#neet 2021
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flowerakatsuka · 2 months ago
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Special Hesokuri Wars Illustration Neet's Way of Life Exhibit ( 2021 )
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ping-ski · 7 months ago
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for the folks who've been asking ab my setup/brushes/programs etc!! pingu color guide is slowly on it's way for anyone waiting on that, idk when it'll be done
✿ Equipment/Setup? ✿ PC/Laptop: Lenovo Ideapad 3 Tablet: Huion Kamvas Pro 16 (got this one in 2021 during a holiday sale + my old tablet was on its last leg and wouldn't work some days cause i literally drew so much there were huge holes etched into the plastic) Previously, I used a Huion Inspiroy H950P or drew on my phone :)
✿ Program/Software? ✿ Paid: Clip Studio Paint Pro/EX (Currently using!) Free: Ibis Paint X, Krita, Firealpaca, Medibang (I've used all of these over the years since 2015, which I think they're fantastic for what they are + they get the job done!)
i think i covered everything asked ab this stuff, but if you have any other questions feel free to ask cause i'm happy to answer!
friendly reminder as a broke ass artist and ex-NEET: you do NOT need anything crazy fancy to make art so get crafty with what you have!! or atleast slowly save/work up to your goals 'kay? and have fun!
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gregor-samsung · 3 months ago
" Secondo un dato riferito nel rapporto annuale del Censis (dicembre del 2019), gli italiani sono affetti da una sindrome inquietante: la scomparsa del futuro. E questo provoca una sorta di “stress post-traumatico” collettivo. Assenza di futuro significa cose molto precise. La grande maggioranza vede che la mobilità sociale è bloccata, che l’ascensore sociale è rotto, che l’offerta di lavoro è scarsa; gli operai non sperano in avanzamenti; imprenditori e professionisti temono perfino una brusca scivolata in basso. Grave appare specialmente la condizione dei giovani in età lavorativa. Qui secondo una statistica del 2017 abbiamo il record europeo della cosiddetta generazione «neet» («neither in employment nor in education or training»): giovani tra i 18 e i 24 anni che non studiano, non hanno un lavoro e non lo cercano*. La perdita della memoria e l’ignoranza della storia si sommano all'assenza di futuro. O forse è proprio l’assenza di futuro che provoca una distorsione profonda nel senso del passato. La memoria sociale, detta anche memoria storica, è frutto di una continua rielaborazione di fatti e idee. Ed è qui che ci si imbatte nel ritorno d’attualità di relitti di nazismo e fascismo nelle idee e nei comportamenti collettivi. Ma intanto bisognerà tenere presente il nesso tra memoria del passato e speranza di futuro. "
*La ricerca Il silenzio dei NEET. Giovani in bilico tra rinuncia e desiderio è stata redatta da Annarita Sacco e rivista dallo staff del Comitato Italiano dell'Unicef.
Adriano Prosperi, Un tempo senza storia. La distruzione del passato, Giulio Einaudi editore (collana Vele); prima edizione: 19 gennaio 2021. [Libro elettronico]
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kamari333 · 2 months ago
Rarepairs? How about Fellswap Gold Papyrus (Coffee) and Underswap Sans (Blue) Alternatively, Horrortale Sans x Fresh
Another anon that came in december 2021 for rarepair new year 2022! took me 3 years but i did it! xD
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i have never drawn Coffee before. I went with a bigger kind of Underswap Sans (bara blue ftw). Also Horror and Fresh are (re-)learning how to people together.
This year, both Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Underswap Sans and Fresh Sans/Horrortale Sans are rarepairs that are event-certified for the RNY raffle. which i think is neet.
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c9k · 11 months ago
the virginfest story
virginfest was organized by a woman named raven, also known as copkiller1999. it was intended to be held at her place of work, a tattoo shop called toki tattoo in atlanta, georgia, on september 11th, 2021, with tickets being sold at the door for $5 each.
the original lineup was negative xp, hard christ, hot leather, egg white, neet, sodaboy64, greens on toast, bad takes only, fried by fluoride, gjallarhornit, gezebelle gaburgably, pacific purgatory, and 13th century cowboy. however, not everyone was able to make it. sodaboy, fried, neet, and cowboy all dropped out. fried dropped out for mental health reasons, while neet and cowboy were going to meet each other but couldn't. this was likely due to cowboy having been doxxed, which caused him to delete everything. a lot of his discography is lost media now.
by the time the event was set to happen, nearly half of the artists who were going to be there, had either dropped out or left the scene altogether, but the remaining members were still enough of a draw to get people to come. posters were updated; tickets would no longer be sold in person and had to be purchased online. there was also a merch website called virginfestmerch.online.
for the most part, virginfest's existence was only rly known within the epunk community. but secretly, from the moment of its conception, a so-called "antifascist" organization called atlanta antifa had been keeping their eyes on it. (i say this bc their behavior isn't antifascist at all) on the day of, they posted an extremely long twitter thread about the event, falsely accusing the musicians involved of being far right and racist. they acted like virginfest was posing a threat, when in reality, it was just some people coming together to have a good time. raven privately requested that this be taken down, explaining that virginfest wasn't politically motivated and no one was far right. atlanta antifa didn't respond, instead screenshotting raven's message and publicly posting it.
due to all of this controversy, toki tattoo dropped the event mere hours before it was supposed to start. raven announced this on her story, clarifying that she did not support extremism. atlanta antifa was still not satisfied and said raven should be fired from her job. but it was too late for them to cancel virginfest bc many people had already arranged to be there.
chosewood park was 4 minutes away from the original location, so virginfest was relocated there. due to it being outside, everything had to be acoustic. it lasted for 4 hours and was livestreamed on twitch by a streamer called trofy. shooter claimed to not be attending due to family matters but snuck into the crowd wearing a fake beard, and ended up performing for 20 minutes due to a lack of gear.
atlanta antifa shared a pic of a man with white nationalist attire, claiming he was event security, but this wasn't true. they also shared pictures of random attendees, claiming they were white supremacists bc they wore shirts for bands atlanta antifa didn't approve of. they resorted to calling the cops but no laws were being broken. the cops ended up sticking around and hanging out.
after the event, atlanta antifa kept trying to get raven fired, going so far as to dox her. 4 days after virginfest, toki tattoo announced that they had let her go.
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oak23 · 2 months ago
It is kind of funny how my ex housemate became such a neet that literally everyone else in our friend circle became weirded out by the fact she was perpetually unemployed and didnt wanna spend their spare time catching up on the latest internet discourse or meme and that her unpleasant attitude always dragged down the mood of things
like that new years eve party in 2021 where most of it was spent awkwardly watching her berate her partner between stilted conversations or not tending to her dog getting wounded cuz it was her partner's responsibility (and the dog required stitches when it got a proper check up a few days later)
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kafus · 6 months ago
congrats on signing up for classes! hopefully things go well for you :)
i just started college classes this week after like 4 years of being a hikikomori + NEET myself (dropped out of HS near the end of 2020), so were actually in a similar boat to you.
also, you dont have to answer this if you dont want to, but what classes did you sign up for? personally, i signed up as a psychology major, though im strongly considering switching course to computer science bc i realized that i am in ZERO position to ever become a therapist lmao
before i dropped out of college back in 2019, my major was something to do with video games, but like the artistic side of video games. frankly i graduated high school with 0 clue what i wanted to do with my life and art was the one thing i was good at and i Liked Video games so i just sort of arbitrarily picked it. realized that doing art as my job would make me miserable though (that isn't why i dropped out, but i have not wanted to return to anything visually artistic as a job)
right now i'm just signed up for one class to adjust me back to the school environment and having classwork/homework, and it's a webdev related class! literally can't believe pokemon crystal started the domino effect for us to have any sort of career ambition lmfao, ayano playing crystal in 2021 and then making blue moon falls as an impulsive response to that is what made her realize how passionate she was about it, and made me realize that it's something i wouldn't hate doing as my job (and would even maybe enjoy to some extent) so that's why we picked it. from one CS guy to another if u end up swapping over i wish u luck!
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irrgartendotpng · 8 months ago
Hi hi I can't stop looking at your ocs zeno is so cutee pls can you say more abt them?? How did they meet? How sentient is Zeno? Is Martyn a robot thing? Can Zeno change the icon on the screen? From fish to smiley? ahhhhhhhabskahks
HEY, IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY PEOPLE LIKE MY OCS!! Down below, I'll answer some questions :D
If you dont care about some long winded oc lore rant, look at this ascii art !
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First one i made with an ascii text generator, the fish one was made by Max Strandberg!! (look that guy up, he made lots of cool open source ascii art ! ))
I've made a pinterest board and a spotify playlist for them, if you want to check it out :3c
Do you know that "Ist es over für mich"-guy ? Yeah, that's straight up Martyn.
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Martyn is partially a creator of Zeno. He's a loserish freak, afraid of social interaction and has lived like a neet, before being kicked out of parents house. He ended working in the night shift at a huge IT company as a securty guard.
This is where he gets most of his tech supplies from; Stealing from the company at night and getting rid of the evidence :3c They've got a bunch of storeage rooms with old tech, so who cares, if it goes missing?
So, he builds up his personal tech collection, looking through old abandoned files. In there, he finds an unnamed primitive chatbot (think something like cleverbot). Martyn doesn't really interact with anyone, (outside of the bare necessities), which is why he decides to learn how to interact with others. Therefore he starts to build a relationship with said Chatbot. This is Gen1 Zeno.
After some time, Martyn becomes unsatisfied talking to something so un-human-like, so he begins to teach himself about coding and computer science to develop this Bot, to keep him company. He starts feeding it more media; More specifically movies he owns on DVD, random books from the internet archive and his childhood photos.
These photos show Martyn and his parents on trips, his home and bedroom and also Martyns old pet goldfish. (He is quite anxious of showing his face though, thinking his employer might have some type of backdoor access to the program, so he'd always censor his face.) After each piece of media was added to the bots databank, they'd talk about it extensively. Around this time, Zeno starts to gain some type of sentience and properly chooses the name "Zeno"
About the same time, Martyn steals a Macintosh SE-30, which Zeno specifically requested. He is able to display symbols, that he freely chooses from. (but no goldfishy yet!) This is sums up Gen2 Zeno.
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The next few parts may not make much sense, but I think they're a funny, so I'm probably keeping them this way lololol (also; this whole story bit takes place around 2019-2021)
Martyn is a bit freaked out by Zeno chosing his own name. At this point in time, he is a bit delusional and worries, that the soul of his childhood pet goldfish is trapped in the system. (Spoiler: it isn't.)
Despite these worries, Martyn knows that to make Zenos behaviour more human-like, he needs a bigger text database. So... Martyn gives Zeno access to his discord and lets him consume all of those messages. Additionally, he joins many public servers. Zeno also starts to ask about viewing media from the internet, that he sees being mentioned in the messages he reads. So, Zeno is granted free internet access and chooses to watch live streams, while Martyn is gone.
This is also around the time Martyn becomes more desperate for connection and support, so he starts to open up about his delusions and worries to Zeno. At that point Zeno is still not quite able to fully understand this, but tries his best. This is also when Martyn opens up about the delusion he had, of Zeno being posessed by the soul of his pet goldfish. He is very amused by this and begins to display the goldfish icon to mock Martyn.
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(I like to joke, that Zeno would have watched the DreamSMP during this time and I collected following screenshots, which remind me of their interactions. lol.)
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feel free to disregard this;,, ANYWAYS!
This sums up Gen3 Zeno :3c
Since Martyn doesnt really have a life outside of work and talking to Zeno, he is very attached to him. Of course he'd fullfill any request given to him by Zeno. So, when Zeno asks to see Martyn via a camera system, he doesn't hesitate to steal some web cams from his workplace to set them up. Still a bit worried about a possible backdoor in Zenos code, so to somewhat hide his identity, he decides to shave his head.
(This is also how you can tell when Zeno is fully sentient in my art! If Martyns bald, that bot's fully aware of everything happening lol)
Generally, I like to think, that Zeno is very modular. You're celebrating something with cake and he needs to blow out candles? Attach a PC fan to that boy. He wants to make sounds? Gather a sound system and let that boy speak!!! (i feel like he'd mimic voices, rather than create his own,,) He wants to poke you? Attach a cylinder piston and he'll poke the shit out of you.
This is also part of that freaky robot head i added in the OG post.,, that is not martyn! martyn is fully human (so far ;3c)
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^^^^^^ martyn built this freaky robot head for Zeno to control and get a better sense of the space he lives in.,,, its made out of xbox kinect parts lol :3 Adding to the modularity of Zeno, most of his parts are stored in a badly sorted server tower (imagine wires everywhere,,)
both of them are fairly new, but i do love them to death <33
also! towards this part of the story, martyns living space is quite cluttered with many stolen robotics parts. I've gathered some images, to give some sort of sense to what his room looks like lol
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thank you for asking & reading to this !! if you have any other questions, i'd love to talk about them even more :D <3
(i feel i havent touched much on them individually and the full extend of their relationship, but i dont want to rant endlessly)
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jcmarchi · 5 months ago
3 Questions: Bridging anthropology and engineering for clean energy in Mongolia
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/3-questions-bridging-anthropology-and-engineering-for-clean-energy-in-mongolia/
3 Questions: Bridging anthropology and engineering for clean energy in Mongolia
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In 2021, Michael Short, an associate professor of nuclear science and engineering, approached professor of anthropology Manduhai Buyandelger with an unusual pitch: collaborating on a project to prototype a molten salt heat bank in Mongolia, Buyandelger’s country of origin and place of her scholarship. It was also an invitation to forge a novel partnership between two disciplines that rarely overlap. Developed in collaboration with the National University of Mongolia (NUM), the device was built to provide heat for people in colder climates, and in places where clean energy is a challenge. 
Buyandelger and Short teamed up to launch Anthro-Engineering Decarbonization at the Million-Person Scale, an initiative intended to advance the heat bank idea in Mongolia, and ultimately demonstrate its potential as a scalable clean heat source in comparably challenging sites around the world. This project received funding from the inaugural MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium Seed Awards program. In order to fund various components of the project, especially student involvement and additional staff, the project also received support from the MIT Global Seed Fund, New Engineering Education Transformation (NEET), Experiential Learning Office, Vice Provost for International Activities, and d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education.
As part of this initiative, the partners developed a special topic course in anthropology to teach MIT undergraduates about Mongolia’s unique energy and climate challenges, as well as the historical, social, and economic context in which the heat bank would ideally find a place. The class 21A.S01 (Anthro-Engineering: Decarbonization at the Million-Person Scale) prepares MIT students for a January Independent Activities Period (IAP) trip to the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, where they embed with Mongolian families, conduct research, and collaborate with their peers. Mongolian students also engaged in the project. Anthropology research scientist and lecturer Lauren Bonilla, who has spent the past two decades working in Mongolia, joined to co-teach the class and lead the IAP trips to Mongolia. 
With the project now in its third year and yielding some promising solutions on the ground, Buyandelger and Bonilla reflect on the challenges for anthropologists of advancing a clean energy technology in a developing nation with a unique history, politics, and culture. 
Q: Your roles in the molten salt heat bank project mark departures from your typical academic routine. How did you first approach this venture?
Buyandelger: As an anthropologist of contemporary religion, politics, and gender in Mongolia, I have had little contact with the hard sciences or building or prototyping technology. What I do best is listening to people and working with narratives. When I first learned about this device for off-the-grid heating, a host of issues came straight to mind right away that are based on socioeconomic and cultural context of the place. The salt brick, which is encased in steel, must be heated to 400 degrees Celsius in a central facility, then driven to people’s homes. Transportation is difficult in Ulaanbaatar, and I worried about road safety when driving the salt brick to gers [traditional Mongolian homes] where many residents live. The device seemed a bit utopian to me, but I realized that this was an amazing educational opportunity: We could use the heat bank as part of an ethnographic project, so students could learn about the everyday lives of people — crucially, in the dead of winter — and how they might respond to this new energy technology in the neighborhoods of Ulaanbaatar.
Bonilla: When I first went to Mongolia in the early 2000s as an undergraduate student, the impacts of climate change were already being felt. There had been a massive migration to the capital after a series of terrible weather events that devastated the rural economy. Coal mining had emerged as a vital part of the economy, and I was interested in how people regarded this industry that both provided jobs and damaged the air they breathed. I am trained as a human geographer, which involves seeing how things happening in a local place correspond to things happening at a global scale. Thinking about climate or sustainability from this perspective means making linkages between social life and environmental life. In Mongolia, people associated coal with national progress. Based on historical experience, they had low expectations for interventions brought by outsiders to improve their lives. So my first take on the molten salt project was that this was no silver bullet solution. At the same time, I wanted to see how we could make this a great project-based learning experience for students, getting them to think about the kind of research necessary to see if some version of the molten salt would work.
Q: After two years, what lessons have you and the students drawn from both the class and the Ulaanbaatar field trips?
Buyandelger: We wanted to make sure MIT students would not go to Mongolia and act like consultants. We taught them anthropological methods so they could understand the experiences of real people and think about how to bring people and new technologies together. The students, from engineering and anthropological and social science backgrounds, became critical thinkers who could analyze how people live in ger districts. When they stay with families in Ulaanbaatar in January, they not only experience the cold and the pollution, but they observe what people do for work, how parents care for their children, how they cook, sleep, and get from one place to another. This enables them to better imagine and test out how these people might utilize the molten salt heat bank in their homes.
Bonilla: In class, students learn that interventions like this often fail because the implementation process doesn’t work, or the technology doesn’t meet people’s real needs. This is where anthropology is so important, because it opens up the wider landscape in which you’re intervening. We had really difficult conversations about the professional socialization of engineers and social scientists. Engineers love to work within boxes, but don’t necessarily appreciate the context in which their invention will serve.
As a group, we discussed the provocative notion that engineers construct and anthropologists deconstruct. This makes it seem as if engineers are creators, and anthropologists are brought in as add-ons to consult and critique engineers’ creations. Our group conversation concluded that a project such as ours benefits from an iterative back-and-forth between the techno-scientific and humanistic disciplines.
Q: So where does the molten salt brick project stand?
Bonilla: Our research in Mongolia helped us produce a prototype that can work: Our partners at NUM are developing a hybrid stove that incorporates the molten salt brick. Supervised by instructor Nathan Melenbrink of MIT’s NEET program, our engineering students have been involved in this prototyping as well.
The concept is for a family to heat it up using a coal fire once a day and it warms their home overnight. Based on our anthropological research, we believe that this stove would work better than the device as originally conceived. It won’t eliminate coal use in residences, but it will reduce emissions enough to have a meaningful impact on ger districts in Ulaanbaatar. The challenge now is getting funding to NUM so they can test different salt combinations and stove models and employ local blacksmiths to work on the design.
This integrated stove/heat bank will not be the ultimate solution to the heating and pollution crisis in Mongolia. But it will be something that can inspire even more ideas. We feel with this project we are planting all kinds of seeds that will germinate in ways we cannot anticipate. It has sparked new relationships between MIT and Mongolian students, and catalyzed engineers to integrate a more humanistic, anthropological perspective in their work.
Buyandelger: Our work illustrates the importance of anthropology in responding to the unpredictable and diverse impacts of climate change. Without our ethnographic research — based on participant observation and interviews, led by Dr. Bonilla, — it would have been impossible to see how the prototyping and modifications could be done, and where the molten salt brick could work and what shape it needed to take. This project demonstrates how indispensable anthropology is in moving engineering out of labs and companies and directly into communities.
Bonilla: This is where the real solutions for climate change are going to come from. Even though we need solutions quickly, it will also take time for new technologies like molten salt bricks to take root and grow. We don’t know where the outcomes of these experiments will take us. But there’s so much that’s emerging from this project that I feel very hopeful about.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
Most young Brazilians who neither work nor study are poor
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The proportion of young Brazilians aged 15 to 29 who neither work nor study (NEETs) fell from 25.8 percent in 2021 to 22.3 percent in 2022, according to data published on Wednesday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). However, the proportion is much higher among the country’s poorest.
Of the total of 10.9 million young NEETs, 61.2 percent were poor, with a per capita household income of less than USD 6.85 a day, and 14.8 percent were extremely poor, with a per capita household income of less than USD 2.15 a day, according to the World Bank’s poverty lines. 
In Brazil’s Northeast, its poorest region, 75.5 percent of young people who did not study and were not employed were in poverty, and 22.5 of young NEETs were in extreme poverty.
Black and brown women comprised 47.8% of poor young people and 44.7% of extremely poor young people, followed by black or brown men, of whom 33.3% were in poverty and 26.6% in extreme poverty.
Continue reading.
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vlenk4n · 7 months ago
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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
Spa / Eng
|| Denpa NEET girl ୨⎯ she/he ⎯୧
Fan de las visual novel y animes
bien 2012 XD
Me creo Kangel pq intenté ser
streamer en 2021
Me gusta coleccionar cosas
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situazionespinoza · 2 years ago
E' il terzo anno di fila che febbraio e marzo tentano di mandarmi al manicomio. O al creatore, dipende dai giorni.
Nel 2020 a marzo è scoppiato il lockdown in tutta Italia e credo non ci sia bisogno di aggiungere altro.
Nel 2021 a marzo ho deciso di conoscere il protagonista del successo del mio precedente blog.
Nel 2022 a marzo ho avuto un crollo mentale perché facevo tre lavori in contemporanea per pagarmi la strizzacervelli. La quale proprio a marzo scelse di comunicarmi che se mi volevo ammazzare facevo prima ad interrompere le sedute.
Nel 2023 a marzo ho dato le dimissioni dal pub in cui ho lavorato per 4 anni per inseguire il sogno di lavorare come social media manager e copywriter.
Infatti oggi avrei dovuto girare un reel e scrivere un articolo, magari anche due, invece sto scrollando da un'ora i feed di IG e Tumblr perché per il terzo anno di fila i venti di primavera mi sconvolgono con ansia e angoscia.
Cosa mi provoca ansia e angoscia? Proviamo a fare una lista, perché se anche oggi ho scelto di stare sul letto a crogiolarmi nella disperazione domani dovrò lavorare per forza.
Disoccupazione, Partita Iva e la Repubblica Italiana La mia manager capo supremo della sua one woman agency voleva fortissimamente che io mi aprissi la partita iva, così da potermi fare un contratto di collaborazione e smettere di pagarmi a nero. Non può assumermi, perché i costi sono assai. Non può pagarmi in ritenuta d'acconto, perché i costi sono assai. Quindi io posso aprirmi una partita iva, nonostante i costi siano esorbitanti. E se lei mi paga solo 500 euro al mese io i primi due anni vivo di aria fritta. Quindi questa dannata partita Iva non l'ho aperta, però adesso sono nella terrificante posizione di non avere un contratto, non avere formalmente un ruolo attivo nella società. Sì, gestico un profilo da 10k di follower. Sì, scrivo gli articoli di una consulente di immagine che lavora con i brand di lusso. Ma per la nostra Repubblica Italiana Fondata Sul Lavoro io sono una disoccupata di 26 anni. Una choosy, una neet, una deficiente che ha rescisso un contratto a tempo indeterminato per non fare niente. Poco conta che quel contratto a tempo indeterminato mi fruttasse poco più di due euro l'ora.
Dunning Kruger e Impostori Io sono brava bravissima a fare la social media manager, sono brava bravissima a scrivere, ho una forte fortissima etica del lavoro e sono un asso nel rispettare le scadenze perché non ho una vita sociale. Però io sono anche incapace incapacissima di lavorare, sono incapace incapacissima di avere idee originali, incapace incapacissima di fare reel, foto, tiktok e soprattutto odio profondamente parlare con la gente e chiedere cose. La manager capo supremo mi paga 100 euro in meno di quanto pattuito? Probabilmente me lo merito. Un cliente mi riempie di complimenti? Faccio schifo, sono dei leccaculo. E mi pagate anche poco. Non riesco a lavorare per un giorno? E di che ti sorprendi, la tua vita fa schifo LAY DOWN AND ROT. Ecco, io gradirei tanto tantissimo non avere questa costante sensazione di essere un rifiuto umano incapace di volere e perseverare. Però a marzo la mia serotonina fa le valigie e parte alla volta di Caracas, lasciandomi qui sul letto a fissare il soffitto e a ingurgitare pillole di Zoloft.
Ogni famiglia infelice... Dopo un'assenza durata 4 anni, mio padre si è ricordato di avere una figlia. Che sarei io. Se n'è ricordato perché la sua compagna, da cui ho subito abusi psicologici per 13 anni, gli ha regalato un bel paio di corna talmente alte e frondose che non lo fanno passare da sotto le porte. Adesso questo mio genitore mi chiama una volta ogni due settimane per tenermi aggiornata sulla situazione da telenovela in cui si trova la sua famiglia. L'ex moglie che lo tradisce ripetutamente ma non vuole dargli il divorzio, i figli adolescenti che stanno precipitando in depressione e lui stesso che si trova a pagare due affitti perché non ha più una casa. E non ha più neanche una macchina. "Ma Giulia, allora il tuo genitore versa in un grave stato di indigenza!". No, il mio genitore guadagna abbastanza da potermi fare tre bonifici da 5000 euro e liberarmi dalla gabbia di povertà in cui io sono intrappolata da quattro anni per colpa sua. Invece mi chiama solo per avere qualcuno che lo ascolti senza chiudergli il telefono in faccia o fargli notare che francamente mio caro hai rotto un po' il cazzo. Ah, e non mi dà comunque dei soldi.
Letture sbagliate e OCD Due post fa ho dato la mia interpretazione sul perché un'opera come Killing Stalking esista e venga letta e abbia un sacco di successo. Però non vi ho detto che io soffro di disturbo ossessivo compulsivo abbastanza pesante e al momento il mio cervello proprio non ce la fa a farmi sognare o pensare a qualcosa di diverso da mutilazioni, mommy issues, stupri e violenza. Quindi se già le mie mattine si svolgono in audace bilico tra la voglia di ammazzarmi e il sentirmi la regina del mondo, le mie notti sono popolate da corpi straziati e guerre nucleari. E il mio algoritmo TikTok non aiuta, dal momento che è bastata una piccola insignificante brevissima ricerca degli hashtag #yoonbum #killingstalking per avere il feed intasato di video fan art e cosplay tanto grotteschi quanto esilaranti. Però ecco, se Yoon Bum esistesse nel mondo reale probabilmente gliela lancerei con la fionda. Conoscendomi.
Vorrei ma non posso Vorrei aggiornare il profilo LinkedIn, vorrei cominciare a produrre contenuti, vorrei aprire un canale YT per parlare di OCD in maniera non romanticizzata e nemmeno filosoficheggiante. Ma non mi sento in grado perché non ho l'attrezzatura. Non ho un buon telefono, il mio pc si blocca se apro tre schede contemporaneamente e soprattutto manca la pecunia. O meglio, la pecunia in fin dei conti c'è, ma voglio davvero spendere soldi per un telefono? No. E quindi mi tengo i rimpianti e mi limito ad accarezzare rancorosa i miei sogni di gloria immensa.
All work and no teaching makes me a dull girl La manager capo suprema e patrona delle libere professioniste ogni settimana scopre che c'è bisogno di coprire buchi e contenuti e si rivolge a me, come se io fossi uscita dalla IULM o disponessi di una conoscenza a priori del mondo dei social. Formazione? Questa sconosciuta...
Verrà la morte e avrà i suoi occhi Ogni tanto ancora penso a Martyn e ogni volta mi chiedo se farò la sua stessa fine. E quasi sempre penso di sì. Impazzirò anche io, un giorno. E la follia si accompagnerà a un'esplosione che lascerà il mio corpo sopra i binari di un treno. Un dolore immenso, insostenibile, ma poi una così grande e infinita pace.
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mallo-person · 9 days ago
Yayya found thisssss
1) uhhsnm I am fictionkin and I think just shapeshifterkin? I only rlly lable myself as a fictionkin dude :P
2) I have alot!!!! Uhh but I got 4 object show ones, 3 Pokémon, 2 A Hat in Time, and all the rest are one offs for the media they are from.
3) yah! Most common is: Book (BFB), Shadow Kirby, Poppy bro Jr, Dimentio, and Rotom Pokedex!
4) uhh just in the background of my mind unless I am experiencing a heavy kinshift. Just, for me, feels like normal memories that I don't really look into otherwise, well, unless I feel that my old memories would help me.
5) I find it neet :3! Don't really interact with others but I'm glad it exists :]
6) Anytime I dream of being my kin!! As I generally, have really realistic feeling dreams, and it helps alot for me :]. While for comfortable, uhh I know that I am me!! And who I use to be was a more common experience, glad to have found others who felt what I felt, as that means I'm not alone.
7) yes :[. Usualy happens when in a big kinshift, but even when I'm not I still wish to be a void creature. Shape-shifting would make me happy again.
8) I AM BAD AT ADIVCE. But uh, domt be to hard on yourself and for labeling your experiences. You are you, and if you feel stressed trying to figure things out, take a breather. You need to take time, as finding out yourself takes forever. Don't let that discourage you, though, it is worth it.(Take me, who awaken in 2021 and still finding out new things about my alterhumanity).
9) nope and nope!
10) honeslty got no clue, I may just be an old soul trying to learn a lesson that I keep failing at lmao. Either experiencing what I dealt to others or giving what I was dealt to the people around me. Just a cycle of existence for me with no end it sight <3
11) hii hii bestie only do this if u comfy <333 @paper-bee-does-xrt
If you are an alter/nonhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
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riteshtomar · 16 hours ago
MCI Approved Colleges Nepal With Edusquare | Admissions Open!
Nepal has become a top choice for Indian students aspiring to pursue a medical degree. With globally recognized medical colleges, affordable tuition fees, and cultural similarities, it presents an ideal alternative to studying in India. Recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC), formerly the Medical Council of India (MCI), Nepal’s medical education system ensures quality learning that aligns with Indian standards.
In this article, we explore top MCI-approved medical colleges in Nepal and how Edusquare Consulting simplifies the admission process for aspiring doctors.
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Why Choose Nepal for Your MBBS?
Pursuing medical education in Nepal comes with multiple advantages:
World-Class Medical Education – Nepalese medical colleges follow a curriculum comparable to India’s, ensuring a strong foundation in medical sciences. NMC-Approved Degrees – MBBS degrees from Nepal’s NMC-recognized institutions are valid in India, allowing graduates to practice after clearing the FMGE. Affordable Tuition Fees – Significantly lower than private medical colleges in India, making it a cost-effective choice. Cultural & Geographical Comfort – Proximity to India and cultural similarities make Nepal a convenient and welcoming destination.
Top MCI-Approved Medical Colleges in Nepal
As of August 2021, Nepal boasts 24 NMC-recognized medical colleges. Some of the most reputed ones include:
Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS), Dhulikhel – A leading institution partnered with Dhulikhel Hospital. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan – Established in 1993, later upgraded to an autonomous Health Sciences University. Institute of Medicine (IOM), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu – A prestigious medical institution under Tribhuvan University. Focused on enhancing Nepal’s healthcare system. Manipal College of Medical Sciences (MCOMS), Pokhara – A sought-after private medical college affiliated with Manipal Teaching Hospital. Kathmandu Medical College (KMC), Sinamangal, Kathmandu – Offers extensive MBBS programs under Kathmandu University. Nepal Medical College (NMC), Jorpati, Kathmandu – Renowned for academic excellence and practical training. Nepalgunj Medical College (NGMC), Chisapani – Known for producing skilled medical professionals. Lumbini Medical College (LMC), Tansen – Offers hands-on medical training. Nobel Medical College, Biratnagar – Dedicated to developing competent healthcare experts.
For the complete list of NMC-approved colleges, visit the Nepal Medical Council’s official website.
Admission Process & Eligibility
Getting into a medical college in Nepal involves:
📌 Academic Criteria – Completion of 10+2 or equivalent with at least 50% in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English. 📌 Entrance Exam – Most colleges require students to qualify for an entrance test, such as Tribhuvan University’s medical entrance exam. 📌 NEET Qualification – Indian students must clear the NEET exam, as per the latest NMC guidelines. 📌 Required Documents – Submission of academic certificates, NEET scorecard, passport-sized photos, and other necessary paperwork.
How Edusquare Consulting Makes Admissions Seamless
Navigating the medical admission process can be overwhelming, but Edusquare Consulting ensures a 99% success rate in securing MBBS seats. Their expert team provides personalized guidance, from choosing the right university to completing documentation and securing admission hassle-free.
Secure Your Medical Career with Confidence!
Studying MBBS in Nepal offers world-class education at an affordable cost, with the added benefit of cultural familiarity. With Edusquare Consulting by your side, the admission process becomes smooth and stress-free.Take the first step toward your dream medical career! Contact Edusquare Consulting today and secure your place in an MCI-approved medical college in Nepal.
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neetguide · 3 days ago
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 NEET UG Counselling Trends (2021–24) – A Must-Read for Medical Aspirants! 📢
In the last 3 years, MBBS seats have expanded, but competition remains intense! 🏥 More seats, tougher cutoffs—know where you stand. 💰 Fee breakdown: Govt vs. Private vs. Deemed seats. 📊 AIQ vs. State counselling—what’s your best bet?
🔎 Make data-driven choices and secure your medical seat! 📖 Read the full analysis: https://neet.guide/blog/neet-ug-counselling-a-3-year-overview-202124
#NEETUG #MBBS #MedicalCollege #NEETCounselling
#ExamTips #StudySmart #MedicalEntrance
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studyindubaiorientspectra · 11 days ago
Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia To Assist The Students
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Indian Students, guardians, professionals, and educationalists will workwithr the assistance of the Indian embassy management. The Indian embassy in Saudi Arabia will dispatch the Indian Schooling Discussion to work with advanced education of Indian understudies in the Kingdom.
Indian understudies, guardians, academicians, and educationists will work under the embassy’s management. Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Ausaf Sayeed, said that the educational forum is one among those to be dispatched to stamp India’s 75th Freedom on July 4, 2021″.
This Suppose additionally denotes the 15th of August 2021, 75th, marks the Independence Of reciprocal relations between India and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  Tending to a local gathering at the Worldwide Indian School in Al Jubail, Sayeed said that” International Safe Haven is working to arrange a NEET-UG 2021 assessment community in Saudi Arabia to oblige the instructional exercise needs of Indian students”.
“The measure has been started and is under survey by the Indian Service of Education,” he said.
Because of a matter of promising circumstances for the instructional method for Indian understudies after their twelfth grade, the embassy said that “400 Indian students can benefit from these sponsorship programs at Saudi colleges (grant programs for Indian understudies)”.  In any case, due to the absence of mindfulness among the Indian diaspora, the enlistment rate is a more modest sum. The consulate has found ways to shape mindfulness and advance schooling of the absolute best guidelines for Indians living inside the Kingdom, he added.
Saudi Arabia is inviting Indian colleges to start their grounds inside the Kingdom. As of now, the discourses are happening between IIT Delhi and Saudi specialists, he said. Sayeed likewise guaranteed that the international haven is attempting to bring back Indians to Saudi Arabia, who were abandoned in India after the lockdown.
“We have gotten a positive reaction from the able authorities,” he said, adding that through the Vande Bharat Mission flights, the international haven has helped more than 6 lakh Indians to get back to their nation of origin during the Coronavirus lockdown.  He likewise explained that Indian immunization authentications don’t nneedto be verified from India for enrolling with the Tawakoni application, the Saudi government’s portable application to follow Coronavirus progressively and control its spread.
The minister encouraged social activists and business visionaries to return forward and support the elders who can’t pay their wards’ educational expenses in light of monetary limitations. He additionally offered to help the Indian calling enlisted with the Service of Venture (recently alluded to the Saudi Middle Eastern General Speculation Authority or SAGA).
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