
Armin Arlert x Reader
Synopsis: you’ve been in Marley for a couple months now , you’re finally seeing Armin again
Tropes: long hug, eye contact, pre-existing relationships, yes the lowercase is intentional, first person pronouns because it’s you
i’ve been in marley for a couple of months now. i’ve only risked contact with eren once. he made me promise to not ruin this mission, he said he had everything in place to make it work. still, i didn’t love the idea that he was bringing everyone here to, very suddenly, bring ruination upon this town.
i’ve seen children running around. families, friends, relationships. the eldians have formed a community, everyone on the eldian side of the gate knows one another. they’re a family. to think that eren intends to destroy this town of eldians—not even the marleyans—even if they will be there these are still eldian homes he will destroy. it makes me nauseous to think about it.
reiner is here. he has a cousin who he treats more like a sister. she has a band of friends. they all want nothing more than to prove they’re good eldians and kill everyone back on paradis which, i’ll admit, makes me more than a little violent when i think about it for too long. but i always remind myself that this is all they’ve been taught, it’s all they know. i remember my boyfriend is back on paradis and the feelings of violence come back but then i see this girl and her own personal blonde and i have to remind myself once again. it’s an endless cycle.
i haven’t been able to come into contact with eren again—it’s too much of a risk, as he continuously reminds me. but i’ve been watching, very closely, from the sides. he’s been talking to that little blonde reiner’s cousin/sister is going to be stuck to for the rest of her life—assuming they both survive this. it makes me nervous seeing eren with him but i don’t think he’d go out of his way to hurt the boy so i’ve yet to intervene.
on the day i know eren intends to ruin these people’s lives—worse than they have already been ruined—i’m anxious beyond repair, i’ll just have to sit with it. even if this goes perfectly we’re still sure to lose some of our own and kill entire families on this mission. i’m nauseous again.
eren convinces the boy—falco to bring reiner to him. i sit just out of range of the explosion eren will surely set off when he transforms. i can’t hear them but i know what’s being said. eren’s revealing himself, reiner is scared out of his mind, and falco is shocked. i just hope that when he does transform that falco will be okay. he’s a good kid.
some long haired blonde man who’s very clearly important to all of these people is giving some speech about killing the island devils on paradis when eren finally transforms, decimates half of the people gathered together, and then eats said man. this, of course, causes the actual war hammer titan to make herself known. there is something of a fight between them but really eren just gets his ass handed to him by being skewered a few times. but that doesn’t stop reinforcements from coming.
i can hear the odm gear zipping by. i know my friends are here. it makes me smile but then it makes me nervous. i would prefer they all be out of harm's way—eren hasn’t allowed that. so we’re all fighting for our lives in unknown territory. the goal is to spare as many of our own lives as possible, capture zeke, and get eren out of here alive.
honestly, we look like we’re going to lose. they have the war hammer titan, the jaw titan, the beast titan, and the cart titan. if zeke were actually against us we’d surely be dead. but still, it looks mildly bleak. but i know what our power play is. i know what eren will have forced them to do. forced him to do. even though knows he hates it. even though he knows it goes against everything he believes in.
i see it in the distance. i hear it everywhere. i can almost feel it in the air. the explosion. i know what it is. i know who it is.
without thinking, i take off running towards the blast. i’m zipping around on my odm gear, reaching maximum speeds. i’m weaving through and around all the buildings and straight to the port.
by the time i get there, everything is decimated. things still shine with the light of a burned-out fire. these people were scorched and all of the land in a five-mile radius is crushed. there will be no survivors. no one will live through this if they’re not dead already. no one but the boy who caused it.
he’s just ripped himself from the nape of his titan's neck when my feet hit the ground. i stand before his titan, the size of a small bug from where he sits atop it. i look up at him, overcome with emotion and frozen in place.
when he looks down and spots me i can feel his eyes. i can feel his gaze upon me. it warms me everywhere his eyes travel. he’s slowly registering it’s me, he doesn’t believe it yet. he doesn’t want to get his hopes up if it’s not me and instead someone who’s about to shoot at him.
i smile despite myself, feeling my eyes pool with tears. i don’t try to blink them back like i usually would. he knows me then.
he inhales sharply and in the next moment he’s zipping down from his titans body and towards me. “y/n!”
i laugh helplessly and dart towards him. we’re running at each other with all we have, really. i’ve never run faster. this is the new record. i thought i was fast getting here. this beats that by a long shot. i can see him. he’s 100 feet away from me. 80 feet. 50. he’s so close, how could i not run as fast as i possibly can? 20 feet. then 10.
as soon as i can see every cut and bruise on his face, his titan marks, the blue of his eyes—it’s like as soon as i see him it’s like i leave battle mode. it doesn’t matter that we’ve both been fighting for our lives out here. we’ve nearly won now. we’re going to leave with only a few casualties of our own, eren, & the war hammer titan. it will be successful as long as we continue as we have been. my resolve dies and we’re just so close now. i’m jumping over charred corpses & rubble from the destroyed town. i’m running as fast i can to my favorite blonde. “armin!” i choke out, suddenly so close to sobbing i can feel the tears falling.
i’m sure it’s jarring to see me like this. usually so stoic and unmoved in the fast of terror or tragedy, reduced to a puddle of tears at the sight of a boy i’ve loved all my life.
his breath hitches again and when we embrace it’s with such equal force we stand completely still, absorbing each other's energy. we’re panting and holding each other like the contact is the only thing that allows us to breathe. one of my arms is wrapped around his neck, hooking it in the bend of my elbow while my other hand is pushed into the hair at the back of his head. he’s holding me so tightly around the waist that he’s nearly lifting me off the ground—i’m on my tiptoes.
i squeeze my eyes shut and take shaky breaths to stop myself from crying. i’m surely shaking in his arms, not to say that he’s not shaking too—because he is. i just can’t stop.
“armin, armin, armin,” i whisper it again and again like a chant and a promise.
i can feel his heart beat against my own chest. our hearts are working to match the other's pace. our breathing synchronizes, our hearts beat as one, it’s like we’re one being.
he pulls back just enough to look me in the eyes before wiping away my tears. his own eyes are filled with so much emotion it almost brings my tears back. he closes his eyes and leans our foreheads together.
i reach up and cup his face in my hands. he opens his eyes and does the same to me. when our eyes meet and hold contact i can’t help but let out a weak, wet laugh. my thumbs gently trace over his titan marks with a feather-like touch. the only sound is of our breath & the ocean behind us at the port. “hi,” i say without thinking.
he laughs quietly, “hi.”
for a long moment, we stay like that. wrapped up in each other and the moment. i’ve gone soft around the edges, i’m no longer alert and sharp. i don’t know exactly where the sound comes from when i hear it—and that makes me nervous.
it’s a voice that calls for us. it makes me pull armin to me, holding him tightly, shielding him. i look around to pinpoint where this voice is coming from. it makes me uneasy to be on a battlefield but feel so at home just because i’m in his presence. it makes me nervous to not be so sharp, so prepared, so ready.
finally, i spot jean. he’s off in the distance. we can’t quite hear him but it’s easy to make out the waving arm that tells us to get to him quickly. he’s not very calm about it.
i relax a little, happy it’s a friend who requires an answer to their call versus someone with a gun. my hold on armin doesn’t loosen much. he sighs against my neck, he’s relieved too.
“i think it’s about time to catch our ride home,” armin says softly.
i nod against his shoulder where i rest my forehead. i smile a little. “i’ve been missing home… missing you.”
he slides his hand up from its place on my back to the back of my neck. “you won’t have to miss me again. we won’t be apart again.”
“that’s wishful thinking,” i joke sadly.
he doesn’t say anything because he knows i’m right. he just pulls away and takes my hand. when he starts to lead us over to jean i quickly use our joined hands to pull him back to me. i put my hand on the back of his neck—mostly to steady myself and then lean on my tiptoes to kiss him. it’s long and emotional but really that’s all it is—emotional. there’s no deeper meaning behind it, no lust. it’s just something that says, “i’m so happy to have you back. never leave me again. i love you more than anything. let me keep loving you.”
when i pull away i simply take the lead in walking and pull him along behind me—he’s still a little dazed for the time being but he snaps out of it quickly enough. we walk together to jean. i’m sure we’re supposed to be in a hurry, i know this airship will leave without us, but we can’t seem to make ourselves run.
when we get to our friend he shoots armin a look i don’t quite understand but he says nothing of our joined hands, which i appreciate. he doesn’t hesitate to remind us that if we don’t make it to the rooftop rendezvous spot we will not be going home. on that very blunt note, the three of us book it to the roof.
armin’s hand is soft and warm in mine. he’s like home for me. he’s safety and happiness personified. he’s always been there. he’s been the love of my life since the moment i laid eyes on him and i don’t ever intend to take my eyes off of him now. not again. he and i are in it for the long haul… assuming we all survive this.
#armin arlert#armin x reader#armin aot#armin arlet x reader#attack on titan#aot#aot x reader#yn#x yn#armin x y/n
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Eren Jaeger x Reader
Synopsis: You get injured attempting to help Eren
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, shared bed, nightmare comfort, found family (obviously with the others)
"That was one of the more stupid things I've seen you do," Levi comments idly as Hange lifts you into their arms and lays you in the wagon.
You wince and hold your arm, “I’ll say.”
"I thought it was very brave," Hange tries to reassure you.
Levi looks as bored as always when he says, "Make sure Eren stays in his titan form. We can't afford for him to bow out of the fight now just because he saw his little friend get hurt."
You lower your eyebrows in confusions. "Wh—" you gasp at a sharp pain in your arm but continue, "why would he stop fighting? He knows how important this is."
Hange and Levi share a look you don't understand, whether it be because of the pain or simply something you can't decode—you're unsure.
"You should wheel y/n to a scout we can trust. Eren needs all the motivation he can get. No need to risk cutting any loose," Levi says to Hange.
Hange nods. After they pick up the handles of the wagon and start to cart you away they look over their shoulder with a sly smirk and say, "You sound more like a commander than I do."
Levi looks at them for a moment before looking away and shaking his head, "Just go."
"Yes, sir," Hange teases before actually doing as he says.
As they carry you through the ruined town you can't help but start to ask a stupid and sort of selfish question, "How... how long do you think...”
Hange looks over their shoulder at you with a small, knowing smile. "How long before we might be able to get you back to the base and get you patched up? How long until this fighting might be done?"
You nod, feeling mildly ashamed and embarrassed.
Hange continues walking. "Not too much longer now, should we all make it out, and by some people's standards... win—if you could even call it that."
"Would you call it that?" You ask without thinking.
Hange shrugs. "What constitutes winning?"
You think for a long time—fighting through your pain to form a proper thought. "Being able to go home to the people you love and be proud of yourself."
Hange nods. "Well... are you proud of yourself?"
You scoff. "I'm being carted around in a wagon by someone who's well over qualified to be doing it. But... I guess... I guess l'm proud of killing that titan…”
"The one going for Eren?" Hange guesses. You nod, they can't see you but they know they're right. "Even if Levi thinks it was stupid... and most of the others probably do... I think it was noble."
You blush a little. "Wasn't trying to be noble."
“What were you trying to be then?" Hange asks.
"I was just trying to help Eren," you say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
"Eren was in his titan form. He could've handled it," Hange reasons.
You frown. "He didn't see it coming. It was nearly the size of him. It could've caught him off guard, it could've—"
"So you stepped in," Hange offers.
You nod firmly. "So I stepped in."
"And nearly got your arm taken off." Hange reminds you.
You go red in the face again. “A minor set back.”
Hange laughs. "Yeah, a minor set back that nearly got you and Eren killed."
You're confused again. "How did that nearly get Eren killed? He turned as soon as he heard the titan get ahold of me. He took it down in seconds."
"And was nearly over run by the other titans while he sat you on the wall," Hange counters.
You frown and your eyebrows lower again. "I guess I didn't notice that part."
Hange nods their head from side to side. "You wouldn't have. You lost a lot of blood real fast before Levi found you and wrapped that arm. You're probably going to lose consciousness here soon."
You gulp. "Is this a lose consciousness and never wake up kind of nap or..?”
Hange shakes their head. "Shouldn't be. More like a lose consciousness and stay down for a few days kind of nap—so long as someone survives long enough to get you back to a medic!"
You nod, not all that reassured but unwilling to admit that. "Who are you going to leave me with?"
"A new recruit. He just switched from the MP's. Name's Marlo. He's scared out of his mind right now but he passed Jean and Levi's tests so he'll get the job done," Hange explains.
You nod again.
After a little while longer Hange puts you in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the destroyed town and promises to return with Marlo. You don't actually see anyone make it back to you because you finally fall unconscious when the pain becomes too unbearable after the adrenaline wears off.
When you open your eyes next, you're in the infirmary. You look down at your bandaged arm in a sling, happy to still have it. You look around the room and see two or three other people still in beds, asleep. A doctor is walking away from you so you assume that's what finally woke you up.
The only other thing you notice is a weight on both of your hands and one, much heavier, weight on your legs. You look down as see Armin holding on of your hands between both of his with his legs pulled up to his chest and his head laying on them while he sleeps. Mikasa is laying her head on her crossed arms on your legs. Your other hand is being held tightly in one of Eren’s while his other arm lays across your waist and his head lays on your gut, facing you.
You shift a little so you’re sitting up. Immediately Mikasa wakes and sits upright. She smiles a small smile when you make eye contact.
“Happy to see you awake, y/n,” Mikasa says warmly.
“How long have I been asleep?” You whisper, not wanting to wake the two boys at your sides.
“Just about three days,” Mikasa answers.
“Three days?” You exclaim and then quickly slap a hand over your mouth.
Armin yawns and sits up slowly. He rubs his eyes and smiles at you. “Y/n! How are you? Are you in pain?”
You stop and focus on your arm. It’s a dull pain but shockingly less than before. Whatever they have on this wrap if very helpful.
You shrug. “It’s not too bad.” You shake your head. “Enough about me, what happened? Did we win? Did anyone… die?”
Armin shakes his head quickly. “Noone since before you left the fight. We all made it out. I’d… I’d say we won.”
You relax into the bed and nod. “Okay. Good. That’s… good. That’s great.”
There is a comfortable pause. You think it’s so quiet because your friends are letting you adjust to your surroundings and really take in that everyone is safe and whole. Really, it’s because they’re both trying to figure out how to tell you…
“Eren’s been pretty antsy these past few days,” Armin tries to say casually.
Your eyes snap open. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Mikasa and Armin exchange a look, another that you cannot seem to understand.
“You’ve been down for days now, don’t you remember?” Armin asked, nervous that you’d hit your head after all.
You nod quickly. “I know but why would that make Eren antsy?”
Mikasa narrows her eyes and titles her head slightly to the side. Armin smiles sympathetically. You look between them, still confused.
“Y/n, Eren has been worried about you. He hasn’t left your side. The only reason he is not awake right now is because he’s slept, maybe, twenty-four hours in three days,” Mikasa explains.
When your jaw drops Armin adds, “Recently, there was a bit of talk about the possibility of you not waking up if you were unconscious for much longer…”
You stare at them with wide eyes. Slowly you look down at the boy who’s head is on your gut. “Oh, Eren…”
At the sound of you saying his name he slowly stirs. For a moment his eyes flutter open and your eyes meet and he just smiles. Then, it’s like he remembers everything all at once. He jumps up and tosses your hand away—only to take it back a second later.
In mere moments he’s sitting on the edge of the cot and gently taking your bad arm in his hand slowly extending it in different directions to see if you bled through the bandage. Then he’s taking your face in his free hand and using it to tilt and maneuver your head around so he can examine it better to see if you really did acquire a head injury (as if the doctors or captains wouldn’t have noticed). He holds your hand all the while.
Once he seems satisfied with his inspection of your health he just looks at you for a moment longer. He slouches a little in his spot on the edge of your bed. He holds your hand between both of his and just looks at you. It’s like he’s trying to memorize your face. He has this gentle look on his face.
Then, as quickly as it came it goes.
He’s angry very, very fast.
He drops your hand and stands.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snaps. “Why the fuck couldn’t you just stay with the rest of the unit? Why would you put yourself in the direct line of fire? Did you want to test my reflexes? See how fast I can be? Was it Hange’s idea? To make you bait? That’s a low fucking blow, even for them. I’ve been very understanding about their research but if they fucking—“
You shake your head the entire time he speaks but that doesn’t do much to shut him up so you just shout, “Eren!”
His jaw snaps shut and he looks down at you from where he stands. He’s shaking with anger, his face is red, he’s breathing heavily—but he’s quiet.
“Will you sit?” You ask quietly.
He hesitates but he does as you ask.
You let out a short breath of relief before you start explaining, “Hange had nothing to do with my, as it’s been continuously called, stupid decision. They had nothing to do with it. No one did. No one knew what I was going to do. Not even me. I didn’t plan it, it wasn’t premeditated. It was just something I did. I saw, what I presumed to be, you in danger and I reacted. That was it. I couldn’t let you get hurt so I did what I thought would help. That’s what happened.”
“But you could’ve died! You came pretty fucking close!” He snaps again.
“I’m keenly aware, thank you,” you deadpan.
“So why would you do it? You can’t say it was to protect me because why would you risk your life just for that?” He asks.
“Like I said, it was like an instinct.” You shrug. “Besides, we all risk our lives for each other, even when it’s against our better judgement, all the time. What’s so special about this time?”
“You can’t just put your life on the line on a whim!” Eren shouts.
You startle backward in confusion. “It’s like you didn’t hear anything I just said.”
“Never do that again. Never. Do not risk your life for me. That’s fucking stupid,” Eren says seriously.
You scoff in disbelief and look to Armin and Mikasa to see if they are also acknowledging how hypocritical and crazy Eren sounds. They both avoid your eyes. Mikasa looks at the ground while Armin stairs at the ceiling like words of encouragement from Erwin are written on it.
“Eren, you are being the biggest hypocrite of all time right now. That doesn’t even make sense! Everyone can risk their lives for everyone but I can’t? How does that make sense! I’m fine! I made it! I’m okay! So what’s the problem?” You shout.
“The problem is that if you died out there, especially for something as fucking stupid as protecting me, I would never forgive myself! I would never forgive the world! It’s already taken so much from me! How could you possibly be willing to let it take more!” He seethes.
“Your life is worth so much! If I died to keep you safe I will have done my due diligence! If you died when I could’ve prevented it it would have been the most disgusting injustice the world ever faced, to have this world without you in it!” You counter just as loudly.
“You are worth 12 of me!” Eren continues.
“And you are worth double for every person on this expanse of the world!” You argue.
The room falls deadly silent. No one moves. No one breathes. Nothing happens for a long time.
Eren still shakes with rage. You pant with your own. Your arm aches suddenly. Armin and Mikasa have gotten closer together and seem to be attempting at an exit.
After a few moments longer, Armin gently squeezes your arm and you pretend it doesn’t hurt. He smiles warmly. “We’ll let you rest, y/n. See you soon, I’m sure.”
“We’ll let everyone know to visit you tomorrow. It’s late,” Mikasa says, to which you’re eternally grateful.
You nod and smile at them the best you can. “Thanks, guys. See you.”
They both leave very quickly, only sparing Eren a quick glance.
There is only silence for a long time. You won’t look at each other. Neither of you wants to be the first one to give.
He eventually sits in the chair next to your bed again. He holds up his head with his hand, shielding his face with said hand. This makes you feel safe enough to spare him a glance. He looks disheveled and distressed.
Shockingly, it is him who breaks. “You can’t…” he swallows thickly, “you can’t be careless with your life. Not for me or anyone.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you counter sharply.
“I’m asking,” he says simply. “I’m asking you to care about yourself. To make yourself a priority. Be selfish.”
You shake your head. “That’s… that’s wrong. If everyone did that there’d be no Survey Corps. There would be so much fighting. It would be—“
“I’m not asking everyone else to be selfish, I’m asking you,” Eren cuts you off.
“Eren…” you shake your head again. “That’s… that’s…”
“Selfish and terrible. I know. But I’m asking anyway,” he looks up at you. You don’t think he’s ever looked so drained.
You lower your eyebrows in confusion but also worry. “Eren, are you okay?”
��Will you be selfish and terrible?” He ignores you.
“Eren—“ You start again.
“Will you?” He asks.
“Will you be selfish and terrible with me?” You snap.
He startles backward a little. “What?”
You sit up straighter. “Why should I sit out of the fight, off in safety, while you go and fight?”
He seems momentarily speechless.
“And don’t bring up your titan form. Mikasa could take out just as many titans as you in the same amount of time as you. Captain Levi could take out more. So don’t,” you say quickly.
He sighs. “Why is everything a fight with you? Why are you so stubborn?”
You choke on a laugh. “Me? I’m the stubborn one?”
He smiles and lets out a small chuckle.
You resolve dies in an instant. It’s like you were never angry, like you’ve never been angry once before. The boiling hot rage dissolves into a soft warmth that worms its way to your heart.
“Maybe I’m a little stubborn, too…” Eren admits almost sheepishly.
You scoff. “Yeah, like a bull.”
He laughs. Then, after a moment his face twists into confusion. He seems hesitant but clears his throat and slowly asks, “…What’s a bull?’
You immediately shake your head with wide eyes and laugh, “I have no idea! I think I heard Armin say it once!”
He laughs much louder now. You laugh for a long time. You both almost forget. Neither of you do.
When Eren stands you can’t ignore the way your heart all but jumps to your throat.
Hesitantly he says, “It’s late. I should let you sleep. I’ve been here for ages anyway, I’m sure the doctors are sick of me.”
You try to smile at his joke but it falls flat. You’re nearly sweating by now. Since the moment you saw that titan approach Eren from behind you’ve been in protective mode. The only thing on your mind was him, even while you slept you dreamt of him. You had nightmares of him leaving your sight for only a second and then dying as soon as you looked back. The idea of him leaving for the entire night brings a new wave of panic over you.
As he starts to grab his cloak off of his chair you quickly say, “Eren!”
He turns to look at you immediately. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You clear your throat and try again at a smile. “What if you— um… what if you just… stayed? Why don’t you— why not stay? It’s um… its late, like you said. Why head all the way back to the barracks. It’s ages away from here. Why not just… um… just stay?”
He says nothing while you fumble around for the right words. He only watches and does his best to keep a straight face. Really, internally, he’s thankful and reeling with relief. He had no desire to leave your side now. He’d been with you since the moment he could be—he wasn’t all that eager to part ways now.
When you finally stop and stare at him with a red face, glassy eyes, and shakey hands he pauses before nodding. He drops his cloak back onto the back of the chair and pushes it back out.
You feel this cold wave of relief wash over you that’s so strong it makes you lay your head down and close your eyes as you take a deep breath. “Thanks,” you mumble.
He doesn’t say anything about that and just asks, “Do you want anything? Food? Water?”
You shake your head and you go to say ‘no’ but for some reason you mouth gets ahead of your brain and can’t stop itself before saying, “No, just you.”
Eren had already turned to get water when he heard what you said, it makes him stop dead in his tracks. You smack a hand over your mouth and your face feels hot. He just stands there for a long time before walking away.
You think, vaguely, that he might not come back—just fetch his cloak when you fall asleep, but you know Eren better than that.
When he returns he offers you the cup of water he’s clearly been sipping on the way back from fetching and even though you rejected it before you gladly take a drink of it now. Eren knows you well.
“Have you slept in that chair for all three of the days I was out? Or did you sleep in your on bed for at least one of them?” You ask, trying desperately to keep him distracted.
He shakes his head. “No, I stayed here the whole time. I never left.”
You swallow thickly and nod. “…Okay. Well,” and for some reason you decide that you’ve already dug yourself so deep so why not go deeper, “I’m sure that’s uncomfortable and I mean… you’re staying another night, per my request, so um… I just— I wouldn’t want you to… to have to sleep all hunched over again… so um…” you clear your throat and refuse to look at him. “You could always sleep up here. If you, um, if you wanted.”
There is a long silence—or maybe it isn’t so long, it just feels that way to you.
When you finally look up at him he’s taking off his over shirt and kicking off his shoes. “Would you uh… would that make you feel safer?”
You clench your jaw and swallow your embarrassment enough to be honest and nod.
He nods too before climbing into the bed next to you. You throw the blanket out of the way to let him crawl under it and he does. It’s not the largest cot so you’re shoulder to shoulder—thankfully on the side of your good arm.
Shockingly, even though you’ve been unconscious for days, you’re tired. It’s likely all the energy excursion after having used none for days.
So you just roll onto your side, facing away from him and lift your arm up so you don’t crush it. “Thank you, Eren.”
“Anytime, y/n,” he says quickly.
You fall asleep quickly but it feels like you’re instantly met with a nightmare. Another of Eren being violently attacked. The two of you are running through the woods from titans but without ODM gear. You look behind you to try to spot the titans and see how far away they are for just a moment. As soon as you look back you see a titan cut in font of you and grab Eren.
Just before it can lift him to it’s mouth you’re being shaken. You wake in a cold sweat, panting, and with wide eyes. You grab tightly onto the figure in front of you, sitting up very quickly.
You look up and see Eren and relief washes over you instantaneously. “Oh, Eren…” you breath.
“Nightmare,” he acknowledges.
You nod. “Yeah… but,” you catch your breath, “you got me out before it got to the awful part.”
He nods too. “Yeah, I’ve gotten good at that.”
You run a hand through your hair to push it out of your face and look up at him. “What do you mean?”
He shrugs. “You’ve had a lot of nightmares the last couple of days, even while unconscious. We couldn’t figure out what it was at first. The first times were the worst. The most you’d say was… well… my name.”
You nod, too confused to be embarrassed. “Yeah, my nightmares are usually about you getting hurt or killed.”
He nods too. “I assumed as much. It was like if I could catch you before you got too far into it and you heard my voice you’d settle down again. It was hard to catch the signs fast enough at first but I figured it out. I’m just happy it worked even when you were conscious.”
“It definitely did,” you sigh. “Thank you, again.”
He shakes his head. “It’s no problem.”
You think about arguing that but decide against it. Instead you just lay back down. He follows right after you.
This time, you lay facing him and he does the same. You lay together with your faces inches apart. You can feel his breath on your face, warm and constant—it’s very grounding.
The silence is comfortable and it feels like it could go on forever, like it could lay over the expanse of the night.
Again, just as shockingly, it is Eren who breaks it.
So quietly, just barely audible, “Hi.”
You smile because it feels so juvenile, so secretive and small. “Hi.”
He looks over your entire face. He reaches out and so gently moves your hair from the side of your face and pushes it back to join the rest of your hair. “You’re so beautiful… like the sea.”
Your face heats up and it feels like you’re the only two in the world. “Would it scare you away if I said that I jumped in to help you because… because I love you?”
You think, at first, that he doesn’t hear you; because you said it so quietly but also because, for a short moment, he doesn’t react at all.
Then, very suddenly he pulls you to him. He holds you against his chest. His kisses the top of your head and just holds you.
For a long time, you lay there like that, wrapped in his arms, clinging to him like he’s the only thing tethering you to this earthly world.
Eventually, he says, “I love you. I love you. I love you,” over and over again like a chant—like a prayer.
#eren jaeger#eren aot#eren x reader#eren jeager x reader#eren x you#attack on titan#hurt/comfort#bed sharing#nightmare comfort
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