#ni vs si
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threepoint14art · 7 months ago
redraw de idol duo porque los quiero mucho
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El pelo largo de la niña antes de que le agarrará el lore </3
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nevenkebla · 2 months ago
Bendito sea su corazón
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Fantastic Four vs. X-Men (1987) #3 Chris Claremont (Escritor), Jon Bogdanove (Dibujante)
— Reed Richards: (No puedo seguir así. Para cada desafío, para cada crisis, siempre he encontrado la respuesta. Pero, ¿De qué sirve mi intelecto supuestamente simpar… cuando la gente que más aprecio ha perdido la fe en mí? No tengo ni idea de cómo restaurarla… ¡O aún peor, de si debería intentarlo! ¿Franklin…? Pobrecillo… ¿Estás teniendo una pesadilla? Serías un niño normal si no me hubiera convertido en Mr. Fantastic. Te han pasado tantas cosas horribles solo porque tus padres son miembros de los Cuatro Fantásticos.) — Franklin Richards: ¿Papá…? — Reed Richards: (¿Podrías perdonarme por eso?) — Franklin Richards: Tengo miedo, papá. Me alegro de que estés aquí. Te quiero, papá.
— Reed Richards: Los niños que están en edad de crecer tienen que dormir, jovencito, y sus sueños deberían ser felices. — Franklin Richards: Los míos no. — Reed Richards: ¿Sabes lo que hacía mi padre hace mucho tiempo, Franklin, cuando tenía su edad y el señor de las pesadillas me visitaba? — Franklin Richards: No. — Reed Richards: Me sentaba sobre las piernas y me contaba un cuento. ¿Quieres que te cuente uno? — Franklin Richards: Sí. — Reed Richards: ¿Cuál, me pregunto? ¿Qué tal…? “¿El elefante gordito?” — Franklin Richards: ¡Es mi favorito! — Reed Richards: “Y… entonces, el elefante gordito dijo…” — Susan Storm: (¡¿Franklin?! ¡Y Reed! Será mejor que me haga invisible, no quiero interrumpirles. Hacía siglos que no oía reírse así a Franklin. Ni a Reed, tampoco. Bendito sea su corazón.)
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46snowfox · 7 months ago
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Tokuten [El juego de mesa cotidiano de los vampiros] [Ruki VS Azusa VS Kino]
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Tìtulo original: DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE ebten・WonderGOO特典ドラマCD「ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編 ─ルキVSアズサVSキノ─ 」
Audio by: @karleksmumskladdkaka
Cv: Sakurai Takahiro, Daisuke Kisho & Maeno Tomoaki
Kino: ¡Y terminado! Aah… ya me estoy aburriendo de este juego… Mejor busco uno nuevo. ¿Hm? ¿Y esto? Je, una aplicación de un juego de mesa, no me interesa mucho, pero es nuevo, mejor lo descargo para probarlo. Listo, descargado, vamos a empezar. *inicia* Oh, que inicio tan interesante. *el juego empieza a absorberlo* ¡¿Eh?! ¡¿Q-qué pasa?! ¡D-de la nada hay viento y está soplando muy fuerte! ¡Mi cuerpo está siendo succionado hacia el celular! ¡No! ¡Aaaaaah…!
*mientras tanto en la casa Mukami*
Ruki: *leyendo* ¿Eres tú Azusa? ¿Qué sucede?
Azusa: *entra* ¿Cómo… supiste… que era yo…?
Ruki: Porque hoy tanto Kou como Yuma salieron, eres el único que está en casa.
Azusa: Oh… ya veo… Escucha Ruki… lamento interrumpir tu lectura…
Ruki: ¿Qué pasa? Eso que tienes en tu mano es… ¿tu celular?
Azusa: Sí… antes Kou me dijo… que intentara descargar juegos… y al buscar hoy… vi que lanzaron un juego nuevo… y pensé en probarlo… pero… no sé cómo abrir la aplicación…
Ruki: Ya veo, por eso viniste a preguntarme.
Azusa: Sí… ya que Kou no está… ¿Sabes cómo iniciarlo?
Ruki: Sí, sé cómo activar una aplicación. Préstame tu celular. *lo toma* Solo hay que descargar el juego de esta pantalla, ¿no?
Azusa: Sí… eso creo…
Ruki: *le instala el juego* Listo, ya se descargó. Ahora solo hay que presionar el botón de inicio.
Azusa: Entiendo… debo presionar esto… ¿no? ¿Así…? *lo presiona y el juego los empieza a succionar* ¿Eeh…? ¡¿Y este viento?! Ngh… ¿E-es parte del juego…? Ngh…
Ruki: ¡No…! ¡Lo dudo…! ¿Q-qué sucede? ¡Es como si el celular nos succionara!
Azusa: ¡Me va… a… tragar…! ¡Aaaaah…!
Ruki: ¡Azusa! ¡Maldición…!
*en el interior del juego*
Kino: …Ngh… Auch… ¿Qué pasó…? Eso fue muy repentino… ¿Cuánto tiempo llevo inconsciente? ¿Y en dónde estoy? Está tan oscuro que solo puedo ver la zona en donde estoy yo… ¿Eh? Hay más gente desmayada… Esos dos son… ¿Ruki y Azusa de los Mukami? ¿Qué hacen aquí? *mueve a Ruki y a Azusa* ¡Oigan, despierten! ¡Vamos, espabilen!
Ruki: …Ngh…
Kino: Que lento eres, ¿ya despertaste? ¿Qué hay del otro?
Ruki: *mueve a Azusa* Oye, Azusa, despierta… Abre tus ojos.
Azusa: …Ngh…  ¿En dónde estamos…? Kino-san también… está aquí…
Ruki: Oye Kino, ¿en dónde estamos? ¿Qué hacemos aquí?
Kino: Yo tampoco lo sé. Cuando desperté ya estaba aquí.
Azusa: …Hasta hace un momento… estábamos intentando abrir un juego… ¿Qué hacías tú… antes de llegar… a este lugar?
Kino: ¿Yo? Yo iniciaba un juego de aplicación y de la nada el celular me absorbió. Para cuando era consciente ya estaba en esta dimensión desconocida.
Azusa: Ya veo… te pasó lo mismo… que a nosotros… El juego que intentabas iniciar… ¿Era un juego de la vida…?
Kino: ¡Sí. sí! ¡Era uno de esos juegos de ruleta! ¡Un juego de mesa!
Ruki: Ya veo… o sea que esto puede ser obra de ese juego nuevo… Además, hay algo que me ha llamado la atención desde hace un rato… miren eso.
Azusa: ¡…! ¡Es una ruleta gigante…!
Kino: ¡Y miren! ¡Si se fijan bien el suelo tiene cuadrados!
Ruki: A partir de eso podemos deducir que esta dimensión probablemente sea el juego. No sé por qué sucedió todo esto, pero es bastante probable. Como sea, quedémonos quietos hasta saber qué sucede.
Kino: *moviendo la ruleta* ¿Eh? ¿Dijiste algo?
Ruki: ¡¡!! ¡¿Por qué giraste la ruleta?!
Kino: ¿Por qué…? Porque quería.
Ruki: ¡Te acabo de decir que te quedes quieto!
Kino: Ay, ni que fuera la gran cosa. Si te enojas por cada cosa que haga te quedarás calvo.
Ruki: Si eso crees, entonces no hagas nada. ¡No me irrites con tus idioteces!
Azusa: Chicos… no debemos… pelear…
Kino: *sonido de cuenta regresiva* ¿Qué es ese sonido?
Azusa: Parece que algo empezó…
Ruki: No bajen la guardia… escucho que algo se acerca.
*aparece algo*
Kino: ¡¡…!! ¡¿Qué es esa araña gigante?! ¡Es repugnante!
Azusa: ¡Es enorme…!
Ruki: No solo nos lanzaron a una dimensión desconocida, sino que ahora nos ataca una araña gigante… Solo pasan cosas absurdas. Kino, asume la responsabilidad y derrota a esa araña.
Kino: ¡¿Ah?! ¿Por qué? ¡No me des órdenes! ¡Yo no soy tu hermano menor!
Ruki: Esto pasó porque moviste la ruleta…
*discusión de Ruki y Kino de fondo*
Azusa: Chicos… *ve a la araña* Discúlpalos por ignorarte… parece que empezaron a discutir… *ruidos de araña enojada* ¿Qué hago…? ¿Q-qué puedo hacer…? Hmm… Hmm… ¡Oh! *Ruki y Kino se acercan*
Ruki: ¡Te la pasas parloteando, pero estoy seguro de que no te crees capaz de vencer a esa araña!
Kino: ¡¿Ah?! ¡¿Te crees con derecho a burlarte de mí?! *grito de araña* ¡Y tú deja de hacer ruido! *ataca a la araña*
Ruki: Hay que guardar silencio cuando los otros conversan, no tienes ni una pizca de modales. *ataca a la araña y la mata* Al fin guardó silencio.
Azusa: Oh… vencieron a la araña…
Ruki: Sí, sabía que no podríamos estar en paz en esta dimensión, debemos buscar pistas para salir cuanto antes.
Azusa: S-sobre eso… miren esto… En una de las cuadrículas de la ruleta… apareció un mensaje… “Ha aparecido una araña en la casa, si la exterminan tendrán una recompensa”.
Kino: ¿Exterminar una araña? ��Se referirá a esa araña?
Ruki: Ya veo, en este espacio esos mensajes se vuelven reales.
Kino: Je, que divertido. ¿Entonces estamos en un juego de experiencias?
Azusa: Aquello escrito en la cuadrícula se vuelve real… Pero… no decía que era una araña gigante… y tampoco ha salido un mensaje de “exterminio completado”…
Kino: ¿No será un bug? Las aplicaciones nuevas suelen tener muchas. Y si esta dimensión es una aplicación, pues no sería raro.
Ruki: Ya veo… En todo caso no deberíamos quedarnos mucho tiempo en esta dimensión, debemos salir cuanto antes.
Azusa: Pero… ¿Cómo?
Ruki: Tengo una idea.
Kino: Si lo piensas bien consigues varias soluciones. Si esta dimensión es un juego, entonces solo hay que finalizarlo.
Azusa: En resumen…
Kino: ¡Sí! ¡Solo hay que terminar el juego!
Ruki: Pero en esta dimensión pueden ocurrir situaciones disparatadas. Terminarlo no será sencillo.
Azusa: Ehm… Mientras ustedes discutían encontré algo… vengan hasta acá… *caminan* Por allí, en esa cuadrícula.
Kino: ¿Hm?
Ruki: “Encontrar al conejo dorado les dará suerte, podrán avanzar directamente a la meta” eso dice.
Kino: ¿Entonces el juego acabará si encontramos a ese conejo dorado?
Ruki: Probablemente. Bien hecho Azusa.
Azusa: ¡Sí!
Ruki: Aunque dudo que encontremos tan fácilmente a ese conejo…
Kino: Eh… ¿Eso de allí no es…?
Ruki: Un conejo… dorado…
Kino: ¡…! ¡No se queden atontados! ¡Hay que atraparlo! ¡Andando!
Azusa: S-sí… tienes razón…
Ruki: Kino, dame una mano, cooperaré contigo solo para que podamos escapar.
Kino: ¡Otra vez esa actitud altanera! Bueno, da igual, te ayudaré para que salgamos de aquí, no me estorbes.
Azusa: B-bien… vamos a cooperar.
Ruki: Muy bien, ¡persigamos a ese conejo!
*están corriendo*
Azusa: Aah… ah… listo… lo alcanzamos. Jeje, te ves delicioso… Vamos… no tengas miedo… yo te atraparé… *intenta atrapar al conejo y este escapa, Azusa se cae* Auch…
Kino: ¡Oye! ¡Si te acercas así lo vas a asustar! No puedes atraparlo así.
Azusa: Perdón… ¡Ah! ¡Va hacia Ruki!
Ruki: Muy bien. Oye conejo, ven para acá. Te atraparé con bondad. ¡Ahora salta a mi pecho! *el conejo huye* Que extraño… ¿Por qué no salta hacia mí…?
Kino: ¡¿Y por qué lo haría?! ¡¡Si fuera tan sencillo no sufriríamos tanto intentarlo atraparle!! ¡¡Son un par de inútiles!!
Ruki: ¡Va hacia ti Kino! ¡No malgastes esta oportunidad! ¡Atrápalo!
Kino: ¡¿Ah?! ¡Me sorprende que puedas hablar así tras fallar! Que molesto es… solo por eso lo atraparé… ¡Aaaah! *salta hacia el conejo*
Azusa: ¡Kino-san!
Ruki: ¡Kino! ¡Oye! ¡¿Lo lograste?!
Kino: ¡Lo hice! ¡Lo atrapé! ¡Genial!
Azusa: Menos mal… podremos regresar… lo atrapamos… gracias a que trabajamos juntos…
Ruki: Sí, tienes razón. Cooperar no es algo malo—
Kino: No, no, lo logramos gracias a mí. Ustedes no sirvieron de nada, dejen de decir cursilerías porque sí.
Azusa: Ese conejo… es muy tranquilo… y esponjoso.
Kino: Es verdad. Aww, mírenlo mover su nariz, es adorable.
Azusa: Sí… es una ternura… Oye Ruki… ¿Podemos tener un conejo?
Ruki: No. Al final yo seré quien lo cuide.
Azusa: No te preocupes… prometo que lo cuidaré… así que… por favor Ruki.
Kino: ¿Ustedes siempre son tan relajados? Aunque… un conejo dorado, es poco común, no me molestaría que hubieran mil más como este.
Azusa: Oigan… ¿No escuchan algo…?
*sonidos de saltitos*
Kino: N-no me digan que… ¡¿Por qué un ejército de conejos dorados viene hacia acá?!
Ruki: Kino… tú y tu bocota…
Kino: ¡¿Eh?! ¡¿Es mi culpa?!
Azusa: ¿Este es otro “bug”? Fufu… Hay muchos conejos…
Kino: ¡¿Por qué te alegras?!
Azusa ¡Hay muchos…!
Kino: ¡Agh! ¡M-me ahogo! ¡Aaagh…!
Ruki: ¡Maldición! ¡¿Por qué pasó esto—?! ¡Agh! ¡Aaah…! *se ahoga entre conejos también*
Kino: *despierta* ¡Aah! Ah… ah… pensaba que moriría asfixiado… ¿Eh? ¿Estoy en mi cama? ¿Entonces esa corriente de conejos dorados fue un sueño? Vaya… b-bueno, era obvio… ¿Pero por qué soñé con Ruki y Azusa de los Mukami? Para colmo fue un sueño muy realista… Hmm…
*en la casa Mukami*
Azusa y Ruki: *despiertan* ¡…!
Ruki: Aah… ah… ¡¿Y los conejos?! N-no están…
Azusa: …Estamos… en tu habitación…
Ruki: Parece que nos quedamos dormidos…
Azusa: Así parece, pero… Yo… tuve un sueño extraño…
Ruki: ¡Yo igual! Era una pesadilla en donde aparecían conejos dorados y una araña gigante. Era peor que una broma de mal gusto…
Azusa: Igual aquí… Habían conejos dorados… Oh cierto… por algún motivo… creo que también estaba Kino-san…
Ruki: Ya veo, ¿tú también? Vaya coincidencia… Vimos el mismo sueño…
Azusa: Así parece… aunque… fue un sueño raro…
Ruki: Sí, se habrá sentido realista, pero un sueño no es más que eso.
Azusa: Había una araña gigante, ¿no?
Ruki: Sí y era tan descortés que interrumpía las conversaciones de los demás.
Azusa: Sí… pero eso fue porque ustedes la estaban ignorando…
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn.
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latinotiktok · 1 year ago
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Hobie Brown
-Hobie Brown pq yo lo sé en mi corazón, su doblaje es simple prueba de q es latino (y mi papá pensó q era puerto riqueño cuando vimos la peli 💀)
#<- prev hobie es como malvinas . lo estamos reclamando . que britanico ni britanico
#hobie was at emos v punks in 08
#hobie o muerte es lo que hobie querría
#propaganda para hobie:#estuvo en la guerra de emos vs punks del 2008#yo lo sé en mi corazón
#hobie tiene latino en su interior#y si no tiene#yo puedo ayudarle a tener latino en su interior...#me
Vi a alguien decir que la piratería (as in, the concept) debe ser latino y apoyo la moción, so here i am to say la piratería es mi bebita fiu fiu
#nada en este mundo es mas latino q piratiando
#VAMONOS YO MANEJO *c sube a un barco pirata claramente robado*
#IT HAS TO BE PIRACY Y'ALL#brazilians pirate shit for breakfast at this point#and the best fucking part#was buying those pirated dvds#and at the very beggining of the movie#they'd show an anti-piracy ad#like dude please it's vote piracy
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lover-222 · 1 year ago
Shut Up and Love Me (Pablo Gavi)
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"NO PABLO! it's done i'm sick and tired of you. you're always a jealous mess and always trying to control me. i can't help it if men look my way. i've told you many fucking times i love you and only you. i don't know why you can't believe me!!" y/n yelled, tears streamed down her face.
"look gavi it's done it's fucking over. grow the fuck up, talk to me when you're done being a jealous overprotective asshole" she told him and got out of his car.
at the barça vs atlético madrid game
the game was just 1 month after y/n and gavi's breakup. she was a mess, her eyes were puffy and hair was all over the place. she had been living in one of gavi's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. although she decided to support the team and she wasn't going to let gavi have the satisfaction.
she was a strong woman, there are plenty of men who could treat her better than he did. another reason was pedri. he truly was like an older brother to her, she wanted to go support him. although he had also gone to her house to basically drag her to go and to motivate her.
"vamos hermana, tú ni le hagas caso al tío. vas a venir por mi y para verme jugar" pedri smiled at her while moving her arms. (c'mon sister, don't even pay attention to him, you're going to come for me and watch me play)
"pedri i don't even have a jersey that doesn't have his name on the back" she rolled her eyes.
"i came prepared don't worry look at this" he smiled at her as he pulled out a barça jersey with pedri's name and number. he played around and moved his hands as he showed her the jersey.
"pedrito what am i going to do without you" she laughed and grabbed it from from his hands.
"probably rot in this room alone" pedri laughed.
"cállate tonto" she laughed and went to get ready. (shut up dumbass)
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"okay i'm ready pedrooooo!!!!" she yelled.
"i'm right here literally no need to yell y/n" he said playfully annoyed.
surprisingly y/n got ready on perfect timing since pedri had to be at camp nou like an hour before the game. on the ride there they listened to y/n's playlist which was filled with reggueton music. pedri liked to see her jam out and finally smile. after what happened with gavi, he felt like she lost herself.
best part by daniel caesar started playing. y/n's laugh died down and her smiled dropped. the clouds started to block the sun a bit, and it started to to drizzle outside.
"you got to be fucking kidding me" she sighed.
"what's wrong?" pedri looked at her.
"this is our song, fuck i hate him but at the same time i miss him so much" y/n said as her eyes got teary eyed.
'where you go i follow, no matter how far'
"are you sure? i really don't want you to leave just for me y/n" gavi said worried.
"mi amor i'll go to the end of the world with you" she replied.
she left mexico and moved to barcelona for him because she loved him. it took time for her to adjust to spain but it worked out somehow.
"not homesick yet mi vida?" the brown eyed boy asked.
"a little bit but you're my home pablo, i just need you by my side and i'll be perfectly fine. you make me feel at ease. all my worries go away when i'm with you" y/n looked up at him, he looked amazing in the golden sunlight.
*flashback over*
"i know he was the reason you moved here but you on your own accomplished many things. you finished university here and got a modeling job, your also making your own clothes" pedri cheered you up.
"yeah i just miss him, but you're right i'm a fucking badass without him" she smiled.
they pulled up to camp nou, they parked the car and went in. the stadium was starting to fill.
"bueno te veo después del partido nena ya sabes dónde ir" pedri said.(you know where to go, i'll see you after the game)
"si, suerte predrito anota muchos goles por mi" she laughed.
(yes, good luck pedrito score many goals for me)
pedri left and she went to the seats that were designated for the wives and family members of the team. there was a particular seat she sat in when she would come see gavi. although that seat was already taken, she was beautiful; she had short blonde hair and her make-up was flawless.
y/n sat down 3 seats away from her. as soon as she sat down the other girl notice her. her piercing green eyes looked into y/n brown eyes. they exchanged a friendly hi and hello.
once the game started y/n started cheering for pedri every time he had the ball or got near to scoring a goal. although something caugh her off guard when gavi scored a goal.
"eso mi amor !!!!!" the blonde girl yelled.
that's when she notice the blonde girl's jersey... 'gavi 6'.
gavi's pov
i knew i fucked up, messed up so bad. i got carried away with my overprotection. i need to learn how to control my anger and jealousy. i knew i fucked up, after the breakup i lost myself. i partied every chance i got, and over worked myself.
while clubbing, i met laura; she was there to somewhat relieve my pain. we started hooking up, drinking together, as well as going out. the thing was that i didn't love her as much as i loved y/n, i don't think i ever will love someone as her.
i really did want to get back with y/n but i dug a hole too deep with laura. now we're dating? but i know i'm using her as a rebound.
during the match i scored the first goal. i ran with my team to celebrate my goal and looked at the crowd. my eyes gazed through the designated area where the family members were. the spot where y/n always sat in was used by laura.
my smile left, she wasn't there. she was sitting down on her phone. not even paying attention to my goal. i want her back desperately bad.
he could see that joao felix got her attention. her gaze was strong and alluring. she looked at him as he fixed his sweaty hair and drank water during half time.
that's what sparked his jealousy once again. joao felix had the ball and i ran up to him as fast as i could and pushed him down. maybe i should control my anger issues? or not.
the game ended 3-1, gavi and pedri scored goals. they finally let the wife's and family come down to the field. gavi was a sweaty mess, it could've been because of the game or the jealousy that made his blood boil. pedri saw y/n coming down and approaching him.
"hermanitoo!! you did so good pedri that goal was majestic bro" she laughed then him.
"i know right!! i was kind of nervous for today's game though, i think it was because of your guys' breakup. although good thing it didn't affect my relationship with him in the field" pedri smiled.
"aye pero me presentas al joao no? se cae de bueno el tio ese " y/n playfully told pedri as she wiggled her eyebrows and looked at joao who was behind pedri.
 (introduce me to joao he's so hot)
"bueno vamos loca, ey pero si viste como te mataba con la mirada gavi cuando mirabas al otro tio?" he asked her.
 (okay fine crazy, he could've killed you with the way he was looking at you)
"siiii pero me hice la tonta y no vi a gavi, bueno ya presentame con joao andale pedriii. se me cupido porfa!!" y/n tugged on pedri's shoulder.
(yess, but i ignored him, cmon introduce me to joao cmon pedri. be my cupid please)
he laughed and ruffled her hair, although he did agree. pedri came up to joao felix and introduced y/n to him. y/n thought he was attractive, he did as well. he loved her smile and laugh. pedri left, joao and y/n were still talking and it seemed like they really did hit it off. although y/n felt someone staring at her. she noticed his figure standing by, his eyebrows were furrowed and a disgusted look was evident.
"he hates me doesn't he?" joao asked her and she shook her head.
"it's just because you're talking to me, he's the ex-boyfriend at the moment"
"aaaa makes more sense, it looks like he's still very into you. are ya'll gonna get back together?"
y/n sighed and looked at gavi, who was now trying to look interested in whatever laura was saying.
"maybe i don't know yet"
"well i'm here if you want to hang out or something as friends...until you make up your mind" he smiled at her.
they exchanged numbers and y/n left with pedri to dinner since he invited her. after dinner, pedri brought her back to her house. she took of her boots, skirt and pedri's jersey. she changed into some black biker shorts and a spain jersey. she proceeded to do her night time routine, taking of her makeup, washing her face, as well as taking off the clips in her hair.
*ding* text message
nene <3 : we need to talk.
y/n: pablo not now
nene <3 : too late i'm outside your house, please y/n just 5 minutes please mi amor
y/n: don't call me that pablo. i'm coming.
y/n looked at the messages, she looked at his contact name. nene, she didn't even change his contact name. she wanted to go outside and run into his arms, she wanted to hug him so tight that he'd run out of air. she missed him so dearly it was unreal. but no she had to be strong. there he was leaning on his car, he opened the door for her. she rolled her eyes but got in.
"go you have five minutes" she looked ahead, not even looking at him. if she did she would definitely tear down her walls.
"I know that i'm a jealous jerk y/n and i feel ashamed of it. all i wanted to do was to protect you, but i know that with my jealousy i overreacted and got ahead of things. i am truly sorry, you have no idea how much i regret having that argument with you. i miss you y/n, every night, every morning, every single day; i miss you. i know that i'm not worthy of your love, and if you don't want to take me back it's ok with me. you deserve someone way better than me, and who will treat you better" gavi said with tears in his eyes.
"what about laura?" she said.
"i broke up with her after the game, i was honest with her. she's someone i met while we were broken up. but i just want you y/n nobody else" he said
she finally got the courage to look him in the eyes. god she missed his chocolate brown eyes, they were puffy and red from crying. she looked at him and his beautiful complexion.
"promise?" she asked him with a smile.
"i promise, i'm done being a being a jealous overprotective asshole as you said" he laughed.
"c'mon let's go inside and cuddle" she said then gave him a desperate kiss.
"me gusta tu camisa" he laughed, she was wearing the jersey he wore in the world cup.
(i like your shirt)
she smiled at him "callate tonto, mejor dame un besito".
 (shut up dumbass and give me a kiss)
they spent their night cuddling and y/n making gavi do a face mask. gavi missed her like crazy, he held her tight and very close to his chest. her scent was sweet, he missed kissing her neck and playing with her hair. y/n traced small shapes on his naked chest, he always slept without a shirt; due to him getting hot when he sleeps. she loved his hands, so firm yet delicate at times. she played with his rings, and looked up at him. he was peaceful, his brown wavy hair fluffed up and swooped to the side, his eyes gleamed.
"le mandamos una foto a pedri???" she asked him and he nodded.
(should we send pedri a picture?)
text messages
y/n: mira quien regresoooo (look who's back)
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hermanito: esoooo mis padres!!!!! (my parents !!!)
they both smiled and laughed at pedri, both of them were glad that they fixed their problem. she knew it would have been awkward if they had broken up indefinitely. they didn't want to put pedri in the middle. the couple slept peacefully in eachothers arms and finally got a good rest. both intoxicated with love and their scents.
─── ・。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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d <3
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joyinunderland · 8 months ago
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Aziraphale’s personality type -MBTI
Ok, so, I just had a thought.
You know MBTI personalities, right? On Pdb it is said that Aziraphale is an ISFJ, but I don’t completely agree with that, and I was wondering what you guys think.
My take on this is that he’s an INFJ (chatGPT thinks the same, but anyway), but I’m still not entirely sure.
First of all, just remember that for INFJ we have Ni-Fe-Ti-Se, while for ISFJ we have Si-Fe-Ti-Ne. This means that the biggest difference between these two types can be found in the dominant function, which is introverted intuition for INFJ and introverted sensing for ISFJ. But what does this mean? Basically, INFJs are better at seeing the bigger picture, while ISFJs are better at noticing the little details. For beginners in the field of MBTI, the difference can be reduced to intuition vs sensation.
As for personal experience, I believe INFJs are more prone to forgiving others because they put themselves completely in the other person’s shoes; while ISFJs’ kind of forgiveness seems to come more from the way they observe from the outside the other person. So, I would say they have a different kind of empathy: the former more overwhelming and personal, the latter more “rational” and detached.
Now, I don’t think I will be able to come to an actual conclusion before seeing season 3. Mostly because we still have to see, in my opinion, the real personality traits of this character. What I mean is, Aziraphale has been through a lot of religious trauma, so it’s difficult to understand whether his choices come from that or from his actual personality. We can only guess and speculate and try to find patterns.
As an INFJ, I personally see a lot of myself in him. I just rewatched the scene of the Church in London, 1941. We all remember Aziraphale’s reaction to realising that Crowley had protected the books for him. Usually, the angel is the one taking care of others without expecting anything in return, no one ever thinks of doing something for him and he doesn’t even expect anything. But in that moment he realised that the demon did care about him. For the first time in ages, Aziraphale probably felt seen, understood, cared for, with such a simple yet important action. Well, that’s how basically every single INFJ feels everyday: always caring for others, no one notices what you do, no one thanks you, no one does anything for you. But then, you find that one person that is different, and damn, that person can really change your life.
But let’s go back to facts. We know for a fact that Aziraphale always has a plan, but he waits because he knows that Crowley will come to his rescue. We also know that the angel strongly believes that things can be changed and that he in particular can change them. He has a strong sense of faith and hope, and I don’t mean religious faith, we know he’s been losing that for a while now, but he has faith in humanity, in people, in himself and in Crowley. He has hope that Heaven will be a better place. I personally see all of these characteristics as a show more of an Ni function rather than an Si: he’s more concentrated on the future possibility rather than the present reality.
But again, I won’t be able to tell for sure until season 3 is released, I have to understand what drives him, I have to see all the actual motivations that have led him to the choice he made and, mostly, I have to see who he will become, ‘cause only after he’s healed from his religious trauma he’ll be 100% himself.
Good, if you’ve read all of this long analysis (which took me like an hour to write), GOOD JOB, get a cookie, you deserve it.
Let me know what you think, I am really curious and I’ve always wanted to know what the fandom thinks about this.
Lots of love!
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rou-luxe · 3 months ago
Alfons + MBTI. long post warning
I think Alfons is an ENTP rather than an ESTP. Before we get started, I will say it for you:
"rou you fucking nerd"
This post was made before his route was released.
The stack for ESTP is:
Dominant Function - Se (External* Sensing)
Auxiliary Function - Ti (Internal Thinking)
Tertiary Function - Fe (External Feeling)
Inferior Function - Ni (Internal Intuition)
*Usually sources say "introverted" vs "extroverted", but stacks are really about how an individual interacts with the world. For the sake of this post, I've labeled them as "external" and "internal".
Dominant Se in ESTP focuses a lot on sensory desires, and that's what he seems like on the surface, but that's not true. Yes, Alfons is action-oriented and doesn't like to express his feelings verbally, but he's not the type to act first and consider consequences later.
Tertiary Fe in ESTP constantly seeks out others' validation and approval. Maybe with those closer to him, but I would generally give this a NO.
I don't have much trouble with the Auxiliary or Inferior functions here. ESTP is really similar to ENTP, so we'll take a look at that.
The stack for ENTP is:
Dominant Function - Ne (Extroverted Intuition)
Auxiliary Function - Ti (Internal Thinking)
Tertiary Function - Fe (External Feeling)
Inferior Function - Si (Internal Sensing)
I have a couple ENTP friends and they are NOT the "charming smartass" trope
Ne, Ti, and Fe are all good at analyzing what makes people tick, which fits.
The main difference is Ne. Ne focuses on novel ideas rather than novel sensations (like Se above). However, Ne tends to be haphazard and scatterbrained... and they usually end up with more questions than answers. Ne is a highly philosophical function.
ENTPs get bored a lot, but when they're paying attention hoo boy
gives up typing
apparently with the thing I'm reading, "having fun" is one of their main values which I guess works but yk alfons is REALLY contradictory
fe with ti also leads entps to prioritize others' wishes over their own which I say is definitely an alfons thing
"inferior function" is their subconscious and si is really careful and traditional which contrasts with the unhinged ne
another important thing is that estp indulges in reality while entp runs away from it. basically, entp lives in their head more
entp is a very intellectual type too... and we see more of alfons' feelings than his thinking, so that's a roadblock
the strangest piece of the puzzle is that both of these types are "open-minded"... which is not exactly something that comes to mind when I think of alfons
might investigate introverted types for him later but here's a bonus estp vs entp quiz from the beloved idrlabs
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i am right
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goodbuttaken · 5 months ago
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
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personality-corner · 10 days ago
Encanto MBTI: My Typings vs. PDB Consensus
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So as promised here is a post comparing the typings on the PDB (Personality Database) page to my own. This was actually really fun to do and a great brain exercise.
This being said- I did not include Luisa because as of right now, I’m still kind of on the fence about her.
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My Typing: ENFJ
PDB Consensus: ENFP
I feel like every Disney heroine who is not an introvert gets typed as ENFP instinctively. Do I see where Mirabel fits the ENFP stereotype? Somewhat. Do I think she fits ENFP as a type? No, but I’ll humor this.
Common Arguments
- Caring about other people does not make an Fe dom.
- Mirabel cares about personal identity, not fitting into the mold of the family.
- The arguments saying that Mirabel does want to fit into her family says it’s because that’s “personal” for her.
- An Fe user would care way more about fitting the mold and keeping the peace than she is.
- Fe absorbs emotions, Fi mirrors emotions.
My arguments
First thing that stands out to me is the lack of argument towards her being an Ne dom. The majority of comments in favor of Mirabel being ENFP were focused on her being an Fi rather than an Fe user, and rarely focused on the Ne of it- which would be the dominant function of ENFP.
Now one thing that kind of annoys me about observing arguments of any kind on this website is the oversimplification of certain types and functions. “An Fi user would never do this!”
“An Fe user would definitely do that.”
There is no one way any type or function would react to something. So this is where the argument of, “Fe users would care way more about fitting in and keeping the peace than anything else”.
And I mean… sure, Fe users absorb emotions from others, so it is common for Fe users to care about these things, but not always.
But also… did we watch the same movie? Because that is all that Mirabel did, was try and keep the peace. The fact that she was seen as “different” wasn’t for a lack of trying, it was for things generally out of her control and she did everything to make up for it. She absorbed her family’s emotions enough and often did put their feelings first. That’s why the first time we hear her say, “I’m not fine” in private, as to not upset anyone else in her family.
But also the irony of the arguments, “An Fe user would care more about fitting in” and other arguments being like “well yeah, she cares about fitting in, but not for Fe reasons” is interesting to me.
Which I mean, sure an Fi can care about fitting in, but I just haven’t seen any other strong reasons for her being an Fi user other than this.
However, there are some intriguing arguments towards her being an ESFJ. That being said, I am sticking towards ENFJ, mainly because personally I thinks she leans more into Ni & Se than Si & Ne. While she does sometimes look towards past memories, she doesn’t rely on them as much as she looks at her focused end goal.
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My Typing: ESFJ
PDB Consensus: ESTJ
Before even looking at the comments on the database, I am almost certain a lot of the arguments towards her being a Te user is due to her being a little mean towards the beginning of the movie.
Common Arguments
- They don’t see inferior Ti and instead sees inferior Fi.
- Her going from following societal expectations to expressing herself is obviously inferior Fi.
- Fe is not the only function that values group harmony.
-She’s blunt and allowed to speak her opinions and doesn’t hold back.
- She lives up to Abuela’s system, which is why she considers marrying Mariano.
My arguments
All these arguments tell me is that a lot of people don’t know the difference between Te and Fe, which I mean… I get, but still.
While Fe isn’t necessarily the only function that can value social harmony, it is a main component of Fe. They base their actions on other people’s emotions, while Te users base their actions on logical rules created by the outside world.
It can be easy to mix this up, but the main difference is logic vs emotions, and most of Isabela’s actions are based on emotions. She follows a set of rules to make her family happy, not necessarily out of necessity to be right or logical.
I would argue that “What Else Can I Do” actually explores her inferior Ti. She is questioning rules that she has followed her entire life, why does she have to be perfect, what can she do to explore this further? Then when Abuela catches her, instead of standing up for herself, she stays silent.
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My Typing: ISFJ
PDB Consensus: INFJ
I have already viewed the PDB profile, but let’s get into it.
Common arguments
Jared Bush (the director) said that the characters’ powers are based on personality, so since Bruno can see the future, this means he is an Ni user.
He told his sister that his weather prediction wasn’t a prophecy, he’s just saw that she was nervous, so obviously his intuition isn’t purely magic based.
Bruno has instinctual knowledge of how his visions will play out.
My arguments
No offense to anyone, but these have got to be the worst arguments out of every char presented in this page, but my favorite part of this is them swearing that they aren’t just typing him as INFJ because of his powers, then unintentionally describing something that is indicative of another function or type.
First, we don’t exactly know what aspects of these characters personalities influences the character’s power, and in my opinion, there is no indication other than his powers that Bruno would be an INFJ.
That being said, his “prediction” was an observation, combined with observations from past experiences with his sister? It doesn’t take an intuitive to realize his sister, who’s emotions controls the weather could cause a storm because she’s nervous?
Also Bruno doesn’t really have instinctual knowledge of how his visions will play out, other than the fact that people usually get mad at him, which again, is based on past experiences. He goes directly based on what he sees, and people get mad at him for it.
Not to mention, his routine for having visions is very sensory and routine based. He has to be in the right environment, and has to do a routine in order to see something.
Abuela Alma
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My Typing: ESTJ
PDB Consensus: ISTJ
I’ll be honest, with this one I’m actually on edge with, and because the types have the same high functions and low functions it is probably going to more so be a matter of opinion and how you interpret her character.
Common Arguments
- Her motivation of keeping things in order and maintains family values seems more Si than Te.
- She also showed a deal of Fi and acted kind before realizing Mirabel was giftless.
- She’s more stuck in the past than anything.
- Si doms are more likely to be control freaks than Te doms.
My arguments
Now Si and Te are commonly confused for one another, even I used to confuse the two. However, I would argue her main motivation being keeping things in order is more indicative of Te than Si. Te users are more rule oriented, and using fact based evidence to keep things in order and Si is more sensory based, helping create systems based on observations and routines. While Abuela does both, I do think she focuses way more with keeping everyone in line.
I also can see where people are coming from with the tertiary Fi, and as I stated for, I do think it comes down to your own interpretation of her actions and feelings throughout the movie. She does seem to be kinder before she discovers Mirabel is giftless, but I think this argument comes from the stereotype that Te doms are unkind and unemotional.
Because from a Te perspective things don’t seem out of order until Mirabel is seen as giftless, and she takes a lot of her confusion and fear out on Mirabel. I think the scene with Mirabel by the river is indicative of her inferior Fi.
She pushes away her emotions for the sake of “order” to protect herself and others.
Typings That Are the Same
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Dolores - ISFP
Dolores, I am not as surprised by, because she is shown to have strong emotions and be observant about the world around here. Though I often get asked why I type Se for Dolores, even though most of her Se is used with her powers but I am so against Bruno being Ni.
The simplest reason is that one, we know more about Bruno than Dolores, and also, Bruno doesn’t rely on his power in day to day relations as Dolores does. I’m fact, Bruno actively avoids using his power, while Dolores doesn’t.
Pepa - ESFP
I haven’t actually typed Pepa, nor do I think we have enough about her to do a full typing. But from what we have seen, I definitely agree with this typing. Her emotions and her impulsiveness plays a huge role in her character.
Julieta - ISFJ
Again, haven’t typed her yet, but I definitely agree with this typing for her.
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rojosweet · 4 months ago
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Villano Vs Héroe
Dijo una vez Mary Shelley: "La historia de los villanos es mucho más entretenida que la de los héroes, porque los monstruos no nacen, son creados. No surgen del vacío ni de la oscuridad por sí mismos, sino que son moldeados por las circunstancias, por las heridas del mundo que los rodea. En ellos se refleja lo más profundo del dolor humano, el rechazo, la soledad, la incomprensión. Un héroe se define por sus actos de valentía, pero un villano es el resultado de un corazón que alguna vez fue puro y terminó corrompido. Los monstruos, en su tragedia, nos muestran lo que podría sucedernos a todos, si el mundo nos diera la espalda."
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year ago
How to "Type" Personality Types: An Ultimate Resource
I decided to throw together a mini guide for those interested in figuring out the Typing system for themselves.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is very slight and the information very vast; and yet, I did my best.
First step: Information. Next step: How to Type.
Very, very simply:
We tackle either the 8 Functions--
An Ni user sees their path forward. 
An Ne user sees the path of those around them. 
An Si user sees their own past and duty. 
An Se user sees others’ experiences, both past and present. 
A Ti user processes information in a logical sequence. 
A Te user gathers reference points and compares them. 
An Fi user weighs to determine value. 
An Fe user absorbs what other people feel and value. 
 --or, if we're stuck, work at it from the other angles of Direct vs. Informative, Initiating vs. Responding, Outcome vs. Movement, Pragmatic or Affiliative, or Systematic vs. Interest.
Sensing or Introverted: Is the focus of the person or character talking Concrete (Si/Se) or Abstract (Ni/Ne)? If concrete, they talk about things and experiences, tangibilities of the physical world or their experiences and observations of it: the five sense and "What is?". If abstract, they focus on intangibles, implications, concepts, hidden meanings, or visualizations: the theoretical, hypothetical, idealistic, and "What if?" If they're concrete, is that concrete focused on personal sensations or comfort or "have-to"s or loyalties or traditions of those around them? If so, Si. Or is that concrete focused on the present, how they and others make their mark as they move through the world, a next obstacle to overcome? If so, Se. If they're abstract, are they focused on their own future hypotheticals, their path forward, what they want to achieve? If so, Ni. Or are they aware of the future humanity is heading toward or remember clearly the string of past and repeatable mistakes they and others make? If so, Ne.
Concrete: “Yeah, it is that simple.” 
Abstract: “I think x/y/z/ comes and goes in cycles-- it’s popular for some time before it isn’t again.”/”The more you feel, then the more…”/"x/y/z is strictly a sociological basis..." 
Ni/Se or Ne/Si: Once a Sensing or Intuition has been picked, it is automatically paired with an opposite Sensing or Intuition Function: e.g., Ni pairs with Se and Si pairs with Ne. This eases the process of elimination: Ni/Se Types are focused on their own personal future as well as having short-term memories and great manipulatable physical awareness. Ne/Si Types are focused on everyone's collective future and how that will impact their personal comfort, preferring to "predict" rather than be surprised with the future.
Ti/Fe or Fe/Ti: The same goes for the Thinking and Feeling Functions. Ti is logos, personalized thought (and can result in outdated thinking if they don't bother to fact check their assumptions) combined with Fe bonding, emotional outreach, and interpersonal connections (and can be exploited.) Te is gathered thought and data from other, credited sources (and can result in "group think" if they don't fact check the collective thought) and Fi is morals divorced from the expectations or pressures of others around them (and can seem or become selfish.)
Now, the communication questions:
Direct or Informative: is the person or character communicating precisely and concisely to the question being asked? If so, they are Direct. Or are they either adding extra details to flesh out their response or indirectly responding without a definitive answer? If so, they are Informative.
Direct: “If it doesn’t work out, check out."/"That's my point exactly."/"We're starting right where we left off."
Informative: “When a lot of times I/you are…”
Pragmatic or Affiliative: Is the focus of the person or character bent on saying or doing what they intend to say or do to achieve their own goals, regardless of other people's differing or halting opinions? If so, they are Pragmatic. Or is the focus of the person or character focused on the group's benefit over possibly their own, willing to wait and move as one rather than individually charge forward? If so, Affiliative.
Pragmatic: “my OWN”, creative individuality..."/“I think artist should have complete freedom to express themselves however they want.”/[sarcastically] “You have to be a politician or an assassin to really be a super star.” 
Affiliative: “They stop people trying to get to jobs/get their kids to school…”/“I think there is a certain responsibility to [fame]…”/"...to be hurt is to be human."
Outcome or Movement: Is the focus of the person or character focused on an end goal, a magnum opus, that they are willing to take methodical steps towards if they achieve a perfect end result? If so, Outcome. Or is the person more likely to start out with a goal in mind but change it while working towards it, preferring to finish rather than to possibly wait and stagnate? If so, Movement.
Outcome: “Not according to plan...”/“we know planet is warming because of increase x/y/z/ gases… and that leads to more extreme weather in the future but we don’t know what that means in terms of human suffering in the long run.”/"One might be able to do x/y/z/. One should be able to do…" (also an Ne statement.) 
Movement: “[After leaving] I didn’t make a conscious decision to leave necessarily, but I did make a decision to pause...”/“It’s been a journey…” “...up for grabs.”/ “I had this problem, and I did these steps, and it turned into this thing, and that didn’t work out, and--” /"Saw other folks doing it so thought 'might as well give it a go'...”
Initiating or Responding: Are the actions of this person or character comfortable seeking out information from others, moving from one topic to the next while fluidly guiding conversations to and away areas of interest? If so, Initiating. Or are their actions more laidback, preferring others to relay information and steer conversations into new topics or interests? If so, Responding.
Systematic or Interest: Does this person or character automatically refer back to objective rules and methods for settling conflicts or striking deals? If so, Systematic. Or do they subjectively hammer out the best personal or individual deal that will benefit them first and then the other person? If so, Interest.
Systematic: "Trust the process"/"Going through procedures..."
Interest: “I believe we shouldn’t sell a false hope to people, should tell it like it bleakly is.”/"..." let's talk about x politician and this policy they are trying to push and why that might be bad/good..."/"What's your angle?"
There are Sixteen Types; and if we apply the above steps, it'll be easy to quickly whittle down (most) options.
Structure Types (Direct, Initiating, Outcome): ESTJ, ESTP, ENTJ, ENFJ
Starter Types (Informative, Initiating, Progression): ESFJ, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP
Finisher Types (Direct, Responding, Progression): ISTJ, ISTP, INTJ, INFJ
Background Types: (Informative, Responding, Outcome): ISFJ, ISFP, INTP, INFP
Example: Dana Scully-- post here-- very firmly stands on what is proven to be true, raising an eyebrow at unsourced theories or quacks that toss aside traditional answers to bark about their own theories. We know Mulder won her respect because his speculations were based on established facts or were easily conceded when debunked by current data. We also know she respects and upholds vocations of service, choosing one for herself; and often takes a "Starbuck" role with the male figures in her life (to her chagrin.) From those facts, we can deduce Te and Si-- reliance on provable methods and data, and an upholder of traditions, duty, and responsibility-- but in what order do they fall; and what other Functions can we apply?
Now that we know Scully is a Te and Si, we have to scout for Types with Te/Fi and Si/Ne Functions. That nixes all but three options: ES(i)T(e)J, IS(i)T(e)J, and EN(e)F(i)P.
You can tackle this a few different ways: there's only one Intuitive (ENFP) and two Concretes (ESTJ, ISTJ), two Initiatives (ESTJ, ENFP) and one Responding (ISTJ), one Outcome (ESTJ) and two Movements (ENFP, ISTJ), two Directs (ESTJ, ISTJ) and one Informative (ENFP), etc.
Scully is most definitely Concrete, so that leaves us with ESTJ or ISTJ. Initiating/Outcome or Responding/Movement? It could be so easy to point either way depending on one's mood or the day or any other fluctuating factor; but how do you know if it's what she truly is, or just your perception of her?
Well, we know she's an ISTJ because her primary function is Si, not Te (like an ESTJ)-- meaning, she chooses to do her duty by protecting others with loyalty and perseverance primarily over the pursuit of advancement and public recognition for her achievements (unlike her father, an ESTJ, did--post here.) And how else do we know this? By cross-referencing an ISTJ's and ESTJ's Functions: how the different positions of the Functions change their perspectives, strengths, and insecurities.
This is where my handy dandy, never-leave-home-without-it Typing writeup comes into play.
TYPES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS: The End-All-Be-All for Double-Checking
Each Type slots a Function into one of 8 positions-- Hero, Parent, Child, Inferior, Nemesis, Critic, Trickster, and Demon-- and the degree of its strength is either amplified or suppressed in each of these positions.
I've decided to order this writeup grouped by Function position-- Hero, Parent, etc.-- instead of by Type-- ESTJ Functions, then ESFJ Functions, etc. It was how I wrote down my notes; but may, I own, be very confusing to anyone else but myself. (Oh well, can't change that now without a massive headache.)
1st, Heroic Function-- Heroic energy, optimistic, always lead with this function, most capable/confident/comfortable, hardest to challenge (especially with introverted function heroes); introverted functions have power to choose from extroverted functions choices/obligations; has pride, for the glory of it. Hero Functions are what people expect UP FRONT from others: Se Hero expects up front attention, Ne Hero expects up front desirability, Ni Hero expects up front freedom, etc. Their axis secondary is their backup squad.  Si: ISTJ/ISFJ-- long term memory-- conviction, discipline, duty, honor, loyalty, willing to subsist/wait for years, has choice to be loyal (when Se heroes try to carve loyalty out of them); Ne inferior is afraid of other’s intentions, needs them to be stated; SEEK experiences Se: ESTP/ESFP-- short-term memory access-- physical awareness, mechanical prowess, SHARE experiences Ni: INTJ/INFJ-- future for individual-- ability to choose best path forward for SELF, unaware of others’ future, individual wants/future, master of one’s fate, always has a choice (when Ne tries to change their future) Ne: ENFP/ENTP-- future for all -- prescience, metaphysics, aware of all possible futures/realities, master of fate, changes fate Fi: ISFP/INFP-- morals-- personal beliefs, principals, self-worth Fe: ENFJ/ESFJ-- ethics-- collective beliefs, relies heavily on interpersonal relationships for self-worth Ti: ISTP/INTP-- actual truth-- what I think/or know to be true, not about belief Te: ESTJ/ENTJ-- rational/beliefs-- I believe I can fly if proven statistically, all about beliefs. Feel accomplished through achievements; climb the ladder.
2nd, Parent Function-- personal responsibility, to fulfill duty; has hard time developing because it’s attached to maturity, skeptical, pessimistic, require a lot of mental energy/adversity to use/develop; protects self from Child Function; grounds the hero Si: ESTJ/ESFJ--duty, long term memory, responsible with duty/faith/should do’s; hard to motivate without feedback on how to help others; responsibly loyal (not loyal to not just anyone) Se: ISTP/ISFP-- responsible with mechanics/physics/experiences (can be negative with feedback to help others improve/get out of ruts); get others out of comfort zone; mastery of physical environment, and others internally (through “forced” experiences); pull Si parents out of ruts the most Ni: ENTJ/ENFJ-- responsibly wanting things; can be impulsive (Se child), but tempered; responsible passions/desires/intentions Ne: INTP/INFP-- aware of other’s intentions/fates/end results; provide warnings to others; aware others are irresponsible with their futures; LISTEN to their warnings because they are always right Fi: ESFP/ENFP-- responsible with morality; must feel good about themselves/must feel that they are a good person/people think highly of them Fe: INFJ/ISFJ--forceful in social ways (good and bad), forces people to behave socially/ethically, “you’d better follow rules/ethics/etc. In MY home”; caring/nurturing, but responsible with it (will not nurture those deemed unworthy) Ti: ESTP/ENTP-- responsible with logos (if this/then that), skeptical over true/false as stated by others, always verifies more so then Ti Hero; can be close minded, ESTP more so because they require tangible options to make decisions, ENTP can have mind opened with metaphysical possibilities, but writes off tangible options Te: ISTJ/INTJ-- has to find beliefs/reference points, proper routine to find information; if there isn’t a process to find verifiable information, they create one. ISTJ uses common sense as framework to figure out why people don’t behave rationally/to fix issues; INTJ trying to figure out the system/process to identify the systemic issue to fix or abandon at will; core belief systems; Ti critic forces them to verify beliefs, then take beliefs to their graves
3rd, Child Function-- innocence/miracles/ joy, optimistic; second to develop after hero; can loop with Hero to breed immaturity/”insanity”; don’t commit child abuse, guide the child function, soul crushing; can team up with any cognitive functions Si: INTP/INFP-- abuse=they are the most disloyal ever; miracle of steadfastness/ discipline/conviction/endurance/faith Se: ENTJ/ENFJ-- abuse=never letting them show you something, become their audience (humble yourself to listen/learn from them); miracle of giving an artful/crafted experience unrivalled Ni: ISTP/ISFP-- abuse=not letting them do what they want, must have choices; “lady luck”, things always work out (won’t crack head open when motorcycle crashes, lands on soft grass); miracle of will power and freedom Ne: ESTJ/ESFJ-- abuse=never your telling intent/wants; miracle of making anything possible (meta) Fi: INTJ/ISTJ-- abuse=telling them they’re bad people/soulless/lacking in humanity; miracle of sympathy; “I think you’re fantastic because of x/y/z I noticed about you”; demon combo INTJ becomes insanely selfish, burns down the town to get what they want; demon combo ISTJ will get what they want regardless of what you think, screams in the store to get the toy Fe: ESTP/ENTP-- abuse=telling them that they’re uncaring, most innocently caring/always wants to give balloons and candy but is misunderstood to be jerks because they tell bald truths; the miracle of empathy; “wow, you’re really caring” Ti: ISFJ/INFJ-- abuse=telling them that they are stupid, “you’re illogical” ; miracle of truth Te: ESFP/ENFP-- abuse=telling them that they are not smart, “you’re not believable, you haven’t done the research/work”; miracle of knowledge
4th, Inferior Function-- MOST IMPORTANT, where fear/insecurity/vanity exists, most painful pressure point; gateway to HAPPINESS; socially engineer; needs to be maintained/nurtured; if ignored, gateway to Demon Function/Superego activation; can be vengeful (negative) or avenger (positive) fear can be turned into aspiration; can outperform Hero in bursts Si: ENTP/ENFP-- afraid of having a bad experience/not enough faith/duty/endurance/honor; must be forced to try new things; accused of being babies when they’re young; aspirational loyalty/honor, no one can beat their endurance and fortitude Se: INTJ/INFJ-- afraid of giving bad experiences-- vain/insecure over five senses, serious performance anxiety, any new experience (with people) causes them to spiral without reassurance, need performance feedback; aspirational performance, no one can outperform Ni: ESTP/ESFP-- afraid of wanting the wrong thing/don’t know what they want; try to find themselves, have a hard time committing because they might make the wrong choice; aspirational will, no one can conquer/beat down their will power, can plow through any obstacle Ne: ISTJ/ISFJ-- afraid of the “what if”; need common sense/concreteness; must have tangibility; aspirational metaphysics, cannot be out done in “what if”s Fi: ESTJ/ENTJ-- afraid they are not moral enough/that they are bad/lack principals; aspirational altruism, cannot be out moraled Fe: ISTP/INTP-- afraid of making others feel bad (prone to guilt) ISTP will fight over being told they are uncaring, INTP will be apathetic and you will be dead to them; aspirational giving, no one can out beat their support/teaching/giving/caring for others Ti: ESFJ/ENFJ-- afraid they are incorrect/unintelligent/they don’t know what is true or false (dumb blond stereotypes); very smart actually, but wilt over accusations of being stupid because they take time to reach conclusions; aspirational thinking, no one can out think Te: ISFP/INFP-- afraid what others think of them/reputation is everything/needs others to believe good things about themselves (doesn’t matter if it’s true as long as others believe it); aspirational references/academics/popularity, cannot be out populared/academic-ed
5th, Nemesis Function-- gateway to Unconscious, worry/concern, confrontational, in Unconscious 5th and 1st trade places, polarity relationship. Nemesis forces Hero growth, so they hit 4th function (weak spot.) Maturity recognizes attributes of Nemesis and causes it to work together w/ Hero. Ni nemesis confronts Ni parent/hero. Introverted Situations: person’s self; 5th forces 1st to take action for self (if 1st stagnates) Extroverted Situations: 5th and 1st team up to take down outside threats, a.k.a. people Si (the past, duty, honor, obligation, self-discipline): ESTP/ESFP-- takes experiences for self to survive: worried that they lack in discipline/honor/not dutiful enough; force yourself to add obligations to yourself/help others’ with their obligations, even if you don’t want to; nostalgic, fearful tomorrow won’t be as good as today, prone to inaction, failure to launch syndrome; force ESPs to have experiences even if they hate it; Si pulls from experiences to prove wisdom of advice for Se hero to listen to them; ESTP uses 5th to take down weakness, ESFP uses 5th to help others perform correctly. Se (physics): ISTJ/ISFJ-- wants loyalty, will discipline self to give good experiences: worried they will push someone away/ that they’ll be too weird/giving others’ bad experiences; smell good/good manners/physical presentation; don’t push others away; develop self discipline to give good experiences Ni (willpower): ENTP/ENFP-- will help others’ futures so they can help ENPs’ futures: worried about their own future, which causes them to create movement (to their detriment or not), intertwines others’ future with their own; save their futures by helping others’ futures Ne (metaphysics/others’ fates+futures, what happens before will happen again): INTJ/INFJ-- wants to know others’ intentions, will “shine the light” to find out: jump to conclusions about others’ intentions; worried about how others’ fates(lives) get in the way of their own; make decisions based on false perceptions; paranoid; Si demon remembers all the bad and none of the good of others; validate that INJs are important to you/give them good experiences so they remember the present more than the past; talk about your fears of betrayal with others’ before cutting them off; do healthy loyalty check, but never too hard; Ni hero is confused w/ different paths to take, Ne brake checks them before they do anything rash/check for problems before jumping in Fi (morals): ESFJ/ENFJ--prove self is good by helping human beings: worried about self worth-- that they aren’t good/moral/enough, etc. Give validation and support; they need to volunteer to show themselves their “goodness”, be sympathetic with others Fe (ethics): ISFP/INFP-- will force self to be caring for others: they worry they are selfish; put their own needs first above others’; volunteer, be empathetic and serve others, donate art to charity, philanthropic Ti (logic): ESTJ/ENTJ--will force self to research to prove their own intelligence: worried they don’t know what they’re talking about; need facts and data, good to go; do research Te (rationale/beliefs): ISTP/INTP-- instead of worrying if others’ are factually correct, they will verify others’ are correct: te verifies w/ ti hero; requires verification, takes statements with grain of salt, prove yourself as credible and they will defend your ideas to the grave; will mentor/teach others if they see faulty logic
6th, Critic Function-- critical attitude; hypocritical at worst, wise at best; “grandparent”, wise beyond years if developed; manipulated through this function; criticism can snap others out of wrong usages Si: ISTP/ ISFP-- have a hard time committing, but expect others to commit (often labeled by others as psychopaths/narcissists), need to develop self-discipline to reign in commitment; super forgetful-- “memory of an elephant” but then “only remember important stuff” and still forget/justify by saying “well, it wasn’t important then”; call them out by recording with dates something they will forget then call them out on it later (which will make them rage) Se: ESTJ/ESFJ-- elitist hypocrites; have to look presentable, if others aren’t “you are an idiot and I’m better and you’re beneath me”; terrible fashion while criticizing others’ terrible fashion sense; “I can do this better” but they can’t and flop, jump to conclusions about their presentation; wise if they utilize their presentation skills in helping others (“your shoe’s untied, you’ll look foolish if you x/y/z”) Ni: INTP/INFP-- choose to not want anything, avoid risk with inaction; “everyone’s irresponsible with what they want, so I won’t give in to what I want and will have failure to launch syndrome”; if you’re stuck in inaction, you don’t have the right to criticize others for wanting something else; need to prove self and intentions through failure, otherwise failure to launch or get stuck with abusive/manipulative people Ne: ENTJ/ENFJ-- assume others will betray them, jumping to conclusions of others intentions; (casual adult interactions because they don’t believe anyone will really commit to them, distrust others loyal intentions); feel abandonment more than others and are always afraid they’ll be abandoned; need to recognize that not everyone will backstab; won’t allow OTHERS to commit to THEM Fi: ISFJ/INFJ-- feel meaningless/ashamed/worthless/not good enough by default, impossibly high moral standards; can hold others to impossible standards (that they can’t meet either); help others to gain recognition/value to feel good about themselves; checkmate impossible morals standards for self and others Fe: ESFP/ENFP-- super selfish, “I’m such a good person and should be rewarded, but you might be a bad person” at worst, need to prove they’re good by example at best and not assuming others are bad; ENFPS immune to manipulation, but they manipulate others (can be good or bad) Ti: ISTJ/INTJ-- assumes they’re always correct/smartest person in the room; must be used to verify beliefs, “It’s likely you did it, because I perceived it’s possible you did it, and since I’m the smartest you’re wrong and I’m right”; INTJ assumes actions through “patterns”, ISTJ assumes what may happen; wise critic verifies and gives benefit of the doubt Te: ESTP/ENTP-- assume others are stupid, and that graphs/sources/religions are wrong at worst, and must be individually tested/verified at best; lights on fire the garbage while salvaging the gold which it shares with others; hypocritical of judging others as dumb without fact checking
7th, Trickster Function-- weakest function; subjectivity; blind spots; child function of the shadow set; unaware they’ll burn themselves while playing with fire; tries really hard to be aware, but stinks at it (unlike demon function, which doesn’t care) Si: ENTJ/ENFJ-- forget EVERYTHING, need Si users to remember for them or to take copious notes; only retain devastating memories because of their mind’s tiny hard drive; don’t have a sense of duty, “should” are subjective; don’t judge their memory, help them remember Se: INTP/INFP-- unaware of others experiences that they give to them; atrocious fashion sense (train Si child); when trained they implement and never forget the training; unaware of what is happening in the moment, must be made uncomfortable to snap them back into reality Ni: ESTJ/ESFJ-- they think they know what they want, they DON’T; do NOT let them make big decisions alone, they will destroy themselves and you; they need others to make decisions for them/to be dictated to because they think they know what they want, but they don’t (will get scammed or messed over if left to fly solo) Ne: ISTP/ISFP-- unaware of others intentions; weak to others plotting; “it’s not real because I can’t touch it/see it in front of my nose”, then a bus hits; can jump to conclusions about others Fi: ESTP/ENTP-- believe ANYTHING can be a good or bad thing; not sympathetic, but very empathetic; no moral principles; only cares if it means a good/bad thing to YOU; don’t care if others think highly of them, only care about if they feel good about them/value them Fe: ISTJ/INTJ-- zero social awareness, assume others are like them/will value what they do/if others don’t they’re wrong; social norms/rules are subjective and constantly change, so it isn’t a priority for them because anyone can like or dislike anything (very Japanese, no judgment if you do x/y/z/ even if it’s awful as long as you do it in x/y/z/ located spot); often told they’re heartless and terrible because of their unawareness or lack of norms, which punches their Fi Child which is all about sympathy Ti: ESFP/ENFP-- believe ANYTHING can be true or false and that there are no absolutes; cannot understand logic; belief=reality, incapable of logical thought (Ti); ESFP can be master strategist, ENFP become “librarian of Alexandria”; best input using Te child aggregated collective hearsay, have a hard time verifying, open to group think Te: ISFJ/INFJ-- not aware of others beliefs or others thoughts, telling others the basics that others have already thought of; true or false is all that matters (Ti child), and not belief systems of others; if they have the wrong Te input, they can be founded on lies without realizing it; alienating others with faulty data (breaking laws/etiquette/rules)
8th, Demon Function-- most powerful of all functions, most corrupting; source of man’s propensity for evil; when the self bends in on self (trying to replace hero function); the agent of chaos, the Faustian Deal; self gratification; inferior function has to have their needs met and the Unconscious/Subconscious have to be developed to keep the demon at bay Si: INTJ/INFJ-- destroying the world through justice seeking; seek loyal people; if no one is loyal after all of the experiences and cultivation and caring for those others, they say “why bother? I’m going to focus on giving ME a good experience”, and become loyal only to themselves-- ultimate selfishness, and say it’s their new duty to take out revenge on others disguised to themselves as justice, don’t care collateral damage and will gladly take on any cost without remorse (mutual self destruction through vengeance); desires vengeance more with Se inferior, willing to destroy everyone who has wronged them (and themselves to get revenge) because their meaning has been taken from them Se: ENTP/ENFP--reality being destroyed; most destructive of all, hatred of reality; others need to make them comfortable because of their need for comfort and they will provide options and freedom for others; but if their needs aren’t met they cause immediate, slow, and permanent damage; prefer to maim, not murder Ni: ISTJ/ISFJ-- pushing all desires/passions on themselves; afraid of others intent, and if not given reassurance they then focus desire solely on self, becomes debaucherous; the high-chair tyrant Ne: ESTP/ESFP-- destroy the fate of humanity; with no freedom of choice, “no one gets a choice”, and they’ll burn others futures to the ground because theirs is already ruined Fi: ISTP/INTP-- depraved debauchery; if no one recognizes the hoops they jump through to make others feel good/uses them/takes advantage of them, they throw themselves away and become debaucherous to make themselves feel good (almost willful self-destruction) Fe: ESTJ/ENTJ-- not caring what any human feels; if others say they’re selfish/greedy/terrible, they stop caring about anyone and say “no one gets to feel good until I feel good and even then MAYBE I’ll let you feel good” Ti: ISFP/INFP-- no one else’s opinion matters; if no one thinks highly of them or listens to their input/help that they want to provide or thinks they’re stupid, they will say “who cares, no one does, so what I think goes from now on” and will let others implode using the truth, ISFP will make a mega weapon to obliterate existence, INFP will make the ultimate trap to consume everyone Te: ESFJ/ENFJ-- destroys the voice of others; “if no one listens to me, then no one get their say”; must be listened to and given their day in court, and will feel loved/justified; heartless “I told you so” because they weren’t listened to and will rip the structure that they built out from under everyone and all will fall to their deaths
Now that we have those resources at our fingertips, you can all bounce off and have a merry time without reading the latter half of this post... because it gets in-depth, in-deep, in-over-our-heads.
It's very easy to Type a character (a person is obviously more complex and requires greater skill.) The Typing goal is to nail down the 8 Functions, the main functions that a person is born with and develop with greater skill as they get older, and figure out how they express those to others in the world. Personally, I find it easiest to assess Worldview then double-check with Self-Expression; but the methods are interchangeable.
Worldview breaks down how a person inputs and outputs information: their senses, intuitions, thinking processes, and emotional assessments.
There are four types of Cognitive Functions: Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling; and each of those types have primary and secondary characteristics (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Ti, Te, Fi, Fe.) Every Type will have all eight of those characteristics slotted differently in their 8 Cognitive stacks: first or Heroic Function, second or Parent Function, third or Child Function, fourth or Inferior Function, fifth or Nemesis Function, sixth or Critic Function, seventh or Trickster Function, and eighth or Demon Function. Thinking Functions work in tandem with Feeling Functions and Sensing Functions work in tandem with Intuition Functions; further, opposites attract with their secondary functions, meaning Ti works in tandem with Fe, Se works in tandem with Ni, Fi and Te, Ne and Si. If a Type has a dominant Si Function (E/Si/TJ, I/Si/FJ, etc.), then it will naturally pair with an Ne Function (E/Si/TJ has Te Hero, Si Parent, Ne Child, Fi Inferior; I/Si/FJ has Si Hero, Fe Parent, Ti Child, Ne Inferior; etc.) The same goes for Ti/Fe (INTP has Ti Hero, Ne Parent, Si Child, Fe Inferior), Fi/Te (again, ESTJ has Te Hero, Si parent, Ne Child, Fi Inferior), and Ni/Se (INFJ has Ni Hero, Fe Parent, Ti Child, Se Inferior.)
The goal is to strengthen each weakness and balance each strength, bringing a person into complete order: for instance, a Heroic Function is optimistic; but without the guiding pessimism of the Parent and Inferior Function it and its optimistic (and less refined) Child Function would create an unhealthy loop of chasing what feels good rather than what is healthy or balanced.
But Functions aren't the only aspect of a Type's Worldview.
Pragmatic or Affiliative illustrates what a Type chooses to act on: Pragmatic has an individualistic, "what gets result" lens that will, in extremes, ask forgiveness rather than seek permission. Affiliative has an interdependent, "what is the right or proper thing" lens that will seek permission first rather than forgiveness after. Pragmatic is likely to openly state what they think or do what they want rather than cater to what others expect them to do; whereas an Affiliative is likely to keep quiet and not act if they don't know the dominating opinion, molding their sensibilities to what has been deemed morally correct.
Systematic or Interest branch off as complementary components to both Pragmatics and Affiliatives (and, to a broader degree, Sensing and Intuitive Functions): in dealing with or making agreements with others, Systematic prefers objectivity and following procedure, having found the best possible method and stuck to it across the board; whereas Interest prefers subjectivity, finding the best solution for particular or individual scenarios that will benefit them as well as others. I.e. "Trust the process" versus "what's your angle?" personified.
Self-expression decodes a person's approaches, conversational style, and methods for moving about in the world.
Direct or Informative illustrates how a Type engages with others: Direct prefers to answer questions concisely or plainly whereas Informative answers with extraneous details for a "fuller" picture. Informative is also less likely to directly state what they want others to do, preferring to say "Maybe we should go to the store sometime?" when the groceries are low rather than request "Could you go to the store today?" (like Direct prefers to do.)
Initiating or Responding illustrates how a Type seeks or engages with new information (and is a better way to tackle the often butchered Extroverted vs. Introverted question): Initiating finds and goes toward new information, actively keeping themselves in-the-loop, actively opening and closing or changing topics in conversations with others. Responding, meanwhile, prefers for others to fill them in on information or to change topics, feeling most comfortable staying on topic or when others take the helm of conversations. (It's often better used as two tiebreakers between Types rather than an initial deciding factor-- unless blatantly obvious, of course.)
Outcome or Movement illustrates how a Type works at reaching a goal: Outcome crafts a straight path to their end goal, working at it diligently until their final product is perfect. Movement works towards their end goal but switches paths or final decisions along the way. The cliched "the goal or the journal" quite literally applies to these two: Outcome focuses on the goal, Movement focuses on the journey.
All of this is not necessary to know until after the Basics of a Type have been nailed down.
Technically, a personality Type points to four sides of the mind: its Ego (primary/"Heroic"), Subconscious (secondary/"Shadow"), Unconscious ("Aspirational"), and Superego ("Demonic"):
For example, an ISTJ has eight main Functions (Si Hero, Te Parent, Fi Child, Ne Inferior, Se Nemesis, Ti Critic, Fe Trickster, and Ni Demon, respectively.) The top four functions (Si/Te/Fi/Ne) are an ISTJ's Ego, the quadrant that an ISTJ uses the most primarily; the latter four are its Subconscious (its "Shadow), the quadrant an ISTJ uses secondarily for growth and maturity (usually kicks in after puberty, after the brain is flooded with hormones for the growing process-- and another reason why puberty is such a messy process.) If you notice, the Se/Ti/Fe/Ni of the Shadow form a "Type" of its own (ESTP); however, these Functions are only a fourth part of a fully formed ESTP, present only to aid or assist an ISTJ's Ego as extra, smaller tools rather than to dominate or override its primary Functions.
The Unconscious and Superego parts of the mind are tied to the fourth functions of the previous two quadrants: The Unconscious quadrant branches off from a Type's fourth or "aspirational" function-- where vanity or insecurity lies-- meaning an ISTJ is aware that their Ne Inferior is only strong in small bursts but aspires for the strength of an Ne Hero. In essence, it shoves that fourth Function into a new quadrant, putting it in first position and effectively flipping their other four primary functions into reverse order (Si/Te/Fi/Ne becomes Ne/Fe/Te/Si); this creates a "shortcut" version of an ENFP, and that means an ISTJ's fourth function can, in short bursts, perform as well as (or in some cases better than) the reverse-order Type's Heroic Function (ENFP.) The Superego quadrant is tied to the Subconscious (or "Shadow") fourth Function-- in this case the ISTJ's Ni Demon. Altogether, an ISTJ's Ne Inferior aspires to have the metaphysics and pattern recognition of an ENFP's Hero; and an ISTJ's Ni Demon transforms into the dark, tyrannical version of an INFJ's Ni Hero ("I WANT and I will not be deterred! NOW!")
Furthermore, some Functions in the "Shadow" are directly correlated to other Functions in the Ego, mirrors of each other, if you will: the Nemesis is the Hero's slight opposite (Se Nemesis to an ISTJ's Si Hero), serving to trip them up and keep them sharp; a Critic is the more opinionated pessimist to the Parent (Ti Critic to an ISTJ's Te Parent); a Trickster is the more damaging optimist to the Child (Fe Trickster to an ISTJ's Fi Child); and a Demon is the more corrosive and destructive side to the Inferior (Ni Demon to an ISTJ's Ne Inferior.) Why is this important? When a Hero Function is out of balance, the Nemesis Function rises up to smack it down: ex. an ISTJ's Si Hero is wired about duty and honor and loyalty, carrying out the traditions and meeting the expectations of those around them; however, an ISTJ can become prideful about what it endures-- taking on more than it can handle and letting others fall by the wayside in their efforts-- and that is when the Se Nemesis makes an ISTJ worried about their performance for others, causing them double back to check-in with and help those they might have neglected. This is the same for the other Functions and their tie-ins-- again, all part of that balancing act so a person is neither too much or too little in any area.
It seems complicated; but really, it still boils down to The Basics section: figure out a Type's Worldview and Self-Expression, and all the technicalities fall into place.
Meyers-Briggs Personality Types have wide-range appeal; but, unfortunately, the two women behind this system completely misinterpreted Jung's definitions and original intent for Judging and Perceiving Functions.
MBTI places all Types ending in "P" in the Perceiving category and all Types ending in "J" in the Judging category. Unfortunately, Perceiving does not refer to the overall perception of a Type-- it refers to the input, or perceiving, Sensing and Intuition Functions, Si/Se and Ni/Ne. Sensing and Intuition absorb and assess new data (or input) from the world around them, either internally (Si and Ni) or externally (Se and Ne.) Judging, too, does not refer to an umbrella for judgment types-- it refers to Thinking and Feeling Functions, Te/Ti and Fe/Fi, which are used by a person to make the final decision, or judgment, with the perceiving input they've received. This means that, although ESFPs are "P" Types (because their First Function, Se, is a Perceiving Function) ISFPs, are actually "J" Types (because their first Function, Fi, is a Judging Function.) The same goes for ESTJs and ISTJs (ESTJ's Te "Judging" and ISTJ's Si "Perceiving"), as well as ENFPs and INFPs (ENFP's Ne "Perceiving" and INFP's Fi Judging) and the ten other Types.
That's only one small but incredibly significant mistake the MBTI system perpetuates.
Then why does the Typing system keep the "P" and "J"? Because it denotes what secondary Function the letter directly preceding it has: the "J" in ISTJ dictates that the "T" before it has a little "e" attached, e.g. I/S/Te/J; which further dictates that the "S" before the "T" has a little "i" attached (because the two middle letters have opposing secondary Functions.) Thus, an ISTJ and an ESTJ may have S/Te/J, but only one is a Judging Function.
Since we know that the Functions always pair off into groups of two (Ni/Se, Si/Ne, Ti/Fe, Fi/Te), decoding the type of Sensing a person has will automatically pair them up with an opposite Intuition (or vice versa)-- and that process can be replicated for the Thinking and Feeling Functions, as well.
So, how do we figure out Ni vs. Ne, or Si vs. Se, or Ti vs. Te, or Fi vs. Fe?
(Note: Any words in italics aren't my original notes. All credit goes to CSJoseph and his team and their efforts to build on top of Jung and Berens and Nardi's collective work. Their website-- and other information and disclaimers-- will be at the bottom of this post.)
Ni: Source of hope. Willpower: my choice, my future, my decisions, my wishes, my goals, my results, my objective, my options. ALL about hope. Tenacious (tenacity and its stubbornness and relentlessness is attached to Ni.) Where there’s a will there’s a way. Relentless and dauntless. Choice translates to ownership. Objective Function: what do I want?  Expects absolute freedom of choice. The asking function. 
Ne: Metaphysics, consequences, aware of what others want, gives choices and options. Potential energy. Always seeking desire. The “why?” Envious (whereas Se is jealous.) Ne is seeking hope and are drawn to Ni Types to alleviate their hopelessness. Subjective Function: what do others want? 
Si: Not tenacious; it’s long-suffering and endearing, perseverance. “Made my wounds my work.” Ni is relentless and dauntless by comparison. The sharing function. “I perceived/saw/etc.”
Se: Tenacious, short-term energy and memory, more in-tune with physical surrounds and others' movements than one's own internal sensations. Jealous (whereas Ne is envious.) “They doubted me…”, anything to do with doubt is an Se Statement. Treat objects or people like totems to store their memories "in" (“...there on the page for me”: treating book like totem.) “You this, you that…”
Put in the effort (Si) to create something (Se) possible (Ne) that they want to have (Ni) and experience (Si). A complete cycle.
Ti: Wants to know the actual truth, not what is believed to be true. "What I think or know to be true." Ti user must become hyper-aware of their thoughts, exploring how they impact their mind and outlook of themselves and the world. Thoughts are free to be released and watched as they pass by. One can manually inject thoughts into the stream of consciousness. This process can be used to build new patterns of thought.
Te: Believes in the tried-and-true. Tied closer to collective belief rather than distilled truth. "I believe I can fly if proven statistically." Seeks recognition. Drawn to Ti's unadulterated opinion and fact to extract and test its theories. “We can act if we understand the situation"/“The fact that you are listening to me now shows what technology can do.”
Fi: Personal beliefs and principals take precedent over collective ethics. Self-belief is tied to Te's status and recognition. Evaulates one's own emotional needs.
Fe: Collective beliefs, community ethics, inclusion. Self-worth is tied to reception or exclusion from the group. Evaluate others' emotions and meet their needs. “Beautiful cities, beautiful country, incredible places, etc.” [talking about place visited]/“Very much appreciated…” 
Difference between Ti and Fi
Ti User: They expect action→ “You heard what I said, but you didn’t do what I said to do”
Fi User: Wants to be heard, not listened to and obeyed. Fe/Fi both want validation. “Free to use it if he/she feels like it.”
The Workings of Each Extroverted Function
Your physical surroundings (Se), your desirous surroundings (Ne) your intellectual surroundings (Te), and your emotional and evaluative surroundings (Fe).  
The Armaments: Sword and Mace, Spear and Bow
Sword and Mace, or Ti/Fe Types, bases its decisions on logical deduction and the broader ethics of the community: "if this, then that", then followed by external fact-checking. It is very aware of the feelings of others, coming to their aid quickly of their own freewill but also because Ti/Fe people can be easily guilted and exploited. Although an expert at spotting contradictions in the thinking of those around them, it's also at risk of being at fault if there is clouding personal bias or incomplete research (and is also prone to the bad habit of not listening to important Te/Fi data.)
“You know what?…”  [Ti giving personal thought.]
“In normal speeches, it is less than x/y/z. In the case of political speeches, the number is zero...” [Ti is aware of cause and effect.] 
"That was so stupid, x..." [Ti critiquing action, not person]
“I’m sorry this/that…” [Fe readily giving comfort.]
“However many people who can’t speak also have disabilities that don’t allow them to use a keyboard, like me” [Fe aware of the struggles of the community.]
“That’s a good question because…” [Ti is pleased with the logic, and Fe is praising.]
"That’s such an honor, thank you." [Fe gratitude.]
“[I] Didn’t care...” [Ti personal thoughts and Fe emotional outreach.]
"I can do this!" [Sword and Mace and Fire and Wind statement: overcoming a physical test.]
Spear and Bow, or Te/Fi Types, bases its decisions on statistics and data, running through aggregated, respectable sources before applying their own individual moral standard and crafting an applied principle. It's very aware of its own emotions and values. Curating rather than creating knowledge, it indispensably extracts a Ti idea then crunches it through a process until it can be replicated. It often defines behaviors or people by labels to better categorize them.
“Your arguments…” [Te acknowledging or debunking others' opinions.]
“The proof is in the pudding…” [Te statistics and data.]
“...not very disrespectful”/“... is very respectful to me” [Te awareness of acceptable behaviors.]  
“So you believe in it?” [Te outsourcing for others' opinions.]
"This book is a go to source...” [Te curating sources.]
“When you really value and love a person…”/“When these guys put so much into a woman…” [Fi personal investment.]
“x/y/z/ [other person/thing] has a positive view of Communism.” [Fi aware of the moral implications of that statement.]
“I represent [x] person/thing” [Te branding and Fi pride at being part of something great.]
“x person is stupid"/"She’s crazy/she’s fanatic” /“I’m too cool for that…” [Te label and Fi personal morals.]
“I might not have been awarded, but I was venerated for it” [Fi personal satisfaction and Te awareness of awards]
The Elements: Fire and Wind, Earth and Water
Extraverted sensing (Se) likes to give experiences to introverted sensing (Si), so it’s like the wind blowing upon the earth, basically. Introverted intuition (Ni) is kept in check by extraverted intuition (Ne) water and fire.
Fire and Wind, or Se/Ni Types, is the awareness of one's physical environment and how to exert willpower to affect an outcome or begin progress forward. They need freedom of choice; and look to others' actions and results to determine their own course. Giving instead of receiving sensorial experiences is preferable to them; and their short-term memory focuses fully on either the present or their own, personal future. More likely to reject before they're rejected.
“[x] is a movie star…” [Se aware of another's life choices]
“If there is more attention paid [to me] for whatever reason…”//“What I noticed about people…”  [Se awareness of others.]
“...didn’t want to mess up…” [focused on Ni's willpower and personal "I want"]
"The collaboration [between us]..." [an Se awareness of others and Ni focus of personal wants that have been achieved]
“...his mind was what I was after.” [Se awareness of others' capabilities and Ni focus on what one wants]
Earth and Water, or Si/Ne Types, is an awareness of all possibilities and probable outcomes, "predicting the future" by closely watching the actions of others around them. through the actions of others' desires and decisions. They change behaviors and routines only when necessary, preferring their habits and comforts (and, potentially, fear unpredictability); and warn others of past disastrous outcomes with their long-term memory and healthy concerns for safety.
“That’s why I did [x].../“I did this/that…” [focused on one's Si choices or motives]
"It could mean..."/"She didn't want him."/“They wanted x/y/z/…” [focused on that person's Ne wants]
"This is difficult to me." [Si focus on internal struggles]
“I was over here waiting…” [Ne wanting to be wanted]
"I have to tell you this, I have to share (my story)" [Si sharing long-term memory to bond]
“We will know what to do… people will want to take action”/You think… you have to be a part of this”... [Ne collective for future action.]
Bonus Ni/Se and Si/Ne Notes
If an Ni (/Se) User has a crush on an Ne (/Si) User, create an activity and invite them: automatic win because they want to be wanted/included. 
If an Si (/Ne) User has a crush on an Ni (/Se) User, schedule your own thing and invite them to come along if they want, leaving it up to their choice. 
If Ne Users aren't wanted, they despair and (can) become perpetually suicidal. They overcome this by realizing they can get through anything with hard work and self-improvement to achieve desirability. 
The strongest Ne User is one who can move through life despite despair. 
The strongest Ni User is one who can move through life despite paranoia. 
Bonus: Combining the Elements and the Armaments into Houses
The Four Houses are the Rubik's cube of the Armaments (Ti/Fe, Fi/Te) and the Elements (Ni/Se, Si/Ne, showing how each categorization clicks together to form a whole.
Sword and Mace, Earth and Water: ESFJ, ENTP, ISFJ, INTP
Crusaders are the champions of fairness and protecting the innocent. They place their faith in truth and seek to bring about a just world. Crusaders seek to make others happy, yet have difficulty accepting happiness for themselves. They must have adversity in life lest they think something is wrong. Crusaders see hardship as ever-present and to be endured.
Sword and Mace, Fire and Wind: ESTP, ENFJ, ISTP, INFJ
Templars seek to make people better. They are interested in others' well-being and strengthening their character. Templars require freedom to make their own choices and find their own way in life. They teach, mentor, counsel. They forgive and help people heal, yet they can also ghost people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves or who betray them.
Spear and Bow, Earth and Water: ESTJ, ENFP, ISTJ, INFP
Philosophers are studious and academic. Faith, belief, ideas, and prestige are all important. They are drawn to civic duty, charity, and politics. Philosophers live their lives committed to doing the right thing. They also seek to create rules and guidelines for others to follow. They are focused on their own happiness and comfort over that of others.
Spear and Bow, Fire and Wind: ENTJ, ESFP, INTJ, ISFP
Wayfarers are independent, realistic, and objective. They challenge rules and like to find better ways of doing things. Wayfarers need freedom to live life how they want. They are self-assured and competitive. They seek esteem and loyalty, but doubt others' ability to give it. They tend of be suspicious.
Another Bonus: The Temples
The Temples are another classification of four into groups of four... but this one's kind of cool.
Each Type has four sides to its mind, remember? The Ego, Subconscious (which are the 8 Functions), the Unconscious (what the Ego aspires to be), and Superego (what the Type transforms into when their needs aren't met.) The Temple takes those four sides of the mind and "houses" them in one place.
For instance: An ISTJ's Ego is (obviously) an ISTJ. Its Subconscious (or "Shadow") Functions are Se (Nemesis), Ti (Critic), Fe (Trickster), and Ni (Demon); and, as mentioned above, those form a watered-down version of an ESTP (ESeTiP.) Well, the Unconscious and Superego sides of an ISTJ's mind also have four separate Functions; and those Functions form an ENFP (Unconscious, Aspirational) and INFJ (Superego.) This means an ISTJ shares a Temple with an ESTP, an ENFP, and an INFJ; and those four Types all share a Temple with each other, too.
Soul Temple (ESTP, ENFJ, ISTJ, INFJ)
The defining characteristic of the Soul Temple is an overarching concern with character. 
Generally speaking, the Soul Temple is concerned with other people’s “Souls” or core identity. In specific terms, they are concerned with authenticity, and whether others are presenting themselves truthfully or not. Nothing enrages this Temple more than inauthenticity. 
The primary concern of this Temple is the character of themselves and others. Is their character deep or shallow? Strong or weak? Because this Temple is so focused on character, the types that inhabit this Temple often have extreme virtues and vices. They possess either very strong or very weak characters, with little in between. 
Whether you’re an ISTJ, ESTP, INFJ, or ENFP, you have a built-in focus on character, created by the “secret sauce” comprised of these four types swimming about in your psyche together.  
The focus of the Soul Temple is abstract.
Soul Temple: “I’m not in [x]’s body, I don’t know how they felt/thought…”/"[Depression is] just not wanting to wake up."
Heart Temple (ESFP, ENTP, INTJ, ISFJ):
The defining characteristic of the Heart Temple is passion.  
These types are all about passion and heart. They are drawn to human emotion, expression, and drama. ESFPs and INTJs are all about performance. The ESFPs want to embody the performance and INTJs want to guide the performance. ENTPs are about external passion. And ISFJs consistently facilitates drama around them if there is no drama for them to experience or be a part of. 
For these types, it’s not about the drama itself, but about the high emotional intensity that draws them into passion.  It is no surprise that many actors and stage performers belong to the Heart Temple.  
The focus of the Heart Temple is abstract. 
Heart Temple: “If you’re not a fan of yourself, who else will be?” 
Mind Temple (ESTJ, ENFJ, ISTP, INFP):
The defining characteristic of the Mind Temple is education.  
These types are all about teaching, education, and learning. ISTPs take something apart primarily because they want to figure out how it works, not just because they have mechanical awareness. It is no coincidence that the ENFJ is often referred to as “The Mentor” in personality circles. You will often find INFPs and ESTJs in the education system, or in some field where they are able to educate those around them in a professor-like role.   
This entire Temple is about exploring, developing, and understanding the mind. 
The focus of the Mind Temple is concrete. 
Mind Temple: “My father was my teacher… and when I got old, he gave me all the instruction, he used to teach me to encourage me. No doubt my father [was inspiration.]” 
Body Temple (ENTJ, ESFJ, ISFP, INTP):
The defining characteristic of the Body Temple is creation.  
The word “Body” is related to the sense of physical connection that these types have with the world, and their ability to manipulate it. This can be done by producing things, and sometimes “production” is refined through consumption. They need to consume in order to produce.
A piece of art, money, a new system, or an invention all have physical results. Even beginning a family, often started by ESFJs, is an act of physical creation. 
The Body Temple is all about the physical manifestations of creation.  
The focus of the Body Temple is concrete. 
Body Temple: "x was hugely generous..." often talk about generosity or legacy.
What started as a "Type with Me" project turned into a massive undertaking from out of nowhere.
I dedicate this to those of you who were curious, wanted to learn more, but didn't have the time to comb through hours and hours of articles and transcripts and videos.
Now that I've dumped a few years' work into your laps-- with the hope that most of it was legible--
Thank you for reading~
Disclaimers: This is a self-assessed analysis. This information is not based on the abominable MBTI system (which has been butchered from its original Jungian typology since ~WWII); instead, it’s a combination between the works of Jung’s type psychology, Dr. Linda Berens’ Communication styles, Dr. Dario Nardi’s EEG brain scans and compiled research, and others’ data and practices as accrued and simplified by CSJoseph. This system is based only on the Nature side of Nature/Nurture; and each “Type” is not a “box” to fit everyone into– simply a tool to help understand the basics of the human mind that science has only begun to fathom in its limited scope.
Second Disclaimer: While CSJoseph is indispensable for the information he provides, I must warn that his anecdotes separate from the science are not statements I always agree with (and can be down-right frustrating.) If you hop onto his website, take his opinions separate from the Types with a heaping grain of salt.
And lastly: here is the link to the Companion Guide I use.
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oiblackestsheep · 6 months ago
Can you, please, post about the differences between ESFJ and ENFJ?
As much as I read and even "understand" the difference, I'm having difficulty typing my mother (I'm talking to her about the Fe type based on von Franz's book and she is even identifying with the inferior Ti). I was almost sure she was ESFJ, but now I'm a little doubtful. Thank you very much!🙏🏽
Hey, thanks for reaching out! Thanks for being patient on this, hopefully it is helpful!
Short disclaimer: I haven't read von Franz's book, so this may not address any specific points of confusion you have about her book, but I was able to dig up a few excepts to give me an idea of the kind of perspective she takes when analyzing all of the types with respect to their inferior functions.
ENFJ vs ESFJ: What's the Difference?
So ENFJ and ESFJ are both Fe-dominant and Ti-inferior types with respect to the order of their cognitive functions. So if your mom is relating to the inferior Ti experience that von Franz outlines (being vulnerable to lashing out when their internal logic is being criticized), then you've definitely narrowed down your options, as you already know!
So the difference between the two lies in their auxiliary and tertiary functions. You mentioned that you were almost sure she was an ESFJ, so we'll start with that!
ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti
The Si-Ne axis is the ESFJ's preferred perceiving axis. General characteristics include feeling more comfortable working with practical information to make decisions. Because this is Si we are talking about, it is best if the practical information comes from a source that has a lot of backing/support behind it, especially anecdotal support. This is because introverted sensing is a subjective perceiving function, so it tends to like hearing about other people's real, personal experiences to make decisions.
On the other hand, having a lower, lesser developed/controlled intuition function like Ne would make her prone to perseverating about all of the hypothetical possibilities that are out of her control and cannot be predicted by her Si (her "tried and true" methods). Because Ne would be the tertiary function and not the inferior, however, she may indulge Ne in small and inconsequential ways like enjoying a sense of humor that appears random and "out-of-pocket". She could also enjoy games of chance, obscure references that appeal to very small audiences (that she is a part of), or she could maintain an eclectic collection of unique trinkets.
ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti
The Ni-Se axis is the ENFJ's preferred perceiving axis. General characteristics include feeling more comfortable defining an abstract, personalized, idealistic / optimized outcome with Ni, and trying to actualize it through action with Fe. Instead of the "tried and true" method of Si, Ni likes to define what would be the most effective hypothetical solution to a problem, and get as close to inventing it as they can. Bonus points if the solution is so effective, they can make it a universal solution to multiple problems.
ENFJs having a lower, lesser developed/controlled sensing function like Se would make her prone to freezing/delayed reactions situation that need a quick fix right now. Se is all about taking in the information that is readily available here and now, and having a preference for Ni would make her struggle to accept solutions that are "good enough for now" when she thinks that there is a better one to be had and she could make it happen if she just had more time. Because it would be her tertiary and not her inferior function, she might indulge Se in low-stakes situations like shopping, sports, photography, anything that engages her natural 5 senses in a fun way.
Additional Thoughts
You might be able to say that Ni is the function that originally invented the "tried and true" solution that Si craves. Even if that were always true (which it isn't), you each function has their own personal pitfalls when it comes to perception. Si might rely too heavily on how things have always been done and might not think outside the box enough, and Ni might focus too much on an ideal, personalized solution that they never accomplish anything because they have no resources to actualize their ideals, or they just reinvent the wheel, when they could have just relied on the information that was already there like Si tends to do.
Sometimes, I find going back to the basics between Sensing and iNtuition to be even more helpful than doing a deep-dive on the differences between Si and Ni, or Se and Ne. This is because having an auxiliary introverted perceiving function followed by an extraverted perceiving function in the same places of your function stack can present some similar advantages and challenges, even if their dichotomies are reversed. This may sound very iNtuitive of me, but sometimes a big-picture, bird's-eye view is most helpful to me. Understanding if your mom is more interested in gathering practical information (Sensing) or pondering abstract ideals (iNtuition) might be more pertinent (and easier lmao) in determining her type, if you've already narrowed it down to ESFJ and ENFJ.
Definitely let me know if I should elaborate on anything, or if this was helpful. And if it was helpful, let me know what type you decide your mom is!
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loopscereal · 5 months ago
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nahhhh las opiniones en twitter me tienen mal, no puede serrr lmaoooo
es una competencia de momento más iconico
los nightmares van perdiendo, noooo.
1. la implicación que owynn tenga alguna historia con freddy (la que freddy no recuerda y no va a ningún lugar luego de esa una linea) le va ganando a la historia claramente comunicada de: una bola de chamacos se encuentran en sus momentos más bajos, y se sacan el uno al otro del hoyo y salen mejores juntos. como…. como puede serrrr,,, great escape dont look theres an undercooked- scratch that- completely uncooked bitch next to you. great escape y toda la historia de los nightmares que fue presentada claramente desde el momento que le dieron el momento para presentarse… no mireeen
2. un momento bien importante de la amistad de los animatronicos y desarrollo de fred va perdiendo a un momento de gracia supongo que si es icónico justo per ser gracioso pero sigo acá sin creer lo que veo lol
3. Y la de la pelea entre los animatronicos vs luz fuego lo PERDONO, ya se ya se que es un momento bien iconico y MÁS se que nunca va a haber un mundo en donde Freddy le gana algo a Fred, al menos que sea competencia de potencial malgastado.
Pero la pelea significa tanto para MI tengo TRES storyboards que la incluye como momento central, (dos no las he publicado pero sigo trabajando en ellas) y es un momento importante para Freddy,, es un momento donde Freddy estalla y enseña algo do lo que tanto intenta negar y ocultar.
Y para todos los animatronicos fuera de mi perro patetico todo pateado, es importante para fortalecer su bondad, donde termina en todos realizando lo tanto que les importa ser amigos, lo que significa para ellos, por lo que luchan, me voy a SEPULTAR.
neta tampoco es nada serio ni nada solo me gusta hablar de lo q me enloquece, nunca me tomen en serio solo soy una cosa rara >:9
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ukelele-boy · 1 year ago
The long overdue why TOA Apollo is an enfp analysis for @fearlessinger
(I'm going to preemptively say: If anyone has a different opinion please make a new post instead of in my comments XD )
I'm going to explain using the functions. There are eight functions total: Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, Si, Se.
And each mbti type will use 4 of these 8 functions. The order the functions are in determines their type. The first function(dominant function) is used the most, the second is also commonly used, the third is more subconsciously used and the fourth is inferior function which is not as developed and tend to be used in times of crisis as a last resort.
Functions are basically types of thought processes and associated behaviors. And it's only possible to have one of each type of F, T, S, N with extroversion or introversion classification. 
Hence it would be impossible for a person to have both Fi and Fe. 
I won't go into too much detail on this so if you guys are interested you can look at the link at the end of this post for more details.
But anyways, here we will take a look at the functions and decide what Apollo is. 
How much the traits of each function show through depends on their ranking in the 4 stack. Higher ranked functions tend to be used more etc etc. 
Lets start: Te vs Fe. 
Fe people tend to value the group and the emotional wellbeing of others. They also care about fitting in and belonging to the group. "how does the group feel about this?" 
Te people value the group but from a productivity and practical wellbeing standpoint. They care about getting things done effectively. 
A very basic example, if deciding if the population should be waiting at a traffic light for a time or have the option to speed past it but crying and sobbing for 1 minute. A Fe person might lean towards letting everyone wait but the Te person might lean towards letting everyone speed through. This is because Fe is considering the emotional state while Te is considering the time wasted from the person's life. 
You might be inclined to say then Apollo should be Fe! He cares about his friends! But I'll actually argue he does not have Fe. Recall that a person can only have either Fi or Fe.
Fi people tend to have a  personal moral system that is very tied to their sense of self, and a desire to figure out who they are and what they believe in, and where they belong. You can argue that all people do this, but I'll say Fi havers definitely does this way more than average. Especially if the Fi is first or second in the function stack. Fe sees identity as something that is part of you, "I am what I am". 
They will never have the thought of "oh i did xyz but that's not really me" Fe will consider that since they did it, it is them. 
Apollo is a strong Fi. He values his identity a lot. During TOA, he struggles with his identity after losing what he thinks makes him, well, him. Hence you can see his original concept of his identity was tied to what he could do as a god, and his beauty and powers. Once he lost that, he lost his sense of self. This is devastating for a Fi because their identity is heavily tied with their moral system. Fi make decisions based on their moral compass that they created over their lifetime. This allows them to quickly make decisions based on it in times of crisis. They may say "I FEEL xyz" but the feeling they speak of is generated through their moral system. 
Outside input -> Moral system + identity -> feeling - > decision - > action. 
An older, experienced Fi user will be able to sense what they are feeling and make quick decisions based on it, and leave the analysis part to their databank of past judgements. However, on the outside this can look rash and like they are making decisions based on emotions (which is true. But there's more to it!) 
Apollo lost his sense of self and had to start from scratch. This makes him begin to doubt his morals and past judgements, because they were all part of his old self, and that's now gone. Now how can he make the "right" decision? He no longer knows what is right. He has deluded himself that his choices were right for so long, that once his self is shattered and he is rebuilding his identity from scratch, his entire world tilts. Key word here is delude, he probably already had a sense he was doing something wrong but he ignored it and kept using the old pathways of thought he made to arrive at conclusions. Now that its like this:
Outside input -> ?????? -> feeling - > decision - > action.
It leaves him in constant doubt about his present and past self. 
So yeah, Fi. 
And Fi users must have Te, so Te as well. But I argue his Te is lower than Fi and not that noticable. 
Now, we move to Ne vs Ni. 
Ne and Ni are two different ways of thinking and connecting things.
Ne connects thoughts in a spiderweb like pattern and hence has seemingly random jumps and connections. (The grass is green, my shirt is green too and oh, my shirt is from california, and I think california has great icecream and now we are talking about icecream.) Ne tend to derail conversations with their explorations. 
Meanwhile, Ni tend to think more linearly on one topic and discuss it to the end. Their thoughts are more like a graph form where they explore along the line. (the grass is green and it is very lush and beautiful. It grows well in the summer etc etc) Notice we are still talking about grass
Apollo's narration is a classic Ne style narration where you see him talk about traveling with Meg and the next thing he's telling you what happened in Egypt 50 A.D.
So now we know he has, Ne, Fi, Te. 
We just need to figure out whether he has Si or Se. 
Si is focused on memories and familiar things. They like consistency and patterns.
Se is focused on experiences and physical sensation. They like to explore new things and go out. 
However since these aren't as obvious, I will first narrow down the possible types. 
Mbti with Fi, Ne, Te are: 
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And since these types don't have Se, we know he has Si. 
We can rule out ESTJ and ISTJ because Fi is not as prominent , and are more Te based (see image). 
Apollo bases his decisions on his heart (Fi) more than rules and traditions (Si) or productivity (Te).
This means his Fi is either first or second. Which means he's either INFP or ENFP. 
And now it's an easy choice because INFP is an introvert. 
And Apollo is just… extroverted, he loves being around people, he gains energy around them. He loves meeting new folks. (I can promise you as an INFP, I do not feel this ajjfjsksksk) 
Apollo is ENFP! A type who follows their heart, is passionate about their interests, loves learning and exploring new things, and curious.
As well, in regards to his Si as his last function (also called the inferior function) . When people are in times of extreme stress, they can sometimes fall back and unhealthily overuse their last function. For example, for Enfps they will go into "Si grip" and begin to have tunnel vision and overanalyze their past mistakes, try to make little detail perfect, project previous bad experiences onto the future, become isolated and withdrawn… 
Does this sound familiar and like a certain sun god during TOA…? 
Other enfps in fiction, that kinda have traits similar to Apollo: c!Tommy, Steven Universe. (I know ppl say steven is ESFJ but I'll maintain he's enfp based on functions) 
And if you want a well written, deeper read into Enfp functions:
Go here
Also these images:
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hellastareta · 6 months ago
Kai ( final ) Manga vs Anime
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En mi sección favorita:
Comparando a MI husbando Manga/ Anime:
Amable recordatorio de que yo NO estoy comparando la historia en general del manga y el anime. Yo únicamente me enfoco en escenas y sucesos de la historia de Kai.
Pues han pasado ya dos semanas de que se terminó de publicar el maga de Bakuten shoot beyblade y no tenía ganas de hacer nada, pero encontré algo de inspiración para escribir el final de Kai en el manga y el anime.
Para empezar.
El manga termina con el capitulo 56 . Tiene un epilogo donde nos muestra a los chicos como adultos y a la siguiente generación de bey luchadores; y tiene una historia especial que viene siendo la película.
El anime está dividido en tres temporadas y G-revolution tiene un total de 56 episodios, de los cuales 22 no están vinculados a la historia original pero Takao Aoki estuvo un poco involucrado en el desarrollo.
En el tomo 12 del manga ( último publicado por Mundo Vid) nos muestran unas ilustraciones donde aparece un equipo el cual, en la pagina de Takao Aoki nos dice que los diseño para la segunda parte de la última temporada, nos muestra el coloreado y sus bestias.
Por eso entendí porque me gustaba Brooklyn, pues lo diseño como un "otro Kai Hiwatari"
Pero para no desviarnos, vamos con el final del manga y lo que correspondería a la pelea de los episodios 29 y 30 del anime.
En el manga, Takao encuentra a Kai entrenando en un "basurero" decide retarlo ( a pesar de que tendrán su encuentro en la final) una batalla demasiado intensa y termina cuando da inicio la bey batalla oficial en el torneo dejándonos de incognito quien es el equipo vencedor *guiño guiño*
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Mientras tanto, en el anime, la bey batalla tiene lugar en un estadio, en la final del torneo.
Kai tiene un entrenamiento previo, pues no se le hace "leal" tener la batalla con Takao que venía de enfrentar a los Fernández y si llegaba a ganar no vería esa victoria con honor.
La batalla es igual de intensa, tanto, que Daitenji decide que será un empate, lo cual, Kai no acepta y todos los demás piden que los deje seguir.
Obviamente Takao gana la final.
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Obviamente tengo mucho que decir de la pelea final de Kai, él siempre se preparó bien, en el torneo fueron los mejores y la vez que perdieron fue por que Kai no quiso beybatallar con Daichi.
Creo que este es el final de esta sección, como tal no me interesa comparar todo el manga y el anime.
Por cierto, no subieron las historias cortas de Daichi, el episodio de donde está basada la película ni el epilogo ¿Publicarán Rising?
Las sonrisas de Kai:
Cuando finaliza su pelea con Takao / Antes de empezar la final.
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syndrossi · 6 months ago
Tanto en los libros como en la serie, Helaena es la primera en tener un dragón, seguida de Aegon y finalmente Aemond, aunque no sé cómo le irá con este último ya que se supone que debe obtener a Vhagar y Daemon ha dejado clara su negativa a casarse y tener otros hijos en este momento.
Wow la influencia que están teniendo Jon y Rhaegar con los demás niños! y no ha pasado ni una semana desde que llegaron y ya han tenido un impacto significativo en ellos, el hecho de que incluso el estado de ánimo de esos dos vaya a afectar el día de esos niños dice mucho de la influencia que están teniendo en esos niños.
No me imagino el cambio que traerían estos dos en el incidente donde Aemond pierde un ojo, si la principal razón por la que se arriesgó a tomar a Vhagar fue por la impotencia y vergüenza de ser avergonzado y ser acosado por sus hermanos y los hijos de Rhaenyra por ser el único sin dragón, algo a lo que ellos diría (no en guardia) mientras que Rhaegar encontraría la manera de hacer que sus regaños se cuelen en la conciencia de los niños y entre los dos consolarían a Aemond en esos mismos momentos bulnerables para él.
Sería realmente muy agradable.
Yeah, it's unclear currently how their presence will ultimately affect the Green vs Black kid dynamics, or what will happen with Aemond and his dragon, if Laena doesn't die in childbirth and is still flying around on Vhagar!
The Vhagar incident and subsequent fight that leads Aemond to lose an eye was certainly an important catalyst originally, and one that both Jon and Rhaegar would have learned about.
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