#national family literacy day
nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
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murderousink23 · 11 months
11/01/2023 is World Vegan Day 🌎, National Stress Awareness Day 🌎, Day of the Bulgarian National Revival Leaders 🇧🇬, National Jealousy Day 💚🇫🇮, All Saints' Day 🌎, National Cook For Your Pets Day 🐱🐶🇺🇲, National Authors' Day 🇺🇲, National Deep Fried Clams Day 🇺🇲, National Family Literacy Day 📚🇺🇲, National Vinegar Day 🇺🇲, National Hello Kitty Day 🇺🇲
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy National Family Literacy Day!
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autumnslance · 4 months
In reference to this post I reblogged earlier, but don't want to muck up UC's activity:
#i think it's more important to see that redemption is in the eye of the beholder #not everybody (characters or real people) will accept the same type or amount of repentance for the same sins #some people might not care at all if the person who wronged them feels sorry; only if they materially repaid their crimes #others can feel the opposite #and either way that's their prerogative #you can disagree with the characters or the fans or the writers about who “deserves” OR has “achieved” redemption and that's okay #because it's ultimately a complex philosophical issue #like i agree with OP!!! but there's media literacy in accepting that not everyone will
I'm going to disagree with many of these tags, especially it being "in the eye of the beholder" and would argue it's more media literate to recognize when a character has a workable redemption arc even if one disagrees they "should" get one. It took me a long time to learn this cuz of how we're usually taught redemption = forgiveness in Western (especially very Christianized, and especially if explicitly raised Christian) culture:
It doesn't rely on anyone but the person seeking redemption.
Yeah, it's the wronged party's prerogative to never forgive, to think the perpetrator's atonement (and/or punishment) is not enough and never will be. Anyone (characters and actual people) who sympathize, and who are on their side, can agree it's not ever enough and that character/person's sins are unforgivable.
And that still doesn't matter to their redemption.
We have an example of a workable redemption arc that not all accept in Final Fantasy XIV with Fordola's situation, through the Endwalker healer role quests. She was raised a collaborator of Ala Mhigo's imperial occupiers, and thought the best way to help her people was to soldier for the empire, becoming their Butcher.
In the Stormblood patches, Raganfrid says he will never forgive her; he thanks her for the aid she gave in the throne room that day, but that's all. And even in the EW healer role quests, their interactions are complicated. He still can't forgive the collaborators, even as he works to reintegrate them into Ala Mhigan society. He recognizes many thought they had no choice. He can't, won't, forget the pain of losing his own loved ones to them. This is stated multiple times.
And others, like M'rahz, Sarisha, and M'naago also struggle, also say they won't forgive...but reluctantly agree they can understand how for the sake of their families, the collaborators felt pushed against a wall, and what lengths have they themselves gone to for their own families? M'naago even scolds Fordola: she doesn't get to give up, she has to keep working--or she dies as exactly what everyone said she was.
Fordola starts out as the one punished for her sins. Through the story, she makes her choices to change and fight and work for her people as a free woman. There are still those who despise the Butcher, and always will. Redemption comes from Fordola's actions, Fordola's choices. Who forgives her and who doesn't can't change that she has changed, and continues to do so.
And in the interest of fairness, for the opposite of Fordola, we have Laurentius. In A Realm Reborn, he collaborated with the empire, selling out his nation. He came out of his punishment wanting a new chance, so joined the Crystal Braves...and immediately fell under Ilberd's sway. While others remained loyal and stuck to their morals (and paid for it with imprisonment or even death), Laurentius went along with all of Ilberd's plans. And in the end, the player gets an opinion in the punishment he and his comrade face, but it's clear from talking to Raubahn there isn't much hope. Laurentius had his chances, but he didn't make any effort to actually change--so faced the consequences.
For Reference for the Healer Role Quests: Garland Tools Healer quest text starting with "Far From Free", and my own saved text in Gdocs (raw, not very organized compared to my later saved/updated docs).
(Nero's the war criminal who...didn't even get a slap on the wrist, he just waltzed into a leadership meeting 15 mins late with Starbucks and has been helping us save the world since. Gaius is the war criminal that went through traumas, saw his privileged preconceptions torn apart, and is starting down that road in the wake of Werlyt to clean up his mistakes and not let his children's sacrifices be in vain. None of these characters "need" punishment to decide to change; some of it simply happens as part of their stories, but they make their own choices and actions toward atonement.)
(Also redemption is usually an ongoing process, which is why "Death Equals Redemption", like how Yotusyu's situation is framed, is so dicey and often unsatisfying; are they actually changed, or they just getting out of putting in that effort to? Nothing indicated Yotsuyu actually cared to change, as sympathetic as she was in the end! But she has her redemptive moment for her fans, and the people who hate/won't forgive her also "win"--the trope is a "have your cake and eat it too" writing cop-out IMO at this point.)
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Vlad, Viago and Deacon as parents headcanons [pt.2]
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[Part 1] [Part 3]
Author’s note: I love writing this shit to a very unhealthy degree. I might make a oneshots out of this later. Also does anyone know Deacon’s nationality? Some say Polish, others say German. I’m still not sure.
Also, if some of you want pt. 3, please let me know what scenarios would you want me to explore specifically, because I am running out of ideas a bit…
When you first appeared in the house, Viago found some old suitcase in the attic and proposed that you’ll sleep in it, until they get you an actual casket.
You tried it, but couldn’t really slumber because of the constant nightmares and it was too scary to open the lid, because of the sun.
So you started sharing a coffin with Viago, at least until you felt calmer.
It resulted in him sacrificing a bit of his sleep to your rather constant tossing and turning, but he quickly got used to it.
He sang you German lullabies to put you to sleep or whispered some calming affirmations (you didn’t understand a word, but it was sweet).
He found these moments so precious, that he actually got upset, when you obtained your own coffin and started sleeping separately in the attic.
Since the attic was now technically your room, Vlad, Viago and Deacon decided to help you decorate it to your liking, so you went on the town basically robbing thrift stores and supermarkets by hypnotising the cashiers.
They helped you assemble the random ikea furniture you got, even though neither of you could understand the instructions on the box.
In your free time, you’ll often find yourself hanging around in Vladislav’s room, posing for his portraits. He likes your expressiveness, it really gives his paintings the right look. And so you won’t get bored sitting there for hours, he asks you about your life before you became a vampire.
You also speak a lot of Romanian together, because Vlad wanted you to know another language, so he only communicated to you in Romanian for a while and you unwillingly started to understand it with time.
If you miss your family, he will take you to your childhood home. Of course, you can’t really interact with them anymore, but you can at least watch and it might make you feel a bit better to know they are still living a good life and that they miss you just as much.
At one point all three of them realise, that you would benefit from some friends within your age group. So they take you out to an arcade pretty early in the evening.
Unfortunately, living with ancient vampires kind of killed any chance for your social skills to develop properly, so you ended up scaring a bunch of kids and getting very upset.
To compensate for it, Deacon called you along to watch videos on the laptop, that Stu set up. You accidentally stumbled upon Bill Nye reuploads and binged them together, because you thought he’s the smartest person to ever roam the earth.
All of them have some kind of a default nickname for you. Viago calls you “Mäuschen” (little mouse), Vlad calls you very simply “Child” and to Deacon you are “Rodent”.
Stu and Nick are kind of like uncles/siblings to you. When the three have to leave somewhere, they usually leave them to babysit you. You have a lot of fun together! Since all three of you still remember what it’s like to actually be a living and breathing human, you get to talk more about recent news and events, rather than reminisce about the past.
You are also the only person in the group, who can’t really steal your clothes from victims, since neither of the vampires is very keen on killing children. Mostly, they ask their newfound werewolf friends to pick something up for you during the day or steal it themselves during the night.
Considering you can’t go to a normal school, they decided to teach you at home. Vlad teaches you literacy and art, Viago teaches you sciences and history and Deacon teaches you actually important shit like hypnotising tax collectors, draining the blood of your victims into mason jars and looking cool as fuck.
If you call Viago “dad”, he will be over the goddamn moon. It’s like he accomplished a goal he didn’t even know he set.
If you call Vladislav your dad, for a moment he would almost feel this long forgotten warmth in his chest. It’s like his heart started to beat again.
If you refer to Deacon as “dad”, he will be very startled and confused at first. It’s a weird feeling for him to have someone trust him and depend on him so much. He won’t admit it, but he really loved that emotion.
The more you are around, the more they get into being parental figures.
Tagging people who asked for part two: @italakthoughts and @rthounasty (this is a fire username btw)
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dizzymoods · 9 months
People are starting to ask the question "Are we replicating colonial violence by sharing images of Palestinian martyrdom."
This is a question borne out of the decolonize movement which in practice restates the neoliberal, pro-capital status quo in radical language.
This question not only fails to employ the basic principles of media literacy but also fails an understanding of national liberation movements. It's an unnecessary and dangerous question.
We have a 56 year history of Palestinians using images as part of national liberation. 55 years of an international standard for the use of images in national liberation movements (Third Cinema).
When we hold these images to those standards, we don't even need to ask that question. It's been answered for us already. The answer is no. In the context of national liberation, images are supposed to shock the consciousness of the people. These images did that.
What didn't happen is that we didn't do the necessary and effective work of organizing those who have come to support the Palestinian cause into affecting a ceasefire. That is not the image's fault. That is an indictment of our organizing.
The principle point of Third Cinema is that the image is a detonator. It is a spring board for direct action. An excuse to gather people. Third Cinema is not delusional. It knows that only such action can stop colonialism.
The question that needs to be asked is one of tactics.These images would not still be circulating if there was a ceasefire. And the Palestinians have told us this time and again.
This is why that question is dangerous. Because we can circle the drain all day talking about the epistemic violence of the camera, the camera as an a priori, always already, in perpetuity, ontological white supremacy machine.
The question asks us to investigate our individual consumptive habits. Not what can be done to materially support the Palestinians. You can answer that question without engaging with the history of Palestinian political images. Without reference to the directives the Palestinians have given us on the ground. With no knowledge of politics.
The Palestinians are creating, sharing, contextualizing these images. The Israelis are cutting hasbara to discredit these images. In no way can these images replicate the violence of colonialism bc the colonized are producing them and the colonizer is trying to stop their circulation. In fact, by asking this question we invite people to do the work of the colonizer by stopping the circulation of these images. We proudly delude ourselves into thinking that we are helping the Palestinians when we are materially aiding the israelis.
The AnsarAllah showed us what to do politically. Stop the weapons manufactures and stop the shipment of arms. They took over the red sea by hijacking only 3 ships. Evergreen & BP stopped using the red sea after that.
Last tuesday America and ~10 other countries declared that they would retake the red sea. But by that friday, the mission collapsed before it started.
And, quiet as kept, we knew Biden and congress would not yield to mass demonstrations. We spent the last decade doing mass demonstrations to stop police violence but the only action that lead to a guilty verdict (which did not stop the violence) was the burning down of a police precinct.
If it is true what Fanon says about violence yielding to a greater show of violence, and that is the level of violence necessary to put one cop behind bars then.... 🤷🏾‍♂️
But, ironically, this question does replicate the very violence that it attempts to not engage in.
The Palestinians who take photos of Palestinian martyrs are the same photographers who take images of Palestinian life and the resilient spirit of the Palestinian people. Palestinian kids playing in bombed out ruble, Palestinians sharing scraps of food with others who have none, doctors "adopting" children whose families israel killed, Palestinians dancing. Why aren't these images worthy of our anxiety? I mean they condemn us to hell, don't they? "We are alive! Please keep us this way" and everyday there isn't a ceasefire is a day we fail them.
Why aren't the images of the al-Qassam brigades wiping out israeli encampments in minutes worthy of discourse?
Why does this question exceptionalize the image of a helpless, pitiful weak, dead people? Is that not how the colonizer sees the colonized? Is this not the same hubris israel had by ignoring all signs of Al Asqa Flood for a year and a half?
If we understand the principles of montage, then we know the images of Palestinian martyrdom do not mean anything outside of the context of the other images coming out of Gaza. And taken as a whole, the images lead to the same conclusion as our political analysis. The Palestinians have the ground. It's israel's air power that allows it to commit this genocide. We must stop that air power by any means necessary.
Decolonize wants you to think, not act. It wants you to forget about the socialist history of national liberation movements. Lenin put anti-imperialism at the heart of the socialist project in 1916. Every single anti-colonial, national liberation movement was either spearheaded by or had the necessary participation of Marxists. The practitioners of Third Cinema made reference to socialism and many had party affiliations with socialist movements.
Decolonize, like critical theory, is explicitly anticommunist. It doesn't want us to engage in real socialist politics which directly oppose and break from this neoliberal hellscape. Instead it channels our anger into a discursive, metaphysical effigy that we can sacrifice so we can sleep at night. But tomorrow will be 85 days and 75 years of the Palestinian genocide.
edit: changed houtis, a colonial designation, to their proper name the AnsarAllah.
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treason-and-plot · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
I was tagged by @anamoon63 and @bool-prop, thank you very much! I chose Mia because I miss her dearly and I need to zip over to Isla Paradiso and visit her ASAP!
Subject: Mia Nichols
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Mia’s uncommon fear is another one of her lovers dying. Her common fear is that something happens to her mother, Nanette.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Cookie’s existence.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her signature vanilla body spray and loose tampons and condoms 
What do they notice first in a person?
Their sex appeal.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 6
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Mia is a fighter.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Mia is the only child of a single mother.
What animal represents them best?
Bichon frisé- because of her fluffy hair and friendly nature (unless your name is Cookie!)
What is a smell that they dislike?
The smell of overflowing ashtrays. When she was a waitress this smell always used to make Mia dry-retch.
Have they broken any bones?
She broke a couple of ribs while out surfing with her fiancé Luke one day.
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How would a stranger likely describe them?
Blonde, bubbly and chatty with legs for days.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
A night owl. Mia does NOT like getting out of bed early.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She hates the taste of aniseed and loves the taste of potatoes deep-fried in goose fat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Sex, video games, watching soap operas, going to the movies, socialising, fantasizing about her wedding to Raj.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Mia loves surprises and would be thrilled! She detests routine and monotony. The more surprises life can throw at her, the better!
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Mia’s pride and joy was her engagement ring, which was lost during an altercation with a creep called David. Even though she still mourns its loss, it did enable her to move on from Luke’s death. But no other piece of jewellery has ever been so important to her.  
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Messy. Mia is self-conscious about her handwriting as well as her lack of literacy skills. She will go to any lengths to avoid her handwriting and poor spelling being seen by others.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Excitement and desire.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Not really, but Mia isn't into housework so any fabric she did prefer would be drip dry and non-iron.
What kind of accent do they have?
Mia was born in bred in Isla Paradiso, but it would be hard for anyone in Sim nation to discern a particular dialect or accent as coming from there.
I would like to tag @papermint-airplane @changingplumbob @windermeresimblr @streetlites and @wannabecatwriter @profoundlyburningsimscollection and @stargazer-sims. No pressure ever, feel free to ignore!
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a-typical · 2 months
The National Center for Family Literacy, based in Louisville, Kentucky, has been implementing programs aimed at low-income families to teach both children and their parents to read. It works like this: the child, 3 to 4 years old, attends school three days a week along with a parent, or possibly a grandparent or guardian. While the grown-up spends the morning learning basic academic skills, the child is in a preschool class. Parent and child meet for lunch and then "learn how to learn together" for the rest of the afternoon.
A follow-up study of fourteen such programs in three states revealed several significant outcomes: (1) although all of the children had been designated as being at risk for school failure as preschoolers, only ten per cent were still rated at risk by their current elementary school teachers. (2) More than 90 per cent were considered by their current elementary school teachers as motivated to learn. (3) Not one of the children had to repeat any grade in elementary school.
The growth of the parents was no less dramatic. When asked to describe how their lives had changed as a result of the family literacy program, typical responses described improved self-confidence (nearly every participant) and self-control, passing high-school equivalency exams, admission to college, new jobs, and much better relations with their children. The children are described as more attentive to parents, eager to learn and — in some cases for the first time — hopeful about the future. Such programs could also be used in later grades for teaching mathematics, science and much else.
— The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan (1996)
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arcielee · 11 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you so much @dragonwanker for allowing me to pick your brain on this wonderful story and allowing me to continue this series! 💜 As always, Interview With a Writer is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
Dividers by @saradika 💜
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Name: dragonwanker
Story: The Commune [on ao3]
Paring: modern Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns. This fic contains dark themes such as; descriptions of depression, manipulation, coercion, noncon/dubcon, and incest. Please mind the tags for each chapter.
So, when did you start writing?
Oh, just in September this year! I wrote my first fic and published it then, it’s called “Warm Me Up” 😊 But I’ve been obsessed since it aired last October and I’ve read miles of Aemond fanfic especially!
I’ve always been like a day dreamer, who needs a fantasy to escape to. I didn’t think I’d be any good at writing and avoided it for so long, but then I felt inspired and brave and thought I’d give it a shot. Fanfic really helped me last year when I had a pretty bad time mentally and I thought if someone would enjoy my stories like I’ve enjoyed so many others, I’d be happy!
What made you decide to start writing in English? Do you have any advice for budding new writers where English is not their native tongue?
I think I decided to write in English since I only read fanfics in English, there really isn’t a community in Swedish. Most Swedish people have high enough English literacy to read in the language, and being able to read and write in English opens up to so much more content. As for advice; I’d say read read read! Even if it’s just fanfics, there is so much talent among ff writers and so many lovely pieces to chose from!
I don’t think I would have been able to write without having read so much fan fiction in the last year honestly! I only ever read books in Swedish, or really boring text books and academic articles in English. So, reading has really helped me understand the tone that I enjoy reading in. And helped me understand how to describe and paint a picture for the reader.
I’ve had some time to practice writing in English though, I did both my bachelors and masters in English, but the papers I wrote in school were all boring academic papers.
But that did help me articulate myself and get my point across, something that I think might feel challenging when writing in a second language.
Where did the plot for The Commune come from?
Since I am new to writing, I thought I’d explore writing something darker (also cause Halloween was just around the corner hehe) but wanted it to be different from other stories I’ve read.
I studied politics in uni and was very focused on nationalism, identity and national identity. I think theories surrounding those concepts, like Benedict Anderson’s theory on ‘imagined communities,’ inspired me to write something about a secluded community, and then I thought of a cult.
And the idea works ‘cause Aemond (in canon, I mean) was brought up in a religious family, and I felt like the Seven would be fun to explore more, especially since the story takes place in a modern AU of Westeros.
And his personality really reflects other cult leaders, like Jim Jones (I used Jonestown as a bit of an inspiration for The Commune). Aemond is highly intelligent, calculating, persuasive, knowledgeable about the Seven, and authoritative.
Can you expand a bit more on your interpretation of Aemond. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in The Commune?
I’d say the trauma from losing his eye as a child drives him greatly, and that has both good and bad consequences. Like in canon, he utilises that when studying, and it’s implied that he is extremely intelligent, which I’d say is a result of his tedious work. The need to prove himself drives him greatly.
I also think he has a inferiority complex as a child that develops into a superiority complex as he gets older and praised for his amazing work in school.
So, he takes a natural role as the leader within The Commune (I mean, he’s the mastermind behind it) since he believes that he’s superior to everyone else, even those older than him (with more experience in life or in research). That is where the idea that he could be the father reincarnated comes from; his incredible intellect and how sure he is in everything he does.
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
I felt like some of us needed a relatable depressed girl whose too tired of her meaningless job to fight the manipulation.
But I guess I drew a lot of inspiration from real life, and having battled a bit with mental health issues, I utilised that. I wanted the ending to be a bit ambiguous; so that we don’t know if she chose to stay or if she was “brainwashed” into staying. So, she needed to be displeased with life from the start, otherwise she wouldn’t want to leave her career.
Plus, cults often pray on people like her: depressed and disappointed in life. So it felt fitting 😊
Do you think your Reader complements Aemond?
I’ve thought about it and in a twisted way, yes, I think she compliments him (or his delusions haha). He uses his scar and the trauma he went through as a child as a way to manipulate his followers, and having the girl who (he thinks) wronged him by his side as a devoted partner helps him further reinforce his agenda as this outer worldly leader!
That’s one more thing that drives him marrying her: he thinks she’ll help in his selfish goals of gaining more power.
So really, she complements his end game.
Were there any other characters in your story you enjoyed writing?
Oh yes, I loved writing Alys and Helaena! They’re only the two other real ‘actors’ in the story but it was so fun exploring how their characters would translate onto this dark, modern setting.
Helaena being depressed in King’s Landing and finding solace in the country where she can pursue a life without the stresses of modern society felt realistic to the way I interpret her character; someone who craves connection to nature (actualised through her fondness of insects) yet gets pulled away from that and thrust into the chaotic mess that is the Targtowers.
And Alys being this highly intelligent PhD student in phytotherapy; having vast knowledge on plants and ancient healing practices! Gets charmed by the young and confident political science student (Aemond) who promises a better life under a brand new philosophy.
Do you think you will do a sequel to this story? Or a new piece you might post?
Hmmm no, at least not at the moment! I like the way it ended and feel like I don’t have anything else to add that would elevate the story… but if inspiration strikes I’m not opposed to the idea!
I’m currently writing a series called ‘Rumours’ that I think people who enjoyed ‘The Commune’ might like; it’s not a dark!fic but there’s plenty of angst and drama 👀
Do you have a personal favorite fanfic you'd like to share?
I am beyond excited for more of @theoneeyedprince Tom Bennett story ‘As the World Burns’ and @humanpurposes modern!Aemond story ‘It Will Come Back’
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u-mspcoll · 5 months
Food Literacy for All Showcase
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"Do you know why the US Food Administration was created? Nope, it's not for public health reasons! Rather, it was created on August 17, 1917 by executive order primarily to provide food for the Allies in Europe during World War I. The US launched a rigorous campaign, greatly humanitarian in nature, onboarding roughly half the families in the nation to take on food pledges with weekly meatless, sweetless, porkless, and wheatless days to ship those foods to soldiers and starving civilians in Europe. This campaign demonstrates how the lack of overindulgence in food sympolizes patrioatism in the US during WWI."
Spotlight on food history posters prepared by students enrolled in the Food Literacy for All (Winter 2024), a community-academic partnership course hosted by the University of Michigan Sustainable Food Systems Initiative. Read more!
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kingwuko · 3 months
Omg, long time no talk! I hope you had an enjoyable Father’s Day!
A hc I have is that Wu was isolated when he was younger aside from nannies tending to him, resulting Wu having a bit of a warped view of family dynamics before he has kids. He’d be hesitant to be a dad, unlike Mako, because he realizes he had no reference of what a good paternal figure looked like. If they were to have kids it’d be past their 20’s and well into their married years. Mako’s parenting style clashes with Wu’s from time to time.
Wu’d love to spend time with his kid(s) by appreciating fashion or the arts with them. He’d also love to style his kid’s hair and spontaneously sing around the house for his kid(s). Mako would be the parent who helps the kid(s) with their math homework. He’d be a patient/soft dad for sure. Mako and Wu would both be lovey parents IMO. They’d both love to read with their kid as well. (Odd hc, but I think Wu would become passionate about national literacy rates later into his reign.)
Wu has a problem with buying way too many presents for the kids during special occasions. Mako has to tell him to cut back some because he physically cannot store the amount of toys/clothes they have in the house. Mako does adore seeing his kid(s) get excited when they get something he never had as a child though.
I love everything about this 😭
I also share the hc that Wu was isolated as a child-just nannies and tutors, and his meanie great aunt. I hadn't actually given a lot of thought to how that would mean he has no frame of reference for parenting! But you're so right. Mako I think struggles with this too but he has experience taking care of Bolin whereas Wu has no experience at all!
I'm soooo on board with them having kids later in life. They both have A LOT to work through trauma-wise and I want them in really good places before they have kids.
thank you for these lovely headcanons 🧡
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
a list of 'royal' functions Markle and Harry have attempted in America by u/ElectricalAd9212
a list of 'royal' functions Markle and Harry have attempted in America the grifters wanted to be a royal house in America. They said they wanted to step away from the duties of royalty and become private citizens. The rotten liars.They went to America and acted like a royal house, simutaneously spitting hatred and abuse at the Monarchy in Britain, whilst trying to use the aura of royalty to act like a monarchy in America with acts of service and duty that nobody wanted or asked for. Of course, this was all for money. Fake 'service' that they planned on monetising and commercialising. Help compile a list of fake fraud charlatan royal 'service' they attempted in America for their own narcissistic money making schemes.The most evil one of all. Uvalde. Markle flew there for self publicity, without anyone asking or needing. She thought she could carry out some kind of pastoral role, as if she was the Queen visiting Aberfan.The Remembrance Day photoshoot. They took a photograph at a War memorial / graveyard in America, and posted it for their own publicity, even though they had no calling or reason to do that, other than to try and subvert Remembrance Sunday in Britain, and treat the American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice as fodder for their own publicity.The whole UN visit. With security as if they were acting diplomatically on behalf of a nation state.Visiting a school in Harlem. Perhaps, to help in a campaign for children, or literacy, or something related to childhood wellbeing, as the royal family does frequently? No, to promote and publicise Markles atrocious failure of a book. Post any more you can think of. post link: https://ift.tt/6mNb0ZO author: ElectricalAd9212 submitted: July 24, 2023 at 05:52PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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kharmii · 16 days
So I got the idea to actually calculate the global human population myself, city by city, and guess what.
It’s not even 3 billion.
Not even CLOSE.
There are NOT 7 billion people on the planet. You can count yourself. The overpopulation hoax is the foundation of the globalist terror regime.
Whether it's three or seven billion, the global population doesn't matter. Overpopulation is a regional problem. There are starving children with distended bellies running around in Africa and India, and yet I suspect those places aren't handing out free birth control and running article after article about how "Cats are Better Than Babies".
The globalist terror regime is focusing that on first world nations while flooding every good place to live with problem people. Here in the US, every country south of us is clearing out their prisons and mental hospitals then sending them right up to us in large caravans of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. It's white privilege to have a job with a living wage, medical benefits, etc. We need to let everybody in so large corporations don't have to send their companies to China. The whole planet should be one huge sweat shop.
Speaking of white privilege, I have an OT beef. A few days ago, a fourteen-year-old student at Apalachee High School named Colt Gray brought a semi-automatic weapon to school and shot a bunch of people before being detained by police. According to the wiki, the school is in a town that's 58% white where half the students are economically disadvantaged. Colt Gray was one of these students. His mom was a low life drug addict who was arrested for "domestic violence, drug possession, property damage and various traffic violations, including driving under the influence charges. She also faced civil fraud charges over the purchase of a used vehicle and was locked up in Ben Hill County as recently as April."
Colt Gray ended up a Kamala Harris supporting trannie who was probably bullied at school on top of having a dysfunctional family. They tried to wipe his online presence, but it's being passed around.
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It looks like he lived with his dad who was also abusive, and now the dad is being arrested for giving the shooter the weapon he used as a Christmas present last year. This is the second time I've heard of this happening. The first time is when the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were charged with manslaughter in April 2024 because they supposedly also supplied the weapon used.
Now I can see why people would think this was appropriate. Terrible parents who raise a kid wrong should be held accountable for setting a monster loose in the community, and yet this only seems to be a white issue. I've yet to see a black parent be held responsible for her child's actions. Black people have an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate and fatherless household rate. They make up 13% of the population but commit 90% of gun crimes, 90% of adolescent gun crimes and most of the mass shootings. The news only focuses on the rare white person committing a mass shooting and acts like it's an epidemic, even though black people are shooting up every major city every day of the year.
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You aren't even supposed to question this. Black people problems are the result of white privilege and 'them evil colonialists who brought crop rotation and modern medicine to the third world' blahblahblah. Black people who aren't qualified to run a hotdog stand at a little league game are supposed to be able to lecture white people endlessly, and yet we aren't allowed to say, *lifts finger* uh um.....maybe if you waited until you were married to pop out babies, then maybe your atrocious crime rate would go down. Srsly, we're dealing with the problems of people in generational poverty who have like a 10% literacy rate, and the media keeps beating it into our heads that all the problems of the world are caused by white people, and it's only white people who need to have fckn dogs-cats-rats-smelly horses instead of babies.
Another meme they're always pushing in the media is that 'right wing extremism is the biggest domestic terror threat' and that all mass shooters are right wing (laughably ridiculous). Then when a radicalized Marxist trannie like Audrey Hale shoots up a white Christian school, it takes literal years for the authorities to release the manifesto. It's supposedly a danger to the public. When we finally get to read it, it's nothing but the ramblings of a mentally ill radicalized Marxist who complains over and over that nobody loves them, and that's why they have to kill a bunch of white Christian kids because the media beat it into their deranged mind that white Christians are the cause of all their problems.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
I was taking an analytical look at the “I wish there was a war” letter to Stevens, and I've come to think it's one of the most noteworthy letters from Hamilton in his childhood.
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—condemns me and would willingly risk my life tho’ not my Character to exalt my Station. Im confident, Ned that my Youth excludes me from any hopes of immediate Preferment nor do I desire it, but I mean to prepare the way for futurity. Im no Philosopher you see and may be jusly said to Build Castles in the Air. My Folly makes me ashamd and beg youll Conceal it, yet Neddy we have seen such Schemes successfull when the Projector is Constant I shall Conclude saying I wish there was a War.
Firstly, look at how tightly knit his words are. It could be that Hamilton didn't think he would have enough time to get all his thoughts down, or that he would have more to say. But this is extensive, even for other letters from Hamilton around this time. I personally think it was excitement, and the thrill as Hamilton contemplates his future.
But what's most considerable is where Hamilton's priorities lie, and how these never really changed through his life. Hamilton obviously knew his greatest chance of earning the stature and respect he wanted was to fight in the military. But it wasn't just the fame and love that Hamilton wanted, he wanted to be an idolized hero. I always wondered why he just never became a merchant. It was in the field of possibilities; living in a literal national trade system, already having experience helping his cousin Anne trade, and having a pretty good education and literacy. Hamilton was even very efficient with money and economics, which is why if he had just gone on to become a merchant even in the Carribean or just elsewhere; he would have made thousands. Like make the success his dad never did. If Hamilton joined the Revolution only to earn his social status amongst the higher-ups, it makes no sense for him to be praying for a war back in '69. If it was wealth and stability Hamilton wanted, it wasn't like it was out of reach.
But no. What Hamilton wanted was more. He wanted heroship, and glory. So really, Hamilton wanted to be known as a hero, he wanted to be that dashing name you read about in historical battles. Ultimately, Hamilton joined the war for the worship of his heroism. And I really believe this was his way of healing the wounds of being a bastard child born out of wedlock. From day one, he would have witnessed the persecution his mother was treated with for her tainted name as a “whore”. And even after that, him and James were but bastard children that no one wanted. Shoved through homes with no family sparing them anything in their wills, it would have been evident and in their faces James and Hamilton were unwanted illegitimate kids. So, Hamilton's recovery from this? What's his drive for all this ambitious spirit? Hamilton was literally this nerd ass main character who felt he was “destined for more”, who idolized the men in heroic battles he would hear about and wanted to emulate such. This was his way of recovering from being an unloved child. Hamilton's way of proving himself to all those that undermined him, degraded him down to nothing but a “whore's son”, or considered him too frail and ill.
It's even evident when he does join the revolution, as I said, these ideals stayed with him. Hamilton could have easily gotten status if he just remained as Washington's aide. Hell, he could have done the same if he was Greene's or Knox's aide. But that isn't what Hamilton sought, he wanted the veneration of a war hero, because he wanted to fight and be known as just that. It's clear he loathed the secretary position, more than just because of Washington's berating. And it's even evident moreso later, where yeah, being Treasury Secretary was nice, but he continuously returned to the army for the Quasi-war or to be inspector general.
Basically, Hamilton didn't just want wealth and status, he wanted fame and to be a hero.
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shinobicyrus · 5 months
So Ron "protect kids from the gays" DeSantis has just signed a law requiring all Florida students - from high-schoolers to children as young as kindergarten - to learn about the "evils of communism" and to receive instruction for how to resist "indoctrination" in higher education.
"A lot of these universities will tell them how great communism is," DeSantis said, with no citation of any this allegedly pro-communist college curricula. "So we are setting the proper foundation."
They also decided to make this a spectacle on the anniversary of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, which was a disastrously botched CIA-organized attempt by armed rebels to overthrow the Cuban government.
"Florida students currently can receive lessons on communism in high-school social studies courses or in a seventh-grade civics and government course. A high-school government class that has been required for graduation also includes 45 minutes of instruction on “Victims of Communism Day” which covers communist regimes through history." (source: USA Today)
Not sure how long it's going to remain, but it seems very....interesting that in the attached USA Today article, there included a viral video of a Cuban refugee (huh...interesting how DeSantis hasn't shipped him to Martha's Vineyard) going through a grocery store in the US and marveling at how full the shelves are; unlike communist Cuba with its shortages of essentials that is totally the fault of the communist government and not at all the product of decades of strict embargoes by the United States. An embargo that recently wouldn't allow life-saving medical equipment from landing on the island during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Obviously this is all culture war bullshit in a state with a collapsing insurance market, literacy that is the 8th worst in the nation, and had one of the largest increases of families with children and veterans experiencing homelessness in the nation last year. I'm sure spending millions of dollars on anti-communist museums is really what the struggling people both want and need in these difficult times.
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brookston · 14 days
Holidays 9.8
Actor’s Day
Asturias Day (Spain)
Blondie Day
Blue’s Clues Day
Colorism Awareness Day
The Commemoration of the Two Sieges (Malta)
Community Day (Extramadura, Spain)
Coronation Anniversary of Vytautas the Great (Lithuania)
Day of Aid Workers
Day of Asturias (Spain)
Day of the Battle of Borodino (Russia)
Extramadura Day (Spain)
Father’s Day (Latvia)
Festa Della Rificolona ends (Paper Lantern Festival; Florence, Italy)
Fiestas de Santa Fe begins with the burning of the Zozobra (New Mexico)
Financier’s Day (Russia)
Grandparents’ & Family Caregivers’ Day (Florida)
Hazelnut Day (French Republic)
Iguana Awareness Day
International Day of Journalists
International Literacy Day (UN)
Kosrae Liberation Day (Micronesia)
La Vierge de Meritxell (Feast of Our Lady of Meritxell; Andorra)
Mariä Geburt (Liechtenstein)
Martyrs’ Day (a.k.a. Massoud Day; held on Shahrivar 18) [Can be 9.8 or 9.9]
Matki Boskiej Zielnej (a.k.a. Fest of Greenery; Poland)
Meritxell Day (Andorra)
National Actors Day
National Ampersand Day
National David Day
National Dog Walker Appreciation Day
National Double Merle Awareness Day
National Essential Medicine Shortages Awareness Day
National Iguana Awareness Day
National Lissencephaly Awareness Day
National Neighborhood Day
National Pardon Day
908 Day
Nuakhai (Odisha, India)
Onam ends (India)
Pardon Me Day
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Sirona Asteroid Day
Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities
Star Trek Day
Tank Crewman’s Day (Russia)
Turkmen Bakhshi Day (Turkmenistan)
Victory Day (Malta)
Volunteer Day (Spain)
World Gravity Day
World Physical Therapy Day
Worldwide Cystic Fibrosis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Burger Day
Date Nut Bread Day
International Day of Papaya
International Food Delivery Day
National Merlot Day (South Africa)
Independence & Related Days
Alsann (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Andorra (Nation founded, 1728)
Macedonia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Seybold (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
2nd Sunday in September
Auditor's Day (Scientology) [2nd Sunday]
Day of Lake Baikal (Russia) [2nd Sunday]
Day of Open Monuments (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
Day of the Homeland (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
Education Day (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Family Day (Kazakhstan) [2nd Sunday]
Fjord Day (Denmark) [2nd Sunday]
Grandparent's Day (Canada) [Sunday after 1st Monday]
Great Procession of Tournai (Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
Hug Your Hound Day [2nd Sunday]
Joust of the Quintana: La Rivincita (The Rematch; Italy) [2nd or 3rd Sunday, Pt. 1 in July]
National Bilby Day (Australia) [2nd Sunday]
National Dementia Carers Day (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Education Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Firefighters’ Memorial Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
National Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday]
PBC (Primary Biliary Cholangitis) Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Racial Justice Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Remembrance Day for Victims of Fascism [2nd Sunday]
Road Workers Day (Tajikistan) [2nd Sunday]
Sandwich Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Sleepy Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Seven For Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sundae Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sunday Funday [Every Sunday]
Survey Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Sustainable House Day (Australia) [2nd Sunday]
Turkmen Bakshy Day [2nd Sunday]
Vanavanemate Päev (Estonia) [2nd Sunday]
Workers of Natural Gas and Petroleum Industry Day (Ukraine) [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 8 (2nd Full Week of September)
Folic Acid Awareness Week (thru 9.14)
Healthcare Environmental Services Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
International Housekeepers Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Arts in Education Weeks (thru 9.14) [From 2nd Sunday]
National Assisted Living Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Beauty and Barber Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Biscuit and Gravy Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Compassionate Leadership Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Environmental Services Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Nephrology Nurses Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Suicide Prevention Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning September 8, 2024
Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival (Austin, Texas)
Bean Soup Festival & Fair (McClure, Pennsylvania) [thru 9.14]
Bloemencorso Lichtenvoorde (Lichtenvoorde, Netherlands)
Bloemencorso Loenhout (Loenhout, Belgium)
Cambridge Carnival (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Fiddles Vittles and Vino (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Heritage Fire (Willamette Valley, Oregon)
International Alexandrinsky Theatre Festival (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 10.30]
Manifesta [European Nomadic Biennial] (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 11.24]
Feast Days
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Roman Catholic Church)
Adrian of Nicomedia (Christian; Saint Feast Day) [brewers, middle England's brewers guild] *
Ann Beattie (Writerism)
Archie Goodwin (Artology)
Carnot (Positivist; Saint)
Corbinian (Christian; Saint)
Disibod (a.k.a. Disen or Disbode; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius, Nestablus, Zeno, and Nestor (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Honor for Lada and Leda (Bread & Harvest Festival; Slavic Pagan/Asatru)
Feast of ‘Izzat (Might; Baha’i)
Feast of Papa-Lea (God of Kava Drinking)
Frédéric Mistral (Writerism)
Il-Vittorja (a.k.a. Feast of Our Lady of Victories; Malta)
Jill St. John Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mead Day (Pagan)
Michael Frayn (Writerism)
Mimi Parent (Artology)
Monti Fest (Mangalorean Catholic; Parts of India)
Morty Moot Mope (Muppetism)
Nativity of Mary (Roman Catholic Church, Anglo-Catholicism)
Our Lady of Charity (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Covadonga (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Good Health of Vailankanni (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Meritxell (Andorra; Christian; Saint)
Ozias Humphry (Artology)
Paradoxically Non-Paradoxical Day (Pastafarian)
Sergius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Theosophy Day
Vicious Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Virgin Mary Day
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [36 of 53]
Prime Number Day: 251 [54 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Ally McBeal (TV Series; 1997)
Betty Crocker's Cookbook, by the Betty Crocker Editors (Cookbook; 1950)
Blue’s Clues (Children’s TV Series; 1996)
Bone Machine, by Tom Waits (Album; 1992)
Boys Town (Film; 1938)
The Breadwinner (Animated Film; 2017)
Brigadoon (Film; 1954)
Carnival Courage (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1945)
Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1963)
Catty-Cornered (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons (Novel; 1932)
Cosmicomics, by Italo Calvino (Short Stories; 1965)
The Cyberiad, by Stanisław Lem (Short Stories; 1965)
The Eagle Has Landed, by Jack Higgins (Novel; 1975)
Everglade Raid (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1965)
Havana, by Camila Cabello (Song; 2017)
Hitchhiker, by Neil Young (Album; 2017)
Hold Your Fire, by Rush (Album; 1987)
iCarly (TV Series; 2007)
I Just Can’t Get You Out of My Head, by Kylie Minogue (Song; 2001)
It (Film; 2017)
Jeannie (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (Novel; 2004)
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, by Julie Andrews Edwards (Children’s Book; 1974)
Lost in Space (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1973)
Lovelorn Leghorn (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Make Me, 20th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2015)
Mouse-Warming (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Never for Ever, by Kate Bush (Album; 1980)
Nurse Betty (Film; 2000)
The Oprah Winfrey Show (Daytime TV Series; 1986)
Psycho (Film; 1960)
The Pure and the Impure, by Colette (Novel; 1932)
Purr-Chance to Dream (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Scalp Treatment (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
Second Foundation, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1953) [Foundation #3]
The Sirens of Titan, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1959)
Slicked-Up Pup (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Song of Victory (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Star Trek (TV Series; 1966)
Suffer, by Bad Religion (Album; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Adrian, Mariä Geburt (Austria)
Hadrijan, Maja, Marija, Sergije (Croatia)
Mariana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Mariann, Marianna, Marianne (Estonia)
Taimi (Finland)
Adrien, Béline (France)
Adrian, Mariä Geburt, Otmar (Germany)
Despoina, Genethlios, Skiadeni, Tsampika (Greece)
Adrienn, Mária (Hungary)
Immacolata, Maria (Italy)
Amirs, Ilga, Ilgonis, Nelda (Latvia)
Daumantė, Klementina, Liaugaudas, Vytautas (Lithuania)
Allan, Alma, Amalie (Norway)
Adrian, Adrianna, Klementyna, Maria, Nestor, Radosław, Radosława (Poland)
Natalia (Russia)
Miriama (Slovakia)
Cinta, Covadonga, Fuensanta, Meritxell, Natividad, Nazaret, Nuria, Sagrario, Sergio (Spain)
Alma, Hulda (Sweden)
Maria, Mary (Ukraine)
Adria, Adrian, Adriana, Adrianna, Adrien, Adrienne, Hadria, Hadrian, Hadrien, Joachim, Joakima, Joaquin, Joaquina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 252 of 2024; 114 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of Week 36 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 6 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 5 Elul 5784
Islamic: 4 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 12 Gold; Fryday [11 of 30]
Julian: 26 August 2024
Moon: 25%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 28 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Mont]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 81 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 18 of 32)
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