#need or prefer having an external link that works more easily for them
lcrk · 8 months
how does anyone use carrd i spent like an hour last night fighting with it using a template and got so frustrated. with photoshop and stuff i've always been able to google tutorials for the thing i'm looking for and i could find NO helpful tutorials for carrd. so. so much for that. i was thinking of doing one just for people who need/prefer an external link in order to view pages but i am noooooot smart enough to figure that platform out AT ALL i was ready to chuck my laptop across the room.
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badolmen · 1 year
“I’m scared to pirate stuff - ” do it scared!*
*with Firefox and Adblock and a VPN and -
If you want a nonspecific, nonexhaustive “where do I even start” guide…
Sail the cyber seas at your own risk!
Streaming - “I want to watch xyz”
This is normally what most people want when they talk about pirating.
Use Firefox with uBlock Origin and additional privacy add-ons such as PrivacyBadger, TrackMeNot, etc.
Free VPNs are out there. Get one - but vet it’s efficacy. My go-tos are Proton VPN, or Windscribe if you plan to do a bit of torrenting.
What is torrenting? How does it work? Here’s a guide!
Back to streaming -
Make sure that a) you’ve got your Mozilla browser with all its adblocking private glory, and b) you’ve got a VPN turned on to hide what you’re doing in that browser from your ISP (internet service provider).
Now you need to actually find a site to stream from. This is the tricky part, because openly sharing these sites will get them taken down if they’re talked about widely enough. (Remember how tiktok idiots got zlibrary taken down?)
You’re going to have to talk to people on forums. You’re going to have to experiment with sites you find yourself. Search for ‘x online free’ and look at the links that come up - is the preview text mangled or clickbaitey? Are there Reddit threads about that website confirming or denying its content? A good rule of thumb is to ignore the top result or two - copycats of good streaming sites will often buy out the top result spot. Eventually, you’ll develop a good gut feeling and understanding of what a good site ‘looks like’ from the results page alone.
However, there are some places that compile good sites that haven’t been nuked by lawyers (yet) - check out r/FMHY! The masterposts are actively curated and updated when a site goes down or is found to have malicious downloads.
Remember - loose lips sink ships. No tweeting (xeeting?) or Facebook statuses about your new favorite piracy website and where you found it. Even posting to tumblr (kind of like this…) isn’t a great idea if you want those websites to stay under the radar and stay accessible. Nobody talks, everybody walks (away with their share of pirate booty)
If you aren’t downloading media, pick pretty much any site and watch away! Adblock and Firefox will keep away pop-ups and other annoying ads, and your VPN means your ISP can’t tell that you’re visiting an unofficial streaming service.
Note: In my experience, I’ve never heard of visiting a site and watching stuff on it infecting or otherwise compromising your computer. That tends to come from misclicks on invisible or overwhelming pop-up ads that redirect you to an automatic download or similarly malicious bullshit. If you’re using Firefox and uBlock, you shouldn’t be in any danger of an accidental redirect.
Downloads - “I want to keep xyz”
This is the realm of pirate archiving - you’re keeping files physically on your hard drive, an external hard drive, or burning a disk.
Adblock + Firefox browser? Check. VPN on? Check.
Go to your streaming site of choice - most if not all have download options. You can download those files or, manually, right click and save the video file from the webpage as an mp4. I honestly don’t know if there’s a difference in quality or more danger in clicking the download buttons, but regardless -
Run that puppy through VirusTotal.com! It’s a reliable browser based virus checker - if the file is too large, use a local virus checking program (your native Windows Defender on Windows computers or, I prefer, Malwarebytes)
Generally mp4 and mp3 files are clean - choose where to save them for the long term, and bam! Free forever media.
Optionally, I also upload mp4 files to a named Google document - this way I can easily share them or make them findable through a ‘xyz Google doc’ search for others :]
Torrents - “I want to keep and share xyz”
I’m not going to go into this subject in depth because, honestly, it’s not something I do regularly.
See the previously linked Torrenting guide for information on how the process works, and check out r/FMHY for recommendations and warnings about different torrenting clients (I’ve personally only used qBittorrent - I’ve heard to stay away from the Pirate Bay and Bittorrent.)
As with streaming, turn on that VPN baby! You’re going to need one that supports peer-to-peer (p2p) connections, so Proton’s free version is a no-go. Windscribe is what I’ve used for torrenting (and it’s a good free VPN on its own - I’m just partial to Proton). You get 10GB every month on Windscribe’s free version, which is more than enough for a few movies/a season or two of your favorite show.
(Bigger torrents like video games are easily 30+ GB, so be prepared to either pay for a no-limit premium account or spend a few months downloading your files in chunks.)
VPN on? Double check.
Boot up your torrenting client - I use a slightly out of date version of qBittorent, but there are other options. The Reddit thread and previously linked torrenting guide have a few dos and donts of selecting a client, so be thorough before you download your client of choice.
This is getting into the logistics of torrenting a bit, so forgive me if this is vague or incorrect, but now you need a torrent seed. These will be .tor files found through pirating websites or archives - these are rarely malicious, but it’s good to run any piracy related download through something like VirusTotal.com or scan it with a local program like Malwarebytes.
You open your seed file in your client and wait. A ‘healthy’ seed tends to have lots of seeders and few leeches, but sometimes you’re stuck with an obscure seed you just have to wait for.
Your torrented files have fully downloaded! Now what? a) keep your client open and seed those files for others as long as you want to - sharing is caring! and b) run those files through a security program like Malwarebytes (not sponsored it’s just the only program I’m familiar with).
Be wary of what gets flagged - sometimes the files seem important, but are just trojans, and likewise sometimes they seem malicious, but are just cracked software getting flagged by your system. It’s good to check and see if others have had a problem with this particular torrent before - Reddit threads from 2008 are your long dead friends.
And that’s about it. Feel free to correct me if anything I’ve recommended is malicious or outright wrong. I’ve been doing this for years and haven’t had an active problem to my knowledge, so if there is something fishy with how I do things, I am a statistical outlier and should not be counted.
I wish you smooth sailing and strong winds in your ventures me hearties!
Obligatory ‘don’t pirate small author’s or artist’s works what the fuck dude’ statement.
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autumnslance · 2 months
Hi! I’ve been trying to make an introductory post for my WoL, but when I tried doing so freeform it ended up overly long and full of rambling. I’ve searched for templates all over the internet, but the only ones I can find are in the general style of D&D character sheets that include irrelevant information about stats while not properly dedicating space to the actual character traits. I saw the format you used for your OCs, and it seems to be about what I’m looking for. Is there any chance you could provide a blank template along those lines for me and others who might have the same problem?
Funnily, while I keep them all similar, I didn't have a template before now. Also reminds me I need to do some updating and revision on my own OCs, it's been awhile and they can use a refresh for character and plot updates.
I recommend making static pages over posts; easier to track and edit. I am a stickler for organization, so keep my pinned post to the bare basics with links to the profiles and other pages, to keep from stretching the post to a mile long, in part, and to keep the info where it's easily read and relevant. Also because mobile app view won't show one's theme and links, and the pinned post is more likely to be seen and accessible than a sidebar or menu.
I have tutorials on how to set a custom theme (and access full blog features) as well as how to create those static blog pages. Tumblr may have made some updates since, but the gist is the same, and the Help pages have newer details if necessary.
I do urge keeping colors and format simple, accessible, and reader friendly, including screen reader friendly. A row of asterisks or tildes as a separator line are usually individually read out by screen readers, as is the code used to make those fancy hard-to-read gothic letters folks use for "aesthetics." In a lot of my profiles, I split sections with images of the character (which should also use alt text if we're trying to be kind and inclusive, and it's to the point of a profile page anyway).
I think I will put the intro and template here in the post under a cut, and then in a Reply Comment add a link to the Google Doc version, cuz of how Tumblr is about external links. An actual blank copy-pasta is on the GDoc, what's below has some thought processes for each section for guidance.
This a pretty modular template, that can be added to or subtracted from as needed. Move descriptive blocks around as they seem more or less relevant for your OC, substitute things that make sense over things that don’t; this is just a starting point!
I see these as broad strokes; a quick introduction and general overview of your character, meant to give an at-a-glance idea of who they are. It’s handy for other writers and artists, and even oneself for keeping track of some details. I recommend practicing succinct writing here; these blocks should each stay between 100-300 words or thereabouts. Use links to other pages and tags to point toward longer details and stories (and keep them handy for yourself!). It also makes it much easier when you want to revise things when characterization marches forward, or if you want to retcon something entirely.
But these are all just my opinions and ideas on how I approach OC profiles after making them in some form or another for about a quarter century. Make it as long or short as it needs to be, change it up, go nuts, I ain’t your mom, and so on 😉
Statistics: The basics; barebones, at-a-glance stat blocks, handy for quick reference. Can be added to or shortened as needed. If a stat starts to word wrap on a standard screen, trim it and move that extra detail to the “Description” paragraph below the list.
Race: (for FF14 fantasy possibilities) Nationality: (or Ethnicity, whatever works. Where are they from, as that helps shape them?) Height: (both feet/inches and centimeters are handy here) Eyes: Build: (I prefer this to weight, as that’s ridiculously variable depending on one’s build, which is more important visually anyway; are they broad, stocky, skinny, muscular, stringy, etc) Hair: (color, type, texture, preferred lengths and styling) Skin: (sometimes I fold scars into here, if there’s nothing too outstanding) Scars: Voice: (how do they sound?) Nameday: Age: (depends on your personal timeline for your OCs, but I recommend an age range over specifics; mid-20s, 25-35, late teens, a little over a century, etc. Less updating and fits with the handwaved time bubble anyway) Disciplines: (what are their main job[s]? The adventuring or professional skills they’ve learned?) Hobbies: Birthplace: Current Home: Occupation: (Their actual day job, different from or part of their disciplines?) Signature Items: (A particular weapon? A piece of jewelry? Always wear a specific coat?)
Description: A very short "immediate impressions" type description; what would someone "on the street" see when meeting/looking at your character on a typical day? Taking some of the info from the stats but then how you want those barebone facts to be seen; is the OC elegant, or rough? Expensive clothes or simple attire? Any particular smells, or sounds? I recommend around 100 words.
Biography: Very brief, general overview of the backstory that led them to the point where they become a story protagonist (adventurer, the WoL, or other roleplay archetype). Don't have to go into great detail, keep it short and simple; it's a blurb that sets up how they got here in broad strokes. I think my longest bio is around 300 words, and it probably shouldn’t go over that here.
To get more details, one can always link to specific stories, or to a tag. I have multiple OCs, so I might make my tags something like "Aeryn Backstory" or "Iyna Lore" or "Punchy History" or some combo thereof (I usually try to keep them consistent though for ease).
Persona: What face do they present to the world? How are they perceived by the public, acquaintances, coworkers, family, actual friends? Some of these answers will be the same, some may change depending on if and how they code switch in various social situations.
From there, what lies underneath the surface? What are some general internal attitudes, traits, feelings?
A hundred words for outward demeanor and another one hundred for innermost self ought to cover the general broad strokes.
Romance: If so inclined, details about the OC's relationship details; sexual and romantic orientations, relationship history, current situations, how they view and approach intimacy (or not!).
Links to relationship tags or stories or art can work well here, too.
Echo: Does the OC have an Echo at all? Is it a "typical" Echo, or do they have some special abilities, some things they're better at than others? How does it affect them, how do they feel about it?
This is another section that may be a free space section to remove or swap to something else relevant to the character.
Hobbies: The stuff outside of work and heroics. Ways they relax, special interests, side jobs, things they enjoy, and so on. This can be an expansion of the listing in the stat block, or you can cut out one or the other to avoid redundancy.
Companions: What’s their chocobo like, or do they have another favored mount? What pet(s) do they have? Are they practically a Disney Princess? Have a familiar? Do they prefer arcane entities? Technological constructs? Or do they eschew companions entirely?
How to find the OC in game: This is where I list things like realm and data center, and addresses for the FC house and personal house or apartment. Not necessary if you don't want folks to go looking.
Links: The links can be scattered through the post in relevant sections, or gathered together here. I tend to put my basic tag for the character, if I have an aesthetic tag for them, their story tags, any links to art references or other miscellaneous items I want easily found for myself and others. I often put this close to the top if a profile is longer and I want those links to be quick referenced.
OOC: Any particular notes one wants to make about the character from a meta perspective. Can also be combined with the Links.
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granulesofsand · 1 year
🗝️🏷️ mentions of RAMCOA and child maltreatment
The important bits are in orange for brevity.
Hello! We are a plural system. Together, we go by Dune. You can use this name to address us as a group, or for any one of us.
Unless otherwise indicated, refer to us with they/it (or other neutral pronouns). We are also comfortable with mirror pronouns; whatever you prefer for yourself, use also for us.
The symbols 🗝️🏷️ serve as a content warning to announce less avoidable triggers, pictured as a key and label emoji set.
We use ‘others’ and ‘alters’ to describe members of our system. Please do not use ‘parts’ for us uninitiated, though we will reflect the language you provide to refer to you.
Treat each alter as their own person. If there is no sign-off, address the whole system as Dune. We use we/us for the system and I/me for the alter.
Some identities are held by our body rather than an alter or group. We are culturally Deaf (hard of hearing), queer (trans masc), and disabled (physically and otherwise). While we generally ID our body as white, we have other roots as well. We frequently refer to our subcultures of origin, which were largely unhealthy.
We are an EC-DID system, for us meaning we were created and controlled by abusers for their benefit. Our complexity, elaboration, amnesia, and so on are influenced by this. We are working to dismantle and restructure our system according to what benefits us, and it is a process. What was done can be healed, but not undone. This too is part of our story.
By experience and reading, we are informed on the topics of RAMCOA and CDDs; we share these subjects both for ourselves and any who ask.
Sources are generally only provided in more formal writing or by request, but we keep them only for our convenience. If you have want for a list of subtopic resources, we will return to you links or means of locating the media. We analyze all that we recommend unless you specify your consent to access it regardless.
Posts will be primarily in English, as most of our frequent fronters are fluent in it. Many of us speak ASL and understand glossed notation. Different alters have varying degrees of proficiency in other languages, and you are encouraged to use whichever language you prefer; we will translate with our combined knowledge and external resources.
We answer asks publicly unless you specify otherwise. We might make exceptions for unmarked descriptions of trauma, identifying information (not account names, though you are free to use the anonymous toggle), or topics we are unsure of privacy associations (sex and sexuality, emotional disclosures, impulsive behavior with account name attached).
Genuine questions we do not answer publicly can be answered in DMs by toggling anon to off, or will be answered in an unattached post tagged ‘asks answered separately’.
We rarely respond publicly to conversational asks. You can note that you’d like us to, but we make the final decision. If you want a response, we converse through DMs primarily.
You can vent in our DMs if you need a witness. We always read direct messages. If you need evidence we’ve seen you, throw a question in the mix. It can be as simple as ‘are you there?’, and you can expect a reply within four days. We can’t report you irl unless you give us your name and address (so don’t). You can be angry or triggering, even at us, with the condition you warn us what to expect. We won’t report an account unless you’re causing harm of your own accord.
Our otherworld is vast and vivid. There are planets, continents, and countries. We have language, race, species, and other cultural identifiers that are typically not based in external reality.
We have a variety of opinions and defenses, but we often welcome conversation for the sake of understanding. Tone varies by member and topic — we do argue to an extent. We block easily, but we will speak to any who seek commutuality.
We are not here to make moral judgments or cause harm — we implore you to write if you have comments, questions, demands (though we may not heed them), anything you wish to make known.
We are not your authority; take from us what you find useful, leave what you do not. Some learning is better done in time or by encounter, or simply not at all. Your experience is your own, and we will not intrude upon it unless invited or endangered.
(Forgive me if my words lack flow, English is not my first language.)
Let’s get along!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Hii I need vh advice pls. I have 5 knowledge points, I've already researched pouches and vault compass. I'm fairly new to tech mods. What should I research?
that depends on what you need or want to do next! some options I might suggest (with the caveat of “check you have the materials you need before you buy a mod”):
if you want better storage: either drawers + refined storage + iron generators or colossal chests + refined storage + iron generators. this will give you everything you need to have a fully functional digital storage system. since you’re new to tech mods like I am I’d say refined storage over ae2 because refined storage’s documentation was easy for me to understand and ae2’s was not, but which you choose doesn’t actually matter. drawers or chests are a matter of choice - chests are really big cubes of storage, drawers store many stacks of single items - and will be connected with an external storage to give you more cheaper storage space than the disks for rs. iron generators is just the cheapest power generation, which you need for either rs or ae2.
alternately if you want easier to set up and understand storage my friend is using colossal chests and simple storage network to search them; keep in mind ssn doesn’t have features like the crafting grid, importers and exporters, or even the ability to set priority on the link cables (so I’d say don’t use drawers with it), but if you’re looking for simple mass storage this is probably the easiest kind to understand!
if you just want more stuff in the vaults: double pouches giving you the refill upgrade cannot have the usefulness of overstated. also you can store more stacks of things. when all else fails just getting better and better pouches never does.
alternately I haven’t messed with the new potions much but I imagine if you want more healing unlocking that mod will be very helpful for you!
if you want to start making efficient production: when it comes to the production mods, choose the one that gives you the drops that you want help with the most now! snad isn’t worth it, and easy piglins isn’t worth the amount the other mods increase by for the small pool of drops you’ll get. if you want villager drops easily, get easy villagers. if you want basically every non-tree plant in the game, go botony pots. if you want mob drops without having to build farms, go cagerium. and if you like the “building a farm” step actually and just want the best rates for mob drops, go ispawners. note that cagerium and ispawners require you have spawn eggs, which you can get from completion crates or in the vault past level twenty.
you want one of the big mods: create is easiest to understand as a “new-to-mods” person in my experience due to working in a very skewmorphic-to-life way, and also due to having in-game tutorials. however if you don’t like create, my understanding is that botania gives you a lot of pretty blocks but isn’t great at a lot of the altar materials, mekanism does basically everything but is expensive, and thermal expansion is good for specific altar materials. note that thermal and mek also both require a power mod, while botania and create don’t! this is a matter of preference.
you want to build farms: go for modular routers or dark utilities, probably. modular routers confuse me but are vital if you want to pick up and store exp, items, and more from your farm. dark utilities just makes building a mob farm super easy.
hopefully this helped and didn’t just confuse you! you can also go with anything I didn’t suggest - you want trashcans, you GET those trashcans, you know? the mods you pick are up to you and what will make YOUR playthrough more fun! this is hopefully just the information you need to make sense of them. hopefully this helps!
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rpschtuff · 1 year
Hi! You’d mentioned you hadn’t heard anything about accessibility issues with the new layout, so as someone who does actually enjoy the new layout but only reverts it because I can’t adjust it code-wise the way I’d like to make it fully accessible for my needs, here’s a few ways it’s not accessible!
OVERSTIMULATION: Compared to the previous layout, the dashboard feels very cluttered. Everything is squished together in the middle (and I’m saying this as someone running on a 1920x1080 resolution, so not a small screen). I personally had to Stylus in some extra spacing between the dashboard and the two sidebars, for example, and make the left labels slightly smaller text-wise and icon-wise so that they felt a little more spaced out. It just opened up the dashboard a bit more and made it a little bit less overwhelming.
TOO MUCH CONTENT: In addition to the above, there’s just a lot going on on the new dashboard, at least compared to the old one. Previously, with the old icon labels there wasn’t a lot of visual stimulation from those, whereas the new layout adds that. When you add in the mix of the recommended blogs, the What’s New carousel, Tumblr Live, and necessities that I use regularly from other addons (ex. xKit Tag Tracking+) it becomes A LOT. I actually had to hide a bunch of icons that I don’t use (ex. Live, Domains, TumblrMart, etc) in order to declutter the shit out of the dashboard so it wasn’t so horribly overwhelmed.
DRAFTS AND QUEUE NOT EASILY ACCESSIBLE: This I think is a big one. We as the RPC are attached at the hip to our drafts and queue, are we not?! When they had the account subnav in the left bar, I LOVED how accessible that felt; I loved how it just felt more easily accessible because I could keep it open and access it from any page in the left bar. But… then they removed it. This is probably my biggest gripe, because I just want the links to at least my drafts, queue, and blog settings back! Personally, I think in order to combat the redundancy, they should have removed the jump that was in the right menu when you’d gone to your blog’s view, not remove it from the left menu. That, or find a way to better organize/condense that blog jump so it’s not so crazy.
Personally, I think the first two are really problematic for those on the neurodivergent spectrum (which includes myself), and as someone who was in school for UI design and works in a field that involves customer feedback (I work in market research), I do feel that Tumblr’s method of sourcing feedback from users is incredibly poor. Whether that’s a monetary issue or not, I’m not sure. Thus far, it feels like support tickets go unanswered, and that Staff seems to pretty heavily handwave it as “not a big deal” rather than finding proper ways to source community feedback. That in general is the crux of the issue, I think, and forcing users to rely on external codes to retain their accessibility is a poor method to go about things.
Hey! Thanks for this, this is a good explanation. I am not entirely sure I agree on all of these points but I appreciate the input.
I do agree that the layout feels a bit too squished -- the sidebars should really be all the way to the side rather than right up next to the dash. I'm not really sure I get the "too much content" one, though. All the same content is on the dash as before, it's just arranged differently. In fact, I actually prefer that the main links now actually say what they are instead of just the icons, and I know I'm not alone in that. It seems to be one of those things that some people find better, some people find worse, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
I absolutely agree on drafts and queue being so hard to get to -- I noticed that the other day. It takes quite a few clicks to get to them when they were previously available right from the main page.
And the biggest agree on Tumblr's feedback sourcing being terrible. I really don't begrudge staff for this -- they have to appease the upper management who are pushing changes without really understanding things, all the while dealing with a userbase who will flip the absolute fuck out over literally any change to the site. And staff has generally been much more communicative about changes than I've ever experienced. But it would be nice to feel like feedback is actually going somewhere other than the void.
Anyway, the ideal would be having a simplified layout that you could opt into via settings, but I doubt that'll ever happen.
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jumpcontent · 5 days
How Can SEO Content Writing Services Improve Your Website's Visibility?
Today, in an internet world, a website is not enough if people cannot find it. Where an SEO content writing service comes in. Optimized content ready-made for the search engine helps to improve rankings, making it easier for the potential customer to discover your business. So, how would an SEO content writing service boost your website's visibility?
Keyword Optimization for Search Engines
Keyword optimization is one of the most significant ways an SEO content writing service helps improve the ranking of your website. When searching for products or services similar to yours, they use specific keywords. Then, the SEO content writers research relevant terms and fit them into your content without even realizing it is happening.
Focusing on the right keywords increases your opportunities for your site to appear in top search engine results. Being on Google's first page greatly increases your odds of getting more visitors rather than keyword stuffing. However, an SEO content writer balances relevance with a natural flow to ensure that your content appeals to both the search engine and human readers.
Quality Content That Interests
Google loves content that brings value. Old-fashioned stuffing of a page with keywords won't do it to be engaging and information-based, answering the user's questions. That is where an SEO content writing service hits the jackpot. Professional writers pen out the copy that increases your ranking and warms your audience's hearts.
Make sure well-written blogs, articles, and web pages target your customers' pain points by finding solutions and educating them on topics relevant to your site to appear trustworthy and exciting. When such visitors spend more time on your website and begin interacting with your content, Google also pays attention to it, which improves your ranking further.
Improving Readability and Structure
Another often-overlooked benefit of an SEO content writing service is the focus on readability and website structure. Search engines like sites that are easy to navigate with clear, concise information. A competent SEO writer makes sure your content is well-written and streamlined, with good use of headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
This improves the user experience and sends positive signals to search engines. When visitors can easily read and navigate your site, they will spend more time there, lowering your bounce rate and increasing your ranks.
Building Internal and External Links
Links are essential for SEO. Internal linking connects different pages on your website, allowing easy navigation for users and search engines alike. External links take your content to trusted source pages, making your website seem very authoritative.
An SEO content writing service ensures your content is abundant and has correct internal and external links. In this manner, the content also improves in terms of SEO, besides establishing a credibility factor in search engines since they will feel that you are producing quality content.
Frequency of Updating Content
The search engines prefer websites that always have new content. A service providing SEO content writing helps ensure your website stays active by having fresh blog posts, articles, or updates.
Fresh content written and updated constantly signals to the search engines that your site is relevant and up to date, hence keeping your ranking or improving it.
Partner with JUMP! for SEO Content Writing Services
An SEO content writing service is what you need for your website to gain more recognition. Strategically placing keywords and interesting content, a better structural layout and continuous updating are what an SEO content writer helps improve your site's overall performance.
If you require professional help with such a task, we have JUMP! to assist you and complete your work. A premier SEO content writing service provider, JUMP! Specializes in creating content that attracts more visitors and ranks higher in search engines, giving your business the visibility it deserves.
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astro402 · 1 month
Three ways to get devices talking
There are a wealth of technical devices out there to chose from, so many that it can be a chore to figure out what platform to use. You have to take into account whether a new system or device will work with an established system, how you are going to access data and how it will work with your clients’ and colleagues’ systems. In a perfect world, all systems would link and communicate with ease. Sadly, the IT world isn’t perfect, and many of your devices don’t work well together. It doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems though.
Here’s three things you can do to ensure your devices play well together, or at the very least talk to one another.
One file system Ever put important data onto a flash drive, gone to another office, or colleague’s computer, only to find that they use a system that doesn’t recognize the drive? This is because Windows and Mac systems utilize different file storage formats, both of which can’t be read by the other system. The solution is to format your drives as ExFat – a format that can be read by Windows, Mac and Unix. If you have blank external storage drives, or would like to format existing external drives you can follow the instructions here. Just be aware that formatting will erase all data on the drive.
For drives that have data on them, where you don’t want to format and lose all the information there are a couple of solutions. If you’ve been using the hard drive with a Mac, and it can’t be read on a Windows machine, you can use MacDrive which will make the drive readable on Windows. For a drive that’s been formatted to work on Windows, you can access it on a Mac by using a program called Tuxera NTFS for Mac.
Use the cloud for your documents If you collaborate with other colleagues in the office, or clients on a regular basis, it can be tough to work together when everyone is using different systems, or different versions of the same program. To solve this, and save a bit of money, use cloud storage providers such as Google Drive.
Drive allows you to not only store your documents online, but share them with other users and edit them in the browser of your choice. This means less downloading as everyone is using the same version of the program and users can edit in real time – no need to download documents and sort through changes. Beyond that, Drive is supported by Mac, PC, iOS and Android; you can access documents on any of these systems.
If you prefer Microsoft, you have SkyDrive which is more or less the same thing as Drive, just integrated with Microsoft Office. Apple’s cloud is mainly for within the Apple system. To span across all systems, a third-party cloud provider like DropBox or Box are a great solution.
Use Google to sync calendars, email and contacts By using multiple devices, it’s a near certainty that you have contacts unique to each system that you would like to access on other systems. Regardless of the system you use, there is some way to connect it to Google’s products. You can use Google Sync to sync with Google’s Web based products which can be accessed from any browser on your desktop.
If you have a Windows machine and would like to sync your Google account information with the related Microsoft programs – like Outlook – you can use Google Apps Sync. Mac users can sync with Google easily by going to Preferences and selecting Accounts for each program.
These are just a few ways to get your devices to work well together. Do you have any other ways you get your devices to work as one? Let us know.
Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.
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apacbusinesstimes · 2 months
Musiio by SoundCloud: An AI Solution for Solving Music Industry Problems
Music is an art that many of us enjoy. Music gives a kind of relief to our mind and body. There are different forms of music and people enjoy them according to their moods, interests, and, situations. Sometimes music acts as a therapy or medicine for all our emotional breakdowns. 
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Imagine a world where melodies are composed not just by human minds but also by algorithms meticulously crafted to understand emotions, preferences, and trends. In this article, we discuss one such AI-driven company called Musiio. Musiio uses artificial intelligence along with specialists in music to solve real music industry problems. Let’s learn more insights about the working and the invention of the company and its solutions.
Founding of Musiio
Musiio is a Singapore-based startup company established in the year 2018. The company was founded by co-founders Hazel Savage and Aron Pettersson who met each other at Entrepreneur First in Singapore. Hazel Savage is the CEO of Musiio and also a music-tech expert, who has 12 years of experience in the music industry. Aron Pettersson is the CTO of Musiio and a data scientist. Thus both being experts in their industries came together to bring AI innovation to the music industry.
What is Musiio?
Musiio is an AI-based company that uses deep learning and its features to help the music industry. The company aims to automate the process of searching through music for people who can not afford expensive music apps. Musiio focuses on the B2B audio reference search and automates tagging, supercharges search, and provides highly detailed music analysis. It also provides reports for customers around the world.
Now let us know who Musiio works.   
Musiio initially needs the audio file here user can either upload their file or use the SoundCloud link. In the next step, it performs a series of mathematical transformations and then later extracts and rus thousands of features. In the final step the tool we produce highly customizable results. Thus one can get a required result with the help of Musiio.
Products of Musiio 
Musiio helps users to do time-consuming music processes in a quicker and faster way. Tagging of music can be done easily with automation where users can tag 1 to 1m tracks a day with 90 to 99.9 accuracy by using Musiio. Automated tagging is the best feature for sync, streaming, UGC, and music marketplaces. Searching music by Musiio fingerprints will allow all the tracks for users with the external link. With the link search API users can drop a reference track or upload an MP3 file and it is scanned by AI which helps in the comparative search catalog. Musiio will also provide AI AI-personalized playlists, music providers can use this personalized API to understand their customers’ music preferences and interests. This insight will help to send the most customized recommendations to its users.
Awards and Recognitions
Founders and the company have bagged several awards for its innovative blend of tech and music. Hazel Savage was honored with the Women In Music Award 2022. Musiio was awarded Acquisition International Best Specialist AI-Powered Solutions Company 2022 and  Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in Music 2022.
Later in the year 2022 Musiio was acquired by SoundCloud. SoundCloud is a next-generation music entertainment company. SoundCloud is an artist-first platform that provides artists with tools, services, and resources to build and grow their careers. Musiio with its unique products and integration with SoundCloud is undoubtedly revolutionizing the music industry and will continue to do so in the future.
Source Link : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/musiio-by-soundcloud-an-ai-solution-for-solving-music-industry-problems/
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scottdavenportphoto · 8 months
Mirrorless Mover V2 Camera Bag By ThinkTank
If you are thinking of adding the ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover to your kit, please consider using my affiliate links. Referral purchases help support independent photography gear reviews like this.
I put the Mirrorless Mover bags from ThinkTank to the test. These are great bags for photo walks, vacation outings, and everyday activities.
Why Use The ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover?
Photographers have several camera bags because each one serves a particular purpose. The Mirrorless Mover bags are lightweight, compact, and secure making them the right choice for lighter, more nimble photo activities. This is the kind of bag you reach for when you don’t need your entire photo kit, but you do want your camera and maybe another lens with you for a day of photography.
My use for the Mirrorless Mover is for urban photo walks or a day out with family and friends. I’ll use this when on vacations, too, where photography isn’t necessarily my primary activity. Yet I want a secure, well-made bag to carry my camera because I know I’ll want to capture memories and sights along the way.
Sizes & Pricing
The Mirrorless Mover bags come in 5 different sizes. Choose from one of four accent colors: Cool Grey, Coast Green, Marine Blue, Campfire Orange
Mirrorless Mover 5, US$45.75
Mirrorless Mover 10, US$52.75
Mirrorless Mover 20, US$62.75
Mirrorless Mover 25, US$69.75
Mirrorless Mover 30, US$78.75
Check ThinkTank’s website for the detailed specs on the internal and external dimensions.
I tested the MM20 and MM30 bags. The MM20 is a good choice for micro 4/3rds cameras or smaller crop-sensor mirrorless bodies. I prefer the MM30 for full-frame mirrorless bodies, and there was plenty of space for a water bottle and light snack - perfect when I’m out and about for several hours. All the bags room for spare batteries, memory cards, and other accessories.
Pouches, Pockets, And Compartments
The Mirrorless Mover includes velcro dividers so you can customize the main compartment to hold your particular cameras and lenses. The flip-top lid sports a magnetic closure, providing quick access to your gear. There is also a zipper pouch on the underside of the lid for small accessories like memory cards and batteries.
Every Mirrorless Mover bag has the following features:
Removable shoulder strap and belt pass-through easily converts the bag to a belt pack
Flip-top lid with magnetic closure provides quick access to gear
High-quality YKK® RC zippers and metal hardware
Easy-access dimensional front zippered pocket and accessory organizer
Dedicated clear secure card slot(s) for CF, SD, XQD, or Micro SD
Stretchable and gusseted side pockets for accessories
Additional storage pocket for batteries or compact accessories under lid
Included key hook and lanyard
Grab handle on the lid
DWR treated fabrics protect against the elements
Seam-sealed rain cover included
Overall Thoughts
I found the Mirrorless Movers comfortable to wear and easy to work with. The shoulder strap is padded and can be worn over one shoulder or across your body (my preferred way to wear the bag). Accessing my gear while walking and wearing the bag was smooth and frictionless. I did need to relieve a little tension on the shoulder strap to close the zippers while wearing the bag.
The built-in rain cover is a very nice touch. It is part and parcel of the bag and tucks away in the front zipper pouch, taking up next to no space. Yet if the weather turns, you have another at-the-ready layer of protection for your gear.
One thing to note is the magnets on the flip-top lid are not designed to support the weight of a loaded bag. If you do not close the zippers and lift the bag by the grab handle, the bag will tip and there is a risk gear will spill out.
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eicenrellarchives · 9 months
Welcome to Ky of Sonder's Eicenrell Archives!
Like the description says, this is a side blog for @kyofsonder that's specifically focused on my writing. While I enjoy mixing my writing work with more passive reblogging and not-fiction-related personal posts on my main blog, it can get frustrating not having a central archive of the stories/poems/writeblr things I've posted to Tumblr. To solve this problem and give readers a place to just easily rad what they want from my works, I've created this archive.
There's no requirement to follow my main blog in order to follow this one, and I couldn't enforce it if there was. It's also perfectly fine to address writeblr ask and tag games here, but know that if you ask anything that's not writing related I'll answer it on my main blog (or another side blog if I make others).
Content Notice:
All writing will have content warnings where applicable, if I ever forget or if a reader has a specific thing they would like included in these warnings (ex: I don't think birds need a warning, but someone with a phobia of them might prefer bracing themself before reading descriptions of them) please send an ask or message and I will fo my best to add it to my warnings in the future.
Commission Info:
I'm currently rebuilding my writing habits and haven't had time to do research on standard commission rates, but I'm open to taking a commission or two from those willing to discuss price in messages until proper rates and slots can be decided. Thank you for your patience, and please reach out if you are also willing to be patient about price negotiations.
Tag System:
Spoons providing, I tag my work for organization purposes first and give my thoughts in the tags after. These tags include
sonder stories - all prose, including any asks or tags involving prose, and OC development
sonder songs - all poems and lyrics, including any asks or tags involving poetry, and poetry development
sonder solos - all prose created/assisted by playing solo TTRPGs involving mechanics like flipping over playing cards, rolling dice, drawing straws, etc.
sonder snippets - all excerpts and short content taken from longer works and/or works in progress
story link - all fully finished stories presented in the form of an external link to a site such as google docs or AO3 or somewhere else
eicenrell archive - all archived copies of writing, most posts should have this tag
analogue media - all screenshots of handwritten prose, poetry, etc.
eicenrell info - all worldbuilding related to the eicenrell universe where my stories take place
eicenrell worlds - when specific worlds from the eicenrell universe are mentioned by name
eicenrell magic - when specific magic systems from the eicenrell universe are mentioned by name
night write - all transcriptions or photos of prose and poetry handwritten in a journal on a (mostly, spoons and other factors permitting) nightly basis
sonder speaks - announcements and personal info, while this is largely restricted to the main blog it'll come up here sometimes
tag games - all content responding to or joining in tag games from various corners of the writeblr community
ask games - all content responding to or joining in ask games from various corners of the writeblr community
a place to return novel - all content related to a novel wip of mine titled A Place to Return
apricots novel - all content related to a novel wip of mine titled Apricots
to be honest novel- all content related to a novel wip of mine titled To Be Honest
stray identities novel - all content related to a novel wip of mine titled stray identities
love as indicated wip - all content related to a story collection/novel wip of mine titled love as indicated
Other Tags Pending...
OC Masterpost
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rp-5291 · 11 months
Paid online advertising is a great way to drive traffic to your website and generate leads. It involves paying for ad space on search engines, other websites, or social media platforms to attract a larger target audience. Paid ads refer to any media space you buy, as opposed to earned or owned media. In digital marketing, paid advertising typically includes pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-impression (PPI), or display ads. By featuring an attractive image or text that interested prospects can click on, paid ads help companies reach people who are more likely to be interested in their products or services. Prospects are then directed to a landing page where they can engage with the business and potentially become a customer. However, due to the saturation of advertising on the internet, it requires a significant investment of time, money, and marketing expertise to stand out from the competition. 
As the industry grows more competitive, relying solely on organic (non-paid) channels to bring traffic to your website is becoming increasingly challenging. Businesses must accept this reality, but it doesn't mean you have to spend all your money on paid advertising. If you're a small business or want to minimize your advertising expenses, promoting your business online for free or at a reduced cost is still possible.
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To have a successful online advertising campaign, paying attention to a few key things is crucial. Before paying for online advertising, consider the following points.
1. Create a website
Creating a website and building an online presence is important. To get started, you will need a domain name and web hosting. There are both free and paid web hosting options available. With the help of the appropriate tools and services, you can easily create your own website. Your website can include any information you want to share with your visitors.
About Us - Mention an introduction about your company/individual, including images of the team and their roles.
Products/ Services - You can showcase information about your work. Link it to external pages that contain more information. 
Contact Us - Contact form to reach out to you or to buy the product or services.
2. Optimize your website 
Optimizing your website can help increase the time users spend on your web pages. This, in turn, can improve conversion rates from paid ads. The key is to make sure your website is user-friendly, engaging, and offers interesting content that encourages visitors to stick around. Remember, the point of advertising is to attract users, so it's important to make sure your website is welcoming and provides value to your visitors.
Enhance the speed of your website's pages.
Ensure that your website can adapt and be viewed properly on different devices with varying screen sizes by making it responsive. 
To improve the visibility of your website on search engines, it is important to optimize the web pages for SEO.
3. Research your Audience reach
It is crucial to understand the needs and preferences of your audience to effectively appeal to them. Demographics and psychographics are two important factors to be considered when identifying your audience. When running paid ad campaigns, it is important to understand the audience you want to target. There are tools available to make this process easier. It is important to note that the approach may vary depending on the advertising platform you choose. For example, if you are advertising through Google Ads, keywords, ad copies, and the factors mentioned earlier might be more important. When targeting professionals, LinkedIn is an ideal platform, while Spotify is more effective for university students due to a younger demographic. By prioritizing and focusing on what matters most, you can allocate tasks to your team and ensure that your customers are fully satisfied.
4. Choose your objective and create an effective landing page
It is important to determine your objective before starting your online paid ad campaign. You should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve through your advertising campaigns. Do you want to target new or existing customers? Are you launching a new product or service? It is essential to have a clear understanding of your goals before starting any advertising campaign to ensure its success.
Use different ad types for different goals Google Display ads are effective in raising brand awareness, as they are designed to reach a wide audience and create an impression of the brand in the minds of consumers. On the other hand, Search ads are more focused on specific products or services, thus they are displayed to users who search for relevant keywords, making them more likely to convert into customers. Create landing pages for specific products. Landing pages play a crucial role in directing potential customers towards a particular product or service and prompting them to take action. This can be an effective strategy for generating conversions and reinforcing your brand. Developing landing pages that are tailored to each product or service helps to establish a clear and measurable objective. When creating landing pages, it is crucial to ensure that they align with the content of your ads. In addition to this, it is essential to have strategically placed call-to-action buttons to encourage potential customers to click through to your website. Landing pages also provide valuable insights into your audience's behavior, making it easier to track their actions and optimize your marketing strategy.
To get the most accurate results, it is important to optimize your landing pages for paid traffic data. This will help you to better understand how your ads are performing and make any necessary adjustments to improve their effectiveness.
5. Track your ad campaigns 
To effectively monitor your online ads and measure your progress, it is crucial to ensure that your tracking tools are properly installed and functioning. Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are two effective tracking tools that can help you keep track of your online paid ad progress. These tools allow you to create goals on your website which are essentially actions that you want users to take on your website once they've clicked on your online paid ads. These goals could include things like time spent on your site, number of pages visited, purchases made, and more. By tracking these metrics, you can determine how engaged your potential customers are. It's important to note that simple mistakes like not enabling bot filtering, not enabling demographic data, or not building audiences within these data monitoring tools can cause issues with tracking. Therefore, before starting your advertising campaigns ensure that your tracking tools are properly set up to avoid any tracking issues. 
6. Create a Call to Action 
When your ads are performing well and visitors are landing on your page, it's crucial to provide them with not only more content that explains the benefits of your product or service but also to direct them to click on the right areas. This is where call-to-action (CTA) buttons come into play. They are the most effective way to encourage visitors to convert, either by offering a free gift in exchange for an email or by providing a short form for them to start a trial. 
Choosing the right CTA is a critical aspect of generating leads and converting visitors into customers. Therefore, it's essential to think carefully before selecting the correct call to action.
Learn more from Digital Marketing Institute in Bangalore
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deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Tech Essentials Everyone Should Own
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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, owning the right tech essentials has become more crucial than ever. From staying connected with loved ones to streamlining productivity, these tools have seamlessly integrated into our lives. In this article, we will explore the essential tech items that can significantly enhance your daily routine, making tasks easier, entertainment more immersive, and communication smoother. Tech Essentials Everyone Should Own Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, these tech essentials will prove indispensable: 1. Smartphone: Your Pocket Companion The cornerstone of modern communication, a smartphone is a necessity. Its multifunctional capabilities span from communication to entertainment, work to leisure. Brands like Apple, Samsung, and Google offer a range of options tailored to your preferences. 2. Laptop or Tablet: Portable Productivity A laptop or tablet is your gateway to the digital world. Whether it's for work, creative projects, or browsing, having a portable device with processing power is essential. Microsoft Surface, Dell, and MacBook offer versatile options. 3. High-Quality Headphones: Immerse in Sound Investing in a pair of quality headphones, like Bose QuietComfort or Sony WH-1000XM, can transform your auditory experience. Enjoy music, podcasts, and calls with noise-cancellation and superior sound quality. 4. Wireless Router: Uninterrupted Connectivity A strong and reliable internet connection is paramount. A high-performance wireless router, such as Netgear Nighthawk or Google Nest WiFi, ensures seamless browsing, streaming, and gaming. 5. Power Bank: On-the-Go Charging Stay powered up no matter where you are with a portable power bank. Brands like Anker and RavPower offer a variety of capacities to keep your devices charged on the move. 6. Smart Assistant: Voice-Activated Convenience Embrace the future with a smart assistant like Amazon Echo or Google Nest. These voice-activated devices can answer questions, control smart home devices, and even tell you the weather forecast. 7. Fitness Tracker: Health at Your Fingertips Track your fitness goals with a wearable device like Fitbit or Apple Watch. These gadgets monitor your activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns, motivating you to maintain a healthier lifestyle. 8. External Hard Drive: Data Backup Safeguard your important data with an external hard drive. In case of device failure, you'll have a secure backup. Western Digital and Seagate offer reliable options. 9. E-Reader: Carry Your Library For book enthusiasts, an e-reader like Amazon Kindle provides access to a vast library in a compact form. Enjoy reading on-the-go without carrying physical books. 10. Smart Home Devices: Automated Living Upgrade your living space with smart plugs, lights, and thermostats. Control them remotely for energy efficiency and convenience. Philips Hue and TP-Link offer user-friendly options. 11. Camera Drone: Aerial Photography Capture stunning aerial shots with a camera drone like DJI Mavic Air 2. Perfect for photographers and adventure enthusiasts, it offers a new perspective on the world. 12. USB-C Hub: Connectivity Solution As devices slim down, ports are sacrificed. A USB-C hub, such as HyperDrive or Satechi, expands your connectivity options, allowing you to connect various peripherals. 13. Password Manager: Enhanced Security With numerous online accounts, a password manager like LastPass or Dashlane keeps your login credentials secure and easily accessible across devices. 14. Portable Projector: Big Screen Anywhere Host movie nights anywhere with a portable projector like Anker Nebula Capsule. Enjoy a cinematic experience without the need for a large TV screen. 15. Wireless Charging Pad: Cable-Free Power Say goodbye to tangled charging cables. A wireless charging pad, such as Belkin Boost Up or Samsung Wireless Charger, simplifies charging your devices. 16. Video Doorbell: Monitor Your Home Enhance home security with a video doorbell like Ring or Nest Hello. See and communicate with visitors remotely, providing peace of mind. 17. Bluetooth Tracker: Find Lost Items Attach a Bluetooth tracker like Tile to frequently misplaced items. Use your smartphone to ring the tracker and locate your keys, wallet, or bag. 18. Adaptive Fast Charger: Quick Power-ups Save time with an adaptive fast charger. Brands like Anker and Samsung offer chargers that power up your devices at impressive speeds. 19. Stylus Pen: Precision Input For artists, note-takers, and designers, a stylus pen adds precision to your touchscreen devices. Apple Pencil and Microsoft Surface Pen are excellent options. 20. Wireless Mouse and Keyboard: Desk Efficiency Cut the cords on your workspace with a wireless mouse and keyboard combo. Logitech and Microsoft offer ergonomic designs for enhanced comfort. 21. Blue Light Blocking Glasses: Eye Protection Reduce eye strain from prolonged screen time with blue light blocking glasses. Brands like Gunnar and Felix Gray offer stylish options with protective lenses. 22. USB Desk Fan: Personalized Comfort Keep cool during work hours with a USB desk fan. It's a small addition that can make a big difference, especially during hot weather. 23. Car Phone Mount: Safe Navigation Ensure safe driving by using a car phone mount. Easily follow GPS directions without taking your hands off the wheel. 24. Language Translation Device: Breaking Barriers Travel the world confidently with a language translation device like Pocketalk. It helps bridge language gaps and enhances cultural experiences. 25. Solar-Powered Charger: Sustainable Energy Harness the power of the sun to charge your devices. A solar-powered charger is a great eco-friendly choice for outdoor adventures. FAQs: Can I use a smartphone without a smart assistant? Absolutely! While a smart assistant enhances convenience, it's not a mandatory feature for using a smartphone effectively. How do wireless chargers work? Wireless chargers use electromagnetic fields to transfer energy from the charging pad to your device. This eliminates the need for physical cables. Is a fitness tracker only for athletes? Not at all! Fitness trackers are designed for individuals of all activity levels, encouraging everyone to stay mindful of their health. Can I connect multiple smart home devices to one hub? Yes, most smart home hubs allow you to connect and control multiple devices from various brands through a single interface. Do I need a powerful computer for video editing with a drone? While a powerful computer can expedite video editing, many drones come with mobile apps that allow you to edit basic footage directly on your smartphone or tablet. Are blue light blocking glasses effective? Yes, blue light blocking glasses can effectively reduce eye strain caused by prolonged screen exposure. They are especially helpful when using devices before bedtime. Conclusion Incorporating these tech essentials into your daily life can significantly enhance your productivity, entertainment, and overall convenience. From smartphones to smart assistants, each item serves a unique purpose in making your digital experiences seamless. As technology continues to advance, staying up-to-date with these essentials ensures you're ready to embrace the future with open arms. Remember, the world of tech is ever-evolving. Stay curious, explore new innovations, and continue to tailor your tech collection to your needs and preferences. Read the full article
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kerlonkart · 2 years
Indesign data merge multiple records from right to left
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#Indesign data merge multiple records from right to left how to
You can check that by simply placing the file (.csv/.txt) as a text inside InDesign, and activating "Show Hidden Characters.” There might be some columns in the file that contain some text and that information was deleted manually. Please fix the file or select another file,” it’s because the file (.csv/.txt) you are importing is not clean. If you keep getting this error: "The selected data source has one or more empty field names. Common errors The selected data source has one or more empty field names Otherwise, you could combine Data Merge with custom scripts in order to import the tables later.
#Indesign data merge multiple records from right to left how to
If you'd like to learn how to do that, click here to read the tutorial. The best way to create a table in InDesign is by linking an Excel spreadsheet into InDesign. However, for the tables you see in my document, I have to import them after the data merge. Of course, you can insert placeholders into a table and InDesign will replace them with your data. Unfortunately, with data merge you can import only textual data and link to images. It has the name of the product, its picture, a short description, the price, and a barcode. We need to create a prototype, in InDesign, of the layout we want to use in the data merge process. So, If you are looking for a way to create several business cards in just a few seconds, you should definitely read that post. Update 2020: I recently wrote a new tutorial on how to make several business cards using InDesign Data Merge. When should you use data merge?ĭata merge is great when you have to lay out a document (or part of a document) that has a "prototype example" (repetitive layout) that needs to be repeated in a grid or one record per page with different data. However, she doesn't talk about data merge with images, so for that (and because this guide goes more in depth), I invite you to keep reading even after you've seen the video. It's great content, explained very well, and Teela’s voice is calm and clear. She explains in eight minutes how to create a certificate using data merge. If you prefer a video guide, see this video by Teela Cunningham. Read further in the tutorial to create documents with a structure-layout similar to these: Run a preview to make sure of the result.Add the placeholders to the prototype design in your document.Select the data source in InDesign using the Data Merge panel.Create a prototype in an InDesign document.Create the data source file-in the first row, name the fields (use in front of the field name for images).In this tutorial, I'll show you the basics and then I'll highlight possible issues you might encounter and their solutions, so that you can master this feature in no time. So before jumping in and trying it out yourself, I’d suggest reading the whole tutorial and learning first about the limitations and errors that you may face later. Using data merge is not hard at all, but you might need a few attempts to get it right. Is that possible?įYI, I also have access to Acrobat and the rest of the CC Suite.With data merge you can easily paginate text and images in InDesign in a matter of seconds by reading an external data source file in. But what I'd like to do is make a script or something that puts the category with the most clients served in spot 1, the next most clients served in spot 2, etc. I've got an InDesign template with spaces laid out for each category (where we'll put Icon, name, description, merge tags and text next to merge tags). I've got the images/icons and standard text that go with each category. I've got a CSV I'll populate with the number of clients served and number of partners for each category. Each page has about six of these, including a two sentence description of the category, a little icon for each one, and the current number of partners we work with in that category. We issue a regular a report that includes a list of each category, ordered by number of clients served. The organization I work for partners with dozens of nonprofits across twenty categories. This is a long shot, but I'm at a new job, learning InDesign, and wondering if I can automate something in a set of reports I'll regularly be generating.
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sclubmmorg · 2 years
64 bit version of libreoffice for windows 10
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Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time.
Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.
In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demoĭemo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program's interfaces. In some cases, ads may be show to the users. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition - in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes.
Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use). Administrator rights are needed for the installation process.Īlso Available: Download LibreOffice for Macįreeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Even the most-complex calculations can be understandable when displayed correctly. Math is a simple equation editor that lets you lay-out and display your mathematical, chemical, electrical, or scientific equations quickly in standard written notation. You can use imported and linked tables and queries from MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft Access, and many other data sources, or design your own with Base. With Base, you can seamlessly integrate your existing database structures into the other components of Libre Office, or create an interface to use and administer your data as a stand-alone application. It's as simple or as powerful as you want it to be.īase is the database front-end of the LibreOffice suite. A picture is worth a thousand words, so why not try something simple with box and line diagrams? Or else go further and easily build dynamic 3D illustrations and special effects. Get your colleagues' and bosses' attention by creating something a little bit different.ĭraw lets you build diagrams and sketches from scratch. Create presentations that look even more professional than the standard presentations you commonly see at work. Stunning animation and sensational special effects help you convince your audience. Impress is the fastest and easiest way to create effective multimedia presentations. Add data from external databases such as SQL or Oracle, then sort and filter them to produce statistical analyses. A fully-integrated help system makes easier work of entering complex formulas. Charts and analysis tools help bring transparency to your conclusions. Analyze your data with Calc and then use it to present your final output. The while-you-type auto-completion, auto-formatting, and automatic spelling checking make difficult tasks easy (but are easy to disable if you prefer).Ĭalc tames your numbers and helps with difficult decisions when you're weighing the alternatives. Use it for everything, from dashing off a quick letter to producing an entire book with tables of contents, embedded illustrations, bibliographies, and diagrams. Writer is the word processor inside the program. Beyond the many features shipped by default, Libre Office 64-bit is easily extensible through its powerful extension mechanisms. But the software goes further by enabling you to use a modern open standard, the Open Document Format (ODF).
LibreOffice offline installer for PC is compatible with many document formats such as Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher. Download LibreOffice Offline Installer Setup for Windows. Your documents will look professional and clean, regardless of their purpose: a letter, a master thesis, a brochure, financial reports, marketing presentations, technical drawings, and diagrams. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most powerful Free & Open Source Office Suite on the market: Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, drawing and flowcharting application, Base, database, and database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics. LibreOffice 64-bit is a powerful office suite its clean interface and powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and grow your productivity.
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lascldevil · 2 years
How to download gba emulator on iphone 10
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To get it You have to have added this source from Cydia: If you miss your favorite retro games but don’t want to jailbreak, this is the app for you.Go to this link for an updated video that works for IOS 5.1.1 and no computer is required: GBA4iOS has proven very popular and is incredibly easy to use. When it starts to wiggle, tap the cross in the top corner of the iconīoth methods will remove GBA4iOS immediately.Find and long-press the app icon on your home screen.Tap on Delete and then Delete to confirm.Open Settings and tap on General > Profiles.If, for any reason you don’t want GBA4iOS on your device any longer, there are two very easy ways to delete it: If you want other ROMS, simply run a Google search and do the same The game will be available from the GBA4iOS home screen.There are 11 game series options to choose from – tap on one and tap on Preferred Version.In the top-right of the screen is a search button – tap it.Launch GBA4iOS emulator app on your iPhone or iPad.GBA4iOS contains a number of ROMS, but you do need to download them manually: That’s it now you can play to your heart’s content.
Open Profiles and find the developer name in the profiles list for the iPhone 8 Plus or earlier, the name will be Jiang Xi Microblog Technology Co, Ltd and on the iPhone X or above, it will be SAE Magnetics Dongguan Limited.
Open your Settings app and go to General.
Until you resolve this, you cannot use the app: When you try to use Emus4u and GBA4iOS for the first time, you are going to see an Untrusted Developer error.
Tap on Install and then wait – GBA4iOS may take a few minutes to install.
Tap the result, and the app page will load.
Open it and search for GBA4iOS using the search bar.
Some of them are official paid apps for free others are modified stock apps or games, also all for free. When you install it, you get access to more than 2000 apps and games. Its an external app installer called Emus4u that offers way more than just this emulator. With all that said, there is an easy way to install GBA4iOS on your device. If you choose to go ahead, you are doing so at your own risk.
And Second, make sure you use anti-virus software on your iOS device and only download ROMs from reputable sources. Unless you own that disc or cartridge, it is illegal to download these ROMs because they are copyright protected. These are software copies of the games that you get on disc or cartridge to play on a console. First, the games you play are known as ROMS, which stands for Read-Only Memory. We put this emulator though some stringent tests too and can confirm it is completely safe.īecause GBA4iOS is an emulator app, allowing you to play GBA games on your device, there are some risks attached. He has ensured that GBA4iOS is entirely safe to use and, because it can work without Cydia, there is no need for root access, and that keeps your device secure. The developer is well-respected n the iOS community and takes pride in his work. With GBA4iOS, there’s no need to worry because, using a workaround that we found, it can easily be installed on your device so you can play those games as and when you want. And, to be fair, these days Cydia isn’t so freely available. Many users will remember emulator apps like this from the jailbreak store, Cydia, but not everyone wants to jailbreak. It is the most popular emulator app in the world, and it is one of the best methods for installing and playing Gameboy games on your iOS device.
In case you’re a fan of adventure games like Battlefield 2042, you can even try these Battlefield hacks to become a pro at it. For fans of the Gameboy range of consoles, we have an app called GBA4iOS. Although Apple doesn’t support any game format other than iOS, and certainly won’t support game emulator apps, there are ways of getting your favorite retro games onto your iPhone or iPad. Some of the biggest console games in the world, like the Mario series, and Pokémon still garner a huge following but, with more and more people turning to mobile devices for their gaming are these games about to lose all their fans? No.
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