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Hello there! Hope you don't mind me mass liking all your posts! :P My simming itch is back and I now must consume all the sims. If you don't mind and it isn't too hard to find, could you please tell me where I could find the floral tile as seen in /post/181375364342?
Haha, not at all! I was excited to see your name pop up in my notifs again. :D How’ve you been?

This gorgeous floral tile is part of a set by Atticbox, and there’s a link to some matching wallpapers in that post. :)
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Do you still have the sims from your Who's Your Daddy challenge? I know it was forever ago but I'm rereading through it now and realized you did spawn some real cuties and would be interested in downloaded a few not already up.
I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to this sooner but Tumblr never let me know I had a new message! I’m so happy someone is actually looking at my old stuff. :D I only have a few Sims saved from that challenge and they were all requests. Here’s the list.
It’s not huge, but I was going by popular demand at the time. I didn’t save more than what is listed there, unfortunately.
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Replies :)
@littleblondesim replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 12: Novak on my DW! :) In which we have a...”
Such a cute family! They all go so well together with their pinks and blues. I'm glad nobody was too upset over Niko's death still--while he was kind of sleazy, he was important in their lives!
I think the sadness wore off in one day and now they’re happy again! I mean Velma was never sad to begin with XD I love this family! :D
@hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 12: Novak on my DW! :) In which we have a...”
Everyone is cute! And I agree, it's a strange feeling to see Velma as an elder. At least she is still recognizable! xD
They are! Haha, I’ll never give up her style :P
@charming-plumbob replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 12: Novak on my DW! :) In which we have a...”
Yeah, I get to get my Velma dose !
Yaaaaay! :D
@afroplumbobs replied to your photoset “Finally all the kids have their own rooms in the Novak house! (they’re...”
Such a cute little home! ❤️
I love their house! Actually they would have enough money to move to a bigger one, but I decided to expand it a bit instead, because I’m so attached to this lot :D
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Pregnant Kaylynn
littleblondesim said: omg this family is too much :D
It’s like a catastrophe... you can’t look (or in this case get) away.
eulaliasims said: oh my god, six sims and a dog in that house? Maybe Kaylynn can learn some kind of spell for magicking up house extensions.
No way that house is ever gonna fit all of them... but Leo already has come up with a plan, I hear.
Rufus, the asshole-in-training
holleyberry said: You’ll have your hands full with that one. Wow!
I love those extreme personalities. Cressida and he will tear up the neighbourhood once they’ll grow up.
Boyfriend and Sims
holleyberry said: He’ll get it when it takes his sims 5 hours to walk across it.
Ha! So far, he’s only been building. Can’t wait for the day he’ll create his first Sim.
taylors-simblr said: A new one? I think @voleste made one a while back
How did I miss that! Thanks, that’s the one I was looking for! It’s this one.
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penig replied to your photoset “Happy Mothers Day!!”
In my country Mother's Day is in May, but I'll celebrate whenever you like.
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Happy Mothers Day!!”
May I ask where you're from? Here in the United States, Mother's Day is in May, like penig said.
I’m in the UK, our Mothers Day is always on the fourth Sunday of Lent and was originally about returning to your mother church after abstaining from sins for Lent (not anything to do with mums at all). Of course now it’s been turned into a day to celebrate mums and grandmas and I’m pretty sure that most people don’t know about the church thing.
#littleblondesim#penig#replies#mothers day#I looked it up because I always found it weird that we have a completely different date to everyone else
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Replies, Kitchen Clutter Mania
Thank you very much, @katatty-main, @nerlika-blog, @littleblondesim, @holleyberry, @deedee-sims, and @skyesimsreblogged.
katatty-main replied to your photoset:It’s Just A Bunch of Random Walls TM Fair...
omg, those bricks/stone & the bat wallpaper are PERFECT for hollyhead, thank u! <3
Yeah, the wallpapers from the Vampire Pack are so great! I would like bats all over every wall, please.
nerlika-blog replied to your photoset: Quick completer set for these conversions by...
Haha, go for it.
littleblondesim replied to your photoset :Quick completer set for these conversions by...
yasssssssss kitchen clutter
holleyberry replied to your photoset: Quick completer set for these conversions by...
You can never have too much kitchen/food clutter.
It’s arguably the best kind of clutter? (Kidding, every kind of clutter is the best kind of clutter.)
deedee-sims replied to your photoset: Quick completer set for these conversions by...
Deedee, do your Sims also like gummy bears and chili-flavored dark chocolate?
skyesimsreblogged your photoset:Yesterday’s WIP is complete! I’ve put two shades...
yeeees this will fit my new hood so well
Mine too! I’m putting them all over my Downtown makeovers.
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“Tara rolled wants to get rid of all three of her cats, and I thought...”
tara no-kat
Tara Katfree
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Laaaate replies
Some of these are very late... as usual!
@eulaliasims replied to your photoset
“Angelie gets a cute little nursery set up. In order to accomodate it I...”
Their house is gorgeous! *_* The red + orange and the dark roof looks sooooo good.
Thanks! Normally when I build and decorate I use money cheats and source inspiration images. Since I don’t do money cheats in Brightmaple (besides the loan system I came up with which is more limited), I had to think of some way to keep the decorating fun for me still, so each household got a colour palette! Theirs is orange, red and navy. But the navy is represented inside the house. :)
@didilysims replied to your photoset
“Onto the Crosby household, round two! Geneva is into gaming, so I...”
It's a bit boxy (not in a bad way!) and the Tetris cubes too made Game Cube first pop into my head. Thought that's probably copyrighted. ;)
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
“Onto the Crosby household, round two! Geneva is into gaming, so I...”
Maybe do a punny take on "Game of Thrones" or something? I can't think of anything off the top of my head, though...
Thanks for the suggestions! For the time being I called it “Games World” which is better than the placeholder lot name it had before. If I think of something I love, I can always change it!
@simper-fi replied to your photoset
“2017 Favourites - Decor This was a really hard category to choose for....”
I looooove all your decorating and I feel especially compelled to mention how much I love that last kitchen shot! I must’ve missed the original post but OMG so cute ❤️
Thank you so much!! <3
@twofee replied to your photoset
“The Roof TS2 Restaurant Download This is nice big restaurant with a...”
slams the download link! this is lovely!
@eulaliasims replied to your photoset
“The Roof TS2 Restaurant Download This is nice big restaurant with a...”
It looks amazing! Excellent work with the decorating especially. :D
Thank you both! I was so happy with this, when it turns out like how you imagined in your head!
@alienpod replied to your photoset
“Another day and another party at the Crosby house. Jane is really...”
thats such a cute house
Thank you! I’m loving bright house sidings these days.
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
“Geneva and Daniel went on a date at the park, and sparks flew. I have...”
That is a very cute barista!
She’s the product of some custom face templates and default replacement hairs I suppose! She’s even got a cute name too, Esmee. (with an accent over the middle “e” I can’t be bothered to figure out how to type on a keyboard).
@theveryhappysimmer replied to your photoset
“Geneva and Daniel went on a date at the park, and sparks flew. I have...”
Those sims are really gorgeous! They look strangely human compared to other sims if that makes sense. Very realistic. lol
Thank you! I guess my style is Maxis Match but not exactly cartoony, I like making them look like people somewhat!
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
“Time for Whitney’s birthday! She ages up into the most adorable...”
That hair is adorable. I need more toddler/child-friendly hairs...
I have made a concerted effort recently to be on the lookout for good toddler/child hairstyles so I’ve got a decent selection now! But I’m always on the prowl for more. That goes double for styles that work for black Sims as I like them to have their natural hair, especially as children.
@eulaliasims replied to your photoset
“Back in Bridgemont for a little bit, I took Michael and Michelle out...”
So pretty!! And yeah, it's about to snow where I live for the third time this week, so I agree about preferring sim snow.
@simper-fi replied to your photoset
“Back in Bridgemont for a little bit, I took Michael and Michelle out...”
This looks so cute and cozy!! I love all kinds of snow, this is my favorite time of year :3
Snow is just such a pain here haha it’s all wet and mushy and no one can drive in it! Luckily so far we haven’t gotten a lot, and today it’s just raining! But I do really love Sim snow.
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
“Games & Music Hobby Prints TS2 Download I was working on an...”
Yay, more Travelkeeper recolors! I think this brings me up to....1,842. :) But hey! The more the merrier, and it's nice to have hobby-related ones. :)
I’m the same way - that mesh is just an absolute triumph! I can’t stop making and downloading recolours for it!
@didilysims replied to your photoset
“Sawyer and Dahlia bought their community lot. Since they both like...”
I think sloppy Sims leave the TV on, if I'm remembering right. If you've got any of them lying about. :P
Ooh good to know! I love learning little things like that!
@eulaliasims replied to your photoset
“Baby time is almost here and Kira is just waiting and ready. Finally,...”
Awww! It is always the bathroom, isn't it? :P Totally unrelated, but their house looks *amazing*. Love the modern look.
The bathroom seems to be the preferred birthing venue! And thank you! I found a floorplan online that had that basic layout with the wrap around porch at the front, and then I think a little more poking around found me the idea for the front roofline and all the windows, as well as the trellis type things up front! It would probably be a good vacation home layout too.
@lilsisterg replied to your photoset
“The ROS roll for Mateo, Kira and Ryan’s round was a pet adoption! The...”
LOL!! He is cute ... but dang!
He is a little muttly LOL!
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
“Pleasure aspiration Sims are a lot of fun.”
The mama in me wants to yell "Shoes off the couch!!!" :)
Hahah so true! I’m not a mom and I feel the same!
@littleblondesim replied to your photo
“Loading up a household of soon-to-be townies, and the chick on the...”
hah, I usually have that issues with hairs, but this takes the cake!
Same here. Never had it with clothing!! LOL!
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A couple replies!
replied to your post
“I really miss playing but I’ve been lacking some serious motivation...”
Drinking wine, books and Sims? Sounds like the trifecta of amazing hobbies! Hope you are enjoying them all equally soon!
They are probably three of the best hobbies to have (at least in my opinion)! I’ve even gotten the husband on board with the wine journey. It’s amazing how deep the wine world gets once you start exploring!
replied to your photo
“In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman Rises...”
I adore aged Bella.
I think she looks so elegant! I had this whole thing planned where’d she look young outside of the mirror, but I was like “ehhh, this’ll do.” Haha. :)
replied to your post
“I really miss playing but I’ve been lacking some serious motivation...”
You could download a hood (like Widespot or something) and mix all the genetics in it!
I like this idea a lot! There’s a lot of great hoods out there that I haven’t tried and this would be a fun way to get into them.
replied to your post
“I really miss playing but I’ve been lacking some serious motivation...”
Here's a 30 Day challenge that has some fun prompts. Maybe it'll inspire you? �� http://petasparkle.tumblr.com/post/143093762778/30-day-cas-challenge
Yay thank you! I like these prompts a lot. They’re simple, but inspiring!
replied to your post
“I really miss playing but I’ve been lacking some serious motivation...”
Hope you get some of your motivation back and either way that rl things improve ��
Thank you! ❤ ❤
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Possibly the last of my replies post for 2017, so I just want to say a big THANK YOU for your comments this year. I really enjoy reading them and it flatters me that people like what I post.
sweetpea928 replied to your photoset “Matthew’s a ten in more ways than one. He’s Jillian’s tenth woohoo...”
A+ use of Blanche
str00pw4f3l replied to your photoset “Matthew’s a ten in more ways than one. He’s Jillian’s tenth woohoo...”
I will never get over the Golden Girls censoring, I LOVE IT xD
holleyberry replied to your post “Matthew: You’re such a good dancer! Jillian: It’s what I do for a...”
Never change Jillian.
Highly doubtful.
littleblondesim replied to your post “Jillian: Daphne motherfucking Jenkins. Could you be any extra,...”
ugh, Jillian is going to be the best mom
I have high hopes that she’ll raise a kid who’s comfortable af in their own skin. I just hope baby daddy selection can be finalised while she’s still young.
eulaliasims replied to your post “Jillian: I had a moment before. I need you to talk me out of it....”
That last line legit made me LOL. :D
Yay! :D
littleblondesim replied to your post “Jillian: I had a moment before. I need you to talk me out of it....”
I adore your neighborhood.and the sims are the best.
littleblondesim replied to your photoset
looooove this look on jillian
Thanks! Jillian is a fun sim to style up. I like a combo of hard/soft and femme/androgynous for her.
nekosayuri replied to your post “Matthew: You’re such a good dancer! Jillian: It’s what I do for a...”
What is... a clam wrangler exactly?
Someone who makes a living keeping clams contained in their natural habitat, I guess? In internet slang though, it’s something... dirty.
hemfbg replied to your photoset “Have a mini hair dump! Time to chop those ass-grazing extensions off...”
Thank you for these, I especially love those last two :3
holleyberry replied to your photoset “Have a mini hair dump! Time to chop those ass-grazing extensions off...”
Love, love, love your edits. Here's hoping someone Simgaroop's the shit out of these soon.
You’re both so welcome! I hope that happens for you Holley.
moocha-muses replied to your post “To the anon who asked @deedee-sims for Sandy Bruty’s parents. As...”
If you make the Bruty parents, I will absolutely add them + child Sandy to Owl Creek.
100% holding you to this/dying to see it. I’m really enjoying Owl Creek btw :D
mdpthatsme replied to your photoset “@deedee-sims got an anon request to create Goopy’s in-laws Sandy...”
Yep, that's her parents! Wonderful!
moocha-muses replied to your photoset “@deedee-sims got an anon request to create Goopy’s in-laws Sandy...”
They're perfect! I knew they would be.
holleyberry replied to your photoset “@deedee-sims got an anon request to create Goopy’s in-laws Sandy...”
Look at them. Awesome!
Thanks, guys! I’m glad simmers are embracing them as good enough for the OG Bruty Cutie!
alienpod replied to your photo “Just over here making more slider sims for some weird reason”
When one of your favourite simmers dazzles you with their dazzled-ness *__*
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Not that this is bad, but the front part looks like a face with the bay window as a mouth. :)
I can’t unsee that now!! XD
They look great! maybe you could use different wall coverings for the second and third floor. Like the foundation and first would be in brick, second in stucco? Or some other combination.
Yeah, if i end up using them in a neighbourhood will for sure play around with the walls, but i definitely need more stucco walls and maybe some poured walls and masonry...
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alienpod replied to your photo “One more WIP :D I’ve always liked this Fakepeeps cardigan dress mesh,...”
littleblondesim replied to your photo “One more WIP :D I’ve always liked this Fakepeeps cardigan dress mesh,...”
This is looking so good!
Thanks! It’s amazing what new textures can do to old mesh.
barbiepinklady replied to your photo “Another WIP. Lissa’s edit of Fakepeeps hoodie dress with leggings...”
Thats would make a perfect default
I actually already did one default replacement using this outfit. I just have to test it in game and take some preview pics before I upload it.
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Replies about pixel and real life animals :)
phinae-simblr replied to your photoset “The ‘many faces of Smiley’ compilation :)”
he's so beautiful
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “The ‘many faces of Smiley’ compilation :)”
Smiley’s so cute!
princess-arystal21 replied to your photoset “The ‘many faces of Smiley’ compilation :)”
Sim dogs are so much fun :)
I love playing pixel pets! And Smiley is one of my faves! :)
sogoshableuniverse replied to your post “Replies :)”
Aww, what a cutie!
princess-arystal21 replied to your post “Replies :)”
Awwwwww. I love rabbits too :)
littleblondesim replied to your post “Replies :)”
Your bunny is too cute!
I’m going to give him a carrot on behalf of you, guys! :D
fayts4 replied to your post “Replies :)”
Omg how cute is your rabbit!! <3 I have two rabbits as well!
hunnybunnysims replied to your post “Replies :)”
What kind of rabbit is he? (Mine's a dwarf hotot :>)
Hiii fellow rabbit owners! :D He’s a dwarf, but I don’t know the exact type. The vet said he might be a Netherland dwarf :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your post “Replies :)”
I'd like bunnys for the small dog cage from appartment life. That would be awesome!
taylors-simblr replied to your post “Replies :)”
Very cute bunny :) I used to have 2 house rabbits, unfortunately I’m not allowed pets in our house otherwise I’d definitely get another one. I think a custom version of that puppy pen would be good for a rabbit pet
Yes, I thought about a rabbit pen too! I managed to get the rabbit appear, but the sims couldn’t interact with the poor thing (besides giving it food lol). I followed a custom womrat tutorial, but it was different here and there, so I might messed up something. (it was like... 2 months ago, so I don’t remember exactly what I did) I think I’m gonna try again :)
#sogoshableuniverse#littleblondesim#hunnybunnysims#fayts4#phinae simblr#tamtam go92#kayleigh 83#princess arystal21#taylors simblr#replies
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Long overdue replies
Joe, the idiot emotionally stumped sim
holleyberry said: You are a tool Joe.
Yeah he is. (I think, at this point, not even Joe himself would try to dispute that claim...)
moocha-muses said: There’s a difference between “emotionally stumped” and Romance Sim, Joe.
There definitely is. Putting the fact that Brandon has always had very healthy relationships and definitely isn’t emotionally stumped aside...
Pet breeds
hunnybunnysims said: It’s like they just barely tried. Jussstttt barelllyyy
plath-sims reblogged this from aondaneedles and added:
It has always been concerning. I deleted all of them lol.
Barely... I mean, that plush pug was like 8€. Can’t imagine a lot of designing effort went into that.
Yeah, might want to download some CC pet breeds. Had corgis once, they looked pretty nice.
It’s Poppy!
didilysims said: Poppy seems like a very sassy child. :D
She is. She is veeeery chatty and always ends up doing rather weird stuff/ reacts in interesting ways. She’s great.
Heated pools
littleblondesim said: sims are so spoiled that they all get heated pools
I love little details like this. The pools look so awesome in winter. Must resist the urge to build a pool in everyone’s backyard.
Jan and Leo
littleblondesim said: Does she know about the nooboo?
Well, now she knows! XD
Jan and Kaylynn
littleblondesim said: oh dear
This is going to end badly...
#non sims#text#replies#holleyberry#moocha-muses#hunnybunnysims#plath-sims#didilysims#littleblondesim
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Replies, Lies, I can Never Spoil Mai-Tai Too Much
@littleblondesim replied to your photoset: We’ve been working our way through the Bond movies...
My game could always use more lesbians–thank you!
Especially super gorgeous ace-pilot lesbians, right? (Now that I’ve finished making her and I’m just looking at her face I think her bone structure has a lot in common with Louisa. I really have a type.)
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photo: “Weeding robot! That’s what I should have wished...
That’s actually a lovely idea for a custom craftable. I mean, it could even use the animations from the Cleanbot. Just have it suck weeds out of the ground instead of sucking up piles of trash. Wish I knew how to make custom craftables. I know it’s possible and all, although I don’t know if one could actually be coded to do that… ‘
I’m not saying this wouldn’t be amazing, because it clearly would, but I would not buy one for Milo. He’s spoiled enough already.
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littleblondesim skomentował(a) Twój zestaw zdjęć
All siblings?
Yes, half-siblings. The three standing behind the bench have one mother (Anna) and 3 different fathers. The girl and the kid on her laps share one father (Bartłomiej) but have different mothers. And the boy holding the dog is the son of both Anna and Bartłomiej.

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