overwolf606 · 2 years
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I'm sorry, but I just gotta point out that Hunter is actually a VERY clever kid. He figured out how to use Luz's walkie talkie just by watching her use it, despite the fact that it's human tech so he's probably never seen one before, AND he figured out how to work glyph magic the same way, and made THIS his first time activating one, and it even looks like he did a combo glyph of ice and plant so that the vines could entwine themselves and become a stronger barrier! We know he's been studying about wild magic, even if he didn't practice with it out of fear of getting hurt, but now that he's realize Belos has been lying to him and might actually start using other forms of magic that are NOT Belos-approved, he is going to become even stronger.
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overwolf606 · 2 years
Look at these dorks. Look at them.
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'Oh shit, my ex's kid is stuck in the emperor's mind. I've got to help.'
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'No, don't. We can't intervene without exposing ourselves.'
'Oh hey, your buddy's trapped too. The angry blond kid.'
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'Hey, that's my angry blond kid!'
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'wE CaN't IntErVeNE'
I love them.
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overwolf606 · 2 years
Forever thinking about how Terra’s nickname for Raine (Sprout) portrays them as something small and easily crushed that needs careful nurturing, while Eda’s (Rainstorm) paints them as a powerful force of nature.
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overwolf606 · 2 years
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Remember when Follies at the Coven Day Parade first came out, and people were analyzing the effects of Terra’s tea; And a lot of us pointed out that it didn’t make sense for her tea to erase ONLY the last month of memories for Raine, because they made the choice to rebel several years ago?
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...I always love it when a plot hole is actually foreshadowing for a hidden truth going on in the background. And the viewers are MEANT to notice the discrepancy and question if things aren’t as they appear! We’re rewarded for critically analyzing and asking, holding the show to that standard because the show is confident enough to live up to that and play with those expectations.
It’s not like Terra knows when Raine first started to think treasonous thoughts, so she only erased their direct actions of the past month, not realizing Raine’s machinations went that far back, that they got away with this for that long and not just a month! Underestimating them, not realizing the meek and stage fright Raine Whispers has been deliberately walking into fire this whole time, instead of making a recent decision on a sudden whim! This is a deeply-held ideal formed from lifelong beliefs integral to Raine’s character, they’re serious about this and not some silly kid, Terra. If you want to make Raine stop, you’re gonna have to change them on a fundamental level until they’re no longer Raine at all; THIS IS WHO THEY ARE.
Their surname is Whispers, and so the viewer and characters might interpret this as alluding to Raine being quiet and anxious; But in reality, it refers to Raine being a clever, cunning manipulator who hides in plain sight and operates in the background. They’re a bard; And bards do love those double meanings and wordplay after all, taking into account and predicting how the audience might think and taking advantage of that, presenting key information so as to carefully guide a certain thought process...!
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overwolf606 · 2 years
If anyone needs a referral code please use mine! I need gems 😭
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