#nanowrimo certificate
danniswrites · 2 months
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National Novel Writing Month Winner Certificate!
I finally got it! So I didn't need the Broken Website Certificate after all! I'm a happy NaNo Camper, and I bet a lot of us who finished early are now breathing a sigh of relief. Just needed to wait this one out.
I finished my 50,000 words of editing on this Jul 10 and was panicked when I didn't get my WINNER flair, but just a 'met goal' fireworks animation. So maybe I didn't have to delete my project, after all. If this happens again, I'll wait 'til later in the month to get drastic.
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cospinol · 10 months
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50k clear!! (*ˊᗜˋ*)و
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mxxnlightwriting · 1 year
Camp NaNoWriMo Day 23 Wrap-Up
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Project: Risky Business
Words Written: 1329 | Total Words: 30522 (Completed 🥳)
Thoughts: I am at a loss for words. I didn't expect to reach my goal a week before the end of the month. I am satisfied and very proud. Working this month was more fulfilling than I expected. I wrote some of my favourite scenes and discovered meaningful details about my characters that will allow me to rewrite this story better. I still have to write a bit before I can say this draft is done, but I am looking forward to it every step of the way.
Despite having reached my goal already, I will continue to do these updates until the end of the month just to have an idea of how many words I can write!
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madwriting · 2 years
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I didn't do anything really extra today. My goal was the usual 1,667 I'm supposed to do each day and I did just a little over that.
Today I mostly wrote about the love interest who is also a main characters life and family. I wanted to make him a goofy dude who works hard and loves his family. I also wanted him to think math is witchcraft and be illiterate. Because it's fantasy world loosely based on medieval Europe and he's a laborer in the city. So only a step above a peasant.
Now it's time for me to take a quiz and write an essay for a class 🙃 And then make a presentation for work.
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petfriendamy · 18 days
My take on the NaNoWriMo controversy:
The entire point is to complete a 50,000 word novel just to prove that you can do it. Using A.I. to generate one for you is cheating not only the game, but yourself.
What the brand is doing is frankly irrelevant to the actual challenge. The "prize" for winning is like a certificate and some stickers, no one cares. If you still want to write a 50,000 word novel in November (or any other month), you can just do it anyway and call it something else. Don't let some CEO stop you.
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cyberstudious · 1 year
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thursday, july 13th, 2023 | 31/100 days of productivity
now that I'm done going through the lectures for the first time, I just have to study until the exam. I feel like I'm making much slower progress and I'm behind where I want to be, but I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. studying while working full-time is hard! on the bright side, I chatted with my manager about all these certification courses I'm taking. there's a chance that work would pay the travel expenses for me to take the next certification course I'm doing in person, which would be pretty cool. it's nice to work in an industry and at a company where continuous education is so important.
today's productivity:
made some good progress on a project at work
handled a few small chores
studied for an hour and a half
wrote 1k for camp nanowrimo
today's self-care:
hung out with roommates for a bit in the evening
I was going to bake muffins but apparently we're out of both butter and flour?? I have not yet mastered the adulting skill of regularly getting groceries before I run out of things lol
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Can you explain nanowrimo? This is the first year I've heard of it.
NaNoWriMo in a Nutshell
NaNoWriMo stands for "National Novel Writing Month," which is a 30-day novel-writing challenge that takes place every November. It is a free event hosted by a non-profit organization (NaNoWriMo, formerly "The Office of Letters and Light") that promotes creative writing around the world. The November novel-writing challenge encourages people to write a 50,000 word novel from scratch in 30 days. The official web site provides writing tips, resources, and tools, including a word count tracker. There is no cost to using the web site, no membership fee, and no entry fee. It is simply a free challenge, and if you achieve a 50k word count or more by midnight on November 30th, you'll have access to some nice discounts on writing-related tools, apps, and programs, as well as a winner's certificate. The organization also hosts two other challenges each year, in April and July, called Camp NaNoWriMo, which is open to any type of writing project, not just novels-length fiction.
Here are some of my previous posts about NaNoWriMo:
NaNoWriMo: Picking an Idea Staying Pumped Until NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo: Necessities for Planners Can I Write Fan-Fiction for NaNoWriMo? Pacing Yourself During NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo Story Overhaul
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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ettawritesnstudies · 7 months
Hi Etta! Sorry if you already mentioned this, but where/how did you find your editors? (If you don't mind sharing)
Don't mind at all!
I know there are companies like Reedsy and the Writers Digest which have databases of editors, but that seemed really overwhelming. At the end of the day, the best way to get resources is to network (make friends, and hope their mutuals like you too).
Last year, I did an interview for Amanda Auler on Instagram and she boosted my account, so months later I ended up doing an interview for Addison Horner. He does editing for indie authors, so I asked him for a sample edit and liked it, but I wanted to get other points of comparison first, so I asked around and came up with a short list of editors. I contacted them, and when I had enough to compare, I ended up deciding I liked Addison best and drew up a contract with him. God moment that I found him so quickly.
But if I had to give this advice to someone else I'd recommend following these steps:
Read books in your genre. Read INDIE AUTHORS in your genre. Review their books. Follow them on social media. Be a friendly fan but don't make it weird.
Indie authors are one person publishing teams desperate for engagement and positive attention. They will thank you for your help and be willing to pay it forward when the time comes.
Once you have a handful of books you like that have similar vibes to your book, flip to the acknowledgements and find the editors name.
Google the editor, find their site, submit your inquiry, email works better than a form.
If you can't find the editor online, DM the indie author and ask "hey I really liked your book and it's a good comp title for my WIP. Who's your editor and what was your experience with them like? Do you mind pointing me their way?" Follow the author's advice. Repeat as needed.
(I've only ever received nice responses to this, don't be anxious. If they don't reply they're probably just busy, not annoyed).
When you contact editors, ask about their availability, rates, and be specific about what type of editing you need. Ask for a free sample edit. Mine were 250-2500 words.
Supply details about your WIP. Mine looked like this:
Title: Runaways
Genre: Middle Grade Portal Fantasy. I'm not labeling it as "Christian Fiction" as religion isn't a focus point of the story, but there are significant underlying Catholic themes.
Premise: When Cecelia goes missing one stormy Halloween night, her older sister, Hannah, must venture into the faerie courts to learn the truth about their past and bring her home. (Linked WIP Page with additional information)
Length: About 86,000 words, 180 pages (Times New Roman, 12pt, double spaced, standard 1in margins formatting). 21 chapters with an epilogue
Style: 3rd person limited, present tense. 3 POV characters: primarily Hannah at first, and then Cecelia and the third added later, alternating.
Status/Timeline/Availability: Currently with a 2nd round of beta readers, and I'll be getting feedback by March 31st. After editing the draft to reflect their feedback and doing my own line edits, I'll be looking for a line/copy edit around April/May or early summer.
Types of edits needed: As I understand, every editor uses "line" and "copy" edit slightly differently, but I'm looking for a combination of both styles if possible: checking for internal consistency, logical choreography, adequate descriptions, minor plot or worldbuilding errors, as well as language concerns like cutting crutch words, making sentence structure more dynamic, choosing the right verbs, etc. Developmental editing not needed. Waiting to do proofreading at the moment
When perusing at the editors site, look for credentials/certifications, their backlog of works, and testimonials
If you don't have enough options following this method, join some discord servers! I'm in a local NaNoWriMo group and a Catholic Writers Guild called Inkwells and Anvils which were both useful. I think there might be some writeblr ones as well. Find the critiques channel and send the same information there^^
Compare sample edits. Who respects your voice? Who supplied the most insightful comments? Do you vibe over email? Are they willing to do a stylesheet? Do they like your book? Can you set up a 15 minute zoom call to see if you vibe and discuss details?
Look at prices. My rate is $.015 a word but that's pretty cheap for the industry. Most of the rates I saw publicly were between $.02-.03/word for line editing.
Pray/sleep on it
Once you pick your best option, set a date to send them the manuscript, sign contracts, and make payment.
Send a polite email to the other editors and say "I regret to say you're not quite the right fit for this book, but I appreciate all your time, help, and advice! I hope to work with you in the future" or something along those lines. Don't burn your bridges.
This whole process took me a couple weeks, everyone was very punctual and professional and friendly. I ended up going with Addison not only because he was the cheapest but also because he made 3X the number of comments as any other writer, and his comments were specific and useful. He understood my characters immediately, I think in part because his writing style is similar to mine, based on his debut novel, Marrow and Soul. We're both Christians who like YA dark fantasy. It's a good match. He's still taking clients for later in the year if that's your vibes. I also worked with Amber Burdett and Sariah Solomon, who were both lovely.
I wish you the best of luck finding an editor who fits your story! I hope this was helpful and not overly long.
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Hi, I'm galaxy!
After this year, I'll be starting my VCE journey in my last two years of secondary school. I'm currently based in Melbourne, Australia, to which I have moved to quite recently amidst the New York summer of 2022.
While I want to keep myself accountable in my studies by blogging on Tumblr, I am more than a student. I want to learn more about languages, I like taking photographs on a film camera (although I haven't exactly been getting around to doing that recently!), I like to make graphics, and I write!
My first language is English and Chinese, but I’m currently learning Japanese at the advanced level. I’ve been thinking about learning more languages for a while now, so it would be awesome if we can do this together ♥️
Alright, I think that's a lot about myself for one day. More will be in the works!
About the Victorian Certificate of Education
2023 WDIDT Masterlist
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daisyvramien · 6 months
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So, you're curious about this thing called Camp NaNoWriMo, huh ? Well, buckle up Buttercup!! Think of it as the road-tripping sister of NaNoWriMo (that's November's version, in case you're new to the family). April's Camp NaNoWriMo is like her July twin, always up for a spontaneous writing journey with a side of literary shenanigans and, of course, camping!
Now, here's the difference: during Camp NaNoWriMo, you're the master of your writing destiny. No rigid 50,000-word goal here, you get to set your own word-count target. Want to write an epic poem based on a shopping list ? Go for it! Feel like penning a short story collection about sentient pineapples ? The forest is your oyster, my friend.
But wait, there's s'more! (Yes, pun intended) If you're new to the NaNoWriMo scene, Camp is like dipping your toes into the literary lake. You can set a goal that feels just right for you and still be part of this crazy (lovingly), supportive writing community.
Oh, and did I mention the campfire sing-alongs ? Okay, maybe not sing-alongs, but we'll definitely be cheering each other on, hosting special events, and offering support like marshmallows at a bonfire.
And the best part ? If you conquer the official Camp NaNoWriMo challenge, you'll earn exclusive digital badges, a printable certificate (because who doesn't love a good certificate ?), discounts and goodies from sponsors, and an extra leaf on your writing streak laurel. Yes, you read that right: extra leaf, extra bragging rights. So hop on the Nano's website here and, if you're interested, we're hosting campfire writing sessions (digitally, yeah, but the ambiance is there), writing sprints, funsies and games as well here in the Fox' Den!! DM me to get an invite!!
Good luck fearless campers! 📝🦊🌟🏕️✨
Wishing you the best smores, vibes, tunes to dance to and I hope you're able to make all your goals a reality!!🌲🔥
Writing marathons can be exhilarating, but it's important to pace yourselves and remember that self-care is just as crucial as hitting those word count goals. So, between your epic writing sprints and plot-twist brainstorming sessions, make sure to:
🍃 Take Breaks: Give your brain a breather every now and then. Step outside, stretch your legs, and soak in the sights and sounds of nature (or your local coffee shop – no judgment here!).
🍲 Eat: Fuel your creativity with nourishing snacks and meals. Remember, a well-fed writer is a happy writer! So, stock up on brain food like fruits, nuts, and maybe a chocolate bar or two for good measure.
💤 Rest: Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Your imagination needs time to recharge, so make sure to get plenty of rest to keep those creative juices flowing.
💧 Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle handy and sip regularly to stay hydrated. Trust me, your body (and your brain) will thank you!
🌿 Get Some Fresh Air: Step outside and bask in the glory of the great outdoors. A breath of fresh air can work wonders for your mood and your creativity.
🧘‍♀️ Practice Mindfulness: Take a moment to center yourself and practice mindfulness. Whether it's through meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the present moment, mindfulness can help clear your mind and boost your focus. 🌟 Remember the real Goal: To have fun. If it's starting to be taunting to you, take a break from it. Your work isn't going anywhere, you can take a break for a few days, I promise. Have funny activities in between and try to not burn yourself out.
Remember, writing is a marathon, not a sprint (we do have some though in the Fox' Den if you're tempted). So, be kind to yourselves, listen to your body, and don't be afraid to take breaks when you need them. Your story will still be waiting for you when you return, I promise! 📝🌟
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quiet-in-the-wild · 10 months
I have had the worst indecision for the past several months about my career path
I’ve tried so much - getting guidance, journaling, just jumping in- every time I get started I feel like I should be doing something else instead
So then I make no progress on anything
So what’s behind the indecision - what’s blocking me.
I feel like this started in July after I made some pretty significant growth in healing from my childhood trauma. I felt like I wanted more for myself. Like I wanted more stability, more reliability in my career. I felt ready for more.
I started out wanting to create a website/online workshop for neurodivergent folks, and film some classes & so I could have some passive income & start building more of a community with my peer support.
But then I was overwhelmed with creating a website- nervous about filming myself, and the cost for creating a workshop was pretty expensive.
And I felt like I had to choose- I had to make a choice between art and peer coach
Then I hit the slowest patch in peer support coaching I’ve ever had. No instagram engagement, no one was seeing my stuff, no one was booking sessions.
So I thought I need a job where the algorithm doesn’t decide if I get paid. It took a long time to figure out what I even would want to do- I’ve been self employed for 10 years. I took some certifications in DEI but didn’t like the idea of working for a corporation- then finally figured out what I wanted to look for working at a university in a queer/student center
I got panicked about having literally no clothes to interview/work. I got discouraged because there were no hyper specific jobs I wanted. I felt guilty because I would need to ask for a ride every day, and I had a major health flare up which made me feel like I couldn’t rely on my body to be able to go into work every day. Every single day I wake up my health is chaotic. Some days I’m completely fine and have energy some days I’m bed bound & comes on so suddenly I can’t predict it. And most days I’m literally blacking out out every single time stand up
So I focused on art for a bit- and suddenly my sales dropped the most that they have in 4 years. What was a steady income suddenly stopped. And right now- November is usually my biggest month & helps me and I’ve made 4 sales so far - instead of 300+ but I know it’s bad for so many artists right now.
I tried writing a book. I’ve been working on this book idea I’ve had for about 3 years. I wrote a whole book proposal, and outline. I did research on publishing. I wrote 6 chapters. But suddenly I had 3 separate book ideas. I got bored of the one I was writing because I solved the ending. But I hadn’t developed the others enough to write them. So I couldn’t decide on which one to work on. I tried to do NaNoWriMo but I’ve been sick a lot this month. & I have written since November 7
I’m really into tarot & offer paid readings. I have an idea to create a paetron for my tarot readings- market it on my instagram but I know deep down that’s not reliable or steady.
I know I could do a lot of these - but I keep getting stuck and feeling like a different one is better.
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danniswrites · 2 months
So, here's the unofficial Certificate.
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If you're having the same problem and want one, here's an editable version on
Just make yourself a free account, and use this free template I made. Have fun!
Link will take you to Canva and load the certificate. Now you can double click on any text and type, and you'll have your name, or whatever text box you want to do differently. Fun, right?
Every part of the certificate is editable. Even where I signed at the bottom. You can put your mom's name, your cat's name, CEO of your favorite company, go wild! If you leave my name in, you can submit your proof to me and I'll proclaim on whatever social media that you really did make your 50,000 word goal! Or, you can change that 50,000 to whatever figure you want. It's editable, too. How convenient. Meeting the word count is on the honor system, anyway. After all, my daughter was in our living room while I edited all of those 50,000 words all the way up to the 97,000 I actually edited. And, my first chapter is on Wattpad under the 100 Days On Earth project. I'm waiting a month to edit it again, then I'll be putting it up as a shiny new book there.
I also made a Broken Website round sticker.
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That link is here, for those of you who want to have fun with it or change it up! I altered another artist's Christmas sticker for this.
For more info see this post for my NaNoWriMo troubles in April. In April, I was finally able to fix this. But as of July 19, 2024, I'm having to settle for the Broken Website Certificate.
I deleted my Adia, One Of Prophecy page after meticulously taking screenshots and recreated it. I got the 'completed your goal' flair
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But I am still not marked as a Winner
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This is my page from before deleting, so it's from Jul 17, 2024. I actually finished on the 10th and took a screenshot, but I can't find that one.
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This one, also taken on the 17th, clearly shows my Winner flair.
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Until the 17th, I did have 2 goals on the same project. Next time I will create a new entry for each goal!
If you go to nanowrimo.org/DannisWrites you will see the new project I created, but it is not the same. I didn't get the right stats screens showing my daily entries. Instead, I got this one.
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I'm not going to subtract each of these entries to get the daily totals again! I usually don't have anything on Sunday. Hey, I'm religious! Other folks can do what they want and I won't complain. As for me, I go by my set of rules for me, according to my beliefs. I don't tell anyone else how to do Sundays. Peace, Brothers and Sisters! So, I'm just adding 1700 words per day for what I edited. I won, so it doesn't really matter. I know.
Hope someone finds my template useful and that it makes winning and not getting the stupid certificate a bit easier, for someone out there.
Also hoping NaNoWriMo gets their act together to protect the youth who enjoy doing the program. There are alternatives out there. RoyalRoad.com does Writeathon twice a year and Community Magazine also. Wattpad.com has monthly 50,000 word challenges and fun contests. But I do like doing NaNoWriMo and my account works [except for the WINNER Certificate]. I don't approve of what happened, but I'm not on the forums and I'm not promoting the Youth Program any more. The count on the website was not part of the controversy, so I don't see why that can't continue.
Y'all take care!
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an update between pen and page
hello and how are you?
Well, we did it everyone! We got to 50,000 Words today!
This means, for those of you watching and waiting, that we have hit one of our goals for this November! Traditional NaNoWriMo is officially completed and finished! This was as planned, and now that Traditional NaNoWriMo is completed, we can continue onward and upward to the next milestones and goals for the month!
We don't have any of the official certificates for NaNo - they don't really think most people will be out here writing out 50k in 10 days, which is entirely logical - but we'll let you know when we get them!
In the meantime! Thanks for being here, we'll see ya as the month continues, and let's all have a great NaNo, wherever you are in this wonderful and wild adventure of Words and Worlds!
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Traditional NaNoWriMo: 53,625 out of 50,000
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arionawrites · 11 months
okay so this is where i’m at:
i’m currently in the process of finding a new job (i do enjoy my job in a lot of ways, but it’s split shift and i live too far from site to be able to go home between shifts without wasting a bunch of gas so i basically leave my house at 5:45 am every day and don’t get home until 6-7 pm. every week day. it’s been almost 4 years and despite all the things i like about this job, i cannot mentally or physically handle that anymore).
i’m hoping to find a job that might somewhat align with my dream of being a published author, i’ve applied for multiple library positions, but seeing as i don’t have a college degree i’m paying for some certificate programs to try and help. which means i’m taking small classes to gain certificates.
at the very least i am looking for a job that gives me the time to still be able to prioritize my writing, as for the past few years, i have not done that (i write fics for fun on the side and i used to post multiple one shots and such throughout the year, but with my current job and hours, i literally have not posted or updated anything since MAY). i’ve had this goal since i turned 20 of being published by 25. i’m 23 and my birthday is in about five months. it’s just a goal but it’s one i really want to strive to achieve. with the way my life has been, i won’t be able to do it. i need to change things.
basically: i’m in a transitional period in my life so that i can shift my priorities in order to focus on writing more than i have been. but unfortunately this transitional period is going to take up a lot of time until i get things in order and everything settles down.
i’m not doing nanowrimo this year because of this, even though i did a lot of prep for it, but that’s okay! i can keep all that prep and use it for one of the camp nano’s next year! and i’ll still be writing during this transition period, but i’m going to be very easy on myself and probably prioritize fics rather than original stuff because my current main fic wip is almost done and very fun to write and i’m trying to keep myself as stress free as possible while doing all of this lol
my goal is to have things as settled down as possible by the new year. i’ll probably be posting a new writeblr intro for the new year anyway so i’ll save that for when i’m ready to focus on my original writing again.
i’ll still probably post about my original writing here just for the hell of it, because even when i’m not actively working on my wips they take up 90% of my brain, but yeah. that’s where i am currently!!
hope everyone is doing well and to my followers and mutuals who also write, i’m always open to hearing rambles about wips!! message me, send me asks, reply/rb this post if you want—tell me about your wip, your favorite character, anything you want!!
even if you don’t write, tell me about your day!! how are you? how’s life? what’s something that made you smile today? i wanna hear it all, if anyone wants to share!! ❤️❤️❤️
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stories-by-rie · 2 years
What's nanowrimo?
heyo anon!!
nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month, it's a challenge that writers take part in each November with the goal to write 50k words during those 30 days (that's roughly 1,667 words a day).
there really isn't much more to it! it's largely about the community of writers coming together to fight for those words, at the end of it you win a certificate that you did it, but if you don't "win", you still most likely will have written many new words, which is a great accomplishment in and of itself! (so really, there's no losing!)
it's also a great way to find new writing friends, to talk about your project(s) and to really dive into that writing fever! there's a website that you can log into (though it's not truly necessary if you just want to write 50k words during November, you can always do just that). if you google nanowrimo you will find the website under that name! not gonna link it cause i don't want tumblr to swallow this post.
that being said, it can also be a bit stressful for people who tend to be on the more stubborn side or don't do well under pressure. what's important to keep in mind is that health comes first (so don't forget to drink lots of water while writing!) and it's totally okay to quit halfway through (or any way through for that matter).
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pa-pa-plasma · 5 months
I know people are scrambling to make a new NaNoWriMo, but does everything always have to be a gacha game? I don't want to fight monsters or take care of virtual pets & pay $4.99 a month to not get nerfed. I don't want the writing to take a backseat to the game. I don't even want there to be a game at all. I want it to be accessible. I want to write something & have the reward system be connected to the writing itself, like badges, coupons for writing-related things, or even just bragging rights in the form of a certificate. I don't want The Game That Is Definitely Not a Gacha, I want to write.
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