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The household consists of two sims.
Family inventory: two Relax-O-Rocker chairs, Knack Outdoor Table, The Exquisite Bistro Chair by Bourgeois Creations, an Artsy Easel
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
Download Fort sims3pack file

Chuck North
young adult male
Traits: artistic, handy, nurturing, angler, night owl
Career: Writer 1
Lifetime Wish: Illustrious Author
Inventory: a sketch pad, a sleeping bag, Bodkin Laptop computer by Peachy Soft
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Late Night, Showtime, Seasons, University Life
Download Chuck North .sim file

Kaitie Ford
young adult female
Traits: adventurous, green thumb, loves the outdoors, perfectionist, party animal
Career: Gardener 1
Lifetime Wish: The Perfect Garden
Inventory: a sleeping bag, seeds
Expansion Packs Used: Generations, Pets, Showtime, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise
Download Kaitie Ford .sim file
To Play Guerilla Food Forest Gardener
Place two or more small lots in scenic vistas.
Purchase them for the household.
Have Kaitie plant and tend them.
To Play Fort
Place a homesite lot and try to build a fort of platforms on columns accessed by poles and ladders. Or download this premade one and place it on a premade lot.

Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Ambitions, Pets, Supernatural, Island Paradise
I checked this file with Custard before uploading.
Download 10x10 Fort sims3pack file

Use a park as residence by adding an All-in-one bathroom or using spherefish’s One with Nature mod.

All my downloads by sim
Thank you to Norn for making and sharing Northeney, as well as to Crowkeeper, willky12, attuned, SimmyRN, mammut, maramaja06, ktarsims, Don Babilon, Jynx and Misty, HP and Awesims, Roocheysims, Titosims, AcquireSimoleons, and Brntwaffles for your creativity and generosity.
Sweetdevil's Floral Plate Replacements
World of Wonder Carousel Venue Blam’s EA Store
indispensable mods: Smooth Patch 2.1 by Lazy Duchess, Master Controller by Twallan, Master Controller Cheats by Twallan, CUSTARD by Tashiketh
Thank You Forever: Cink’s Sims, Quailhogs, MurfeeL, Norn and Crowkeeper, Nilxis, brntwaffles, simsmidgen, ninjaofthepurplethings, The Sweet Simmer, xantac, Blackgryffin and Tech-hippie.com
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Meet the locals :)
I guess a perfect Friday night is in the eye of the beholder.
Lucia Bastian by willky12.
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If You Dated My Sim
I was tagged by @acquiresimoleons for this one! Thank you so much, I love these <3
I decided to choose Farhan. Although he is very much happily engaged, this is all theoretical :P
1. You will find your electrical goods and lights turned off if you leave the room for more than a minute. If you’re working on something important, make sure to tell him so that he doesn’t shut down your computer. Technology makes Farhan feel very uncomfortable!
2. Expect lots of long silences, they will become less awkward in time! Farhan often takes vacations deep into his own thoughts.
3. You will be quizzed on whatever you’re reading and he will want to tell you about what he’s reading, no matter how mundane! Farhan loves books, they’re how he winds down as he doesn’t watch television if he can avoid it.
4. Expect to spend some time on your own. Farhan needs time to himself and that includes time away from loved ones.
5. If you leave things out, they will be tidied away if you don’t request that they are left where they are. Much like electrical goods, Farhan can’t stand mess.
6. You will spend a lot of time on a boat. Farhan lives on his houseboat in the summer and enjoys the sound ot the sea and the complete lack of the sound of neighbours.
7. Expect to be questioned about your future family plans. Farhan wants a family more than anything (so that he can spend alone time away from them :P ) and is very forward about this, which has resulted in a few unsuccessful relationships.
8. Expect things to be planned. You would think that someone who lives on a houseboat would be rather spontaneous. Nope.
9. There will be a complete lack of conversation about the armed forces and combat. Farhan has served, wishes to forget about it and will very rarely bring it up. This can cause a few awkward moments as he does like to discuss politics and the two often go hand in hand.
10. Expect to be put first all the time. For all his faults, Farhan is an incredibly considerate partner, often inconveniencing himself in the process.
I tag @titosims, @goatkibble, @ninjaofthepurplethings (sorry, not sorry :P ), @willky12, @ts3kate, @aroundthesims, @treason-and-plot, @berrysweetboutique, @nornities, @histrionicsandtea, @buckleysims, @heavensims, @furryjackal, @desiree-uk, @nervoussimblr, @jenba, @mspoodle1 and anyone else who wants to do this!
#farhan safi#hfo farhan#acquiresimoleons#titosims#goatkibble#ninjaofthepurplethings#willky12#ts3kate#aroundthesims#treason-and-plot#berrysweetboutique#nornities#histrionicsandtea#buckleysims#heavensims#furryjackal#desiree-uk#nervoussimblr#jenba#mspoodle1
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Whoops. I got way behind on replies, again. Sorry y’all!
willky12 replied to your photoset “Greymont Bay train station - WIP”
I love the slightest hint at trains, this is fabulous!
I thought it would be a fun idea to add. I love the train tracks in CAW, even if they’re pretty much useless.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “Greymont Bay train station - WIP”
So will this world have a functioning train effect? I mean, will a train effect run through that station or will the track just be deco? Because I've seen in CAW Catalogue there are trains and shizzz, but I don't know if there are train effects - like the hot-air balloon type thing - u kno what I mean?
It won’t have a train effect. There is one, but it only goes straight (has nothing to do with the tracks at all) and the tracks is Greymont Bay are about as straight as a drunk walks a line. So it would have looked pretty horrifying, lol.
cavernsofdarkness replied to your photoset “WHOMP!”
*gasps* It's a legit roller skating rink!
It is! I really just wanted a tacky disco bar. And combining that with a roller rink seemed like the way to go!
treason-and-plot replied to your photo “The Pink Bunny”
The Pink Pony's fluffy little cousin
lol, I suppose it is fluffy comparatively.
amuhav replied to your photo “The Pink Bunny”
The Pink Clam actually made me spit my drink out XDDD
Ahaha! Oh no! I hope your keyboard is safe!
goatkibble replied to your photo “The Pink Bunny”
lmao. You would. (I kinda like this name though, ngl)
owly-sims replied to your photo “Working on WHUMP!’s interior. I’m afraid I’m gonna get sued by Lisa...”
Needs more unicorns!
Lisa Frank definitely did love unicorns. I’m sure once GB is actually up and running, one will visit. Damn wild horses always where they’re not supposed to be.
willky12 replied to your photoset “WHOMP!”
I Love this!
buckleysims replied to your photoset “WHOMP!”
Looks fantastic!
goatkibble replied to your photoset “WHOMP!”
studiok2sims replied to your photoset “WHOMP!”
totally nostalgic now...
tangie0906 replied to your photo
Love the lighting.
Thank you so much, y’all! I think I probably had more fun building this than I thought I would. All those rainbow colors. I kinda can’t wait to send a sim to visit.
willky12 replied to your photo “After @buckleysims pointed out the sign for the roller disco was in...”
The lighting looks better with the simlish sign also!
mspoodle1 replied to your photo “After @buckleysims pointed out the sign for the roller disco was in...”
Simlish looks awesome!
tangie0906 replied to your photo “After @buckleysims pointed out the sign for the roller disco was in...”
I prefer simlish also! And I can never have enough commercial signs in simlish. :)
Yes, I much prefer the Simlish. I dunno why my brain defaulted to English when I was doing it.
Also, it’s not actually a commercial sign. It’s that little night light that came with UNI that I slid up and down the wall (and using decorator’s best friend, slid sideways as well). Then I set all the lights that made up each letter to the color I needed them to be. So if you get super close, you can still see the plug-in part at the bottom. But that part gives the “sign” dimension so it stays.

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My Supernova queue ends in eight days! Eep! I’m trying to finish up a random legacy chapter today (more likely, tomorrow) before I start working on another issue, but I might revert to some gameplay stuff in my queue soon-ish.
Anyway, replies!
rosiesimming replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Syne: Have you heard of the Fermi Paradox?...”
I feel so smart. I actually know who Fermi is...from watching a YouTube video about over analyzing Mario Maker. I need to get out more...
You are so smart! Plus, I heard about it on an episode of This American Life, which I listen to in lieu of actual human interaction so I’m no better. ;)
simblu replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Syne: Some human scientists hypothesize that...”
I'm sure this is not what Nova wants to hear
No, not at all--it’s definitely foreboding, right?
futurecarrie replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Syne: Have you heard of the Fermi Paradox?...”
I feel like I've heard of that too but I dunno where, like it's ringing a bell? Maybe someone mentioned it and I was zoned out (that happens often)? Anyway, Syne seems really up herself here. Slap her Nova! Slap her! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Possibly astronomy class, if you ever took one? I think my astronomy prof in college alluded to it but never discussed it fully. Also, why can’t Nova solve things peacefully?
nornities replied to your post “A quick reply–I have a bunch more to do but I’m in the process of...”
Amazing, thank you! Also, why no coffee? This sounds dead serious!
willky12 replied to your post “A quick reply–I have a bunch more to do but I’m in the process of...”
Why quit coffee? So many health benefits ;)
It keeps me up at night, my family has a history of heart failure (which caffeine can exacerbate), and apparently it can make anxiety worse?? So I decided nothing bad can happen from giving it up, maybe.
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “A quick reply–I have a bunch more to do but I’m in the process of...”
Also - Caffeine is good for your digestive system so I read - especially coffee which is colon friendly - or something.
The colon thing is apparently true, according to my mom’s doctor. She had colon cancer a few years ago and after the surgery to remove the tumorous part, her doctor recommended having a cup of coffee each day because apparently that’s been linked to preventing tumors.
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “A quick reply–I have a bunch more to do but I’m in the process of...”
Brilliant! Thank You!!!
Np! Please let me know if I need to clarify any steps. i wrote that while suffering a headache so I’m afraid it’s unclear.
lifeasasim replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Syne: We are a benevolent species, Nova Bee,...”
She's my hero already ��
nornities replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] THE FALLING STAR CONFERENCE ROOM Nova: I’m on…...”
I really like her :D
I’m glad you guys like her. <3 She’s always been one of my favorite sims, though she was just laying around on my hardrive for years before I decided to write about her.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo
“previous | next[[MOR] Syne: We are a benevolent species, Nova Bee,...”
OMG I lol's so hard at her sarcasm! :D
simblu replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] THE FALLING STAR CONFERENCE ROOM Nova: I’m on…...”
Love her snark
Me too! Nova is me if I was unafraid to say exactly what I was thinking (although she’s also braver and in better shape than I am XD)
lifeasasim replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] THE FALLING STAR CONFERENCE ROOM Nova: I’m on…...”
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] THE FALLING STAR CONFERENCE ROOM Nova: I’m on…...”
She's pushing them tho! lololol
They’re gonna snap on her, and it’s gonna be kinda warranted. XD
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo
“previous | next[[MOR] Tarkav: Follow me. Syne & Nirub’et: (speaking...”
Clever how you did that with the Alien language!
Thanks! I *know* I stole that from another comic, but I can’t say which one (a lot, probably)
holycannolis replied to your photo
“previous | next[[MOR] Nova: How did you– Syne: Know your name? We...”
She's so funny and grumpy! ❤
Grumpy is the perfect way to describe her--she doesn’t even have that trait, but I should give it to her!
twinsimskeletons replied to your photo “previous | next”
Okay this is SO COOL AGAIN
lifeasasim replied to your photo “previous | next”
Lovely editing! ����������
futurecarrie replied to your photo “previous | next”
Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this is a cool picture
willky12 replied to your photo “previous | next”
I love this image!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “previous | next”
This looks amazing!
rosiesimming replied to your photo “previous | next”
Ooo, very nice cover! I'm excited!
Thanks everyone! That cover was 90% an accident--Syne wasn’t supposed to be see-through until I messed around with blending layers. I’m very happy with that accident, though! :D
twinsimskeletons replied to your post “Supernova Replies, etc.”
bloody avocado
If you’re eating it with blood maybe that’s why you don’t like it? It’s not supposed to be bloody, friend. (:
twinsimskeletons replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Alex: I located the target, and confirmed her...”
lifeasasim replied to your photo “previous | next[[MOR] Alex: I located the target, and confirmed her...”
Oh hell no :-O
Right?? Let’s hope Alex gets his comeuppance!
willky12 replied to your post “Quick Tag replies”
Omg <b><i>hákarl! I have seen people on TV eat it and they almost always throw up hahaha! Yes, lets met darling and share some <b><i>hákarl ;D As for Capybara's, my most favourite of all animals, I would even consider moving to South American so I could live where they run wild and I could just watch them all day, no animal is as enchanting to me XD</i></b></i></b>
There actually used to be a moderately famous capybara in Austin, TX for awhile. I think his name was Captain ROUS, and he was somebody’s pet. My sister desperately wants a pet capy but I imagine they can’t be too happy in captivity?
goatkibble replied to your post “Quick Tag replies”
I sincerely doubt you will be eating much of the Harkal. Your morals should be fairly safe XDDD
Yeah, I’ve read it’s FOUL. But I still want to try a bite (which I will likely then spit out)
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thank you for reading and commenting. thank you for the likes and reblogs, too, and for the PMs about the story. And since these are long...
willky12 replied to your photo “A poor thing thrown to the unmerciful streets is a tourist – dependent...”
So true, and made me really laugh ;)
I’m glad I made you laugh but... I don’t know anymore. It’s a bit too caustic, probably snobbish, maybe even offensive is it not? For so many people a single travel in the most touristy style is all they can afford, and yet it remains an unforgettable experience... It remains partially true, though.
danjaley replied to your photo “Andreas shook the rack he still held behind him, and the sudden noise...”
I love the activity on both sides of the arcade - especially the arrival of the cat!
Background activity in scenes is something I learned from your unforgettable story Tales of Chevalry. It adds so much flavour to the scenes, and gives the impression of the worlds being actually populated :)
There will be always cats in the scenes of Greek Souvenirs, since I’m trying to be faithful to the Greek islands -- or my recollections of them.
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “replies”
I think you're doing a great job at slowly revealing him to us and his psyche. It makes great reading - looking forward to more :)
Thank you for saying that! The way I feel it now, everything about Andreas is slow. And I’m trying to show the character not so much in descriptions, but in his actions, and his mental flow.
nornities replied to your photo “The boy was about to turn around again, resume his way, closing their...”
what a wonderful, seemingly casual scene you built here!
Thank you for saying that! The perception I have for this story is a theater with several stages, with many plays going on at the same time, the life and dramas and conflicts of locals and tourists evolving in the background as we follow and focus on the main plot. I need to be resourceful to do that, hoping I can achieve it!
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “replies”
And also - thank you for saying how Andreas loves to have me reading. That really made me smile 😍😍😍
I thank you dear -- and I am smiling too!
simblu replied to your photo “A poor thing thrown to the unmerciful streets is a tourist – dependent...”
Any words I write to express how well you have dissected the nature of the crass tourist is inadequate
There is this kind of predatory, inattentive, consumerist tourism, isn’t there? This is the worst me speaking his cruel opinions and expressing his dislikes, and I try to keep him out of my writings -- though, according to a friend, I should bring him in more often :)
simblu replied to your photo “Work?” So obvious it were that the boy answered Andreas with another...”
This kid is SO not interested
Maybe he doesn’t want to show any interest -- and has his reasons for it -- that we shall learn about, in this chapter yet. Maybe his mother taught him not to speak to strangers?
simblu replied to your photo “The boy was about to turn around again, resume his way, closing their...”
This is a very unreciprocated interest.. you have made that very evident in all details
simblu replied to your photo “The boy seemed to hesitate, ponder, while staring inquisitively at the...”
As I commented just previously..
Andreas is smitten by Konstantinos’ beauty and presence, while the other way around is not true... It is as if Andreas sees the boy in HD, while the boy sees Andreas through a cloud of fog, hardly even noticing him... I’ve been through this before :)
lifeasasim replied to your photo “Having never traveled solo before, yet yearly with his parents until...”
Lovely quotes and very true
Glad you liked them! I have so many of these quotes on traveling written on travel journals, and others I can quote by heart. Traveling and tourism will be one of the themes of the story, though not an actual part of the plot.
lifeasasim replied to your photo “¦ < previous || next >”
Charming 😍 #teamandreas all the way
I love that tag, though I forget to use it myself! Thank you dear! Andreas poses very well, he is more photogenic than I thought.
lifeasasim replied to your photo “The boy seemed to hesitate, ponder, while staring inquisitively at the...”
I need more of this ;___;
And there is more for you, already :)
lifeasasim replied to your photo “The boy seemed to hesitate, ponder, while staring inquisitively at the...”
I hope they cross paths again ;)
Haha! Konstantinos knows they will, for sure, now that he has learned where Andreas is staying at. Only Andreas, who has no idea of the routines on an small island, fears he will lose Konstantinos from view.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “How available? Dev had been explicit about taking two of them to bed –...”
I lol'd at that "But do you do guys?" :D
Yet, Andreas did not dare to say it. His friend Dev probably would have!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Take it off!” The boy’s brisk command startled Andreas. He had been...”
Oh the nervous anticipation, the hope and confusion of it all! I love the explanations behind all of it :)
The misunderstanding in communicating. One says something, the other understands something else, and there could have been so many interpretations either way. I tried to explore that in this scene!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Take it off!” The boy’s brisk command startled Andreas. He had been...”
Also - I would have chosen 'skin' and not leather - just to give it an easier feeling and because people like me might think "It's Fur or skin!" Leather takes the cuteness out of puppy because I associate that word with slaughter, and death for whatever reason. *Constructive criticism* Please ignore if you don't agree, that's just my opinion xxx
I read that with great interest, thank you for pointing it out! You’re doing the editor’s part here! Like I’ve told you already, it’s hard to develop this fine tuning in a foreign language, so this is precious to me!
I have made the correction -- for fur -- on the original post, though it might not appear on the reblog, I guess.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Everybody does.” The boy replied, with a shrug. “But Uncle Alcandros...”
The Boy looks so sad. Like he has the brooding trait mixed with over-emotional and of course, irresistible . . .
To be honest, I have no idea what his traits are :O I never pay much attention to that, and always pick among the first in the list... I did try to give Konstantinos a permanent melancholic look, that is part of his beauty -- and we should learn why he seems always so sad later.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Yet, being the predator Andreas couldn’t simply give up. He felt...”
That is wonderful how Andreas' strategy gave him the opportunity to perceive The Boy's thoughts on sexuality. Clever.
Thank you for reading him so well! I make Andreas usually shy and clumsy, but I though he should have learned a few tricks by now.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “A poor thing thrown to the unmerciful streets is a tourist – dependent...”
I have a lot of things to say about this chapter. If that's ok.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “A poor thing thrown to the unmerciful streets is a tourist – dependent...”
1. Have you ever read E.M.Forster? Your comprehensive skill and masterful persuasions of visual imagery so much remind me of his writing style. Your texts leave me wide-eyed and wonder struck.
I’m blushing. I do try my best, but never think it is enough. Thank you for your appreciation!
I did watch a few movies based on his books -- Maurice, A room with a view, Passage to India, Howard’s End -- but never read anything from him. I’ll see what I find to correct that fault!
2. I would have perhaps used 'Duty-Free' in place of Souvenirs. Just to differentiate from the I-Heart-T-shirts already mentioned.
Wonderful suggestion, and I have already changed the text!
3. STELLA!!!!!!!! (You chose a character from one of my favourite movies, can this story get any better???!!!)
So, this is one story of which I’ve read the play, watched it in the theater, and watched the movie with Brando and Leigh! And I love that quote about the kindness of strangers!
willky12 replied to your photo “I… don’t smoke.” Andreas affirmed – without much conviction –, upon...”
A tourists life is a hard one ;)
Though Andreas tries to makes it harder, complicating things for himself. My poor boy :)
simblu replied to your photo “The bells of the neighboring church and their echoing around the walls...”
Perhaps he will find another subject of obsession? Hmmm
“ I fall in love too easily I fall in love too fast I fall in love too terribly hard For love to ever last… ”
I have used this song for another character of mine, and the same could be said about Andreas, too -- probably because this applies to myself in the first place :)
simblu replied to your photo “He saw them the same moment they saw him. < previous || next >”
Uh oh
:) Second time you say that, it sounds so cute! -- and I had to pronounce it to actually try to hint the meaning... Like... trouble ahead?
simblu replied to your photo “The Three Graces. The three scorched graces, though – and not very...”
I just love the way you play on the Three Graces
Thanks for saying that :) I had this idea of having a mythological correspondent to each of the characters in Greek Souvenirs, but that would demand too much reflection and planning, so I’m not promising anything :)
simblu replied to your photo “The Three Graces. The three scorched graces, though – and not very...”
They DO look like trouble...
And what kind of trouble we shall see...
simblu replied to your photo “His mood immediately brightened and, as if becoming just then aware of...”
Beautiful writing, as always.. and the wonderfully vulgar bit about the donkey
simblu replied to your photo “His mood immediately brightened and, as if becoming just then aware of...”
So adeptly you mix the poetic and the down-to-earth
Thank you dear! And you so adeptly write your comments -- ‘adeptly’ being a word I had never used before! I have so much to learn, really!
I keep on trying to bring into perspective all the several aspects of the same instant, but it is not easy to so adeptly (love the word!) echelon and graduate them to nuance a scene.
simblu replied to your photo “That he had not spotted a single policeman, and instead kept bumping...”
What a great description of these boys! I wish I had your gift for conjuring even more than shown in pictures..
Thing is... Having the pictures to see, how much more do we want to read about them? Because these boys have whole lives -- of interests, family dramas and personal secrets -- as individuals that arrive in this instant of a scene... How to bring some of it to the reader?
simblu replied to your photo “Slightly aware that his stare might have turned into ogle – that they...”
Wow.. when I lived in NYC this request for cigarettes was always understood as trouble too.
You lived in NYC, wow! A request for cigarettes -- or fire -- can mean just as much, or so many more other things... Now it is up to Andreas to correctly understand what they mean ;)
simblu replied to your photo “I… don’t smoke.” Andreas affirmed – without much conviction –, upon...”
So the old man IS in on it..
Apparently he is, watching guard at the corner... Poor Andreas!
simblu replied to your photo “I… don’t smoke.” Andreas affirmed – without much conviction –, upon...”
Not the best kind of travel souvenir...
Not the most welcoming arrival on the island either...
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I was tagged by @treason-and-plot thank you <3 I tag: @titosims, @ninjaofthepurplethings, @goatkibble, @quiddity-jones, @aroundthesims, @willky12, @nervoussimblr, @heavensims @acquiresimoleons, @simnights, @kittythesnowcat, @nornities, @aikea-guinea, @buckleysims, @furryjackal, @bsimth, @fairsteadsims and anyone else who wants to do it!
I chose Farid because Zaid and Farrah (and perhaps Khalid) always get more attention!
1. What is your sim’s favorite food?: Farid has simple tastes and enjoys a good veggie burger. 2. What is your sim’s favorite color? Purple
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Virgo 4. Does your sim believe in “love at first sight”? Yes. He believes that it happened for him. 5. What is your sim’s sexuality? Gay. 6. Is your Sim a cat or dog person? (or both?) He likes both, but prefers cats by a small margin.
7. Adding to the previous question, if your sim were to have a cat and/or dog, what kind/breed(s) would it be? A ragdoll cat. The biggest, fluffiest, most stupid one. 8. Does your Sim have a best friend? He is very close to all of his siblings, but his older brother Zaid is his best friend. 9. Does your Sim have a favorite life stage? Farid is simply glad to be out of his teen years! He is enjoying his young adulthood, but perhaps his nerves will calm by adulthood. 10. What is your sim’s ethnicity? As tempted as I am to give the “he’s a sim” question, I did create the Al Farsis with the vague idea that they were of Iranian descent, although to confuse things more, Zaid was requested by someone who wanted a sim based on the Iraqi model, Alexander Farsi (hence the surname).
11. If your Sim could travel to anywhere in the world, where would they visit? Farid would love to visit Aurora Skies or Champs Les Sims. 12. If your Sim was a castaway on a distant, uncharted island, who would they bring? Drew. 13. Does your Sim have a favorite tv show and/or movie? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. He also secretly loves the mathematical and grammatical quiz shows that his father watches obsessively. 14. Does your sim believe in the “simulation theory”? He tries not to think about it, it would only cause more anxiety. 15. Does your Sim have a favorite kind of clothing to wear? Heavy, shapeless knitwear in dull colours. That said, Farid spends a long time matching his dull clothes to each other perfectly.
16. Does your Sim have a lucky charm? No. 17. What kind of music or singers does your sim listen to? “You probably haven’t heard of them...” Sharing his taste in music with other people makes him feel anxious about being judged. 18. Does your Sim have a favorite family activity to do together? Family meals, Trivial Pursuit and if he’s feeling brave, going to the beach.
19. What is your sim’s age? 23 20. Does your Sim have a dream job? A librarian or museum curator. 21. What is your Sim’s favorite beverage? Farid very very rarely drinks. 22. What is your Sim’s favorite dessert? Stracciatella Ice-cream 23. Does your Sim have any siblings? Zaid (older brother, Farrah (twin sister), Khalid (younger brother) and Jasmeen (younger sister). 24. What activity/hobby makes your sim the happiest? Reading and playing video games. 25. If you could meet your Sim, would you be friends with them? Possibly. We’re both introverts, so it might take a few centuries.
#ts3#the sims 3#ice-creamforbreakfast#treason-and-plot#farid farsi#titosims#ninjaofthepurplethings#goatkibble#heavensims#quiddity-jones#aroundthesims#willky12#nervoussimblr#acquiresimoleons#simnights#kittythesnowcat#nornities#Aikea-Guinea#buckleysims#furryjackal#bsimth#fairsteadsims
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replies (long)
These include some replies from months ago, the last one added just before I left on my vacations. Sorry for having taken so long to answer.
Also, four attentive friends have alerted me in PMs about Apollo Tim/Jim being a probable misspelling mistake -- I’ve already explained them, and make it now public, that it is his professional name and he alternates between both -- we still don’t know his real name yet.
For the new followers, I do try to reply at least every end of the month, or after each update, and offer the most thorough answers I can -- so please to ask and comment!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Tobio’s rude command slapped Alvar, his spitted words like sharp...”
Oh my god! I knew this would be how it would end for that day :/ I love how you made Alvar the proud shameful one here who regretted it all after being such a forceful partner earlier ^^
Alvar, pretty much like Tobio, got carried away by the heat of the moment -- and they are both now reflecting about what has just happened, what has been done -- and mostly, how, and where. To Alvar it seems properly bestial, and he deeply regrets it. For Alvar, it would have been fine if it were in the privacy of one of their bedrooms -- but then, Tobio, who wants no commitments, who can’t bear the idea of being homosexual, wouldn’t have been talked into making it in a love nest... They are a complicated pair, going opposite directions in their longings and desires.
simblu replied to your photo “Tobio’s rude command slapped Alvar, his spitted words like sharp...”
I love how eloquently you capture their internal conflicts.
Thank you! Because this is mostly what the story is about -- and all of my stories, I should say. Though I’m planning to have a whole bit more of action in LoSSS, with crimes and mysteries to be solved, it is always the characters’ inner lives and internal conflicts I write mostly about. My stories happen inside, and not outside, more in thoughts than in actions (that are often contradictory), and relying a lot on flashbacks.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “In that parting moment it seemed prophetic enough, though – the...”
I would say "Poor Alvar!" but then I would be reminded how he acted like a virgin all innocent and unknowing which in itself sort of felt like a trap for Tobi.
Maybe that is Alvar’s way of seducing guys?
He doesn’t do it consciously, though, I guess. It’s like -- after sex, during which he really opens up and wide, but once it is through he closes himself again, not just his legs but his sexuality. It’s always a somewhat long way back into sex for him each time, as if he truly were a virgin every occasion he has to get into doing it again...
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “In that parting moment it seemed prophetic enough, though – the...”
Also - I love the description here - makes me want to tell Alvar to go and bathe :D lol
I hope it is not too graphic or shocking, but it sounds true and probable to me, a few nasty details thrown in that add verisimilitude to the scene.
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “story replies”
Looking forward to more from your story - enjoy your holiday! X
Thank you, dear. And after wonderful vacations in which I wrote just one paragraph of a different story, we are back at LoSSS!
simblu replied to your photo “Still, though Tobio turned his head to look in Alvar’s direction, he...”
Good questions...
I am pretty much asking these myself, and sharing them with he reader, since it took so long between updates...
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your photo “Tobio!” He exhaled the name more than called it, and finally seemed...”
How much I love these icarus scenes! Interesting how you play with the two levels of storytelling : Victorian and greek fantasy
Thank you dear! I started planning this to be a steampunk story, having that as the fantastic element of the story -- but in the end it’s a style I know very little of, and before I realized it I had included Greek elements in it, or the idealized -- and often kitsch -- Victorian ways of regarding classical Greece. It is of course an even stronger tendency once I’ve again vacationed in Greece. :) I’m glad you enjoy it, and be prepared for more!
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your photo “Perusing the room, Alvar did notice a shelf full of flasks, and...”
Classy decor!!!! Adorable style
Thanks! I admit it is not a style I am familiar with, so it involves a lot of references to make it appropriately dated... So thankful, really, to all the wonderful CC creators who enable it!
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your photo “The portrait, though having captured both her unique beauty and spirit...”
Recently you wrote your own writing skill's development surprised you: As no native speaker I am always fascinated. Don't think I could write that fantastic in English. Praise to you!!!!
Thank you for you kindness and support! It really comes as a surprise each time I read my own text. How did those words come together, I ask myself? But it is as if they have a need of their own, and I just obey it and write as they like.
And yet, there you are, writing your own beautiful version of Romeo and Juliet! Praise to you too! :)
willky12 replied to your photo “Perusing the room, Alvar did notice a shelf full of flasks, and...”
What man indeed.
This is my perception from what I’ve read and watched about the period following the end of WWI. It damaged irreparably an entire generation of men -- and women! I believe the stats say that only one in ten women did marry after the war, the rest having remained singletons, and widowers. This is actually one of the themes of LoSSS.
willky12 replied to your photo “The portrait, though having captured both her unique beauty and spirit...”
I agree entirely, you write like an Englishman! The second paragraph in post #11 was really well done I thought.
Thank you dear! I am indeed trying to give a British accent to this story, but how could I really differentiate? Of course I had to reread the paragraph you mentioned to try to understand what you perceived... Your feedback is beyond important to me, and I am so thankful really!
willky12 replied to your photo “I hadn’t seen him until this morning.” Alvar sounded out of breath,...”
This is a surprise!
It is!
I was going to hold it for later, but decided the story needed some shaking. Thing is, now I recall why I was going to introduce it only later, and shall have to modify some future scenes I had planned having now shared this information. My problem to solve only, though. :)
jepensedoncjesims replied to your photo “With a sharp sting across his chest, Alvar deposed Apollo Jim on the...”
The second paragraph very wonderfully expressed. Such vivid images of the warm colors of Autumn with the anxiety or death lurking about. Beautiful work.
Thank you, dear. I oscillate between letting the image speak for itself or describing it and pointing at specific details... I tend to think not many people have seen Death hanging there on the other side of the window, right behind Alvar. Thanks for having noticed it!
simblu replied to your photo “With a sharp sting across his chest, Alvar deposed Apollo Jim on the...”
You do write so beautifully.
Thank you for your kindness, dear. I do try my best to honor a language that is not mine and that therefore I respect even more.
simblu replied to your photo “Tobio could tell why, but he wanted to listen it from Alvar. Lost Boys...”
So well told, really.
Thank you! Since it is a long post, I did pay special attention to the flow between sentences and paragraphs, and it seems to have turned out well.
simblu replied to your photo “You are taking him to your ancestral lands? To live under the same...”
Wow, Tobio is rather harsh in his assessment of that Lost Boy, isn't he?
According to the post you mentioned just above, he seems to be well versed in Lost Boys, having frequented parties where they were the main attraction -- and maybe even having hunted them in Pennington Park. He must know better -- certainly better than Alvar!
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your photo “Tobio could tell why, but he wanted to listen it from Alvar. Lost Boys...”
It's always fascinating how deep you go into character building and how developed yours settings/backstories are. That's pure realism with every nasty detail included. It interests me, how much of research you do and how?
Thank you for asking.
This passage, specifically, demanded some research, yes.
I Google a lot, I read lot, and I even try to watch movies or documentaries on the themes I am writing about -- so that it is not just fun, but entertainingly learning at the same time. I do have many boards of references of images and links to texts on Pinterest, and not just a few file collections in my own laptop.
What I don’t want with this story, though, is to be specific about dates and places, otherwise I’ll have to be specific about facts and events -- and that is beyond this project.
danjaley replied to your photo “The boy stood clearly not for a sailor, though the hat could have been...”
I wonder if Alvar has the remotest idea how his attempts to be distant and reserved make Tobio imagine the most colourful scenarios.
I really don’t think so, since they don’t communicate a lot, do they? There are entire paragraphs for their thoughts and perceptions, that they keep to themselves though sharing it with the reader, while only a few lines with dialogue. They each live in their own world, and see things from very different perspectives and through diverse experiences and backgrounds.
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andantezen replied to your photo “Ouch, I got a flower into my eye!”
is it actually raining flowers?
It is! It was quite impressive to see them fall in 3d in the game - especially when moving the camera! plumdrops replied to your photo “The flowers created a puddle on which a ladybug went surfing and Raven...”
The caption sounds so much like a nursery rhyme! ;)
nornities replied to your photo “The flowers created a puddle on which a ladybug went surfing and Raven...”
A whole story in just one sentence :D
Aww, you’re right, this would make a cute scene in a whimsical children’s book! declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “Best Weatherstone effect so far!”
OMG! I always deleted the weatherstone and stopped it spawning with NRAAS! Didn't know it did that!
Only for the supernaturals that came with Supernatural. For werewolfs it rains gems and rocks, for witches it’s he green rain I had last generation and Vampires get some creepy fog I haven’t tried yet. But in my normal saves I have little use for the Weatherstone either - I’d have preferred it as a buyable object. willky12 replied to your photo “The flowers created a puddle on which a ladybug went surfing and Raven...”
How lovely, shame Raven couldn't splash in the puddle ;)
Awww, that would have been cute! willky12 replied to your photoset “Best Weatherstone effect so far!”
I love this effect
ktarsims replied to your photoset “Best Weatherstone effect so far!”
O.O Awesome.
inda-sims replied to your photoset “Best Weatherstone effect so far!”
Love the dragon flying in the flowers! ;)
Same here! <3 nornities replied to your photo “Ouch, I got a flower into my eye!”
Lol... Attack of the spring flowers!
Being a fairy is not all as peaceful as it sounds :D nornities replied to your photoset “It’s alright, Raven. I’m just feeling a bit lonesome.” “Crawk” ...”
Awwwww... *love*
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “It’s alright, Raven. I’m just feeling a bit lonesome.” “Crawk” ...”
Awwww <3
davidmont replied to your photoset “It’s alright, Raven. I’m just feeling a bit lonesome.” “Crawk” ...”
<3 <3 <3
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “Asking the Weatherstone’s favour went wrong…”
She must have angered the Gods!
Perhaps she didn’t ask politely enough...
lifeasasim replied to your photoset “:( Not a good way to start the queue, I know…”
*sniff* lifeasasim replied to your photo “I almost missed it, but Grim Reaper fed the cowplant!”
Very appropriate in a way... lifeasasim replied to your photo “New save means new raccoon!”
Awww friends
As long as they don’t rival about the food... willky12 replied to your photoset “Okay, here’s my first entry for Pools & Toddlers Month: ...”
Toddlers do it ;)
That’s true - and it also struck me that eventually the community got what this post was originally in aid of: Pools and Toddlers in Sims 4! galadrielhs-simblr replied to your photoset “Okay, here’s my first entry for Pools & Toddlers Month: ...”
suuuuuper ♥
Danke! :)
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I ended up not playing this weekend, instead I reinstated my Netflix account and watched “Stranger Things” for the first time. Holy Horseshit!! I’m hooked! The show is excellent, so well done. I watched four episodes and I’m going to pace myself...mainly because I have other things I should be doing but I could easily binge watch..kind of like I did with “Torchwood”.
And since I didn’t play, here are a few extra pictures from the Spears. Just random shots plus a bonus Vlad and a townie having a secret turban society meeting.... I used MC Command to fix that.
I guess I will use this time to make some quick replies since I’m kind of bad at doing them promptly :-\.
reverieinsimlish said: I LOVE the BBoys. Their lyrics are so smart and sarcastic. I still have all their albums on CD somewhere around here.
I really like a lot of their music too, so many memories to many of the songs.
willky12 said: A hand Buzzer?! Wow, harsh! XD
Yeppers, if a sim is dazed or exhausted and get a jolt, it could kill them. I learned this through experiments in the name of “science” of course ;-)
mentioned you in a post “Hi there! Love your blog! Once you get this you have to say five...”
…things to be happy. winifredwoogie
Thanks for tagging me for that meme :-). Things that make me happy are: Sims, my pets, the change of the seasons and the smell of summer mornings.
Welp, I’ve screwed around long enough...I have to get ready for work :-D.
#sims 4#combo post#stranger things#I'm kind of strange too#meme reply#reverieinsimlish#willky12#treason-and-plot
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Misc ‘plies now that they’re back yay ;)
replied to your photoset
“If only this hair had been invented when I first made Tehani a couple...”
It's never too late ;)
💜 Thanks for sending me the link for it, hon! :D 💜
replied to your photoset
“If only this hair had been invented when I first made Tehani a couple...”
THANK YOU DARHLIIING! That means a lot coming from you *blows kisses* xxx 💜
replied to your photoset
“Some neighbours for Michaela…. I paired up “Mad Sweeney” (X) with...”
Your Sims are so awesome, so beautiful!!!
Awe, Sandy, you are so nice, so talented and so generous! Merci beaucoup! XD 💜
replied to your photoset
“If only this hair had been invented when I first made Tehani a couple...”
Love Tehani. And love that hair on her.
Aww thank you, sweetie! And I love that hair on her too... it’s exactly the hair she should have! :D💜
replied to your photoset
“If only this hair had been invented when I first made Tehani a couple...”
Omg yes, I thought of her when I saw it too :)
I LOVED it on your sim Amaani and then I saw it on @titosims gorgeous Nelani too and twigged that it was perfect for Tehani... was going to ask where you got it from but Willky came up with the goods first LOL! ;P
replied to your photoset
“Some neighbours for Michaela…. I paired up “Mad Sweeney” (X) with...”
Is Roderick and Mad a couple? ;) Too much gorgeousness in this world!!
No, they aren’t a couple, just housemates. They’ll probably be in competition for Michaela’s affections LOL! And she’ll probably just ignore them! I’ll see what happens- I’m like you with my gameplay and just sort of let things happen. Sometimes I force a couple together but a lot of the time I don’t and I haven’t decided yet what sort of Sim Michaela would be attracted to or even what her preferences might be.... :D
replied to your photoset
“I plonked Michaela in Saaqartoq which is soooo stunning. I started...”
I love Saaqartoq I played that world to death and will return, so beautiful! Michaela is a BAMF, just look at that attitude, she loves that chopper she is just too bad to show it XP
Oh, wow, I hope I get to play it to death too! If my laptop doesn’t shrivel up and die- or explode HAR! A BAMF! LOL! YES! She definitely has plenty of attitude hahaha! XD Although she looks a bit more studious and responsible in your game! She did start off as a “nerd” originally but then I got influenced by Womack & Womack and also, because of your comments, it changed XD
replied to your photoset
“Some neighbours for Michaela…. I paired up “Mad Sweeney” (X) with...”
I love your sims! They are fantastic. Wish I was that good at sim making. haha
Awwww, you are too sweet and kind ;____; I promise, it’s 95% CC and sliders and 5% talent hahahahah! XD
replied to your photo
“Hello! Happy Monday, everyone! Been a little while since I posted my...”
Hey gorgeous!!!
Hello yourself, gorgeous lady ;)💜
replied to your photoset
“I plonked Michaela in Saaqartoq which is soooo stunning. I started...”
She's fantastic!
replied to your photoset
“I plonked Michaela in Saaqartoq which is soooo stunning. I started...”
That is one of my favorite worlds. And Michaela is pretty gorgeous too.
Oh really!? I didn’t know that :) I admit I am a sucker for any kind of Scandinavian style worlds. I wish I could play Dronningslund but it’s too big for my laptop and gets too laggy too quickly. I am so impressed with Saaqartoq... I mean the attention to detail blows my mind. And thank you! I’m pretty in love with Michaela so it makes me happy that other people like her too! :D
replied to your photoset
“Footsteps on the dance floor remind me baby of you…”
I love that song ��
Me too! Hadn’t listened to it in a while but it came up on a show or an ad or something and I had to google it and listen to it about 4 times in a row while I gave Michaela a make-over ;P
replied to your post
“Turning Safe-mode OFF...”
I completely understand! Thank you for sticking to it for so long! Huggs
Thanks for understanding hon! Obviously you were one of the blogs affected and I got sick of not being able to see your icon anymore :(
replied to your post
“Turning Safe-mode OFF...”
Current mood: Lemon pickled in vinegar ;p
replied to your photoset
She's gorgeous ��
replied to your photo
“Hello! Happy Monday, everyone! Been a little while since I posted my...”
You look lovely! I really like your hair like this :)
Thank you oh goddess of the perfect skin and hair ;) 💜xxx
replied to your photoset
I think the vast collection of filthy jokes will help! I love her, good luck Bella ;)
Thanks, hunny! She doesn’t really have a vast collection of filthy jokes and neither do I, but Goatkibble probably does so I’m relying on her to do that part of things HAR! XD
replied to your photoset
“Footsteps on the dance floor remind me baby of you…”
she needs a chopper ;)
As previously discussed- done deal! Thank you for the Simspiration! 💜 XD
replied to your photoset
She's great! ;)
Thank you, gorgeous! She’s no competition for your lovely entrant though ;P I suspect that Bella won’t last long HAHAHAHA! XD
replied to your photoset
omg i looooveeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!
THANK YOU TITOOOO! Thank you! 💜💜💜 And I LOVE Nelani- your post made me realise how perfect that hair would be for Tehani also because I was too dim to realise it before hahahaha! XD
replied to your photoset
god she's pretty!
Awww thank you ;_______; 💜
replied to your photoset
she's pretttyyyyy !
replied to your photo
“Hello! Happy Monday, everyone! Been a little while since I posted my...”
hello, Face! How wise and beauteous you are. And framed by such lovely hair too.
OMG Pru! You make me blush ;____; 💜
#willky12#nativeafua#aroundthesims#pixelrayne#ice-creamforbreakfast#tangie0906#blythelyre#mspoodle1#nernershuman#treason-and-plot#inda-sims#amuhav#20thcharacter#lifeasasim#titosims#simtress#corianderpunch#text post#reply post#non-sims#So nice to have mass replied back!#To be able to interact with all you gorgeous folks#💜
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first replies to Greek Souvenirs
thank you all for the likes, and for those who are following yet this new story of mine. thank you especially for the readers, the reblogs!, and all the supportive comments, answered below:
nornities replied to your photo “To let his soul pair up with his body, he paused. next >”
You still know how to write, that's for sure!
Thank you, dear. Not writing anything -- only mentally developing stories, but that is not writing -- during my vacations made me feel rusty. Writing a story based on my vacations (not just the last one) helps at getting back to it.
simblu replied to your photo “To let his soul pair up with his body, he paused. next >”
I will come back to this new blog later..just quickly scrolling dash at the moment. Noted.
Thank you for leaving that note, dear, and thank you for coming back to read it. I know you are more into LoSSS, and my intention is to carry both stories side by side, being Greek Souvenirs the one where I will come to unwind from the dark moods of LoSSS.
lifeasasim replied to your photo “If Becky were not so fat and heavy, pregnant with his new itinerant...”
I keep hitting the next button and realize it's not updated yet ahaha
Sometimes, if you are online when I am also online publishing the posts, it might happen that you try to hit next while I’m still running around linking the previous/next buttons, and they might not really work. In this case, that was the end of that update, but now there is more already :)
lifeasasim replied to your photo “If Becky were not so fat and heavy, pregnant with his new itinerant...”
I love it!
I’m so glad you like it, dear!
lifeasasim reblogged your photo and added:
@andantezen is perfection.
Thank you so very much for the reblog!! I know people who follow you are accustomed to your perfection indeed! It is a great compliment coming from you, and it feels warmly supportive, thank you!
willky12 replied to your photo “To let his soul pair up with his body, he paused. next >”
I think your holiday is still very much with you ;) I enjoyed this read, a lot!
Greece has this effect on me that no other country has -- except, perhaps, Iceland and the region of Ladakh, in India, once had. But Greece feels familiar to a degree I have never experienced elsewhere. I carry it as a feeling in my heart, that nourishes me -- and I hope to keep it alive and communicate it through this story. I’m so happy that you enjoyed reading it!
willky12 replied to your photo “If Becky were not so fat and heavy, pregnant with his new itinerant...”
I feel like I am on holiday there as well just looking at these pics. So evocative, I love it.
That’s the feeling I am trying to give myself, and share it with you! It’s true I normally get lost into my characters’ minds and inner lives, but I shall try to give more attention to their surroundings to convey this feeling of well being while vacationing in Greece... As for the pics, I am really trying to add details that bring the touristy Greece alive, and paying special attention to colors and lighting, since they make this land so special...
simblu replied to your photo “He faced the sea, instead of giving his back to it to find his way....”
How beautifully you describe this all.
Memories. Less than imagining it, I was describing things I saw and experienced, maybe that’s why it turned out well. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
simblu replied to your photo “From the portico of whitewashed arches drawing a series of gentle...”
And i wonder why this makes him joyous. What is he hiding?
Maybe he is not particularly hiding anything? Maybe Andreas doesn’t like so much what there is to see -- learn, know -- about him in plain view. Maybe he just wants to begin anew, have you ever experienced that feeling? And a land where he is a complete stranger seems perfect for that, doesn’t it?
simblu replied to your photo “Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle – or should it be only mosaics in...”
This small mystery entertainingly revealed. :)
You are such a good reader, thank you for being there, for your constant support, reading and commenting on my stories!
danjaley replied to your photo “When a boy porter swiftly turned around the corner, like some...”
This donkey is such a cutie!!
Isn’t it? Though Resizer actually helps a lot, otherwise it would be a normal horse ;)
simblu replied to your photo “No!” Andreas replied immediately, with a vehemence quite unlike...”
Not off to a good start with the locals, is he?
Not at all, right? Andreas is still too full of his past, stressing life, to actually see the people and situations around him right now. At least he has warned us from the beginning -- he might have arrived, but his soul has not reached him yet!
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Rules: Pick your main characters of your blog, could be 1 or all of them, and state which zodiac sign they are. You can present it anyway you like! :D once you’ve done it tag others whose sims you want to know better :)
I was tagged by my wonderful fellow mad Scottish lady @ninjaofthepurplethings! Thank you <3
TS4 version:
Caleb Smyth - Libra
Balance and harmony are said to rule this sign. They search for these aspects in all relationships making them ideal friends, partners, and family members. This sign enjoys company for its own sake. Their strengths lie in their abilities to cooperate and remain diplomatic. Libras are excellent problem solvers. Libras can be as peaceful or violent as any other sign and the Mythos that sees them all as endlessly peaceful is incorrect.
Libras are supposedly social beings and their happiness is based within relationships. They can be indecisive however, as with maturity comes extremely tactical observations and good decision making abilities letting both sides of an equation be weighed in the balance. They are social butterflies. It is said that Libras have a special aura of harmony about them that attracts others.
Valentina Smyth (Yates) - Virgo
Astrologers ascribe certain personality traits to a person born under the Virgo: people born under this sign are typically analytical, kind, hardworking and practical. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to worry often; they are shy and dislike being the center of attention. They are also known for being modest, faithful, quiet, and very persuasive, as well as for having a good sense of reasoning and memory. Virgos are also known for their intellect and usually enjoy art, literature, science, mathematics, and are skilled at completing detailed work.
I tage @titosims, @aikea-guinea, @icy-spicy-scalpel, @buckleysims, @aroundthesims, @goatkibble, @heavensims, @willky12, @kittythesnowcat, @acquiresimoleons, @simnights, @bsimth, @martinessimblr, @furryjackal, @minasims, @quiddity-jones and anyone else who wants to do this!
#ice-creamforbreakfast#ts4#the sims 4#caleb smyth#valentina yates#titosims#aikea-guinea#icy-spicy-scalpel#buckleysims#aroundthesims#goatkibble#willky12#heavensims#kittythesnowcat#acquiresimoleons#simnights#bsimth#martinessimblr#furryjackal#minasims#quiddity-jones#zodiac tag
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Yeah, she'll work it out now Mum is not around to show her
nornities replied to your photo “Don’t they usually hold the fish the other way round?And look, a...”
Well, she is not an expert... (yet) :)
Originally it was just a plot-idea of mine, but Ulva turned out to be really untalented for angling! willky12 replied to your photo “My computer doesn’t have sound output. It was so weird to watch...”
hahaha, what a musician hey ;D
nornities replied to your photo “My computer doesn’t have sound output. It was so weird to watch...”
:D Who knows which noises this strange instrument makes!
She’s a one-woman-band! ;)
nornities replied to your photoset “The lower level of the cave (where Fishy’s pool was) is gone, and the...”
There is so much room all of a sudden :) Sad that fishys pool had to go, it was a beautiful little grotto. And poor Ulva is so alone...
Aww, I loved Fishy’s cave too! But it really was her space, and I imagine that being down there only made Ulva miss her mother worse, so she cut off the lower cave.
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