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neighboringheart · 9 months ago
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I love how he's such a liar lmao
he's so insecure and covers it up with so much confidence (some of which is genuine but a lot of it is coping for sure imo) and just ugh I love how he lied to Optimus so easily here
like this is like the number one guy that would fuel Rodimus' insecurities y'know? a prime who's always been praised for how good of a leader he is and how wise he is versus how Rodimus is constantly put on blast and scrutinized so ofc when he asks him how the matrix felt he'd panic and lie thinking that it must have felt great for Optimus since he's such a good prime and he can't make himself look as inadequate as he feels right in front of the guy
idk I just genuinely love it so much about his character and it really adds to the idea of how primacy is always seen as an ideal but it shouldn't be like both OP and Roddy are deeply fucked up characters (which I love very much) and they both put on a brave face in their own way
and then ofc the speech he gives at the end of Lost Light really ties it all together for me here bc yeah you don't need to perfect bc good enough is still enough y'know? idk if I'm making sense here but like idk I just really love Roddy as a character and I think a lot of his flaws are just super interesting to dissect there's just so much going on under the hood (hehe) and when he gave that speech I hope he was listening to his own words too
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year ago
“um, you are actually supposed to hate this character with your whole chest, the text is EXTREMELY clear that he is terrible and you should not like him”
well i like him anyway. what are you going to do about it, tell my mom?
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aphel1on · 8 months ago
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cultivateme · 6 months ago
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trans-yllz · 5 months ago
nie huaisang being like wow isn't lan wangji such a beautiful refined gentleman and wei wuxian being like ugh as if and then immediately getting distracted by staring longingly at him is so funny. guy who never stood a fucking chance
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360degreesasthecrowflies · 1 year ago
I'm fed up with my job.
A colleague is off on bereavement leave, indefinitely, which is of course awful... and I've been asked to cover her. Indefinitely.
I'm sorry, but... NO.
Why the fuck should I work two people's jobs while being paid for one? Why am I being guilted into this? Why are any of us asked to?
You know what would make me want to? A pay rise. Some kind, ANY kind, of benefit whatsoever for doing so.
This is about the fourth time it's been asked of me this year and I'm just fuckin done with it at this point.
I work in healthcare and it is not taking care of your employees to make these kinds of asks of them. I tried, the first couple times, thinking I might get some kind of boost, a better chance of getting a better job or salary out of it if I showed willing to work, but no. Nada.
Well, I'm fed up, and now I'm even thinking about leaving. They've taken advantage of my good nature multiple times and seem to believe they can just keep on doing so.
And I reckon this is happening all over different industries in the world of work. In order to try and save some money in the short term, business owners and leaders are just shifting the work of cover on to the other employees, for no extra reward or recompense.
Well I'm sorry, but do you know what that actually creates from those employees? Resentment. I resent being treated this way. I resent that you disrespect me enough to ask me to do two people's jobs for one person's salary. And I won't take it. And then you'll have to go through an expensive recruitment process and train someone new to do this job as well as I do it from step 1. How's that for your efficiency? How's that for a cost saving?
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king-of-havoc · 1 year ago
Sometimes non-binary headcanons are formed from things shown in canon that helps support said headcanon
Other times they are formed when you specifically keep fucking forgetting what they canonically are so you just don't wanna bother anymore
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antiphrastic · 9 months ago
Throwback to that time in 2020 when i spent a Not Insignificant amount of time considering what JGY and NHS' usernames and display names would be so I could make this dorky edit:
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neighboringheart · 11 months ago
started watching beast wars and here are my thoughts so far:
optimus primal is hilarious I love this guy
there's something going on between rhinox and rattrap I can sense it
dinobot is a bottom
tarantulas is a freak freak (and I love him for it)
may add more later lmao but I'm digging it so far
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years ago
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I've worn the same t-shirt, I haven't washed my hair
But all of that's fine when I don't go outside 'cause lately I'm not fond of the light
And I colored in all of the lenses on my glasses
And stay in bed because it's better when I'm fast asleep
In my dreams, no one believes what they see
- Pink (Freak) by Elliot Lee
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aphel1on · 2 years ago
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text post meme nie huaisang edition
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geekysteven · 9 months ago
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guqin-and-flute · 9 months ago
"Y'know, this is easily the most homoerotic thing to happen to ever happen to me."
"Wei Ying."
"Wei-xiong, I don't think 'going to the ER because you've been stabbed' is more homoerotic than literally being married to a man."
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trans-yllz · 5 months ago
did you guys know that ji li (nie huaisang) is the only actor in cql that does his own characters voice acting as well
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360degreesasthecrowflies · 2 years ago
Right sorry but I don't understand why some people, even people that seem otherwise reasonable, seem to have absolutely internalised corporate capitalism talk to the extent that it completely subsumes their own personality and (class) interests???
At work today we had what's supposed to be an evaluation where as a department we, about 40 people, talked about things that have been difficult this year and what we'd hope will improve next year.
So I talked about how this year I have worked a lot of cover, including for managers (2 pay bands above me) and for multiple colleagues at once who have been off, essentially doubling and at some times even tripling my workload - for extra stress and no extra money. I said (using corporate language to hint) that I wasn't always good at asking for help, meaning, undertone, none of you offered to help me out and just expected me to sit and take it because I need my existing salary.
So this was in small groups, in which the focus was firstly giving feedback, and secondly remembering to praise each other for our achievements.
Well the nominated speaker for our group comes on and immediately my story of struggling to do a large amount of extra tasks that are essentially literally taking advantage of someone in a position of little power, actively causing stress to myself at work, for no extra money or any kind of reward but 'helping out the team' is told to the group as "sometimes we had to take on extra responsibilities but that was good because it let us learn about our inner strength and learn more about the business, increasing our skills for the future".
Excuse me! That was not AT ALL what I was talking about!
I already work a valuable job in healthcare. I ALREADY have skills - HENCE I was able to cover for senior team members and keep everything running and going literally at the cost of my social life, mental and physical health. And you aren't even going to say thanks or well done?! In the meeting where that is meant to be the focus?? In fact you're actually going to remove my agency and reframe the story of my own struggle and sacrifice to help out that I told you into some kind of heartwarming Disney ending where the servant felt that the work was its own reward?!
No sorry, get to fuck with that.
Ironically as a result of the teambuilding, feedback, evaluation and celebrating success meeting, I've come out feeling absolutely disheartened. They were like robots. I wasn't the only one that's made sacrifices like this this year, but I was the only one who didn't try and reframe it into a positive, with a neat learning experience and lesson for the group at the end of it.
This is the same workplace that asked us what we would like to add to the workplace to improve our own wellbeing (I reiterate, working in a stressful healthcare provider) and then shot down everything we suggested, even those things that wouldn't involve paying us more or giving us more time off. We were told that we could work longer hours in order to be able to 'earn' a team 'lunch out' during the work day (that of course we would also pay for), or that we could do a 'wellbeing walk' while also having a meeting, so... not exactly an opportunity to de-stress during the work day!
Honestly, I don't understand why these people don't pick up that they are becoming the architects of their own misery, constructing cages of their own making around themselves - and me! We don't have to play the game and turn everything into a positive. That isn't good for mental health OR morale overall either - it's just, ironically for the health background, putting a sticking plaster over a bigger wound. We need to grow up and actually address the issues we have as adults otherwise experienced and valuable staff are just going to end up burning out - which then increases the workload on everyone else and risks bringing the whole system back to square 1.
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ocelotrevs · 5 days ago
For about 7 years or so, I've had a chronic illness that requires regular check ups.
I don't pay a penny for them out of my pocket. I only pay for my medication as I'm working.
I'm really happy we have the NHS.
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