#next prompt: owl
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I second the alpha x alpha clexa fic! Your idea with nerdy Lexa and femme Clarke sounds great!
read on Ao3
Like the tide, regret came in waves. First, the music. Whoever dared to call themselves the DJ of the party simply selected some random playlist and abandoned it to fester on the loudspeakers. Second, Anya had vanished the moment they stepped into the house, mumbling something about a girl, which meant Lexa would be coming home alone that night. And finally, just like being swallowed by a tide, Lexa regretted coming to this party when she choked on the cheap concoction of punch fruit mix and low shelf vodka.
Regret, regret, regret. Coming to this party had been a mistake. She escaped to the backyard of the house hoping to find freedom from mediocre music and people. Ignoring a huddle of stoners that offered her a joint—no thank you; she had soccer practice early the next morning—she made her way to the back gate. Freedom was close. Suddenly too close, when the wooden gate opened from the outside straight at her face and Lexa fell backwards, ungracefully.
“Holy shit!” She heard someone call from above her. Lexa would love to yell at her perpetrator as soon as she could open her eyes, but then something warm filled her mouth.
“Fuck, you killed her, Clarke.”
“I didn’t kill her!” The voice was closer, and someone helped her sit up. Lexa opened her eyes, saw blue, and closed them again. She blinked hard, unfocused. “Here, put this under your nose,” the same voice instructed, gentle, and Lexa felt pressure under her nose.
“Is she okay?”
“Hi. Can you hear us?” Lexa finally regained full consciousness and stared at maybe the one reason she would stay at a horrible party.
“Hi,” Lexa mumbled from under the cloth on her nose. Everything hurt. Her nose, her cheek, her face. It was like the day she had hit her face against the goal post back in high school, but this time she didn’t score.
“What’s your name?” Her rescuing muse asked, her warm hand holding whatever was keeping Lexa’s nose from bleeding.
“Lexa.” Lexa felt for all her teeth with her tongue. No gaps. That was good. “What happened?”
“She tried to kill you,” someone said from above them, and the muse flipped them off.
“It was an accident. O, get some of the beer ice for me?”
Lexa took a deep breath and tried to free her face from whatever was on it.
“Let’s keep it there for a little more, okay? Until the bleeding stops. It doesn’t look bad, though. You’ll live.”
“Good.” Lexa tasted copper on her tongue. “I like to live.”
The laugher that erupted from her savior was melodic and low, like a touch of salt in a sweet cupcake. Lexa liked it.
“Here.” The cloth, which Lexa noticed was a hoodie, was replaced by ice in a ziplock bag, and the coolness immediately soothed Lexa’s senses. “Hold that to your nose. Let’s take a look at it somewhere quieter.” Lexa accepted the hand and stood up, noticing the couple of inches she had on the girl. They walked back to the house, and her saving angel greeted the stoners with high fives, never letting Lexa’s hand go.
“Benji’s locked downstairs, and there’s a bathroom there,” the girl said, as if any of those words made sense, guiding Lexa through the party crowd. Lexa focused on not tripping and holding the ice to her face; she failed at both. They made it to a door behind the stairs and, once it clicked shut, a merciful extra layer was between them and the loud music.
Lexa plopped on the couch, hissing, and tried to touch her nose.
“Wait, let me see.” Without distractions, Lexa could only look at the girl next to her. Her pink glitter eyeshadow was smudged, but her lips were still pristine cherry red. Delicate fingers touched Lexa with such care that she closed her eyes again. “Not broken. Just a bump,” she declared.
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve done that once or twice. I’m Clarke, by the way. Sorry about the whole gate-at-your-face thing. We were out getting beer because the vodka bomb Bellamy made is disgusting.”
“It is disgusting. I’m Lexa.”
“You told me.” The girl said easily, a satisfied grin on her face when her hands left Lexa’s numb cheek. “I asked you before to make sure you were not unconscious.”
“I’m conscious.”
“That you are.” Lexa tried and failed to not look at the exposed cleavage every time Clarke laughed. Maybe being hit in the face had its advantages, like meeting the cutest omega at the party.
“Is this your party?” Lexa asked, twitching her nose to test it out. It burned, but less so, and Lexa wasn’t sure if that was because of the effect of the ice or the girl.
“Gods, no!” Clarke laughed again and Lexa had become addicted to it. “Bellamy is my friend O’s brother, and this is his party. We tried to offer ideas, but he wanted to do it all himself. That’s why it sucks.”
“It kinda sucks.”
Clarke looked at something behind Lexa, her smile blossoming into something warm and inviting. “Oh, hey, Benji.” Lexa turned her head to see a black cat with two big white spots staring at them from atop the dryer. He purred when Clarke motioned for him to come and made his way to her lap. He ignored Lexa completely, jumping above her shoulder to land on Clarke’s jeans. “Such a good boy.” She petted him a couple of times, and he spread himself on her lap in a cute offering. “He hides here whenever there’s new people in the house.”
Lexa risked a touch to the cat’s fur, and if he didn’t like strangers, he was too absorbed in Clarke’s caress to notice. She couldn’t blame him. Her fingers grazed Clarke’s, and no one pulled away. Benji purred in cat heaven-bliss, his legs up in the air at the attention.
“He’s the cutest thing ever,” Clarke whispered, leaning down to kiss the cat’s head. Lexa’s mind, so unprepared for the boost in cleavage view and a hot girl leaning down on her lap, swallowed the aftertaste of blood and repeated,
“The Cutest thing ever.” Clarke looked up, the glitter on her eyeshadow quivering with a single raised eyebrow. That was a challenge Lexa took head on, so she completed, “and the cat is not too bad.”
Clarke laughed, quiet and rich, and tucked a stray blonde lock behind her ear. “You’re not concussed, are you?”
Lexa frowned, her hand touching Clarke’s palm above the endless purring. “I hope not. But maybe I am a little to have the guts to flirt with you.”
Clarke’s smile was wide and beautiful, a small dimple on her cheek sparkling with makeup. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to assume. That’s on me for judging a book by the cover.” Her finger played with her hair again and Lexa saw a blush creeping down from her cheeks to her neck. She wanted to kiss the pink taking over pale skin, sink her teeth and leave marks on mapped freckles. Was that a concussion or a crush?
Between them, the monochrome cat was satisfied with the attention and jumped on the ground, leaving their hands with no excuse on why they were still touching. Lexa knew it was her role to take action; she would lean in and kiss those beautiful lips, get all smudged in red lipstick, finally find out how soft that little spot under her jaw would feel and—
Clarke kissed her while Lexa planned her move. It was gentle, mindful of Lexa’s nose, and yet Clarke’s tongue was slow but purposeful, an insistent explorer of everything Lexa wanted to give. Lexa opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, swallowing the moan that escaped Clarke’s lips. She welcomed the hand on her hips, allowing herself to be pulled closer, until that wasn’t enough, and she bit under Clarke’s jaw, whispering, “Do you want to sit on my lap?”
The grin that spread on Clarke’s face was predatory. All teeth and dimples, ready to pounce. So she was that type of omega, okay. Lexa could roll with that. Clarke’s hands were gentle when she cradled the back of Lexa’s head, pulling it to reveal Lexa’s pulsing point on her neck.
“You good? Your nose okay?” Clarke asked, breath heavy against Lexa’s lips, and Lexa would endure another gate to her face just to kiss this woman again. She nodded and gasped when Clarke sat fully on her lap. She was warm, warmer than her hands, all hot touches of tongue and hands. Clarke’s knees hit the back of the couch, her breasts on display as she moved her hair aside and leaned in for another kiss. They parted for air, breaths mingling, and Clarke rolled her hips and Lexa couldn’t suppress a moan.
“That wasn’t because of your nose, was it?” Clarke’s eyes spoke of want, but her words were laced with concern. Lexa smiled and kissed her, tongues meeting halfway.
“No,” she reassured the woman on her lap, hooking her fingers on Clarke’s belt. “That was something else.”
Clarke rolled her hips again, and Lexa bit her lip not to gasp. “I wonder what?” Clarke teased, grinding her hips farther. Lexa had not predicted a handjob tonight, but sure, she also had not predicted being knocked out, but there she was.
“Fuck,” Clarke hissed above her, and Lexa continued her diligent work on her ear. She sucked the earrings there, licked the reddening skin, then went for another kiss. She ignored the protest her nose made when Clarke pushed back, hunger in her gasps. “You kiss like you mean it,” Clarke confessed mid-kiss, her hands toying with Lexa’s button-up shirt. “Can I open this?” Lexa nodded and continued to kiss Clarke’s neck as her buttons fell open, one haphazardly after the other. Clarke’s hands toyed with the underside of her sports bra, painted nails pulling at the elastic. Lexa made a questioning noise in the back of her throat that Clarke interpreted correctly, her own blouse hitting the floor. Black lace and peaked nipples welcomed Lexa.
“You’re gorgeous,” Lexa whispered, her mouth closing on a nipple, and Clarke was the one making embarrassing sounds. Lexa hummed at the scrape of nails on her nape, pulling her head impossibly closer, and she obliged, the pain a minor distraction in her mind so overpowered by boobs. Lexa helped Clarke to start a rhythm, her hands on her backside pulling her back and forth, the heat between them growing. There was a particular grind where Clarke’s jeans met Lexa’s hardening member just right, and her hips moved to meet hers in sync. “Fuck, you’re making me hard,” Lexa confessed into blonde hair, her tongue licking under Clarke’s chin. Clarke hummed with the praise, her hips never stopping.
“Me too, babe.” She breathed hot on Lexa’s ear, leaving lipstick marks all over Lexa’s skin.
Lexa didn’t process what Clarke said. Too preoccupied with damp lace under her tongue to fully comprehend what Clarke had said. Until she wasn’t. “Wait, what?”
Clarke didn’t stop their grinding, sucking a deep mark on Lexa’s neck. “What did you say?” Lexa repeated the question, moving one hand to Clarke’s lower back. Hazed, with pupils eating at the blue of her eyes, Clarke blinked, tilting her head to the side.
“What?” Clarke asked, now confusion between her knitted eyebrows. “Is your nose okay?”
“I’m fine, but… are you—” Lexa didn’t have to form the question. All she had to do was look beyond the boobs—a herculean task with an almost half-naked Clarke on her lap—to see the bulge in her own pants. And the other one in Clarke’s. The sweet, sweet grinding had been — “You’re an alpha,” Lexa wheezed, eyes wide.
Unphased, Clarke tucked a stray braid back behind Lexa’s ear. “Yeah?”
“I… I did not know that.”
Clarke chuckled, the new bruise on her neck shining a light pink. “That’s the problem of assuming things about people, isn’t it?”
“But.” Lexa’s eyes fixed on her own erection and the matching one in Clarke’s pants. Clarke had a penis. A legitimate dick. Hard. Which had been grinding against Lexa’s own. “But I’ve never been with an alpha,” Lexa said, and finally looked up to find a tight smile.
“If you’re going to be a jerk about it,” Clarke warned, “you better fucking leave now.”
“No, no, no, it’s not like that. It’s that I’ve never…” She bit her lip and watched as Clarke looked her up and down.
“It’s the first time you desire an alpha.” Clarke rolled her hips in emphasis. “The first time you get hard for one.”
Lexa couldn’t do anything but nod. This was… weird. No, different. Unprecedented. Not unpleasant; quite the contrary. Clarke was a cloud of perfume and painted nails and still looked damn heck proud of her status. Lexa admired that. She wanted that.
“I understand if you want to stop.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek. “But I’d really like to touch you. You look like you’d moan my name as you come.” There was that embarrassing noise in Lexa’s throat again. “Or,” Clarke continued atop her throne, running a single finger down Lexa’s chin. “You can go home and jerk off thinking about fucking me. So what do you say?”
Anya would make so much fun of her if she knew. Or would she? Would anyone even care?
“Yes.” Lexa lifted her head to find Clarke’s lips, but she pulled back, a warm, so warm hand on Lexa’s chest.
“Yes to what, Lexa? I need to hear you say it.”
Swallowing on nothing, Lexa focused on kiss-swollen lips. “I want you to touch me.” Lexa didn’t hear her own voice, not with blood rushing everywhere at once. Her ears popped, her heart throbbed desperately in her ribcage and pleasantly between her legs. Clarke’s lips were rough on hers, her always-warm hands strong when she lowered Lexa’s zipper. Had she always been so intense and only now Lexa associated this with being an alpha? Or being an alpha had nothing to do with it; was that just Clarke?
“Do you usually do this with other alphas?” Lexa said through gritted teeth, her hands digging into Clarke’s jeans. Clarke closed her fist around her and Lexa moaned, leaning her forehead on Clarke’s shoulder.
“Sometimes.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s temple, lingering there for a moment. Lexa twitched in Clarke’s hand. “Lexa.” She coaxed Lexa out of hiding. With her free hand, she held Lexa’s chin, and the corners of her eyes lowered at whatever she saw in Lexa’s face. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting another alpha, Lexa.” Her dominant hand around Lexa moved, a slow up and down, almost a lazy stroke. Clarke did everything with precision, a hidden, meaningful grace. “It doesn’t make you less of an alpha, or a woman.” Following the cadence of Lexa’s gasps, Clarke sped up, spreading the dripping need along Lexa’s shaft. “Or me. I’m no less of an alpha for doing this.” Clarke looked down, and Lexa would never forget how fascinated she looked.
“Come here.” Lexa leaned for a kiss and helped Clarke sit next to her instead. “Can you touch yourself while you touch me?”
Clarke nodded enthusiastically at the proposal, her first graceless move the way she spread her legs and wiggled until the tight jeans were below her hips. Lexa loved that she had thin, lacy briefs that did nothing to hide her arousal. Lexa’s fingers clawed at Clarke’s thighs, and she hoped to leave marks, a visceral need taking over to have any kind of claim on her.
If Clarke wasn’t an expert on this, no one else would be. She moved both hands in sync, watching for clues on Lexa’s face and bucking her hips at each stroke. Lexa mimicked her movements, their hips jumping in tandem, fingers digging into pale skin. Lexa tilted her head to bite Clarke’s shoulder.
Tongue on Clarke’s bruised skin, Lexa asked, “Can I?”
“What?” Clarke’s half-lidded eyes widened as Lexa’s right hand moved in her direction. Clarke was apparently left-handed, and Lexa was right-handed, a perfect combination as Lexa, for the first time in her life, held someone else’s hard, leaking cock.
“Fuck,” Lexa whined as Clarke sped up at her first touch. Clarke was thick, thicker than her, but Lexa did what usually worked for her, wrist twisting close to the knot and light at the head. Clarke moaned, tightening her grip on Lexa. Pre-come poured freely from Lexa’s head, coating Clarke’s hands, making the gliding smoother.
“Harder,” Clarke asked in a gasp, and Lexa struggled to keep her rhythm, liquid beading over Clarke’s broad head. “Yeah, babe, like that.”
Lexa bit her lip at the term of endearment. Part of her wanted to giggle at having another grown alpha calling her babe, but whatever was left of her functional brain melted at Clarke’s voice.
“I can’t wait to feel your cock inside me.”
An image flashed in Lexa’s closed eyelids as vividly as a memory: Clarke, all soft curves and hard cock, on all fours, head buried in a pillow as Lexa fucked and fucked into her. “That’s it, babe, come for me.”
Lexa grunted, her hips missing the increasing pace. Fuck, she was going to come already. She could feel it building in her belly. She opened her eyes to see Clarke kicking off her pants and straddling her again. Clarke shifted closer, her proud erection an angry red, and Lexa salivated. “This is alright?” Lexa nodded, and moaned as Clarke’s hand closed around her again, but this time Clarke’s cock was touching hers, teasing the sensitive underside. It transfigured Lexa; her cock was longer, but Clarke topped in girth, and the knot forming at her base was impressive. They glided together, Clarke using her hand to stimulate them.
“God,” Clarke moaned on top of Lexa, her breasts bouncing, her hips thrusting forward, and Lexa wondered if she would look like that while riding her.
“Clarke, Clarke, I’m going to—”
“Make a mess, babe.” There was an unmistakable alpha tone to Clarke’s voice, and it was that what pushed Lexa into sweet oblivion. She came with a long moan that died on Clarke’s neck, thrusting into Clarke’s hand with hard thrusts of her hips. She felt the splash of warm come on her belly, and then Clarke was joining her, a long, high-pitched moan leaving her lips as she continued to stroke them and scratch Lexa’s nape at the same time.
Indeed, they made a mess.
It took a long time for Lexa to open her eyes, her abs twitching in aftershocks, when Clarke finally released her. Her nose ached, but she kept it pressured against Clarke’s neck, enjoying the scent that became stronger there.
“You good?” Clarke asked, guiding Lexa to look up at her. Lexa smiled at the smudged lipstick.
“You really look concussed now.”
“Worth it.”
Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek, lingering there. “Is it okay if I asked for your number? In case you don’t regret this alpha experience.”
“I don’t regret it,” Lexa said, nuzzling into Clarke’s neck. “I kind of want to do it again.”
“Hmm…” Clarke’s fingers grazed Lexa’s chin, lifting it for a short, sweet kiss. “There are other things we could do, too. Just saying.”
Lexa blinked slowly, the mental images taking life. Between them, her cock twitched, curious. Clarke kissed her, albeit softly. “But you really look like you need a break. Can I drive you home?”
Lexa realized that saying no to Clarke was extremely difficult.
And she was okay with that.
#drabble#ask the owl#long time coming but look at me#writing prompts#clexa#clexa fanfic#thank you all the thirsty anons living in my inbox#you give me life#some self discovery for our little gays#omegaverse#abo#sexy times#guess what happens next#if i ever get to write it
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Love Letters



Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n starts receiving love letters, and James doesn't handle it well, leading to him writing his own.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Jealousy, kissing, that’s all I think
A/N 💌 Hope you all enjoy this! Would love to know what you think!
Surprise washes over you as the envelope lands before you, swishing flaps of the owls' wings beginning to fade away.
"Oh." You murmur, your features forming into a puzzled expression as you peer down at the unfamiliar, striking red envelope. Like clockwork, a letter from your parents arrives every Monday, snug in its customary ivory envelope. Yet, today being Wednesday, the arrival of a letter is unexpected.
"It is Wednesday, isn't it?" Remus inquires from next to you, his expression reflecting your own confusion. Having been friends with the boys for years, they had grown accustomed to your letter every Monday—a tradition you always looked forward to.
"It is," You confirm, lifting the letter and turning it over, searching for any indication of its sender. There's nothing—just a blank exterior. "This isn't from my parents." You say softly, your tone laced with confusion and curiosity.
As you tear into the envelope, the rustle catches the attention of Sirius, his curiosity piqued.
"It's not Monday." Sirius remarks, his brow furrowed, prompting you to glance up at him. His words seem to have drawn the interest of both James and Peter, their gazes shifting towards you with a hint of confusion etched on their faces.
"It's not. But this isn't from my parents." You reply, pulling the letter out and enfolding it.
"Could it be a love letter?" Sirius quips, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He was teasing you more than anything, not really expecting it to be one.
Remus casts a quick glance in your direction, skimming over the letter's contents before barking out an amused laugh. The signature at the end gives him his answer.
"I think it is, mate." He grins, and you give him a playful glare. You had glimpsed the signature at the end, yet a nervous flutter danced within you as you hesitated to delve into the contents of the letter itself.
"What?" James interjects, his tone suddenly brimming with vulnerability. If he wasn't intrigued before, he certainly is now.
You're engrossed in your own thoughts, too preoccupied to discern the subtle panic in his voice. But the boys all glance towards James, aware of his feelings for you, but the unmistakable devastation across his face is evidence that he didn't write the letter. He's too absorbed in watching you examine the letter to notice the intensity of their stare.
"What does it say?" Peter leans forward curiously, dragging his gaze away from James. Remus and Sirius turn to watch you, eager to hear your response.
Breakfast seems to be forgotten between the five of you, everyone much too curious about the letter's contents.
When you don't respond promptly, Sirius calls out, "Read it." You shoot him a glance, silently urging him to be patient.
"I can't," You sigh, pushing the letters towards Remus and giving him a hopeful look. "Will you read it, Rem?"
Remus accepts the letter from you with a gentle smile, his fingers adjusting the paper's position before he begins to read it aloud. Your nerves flutter with anticipation as you await the contents of the letter, but the reassuring timbre of Remus' voice washes over you, helping to soothe how jittery you feel.
James straightens up, anticipation evident in his posture as he eagerly awaits the contents of the letter addressed to you.
I don't have the courage to tell you in person, though I wish I did. But I think you're incredibly beautiful, not just in appearance but in how you carry yourself and the kindness you exude. From the very moment I first saw you, I found myself unable to look away. There's something about you that's simply mesmerizing, captivating me in a way I never expected. And so, despite my nerves, I felt compelled to let you know.
Perhaps one day, when the timing is right, I'll find the courage to share these thoughts with you in person. Until then, please know I admire you deeply, even if I remain a mystery as of right now.
Forever Yours
Remus gently returns the letter to you, and you accept it, your eyes skimming over the unfamiliar handwriting. There's a fleeting trace of disappointment that washes through you. You had hoped to recognize the handwriting instantly, to attribute it to someone familiar.
To be honest, you had secretly hoped to find James Potter's messy handwriting etched into the paper.
Your crush on James had blossomed back in fifth year, and despite your best efforts, it seemed impossible to shake. Not that you truly wanted to let go of it. However, you were well aware of the necessity to do so. James had a string of admirers lining up for his attention, and he seemed to revel in the attention, enjoying his time flirting and charming those around him.
You were undeniably his best friend, a title you cherished, yet a significant part of you yearned for something more. Realistically, you understood that distancing yourself might be the key to getting over him. However, every attempt to create some distance seemed futile, as James inexplicably sought you out even more whenever you tried to pull away.
Your best strategy seemed to be simply completing your seventh year and allowing your feelings to gradually fade with the natural distance that would inevitably emerge between the two of you.
"Forever yours? Merlin, Y/n. You've got yourself an admirer!" Sirius calls out enthusiastically, while you chewed your bottom lip in thought. You were flattered, but it unnerved you a little to not know who was behind the letter.
Was it someone you knew yet weren't particularly close to? Perhaps it was an acquaintance you had exchanged words with in passing. Or, what if it was someone entirely unfamiliar to you, someone you had never spoken to before? The uncertainty gnawed at your thoughts, leaving you pondering the possibilities.
James felt as though a vice had tightened around his chest, squeezing the air from his lungs. His stomach churned with a mixture of anxiety and jealousy, his heart heavy with the realization that someone else had feelings for you.
Panic surged within him, fueled by the nagging thought that this situation wouldn't be unfolding if he had mustered the courage to make a move on you years ago. Maybe, just maybe, you would've been his if he had taken that chance. The warmth that spread across his cheeks betrayed the intensity of his longing, a daydream of you being his that played out in his mind with unwavering persistence.
It wasn't as though he hadn't made attempts. He had tried to flirt with you, albeit subtly, but it seemed you either weren't interested or didn't quite grasp the signals he was sending your way.
Last year, the boys and you had planned to take a leisurely stroll around the grounds, a much-needed respite from the relentless torrent of homework. Remus, Sirius, and Peter conveniently vanished, each claiming urgent tasks they had just recalled, leaving you and James to explore the castle grounds on an unusually warm spring day. James knew their sudden disappearance was orchestrated, a subtle maneuver to encourage closeness between you. However, he didn't mind in the least; he was grateful for the opportunity to spend time alone with you.
His plan had been to flirt with you, gauging your reaction before subtly suggesting a date. However, to his surprise, you simply said thank you and seamlessly continued with your previous conversation, throwing his carefully laid plans into disarray. Despite this, there was no awkwardness between you; you were best friends. But James had never complimented you like this before, openly expressing how pretty you looked, how kind you were, and how much he admired you. If his compliments caught you off guard, you certainly didn't let it show.
James couldn't shake the lingering sense of uncertainty as the walk drew to a close. You had deftly sidestepped all his compliments, scarcely acknowledging his attempts at flirting. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that perhaps he stood no chance with you. Yet, his feelings remained steadfast, refusing to be extinguished. If he were truly honest with himself, he would admit that he had fallen irrevocably in love with you long ago.
"I'll catch up with you guys later." You called out, gathering your belongings and turning to leave. James watched you go, suddenly realizing that he had tuned out the rest of the conversation, too lost in his thoughts about you.
"Hey, mate, you alright?" Remus inquires, observing James sitting quietly, his gaze fixed in the direction you departed. When James takes a moment to respond, Sirius nudges him gently.
"Everything okay?" Sirius asks again, his eyes fixed on James as he sighs and finally turns back to the table.
James sighs, "I feel like I've lost her, and she isn't even mine."
"Hardly, mate. It was just one love letter." Sirius says, finding James a tad dramatic.
"But that's more than I've ever done for her. Fuck, I should've made a move ages ago." James rests his head in his hands, effectively blocking the light from his eyes.
"Then why don't you make a move?" Peter suggests, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. He finds the situation utterly ridiculous. It's crystal clear to him just how much you like James, and vice versa.
"Make a move?" James echoes, his expression incredulous as he gazes up at Peter, clearly bewildered by the suggestion.
"I don't get it. You flirt with every girl, but when it comes to Y/n, you freeze up at the mere thought of confessing your feelings for her." Peter points out, reaching for another piece of toast.
"I don't know what to do." James admits, his voice tinged with defeat and uncertainty.
"Try something romantic." Peter sighs, buttering his toast and casting an exasperated glance at James.
"He can barely talk to her about his feelings; how's he going to manage that?" Sirius interjects, earning a glare from James.
"Write her a love letter," Remus suggests, and all eyes turn to him. "She might receive another one tomorrow. Show her she has someone else who's interested."
It took James several days of inner turmoil before he finally decided to write his own letter. Enduring the heartfelt declarations of affection from another towards you had been an arduous task, leaving him consumed by jealousy and resentment. By the fifth day of listening to such sentiments, James knew he couldn't bear it any longer. It was then that he made the decision to pour his own feelings onto paper, hoping to write you a love letter that urged you to forget the others.
As the owls swoop in, James feels a wave of nausea wash over him. He had followed Remus' advice, and at this moment, he's strongly regretting it. He observes your reaction intently as two letters drop down in front of you this morning. You seem a little startled, picking up the red envelope and then the pink one. You flip both around, scanning for any words written across them. However, like yesterday, they remain blank.
"What a popular girl you are, love." Sirius grins, and you send him a mock, unamused look.
"Rem." You call, sending Remus a soft smile as you hold out the red envelope to him. James feels a pang of jealousy at the fact you didn't pick up his letter first.
Remus takes the envelope from you, breaking the seal before sliding out the letter and beginning to read it aloud.
I can hardly express the nerves that consume me as I watch you open my letters. I understand that knowing the sender would give it more meaning, and I hope that one day, I'll have the courage to reveal my identity to you without fear of disappointing you.
For now, I find solace in our shared classes. Your smile and laughter illuminate even the dreariest of days for me. Your beauty, both inside and out, is something I greatly admire.
Forever Yours
As you finish reading the letter, a thoughtful hum escapes your lips, catching the attention of all the boys. There's a distinct expression on your face, one that suggests you're unsure of how to react. Your lips are pursed, and you're staring down at your plate, lost in deep thought.
"You don't like it?" Peter inquires, and you shrug, uncertain of how to respond.
"I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. I mean, I don't know who it's from, but they seem to really like me," You mull over, your thoughts wandering. "Honestly, I think I'd prefer if someone just came out and admitted it was them."
Feeling confident the previous night, James had boldly hinted that the letter was from one of the Marauders. However, in the bright morning light, he finds himself plagued by regret over that decision. James suddenly feels the urge to snatch the pink envelope from your hands and shield it from your view, refusing to let you read its contents. However, he knows that would reveal his identity. On the other hand, when you eventually read his letter, the words may very well give him away.
But perhaps that's not such a bad thing. After all, you did mention that you would prefer someone to come forward and admit if it was them.
"Okay, Rem. Second letter?" You hold out the pink envelope, and James swallows nervously. His entire body feels tense with fear, especially when Remus locks eyes with him before opening the letter and preparing to read.
"Saved the best for last, did you?" Sirius teases, earning a subtle nudge from James. You simply look up at Sirius and shrug, muttering, "We'll see."
But as your eyes briefly meet James', there's a subtle shift in the air. In that fleeting moment of connection, you seem to detect something in the depths of his gaze. It's as if unspoken words hang between you, a silent understanding passing between the both of you.
Without a word spoken, your hand moves almost instinctively towards Remus, reaching out to grasp his wrist where the letter rests in his hand. It's a subtle gesture, but one that speaks volumes.
"Actually, I think I want to read this one by myself."
Remus looks a little puzzled, casting a glance from you to James, before eventually handing over the letter. You offer him a gentle thank you before lowering your gaze to the messy handwriting sprawled across the page.
The boys observe you with bated breath, knowing exactly who this one is from. They all watch you with curious expressions on their faces. James, however, feels a knot forming in his stomach, convinced he's on the verge of feeling sick. Yet, amidst his unease, there's a faint sense of relief knowing that the boys won't overhear what he's written. The thought of their endless teasing is enough to make him shudder.
To my Y/n,
I am wholeheartedly convinced that I fell in love with you the second I saw you. When Remus introduced you to us, I couldn't breathe. It was as if everything in the world had stopped, leaving only you in focus. But then, as if by some miracle, you turned to me with a shy smile and uttered your name, and in that moment, I knew I was done for.
I've spent countless nights thinking of you, wondering if you felt even the slightest bit of what I feel for you. And as pathetic as it may seem, I've imagined what it would be like if we were together. How I'd spoil you with chocolate frogs, hold your hand through the hallways as we walk to class, and wrap my robes around you every time you complain of being cold. I want you to know that you're the only girl in the world to me.
But I can't show you that. And believe me, Y/n, I've tried to move on.
Yet, there is no one else who could even begin to compare to you. Not once has anyone come close. While I have flirted with other people, my mind always drifts back to you. No matter how hard I try to resist, it's what I think about when I'm talking to someone else. It's you that I measure every other person against. And they never compare.
No one ever will.
Throughout the years, you have become one of my closest friends. And while I wouldn't have it any other way, there is a part of me that is selfish, yearning for more with you.
I would do anything to ensure your happiness. Say the word, and I'll do anything for you.
Always Yours
You rise from your seat abruptly, a glimmer of tears in your eyes as you clench the letter tightly in your hand. James stands up, too, a mixture of fear and anticipation in his eyes. "Y/n, I—" He begins, but you're already walking away, and he's left to watch you go, his heart pounding with a tumult of emotions. He knows you've realized he wrote the letter; it was unmistakable from his reaction. The boys, wide-eyed and silent, watch the scene unfold, the weight of the moment palpable in the air.
"Fuck, fuck." He mumbles to himself, his mind racing with regret and anxiety. He moves to leave, determined to follow after you and attempt to repair the friendship he undoubtedly just shattered. However, as he turns, he notices you don't walk out of the Great Hall. Instead, you navigate around the Gryffindor table, heading in his direction. You don't stop until you're standing directly in front of James.
He watches you with wide eyes, his heart aching at the tears that line your lash line, knowing they are because of him. Only the boys and a couple of other Gryffindors are witnessing the intense exchange between the two of you; the rest of the Great Hall remains oblivious to the tension that hangs heavy in the air.
"Are you daft?"
"Y/n, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
You don't let him finish. Instead, you push up onto your toes, lacing your fingers through James' hair at the nape of his neck, and pull him down to you in a searing kiss. James lets out a surprised moan, but swiftly reciprocates, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. Kissing James ignites a fire under your skin and leaves your legs feeling like jelly. Grateful for his sturdy embrace, you lean into him, your trust in his strength a comforting anchor as the world spins around you. Never have you felt like this when being kissed, it was intoxicating.
The sudden eruption of whistles and hollers around you signals that everyone has witnessed the intimate moment between the two of you.
"Mister Potter! Miss L/N!” Professor McGonagall's appalled shock causes you to reluctantly pull away from James. While the consequences of your actions should concern you, the way James looks at you washes away any worries.
"C'mon! Let them have their moment!" Sirius calls out, his voice filled with playful defiance. You can't help but giggle, still pressed against James, feeling a surge of warmth and affection between the two of you.
"I've loved you for years." You mumur, a grin spreading across your face, your heart brimming with warmth and affection.
"Thank Merlin, because I'm madly in love with you." He whispers, his sincerity so palpable that it threatens to overwhelm you.
He could rest assured, knowing that you wouldn't be receiving any more love notes from anyone else but him.
#james potter x reader#james potter#james potter fic#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#james potter x fem!reader#james potter oneshot#james potter imagine#james potter fluff
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The Fire-Eater
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
"Jesus Christ, you'd think they would dust up here once in a while." Jason rasps as he waves his hand in the air to clear the cloud of dust. Dick just rolled his eyes and lifted another box out of the way, causing another cloud of dust to poof into the air, "Where is this damn blanket anyway?" He asked, ripping open an old box to look for the blanket in question. Why? You, their adopted mother, is currently carrying their youngest sibling. The first, and only pregnancy of yours. Seeing that you aren't as young as you used to be, the pregnancy is a high risk. As per doctor's orders, you were to remain on bed rest now that you were close to your due date.
Before that, you'd been working on the nursery. Everything was perfect, but you were missing one thing. Bruce's baby blanket. A blanket you'd only ever seen in pictures, but knew that you wanted it for your future child. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be possible. All of your children were far too old for the blanket when they were adopted. Now you had your baby on the way, and you wanted that blanket. To prevent you from climbing up there yourself, your two oldest sons decided to.
"Some of the boxes are older than me." Dick joked as he held up a box of old photo albums. The date on the box was ten years before he was born. He set the box down, and kept shifting through the boxes. They were looking for a box with Bruce's birth year on it. All of his baby items were stored there. He moved another box then frowned when he saw one tucked in a far corner. It was opened, and he saw a black outfit lined with red sequins, an outfit he swore he's seen before...a circus outfit. What caught his eye next was a rolled up poster, "Hey, Jason." He called out while picking up the poster. Dick unrolled it slowly, then felt his heart sink to his stomach.
A poster for Haly's Circus. The Circus he was apart of before his biological parents died. He still remembered that day as if it just happened. On the poster was a woman eating fire. Her outfit, a black leotard with red sequins lining it. (H/C) hair, and (S/C) skin. Unless Bruce had a certain type, there was no way it couldn't be you. How? How was this possible? He remembered meeting you that night. You were dressed as if you just walked out of business meeting, and you were with Bruce. The date on the poster dated years before you ever met Bruce.
Dick set the poster down right as Jason approached him, still grumbling about all of the dust. He picked up a small book next. Opening it, he found pictures. Old pictures of you, and other members of the circus. You and Haly...you and his parents. You knew his parents? One picture was of you, his dad, his mom, and him as a newborn. You knew who he was before you ever met him? How come he never knew this? Why did you leave the circus? How did you end up marrying Bruce Wayne of all people?
"Holy shit, Mom never told us this." Jason said while holding up the torches and an old bottle of alcohol. What they saw in the bottom of the box made both of their spines tingle. A mask...a Court of the Owls mask. Dick knew the story, and he knew his lineage. He knew his potential fate, had he never been adopted. Why did you have a mask? All of these questions in his head, and he knew the one person who could answer them.
He shoved all the items back into the box, and stormed out of the attic with it. Dick wanted answers, and he wanted them now. He carried the box through the manor with Jason on his heels, while holding back his tears. He felt lied to? Betrayed? He didn't know, but he needed to know. He felt like you were an entirely new person now. Dick opened the door to your bedroom. You were watching as Stephanie painted your toenails, and Damian was lecturing you on your health.
"Oh! Did you-..." You cut off when you saw the box he was carrying. It'd been years, and you forgot about that box. Honestly, you thought you threw it out, "Dick..." Your oldest son walked over and slammed the box on the bed, causing your two other sons and Stephanie to glare at him.
"Start talking, Mom...right now."
#batman#batmom#batmom imagines#damian wayne x reader#dick grayson x batmom#dc comics#jason todd x batmom#jason todd x reader#tim drake x reader#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne#bruce wayne x you#red hood#robin#dick grayson imagine#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson#batman x reader#batfamily#nightwing
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Prompt: Miss (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 476
“I miss Regulus.” James whined, turning from his back to lay on his side so he could face Sirius. His best friend was laying next to him, staring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It was almost embarrassing, but the constellation Leo glowed particularly bright in comparison to the rest.
“Prongs, dating my brother is one thing, hearing you whine about him all summer is another.”
James let out a sigh. “I hear you whine about Moony all the time, even when he’s in the same room. I haven’t spoken to Regulus since the train, it’s been three weeks.” They couldn’t even send letters, but James had been writing them anyway with the thought he could give them to Regulus once they were back at Hogwarts. Regulus liked reading, so James had taken to writing him notes and letters that he snuck into his robes or bag during term. He wasn’t allowed to send owls to Grimmauld Place, so they were currently in a no contact situation. “Do you think he misses me?”
“Oh yeah, knowing my brother he’s going mad without you.” Sirius paused, twisting his lips. “Although descending into madness isn’t strange for a Black, it’s quite common. I blame the inbre—” he was cut off by a loud, quick series of knocks at James’s bedroom window.
James and Sirius shared a curious glance. “Expecting anyone?” The younger asked rhetorically before rolling out of bed, grabbing his wand and waving it to turn on the light as he went to the window. James pulled back the curtains, hazel eyes widening. “Regulus?” he immediately opened the window, helping the sixteen year old climb into his room from the outside. “How did you—this is the second floor…”
“I’m aware, James. I climbed—”
“Most people use the door.” Sirius commented, not letting his own surprise show at the sight of his brother as he sat up on the bed. His eyes darkened, gaze intense as he eyed Regulus’ body for any sight of physical injury, only relaxing when he came to the conclusion there were none.
James was doing the same, his hands roaming the sides of Regulus’ torso, still in disbelief that he was actually here in his room. “Are you alright, Reg? Did something happen?”
“No—nothing happened. I’m—I’m fine. I just… you know.” Regulus grabbed for James’ hands to hold them into his. “I missed you.” He didn’t say anything more before he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss against James’ lips which the Gryffindor happily returned.
“No! No! No! NO! NOOOOO! Rule number six of dating my brother clearly states ‘no kissing in front of Sirius’!” Sirius grabbed the pillow that was beneath his head, throwing it right at their grinning faces. “You both have to put a galleon in the jar now!”
#jegulus#starchaser#james x regulus#regulus x james#regulus black#james potter#marauders era#marauders#microfiction#jeggyverse microfic#aaaahhh i don't like this but its fine its ok#regulus didnt use the door bc if someone answered that wasn't james it would've been awkward for him and he was nervous#sirius has “rules” for starchaser dating and when they break them they have to add a galleon into the jar#james thinks its fun and regulus likes to add money just for sirius reaction
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Book of Bill Website Codes
(Organized by category with notes)
Here's my list of inputs that work on the website :)
Hopefully the read more works like I think it does and I don't accidentally spoil anybody
That being said by clicking read more you will see All of the codes I have found so far
Please be mindful and try not to spoil anybody else with this information. So please be careful if reblogging
I got everything I have collected/found on here, it's a bit messy right now but After I take a small break I'll reorganize and add notes but for now everything's on here, please so check out the posts linked in the log as once I lost all leads I looked to their post for other inputs :)
Also feel free to put any you know of that Aren't on here in the replies I'm sure there's some missing
I will be updating as I find more so check back in if you can! :)
Thank you!
They'll be categorized by
Neat Tv text- Nothing special the tv just gets some text to it
Tab pages-brings you to another tab/website
Audio/video- Audio/video clip plays
Readables- A picture will pop up on screen that you can read
Printables- You can print them :D!
Other- Hard to categorize
If an * is next to a name that means that you can get different results for the same prompt
(Any personal notes will be in parenthesis)
-> An arrow means that the Passwords are found in the previous page
ex- Page with code that translates to "dork"-> Dork
Blue text with an underline is a link! Haha! would you look at that! it works!
Will Keep this updated as I find more and will Note the logs at the end of this post
For the mason page anagrams I know WHO they are I just don't know WHAT to do with them, i know it says cryptogram codex at the bottom i think i have to do something with the anagram results but I'm unsure what that is. Stanford Pines Stanlie Pines Gideon Charles Gleeful Preston Northwest Pacifica Elisa Northwest
Notes to Dipper Prompt: (Unsure why- Maybe going to Blind eye page and blurring it but changes from dipper being told to stare at the sun to "I THINK ITS WORKING! STARE HARDER! HARDER!" and the page looking burnt I Think it has to do with how many input codes you enter, It now says "you've almost solved it" and is even more burnt than before, it is now full black)
Neat Tv text-
Book of Bill
TJ Eckleburg (Great Gatsby)
Deer Teeth
*Well Well Well Being
The Universe
Journal 1
Journal 2
Journal 3
Theyll see/They'll all see/I see
Disney/Disneyland/Mickey Mouse
333 Sundapple Lane Cozy Creek IL 60714-94611
Season 3
Season 2
Season 1
Who are you
Family matters
When will I die
Multilevel mark/caesaratbashvigenere
Easter egg
Sevral times
oh yes they both
Am i Blanchin
Bye gold
Youre insane
Titans Blood -> Owl Trowel
Text Chain (You get questions who's answer is another password)
Riddle->Yes -> Mountain Dont -> Lyre Liar -> Harolds Ramblings -> Union Made -> 29121239168518 -> Grebley Hemberdreck -> Rat -> 3466554 -> Tinsel Snake -> Torture Mentally -> Xgqrthx -> 333 sundapple lane cozy creek IL 60714-94611-> MutliLevel mark->emmaline butternubbins->Dispense my treat
What i thought it was (with answer sources):
Riddle->Yes -> Mountain Dont -> Lyre Liar -> Harolds Ramblings -> Union Made -> 29121239168518 -> Grebley Hemberdreck -> Rat -> 3466554 -> Tinsel Snake -> Torture Mentally -> Xgqrthx -> Titans Blood -> Owl Trowel
Answers found in TBOB- Don't Know, NA, Mcguckets dream page, Medieval page, Anti-Cipher Section- tonic page, Anti Cipher Section- Newspaper, Top Secret page, Textbook page- Skin, Dark Ages Page, Anti Cipher Section-Epilogue, A winter break- footprints page, Book of Bill Cover options page, Never trust a wizard page, Have you dreamed this fellow ad (references informercial in show)
Tab pages-
Dippy Fresh
Alex Hirsch/Alex/Hirsch
*Stan/Stanley (his outfit in ebay searches plus a READABLE with SICK music mind you-Check readable section for more info)
Grunkle Stan
*Gideon (second option unlocked after fully "mableizing" the room)
Mcgucket/ Old man McGucket/Fiddleford
Bill Cipher/Rehpic
Zyler (Goes to same place as Craz)
Craz (Goes to same place as Zyler)
Toby Determined
Gravity Falls
Mystery Shack
Not a phase
Cray Cray
Fuck alex/Fuck you alex
*Gideon (unlocked after fully "mabelizing" the room)
Tad Strange
Vallis Cineris (Found on wall when lightning strikes)
Hey Nerd
Weird (Love him)
That's just a/Theory/Gametheory/Matpat (<3)
One Eyed King-> Naitsuaf (Morse Code) ( early years page)
Forget the past
Im still on your mind
Just fit in
God/Frillium/Help me
Burned inside
Small/audio log/music (nothing showed up at first, turned off tv and strange audio played, needs to be reversed)
L is real 2401 (soos my boy)
Mason (Dippers real name)
*Dipper (personal notes in ???- keep opening the card to get different results)
Pacifica-> PlatinumPaz
Robbie (def worth a look IMO)
Soos-> Pinata
Cursed (Translated from candle in background)
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Blind Eye->Theyll see (Will blur if clicked on, cannot un-blur, may change dipper?)
Booberry (Decoded from popsicle stick)
Even his lies are lies (Front paper)
Tantrum ( code on Bills Mugshot page)
Suck it Merlin
Shave your Grandma (leads to dippy fresh page)
Baby Bill/baby/lalalalala/daddy/mommy
Owl Trowel
Hotxolotl->Seven eyes-> r34lity
Love ya bro
Baaaa-> Black Sheep
naitsuaf (click are you ready-> Sign "pleasure doing business with you -candle light turns blue- OR be a coward (losing sound effect plays)
oroborous-> Frillium
Glass sand beach
destruction is a form of creation
you can't kill an idea
*Stan (click multiple times to get-once there click "how he beat me several times)
Dionarap->stod eht tcennoc
Curse Wittebane (translates runes on page about witches)
Paper is just book skin ( BE WARNED: automatically downloads a photoshop file and crashses the cite)
Irregular (has code on it)
Mabel (You get fun stickers and a popping sound :) )
*Giffany ( You put her name in multiple times and it forcibly downloads pictures of her and a text document to your computer, scared me a little Not gonna lie here)
Kings of New Jersey (downloads "secret code" font)
cryptogram codex (downloads cryptogram fonts)
dispense my treat-> Kook (downloads a bunch of cool wallpapers)
One hour after posting: Added 17 new words
Found by me: Booberry, Mountain Dont, Xgqrthx, titans blood, lyre liar, haralds ramblings, union made
Accidentally found by looking at a post: Sorry
Gifted by replier (Thank you!): MATPAT, yes, no, Fortnite, life, death, portal, question, answer
30 minutes after last update: 9 Words added
Found by me: Theraprism, 29121239168518, Grebley Hemberdreck, Rat, 3466554, Tinsel Snake, Torture Mentally, Fordtramarine, Gun (shocked that worked It was a joke- "bill cipher has A GUN")
Like THREEEEEEE ish hours later?
Found by me: one eyed king, well well well being, shave your grandma, paper is just book skin, even his lies are lies, forget the past, irregular, euclid, tantrum, suck it merlin
Like 12 hours later
Found by me: Reality, Baby Bill, Reality, The universe, Giffany (why is it two Fs, Blarg) They'll see, I'm still on your mind, Journal 1, Journal 2, Journal 3
Gifted to me by a replier (Thank you!): Owl Trowel
Idk- Later
Found by me: hotxolotl, lova ya bro, kings of new jersey, fuck, just fit in
Found on twitter(JasonRitter): Dorito, Blanchin'
Gifted to me by Replier(Thank you!): Gideon's option knowledge
Even MORE later:
Me: Seven eyes, r34ality, filbrick, disney, skibidy, rizz, ohio, love, cia, fbi, rubberhose, 333 sundapple lane cozy creek il 60714-94611, bahhhh, black sheep, naitsuaf, oroborous,theyll see, theyll all see Frillium, occuremusiterum (some of these i gave myself because i was really close but just missed a small detail/spelling)
Taken from here and Here Because I got stumped: Season 3, Season2 , Season 1, Glass shard beach, caryn, Euclydia, Peak, Theory, Cray Cray, Help me, mickey mouse, hectoring, divorce, breakup, skeleton, math, history, monster, gyatt, who are you, fixinit1, conspiracy, riddle, cryptogram codex, horror, creepypasta, trigonometry, god, boyfriend,baby, lalalalala, scary, trigonometry,just blendin, morality, burnside, family matters, when will i die, elon, multilevel mark, goodnight sally,paper jam, tourist trap,the duchess approves,shape, scientology, meow, nacho, crypto,sevral times,easter egg, oh yes they both, daddy, mommy, burned inside, destruction is a form of creation, i see, unreality, you can't kill an idea, am i blanchin, fuck alex, fuck you alex, fuck you, shit, bye gold, nsa, globnar,disneyland,kook, kuibrick,virus,that's just a, you're insane
Next day
Found online: Dionarap, stod eht tcennoc, dispense my treat
#book of bill spoilers#thisisnotawebsitedotcomspoilers#vtuber#gravity falls#gravity falls bill#bill cipher#book of bill#the book of bill#thisisnotawebsitedotcom#mabel pines#gravity falls mabel#dipper pines#gravity falls dipper#dipper and mabel#gravity falls spoilers#tbob#tbob spoilers#the book of bill spoilers#grunkle stan#grunkle ford#soos ramirez#soos#gravity falls soos#alex hirsch#stanford pines#ford pines#billford#gravity falls fandom#book of bill website#gravity falls codes
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Ooooh, Athena as Jazz's guardian goddess was kinda cool. I was like to see a prompt like that.
Red Hood clicked his guns and cursed. He had run out of bullets and the gang members were now about to find him and his henchmen in a few minutes. He glanced to the side, where the rest of his henchmen also shook their heads, waving their empty guns. He turned to Wolf next, who looked largely unconcerned despite her having empty guns as well. In fact, she was holding her hands together in some sort of prayer.
He had never taken her as the religious type, but whatever.
“Alright,” Red Hood hissed. “I’ll stay as a distraction, but you all will scatter and then come back to the base, okay? Stay there. If you don’t see me in the next few hours, wait until the next morning. Wolf is in charge.”
“No need.”
They all turned to Wolf, who finally straightened from her devout posture. “I can handle this, Hood.”
“… there’s twenty-five gang members with guns and only eight of us. You should run. I have armor and I know my way around here so—”
There was a soft cooing noise.
They all glanced up, where an owl had flown in and was now resting on a utility pole. It cooed, and Red Hood tensed, but quickly ignored it as the other gang members finally rushed in.
“There they are!”
Fuck! They were too late to run away!
Red Hood moved to block Wolf from the oncoming bullets, but before anything could happen, a gold spear flew over him and then struck straight through the head of a opposing gang member.
Silence reigned as everyone stared in shock. Before Red Hood could react, Wolf ran past him and took a running leap, jumping into the fray as she pulled the spear out of the corpse and then swung. She was holding a large, shimmering shield with a Medusa head on it to block the bullets as the opposing gang members screamed, and she moved expertly, swinging the spear like she was straight out of Rome.
Like a hurricane, she completely bulldozed the opposition.
Red Hood and his henchmen all stood there in silence, completely and utterly stunned.
When she was done, she stood in the middle of the bloodbath with her shield and spear in hand like some warrior goddess out of the legends. In fact, she was so beautiful that Red Hood almost wanted to drop to his knees and worship.
“… are you a goddess?” Red Hood blurted out.
Wolf paused in flicking away the blood from her spear and then burst into laughter. She was still giggling as she came over and the owl that they had all forgotten about flew down to sit on her shoulders. It fluffed its feathers and watched them all with sharp, golden eyes.
“No,” Wolf said, her voice sounding amused. “But I follow an excellent goddess.”
The owl hooted proudly.
Red Hood’s eyes widened as he then asked, “Holy shit, can I join?”
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc#danny phantom x dc#dcxdp#dp x dc crossover#ask#jazz fenton#anon ask#dp x dc x greek mythology#jason todd#assistant jazz au#dp x greek mythology#ty for the ask!#anger management ship#hardcover ship#jason x jazz
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god college!luke makes my emotions go haywire 😡😩 i’d honestly start dating someone else to spite him
you know what anon. ima need you to claim an emoji bc ur thoughts are TOO GOOD (also thank u sm for 1.5k💋)
so we’ve discussed previously that luke castellan does not get jealous easily.
he never thought you would go this far. sure, you had danced on other guys at parties to get a rise out of him, maybe flirted here and there in front of him, but never this.
getting into a relationship—a serious relationship—with his frat brother? that was a new low. so what if he’d purposefully lead other girls into gross bathrooms at bar outings so you would see? this was uncalled for. how dare you?
so naturally, at your new boyfriend’s birthday party, when you’re sitting on his lap, helping him unwrap your present of a jean-paul gaultier cologne he’d wanted, luke—in classic luke fashion—thought this would be his chance. your sorority sister, drunk off of her wits—bless her heart—came up to you and whispered some slurred imperative about how you needed to get to ‘the square’.
your eyebrows furrowed at her as her eyebrows raised, questioning the significance of ‘the square’ and why the man who prompted her to ask chose there. you said no words, excusing yourself after finding her a water and alka seltzer.
“you really couldn’t help yourself, huh?” are the first words you say to luke, button up shirt open and lying on his back on the false grass. “me? you’re one to talk, sweetheart,” you rolled your eyes at his use of the nickname, crossing your arms as you stand over him.
beneath the twilight, your exposed shoulder skin glistened like the moon, just a sliver of it visible in the northern night sky. luke had obviously had something to drink or smoke, or both, because he slurred his words as he patted the turf next to him. “sit down. c’mon, like the good ol’ days,”
‘the square’ was a small patch of land in the middle area between his frat’s and your sorority’s backyards. it was insignificant to most everybody else, but you and luke had claimed it as yours on drizzly nights like these, when the owl called and adolescence snored. it didn’t even hold sexual reminiscences, for each night you spent on the square was spent just talking. he would gloat about some things he did over the summer, interrogate you on your sex life, laugh at your offense and crack bad jokes. he was the worst person to spend valuable time with, but you returned every night, nonetheless.
“i’m surprised, castellan. been here a full sixty seconds and you haven’t tried to fuck me,” you remained standing over his lax body, crossing your arms over your chest. “do you want me to try to fuck you? because i’m down,” he looks up at you with that smile of his. that toothy, million dollar, smile that reassures whomever it is on the receiving end that everything is okay and there’s not a thing to worry about.
you snort, giving in and sitting down. luke pulls you into his lap before your butt can even hit the cool grass, eliciting a yelp from you. his lips press against your shoulder, strong, warm arms wrap around your waist and you can’t help but melt into the body beneath you. “luke,” your voice is meant to be a warning, supposed to remind him and yourself that you belong to another and this was not right, but he did nothing except for hold you tighter and smile against your skin.
“he doesn’t make you feel like i do.” he spoke the words out of your mind, the voice of truth you swallowed down with a knowing conscience that it would rise to the surface eventually. this wasn’t what you wanted. your single goal wasn’t to make luke jealous, it wasn’t even to show him what he was missing. you just wanted it to be different. you wanted somebody to take you seriously enough to call you theirs.
but anybody who did wasn’t him.
“luke,” this time, you weren’t trying to ward off anything. this time, you were welcoming him and all his invasive, rude, luke-like, traits and the pain you knew would come with letting him in once more. “i know, baby, i know.” he said no further words before flipping the pair of you over and letting your back onto the ground. you focused on none else other than the feeling of his lips finally landing on yours, the trace of his fingers across your denim skirt’s hem. “can i?” luke’s fingers dipped past the fabric, drawing swirls on your skin. “mhm, yeah,” your smile is audible and spreads to luke’s lips.
if there was one thing luke always did, it was worship you. this time was no different. his lips were everywhere, and when they weren’t pecking kisses all over you, he was breathing praises like you were a mortal saint against your skin. and when he entered you, he fucked you like he couldn’t believe he got the chance to feel you again. but he knew what the outcome of this would be; of course he did.
you didn’t know him as a particularly selfish lover, but the way he chased his high, rutting his hips against yours to the point of overwhelmed stuttering suggested that to be true.
and when it was all said and done and the past hung in the air like a wonder of the world, luke stood and looked down at you like you previously did him.
“break up with him.”
“you know why.”
there was no denying that, so you did none else than nod.
“yeah. i do.”
#.𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚ 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐚 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 !#kaia writes luke#1.5k celebration#lukesie bb 🐛.#luke castellan x you#luke castellan smut#luke castellan pjo#luke castellan x reader#luke castellan fanfiction#luke castellan#charlie bushnell#charlie bushnell x reader#kai's got mail <3📑#angelnon 🤍#this was fun☺️#also toxic!luke just gets me every time#🍦 angel
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Jack offers you a ride home, pulls over to wait out the storm, and fucks you. (4k)
Tags - smut, fingering, oral (f! receiving) hand jobs, unprotected piv, infidelity (Jack is married still), dirty talk, pet names (darling, sweetie, sweetheart, dear), unspecified age gap, kissing, finger sucking, bit of comeplay/come eating, reader has a bush but is otherwise undescribed #bushnation, Jack is all sweet and tender but kinda pervy too, i've headcannoned that mr. delroy is a man who comes a lot. like just so much come. references to late night with the devil but this fic can be understood without watching the movie, I write car sex uniquely in that I am not bound by physics or logic or any bullshit like that. So it’s like a Mary Poppins bag in there. Lots of room for fucking. No, don’t ask questions. Shhh. Don’t worry about it. Fic Help - @noxturnalpascal thanks for your help sweetheart ♡ i love you forever A/N - the David Dastmalchian brain worms infected me months ago and have not let me rest, so here’s this. Car sex with an older and married Jack Delroy.
I feel a little nervous about writing Jack, as I feel with all characters that are new to me. It takes me some time to find my groove. Kind comments would be appreciated 💕 maybe a prompt or two in the inbox for me to play around with if you wanna see more of him 🙏
As Night Owls comes to a close for the evening, and laughter and chatter begin to fade out, you busy yourself tidying up your station. Cleaning your makeup brushes, packing away your supplies for the weekend. You watch the television in your room and see Jack waving goodbye, shaking audience members’ hands. He’s so handsome tonight. He’s handsome every night.
You’ve been working as a makeup artist on Night Owls for about a year now. It’s a job you kind of stumbled your way into. You had won a raffle ticket to watch Night Owls live show. You were so excited to go and yet you don’t even remember who the guest was that night. You went alone, and found yourself charmed by the show’s host, Jack Delroy. While on commercial break, while the television crew changed the set, you noticed Jack glancing at you as you touched up your makeup, fidgeting and tapping his foot. You offered him a kind smile, and he approached you.
“Jack Delroy,” he said, holding out his hand. You took it, and he kissed the backs of your fingertips. Starstruck, you giggled and gave him your name, tripping over the syllables. “Beautiful name, darling.”
“Thank you, Mr. Delroy.”
Jack held your hand longer than what was appropriate. Realizing this, he quickly dropped it. “So, I apologize, but I'm about to be very forward. Gosh, this is very embarrassing,” he laughed awkwardly, then scratched the back of his neck. “I get a little oily in the face. The lights, you know. You wouldn’t happen to have like, a…” he trailed off, stuttering as he tried to find the right words.
You smiled and held up a finger, then dug through your makeup bag for some Mary Kay Beauty Blotter sheets your friend had given you. “Here.” You held the pack sheets out for the handsome talk show host. “Would these help?”
Jack took the sheets from you and inspected them.
“And this,” you added, handing him your mirror compact. “You just press one of the sheets against your skin.”
Jack grinned kindly, then took one of the small sheets and pressed it on his forehead and his long, gorgeous nose. “You are a lifesaver,” he said. “There. This is much better. I’m almost as pretty as you now, huh?”
Your cheeks warmed and you looked down at your lap to hide your smile.
“Apologies, I’ve been told I'm a chronic flirt.”
“I don’t really mind,” you told him softly.
Jack pressed his lips together in a smile and nodded, then sat in the empty seat next to you. “Alright,” he said, “This is an odd question, but I’d like to toss it out there anyway because you seem to know what you’re doing with this kind of stuff. We’re short a makeup artist here at Night Owls. It’s unorthodox, I know, but you wouldn’t happen to be interested in–”
You gasp. “I’d love to. Yes.”
“--Being our makeup artist,” Jack finished, chuckling at your excitement.
“Sorry, I just - oh god, I’d really love to,” you gushed. Jack opened his mouth to speak further, but was called back to set.
“Stick around after the show, will you?” Jack winked.
“I will, Mr. Delroy.”
And that’s how it happened. The job was simple: A little powder here, moisturizer there, hairspray to seal it all off. Nothing complicated, and it paid well. Lots of perks and advantages, like meeting TV stars and music artists. You consider yourself lucky.
Perhaps your favorite part of the job is getting Jack ready for his shows. You’re no stranger to his handsomeness, but it’s special to experience it the way you do. To wash his face, moisturize it, paint a little makeup on his skin - as if he even needs it. “Make sure you cover up my crows feet, please, darling,” Jack said, pointing to his perceived flaws in the mirror. “Gosh, I’m getting so old. Don’t get old.”
“Noted,” you told him.
“And my hair, could you use a bit of that makeup to cover up my grays? They look so much worse on the screen.”
Your heart broke a little. He’s always asked you to cover his wrinkles, but covering his grays was new. You hate doing it. That’s your least favorite part of the job.
“Oh, but they don’t look so bad, Mr. Delroy.” You combed your fingers through his hair, inspecting the silvery strands he complained about. They look so beautiful against the inky black rest of his hair.
“Jack,” he corrected. “Just Jack. Who says they don’t look so bad?”
“I um…��� you hummed, nervously messing with his hair. “Just fans, some of your fans kind of like it.”
“Do they, now?” Jack teased, his eyebrow cocked. He laughed at your bashfulness as you stuttered something in defense. So shy, so sweet.
Jack loves you all the same. He loves the special affection he gets from you as you get him ready each night, he loves getting to peek down your shirt. But he plays the gentlemanly act well, never going further than a little harmless flirting. It’s fun to make you squirm, tease you for your little crush on him. He’s not oblivious to it.
When the Night Owls theme finally ends and the studio lights go out, you get a phone call at your station. You hold the receiver up to your ear. “Hello?”
“It’s Shar,” the voice says. Sharon is your roommate, and also your ride to and from work most nights. She drops you off at the studio before her shift, then picks you up after the show ends each night. Tonight, however, she’s at a party. “I met this guy, and I wanna go home with him. So that means…” Sharon doesn’t finish the sentence. She sounds guilty.
“But you’re my ride, Shar,” you complain. “And they’re saying it’ll rain. What am I gonna do?”
“I promise I’m gonna make it up to you, okay? Don’t be mad. You’re not mad.”
“Sharon,” you groan.
Sharon says your name. “Just listen - he’s so fucking hot, seriously. He’s like a movie star.”
“A movie star, huh?”
“Don’t judge. Like you wouldn’t fuck Jack Delroy if you could. You know what, why don’t you ask him for a ride?” Sharon teases.
“No way, not happening. He’s married, and his wife is sick. Absolutely not.”
“Pussy.” Sharon pauses. “If you really don’t have another way home, I’ll come get you.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I can take the bus, I guess. But you owe me.”
“I do owe you,” Sharon says, “I owe you so much. I love you. Bye. Be safe.”
“You be safe,” you quip. “Condoms.”
Honestly, you’re not mad. Is it an inconvenience, sure. But Sharon works hard and deserves a nice night, and she’s right - you’d fuck your movie - television - star crush if you could too. You’ve taken the bus before, and it’s usually empty this time of night. It’ll be fine.
You grab your purse, pull your knit cardigan over your torso and walk out of the studio, down the hall, then take the elevator down to the lobby. Through light rain, you walk down the street until you’re at a bus station, then sit down on the bench. A gust of wind nearly knocks you over, causing you to shiver and pull your cardigan tighter around your body as you wait for the bus.
At least you don’t have to wait for long, though. Headlights approach, and the vehicle slows down. Except, it’s not the bus you were expecting. It’s a cerulean ‘74 Buick Electra, Jack’s car. He pulls over and leans across the seat to crank the window down. “What the hell are you doing out here?”
“Waiting for the bus,” you yell. Rain’s starting to come down harder, now, soaking your clothes. Jack makes a face and motions for you to get into his car. You wave him off, “It’s okay. It shouldn’t be much longer.”
“Nonsense! Get in the car.”
“It’s really okay, Mr. Delroy.”
Jack rolls his eyes. He gets out of his car and rounds the front of it, then takes your hand and pulls you up from the bench. “I’m not asking. I am telling you, as your boss, to get in my car.”
Jack opens the passenger door and ushers you inside, then shuts your door and gets into the driver’s seat. “It’s supposed to be the storm of the century out there, and you’re gonna let it blow you right away. Crazy girl.”
“Thank you, Mr. Delroy,” you murmur sheepishly.
Jack puts the car into first gear and takes off. “What’ve I told you about calling me Mr. Delroy? Jack, sweetie. Just Jack.”
“I’m sorry, M- Jack.”
“Too sweet for your own good, you know that? Always so polite. Where am I taking you, sweetheart?”
“It’s a little bit far. You’re just gonna take this road for a while,” you instruct. “And then I’ll tell you where to turn. I’m not in the city proper.”
“Must be nice,” Jack replies. “Quiet.”
You shrug. “Sometimes. Not usually. My roommate is kind of noisy.”
Jack chuckles. “The roommate days, gosh. I don’t miss those a bit.” He pauses, thinks of something to say to fill the silence. “You don’t usually take the bus, do you?”
“Not usually, no,” you answer. “My roommate gives me a ride most of the time. But she ditched me tonight, so…”
“That’s a real shame.”
The rain starts to pick up a little more. Jack squints and at the road and increases the speed of his windshield wipers. He tries talking to you, but you can’t hear him over the drumming of rain against his car. Thunder booms, the drumming becomes louder and the windshield is nearly impossible to see out of. Jack has slowed the car down to a crawl, but when hail begins to fall from the sky, he pulls over. He shifts his car into neutral, then pulls the emergency brake to keep the car from rolling. Jack leans in close so you can hear him, “We’re just gonna wait out the storm, okay? It’s not safe to keep driving.”
“Yeah, that seems smart,” you agree. You’re thankful Jack showed up when he did, and that he’s keeping you safe in his car. If you listen closely, you can hear the faint sound of music playing on his stereo. You still feel a little nervous, though. Maybe it’s the storm, or the jitters of being alone with Jack - older, married, handsome Jack. You shiver in your wet cardigan.
“You’re cold,” Jack says. He tugs on your sweater, “Let’s get this off of you, huh? Not gonna let you catch a cold on my watch.” He peels the sweater off of you entirely, then lays it in his backseat. “And look, watch this–” Jack presses a button on his dashboard, a little orange light glows beneath the tiny image of a seat. Within a few seconds, the leather underneath you begins to warm. “Neat, huh? That should warm you up nicely.”
You still look cold, it’s evident in the way you hold yourself. Shoulders curled inward, hands clasped together. Jack thinks about holding you close, using his body to warm yours, but decides against it. You want it too, but you’ll never initiate touch.
You look out of the raindrop-covered window at the creepy woods off to the side, the trees illuminated by the lightning. Jack sees the worry on your face reflected on the glass. “Everything alright, sweetie?”
“It’s just the woods,” you answer. “I don’t know. I don’t like it. I’ve heard about…I don’t know. Scary stuff happens there.”
“Like what?”
“Satanic rituals or something. The occult, that kind of stuff. I’ve heard about it on TV.”
Jack lies to assure you, “It’s all make-belive,” he says, pushing down his own memories of The Grove. The sickly sweet smell of decaying leaves, sticks and branches crunching beneath his feet. The cold, metallic cup against his lips, that awful taste of whatever it is he drank. “But don’t look at the woods. Just look over here, right at me.” Jack turns your face toward his, then taps your nose. “There’s that beautiful smile.”
You grin even wider. You know it’s just his nature, that it’s his job to be charming and likable, charismatic and sweet. It makes you feel so special and seen nonetheless.
Jack smiles too. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He admires the details in your face for a minute, your perfect nose, sparkling eyes, your pretty lips. His eyes travel lower, tracing the endlessly beautiful curves of your body - breasts, waist, hips, thighs. There’s a rip up high on your nylons, just below your ridden-up skirt. He furrows his brows and touches your bare skin with his finger, “What happened here?”
“Oh.” You touch the tear with your finger, just a hair away from Jack’s. “My cat, Felix. He ripped my tights.”
“Sounds like Felix is a real troublemaker, huh?”
“Oh, he can be,” you giggle quietly. “But I love him anyway.”
Jack keeps his finger on the hole in your nylons, now drawing lines back and forth over your thighs with the rest of his fingers. Little goosebumps erupt on your skin in their wake. “You’re still so cold, darling. What am I gonna do with you?” Another shrug, another shy smile. “Come here,” Jack whispers. He wraps his strong hands around your legs and pulls you across the seat so that your legs are lying across his, and your torso curled into his own. Fuck, he smells good. His cologne is musky and spicy and masculine. You’re so close, Jack can feel your heart pounding nervously. But he says nothing about it, doesn’t want to embarrass you. Instead, Jack just gazes at you warmly, still tracing patterns on your leg. “You’re such a gorgeous girl, have I ever told you that?” He pushes a bit of your hair behind your ear, sending tingles down your neck and spine.
“Jack,” you whisper, elongating his name. “Stop it.”
“I’m serious, darling. If only I were a younger man…If I hadn’t married…” He moves his hand from your ear to your mouth, pulling down on your bottom lip with his thumb. God, you’re so soft. Desire is building within Jack, taking control over his sensibilities. And you, too young and enchanted by Jack fucking Delroy to listen to any inhibitions in your head telling you that you should stop this.
Jack pushes his thumb past your lips and you suck on it gently, so gently, the blunt little edges of your teeth tickling his fleshy skin. Arousal quickly builds in Jack, the sensation overwhelming him and bubbling over. He pulls his thumb from your mouth and holds your cheeks in both of his hands, inching closer to you bit by bit. Jack licks his lips, he’s about to do it. Finally, he does. Jack closes the gap between you by pressing his lips against yours, kissing you softly. He’s relaxed and controlled, but the way you kiss him is desperate and a little tentative. In time and with encouragement from Jack, how he squeezes you and growls against your lips, you find your confidence. You kiss him fervently, tasting him, savoring the softness of his tongue.
Jack takes your hand and presses it against his warm bulge. You gasp, “But your wife–”
“Shh, quiet. She’s not here, now is she?”
“N-no,” you stutter.
“No. It’s just us. You-” Jack unzips his pants and pulls his rock-hard cock out of his boxers. He spits into your palm and has you hold his length, then closes his hand around yours. “-And me.”
With your hand under Jack’s, he pumps his cock. “Oh, that’s good. You’re my good girl,” he breathes.
Jack grips his cock tighter and kisses you again. “Oh, Jack,” you moan. Jack helps you to stroke him from base to tip, your pinky finger brushing against that patch of coarse hair at his pelvis, thumb rubbing over his weeping head.
“Just like this, darling. All the way up, all the way down. Just like this. You’re doing so well.”
Jack twitches in your hand as you feel every thick vein and ridge on his cock. He urges you to pump him faster and at the same time, touches you. He gropes your breasts first, breasts he’s dreamed of touching since he first laid eyes on you. He unbuttons your blouse and slides his hand beneath your bra to squeeze your flesh, tease your nipples. Jack relishes in your body, how supple, soft, warm and wanting you are. You touch him like you love him and Christ, Jack can’t wait to bury himself inside you. Feel that warm, wet embrace of a young woman’s cunt.
“Do you let other men touch you like this, sweetheart?” Jack asks, unzipping your skirt and shoving his hand down the front of your nylons. He toys with the arousal-dampened hair that’s spattered on your mound, then slips his fingers past your lips. “Older men, huh? Married men?”
“N-no, Jack. Just you. Only you.”
“Do you like being touched like this?” You stutter out a frantic, breathy ‘yes’. “Dirty girl. It’s always girls like you.”
Jack circles your clit with his fingertips, then presses two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out. “Distracted, are we?” he murmurs as your hand that strokes his cock slows to a still, so focused on how Jack pleasures you that you forget about his needs.
“H - what?” Jack chuckles and gives your hand a squeeze to remind you. “Oh, I’m s - sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” God, you are such a precious girl, and Jack is a lucky man. He breaks away from you just for a moment to undress himself, shoving his pants down his thighs and unbuttoning his dress shirt. Once bare, Jack turns to you and finds that little tear in your nylons again, then rips the hole wider up the garment. He yanks the nylons and your panties off of your legs and puts them with the rest of his discarded clothes, tucking them away for later. He removes your skirt next, followed by your bra and your blouse. You breathe heavily as Jack takes in your naked form, even more beautiful than he pictured. He needs you now, needs to taste you.
Jack pushes you gently onto your back, laying you out across the bench seat before sinking to his knees on the floor of his Buick. He wraps his strong forearms around your still rain-cold thighs and pulls you close, close enough so that you can feel his hot breaths on your slick pussy. Jack could eat you alive right now.
He spits on your pussy, then rubs your folds with his fingers, paying special attention to your clit. He spreads your lips wide and admires your shiny, glistening center. “My, look at this mess,” Jack marvels, admiring your creamy arousal. He tastes you then, pressing a soft kiss against your core. Jack inhales deeply, taking in your scent, feeling your hair against his shaven face. His tongue darts from between his lips and he licks you up and down, dipping his tongue inside you.
“Jack, oh my - yes,” you gasp, your hands tugging on his graying strands of black hair. Jack slowly licks a long stripe up your seam with his tongue flat against you, all the way from your asshole to clit. “Jack.”
The mess he’s reduced you to. All broken moans, desperate, needy cries of his name. Jack smiles against your cunt and continues licking and lapping at the sensitive part of you. He traces your folds, sucking them between his lips. He draws circles around your clit with the tip of his tongue next, driving you wild. “You like this, darling, don’t you? You like having this pretty pussy eaten?”
All you can do is nod. Jack closes his lips around your clit and sucks, causing you to clamp your thighs around his head and pull his hair tightly between your fingers. Jack forces you apart so that all you can do is take it, all that relentless, smoldering pleasure.
Jack intensifies it all by pushing a finger inside you and curling it, stroking that sensitive part of you. Within seconds you’re coming, rocking your hips against his face as you ride out your high.
There’s barely a comedown. Jack crawls over your body, one foot planted on the floor of the car and the other kneeling on the seat. He reaches behind the front seat for his suit jacket and bunches it up, then fits it between your head and the passenger door. “Don’t want your pretty little head to get hurt is all,” Jack says.
He holds his cock between his thumb and his forefinger before he lines up with your entrance. His cock is big, perfectly lengthy and girthy. You tense up a bit as he fits his cockhead inside of you, “Easy, darling. Take it all for me,” he coos.
You inhale deeply, and on your exhale Jack pushes himself inside of you in full. “Ohhh,” you moan. It’s such a tight fit, he fills you so fully. The aching burn of the stretch takes time to dissipate as Jack rubs your hip. After a moment, Jack pulls out of you, then inches his way back in. Your face previously scrunched in pain is now relaxed, soft little noises of pleasure escaping your lips. “That’s it, good girl,” Jack says. “Wasn’t so difficult, was it?”
Jack laces his fingers between yours and uses his other hand to brace himself on the back of the car seat. Jack begins thrusting, not quite fucking you gently. It builds quickly, the pace both harder and faster. Jack rocks his hips into you at that perfect angle to have you writhing on his cock, the head of it kissing the most sensitive place inside of you over and over. You bury your face into him, the hair on his chest tickling your face.
“Fuck,” Jack grunts, fucking you deeper. He knows he should be more gentle than this, but he can’t be helped. He loses himself inside of you, growling like an animal as he fucks his cock into you. You’re squirming beneath him, muscles tensing against his as you begin to cry, overwhelmed by it all. “Such a filthy fucking girl, crying on my cock. You’re okay, sweetie.”
Jack rolls his hips quickly and fluidly so that his pubic bone is grinding against your mound, the friction inching you closer and closer to a second release, but it isn’t quite enough. You rock your hips to match Jack’s thrusts, needing more against your clit. “M-More please, Jack,” you beg. “I wanna come, Jack, make me come again.”
While still fucking you, Jack spits onto two of his fingertips, then fits his hand between your bodies. He finds your sensitive bud and rubs it, using the momentum of his thrusts to bring you to climax once more. “Come for me, sweetheart. Give - fucking give it to me.”
Jack rounds your clit with his fingers, putting harder pressure against it. In moments, you’re coming for him again, this orgasm more intense than the last. Your moans are louder, more frantic. Your face scrunches in pleasure as you pulse around Jack’s cock, urging his own release along. “Good girl, good fucking girl.”
Jack growls into your ear as he spills into you, milking himself entirely. He fills you with his come, so warm inside you, the throbbing of his cock so pleasurable and satisfying. Dampened with sweat, Jack presses his forehead against yours as he fucks you through his orgasm, then slows to a still. He hisses a little when he pulls out of your cunt, his spend dripping from your hole onto the leather. Jack collects this mess with his finger, then pushes the digit into your mouth as he catches his breath.
It’s all quiet, save for a few scattered raindrops and the sound of you and Jack both catching your breath. Jack breaks the silence. “Well hey, how about that. The storm passed, huh? Was really something, too. I’m glad we pulled over,” Jack laughs nervously. He helps you dress yourself as best as he can, then haphazardly dresses himself too. You smile a little, and Jack touches your face. “You alright, darling?”
“I’m okay,” you answer, still a little tearful. Jack smiles sympathetically and pulls you into his side, then shifts his car into gear.
“Well, let’s get you home, then.”
TY for reading! Comments, reblogs, all of that good stuff would be so appreciated ♡
#jack delroy#jack delroy x reader#Jack delroy x reader smut#jack delroy smut#late night with the devil#david dastmalchian#david Dastmalchian characters#strang3lov3#jack delroy/reader#jack delroy/you
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prompt: slasher au (still takes place in the tlou'verse) + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
genre: explicit smut, minors dni, soft dark fic, horror, murder mystery
summary: bodies have been dropping left and right in the most brutal ways in jackson. as the relentless wave of deaths continues, your mind becomes increasingly restless. however, you find a sense of comfort and solace in the presence of joel. who might be hiding secrets of his own.
word count: 10k (i don't know what happened)
warnings: dubcon at the end, knife kink, descriptive canon typical violence, blood & mild gore, grief and death, an unpleasant guy hitting on you, murder, face-sitting, throat-fucking, mutual oral sex (69), dirty talk, possessive!joel, exhibitionism (tommy watches very briefly, he also kisses you in a platonic way), sex in the woods, piv, Joel is actually quite nice if you exclude the murders, mild breeding kink, size kink, little bit of blood kink
a/n: the owl mask joel wears in this to hide who he is is inspired by @softlyspector's post about the tawny owl mug joel uses in tlou part 2 which I still get sad if I think about it for too long 😭
Bodies have been dropping dead all around you long before the outbreak.
Maybe not in the everyone-you-know-is-getting-infected-and-killing-people type of way, but more so in a death-never-felt-like-a-stranger-to-you sort of way. Yet, you still don’t know how to deal with death. Your grief is as violent as a butterfly flapping its wings; the strength of it non-existent but you never know where, or when, it’ll cause a storm.
First, it was your grade school teacher. You didn’t have a particularly strong bond with her but you did like her. You still remember how your friend's voice quaked as she gave you the news on a landline. You couldn’t believe it and had to accuse her of making a joke, even though you knew she would never joke about something like this. Then your dad took the phone from you and you just assumed your friend's mom did the same. The next week, when you went back to school and the funeral was now behind all the children in the classroom, the custodian cut the last tablecloth your teacher had used for her desk and gave a piece to each and every one of you. It was a vibrant orange cloth with daisies scattered around – ugly, but you still cherished it.
Then it was your pets, grandparents – there was also the time when your pet-crazed neighbor adopted another smaller dog while she still had two untrained, over-energized dogs, and the two twins ripped the other dog apart. You had seen the carnage. By some miracle, that small, fluffy dog named Sugar was still breathing, alive. You had held a blood bag over the dog's head, hoping that the small animal wouldn't die.
She didn’t die that day, but it sure as hell left a scar on you.
As a kid, you never seemed to quite grasp the ways of grieving. You didn’t get angry. You didn’t cry. You just. . thought about it. However, the emotions came differently when you became an adult. Now when someone close to you died, you felt it more violently, oddly enough you still fought against the tears and only cried when you were alone.
On Outbreak Day, you lost everything.
Your family, your friends—your life, now it was all about survival, but survival towards what, you didn’t know. You killed for it, fought for it. Yet every move you made felt automatic like you were wired to at least try and survive — to wait it out and not be left behind when civilization rebuilt itself once more.
You made some friends along the way and lost some friends too. You locked their faces and their memories in your heart, only unlocking the box when you were truly and utterly alone.
Then you found Jackson.
And you met Joel and Tommy Miller.
Your official title is scavenger but you much prefer to label yourself as an explorer instead.
You’ve adapted to your quite well life at Jackson. You go beyond the borders, sometimes alone and sometimes with other fellow explorers, and gather supplies or try to pinpoint other locations threats might be lurking in. You’re about to go on another trip, this one shorter than your regular one to two-week expeditions, but before heading out you decide to stop by the only bakery in Jackson named The Last Crumb—previously named The Cordyceps Crumb but Maria decided it was in bad taste. You, on the other hand, had found it funny and topical.
As you patiently wait in line, your camping bag waiting for you outside the bakery, someone bumps into you from behind, then never moves back.
You turn with a raised eyebrow, not enjoying the close proximity, “Excuse you,” you snap. The man looks at you with a hint of mischief in his eyes, you roll your eyes when you recognize the face. “Move back a beat Tucker, I’m not in the mood this morning.”
“Someone didn’t get her beauty sleep,” he grins but moves away regardless. “Want me to come with you this time? Sweet thing like you alone out there? It’s ain’t right.”
“You can barely aim. Why would I want someone that’s most likely to get me killed around me?”
“I think you’ll find my company to be plenty entertaining.”
You’re about to gag when the bell of the bakery chimes, the sharp sound echoing through the wooden walls. Your face must've shown immense signs of relief because Tucker turns around to see who you're looking at. His instant frown makes you want to laugh and chuck him between the two men you’d describe as a wolf den.
“Well, if it ain’t the Miller brothers,” Tucker tuts, attempting to give one of them a friendly pat on the shoulder. He stops midway when Joel’s gaze flits between you and him, his glare hard enough to cut diamonds.
So he ends up slapping Tommy’s shoulder instead, which isn’t the best thing since you know the younger Miller hates Tucker. But among the brothers, he’s probably the one with less probability of getting your hand bitten off.
“Mornin’ Tucker,” Tommy answers, forcing a smile.
Joel is less friendly, his words directed at you, “Is this dumbass botherin’ you again?”
“I wouldn't exactly call a greeting among friends “botherin’,” Tucker says. “We’re just catchin’ up, no need to get your panties in a bunch Miller.”
“God, you’re one word away from ruining my morning,” you hiss, glaring at the unpleasant man. “And we’re not friends.”
His brows furrow, eyes going hard with an ugly snarl accompanying them, you feel braver when Tommy and Joel are around so you hold his gaze, not flinching away.
Tommy is the one to ease the tension. He lays a hand on Tucker’s shoulder and squeezes, drawing the man’s attention away from you. “I’ll get you what you want a’right Tucker? It’s on me. Just go wait outside.”
“Outside, Tuck,” Tommy repeats and you shudder at his tone.
Tucker’s shoulders drop, defeated, “Fine, get me a raisin bagel.”
He doesn’t wait for Tommy’s response and heads out the bakery. You finally release the breath you’ve been holding, your muscles relaxing along with the exhaled breath. Joel is by your side in the blink of an eye, his broad shoulder brushing yours providing comfort.
“You sure you’re a’right?” he asks, gently curling fingers under your chin. “The prick didn’t do anythin’?”
“Nah, nothing. He’s all bark but no bite. He asked if he wanted to join me today as if that buffoon wouldn’t get me killed.” you shrug, men being assholes was nothing new to you. You’re just glad that in Jackson it seems that there are more good apples than rotten ones. “Too bad even paradise comes with drawbacks.”
Joel snorts as Tommy cuts in, “Maria would be thrilled if she heard you calling it paradise.”
“What are you smiling at? You think you can find anywhere better?” You playfully nudge Joel with your elbow. “You know there’s nothing but hell out there.”
“I do, I just think callin’ here a paradise is a bit of a stretch is all.”
The line moves and the three of you are finally at the counter, “You’re just a grump,” you tease Joel before turning your gaze to Poppy, the barista who knows everything about everyone. “Hey there, Poppy, the usual please.”
“And a damn raisin bagel,” Tommy adds.
“Well, isn’t it my favorite trio,” Poppy grins. “I’ll get all that ready for you in a second,” she locks her blue eyes on you and leans closer, you mimic her by instinct. “By the way have you heard of Ian? He wound up dead right outside the chopping block, an axe right through his chest.”
You frown, “Good morning to you too, Poppy. Jesus Christ.”
“I’ll confess I didn’t love the guy but isn’t it worrying that there’s a killer among us?” she murmurs while stuffing the goodies in paper bags. “Be careful out there.”
“Well, if the culprit is here I think I might be safer out there,” you say and turn to Tommy. “Does Maria know?”
“Of course, she does,” when you part your lips to say more, he lifts a finger and shoots you a crooked smile. “It’s confidential.”
“Aw man, can’t you just tell us who she thinks it is?” Poppy asks, Tommy shakes his head and she lets out a dramatic sigh, “I miss my murder mystery books.”
“I’ll try to find you something while I’m out,” you say, ignoring the way your heart began to race. Jackson is still a small town, it’s jarring to think someone might be out there, looking for their next target. “Though I think we could all do with a little less murder.”
You hadn’t expected your voice to crack but your tone had betrayed you. Poppy extends you the bag of goods and a latte, as you reach out you feel Joel’s hand on your waist. His lips touch your ear. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m sure whoever it is is only goin’ after those who deserve it.”
You lock your eyes with him, blinking heavily at the weight of his words. His voice had dropped, nothing but gravel as he whispered the words into your ear. A cold sensation slithers down your spine, chilling you to your core and making your throat tighten.
His hand never leaves your waist as the three of you head out, and after a while, that chill slowly dissolves into a pleasurable warmth.
You find solace in the woods. You love Jackson, but being in the woods away from everyone and everything makes you feel comforted. The first time you went scavenging, there was a slight fear in your movements; no matter how good your aim was, any kind of infected was difficult to kill.
But now you walk with ease. There isn’t an ounce of worry in your bones. The trees rustle happily and the smell of flowers and pine fills your nostrils. You can feel your lungs rejuvenating with every breath. Trickles of orange sunlight pour from the gaps of the trees. The sun sets, meaning you need to set up camp soon.
While unpacking, you think of this morning. How Joel and Tommy stepped in when Tucker started bothering you. Honestly, you didn’t need their protection; Tucker is just one of those men who think they might have a shot if they bother you enough times. Still, it was nice to be claimed in a way, to be accepted into a family and cared for.
Your breath hitches slightly. Tommy, you see as a close friend, a brother perhaps, but Joel... Joel is another thing. Just thinking about him is enough to start a wildfire between your legs. You wish you were brave enough to do something about it, though. Whenever you two patrol together or stay awake late at night drinking, you always chicken out in the end. It doesn’t matter how his hands linger on your thighs or his eyes drop to your lips; you're just never convinced that the Joel Miller would be interested in you beyond a friend.
An unease starts to settle in the pit of your stomach. As the air grows colder with the approaching night, your skin prickles and you feel the phantom sensation of claws dragging down your back. You set the tent as quickly as you can, your eyes darting around the depths of the forest. Briefly, you bend over to adjust the ropes.
A breath warm and damp ghosts the back of your neck and you jump, gun in hand as you turn around only to find—
And no one.
Your heart is hammering in your chest, adrenaline pumping in your veins, a drop of sweat trickling down your forehead. You've never had a trigger finger, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to just shoot every shadow you see.
“Dammit Poppy,” you mutter, annoyed that she gave you the brutal knowledge of Ian’s death right before you were heading out. Guilt stings at your heart. Ian was an asshole for sure, and you don’t exactly feel bad that he’s gone, but still, it was an eerie thought that someone had murdered him so violently. It had to be personal.
Some part of you wishes Joel was here, or even Tucker, just another human being to tell you you’re just seeing things.
You take a deep inhale and follow it up with a long exhale. You’re fine. There’s no one here.
You give your surroundings one last suspicious look before going back to setting the tent.
No matter how hard you try you can’t shake the feeling of someone watching you amongst the shadows.
Joel hears crickets and owls. The night had always been his friend since the outbreak. He had become a violent man with an equally violent heart. He waits in the shadows, watching. Laughter and playful shouts echo from the bar, and soon the door swings open; the man he's been waiting for crawls out of the establishment, shit-faced. The drunk man shouts his farewells and staggers toward his home.
Joel follows, his mask heating up the skin that lays underneath. His fingers itch with the need to wring that asshole's neck. One by one, he had been cleaning Jackson for the better. His tendencies subdued while also doing some good. Ian was one of those people who deserved it and Joel had enjoyed the chase, the pleas, he especially enjoyed the way he tripped and cried right before he sunk the blade of the axe through Ian’s chest.
Tucker trips, making Joel want to laugh. The idiot might not even realize he’s being hunted. Joel looks around, they are far enough for the chase to begin. Tucker continues to slip and fall as he attempts to get up. Taking the opportunity, Joel walks towards him with quick steps, making sure the first thing the asshole sees is his mask.
Tucker notices him before he gets up, his hands bracing the ground, his eyes go wide, “What the fuck?”
Joel only tilts his head. He sees the trembles rolling down the other man’s body, he relishes in his fear.
“Look man, I don’t want any trouble, whoever the fuck you are so. . . scram.”
Joel’s eyes dart to his hand on the dirt, without a second thought he lifts his foot and curb stomps Tucker’s hand. Then he kicks the side of his face, an audible crunch echoing before his scream could. The man whimpers and falls back in his attempt to crawl away. He holds his jaw, blood streaming down his broken nose.
“Who the fuck are you?!”
He steps closer and watches as Tucker’s eyes bug out. He’s too drunk to properly run away or even scream. Such an easy target. He grips the other’s hair and lifts him to his feet, he can feel the strands starting to rip from his scalp one by one, Tucker’s face twisting in pain. “Your worst fuckin’ nightmare,” Joel answers eerily calm. It doesn’t matter if Tucker recognizes him. He’d be dead soon enough anyway.
“P-Please,” he begs, realizing the same thing. “I’ll do whatever you want promise. I don’t want to die.”
Joel grunts, not dignifying his pleas with an answer. Lifting his other hand, his knuckles connect to Tucker’s face with a loud crunch, body flying to the ground headfirst.
He pulls out his knife and drops down, ignoring the ache in his knees, he grabs Tucker’s arm and aligns the sharp blade against his wrist. Tucker notices, his face going pale as a ghost. “D-Don’t—”
Joel doesn’t bat an eye as blood spurts violently over his clothes and the dirt. Drops of crimson seeping into the fabric. The knife cuts through the flesh like butter, severing hand from bone. His hand clamps over Tucker’s mouth. Joel smiles as his screams bounce off of the palm of his hand.
You come back to Jackson hand empty and earlier than intended. You were too much at unease, and being so jarred wasn’t the best while scavenging for supplies alone. During your trip, you did end up scribbling something for Poppy. It wasn’t finished but you hoped she would enjoy the first draft of the first chapter. It was mostly descriptions of what you felt, a cat-and-mouse game between two people who had bumped into each other accidentally.
While heading into Jackson, you notice a crowd in the distance. You promptly get off your horse and walk with haste. You recognize Joel and Tommy easily, both brothers standing on each end of the crowd like gates keeping a herd of sheep in check. Ellie is standing right next to Joel, lifting herself on her toes to see; Joel is holding her back by gripping the cap of her hood.
“What’s going on?” you ask.
Joel turns to you, his eyebrows raising when notices it’s you and not some random person he has to ignore, “You’re back,” he says. A statement rather than a question.
“Yeah, wasn’t feeling that well,” you shrug him off. “So what happened?”
His eyes turn to steel, his jaw locking in place. Before you can ask again, he gestures for you to move up the crowd with a tilt of his head.
“Lucky,” you hear Ellie murmur as you walk ahead, gently pushing those who were looking at the sight with concern. With every step you take, the murmur of the crowd fades into the background, becoming nothing more than white noise. Maria is addressing the crowd, you think, though you're not entirely sure. The scent of blood is thick in the air, disorienting you as you get closer.
Your eyes go wide, the earth slips from beneath you but your expression remains emotionless.
It’s Tucker.
You feel as if you’re standing alone. As if you’re the only one taking in the sight of absolute horror and gore. Tucker is lying in a pile of his own blood face first, his eyes are open and lifeless, his one hand is outstretched like he’s about to crawl away.
His right hand, however, is chopped off.
It’s not even a clean-cut. The edges of his flesh are jagged and crooked, his blood-caked where his hand should be. Whoever did this cut it so it would hurt, so he would suffer tremendously.
You can’t help but gasp, covering your mouth with your right hand. You begin to shake, confusion churning in your stomach as bile coats your tongue. He’s dead. Just like Ian.
When Maria’s eyes find your own, she narrows her gaze, a small warning for you to keep it together. You can’t though. How could you? Tucker was alive and kicking a couple of days ago, just being his annoying self around Jackson.
“Calm down,” you hear Joel mutter into your ear. You shiver at the brush of his lips. “It’s okay. You’re safe.”
Safe. You want to laugh. You don’t even know what that word means anymore.
Joel’s mouth moves over the shell of your ear, “He was a nuisance. Don’t feel bad now that he’s dead.”
“I didn’t want him to die,” you hiss back. “And knowing there’s a serial killer out there doesn’t exactly make me feel safe.”
Despite your half-angry tone, you find yourself leaning into Joel’s presence. Your shoulder presses into his broad chest, and without missing a beat he wraps his arms around your shaking frame. Relief comes in the form of warmth spreading along your chest, tingles forming at the tips of your fingers and toes. The voices of the crowd gradually come back but you only hear one of the many questions.
“What do you think the message means?”
Confusion crosses your face, brows furrowing as you try to make sense of it. Joel makes a choked-out sound that could’ve easily been taken as an amused chuckle.
Then your eyes drop to Tucker’s outstretched hand and his dying message written in blood.
A week had passed since Tucker’s death.
You've been thinking about both murders relentlessly, trying to piece together everything that you know so far. During this time, you're grateful for Poppy, who comes by almost every night to help you try to solve the case. That's been your sole focus for the past few weeks; you haven't been scavenging since you spooked yourself so badly that you returned early, only to find Tucker dead.
Some part of you thinks that the eeriness you felt that day was a sign of what was about to happen. It's also an odd coincidence that he ended up dead the same night he harassed you in the morning. However, there are no forensic investigators in Jackson, so it’s almost impossible to determine the exact time of death. That fact alone makes you anxious. It only means that whoever is killing everyone has nothing to worry about because even if they leave traces, who’s going to know?
In order to keep your nerves in check you end up writing a lot. You haven’t shown any of it to Poppy yet but you’re excited. You never thought writing a thriller would be the perfect way to escape the horrors of your actual life. At least in your stories, you have control.
You also visit Joel and vice versa.
Something had shifted the day he held you as you both gazed upon Tucker’s lifeless body. Maybe it was just you who felt bolder since death was once again right around the corner — or maybe Joel just felt more protective now, wanting to check on you as much as he could.
“You’re really writin’ a whole ass novel?” he asks, pouring you a glass of scotch. You still can’t get over the fact that it nearly tasted identical to the actual stuff. Jackson is truly a miracle; at least when bodies aren’t dropping left and write.
Ellie’s at a sleepover, which means you and Joel have the whole house to yourselves. With everything going on you’d expect your libido to diminish a bit but it’s as strong as ever, ready to go.
You smile as he places the glass in front of you, “Yeah,” you say, picking up the glass and heading toward the living room. “I couldn’t find Poppy anything to read and it helps me relax.”
“Relax, how?” he asks, taking a seat next to you. The couch dips with his weight, and heat crawls up from your chest to your neck when his knee brushes against yours.
“Well, it’s a horror thing. Horror slash mystery? I don’t know—whatever it is, it’s nice to have an outlet to escape what’s been happening lately.”
“So to escape brutal murders you write more brutal murders?”
You chuckle at the way his eyebrows raise, eyes going wide, “I don’t really focus that much on the gore. It’s more psychological, my sweet brute. Things don’t need to have blood to be scary.”
His grin is wide and instant, dark eyes lighting up with amusement, “What did you just call me?”
“I. . .” Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at him, suddenly realizing what you’d said.
“What cat got your tongue?” he teases. Joel leans closer, fingers dancing along the curve of your shoulder. You can feel the gravel in his voice. “You just called me yours, sweetheart. Does that jog your memory?”
“I also called you brute,” you quip back immediately, cheeks aflame. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Don’t it?” his palm now presses fully into your shoulder, keeping you in place in case you might run. Joel tilts his head slightly, the plush of his lips only an inch away. “I like you callin’ me that,” the pink of his tongue swipes over his bottom lip. “Say it again.”
“S-Say what?”
A small chuckle parts his lips, oddly enough it almost feels like his patience is wearing thin. He comes closer, the tip of his nose brushing yours. “That I’m yours,” he clarifies. “Been waitin’ to hear those words come from your mouth since I met you.”
“You’re mine,” you whisper against his lips, eyelids fluttering but not quite closing. With the confession, you feel the brush of Joel’s lips on yours. His tongue traces the seam of your mouth. You part for him with a moan, and taking the opportunity, he slides inside, tasting every inch of you.
His lips taste and feel like the forests you wander off to; it soothes you, calms your nerves, and has the taste of home. They’re chapped from the sun, yet soft. You can’t have enough of him, if he’d offered, you’d gladly kiss him forever.
Joel parts with a shaky breath, his chest heaving, “And you’re mine,” he groans, his eyes dark with arousal. It’s an involuntary action but your eyes drop to the front of his pants where you see the thick outline of his cock.
Your mouth goes dry, yet you manage to speak anyway, “Are words all you’ve been waiting for?” It’s bold, you’re highly aware, but you can’t help it when he’s this close. His scent suffocating, pulling you to him like a moth to a flame.
He stares at you silently. His thumb touches your bottom lip, slightly tugging it down. He’s not smiling anymore, only observing.
“No,” Joel answers slowly. He leans towards your ears, the thick hairs above his lips tickling your skin. “I’ve also been waitin’ to feel that velvet tongue on my cock, honey. And to feel how tight your throat gets when you take every inch of me.”
Joel blows a puff of air, it caresses your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He brings your hand to the front of his pants, dragging your palm up and down his length. You shudder. The heat of it seeps into your palm despite the thick fabric of his jeans, you lick your lips absentmindedly. “This is all for you sweetheart.”
“Fuck, Joel. . .” your eyes roll back when he kisses your neck, open-mouthed kisses laid upon your skin like a gift. Your nipples tighten and if you look down right now, you know you’ll see them peeking through your shirt.
He reads your thoughts, eyes moving down before meeting your gaze again. “Didn’t know you walked around without a bra, sunshine.”
“I only go braless when I’m comfortable,” you answer. Joel cups your breasts roughly, kneading the flesh, he simultaneously sucks on your neck, teeth nipping the sensitive skin. “Oh god,” the fabric of your panties grows damp and you clench your thighs together.
“Not god,” he says sharply, sinking his teeth into you. “Joel.”
“Joel,” you moan and arch your back, filling more of yourself into his palm. You squeeze his cock, relishing in the way he makes a strangled sound. “I want to suck you off, Joel.”
“Be my guest.”
You push him until he’s lying on the couch. You’re about to unbutton his jeans but he stops you.
“Turn around,” he says.
His wide grin nearly stops your heart, “Want to taste that sweet pussy, sunshine. Strip down and take a seat.”
“On—On your face?”
“Where else?”
You’re too embarrassed to speak, tongue suddenly too big in your mouth. Quickly, and a bit clumsily, you strip down and turn before straddling his chest. You don’t need to touch yourself to know that you’re soaked.
You swallow, “I’ve never done this before.”
His hands come up to cradle your hips, urging you to move back towards his face. You feel the blunt sting of his nails.
“That’s alright,” he mutters. “I won’t let you fall if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I’m more worried about how I’m gonna move, or accidentally suffocating you.”
“What a noble way it would be to go.”
“Joel!” you laugh, playfully smacking his thigh. He answers by giving your hips another squeeze, you surrender and move back until you’re hovering over his face. Your hand planted firmly over his hip bones, you lower yourself. You shudder as his tongue licks a stripe between your folds. He moans into your cunt, pulling you flush against his face.
Meanwhile, you finally unzip his pants and pull his cock out, the heft of it bumping against your nose and lips. You drip at the smell of him and swear he smiles as he sucks on your aching clit, short-circuiting your brain with arousal. His cock throbs in your palm, a drop of precome glistening at the tip. Your mouth watering, you lean forward and clean him off. Another groan echoes within his chest and he thrusts forward, the tip of his cock kissing your lips.
Eyes fluttering closed, you suck on the bulbous head and force yourself to go down until he hits the back of your throat. You wrap a hand around the base, stroking where you can’t fit, and hallow your cheeks.
“Come on, sunshine. You can take me,” he rasps. “You’re mine, aren’t you? That mouth is meant to take me.”
Without waiting for an answer, Joel pushes his tongue inside, your walls clenching around the wet muscle—you let out a loud gasp and grind down, then you feel the sting of his palm against your ass, pain blossoming from where he smacked.
Your throat rattles with a moan and Joel takes the opportunity to drive forward, your eyes go wide as you feel the length of him sliding down your throat, cutting the air from your lungs.
“Oh, fuck—” he moans unabashedly, the sounds sending a pleasurable tingle down your spine despite the strain on your throat. “That’s it, sweetheart, just like that. Fuck, fuck—”
Your throat tightens around him, your lungs starting to burn. His hand caresses both sides of your ass, the abrupt pain of the smack from before subduing, “Relax,” he says, swirling his tongue around your clit. “Breathe through your nose. Just a bit more. . .”
Your nails bite into his thighs as you attempt to follow instructions. You relax your throat and slowly begin to breathe from your nose. It’s still difficult, but your lungs rejoice in the minimal amount of air that comes through. You make a mess of him. Saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth and down his length.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he murmurs. “Gonna fuck that pretty throat now and make this pussy come, understood?”
Eyes tearing up, you nod. From the way your stomach convulses, you know that you’re close, your skin tight over your trembling muscles. The nod is all that Joel needs from you. Holding you in place, he snaps his hips forward, burying himself completely down your throat while flicking his tongue against your clit. You scream around him, eyes rolling back as he continues to devour you and take you apart at the same time. He licks you with fat strokes of his tongue, a hint of teeth scraping your folds here and there as he fucks your throat with shallow thrusts.
You’re limp against his broad body, allowing him to use you as he pleases while all you can do is hang on for the ride. Pleasure licks the base of your spine, a searing heat caressing your skin while Joel continues to build you up only for you to fall spectacularly. Your lips start to ache, your throat squeezing around him whenever he snaps his hips forward—
And all hell finally breaks loose.
You come undone with a devastating cry only for it to be muffled by his cock going down your throat. You gush around his tongue, soaking his facial hair and mouth, Joel is underrated, licking and sucking until you’re shaking above him, every bit of tension draining from your body.
Joel comes shortly after, his hand slides from your waist and he manages to reach out in order to hold your head down. You don’t have a choice but to swallow as he spills down your throat, thick spurts of come going down while he shudders and pushes even deeper.
There’s so much of it, cock twitching and throbbing in your mouth until your mouth sucks him dry. You’re lightheaded from the lack of air; you find that it adds to the pleasure that’s buzzing in your veins, your cunt still pulsing with the heft of him still buried in your lips.
He pulls out with a satisfied groan and you manage to scoot down so you’re straddling his chest instead of head. Joel caresses your back, the gentle repeated motion sending tingles down your spine.
“That’s was fuckin’ amazin’,” he says, voice hoarse. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” you answer sounding meek. “I think I need some water though.”
You get off, legs still shaking, but he grabs your hand, halting your movement. “Let me get it for you,” he says, sitting up.
“I’m already up,” you smile as his brows furrow with worry, the expression warming your heart. You quickly bend down to kiss him and he’s quick to lick himself into your mouth, tasting himself on your tongue. “I’ll be right back.”
You have no idea how you’re standing while feeling like jello but you manage to get yourself all the way to the fridge. You smile at the coolness touching your warmed skin when you open the door. Scanning the interior, you thoughtlessly rub at your throat in an attempt to soothe the ache a little. You grab the pitcher of cold water and notice a bit of apple pie left over.
“Hey, Joel?” you call out. He hums in acknowledgment. “Can I have a slice of pie?”
His humored chuckle follows through, “You can eat the whole damn thing after what you’ve done,” you smile and take the desert out. “Can you bring me a slice too?” he adds.
You smile and place the pie on the counter. The leftover is already two slices give or take so you decide to just take two forks with you instead of dirting a plate. Looking through the drawers, you try to remember which one is the cutlery drawer.
On your second try you find something else.
Something that makes your eyes go wide and heart throb painfully.
Your hands shaking, you pick up the owl mask from the drawer. The surface is smooth, and the color of it a light shade of brown just like a tawny owl. All the pleasant tingles fade away, the buzz of pleasure in your veins replaced by fear and adrenaline.
Heading back to the living room, you show the mask to Joel.
“What’s this?” you ask, your voice betraying your sudden outburst of fear.
Joel looks up, eyes flitting between you and the owl mask. He raises a brow, his confusion evident across his face. “It’s a mask, sweetheart.”
“No no, I know it’s a mask,” you answer, breathless. “But why do you have it?”
“It’s Ellie’s,” he stands up, his pants still unbuttoned but pulled up. You fight the urge to step away, fight the urge to flinch when he touches your cheek. “They were makin’ Halloween masks last year in school. I didn’t even realize we still had it.”
“Really?” you ask and he nods.
“Really,” Joel claims your lips in a chaste kiss, thumb stroking lines up and down your cheek. His hand slithers down your arm to your wrist and when he squeezes, you drop the mask. “Why?” he breathes into you. “Is this about the damn thing Tucker wrote down?”
You remain silent and he pulls away, dark eyes boring into yours.
“You need to relax, sweetheart,” he mumbles. “Why don’t you just allow yourself to enjoy this? You deserve to be happy.”
Your eyes widen with surprise, his words crashing into you, “I. . . Do I do that? Really?”
“It’s normal, darlin’,” he answers. “I’m pretty sure we all have survivor’s guilt.”
You let out a shaky exhale. He’s right. You were just feeling guilty of being alive when so many had died. Joel smiles back and traces the curve of yours with his fingers. “There’s that smile that I adore,” he guides you towards the kitchen. “Now let’s go eat some pie.”
No matter what though, you can’t help but turn back to look at the owl mask one last time as it lays lifelessly on the floor.
“So, tell me about this book you’re writin’?”
You let out a low laugh, “I already told you about it. What more do you wanna know?”
You stare at Joel’s back as he takes the lead, he’d decided to join you in your explorations ever since you told him how nervous you had gotten the last time. You had appreciated the gesture but still felt a tad anxious around him ever since you found that damn owl mask—
A branch snaps into two under your steps and he turns, extending his hand to you. With a smile you allow him to lace his fingers within yours, your stomach jumping a little as he tugs you close so the two of you are walking side by side instead.
“If memory serves me right we got distracted when you told me about it,” he says with that southern drawl of his. “So tell me again what it’s about.”
“Okay okay,” you smile, squeezing his hand twice. “It’s all a big mess now but the premise is that there’s this guy obsessed with this woman and he stalks her and no matter what she does, she always feels like there’s someone watching.”
Joel looks ahead, “Sounds familiar. Isn’t that how you felt last time you were out here?”
“Yeah, and it’s when I started writing it.”
“So do these two people know each other?” his tone drops, his fingers suddenly feeling like barbed wire within your hand. You swallow. “I mean in their regular lives, does the woman know that he’s the one stalkin’ her?”
You roll your shoulders, a weak attempt to shrug off the eeriness that you feel.
“Exactly. I think that just makes the whole thing creepier. He’s just a normal guy, even a friend, but he’s also the one among the shadows.”
“Interestin’,” he murmurs. “You think that’s happenin’ to you?”
“I don’t think there’s someone stalking me, if that’s what you’re asking,” you utter every word hastily, your pulse quickening under your skin.
His lips curl in a half smile, “That’s good,” he says. “Wouldn’t want you to be laying awake thinking about what might lingerin’ on the other side of the window.”
“I think I’m more likely to stay awake thinking about infected,” you say with a soft laugh. “But yeah, it’s all fiction. That day I probably just got scared because of what Poppy said about Ian.”
“Probably,” Joel trails off, his steps slowing. “How do you think it’s gonna end?”
He stops and so does your heart. At least you think it does.
Joel faces you fully, his presence towering, he grips your shoulders and pushes you back until the air is knocked from your lungs by a tree right behind you. Your eyes go wide. He leans in, breath tickling your lips.
“How do you think your book is gonna end, sweetheart?” he asks again, eyes gleaming with something dark. “Is the guy gonna get the girl?”
“I—I don’t know.”
All you can think about is the owl mask and how it would perfectly fit his face. He cocks his head and taking a step closer, he slips a leg between your thighs. Slick gathers at your underwear—he feels the fabric dampening on his leg and grins.
“Fear turns you on doesn’t it?” he purrs. “Wicked thing.”
Relief drowns your senses. So that’s why he got all weird suddenly, he’s just teasing you. With a laugh, your head falls back against the tree trunk, “Jesus Joel, you scared the shit out of me.”
“It ain’t my fault,” he says, nipping at your chin. “You’re easy to scare.”
“Well, two brutal unsolvable murders will do that to a girl.”
Joel lets go and pulls away, smiling as he shakes his head, “What’s it gonna take for you to believe I had nothin’ to do with those? Even in death, Tucker causes nothin’ but fuckin’ trouble for me.”
“You don’t need to do anything, I’m sorry,” you pull him back, relishing in the way his strong arms wrap around your frame. “I’ll stop being such a chicken, promise. I’m still a bit jittery that’s all.”
“I forgive you,” he says against your lips, kissing you quickly before pulling you away from the thick trunk of the tree. “Now let’s find a place to settle down for the night.”
When you two return to Jackson three days later, the first thing you notice is the crowd. Your stomach drops at the familiar sight and instinctively you reach out to Joel, lacing your fingers together. He squeezes your hand two times.
The last thing you should be feeling is relief that now it’s not possible for Joel to be the one killing all those people but alas, that’s all you feel. Relief and love.
The trade fair sprawls before you. Stalls with makeshift awnings, tattered banners, and worn tarps create a patchwork quilt of colors, beneath which a diverse array of goods is proudly displayed. The air is thick with the scent of freshly baked bread, the tang of cured leather, and the earthy aroma of herbs. Laughter, chatter, and the occasional clinking of metal form a lively symphony, a chorus of life that drowns out the ever-present background hum of death and infection.
You’ve always enjoyed the time of the trade fair. People move like busy ants, weaving between the stalls. Children, their cheeks dusted with earth, dart through the crowd, their carefree laughter that should be comforting doing the opposite. Since Tina’s death— she was one of the council members— you had been sleeping at Joel’s. Neither he nor Ellie seemed to mind you staying there.
The purpose of the fair is to exchange goods – to exchange, to connect, to share stories of survival.
Your eyes scan the crowd for Joel's familiar silhouette. He and Ellie had headed out before you since you wanted a change of clothes. Just as your gaze begins to falter, a voice reaches your ears. "Hey!" It's Poppy, she waves you over.
You navigate your way through the bustling stalls until you stand before Poppy. She's leaning against a rough-hewn post, a glint of excitement in her eyes.
“Hey, Poppy,” you greet her with a smile. “I’m looking for Joel, or Ellie, have you seen either of them?”
“Well, Ellie is with Dina, hanging out,” She points to the forest that skirts the settlement. "I saw him heading that way not too long ago."
“Alright, thanks. I’ll see you later then,” Waving her off, you head after Joel.
The trees are a bit more scarce here, there’s more room between them. The forest opens up, revealing a sprawling expanse that stretches as far as the eye can see. It's a stark contrast to the dense woods you often travel to, where the trees stand like guardians, their branches interlocking in a tapestry of shadow and light. Here, the gaps between the trees create pockets of sunlight that dapple the forest floor.
However, the expanses between trees can be deceiving, and without the markers and familiarity of the well-trodden paths closer to home, it's easy to lose your way.
For some reason instead of calling out for Joel, you decide to wander aimlessly. You’re not sure why. You don’t come to this side of Jackson often enough to feel comfortable with your surroundings and shouting his name would definitely be easier than walking without aim.
Soon enough you hear faint murmuring beckoning you deeper into the forest.
Survival instincts kicking in, you slow down your steps, making sure to step onto clear dirt instead of gravel or fallen branches. Hiding behind a rather large tree trunk, you stare ahead. In the distance, you see two men: one with his back against the tree, while the other holds him by the neck, the sharp blade of his knife catching the sunlight and reflecting it directly into your eyes.
You hold your breath and your eyes go wide. You hear the thrum of your heart. It’s the killer. It has to be.
You can’t quite hear them but you can decipher the tone of begging for one's life. The man holding the knife tilts his head slightly, your mouth waters at the prospect of finally seeing the murderer's face—
It’s the mask.
The same mask you found in Joel’s home in the shape of an owl. Your stomach churns violently, bile raising to your throat as you watch on. You rub at your eyes, take deep breaths—anything you can think of that would erase the image before you.
Goosebumps raising across your skin, you shake your head. It can’t be Joel. He was with you the day Tina died and no matter how competent he was not even he could be at two places at once.
A muffled scream echoes within the forest and your eyes snap to the two men, the owl had driven his knife into the flesh and bone. He pulls it out, and the body falls. You recognize who it is; Jacob. You heard his name a couple of days ago from Ellie, he was bothering both her and Dina because they were hanging out.
He’s still alive when the killer stomps his head in, blood splattering across the leys.
You’re frozen in place. Your throat dry and tongue motionless. The killer kicks Jacob one last time for good measure and finally stops. You observe the way his shoulders drop as if a great weight had been lifted off of them, then he looks up into the sky, the golden sun highlighting his mask.
Very slowly, he lifts his hand and takes it off.
Every feeling comes rushing back, too fast and too soon. Your tongue is alive again and so is your body, the world is suddenly vibrant with life and horror. The sun continues to caress the countenance of the unmasked killer’s face, his sunkissed skin the perfect canvas to soak up the light.
You take a step back, every thought of precaution dropping from your mind. The forest starts to spin. It spins and spins and spins until the ground slips from beneath your feet. You catch yourself at the very last second.
When you look up you see his gaze staring directly into yours.
“Fuck,” you hiss out, quickly staggering up. The last thing you see before you start running is his extended hand as he tries to reach out for you.
You don’t. You do the exact opposite of that. You run. You run for your life and those in Jackson at the fair.
You run with memories loud in your mind. How Joel had listened to you, comforted you, fucked you—
Tears sting your eyes. Every part of this feels like a nightmare that you hope to wake up from anytime soon. But as the wind hits your skin, you know that every part of this is very much real. Your chest burns from how fast you’re going, your legs starting to falter underneath you.
Before you can react, an unexpected force slams into you. The impact sends shockwaves through your body as you collide with something—or is it someone?—their presence as jarring as the jolt itself. Your momentum falters, and for a fleeting moment, time seems to slow as you stumble, desperately trying to regain your balance.
Two arms grab at you and without even seeing who it is, you start to push the person away, fighting against it like a wild animal.
“Let go of me! Let go of me!”
“Hey hey hey,” you hear a familiar voice repeat. “It’s me, you’re okay,” you’re shaking all around, only when you feel his hands cradle your cheeks do you open your eyes. He smiles when he sees your eyes flicker in recognition.
“Tommy?” you whisper. He nods and without a thought you jump him, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him close. His arms coil around you in response, promising to not let go. “Oh, thank fuck it’s you.”
“What happened? Are you alright?”
“I—I am okay but—Joel—It’s Joel, Tommy he’s been the one behind all those murders. We need to warn everyone, we need to tell Maria!”
You grab his arm and tug him along toward what you assume is the right way out of the forest. He remains still. Turning around, you shoot him a confused glance. 'Tommy, we need to tell people.'
“Can’t let you do that sugar, sorry.”
“Why. . . Why not?” you let go and slowly step back, heart pounding. “Is it because he’s your brother?”
You wish that was his excuse. Some moral obligation towards Joel because he’s his brother, that you can relate to. Your heart still pounds for Joel and in your brain, you’re still desperately seeking an explanation.
But Tommy allows the silence to linger, your fear and worry quickly turning into anger.
“Fine, I’ll tell them. It’s wrong.”
It only takes a blink of an eye; you feel Tommy’s iron grip around your wrist, yanking you back into his chest. He holds you. Oddly tender for someone who had made your arm nearly fall out of its socket. You thrash within his arms, pulling and hitting his chest.
“We’re doing good,” he grunts. “You gotta see that.”
You refuse to listen, your ear narrowing on the sound of your own blood rush instead of his words. By some miracle, you manage to slip your arm out and punch him square in the chin. It was a weak punch but strong enough to startle Tommy.
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetheart, calm the fuck down—” he tucks your arm back against your body and turns you around so your back is flush against his chest. You’re breathing raggedly, chest rising with every deep gulp of air. His lips touch your ear, his tone menacing, “I really wish you would’ve not done that.”
“Why?” you gasp. “You’re gonna kill me too?”
Silence follows, and with every passing moment sweat beads on your forehead, “It was you wasn’t it?” you continue. “You killed Tina. Joel only came along with me to calm my suspicions.”
Before Tommy can confirm your suspicions, you notice movement within the forest and your eyes are immediately drawn to the shadow coming forth.
“Smart girl,” Joel remarks with a half smile as he emerges from between the trees. There’s a splatter of red over his shirt but the knife seems to be tucked away. For now. “But you’re only half right, darlin’. I came along because I like spendin’ time with you.”
“Is that supposed to make me ignore the fact that Jacob’s body isn’t even cold yet?”
Joel curls two fingers under your chin, lifting your gaze while Tommy continues to hold you back. You shudder against him, a soft sound parts the younger Miller’s lips.
“He was a piece of shit,” Joel grunts. “He was botherin’ Ellie, callin’ her names, he deserved what he was gettin’.”
“So what, you guys are just playing hero? Killing everyone who’s causing trouble in town? There’s a system for that.”
“Honey,” he tuts, an involuntary warmth spreading within your abdomen. “The system didn’t work before the outbreak, it ain’t gonna work now either.”
“We protect our own,” Tommy says from behind you, breath fanning your neck. “We take care of it before it escalates. You have to understand that.”
“And why the hell would I understand?” you hiss, looking directly into Joel’s eyes while addressing Tommy.
Joel smiles, his lips curling slowly, “Because you’re one of us. And you like it when we protect.”
Your lips part with an exhale. He’s right, not that you still agree with them killing people, but you had enjoyed that primal protection coming from the Millers. It made you feel powerful, loved, cared for. All the things you craved deeply.
You ignore Joel and his words entirely, averting your eyes with embarrassment and shame.
“I just don’t understand why you did it, Tommy” you murmur. Tommy tenses behind you, his arms tightening around your frame, drawing the remaining oxygen from your lungs. “I understand the other’s to an extent but Tina didn’t do anything wrong.”
Joel looks towards Tommy, it was his kill after all and the older Miller had nothing to say about it.
“She was wrecking what Maria is tryin’ so hard to build,” he answers. “She’s pregnant, stress ain’t good for her or the baby.”
“Does. . . Does Maria—”
Tommy cuts you off, “No.”
Joel leans closer, mouth an inch away from yours as he parts his lips. “I killed for you,” You hate the way your body reacts to him, wanting to close the distance between you two despite how unsettled you feel. “Ian was a piece of shit, so was Tucker and Jacob. They don’t deserve your empathy, honey. And you can’t deny that you’re glad they’re gone.”
His hair is a delightful mess. Soft locks going in every direction. All you want to do is thread your fingers within and forget about all of this. Joel’s gaze is observant, dark eyes darting all over your face. You don’t know what he sees but whatever it is, he nods to Tommy for him to let you go and he does. Legs lifeless and shaking, he catches you, his warmth welcoming. He’s still tender with you. Hands delicate as they move over your arms, shifting you so you'll be facing Tommy.
Joel’s hand curls around your neck and holds your chin so you can’t look away. You can’t read Tommy’s expression. You’re not sure what he’s feeling. However, you think he looks almost relieved that you’re not fighting anymore.
You shudder as Joel drags his lips down your neck, taking deep breaths of your fear-induced scent. His hands slip under your shirt and cup both breaths, making you squeal. Your objection is short-lived when he brushes his thumbs over both nipples, awakening them with slow strokes.
Tommy’s gaze drops to your chest.
“He’s been watching you, you know,” Joel says. “When I had things to settle in town it was him who looked after you,” his voice drops, eyes observing his brother. “I think he deserves a bit of a show, don’t you think?”
The whimper you let out is enough for Tommy to meet your gaze curiously. Joel smiles into your skin and your eyes widen as he pulls out a knife—a different one from the one he used on Jacob, you realize with relief.
Your breath hitches as he slides the knife under your shirt and cuts your shirt clean from the middle, exposing you completely to his younger brother’s eyes. Sudden arousal pools between your legs and you clamp them together suddenly, the movement not unnoticed by either of them.
“You like it when my brother watches?” he asks loud enough for Tommy to hear. “You got a little crush on him too, sweetheart, hmm? Don’t worry, he’s always goin’ to be lookin’ out for you. That’s what family does after all.”
Your neck strains as Joel tilts your head suddenly, claiming your lips in a violent kiss. He doesn’t wait for you to part your lips for him and pushes his tongue into your mouth, licking the surprised sounds of pleasure right from your mouth. Your heart skips a beat. He presses the flat side of the knife against your warmed skin, the chill of metal settling in your bones.
When he parts away, a string of saliva connects you still. “You’re mine aren’t you?” Joel groans, lips moving over yours.
You nod in a daze and he smiles, “And I’m yours too,” he says.
Your eyes meet Tommy momentarily, the younger Miller’s lips twitch in a half smile. He doesn’t say a word as he closes the distance.
Tommy cradles your face tenderly, urging you to come close as he envelopes your lips with his own, taking you by surprise.
The kiss lacks the intensity compared to Joel’s. Tommy caresses your cheeks with both thumbs. You don’t even feel his tongue, it’s just a gradual movement of lips, a type of affirmation and comfort.
“You’re one of us now,” he says pressing his forehead against yours. You don’t know how to react or what to say and you end up just nodding, your hands fisting his shirt. Him, parting away from you almost feels painful but you’re not sure why. Tommy gives you a smile and Joel a nod before he leaves.
You and Joel stand like that for a while, in complete silence, bodies flushed together, knife still resting over your stomach.
“I only did what was right,” he breaks the silence. His tone isn’t one of asking for forgiveness or understanding. His arms tighten around you. “Are you afraid of me?” he whispers into your ear, the thick hairs above his lips tickling the shell of your ear.
You don’t answer him.
“You don’t need to be,” he continues. He allows you to move within his arms, you want to see his face, you need to see him to not fear for your life. You ignore the knife grazing your skin as you turn around, your bare front snug against his chest. “I’ll never hurt you. And you’re the only person in this whole damn town that can say that. You and Ellie.”
“What about Tommy?”
“Tommy’s priorities lay elsewhere.”
He doesn’t allow you to inquire further about what he means by that. All you can detect is a hint of anger that quickly dissipates when he claims your lips once more.
You’re lost in him. His tongue captures you in a way that makes you forget the blood on his clothes—on his hands. His tongue slides against your own, pressing until you’re moaning into his mouth, your knees faltering at the knife smoothing down your skin.
Before pushing you down to the ground, he takes off the shirt he cut in half completely off of you, your bra following the pile on the grass. Your breath hitches as he takes his place between your legs, his mouth devouring your neck, “Joel. . .” you moan, fisting his shirt and grinding up to feel at least a bit of friction.
A silent laugh seeps into your skin, his breath sending shivers up your spine, “Do you still feel bad for them?” he teases, laying a wet kiss between your breasts.
You don’t think much as you answer, “No.”
And as a reward, Joel closes his lips over a nipple, sucking hard until your breathing goes ragged.
“That’s my girl,” he groans, moving towards the other pebbled flesh. “You’re too good, too kind, but they don’t deserve that sweetheart.”
He hooks his fingers into your belt loops and tugs down your jeans, laving you with soft, ticklish kisses as he moves lower and lower. When you’re completely bare to him, you have the urge to cover yourself, the grass tickles your back and the wind feels colder now. Joel smiles and pulls your arms away. He lays the knife right above your stomach and your breath hitches.
“I want to taste you,” Joel says. “But not in the way you think, darlin’,” he kisses the sensitive skin right adobe your belly button, and brings the sharp edge of the knife to your skin. “I want to taste the life that pumps through your veins.”
Your eyes widen as he nicks you. It’s a small cut and blood beads at the wound instantly. He doesn’t allow it to gather enough so that’ll trickle down, he quickly presses his lips against it, your essence coating his tongue as he gives it a tender suck. You can the blood leaving your veins, a pleasant tingle echoing from the wound and spreading throughout your body. Your eyes flutter, a moan escaping your lips as he flattens his tongue against the cut and licks with board strokes.
“Fuckin’ delicious,” he rasps, pushing two fingers into you with ease. You gasp at the sudden stretch, your back arching into his touch. “So darn wet—All this for me, sunshine?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, grinding down. “Joel, please—”
You hear the sound of his belt buckle coming undone, his breath heavy in your ear, “Since you asked so nicely, sweetheart, I’m obliged.”
You feel the head of his cock brush against your entrance, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. Your eyes close in anticipation and you whimper as he slowly slides inside you inch by inch. You can feel it, that intense fullness that can only come from him, taking his time to make sure it feels good. His size is intimidating but you feel yourself melting around him, eager and willing.
“That’s it. . . you’re takin’ me so well, such a tight little hole for me. Fuckin’ amazin’.”
He presses his forehead against yours, nipping at your bottom lip before thrusting, sending a wave of pleasure that makes your toes curl. You cling onto him for support as he pumps deeper and faster, hitting all the right spots. It takes neither of you long to climb the edge, ready to fall. You can feel the warmth of his breath, and his grip tightens on your hips. His pace quickens as the intensity builds, and you clench around him as he groans your name.
“Gonna come inside,” he slurs his words. “Gonna fill you up—shit—”
You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of you, his hard length contracting. As he pushes deeper into you, your insides flutter, squeezing around him. Your orgasm is ripped from you, shattering and mind-numbing. Your head spins and you cling to him, afraid that the world underneath you might slip entirely. His hot come warms you from the inside out, spilling from where his cock stretches you.
Joel remains inside until he starts to soften. He pulls out of you, leaving you feeling a longing ache deep within your core. You shudder as his come trickles down your thighs, your cunt clenching around nothing.
“Such a pretty sight,” he murmurs, entranced, as he gathers himself over his fingers and pushes it back inside you. “Try to keep as much as you can inside.” To emphasize his want for it, he slides your underwear up your legs.
You’re tied to him now. And even though you shouldn’t, you enjoy being the one near the beast. Joel helps you dress, at least helps you with what remains, and gives you his leather jacket to wear since your shirt is in ruins. Neither of you says a word as you walk back to where Jacob’s body rests. You help him bury the body, not feeling a single thing; no grief, no remorse, no sadness.
You always did have a complicated relationship with death after all.
#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x f!reader#joel miller smut#tlou fanfic#the last of us fanfiction#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal character fanfic#hauntedhoedown
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Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)


Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.7 K Warnings: none Prompt: It's time for a sweet –and maybe a little spicy– picnic. Proofread by sweet @girlwihkaleidoscopeeyes
Chapter 72: Relentless
“What…” Remus said as he blinked a couple of times, trying to get his mind around what he was looking at: he’d just left you in your room and now you were in his! Right next to Sirius – well, technically, right on Sirius. Both of you looking as appealing as the food surrounding you.
He turned to you, pointing his index finger your way. “You were distracting me!”
“Surprise date!” Sirius said as he gently lifted you, placing you on the side to walk towards Remus. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the boy’s cheek, in the exact way he’d done with you so many times in the past. You smiled at the sweet scene. “We planned this together, we wanted to do something special for you.”
Remus smiled. By now you were also standing up and you leaned your head on his shoulder as you admired the wonderful picnic Sirius had prepared. Everything was strategically placed over the blanket (which would have been perfectly straight if it weren't for you and Sirius crumpling it earlier with your playful wrestling). You extended your hand, using some wandless magic to softly straighten up the sheet before leaning your head on Remus’ shoulder again. “Sirius did most of it,” you added. “I was tasked with the distraction this time around.”
“Did Nieve even need the extract?” He asked, and then you heard him suck in some air and turn to you, a little more alarmed. “You extinguished the firestone, right?”
“Yes and yes,” you retorted with a confident nod. “It might not be as urgent as I made it seem but she does need the extra meds. And I extinguished the firestone right before leaving the room.” He was about to say something but you interrupted. “Yes, I placed it on the tin, and made sure the warning colours appeared on the side before placing it on the desk.” Remus smiled and shook his head;, it was somewhat entertaining that you knew exactly what he would ask before he did.
There was a rather hollow noise coming from the window, and Sirius quickly disengaged himself from the tangle you’d been on before walking over to it. “What’s that?” you asked as you noticed the brown paper bag that Tom’s owl delivered. Remus, who was kind of familiar with those brown paper bags, just smiled, already imagining which type of alcohol Sirius must have gotten his hands on this time.
“Our celebration drink,” he said as he walked to the picnic blanket and sat with the bag ibn his hands. He then pulled the bottles of wine from it, three too many for the ones that would actually fit.
Tom must have charmed it, you thought as both you and Remus sat on the floor.
“Wine?” Remus asked as he raised one of his eyebrows.
“Sparkling wine,” you corrected as you picked one of the bottles from the floor and stared at the label. “And from Tarascon – the famous dragon breeding town.”
“Shit, that’s fancy,” Remus said as he looked at the label., Sirius seemed pretty proud of himself, even if the choice had probably been Tom’s.
“Only the best for my lovers,” Sirius said with a jokingly condescending tone, emphasising the last words and getting an eye roll from Remus, who still wasn’t too keen on the term.
You laughed, and plopped down on the blanket again, “May I have a grape now, please?”
“Yes, you may, Étoile.”
“Merci,” you smiled, taking a grape and popping it in your mouth, biting and spilling its juice all over your tongue with a happy sigh. “He wouldn’t let me have any of them until you arrived.”
“You were about to mess up my perfectly balanced picnic,” Sirius retorted.
“One grape wouldn’t have made a difference!”
“Would too!”
“Do you two get more childish when I’m around or is it always like this?” Remus teased, having the both of you turn his way with a shocked expression that was, at least for him, amusing.
“Oh, take that back!” You said.
“We’re not childish!”
“You are a little,” Remus shrugged, with that same teasing smile.
“Someone childish, wouldn’t have gotten you nice sparkling wine,” Sirius said as he pulled the wine and started twisting the wire of the muselet covering the cork.
“They wouldn’t?” Remus smiled, a playful lick of his lips accompanied by a slight tilt of the head. He wasn’t just amused, he was having the time of his life.
“And they wouldn’t have been so effective distracting you, either,” you mused.
Once the muselet was out of the way, Sirius shook the bottle, then he looked at Remus, winked, and proceeded to press the cork upwards at an angle to release it.
“I know a spell for–” you started and were not-so-gently interrupted by the cork flying out of the bottle and hitting you right in the brow.
“Shit, you okay?” Sirius asked as he placed the bottle on the ground, his hands wet with the bubbles that had flown from it.
“Yeah,” you said as you picked the cork from your skirt and examined it. It was iridescent, shifting between navy and forest green, a nod to the scales from the Tarascan Dragons.
“You sure?” Remus asked as he leaned a little closer, sliding his hand to the back of your neck and gently pulling your head towards him;, you could have turned into a puddle right there and then. “It’s kind of red.”
“Yeah, it was nothing,” you said honestly. You were more startled than anything, it had been way too close to your eye.
“Could have gotten in your eye.”
“They’re charmed against that,” Sirius said, smiling at the doting way in which Remus had veered closer to you and pulling the mugs they normally used for tea. He tried to convince the elves to give him wine glasses, but he hadn’t been successful and he didn’t want to take them behind their backs either, especially because of how willing they had been to help with this picnic. “Tough luck, Starshine. Out of all the places it could have fallen, it chose your face.”
You shrugged, “I guess the universe has to set the balance somehow; after all, I got the hottest boys in the entire school all to myself.”
Remus’eyes widened slightly, there was a hint of a smug smile on his lips as he finally pulled his hand from your neck. You responded with a wink before leaning in to grab one of the mugs Sirius had already filled. It belonged to James and had “#1 Captain ” written on it, next to the image of a golden snitch that always flew to a different side of the mug when you spotted it. You suspected Peter had gotten it custom-made for him, but he claimed he’d found it at a second-hand shop somewhere in Diagon Alley.
“Well, it’s the truth, we are the hottest,” Sirius said rather smugly and took his mug, a gift from his cousin Andromeda. It had Freddie Mercury singing in bright yellow overalls, but the picture did not move since it was muggle-made. Moony grabbed his mug as well, a Gryffindor mug he’d gotten when he was made into a prefect. “Let’s toast to that,” Sirius said with a smile.
“To me having bad luck in retaliation for dating the two of you?” you teased.
“Not that,” he said as he shook his head. “To us!”
“To us?” Remus raised an eyebrow.
“To us,” you confirmed as you extended your mug. “And to more picnics together.”
“And more kisses,” Sirius said with a cheeky smile.
Remus smiled – he was definitely on board with the last one. “To endless moments like this.”
You exchanged a fond look with Sirius, “To endless moments like this!” both of you said as you clinked your mugs, some of the wine spilling down your hands from how overfilled they were. You smiled and brought yours to your lips, taking a short sip and enjoying the feeling of the sparkling bubbles in your mouth. Magical wine was always more fun than muggle; the bubbles were better somehow.
“Here, try these,” Sirius said, mug still close to his lips, as he waved his wand and a plate with sweets floated towards the centre.
Both you and Remus reached towards it. “Sorry,” he said as your hands bumped into each other, you had both tried to grab the same mince pie. “You take it.”
“No, don’t worry,” you said, also pulling your hand from it.
“Just share it,” Sirius said with a laugh, finding the interaction both endearing and slightly ridiculous. You had shared food many times before dating. Why were you acting so shy now?
You looked at him and smiled, taking the pie in your hands, giving it a bite, and then extending it towards Remus. He exchanged a short look with Sirius, almost like a question, and Sirius’ confident smile was more than an answer. It pretty much said, “Go ahead.”
And he did, leaning in and taking a bite himself. “It’s good,” he nodded, picking a small piece of the crust from the corner of his mouth.
“Really good,” you agreed as you moved your weight to your knees and leaned a little closer to Sirius, offering him some as well. He smiled and leaned in to take a bite as well, pressing a short kiss to your finger right after. He nodded and hummed in approval.
You went back into a sitting position, completely missing the wandering look from Remus as your skirt rode up a little. But Sirius, ever so attentive, did not. His lips tightened into a small smirk, wondering just how much of that Remus would be able to stand before caving in. How much of it could he stand before caving in? He already found you delightful in the uniform skirt; this one, a little shorter, a little more flowy… what an absolute treat.
“Eyes on her face, Moons,” he said with a teasing smirk.
“Huh?” You asked as you turned to him, missing the stern look Remus gave him in return.
“Remus here was just–” Sirius’ mouth was shut by a cupcake flying into his face. As much as you cared for whatever he had to say, Remus casually unwrapping a sandwich from the side was too funny not to laugh at, especially since you knew it had been him. “Oi!”
“What?” Moony asked nonchalantly.
“Arse,” Sirius said as he pulled the cupcake off his face and started wiping the icing with his bare hands. You picked a cloth napkin from the table and handed it over to him. But as you leaned closer he smiled. “Mind giving me a hand, Starshine?” He asked as he tilted his head towards you and closed his eyes.
You knew Sirius didn’t need help whatsoever, but he looked way too adorable to be denied, so you took the napkin and started cleaning off the leftover icing from his face. “You’re still kind of sticky.”
“Why don't you lick it off then?” he smirked.
“Gross!” you responded with a grimace, turning to grab a glass and using Aguamenti to fill it up with some water to dip the clean part of the napkin inside of it. While you were distracted, Sirius turned to look at Moony with a self-satisfied smile and teasing eyebrows.
“Should I tell her?” he mouthed.
Remus glared at him and pointed at the cupcakes. “Go ahead and try,” he mouthed back.
Sirius smiled again and closed his eyes as you came back with the napkin, cleaning off the sticky residue of cupcakes from his face with gentle hands. Sirius was sure those same hands would drive Remus insane, and felt a need to see it happen.
But he also wanted the picnic to be enjoyed first, so he resorted to continuing teasing Remus without you finding out about it, at least for a bit longer. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what sounds would leave his boyfriend's mouth as you touched him, or as he touched him.
“Done,” you said as you pulled back, your skirt yet again flowing teasingly around your thighs, this time around perhaps with slight help from Sirius, who did some wandless magic to bring a slight breeze in. “Getting kind of chilly, isn’t it?”
Remus threw a look at Sirius. “Yeah, definitely,” he agreed with a smile. Now you weren’t oblivious enough not to realise the two of them had something going on, but you hadn’t quite cracked what it was, especially since you would never have expected your skirt to rouse such a response with the boys.
“What are these?” you asked as you picked up a tea sandwich with greenish insides.
“Veggies and cream cheese,” he responded. “I think there are some with cucumber, some with ham and brie, and some with cranberries and chicken.”
“No egg sandwiches?” Remus asked.
“Maybe three or four, but I left them in the basket,” Sirius said as he pointed at it. “I know they’re not your favourite.” You smiled, Sirius, who was either always talking to somebody at meal times or joking around with the boys – especially James – had always been good at paying attention, and not only did he know Remus didn’t love egg sandwiches, but he had specifically asked for more of the others instead.
“Right,” Remus said, the corner of his lip tilting upwards ever so slightly.
“There’s also some peanut butter, jam, chocolate spread, and scones.”
“Scones?” you asked, leaning a little closer to examine the spread.
“Over there,” he pointed at a plate covered by a white napkin. “Blueberry.”
You smiled, leaving the sandwich on your plate and getting on your knees again to get the plate. You could have probably floated the plate towards you, but the jams and fruits were also on that side of the blanket and you decided to just reach for it. After all, it wasn’t nearly that far.
You found an empty spot in the middle of the blanket and placed one of your hands to hold yourself in place while the other one reached for the plate. Sirius couldn’t help but smirk at the nervous look Remus threw your way, averting his gaze from you and your compromising – not really – position, and turning towards his sandwich as if it were the most interesting thing in the room.
Sirius leaned his head to the side as he shamelessly stared, “Nice skirt, Starshine.”
“Thanks,” you said innocently, as you placed some of the fruits and jams onto the plate with the scones. “Got it in muggle London, Tom and Beth said I had to get it.”
Sirius let out an amused scoff. Aapparently, Tom had been acting as cupid for way longer than he even knew. “As they should have, it looks absolutely ravishing on you,” he smirked, “Doesn’t it, Moony?”
Remus pulled his gaze from the plate to look at Sirius warningly, but of course, you were right in between the two of them, there was no way he would have avoided looking at your bare thighs or his jumper riding up on your torso just enough to show a bit of skin. His gaze lingered for a second before throwing a heated look at Sirius, whose eyes seemed to be sparkling as he smirked.
“You look lovely, Little Witch,” he finally agreed, turning back to look at his sandwich.
You turned to him with a smile, just now noticing how focused he seemed on his sandwich. You frowned and turned to Sirius, questioningly.
“It’s, uh… short,” he mouthed, nodding at the skirt. You tilted your head to the side just slightly, as if you didn’t quite get it. “I think Moony likes it a little too much.” You hid the gasp you made by moving back into your spot with the plate in your hands. “I do as well.”
You tried not to blush at the fact that the two of them had been checking you out without you noticing. Was that what Beth and Tom had been going on about when you tried it on?
“You do what?” Remus asked as he turned to Sirius.
“I like blueberry scones.” He smiled innocently towards Moony. “You want one too?” he asked as he pulled one from the plate you still had in your hands. “I could prepare it for you.”
“No, thank you.”
“You sure, Rem?” you asked as you turned to him, pulling down on the jumper. “I could make them the way you like. I think Sirius said there's cream cheese.”
“I did,” he confirmed, pulling out a small crystal container from the basket and handing it over to you.
Remus looked in between the two of you, narrowing his eyes. Did Sirius tell her? he wondered. “Okay,” he responded while looking at you. You smiled; the same smile that drove him insane for months, making his craving for you grow and grow. It was nice to see it adorning your lips again, it was nice to be one of the reasons it was there in the first place.
You took one of the scones and started to prepare it: cream cheese, clotted cream and then some of the chocolate spread Sirius had brought over – a secret recipe from the kitchen elves, almost as delicious as Hope’s.
Once you were done, you handed it over to him. Sirius was already eating his – cream and strawberry jam, with fresh berries sprinkled in between – a classic, but his favourite nonetheless. You took yours and filled it with your favourite fillings before taking your first bite. Somehow you couldn’t stop thinking about the skirt thing. Was it really that big of a deal for the two of them? Could you tease them about it? Did you want to tease them about it?
You thought it over for one or two bites, attentively looking at the two of them, Sirius with his long dark lashes falling over his cheeks as he focused on preparing himself another scone and Remus still enjoying the first one, with his broad shoulders and impossibly gentle hands. You wondered how it was possible for someone so big to be that tender. For a wolf to also be a lamb – it was fascinating. The duality of Remus Lupin was something that had always caught your attention. The secrets hiding behind his skin had been one of the biggest mysteries since you arrived at Hogwarts. You wondered what other secrets it hid.
How soft or tough it was… how warm… how would it feel under your fingertips… how would it feel on your lips… what sounds would you hear as you kissed it… would it be sensitive enough to get hickeys with ease, or was it thick and resilient like him... Would said bruises last, or would they heal overnight due to his overly fast metabolism... would he enjoy getting them, be it by your lips or Sirius’... You knew for a fact Sirius enjoyed leaving marks all over you, would Remus like that as well? Did he want to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him? Was the need as constant for him as it was for you?
You took another bite of your scone. Yes, you thought, I definitely want to tease them about it.
“I’m glad we stayed here, by the way,” you said. “Not that Hogsmeade wouldn’t be fun, we haven’t gone together since we started dating but, I guess the fact that this is a little more intimate is better for our first date.”
“Mhm?” Sirius asked as he looked at you. It seemed like you might have been up to something.
“I mean, we don’t have to be careful about anything here, I can shamelessly stare at Remus’ beautiful face without worrying that someone might notice how bad I’ve got it for him.”
“Right,” Sirius said with a smile. “And Remus can stare at your short little skirt all he wants without making people think he wants to fuck his best friend’s girlfriend.”
Remus almost spat his drink after Sirius spoke, coughing as he reached for a napkin and throwing a murderous look at Sirius, who was still smiling, delighted at his reaction.
“You okay, Rem?” you asked as you leaned a little closer to him.
“Yeah,” he said with a short nod and then turned to look at the other boy – ridiculously handsome even when being a prat – “And Pads can ogle either of us all he wants without seeming like a pervert.”
“I'm too handsome to be seen as a pervert,” Sirius said with a wave of his hair, which got the two of you to laugh.
“There is no such a thing as too handsome to be seen as a pervert!” Remus retorted.
“There is too!” Sirius insisted. “Think of one of those romance novels Vixen reads in her book club. Wasn’t there one where the pirates kidnapped the reader who was a cartographer and then started teaching her how to be a pirate?”
“Point of Know Return?” you asked.
“Mhm, that one!” Sirius said with a nod. “Didn’t you say that in one scene she accidentally got all wet because of the waves, and that she had been wearing a white pirate shirt, and that the male lead just stared at her for a hot minute before helping? AND THEN he helped her change because the ties were tangled?”
“Uhh…” you said as you tried to think of that scene, you had almost forgotten about it entirely, and you wondered how on earth he remembered it. “Wait, hold up. Did you read it?” you asked as you turned to him with a frown.
“Not the point,” Sirius said dismissively. “Anyway, I swear it was the single most pervy thing ever! But Mr. Pirate got a pass because he was handsome.”
“You definitely read it!” you said with a gasp. “Why?”
“Well, you seemed pretty into it,” he shrugged. “And also you mentioned it was kind of spicy, I was curious as to what spicy is for you.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “I can’t believe it.”
“You never said who picked that one,” Sirius teased.
“And I will never say it either. What happens in the book club stays in the book club.”
Sirius laughed, “I mean it wasn’t a bad scene. We could probably reenact some of the things that– HEY!” Another cupcake flew to his face, this time you were to blame for it.
“Godric, please, never let him read any spicy books ever again!” you said dramatically. “He’ll get ideas.”
“But they’ll be fun ideas,” Sirius teased as he took the cupcake in his hands and licked some of the icing from the side of his lip. “Either way, my point was made. I’m too handsome for being a perv.”
“Sirius do you think–”
“Tell me I don’t have a ‘romance novel leading man’s face, go on,” he challenged both you and Remus.
You just rolled your eyes. Both of the boys were leading man material in your opinion, but you weren’t sure either needed the ego bust. Well, perhaps Remus could do with some. “I mean, I have imagined Remus on a spicy book cover… you know, with his Halloween costume and all? But I never did picture you in one.”
“I'll have you know my Halloween costume was well worth its own romance novel cover, Sweets. Just think about it: My Handsome Devil…”
“More like: My cupcake-faced devil,” you said as you took some of the icing he’d missed from his cheek with your finger and plopped it into your mouth.
“See?” Sirius said as he smiled at you. “Now you’re even naming the novel I’d be in. Point made.”
“Whatever you say, Puppy,” you said with an amused shake of your head. It seemed everyone was more at ease now, even if the earlier implications had almost taken the conversation in a different direction, a direction that perhaps you wouldn’t put past exploring, just not yet. “We should listen to some music,” you said as you stood up, walking towards the chest drawer with their stash – and the record player.
“Need any help?” Sirius asked, leaning his head back for a second to watch you.
“Nah, I’ve got it,” you said as you used your wand to move the heavy piece of furniture and look through the hole in the wall. It was exactly as you remembered, filled with a bunch of miscellaneous things. You rummaged through it until you found the cassette player in one of the furthest crannies.
You were pulling it out when Remus, out of nowhere, appeared behind you.
“Let me do it for you,” he offered. Now, that could have been a very natural thing for Remus to do, except that there was a hint of nervousness in his voice that made your curiosity peak.
“It’s fine, I can do it by myself,” you said simply, trying to gauge his next reaction.
“I know, I’d like to help though,” he countered, rather insistent. You narrowed your eyes at him. By then, you already had your hands on the cassette player, and he was gently pushing you to the side to take it himself.
“What are you hiding?” you asked as you raised your eyebrows.
“Nothing,” he said, a little too fast, which got you to hum and smile.
“Okay,” you said as you removed your hands from the cassette player and looked at him attentively, he cleared his throat, took it in his hands, and stood, motioning for you to come along, but you knew there was something he was hiding. You looked back at the stash and cast a silent Revelio with your wand. A strip of rubbers dropped from the side. Remus looked mortified as you took them in your hands. “So this is what you meant with Away from prying hands?” you asked teasingly.
“What’s away from prying hands?” Sirius asked, curious as to why you were taking so long.
Remus looked even more mortified now that Sirius joined in, you tried to place them back in their place but Sirius was faster, “What are these?” he asked as he read the logos on the packaging. Something along the lines of: “Savage Night”
You exchanged a look with Remus, Sirius hadn’t had as much contact with the muggle world as the both of you, and the wizarding world used potions as prevention most of the time, could he possibly not know what they were?
“Erm… Special balloons,” you said with a shrug.
“How are they special?” Sirius asked as he turned the strip around and started reading some of the text in the back.
“Well, if we told you, we’d have to kill you,” you retorted, trying to sound as lackadaisical as possible. He looked up from reading with a frown.
“It says: best lube included, ensuring your fit since 1953,” he gave the two of you a look, Remus covered his face with both of his hands and you burst out into a laugh.
“You’re kidding!” you said as you pulled them from his hands and read through the label. “Shit, it really does say that! Remus!”
“Please stop,” he mumbled as he shook his head, the embarrassment already painting the tip of his ears a deep crimson.
“But where does anybody have to fit? Are these magical? Can you get inside them?”
You laughed at his question again. In theory, he could. “Extremely muggle,” you said, handing them over to him. Sirius got slightly impatient since he felt he was being left out of the joke and just stared at you. He had that small wrinkle in the middle of his eyebrows, the sulking line, as James called it, but you still couldn’t stop your laughs.
You took them from his hands, dangling them in the air as you showed them to him as a teacher would. “So, these are like–” you laughed again, trying to gather your wits to explain why the whole thing was so hilarious – “like the potion, but a… muggle version.”
“Are these… preservatives?” Sirius asked as he looked at them with a confused frown. “But how exactly do these–”
“You put them on,” you responded almost too fast, and then a slightly impish smile stretched through your lips. “I guess Remus could teach you one day,” you teased, giving a side glance at Remus who still hid his face in between his hands. Upon his lack of reaction, you almost felt bad about the way you had taunted him, so you left the strip to Sirius who seemed curious and slightly confused and walked towards Rem, who stood just a few steps from the two of you.
“Hey,” you said softly, placing a hand on one of his shoulders. “Sorry for teasing, I didn’t mean to–” You were stopped mid-sentence, as he grabbed your waist and pulled you roughly into a hug. Remus and Sirius exchanged a short look, Sirius nodded in response to the other boy’s silent question, and you were pulled from the floor and tackled towards Remus' bed. You yelped in surprise at Remus, who now had a hard time not laughing. Clearly, you had mistaken his intentions.
“How about I give you a better reason to laugh?” he said with a smile; it took you a second to register what he meant, and by the time you tried to scramble yourself off the bed, he was already tickling you mercilessly.
“Sides of the ribs,” Sirius said. “That’s her most ticklish spot.”
“Sirius!” you managed to protest in between laughs.
“Je suis désolé, Étoile. Can’t help you with this one.”
You huffed, squirming as you tried to stop Remus from tickling you, and resorting to just tickling him back, but you didn’t know his weak spots yet. As you laughed, you moved your hands all over the side of his ribs, trying to find a place that made him laugh as hard as you were laughing.
“I’m just not that ticklish,” Remus said with a teasing smile. You laughed involuntarily as he pressed the pads of his fingers ever so gently on the side of your belly. Your jumper and shirt had ridden up again, only slightly, and he was now touching your skin directly. But, in between the laughs, neither realised the compromising position you had both ended up in at this point. One of his knees right in between your thighs, one hand beside your head holding him up as he continued to tickle you, and your hands running through his chest as you laughed, still trying to find a ticklish spot.
Perhaps his neck?
Although unnoticed by either of you, it had not slipped by Sirius, who was attentively watching the situation as he sipped on his sparkling wine and bit on a fresh strawberry, the juice spilling from the fruit and wetting his already lascivious lips. He almost felt like the devil, watching Adam and Eve in paradise, innocent, pure, uncorrupted. What he saw wasn’t the same as either of you saw, and as he wiped the juice that had unwittingly slipped toward his chin, his mouth quirked into a smirk. Yes, his Halloween costume couldn’t have been more accurate.
As Sirius stared at the two of you with a gaze almost too lustful for the coy scene he was watching, you reached up to touch Remus’ neck – which finally seemed to get a reaction from the boy. He shied away from your hand, his head instinctively bending to the side and his shoulder rolling upwards as he tried to inch himself away from it. You smiled, making use of the distraction to place both hands on his shoulders.
There was no way in hell you could win with your strength alone, but they didn’t call you Vixen just because you could turn into a fox, rather it was because of how resourceful you were. Or perhaps your animagus had turned out a fox because of how resourceful you were, what came first, the phoenix or the flame? Whichever it might have been, it was still one of your best qualities and you’d be damned if you didn’t use any of your quick wits to give yourself an advantage in the situation.
Using his distraction, you pressed both of your hands on his shoulders, focusing as much as you could to cast a silent Impedimenta. It wasn’t nearly as effective as if you had used a wand, but it was enough to get his legs to go limp You kicked the one in between your legs to the left while you pushed both his shoulders to the right, successfully inverting the position you’d been on. He was so shocked as he landed on the bed that he just gawked at you, giving you just enough time to take his wand from the side and pointed it at his neck. Both of you knew you would never hurt him, but it was one of the ways to mark a duel as finished, leaving your opponent unarmed, and at the end of their own wand as a sign of defeat.
“Do you surrender?” you asked, looking down at him with a smile as you tried to catch your breath, both of your legs rested on either side of his torso as your chest heaved up and down. You had that same triumphant smile you’d sometimes make after stopping a goal on the Quidditch pitch. Or the one you’d had for a split second as you caught the snitch in that one game, at least before you fell on the swampy water.
Remus was far too stunned to speak, and Sirius was absolutely delighted as he plopped another strawberry in his mouth. He would have already dragged you down for a kiss by then. Perhaps I’m not the only one, he thought after noticing something interesting in Remus’ eyes.
Remus swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down his throat as he looked at you; he had somehow recovered himself from your Impedimenta, enough to turn things back around if he’d wanted to, but there was something about you looking at him the way you were that he wasn’t sure he was ready to change yet.
He drank you in for one more moment, eyes flashing gold before he used one of the arms still on the bed to force himself into a sitting position while the other one snatched his wand from your hand in a move so fast you barely saw coming. Once he was halfway up, and you started sliding down his torso, he used his now free hand and placed it behind your back so that you wouldn’t fall to the floor.
“Do you?” he asked once he was sitting on the bed, you’d landed on his lap facing him, but it didn’t take you as long to recover as it had taken him, you could feel the tip of his wand on the side of your neck now, right under your jaw, barely pressing against you, both of his arms caging you to him. When an attacker's wand came from behind it was much harder to get out of it, but that didn’t mean Nightshade hadn’t taught you how to do it. The catch here was that you didn’t really want to.
Remus noticed your eyes sparkling as they moved across his face, a gaze so piercing and calculating it almost made him nervous; it had that same confident quality Sirius’ often had, and when your eyes landed on his lips, he realised that perhaps you hadn’t been that wrong with your initial assumption. Sirius looked at the two of you, tilted his head to the side, and locked the door with a silent spell, trying to make the entire thing as quiet as possible. Not that either of you would have noticed, not with how enthralled you were with one another.
Instead of responding, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his, his hands instantly pulling you closer to him. It was instinctive the way he held you to him, lips crashing against each other, scrambling together, hungry, mad, loaded with lust and desire, some of the tension from earlier slowly dissolving into into zest, into the intrinsic need for one another, the natural magnetism that already drew the two of you close to one another, comme il faut.
Sirius had to resist the urge to whistle at the sight, he wanted to tease the two of you madly, but you’d probably stop kissing if he did, and the idea of losing the sight of you sitting on Remus’ lap as you pretty much devoured his lips was dreadful. He didn't think he’d mind just sitting there watching while the two of you fucked each other senseless, perhaps he’d even encourage it; after all, Remus hadn't yet gotten to feel you the way he had, so perhaps things should be evened out before the three of you tried something together. Not that either of you had forgotten about Sirius. In fact, knowing that he was watching was perhaps making the entire ordeal even more stimulating.
But ‘resourceful’ wasn’t the only characteristic that could describe you. You were also incredibly competitive, and the little tickling duel from earlier wasn’t something you wanted to lose either, so while you kissed Remus, and felt the wand in his hand travel from your back to the front, you traced a line brushing your fingers from his forearm to his hand, and then snatched the wand from his hands, as if you were helping him get rid of it. He already had his hand on your cheek when you pointed the wand against his ribs and pulled back from the kiss with a smile. He leaned onto you for a whole second before finally pulling back with a confused realization.
“What–” he started.
You tilted your head to the side and lowered your gaze towards the wand against his ribs. “How about you surrender?” you said, soft breath fanning against his face as you recovered from the lack of air and the thumping of your heart against your chest, as calmly as you could. The way you were looking at him, a mix between teasing and kissed-dumb, oozing confidence, was almost too much to bear, absolutely maddeningly attractive.
Sirius didn’t hold back this time around and wolf-whistled, the sound almost blending with both yours and Remus’ heartbeats.
“You–” he let out a soft, airy laugh as he looked at your soft hand holding his own wand against him for the second time in the last couple of minutes. “You kissed me as a distraction,” he chuckled.
“I kissed you because I wanted to.“ you corrected. “It being a perfect distraction was nothing but a happy coincidence.”
He shook his head in amusement and you pressed the wand to his rib a little harder, as if that could make any difference, “Go on, wave the white flag.”
Remus gave you a challenging look as if he was thinking of another way to take his wand from you. He could have, if he really wanted to, he’d just have to push you to the side, neither of you was going to actually use magic on each other. But his thoughts were more aligned with yours than it seemed: he didn’t want you off him either.
“Just say you are and go back to snogging,” Sirius whispered to himself as if he were watching a movie or reading an extremely exhilarating book. Of course, Remus heard him, even if you didn’t. Luckily, he wasn’t nearly as competitive as you were. Being around James and Sirius – who were basically brilliant at anything they tried – had taught him that he didn’t need to be the fastest or the best at something to be remarkably good at it. Besides, who gave a damn about winning when losing would bring your lips back to his.
He turned to the wand again, and when he pulled his gaze from it. Then, he looked straight at you, his eyes flashing golden for a second before he said, “I surrender,” creating an oxymoron with the defying manner in which he spoke. His lips curled just slightly upwards as his gaze focused solely on yours.
“What a little shit,” Sirius whispered, this time aware Remus would hear.
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @mothraantics @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies @barking4you @profoundpidgeon
A/N: Well, I have not been writing as much as I used to but I'm forcing myself to do it by posting some of my back up chapters (I've written like 9 ahead of posting –I guess it's only 8 now). And you know what would be lovely and uplifting? To see your thoughts and comments! Either way, as always: Love, Lils
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[ChillOmenstober] Day 19: "St James Park"
Muriel had a rough day in the Bookshop and needed some fresh air. Crowley brought them in St James Park for a stroll. Seems like our little sunshine angel found new friends there - and Crowley too.


Did you know? Some many animals in London Parks! Birds and ducks and swans of course, but squirrels, foxes, owls, and pelicans too!!
Even our sweet James the hedgehog from our Discord 💕
Linktree - Masterpost
Prompt list by @gribouli !! (and... omggggg next one it's "WINGS")

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#good omens#artists on tumblr#31daysofgoodomens#chillomenstober#good omens fandom#art challenge#crowley#my art#elenthyaandgoodomens#Red art#or not?#31DOGO#muriel#elenthya draws#WINGS WINGS WINGS!#ineffable husbands#david tennant#quelin sepulveda#artists of after dark
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BADSANSUARY prompt 6: pepper PREV // NEXT
drew enough food related stuff already so I decided to pepper him with y'all's kisses :^) enjoy
horror - sourapplestudios badsansuary hosted by owl-bones
#badsansuary#bad sanses#utmv#horror sans#horrortale#horrortale sans#utmv fanart#utmv au#ut aus#ut au#utmv sans#dtdrawz art#bad sans gang
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Prompt Day 12: Ow!
Word Count: 999
Rating: T
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
CW: descriptions of sex
Summary: Eddie explains how he injured his wrist, much to your embarrassment
“This is going to be awful,” you complain, sliding down in your seat at the lunch table.
With a sigh, you reach up and rub a hand over your face.
Eddie chuckles and nudges your ankle with his booted foot under the table. You move your hand to nervously tug on the bottom of the black beanie you’re wearing—or rather, Eddie’s black beanie.
“Oh, relax,” he says.
Letting your hand drop, you give your boyfriend a pointed glare.
“You do realize I’m a part of this, too?” you ask.
“Babe,” Eddie groans, letting his head fall backwards, “they know we have sex.”
There’s no use arguing with him when he presents you with facts, so you cross your arms over your chest and sit up straighter in your chair. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Eddie smirking. He finds this way funnier than it is.
“Mac and cheese,” Gareth sing-songs as he sets his tray down across from you. “Mmm.”
“Can’t believe this is the third day in a row they’re serving meatloaf,” Jeff complains, obviously far less excited about his lunch. “I’m pretty sure this should have gone bad by now.”
“I think it did,” Frank adds, pulling out the chair next to you. The same offending meat is on his plate, and you wrinkle your nose up at the smell.
Eddie, the master of waiting for just the right moment, lets the guys dig into their food before he drops the bombshell on them.
“Well, gentlemen, I am afraid I have some unfortunate news.”
“Wassup?” Gareth asks through a mouth full of macaroni.
The three Hellfire members expect Eddie to tell them, so none bother looking up from their food. Your boyfriend gives them a few seconds, but when none of them lift their heads, he pointedly clears his throat.
Eddie makes sure all three sets of eyes are on him before he lifts his hand up from under the table and unceremoniously drops it down, the white cast landing with a thud.
“What happened?” Jeff asks.
“Is that your—dude, that’s your right hand! How are you gonna play guitar?!” Gareth has seemingly forgotten about his excitement over his meal.
“I said it was unfortunate,” Eddie says.
“Can you still DM?” Frank asks.
Letting out a sigh, you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Sometimes you wish you weren’t the only girl at this table.
“‘Course,” Eddie answers, waving his uninjured hand dismissively.
“What happened?” Jeff asks again.
Eddie lets out a snort of laughter and his eyes dart to you. The weight of your friends’ stares is hard to ignore. Face already heating up, you rub a hand over your forehead and avoid looking at any of them. The fabric of the beanie rolls up at your repeated motions, so you tug it back down and cross your arms once more.
“So,” Eddie starts, a mischievous smile on his face as he leans on the table, “I’m laying in bed, on my back—”
“Oh God,” Gareth interrupts. “Did you actually injure your wrist from jerking off?”
“Anyway, I’m on my back and we’re, ya know, fucking.”
There’s a small sense of relief when he doesn’t say “she was riding me” out loud.
“And I flip us so I’m on top,” Eddie continues. “My knee must’ve landed on a soft spot when I got upright, because suddenly there’s a loud crack and the bottom left corner of my bed collapses.”
“Oh fuck, so you fell off and hurt your wrist?” Frank asks.
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p”.
“I ignored it,” Eddie says with a laugh, “and just kept going. Since all my blood was down south, it didn't cross my mind that the whole frame holding the mattress up was wrecked. So, at one point I went to put my weight on my right hand near the middle of the bed. Next thing I know, her eyes get as wide as a goddamn owl’s, and right where my hand is gives out and we’re falling.” Eddie pauses to laugh, both at the memory and at the truth in what he says next. “I didn’t care, I still didn’t stop. And neither did she.” At this, Eddie throws you a wink and your face feels hot as a flame.
“Okay Aesop, get on with it,” you say.
“My hand is still on the same spot on the mattress and with the angle we’re tilted at now, I put even more weight on my hand so I can use the momentum to my advantage.”
The looks of interest on the guys’ faces makes you wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. They look enraptured by your sex tale.
“I guess I overestimated my own strength,” Eddie says with a shrug.
“Or you had too much weight on your wrist,” you mumble under your breath.
“And I,” Eddie mimes thrusting his hips and you hide your face in your hands, “which was too much for my arm and it gave out. I fell smack down, my head knocks right against hers, and my wrist twists beneath me before I land on it with most of my body weight.”
The guys all wince as you replay the memory in your mind.
“So,” Eddie concludes with a dramatic sigh, “that is the story of my sex injury.”
Gareth begins a sarcastic slow clap, in which Jeff and Frank join.
Despite the smile on your face, you complain to the guys, “You’re all idiots.”
The guys cease their applause and Jeff nods his head at you.
“You escaped unharmed even with this hard head falling on you?” he asks.
You take a deep breath. All four guys at the table watch as you push the beanie up to expose a quarter-sized bump that’s varying shades of pink and purple as it starts to heal.
Jeff sighs and picks his fork back up.
“I knew he had a hard head.”
#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#corrodedcoffinfest#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson fic#CCF
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The Other Side
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
Part 1 Part 2 Masterlist
!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
You didn't get a chance to address the deep voice before a cloth was covering your face and the world went dark. A throbbing pain came next when you awoke. You were laying on a very luxurious bed. Looking down, you saw that you were still in your same clothing. Just a silk robe that covered your underwear. Your heart was racing as you looked around the room. Whoever lived here, lived in style. Everything looked as if it would cost you bodily organs to own.
Before the shock could wear off, the two massive double doors opened, and a man walked into the room. A mask covering his face, and his eyes watched you carefully. Your body visibly shrunk as you stared at the intimidating man across the room from you, "Ms. (L/N), I do want to apologize for the rather harsh retrieval of you. We have to take precautionary measures these days." The man said while stepping closer to you. He stepped into the moonlight, and you finally saw every detail of his mask. A golden bird mask...no owl mask. What the hell is going on?
"W-What do you want with me?" You asked, moving off of the bed once he got too close to you. The bed now served as a barrier between you and your kidnapper, but it didn't provide any comfort for you. All you could think of was being raped, and sold on the black market. Gotham City wasn't the safest city, but you never thought this would happen to you. How did this happen? There was always security watching over the bunk area every night to make sure this never happened. How did these men get in to kidnap you? Whatever the reason, you didn't feel safe with the circus anymore.
"To give you a chance...a chance to be apart of something great. My organization works from the shadows to ensure the safety of our beautiful city..." Beautiful isn't a word you would use, but sure, "You possess a talent that could be beneficial to our cause." The man picked up a remote and turned the tv on. What played was several of your acts and some of your rehearsals. All taken from vantage points, and places that you wouldn't have noticed someone watching you, "We've come to realize that our organization is seen as a myth, a boogeyman. Many criminals fear us, and with your talents...we could harness that fear." He stepped around the bed and started making his way towards you once again. The fear you felt kept your legs from moving, so this time he got uncomfortably close to you, "Join us (Y/N). Join us and help us purge Gotham of everything that taints it."
The Court of Owls. One of Gotham's scariest myths. You've heard whispers of them while spending days in the city. Some of your fellow performers even mentioned them once or twice. Everything you've ever heard was never good. This cult believes they are doing the right thing, but are harming so many in the process. You couldn't join them...you couldn't live your life in the shadows. What could ever be so wonderful about someone so full of darkness? It seemed that the man saw what you were thinking, and he backed away, "Such a shame...you would have been such a valuable asset. I'm afraid if you won't join us, then we have to do away with you. You will pose a risk to all of us." The man turned his back towards you, and you knew now was your chance. Grabbing the closest thing to you; a lamp, you hit him over the bed. The man dropped to the ground, and you ran to the window. Luckily you weren't too high from the ground, so you pushed the window open and climbed out.
You could hear voices and yelling as you dashed into the dark, raining city. You hadn't a clue where you were going, but anywhere would be better than this. The circus would be the first place they would look, so you had to find somewhere new. You could hear footsteps behind you as well as some above you. They were after you, and they were fast. Thankfully, your breathing training worked wonders. Still you were no match for these skilled men. They managed to corner you into a dead end alley. This is it. The place where your dead body would be found. It all ended here. The vile smell of puke, piss, and garbage filled your nose as you looked around at the court members closing in on you, "P-Please...I promise I won't tell anyone. Just let me go." You pleaded, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. From behind you were pushed to your knees, and you could see your reflection in the blade meant for your death.
The member lifted the blade up, but before it could meet your skin...a rope wrapped around their wrist. With a scream, they were pulled into the darkness. It felt as if all sound in the city stopped...everything went quiet. You felt fear before, but this was a new level of fear. A fear that you never would forget. A black shadow flew by, grabbing another member. This caused the rest of them to ignore you, and turned their attention to their surroundings. Now would have been the perfect time to run, but your legs were screaming. The adrenaline was wearing off, and it felt like you couldn't move an inch. A bolt of lightning flashed through the sky, right as a shadow covered the alley...a shadow of a bat. The mysterious savior dropped down on one of the members, and a fight broke out. You could only watch in awe as your savior took down every single member without much struggle. Once it was over, the figure turned towards you. Again the lighting allowed you a glimpse of him. The bat symbol of his chest matched the one in the night sky.
"Batman..." You whispered, with relief before your eyes rolled back and you slumped to the ground. Batman walked towards you, and gently picked you up from the ground. He didn't see any visible injuries besides little scrapes on your knees from being pushed to the ground. Even now you were just as beautiful as you were while performing. He held you close and summoned the Batmobile. No hospital in Gotham would be safe enough for you. He needed to take you to the batcave. There you would be safe, and he could question you.
"Alfred, get the med-bay ready. We have a guest." Batman said into his comms, after sitting you in the passenger seat. Your head leaned on the window, but your lips were starting to turn blue. Judging from your attire, you must have been getting ready for bed. With one final look over to make sure you were secure, he raced off into the streets of Gotham to the batcave.
@maxinehufflepuffprincess @tayswhp @rainycloud858 @luna-zendra-star @starlets-things @simpfourmarvel @kawaistrawberry21 @js-favnanadoongi @kodzukenmaaa @xxrougefangxx @pixviee @discocactus-world @b4tm4nn @minimoxha @crutoyu @nightw-izhu @legendarylearner18 @mangegeek17 @pixiedust0604 @that-one-fangirl69
#batman#batmom#batmom imagines#damian wayne x reader#dc comics#dick grayson x batmom#jason todd x batmom#jason todd x reader#tim drake x reader#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne x you#bruce wayne#red hood#batman and robin#robin#dick grayson imagine#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson#batman fluff#batman x reader#batfamily#nightwing
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The Celestial Bond
Steve Rogers x reader
Words: ~4k
Summary: Your friends the stars reunite you with an old friend that missed you just like you missed him.
Warnings: family trauma, reader feeling unloved, inaccurate royal au probably ... I think that's it? If not please don't hesitate to reach out
Author's Note: This is my entry for the Horny Hoes Hootenanny by the sweet @yenzys-lucky-charm and @sweater-daddiesdumbdork 💙 I'm so sorry this is late, the muse has left me but I finally managed to end it 🥰 The prompt I used was 🍁 "Here, take my sweater/coat/scarf/jacket/mittens" and Stargazing which I rolled in their little raffle 🥰 also I'm super impressed I wrote 4k words for this???
Divider by @saradika-graphics
For a long time it's just been you and the stars. Just you and the glowing orbs in the sky. Every now and then a owl that would hoot or you'd hear other animal sounds as you sat at the edge of the woods. The stars and the noises were your only friends nowadays.
Once upon a time you had friends... a friend. You'd often stargaze with him, until he had to leave. His departure marked the beginning of loss... not loss in a sense that people died but loss of friendship, of kind people around you, of your families favour.
It's not like they ever loved you, they accepted you but were not keen to have to help you. But if you were of help they liked to keep you around. Eventually they grew tired of you and became more cruel. They never got physical but their words cut deeper than any knife could have.
So eventually you left, clearly not wanted there. You took everything you owned and marched to the village on the outside of your kingdom.
It was dangerous there for sure. If a war with the neighbouring kingdom started it would be the first place to be hit. But it was cheap and you were able to rent a room over a barn with what little you had saved and nowadays earned. It wasn't much but it was home.
You worked odd jobs around the village to survive and luckily it was enough. With no special talents that are of use to work in any service you had to fall back on the jobs no one wanted to do. Clean the stables, collect hard to reach plants in the woods and so on.
Even the people of the village didn't want anything to do with you besides paying you to do the odd jobs.
Sometimes you thought about moving on to the next village but nobody would want you there either. Surviving would be harder and who knew if you'd see the stars as good as you did here? The stars, your only companions.
The energy in the air was weird today. Your little village at unease because some guards and royalty from the other kingdom travelled through earlier. Nobody knows what the royal visit would bring. Maybe they truly were just on their way through? Hopefully whatever business leads them to your king will be settled peacefully. You go about your day doing your odd jobs to earn enough money.
It's late in the afternoon when you carry some filled water buckets back to the bakery. The well is far away and the baker doesn't have time to get the supplies he needs for the evening so it's your job to do. You're just about to cross the main road when a guard from earlier with long brown hair rides past you. You take a step back to let the royal entourage through and the guard nods to you as if to say thank you for waiting. You watch them pass by. First the brown haired guard with a second next to him who even sends you, a peasant, a dashing smile.
The carriage follows. It's dark blue with golden ornaments. The most beautiful thing you've seen besides those blue eyes who watch you intently from inside. Quickly realising it must be a royal from the other kingdom you lower your head in respect.
The carriage drives past you and the last guards, a blonde man with a quiver on his back and a red haired woman pass by on their horses. Both don't pay much attention to you, exept another nod to thank you for waiting. You're confused and look after them for a moment before you hear the baker call for you from across the road. You pick up the buckets again and hurry over to fulfill your job.
With the few coins earned today and a leftover dry loaf of bread you make your way home. In your mind still plays the respect those guards or knights have shown you today. It's been the kindest thing that happened to you in a long time.
You're back in your spot late in the evening. You can't stay up for too long so you're happy the days are a bit shorter now. The stars greet you as if you're old friends, to a degree you are. They've heard many of your woes... If they could hear you quietly talk to yourself.
You lean your head back on the tree behind you, looking up at the sparkling night sky. You still know a few constellations by heart even after all these years. Others you don't know, you wish you did but that information was not meant for you. For some uneducated peasant trying to make ends meet. You wish your friend could have stayed longer all those years ago. He knew all about them and taught you what he knew. But he had to leave just as sudden as the stars leave when the sunrise rolls in.
Dry leaves crunching behind you get your attention. Steps. But not from an animal... those are human steps. You quickly get up, hiding behind the tree, watching who might approach. It's a tall, muscular figure. Long blond hair and a beard to match. The closer he comes the more details you see and soon those same blue eyes who watched you earlier fall upon you again. The person in the carriage?
You blink at him dumbfounded and take in the new details revealed by the moonlight. Brown boots, dark pants, white shirt and a dark blue cloak with an ornate design. The closer you look the more it looks like stars but your mind forces you not to dwell on it too long. This is clearly a royal or at least someone with a higher standing than you. You hurry to curtsey but his hand stops you.
"Please don't... You, especially you will never have to bow for me" his voice was smooth like honey, deep and comforting. It strangely gave you a feeling of safety and... home. You blink at him confused and he moves closer to you slowly, as if not to spook you.
His eyes wander over you and when they meet yours they seem to have found an answer to a question you don't know. You're glued to the spot you're standing just by his look alone. What would a royal want from you? Why shouldn't you bow? Did he need a new chambermaid? That probably paid well... You could maybe even do more than survive.
Your name from his lips pulls you from your mind. Your eyes snap to his and your brows knit in confusion. "How do you..." The question stays unfinished as he takes another step closer to you.
"It's me... Steve." He says softly. "Your Stevie" he adds in an almost hopeful tone. Your head shakes on its on as you try to process. This man in front of you couldn't be your Stevie. He was small, scrawny, soft... And yet the man in front of you had the same brilliant kind eyes, his voice sounded similar enough and the dirty blond of his hair matched too. How... Your Stevie was a royal? It would explain why he never came back...
Another step and he's right in front of you. With hesitation he takes your hands in his, his eyes searching yours. "Please... Please tell me you remember me." He whispers, almost desperate. "Please. I never forgot you. Always thought of you when I watched the stars at night, often dreamed of you. Of us reuniting." He adds, his words spoke nothing but truth.
"Why didn't you come back?" was the only thing able to leave your scrambled brain. His eyes turned sad and he briefly glanced away. "I wanted to... But" a brief sigh. "My father died... He. He was the king of Brooken. My mother and me left because he was cruel but when he died... We had to return. My mother took her rightful place as queen before the Rumlows could take over and rage war upon the lands. I couldn't stay. I'm so sorry... We should have taken you along." His hands squeezed yours softly.
"You're... The prince of Brooken?" You ask, looking over him once more. "The king of Brooken... I had to take over once I came off age." He explains. "A king?" Your eyes grow wide as he nods.
"But I'm still your Stevie. I may look different but I'm still your friend... Which is why when I saw you today I knew I had to come back. Find you. I was hoping you'd stargaze tonight." He admits. "I want to bring you back to my kingdom. Give you the life you deserve." He whispers, his eyes holding nothing but earnest and something else... something adoring.
"The life I deserve?" You ask, confusion clear in your face. His hands let go of yours and move to softly cup your face.
"Yes... A life with no worries, no hard work, full of people who love you" his warmth seeps through your skin and spreads around your face. His promise of a better life sounds good. And since it was your Stevie you're sure he'd keep it. A tiny part of your brain was hesitant to accept. You'd been alone for so long, you're not quite sure there's another option for you but as you look into his eyes and see the warmth they hold for you you're convinced. You nod as much as you can with his big hands cupping your face still and a brilliant smile takes over his face.
With the few belongings you wanted to take along packed you make your way to where he left his horse. He gently lifts you up before mounting behind you. His strong arms caging you into their safety as you lean back. The ride isn't too long but still takes some time. Every now and then the slowly thinning tree tops let the stars and moonlight shine through, your friends watching you as your knight in shining armour takes you home. The stars first brought you together and now helped you find your way back to each other. You smile as they twinkle down at you, as if they're winking at you.
Steve's warmth soon isn't enough as the temperature drops. He notices your shivers and slows his horse down to a stop. "Here, take my cloak" is whispered as he drapes it carefully over your shoulders, closing the button on the front so it wouldn't fall off. He carefully arranges it around to make sure the cold can't get to you. "Thank you" you say softly, looking back at him as he gives you another brilliant smile before riding off.
The sun is just coming up as you arrive at the castle. The last remains of the stars slowly fading away. You're glad they watched over your and Steve's journey back to his beautiful home.
The castle was impressive, grey stones with moss between them. The city in front of it big and beautiful. It looked well taken care of and deep in your heart you knew your Stevie would take care of his people. His horse slowly trotts through the round gate into the walls of the castle. You're greeted with a stunning fountain in the middle of a courtyard and an unimpressed redhead. You've seen her the day before.
"Care to explain why you snuck out without telling anyone where you went to?" She snaps at the man behind you. He stops his horse and shifts a bit. "I've been back in Evrat" he says calmly as if this woman wasn't furious at him. He dismounts his horse and gently helps you down.
"Evrat? Without protection? Steve!" She sounds exhausted. "You could have at the very least have taken Bucky!" Her hands are in the air before they find their place at her hips.
"You know I couldn't have done that. Because it would have woken you. And you either wouldn't have let me go or you would have told Ma." You perk up at that. His mom was still alive. She was here.
"Yeah because it's stupid to go to Evrat on your own. And for what? A woman?" She looked at you but her face gave away that she meant no offense. "Not just a woman. She's my friend! I couldn't lose her again. Not when I've spent years trying to find her." He argued, dropping the calm suddenly. He's met with a huff of frustration and a sigh.
"I'm in charge of your protection. I can't protect you if you manipulate my job. Steve... I would have come with you." Her face full of worry. "What if something would have happened?"
"I can protect myself Nat." Just as stubborn as you remember him. She lets out another huff and rolls her eyes but drops the topic, knowing fully well that arguing with Steve was senseless. Stepping closer she extends one of her hands to you. You blink at it for a moment but decide to take up her offer. She introduces herself as Natasha and you give her your name. With a nod she looks back to Steve. "Never again." Her finger pointing in his face as she warns him amuses you. As if she wasn't talking to her king. But the king in question gives her a sheepish smile in return, no anger or offense like any other king would conjure. "We'll see about that." He teases before he turns back to you.
Natasha rolls her eyes and marches off towards the brunette guard you've seen yesterday. He seems amused at her frustration and follows her inside.
Your attention is pulled back to the man in front of you. Your Stevie. He smiles softly and takes your hand in his before he leads you inside the castle.
His cloak swishes around you as you follow him through the castle. He has given you a little tour and introduced you to the most important people. Bucky, the brunette guard from yesterday and earlier, his friend even before he met you. Buckys eyes are curious as he eyes you but he stays silent. Next up is Sam, the one who gave you a brilliant smile yesterday.
"Don't worry about Bucky, he's the broody kind" he jokes with another smile as he shakes your hand. "You know what Wilson?" Bucky starts and Steve softly pulls you away from their bickering. "You'll get used to it." He chuckles lowly and directs your gaze to the blonde man from yesterday. "This is Clint, best marksman in the kingdom." Clint gives you another nod and stretches out his hand for you to take. You smile and gently shake it, introducing yourself. Natasha simply gives you another nod.
"Your mom is waiting for you at breakfast." She says, one of her eyebrows lifting at Steve. The later breaks out in a excited grin. "Mom will be so excited to see you again!" He exclaims before he takes your hand and leaves Clint and Natasha with the still bickering men.
The room you enter is warm and cozy. The dark wood of the furniture stands out against the muted tones of the fabrics that are spread around the room. There's fresh flowers on the table surrounded by all kinds of delicious food that up until now you've never even dreamt of eating. Steve squeezes your hand and leads you inside.
"Ah Steve. How generous of you to grace me with your presence" an older blond woman walks in through one of the side doors smirking, clearly teasing with her son. She's dressed in a blue robe with a sun pattern and stops short when she spies you. A few blinks later she sets herself in motion again to cup your face, her smile turning watery. "Oh my little sweetheart" she whispers, her eyes full of adoration before she hugs you tight. You melt into her motherly embrace, your heart filling with warmth. It's been a long time since you had someone being so sincere and joyed to see you. And that after all these years she clearly still remembered you? It brought tears to your own eyes. When she pulls back she's quick to wipe them away, giving you a soft smile. The skin around her eyes crinkles as she does so which reminds you just how long you haven't seen the both of them.
"I'm so glad to have you with us." She says after she whispered your name. "Please sit, eat. You must be starving!" She softly pulls you to the table and makes you sit on one of the plush chairs. Steve follows behind, a fond smile on his face as he watches you two interact. He sits down next to you and starts pouring himself some tea before his mother calls for another set of porcelain. She sits on the other side of you and holds your hand between hers, studying your face.
"You've grown into a beautiful young woman my dear" she says after a moment of silence, her blue eyes shining as they flit over your face. Steve has so many features of her. The later places a cup and plate in front of you and starts preparing your tea for you. Always caring the two of them.
Breakfast is filled with questions, answers and laughter. You're well fed and so happy after you're done. Sarah almost won't let you leave her sight but her son convinces her to let you go. At least to wash up and change your clothes. With your hand in his you follow him through the castle to a room - your room.
It's bright and sunny inside. The four poster bed is surrounded by white see through curtains. There's a vanity across from it and a fireplace nestled between two big windows. You're speechless as you take it in. This was bigger than anywhere you've lived and this was only for guests?
"I'll have the tailor make some dresses for you. For now Natasha has put some in the dresser for you to chose from. Two maids will be here soon to draw you a bath and help you." Steve explains softly as he watches you. You brush your fingertips over the soft bedding and look to him. Bathed in sunlight his hair is almost glowing like a halo. "Don't worry this won't be your room for long. They're getting yours ready at the moment. I want it to be perfect for you." He admits as he steps closer once more. You frown but before you can protest that this is more than enough he cups your cheek with one hand. His eyes are searching yours for a moment. Something flits through them and it's then that you can see him decide something. His hand drops and instead he hugs you tight.
"I missed you... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I had to leave you behind. I should have taken care of you, made sure you're safe... I... I'm sorry" his voice is full of emotions as he hugs you tighter. You're about to say something back but he continues. "But I'll take care of you now. You'll never have to miss out on anything. Your word is my command, I'll do anything for you. I'll make sure you're loved and taken care of." He pulls back a bit, his eyes are full of determination and you can see he's not saying something but before you can ask two young women walk in. They bow their heads in front of their king and Steve gives them a smile.
"I'll leave you to it... Once you're done can you inform me?" He looks at one of the maids who nods in return. "Thank you. Take good care of her. The whole relaxing experience okay?" He turns back to you and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. "I'll see you in a bit" he whispers as his arms fall to his sides. He takes you in one more time before he leaves.
The bath was strange but wonderful. It's weird to you that someone would assist you in washing yourself but you'd never felt so clean, relaxed and never smelled so good before. You were dressed in a beautiful dress and the women helped you braid your hair. You were so thankful and expressed such which was a bit surprising to them.
Once you were done one of them flitted off to tell Steve you were and within a few minutes he entered your room with a dashing smile.
"You look beautiful" he says softly as he approaches you. You blush as you thank him and try to avoid his eyes but he has different plans. His fingers softly lift your chin so he can look into your eyes. Your stomach feels like a million butterflies dance in it as you look into his beautiful blue ones. He truly was handsome and so kind to you. How could you not have feelings for him? Especially so fast. But he was a king and you were a mere commoner... nothing would ever develop out of your stupid crush.
"Your room is done. Would you like to see it?" Steve asks, his eyes still looking into yours. You nod hesitantly and are met with another dashing smile. He softly takes your hand in his and leads you through the castle. You stop in front of the door next to his room, you remember from the tour he gave you earlier. Your brows furrow a bit. Wasn't the room next to the kings reserved for his queen? Before you can address it and ask Steve about it he opens the door to a sunlit beautiful room. It's bigger than the first room you've been in and decorated in mostly white and and light blue. The bedding is a dark blue with white stitching. When you look closer it's a thousand little stars stitched into the dark blue fabric. You're in awe at that alone.
“I… this is my room? Steve…” he squeezes your hand and looks at you. “It is. Do you like it?” His eyes look hopeful as he asks his silly question. “Like it? I love it! It's breathtaking… thank you” you smile at him before you decide to hug him. He's done more than enough for you but now he gives you such a wonderful room too? “But… it's right next to yours. Doesn't that make it the bridal suite?” You ask and he tenses a bit in your arms.
“Yes… it is.” He licks his lips as he looks at you. “So I need to move out once you get married?” You look from his lips to his eyes. He shakes his head, he seems to be contemplating. “No. Yes? If… you… I mean.” He takes a deep breath and suddenly looks determined. “I want you to be my bride. My future queen. My love. So you wouldn't have to move out unless you want to share my bed.” He says and your jaw almost drops to the floor. You? A queen?
As if he can sense your inner turmoil he softly cups your face again. “You'd be more than perfect being a queen. And you deserve it. You deserve a good life with people who love you. They'll all do… I'll just love you most” he adds the last part in a whisper. You look at him, still a bit unsure but before your thoughts tell you otherwise he softly kisses you. All doubts are out of your brain immediately as his lips softly move against yours.
He loves you. He truly does. And he'll be making sure you'll always feel that way, you'll never only have the stars on your side… now you have him too.
#hornyhoeshootenanny#marvel fanfic#marvel fic#steve rogers#steve rogers fanfic#steve rogers fic#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers fluff#royal au#sarah rogers#natasha romanoff#sam wilson#bucky barnes#clint barton
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 9
Prompt: Icy Roads
Rated: T
Tags: Fantasy AU; Demons; Deal with a devil; Slight blood and gore; Blood drinking
The full moon is almost at its zenith by the time Eddie reaches the crossroads outside the village. It's a few days until the solstice, and even though there's no wind, the air has that unforgiving bite to it that comes with clear, starry winter nights. His toes are aching in his threadbare boots - that dull, throbbing pain that means they're going to go numb soon. He grits his teeth and ignores them, stiff fingers fumbling in his bag for the supplies.
He didn't account for how difficult it would be, etching the runes into the ground. The earth and mud are frozen solid, covered in a thin sheen of glittering ice. He casts his stick aside after the first futile attempt, opting to use his dagger instead, and even so, it's agonizingly slow work. Eddie swears under his breath, casting nervous glances at the moon overhead. The witching hour will be over soon. When his circle is finally complete, his neck is drenched in sweat and his breath fogs around him in puffy clouds. He doesn’t waste any time, scrambling up and standing by the side of the circle. His hands are so numb he hardly feels the pain of the blade slicing through his palm. He waits impatiently for the blood to well up, then holds his hand out.
“What are you doing?”
Eddie yelps and whirls. The precious red droplets burst outside the circle.
There's a boy standing behind him, watching him curiously. He must've come from the village, even though Eddie is sure he's never seen him around. He'd remember if he had.
He's striking. More beautiful than anyone else Eddie has seen in his sixteen winters. Smooth, soft skin with dark moles scattered all over it, like the stars in the sky above. His clothes are unlike anything Eddie has ever seen, rippling around him like water turned fabric. Shiny and precious and way too thin for a night like this. Some merchant's or nobleman's son, probably, passing through on his way to wherever it is that rich people go.
“Fuck off,” he snaps, clenching and unclenching his hand in an attempt to draw more blood. “Can't you see I'm busy?”
The boy doesn't fuck off. His footsteps crunch in the frozen mud as he walks closer. Eddie tries to ignore him, even though he can feel his breath on his neck.
“Are you trying to summon a demon?”
Eddie groans.
“No,” he grits out. A thin red rivulet is trickling down his shaking fingers. Not enough. Not nearly enough. “I'm not trying, I am summoning a demon, so get outta here before-”
“No, you're not.”
Eddie whips around. The boy doesn't flinch, even though the burst of movement almost knocks their noses together.
“What the hell would you know about that?”
The boy shrugs, meeting his glare with an infuriatingly bright smile. “I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that rune is upside down.”
“It’s not-” Eddie starts to say, but then he follows the boy's gaze and his stomach lurches. “Shit!”
He drops to his knees, frantically trying to smooth out the earth and redo his work, but the ground is rock hard and his bloodied fingers keep slipping on the hilt of the dagger and his nose is stinging and the rune is starting to blur in front of his eyes.
“It's no use,” says the boy, not unkindly. “You'll never fix it on time. You can always come back next month, or in spring even, when the ground is-”
“No, I can't!” Eddie yells. His voice cracks. In the shrubbery by the roadside, a tiny animal takes off in flight. “I can't wait because he'll be dead by next month, so shut the fuck up and leave me alone!”
Silence drops. Somewhere in the night, an owl hoots, long and mournful.
“Dead?” asks the boy. He had crouched down so that his face is level with Eddie’s, peering at him with the same calm curiosity as before. “Who'll be dead?”
Eddie wipes his eyes, smearing tears and blood all over his face.
“My uncle. He's sick, and it's been getting worse, he doesn't have time-”
The boy snorts, disbelieving and bewildered. “What, you don't have healers in your village?”
And Eddie doesn’t know why, but he almost tells him. About how they're too poor to afford one. About how, even if they could, nobody would come and help them. How it's all his fault. He, who killed his own mother in childbirth, who seems to be followed by bad luck wherever he goes. No way any of the superstitious townspeople would mess with that.
“This is pretty serious business, what you're attempting here. It's no joke, entering a contract with a demon.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Eddie snivels, watching his hand in his lap. Now it's bleeding, of course. Now that it's too late. “You think I don't know that?”
“You're willing to accept the consequences, then? Sign over your body and soul? Obey their every order? Serve them in this life and beyond, and swear allegiance to no other master?”
“Fuck, yeah, whatever,” Eddie growls. “All of that, if that's what it takes. What's it to-”
And then he looks up and his voice fails.
The boy is smiling, wide and satisfied. His eyes are gold, glowing with an inner light that puts the moon to shame. His pupils are thin slits.
“I've stated my terms and you’ve accepted,” the boy says. In spite of the frost, his hand is warm as it closes around Eddie’s wrist. His nails are sharp. “Just as I accept your offering.”
His tongue tickles Eddie’s skin as he drags it over the cut in his palm, lapping up the blood.
“The contract is valid, and your wish shall be granted. From this night, you're mine.”
More holiday drabbles
It's not how Eddie expected to sell his soul, but he'll take all he can get.
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