#mythological tropes
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years ago
Mythological Tropes
Hali ✨🌊
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Benevolent luck-giving animal whom nobody can find 🦄
How iconic of you to get this result! Some examples I can think of include unicorns, dragon turtles, leprechauns, genies, etc. Also the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland which is not mythology but would be an excellent example if it was. I think the personality of this result is one of a person who is light-hearted, fun to be around, uncannily wise and cunning when you least expect it, and reclusive. You do your own thing, and can easily enjoy yourself wherever you go. Others find it very mysterious.
I think this result fits Hali perfectly! All of those traits are very much Hali, but she’s not reclusive all the time, just when she’s upset. I tried to do Yume, but the results didn’t fit her at all, so I tried Aymeric instead. Here’s his results!
Aymeric 💙❄️
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Extremely hot extremely idiotic hero 🦸🏻‍♂️
There are too many examples to even list, but you're very iconic, even if others find it frustrating that you constantly leap before you look, so to speak. You tend to have luck on your side and frequently come out on top. Many people crush on you, sometimes without understanding why, and you may or may not realise this. But you're very brave and good at fighting, so this is good! Good for you.
The results speak for themselves… 🤣
Tagged by: @spotofmummery Thank you so much for tagging me!!! 🥰💖
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo @traveler-of-light @otherworldseekers @cygnus-exul @mimble-sparklepudding @ainyan @lookbluesoup @disciple-of-frost @irisopranta and anyone else who wants to do this! Just say I tagged you!!! 😉
Quiz HERE!! ((Sorry I was a dumb dumb and forgot to add the quiz link!!))
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otherworldseekers · 2 years ago
Mythological Tropes: Severia and Nero
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king asleep in mountain till needed
WAKE UP...!!! WAKE UP, MY MAN!!!! just kidding. before you went asleep you were relied on by others a lot, you were very dutiful and responsible and such a force of good that even though now you slumber, everyone hopes you will wake up and get back to saving them soon. you have earned your rest, king! this is the sexiest result btw
This sounds very nice, very restful for her. I approve. 
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shape shifter who isn't exactly evil but causes a lot of mischief
very cool! examples of this include lamias, tanukis, and the god loki. also many others. anyway, you're a trickster spirit, definitely, and you are charismatic and cause fun and a sense of being at a party in any room you enter. there's something graceful about how chaotic you are. you are also kinder than people realise. but they usually don't realise it because they are too busy projecting EVERYTHING onto you. yet you're fresh and fun and take everything in stride. good for you!
LOL perfect. 
Tagged by: @starrysnowdrop​  Thank you! 
Tagging: IDK everyone who hasn’t been tagged yet. You deserve a tag too.
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the-overanalyst · 1 year ago
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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royaltea000 · 6 months ago
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foxgl-ove · 5 months ago
storylines about people falling in love with gods, yes, but also the hidden meaning of people falling in love with a personified concept.
sally jackson falling for the tumultuous sea and watching it pull away from her like the tide when she bore it a son. the largest parts of the planet she lives on, once a safe place, and yet she can never seek it out again.
zagreus falling in love with death itself, slowly over time, as he dies over and over, constantly returning just to fight once more. finding peace and love and home in death, as the god of blood and life.
gale dekarios falling in love with magic, constantly feeling like there’s More and Never Enough. gale trying to complete the weave, to appease his lover, and being scorned in both regards. a wizard being punished by magic.
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melodyartist · 4 months ago
Could you draw a visualization of doomed by the narrative please?
I have many examples of characters that are doomed by the narrative, literally all the characters in Greek tragedies, but I made these two as a first example, a god and a mortal
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I wanted to make Cassandra since you know, she always knew her destiny and nobody listened to her, so yeah that was a great example but then I thought that even Helen knew that her beauty would just lead to destruction and death, in some version she even gets killed for her "sin" but I'm not gonna talk about that :D
So yeah I took a perfect line from the musical Paris that Cassandra says.
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And then we have Ares or more specifically my interpretation and vision of Ares, I always like to make jokes at his expense, I mean you are a god of war but you always end up losing... But I think he also has more depth than what I like to show, and that's when he wears his armour, don't get me wrong he is a douche in both versions but I think that when he puts his helmet and cloak on he is a different type of person.
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lyculuscaelus · 6 months ago
The way you can put Odysseus in so many situations like Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort, Soulbond, Presumed Dead, Modern AU, Angst, Fluff, etc., literally proves him to be the one living up to his epithet, Odysseus polytropos, aka, the man of many tropes
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prokopetz · 2 years ago
The problem with trying to outsmart fairies is that, yes, the rules of hierarchy and hospitality to which they bind themselves are eminently exploitable, but none of those rules say they can't just stab you if you piss them off.
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sarafangirlart · 3 months ago
The Damsel in Distress trope is fine as long as the damsel in question has her own goals, personality and story outside of her rescuer. You don’t “fix” the trope by just making the damsel strong in a masculine sense, or making her rescuer the “real villain”, or making her “save herself” (which is low key victim blaming) then call it a day, female characters can be strong without being physically strong.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year ago
The lack of ancient time travel stories is existentially terrifying
Through all the ancient myths and legend that exist, it's horrifying to think that none involved traveling to the past. There were some with sped up time or people sleeping a long time. But travel to the past just wasn't a thing that existed as a concept.
Today, it's everywhere. There's not a single person who hasn't heard of time travel. But in ancient stories, even the gods themselves are subject to the whims of time.
It seems like such an obvious thing to tell stories about too. Who hasn't made a mistake and wished they could go back and do it over again? It's so basic.
Yet it's like through all of human history, nobody even considered it until the couple hundred years. It's as if the idea was so incomprehensible that we couldn't think of it.
Until, that is, after we did.
That makes you wonder though, what possibilities are out there that might still be so obvious be we haven't thought of yet? And why couldn't we think of time travel before then?
We all think of imagination as unlimited, and yet something as simple as getting a do-over on a past mistake is unheard of over thousands of years of fictional stories we've recorded.
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edenspoem · 8 months ago
werewolf!ellie :3
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makeriia · 4 months ago
Fantober day 31!! A free day again.
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Recently gotten into HADES, and I think about them a normal amount (lie)
#THEM. THEM. *SHAKES HANDS IN AIR* THEEEEEEEMMM#Honestly it’s surprising I havent gotten into the fandom sooner I mean I have been a mythology nerd since??? Uhhh#idk. But every week I see a notif from OSP and jump around in my room because YEAAAHHHH HYSTORY MYTHOS AND TROPES YEAHHHHH#And greek mythology is where the interest began so why am I only NOW getting onto the Hades train only god knows. Maybe multiple. They got#a whole pantheon so idk maybe multiple ON THE OTHER HAND they didn’t know about their own relative OR who his mom is so maybe I give them#too much credit#jkjk jk Zeus dont smite me I listen to ‘’Thunder bringer’’ a lot plz#speaking of epic the musical thats what I wanted to draw originality because HAVE YOU BEEN ON THE LIVESTREAM YESTERDAY?#THE ANIMATICSSSS THE ANIMATICCCSSS THE 3D CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD. ODYSSEUS CASUALLY GETTING A JETPACK 💀 okay go off king /gen#HE GOTTA BE DANGEROUS MY FRIENDS GOTTA USE ALL HIS TRICKS IN HIS DOMAIN FOR THIS OH YEAH YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH PLAYING- okay I’ll stop#but we need a Hermes saga Im just saying. I love he. He’s such a dawling#…Also not me healing the ivantill trauma with a different silverhair+blackhair duo huh.#They bring me comfort I love my silly goofy god of nothing/blood and his boyfriend THE GRIM REAPER#my art#thanzag#they make me insane but in a good way#oh to be a guy trying to escape his dads house and then die to a butterfly and hopefully see death himself because he’s cute#hades game#hades fanart#hades zagreus#hades thanatos
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achillesisnotcomingdown · 6 months ago
Some time ago I was playing Hades II and Odysseus said something that just didn't leave my mind.
I was half paying attention, so I may have misunderstood it, but I remember Mel asking why he is not with his family, and him saying something about the sirens' song.
And that led me to imagine
Odysseus came back to the home he has longed for for so long and... And it's not that great. Penelope is not as beautiful, the meals aren't as delicious, the flowers aren't as colourful as the sirens promised him.
He knows it was all lies. He knows the world he was shown isn't real and will never be. But-
But when Penelope and he fight over mundane things, or when Telemachus argues his choices (trivial things that happen in every family) he can't help but remember what he could've have (even for just a split second before dying.)
His tragedy is over, he is home. He knows this is the best he could ever have, the happiest he could ever be, and yet he is haunted by the illusions he was promised.
He will never be satisfied with what he can have. Nothing will ever be as beautiful as what the sirens offered him. He will never be free from what he saw.
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aliciavance4228 · 5 months ago
It took me centuries to figure out that one of my favourite dynamics from fiction is the problematic father-daughter one, where the father is either a villain or a very morally grey figure and the daughter has mixed thoughts and feelings about it, but ultimately wants to be loved by him.
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Raven and Trigon
Emily and Kozmotis Pitchiner
Hera and Cronus
Rose and Albert Vanderboom
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melodyartist · 4 months ago
Do you take unconventional requests? Like if I was to ask if you could draw like the visualization of a trope, what would be your answer?
Quick answer, yes absolutely I do take requests, the longer answer is... You have to be more specific 👀
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lokiinmediasideblog · 6 months ago
I'm both excited and dreading the Zack Snyder Norse mythology series.
And lol, why is blue-ish one of Loki's most recurrent skin colors? (Probably cus of Marvel tbqh). He looks like a night elf in this.
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