#newly discovered
soulofawander · 1 year
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duubsite · 6 days
Life, Death, and the Newly Discovered 'Third State'
Life, Death, and the Newly Discovered “Third State” In the realm of biology, the boundaries of life and death have always been seemingly clear. However, recent findings have introduced a groundbreaking paradigm: a “third state” of existence that shatters conventional definitions. This discovery not only redefines what it means to be alive or dead but also has profound implications for medicine…
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astro1derland · 2 years
Mercury Trines Mars
In today's transits, Mercury at 16° Aquarius forms a Trine to Mars at 16° Gemini. Our thought processes work seemlessly with our motivation for victory in a rational and thought provoking way.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 days
Prompt 349
(So Dredge has new DLC, which means my Merfolk & Eldritch Ghosts has gained new inspiration) 
Now, if one were to ask what happened to Amity Park, many people would ask what you were even talking about. The city was rather out of sight, out of mind, to say the least- even without the government coverup. 
It was well known, to those that even knew of the town in the first place, that it was a ghost town, abandoned from sinkhole problems, roads diverted and fences put up to prevent people from entering. Of course, if one made it past that first fence, and then the overgrown wall, and then another electrified net, and through the invisible barrier not meant to keep them out but something else in, they’d know that wasn’t true. 
Oh sure, one could claim some sort of sinkhole, what with how the only building not half destroyed was some mimicry of a floating rig, standing strong in the dark waters that now covered everything else. But even a sinkhole should not go so deep, waters turning from pitch darkness to a heavy green… several hundred miles deeper than the deepest trenches. 
And the denizens of the water didn’t appreciate the rig protected by its tower, or the boats of white protected by buzzing barriers that tried to heave them from the waters for study. Yes, what happened to Amity Park was far more a mystery than it should be, unless you were one of those once-humans in the depths. 
But well, it wasn’t the GIW who would be asking them. 
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As you can guess, the bill is not a good one.
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chodzacaparodia · 9 months
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A new obsession is born
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cosmossystem · 5 months
saw another post like this so i wanted to weigh in as well. to newly-discovered (or newly-created) systems, i want you to know that someday itll come easier to you- and even if it doesnt, youll learn to be ok with it.
you blur a lot? thats ok, you dont always need to know whos around. you have a sudden burst of splits/new headmates? thats ok, it happened to all of us at some point. you cant access headspace very easily? thats fine, maybe you will or maybe you just never do. you cant switch easily? its ok, many of us cant either. you cant tell if you have internal communication? dont worry, many systems cant. you dont have set roles? its fine, you dont need to. youre somewhere between multiple and median? hey, thats more common than you think. you have a lot of dissociation or amnesia? it gets easier, i promise. you dont know if youre really a system or "just" something else? no worries, you have time. you dont know how you formed? its fine, you have time.
weve been in plural spaces for eight years now, and so often we see new systems apologizing for not having everything down, or not understanding how they work yet. but youve only just gained legs. dont apologize for not knowing how to run. you have to crawl, first.
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 6 months
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flocking drawings!!
Young Altispinax preparing to do a mating display
Thyreosaurus slaying a Theropod
Ornithoprion just swimming round
Mama Mapusaurus bringin home a Chakisaurus carcass for her daughter
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doodlingwren · 1 year
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plural-culture-is · 4 months
newly discovered plural culture is. alright. is this a headmate who's been around for a while finally introducing themself. or is this our local shapeshifter messing with us
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soulofawander · 1 year
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lienwyn · 2 years
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... I regret nothing.
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intersex-culture · 2 months
newly discovered intersex culture is having INSANE imposter syndrome. I'm pretty sure my experience growing up was perisex... but there was this thing, and that thing, and that other thing, and that thing also about my body and especially the way some other people recount my experiences that was always sort of weird, but I just thought was normal for me because nothing was "obvious". I'm sure it all doesn't mean anything! I'm just overexaggerating for validation because doctors I rarely saw never said anything was up with me and it wasn't like I've faced overt intersexism in my life. Clearly this means I am faking for attention, when I have no intent to.
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is seeing the baby aros whose misery stems from their aromanticism and wanting to reach out and wrap all them in a big, verbal hug of reassurance that not feeling something isn't the end of the world and we all find our own happiness in time whether we partner up or not
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galwednesday · 4 months
Removed a wasp from my bedroom without bloodshed. Peace and love on planet earth
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jessieren · 23 days
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The newly discovered 'Purposeful-stache'
Not sure where he's going but that's a man with a plan right there...
Plus I hope that's our contract under his arm and he's off to study it carefully...
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