honeybeeblogs · 1 year
most relatable post ive seen today
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
*silent lesbian reblog*
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
ok so i was using sign with my brother (he cant talk its the only way he can communicate so its easier for me to just sign for him he understands more) and this lady comes up to me and starts yelling at me cause i signed something wrong and that i was skum because apparently i was appropriating my bros culture i had just started learning sign so taken aback im just like oh my bro cant talk so im learning sign to help talk to him and she said hes not even deaf hearing people cant learn sign as its offensive to learn sign because its offensive to deaf people im like gurl what i just walked away with my bro and she yelled at me to explain why i was appropriating deaf culture i cant with people anymore
What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?
.. i’m palestinian
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
i feel like everyone can agree this is the canon human blitz
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it’s been a long time since i last posted here and honestly i didn’t think i would come back to it but here we are! i’ve draw this little fella and it was so fun! i used his sister as a reference and tried to analyse and mimic the show’s character design! I am no professional but i did my best!!
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
rebloging this this was exactly like what i was taught stay safe this is the reality of being a woman stuf has happened to me and people around me that is just to disgusting to speak about
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
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it ok to not be ready
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
eug med school tests suck so this better work
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I’d just like to say good luck to everyone taking SAT’s or Exams (or any tests for that matter) and I wish you the best of luck on them!
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
helluva boss lmao
What's keeping you sane atm?
I'll go first:
Honestly, if you see this, thank you so much for being on tumblr, you've kept me alive debjwwxjis
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
im crying this is so cute i still cant tell my dad about my queerness or my gf this turtle might help
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
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happy trans visibility day to apollo justice and his cring faiboy rockstar
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
be you be queer
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This Pride, don’t forget about us
ID: “This Pride remember to respect all trans people : Trans women who don’t shave with a drawing of a woman whit a yellow and pink beard, trans men who don’t bind, masculine trans women and feminine trans men with a drawing of a trans woman with short pink hair wearing a yellow baseball T-shirt holding hands with a trans man with a yellow crop top and short curly blue hair, fat trans people with the drawing of a fat trans woman with short white hair, dark skin and a pink cropped top, disabled trans people with a drawing of a wheelchair and a walking cane in the color of the trans flag, neurodivergent trans people with the symbol of the autistic community, trans people who are sex worker with a drawing of blue bra and pink underwear, poor trans people who can’t afford transition, trans people who aren’t out yet with a drawing of a closed door, trans people who don’t plan on transitioning, black trans people with a black fist holding a trans flag, and any trans people who isn’t white with multiple hands of different skin tones, muslim trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a hijab in the color of the trans flag, jewish trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a white shirt and a kippah in the color of the trans flag, non binary people even those who don’t identify as trans with the non binary flag, those whose identity you might not understand with the genderfluid flag, the agender flag, the demi gender flag and the genderqueer flag, trans people who don’t pass and don’t want to with a drawing of a trans woman with a beard and dark skin raising her fist, every pronouns with dialog box in which are different sets of pronouns, trans people of every identity with the gay flag, the lesbian flag, the ace flag, the bi flag, the pan flag and the aro flag, every trans person is beautiful and deserving of so much love so don’t forget the T.” End ID
P.S. : can someone tell me if I did the image description right cuz I have no idea
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
gotta reblog so more people seeeeeeeeeeeee
Helluva boss S1 E8, but only when Queen Bee is on screen
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
yeah yeah i still dont like nurse possay face'
Alright so I'm seeing a bit of hate at Barbie for dismissing Blitzø like she did, but at the same time, even though we don't understand what happened between them, it's still completely understandable as to why she doesn't want to see Blitzø.
(1) He doesn't respect her decision of NOT wanting to see him, constantly trying to sneak in the hospital to see her and her needing protection from the NURSE of all people.
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(2) when he does find her, even though he knows she doesn't want to see him, and to be left alone, he still acts like she owes him something, and tries to make her look like the asshole.
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(3) He doesn't even attempt to try to call of the hit for her, despite knowing she needs the guy to do her job. (Don't get me wrong, both the guy and her job are shitty, but it doesn't change the fact that she needed the both of them if she wanted to move on with her life.)
One could argue that he only started holding her back after she attacked Moxxie, but it doesn't change the fact that even beforehand, he did nothing to stop Moxxie from killing the human. Even when they're fighting he still doesn't stop Moxxie and even helps him.
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(4) Even after all that, after her supplier is killed, he doesn't offer an apology, a way to make it up to her, or even just something that would go to HER interests. He JUST started to talk about what HE wanted. This whole thing about finding her and repairing their relationship wasn't about her, it was about him.
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In the end, though we all know he cares about her, it's obvious through this show that he doesn't care about her ENOUGH to put his own interests aside and focus on what she wants. Even though he genuinely does desperately want to repair things with her.
And it's so, so sad.
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
respectfully take control of me
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Respectfully, I want her to step on me 🥰
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
ong yasssssssssss
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honeybeeblogs · 1 year
ong this is an amazing theory
I like how Bee is concerned for Blitzø because she can feel his “aura” coming off from him, and knows that at the moment, he isn’t being gluttonous.
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She realized that he isn’t indulging to have fun, he’s drinking to forget his problems, which is more pride than gluttony. Pride isn’t her sin, so it’s natural for her to be concerned.
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