#nike tag:
forest-and-atmosphere · 11 months
Helios: They/Sun/He
Selene: They/Moon/She
Apollo: He/Plague
Artemis: She/Hunt
Hermes: He/Flight
Nike: She/Victory
The Keres: They/Them (referred to as multiple entities)
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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puppyeared · 2 years
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heavily inspired by this edit by @tallytals
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
do i work in retail? yes.
does this mean i can figure out size guides? no.
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formosusiniquis · 16 days
🪱 Wiggle Wednesday🪱
Thank you @paperbackribs who tagged me last week, I saw it while I was in class and immediately forgot until I saw people posting their things today. But I'm always excited to share my current brainworms
This is a scene from a fic that I pick at every now and then, so it's basically always on the brain. It started as something about Lucas and Steve and trying to explain away the slight anachronism of Steve (popular and rich) being in Nikes before Jordan made them cool (thank you Air) and it has turned into something much more about Lucas and also his Mom relating through a shared love of basketball and Steve is also there.
It’s a Friday night after the end of the world, and strangely Lucas is at a basketball game.
Or maybe it’s only strange because it’s so normal.
A Friday night in a small town and there isn’t much to do except support the home team. Only Mom won’t watch football, she calls it barbaric, so she reserves all her team spirit for November when basketball season starts. Lucas’ skin itches a little under the Hawkins Tigers shirt he’s wearing, as he’s pretending to be normal when a couple weeks ago he learned monsters were real. What can he do though? Mrs. Byers has Will on house arrest, Mike is still mourning Eleven, and Dustin hasn’t been allowed out since Will’s Lazarus act.
Maybe he’s being too sensitive. Steve is here, who Lucas mostly knows from Mike complaining about being Nancy’s stupid boyfriend. Steve is playing like everything is fine, even though Lucas knows Steve knows. He heard whispering about it with Nancy when he went to the bathroom the last time he was at Mike’s. But Steve is smiling as he paces down the court. Miles better than the other players around him, when Steve has the ball Lucas feels like he does when he’s watching a real basketball game on the couch with his Mom.
If Steve can act like things are normal. If he can sink three pointer after rebound after assist, maybe it’s okay that Lucas is wearing his Tiger green. He floats down the court and everyone cheers. But no one cheers right. When #21 Hagan gets a rebound off of Seymour’s best player, a girl’s voice screams so loud it makes his throat hurt. No one cheers that way for Steve. It’s just excitement for the game, not for him and the way he is playing.
When the game ends, Hawkins 73: Seymour 42, and the crowd storms the court Lucas stands by his Mom in the bleachers. She hates feeling the push of the crowd against her and as he gets older, and people’s hands get rougher, he’s starting to understand. He’s too old to be caught standing by his Mom though. After everything, he knows better than to move too far away from her; going to the game with your Mom is one thing, being the kid getting called out over the intercom because she can’t find you would be life ruining.
Lucas watches the thinning crowd while he waits. Parents and girlfriends crowding their sweaty players. He doesn’t want to get caught looking at any of those boys for too long now that they aren’t playing. He isn’t sure why. So he keeps looking for something familiar.
Steve is standing beside a short, dark haired man who’s got what his father calls a beer gut. He doesn’t look anything like Steve, but he’s also the only adult anywhere near him. He’s the only person at all that’s really near Steve. They’re talking excitedly about something. He claps Steve on the back and whatever he says next has Steve looking down toward the floor.
“Is that Steve’s dad?” he asks his mom before thinking about why that might be a weird question to ask her.
“Who?” The way she says it makes him sure she hadn’t actually heard the question. She’d caught a name, when he interrupted her conversation with the lady next to them, but not enough to answer. It’s a free chance to drop the issue. To say sorry, never mind, and go back to watching people move on the floor below them.
“That guy,” she slaps his hand down as he goes to point. “The guy next to Steve, number 8, is that his dad?”
“How do you know him?” The question, instead of an answer, startles him enough that he looks at her instead of Steve. Stern, he knows he doesn’t want to lie to her, but he also isn’t sure how to say that this random high school boy saved two of his best friends’ older siblings' lives.
“He’s Nancy’s boyfriend. Mike talks about him.”
If he’d just waited. He would have gotten his question answered without asking Mom. They both watch as that man says one more thing to Steve, shakes his hand, and walks out of the gym. “I don’t see Nancy here.” Because they both know he doesn’t really need his other question answered anymore.
“I don’t think she really likes sports.”
Mom sucks her teeth, a judgmental tchk that has heat climbing the back of his neck when it's not even for him. "Well that's a shame, he's a good player." There's finally enough space on the floor that they could leave. He wants, desperately, for them to just go cause something about this conversation is making him feel guilty again. "Do you want to to say hi?"
There's nothing he wants less than that. Lucas thinks if he has to go up to this guy, who went toe to toe with a monster, while his mom trails behind he'll die. Lucas thinks if he says hi to a guy who has only seen him maybe twice in the context of Mike Wheeler's house, and has to sit there while Steve blankly accepts his congrats he'll melt into the floor.
"Can we just go home? I still have homework."
And some tags to @fuctacles, @cauldronoflove, @thefreakandthehair, @stevespookington, @stevieharringtonwifeguy
@eriquin, @grasslandgirl, @augustjustice, and anyone else who wants to play!
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Recently reread the Underland Chronicles so I decided to dig through and find the old fanart I did when I first read the series like 11 years ago (wow i’m old) so please enjoy
Featuring my Mark Crilley manga phase, my terrible handwriting lol, ✨copic markers✨, random details I latched on to for some reason, FEELs wtf bro, and me somehow missing the fact that Luxa got a haircut in book one, and spoilers (fr go read these books if you haven't they are so good)
Luxa and Henry (and questionable armor choices??)
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The weave texture was meant to show that their clothes are made of spider silk (Idk what the random thigh pouch is supposed to be tho)
Hamnet and Hazard (and long arms so they can hold hands lol)
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Queen Luxa
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Yeah 13 year old me really latched on to Luxa and tried to make her my personality lolll
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And for some reason the fish-shape crystal thing really stood out to me I guess
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And the turtle trapdoor, I remembered that bit specifically during my reread bc I pictured this drawing I did of it. (I also vaguely remember writing (like by hand in my notebook) a mini missing scene fanfic about Luxa using the turtle trapdoor when she snuck out to join the quest in PoB XD)
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(Don't ask about that size difference lol)
Okay here come the scenes/spoilers (and FEELS)
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(and apparently I thought that holding Ares' claw meant his foot instead of his wing)
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There you have it lol
I also distinctly remember making like a montage of Lapblood moments (the dart frog jumping near her face, strangled in the vines, sinking in quicksand (all near death experiences apparently, rip she had it rough), and Gregor brushing her fur) bc those were the moments I remembered and kept picturing during my reread. But unfortunately I could not for the LIFE of me find it!
Anyway, looking at your old art is cringeyyyy but it's still kinda fun too. This really is not how I picture the characters or clothing and stuff anymore, I might do some redraws if I ever find the time/motivation (lol as if) 
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daesungindistress · 1 year
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
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I dare you - Leo V x gn child of Nike/Reader
part one
It wasn’t his fault. Really, it wasn’t.
How would Leo have known that challenging a child of Nike would turn out badly for him?
It wasn’t his fault they’d been so cocky, crossing their arms across their chest and doing that thing where they stick their chin up in the air slightly and stare him down with a raised eyebrow. It was infuriating… It was also really hot, but that wasn’t the point.
They had that ‘I'm better than you and I know it’ look in their glimmering eyes, so of course Leo had to smirk back at them and say, ‘prove it’.
That was how he found himself trying to work out the difference between a gold tipped spear and a double bladed spear in the weapons shed. Honestly, he didn’t know nor did he want to know all the different ways he could gut someone, but it was either hide in the musty wooden shed or become one of those gutted people. Leo wasn’t exactly a combat fighter, but he had dug himself into this hole, and he had to do something about it.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
He doubted anyone else was awake, and if it was up to him he’d walk back across the dewy grass and hop back into his warm bed. But then he thought of the satisfied look they’d get on their face, and he grabbed the least scary looking spear off the rack and took a deep breath. 
Once he’d made it over to the arena, they were already standing there, wearing the basic orange Camp Half-Blood shirt paired with black tracksuits, and… adidas sneakers, Leo noticed with a chuckle. When they made eye contact, his hand grew sweaty and he nearly dropped the spear, only just managing to catch it and not make a fool of himself. Yet. 
Curse his stupid stubbornness and need to prove himself. 
“C’mon Valdez, you chickening out already?”
“Nuh uh,” he muttered, sticking his tongue out at the way too excited for someone who woke up before the sun did, child of Nike. “You’re the chicken.”
Not his best work, he had to admit. Leo’s breath formed a cloud in the cold air, and he bounced on the balls of his feet, feeling anxiety growing in his gut. There was no way he could get out of it now, so he just had to put up a good fight. And hope the small crowd already gathering would go away.
Jason gave him a pathetic looking thumbs up and Piper just took out her vintage camcorder, the one Shel had bought her a while ago, with a smirk. When he glared at her, she brushed one plait over her shoulder and mouthed back, ‘you’re fucked.’ 
The rest of the Nike cabin [which was only really the twins] had come over too, elbowing each other as they ran to get the highest seat in the stands. They didn’t seem to have any worrie about the outcome of the dual, which only made Leo more sure of how, in Pipers words, fucked he was. He was briefly distracted by his inevitable death when his opponent twirled their golden tipped spear, the weapon of Nike herself, around a few times. “Are you gonna keep staring, or you gonna fight me?”
Leo knew which one of those options he preferred, and with a gulp, he did the opposite. The spear was heavy in his hands and the canvas grip shifted around awkwardly. “Fight you, obviously. What else would I be here for?”
“I dunno, maybe my stunningly good looks?” They pushed up multiple coloured bracelets from where they sat around their wrists, and moved quickly into a fighting stance, the spear tilted in a way that made the tip gleam in the only just rising sun. 
He gulped, and tried to copy their stance. They had already pounced at him, a wicked grin on their lips as the sound of metal clanging together echoed through the arena. He winced and took a few steps back, adjusting his grip as he tried to hold his defense. “Ah shit.”
Dust was churned up in their wake, and he lost count of how many times they spun circles around him. They poked and prodded with their spear. His only option was to jab randomly with his own, blocking the attacks pitifully. 
He ran out of breath quickly. Someone called out something in the distance. A stitch formed in his side. His misused weapon went flying, and landed meters away when a particular twist of the gold tipped spear caught him off guard. 
Then there was a dull jab behind his leg and something hard slammed into him from behind with no warning. 
Electric volts of pain shot up his spine, and his breath decided to leave as quickly as his pride when he realized he was already on the sawdust-y ground. An ache was growing in the base of skull as he gasped for breath, his lungs being squeezed by invisible hands. He was prodded in the chest, and he half expected to see Will Solace frowning above him with a defibrillator in hand.
Instead his crossed eyes were met with a spear tip and a smirk. Leo groaned and threw his head back, which only made the pain worse. He raised a hand over his eyes to block them from the assault of the sun, “okay, okay, you won.”
His opponent, with their stupid cocky grin and an eyebrow piercing he’d never noticed before, bent down and put a hand flecked with scars around their ear. “Pardon me, what was that?”
He glared back at them as they stood above, holding their spear out lazily as the tip rested on his heaving chest, probably poking a hole in the orange shirt he wore on top of his white long sleeve. Apparently his spite only made it all the more funny, because he got another held tilt. “What made you think you could beat someone literally born of strength, speed, and victory, of all things?”
Then to his surprise, was offered a hand up. 
 “Uhm, thanks.” He blinked, and then took the offer, brushing sawdust and sand off himself. 
They nodded at him in return and retrieved his long lost spear, holding it under their arm as they made their way back over. Leo ignored the exaggerated cheers on his behalf coming from where his friends sat. 
“Why did you say you could fight?” He was asked, while they grabbed their water bottle. It had a few faded converse logo stickers on it. “You obviously can’t, why’d you challenge me?”
Their tone wasn’t even rude or overly confident, like it had been a moment before, and Leo realized they were genuinely curious. He shrugged, hands in his pockets as they carried the spears back over to the weapon shed.
He followed them, “you would too, wouldn’t you?”
They thought for a moment, a little crease between their eyebrows that he sort of wanted to smooth out. “I suppose I would, but that’s sort of my whole thing, isn’t it? Beating people, taking up every dare, following through with every idea or thought i’ve ever had, never backing down from a challenge because otherwise it’ll kill me… complaining about my OCD.”
Leo might be bad at social interactions, but even he could see the little admission slipped in the end there, and he figured it’d probably be kinder to not mention it. 
“It won’t actually kill you?” He tried not to let worry slip into his voice. “Will it?”
“Not physically… Not that I know of.” They opened the swinging wooden gate to the weapons shed, letting a stream of light into the dusty little room. They waved a hand absently, like that would explain what they were trying to say. “What I mean, is like, I'd never let it go. It’d just sit in the back of my head until I die, telling me that I should’ve done it, that I'll never live it down.”
“Must be exhausting.”
“When I was eight, Butch asked me to fill in for his shift cleaning the stables. I said no, because I wanted to make friendship bracelets with Drew instead.” They took a deep breath. “I didn’t go to sleep that night, because it was all I could think about. I snuck out that night to clean the stables, even though Butch had had to do it anyway, but..I just.. I had to do it. 
They pointed at their bicep, and Leo had to draw his eyes away from their muscles and back to the long jagged scars stretching from their elbow to where they disappeared to underneath the sleeve of the orange top. 
“The Harpy’s found me.”
Leo’s stomach dropped down to his scuffed shoes, his breath catching. He couldn’t imagine thoughts spiraling so much they’d get you injured. His voice sounded too hollow to convey his emotions when he spoke. “Oh…that, like, really sucks…. You can’t do anything about it?”
“Me, Holly, and Laurel all have medication now, but it only just takes the edge off it. Upside is, I don’t break pinky promises, I guess.” They didn’t look over at him, just stacked the spears up on the rack in the correct order, and then picked up a stray shield from the ground and popped it back onto the hooks jutting from the walls. 
Then their eyes widened, the white of them showing as if they only just realized how open they were being. “Anyway, uh, maybe don’t try challenging anyone else at a duel again.”                                                        They cleared their throat and moved to the door, grabbing the rusty lock off the little shelf. Part of it fell out of place and onto the ground with a small thud. 
The way the poor lock was being glared at, it could’ve killed someone. Leo picked it up gently, hoping not to lose any of the small parts. “Oh, I can just-”
“You don’t think I can use a screwdriver?” He was asked with narrowed eyes as he pulled a few tools out of his belt. Even his nimble fingers couldn’t fix something this old and broken.
Leo shrugged, holding his hands up in defense. “I didn’t think fixing things is your area of expertise, but if-”
“Okay, you’re on.”
He shook his head, not wanting to rope the child of Nike into a challenge that’d rot in their brain and force them to go through with it. “Wait! No that wasn’t a challenge, you don’t have to-”
They shook their head back at him just as quickly, folding their arms like that would seal the deal. The way they looked down at Leo made him want to agree with anything they said though, so maybe they did have some reasoning behind it. “Tomorrow, the forgery, I'm gonna beat you.”
“At what?” He scoffed, fiddling with the lock in his hands, and pulling one of the wires back into place. Then he pulled the screwdriver back out of his toolbelt and screwed the bolt back. “Building?”
“Well if you’re gonna make it a thing, you can’t host a competition like this in the forge, we’re going to bunker nine.” He said back, jutting his chin out as they moved him out of the way and shut the door behind them. 
He passed them the fixed lock, as they stuck their tongue out at him. “You’re on, Valdez.”
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bongwateriero · 2 years
maddy im kissing you put frank in another glue trap
just for you bishop. return frank dying in a glue trap
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he got stuck trying to reach the doritos ://
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pwhl-mybeloved · 2 months
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passionfruitmango · 3 months
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First few days with Nike have been SO FUN, my world has been full of ear to ear smiles every time I look at them 🥰🥰
First picture is when my partner gave them a Goku inspired lil hair shape! I was so confused what he was up to until he turned Nike around 😂
Second is our beautiful long bab gazing upon their kingdom, the world is theirs after all 🩷💚
Third was during "vibe out in the car time" where Nike got to see their reflection for the first time [when will my reflection showwww]
And fourth and finally we have Nike's first car ride from this morning!! I brought them to work with me today, had a coworker who was EXCITED to see a long furb live in action!! I'll be posting a close up pic of their name necklaces (I love making kandi hehe) later, finished those up last night 🥰
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f0xgl0v3 · 9 months
Legacies in Camp Jupiter/Just Pjo?
Wow I am on a roll! Anyway I’ve been wanting to do this and the power post just really dragged up this issue in my head back to the forefront, and it is someone that really continuously confuses me on a basic level of how Rick chose to let this category function.
Legacies are a type of Demigod introduced in HoO that are directly related to Gods but aren’t first generation. They are not children of gods but like grandkids, great-grandkids, so on and so on. This is not a new concept, it is as old as myths themselves, the first thing that pops up in my mind was Troy’s royal family was said in myths to be descended from Zeus. That makes someone like Hector (in Pjo-verse vocabulary) a legacy in the Pjo canon.
But.. Legacies aren’t really different to demigods? Like- not different enough that they would get classified as differently-? For several reasons I believe, but the main three points I want to make (because apparently all my thoughts come in packs of 3), is that 1) Legacies and Demigods are shown to have the same godly-ability level as one another/ it’s inconsistent, 2) somewhat through the books themselves they just sort of stop using the word Legacy/Legacies never have anything that set them apart from demigods, 3) this is a new concept to distinguish them (this is the weakest but it feels weird that Rick decided to differentiate Legacies and Demigods when myths never really did too much, but when did Rick care about the source material- okay, that was rude I’m just still annoyed over Ares-)
Legacies and Demigods powers. Legacies are shown to have similar power levels to Demigods, or those powers are inconsistent. I bring this up because it feels odd? That legacies would have a similar broad level of abilities while still being more mortal than god (this depends and I’ll talk about what I think for like hc on New Rome and their legacy population) but we have characters like Bryce Lawerence; who has powers like, shadow travel (the shadow travel is implied but I’ll get into why it’s likely he has some form of enhanced ability to travel), enhanced tracking (also implied but this will fit into the travel thing), summoning the damned souls of those who broke oaths, along with being implied to have visited the underworld at some point because he mentions hearing the screams of the fields of punishment. But let’s also remember that BoO takes place somewhere in 8-9 days (starts July 20, ends Aug 3) the Bryce attack scene is on chapter XXX while Bryce being brought back to the legion is in chapter VI. No less than if I remember correctly like 2-3 days could’ve past. There are a couple things, he’s stealthy enough that Nico doesn’t notice him. We don’t get any confirmation that he’d been following them for a while (from all I know of Bryce’s character I have to assume he wasn’t or he would’ve 100 percent taken the first chance to attack them) but he is able to get from Long Island to South Carolina on foot, and seemingly appear out of nowhere. There is probably a logical explanation but also considering the fact he knows what’s happening to Nico (that shadow traveling fading that doesn’t seem to matter?) makes me consider and lean more to the idea that he can shadow travel (honestly would love to make another post on Bryce Lawerence because no one cares about him but I really find him interesting). But if he can do the (implied shadow travel) and the very apparent necromancy he has the same skill set of Nico! Never mind the tiny little difference in the necromancy, they have the same power and the same level of that power. The difference is that one is a legacy, and one is a Demigod- but there doesn’t seem to be a power difference. Secondly Frank’s shapeshifting thing, I’ll be real and say I just think that’s a thing because like Poseidon gifted it? I think of it as the same way that like the Red panda gift from turning Red is going strong because it was a blessing or whatever. And Octavian, who is (said, for some reason Rick wanted to put in that maybe Octavian never had powers at all but that’s stupid and takes away what little things Octavian has) but he also, doesn’t seem to have a dip in powers? I don’t care much for seeing the Apollo kids but it seems that they all can have varied powers (fitting seeing as Apollo was a god of so many things) and Octavian’s skill doesn’t seem limited in any way (would’ve been great if we got more information on it because we have no idea how it works compared to say, the way we know how the Oracle stuff works) but all of this puts a clear image that from the legacies we know, there doesn’t seem to be a big difference in power. Which is odd, seeing as they don’t feel like they should.
Through HoO Rick really just like- stopped talking about legacies? I’m laughing as I’m writing this but know it’s a saddened laugh because like. Rachel refers to Octavian as Son of Apollo (Which could be argued she doesn’t know what a Legacy is but I feel like since her Oracle powers told her everything else it would’ve informed her of his proper title- or I guess not because the writing didn’t care at all about Octavian-) and I think Reyna mentions Bryce is a legacy though it’s not referenced any more. Bryce just brings up Orcus in some dialogue and that’s about it. If you’re going to bring up a new type of Demigod then why not explore them more? HoO doesn’t explore like anything but still, Frank never has thoughts about his Legacy stuff. We don’t even get any notes about Greek demigods not considering most of the Roman Legacies Demigods because they aren’t the direct Children of the Gods? It just like- Legacies kind of do nothing, there is nothing different about a legacy.
Mythology doesn’t even really distinguish the two? Like- again because I’ve read the Iliad and Odyssey it’s what I always think first. Hector mentions he is also related to Zeus- that there is a distinct thing about demigods like Sarpedon, Achilles, and Aeneas. But there never is something where it calls out, “Oh Hectors great-great-great grandpa is Zeus and that’s super different and crazy” but it’s just “Hectors related to Zeus y’know and he’s gonna kick your butt man >:[“ obviously this is a random point because those are ancient texts. But we have to remember that Pjo is founded off of these myths and the fact that Legacies are a part of these myths but distinctly different (literally everyone who is descended from Zeus which is literally everyone- not literally but like-) operate differently, they are essentially no different than their fully mortal companions other than they can sport a God ancestor and the most convoluted family tree.
Okay. Those are the points that I’ve made. All of those boil down into like “Rick did nothing to differentiate Legacies from Demigods other than slap a different name on them” and that’s a missed opportunity. It’d be like if something like Harry Potter went, “Here are wizards that are said to be different than other magic users but all that’s different are their titles!” That might be a thing I don’t know I don’t consume Harry Potter. But there was a ball and it was slammed into the ground (huh, almost like Rick did that with a lot of things related to Camp Jupiter and the Romans- also the Romans canonically have cars and I don’t like that). But I have some Head-canons about legacies for my re-imagining to hopefully make them, make more sense?
The longer a legacy line is, the more ‘diluted’ the power becomes. Like in the myths, after you hit a certain point most legacies will have incredibly weak powers. This adds to the powers post I made (shameless plug that you should read that one too because I’m proud of it.) and how the legacies affect the Romans view on powers. But this means that the farther you get down a family line the less and less powerful the power is. Say a child of Zeus has children and then like ten generations down the line the descendants could be more resistant to lightning, conduct it easier and attract it a little more, maybe jump a big higher but that’s about it. Example, Michael Kahale In my re-imagining comes from a super duper long line and his powers pretty much are, I look pretty, I’m a little more persuasive from remnants of charm-speak (and I want to buff up the Aphrodite cabin more because Rick really just didn’t care when it came to them)
This doesn’t include ‘gifts’ like Frank’s. I think by the will of the God that blessed the ancestor with it they keep the power strong. This goes the same way for curses, maybe. If the curse is not revered than it probably is passed onto your kid.
In common sense, the fresher the legacy the more potent the power. And sometimes there can be mutations that a child can end up with more potent powers, whether that be the wishes of the Godly ancestor or they just get miracle genes it could act as a soft re-boot to strengthen the powers. For examples; Bryce is a very new legacy, his dad is the direct child of Orcus and Bryce gets passed down all of the cool powers (also need a hc for his mother because she comes from a legacy line) or Octavian was just.. born with the more potent powers, I like to think Apollo noted him and took interest to strengthen his powers for some reason. (Note he also is a legacy of Venus but I haven’t worked out if that affects him and how, but the Venus part is much more downplayed)
Legacies who have mixed godly blood/ several different lines that have merged have a little from everything, their powers are weaker but if like for example a Child of Athena with a Hermes legacy might have a easier time stealing things, or be a little faster than their peers. But these end up very minimal because the direct child aspect overpowers it a lot (idk I don’t know hypothetical demigod genes and how they work so let’s just go with it) this is similar with legacies+legacies though the family will usually stick to one legacy title (sort of how last names are passed on, but a partner wouldn’t take up the legacy title of the family. But a child would) while the powers honestly could be all over the place
Okay that’s all I think right now, if I have anything else I’ll probably make a separate post but for me right now it is very nighttime and I need my sleep so I can crush my siblings in various unserious competition.
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goldfishontheceiling · 7 months
guys guys guys guys
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ale forces
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messywitch · 2 years
i had some free time from college so i went ahead and made more user boxes! someone in the tags mentioned that their deity was underrepresented and don't worry, i've got you. i made boxes for deities i don't see much rep of in the tag!! feel free to use them with credit!
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
gods in this post: Asclepius, Iris, Eris, Hebe, Harmonia, Nemesis, Nike, Pan, Psyche, Phobos & Deimos, Themis, Tyche & Gaia.
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linaw0pp · 2 days
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Bored in history class ✍️
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anxxmakezstuff · 9 months
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Nike sneaker illustration. Made on procreate.
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