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mtmdirk · 1 year ago
happy aro week to all the aros that aren't ace!!
non-sam aros
your aromantic experience is still so important even with and because of it's lack on connection to asexuality <2
pt: your aromantic experience is still so important even with and because of it's lack on connection to asexuality <2
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ugly-anarchist · 7 months ago
does neuaro and nonsam aro count as alloaro?
I'm not as familiar with neu-aro as I am with non-sam aro so I couldn't really say for certain but I know there's a lot of overlap in the communities.
I think the distinction between the different "aro but not ace" identities is, in some ways, personal preference. I don't see a point in drawing a hard line between them so if a neu-aro or non-sam aro felt comfortable with the label alloaro and wanted to be included in our community I wouldn't tell them it's wrong. I've always said and still stand by the definition of allosexual is "not ace" so in a "well technically" way they do count but I'm not about to force the label on them.
TLDR: It's up to the individual aro in question whether or not they "count" as alloaro
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 17 days ago
Headcanon List:
All the headcanons per character featured on this blog.
Characters are in alphabetical order — Given name first.
#Akira Mado -
#Aliza -
#Asa -
#Ayato Kirishima -
#Chie Hori -
#Ching-Li Hsiao -
#Donato Porpora -
#Enji Koma -
#Eto Yoshimura -
#Ginshi Shirazu -
#Hairu Ihei -
Hide - #Hideyoshi Nagachika -
#Hinami Fueguchi -
#Itori -
#Itsuki Marude -
#Jiro -
#Juuzou Suzuya -
#Kanae von Rosewald
#Kazuichi Banjou -
#Kaya Irimi -
#Ken Kaneki -
#Kimi Nishino -
#Kishou Arima -
#Kiyoko Aura -
#Koori Ui -
#Koutarou Amon -
#Kuki Urie -
#Kuramoto Itou -
#Kurona Yasuhisa -
#Matsumae -
#Milo -
#Misato Gori -
#Miyuki Mikage
#Nashiro Yasuhisa -
#Nimura Furuta -
#Nishiki Nishio -
#Renji Yomo -
#Rize Kamishiro -
#Roma Hoito -
#Saiko Yonebayashi -
#Seidou Takizawa -
#Shuu Tsukiyama -
#Take Hirako -
#Yumitsu Tomoe -
#Tooru Mutsuki -
#Touka Kirishima -
Touma Higemaru -
#Uta -
#Yoriko Kosaka -
#Yukinori Shinohara -
#Yuuma -
#Oneshot!Kaneki -
#Oneshot!Touka -
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a-romantic--aromantic · 2 years ago
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neu aro flag inspo turned into a moodboard.
these are the images/color swatches used to originally design the neu aro flag. a lockscreen* size is under the cut.
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*lhis was labeled as instagram story size. that means lockscreen, right? idk.
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just-aro · 4 years ago
Good morning to all aroallos, loveless aros, neuaros, unitaros and any other aro identity that is forgoten by alloros and even by the community itself
*squints* uhh so tumblr ate this and then spat it back out I think, because this... suddenly existed at the back of my ask box this morning after not existing for like. a month? two months?
anyways yes!!! good morning to all of these groups! + aromids, acemids, amids, and aro-spec folks in general!
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beccapaintmore · 3 years ago
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Hello all! I’ve been doing this project over on Twitter (https://twitter.com/BeccaPaintmore/status/1444700310262456333?s=20   please click through for full size images)  - Pride flags colour picked from Star Trek costumes! Suggestions of  costumes/flags welcome! I am aiming to do every flag, so watch this space :3 9/?  
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queeraros · 5 years ago
all non-sam aros and neu aros are amazing! whatever reason those are your preferred labels, youre wonderful and deserve to feel appreciated in your community
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allos-aro · 5 years ago
An Incomplete Arospec Terminology Post
Haven’t seen any of these bad boys float around, but! Here are some terms that may be helpful to folks who are like “what is an aro”? This is definitely not a complete list of terms, and I don’t remember where all the terms came from, but here we goooooo!
Important note: not all of these terms are used by the entire community, and there is discourse within the arospec community about terminology and the politics surrounding them, particularly in the identities section. The OP does not intend to make any statements on specific terms intentionally, and corrections from other arospecs (unless starred) are appreciated. Discourse from exclusionists is not, however, and romantic folks are NOT to speak over arospec folks discussing in this post. All terms defined will be tagged in the OP as to make sure that those avoiding specific terms can avoid them.
ETA: Removed the ‘read more’ and is now tagged as #long post for those who want to save their dashboards.
Important Concepts
Arospec: The umbrella term for the aromantic and aro-aligned identities within the wider aspec, which is the aromantic and asexual communities. The arospec has different needs and wants than the acespec community, and both are worth distinguishing from each other.
Split-attraction model: also known as SAM, the split-attraction model holds that attraction to people can be distinctly split up into categories, such as romantic, platonic, sexual, etc. Using the SAM is not mandatory to identifying as aromantic or arospec, and many people just use “aro” to describe themselves for many reasons.
Alterous attraction: an attraction term to describe attraction that is not entirely romantic or platonic, the “crush” equivalent is mesh
Queerplatonic relationship: a self-defined relationship by those within it that does not fit within the stereotypical definitions of a platonic or romantic relationship. You do not have to be aromantic in order to want or be in a QPR, a partner is called a QPP, zucchini, or a plush
Amatonormativity: the sociocultural idea that every single person is the most happy within a heteroromantic, heterosexual, monogamous relationship. Term coined by feminist Elizabeth Brake to describe the systemic ways that this ideology is upheld, and used within the arospec community as well as within the polyamorous community to discuss…
*Relationship anarchy: the ideology and practice of never assuming any kind of interpersonal dynamic is “one way” or “another” based purely on action. Every interpersonal dynamic, be it platonic, sexual, romantic, or otherwise, is discussed between all parties involved in it
Squish: the “crush” equivalent of platonic attraction, usually used to define friendships or a desire to become friends with someone
Arophobia: a specific prejudice against arospec people. Arophobia can be both intentional and unintentional, being called arophobic is not being called a slur, nor is it a dogwhistle for bullying.
Aromantic Identities:
Aromantic: experiencing no romantic attraction, often shortened to aro.
Demiromantic: only experiencing romantic attraction when a strong emotional bond is present.
Greyromantic: experiencing romantic attraction very infrequently. This is different from…
Aroflux: romantic orientation fluctuates but is always aligned with the aromantic spectrum
Lithromantic: experiences romantic attraction but does not want it reciprocated, also called akioromantic
Quoiromantic: cannot tell the difference between romantic attraction and other forms of attraction, platonic attraction is usually the comparison attraction
Reciproromantic: does not experience romantic attraction unless they know the feelings will be returned
Cupioromantic: does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship, this person can also be called romance-favorable or romo-positive (discussed in the next section)
Aroace: an aromantic asexual, meaning they experience no romantic or sexual attraction
Aroallo: an aromantic allosexual, meaning they experience no romantic attraction but experience sexual attraction
Neuaro/neu aro/neu-aro: a term that fits inbetween aroace and aroallo, for aromantics who are neutral about identifying as either asexual or allosexual
Non-SAM aro: an aromantic who doesn’t use the SAM to define their attractions
Unit aro: an aromantic who solely identifies as aro because their aromanticism is the most important part of their identity.
Nonamorous: the most commonly used term for aromantics who do not wish to enter any kind of relationship or dynamic that isn’t platonic. Other terms exist for this, like callistic, but they are not as well known or used within the arospec community.
Aplatonic: an aromantic that does not experience platonic attraction, and.or does not seek out interpersonal dynamics defined by platonic attraction
The Romance Feelings Spectrum
There are many terms used to describe how an arospec person views romance in society and in their life, many of which are debated within the community. The following list are terms that the OP has personally seen used and discussed (and one is a term that the OP uses personally for themselves), some of them are analogues with the acespec sexual favorability terms.
Romo-positive or Romo-favorable: an arospec who feels positively about romance portrayed in society and media. They may seek out romantic relationships of their own.
Romo-neutral: an arospec whose opinion on romantic portrayal in society and media is neutral. They may seek out romantic relationships of their own.
Romo-repulsed: an arospec whose opinion on romantic portrayal in society and media is negative, and often experiences distress and emotional exhaustion when interacting with media that contains romantic aspects or when discussing romance with people in their daily lives. They usually do not tend to seek out romantic relationships on their own.
Romo-antagonistic: term used by the OP to describe their own very intense disdain for romantic media and social norms, it is often also paired with an intense hatred for amatonormativity that prevents people from forming legally-recognized dynamics that exist outside of its “bounds” of acceptability.
Final Note
These terms are not all the terms used within the arospec community, nor should this post be seen as the sole dictionary of terminology. The LGBTA Wiki through FANDOM is a very good resource for finding terms and their origins. Do not apply terms to people without their consent, and this post does not give any readers permission to correct people on their own terminology. Arospec people are the authorities on the arospec community, and anyone else claiming otherwise is being arophobic.
<#, Allos the Menacing Aro
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allium-silk · 5 years ago
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Day 11! Neuaro!
Henrique is back! I love this guy, he is barely developed but he has very good vibes, i love drawing him!
Coloring is another thing...i actually find it really hard to find a good way to show his vitiligo but i think i did good in this drawing!
Dia 11! Neuaro!
Henrique está de volta! Eu adoro esse cara, ele mal é desenvolvido mas ele tem ótimas vibes, eu adoro desenhar ele!
Pintar ele já é outra coisa... Eu acho difícil achar um jeito bom de mostrar a vitiligo dele, mas eu acho que ficou bom neste desenho!
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pastelacrylics · 6 years ago
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Hi!!!! I edited my old profile pic by @bi-celestial (with her approval) from the ace flag to now represent the aro flag! Happy pride- you follow an aro! 
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Inspiration dragged from the flag I helped to make- the neu aro flag. (also included) I don’t actually id as ace anymore. I’m just.. aro. and I’m just me. Shout out to the aro community for being kind and supporting and for sticking with me, and also al of my friends. Also, I’m not exactly allosexual either- I’d look into the meaning of NeuAro, a real cool term I kinda,, made. Also a shout out to @tommington for actually putting together the neuaro flag I was designing- I have 0 editing skills. 
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Image descriptions: 
1. There is a drawn person looking to the right, with many piercings and makeup on. Their hair is short, the tips of the longest part (the top) have been painted green. They are wearing a green tank top.
2. There is a pride flag with five stripes, based on the aromantic flag. The pattern, from top to bottom, is: darker green, lighter green, white, lighter mauve, darker mauve
3 & 4. Rainbow line breaks for accessibility in reading. 
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kyanitedragon · 3 years ago
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[ID: Two icons showing Link and an ordon goat from Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess against the aromantic spectrum and neu aro flags. Link is wearing his farmhand clothes, and is smiling with a hand resting on the horn of the large ordon goat that is standing behind him. The aromantic spectrum flag has dark green / light green / yellowish white / teal / dark teal stripes, and the neu aro flag has stripes that are dark green / light green / white / light mauve / medium mauve. End ID]
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whimsy-flags · 4 years ago
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Ghost Phone Backgrounds!
NeuAro | Transmasc | Lesbian
Free to use!
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years ago
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[ID: Icons of Kazuichi Banjou from Tokyo Ghoul, using official art from his manga profile. The pride flags are: triangle demiromantic, vertical-striped diamond demiromantic, aromantic, alloaro, aroace, greyromantic, neu aro, and arohaze. END ID]
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a-romantic--aromantic · 3 years ago
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its super low quality but have an emoji that i made in 2019? just because it has the accurate neu aro flag colors :)
here you go! a neu aro heart emoji
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just-aro · 4 years ago
hey, i'm aro and also maybe ace, but the thing is that i'm still a young teen (not going to give my specific age out for privacy reasons) and i don't feel comfortable claiming the ace label because i might just be a late bloomer, is it okay for me to ID as non-SAM aro or neuaro? or would i be taking a term that's not for me?
hi! so for one - I do just want to say as someone who formerly identified as ace from the ages of 13(ish)-19, was the classic late bloomer and all that implied - I can say with certainty it was okay. I was asexual. I am no longer asexual. I had a community that was relatable and good for me and who had no problem when I realized I was no longer ace.
now, all that said: while i'm worried that this is coming from a place of internalized acephobia, there's no "taking a term that's not for me" when it is a term that feels comfortable for you. you can identify yourself as non-sam aro, neuaro, aroace... anything that feels comfortable for you.
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aroworlds · 4 years ago
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[image description: three pixel art text banners of the words "arohaze", "aromid" and "neuaro" in a blockish text, coloured in three different five stripe pride flags. Identities: arohaze (green/light green/white/light blue/blue, in duller/faded tones), aromid (green/light green/white/light blue/blue, in bright/saturated tones) and neu aro (green/light green/white/mauve/dark mauve). Banners are shown in two versions: one on a black background with a white frame, the other with a transparent background.]
Aro Week Pixel Art Text Banners
Flags: Arohaze, Aromid, Neu Aro.
All banners/stickers are available for free personal or non-commercial use with credit to one of my accounts. They are not available for commercial use.
For flag creator posts, please see@aroflagarchive.
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