privileges, as well as getting a face full of acid at any given time. 
“Any objections or questions so far?” you asked, taking a bite of your dinner, which was macaroni and cheese.
“If ve’re really going to to zhis, I vould like to propose regular STD tests und use of condoms.” Medic said after a few moments of silence passed in the room, folding his hands in front of him, “Zhis isn’t exactly a closed relationship ve’re talking about here, und I for one vould feel a lot better vith zhat reassurance, zhough I know jou’re all clean as of right now.”
Everyone made noises of agreement. No one wanted to take that risk.
“Do we have to do stuff with everyone? ‘Cause, uh, I definitely ain’t cool with that.” Scout asked, rubbing his arm in discomfort.
“No, of course not.” you reassured, laying a comforting hand over his. “You’re free to be with whoever you want, and you certainly aren’t going to be forced into a relationship.”
Scout relaxed, some of the tension leaving his body. Around the table, a few others seemed to relax as well.
“We will have to keep zhis a well-kept secret. If zhe Administrator finds out, zhen I suspect we will be punished in some cruel and unusual manner.” Spy added, resting his chin on one hand.
“Yeah, she’s real good at that.” Soldier mumbled, still sore over the fact that he’d be tricked and threatened into breaking off the best friendship he’d ever had, one that still hadn’t recovered.
“So no flirting, or anything else, on the battlefield or during work hours.” you nodded, “We’ll save it for contracts, ceasefires, and late night meet ups, I suppose.”
Sniper raised his hand slightly, swallowing his mouthful of food. “And how exactly are we plannin’ on deciding who gets to do what, and when?”
“Scheduling.” you replied, having pondered that very same question, “We’ll come up with a schedule. You guys can draw straws or wrestle or something. I’ll leave how the order gets decided up to you.”
“Battle’s comin’ up in a few days.” Demo said, taking a sip of his Scrumpy, “How’s about we use our performances to decide?”
“Heavy likes that idea,” the large Russian man nodded, “it means I will be first.”
“Hey, woah, back it up, tons ‘a fun!” Scout protested, jabbing his fork in the other’s direction, “You musta hit yer head or somethin, cause everyone knows I’m gonna be the one comin’ out on top, as usual.”
“You? Do something aside from running your mouth and getting shot full of bullets? Please, don’t make me laugh.” Spy snarked, picking at his dinner while side-eying the Bostonian.
“Don’t get too cocky, Spook. God knows yer gonna end up on the hot end of the enemy Pyro’s flamethrower more often than not.” Sniper teased, “Meanwhile, I’ll be rackin’ up kills left ‘n right.”
“Hey Py, ah’ll share mah time if y’ team up with me.” Engineer offered, smirking when the arsonist mumbled in cheerful agreement, giving the Southerner a fistbump.
“Ooh, ve’re making alliances?” Medic perked up, “Heavy, team up with me, ja?”
“конечно, доктор.” 
“Oye, that ain’t fair!” Demo shouted, banging his fist down on the table, “Soldier, yer with me!”
“Affirmative!” the American saluted, “We are going to crush each and every one of your pansy asses!”
“This is bullshit!” Scout yipped, realizing that his teammates were absolutely willing to partner up if it meant having a better shot at first pick, “Yo, Snipes, we teamin’ up?”
“Bettah you then Spy.” the marksman leaned over the table and shook hands with the runner. “Alright, jackrabbit, let’s do this.”
“Feelin’ left out, Spy?” Engineer asked, reaching for his cup of sweet tea.
“Not at all.” came the Frenchman’s smooth reply, “I am confident enough in my abilities to not feel zhe need to rely on zhe help of another to win. Unlike you, toymaker, I am not willing to share my lovers.”
“Keep a good hold on that confidence ‘a yers.” the Texan chuckled, “You’ll need somethin’ t’ help repair yer shattered pride once you come dead last.”
You took another bite of your macaroni, enjoying the growing sense of… friendly competition. The next battle was going to be a bloodbath, and you absolutely could not wait to see it.
And, of course, you were very excited to see who came out as the victor.
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The sound of gunfire and dying men was like music to your ears as you finally returned to the battlefield. Your limbs ached from the lack of use, and you could certainly feel the strain now, but you welcomed the pain, grinning into your mask as you lobbed another vial at a passing Scout, your smile widening as you snickered at his howls of pain.
Your team was dominating the battlefield today, each member striving to get the most amount of kills. The energy of the battle was even a little bit lighter than usual today, likely due to the fact that the mystery of the Respawn malfunction had finally been solved on the Sunday before the battle.
Apparently, according to Engineer, the issue had been caused by too many units being active at once, which all but confirmed your theory of other teams existing out in the world. It had nothing to do with you specifically, you’d simply been the unlucky bastard who had come through at the boiling point. The information had come as a huge relief, even if the answer had left you with quite a few questions. You would have to ask Miss Pauling about it the next time she came around the base, though you doubted you’d get any real answers. Something told you that, if the other teams had never been mentioned to any of you before, then you weren’t supposed to know about them.
Actually, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut this time. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction wouldn’t be enough to bring you back, if the Administrator decided to disable your Respawn capability.
Shaking your head, you dashed forward, side-stepping the sizzling corpse at your feet. Running across the dry Texas grass, you threw yourself against the side of the nearest building, a smaller, ramshackle barn at the edge of the treeline. From where you stood, you managed to catch a glimpse of Pyro, Soldier, and Engineer taking a new vantage point to set up a sentry, before the arsonist suddenly spun around, blasting a plume of flame at your helmeted friend. You winced, watching as the RED Spy’s illusion melted away, along with his skin.
Well, you supposed you wouldn’t be seeing too much of him today. That was a shame; the Frenchman could be surprisingly funny, when he wanted to be. You’d hoped to get a chance to tease him and see if you could make him blush again, or perhaps some part of you wanted to provide your own Spy with an easy kill.
Just as you started off towards your teammates, ready to help them secure the nearest point, you saw something whip over your head. Before you knew it, your arms were suddenly pinned at your sides, and you’d been tugged backwards, landing on your rump with a sharp yelp of pain. The white cowboy hat that you’d managed to get back from Engineer, which had been sitting snugly on your head, slipped down over your eyes as you were dragged back towards the trees, leaving you blind.
You panicked for a moment, struggling against the tight rope. However, you paused upon hearing a familiar voice, chills running up your spine, both from fear and from pleasure. A gloved hand plucked the hat off your head, the mechanical movement clicking softly in your ear. You tilted your head back, looking up at the man who was holding the lasso that had left you so defenseless.
“Hello there, Darl’.” The RED Engineer purred, leaning against the trunk of one of the apple trees, “Ready to make good on that offer?”
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Annnnd that wraps up Respawn Malfunction! Again, big thanks to @pinkypiechar for reading along with me in the wee hours of the morning, keeping me motivated and catching any mistakes I made. You a real one pookie. <3
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year ago
Call Me A Snitch - Benny Rodriguez/The Sandlot x GN Reader
“Could it be something like benny rodriguez x gn!reader and its they are on philips team and playing against the sandlot boys and the philips convinces the reader to cheat by using like this sticky rosin stuff…”
Here we go @yourgirljen4life - hope you enjoy and I hope this is what you were looking for 
[mind you I don’t know a lot about rosin or anything- also Phillips doesn’t have a listed full name, so I used the actors first name.]
CW: slightly rushed I haven’t written in a hot minute, not heavy on any relationships, Wil Phillips
Benny Rodriguez x GN!Tiger’s player Reader
It’s the middle of the day, sun hot and sticky beating down on the trees and dirt that cover the ground, temperature at least 80 degrees, when I realize I should’ve stayed home.
I used to say I’d never miss a good game of baseball, especially not with someone as invested as Benny Rodriguez or Wil Phillips. But then again, I’ve never played such an un-fun one in my life. Which is actually pretty impressive.
The ball swings across the field as Benny’s team hits it spot on again, and I see as our outfielder scurries to get it. I can’t remember who’s out there, probably Eric. Guess that wasn’t a great idea. Bertram, looking accomplished, smoothly jogs across the base. 
They’re getting real cocky, now. It’s funny, I think, I’d crack a grin when I hear Ham’s next remark but with the vein nearly popping out of Phillips’ forehead I decide to bite it back. 
“How are we doing so shit?” I hear him ask, but I don’t think he wants a real answer. The expensive jerseys can only cover so much, an idea he seems very much unaware of.
I look down at my wrinkled jersey, the white fabric tinted with dirt after I took a dive for home base in the last inning. I dust some of it off, hearing another crack of the wooden bat across the way. To follow, a curse mumbled from Phillips lips. 
I sigh slightly, and glance back at the score board. We’re down by 2, which isn’t horrible, but I know we’d all prefer not being down at all. My cleats scuff against the sand as I stand up from our bench, and stand next to the blonde boy. His gaze is strong and fixed on the new batter, Benny. 
‘Oh boy.’ 
Droplets of sweat trickle down his forehead, over his nose, and he stares intently at our pitcher. He’s in jeans in a t-shirt, to no one’s surprise, and I look over him as he gets into position. His eyes narrow, blocking the sun the best they can. 
From the dugout, I watch with crossed arms. I still remember the first game against the sandlot boys- when Phillips tried to stand off on their own field. I think that’s when I first realized, baseball would be a lot more fun if there weren’t the pressure of winning constantly on my shoulders. 
He’s so focused, swaying the bat over his shoulder and adjusting his feet across home base. Beside me, Phillips’ scoffs, I can basically hear how his teeth clench in his jaw.
Benny hits it mere feet away from the fence, our outfielder sprinting for it and suddenly Phillips’ hand grabs a firm hold on my shoulder, snatching my thoughts from the game.
“This is bullshit,” he complains, and uses the grip on my shoulder to turn me towards the bench behind us, “come on.”
My arms remain crossed even as he tugs me towards his bag, and he leans down to grab something from inside. Red flag, I think, he’s up to something.
“You’re up next,” when he comes back up, he’s holding a small tub in his hand, “use this.” 
I look down at the tub in his hands, and skim over the word “Rosin” bolded on the lid. 
He’s gotta be kidding.
I glance up at him, he’s looking at me expectantly, as if I’m supposed to immediately understand. When I don’t enthusiastically go along with it, he rattles his hand impatiently.
“No.” I tell him, and he groans.
“Y/n come on-“ he whines, “we’ve gotta get a leg up.”
“This is pathetic, Phillips.”
He groans again, dramatically throwing his head back, and I feel his fingers tightening against the bone of my shoulder. 
“Dude- it’s not a big deal, just do it so we don’t lose against these…” he looks back to the field, where Benny has already made it to 2nd base and players from our team and his are spread across the dirt and grass. Ham chuckles smugly, rolling up to base, and immediately just from one look at the field Phillips’ face scrunches into one of disgust. 
He finishes, I scoff.
He doesn’t listen to my protest at all, instead shoving the tub of rosin into my hand. Tan fingers slip away from my shoulder, finally, and he reaches back into his bag and pulls out another baseball, placing it into my free hand. 
“Do it, or I swear to god L/n.”  He looks at me like he’s giving a threat, which he is, but it’s not a strong one. I sigh, and he steps away from me back to the edge of the dugout to watch the game. I’m left alone by the cluttered bench.
Looking down at the ball and the tub, I sigh once more. But nonetheless, I unscrew the tub. 
It’s a bad idea, pathetic as I said, I should’ve known the second we went down a point Phillips would resort to a cheat. 
But hey, it worked. 
My fingers are still sticky with rosin as the game ends- the scoreboard has changed, now in our favor with 3 points above the sandlot group. 
Curses echo from them as ham kicks the dirt below his feet, and I watch as Benny throws his hat to the ground in a fit. It clashes well with the smug cheers from my team- but at the sight of the others so defeated, I feel guilty.
“Told you.” Phillips’ smirks into my ear, patting my shoulder much harder than needed before strutting off with the rest of the team. I dont join him, though.
It wasn’t our win to get. 
“Some pop and fries at the diner sound good to you guys?” Phillips asks, raising his voice knowing the sandlot boys will hear him across the dugout. Of course he needs to rub it in, sometimes i think he’s a better actor than he is a baseball player.
As my team saunters off, I listen in on the grumbles from Benny’s team.
“Damn tigers…” ham mumbles, glaring at the ground. 
“Yeah yeah- we had ‘em in the first half too. Like, what the hell?”
With all the mumbling, Benny shakes his head with a glare. I can tell by the clench of his fist he’s frustrated, he turns around to his friends.
“Just shut up about it guys- we lost, it’s whatever.” His voice contradicts him easily, but it quiets his friends grumbling a fair amount. He spins back around, about to match off to their dugout, and last second my mouth opens.
They all turn around, faces still dark as ever when they see me approaching them, trying to catch up with a light jog. I don’t know why I’m doing this, I’ve never been much more than acquaintances with them, but it’s obvious they’re better friends than my team will ever get to be. Maybe that’s what motivates me to continue.
“Hold on, it’s,” I pause, breathing out and coming to a stop right in front of them, “hold on.”
“What do you want?” Squints obnoxiously adjusts his glasses at me. The only ones not glaring me down seem to be Smalls and the twins. Though, when i catch Benny’s eyes again there isn’t any anger directed at me behind his gaze. 
“I,” I glance behind me, my team is gone, and I turn back with a hesitant look, “you didn’t lose.”
This seems to confuse them, Bertram scoffs.
“Right, funny.” He says bitterly.
“Yeah yeah, hilarious.” Yeah yeah pipes up, but Squints holds up a finger to both of them, staring at me with vague interest.
Benny is lost, closing his eyes in thought. 
“What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t technically lose,” I rephrase, “not legally, I mean.”
When they’re about to question me further, I look down at my hand and squeeze my fingers, the rosin sticking to my skin. They catch on quickly, by the time I look back up squints has already marched over to me.
“What’s this?” He questions, grabbing my hand and examining the skin. I awkwardly watch on as he recognizes the sticky shit on my hand, glaring at me in disbelief. Spinning around to the others, he grabs my wrist.
“They used sticky rosin!” He exclaims, holding up my hand for the others like a clue. His friend’s eyes widen, and I take my hand back to quickly explain.
“They cheated?” Smalls let the question sit in the air, because no one really answered him.
“It was Phillips’ idea,” none of them are surprised, as Benny mutters with rolling eyes, “he got pressed when you started winning, he’d kept some in his bag.” 
Groans rumble from the group, I notice as Benny pulls off his hat once more, leaving his sweaty hair to the breeze. 
“I mean- are we surprised?” His voice is thick in sarcasm, standing out over the grumbles from Ham and Yeah Yeah.
“No- of course that blonde Bambi would cheat, pussy move.” Bertram curses, and despite their glares I feel a grin form at the words “blonde Bambi.”
“Sorry- I should’ve told him to quit, but…”
The hot sun is baking my skin, the baseball cap sitting on my head only giving so much. 
“So why didn’t you?” Ham quips- I almost bite my tongue, but Benny whacks him with his hat. 
“Shut up,” he clicks his tongue, before his gaze returns to me, and I’m not really sure what to do with it. “Thanks for uh- for telling us.” He gives the slightest hint at a smile, his teeth sticking through his lips. I smile back at him, the guilt from before falling further into the back of my mind. 
“Yeah- I mean,” I dip my head, “you guys were having a lot more fun out there than I’ve had in a minute.”
Smalls furrows his eyebrows. “Then you should play with us!”
Everyone turns to look at him.
I’m surprised by his offer, though not at the many, many quips thrown his way afterwards. I’ve never thought about it, never having been invited before, but now that the idea is fresh in front of me I consider it.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Benny jumps in- and that’s what really surprises me. 
“For real?” I ask, and Benny steps forward, blocking off the rest of the boys from giving their loud input. Face to face, I finally notice more of his grin. 
“Yeah- might be fun, plus, would drive Phillips crazy.” 
I grin. 
He holds out a hand to me, and I have to remember to switch to the not sticky one to return the gesture.
“We’ll play tomorrow- the sandlot at noon. If you’re in, join us.”
His hold is firm, yet his hands are softer than I think I expected.  Despite the blisters that cross his palm, his touch is warm. I look up at him through the shade of my hat. For a second, he looks hopeful. And after a moment of thinking, pushing away the migraine for Phillips to face the second he finds out, I nod.
“I’ll be there.”
He’s the last the leave as the others walk away, Smalls walking by his side at the back of the group as Benny throws me one last shiny grin.
Not as uninteresting as I thought it would be anymore- I walk home with the Tiger’s jersey now in lost value on my shoulders. 
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lyrakanefanatic · 1 year ago
Tig character hcs except this time it’s not their kids and just them!!
- I just KNOW the hawthornes made vines, and then Nash would have to be the one to edit and record them all 💀💀
- max used to make taylor swift music videos and then have her brother record them (yes, she has a brother that’s mentioned like once in the first book 💀💀)
- Avery is taller than libby by like 🤏 much
- Jameson “hates” cats but pets every cat he sees
- Libby used to make baking tutorials when she was 12
- Xander met maxs parents once and then was traumatized by them ever since (he’s scared of them)
- grayson has a 7 step skincare routine
- Xander once tried to surprise tackle nash but accidentally gave him a concussion so he was banned from doing that for a couple months 💀
- avery and Jameson have movie marathons that consists of eating Libby’s desserts and binge watching classics (or horror movies)
- grayson has a light blue skincare fridge
- when xander was little he tried to smuggle candy so he could eat it late at night and then they got maggots living in his room after that 💀
- Tobias was soooo mad
- libby has fed more cupcakes than she would like to admit to tiramisu
- thea used to have “fashion runway shows” in her bedroom, which meant wearing 748248 different pieces of clothes ontop of one another, and somehow managed to convince little xander to do it with her
- he still has the photos to haunt him to this day
- Grayson will NEVER EVER EVERRR admit it, but he likes rom coms. So sometimes, when it’s late at night and everybody else is asleep, he will binge watch a romcom or two. It’s his guilty pleasure and as much as he pretends to hate them and gaslights himself into thinking they’re cringe, he still loves them
- Rebecca never really got much attention from her mother, but sometimes Tobias would spend the day with her and show her cool puzzles. She would always look forward to those days, as it��s the one time she doesn’t have to worry about pleasing Emily (💔)
- Nash definitely had a girlfriend when he was 13 and when they broke up he started wearing all black and turned emo for two weeks. When his little brothers started catching on and asking Tobias what happened, he would just say “nash is going through a phase 😇”
- before Jameson learned Latin, he learned all the bad words and then started saying them to EVERYBODY (Tobias shut it down pretty quickly, but then they had to actually learn Latin so there wasn’t much Tobias could really do about it 💀)
- max almost died once because she decided to go ham on the pills that her parents had on the top cabinets
- Avery watched every single chipmunks movie about a million times because her mom used to think they were HILARIOUS
- when Gigi was little, she was sooo clumsy and would break everything, so it got to a point where even when Savannah would accidentally break a vase or something gigi would still get the blame for it 💀
- Grayson chased Jameson around the house with a knife once
- when they were little the Hawthornes would take April fools sooo seriously, which meant multiple things exploding, whipped cream being thrown in peoples faces, and just so much more chaos
- xander was a slime kid when he was little. He would have sooo much slime and would be constantly making it, and he also tried to do those “making slime without glue” things 💀
- when Avery was born and Libby saw her as a baby, she was so happy and was crying because she’s always wanted a little sister 💖💖:(
- max had a dream one time where Xander cheated on her so she called him crying at 2:54 AM while being half asleep and shouting about how he could do this to her
- she hung up not long after that and went back to sleep, but when she woke up she realized it was a dream (she still gets made fun of for it by xander to this day)
- xander asks libby if she can make him blueberry and lemon scones because they’re “better when she makes it” 🫶🫶
- when Rebecca and Xander were little, they tried storing WILD ANIMALS under xanders bed because they wanted a zoo 💀
- one of the animals ate through the walls, so that’s how Tobias found out
Okay I think that’s all!!! Lmk if u want me to do more, bc it’s actually rlly fun lmao
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keepthedelta · 5 months ago
since this is the delta help desk, I have come to you once again to dip into your vast swathe of motorsport knowledge.
I've seen a lot of pictures of Nico from his early years in the sport and read a lot of articles where he is described as good looking, handsome, blonde etc and have heard some discussions where pre dts f1 fans have called him the og pretty boy, and charles' predecessor etc. I wanted to understand the cultural hype around Nico in his early years? Like the current f1 fandom is very americanised and charles definitely enjoys the fruits of being good looking. Did Nico have something similar? Like fans emphasizing their love for Nico because of how pretty he is, giving him an almost pop idol sort of worship. I understand that f1 had a smaller fan base back then and it was more men that women probably so this sort of talk was probably frowned upon. But did Nico drive people un poco loco, essentially? Would love your thoughts.
Side note: the nico pfp is soooo darling and the photoset you reblogged of him carrying his little daughter on his shoulder where she is holding onto his ear with her chubby baby hand...... sewercideeeee
oh this is kind of a hard one. i feel like the most accurate and honest answer i can give you is no. and yes. which is very irritating of me, but bear with me.
the culture around f1 was massively different back then, both when nico first started and when he left. the audience was smaller and mostly male, and information about the drivers and their personalities was extremely limited, mostly due to FOM rules regulating what behind the scenes stuff teams and drivers could post. most of the "fun" content and insight that teams can do now was only done through the broadcasters like sky, the bbc, espn etc.
the other main source of information about drivers i would say was tabloids. and certain drivers like jenson button, kimi raikkonen and to a slightly lesser (or different) extent lewis hamilton became very famous because of them. michael schumacher was a god of racing, and lewis had the whole young prodigy dating an american popstar thing, but even before jenson and kimi won their championships they were very well known for drinking and partying and dating lots and lots of very beautiful women, some famous, some not. it was a bit more rockstar than popstar i guess, where the extremes of the life, the heavy drinking, the hard partying, the fast driving, the beautiful women were seen as aspirational for the mostly male audience.
and nico never really fit into that. he did the drinking and partying, but away from the cameras usually, and his awkwardness and resting bitch face made people think that he was boring and stuck up. he was also so steadfastly loyal to vivian, who seems like his only real relationship (they began dating at 18 and people who worked with nico back in the junior formulas said that he never brought girls round other than her) in an era where cheating was so widespread and normalised that some fans speculated about his sexuality, suggesting that vivian was a beard and he was actually gay (he was also close with lewis, adrian sutil and nelson piquet jr who also all had speculation over their sexualities so i think that was part of it as well).
i think there was some pop idol-ism in women's treatment of nico back in the day. when he was in formula bmw as the most aggressively blonde 17 year old in existence he was sponsored by viva, which i believe was the german version of mtv, and i think more broadly the whole formula bmw championship was promoted on that channel, making the racers relatively popular with the teenage girls of germany. i also remember seeing an interview nico and some of the other drivers like romain grosjean did (i think in canada 2013 but i can't be sure) where a couple of women in the audience said they were there to see nico because he was so pretty. and if you go into some of the old reddit threads on f1 there are some comments about how pretty nico is and can you blame the camera operator for zooming in so the audience can count his eyelashes? (i believe reddit's consensus was no, you can't blame the camera operator).
i think one of the major differences (other than the different fan cultures) between nico's early years and charles's early years is that charles was promoted to ferrari almost immediately while nico was stuck outdriving fairly terrible cars. one of the reasons why charles has such a large fanbase is because he's driving for a top team, has done so for a long time, and is hailed (rightly or wrongly) as a future world champion. nico never really had any of that hype. he had moments of brilliance in his early years and outdrove all of his cars and teammates (i know mark webber beat him in the head to head in nico's first year but he beat everyone else), but the williams was at best a midfield car and so the hype wasn't really there in the way it has been for charles at ferrari. i think it's also fair to say that as well as nico did in his early career, he was overshadowed by lewis coming into mclaren and immediately challenging for a championship. maybe things would have been different if nico had been able to accept the mclaren seat in 2008, but ultimately he got very few opportunities to show his talent in his early career. and in an era where fandom gravitated either to the challengers (michael, kimi, fernando, lewis) or the playboys (kimi, jenson) nico didn't really fit either mould.
i also think we have to acknowledge the negativity that surrounded nico throughout his career, largely because of his looks. i (and f1blr more broadly) joke a lot about nico causing sexuality crises throughout the paddock, and while it is a joke, i do think there was a lot of very genuine homophobia (and misogyny) directed at nico, especially in his early career. while other drivers, like jenson for example, were thought of as good looking, it was in an aspirational way (aspirational for women to have in a partner and aspirational for men to be, and therefore to get women), whereas nico was viewed as attractive in a "feminine" way, which was seen as the wrong way. he was too pretty, too conscious about it, too effeminate. the britney nickname, fans constantly calling him barbie as an insult, the most attractive woman in the paddock vote where someone (pretty sure nico has said it was seb) voted for him, it was all based in a perception of him as "womanly" and therefore "weak". he was good-looking in a way that men couldn't fantasise about being, because they associated him too heavily with the people, usually women, that they wanted to fuck.
as much as people like to talk about how feral men are for charles now, it is largely in a positive way. when men talked about nico being pretty it was in a derogatory way, rooted in the culture of the time, which was generally quite homophobic and misogynistic. i think he did drive them crazy, but not necessarily in a good way 🤷🏿‍♀️
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garagepaperback · 5 months ago
trash tuesdays:
thanks to the widely-coveted @yiiiiiiiikes25 for newly minting this approach to the day. i'm happy to have re-discovered this scrap from two months ago, which didn't go anywhere because i was like 'this is just about the nervous game', but now it can be that and also be here.
The night's half-past past sloppy, careening towards shit-show.
Everyone's focused, so intense that it’s kind of dumb, an over-acted show of dedication, but Harry keeps catching Dean’s eye, and Blaise’s—even Malfoy’s once. Soon, without really ever actually committing, he's entirely in.
“How fast are you supposed to move?” Ginny asks.
“Whatever pace you like, I think," Blaise smiles, a very public, somehow private way, turning it toward Malfoy this time. Malfoy’s cheek tugs up like Blaise caught it on a hook. 
Harry’s palm skims up Blaise’s trousers, black denim so sleek it seems insulting to think of the fabric as the same genus as jeans, like a phoenix and a pigeon both being associated with a feather, while Malfoy slides his hand, smirk blooming, to the inside of Ron’s thigh, flexing two fingers out long, then curling back, like pressing a slow-rolling quotation mark into the leg.
Ron yelps, jumping up, and almost taking Dean out of the game as well with the force of it.
“Well,” Malfoy announces, shifting with a little shake of his head, already smug.
“You only win if you don’t say you're nervous," Harry reminds him.
Malfoy sniffs, “Fine.”
Across the thin plane of Malfoy's thigh, Blaise's fingers press a tight circle, striking it through with a line and just before Harry realizes he's likely writing a word there, letter by letter, Dean's hand scales Harry's leg with a heavy sort of heat. Harry slides him a ratifying glance. And still, Harry stays half-stuck in the fence of Blaise’s gaze.
Harry hasn't noticed before, maybe, or not this close, or not also while he's got a hand on Blaise's leg—which is so warm, summer trapped in the lean length. And he's got these steady brown eyes, half-lidded, fixed and laden on Harry even as Malfoy slinks his legs open a little wider so that Blaise can stride his fingers teasingly up along the inseam. The bored look on Malfoy's face does nothing to stop the blatant flush sullying his throat, mottling his stern jaw.
Even sloshed, Dean moves cordially. He makes it to just about the bottom hem on one of Harry’s pant legs, rucked just slightly under his jeans, and Blaise tilts his head just as Harry surpasses probably that exact threshold. Though, he doesn’t really seem like the sort to wear pants. 
“All right,” Blaise sighs thickly, and Harry pulls away. They smile at each other as Harry’s spine sinks back slowly into the stingy padding of the booth for only a moment.
Malfoy's hands stays unsettled and slack against his seat, looking off to the side pointedly bored, even though he hasn't really been able to keep himself from looking down that end of the table. He doesn't even glance up as Blaise presses against him, settling back in to drag more letters on Malfoy's trouser leg. A t, Harry catches, then maybe a cursive ch.
It’s an odd combination, all of it. Buzzed and comfortable in the uncomfortable booth, heat licking all along Harry’s chest and shoulders, a swamp of it in the belly. This is the molten middle of the otherwise pretty forgettable evening; nothing, and sensation stacked, Blaise’s gaze and Dean’s hand, wank-fodder for a few solid months, even if Harry has to surgically remove Ginny, Ron, and probably Pansy from the situation. And Malfoy.
Harry's scalp feels tight, a prickling up the neck that’s way-back and familiar, just the same.
“They're going to go on forever,” Ginny declares, leaning her cheek onto the probably un-plush pillow of Pansy’s skull. “Can’t we call it a draw?”
“Kind of cheating to play with someone you’re shagging,” Harry says, rushing the words out to soften the way he adjusts in his seat. It spreads Blaise’s grin. 
“You and Thomas are shagging?” Blaise tilts his head mock-wondering, and Harry snorts. His hand drapes elegantly against Malfoy’s pleated trousers, an easy centerpiece to twill table. Or, if Malfoy’s button fly is the center, an uninteresting epergne, Blaise’s grasp is placed neatly, a well-stacked plate. 
“Not yet,” Dean replies cheerfully, and squeezes Harry’s bicep with his other arm.
If he were smart, he would call it. If this were just about a game, or salvaging the Friday for parts, trying to make something out of the last few hours, he would. He’d laugh and hold Dean’s hand when Dean reclaimed it from Harry's jeans, squeeze the soft of his palm, wait for a lull in everyone’s fractured goodbyes later and maybe grab it up again, quickly, to ask if he wanted to come back to his. But Malfoy’s staring at him now, the practiced way he's never managed to get good at that’s so fake and full of himself and perfectly, awfully Malfoy. And when Malfoy doesn't look over determinedly at Pansy, or reproachfully at Harry, or a little ransacked with Blaise, his gaze skitters back over to the floating bounty, the collected hoard of pocket gold hovering at the far end of the booth. Hungry. The way Blaise is looking at Harry, the way Dean’s hand feels.
tagging anyone who sees this! lemme see your scraps/darlings/deleted things!
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mask131 · 4 months ago
Creepy and spooky cartoons of my youth (2)
Now we get into the real thing! The actual "creepy cartoons" that shaped who I am today! (As I said before by "creepy cartoons" I range both cartoons intending to be creepy for kids, or kid media that just happens to have a "creepy" motif to it)
Starting with Extreme Ghostbusters. I never watched the original Ghostbusters cartoons, just the movies and this epic series. After seeing it a few times as a kid but then losing all traces of it and wondering if it was not all just a fever dream, I found it back in its entire glory on the Internet (I even got to check into the Patreon of the guy who designed the monsters of the show!). This show introduced me to a... LOT of things let's say
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You might recognize the artstyle/animation style as being somewhat similar in terms of creature designs to the one used in the cartoon series based on "Jumanji", which itself was quite a piece of creepy children media:
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Much more European this time: "My Grandmother is a Witch"! I had this cartoon on VHS and it was one of my early faves. You probably never heard of it, because it is a French cartoon (Ma grand-mère est une sorcière), so a brief recap for you: a teenage witch lives with her granny witch in a cursed and haunted forest right next to a modern-day town. She has a best friend who is a geek tech-gadget-genius, bizarre goblinoid Gremlins-like pets, an "uncle" who is a vampire living in another dimension populated by monsters... And the cartoon is about her various adventures or misadventures being a witch trying to live next to regular humans in a modern world (with the twist being that the humans are often freakier or more insane than the witches themselves - though the witches do regularly indulge in monster-creations and spell-fights in the city causing regional panick and disasters)
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More famous for an English-speaking audience, and even dearer to my heart: Martin Mystery. Does it need any presentation? Designed to be a "horror show for kids" inspired by the X-Files, monster hunters fiction and many horror pieces of all sorts. Part of an unofficial trilogy with "Totally Spies" and "Team Galaxy". One of the manifestations of Europe's 2000s obsession with making anime-styled cartoons. Contains some of the coolest monster designs ever.
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Another European reference - I had a certain soft spot for the "Jibber Jabber" cartoon which despite the uncanny of the "early age" 3D animation, still had a premise I quite loved (and similar to Mona the Vampire) of children living their actual games like entire fictional worlds... Except "Jibber and Jabber" lacks the the weird insanity angle of Mona the Vampire. I mean unlike Mona who can be read as a psychotic kid harassing poor strangers for no reason, Jibber and Jabber are just two kids playing within the confines of their own house and solely bothering their sister and their dog. It is a bit more wholesome X)
Due to the narrative, the show explored various fictional worlds, but I include it here due to the two "horror" recurring universes - the one where the kids play a mad doctor and his "Igor", and the one where they are vaguely-Victorian monster hunters.
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I can't go on without dropping Tutenstein. For a kid into mummies and Egyptian mythology, this was a welcome cartoon (I think it aired somewhere in the morning when I first caught its existence, summer mornings). I was quite shocked when I learned the same man designed the monsters for both this show and "Extreme Ghostbusters". But in retrospective I probably shouldn't be that surprised...
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I am pretty certain I forgot one cartoon I really wanted to talk about... I could speak about some of the creepy Looney Tunes or Disney shorts, but I feel that would be an easy way out... And I could speak of some favorite French shows of mine whose insane, weird and psychedelic style led to some nightmare fuel for kids (like Ratz, or Space Goofs) but I already pulled a cheat card like this one in my previous post...
Oh well if I ever recall, I'll share it in a reblog. Already that's quite a selection for you to appreciate, if you ever want to search for kid-friendly, animated Halloween treets.
And you, what were some of your creepy cartoons as children? Either cartoons that spooked you out a lot, or that were just "macabre fun" a la Addams Family?
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hazely-sims · 5 months ago
Storytelling Secrets
I was tagged by @nocturnalazure and @mmmatchasims! Thank you both for thinking of me and sorry it took me so long to get to!
I have been on hiatus for an egregiously long time now, but I'm delighted that somebody still remembers the BPR I am working on!
Honestly the first secret is that... there aren't really any secrets. I tend to be a bit too thorough with things so if I try to plan my story too far ahead, I simply will never get around to actually writing it. So I have a very general idea of the arc for the generation and the characters are quite fleshed out. But then when I drill down into the details for the plot, I write a scene, plan out the poses, and shoot and publish it basically right away. Where I left off is pretty close to the end of the piece I have outlined so there isn't really much else in my notes that I haven't already written and published.
I do however have ideas and ✨vibes✨ that I generally want to incorporate for future bits (if I ever get there, welp). So if I ever do manage to finish the first generation, I'm excited for the next one because I intend to give it a kind of gothic mystery/dark academia vibe. None of the plot has been determined so that is very subject to change, but this is basically the one real secret I have!
Before I got busy and rabbit-holed all the way into a new hobby, I actually was working on a scene. I went in-game and blocked out all of the poses and everything, but I never got to go back in and actually shoot it 💀 That scene is also a rather difficult and un-fun part of the story for me, which is also definitely part of the block, so I might actually go back and rewrite it completely.
In terms of actual story happenings, there will be at least one oopsie-baby!
Also—this is just a sims storytelling secret, specifically—Violet and her partner Alli are supposed to be the wholesome queer elders who make us all believe in true love, but in-game they are constantly fighting and breaking up?? Even though they are compatible??? I have to keep cheating their bar back up when I'm shooting so they don't fight 💀💀💀
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capricious-stars · 1 month ago
👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around? 👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner? for edge (i'm pretty sure the latter's a definite no but i can't resist potentially spicy topics)
The monster, the myth, the bitch herself...
It's actually funny you ask, because I'd been challenging myself not too long ago to see if I could write a story where Edge cheats on his partner and somehow make it make sense and be in character withOUT just using the crutch of like, "unhappy arranged marriage" or something.  Why?  I genuinely have no idea lmao, it was probably inspired by a tumblr post or smth haha
But I'll come back to that to answer these in order.  Just in general, for sleeping around, that is a hard no.  He’s pretty demi-ace, with mostly low libido, and given the climate of his underground and standings in the guard, it couldn't have been less worth the risk of putting himself in a compromising position for something he didn't even really want.
  That being said, even in a healthier atmosphere, like post surfacing or in an au where they were never underground, he actually aligns pretty closely with Rus in that...the concept of romance and sex appeals to him, but when faced with opportunities, it mostly just feels...overwhelming.
  He’s gotta form a connection with someone and really trust them before he'd even be willing to try, and even up *til that point, he wouldn't really experience the desire himself until he'd had positive experiences of that nature!
  Or at least in any healthy way.  I've explored scenarios where he’s slept around in an effort to feel needed as the result of something in his life changing drastically enough to make him feel, uh, obsolete basically?  But in those circumstances it's more a physical act like exercise than it is something he actually enjoys and does just because he wants to😔
  But back to the cheating thing.  Of course under most circumstances you're absolutely right, and he 100% would never intentionally cheat on his partner.
  I say intentionally because, unfortunately, he is also the type of person who would stay in a relationship that didn't suit entirely because he cares about his partner, knows they care about him, or simply just feels obligated to since he made the commitment of entering a relationship with them in the first place.
  He’s also a little un-self aware at times, so I think it's entirely possible he may emotionally cheat on a partner under circumstances like that, not realizing that's what he’s doing.  He’s pretty bad at recognizing and understanding romantic feelings since he’s demi-ro, too, which is coincidentally why he’d also stay with a partner regardless of if he actually loved them romantically.  He probably thinks he does.
  However!  He'd never act on it.  If he did eventually realize, he'd either cut off contact from that other person or bring it up with his partner.  Since monsters are more chill in general about all that stuff, poly relationships are a lot more common, but if his partner wasn't a fan of the idea, then it'd circle back around to option one (regardless of if he'd be happier with the other person).
  But in general, he’s a fiercely loyal person, and there'd have to be any number of odd circumstances to push him to cheat on a partner in a traditional sense.
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adorablebanite · 5 months ago
OC Deep Dive Questions
Thank you @hippotooth for the tag, and giving me more excuses to blab about my dumb girl!
I'd love to tag some folks, should they wish to partake (if they haven't already!) @newtia @beecreeper @obuoliukai @melvinthedepressedrobot @ennissg @sankttealeaf @forged-by-fire @forlornghosts @walkerdraws @lizziemajestic @archduchessgortash @archduchessgabrielle @elinorbard @sunflowergem @threeofswrds @arianiziolek @defira85 @lillietea @kawareo @toobisa @kaava @asteria49 @demong @aurorawintersnight @archduke-enver-gortash (I'm sorry if I missed anyone! I'd love to see EVERYONE'S response, if possible!
(I realize Tumblr doesn't let me tag more than a handful of people but i'm stubborn and will do it in the replies, lmao)
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Questions/Answers for my beloved OC ~Lilla~ under the cut
Warning - she's literally just a "made in a lab for gortash" trope, so enjoy extreme self-indulgence!
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
I don't know if there's much in the way of common when it comes to BG3, but I suppose Lilla's actually fairly brave! She's a Banite after all - though it took some getting there. Honestly her worst fear is getting "fired" by the boss - but that's a given. Lady Orin actually terrifies her, and maybe Balthazar a bit, as well (he's just mostly stinky and smug, though.)
Do they have any pet peeves?
You'll be sick of hearing this already, but given Lilla's nature, her biggest pet peeve is when people don't cooperate with Gortash 😅
Honestly just general incompetence - her standards rival the Chosen's, which are basically impossible, so good luck!
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
An emerald silk bathrobe, an alchemy station stocked to the brim with all the good stuff, and a small library nook!
What do they notice first in a person?
Visually not much (unless she's attracted to them, in which case she's just like the rest of us and looks respectively, or otherwise 😉).
Believe it or not, she doesn't judge much based on looks; she's learned from the boss that every person has the potential to offer some skill or opportunity that could benefit the Banites and their chosen - so she's always looking to see what she can exploit or harness from someone, and to see if she can delegate their skills to Gortash's cause.
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Pretty high up there- gonna say at least an 8, but she's cheating because she was kind of intentionally 'made' that way. Once she got a pommel from a greatsword straight to the cheekbone during a tournament and she just kind of smiled bloody at the dude which freaked him the fuck out because she's so small and un-phased.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Depends on the pressure! She's survived/won a battle royal against some really grizzled Banites - though it may have mostly been luck -but it helped shape her ability to respond to fear fairly well! Again, the whole 'Banite blood' thing helps a lot!
She did have a massive panic attack when she thought her worst fear (see first question) was realized, which sent her into quite a state - so that would be the closes to fleeing she's ever gotten, really.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
If by "family" you mean "secret Banite sect at the outskirts of Calimport," then yes she comes from a fairly big family, but she doesn't remember them, since they erased her memory when she was five and gave her to an Ilmater orphanage (long story - sounds weird - it is). Not really a family person, but could be, if her path took a different turn! She's quite nurturing considering all things (Which may have been a point of contention with Bane, but she ultimately proved herself, eventually).
What animal represents them best?
This is such a hard question...I never considered. Hmm what could be considered regal and unhinged in the same stroke? Maybe I'll say Owl - because it's the symbol of knowledge, and she's a knowledge domain cleric? Also she can be fairly deadly if you let your guard down around her 😊 Also she doesn't shut up sometimes.
What is a smell they dislike?
Have they broken any bones?
As mentioned before, she had her face smashed with a really heavy weapon. Would you be interested in a smol excerpt? (You get it regardless 😅 (as usual warning: amateur writing)
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How would a stranger likely describe them?
Very prim, proper, and polite! Quite sweet as well! Unless you've said something uncouth about Lord Gortash (It is recommended to not do that around her).
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
She's extremely gort-coded, so whatever he wants (so both)
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Plump red berries are her favourite for reasons only the readers of AFI know :p. I don't know what she doesn't like! Maybe dirty/muddy meat and potatoes, which also only AFI readers will know why ^_^
Do they have any hobbies?
lol. lmao.
Alchemy I guess xD. Basically studying anything that makes her more competent/useful at her job.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
I think at first she'd think it was a waste of time, but she wouldn't admit that she loves it (and the attention).
Do they like to wear jewelery?
Yes! A black suede collar with a Banite charm! She switches it for an Ilmater charm when in public though >.>
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Very neat, very succinct, very efficient. Transcribing was the very first reason Gortash hired her - especially because she's able to use her Mage Hand to write (ie in unseen places for what may or may not be for spying purposes).
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
This is so lame and cringe but just general catharsis for fulfilling her purpose. It's a perk of the whole "made in a lab" trope. For a being conceived during a silly Banite ritual designed to make the perfect servant for Bane's chosen (whoever it should be at the time), she actually feels a great deal of love -it's up to individual philosophy if it's organic/genuine, or preprogrammed.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Emerald silk ^_^
What kind of accent do they have?
An English one, I dunno man. She grew up in an orphanage, but was taught by Ilmater nurses/clerics, so she sounds like a fancy lil bitch.
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theamityelf · 1 year ago
I know you answered a zombie au ask just yesterday, but, do you have any more drafts of Makoto interacting with his class? Or class 77?
No worries; I love that you guys enjoy this AU, and I enjoy writing it!
"Can she tell if you don't do all fifty?" Nagito asked, a curious tilt to his head as he ate a handful of popcorn, watching Makoto brush one of Junko's somehow-intact pigtails.
"Yeah, she can tell." (Makoto interspersed his counting throughout his explanation.) "I always thought she was joking when she said fifty, but one day I tried it, and it actually curbs a lot of her, uh, mischief."
In fact, Junko was genuinely falling asleep, her head dipping to rest against his knee.
Nagito looked fascinated. "You mean, she notices if you skip numbers or-?"
"Yep. If I try to cheat, she acts out again."
"Amazing. That seems to mean she can still count!"
"I guess so."
"Does she still talk?"
"Noises, mostly. Sometimes she says words, but they seem random. When Kyoko says words, they're definitely related to what she means to say. I'm not sure if Junko still understands what she's saying or if she just remembers the sounds of some words." He switched sides. "One...two..."
"She's putting a bone in your sock," Nagito observed.
Junko's eyes were still closed, and her body was still relaxing against Makoto's leg, but her hand had found his ankle and slipped a sparrow's vertebrae as deep into his sock as she could get it. It looked like she did it just absentmindedly.
"Yeah, she does that. It's fine. I'll take it out later. The real problem is when she pretends to choke on a bone so I'll get close enough for her to bite. She's really good at it."
"Hmm." Nagito smiled absently. He set aside his popcorn to help Ibuki un-snag her shirt from one of her piercings, but his mind was still on the previous topic, as evidenced by him shortly inquiring, "Do you like it when they bite you?"
"Like it? What do you mean?"
"Well, at some point, doesn't it start to seem like a sign of affection?"
"Oh, that. I guess in a way, yeah. I mean, they're definitely not doing it because they want to hurt us. It's just part of how they communicate. It's to show us what they're feeling."
Makoto wasn't sure what to make of Nagito's big grin, but he did his best. "It's pretty reassuring, how they can still make sure we understand them. It shows that they're still themselves, even though they're different in a lot of ways."
"Still themselves," Nagito echoed wistfully.
"...Forty-eight...Forty-nine...Fifty." Makoto finished at last with the other pigtail and carefully maneuvered Junko to sleep on something other than him. While he was getting her settled, Leon took the hairbrush and started brandishing it at him, but he merely said, "Sorry, but my hands need a rest. We'll do it later, okay?"
Leon tried to forcibly wrap Makoto's hand around the brush, and when Makoto stood his ground about taking a break, Leon huffed and threw it so hard across the room that he cracked the leg of a desk.
"You're just gonna have to go get it," Makoto said wearily.
Leon stalked away to get the brush.
Nagito offered Makoto some of his popcorn. He took a few kernels.
"That's one way he's different," Makoto said. "Leon never wanted anyone to touch his hair before."
"The dye job looks good," Nagito observed. "It was your first time, right?"
"Yeah. They sent me instructions with the dye, though, when I told them how agitated he was about his roots growing in." Makoto smiled at the memory. It had been difficult to dye Leon's hair, but he did feel like it had brought them closer. "My hands were stained for days."
Nagito looked at him a little oddly. Almost...sadly? No, that wasn't quite it.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong."
"Then, what are you thinking about?"
Nagito took some more popcorn, affecting a casual look. "Just that it's ironic, that's all."
"Ironic? That...my hands were stained? Or...?"
"Ah, Teruteru!" Nagito sighed, pulling his bag of popcorn out of the way too late to stop Teruteru from dropping a handful of bloody meat into it. "Well, that's a shame. We had so much left."
Makoto couldn't help thinking that Nagito was usually better at anticipating Teruteru's acts of food vandalism, and that he seemed relieved for the change of subject.
But he guessed it wasn't that big a deal, so he moved on. "Hina and Sakura always love having Nekomaru over. It's nice to see them having fun."
"I've been thinking about that," Nagito said. "What if, every now and then, we took the athletes outside? They really do need more room to run around."
What? Makoto checked to see if he was serious. "Outside? Where the reserve course are?"
"Oh, I'm pretty sure most of them are hunkered down in the reserve course buildings. And if we both do it together, then we can both make sure there aren't any problematic consequences. I think Peko and Sakura will stop the others from going too far."
"Yeah, maybe they would..." Makoto frowned. "But I still don't- Oh, hold that thought; Syo has scissors again." He sprang to his feet. "Byakuya! Help?"
Hina ended up being the one to restrain Syo, who had come perilously close to cutting off Hiyoko's ponytail.
(For the record, I assume the colorful hair and eyes are the characters' natural features until given contrary evidence, but Leon does say that his hair is dyed, like, the first time we meet him, so.)
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
Guess I'll wrap things up in town and head to the re-sleepover.
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Okay, last time I was here, I weirded out this child. This time, I'm gonna TRY. HARDER.
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Jackpot. Children love puns about their favorite thing. Now this small child of no clear importance thinks I'm cool.
That is very important to me.
I don't know why.
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Nyeh heh heh heh heh! I have discovered the cheat code to being popular with kids. It's frogs. The cheat code is frogs.
Now if only I could extend that popularity to adults.
And my teammates.
And now. We have. THE FLOWER. Aggggggggh the flower. So much pressure. Hmm. Maybe I can bribe Bonbon into not hating me.
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Because I'm trying to improve our team's cohesion and the friction that exists between you and me is basically our only interpersonal conflict. Consider this an olive branch.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and call this one "Mission Failed" since I'm pretty sure I just made things awkward and weird. There might not be a way to bury the hatchet with this kid. They're under a lot of stress.
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I just want to know who keeps breaking the bread. I was specifically watching for it and it still crept up on me. I blinked for one second - Well, okay, I had a brief chat with my Lemonfriend about ignoring all of you but that's beside the point - and then there was just this hideous CRACK and the bread was ripped in half.
How!? WHEN!? WHO!?
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You could just tell me now and then I'll know it so when I die and you've un-told it to me I can spare you the embarrassment of telling me.
Then again maybe we should keep it on the down-low to avoid making my Lemonfriend jealous. I'm sure they're listening in on every word we say. They're clingy and stalkerish like that.
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Wow. We're back here again already. In my defense, I DID check for traps. I very briefly skimmed each pillar so I'm pretty sure there has to be some sort of complex--
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Well. Okay then.
I now realize that the cause of my death was, in fact, that I suck at my job. Cool.
I would make a remark here about "going to crawl under a rock and die" but the boulder has a sense for ironic timing so it's best not to chance it. Let's just flick this stupid switch and move on.
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Done. Mistake unmade. No longer have I died a clown. DO YOU HEAR THAT, LEMONFRIEND!? I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY NOT DIED.
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BOOM, nothing to worry about now. It should be smooth sailing from here. Let's go commit regicide with extreme prejudice.
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Cutlery is an interesting subject matter, actually. There's a lot of differentiation in individual sizes, shapes, and compositions of individual cutlery that contribute to a variety of different meal experiences. Even chopsticks come in many different forms.
But this would fall under the category of etiquette. I'm not quite sure if Madame Odile's field of expertise falls into that wheelhouse. Though I could see it....
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Hey, give me some credit. You know how hard it is to cheat gratuitously under four different sets of watchful eyes?
You call it cheating. I call it speed practice. That's the kind of manual dexterity that lets me throw signs so fast.
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Well that's fucking dangerous. THANKS FOR JUST BRINGING IT UP NOW, BONNIE. What if I slipped on that?
What... if I slipped on that....
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Zero hesitation. FOR SCIENCE!
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Okay. We have proven that my lemon drop powers will still bring me back in time even if I'm frozen in time. This is a very useful piece of information to establish, so it's good to get that out of the way before we meet the King while the risk is still....
...while the risk is still....
Oh. Wait. That could have been really bad for me. If that didn't work then--
LET'S NOT THINK ABOUT THAT HAHAHA I'm sure my Lemonfriend wouldn't have left me strander there. It's fine. The important thing is that I now know my ability to loop is immutable even by time.
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This is what PROGRESS looks like. >:D
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ofmermaidstories · 9 months ago
hi merms, i hope you’re doing great. i’m sorry if this is different from your usual asks but i wanted to ask you, since you are literally blog goals, but how can i be more like you and enjoy my own blog? i love how you’re so free in your own space and express yourself, and you’re just full of happiness and all the bright, good things. going to your blog always makes me smile. its like you spread joy and warmth so easily. is it weird i feel more at home with your blog 😭 i wish i could enjoy my blog too, but sometimes drama makes the experience un-fun, like mean anons, or worse, your own readers constantly putting you in weird competition with your own writer friends over things you and your friends never even noticed before. i know the easy answer is to just ignore the haters and enjoy writing, and i really love writing, but its hard sometimes. i wish i could make my blog feel as homey as yours. visiting your page is like comin home to fresh hot chocolate after a long day of work 💐 thats all luv, sending you lots of love always 🌸
oh anon. i’m sorry. 🥺 i am sitting with you and we will piece this out together though, okay? 🧩 it’s hard! i’ve actually been feeling kind of dejected, lately, like with tumblr in general and my usage of it—because i haven’t been using it like i used to! so i guess that’s the first thing: to figure out what you want out of it, and then figure out what it takes to make it happen. for me i enjoy this place most when i’m treating it like a scrapbook: quotes or pictures that inspire me, asks, things i doodle. the pros of that: you fill your space with stuff you love, or that means something to you! the cons: it can be a little isolating if the stuff you love, or the things that mean something to you, aren’t like… current writing or posting trends, lmao. but it all just depends on what you value! 🥺 i’m not a fast writer, and tend to favour long-term projects, so while it sometimes makes me sad when i fall out of the loop of things, ultimately i just accept (or try to) that that’s how i work in this space. 🥹 as mama cass said, sometimes you just gotta make your own kinda music.
drama makes everything boring! and tbh i think my biggest cheat with that is that i only follow a relatively small amount of x reader blogs. 🥹 that’s not intentional; i curate a pretty strict feed based on my other interests, though, so there ends up being a lot of competition for my attention. 🥺 the pros of this is that i tend to miss most discourse that happens (lmao). the con is that i tend to miss everything else, too, though. 🥹 you basically have to choose whichever bothers you less lmfaooo. and even then—drama or meanness or plain old weirdness will still find it’s way to you. 🥺 i think that’s just the unforch reality of being on social media. especially in a niche that’s so… driven by something as personal as literally self-inserting, and dependant on the validation of others. 🥺 i’m sorry people have made you feel like you’re in competition with your friends! it sucks, because i think we as writers like… live in our own heads, lmao. we know so much about the worlds and characters we’re trying to write. but people outside of our heads don’t—think the same way! 🥺 they will draw comparisons where maybe we don’t want them to. 🥺 i think that’s a natural response, tbh; especially if they love something, and see work with like, a similar theme or tropes, but despite it being a compliment it doesn’t always feel great. 🥹 i guess the only advice (and reminder, for myself) i can offer is that you and your friends aren’t in competition—but rather thrown into the same maze together. 🥺 the only way out is to hold hands to make sure none of you get lost, and walk through. 🥹
anon!!! 🥺 i hope you find a way to make your blog feel more homely. you’re always welcome here—the door’s always open for the sunlight and the bees—but i want you to feel like the important part of the neighbourhood you are! 🥺 and safe enough that you can leave your door open, too. 🪟🎐🌾
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wolfex126 · 8 months ago
Max from Sam and Max for the character ask meme
Max for this ask meme!
I'm gonna be so honest I got DEEP in the paint here and I'm writing this after having finished answering everything - and. Yuh this need a cut LMFAO so the answers are under the read more! Ain't wanna clog your page without warning - and my most sincere of apologies in advance for yappin as much as I did but. What can I say. Special interest fun.
I have to thank you regardless for having me think about these, because this was super enjoyable!! Plus I find any opportunity to pour my heart out really cathartic ☁️🩷
How I feel about this character
LOVE im. Love im to bits it's quite incredible actually LMAO. As with both parts of that pair they're stronger characters put together, but I think Max has way more nuanced personality as an individual than people tend to think about him!! In Sam's bio in the original Save the World, it states they've known each other all their lives and "speak a common language" - and I think that fact, about specifically Max, goes to show he's more detailed than it appears :] More than their hijinks and playful taunting, they do speak a common language: and it's supporting the other how they need case-by-case 🥺
I don't know, I always appreciated how Max was a deeper character than was outwardly demonstrated most of the time. At the end of TDPH, the moment where Max is recalling what happened in his timeline with nonchalant humor in the face of pretty horrific circumstances (whether used to cope or not), but then sees Sam visibly disconcerted, and Max immediately changes how he approaches the conversation with more tact, is beautifully subtle in showing Max is capable and willing to be gentler with Sam when their usual joking doesn't work.
Maybe it was or was not intentional, and I'm reading way too much into it, but long story short Max is a wonderfully comedic, yet nuanced character, and even as more of a Sam fan (by a mere margin, mind you), I would be remiss to deny that the pair are interwoven pretty inseparably - and Max being any other way wouldn't make their dynamic work nearly as perfectly. Good rabbity thing character 10/10
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sammy Hound Dog is my only ship for him 🐶🐰I couldn't imagine those two being with anybody else. "In every life, I will find you," type beat y'know?
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Does Flint Paper count LMAO? I think they'd be rather close (whenever they have free time between cases really JWBFKSN) and I'd imagine Max still has a bit of an idol thing going on even post Night of the Living Dead :]
Maybe a cheating answer but truthfully my gut answer was Sybil!! She's the pair's bestie imo so sure maybe obvious person to say but all the same I think she and Max could be a hell of a lot closer than it appears (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) I think she'd be a deeply trusted confidant, and he thinks to go to her first concerning things he couldn't ask Sam about/for - not that that'd be. Very much. Considering the little to no filter he's got But for dates or to surprise Sam with something and he knows he's gonna need help with it she's his first thought. Though I'm sure the end of TDPH probably went to show how much deeper Max cared for Sybil than what showed on the surface 🥹🩷
My unpopular opinion about this character
PG opinion? Now I am The Number One, Uno, Un, Ein, Énas, Yek crossdressing fan wholly and truly I've never known myself without that passion But I would probably say as far as the content I see, I'm way surprised that Max is the most chosen of the two to do so!! Immediate disclaimer bc one will always be Grateful to be fed and the work is always SUPER delightful regardless but just from what I hear in dialogue and have seen in the cartoon I was always under the impression Sam was more willing and even eager to crossdress, while Max was pretty hesitant and/or did not do so very often :0 At the end of the day this is a huge nothing-offense but it's more something I found interesting in the fandom! Clothes aren't gendered just in case I have to say that but I'm quite fond of the term and the history so it's just how I call it :]
Adult opinion? Max prefers to top and Sam prefers Max tops too. Sure they'll switch off on occasion but I think after that dog does all the work and talkin all day there's a dynamic shift (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)👍🏼 That's all I've got for now I would further elaborate with great love but being that I'm not sure how you feel about this sort of thing I'll leave it out of courtesy!! But it was an honest gut answer I had so I didn't want to leave it from my rambling
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
That he gives Sam a big ol kiss right on that snout of his and then rehashes that line about his warmth being alarming
If I can't answer that then I'm also cool with a peek into their actual bedroom!! I was always under the impression they lived right in the office, but I've also seen iterations from other fans of them having a house or an apartment!! Regardless of depiction, I think having a concrete bedroom visual for them would be super interesting (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) Though it is fun as fans to be able to speculate and show off our own ideas, so it isn't upsetting or anything of that sort - just something I think could realistically be done!
Sincerely I don't have any specific wishes for Max specifically - I think he was handled very well in all the media he's in, and anything that wasn't directly shown or written is very easily remediable with fanon and community ideas!! I don't find anything wrong with the stories serving their purpose as is, and the people being left to interpret and add onto what exists 🩷
Though, if I can give a more dramatic answer to this, however unrealistic, then I'd say I wouldn't at all hate a musical motif for him (or all the main characters really!!) I understand that hardcore story-telling is not really a Sam and Max special, but if I can be self-indulgent and shamelessly passionate about music, then I'll say especially for a game like TDPH something during more emotional or intense moments including character musical motifs in the background a la God of War reboot style would make things a hell of a lot more impactful.
Like Max's motif could be something lively, something typically with drums and violin or harp, or even flute, and changes depending on the progression of the story - during his initial power sequence, it's powerful and upbeat and smooth; during his beast transformation, it's chaotic and defeaning and gritty; during Sam's departure from the lab after finding out they couldn't bring Max back, it's quiet and drawn out and almost sounds like a lullaby before Sam takes to the streets and the motif stops playing to transition into Sam's sole motif, which would be equally quiet and solemn, to imply Max being left behind and Sam left alone. Maybe Sam and Max while they're together also have a motif that's both of their individual ones combined - and when it matters most, their motifs can be separate like when Noir Sam happens or when Max is trapped in the ship.
There's a lot of potential in music being powerful for this series, and while I think the sound direction is good as is (I mean, "That Rainy Neon Glow" is a pretty damn good Noir Sam track), I think a little extra care to make motifs to consciously and subconsciously recognize themes would be tremendous. I mean shit maybe they're gonna do that for the upcoming remaster and I'll be taken aback but I'm more of the belief that this is something only in a wistful dream ☁️🩷
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