#the odissey
aloisiadecolombier · 17 hours
Given that the War of Troy is dated around 1200 B.C, it would be cool to see more Homeric poems related art that actually showcases the culture these people belonged to: that of a late bronze age civilisation.
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Everyone keeps depicting Agamennon & co as if they all lived during the rule of Pericles and I'm kinda tired of it?
And I KNOW these are mythological stories with gods and monsters and magic, but to me it doesn't seem enough of a good reason to just. Deyassify everything.
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gwensparlour · 1 year
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Everybody, do yourself a favour and read this. It's written super good with sources and while it is not meant as an easy read (it's still an essay), Cantarella is an amazing writer and classicist I love the part where she states that by telling us that Nestor goes to sleep with his wife right after/before having told us that Telemachus shares the bed with Pysistratus, Homer is basically equalling the two boys' relationships to that of a married couple
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cookiecandy22 · 1 day
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castilestateofmind · 2 years
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“While so other magnificent works have disappeared, Homer’s works, even though they were no longer supported by any Church or institution, have come to us intact across the centuries and as many upheavals, never ceasing to fascinate and inspire minds, great and small, generation after generation.
Because these sacred poems are the Greek expression of an heritage common to all our European (or Boreans) ancestors, be they Celtic, Germanic, Slavic or Latin”.
- Dominique Venner.
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Why does only one man get me and why is it specifically Telemachus from the Odissey.
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panzershrike-pretz · 2 months
What does a girl need to do to get her little hands in The Odissey (the Emily Wilson version)?? 😭
If anyone has it on pdf or something, I'd appreciate if you could share 🥹
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owlchen · 29 days
Calypso in Love in Paradise: Stay in my open arms
Ody: Flashbacks to Polites
Ody: Athena please pick me up I'm scared
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The first time i met him...
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itsmarsss · 26 days
who let me listen to the epic saga I’ll be obsessed now
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radishrainbowfarm · 21 days
I've this habit of ignoring most of greek mythology women wrongs cause I think that hating them is somehow a victory for ancient greek men
have you ever thought about how truly lonely calypso is? she's imortal and hot and powerful, but yeah mostly lonely. like i am currently reading the odyssey for the first time and you got to pity this woman. when hermes arrives she's like "oh you should visit more :)" and he goes "absolute not. I'd never travel this far without being forced by zeus, seriously you live so far away from literal anything, there aren't even any mortals to worship us, it's simply not worth it" and this was after being amazed by how beautiful her island is and then he immediately tells her that she is being forced by zeus to let go of the only other person there
it's sad, like it's wrong to keep odysseus there against his will, but you see how sad this is for her, right?
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lady-who-owns-a-sword · 2 months
parents really do be distracting me from my real cool thing (Odissey 8 translation) to watch some weird ripoff at the tv (olympics 2028 anticipation ceremony)
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aloisiadecolombier · 5 days
The Odissey AU in which everything is the same except Homer describes Odysseus wearing these bad boys
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Don Snyder - Aquarian Odyssey - Live-right - 1979
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conformi · 2 years
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Keyhole, Villa del Priorato di Malta, Rome, Italy VS Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A space odissey, 1968
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lena-artz · 1 day
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-Pilot chapter;
It was the same recurring dream once again, the same incomplete dream over and over since she was, what? 14? 15? It was stupid, really, it’s not like it really meant something at all...
The same dream, over and over and over again...
She wakes up, sweating, heavy breath, like if she was drowning and finally could breath again.
“This dream again... Shit- What time is it?” She asks herself, while turning to her bedside table. The clock marks 06:30am in it’s glowing red letters, time to get up.
Marlene gets up slowly, still feeling very sleepy. She walks straight to the bathroom to take a shower, after that she looks at herself in the mirror. The tanned skin, messy hair and the eybags... Where, or better, when did it went wrong?
“Gosh... I look terrible.” Then she walks back to the room to get dressed, after all she needs to go to work, unfortunately.
“Girl, you look horrible.” The blonde woman says.
“Thanks Lucy, you’re so helpful” Marlene says sarcatically, her mood wasn’t good today and Evergreen knew.
“Same dream again?”
Marlene rubs her tired eyes and then says: “Yeah... Same dream, again.” She sighs, annoyed. “I’m tired of all this shit.”
“Have you tried seeing a-“
“Lucy, if you tell me to see a therapist again...”
“I’m just saying it would help!”
“I don’t need help, I’m fine, now let me get back to work...” Marlene said then looked back at her computer. Honestly, she’s been looking at the screen for so long that the words stopped making sense for her, actually, most of Marlene’s life didn’t make sense. “Seriously, who reads the newspaper nowadays anyway?? That’s so pointless...”
“Why don’t you quit?” Lucy asked, as if it was that easy.
“Why don’t you try to be helpful for once?... Sorry, it’s just- Those news are so boring!”
The blonde chukles, she didn’t even felt bad about how her friend spoke to her anymore. Then, an idea pops in her head “Oh! Maybe you could do like that journalist who got famous again! The one who interviwed a vampire! What was his name again? Daniel Molloy?”
Marlene didn’t knew why, but hearing this name made her feel something weird and see some weird flash of mamory... A young, brunette man...
“Marlene? Are you okay?”
“W-what?... Y-yeah, I’m fine...” She quickly recomposed herself. “And vampires are not real, the guy’s obviously a fraud. He was just desperate for people to talk about him again. What’s next? Interview with a werewolf?” She says sarcasticaly and both the women laugh at the idea.
“Well, he got what he wanted, everyone is talking about this book, it wouldn’t be such a stupid idea.”
“I’m not doing that. Now go, we both need to work.”
“Alright Ms. Bad Temper.” Lucy says and finally walks away.
This whole conversation made Marlene uncomfortable, but why? Why just hearing that guy’s name made her freeze? What was happening in her brain?
During her whole shift, she can’t stop thinking about the name and about the interview, it didn’t mean anything, right?... Maybe Lucy was right and she did need a therapist after all...
After the shift, Lucy asked if Marlene wanted a ride home, but she refused. Now she was walking alone in the streets of San Francisco, she liked walking alone, watching the people and the streets. Everything looked so familiar, yet so strange for her.
While walking, Marlene suddenly decided to stop, she didn’t even knew why, but when she turned her head to the right, she saw a bookstore, and the book in the showcase... Was Interview With The Vampire, by Daniel Molloy...
She had that weird feeling again, almost like that book, or rather the name, was calling for her, like a magnetic pull, like if it was sending a message right into her brain, saying: “Come to me...” And she did, Marlene walked into the bookstore and bought the damn book.
It was the same recurring dream once again, the same incomplete dream over and over since she was, what? 14? 15? It was stupid, really, it’s not like it really meant something at all...
The same dream... There was blood on the floor, she was there, watching, but she was younger, there was also two men... Who are them? The blood is not from any of the three, she’s not scared... She tries to speak, and she does, but she can’t hear her own words, like always. One of the men answers, he looks young yet old, is it even possible? She can’t hear him either. The other man opens his mouth to speak, but then... She wakes up before he can say anything.
The same dream, over and over and over again...
She wakes up, sweating, heavy breath, like if she was drowning and finally could breath again.
“This dream again... Shit- What time is it?” She asks herself, while turning to her bedside table. The clock marks 06:30am in it’s glowing red letters, time to get up.
Marlene gets up slowly, still feeling very sleepy. She walks straight to the bathroom to take a shower, after that she looks at herself in the mirror. The tanned skin, messy hair and the eybags... Where, or better, when did it went wrong?
“Gosh... I look terrible.” Then she walks back to the room to get dressed, after all she needs to go to work, unfortunately.
“Girl, you look horrible.” The blonde woman says.
“Thanks Lucy, you’re so helpful” Marlene says sarcatically, her mood wasn’t good today and Evergreen knew.
“Same dream again?”
Marlene rubs her tired eyes and then says: “Yeah... Same dream, again.” She sighs, annoyed. “I’m tired of all this shit.”
“Have you tried seeing a-“
“Lucy, if you tell me to see a therapist again...”
“I’m just saying it would help!”
“I don’t need help, I’m fine, now let me get back to work...” Marlene said then looked back at her computer. Honestly, she’s been looking at the screen for so long that the words stopped making sense for her, actually, most of Marlene’s life didn’t make sense. “Seriously, who reads the newspaper nowadays  anyway?? That’s so pointless...”
“Why don’t you quit?” Lucy asked, as if it was that easy.
“Why don’t you try to be helpful for once?... Sorry, it’s just- Those news are so boring!”
The blonde chukles, she didn’t even felt bad about how her friend spoke to her anymore. Then, an idea pops in her head “Oh! Maybe you could do like that journalist who got famous again! The one who interviwed a vampire! What was his name again? Daniel Molloy?”
Marlene didn’t knew why, but hearing this name made her feel something weird and see some weird flash of mamory... A young, brunette man...
“Marlene? Are you okay?”
“W-what?... Y-yeah, I’m fine...” She quickly recomposed herself. “And vampires are not real, the guy’s obviously a fraud. He was just desperate for people to talk about him again. What’s next? Interview with a werewolf?” She says sarcasticaly and both the women laugh at the idea.
“Well, he got what he wanted, everyone is talking about this book, it wouldn’t be such a stupid idea.”
“I’m not doing that. Now go, we both need to work.”
“Alright Ms. Bad Temper.” Lucy says and finally walks away.
This whole conversation made Marlene uncomfortable, but why? Why just hearing that guy’s name made her freeze? What was happening in her brain?
During her whole shift, she can’t stop thinking about the name and about the interview, it didn’t mean anything, right?... Maybe Lucy was right and she did need a therapist after all...
After the shift, Lucy asked if Marlene wanted a ride home, but she refused. Now she was walking alone in the streets of San Francisco, she liked walking alone, watching the people and the streets. Everything looked so familiar, yet so strange for her.
While walking, Marlene suddenly decided to stop, she didn’t even knew why, but when she turned her head to the right, she saw a bookstore, and the book in the showcase... Was Interview With The Vampire, by Daniel Molloy...
She had that weird feeling again, almost like that book, or rather the name, was calling for her, like a magnetic pull, like if it was sending a message right into her brain, saying: “Come to me...” And she did, Marlene walked into the bookstore and bought the damn book.
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iconauta · 3 months
Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus (1905) Georges Méliès
Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus (French: L'ile de Calypso ou Le Géant Polyphème ) is a trick film from 1905 directed and produced by Georges Méliès, retracing the adventures of Ulysses in the Odyssey: the meeting with Calypso, the fight against Polyphemus and the departure from the island. 
In terms of treatment, staging and narration, this is a far cry from previous adaptations, like Cinderella or Blue-beard, and the film's main interest lies in its technical aspects: the illusion of the giant hand emerging from the cave and the trickery used in the fight scene against the Cyclops. Once again, Méliès exploits myth in the service of technique.
Méliès drew inspiration for his stories everywhere, from classical literature as well as from fairy tales, from science fiction novels to Greco-Roman mythology, and he often combined several stories together, as in this case: that of the nymph Calypso and that of the Cyclops Polyphemus are two separate episodes in Homer's Odyssey, which here Méliès recomposes into a single story and a single scene.
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