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Replies to “A rough night and a dizzy morning on Saturenorn Northeney…. One...”
Re: night sky/graphics/lighting mod
@declarations-of-drama, @sixamsims, @titosims, @willky12, @acquiresimoleons, @goatkibble, @lifeasasim, @newlibertysims
Thank you for your helpful comments! I used indeed a lighting mod. So, now back to square one and trying to figure out, how these things work :P
Re: all those kind words!
@maramaja06, newlibertysims, @simblu, willky12, @galadrielhs-simblr, @amphorasims.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments on Northeney! It started as a vacation world but somehow grew during the process :P So, once it is released, stay for a vacation or forever :)
#maramaja06#newlibertysims#simblu#replies#willky12#galadrielhs-simblr#amphorasims#lifeasasim#goatkibble#acquiresimoleons#titosims#sixamsims#declarations-of-drama#sims 3 custom world#northeney#sims 3 scenery#nornities
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My Tumblr Crushes:
<3 <3
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Overdue Replies
Holy crap, this is long, OMG. I’m so sorry.
For @pensblr, @bunsblr, @shaonharryandpannisim, @newlibertysims, @fuzzyspork, @littleblondesim, @kayleigh-83, @penig, @damask-wallpaper, @acquiresimoleons, @sim-pudding-faces, @digitalangels, @celebkiriedhel, @unoriginalkirsten, @alicephant, annnnnnnnnnd @landgraab.
pensblr replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
Thank you! Love the high-res textures. Lately, I have been on a swap-out as many low-res textures as possible kick.
Ohhhhhh, then you are either going to love me or want to murder me in my sleep. Possibly both. :)
But yeah, I decided I wanted all the things high-res for this new Strangetown project. Mostly because I’m going to be photo-editing all the pictures and I want things as nice-looking as possible to start with and not have to worry about pixellation in the background if I’m taking close-ups and stuff. So, that means I have to make a lot of crap since I’m pretty much building a downloads folder from the ground up for it. Build mode first, since I’ll be building lots for the place soon...
bunsblr replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
One can never have enough paneling!
That’s my feeling! It’s versatile! You can use it inside as paneling or outside as vertical siding. Both were big mid-century, which is pretty much what I’ll be building so...yeah. One sets of walls, multiple purposes.
shaonharryandpannisim replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
I had resisted the pull of those sofas. But I can NOT, for the love of Maxis, resist THESE.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
newlibertysims replied to your photo “Napoleon, not being an asshole. For once. He actually got along quite...”
That street needs a Cat Licking sign.
Orrrrr the cat needs to stay out of the road. Then again, cats like roads. Nice and waaaaaaaaarm.... :)
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Napoleon, not being an asshole. For once. He actually got along quite...”
It's a good thing random cars don't drive past the lots in TS2. XD
They do when you have that fire hydrant that makes car pool vehicles drive by occasionally! I’m not using that in this neighborhood, though. Not yet, anyway. I don’t reckon it has much vehicle traffic, what with there being only three households and all. :)
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Meanwhile, over at the pool hall, schmoozing with Review Guy has its...”
http://www.wordlab.com/name-generators/ :)
See, I knew someone would point me at one! :) *is lazyass* Thank you!
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
In which my eyes roll so hard they fall out of my head and across the floor...... lmao honestly anon, get a life.
They have a life! IT IS FULL OF CHEAP WHISKEY! ;)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “I can’t be the only one who thinks the poses that Sim-kids strike...”
So agree! I kind of wish Sims retained some of it as they age, like maybe more active Sims stayed more "active" sleepers? Would have been extra cute!
It would have been! I mean, some people never grow out of being restless, flailing, bed-hogging sleepers. *side-eyes husband*
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Heh. Took a break from hurling invective at the game’s lighting to...”
That's such a creative idea to make Sim paintings out of it! I love hanging art or photography in my Sims homes that are of their own world, it adds a kind of realism I appreciate! Just like we would hang photos or paintings of our own world.
I have always kinda wanted to do the “take in-game pics and turn them into family pictures” thing...but I’ve never actually done it. One, because I just don’t have the patience to do posing. Two, because even if I had the patience I’m utterly bewildered by poseboxes. Like, how on Earth do you keep track of which box has what poses? Especially because most of them “helpfully” give the poses names like “Pose 1.” I’m just all WTF when it comes to them.
But I can do scenery pics as paintings/photos, yeah!
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Heh. Took a break from hurling invective at the game’s lighting to...”
NICE! Also, if you ever want to hate something that used to be fun for you, just do it as your job for a while. XD
Exactly! That’s why I really didn’t want to be a musician when I grew up! I wanted to be an architect! Unfortunately, math and I have that whole hate/hate relationship going on, so no architecture degree for me! And, as it turns out, music is the only bankable talent I have, given that I have no interest in having a “real job” with bosses and stuff because I’d just get my ass fired if I tried to have one. So, here we are! Thankfully, it didn’t kill my lurve. Probably because it’s such a wide-ranging field, so if you hammer on one aspect of it as your job, there are all sorts of other things you can do for fun.
penig replied to your photoset “OK, game-graphics nerds! I haz question! (Yes, @celebkiriedhel, I’m...”
I had to look intensely to see what you were talking about. I do notice that in my game and I think of it as realism. Because you can see the lines between panels and breadths of wallpaper IRL.
Well, yeah, I can see that with wallpaper. It does have seams IRL, at least. But for flat painted walls, where the “gradient thing” is the most noticeable because there’s otherwise no pattern to distract your eye? Yeah, that doesn’t work as well. :) *still busily hurling invective at Maxis and their stupid lighting calculations and going why, why, WHYYYYYYYYY?!*
damask-wallpaper replied to your photoset “Technicolor was a series of processes used in filmmaking mostly...”
What a fun idea! Who doesn't love the technicolor look?
I love, love, love old movies, with a special fondness for B-movies from the 50s/60s done on the cheap with bad Technicolor when Technicolor was no longer cool. So, yeah, I love the look, myself, whether it’s done well or badly. I think it’ll be fun to photoedit pics for retro-Strangetown.
I kinda wonder if it might be possible to get ReShade to make the game itself look like it’s in Technicolor, but I’ve never managed to get ReShade to work with my TS2 install, so I can’t experiment with that. :(
acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset “Since his mama had decided to visit, Steven made a special dinner....”
Yaaay werewolf! (I'm pretty sure that's what's happening anyway lmao)
Yup, he’s a werewolf! :) I’ve always liked the transformation sequence in TS2. It’s so drama-ful. :)
sim-pudding-faces replied to your photo “And then it was time for Baby Aaron to grow up… Ermagerd, he’s cute!...”
Aww.. lil guy is trying to be stud at an early age, eh?
It’s all about the laydeez! Or maybe about the bois! Or maybe both! Dunno what he’ll like yet. But yes, a stud from infancy, he is. ;)
digitalangels replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
I'd love to see how anon's game looks to see what is "stepping it up" in their books but I bet they're too much coward to give their name for us to see. And anyway, isn't half of the point in Sims games customizing it to look how *you* want *your* game to look like or have I been doing it wrong all these years?
Yeah, it’s kind of funny how such people who leave such messages don’t give you any points of reference. “Stepping it up” is meaningless without such things. I mean, how else are we to know if we’re “stepping it up” properly?
No, really, I think some people are just really offended by non-Maxis-match and/or using older CC and/or shinier hair/skin textures these days. But, I’m uninterested in Maxis-match (for my own game; I like looking at other Maxis-matchers’ pics, though!), and I like a bit of shine because we do not live in a matte/cartoony world, so such folks and me will just never see eye-to-eye when it comes to game aesthetics. And that’s OK by me, but apparently not by them. Or something. I’m still going with “bottle of whiskey + nothing better to do on a Friday night so let’s *hurr hurr* try to make people angry” theory. To each their own!
newlibertysims replied to your photo “GilsCarburg, in moody Technicolor. ;) OK gotta stop fiddling with this...”
Reminds me of lazy, hazy, crazy days of...fall. XD
Fall! Fall is good! I can’t wait to get this whole summer business over with! I need to live in a place where it’s fall year-round. Which pretty much means another planet, but hey! I’m game for that!
newlibertysims replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
Nothing wrong with being 2008 hot. Just ask Jenna Marbles!
*had to look up Jenna Marbles because I’m totally un-hip to the whole “youtube personality” thing* But yeah! Totally! Other than finding my soulmate in 2013, I think this decade totally bites, personally. Actually, now that I think about it, so far this century ain’t so great, IMO. Tonight, we’re gonna party like it’s 1999. ;)
penig replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
I think, from the voice of certain anons you've responded to lately that you've picked up my stalker. She doesn't like taking responsibility for what she says by putting a face on. And she is persistent as heck.
O RLY?! Oh, the fun we will have, then! Bring it on, anon, bring it on!
fuzzyspork replied to your link “Tips For Manipulating The Sourness Of Your Sourdough”
Ah! I needed this too! I always hated the sourdough we used to make because it was way too tangy (hubby loved it though). He works for a German company and one of the managers offered him some of her 100+ year old starter. I'll have to give it a shot.
Oh, yeah, totally. I’d definitely take her up on her offer. Even if it’s not to your taste to start, you can futz with it. You could even split it and develop a tangier starter and a not-so-tangy one, to suit both your tastes. ‘Course, then you’ve got double the upkeep, but it might be worth it...
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
TS2 is 13 years old. I have no idea what "step it up to 2017" even means.
Right? I mean, TS2 is almost from the last century and all. Why must we force it into crappy 2017? I think it would make it cry. ;)
...Unless we’re talking 2017BCE. That would be cool...
celebkiriedhel replied to your photo “Steven does the annoyed potty-training faces, too. Yes, it’s an...”
But what a manly hairy chest!!
Yeah, the GilsCarbo men are hairballs. ;) Well, the three of them so far, anyway. ;)
celebkiriedhel replied to your post “acquiresimoleons replied to your post: ...”
I used to keep mine on top of the fridge - the top of the fridge was warm from the motor. :)
That’s a good spot, too! The fridges in our places are built-ins, though, so you can’t put stuff on top of them. Which actually sort of sucks, but on the other hand the aesthetics of built-ins please me, so....Rock, hard place. ;)
celebkiriedhel replied to your link “Tips For Manipulating The Sourness Of Your Sourdough”
Thanks for this! I used to make my own bread when I was younger, and I miss having a sourdough starter living in my house.
It is rather fun when the oldest thing in your house is a living being. :)
celebkiriedhel replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
LOL. Lets play 'How old the anon is'! My guess is early teens, with an entitlement phase of a toddler.
Yeah, if the “whiskey + lack of social life” theory isn’t correct, then I’m going with Age ~15. (No offense to sane 15-year-olds out there, but some of y’all...) Of course, being 15 and the “whiskey + lack of social life” theory aren’t necessarily mutually-exclusive, so...
unoriginalkirsten replied to your photo “And then it was time for Baby Aaron to grow up… Ermagerd, he’s cute!...”
That is spectacular baby balancing right there!
Like those folks who can balance spinning basketballs on their fingertips! Of course, balancing a spinning baby is far more impressive...
alicephant replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
Lol how dare you have a game that you find aesthetically pleasing �� anon is a poo head.
Is it just me, or is “poo head” just a way better insult than “shithead?” I mean, the former, when done right, is just so much more condescending. (And not in the Regency-era sense of the word, either. ;) ) But yeah, I agree. :)
landgraab replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
"I don't like *your* game, so change it!!!"
Pretty much, yeah. Ya gotta wonder how anyone would think that such a demand would actually work, that anyone would just change everything about what they do in the game because some people don’t like their aesthetic. I mean, it’s not like those of us who don’t conform to “popular” trends are somehow unaware that we’re not conforming to popular treads. Especially when our general pattern in life is being deliberate in our refusal to conform to popular trends about anything, not just a silly game. ;)
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newlibertysims replied to your photo: thosefuckingsims: ivo-sims: They’re really...
It should have been a part of a free update. Sell us the other stuff, EA!
What gets me is how laundry is supposed to somehow fit into an ‘Eco Friendly’ pack, you know how much electricity washers and dryers take!? A fucking lot! Unless they plan on giving us a washboard with hard bar soap and a metal basin to doing the washing part in, with lines to hang and do the drying on. than laundry is not “eco friendly” at all, no matter what the Maytag commercials might say.
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Finally figured out how to do replies so I will try to reply to things now.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo: Could Use Some Help! I was
thinking it would be...
Perhaps you should include about whether or not you want CC
Ah yes I did mention this, I just made it clearer in the original post now. I don’t mind it if used sparingly.
mwthesims3 replied to your photo: Could Use Some Help! I was thinking it would be...
At the moment I’m making the fire station. It will be rusty due to its place.
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
newlibertysims replied to your photo:
Could Use Some Help! I was thinking it would be...
I don't want to make any promises I can't keep, but I kind of want to try building a fire station and/or consignment store for Willapa Valley. So maybe?. :) And if you're not opposed to EA lots, Ambitions came with a few 20x30 Junkyard lots that would go great with any world. They're pretty run-down.
It would be awesome if you do! Oh yeah and I just checked out the junkyard that came with Pets and it would fit fine haha. A salon/tattoo parlor would be good too!
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Guys, I agree, so much. Unfortunately, I know the neighbors well enough that I can’t pretend to feign ignorance about who she belongs to. And the residents have been here almost a year and, if the home owner ‘wins’ the house in his divorce, I imagine they’ll continue renting from him.
Judy was in my backyard for six hours before I finally texted the owner again, asking if she would be home anytime soon. She replied “I won’t. Can you just put her back in my yard?” So, she KNEW Judy was in my yard (I mean, I told her she was, but she remembered) and she didn’t think to mention how late she would be home earlier. Or ask me if I had plans. My husband is on duty today and wanted me to drive up to bring him something. Couldn’t go. Not to mention, she already escaped from the yard once. I didn’t have much of a choice though because my dogs needed to be able to use their yard. So I took Judy back and secured the post as tight and deep as I could. Hopefully it stays until the owner gets back “late tonight”, whatever that means.
What really, really upsets me was that she planned on leaving her dog, all day, out in the sun and heat with no shelter and, from what I could tell when I went in, no food or water either. Animal Control closed not too long after I initially contacted the owner and they’re closed tomorrow. If she escapes again, she’s staying in my yard until I contact an official. Because this stuff has got to stop.
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newlibertysims replied to your photoset: Helen and Blue Bellum and Meta Taylor’s turn.
Is one of them named Sera? :)
Thanks to @penig, who created the university Helen and Meta come from, Helen’s sister-in-law is named Sara Bellum :).
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5 Random Facts
I was tagged by @newlibertysims! Thank you <3
1. My life’s ambition is to have a big house with a large plot of land so that I can rescue lots of abandoned and abused dogs and make them happy. 2. The first online community that I joined was the Creatures Community, based around the Creatures series of games. I was fourteen at the time. 3. I absolutely love big, sticky-out ears. I think that they’re adorable and that it’s awful that people get bullied for them. 4. I met my husband online through a friend and was engaged within a month of meeting him in real life. We’ll have been together seven years this October (married for five in December). 5. I give people names that I think suits them in my head when I first meet them (I can’t help it!) and sometimes it’s hard for me to see them as their actual name! Sometimes these names aren’t even real words. I tag @ninjaofthepurplethings, @titosims, @goatkibble, @bsimth, @martinessimblr, @quiddity-jones, @questforsims, @acquiresimoleons and anyone else who might want to do this!
#5 random facts#non sims#text post#personal#newlibertysims#titosims#goatkibble#bsimth#ninjaofthepurplethings#quiddity-jones#questforsims#acquiresimoleons
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@newlibertysims replied to your photo “It’s a cruddy ceiling fan. I don’t know why I’m doing this because I...”
I think one came with TS1 Hot Date, and another in Unleashed.
I thought it did. Always loved the look of that. ;)
@nernershuman replied to your photo “It’s a cruddy ceiling fan. I don’t know why I’m doing this because I...”
Looks good. We need ceiling fans here in SW Missouri as well.
@buckleysims replied to your photo “It’s a cruddy ceiling fan. I don’t know why I’m doing this because I...”
:O How can you hate ceiling fans?! *shuns* They are the only (ceiling) light fixture I want in my bedroom. I live in an attic in Texas, and it gets super stuffy in the summer. XD
They ones we have are those ugly ones from the 80′s. I think that’s why I hate them. Don’t much care for 80′s decor. We have central air conditioning that I wouldn’t LIVE without. ;) I do understand about it getting hot in in attic. My office/studio is next to the attic and it does get warm.
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More Replies
Lots more lol!
marimidnight replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 By the end of Monday, all my Sims 3 discs were...”
i love that screen. very clear.
That’s my old screen, connected with a DVI cable. Once the new computer is finished being built, I’ll move it over to my main desk and hook it up to my two newer monitors via HDMI cables. Then it should be really, really clear! :-)
marimidnight replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
people i know who have the pump love it. i hope it works out for you! <3
Thanks! I hope it works out too. My consultant has been trying to convince me for the last two years or so, to have a pump. I kept putting him off because I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. I’m still not sure and with all the problems I’ve had, there have been more than a couple of times I’ve just wanted to give up and give it back but I’m persevering now that I’m getting used to it. :-)
marimidnight replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 I actually installed Windows 10 before adding the...”
so very very cool
Thank you! :-)
riverdalerandomness replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
Glad you're feeling better! My hubby has diabetes too, he was diagnosed in 2010.
Thanks! Is your hubby using a pump too? I hope he’s doing okay. :-)
simplysimming replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 I actually installed Windows 10 before adding the...”
It's beautiful! The whole thing! I took a similar picture when I reinstalled all by disc so I can be on good ol' patch 1.67. I'm pretty sure we have the same computer case. lol
Thank you! I saw your picture yesterday. Very nice collection! Patch 1.67 is the best! I’ve never experienced 1.69 and I never want to lol! Do you have the same computer case? Mine is a Cooler Master MasterBox 5 System Builder Edition MCY–B5S1–KWYN–04 and I absolutely LOVE it! :D
desiree-uk replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 By the end of Monday, all my Sims 3 discs were...”
'Copy and Paste' is your best friend ;P (All my codes are typed up already in my PIM notebook)
Ha! I never thought of copy and paste but what on earth is a PIM notebook? I’m intrigued! :-)
desiree-uk replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 I actually installed Windows 10 before adding the...”
When I look at my discs all I see is £££ (but worth every penny ;p)
Haha! I never remember how much I paid for anything I’ve bought, especially when it was so long ago. What is it now? Eight years? Definitely worth every penny seeing as they’ve lasted so long lol!
marimidnight replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 This really made me laugh! I use a little program...”
wow LOL
desiree-uk replied to your photo“New Computer 2017 This really made me laugh! I use a little program...”
lol, how perceptive :)
Hehe! I love that little Unchecky program. It’s so clever it even knows that Origin is a bad program as well lol! ;-)
desiree-uk replied to your photoset“New Computer 2017 Added the graphics card and rear case fan. That fan...”
Ooh, that looks good! I love when building new PCs everything is so nice and CLEAN! No dust lol. I'm quite pleased with my setup in that the fans are doing a great job blowing the dust out so I don't have to open it up to clean it lol
Haha! I don’t think my new PC is so very nice and clean. It’s been so hot here lately I’ve had all the doors open plus my desk fans and ceiling fans blowing the dust about everywhere! I have to keep dusting the new computer before I can take pictures of it lol!
Oh, and are you sure your computer doesn’t have any dust inside? I don’t think it matters how many fans you have or where they’re placed, there’s still going to be dust and it should be blown out at least twice a year. Just ask Carey Holzman - Blow Out Your PC With A Leaf Blower ;-)
mspoodle1 replied to your photoset“New Computer 2017 Added the graphics card and rear case fan. That fan...”
Very nice!
Thanks Mel! :-)
desiree-uk replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
Sarah! :) Good to hear from you! So pleased you're feeling better! Look forward to your upcoming posts :)
danjaley replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
Best wishes for you!
newlibertysims replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
It's nice to hear from you, Sarah! Glad you're feeling better. :)
mspoodle1 replied to your post“Quick Personal Update”
Glad you're feeling better. *hugs*
Awww....thank you all for the lovely comments everyone. :-)
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newlibertysims replied to your photoset : Does Alex help in the vampire proofing of the...
LOL Why is he looking up? Is the TV on the ceiling? XD
Lol! Nah, it's just the biggest tv in the game (besides the movie projectors), the one that came with City Living I think. It takes up three blocks of space and is mounted on the wall, it has to be placed with it's top nearly flush to the ceiling otherwise the bottom of it clips with anything put on tables near the base. Really at that point I was just blowing cash for the hell of it, but the picture is so blurry I kinda wanna sell it and get a smaller one just on principle alone. Like, that, THAT picture quality for 4000 simoleons!? I think not! Lol.
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@kevinvoncrastenburg replied to your photoset: Not even peaceful Willapa Valley could escape the...
I wanna live in this hood D:
Oh yes, Sim worlds make me feel that way all the time. Sims just seem to always have good lives haha.
@newlibertysims replied to your photoset:
Not even peaceful Willapa Valley could escape the...
I love house plans! It's always nice to have something for reference. I really like that house in the first picture. Yeah the houseplans are very helpful, and fun to try and replicate too! That’s my favorite house of the three too.
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newlibertysims replied to your photo “Smell those assflowers!”
Is that the guy from 21 Pilots? :)
Erm.. What’s that?
treason-and-plot replied to your photoset “Eww! She’s covered in pee and you go and kiss her! ”
This is hilarious
He really didn’t mind at all! XD
blythelyre replied to your photoset “Eww! She’s covered in pee and you go and kiss her! ”
True love right there!
Nah, I think he’s just horny..
goatkibble replied to your photo “You should be happy she’s taking a shower! ”
No man is going to throw a fit about impropriety when an attractive woman is getting naked in front of them for the first time.
I don’t even know where that came from.. O_o
romeo-and-simulet replied to your post “OK, I just patched my game.. Fingers crossed it worked!”
oh dear scary things
Tell me about it. I had to patch my game cause the travelling system didn’t work. So, I searched manual update to 1.63.. ( I had it before that reinstallation) It worked but I had to delete all regenerating files. X) THAT was scary!
#newlibertysims#treason-and-plot#blythelyre#goatkibble#romeo-and-simulet#reply#saviorhide#text post#non sims
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This graphics mod is intended to make your game look more natural, more awesome, and more real. Days are brighter and more inspiring, nights are darker and more mysterious. Your entire game will be more vibrant and alive, and you'll no longer need Photoshop to make your screenshots look good. This shader is fully standalone, meaning the ReShade tool is not required for it to work.
It looks like an 80s movie! ~ newlibertysims I seriously love the way it looks. ~ nilxis
How to install: 1. Unzip the version of your choice in your main The Sims 3 install folder (typically C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game/Bin) 2. Done!
The following graph visualizes CONSERVATIVE estimates of typical in-game framerates, as experienced in testing.
Hotkeys: F7: ambient glow F8: ambient occlusion / depth of field F9: ambient bloom F12: depth overlay Scroll Lock: motion blur, depth haze, FXAA, lens flare, chromatic abberation, grain etc.
Additional credits: Alverdine for the tutorial Crosire for the tool Pizza for existing Nilxis for lending me his beautiful world, Uranesia All of you for the feedback
#simblr#s3#ts3#sim3#sims3#thesims3#sim 3#sims 3#the sims 3#s3cc#ts3cc#sims 3 cc#the sims 3 cc#ts3mm#maxismatch#maxis match#reshade#sims 3 reshade#sims#sims 3 mods
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Oh my god that was horrific without one click replies! Ugh I hope they bring it back soon! Apologies if anyone got missed.
replied to your photoset“The “Wren” Sweater-dress has been made basegame compatible, has a new...”
You have such beautiful sims! :)
Thank you <3
replied to your photoset“The “Nina” Jumpsuit is now available over at MTS :)”
Thank you!
replied to your photo“Arturo”
Ooh, what a sight on my dashboard <3
Wahaha :D
replied to your photoset“The “Nina” Jumpsuit is now available over at MTS :)”
New stuffs! {{grabby-hands}} Thank you for making TS3 stuffs! (I saw the dress too!)
Thank you <3 I’ve caught the creating bug just now!
replied to your photoset“The “Nina” Jumpsuit is now available over at MTS :)”
AHHH! I wish it was TS4! Lovely job.
Thank you <3 TS4Studio messed up my ability to use Milkshape so I’m on strike from it :P
replied to your photoset“The “Nina” Jumpsuit is now available over at MTS :)”
Oh nice! Thanks! ♥
<3 Glad you like it :)
replied to your photoset“The “Nina” Jumpsuit is now available over at MTS :)”
LOOOOL! That's a really fantastic name you picked there ;P I love it and the jumpsuit! Going to download it right now! XD
Wahaha such a good name choice :P
replied to your photoset“June and July’s Lookbook theme is Comic-Con and Cosplay over at...”
Ugh, you tagged me in that cosplay challenge thing ages ago and I still haven't done it... it's in my drafts along with a thing Willky tagged me in! I'll do something with it today ;)
Hahaha I forgot about that!
replied to your post“Just finished watching OITNB, I think I broke my season four finale...”
This season was SO epic!
It really was! I’ve noticed a lot of people hating on it for some reason.
replied to your photoset“Hansel’s Auntie Pam made him a beautiful rainbow coat for rainy days...”
I want him!
Nooo, I couldn’t possibly give up the baby Hansel :P
replied to your post“Just finished watching OITNB, I think I broke my season four finale...”
Wait, did she die in the finale? Only seen that season once.....
It was pretty close to the end at least. I’m not 100% sure.
replied to your post“Just finished watching OITNB, I think I broke my season four finale...”
But what was worse than Poussey dying?
That was horrific in itself but there was so much happening at once in this season. Perhaps the year between watching them helped too I guess. Poussey dying was so sad though.
replied to your post“Just finished watching OITNB, I think I broke my season four finale...”
replied to your post“Had a job interview and they seemed genuinely interested and impressed...”
Yes, good Luck!
Thank you :D
replied to your post“Had a job interview and they seemed genuinely interested and impressed...”
Good luck - I keep my fingers crossed...
Thank you <3
replied to your photoset“Just something I’m working on :)”
I swear I know this guy! Zeemblr, is your boyfriend a french neurologist? :D (cuuuuute!)
I’m curious too :D
replied to your photoset“Just something I’m working on :)”
Reminds me off an ex.
That’s maybe not so good haha!
replied to your photo“Selfie Sunday….well this was a Sunday in April. The fringe is half-way...”
Beautiful! :)
Thank you <3
replied to your photo“Selfie Sunday….well this was a Sunday in April. The fringe is half-way...”
I like the fringe at this length!
Aaah don’t lol! I’m at that cut or not to cut stage!
replied to your photo“Caleb”
He's a cutie! ;)
Thank you <3
replied to your photo“Selfie Sunday….well this was a Sunday in April. The fringe is half-way...”
Such pretty 💕
Thank you <3
replied to your photoset“Sim Butt Month you say? Why I can’t refuse a title like that!”
Includes frontbum too by the looks of it! Not that I am complaining. You made TS4 momentarily worthwhile for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wahaha! You’re welcome ;)
replied to your photoset“Sim Butt Month you say? Why I can’t refuse a title like that!”
Is this Sim for download anywhere? He's a cutie!
He may still be on my gallery (frostybreakfast) somewhere <3
replied to your photoset“Loch Lomond adventures!”
Did Sandy shrink?! :O
He has shrunk a bit yeah. Brutal haircut too.
replied to your photoset“Loch Lomond adventures!”
Your dogs always seem to be smiling and Sandy's side eye there, so gorgeous <3
Hansel is always smiley (MIckey has less teeth lolol) and yes, Sandy’s dirty looks are killer!
replied to your photoset“Loch Lomond adventures!”
These dogs are so well-looked after (and spoiled!)
True <3 They’re our babies!
replied to your photoset“Loch Lomond adventures!”
Ooh I love greyhounds! The other two are awesome too <3
I love them too :) I think after Mickey, we’ll always have a grey in our family.
replied to your post“Confession: Sometimes I ask people to repeat themselves, not because I...”
Regular behaviour. Also to have more time to come up with a reply that is socially acceptable.
Wahaha yes, although sometimes I do fail at that.
#normities#histrionicsandtea#goatkibble#standardheld#martinessimblr#kosmokhaos#newlibertysims#rillensora#ninjaofthepurplethings#zeemblr#aroundthesims#ekimsal#narukiisims#mspoodle1#quiddity-jones#studio2ksims#studiok2sims#desiree-uk#reply#replies#text post
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Welcome back! I've always found your play style very inspirational. Can't wait to see more of Iron Edge. :)
ANI!!! So good to see you posting again! :D I've missed you being around. So happy to hear you're making videos again too! Looking forward to watching them whenever you upload them. :-)
Thnak you both :)
I still won’t be superactive, but I’m here.
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