#new fic soon btw
hoetolegist · 1 year
Tagged by my fav mutual @misschanadlerbong 🫂
These are my first 10 songs on my ON REPEAT playlist on shuffle
I'm not good with tagging people so anyone can do it 😭 (no pressure)
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ohworm-writes · 2 years
It’s so funny to me how me, a person who creates reader insert fanfiction on the internet, is so horrible with their own relationship but they can write a damn good story about everything they want in it
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firestorm09890 · 16 days
"Is he called the 'Viper' because he bites people" -woman who likes to bite whatever she can and does not realize she's a vampire
"No, it's a figure of speech. He sounds irritating but is probably a good strategist" -military strategist many find irritating to deal with because mentally she never left The War
"Whoever made this corridor purple with nothing in it must be a terrible leader. You always need to think about morale" -the same woman, whose usual solution for low morale in her teammates is "stop whining. manager we should kill them"
"the sephirot should have just had a fistfight instead of badmouthing each other for eternity" -Outis again
"Hod is too overprotective" -you'll never guess
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atzfilm · 8 months
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get up yungi enthusiasts let's all gaze at this
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obviousanon · 7 months
Hehehehe hahahaha hoohoohoohoo.
I have a new obsession.
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Dear Lord, bless me on this fine day, for I have received my daily bread.
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bigmanroykent · 4 months
some royjamie fic & podfic recs
i've been trying to make my Grand Return to Reading Fics for months because i miss royjamie so much and i have so many fics marked for later that it makes me cry but turns out. i'm not doing so well reading from a screen these days and only manage physical and audio books which makes reading fic a bit more challenging. so this isn't the huge spreadsheet with recs i had prepared in hopes of sharing it but here are the few i did manage to put there these last few months (with a special thank you to podficcers as well!!), please enjoy them too if you haven't read them yet:
from the mouths of babes by Dyece - Phoebe says something devastatingly insightful, and Roy has a minor Feeling about it.
as weak as a violet by tooshyforthis - After Keeley shuts the door in your face, you stumble your way to the place you call church. Jamie follows you. Always does. When you stumble your way to bed, he follows you there too.
Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark by Blackmustache - Things are changing at Man City and somebody needs to convince Jamie to come home.
i don't know what it is but i got that feeling by aisjustrunning - Jamie has been invited to a party (?) and now he has to buy a present for Roy Fucking Kent.
What you'd do to me tonight by fangrrlsing - “Vanilla vodka.” He shakes his head and Jamie is frozen under his eyes. “Such a child.” There is a gasp stuck in his throat, a protest. It hurts even though it shouldn’t. What should he care what a washed-up has-been thinks about him? Except this is Roy fucking Kent.
Their Love Was There by things_renew_themselves - Jamie and Roy hang out after the bonfire. Shit gets real.
everything by swimmingfox. I'm not kidding, their writing is wonderful and their podfics have been a lifesaver and I already have them linked because I was preparing a podfic rec post before I remembered that I had some other fics ready in my spreadsheet:
A Windmill In Old Amsterdam - Extra scenes from Roy and Jamie's night-time bike ride. Soft and sweet. Four in the Morning & Babe - Starting from S3E4, but then going off on its own. First Time - Jamie and Roy talk about Jamie's experience with his dad in Amsterdam. Jamie has a panic attack, and Roy is there to help. The Death of James Tartt - Jamie arrives on Roy's doorstep with the news that his dad is dead. Roy helps him through the first day and starts to realise his feelings for Jamie have changed. Sweetness prevails! Date - Jamie asks Roy out to dinner. It's nothing special. Honest. Or: Roy finds himself accidentally on a date with Jamie Tartt. Set post-S03! Brazil or, Shag Marry Avoid - Jamie invites Roy to Brazil, and incredibly Roy agrees. Jamie keeps getting erections. They're very much about Roy. Smug Fucking Prick - Jamie and Roy don't go for a kebab after their fight. Instead, Roy turns up at four the next morning, as they've got one more training session. Jamie is not having it. A Cute Little Roy of Pitch Black - Jamie gives Roy another one of his very thoughtful presents for Christmas. It's more of a hint than the last one. Shameless Christmas fluff! roy who by armadillo1976 / original - “Never heard of Roy Kent?” Jamie’s nose scrunches up.
strong (and capable) like an elephant by jedusaur (podfic by Silverkat1620)
it’s a long walk home by antspaul, swordguy - “If there’s a big man coaching Richmond…” Roy gestures broadly—as insultingly broad as he can. “I haven’t seen him.”
Jamie looks unimpressed. Like he’d been waiting to be hurt but expected more. Looks fucking disappointed. Roy’s not done.
“All I see is a little boy, barely two years into a job he thinks he deserves because he’s got the loudest mouth in the room. With a cheap win under his belt because he probably got on his knees for the referee.”
first, violent love by liesmyth - “What, you think you’re the first young prick who’s come round begging for a fuck? I told you, Tartt. You’re not half as special as you think you are.” - All the lads are cursed to speak their minds. Jamie and Roy fuck about it.
Scentr by PGHumfort - Freshly retired, single, and a little lonely, Roy Kent, who hid his omega status throughout his entire career, lets Keeley talk him into trying out the new, exclusive, anonymous dating service for the rich and famous she’s doing PR for. The twist? It’s purely scent-based with the idea that the body will intrinsically know a good mate on smell alone. You’ll never guess who smells the best to Roy!
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ghostiezone · 2 months
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"Who's that?"
short-ish fic under the cut because I had to be in the tranches about this :)
The Wards received the invitation only an hour before they arrived.
i know where to find your friend :)
The crumpled piece of paper looked like it had been drawn in crayon. It was stapled to the front door of their home. Their civilian home.
"Aux-" Failsafe started immediately, but Imprint's hand over his mouth cut off the name before he could finish. The boy wasn't in costume.
Imprint addressed him instead, cautious. "Ashe...?" He lowered his gloved hand from Failsafe's face and stepped forward between his two teammates, slowly, like he was approaching a cornered animal.
Wraith had been a stoic, silent presence since they entered the room, but Failsafe could feel the tension rolling off of him in waves.
The boy sitting on the edge of the desk looked.... young. Younger than he should. The shirt he had been put in was too big for him. Not in the same way his dad's jacket was too big for him- he used that like a turtle shell, something to retreat into, pull over himself like a shield. It was safe, warm, all-encompassing. Despite the issues they knew Ashe and his father had with each other, the love was still there. No, these clothes... they hung loose on his already skinny frame, making him look exposed. Vulnerable. They were monochrome, pale in a way that made him look washed-out, almost ghostly. He sat with his legs crossed, hands holding his ankles. He wasn't wearing shoes. One of the sleeves threatened to slip off his shoulder.
He tilted his head as they entered the room. The movement made Failsafe think of the stray puppies he used to feed in the alley behind their house.
His hair had been washed recently.
Something was very wrong here.
Ashe's face was devoid of all emotion. Though he was looking at the three of them, making eye contact, something seemed... distant. Failsafe reached out with his power and found... nothing.
He felt his heart seize in his chest. He frantically grabbed Imprint's hand before he could take another step forward, and tore his gaze away from Ashe to lock eyes with Wraith He hissed under his breath, he didn't trust his voice not to shake "guys, hes-"
"Breaker state, yeah. I know." Wraith finally broke his silence, voice stony and cold. "Don't get any closer to him."
At the sound of Wraith's voice, Ashe's eyes locked onto him. They were burning with an orange glow.
His head bent further to one side, and his face split into a wide grin that looked almost painful. Failsafe felt Imprint tense, fingers twitching like he was getting ready to reach for a weapon. He squeezed the wrist he was already holding. "Don't. We can't. That's still Ashe."
In that brief moment of distraction, the boy on the desk began to laugh. It was a broken sound, distorted, not like anything they had heard from him before. That deep orange glow in his eyes shone even through his closed eyelids. Wraith's cape billowed as he stepped in front of the other two, barking a clipped "Incoming!" as the space behind the desk began to distort.
Wraith's own warping powers sprang up in response, a translucent blue barrier forming in the air between the wards and their friend. As they watched, unsure of how to act, a rectangular shape began to appear in the air behind where Ashe was sitting, growing clearer and sharper as it eventually formed a sort of doorway. It was hard to look at directly, the light in the room seeming to bend toward the corners. The walls and floor buldged and sank in response to the tear in reality. The door itself was more like a window- a vague, distorted cityscape slowly coming into focus on the other side. The barrier began to ripple, as if it was made of water, as a figure stepped through it into the room.
Ashe's laughing was suddenly doubled as it became clear that whoever had just entered was cackling as well. It was an eerie echo- they were taking the same pauses for breath and short hiccups between giggles. Their shoulders bounced in matching tempo and their heads tilted back toward the ceiling at the exact same time.
The new figure was dressed in a long purple-grey patchwork coat, sleeves torn off and bottom hem ripped to shreds. He wore a darker purple scarf up to his chin, which flared out behind him into a tattered cape. The coat was sinched at the waist with a faded green belt, the end of which swung loose around his legs to give the appearance of a long tail. He wore some sort of blood-red bodysuit which concealed every bit of skin that would otherwise be showing. His darkened silver hair flared out around his head in wild spikes. Over his face, a circular mask concealed any distinguishing features. The mask may have been white once, but was now more of a tarnished brown. Two horns curled upward on either side of the face, which consisted of a cudely painted-on cartoonish black smile with squinted eyes.
"Why, if it isn't the Wards of New Haven!" The figure exclaimed, suddenly dropping into a deep bow. "You can call me the Trickster. Oh, I've been waiting so long to meet you!" There was a sort of childlike excitement in his voice, but there was a strain to it as well, as if holding back the laughter was causing him mental pain.
He turned his head toward Ashe, who was sitting motionless again on the desk. The figure cleared his throat, then in a harsh voice, snapped "You'd best show some respect in the face of such powerful heroes!"
As if dragged down by force, Ashe bent forward, nearly losing his balance and falling face first off of his perch. When he sat back again, his deadpan expression broke into a wide grin again. The smile didn't reach his eyes.
"What are you doing to him?!" Failsafe snapped, voice cracking with the panic of seeing his friend so vulnerable.
"Who, me?" The villain straightened back up, bouncing on his toes as he did. He flung a hand up to his chest in an overdramatic show of offense... and Ashe's hand made the same motion. In a cheap imitation of Ashe's voice, the Trickster echoed "I wouldn't hurt a fly!" As he did, Ashe muttered the same words.
"He's some sort of Master." Imprint's eyes were locked onto the figure, tracing his every move. The subtle shift in his posture put the image of a panther in Failsafe's mind. His next words were directed at the villain. "What do you want with Ashe?"
"Better yet, what do you want with us?" Wraith added. The strain of holding up a constant shield for this long was starting to take its toll on him, hands starting to shake. Even though the Trickster wasn't outright attacking them, knowing he was a Master with this kind of power was enough to keep them all on edge. They didnt know his limitations yet. "You were the one that sent us the note, right? Why bring us here just to stand there and laugh at us?"
The villain started cackling again, bending at the waist with the sheer force of his laughter. "Ashe?!" He straightened back up, mimed wiping a tear from the corner of the eye of the mask. "Who's that? Never heard of them!" As he stood up to his full height, he ran a hand gingerly through Ashe's hair. The boy didn't move, didn't react, despite Failsafe's immediate short burst of anger at the action. The Trickster clicked his tongue, continued to run his hands through Ashe's silvery-purple hair. As his hands moved, a glow began to spread from them. The same orange glow emanating from Ashe's eyes was surrounding the Trickster's fingertips. As he waggled the fingers on his free hand, little orange strings no thicker than spider silk extended upwards from them, seeming to disappear into thin air. The strings reappeared, wound around Ashe's arms. There was a loop around his neck as well, giving the sickening illusion of a collar.
"I just wanted to introduce the three of you to my Muse." He put an odd emphasis on that final word.
It was a name.
"And, to let you know he's mine now, and you can't have him back!" The static smile on the mask somehow looked devilish. It was such a childish statement, as if they were fighting over a toy on the playground, but it sent chills down all three of the heroes' spines. "Finders keepers, he came to me first! That means I get dibs." His voice dropped an octave on that last sentence, suddenly becoming threatening and deadpan. "Try to take him from me if you can. It'll be fun."
Suddenly, he spun on his heel, facing the doorway he came from. The rippling effect was starting to get more pronounced, more unpredictable. "Ah! But it seems like playtime's over for now. We'll see you soon, Wards."
Before he stepped back through the door, the strings around Ashe's limbs tightened, and he was dragged by some nearly-invisible force toward the doorway. He moved stiffly, as if the puppetmaster hadn't gotten used to moving him yet, but eventually he was pulled through the fading doorway.
The Trickster gave them one last mock solute before ducking through as well. The lingering echo of laughter hung in the room around them.
And Ashe- Muse- was gone with him.
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moonheavens · 8 months
currently working on a Wolfstar established relationship First War hurt/comfort one shot!
Remus comes back from a werewolf mission injured and Sirius, naturally, refuses to leave his bedside in St. Mungo’s… and they are very very in love and very cute together and there’s Marauders banter and yeah. This is extremely self indulgent.
Here’s an unedited snippet for anyone who’s curious! 🔪
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driluth · 1 year
a list of my catradora fics:
complete series:
old guard au: inspired by the netflix film of the same title where catra and adora are immortal enemies who fall in love (part 1, part 2)
ongoing series:
calypso au: inspired by pjo where adora is a demigod who falls in love with a titan goddess
sad portal au: where adora stays behind in the portal instead of angela (i promise this one will update soon!!)
youtube exes au: catradora are exes who have almost their whole realtionship vlogged
oneshots with au settings:
80s fantasy: etherians have wings
buffyverse: adora is the hero of a prophecy, catra doesn't want her to be
oneshots that work with canon:
failsafe: catra takes the failsafe instead of adora
soulmates: everyone has a soulmate tattoo except adora
5+1: five times adora represses herself and the one time she doesn't
stab fic: adora stabs catra
disintegration: prime sends catra and glimmer to another planet
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wikiangela · 1 year
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @eowon 💖
more alive shannon! (this is all a rough draft that's gonna get edited, there might be a lot of repetitions for now, idk, I only write this in the middle of the night lol) btw just wanted to say I'm sooo happy you guys are liking the snippets and seem excited for this fic, bc when I decided to write this I was sure I'd be writing it just for myself, so being able to share it is just getting me more excited too haha
prev snippet
“Shan.” he breathes out, a relieved smile on his face, tears in his eyes. She can’t help a smile back, warmth flooding her chest. He hasn’t called her that in years, at least since their first year of marriage, maybe even since high school. It feels nice, brings back some good memories from before – and makes it feel like they’re friends again, just a couple of kids who love hanging out together, and might have crushes on each other, before they mess it all up.
“Hi, Eddie.” she whispers weakly. He takes her hand in his, then leans in and presses his lips against her forehead softly. She takes a deep breath, which causes pain to flare up in her ribs, making her wince a little. She’s so relieved he’s here, and she’s not alone. Eddie’s here, supporting her, holding her hand, and it’s so familiar and comforting – no matter what happens between them, that familiarity and love will always be there, she thinks. And she’s grateful to have him, grateful that he cares, that he came. They couldn’t always count on each other, have each other’s backs, they failed each other so much as partners – but he’s here now. She hasn’t had this kind of support from him, or from anyone, in the last few years, and she almost cries just because Eddie came to visit her at the hospital after she almost died. This is all so messed up. “You came.” she rasps out.
“Of course I did.” he sits down in a chair next to the bed, still holding her hand. “You gave us all quite the scare.” he tries for some lightness to his tone, teary eyes not leaving her face.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gayarthur @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @transbuck @jesuisici33 @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @jeeyuns @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @cowboy-buddie @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz @theotherbuckley
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gelataisa · 4 months
Could you please recommend some of your favourite xs works? Maybe not only xs, but khr
Hello darling!!
Honestly in english i have only read XS fics! And some 8059 ones but i dont think ive saved any
As for XS fics, i have made a non-comprehensive list already, you can find it HERE
Needless to say i would now add also all of @jjellysoo works to it!
Ah, and for 8059 fics: those from tastewithouttalent were very nice and of course you gotta read those from @bicondera (but i guess you have already)
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junkissed · 1 year
just counted and 44 of the 63 asks in my inbox are about jun
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revvethasmythh · 9 months
can we get “oh, my heart is longing to be close to yours again” from the wip meme?
Incredible ability to suss out the one widobrave fic that was on that list 😂 And a chunky snippet because because I don't believe in short excerpts:
“I have to be honest,” Yeza said, getting the cute furrow in his brow he always did when he was about to say something truthful and a little bit embarrassing. “I hate big parties like this, Veth. I’m much happier at home with Luc than I would be out there. But you’ve got the whole gang in town and that doesn’t happen very often. So go. I want you to. Have enough fun for all three of us, okay?”
Veth was the one sighing now, like she had a thousand times in the past year since the two of them had started to settle back into married life. It was a little rough at times, she wasn’t going to lie. Two years apart and the whole mess of nasty shit that had happened since they’d been separated was kind of a lot to work through. Or, it would be if they’d actually taken the time to work through it, instead of spending all their time fawning over Luc. Not that Veth regretted any of that. Kiddo deserved all the fawning he could get. But they really hadn’t talked much since everything had happened, not really, not about the big things. But it was better not to pick at scabs, right? They’d never heal right if you just kept doing that.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll light up the dance floor for you, baby.”
He smiled, with an edge of relief that the decision had finally been made. “Can’t wait to hear the recap from Jester tomorrow.” “She’ll talk your ear off all morning long.”
His smile turned brittle and just a little bit of fear entered his eyes. “Okay, maybe I can wait.”
Veth smiled and gave him a hug, squeezing tight, breathing in that familiar scent of chemicals and powder and something kind of acidic that she couldn’t name but always made her think of him. He was a good hugger, and he held her back like she was something delicate, treasured, precious. No one else had ever held her quite like that.
They were still mid-hug when a knock sounded at the door, three sharp, precise raps on the wood that were as distinctive and recognizable to her as Yeza’s scent. She felt a sudden burst of excitement as she pulled away from Yeza’s embrace, followed by an immediate rush of guilt at how excited she was. She ignored that, though. She was getting pretty good at that. After all, her guilt had basically become a third person in their marriage at this point, and the last thing she wanted to do was have to look at it.
“Nice of him to knock, at least,” Yeza said good-naturedly. He knew it was Caleb, too, but only because if it had been anybody else at their door, they would have just walked right in like they lived there. Fjord had walked in on them one time in a…compromising position, and ever since he made Jester go in first. Veth had, of course, commissioned Jester to draw a dramatic re-imagining of the moment, and boy had she delivered. Veth had it hung in the entryway and for about a week Fjord flatly refused to so much as enter her home. She thought it was worth it, though.
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galacticgoober · 2 years
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A variety of Thone doodles and comics I’ve made from the past couple years that I’ve been meaning to post for awhile now, I love themmmmmmmmmm
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As of right now, my queue is set to run continuously, at the 2-per-day speed, through March 23. Hoo boy, that's a lot of wonderful DDLC art! Hope you all enjoy the drip feed UwU
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sunshades · 3 months
darlingbeloveds i saw the ask notif it's just tumblr is refusing to show whatever u sent me.....
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