#no bc they were really fucked over in my aus and hcs man
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cheemken · 2 years ago
Made myself sad over the thought of what if the champions ever met their younger selves
Like imagine Lance ruffling his younger self's hair, young Lance is there w his shoulders raised, an arm over his eyes, hiding his tears, Dratini on his shoulders trying to comfort him, and Lance, voice ever so soft, like he was afraid anyone would hear him, afraid of anyone to hear his voice crack, "you're enough."
Imagine Steven sitting with his younger self, young Steven holding Beldum close as he cries, and Steven's there pulling him to a side hug, he looks away, almost fighting back his own tears, he clutched his mother's emerald pendant tight in his fist, "I miss her too."
Imagine Wallace kneeling in front of his younger self, young Wallace was wearing a tattered dress, tears in his eyes as he held his cheek, hiding a bruise, and Wallace is there wiping the stray tears away. He smiles softly, his own heart aching, "there's nothing wrong with you."
Imagine Cynthia hugging her younger self, young Cynthia was holding her hand over her recently scarred left eye, her other hand was clutching Cynthia's shirt tight, sobbing her heart out. Cynthia pulls her impossibly closer, stroking her hair as she tries to hide her own tears, "it wasn't your fault."
Imagine Iris sitting with her younger self at the roof of Opelucid's Gym, watching over the city, watching everyone minding their business, and Iris just smiles at her younger self, giving her a pat on her shoulder, trying to mask the waver in her voice, "soon they'll see how strong you'll be."
Imagine Diantha with her younger self, young Dia was carrying her Carbink, happy to show her beloved partner pokemon off, and Diantha smiles at her with a sadness she thought she had buried along with her pokemon. She gently pats the head of her Carbink, something she never thought she could ever feel again, "take care of them, okay?"
Imagine Hau comforting his younger self, imagine him telling young Hau that everything will be fine, that soon he'll prove he's more than just a terrified little kid hiding behind his grandfather, prove he's more than that, that he too will be strong like the others, "just be brave. Be the bravest ever."
Imagine Leon placing his cap on his younger self's head, laughing as he did, and he watched in amusement as younger Leon looked at him with his best angry look, then his smile turned somber, and he turned to look at the view from his tower, how isolating it was for a ten year old, how they left a child to bear the responsibilities of the region, "it's quite lonely here, don't you think?"
Imagine Geeta sitting w her younger self at the end of the stairway to the Academy, both sitting in silence as they watch Pawniard run around catching a stray Marill. Geeta then turned to her, her younger self, so lonely and quiet and friendless, then she placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, even though her own hands were trembling, "don't worry, someone out there would want to be your friend."
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reveromantique · 11 months ago
various random hcs bc @ofmoonlily/@lastflowerpetal wanted me to post them. these are part of my seifer's history, regardless of verse unless it's like a modern AU/something outside of 8 canon:
general reminder that my seifer, specificially, is rooted in just like a shitload of succession headcanons (mother was a sorceress hunted under adel, then being raised by edea who taught him to control his little baby magic before he burned the orphanage down.) i always hc that quistis was the one who trained him to hone that magic into battle magic, because she's the closest thing that garden has to an actual sorceress with her blue magic.
seifer, in verses where he does fully achieve that succession/manifestation, has wings the color of ash, but will go absolutely monstrous if he lets himself lose complete control of the transformation. he also has an ability at that point to rip a hole in time and travel between far points nearly instantaneously.
for most verses, though, he doesn't ever get there, but with enough rage, he can set himself on fire and cause problems on purpose.
he and xu dated briefly for like two months. she dumped him. he retaliated by dropping the bra she'd left in his dorm on the floor in the middle of the caf, thrown down like a gauntlet. she's never forgiven him for it.
actual canon opinion of the crew, per the game: "seifer's a good guy who inspires me to be better/stronger/more skilled, but man, the dude's a fucking asshole."
he can draw up native white magic, but he's not good at it, and it tends to not work very well. because of the fact that he inherited his mother's magic, though, he's damned hard to kill (it's possible, but not without serious effort), so it's not as much of a crisis as it could be. he also won't stop breathing until he's passed his magic to someone else, per all sorceress canon.
ultimecia's tearing apart of their knighting before squall and co took her down left a lot of shards of her own magic in his brain. after the war, he's got less control of it, like it's been poisoned, tainted. fire is volatile; seifer's tendency to fly off the handle doesn't help it.
post-game, he's set at least one apartment on fire in his sleep, when he'd dreamed about something under her control and couldn't stop the fires from spreading.
additionally, he's on a first-name basis with most of balamb's cops, considering he's been arrested at least a dozen times after the events of the game.
there's a six-month period he spent in d-district during the end of the war/the scene with garden flying away, while everyone tried to figure out what to do with him. squall (and shockingly, xu), fought hard to get him back to garden, because SeeD cadets are expensive, and seifer is skilled in combat/source magic use. better that he be on their leash than anyone else's. so he's usually doing shitty jobs/really dangerous solo work that might mean he doesn't come back from it, for less pay than standard SeeD scale, as he's never eligible to take the SeeD exam ever again.
seifer doesn't junction often-- if he does, it's ifrit, he deals with a shitload of paramagical-related hangover symptoms afterward, and after the war, he doesn't do it at all, because GF aren't compatible with whatever ultimecia's done to him.
for the most part, post-war, he's a functioning alcoholic who starts fights just to feel something.
ultimecia physically took advantage of him, both sexually and via torture. afterward, he has a hell of a time trusting anyone to get near him, and unless he's inviting physical contact, he would much rather not.
he has a massive scar across his back that looks like five nails were raked across his spine, because they were, they were hers, and instead of healing to a normal, faint pink, it remains dark, fresh-looking, even if they are long since healed over. he also has a knot of scar tissue in his right elbow that occasionally affects him mobility wise, thanks to an injury sustained during the garden battle. he's had surgery to try to relieve some of the worst of it, but because it was paramagically healed, there's always going to be some sustained numbness/significant nerve damage.
afterward, it takes a long time for him to trust edea again, because while he KNOWS it wasn't her, not really, she was still the inciting incident for the worst year of his life.
he only remembers parts of what he did under ultimecia's control. bombing trabia, the battle of the gardens, throwing rinoa to adel.
he no longer has his coat, or any of the clothes he'd been wearing during the war, afterward-- he'd burned everything but his necklace and his boots in a dumpster in timber, right before garden found him and took him in.
he likes to read, particularly centran poetry and fantasy. wherever he is in a verse post-war, there's a decent collection of secondhand/stolen library books. it comes in handy to have something to do when he can't sleep (which is often.)
he suffers from a lot of insomnia. he'd rather sleep in catnaps, short bursts, anything that means he doesn't have a chance to really dream.
he runs noticeably hotter than most people, thanks to his innate magic-- if someone is standing next to him, they will notice it. he is an excellent personal space heater.
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nosolaceofastraightanswer · 2 years ago
happy pride month!!!! anyway tua pride headcanons cus i want to lol :P *note- i do not identity with all of these labels. i cannot give you a personal experience or defense for these. if i include any harmful stereotypes, lmk. it’s pride month and queer people are valid*
quick overview, analysis below the readmore
luther- he/him cishet
diego- he/him cis and bicurious
allison- she/her cishet
klaus- he/she (they sometimes) genderqueer/enby, pansexual
five- they/he gay and ace. agender.
ben- he/him cishet
viktor- he/they transmasc lesbian
for some i used the canonical pronouns as to not confuse before i get the explanation. <33333
luther- to me he’s like a cishet guy honestly. i still love the pride hc’s other people have, bc most of the time they’re really good. i just prefer this reading, espec. with sloane (QUEEN!!!!). i also don’t like the s1 era fics where everyone hated luther (almost entirely unjustified) so they would make him be a dick to klaus and stuff. like did he drink reggie’s kool aid? yes. but is he homophobic? no. i think a better example in a canonical kid fic of him saying mean things to klaus for plot would be like,, making fun of him for being a druggie or lazy, because that’s stuff that reginald would actually encourage him to say. rant over lmao that just has always bothered me.
diego- honestly this one is back and forth for me, between bisexual and straight. like him and lila being bi4bi is just too fucking amazing, but he does give off straight guy energy sometimes so i’ll put it at a bi-curious. he’s def an ally though, and i can imagine he would do his best to get over his fear of needles to help v with his t shots, or defend klaus from homophobic assholes. although i personally hc him as cis, the transmasc diego people have their fucking shit together because that HITS DIFFERENT. i think done right, it adds so much to his character in AU’s and stuff and it’s just rly cute!! but bisexual diego is a very fanon thing that i like to see.
allison- i think probably straight and cis once again. she seems very comfy and happy in her femininity and gender, and her with ray??? (sidenote almond as a ship name makes me lose it ITS SO CUTE). i think she’s always been a big ally to klaus. i can also see her as pan or bi, but pressured to appear as straight by the constant eyes on her since she was like ten. i mean not only was she the only girl, but also a black girl? she was 100% so insecure during her childhood because people were constantly critiquing her. so honestly i don’t think it would be too out of the ordinary to hc her as queer.
klaus- i mean, we all know this one. as far as i know he has been canonically (though not mentioned in show, more like an interview or something) pansexual and non-binary. if not then it’s VERY FANON. directly through the show, we see his attraction to men through dave and also his enjoyment of more feminine clothes and makeup and things like that. i hc him as genderqueer and just generally chilling out and not really caring too much about labels. like a “i’ll fuck you if you’re hot” kind of attitude.
five- now this one might get me some weirdness, but i don’t see five as a cishet man for my hc’ing purposes. a common fanon opinion is that he’s asexual, which i totally like. i also think he’s gay. i guess that would be homoromantic? and also agender. he said no. no. MEN. i think that any romantic hc that does not acknowledge delores is not doing it right, bc holy shit delores is so fucking important to the understanding of his character!!!!! i believe in the interpretation that delores is himself, but a separated part that he forced himself to view as a separate entity to survive the apocalypse. he kind of fucking tricked himself into loving himself, though unfortunately as many people have pointed out, he doesn’t see himself as capable of good. he doesn’t see that delores is him- he can’t. he was down bad though for his mannequin apocalypse wife okay??? they were in love fuck you???? idk sexuality is fluid. let this old man live his life. he’s so tired. also agender, i think they don’t like being called a boy (possibly childhood trauma, possibly gender) but still is okay with “old man”.
ben- he is the token cishet of the upper numbers trio ( 567 icons real and true ). the jennifer incident was heavily implied if not directly and canonically stated to be a romantic issue, and also him and jill!!!! yes it was weird but it was so cute. bring back umbrella ben istg idc about the themes you messed them up in s3 anyway. i would talk more about him BUT HE NEVER GOT ENOUGH FUCKING SCREENTIME EVER AND THE THEMES THE THEMES HIS CHARACTER THEY DIDN- gets shot
viktor- canonically transmasc, canonically a woman enjoyer, ten out of ten character. i love looking at s1 era fics where people would be like. there is no way this guy doesn’t like women. *lesbian headcanons*. and elliot page just slaying with the queer rep season after season. i think he/they pronouns for viktor is really good and i like it :)). also some people hc them as bi because of harold (or for weird reasons but we don’t talk about that-) but i think it’s more of a lesbian thing personally. now. don’t come after me i’m not looking for he/him lesbian discourse on my pride month fandom post. AND FURTHERMORE elliot page is a king and he doesn’t deserve in any way the crazy hate he gets for being trans. trans men are men, trans ppl are valid etc. that being said, i hc him as a he/they lesbian. RESPECTFULLY. i imagine there were a lot of complicated factors while he was coming out and realizing things about themself. i think the harold thing was wanting to be wanted and loved more that actually wanting or loving, and you know we all gotta have that spicy *heteronormativity* woohoo.
bonus LILA (queen)- bisexual!! also she/they hc’s are valid asf for that. we love a queen who can do both. not sure if this is partial or full canon, or just heavy fandom but idc.
okay byyeeee happy pride month and also have a good juneteenth. black lives matter!!!!!
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jackieparty · 2 years ago
How I Described the Amis to My Friends
there's 9 of them and no i am not counting marius bc marius can suck my cock and balls he’s not an amis. they’re also known as the “barricade boys” specifically in the musical, all of them die spoiler alert, modern au versions of them (very popular in les mis fandom) are queer 
ENJOLRAS - the leader, probably gay (real brick quote "it did not seem as though [Enjolras] were aware there was on earth a thing called woman") usually blonde and sexy as fuck, i personally go with the hc that he's trans bc in the brick he's described as feminine all the mf time "slab of marble" my ass (oh i kin him), “the leader” in the triumvirate 
COMBEFERRE - enjolras's second in command technically, wears glasses and associated with the color blue, he's known as a sexy scholar and the voice of reason within the group, aka group dad, i refuse to believe he's straight or white, “the guide” in the triumvirate
COURFEYRAC -  the other one in the triumvirate “the centre”, primary color yellow, everyone's best friend and marius's canon roomie (marius is bi for him and cosette we know this), he's known to be really flirty, but he keeps the group sane and together
JEHAN - everyone in the fandom hcs them as nb so they are nb because i say so, the poet of the group very indie vibes and horribly adorable sense of fashion, plant parent hippie bs 
FEUILLY - enjolras def favors him over everyone else, he canonically makes fans for a living and is really well-versed, interested in different parts of the world and really wants to travel, he’s precious and i adore him 
BAHOREL - BEAR MAN, gets into brawls all the mf time and also associated with the color red like enj, def a fruity gym bro, but he studies law despite not wanting to be a lawyer so what's the point even 
BOSSUET/LESGLES - name literally means eagle (lesgles) but i refer to him as bossuet bc its easier to remember, canonically bald all versions of him are bald, he is the clumsiest most unlucky mf in the entire world, unlucky is his personality trait, def in a relationship with musichetta (cafe worker) and joly 
JOLY - doctor man basically raddle from animal crossing bc he's always convinced that he's sick or that there's something wrong with him, therefore always carries around a cane and canonically lays in his bed so that hes aligned with the earth's poles, bf of bossuet and musichetta, hes the litol one in the poly couple
GRANTAIRE - also referred to as the letter "r", drunk as fuck all the time and believes in absolutely nothing except for CANONICALLY enjolras, his description in the brick is literally simping over enjolras and how beautiful he is, hes hced as an artist who paints enj all the mf time which i believe, canonically dies holding enjolras's hand, associated with the color green, in love with enjolras did i mention that hes in love with enj
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drunkonimagination · 2 years ago
omg omg omg prev anon here!! Yes thank you I love everything about that!! Alastair making up games just for him and his new friend Tom?? Chef’s kiss, they’re both so sweet. I love the mental image of Alastair withholding his and Tom’s special games from TMT until they let Tom take part in the things they were doing. Also also another hc is that part of why Tom was so small and sickly was bc he was never really allowed to *do* anything - kids with overprotective parents develop more allergies 1/?
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how dare you feel sorry when im loving every single word here. THANK YOU FOR THIS <3 (as you've noticed i pasted the remaining parts of the ask here so i can answer in one shot hehe)
first i love the idea of thomas's health improving thanks to alastair's presence and them being able to go to the academy together.
they would have just supported each other so much in those years and if they had each other till the start, things would have probably worked out veery differently
the headcanon of thomas inviting slastair to stay with his family. *inhales* ANON DONT MAKE ME CRY-
this is perfect, god i love it so so much. alastair would have adored thomas's family and would've loved spending time with the lightwood siblings + christopher (bc of course he's often with them since gabriel visits gideon periodically)
also imagine when they're a little older and alastair starts become more and more conscious about his sexuality, as well as thomas, but this time they don't have to face it all alone, because they have each other 😭
and imagine tom's awkwardness when alastair asks him how he found out he likes boys and tom is super vague on the matter like 'oh you know, boys are so cool....and strong...you know, boys.' (who am i kidding, he's basically panicking) when deep down he just wants to grab alastair by the shoulders and scream 'i found out because of you!! i think im in love with you idiot!!!"
alastair instead realizes later, since he's kinda torn and struggles to properly understand his own feelings. he'd be like 'tom is the best person i know and i love him so much and i want to spend every day with him....but this doesn't mean i want to kiss him or do other stuff with him........right? i mean......naah"
*alastair seeing thomas for the first time after his growth spurt*: ................fuck.
man. when he realizes he's completely and utterly in love with thomas lightwood it's over for everyone (also i'll always be a 'tom fell first alastair fell harder' truther, so yeah)
anyway, im so glad you people are enthusiastic about this childhood friends to lovers au as much as i am, it's been in the back of my mind for a while jskdjsj
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flooficandii · 3 years ago
what do u think ab an au where the vp takes in kids with radiant abilities to train them as the "future" of valorant
this idea's kinda scuffed af bc idk much ab the lore actually i'm still confused ab kingdom n earth but i just want an excuse to see the agents babysitting chaotic kids with powers LMAOAoadjdj
IM NOT GONNA LIE THAT WOULD SOUND SUPER CUTE LMAO RADIANT BABY DAYCARE,,,, also this is a perfect excuse to put my headcanons about which of the agents are the best with kids
parents. like, literal parents dude
brimstone. he is the first immediate thing that comes to mind when i think of parenting. i mean look at the way he talks to the rest of the agents, you can't tell me he won't do well with kids
CYPHER!!! bro cypher would LOVE kids,,,,i hc he was really excited to be a dad but nora kinda died with his unborn baby so,, yknow he has that yearning feeling and he kinda projects that nature onto the younguns. he may be super secretive and shifty but you can tell he cares for them and would love to have children running around the base
sage!! sage radiates this energy of warmth and comfort and security, you'll always feel safe with her so she'd be wonderful with children :]] she won't hesitate to be strict if needed though so just make sure to stay on her good side unless,,, "YOUR HOMEWORK IS NOT OVER!!!"
reyna. surprisingly. although she isn't as much a parent as the rest of them, she wILL break someone's arm for a kid. she may be very murderous but kids might be her soft spot (glances vaguely at her little sister)
tbh i see her as the kind of caretaker that'll let her kid do awful things lmao
"miss reyna can i say a curse word ple a se ,,,"
"of course, cariño."
okay at it/awkward but trying
omen. omen isn't sure how to interact with children,,,, like, i headcanon he scares them away a lot
if one of them happens to be NOT scared?? *immediately imprints*
i think the most he'd do while watching over children is just sit there with his knitting needles and grunt Menacingly whenever they start causing trouble
viper. viper also scares kids away, understandably so, but she does have this maternal nature despite her scary aura (exhibit a: duality)
i headcanon she actually dislikes children and tries to avoid them as much as possible but will be incREDIBLY protective if they're threatened
yoru. he finds kids annoying. but if he were put in a situation where he HAD to keep an eye on them he'd probably try
just a little bit
as a treat
he'll call them brats or something lmAO what a bitch
unless one of them calls him cool and feeds his ego
then yeah he'll love them lol
imagine yoru going into his rift and picking the kid up to make it look like they're flying
a parent? maybe not, it's really not something on his list of ideals. but a big brother figure? sure! it means he gets to bully tease children to his heart’s content
sova. sova is okay at babysitting. he’s very quiet though so the kids usually get bored with him
he’s quick to straighten them up if they’re misbehaving
maybe he’ll tell fairy tales about the mountains or something
*deep thick russian voice* “When I was still living with my babushka in the frigid mountains of the North,”
babysitters at most
jett. jett seems like the cool babysitter who lets you do anything and everything lmao,, stay up past your bedtime?? sure thing. snacks before dinner?? hell yeah. you want her to show you her cool spinny wind trick?? of course!!
raze! raze gives off the vibes of the girl next door who everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves. she probably hung out with the kids in her town a lot and would draw with them, make music with them, etc. very big sister vibes 10/10 just don't let her have explosives around them
ASTRA!!! astra astra astra i bet she’d be the type to give piggy back rides and make little stardust confetti to wow them with!! she’ll sing songs and read stories and maybe do little puppet shows for them  
skye would do great with kids! she’s strong enough to catch up to them during vigorous games of tag and she’d let them pet her tiger
her animals love the kids too
imagine taz lying on his back as they pet his belly and hawko perching on top of their heads
haha! *slowly pulls them away from the children*
breach. i dont know about you guys but if you left him with a kid he would lose them in like 1.5 minutes
“what? they’re tiny, you think i’d notice?”
bro he is such a fucking bully he’d punt a kid across a football field
i guess he’d let them sit on his giant bionic shoulders but thats it
says he has it under control
does NOT have it under control
“alright, fam! leave it to me, i can handle some younguns-”
*burns down the entire hq after trying to show them a trick*
killjoy. bro she would use them for her experiments without batting an eye
“testing the sensor range of my turret!! :DD relax, it won’t hurt them- they’re wearing helmets!”
i dunno man i don’t think he’d even know what to do with kids
also he might accidentally break their spine if they wanted a hug lmao
he won’t hurt them on purpose but this is just,,,a safety measure
k would do great with kids though :]] big friendly guy
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lemonpika · 3 years ago
>>their secret kinks pt 2 featuring zeke, porco, and bert
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A/N: I just decided to blatantly make this piece part of a college au so I can properly age Bert up bc I kinda miss him and I don’t see a lot of things regarding him:,( Also, I wanted to do more characters + kinks since y’all enjoyed the first one so much :) As always, I hope that you enjoy reading this and my inbox is always open for HC’s and one-shots
Also the reader is written to be afab
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Zeke: Power Play/Roleplay
Being a professor isn’t always easy on Zeke’s mental health. His profession only serves as a constant reminder that his classes are filled with complete fucking idiots. So in order to take his frustrations out, he’ll turn to you, his TA. At first, you were dumbfounded as to why this older, mature man decided to choose a lone 20-year-old like you. But eventually, you happily gave your body to satisfy his predatory desires. He often likes to put the two of you in risky situations. For example, if he has a student coming in for office hours at 3 pm, he’ll have you in his office bouncing on his cock at 2:55 pm. He likes to put pressure on you and regularly assigns you to be the one to put in the work. That’s not to say that Zeke is a lazy top by any means. If you’re not on campus, his true sadistic colors show in his bedroom and he spares no expense to completely dominate you. He has a thing for shibari so he always makes sure to tie you accordingly. Since Zeke is used to being in control, he’ll tend to spring random roleplay scenarios on you at the drop of a hat. His favorite scenario would be him being a doctor giving you a very thorough physical. He’ll slip on some gloves and lick the slippery latex as he starts to trace small shapes and patterns over your body. He likes to remain fully clothed while doing this and often emphasizes that you’re not even worth taking his clothes off for. Since he knows that you’re taking German as your language requisite, he’ll often speak to you in his mother tongue to help you practice. But in this case, if you falter or use incorrect grammar, he’ll use this to punish you accordingly. And sometimes, he’ll use his vast intelligence to fuck with you. While he has you tied down, he’ll start rubbing your clit vigorously and start asking you in German how you want him to make you feel. He loves grabbing your tits while he’s fucking you. If he’s feeling generous, he’ll start swirling both of his thumbs over your hardened nipples to get you closer to cumming.
“Ich liebe es, wenn du meinen Schwanz so gehorsam nimmst. (I love it when you take my cock so obidently) Aber ich bin noch lange nicht fertig mit dir. (But I’m nowhere near done with you yet.)
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Porco: Marking/Impact Play
When Porco gets stressed out over his classes, he tends to put things in his mouth to bite on. However, depending on how close you are relative to him, he might just put one of your fingers in there. Sometimes he does this on purpose to signal that he wants you to help him relieve some stress. He likes to lick in between your fingers and suck lightly before slowly nibbling down on the soft skin. After a while of nibbling on your digits, he’ll pull your arm towards him and he’ll start making his way up your arm with a trace of hickies. His hickies are tender and sometimes he’ll end up drawing blood if he decided to bite down afterward. He loves marking your body with these unsightly bite marks and bruises. But it’s the concept of these marks being humiliating for you to deal with if any of your loved ones saw that really drives him to do it. When he gets to your neck, he knows the exact areas to attack. His personal favorite is the intersection where your neck and shoulder meet. According to him, your thighs will shake and your back will arch if he ever dares go near it. He doesn’t care if a former bruise hasn’t healed over completely yet, he’ll still treat it as if it were any other part of your body. Soon enough, he would’ve thrown you onto whatever flat surface is in his vicinity with your back facing him. He loves playing gentle when it comes to your back. He’ll lick up and down your spine and even breathe on your nape. But suddenly, he’ll clamp right down on your shoulder while giving your ass a rough slap. Porco loves those pathetic little whines you make whenever he handles you roughly. It’s not long before your shoulders are covered in dark, invasive marks. At this point, Porco makes you lay on his lap with your tummy pressed against his thighs. He always makes sure to have a spatula ready to be used as a ‘poor man’s whip’. The ‘thwwt!’ that came before every whip made you clench your muscles. By the time your poor, abused ass is completely red, it’s time for the main course. Porco’s favorite way to take you is from behind so he can get deeper and still get an amazing view of your marked-up body. It also gives him a more comfortable position to yank your hair back to keep your chin up. The tears in your eyes and the muddled expression on your face alone is almost enough to make him cum.
“You are mine and mine alone. No one can ruin your perfect body as badly as I do. You’re just a pathetic little masochist, YN”
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Bertholdt: Fetishism
When Bertholdt crushes, he crushes hard. It started out with you going over to his dorm room to ‘study’ and you would leave some of your articles of clothing behind for him to keep as a souvenir. What you didn’t know was that Bertholdt treated your things as if they were relics made to be worshipped. When you left your first pair of panties behind, he picked it up and stared at it for a while. He felt this weird sense of guilt as he fondled the piece of fabric in his hands. He almost felt like he was violating you in a way by touching your panties without your permission. But there was nothing he could feasibly do to resist the pitching in his boxers. With a shaky hand, he slowly lifted your panties to his nose and took a deep inhale. The sweet, sticky smell of your arousal burned in his nostrils as he was consumed by a primal hunger. Even though you had just finished having sex with him, he couldn’t stop thinking about wanting to fuck you once again. With the panties still over his nose, he gives it a feeble lick. Immediately, he is overwhelmed by an entirely new sensation as your dried juices began to make his mouth water. Bertholdt wasted no time in pulling his own boxers down and beginning to slowly pump at his dick with his lower lip between his teeth.  And after this incident, you started leaving more articles of clothing in his room with the express intent to drive him crazy. You knew how much he worshipped your things since you caught him pumping his dick with your panties once. Now, you just ask him to record himself playing with his dick and telling you how delicious your panties smell. When you’re finally generous enough to fuck him, you’re always the one in control of him. Despite his size, he has a docile nature to him and you like taking advantage of his gentle personality. You ride him while grabbing his face and asking him how good your pussy feels when it’s squeezing his dick so tightly. You’ll also gag him with your own dirty panties and sometimes tie your bra around his neck as a makeshift leash. Even though he could at any point overpower you and switch roles, he prefers to be dominated by such a cute girl like yourself.
“Y/N, I love your pussy so much.. The way how your panties smell after I’m done cumming inside of you drives me fucking crazy..”
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i-need-air · 4 years ago
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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cheemken · 2 years ago
psst king since u had a body swap au what abt an age swap au for the champs
Man but can you imagine nine champions but only two of them are adults and they have to deal w seven kids like that could break a mfer probs hahah
That's dope tho that'd be fun bc young Diantha in my hcs is such a little shit hahaha
Idk if what you mean is like,, the body swap and such but I'm just going w the thought that in this au, the older champions just turned to kids while Iris and Hau stayed the same age (so like, mid 20s and late teens, while the other Champions that got turned to kids are around,, 12-16)
Like imagine them thinking that the only champion they have to really watch over is Cynthia bc from the stories she tells them, she was such a rowdy kid and would drag her friends everywhere. Maybe Leon at a push too. But holy shit they did not expect Diantha to be like that™
In a span of an hour, Diantha managed to actually push one of the other champions off the roof bc they were pissing her off (it was Leon, don't worry Hau saved him), convinced Cynthia to eat a rock (Iris got it out before she could swallow it), made Geeta barricade the doors to the backyard when Hau and Iris were still outside (they managed to get in through the windows), got Lance to use Iris and Hau's money to buy cake (she said that it's only right since they're the adults they should give them food), and scared Steven enough he started crying and Wallace had to tell her off bc "why would you make Stevie cry? >:("
"because he's weak ouo"
"he is not weak!"
Diantha finds out Iris is a dragon master, stares right up at her, goes "Drasna is better than you ouo"
"why you little shit—"
Imagine once they all turn back to normal, Iris and Hau tells them abt how it was dealing w them, and told them the stuff Diantha did and everyone just fucking stares at her and Leon just "you pushed me off the roof???"
"d..did you really made me eat a rock?"
"we stole Iris' money??"
"you made us lock them outside too"
"I'm not surprised Steven cried when you talked to him, he was a crybaby when we were younger"
"Wallace, please not now—"
All while Dia's there embarrassed af hiding her face behind her hands muttering apologies under her breath hahaha
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batarangsoundsdumb · 4 years ago
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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apollos-dam-lyre · 3 years ago
Hi. So, with the AU where Apollo doesn’t remember being a god after he falls to Earth, how do they end up at CHB? You know, since Apollo went to Percy and Percy drove them. How do the demigods recognize him as Apollo in the first place and not as a clear-sighted mortal? What are his interactions with his kids like? What do all of the other gods do once they realize they can’t see Apollo on Earth? How do all of the quests go since Apollo is rationalizing everything away? (Sorry for the amount)
oooh anon i love these questions! thanks for sending them. so, according to my hcs:
How he ends up in CHB?
i dunno if it's canon or not (but this is an au oh well), but imo meg is asked to like 'escort' him by nero. in the 1st book, we know that he knows where chb is, so i feel like he will make meg gain his trust before nero can do his plans.
How does the demigods recognize him?
well for one, the oracle is fucked so they know something is wrong. but i think, they first thought he was a child of apollo since he's similar like them...? in a sense of waking up early, can play the ukelele, etc, but he didn't get claimed. so they were like 'thats strange'. and then an athena kid or smth connects the dots together. or like. he has a different, more powerful vibe than the usual demigods yk? they just know he's different,,
Interaction with his kids?
okay so, my hc is that the cabin 7 kids are like tired because of the sudden disappearance of their father (they dk that ofc). and then this new kid comes to them with chiron saying he was an apollo kid without getting claimed is sus. so i feel like... they'll be wary at first.
Apollo kids being friendly sunny children, they warmed up to him eventually. feels a special connection, dk what. like whenever theyre with him, they're re-energized. basically they acts like sibling but somehow apollo has authority over them. they just... yk agree bcs yeah
What do all the gods do?
most of them? nothing.
ofc the closer ones with him, like arty, hermes, dio (tho he could technically see him just not outright? like not man to man, just from afar), the muses, and leto would really do anything to check up on him. but zeus being zeus... well he won't let them.
they will have excuses on why this and tht happened... especially the diana scene...
How do the quest go with Apollo rationalizing everything?
quick answer: stupidly funny
a longer one:
scientifically, human brains are wired to connect dots the easier way. so basically he will go a bit like "what the fuck" to just plain confusement.
like that one helios fire thing, he'll probably just be all... not believe the helios thing because what, and then thinks its all just an illusion and that its a trick of light.
or the carnivorous birds in the 3rd one. he'll think its crazy birds... not man eating ones.
nero? caligula? commodus? what. probably cosplay gone too far...?
i hope that answers ur qs anon! purely my hc, and almost open to answer more :))
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blxetsi · 4 years ago
Hi! Can I please request modern au hcs for Armin?
tysm for requesting !!
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modern armin arlert dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!armin arlert x gn!reader
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- okay so
- i think in a college setting you and armin hit it off really well
- i think you guys wouldve just accidentally kept bumping into each other, whether it be around campus, at some coffee shop, in the library
- it gets so frequent you dont even know if its a coincidence at this point, yet you cant help but hope that you seem him whenever you go out
- after ALWAYS bumping into each other and apologizing before making small talk, armin makes the first move
- mf just says "are you following me ?" to which you reply "are YOU following me ?"
- that night ends in you two exchanging numbers 🤩
- you find out that hes a humanities major, and wants to be a psychologist some day
- you also find out he has a paid internship at a research facility near the university you attend
- hes super sweet but also super humble, so he tries not to keep the subject on himself for very long, just wanting to know more about you
- as you two get closer he gets more touchy (not in a weird way)
- he starts greeting you with hugs now, and likes to have a light grip on your wrist when hes leading you through crowded hallways of the school
- he introduced you to his bestfriends and roommates, mikasa and eren, and they were really accepting !! (they already could tell armin liked you even if he didnt know himself)
- you start developing feelings for him about two months after you exchanged numbers, and you honestly felt really weird
- because this beautiful boy whos so sweet and kind and intelligent is like,, wayyyy out of your league
- armin thinks the exact same thing
- he thinks youre so cool and fun to be around, you always have the best stories to tell and are so welcoming,, its HARD not to fall for someone like you !!
- finally he gets up the courage to ask if you can come to his apartment
- and there he confesses 😳💥‼️
- you sit there shocked for a couple seconds too long because now hes freaking out like "im so sorry i didnt wanna seem creepy i just wanted to tell you how i felt you can leave or i can walk you home- wait you probably wouldnt want that but-"
- you just kind of grab his shoulders and start shaking him. before you tell him you like him too.
- the apples of his cheeks turn pink before he smiles and gives you such a tight hug !!
- hes immediately planning a date with you for when youre both free
- takes you to the local aquarium 🤩 and kisses you in front of the moon jellies (u know those big tanks with the jellyfish that are like glow in the dark ?? and the whole hallway is pitch black except for the lights from the tank ?? yeah ❤️ he kissed you THERE and it was beautiful)
- has chapped lips 😐 sorry i dont make the rules
- has a habit of picking them when hes working or lost in thought
- doesnt mean you stop kissing him tho
- is the kind of guy that will genuinely get worried if you send an "sos" type message. gets out of his own class just to speedwalk (he isnt gonna break the rules and run in the halls 🙄) and come to your class just to see if youre okay
- looks at you like 😐 when you explain you just need him to get you an iced coffee from that shitty coffee place in the cafeteria
- does it anyway even though hes annoyed 😌✨
- will grumble about paying him back for the five dollars he just spent on you while you kiss him over and over again in thanks
- doesnt let you pay him back though smh 🙄
- loves to give back hugs
- will do it while youre working, or while youre doing the dishes
- if youre shorter than him he'll rest his head on your and just smell your hair
- if youre taller than him hes shoving his face inbetween your shoulder blades
- is such a lightweight drunk its not even funny
- none of his friends are tbh 🙄
- the first time you saw him drunk was when eren dragged you guys out to a party their friend was hosting (literally interrupted your cuddle time in armins bed to THROW OFF THE BLANKETS and say "you guys are coming with me 😁👍" and when you two said no he TURNED ON THE LIGHTS and ruined the vibe 😐 fucking asshole)
- anyways you two had to change back into your clothes at 9pm just to go to a shitty party that was gonna get busted by the cops anyways 😔💔
- you couldnt find him through the sea of people, and u got really worried until armin called you
- it was not armin on the other line 😁👍
- he said his name was reiner ?? and he said he was with armin bc he puked while playing beer pong
- the guy tells you where they are and you go to find them. theyre sitting on this couch in a backroom and theres only like,, five people in total there ??
- armin is SOBBING while reiner is trying to get him to drink water
- "reiner you dont get it,,, theyre so beautiful. i cant compete. i dont even think theyd wanna be with me. and you have to see them talk about their major. theyre so smart you dont understand." "okay buddy lets just finish this water okay ?"
- armin is leaning his shoulder on this GIANT of a man just going on about how much he loves you and how amazing he finds you. until you tap his shoulder. and then he realizes youve been listening this entire time. and then he starts crying because he doesnt want you to find him weird. and then you have to explain to him that you two are dating. where he doesnt believe you still.
- eren ends up giving you the keys to his car and saying "ill just call you when i need a ride back" and reiner CARRIES armin to the car 😭😭😭
- hes a real gentleman 😁👍
- that morning armin remembers EVERYTHING and is MORTIFIED
- calls reiner immediately like "did people see me puke ? oh god am i gonna be talked about ?"
- has very vivid dreams and remembers all of them ?? will literally tell you about a dream he had when he was five and WILL NOT forget a detail. its weird
- his family actually doesnt seem like they like you 😳 not because they dont theyre just very,, quiet people...... except for his grandfather
- doesnt even care who you are to armin, will pull you down on the couch with him to tell you about all his research and findings as an archeologist (before he retired)
- if youre ever feeling sad about anything, whether that be stress, family problems, or body image issues, armins taking you to his place 😁👍
- he'll cuddle you and whisper how much he loves you while you two are watching something on his laptop
- has acne scars on his shoulders. dont make fun of him for it pls
- loves getting back scratches though, the tingles make him feel really calm
- if you have like,, makeup brushes and stuff he likes it when you brush his face with them, no product or anything but the tingles he gets from it 🤤
- over time his parents warm up to you quiet a bit, and when his mom shows you baby photos and from him as a kid youre SHOCKED.
- he had this little bob cut from when he was ten to his teens 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- when you two are walking back home or wherever you cant help but go on about how cute he was and how healthy and pretty his hair looked (not that its not healthy or pretty now) and he just giggles before pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek while saying "okay baby, ill grow it out just for you then"
- also loves the petnames baby, angel, and love
- will gladly let you steal his sweaters. has a really nice knit one that his grandma made him before she died. that ones off limits.
- doesnt like to fight, but when he feels like hes in the right he wont hesitate to yell back when youre yelling at him
- just dont yell at him pls, it makes him sad
- it takes him a while (and by a while i mean like 30 minutes at most) before his texting you asking if you guys can talk about it
- its really easy for you two to make up, and immediately hes hugging you and just asking if you wanna do something with him
- also, cuts his own hair ?? and would cut yours if you asked. mikasa vouches for him "yeah he trims my hair all the time. why ?"
- every year on your anniversary hes taking you to the aquarium. and he always kisses you as softly as he did the very first time, in the dark hallway of the moon jellyfish tank ✨
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THATS ITTT !!! thanks again for requesting !! i hope you all enjoyed. remember asks are open !! u dont have to request headcanons either !!! go crazy friends !!
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god-of-entropy · 4 years ago
sorry this is my first time doing a req, but since you like iida tenya, i was wondering if you had any knight iida tenya headcanons?
So I was re-enacting a bakuiida hurt/comfort scenario I made up for exactly 2 hours since I started during 10:00 pm and it is 12:00 AM
gist of it: bakugou’s inferiority complex acts up and so he doesn’t take care of himself bc he’s too busy training and iida tells him how much he (Katsuki) means to him, (Tenya) and that there aren’t enough numbers that exist that could tell him (Katsuki) how much he (Katsuki) meant to Tenya
and then I remembered my tumblr account and one of the asks I got was “do some knight Iida Tenya headcanons this is my first time doing a req” and I was like oh wow I am v blessed that I am the person who took anon’s req virginity so here we are
CW: few times of cursing, mention of me talking about a car kink
Knight Iida Tenya Headcanons
Part of the King’s guard no I do not. Take criticism
If he isn’t he’s most likely in a very high position of knight rankings in the fantasy AU
His chivalrous spirit could rival canon Kirishima’s
But since Kiri’s a dragon hybrid here,,well
Did I mention
Like. Bumping his head on every single fucking doorway kind of tall
He is a staggering 6”6
anyways so like bc he’s so tall he learned the very hard way (literally) that you should not wear a metal cone hat while sliding down ladders
Was this inspired by that one (1) video on YouTube where this guy’s character slid down a really long ladder wearing a golden metal cone hat
I will not agree nor will I deny this accusation
So bc he’s so tall he grudgingly cannot wear a fancy Iida helmet from the prestigious and noble Iida family line
ofc his brother was a knight before him, it’s so obvious
(Speaking about Tensei, his brother wore it anyways even though his brother is taller than him because he was always on horseback anyways, but having to patrol the streets of the kingdom on a daily basis trailing after the King or Prince or whatever he can’t let a helmet hinder him from going after people
Anyways so like because he is So Tall people often make jokes about his height and how rectangular his body was
So poor bby got insecure about his height and prefers not to talk about it, stays silent when someone thinks he can’t hear them whispering and making jokes about his bulky stature
speaking about bulky things his canon costume is lightweight in design because if speed and leg strength makes up 100% of your quirk you can’t have stupid accessories and additional weight.
But of course since what he’s going for (the Ingenium title) is pretty much set in stone, there’s a heavy emphasis in visuals (in canon) so like 90% of his fucking costume is for Decor
And I hate him for that
Even if you were put the pressure on yourself to become like your brother, don’t feel burdened to make sure your hero career is 100% like his
OK I kind of swerved away from topic but since we’re talking about hero costumes and knight armor
Since this is fantasy and most fantasy-ish things are set in a European medieval style because of fucking Hollywood and not in a more traditional Japanese style since apparently fire spitting dragons are cooler than Kitsunes with ten tails, power over nature elements and are literally considered deities—
Knight armor is made of metal, right?
So in that case..his armor would really weigh him down.
But because this is FANTASY and science and physics can go fuck themselves here,
It’s possible that there’s a chance magic could make his armor more lightweight, like Uraraka’s quirk
but like there’s a chance that his armor is ALREADY lightweight because again, canon Tenya really went after the design of his brother’s costume
And his brother’s costume was inspired by his parent’s and grandfather’s own costumes, which kinda looked the same since it had the white modern accents and holes in the helmets kinda aesthetic
And his brother did copy whatever his parents and ancestors’s armor was or whatever
And they’re noble, right—so they’re rich. Because magic exists, plenty of wizards mages and other magic people for hire also exist
Enchanted lightweight metal armor
there’s a reason why you shouldn’t trust knights in shining armor and that’s because if their chest plate is too pristine, that means they’ve never went to battle
Here’s a rule for all you y/ns: don’t trust a knight in shining armor if it’s not enchanted
what I’m saying is if you wanna date Iida, the knight in shining AND enchanted armor, go for it bestie TT
Also His Boots
Assuming he doesn’t have his sexy engines on his calves in this AU
(Or perhaps the sleek, modern looking engines are replaced with steampunk ones O.O)
Because holy shit that’s such a cool fucking concept??
Oh you bet your y/n messy buns that steampunk iida hcs are next
so since fantasy usually goes with at least one (1) “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around weapons and battle
And that one (1) “”tribe”” that’s an entire fucking kingdom/city like the Carja in the game Horizon Zero Dawn
Speaking of Horizon Zero Dawn, the “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around battle and more battle are the Banuk
They’re hardcore fam
They give me Bakugou Katsuki vibes because those people would literally rather die than say a challenge is too big to overcome
again going back to the topic: Steampunk
In “”fantasy”” medieval AUS there’s always that one steampunk inventor that’s a Mei Hatsume ripoff (Tangled The Series I’m looking at you)
And of course the Support Students need their time to shine too, so like — Steampunk City let’s gooo
(The closest Horizon Zero Dawn’s “tribe” got to steampunk is whatever the hell the Oseram are doing.)
So now Tenya has sexy, sexy steampunk mufflers that are very well taken care of
god I’m so sorry but me talking about mufflers like they’re a full course meal is reminding me of the time where I joked to my friends that I had a car kink
and not that I had a kink to have sex inside the car, but to be fucked BY the car itself
like your ass being just wrecked by a fucking shalon poofa
if you get that joke get off this site
one of my messages was very specific
It read:
“I eagerly lick car-senpai’s oil of his exhaust pipe”
And Yeah
unsanitary and a health hazard
While discussing about simpable men one of my friends were like
my man has a CAR your man, Tenya Iida, doesn’t
And I just stared at her
Because bitch MY MAN IS THE CAR
anyways if you actually read this may god have mercy on you
Because I make the rules
Wouldn’t they be a hindrance to him bc of his metal boots?
So Let Me Tell You A Story
you know the Ingenifoot (the boots in canon Iida’s costume)
It’s special since it has holes punched into it for the mufflers to retract out of
Who says Ingenifoot can’t be steampunk as well?
But it can’t be steampunk bc this is a Knight Iida hcs and not Inventor Steampunk Iida Hcs
So it’s plain boring white carved steel or smth with a small section where a part of the boot flexes for the mufflers to stick out
Speaking of carved steel, Knight Iida’s armor def has intricate details and shite on it
Maybe even his family crest
OK so it is 12:45 AM rn I am gonna sleep
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volfoss · 4 years ago
ships to rate: bruabba and gyjo? maybe even yasugap if you're up for it
ok ur about to see such a long post its nto even gonna be funny, tldr i love them all
also gonna put a fic i really like for them if ive read one/ a fic idea i wanna write plus maybe ranting, this is not coherent but my spelling isnt too bad
post under cut bc its very long
my loves my lifes
they r so soft for each other
the fucking rain scene when bruno extends his umbrella
and how bruno is like trying to hold back his emotions post abba dying
in case its not super obvious by the sheer volume of bruabba content i reblog this is one of my otps
ALSO the fucking boat scene where abba pretty much is like yeah ur home bruno
hc that they r meeting up in the afterlife w nara and having a good time (also read a phenomenal fic about it that ill link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33118039 it is emotionally fucking me up days later <3)
dads dads dads but bruno is the caring dad that just gets you and takes care of you in the most gentle way and will sacrifice himself over and over again to see u happy and abba is the sitting in the armchair and u sneak in like 2 minutes past ur curfew ur busted but i was also worried about you
these two men own my whole heart (also my ao3 history i exclusively am reading bruabba and dadbacchio)
i have so so many thoughts toward them like yeah i just love them so much
i will never ever not write them as in love
t4t and bi4bi
every single canon thing about them makes me so soft but i think what makes me softest is just how its so clear that they rely on each other in situations
fanon interpretation rant rq:
but how some ppl really interpret them so ooc that its just like bruno mommy and abba cares about literally none of their kids (explanation on the mommy thing is bc most of things that do that are weird bc they really r treating bruno like a single parent who is raising the gang on his own and thats all when abba is literally there and caring about ppl (ie the purple haze incident w giorno, like he wasnt the most nice in his wording but why else would he be like hi move away from the danger if he didnt care??)
ppl also just tend to not really do the separation between how abba acts around others and how he acts towards bruno and has him being kinda aggressive towards him for literally no reason when they r literally so soft w each other
and also they r both so fucking pretty and i am in love with them both
if i think about them too long i will combust and i am blaming u solely for that one
ship dynamic of savior x savior bc they both really did save each other and i love them sm
fic ideas for them r they both live and leave passione and take their kids w them <3 (gang would crumble but thats not my problem)
ok also another hc that i have for them is that bruno will buy larger sweaters and wear them and give them to abba if hes having a rough time, they have a shared closet imo
10/10 ship
these guys r also my beloved but in a depressed x very happy but hiding depression way
the the fuckingn way that gyro ltierally risks everything in the ringo roadagain fight to save jognny
and the way that johnny is literally fucking broken post gyro persiheing and adopts his speech pattern a bit and ugh
I am obsessed w gyjo but i think the funniest crack ship is poly but w diego and they all fucking suffer (fic that sold me on that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22887796/chapters/54705517)
i cannot find the one fic that i really loved for them but needless to say i am soft w them living and just being together
update i found it: its a modern au and really really sweet! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31821940/chapters/78780595
one day ill actually write the fic idea i had for them which was basically they live and they dont sell the land they got from the sugar mountain arc and johnny wanted to start somewhere fresh anyways and gyro adopts marco and they make a lil log cabin and have a nice rest of their lives
i am a massive sucker for their ship
ALSO how johnny is always laughing at gyros jokes
smth i wish we got more of in canon were those moments where they just chilled and talked and had those kinda interactions
fandom complaining time!! the fucking way that some ppl just really take the gyro funny and johnny submissive trope is like my biggest pet peeve. did they not read sbr?? did they not see the multiple times that johnny has murdery eyes? i think personally its ppl infantilizing him a lot and it makes me really frustrated
ok also a fic that really really fills me desire for a they all live and everyone is happy is this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22812394
i love them sm but unfortunately cannot have coherent thoughts about them :(
10/10 ship
gonna start this out w saying i did mildly speedread through jojolion so i dont have as many big screamy thoughts
BUT!!! them!!!!!
their canon interactions r the cutest thing and even if they werent, id ship it solely to spite joshu
josuke is a million trillion times better for yasuho (not just bc of how joshu is a fucking freak and is absolutely the worst i would run him over with a dump truck)
i really like how they both r so happy around each other but i think my favorite scene w them is when yasuho has to explain to josuke that hes crying and hes just like :') yeah
but they have so so many cute moments and the ending makes them the only couple to make it out of this list
i love how yasuho is just like willing to drop anything to help him and how they help each other out a lot during the whole time (if im remembering right?)
their dynamic is just 2 sweethearts
also love the moment that hes like look away yasuho :) then proceeds to beat a man up
they r canon (as is everyone else sorry <3)
i dont read a lot of part 8 fic since i need to reread it to properly understand the plot post like chapter 65? so i dont have any recs or complaints
BUT i do have a few hcs!!
i think yasuho would get josuke matching phone straps or phone cases
and when they move in together, i think they would raise sugar gliders (or potentially kidnap squirrels from the local park)
i love all of yasuho and josukes interactions but oh man every time that josukes past gets brought up i do start bawling
they both mean the world to me and how their romance is just built on such a clear foundation of trust and care it makes me so soft
they both give off such dog ppl energy tho and i love that for them
ALSO ok the way that yasuho helps josuke w his memory and is always there for him
i will never ever ever get over them
but i think one of my favorite scenes is the one right at the beginning where she gives josuke his name and how that plays into the rest of the story with him discovering his identity but still clinging to the one that she gave him since it was him, he wasnt just kira or josefumi he was josuke
if i think about them anymore i will start sobbing, the last chapter wrapped every last thing up so well and im so so glad that it did
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makeusfreefromthisfandom · 4 years ago
just sending some appreciation and good vibes to my people for the new year <3
kisses from me bc you all hold a very special place in my heart 💝
Also veryyy long post ahead I’m sorry I had to include everyone Aakklaksks 😭😭
@ominous-meme 🖤 sabah! You were my very first mutual on here I hope you know that! I can’t even begin on how excited I got when I found out you were a fellow desi girl and I will always appreciate you being there and advising me! <3 I love our street racing au! talks ! I’m glad I have someone to share ideas with <33
@weebsausage 🖤 dude omg!!! 😭😭😭 pls I literally forgot how we became moots I’m so sorry I have a tiny brain 😪 but I think we literally just messaged each other and started talking about free! ANYWAYS TYSM FOR PUTTING ME ON HXH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOR THAT WTF ITS LIKE MY FAV ANIME EVER I HAVE BECOME HXH TRASH AJSJSJBS ❤️❤️ but other than that thank you for being a really great friend to me and I hope this year is nothing but good things for you <33
@dokifluffs 🖤 you were also one of my first moots on here! I honestly could not believe when you followed me back bc ur like my biggest inspo! 😭 you’re so precious omg I always look forward talking to you and get excited when I see a notif from you still! I hope the new year treats you well and brings good things in your life! Lots of love from me bae 🥰❤️
@syrenblubs 🖤 ah my most relatable person LOL. Omg syren ur my little bestie on here and I’m so glad we’re mutuals! I love our natsuya talks and OML THE C****** RAID! ALSJJSJSJSJJS AND DESI PARENTS AKSJJSNS. Just thank you for always interacting with me even tho I SUCK at responding 😭❤️❤️❤️ ilyyysmmmmmm
@linak 🖤 baby omg where do I even begin. Back when I had literally no one to talk to on here, you would be the one NEVER failing to send me a gm/gn message! You always bring a stupid smile to my face 😭 I’m so freaking glad that we are friends I literally cannot put into words!! Ty for always listening to me and letting me open up to you ❤️ love you always.
@croctears 🖤 vixxx ahhh!!! I’m so glad we became mutuals on this shitty app! You’re one of the highlights of my day and I love talking to you sm 😫 especially if it’s about Sou 😏😏 keep being amazing bae! Kisses mwuah mwuah 😽😽
@xakusa 🖤 Marty bby! 🥰 literally the only person I’m going to share my man natsu with 🙄 our conversations are always so RANDOM and out of nowhereeeee lollll but we also just go along with it and I love that! You are an angel and this year better be giving you what you deserve! Lots of love from my end 😽😽😽 kissies from me and natsuya <3
@cafelixie 🖤 I will keep saying this and I will never stop. YOU!!! ARE!!! THE!!! ACTUAL!!! DEFINITION!!! OF!!! PRECIOUS!!!! Need I say more? You’ve made my day countless times and I always look forward to seeing you in my messages/inbox!! Baby I freaking love you I really don’t know what else to say 😭❤️
@skippyskeppy 🖤 I will never forget the first time we interacted my Kisumi enthusiast 😙🤝 I love it sm whenever I see you pop into my inbox with a random hc about semi semi or Kisumi, Albert now too! You are an amazing person. A really amazing person. I hope you know that ❤️
@keeijiakaashi 🖤 I remember seeing your little comments under my posts before we became moots and OMGGGG YOU ARE SO CUTE AISJJSJSJS ALSO RIN ENTHUSIAST??? YES PLEASE!!! Tysm for always interacting with me and making yourself known as the ultimate sweetest person on my blog! Ilyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️
@animatedarchives 🖤 we have your fellow love of the kirishimas to thank for us becoming moots! You’re so cute soph omg 😫 I love how we literally have brainrots of the same characters LIKE MR GOJO LEECH SATORU!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD OR PAY RENT!!! Ahh you’re irreplaceable soph! Never fail to make me smile like an idiot <33
@natsuya-enthusiast 🖤 how did we not become moots sooner wtf??? Do yk how alone I felt when I had no one to discuss my obsession of natsu with when I first made this blog 😪 AND THEN I REALIZED U WERE ONE OF MY FIRST FOLLOWERS???? ANYWAYS U ARE THE BIG SIS I NEVER HAD ALWAYS PULLING THROUGH W THAT LIFE ADVICE BAHAHAHA ilysm gaby wtf 😭😡😡😡❤️❤️❤️
@moonlitspring 🖤 do you even realize how happy I got when I realized there was another ACTIVE free! blog 😡😡 ajsjjsjs you are such an amazing writer and PERSON sky!!! You’ve been nothing but the sweetest and I hope we get to interact more this year and share our love of free! together <3
@ayumiko 🖤 laís you are such an angel! I absolutely adore both you and your edits/gifs smmm 🥰 you are so kind and I hope 2021 is also <333
@dalggina 🖤 omg??? YGO bae??? 😤😤 I thought literally everyone had forgotten ab it LOL THEN YOU CAME ALONG ❤️❤️ I’m really glad we interacted precious person! And I hope that you have a great year! ALSO YOU BETTER NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH FROM WORK OR IM MANIFESTING MR ATEM TO COME GET YOU 😡
@stormikujo 🖤 omg bby! We haven’t talked in awhile! I hope you are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️ ahhh I’m glad I got you into free otherwise we wouldn’t even have interacted 😫 I love talking to you stormi!! And I hope this year brings great things fro you! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
@aj-writes-here 🖤 omg hey girl 😼😼 you’re definitely one of the coolest people I’ve talked to on here for sure! Hope you’ve been enjoying hq and free! Your welcome for putting you on that simp train 😼 anyways, ilysm aj!! I really wish the best for you this year! Stay amazing as you always are, ily!! ❤️❤️
@attackonfics 🖤 wtf 😭😭 I don’t deserve you???? You’ve been nothing but the sweetest to me and also responsible for my unhealthy obsession with mr 5’2 angry gremlin >:(( jkjk but seriously, ty for the food 😌. ANYWAYS QUEEN I HOPE YOUVE BEEN TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND TREATING YOURSELF AS!!! YOU!!! SHOULD!!! VIRTUAL HUGS 😽😽 💝
@browsing-my-favourite-fandoms 🖤 Shizen! You are too good for this world! 😭 you are such a genuine person, you deserve nothing but happiness ❤️ I really hope that this year does that for you. I’ll keep checking in from time to time! Ilysm! ❤️
@inum4ki 🖤 sera...please...just invest in a personal guide or smth. Asksksknsjs n e wayzzz seeing you in my inbox is always so much fun! Sousuke really deserves more love and you are bringing it to the table hun 😤😤 also you’re a fellow inumaki enthusiast too??? Yes please. You deserve all the happy things in 2021 <3
@sneezefiction 🖤 Gracie!! I love how easy it is to get along with you! You are truly one of the best people I’ve met on this app and I’ll forever be grateful for our friendship <3 you give off such great vibes all the time omg giving you a huge virtual hug and here’s to more interactions this year! 🥰😽😽😽
@velvetfireworks 🖤 bbyyy!! 🥰 everytime we interact even if it’s not a whole lot, you’re always the sweetest what 😭 I love you and you’re writing so much omggg you are so talented!! I get super excited when I see myself get tagged in one of your stuff 😆 I hope we get to interact more in the future! Have a great New Years ❤️❤️❤️
@a8mine 🖤 stop being so mean to me 😡😡 !!!!!! ig ily anyways tho 🙄 you’re energy is honestly unmatched (in a good way!!) and it’s rare to meet people like that! You’re so funny omg and your random hcs and cursed discourses always have me dying 😭😭 you’re so cool hanna ily 😪✌️ <333
@giorvanna 🖤 ahh rena! Your blog and edits are *chefs kiss* I love our random semi brainrot sessions 🥰🥰 I hope we interact more in the future but in the meantime I’m sending you good vibes and lots of virtual hugs bc you deserve them queen ❤️❤️❤️
@seijohlogy 🖤 hey hey jaestar 🤩🤩 you are such a cool person??? Omg I’m so glad that we’re friends and randomly invade each other’s inboxes 😆 you are so kind! This year better be kind to you too or else 😡😡 I hope that after Ms rona decides to move her ass over, you get to go to Disneyland and take!! Me!!! With!! You!! Love you jae bae ❤️❤️
@prettysetterbaby 🖤 hey sexc 🤩🤩 no idea why you followed me but glad you did bc you are such a sweet and chaotic person!! I loveeeeee <333 I hope we get to interact more bc you are just genuinely such a fun person to interact with! Ilyyy
@datecho 🖤 yet another just genuinely sweet person! The world doesn’t deserve you! You’re so fun to interact with and a hottie??? omg shoto and kags better get off their asses rn and come get you or I will 🤩🤩 ly bae! have a great New Years! ❤️❤️
@miyasangel 🖤 we haven’t interacted much yet but ahaha talking about suna and sending my fanart to you is sm fun! Did I tell you that I also have a wip of Atsumu as a street racer? 😏 have a great year Arden bae! Kisses 😽
@aikk00 🖤 hi hi! We don’t interact on a daily or anything but when we do, omg!!! You are the most easy person to get along with 😭 you have such a good heart along with the talent???omg??? You are UNMATCHED babe! I hope this year brings you many more opportunities! Stay amazing love ❤️ ily and your art very much ❤️ I’m also still very embarrassed from fucking up the credits from last time. I’m so sorry bae 😭❤️❤️
@kurooskult 🖤 ma’am you might as well be the definition of bad bitch 😪🤝 ok but besides that, interacting with you is sm fun??? Like we don’t even have to be moots on your blog to feel just as included and loved! You are such a queen for that! Here’s to more mila x kuroo content in 2021 and he better be doing special for you as he should !!
It’s still the 31st here but THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING MY COUPLE OF MONTHS ON HERE BEARABLE!!! This sounds like a goodbye post Oml-
I love you all very much. I suck at words, but I hope you know that. ❤️
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i-need-air · 4 years ago
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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