#new glasses lets go~~~
sl33py-g4m3r · 1 month
had an eye doctor appointment since the one last year~~
my vision hasn't changed I think~~ is what they said.
insurance let me get new frames and lenses this year~~ so now I'll have 2 of the same prescription to wear~~
found some frames that match the pastel aesthetic i have going on, and the lens tint I have will work really well with them~~~
in bad news I've got a cataract in my good eye now~~~ as one of the nurses or someone helping me with glasses said "welcome to adulthood" so I guess that just happens huh?
if they ever wanted to operate on it; it'll be a last resort, so that hopefully nothing makes me lose the only vision that I have~~
hopefully it's not a fast growing one and messes with my vision really bad~~ :(
I don't want to lose what little vision I have~~~ I couldn't play video games anymore~~~ :(
I hope I'm not taking my vision for granted~~ I hope I'm not~~~ idek what that means tho right off hand~~
there's so much awesome stuff to see~~ sunsets, sun rises, clouds, rain, the plants that you're growing getting slowly bigger~~~ your sibling's adorably photogenic cat~~~~
I couldn't dream of losing the entirety of my vision :((((((
anxiety didn't get to me cause I finally took an "as needed" propranolol before the appointment~~~ and things went fine~~~
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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Outro: TEAR
© namuspromised
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halfdeadwallfly · 3 months
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th3-0bjectivist · 4 months
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"Shatterwinde" - Acrylic paint on canvas
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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#world of warcraft#anduin wrynn#varian wrynn#Llane Wrynn#Barathen Wrynn#Wanted to see if I could duel wield on my rouge the kingslayer and the sword that killed Barathen so I looked and to my dissapointment#it appears they used two different one-handers for reference in the comic so you can kinda get close but its not the right sword#they used the design of one and the shape of another uggh#Let me run around ingame with the swords that killed Llane AND Barathen please is that too much to ask#anyway#All three of the last Wrynns were killed in the same area#their breastplates aint do SHIT to protect them#which is why i am now gonna go off into a 10k rant about how this prooves there is NO reason for Anduin to be forced to wear plate armor#infact prehaps he would be safer in cloth like a proper priest#UNLESS sayyyy the little lion gremlin face on Anduin's breastplate is enchanted and anytime anyone gets too close it breaths fire at them#Someone gets too close and an alarm goes off and the little lion mouth moves up and down with a loud 'STAND BACK- STAND BACK- STAND BACK'#Anduin forgetting about hte annoying lil shit until hes getting back to his room after a long day and his bf wrathie is there and they get#a littttle tooo close n touchy before Anduin can remember to undress and the fuckin lion alarm goes off and guards rush into the room#anyway ive never done stained glass before and tried a new way to make shattered glass so i think this was good#that said the canvas size was maybe too small and it got compressed to hell on twitter and it bothers me so much#cuz anduins face is really nice but it looks blurry when i upload itttt aagh
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Sparks official: Ron and Russell spill some “tantalizing non-details” about what’s in store for 2025 in the latest issue of MOJO. 👀✨
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«i had a dream about my funeral tonight» carlo after moretti's murder, who sometimes wonders if the same fate will befall him
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«I sullied my youth with the most vulgar of dreams: In black cars that look like big turtles Shouting out over other people's thoughts in their skulls I'll have a dream about my funeral The bitter rubber of drunken saliva stretches and stretches, a stubborn thread And it ends, thinning When it ends, I'll be gone too Find me, find me, find me under the fence Eyes, eyes, eyelids, lips Black flame» ^ won't link the song but here's the other one that may fit the mood i guess. anyway it's a good song
«Dad, the kids are out in the yard They're burying a bird Not a pigeon or a tit Dad, give me two rubles I'll throw it in the pit Dad, we're family Don't be dramatic
Dad, my collarbone's been hurting all morning Somewhere in the middle of the yard There's a bird buried Dad, give me some milk I'll pour it in the pit»
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palebluebirdcomputer · 9 months
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight theory
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Let me just say, that Jekyll is a far more patient person than me. If some lady slapped me, then called me a slut, before I've said anything to her, her ass would have been out the door so fast.
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unwellwoman · 4 months
i know my family doesnt mean any harm but i wish the tendency to make fun of someone was less. like is it a joke really....
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naomiknight-17 · 3 months
Why are there so many fucking H*rry P*tter fans blazing their weird-ass posts on my dash lately
That last one included both thirsting for a 'muggle version of Harry' and the word 'delulu' and it made me want to die
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jkpng · 4 months
currently thinking abt surprise hidden track Letter. with surprise jungkook background vocals. and how insane i felt abt a tiny shred of bg vocals . and how those tiny background vocals are the only thing in jks solo era to have an emotional impact on me
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Breaking down the comics: Going Home.
Moon Knight, Issue #14: Stained Glass Scarlet
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Just…Take a minute to appreciate this art: 
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Damn that’s beautiful! 
Okay everyone! 
Here's a bit of rogue history for you! Especially since Scarlet showed up in a recent run! 
Her story is a sad one. 
The story starts in an abandoned church. A story of forgotten worship, run down and empty pews, infested sanctuary, and empty promises of atonement. 
"But high above the corruption, just under the church's vaulted roof in what was once the attic, there is a place of melancholy comfort... If not sanctuary.
It is here that Scarlet-- Stained Glass Scarlet-- has lived for the past three years, quiet as languid smoke, unknown by the crumbling world outside." 
Damn fine narration as always, Moench. 
And damn fine art. 
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She carries out a lonely routine. Playing on the silent ruined Organ, gazing at the vast empty space and far away stars, playing pre-recorded chess games, and at last looking through her old photo album. 
"And each piece of the past is like a shard of stained glass... But all of them, even glimpsed together never adding up to a window with a clear view." 
She looks at pictures of her first communion. Her wedding. Her baby. 
The album ends in a newspaper clipping "Joe 'Mad Dog' Fasinera escapes prison. Guard killed in break." 
Cut to a vastly different location. "A fortress of wealth and security...Sanctuary." 
We are at Grant Mansion. 
Here we see Steven and Marlene sharing a moment. 
Marelene remarks that they really are lucky. 
"[...] Referring to you, to the change you've accomplished. Going from a conscienceless mercenary to a man like Moon Knight is no light-"
"Yes... well, if it's the miraculous redemption of my spirit we're talking about-"
They sit together and look at a collected work of "Alphonse Mucha." 
You have to understand something about comics. When they show you a book with a title or author, it has a purpose. 
You are supposed to recognize the name or title and understand that it will have an impact on the story later. 
Alphonse Mucha. Who is that? 
He's a Czech painter/illustrator/graphic artist from the art Nouveau period. 
He did this: 
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Yeah. THAT. You've seen his work. You'll also notice that the second cover image has a similar style.
He also did this stained glass art piece in the : 
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He loved his country of Czechoslovakia and did many works celebrating the slavic people and the independence of his country... in 1920s-1930. 
Yeah... You see where this is going if you know your history. 
When Hitler invaded and took over Czechoslovakia, Mucha was captured as a nationalist and severely interrogated for many days. When he was released, he was in poor health. He contracted pneumonia and died a month before the outbreak of WWII. 
Check out his art, it's beautiful. 
You should also keep in mind that The Spectors are also from Czechoslovakia. 
"The clerk in Rizzoli's said he's seen the originals of these--ten feet tall, almost like stained glass windows--hanging in belgium." 
So Steven bought this book. 
Why? Sure, he's about being rich and living the high light. In earlier issues (particularly the one with Mogart) he had shown an interest in art. 
But why this one? 
Marlene goes to the piano and starts to play "In My Life" by the Beatles. 
Wait, when did this comic come out? 
December 1981. 
Ahhhh. The one year anniversary of the death of John Lennon. 
Sometimes comics cover world events and note how they affect others. 
We see them cry and hug. 
"The dream is over. John Lennon is dead. [....] Guns. And guilt." 
We cut to Scarlet, listening to the news on the radio. 
It talks about gunfire in the Bronx attributed to the 'Mad Dog' Fasinera, the escaped convict. 
The radio goes on about Mad Dog going on a murder spree. 
Scarlet sheds some tears. 
Back at the mansion, Steven also hears about the shootings. He runs to get ready as Moon Knight. 
We cut to Mad Dog in a shoot out. He talks about revenge for his father and getting his father's money. He's going ot 'cut the old neighborhood to ribbons'. 
We see Moon Knight on the roof getting into the chopper. 
"Don't worry about it, Lady- Grant'll be back." 
"Who will be back, Steven?" 
"Okay, Already. I'LL be back." 
Again, we see the push by Marlene to have them all be Steven and the push back and frustration. 
Marlene still at this point thinks they are pretending to be someone else and she wants them all to just be Steven. 
Scarlet also cloaks up in her signature red outfit and heads out into the night. 
Moon Knight fights the Mad Dog and his gang shooting up a store. He busts in and breaks it up, taking down a few while the others get away. 
He follows them to an abandoned grocery store and sees Scarlet standing outside. 
She goes inside and finds the rest of Mad Dog's gang, but no Mad Dog. She demands to know where Joe 'Mad Dog' is. 
She tells them that when they see Joe to tell him 'What he's looking for is in the church." She then leaves. 
Moon Knight follows her back to the church and confronts her. 
She tells him her story. 
Joe is her son!
"I was young, Moon Knight, in love with the idea of being in love..." 
She talks about how Joe was the result and consequence of her love. Now, she means to 'salvage' the consequences and save Joe. 
When she was much younger, she wanted to be an actress or a nun. She chose the role of being a nun. 
Once she was a nun, she realized that she was only acting and regretted her choice. 
She realized this when she met a man named "Vince". Vine had just stolen a lot of money and run to the church out of guilt. 
She helped him and 6 months later she married him and left the church. 
"Instead, I devoted myself to my husband, hoping I could help him change, hoping I could use my own failure to redeem him... The baby came and I named him Joseph... But Vince never came to the hospital once. I had to take a cab home." 
After 15 years, she realized that this too was just a 'role'. Vince robbed a bank and killed the guard. He stashed the money and got in a shoot out with the police, who killed him in front of the church. 
When Joe heard his father was killed, he 'declared war on law and order." 
By 19 he had killed someone and left home. He went to jail for life. 
When her son went to jail, she moved to the church. "Jut to play another role, the fallen woman turned mad hemit." 
Moon Knight asks her why the church. 
"Just before the police caught up to him, Vince told a friend that he was going to hide the bank money in a special place where he 'pulled an angel straight down from heaven'." 
She moved to the church knowing that her son would eventually come looking for the money. 
Joe makes a draatic entrance and demands to know where the money is. 
She begs him to stop. To give up and turn himself in. 
Moon Knight gets shot in a scuffel and Scarlet shoots Joe. 
Joe staggers and accidentally grabs the church bell rope. As he falls, all the hidden money falls down with him. 
Scarlet stands over her dead son. 
"Thomas Wolfe's Maudlin line is true, Moon Knight... You never can go home again. Once you've turned your back on it... It's gone. Forever." 
(A very hard and true statement. I wonder if it hit home for Marc too. A man that ran from home and turned his back on everything. Had he ever tried to go home? Or was he still running?) 
Scarlet disappears into the night. Moon Knight stands over the discarded gun. “Guns…” Lamenting on how easily they take and destroy. Much like the death of John Lennon. An idea that is killed. 
Moon Knight returns back to the mansion, wounded but alive. 
"Some succeed in their chosen mission. Others fail, no matter how hard they try." 
That is the end of the issue, but not the last time we will see Stained Glass Scarlet. 
I’ll cover each of her appearances, but this is a Moon Knight Villain that I always did enjoy. 
So what about the artist? Alphonse Mucha is best known for his Art Nouveau period, but it wasn’t what he wanted to be known for. 
For him, he loved his home. He loved his little country that had fought and struggled to become whole. One of his final pieces was about his own people. “History of the Slav”. It depicted his people’s struggles to survive and build their country. 
It was put in a museum for a bit then rolled up and put into storage. 
Now and then it is pulled out and shown in Prague, but not for long or often. His country was then invaded and torn apart over and over again. He died as it was on the brink. 
Again, we have to remember that the Spectors are from Czech. While Mucha was devoutly Catholic and did a lot of work that went to the churches, he wasn’t openly recognized for a lot of it. He was most famous for the work he did in Paris. 
Scarlet tried to find herself and found herself in role after role, pretending to be happy and not finding herself. Her legacy becomes her failure to save her husband and then her son, born from her misguided attempt to find her purpose. She then kills that legacy. 
It’s odd in this comic how Moon Knight really doesn’t have much of a role in it. We focus on Mucha, John Lennon, and Scarlet. 
The bits we do see of Moon Knight are him looking into an artist from Czech who left a legacy he didn’t want. Him lamenting over the senseless killing of a man that meant so much to a lot of people. And him hearing the story of a woman trapped in finding her meaning and her past. 
It’s one of those issues that leaves you feeling like you are taking a peak behind a curtain but can’t quite see the full picture. It also leaves you wondering. 
And later, much later, in recent issues, when we see the remains of Scarlet, there is a sadness there. A bit of the past that Moon Knight could never let go of. And we’ll see more of that later when she shows up again. 
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bbeelzemon · 1 year
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redesigned my sona a bit and made myself a new icon for pride month!! their name is scrap (any pronouns) and theyre a transmasc nonbinary butch lesbian boar :]
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Sorry everyone i finally found a color-accurate suit for aoki im going to be so annoying
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