#nicholas winters
artofalassa · 2 months
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'Hey! Look! It's Trigun and the other guy!'
- the random dude commenting on our cosplays over at Animefest a month ago
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Tom was buzzing. He hadn’t felt this close to a lead in months. And, somehow, Nick was being completely indifferent about the whole thing. His partner was simply reading something on his screen, not even bothering to touch the pasty his own sister had put on the desk.
‘What - what are you doing?’ Tomasz asked, utter disbelief behind his voice. ‘We could have a chance here to do something. To catch -’
‘No,’ Nicolaus said simply, causing Tom to sink into his chair. It was as if someone had deflated him; a feeling which was only exacerbated by Nick finally raising his icy blue eyes from the screen and looking to Tomasz. ‘We don’t. It was all lies.’
‘How do you know?’
An almost wry smile tugged at Nick’s lips before he looked back to the screen. ‘Mr. Andrews is in here every other week, stating he can help with some big case or another.’
‘But… But what if this time it isn’t all “Boy Who Cried Wolf”?’
Nick arched an eyebrow. ‘Don’t you mean what if it is that? What if this time the story checks out?’
‘Exactly,’ said Tom, leaning forwards on the desk, eager to hear how exactly Nick was going to explain this away.
Nick nodded thoughtfully before breaking off a piece of his pasty. Still, he didn’t eat it, merely put it on a different piece of the napkin. ‘It’s for exactly that reason that I’ve got someone looking into it. Just not us. Now, pass me that file.’ And then, he looked back to his screen.
With a sigh, Tomasz reached for the file in question. He huffed as he slid it off the desk - not caring that he seemed like some kind of petulant child in doing so - and handed it to his partner, really hoping that they might just actually get a break in this case sooner rather than later.
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ciearcab · 9 months
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recent scribbles
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andr0nap · 1 year
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karlydraws · 9 months
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"What if No Man's Land was a snow world"
....that was what I begun with but I just ended up drawing modern day winter sports theme
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
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I don't do enough Winterknight to be satisfied. so have some more.
The family's gotten just a little bigger with the addition of twins, Celeste (by Jaune) and her slightly younger sister Celine (by Winter)!
Poor Nick is suffering from the Arc family curse of 'Oops All Daughters', leaving him the only son and the beleaguered middle child. Lumi is doing just fine as the admired eldest sister like Winter.
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huariqueje · 4 months
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The Rising Winter Moon - Nicholas Hely Hutchinson
British , b. 1955 -
Oil on canvas , 30 x 40 cm.
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touloserrrr · 4 months
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Sunny Side
Whitley:Ruby. Wake up. *shakes her*
Ruby:Mmm, where’s the fire? It’s like five in the morning.
Whitley:It’s strawberry season in Patch.
Ruby:I am aware….
Whitley:Let’s gets some fresh fruit in breakfast. You can sleep on the airship.
Ruby:Okay- wha?
[The airship]
Ruby, half awake:….*looks to the right*
Winter: *listening to music*
Sparrow:I bet I can fly this.
Penny:Sir, please sit down. I already have a co-pilot.
Oscar:That is- he is a literal retired soldier.
Jaune and Weiss:*reading*
Nick and Summer:Zzzz
Ruby:Uncle Qrow?
Qrow:*playing cards* Yeah?
Ruby:We married rich.
Qrow:Is that sinking in now?
Ruby:Little bit.
Nora:And we’re reaping the benefits.
Ren:Whitley just didn’t want to feel your anger about a breakfast trip.
Valerie:*writing* I’m not complaining. My book report wasn’t finished.
Whitley:What’s up sleepyhead.
Ruby:Can we make a detour?
Bzzz bzzz b-
Yang:*grabs scroll* Uuuuggh. Where’s the fire?
Ruby:Look outside bitch.
Yang rolls out of bed and practically crawls to her window where Blake is staring to see a fancy airship hovering near her house.
Ruby:Grab your pants, wife, and child. We’re gonna make mom’s pancakes.
Whitley:Welcome to the breakfast express.
Yang:You need less money.
Blake:I bought some honey, syrup, and spices my mom made.
Whitley:This is why you’re my favorite member.
Ruby and Weiss:Wow that’s craaazy.
Veronica casually walks on board in her pjs and heads straight towards the twins without a second thought. She picks up a sleepy Summer that leans on her brother and moves her one seat down, then sits down. She tugs Summer so she falls back in place, offering her own right arm as a substitute while resting her head on Nick before promptly going back to sleep.
Yang:…At least she was nice about it.
Knock Knock Knock
Tai:*opens door* ….Strawberry picking?
Yang and Ruby:Hehe, yeah.
Tai:I’ll go grab your old baskets.
Nick was used to the rich life, but even had to admit it was pretty surreal to be at home in the cold one moment, then woken up a few hours later to put on a sunhat and pick some berries. Everyone this morning was just…cool with it. This was life right now. Singing early birds and strawberry baskets.
Nick:Wasn’t there school today?
Summer:Don’t be lame and keep picking. Gods it smells nice out here. I’m a little jealous we don’t come here more often.
Valerie:The sun has barely risen and yet it’s so warm.
Veronica:Country air smells different from the sea or city life. I visit Gramps occasionally and even I’m not used to it. It’s pretty jarring.
Summer:Kinda like waking up in a different plane seat.
Veronica:If that’s what you want to compare it too.
Summer:Don’t sweep that under the rug!!!
Ruby:Pancakes 🎶
Yang:Whoop whoop🎶
Weiss:Pancakes 🎶
Winter.Whoop Whoop🎶
Nora:Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes🎶
Ren:Buttermilk, Strawberry, shortcake, or tall!🎶
Jaune:You already know I’m eating them all!🎶
Qrow :Crack a few eggs and hash a few browns!🎶
Tai:Put em on my plate and I’m gonna chow down!🎶
Penny:Grab a plate and some friends to tag along…🎶
Everyone:Took making cooking fun with the breakfast song!🎶
All the kids slowly set the table as they watched the grown ups cut up fruit, flip pancakes, pour drinks, and butter pans.
Veronica:You’re not gonna sing?
Blake:There are enough people in that kitchen.
Oscar:Yeah satisfied fixing chairs.
Whitley:*sitting* Zzzz
Sparrow:This guy planned everything and now decides to sleep!? *pokes face*
Ruby:Leave him alone!
Sparrow:Did she even turn around?
Oscar:Did she really need to with you?
It took about half an hour before the smell of breakfast was rich enough to wake Whitley just in time. Now it was his who was wide awake as she happily carried trays in hand alongside Yang, Weiss, and Penny; they happily danced side to side in messy aprons as they put food on the table for everyone. Nora would’ve joined if she could be trusted, and Winter was happily on Nora restraint duty.
Stacks of strawberry pancakes in the shape of roses and buttermilk pancakes in the form of the sun were presented with hash browns, eggs, sausage, biscuits, ham, the whole spread and additional goodies for everyone to eat. They took their seat and looked at Whitley as if he wanted to make some grand speech.
Whitley:*smiles* You waiting for an invitation? *raises glass* To a good day.
Everyone:To a good day!
Not a moment was wasted passing around plates. Whitley went to grab a fork when his empty plate was suddenly replaced with a full breakfast by Ruby. The lady quickly cut a piece of the pancake drizzled in cinnamon syrup and raised to his face to make him blush.
Ruby:Thank you for the trip. Now say aaah~
Whitley:I-In front of everyone?
Ruby:Don’t be shy now. It’s just for the first bite. It’s tradition here. Then you give me a bite.
Qrow:If your sister can do it, you can too.
Winter:*chews shamefully*
They look at Weiss to see her eat off of Jaune’s fork without hesitation. She even opens her mouth again to receive another bite before giggling. Meanwhile the likes of Penny, Nora, and Blake, treated this like an everyday occurrence. With a display like that, Whitley had no choice but to summon the courage to say “aah” and get fed a bite.
Ruby:How is it!?
Whitley:…I can go for another.
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xoxonxo · 2 months
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that1notetaker · 2 years
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You KNOW what day it is. YOU GOTTA WATCH OUT. YOU GOTTA WATCH OUT. YOU GOTTA WATCH OUT (cue to north parkouring in the background)
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dsireland86 · 6 months
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This boy is tugging at my heartstrings 🥹🥹
I want to see more of his ink, though. His moon phases on his fingers are just...omg they're beautiful 😍
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cerealforkart · 9 months
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Sparrow misses flying sometimes, Nicky can help with that
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scrabbleknight · 1 month
One of the most underrated jokes I see in the RWBY fandom is how every popular thing is, one way or another, invented by the Schnee Dust Company.
The Schnee-Net.
Like yeah, the Schnee empire just came up with everything under the sun.
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slyandthefamilybook · 7 months
why do all the women in TMA have such attractive voices
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saintaviator · 1 year
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lifetime achievement award
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