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((HK mun and i are on holiday right now! if ur seeing this that means ive run out of queued posts so there wont be any posts till i get back! send me lots of asks to come back to though!))
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so you’re gay for hong kong?
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Show us some moves from the "Toxic" dance. P.S. not cool to rat Hong Kong out like that 😂
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I think Iceland is supposed to be like 17 but idk that’s what the wiki says
If you watch the episode I mentioned it's pretty clearly stated that he's under 16. Regardless it's still not okay to send him sexual asks since he's still underage and I'm very uncomfortable with receiving these kinds of asks for him. I don't want to argue about this. Don't send him sexual asks.
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I love U
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welp...*hic* i drank alot of vodka.... *hic* jesus is that you....*hic* i wanna rub all over you're *hic* body....
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(while his age isnt specifically stated in the anime, it is mentioned in his birthday episode that hes allowed to drink in denmark with adult supervision. in denmark the drinking age is 16 but you can drink before that if you have supervision. therefore, iceland is 15 (or younger) )
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Iceland does your name eat ice cream.
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is Iceland good at playing BS? Who does he like to play with?
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i’m decent at it i guess
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I WANNA BE A WOLF *turns into a wolf and makes the most ear piercing howl ever*
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"Can I trade you a fresh supply of apples and apple made treats from my home for one of your country's lovely sweaters and blankets Iceland. I don't care what other people think. I love the look of your Lopapeysas, they are so beautiful." -volcanofullofapples
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Wow he even has the big yaoi hands
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wait no i apologize that sounded dramatic forgive me (also i love your blog)
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just dont actually die on me
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✎ (idk if you're taking non-hetalia but @daddyonceler2019)
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i guess
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//✎?? Thanks so much I love your art 💕💕💕
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i would die for you
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Ohhhh ✎ please? :0 (ask-convictalia-china)
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✎ please? (@ask-the-arctic)
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