#myth wizard
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edda-grenade · 3 months ago
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commission for @wanderingnork! ryan is such a wonderfully eldritch character (solid peridot eyes, and that's just the beginning), it was a blast to draw them!
(want a commission like this? they're open!)
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artificialmask · 9 months ago
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I decided to do a little redesign of my main wizard, Stefania Crow (Original post here with art by @chacerider). They're currently in Novus and would really like to kick everyone out(it is now the sole property of the Scion of Bartleby no squatters allowed except Dasein they are cool), find their best friend and then leave. Alternatively, they could just annoy the colonizers until they leave. That sounds like a great idea.
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wizardfjord · 7 months ago
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redhead spiritual class
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genderglitchix · 2 years ago
I love Wizard101 NPC names like “Hello, Ulric Oathbreaker, you wouldn’t happen to have broken any oaths lately would you???”
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allibug101 · 1 year ago
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Destiny Mythdreamer, my Myth Wizard 👁️
Destiny was born in Wallaru. Her parents abandoned her to a group of Kangaroo rangers. The rangers spent most of their time in the Outback with the creatures. Destiny, and her adopted father, Steve, spent so much time with the monsters, but they kept their distance because they lived in Wallaru. When Destiny was eleven, Steve went out alone into the Outback and never returned. Not even the rangers knew what happened to him. A year later, an old prospector advised Destiny that she should study to become a wizard. After some thought, she agreed and traveled to Wizard City. Because of her love of creatures, Destiny was enrolled into the School of Myth in Ravenwood. Destiny���s favorite hobbies include drawing, reading folktales, and spending time with creatures. Of course, found a Malorian Dragon (which she named Nym) and he became Destiny’s closest companion. But he’s not the only friend Destiny made.
Artwork by @nadohunter
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poennator · 8 months ago
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wilder-fangirl · 1 year ago
sorry that was me
it does have a name but if you don't take the proper precautions before speaking it there is an 85% chance you could die just from speaking its name, which is why I haven't told it to you guys
it's just got to get its energy out after being conjured for the first time. once it chills out everything will be fine
but still please don't tell professor drake?
Ravenwood is closed for a couple of days, some myth wizard summoned a beast we don't even have a name for yet and it's running rampant. The one graduate wizard who usually deals with this shit isn't returning my calls so I have to deal with it myself
Happy 4 day weekend, young wizards
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Margaret Hamilton as The Witch - Photographs and art by Andy Warhol (1981)
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authoreverking · 2 months ago
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🐦‍⬛ Raven Society 🐦‍⬛
The Raven Society is a secret society at the Academy of Magic, known for its unconventional methods and mysterious members. While rumors paint them as dark and dangerous, they’re more focused on unraveling the secrets of magic than anything else. Each member is hiding a secret that will have you questioning who the true villain of this story really is.
Author’s Note: I’m so excited to finally share the Raven Society with you all! These characters have been living in my head for years, and bringing them to life through writing and illustrations has been amazing. I can’t wait to share their Greek mythology-inspired love stories with you. There’s so much magic, mystery, and romance ahead! 😊🏛️🥀
📚 Book: Academy of Villains by Ever King
Learn More: Academy of Villains Series
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curiouslymyown · 3 days ago
Pandora is almost definitely a fae child switched at birth
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sepia-vance · 2 months ago
Look alive bitches!
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My name is Emmeline Vance, you can call me Emmy, Em, or my surname, Vance. I really don't care I am in Ravenclaw
Chosen by Eleos, a small goddess, but goddess of mercy, pity and compassion 17.
Im a she/her I have a business! I do homework and assignments for a price, also I can be a therapist but whatever
Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quiddich team! ༻��༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺ Likes : books ~ winning ~ museums ~ cats ~ gardening ~ potions ~ stars!
Dislikes : worms ~ sailing/the ocean ~ milk ~ the color red (idk why, I just hate it)
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a fellow ravenclaw : @dreaming-and-drugs My bestie for lifee: @hexes-and-hestia
A nice guy and really competitive: @welltobefrank A Misty friend! : @shrineoftheprophetess A close friend of mine : @pete-the-thief
A Gryffindor with style: @blackrosedeity
Hyper bitch (just kidding): @j-potteringaround
Frank's gf: @al1-f0rtescue Sirius' boyfriend: @swearwolf-lupin
Nice when he wants to be: @a-mist-covered-star
Rosie: @evanofthedead Panda! : @pandoras-box-of-roses Mum's friend's son : @barty-not-barry-official
I like her style: @littlelambismybestie She's pretty! : @elegance-and-romance
Honestly terrifying : @psychoblack I will not, in fact, trust her with anything : @followthegossip Shes quite pretty): @flower-of-athens
Another hyper bitch (not sure if I'm kidding): @motherfuckin-marls
Shes nice but she's so intimating thoo : @unchained-galaxy He's very kind : @tedward-t0nks
I'll add more people later!
Ooc : hihi. Main is @butyoureastarr
To join contact @moonandstarshangoutinbars or @moonyswarmsweaters
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maxaroniiiii · 3 months ago
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i love not paying attention in fights
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months ago
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The ruined elven city of Myth Drannor has been alternately controlled by demons and dragons. (Jeff Easley cover art for Myth Drannor Adventures, from The Ruins of Myth Drannor box set by Ed Greenwood, TSR, 1993)
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teddy-does-wizard-101 · 3 days ago
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he got eaten by a forg :(
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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A wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K Leguin is the first book of the Earthsea Cycle.
“Back then, in 1967, wizards were all, more or less, Merlin and Gandalf. Old men, peaked hats, white beards. But this was to be a book for young people. Well, Merlin and Gandalf must have been young once, right? And when they were young, when they were fool kids, how did they learn to be wizards? And there was my book.”
* * * *
“Ged had neither lost nor won but, naming the shadow of his death with his own name, had made himself whole: a man: who, knowing his whole true self, cannot be used or possessed by any power other than himself, and whose life therefore is lived for life's sake and never in the service of ruin, or pain, or hatred, or the dark.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea
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lulublack90 · 10 months ago
Prompt 31 - Insecure
@jegulus-microfic May 31, Word count 1101
Previous part First part
This is it, the final part. I hope you enjoy it. I'm just going to go cry that it's over. Love you all xxx
Sirius dropped down next to James and looked thoughtfully at his brother. 
“What is he? A, maine coon?” He tilted his head, trying to see all of Regulus. Remus leant over and traced the flickering star shape on Regulus’s chest and looked closer at the glowing eyes. 
“I swear I’ve read about a cat like this somewhere,” He screwed up his face as he tried to recall the information. 
Peter crashed through the trees and came to a stop beside them, his hands on his knees as he bent over and inhaled huge gulps of air. He looked over at Regulus in his cat form. 
“Oh, he’s cute,” He wheezed. Regulus hissed at him. “Sorry, regally handsome,” He corrected. Regulus let out a little huff. 
“I think he’s a Cat-Sìth.” Remus started, explaining, "They were these huge cats that lived in the highlands. They used to go and mess about with the muggle farmers, so the wizards in the area told the locals to leave out milk for them on Samhain so they'd bless them, or they’d dry up all their cow’s milk. There was also something about the muggles believing that the cats were really witches that could transform into a cat. And there was something about them stealing souls. But everything I read said that they were all black cats apart from a white patch of fur on their chests and eyes that glowed in the night.” They all looked at Regulus with scrutinising faces and nodded along in agreement. 
Regulus transformed back into his human body. 
“Ha! I’m a legendary myth,” He pointed at Sirius, gloating. 
“You might transform into a legendary myth, Reggie. But at the end of the day, you’re still just an itty bitty ickle pussycat.” Sirius took off running and transformed into Padfoot mid-step as the giant black cat of legend chased him into the forest. James couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as he heard the unmistakable yelp of a dog being attacked. 
“We should probably go and break them up,” He said to Remus and Peter. They followed the sounds of barking and hissing through the trees.
“We’re going to have to add him to the marauders map and figure out a nickname for him now, aren’t we?” Remus chuckled as Sirius yelped again. 
“Yeah, I think we have to,” James grinned happily at the thought.
He was nervous. More nervous than he’d been on the night he’d first turned. He’d followed James, Sirius and Peter out into the grounds. It was still light, but the sun was rapidly sinking towards the horizon. 
Regulus watched James fold away the marauder’s map, now proudly emblazoned with the names, Moony, Wormtail, Eclipse, Padfoot and Prongs. They had decided on Eclipse after they’d pulled Regulus off of Sirius, because James said, with the white flash, he looked like a solar eclipse, with a tiny bit of light in the total darkness.  
The whomping willow reached towards them as they neared. Violently slamming its branches down at them. He watched as Peter transformed into the tiny rat. He scurried under the flailing limbs and pressed a little knot on one of the tree's roots. The willow froze, not even its leaves moved. The four of them slid into the opening at the tree’s base and dropped into the tunnel below. 
Regulus had to stoop to walk forward. He had no idea how Remus walked down here, he must have to nearly crawl. 
The tunnel finally opened up to reveal a door. Sirius pushed it open, and they stepped into the dusty, mouldy insides of the shrieking shack. 
“They send Lupin here?” Regulus asked incredulously. No wonder he’d caused himself so much damage. 
“Better than being locked in a cell made from silver under the ministry,” Sirius said blandly. Regulus turned to his brother, shocked. 
“Is that really what they do?” 
“Yes. Registered werewolves have to report there before the full moon.” Sirius replied. 
“But silver is poison to werewolves,” Regulus argued. Sirius nodded sadly at him. 
“That’s the point, Reggie,” Regulus’s eyes flickered to a spot on the wall behind Sirius’s right shoulder. There was a long deep gouge carved into the wall. His eyes widened as he realised what had caused it. 
“Just how big does Remus get?” He asked, feeling insecure for only a second as he pointed at the claw mark on the wall. Sirius grinned. 
“Let’s just say he makes me look like a puppy.” Regulus stared at him open-mouthed. 
They had to hide quickly when they heard Madam Pomfrey and Remus coming down the passageway. They ran up the stairs and hid in one of the bedrooms until Madam Pomfrey left. 
Sirius rushed back downstairs ahead of them and checked Remus was okay by running his hands all over him. 
“Sirius, I’m fine, stop fussing me,” Remus protested, pushing Sirius away. James pulled Regulus in close. 
"It won’t be long now, love. You ready?” Regulus looked up into James’s eyes and felt completely safe.
“Yeah,” He smiled, being completely truthful. He looked around the room at the four people in the world who truly cared for him and chuckled under his breath.
“What’s so funny?” James asked, his voice full of kindness. Regulus stood on tiptoe and kissed James before he answered. 
“I’m so glad I was out picking fluxweed while a crazed werewolf was running amok.”
“Hey!” Remus feigned outrage through gritted teeth. 
“It's time,” Sirius said, giving Remus one last kiss before he changed into Padfoot. 
Regulus watched through his new eyes as Remus dropped to the floor screaming and writhing. Sirius whined and danced about on his feet and Remus broke apart and reformed as a truly enormous wolf. Eclipse craned his neck to see all of him.
The wolf and the dog sniffed each other excitedly and Padfoot licked the Moony all over his face, wagging his tail excitedly. It took a while, but the wolf eventually spotted the cat. He let out a low growl, but Padfoot rushed to Eclipse’s side and whined at Moony, pleading. Wormtail scuttled forward and sat at Eclipse’s feet. Prongs came to stand behind them all, his antlered head slightly lowered in case he needed to protect them. 
Moony leaned closer, but Eclipse held firm. Moony shoved his nose into the white fur on Eclipse’s chest. Eclipse put his paws on Moony’s muzzle and stood up on his hind legs. The werewolf stared into the Cat-Sìths eyes, recognising him as another legendary creature. Eclipse purred. An approximation of a smirk crept across his feline face, knowing everything would be alright.
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