gslin · 2 years
AWS Global Accelerator 支援 IPv6
AWS Global Accelerator 支援 IPv6
AWS 的 Anycast 服務 AWS Global Accelerator 宣佈支援 IPv6:「New for AWS Global Accelerator – Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Support」。 算是補功能,不過這個功能只對於「純 IPv6 環境」的使用者端有用 (沒有 DNS64 + NAT64 的轉換),目前商轉給一般使用者用的 IPv6 環境應該都還是有掛 DNS64 + NAT64 才對… 另外使用這個功能會需要 VPC 有 IPv6 能力: To test this new feature, I need a dual-stack application with an ALB entry point. The application must be deployed in Amazon Virtual…
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kennak · 8 months
momokaのブログによると、Cloudflareの1.1.1.1を使ったドメインランキングをみていたところ、日本からIPv6・IPv4間のプロトコル変換に利用されるIPアドレスを検出する際に使われるipv4only.arpaへの名前解決が大量に行われているという。この結果、先のドメインランキングにおいて、通常は人気がないはずのipv4only.arpaドメインが、 amazon.co.jpより上位にランクインしてしまうという状況が起きているそうだ(momokaのブログ)。 同サイトによると、おそらくネットワーク機器やソフトウェアによるDNSクエリの結果起きているものではないかとしている。この現象は特に日本国内で顕著に発生しており、ipv4only.arpaへのAAAAクエリの名前解決は、DNS64(およびNAT64)がネットワークに存在するかどうかを調べるために行われている可能性がある。ただ、その原因や理由は不明とのこと。同サイトでは、この現象を引き起こしている具体的なソフトウェアやネットワーク機器を特定したいと考えている模様。
ipv4only.arpa、なぜか日本から多くの名前解決要求。Cloudflareのランキングで判明 | スラド IT
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ccnacoursetips · 11 months
IPv6 basics in ccna
In the CCNA curriculum, understanding IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is essential due to the depletion of IPv4 addresses and the transition to the next-generation protocol. IPv6 introduces significant improvements in addressing, security, and network efficiency.
IPv6 Addressing: IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long, represented in hexadecimal notation with colons separating segments. The larger address space allows for trillions of unique addresses, addressing the address exhaustion problem of IPv4. IPv6 addresses have various types, including unicast, multicast, and anycast.
Address Types:
Unicast: One-to-one communication between a sender and a specific receiver.
Multicast: One-to-many communication to a specific group of devices.
Anycast: One-to-the-nearest communication, where multiple devices share the same anycast address, and the data is sent to the closest one.
Address Notation: IPv6 addresses can be written in different notations:
Colon-Hexadecimal Notation: Eight 4-digit hexadecimal blocks separated by colons.
Zero Compression: Consecutive blocks of zeros can be replaced by "::" once in an address.
Loopback Address: The loopback address is "::1," equivalent to IPv4's ""
IPv6 Features:
Larger Address Space: IPv6's 128-bit address space allows for a vast number of unique addresses.
Simplified Header: IPv6 header is streamlined for efficiency, reducing processing overhead.
Autoconfiguration: IPv6 supports stateless autoconfiguration, enabling devices to configure addresses and other parameters without external configuration servers.
Security: IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is a mandatory part of IPv6, providing enhanced security for communication.
Transition Mechanisms: CCNA candidates learn about techniques to transition from IPv4 to IPv6, such as dual-stack, tunneling (including 6to4 and Teredo), and NAT64/DNS64.
Understanding IPv6 basics is essential for network professionals as the internet continues to migrate to the new protocol. CCNA training provides hands-on experience configuring and working with IPv6 addresses, allowing candidates to be proficient in managing both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, ensuring seamless communication in the evolving networking landscape.
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richardmhicks · 7 years
DirectAccess Manage Out and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
DirectAccess Manage Out and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
The seamless and transparent nature of DirectAccess makes it wonderfully easy to use. In most cases, it requires no user interaction at all to access internal corporate resources while away from the office. This enables users to be more productive. At the same time, it offers important connectivity benefits for IT administrators and systems management engineers as well.
Always Managed
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
thoughts on deploying NAT64/464XLAT at home, on an ipv4-only broadband plan?
I've not used IPv6 for internet really, I was under the impression NAT64 was for getting an IPv6 local network to interoperate with IPv4 servers, not the other way around.
If that does work, it's probably only worth it if you're academicals interested in it, since NAT'ing up to IPv6 probably doesn't actually give you that many of the benefits of IPv6? I might be wrong though.
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ipv4mallservices · 2 years
NAT64 or Network Translation IPv6 was introduced to ensure the smooth progress of network communication that is established by IPv4 and IPv6 hosts and networks only. NAT65 can be regarded as a technology to facilitate IPv6 transition. Owning to the decreasing pool of IPv6 addresses, IPv6 migration was crucial. Various options like tunneling, transition, and dual-stack were considered in migrating from IPv4 to IPv6. Among these options, translation was adopted to assist network communication between IPv4 and IPv6 networks and hosts.
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imakuni · 6 years
Tumblr media
nat64 is a tool that allows you to play super mario 64 together with friends the tool provides a sandbox for playing super mario 64 multiplayer meaning you can do whatever you want you can play against each other you can play with each other you can help each other get all 120 stars you can save peach together or you can just beat each other up there are many characters to choose from and each character has its own perks and disadvantages this still works by hooking a program to each emulators memory and sending that data over to one another there is a code running inside the game and will then render each of those characters and make them touchable with the 2.0 release we use a special emulator that uses more memory then way we can break the original n64 limitations and add more characters this also means Sandro makes that only use the full memory of the n64 can now run on this tool because we only use the additional RAM that you added to the emulator they also spent a lot of new content added to this version that I will be explaining in just a second if you want to find out how to set this video up and just wait to the end of the video the first new characters Goomba Goomba is a weakling Goomba can jump and Goomba has no arms goombas only for those that want to put an impairment of themselves because they are just so much better than the friends in Super Mario 64 his place that represents the a button challenge as his a button has been removed from the game Kirby is also new he's a more balanced character Kirby has six jumps but as a trade-off he's very slow and very floaty he's there to aid your play if he are not that experienced in Mario 64 at the cost of being rather slow and progressing at the game his slow floatiness makes him a perfect pick for beginner because it gives you just so much control that many people think the original game was lacking another new character is Sonic Sonic is really fast and he uses coins instead of health meaning if you get hit you lose 10 coins and if you get hit without coins you die a special ability is to spin - with which he can gain a lot of speed in very short amount of time however his high speed is hard to control on stages like Rainbow Brite and require heavy platforming so it's probably your best pick for open and wide stages the last new addition is knuckles himself knuckles can glide through the air with a lot of speed and he can climb walls this makes him very strong he has rather loads arms and as hell is cut in half to accommodate for us otherwise overpowered abilities does make stages like Lisa LaValle and a living hell for knuckles so what this net 64 version narrow bands of game modes gaming 1s irregular old Mario 64 with friends in game mode - this is regular Mario 64 but with a twist everyone gets a fire flower power and you can shoot fire flowers at each other with the L button game mode free is if you wanna race against each other while not interacting with each other it disables character collisions those free where the boring ones the other four they are all new minigames game-mode 4 is the prop hunt mode one third of the players are gonna be hunters and the remaining two-thirds are gonna be props you can switch which prompt you are using the L button and the time has turned on since this is just a sandbox for your games you can choose to rule to yourself but what I suggest is that the props get around 30 seconds to hide in a level and then the hunters come into that level and have to find the props game-mode 5 is the boss Rush mode 1 character is selected to be the boss and everyone else is a normal player the boss becomes giant and deals more damage and has more health while the other players try to bring the boss down now if I get the last hit on the boss will become the new boss game wood 6 is tagged one guy is it and begins to Sparkle when he touches another player that player begins to Sparkle and he loses its sparkle so the thought is that whoever's Bartling is it and has to attack someone else game mode 8 is more aware each player gets the same two missions and whoever finishes first gets the point you can walk to a level but you can also exit a level and do it somewhere else if you think that's faster the game keeps track after points and I suggest if I gets 5 points first wins but if you want to you can also play to tend never also works on special roms for each minigame for example we made a capture the flag rom that you can download below this video that rom uses game mode 1 and if you go over now and more about that rom you can go check out my video that I will link now to set this whole thing up you simply down on what I've put into the video description you open the 16 MB emulator you open your original Mario 64 room right here so on the title screen right here you pause immediately you go to options settings config is a disk to 60 megabyte is that counter factor to 1 then reduces ah it's not necessary but it's good the plugins you have to leave this on guide 64 anything else you can change even the inputs the inputs you go to options configure controller plug in and put it over you want i've pre-configured a keyboard so that people without controllers can somewhat play the game and before you unpause now you've already set everything up best after you change to ram you just be stuck the emulator it's the f1 button pausing is f2 by the way let's reset the emulator okay we're safe now after you've done that you need to open the net 64 dot exe this one and well that's that's the debug display you won't have that think I'm start you select your emulator and you will be put into this server display now since that 64 is not out yet there's no server hosted so I'm just gonna host my own server with the net 64 + de D which lets you also server by just double-clicking it and so if there is a server here you can just click on it and if you want to play with friends you're gonna go to navigation Direct Connect put your friends IP in here this is my own computer right now put the port in here it's tells you the port and you press connect this will now connect you to the server you can also change in your settings how you're called like I'm called case I want to play as my main man meckel's press safe and now you can unpause after you've connected to the server and if you're not starting game right now don't use my keyboard you will be in the game as knuckles and you will see everyone else if there was anyone else but right now I'm alone on the server and that's all you have to do that's how easy is to play super mario 64 learn
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hackernewsrobot · 3 years
Peer-to-Peer NAT64 Network
https://p2p.nat64.dk/ Comments
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gslin · 5 months
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iPhone に対して IPv6 の通信環境しか提供しないキャリア(通信事業者)が今後登場する。
既存の IPv4 のホストと通信しようとした場合、キャリアのゲートウェイで IPv6 ⇔ IPv4 の変換が行われる (DNS64/NAT64)。
(接続先がIPv4/v6のどちらであるかに関わらず) あなたのアプリが IPv6 環境で正しく動作するようにしなくてはならない。これは審査でチェックされる。
” - iOS9 で必要な IPv6 only Network への対�� - Qiita (via otsune)
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passhotdumps · 4 years
Basic principles of NAT64
Today we will understand the overview of the NAT64 protocol.
NAT (Network Address Translation, network address translation) was proposed in 1994. When some hosts in the private network have been assigned local IP addresses, but now they want to communicate with hosts on the Internet, the NAT method can be used. Defined in RFC 1631. The original purpose of NAT is similar to CIDR, and it is also to slow the exhaustion of the available IP address space. The implementation method is to use a small number of public IP addresses to represent a large number of private IP addresses. Over time, people have found that NAT is very useful for applications such as network migration, network convergence, and server load sharing.
IPv4 was first created in the 1970s, earlier than the current Internet, earlier than the World Wide Web, earlier than the ubiquitous broadband service that is always online, and earlier than smart phones. At the beginning of its creation, the 4.3 billion addresses owned by IPv4 are extremely rich for the trivial experimental TCP/IP network to be supported, but the number of people connected to the Internet has exceeded 3.2 billion, and there are a large number of other devices connected to the Internet. .
No matter what scale the IoT will develop in the future, the current 4.3 billion addresses are far from meeting the demand. From a capacity perspective, we ran out of IPv4 addresses in the mid-1990s. We just use extended IPv4 available addresses for the Internet of Things that far exceeds the capacity of IPv4 addresses through many means.
So IPv6 is not necessary, but there are still many difficulties before transitioning to IPv6 networks.
1. The Internet lacks centralized management and is an alliance of a large number of independently managed autonomous systems, so there is no way to force or coordinate everyone to switch from IPv4 to IPv6.
2. The network fully supports IPv6 requires a lot of financial resources, manpower and technology.
3. IPv6 and IPv4 are not backward compatible. IPv6 was first born in the 1990s. At that time, designers believed that operators would definitely actively deploy IPv6. Few people thought that IPv6 deployment would face many obstacles.
NAT64 is a stateful network address and protocol translation technology. Generally, it only supports access to IPv4 network resources through the user-initiated connection on the IPv6 network side. However, NAT64 also supports manual configuration of static mapping relationships, so that IPv4 networks can actively initiate connections to access IPv6 networks.
Although most devices now support IPv6, there are still many older devices that only support IPv4. These devices need to be interconnected through an IPv6 network in some way. NAT64 can realize IPv6 and IPv4 network address and protocol conversion under TCP, UDP, ICMP protocol.
And because IPv6 is not compatible with IPv4, there must be necessary migration mechanisms, such as dual stack, tunneling, and conversion.
1. Dual-stack interface: The simplest way to maintain the coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 is to configure two protocols for the interface. Which version of the IP protocol is used depends on the version of the data packet received from the device or the type of address returned by DNS when querying the device address. Although dual stack is an expected migration method from IPv4 to IPv6, the premise is that the migration process must be completed before IPv4 addresses are exhausted.
2. Tunnel: The tunnel also solves the problem of coexistence. The tunnel allows devices or sites of one protocol version to traverse the network segment of another protocol version (including the Internet), so that two IPv4 devices or sites can exchange IPv4 packets through the IPv6 network, and between two IPv6 devices or sites It is also possible to exchange IPv6 data packets through an IPv4 network.
3. Conversion: The conversion technology changes the packet header of one protocol version to the packet header of another protocol version, thus solving the interoperability problem between IPv4 devices and IPv6 devices.
A simple NAT64 setting may be that two interfaces of a device are respectively connected to the gateway of the IPv4 network and the IPv6 network. The traffic of the IPv6 network is routed through the gateway, which performs all the necessary translation of the packets transmitted between the two networks. However, this translation is not symmetric, because the IPv6 address space is much larger than the IPv4 address space, so it is impossible to perform one-to-one address mapping.
Generally speaking, NAT64 is designed to be used when IPv6 hosts initiate communication. But there are also some mechanisms that allow reverse scenarios, such as static address mapping.
Not every type of resource can be accessed with NAT64. Protocols with embedded IPv4 literal addresses (such as SIP and SDP, FTP, WebSocket, Skype, MSN, etc.) cannot be supported. For SIP and FTP, the application layer gateway (ALG) technology can solve the problem. Up to now, NAT64 is not a good solution. The current limitations of NAT64 are as follows:
1. Without static address mapping entries, IPv4 devices are not allowed to initiate session requests to IPv6 devices;
2. The software has limited support for NAT64;
3. Like all other converters, IP multicast is not supported;
4. Many applications do not support it.
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
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fortinetguru · 5 years
NAT64 policy and DNS64 (DNS proxy)
NAT64 policy and DNS64 (DNS proxy)
NAT64 policy and DNS64 (DNS proxy)
NAT64 policy translates IPv6 addresses to IPv4 addresses so that a client on an IPv6 network can communicate transparently with a server on an IPv4 network.
NAT64 policy is usually implemented in combination with the DNS proxy called DNS64. DNS64 synthesizes AAAA records from A records and is used to synthesize IPv6 addresses for hosts that only have IPv4…
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huxiaotongfan-blog · 5 years
NAT64 Technology: Connecting IPv6 and IPv4 Networks
What You Would be Learning in this Module:
There are 3 main options are available for migration to IPv6 from the existing network infrastructure, dual-stack network, translation, and tunneling. Here we are going to briefly discuss all of these options as well as highlights the advantages of translation and particularly stateful translation, over the other two. 
Here we would be discussing the ways to provide a seamless Internet experience to users accessing IPv4 Internet services through completely new “greenfield” IPv6-only networks. We would be even describing how to establish content providers as well as content enablers could transparently provide existing or new services to IPv6 Internet users by deploying Network Address Translation IPv6 to NAT64 IPv4 technology with little or no change in their existing network infrastructure, thus it would also maintain business continuity.
We know, that lots of things are to be discussed, which again wouldn’t be able to discuss in here, but worry not! You could have it all, by joining the Lab Prep Courses offered by the SPOTO.
Dual-Stack Network:
Dual stack is considered a transition technology in which IPv4 as well as IPv6 so as to operate in tandem over shared or dedicated links. In a dual-stack network, both IPv4, as well as IPv6, would be fully deployed across the infrastructure, so that configuration and routing protocols would be handled by both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and adjacencies. Although dual-stack might appear to be an ideal solution, it would be presenting the two major deployment challenges to enterprises as well as ISPs:
•    It would be requiring a current network infrastructure that would be capable of deploying IPv6. In many cases, however, the current network might not be ready and might require hardware as well as software upgrades.
•    IPv6 would be needed to be activated on almost all the network elements. To meet this requirement, the existing network might need to be redesigned, posturing business continuity challenges.
Using the tunneling option, organizations would be able to build an overlay network that tunnels one protocol over the other by encapsulating IPv4 packets within IPv6 packets and IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets. The advantage of this approach is that the new protocol would be able to work without disturbing the old protocol, thus it would provide connectivity between users of the new protocol.
Tunneling again has the following two disadvantages:
● Users of the new architecture couldn’t use the services of the underlying infrastructure.
● Tunneling doesn’t enable users of the new protocol for communicating with users of the old protocol without dual-stack hosts, which again would negate interoperability.
A translation which is also known as the Address Family Translation (AFT), would be facilitating the communication between IPv6-only as well as IPv4- only hosts and networks, whether in a transit, access or an edge network by performing IP header as well as address translation between the two address families.
 AFT isn’t a long-term support strategy; it would be considered as a medium-term coexistence strategy that could be used to facilitate a long-term program of IPv6 transition by both enterprises as well as ISPs.
The translation would be offering two major advantages:
● The translation would provide a gradual migration to IPv6 by providing seamless Internet experience to greenfield IPv6-only users, by accessing IPv4 Internet services.
● Existing, content enablers as well as content providers, would be able to provide services transparently to IPv6 Internet users by using the translation technology, with little or no change in the existing network infrastructure, thus you would be able to maintain IPv4 business continuity.
Thus, here we have gained certain information about the NAT64 Technology Connecting the IPv6 and IPv4 Networks. If you wish to have more info, you could gain it by joining the prep courses offered by the SPOTO.
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epiderma-blog · 6 years
Výsledky testování zařízení na IPv6-only Wi-Fi síti
Výsledky testování zařízení na IPv6-only Wi-Fi síti
[4 minuty čtení] Podpora protokolu IPv6 je dnes samozřejmost, nicméně funkčnost na síti, kde není nic jiného než IPv6, už tak samozřejmá není. Jak jsou na tom s podporou nejrůznější zařízení jsme zjišťovali v anketě. Během nedávného semináře o IPv6 se účastníci opět mohli připojit do Wi-Fi sítě, která podporovala pouze protokol IPv6 a přístup k IPv4 internetu zajišťovala dvojice technologií NAT64…
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certtree-blog · 7 years
CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test
To pass Cisco 400-101 exam,CertTree can enormously help you.CertTree provides you with the latest and most accurate CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test. It is so helpful for you to prepare this high qualified exam. Whereas other online distributors only concern themselves with helping you obtain the paper, CertTree strives to educate the certification candidate and better prepare them for their IT career. Share some CCIE 400-101 exam questions and answers below. Which IPv6 migration method allows IPv4-only devices to communicate with IPv6-only devices? A. GRE tunnel B. dual stack C. ISATAP tunnel D. NAT64 Answer: D What are two mechanisms that directed ARP uses to help resolve IP addresses to hardware addresses? (Choose two) A. It removes address-resolution restrictions, allowing dynamic protocols to advertise rou information for the device loopback address. B. It uses ICMP redirects to advertise next-hop addresses to foreign hosts. C. It uses series of ICMP echo messages to relay next-hop addresses. D. It removes address-resolution restrictions, allowing dynamic protocols to advertise routing information for the next-hop address. E. It uses a proxy mechanism to allow a device to respond to ARP requests for the addresses of other devices. Answer: BD Which value does VPLS use to make forwarding decisions? A. Source IP address of the packet B. Source MAC of the Ethernet frame C. Destination IP address of the packet D. Destination MAC of the Ethernet frame Answer: D Refer to the Exhibit. Which kind of ICMPv6 packet is shown in the output? A. neighbor advertisement B. neighbor solicitation C. router discovery D. time exceeded E. router advertisement Answer: B Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements about fine output are true? (Choose two) A. BGP on RT1 has negotiated the BFD capability with its peer. B. BFD is active on interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/3 and is using ICMP C. BFD is active on interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/3 and is using UDP. D. BFD last failed 476ms ago on interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/3. E. BFD is active for BGP on RT1 Answer: A, E Which two statements about route redistribution default metrics are true? (Choose two) A. When EIGRP is redistributed into OSPF as E2, it has a default metric of 20. B. When an IGP is redistributed into RIP, it has a default metric of 1. C. When an IGP is redistributed into OSPF, it has a default metric of 110. D. When an IGP is redistributed into IS-IS, it has a default metric of 115. E. When an BGP is redistributed into OSPF, it has a default metric of 1. Answer: A, E Which routing protocol supports only IP networks? A. BGP B. EIGRP C. IS-IS D. OSPF Answer: D Which two statements about Cisco Express Forwarding are true? A. The FIB table resides on the route processor and the adjacency table resides on the line cards when Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled. B. The FIB table and the adjacency table reside on the line cards when Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled. C. Layer 2 next-hop address information is maintained in the adjacency table. D. Layer 2 next-hop address information is maintained in the FIB table Answer: C Which two statements about TCP MSS are true? (Choose two) A. It operates at Layer 3. B. It sets the maximum amount of data that a host sends in an individual datagram. C. It sets the minimum amount of data that a host accepts in an individual datagram. D. The two endpoints in a TCP connection report their MSS values to one another. E. MSS values are sent in TCP SYN packets. Answer: D, E Which two statements about AAA authentication are true? (Choose two) A. RADIUS authentication queries the router's local username database. B. TACASCS+ authentication uses an RSA server to authenticate users. C. Local user names are case-insensitive. D. Local authentication is maintained on the router. E. KRB5 authentication disables user access when an incorrect password is entered. Answer: DE CertTree is well worthful for you to rely on. If you use CertTree CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test, you can 100% pass your first time to attend Cisco certification 400-101 exam.With CertTree CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test you can pass the Cisco 400-101 exam easily. The CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test which designed by our website can help you pass the exam the first time. You only need to download the CertTree CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test, the exam will become very easy. CertTree CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test contain everything you need to get certified.CertTree CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test make you prepare the questions same as the Cisco Certification 400-101 exam. our 400-101 practice Q&A are based on VUE testing centre features so to provide you every thing before you actually take your 400-101 exam.At the same time providing CertTree 400-101 CCIE R&S exam practice test will better optimize the service for you to create a better learning platform to help you pass the exam successfully!
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