#my psych academia
angst-king · 2 years
Sharpie tattoos (short) pt 2
(ED behavior) When the nurses left us alone Kaminari is back to drawing on his arm again. I don’t have any devices yet because they’re in my bag but, we do have a TV. So I grab the remote.
I’ve been here for about three days and I’m still adjusting to this being here. I’ve never been around this many people like this, my father usually isolates me when I get home from school. So interactions are awkward and I’m actually a little bit afraid of messing up. I don’t talk too much to my roommate, he’s nice though he doesn’t shower or wash his hair. He just combs it out and pulls the knots out with his fingers. 
Both of us have some sort of weird eating habit. Denki just refuses to eat, like right now. We’re sitting during breakfast, I'm trying to eat the porridge slower than I usually do. Since I’m used to wanting to get away from Endeavor during dinner, I always ate fast. Now i don’t have to do that. Never thought I would like porridge but it's pretty good. 
Kaminari is sitting across the table from me drawing on himself again with the same sharpie. I still don’t understand why he’s always drawing on himself. He has it a quarter of a sleeve done and it's very detailed from what I’ve seen briefly. He’s good at it!
A nurse comes over to Kaminari and taps him on the shoulder. He flinches harshly and turns to her. 
“Pumpkin, aren’t you hungry?” She asked him, Kaminari shakes his head and his eyes shift back to his arm and he goes back to drawing. Then the nurse reaches over and takes the marker from him. 
“You can get this back when you eat something.”  I saw the frown on Kaminari’s face, it was a dim expression, he shook his head and muttered something before getting up and going somewhere. I don’t know where he’s going but the nurse just went over to a couple of the other nurses who were all watching us.
When I did go back to my room to change out of my pajamas I saw Denki. He was sitting on his bed drawing on himself, i knew he had more than one sharpie. Now I’m wondering how many he has!
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learnelle · 9 months
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life update: at the start of September I was told I couldn’t study psychology anymore (after 2 part-time years!!) due to changes in my course structure. After crying literally all day, I enrolled in a Parisian university to study B2 level French, and studied hard for the entrance exam. I passed, and then my psych uni got back to me, saying they will make an exception, so I can continue to major in psych again. I’m not sure how I’ll balance 15 psych and 35+ french credits this year between 3 universities, but it seems like everything works out in the end.❤️
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bobastudy · 3 months
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april 7th, 2024.
tomorrow marks my last ever week of undergraduate classes and it is so so bittersweet. :,)
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melonbite · 1 year
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he’s acing his PR lessons
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dirafames · 8 months
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sacrificial girl autumn
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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Cupid and Psyche (Antonio Canova), Cupid and Psyche (Domenico Cardelli), Mary Magdalene (Antonio Canova) | Hermitage Museum
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skyzerkarma · 16 days
Request Rules + Fandoms
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I ask that you only request up to two oneshots at a time, and wait until one of your requests is completed to ask for another.
You may request any characters from the fandoms listed below, there are no restrictions for that aside from the fact that I will only write child characters in platonic oneshots.
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I will not write smut/lemons or limes.
I will do Yandere content, assuming it confines to the prior restriction and you are specific in the request.
I will not write anything besides oneshots. Do not ask for headcannons, imagines, etc.
I will write for female, male, and non-binary readers. But you must be specific in what you want when you request.
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Avatar the Last Airbender
Demon Slayer
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter (Including Hogwarts Legacy and Hogwarts Mystery)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Lego Monkie Kid
Lord of the Rings
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Tales of Arcadia
The Dragon Prince
The Hobbit
The Legend of Korra
Total Drama
more may be added later..
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whywouldisayprinter · 1 month
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Day 2: Mythology
Eros & Psyche Au
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
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Official English translated author comments featured in Weekly Shonen Jump 2024 issue #24
Psych House chapter 1 - Omusuke Kobayashi
Mission: Yozakura Family chapter 225 - Hitsuji Gondaira
Kagurabachi chapter 32 - Takeru Hokazono
Kill Blue chapter 52 - Tadatoshi Fujimaki
Sakamoto Days chapter 165 - Yuto Suzuki
One Piece chapter 1114 - Eiichiro Oda
Astro Royale chapter 4 - Ken Wakui
My Hero Academia chapter 422 - Kohei Horikoshi
Kyokuto Necromance chapter 3 - Fusai Naba
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo chapter 13 - Shun Numa
Blue Box chapter 148 - Kouji Miura
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 259 - Gege Akutami
Witch Watch chapter 154 - Kenta Shinohara
Me & Roboco chapter 184 - Shuhei Miyazaki
Akane-banashi chapter 109 - Yuki Suenaga
Undead Unluck chapter 206 - Yoshifumi Tozuka
The Elusive Samurai chapter 156 - Yusei Matsui
Nue’s Exorcist chapter 49 - Kota Kawae
Dear Anemone chapter 12 - Rin Matsui
Green Green Greens chapter 22 - Kento Terasaka
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love-in-my-twenties · 4 months
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spent 9hrs on uni😴😴 Lectures and catching up with the readings for my classes
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absinthemindedly · 1 month
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Bedroom details
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angst-king · 2 years
Sharpie tattoos
(mention of physical abuse, suicidal idology) What was I thinking? Was this really necessary? Did I make the right decision? The thoughts are racing through my mind as the ambulance gets closer to the destination. Why am I in an ambulance, well my father had gotten caught. He got mad over an assignment I didn’t get the best grade on and I wasn’t doing as well during his training sessions as he would’ve liked me too. So he beat me bad enough for my sister to sneak me out of the house and take me to a hospital where i told them everything. 
They gave me a mental evaluation and said that it would be too dangerous for me to go home. Not only would Endeavor possibly want to hurt me more for seeking help but, my mental state is apparently bad. I didn’t think of killing myself too often, sure the thoughts slipped into my mind every so often but, I never commit to it or thought to do anything.
The only reason I agreed to go was that I wanted away from my father. The only thing is, it's a long-term facility, not a short-term one. They want to give my siblings a chance to get out of my father’s house and be stable enough to support me so I can get further help.
I just wanted to stay away from my father.
When I arrive they wheel me inside the place and immediately I’m a little surprised at how well kept this place was. There were only a few scribbles of crayon on the walls, but the floors were shiny the room didn’t smell of cleaning solution, nor was the air stale. The chairs were all lined up in two rows, one against two walls.
I’m being wheeled up the the in-take desk where the paramedic hands them the paper work, my bag, and helps me out of the transport chair. There are three ladies, one takes my bag while the other two have me follow them after a short introduction.
“Hello Todoroki, my name is nurse Yugi, and this nurse Oikawa, please follow us into the exam room.” I nodded quietly and followed the two ladies down the hall wondering what the other nurse would do with my bag. 
We go down the hall and to the left before we’re in a doctor’s exam room. Nurse Yugi helps me onto the exam bed and tells me they’ll be checking my vitals and body condition. I nod and both women start the exam, Ms Yugi being the main one preforming it while nurse OIkawa was assisting. 
They do everything of a normal doctor’s exam would though when nurse Yugi put the stethoscope on my ribs to hear me breath I winced. My ribs are still painful from Endeavor’s beating. She apologizes and asks if it hurt. 
“Y-yeah, i’m pretty sure they’re still healing.” I informed her, though she looked confused but Ms Oikawa seemed to have gotten it after looking at the paper again. She eyes me from behind the paper for a second, its not a judgmental eye, more so concerned.
“He broke your ribs in two places each side, so his oxygen saturation and breathing will be different.” She states in a matter of fact way. Yugi sighs and then asks me.
“Do you have any other injuries, hun?” “y-yeah” I push my hair and show her the stitching on left side of my head, left ankle, left collar bone and bruises on my thighs. It was a lot worse when i was admitted to the normal hospital but they got somethings fixed up more quickly than others. 
I was only in a gown so that made it easy to show the ladies without having to strip my clothes off. Both of them didn’t seem to appalled but i could feel their worry. 
“Okay we’ll inform the doctor and he will either see you tonight or tomorrow morning.” Then nurse Yugi asks Oikawa to get me some clothes. Oikawa leaves the room but doesn’t take long to come back. They tell me that they can’t leave me to change due to it being a safety risk but they do have a curtain in the room. So they pull the curtain to separate us and give me privacy for me to change into the clothes provided for me.
They gave me a set of grey scrubs to wear. I take off my gown leaving me only in my boxers and bandages. Exposing my bareskin to the chilled air of the exam room. I shudder harshly before quickly putting on the the uniform. Once i was dressed, I come out from behind the curtain and nurses tell me its time to take me to my room.
“Alright Todoroki, lets get you to your room”  I adjusted the shirt and follows the women out of the exam room. My bare feet padded down the hallways to an elevator. Most of the main floor was just exam rooms and a cafeteria and a lounge area. I don’t know what floor i’m on so i’m following them blindly. 
We go down an hallway with orange walls with white pokadots I don’t even bother looking at the room numbers until we get to my room, 309. The Yugi nocks on the door first and pokes her head in. I hear her say. 
“You have a roommate” Then I’m let into the room, its pretty nice actually. It kinda looks like a college dorm but no bunk bed and suicide proof. There are even large cubbies to place clothes, the door to the bathroom hae a slanted gap at the top. The window have blinds with a stick no curtain, the beds didn’t have a head board, but they had a night stand between the beds that had phone chargers. 
“When your bags are given back to you, you can place your clothes in the cubbies and get set up before dinner.” Nurse OIkawa informs me, I nodded and then noticed a blond boy sitting on the bed. His hair was a dirty mess with sharp tangles and his eyes darted towards me. He gave me a large toothy smile while i gave him a small wave. 
“Todoroki Shouto this is Kaminari Denki”
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ethereal-musings-blog · 3 months
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In Cupid's garden, Psyche roamed,
Amidst the blooms, her spirit soared,
With every step, love's essence she owned,
In Cupid's garden, forever adored.
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bobastudy · 4 months
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early march. ᵔ⤙ᵔ
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year
Extra, just got out on bail from prison: Can you prove that I’m innocent? So I can go home to my girl?
Izuku, crying: You’re Damn right we will! Yeah!!
Bakugo: Deku, calm do-
Izuku, throws trash can at the windows:
Izuku: It’s too late, Kacchan. Love is gonna bust him out!
Bakugo: He’s already out, you idiot.
Izuku: Just because you put syrup on something, don’t make it pancakes.
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Midoriya: Are you crazy?
Dabi: I wouldn’t say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans.
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