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jwwwdot · 2 months ago
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my neurotic goat.
Death The Kid.
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duffxmckagan · 13 days ago
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infpisme · 11 months ago
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months ago
Whenever my posts don't seem to get attention, my mood gets sour and depressive. I don't think that indicates emotional stability on my part, but I can't really help it. I think this is proof that social media isn't great for me, honestly. I seem to feel some sort of obsessive dejection when I realize that my posts aren't getting attention. I probably should talk to my dad and therapist about this, but that would require me to admit to having that account (and more specifically, to having made 13,000+ posts and never telling anyone). But until i work up the courage to tell someone about all this (and who knows if i ever even will), I'm just going to do what I usually do. I'm going to ask: did anyone seen my posts? Because it feels like some of them have had next to no attention, and i'm beginning to want to repost them.
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salembehindbars · 6 months ago
When I say “Spencer Hastings is so me” I don’t mean the good grades and extracurricular activities, I mean the anxiety, the obsessive nature, the insomnia, the caffeine addiction, being high strung, the neurosis, being competitive, the self doubt, hardheadedness, and the emotional exhaustion.
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thefemcelthatdeservesbetter · 8 months ago
OF women
I hate attractive women "relating" to Tomoko Kuroki on the internet. I hate how they portray "loser girls" in general. I'm pretty sure if Tomoko was pretty she would be popular. Social anxiety wasn't the only thing ruining her life, obviously. As for example, Komi is a character with social anxiety too, yet everyone liked her unlike Tomoko. To me, the main issue she's been dealing with is her looks; comparing those two proves my point. Wrong character, whore.
I saw a woman like that on Instagram and it just pissed me off. Other than this post, she posted about how she was so tired of men and that she didn't want them in her life anymore. SHE LITERALLY HAS AN OF ACCOUNT. How controversial is that??? She sells her body online and the only people consuming this content would be men. She's voluntarily exposing herself to MEN. I say she's just a hypocrite and a dumb whore.
How can a woman like that dare say that she's just like Tomoko??? I hate how those dumb sluts gaslight people into thinking that loser girls like that character are attractive. And then some men are like "oh I'm so into loser girls" until she IS an unattractive loser. I hate this! It's like how people romanticize mental disorders, it's bullshit. It just leads to disappointment to the people that those cunts pretend to be like.
I hate society. I hate the world we live in.
One day, I don't know how, I will become powerful and make them eat their own shit!!!! I'd strip them naked in front of their parents just to humiliate them!!!!
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daybreakthing · 23 days ago
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neurotic flag! ⸻ for those who are or reclaim the word ‘neurotic’!
for anon!
tagging @radiomogai!
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masquerade-flags · 7 months ago
Neurotic/neurosis flag?
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Neurotic/Neurosis flag
I chose the colors I do because I wanted the flag to have a somewhat upset look to it. The yellow is fear and anxiety, the light brown is for agitation, the brown is feelings of guilt, the dark brown(?) is for self consciousness, the dark purple is for sadness and melancholy, the dark red is for feeling of instability
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soulmaking · 9 months ago
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Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time (trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff)
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saranilssonbooks · 7 months ago
Have a Moby-Dick theory, but can't remember exactly how a crucial quote goes, can't remember which chapter it's from, can't find it with the help of my Kindle, and now I can't sleep and am starting to doubt it's actual existance as well as reality itself.
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oldinterneticons · 1 year ago
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casualvoltage · 18 days ago
Hey all Helldivers! I made another update to the checklist now, and the Economic Ranking page where the Ministry of the Treasury is now active! I am still in need of some emblems and photographs to get approved, so it's not 100% finished, however it's definitely functional for any Helldiver curious about their rank! Screenshot example:
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To use this sheet you will need to create a copy onto your own google drive OR your own spreadsheet program. I do not know how well it works on other spreadsheet programs as I have designed this for Google Sheets public use. You can find the google sheet here! : Helldiver Democratic Upgrade Sheet Please spread this around and share it with any Neurotic Helldivers and generally anyone that you think might be interested! And please help me get a job as proper Helldiver! I hate working in the maintenance division! -Casual Voltage, 42nd Helldivers Legion, Librarian Branch
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addictivecontradiction · 1 year ago
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Under the silver lake, 2018
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month ago
I haven't heard from a lot of my mutuals lately, so i'm going to go out on a limb and make a type of post i haven't made in years: one where i tag my mutuals, and ask if they've seen my posts and also probably ask how they're doing.
So let's see...@ihauntmyhouse @thewordsmith3 @yourfriendlyneighbourhoodaries @c00c00pig and @southernfreakinggothic you're some of my mutuals who I have near the top of my following list. I unfollow and refollow you regularly to keep you close to the top, so I can't somehow forget your existence. I still do all of that, but I haven't seen many of you in my activity tab lately. That's made me get sort of insecure again, so now i'm inquiring as to all of your whereabouts. Have you all seen posts lately? That was my main question here. But I'm not so callous and rude as to just ask that, so i am also legitimately asking/stating: I hope you're all doing well. And I hope you've seen my posts too, but that's not nearly as important as the "I hope you're okay" thing. I know that, but I keep bringing it up anyways.
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salembehindbars · 6 months ago
She’s been called neurotic once or twice.
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tofutasties · 4 months ago
Neurotic vs psychotic
Everybody has been oedipalized and neuroticized at home, at school, at work. Everybody wants to be a fascist. Deleuze and Guattari want to know how these beliefs succeed in taking hold of a body, thereby silencing the productive machines of the libido. They also want to know how the opposite situation is brought about, where a body successfully wards off the effects of power. Reversing the Freudian distinction between neurosis and psychosis that measures everything against the former, Anti-Oedipus concludes: the neurotic is the one on whom the Oedipal imprints take, whereas the psychotic is the one incapable of being oedipalized, even and especially by psychoanalysis. —Mark Seem, Introduction to Anti-Oedipus (1983)
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