#my period better be coming because I cried typing this
callmenaex3 · 2 years
After the last, well, one and only nigga I let in did me dirty I can’t help but to be cautious around men. When I say this man intentionally tried to impregnate me the entire relationship after I repeatedly told him I never want children. Only for him to make up an imaginary ass child that never existed in his head that I was “lying about.” My whole immediate family, my ex and friends all fell out w/ me b/c they all swore I was lying. Mind you this is over 3 years ago and I still don’t trust any of the people involved in that whole situation. I think that is also why I don’t like people in my business, because ain’t no way they wanted to watch me take a pregnancy test in front of them to prove I wasn’t lying. Oh and they didn’t stop there 😂 they went onto say I had an abortion, again something I never had, since the tests all came back negative. So I apologize in advance if I come off mean af. I clearly was too nice that people thought they could try me like that. I never got one apology from any of them either. They all act like I didn’t stop talking to everyone for 2+ years and try to randomly talk to me like I forgot… all I ever wanted was an apology
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nmakii · 6 months
— married life with alastor back in 1925, louisiana
— is this ooc :(? ive been in a ooc rut ever since school ended i miss my pookies n like i cried so much that day 😔 BTW THIS IS THE FIC I HSED THE ALASTOR AI TEXTS :>
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lord above! you have to be some kind of gem to secure a man such as alastor. to be that woman, it’s almost certain that you’re someone who understands alastor in ways no one else has.
he doesn’t tend to express his affections physically, but more than makes up for it through his sweet nothings and lavish gifts
he’s most definitely the type to spoil his wife, but only if you ask him for it yourself. he doesn’t want to buy things you have no use for
has a trust fund in his will set for you if, god forbid, he died before you. he doesnt want his love to worry about money, just let him take care of it.
unlike many households at the time, alastor would help with the chores. despite his full-time job, he’d sorta understand that taking care of a house is a full-time job in itself since he’d spent his childhood watching how hard his mother works so, he agrees to always split chores with you.
because of his work, and his popularity, his boss asks that he comes in early to host the morning segment of the show. because of this, it’s not often that you two share a morning together. but, he still remembers to kiss your pretty head good morning, occasionally adding a request for dinner
his mother is MORE than happy to welcome you into the family. she’s just glad that her son found someone that makes him happy.
honestly on the fence about kids. on one hand, it’d make his mother really happy, as well as how it’s expected at the time period. but, he isn’t too interested in physically showing his desires. and, he is quite busy as well with his job and the whole murdering thing. it’s only if you ask him explicitly that he’d decide to look into it, maybe adoption? :>
quite good at putting your insecurities at ease. sweet nothings for days on end can come out of his mouth and he’s still not done.
as you sob into alastor’s chest, his arms wrap around your body warmly as he plays with your hair. "whenever you’re ready to talk, my love.” he held you close, wiping your tears until you were ready to talk.
alastor listened silently as you told him of all your doubts; that you weren’t a good wife, the whispers of every woman in town, everything. “my love, i’ll love you no matter what. it’s the woman inside that i am in love with.” he says as he brushes the hair out of your face, gazing down at you lovingly. “i won’t lie, there are times when you are… feisty. but, it’s your passion and intelligence that always bring me back to you.”
your lips quiver as you try to quell your tears. “can… can you swear that? that you’ll love me no matter what..?” his gaze became gentle as he saw the genuine doubt in your expression. “you have my word, dear. no matter what happens, i’d never stop loving you. even if we fought everyday, i would still be a fool for you. because, well… i suppose the heart wants what the heart wants. and, it is you that my heart yearns for, love.” alastor assured you, his eyes falling as he spoke.
as the sweet nothings fell from his lips, your tears ceased, finding the warmth in his touch. “thank you, dear… you always know how to make me feel better, i love you so much…” you sighed, curling into his touch. “mmh, i love you as well, my pretty girl.” he grinned, kissing your forehead.
as stated above, alastor is not particularly attracted to your looks, but moreso your intelligence and your ability to see right through that charming facade of his. funnily enough, it started a healthy relationship for one of the most deranged men out there.
he’d also be quite attracted to you if you joined him one night. nothing’s more attractive than your beautiful wife in a pretty dress he bought for you all bloodied up with a knife in your hand.
he loves to show you off to the newspapers as his pretty doll, not only because you’re quite the eye candy, but to also make you confident in yourself
he’d still get jealous whenever he’d catch someone staring too long though. ironically enough, he thinks it’s adorable when you get jealous and pout your face. he’s your’s after all, body and soul! why fuss over something that’s not gonna happen?
arguments are quite rare since alastor doesn’t tend to do things that are argument worthy. one of the few reasons you tend to argue is when alastor heads to the club after work and comes home drunk and much later than he intended to. and, after all that, he still apologizes for coming home late, probably tries to come home early so he can cook dinner the next day as an apology :>
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thoughtsforsoob · 8 months
asking them to buy you pads :( - nct dream
a/n: period season has unfortunately come for me (is it really unfortunate or does that just mean I’m not pregnant 😁 lmao probably not even possible bc I have no bf nor many male friends). Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! I am going to try to do some more writing formats instead of texts but let me know which of you two you guys like best. Thank you and remember that requests are always open :D
To me he seems like a very caring boyfriend. This scenario doesn’t take place very often because he keeps you stocked up all the time if you forget. For the sake of this post, let’s say that you’re at home and he’s on tour. You’re stuck at home, crying to him on the phone about how you forgot to stock up on pads. He’s being the most sympathetic person ever and comforting you while ordering you pads to be delivered. He also throws in some groceries and sweets because you probably weren’t up to going shopping. When it arrives, you groan when he tells you to go to the door but immediately your eyes light up as you see the large delivery. “Anything for my girl. So sorry I can’t be there to make it better :(“
He didn’t even need to be asked to get more. He either has more or he noticed and went to the store before coming home. So, you get your period that evening and when he’s on the drive home, you call him crying like never before and he’s worried. You tell him your situation and how silly you feel. “I’ll stop by the store. I should be home soon okay? Don’t even worry about it. I’ll also make you something warm to eat and drink for dinner.” He was tired, sure, but you needed him and he loved that.
jeno is the cutest bf on earth hello???!!! Keeps a period tracker on your phone and one morning, he got the notification that your period should be coming on that day. He trusted it and slipped out of bed, running to the pharmacy and the convenience store to get what he needed for a period care pack. He decided to make one for you ever since you two have been together as a sweet little tradition. You woke up when he was gone and panicked. You called him and cried to him about him leaving, “see you leaving me forever?? I miss you Jen, please come back to me I’ll do anything!” He laughs, “silly girl, I’m just getting your care pack. Your period should be here today.” He comes back home asap and comforts you all day.
This guy is so silly that he tells you no!! what a silly guy hahaha *my eye is twitching as I type this* You ask him to pick up some pads for you and his way home from schedule and he’s like “nah I don’t wanna. You go do it.” You immediately start to fight back and tell him in a serious tone, “unless you want me to trail blood all over our apartment and then faint in the way to the store, please go get me some pads.” BLOOD? Haechan immediately reconsiders and asks to stop at the store when being driven home.
Such a gentleman! Jaemin will never ever say no to you when it comes to asking him to buy you personal care items. He makes sure you get the best quality brand and that you have everything else you might need. Want a ice cream that only is made at a creamery 20 miles away? Done. Want noodles from your favorite spot in the next town over? Don’t even have to ask. He makes sure you’re comfortable the whole time and even tells the kitties to be gentle with their mommy.
Doesn’t want to show it but he’s so nervous. He might try to tell you no by saying something along the lines of, “you’re so irresponsible why did you not buy more if you knew it was coming soon? plus, this isn’t manly at all.” you threw the hardest pillow you own at his head and start to sob so he takes his ass to the store. he starts to feel bad so he grabs what you need and picks up your comfort take out on the way home. don’t worry, he’ll even cuddle you and feed you if you so wish when he arrives home.
He’s so nervous. The only reason he goes is because he knows you absolutely need them and he doesn’t wanna get in your bad side when your hormones are all out of wack. When he realizes he forgot to ask you for a picture of the box you need and then you don’t answer calls or texts, he panics. He’s hesitates but ends up asking a store clerk what to get :( he’s so embarrassed but the clerk, noticing how shy he was, commended him for his bravery and helped him select the pads. he buys them plus some candy :)
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
bedsharing (future stobin lavender marriage) (steddie)
“Why do you have tampons in your bathroom?” Eddie asks, toweling off his hair. “Wouldn’t your mom just keep them in hers?”
“They’re Robin’s.”
He can feel Eddie’s eyes on the back of his neck, and turns around from where he’s hastily folding his clothes. He has another towel wrapped around his hips, and Steve’s gaze drifts there before snapping back up to his face. 
“What?” He asks.
“I thought you guys weren’t together.”
Steve sighs. “Just because I have tampons for when she stays over—“
“It’s just—why wouldn’t they be in the guest bathroom?”
“She stays in my room,” he says, and then realizes how that sounds. “Okay, yeah, but we’re not dating. That’s never gonna happen.”
“So you’re just hooking up?”
Steve instinctively makes a face, and Eddie’s eyebrows jut up. “No. I’m not her type, and even if I was, at this point that ball has left the court. I don’t like her like that, she definitely doesn’t like me like that, and next time Henderson tries to convince someone we’re soulmates I’m going to wring his little neck.”
“I thought you said you were soulmates.”
“Yeah, but not like that.”
“Just enough that she sleeps in your bed and has tampons in your bathroom, apparently.” Eddie bends over to wrap his hair in the towel, and Steve spends a long moment staring at the curve of his bare spine. 
“Hey, man,” he says belatedly. “We got caught off guard one time. I’m not doing that again.”
Two loads of laundry, and Robin had cried in anger and embarrassment. Steve of ‘83 would have found it disgusting. Steve of now was a little grossed out, but also had been bled on in ways much worse than a period, so he just took her out to milkshakes and stocked up on enough supplies to last for a lifetime. After that, all bets were off when it came to the few boundaries they had left. 
Eddie grimaces in acknowledgment, grabbing the pair of sweatpants on the bed. Steve turns around before the towel drops, because years of locker room experience can’t possibly prepare him for seeing Eddie Munson’s naked ass. 
“So no dreams of a white wedding and gaggles of grandchildren running around?”
“I mean, we’ll probably get married at some point,” Steve says absently, fiddling with his bedspread to keep from turning around. He can have self control. He’s capable of not ogling his friends. “It’ll be safer that way.” Shit, why did he say that? He might as well hang a neon sign that says QUEER over his head. “Easier,” he corrects himself, knowing damn well it’s useless. 
There’s a thud and a groan, and Steve whirls around to see Eddie on the ground, halfway into his pants. 
“Are you okay?”
“So you’re not together, and you’re not hooking up, but you’ll get married?” Eddie demands from the floor, wiggling into his sweats. “And…what? Have a loveless, sexless marriage? Because it’s easy?”
“Just because the love isn’t romantic doesn’t mean our marriage would be loveless,” he protests, mind whirling with excuses he can’t use. Why did he open his big mouth? Why couldn’t he have just said anything else?
“That’s what you’re focusing on?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, man,” he shrugs, trying to get his heartbeat under control. “We’re already going to spend the rest of our lives together. Might as well get some legal benefits out of it.”
“Sure, sure,” Eddie laughs, disbelieving. “Getting married for legal benefits and safety. Harrington, if I didn’t know better, I’d say this sounds like—“
“Sounds like what?” Steve cuts through what Eddie was about to say. He doesn’t know what it is, but there’s a bone-deep certainty that Eddie will end up on the truth if he keeps talking. “Are you coming to bed or not, man?”
Eddie falls silent in the middle of standing up, dark eyes pinning Steve to the spot. He knows, Steve thinks, and tries not to picture what Robin would say if he got another concussion. He hasn’t confirmed anything, and Eddie seems like a good guy, maybe even their kind of guy, but if he’s wrong then he’d better grab Robin fast and get the hell out of dodge. Dustin might forgive him eventually, if he knew the reason why.
The silence is getting unbearable. 
“Yeah, alright,” Eddie finally shrugs. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I want the left side.”
“You asshole,” Steve hisses, pretending the relief in his chest isn’t damn near killing him. “You know that’s the side I sleep on.”
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Good day, good day! I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I'm just like, yes, we need it! 😏 Can you pretty please write a follow up to my favorite Franklin Saint fic you wrote recently? A Hold On You. I feel like we need something where either the reader is heavily preggo or already had the baby and like the reader predicted, doesn't like the new body. But our boy Frank comes through with that reassurance he promised. 🙌🏾😌
A/N: Le sigh, I am so, so, so sorry this took forever! I know there's no rush to these things but this has been staring me in the face for sooo long LOL. I hope this was worth the wait!
A Hold On You, Pt. 2
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, Angst, PWP, cursing, PIV, fingering (female receiving), spanking, some dirty talk, all consensual. Daddy kink and breeding kink. Fluffy smut. Established relationship.
Summary: Taking place between season 4 and season 5, Franklin toys with the idea of legacy and keeping the people he loves in his life. Months into your pregnancy, your previous worries get the better of you. Luckily, Franklin is there to kiss it all away.
Word Count: 3,424k
Part 1
A/N: I keep feeling like Franklin gets pushed by the wayside. It's not intentional, season 6 just really still affects me LOL. But I will get over that! Also trying to clean up some of these requests ya'll got for me. I love ya'll so much! Please, consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I don't tag empty blogs.
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe @mybonafidefeelings @blackerthings @wide-nose-and-wonderful @halfofmysoulsblog @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @nerdieforpedro @babybratzmaraj @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @kindofaintrovert @theunsweetenedtruth @theyscreamsannii @iv0rysoap
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You stood in front of the mirror in your bathroom. Steam from the shower receded slowly from the mirror, revealing your visage inch by inch. You stared at your body. Well, more importantly, you stared at your tummy. 
It was beginning to protrude. Leave it to Franklin to get you pregnant that same night. No sooner had you realized that your period was late than did your sensitive stomach turn on you. Already it was trying to purge the invasion. 
Okay, that wasn’t fair. You were truly happy that you were pregnant. You knew no matter what, that Franklin would be a good father. Nothing like his own that he refused to talk about most days. They were at a tentative truce. But it seemed like they were on thin ice and the slightest thing could break it.
You rubbed your belly, planting your hand over your stomach. You could not picture your child. Did that make you a bad mother? 
You pursed your lips as you turned from side to side, looking at your naked body from all kinds of different angles. Shouldn’t you have an inkling? An idea? You and Franklin hadn’t decided on names yet. Wasn’t that something you should have by now? Was there a rulebook to this sort of thing?
Tears stung your eyes as you thought over everything that could go wrong. How dangerous Franklin’s life was. His enemies were yours now. Franklin had to look over both of your shoulders to ensure that you were safe enough to walk across the street.
How could you bring someone into this type of life? How could you possibly agree to gamble with your child’s life? 
Horrible, ugly shame filled you as the tears flowed more freely. Being pregnant sucked! Your fucking nipples ached all the damn time. You were gassy now, that was fun. And whoever was in there would likely run circles around you because you were starting to get sleepy all the damn time. 
You sank to the edge of the bathtub and let the tears fall. That was another fun side effect. You cried at the drop of a hat. You cried because you looked funny, cute, beautiful, or fat. You cried because you wanted cookies n’ cream ice cream but Franklin got you rocky road. You cried because you felt guilty for making him go back to the store to get you what you actually wanted. 
These hormonal changes were driving you nuts. What was worse was that Franklin was gone more often than he stayed at home. All you had were nameless bodyguards that stayed outside your place twenty-four seven. 
You felt alone. 
The tears began in earnest. Big, fat crocodile tears that spilled down your freshly washed cheeks. Droplets landed on your thighs and you rubbed your belly. What did you do?
“Babe?” Franklin called out. 
You sniffled and wiped your tears, getting up to close the bathroom door. You ran some water to try and hide your tears. On top of everything that Franklin was dealing with, he did not need to deal with his hormonal, pregnant girlfriend. 
Franklin knocked on the door. “Babe? You okay in there?” He asked.
“Fine! Just got out the shower!” You called back. Did your voice wobble? Did you sound like you had been crying? 
Franklin twisted the knob and opened the door. You sighed, looking away from him in the mirror. Franklin was immediately by your side, lifting your chin and pulling you close.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. He turned off the water in the sink and rubbed your arms. 
You hadn’t realized how cold you were sitting in the bathroom. Tears had a way of warming your face and drowning everything else out. Pressure and snot was not a good look on you and it hurt even worse. 
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you said. You accepted Franklin’s embrace even though you couldn’t get your mouth to move. To tell him what was bothering you. You could have his baby, but you couldn’t tell him what was bothering you? 
Franklin pulled back and looked at your face. “Got another craving? I’ll get it, just tell me what it is,” he said. 
“I’m so ugly,” you whined. You sounded like such a baby, but it was true. You didn’t recognize your own body. It was a chamber now for your baby. You were doing everything right but it was hard to feel sexy knowing that there was precious life growing inside of you.
It’d likely be even worse after the baby was born. While it ripped everything from you on the way out. And then you’d have to breastfeed it and watch it and worry over it for the rest of your natural born days. 
“What? Why would you say that?” He tried to pull you closer but you were fighting him. You needed space, time to think. The damage had already been done but you still had months to get used to this new life. This new adjustment to your routine. 
You didn’t regret having his baby. You only regretted that you hadn’t thought it through more fully. Really understood the consequences of opening your legs and letting Franklin have his wicked way with you. 
Franklin let you fight him but he was an immovable rock. He planted his feet and stood his ground trying to catch your eyes. You looked everywhere but at him. 
“Hey, hey, talk to me. Please? Why would you say that?” 
“Because I am. I’m fat and gross,” you pouted. 
Franklin sighed. “Naw, baby. You’re the most beautiful woman in the entire world,” he said. He kissed your cheeks. You fought him on that too. You felt so horrible. Like a caged animal needing a release. A break. An escape from the torment of your thoughts. 
You shook your head and wiped your tears. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just got the mumps,” you said.
Franklin pressed kisses to your forehead, both of your eyelids, and your lips. He kept kissing your face until you relaxed in his arms. That, at least, hadn’t changed. You felt safe in his arms. Warm. 
When your shoulders finally dropped from your ears, Franklin turned you so that you faced the mirror. He wrapped his arms around your tummy, hands flexing over your stomach and linking his fingers together. He was already protecting his baby. The thought brought fresh tears to your eyes. You could fill a pool with how many tears you’ve shed over the past few weeks. 
Franklin’s chin dropped to your shoulder and he looked at you in the mirror. He smiled softly. “I wish you could see you as I do. You are nothing but beautiful to me. Strong. Look at this sexy ass body,” he said.
He swayed you from side to side as if dancing to a slow song in his head. You tilted your head. “You’re just trying to make me feel better,” you said. You sniffled and tried to lean away to reach for a tissue, but Franklin wasn’t letting you go.
His fingers lightly rubbed your tummy. His rocking was strangely soothing. Melodic even though there was no music to guide you. His eyes never left yours in the mirror. 
“So? Don’t make it not true. Didn’t I say that this belly would look sexy getting bigger? And these titties? Shit, you lucky I am suckin’ on them thangs all day long,” he said.
You giggled despite your commitment to stubbornness. Your mouth twitched as you tried to suppress more giggles. He did not need encouragement for his corny ass lines. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” you told him.
“I ain’t doin’ shit but making sure my two babies are okay. I ain’t gon’ lie and pretend I know what’s going on. But you gotta talk to me when you feel like this,” he said. “I can’t help you if you shut me out.”
“You shouldn’t have to,” you told him. He shouldn’t. You always had a handle on your emotions. A way of feeling them but not letting them control you. Not by much. It took a long time for you to get here and you’d be damned if you let Mother Nature control you.
“I just get down sometimes, Franklin,” you said. 
Franklin nodded and smiled. “ I know. And you shouldn’t have to be down alone. I know this is big. This is big for the both of us. I didn’t think we’d get it on the first try,” he said with a smile. 
You rolled your eyes. He was pretty damn proud of that fact. Told anyone who would listen that he was successful the first time. His parents were naturally excited. None more so than Cissy. She was too giddy at the prospect of having a grandchild. 
“You are a mess,” you told him. 
Franklin’s smile grew bigger, giving you a glimpse of the Franklin you knew before. The one who smiled quicker and didn’t hide behind walls in his mind. Trying to keep everything so close to the vest. 
Franklin kissed your shoulder, lips lingering a second too long. “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. You’re only sexier carrying my baby. These hips? Hmm. Just wanna squeeze the fuck outta them,” he said.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. Your tears dried up as you looked at Franklin. At the raw hunger in his eyes. You may feel ugly, but you were far from it in his eyes. 
Franklin moved his hands from your tummy to cup your ass. He jiggled the globes in his hands, grabbing as much of it as he could. “This ass! If you only knew how bricked up I am all day thinking of this ass ridin’ me,” he said.
“Franklin!” You turned around to look him in the eye. His hands stayed on your body as you turned and they landed around your waist. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss your belly. 
“You have made me the happiest man alive. There is no one else I’d rather share this with,” he said. He leaned down and kissed you, taking his time to explore your mouth. The kiss was slow and lazy. You had all the time in the world to kiss him and he took every last second of it. He’d retreat and return just as quickly as if he were starving for your kisses. 
You wrapped your hands around his shoulder and pulled him closer. He rubbed against your belly and you drew back, staring at the damn thing like a traitor. Already getting in the way of your life. Already taking up space.
You sighed. There was just no way to get around this. No way to pull you out of this funk. 
Franklin only lifted your chin. He stared into your eyes for a second, a minute, possibly an hour and your bottom lip started to quiver. He only smiled patiently and returned to kissing you. 
You sighed into his mouth. Where the hell did you find someone like him? Someone that didn’t balk at your panic attacks? Or these new hormones? He’d seen you during Hell week. This was that but amplified. Your body was foreign to you now. You grew up with this body. You suffered through puberty with this body. You and this body had been down a rocky, twisted, and convoluted path to self-love. And now you were sharing it.
Franklin’s hands kneaded your doughy flesh around your hips, getting softer over time. He kissed a hot trail down your jaw, neck, and towards your chest. His lips teased around your sensitive nipple and you hissed, jerking away from him.
“They’re really fuckin’ sensitive right now,” you said.
“Oh really?” He asked. He smiled, holding your gaze as he moved his head once more to lick and suckle around your nipples. Your legs instantly went weak. Your nipples were still fuckin’ sensitive, made worse by his playful teasing, but it also felt too good. His warm mouth felt deliciously painful on your titties and you were sighing and whimpering in the bathroom before long.
Your moans echoed off of the tile in the bathroom. Your soft sighs filled in the empty areas and his suckling grew louder, reaching a crescendo that you matched with cries of pleasure. 
“Franklin!” You half-yelled and half-moaned. 
Franklin went to your other nipple, giving it as much attention. You hissed. So much for your shower. You were growing wetter by the second from his teasing alone. As if sensing that, like the mu’fucka had a nose for it, his hand glided down your side until his fingers teased your clit.
You jerked in his arms and he hummed in appreciation. “Hmm, so fuckin’ wet already,” he whispered against your chest. 
“How can you stand here like a goddess and not expect me to worship at your feet? To appreciate this precious gift you’re giving me? I know I been away, I’ll work on that the deeper we get into this. I want to be here for everything.”
“And I want you to know that I found you sexy when I first met you. I found you sexy when you agreed to be mine. I found you sexy when we found out you were pregnant with my baby. And I find you sexy now. Every day I find more and more things to love about you.” 
“Franklin, please,” you sighed. You could not handle him being this damn cute while sucking on your nipples and his fingers playing with your clit. 
“Do you believe me?” He asked.
“Huh?” You asked. If he moved his fingers just a little to the side, you could cum. You felt an approaching orgasm. Your knees were turning to jelly. You were so, so close.
“Do you believe that I find you sexy? That I fall more in love with you every day?” He asked. 
You nodded. “I know you do, Franklin,” you said. “I just forget sometimes.”
“Well, then, I’ll have to keep reminding you. And keep reminding you. And…” Franklin lifted his head from your nipples as he moved his fingers to flick over your clit. You gripped his arms and shook, the bathroom turning hazy as your eyes rolled. 
“Fr-F-” You were trying to warn him. To let him know that you were close, but he already knew. He kissed you, tongue licking your lips before you allowed him inside. Allowed your tongues to mesh and play with each other.
He smiled against your lips as you finally cried out, crying out your release. You slumped against him as you finished and he gently continued to play with your clit. 
Franklin grabbed your hand and pulled you into the bedroom. You giggled trailing after him. He held your hands while you sat on the bed. You were pleasantly wet, feeling the squishy essence in between your legs.
Franklin wasted no time getting naked. You watched him with a smile dancing on your lips at how beautiful he was. Did he have a clue? Did he come close to understanding what you felt for him?
“You make me so happy, Franklin,” you told him. 
Franklin shed the last of his clothes and stepped closer with a big grin. His grin was infectious, causing one to split your face in two. Cheeks aching from the strength of love pouring from your veins. 
“You make me happy too, babe. I don’t ever want you to doubt how beautiful you are. If you do, let me know. I’ll sort that shit out,” he said.
You giggled as his lips returned to yours, joining you on the bed. He settled onto his back and then pulled you to straddle his hardening length. You bit your lip, a bit of shyness creeping in. It wasn’t like you hadn’t done this before. That he hadn’t seen everything about you and kept coming back for seconds. 
Things were different now. Everything changed. But Franklin didn’t let you wallow. He encouraged you to sit in his lap. 
It took some wiggling and a lot of guidance on his part since you couldn’t see his length past your belly. Once the tip of him grazed your wet entrance, the shyness left your body.
You moaned as you sank onto his dick, gliding down until he was fully seated inside of you. Your hands braced yourself on his chest as you acclimated to his size. He wasn’t huge, but he stretched you plenty. 
Your eyes were closed, reorienting yourself with the feel of him inside you. God, you missed this. You had sex in the beginning but your morning sickness was awful. You couldn’t keep shit down. Everything smelled and crackers tasted like cardboard. 
You sighed as Franklin rubbed your hips and your back. “Feel good, baby?” Franklin asked. 
“Yes, baby,” you moaned.
“You look good, baby,” he said. You looked down in time to see his gorgeous smile. Franklin was playing with the idea of a beard. It was coming in nicely. Framing his face and making him look older and wiser. Sexier. Like a dad already. A dad you’d like to fuck. 
You smiled at your own little joke. “Thank you, Daddy,” you said.
“Go on and get yours then,” he said. He smacked your ass with his hand, leaving a ghost-hot sting behind that made you hiss and look at him with mischief. If he wanted to play…
You slowly grinded on his dick, rolling your hips back and forth. Franklin licked his lips and rolled his bottom lip between his teeth. He looked down to where you were joined. 
You continued the slow roll, getting him used to that before you started bouncing in earnest. “OH shit,” he moaned. 
You grinned and kept bouncing, up and down on the entire length of his dick. He hissed and rolled his hips in tune with yours until you were matching each other perfectly. In sync as only you two could be. 
His hands gripped your hips. You didn’t know if you were bouncing on him now or if he was pulling you down on his dick. Either way, you were both speed-running towards that beautiful peak. Hand in hand, racing forward faster and further until you were both screaming out an orgasm. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You chanted.
“Shit, oh fuck,” Franklin roared. 
Sweat rolled down your back. You leaned forward so you could kiss Franklin. Your kisses were sloppy, jerky, as you rode out your orgasm. Some unknown force took over, unable to help yourself from continuing even though you were too over the moon. Too far gone. 
Maybe this was what he felt like when he kept going even after you came. That driving need to stay connected, stay buried in each other. Your hips kept rolling until you were too weak and spent to keep going. Your legs finally giving out as you collapsed on top of him. 
Franklin groaned and rolled you over until you were beneath him now. He slipped out and you licked your dry lips, turning your head to the side. You did not want to stop, but you were out of breath. In danger of passing out altogether.
You never experienced a mutual orgasm before. It was usually one after the other. Like a gentleman, Franklin always made sure you came first. Sometimes multiple times before he allowed himself to climax. 
Franklin gave your tummy multiple kisses. Every inch of skin was covered with his lips. He laid prayer after prayer into your skin. 
For the first time all day, you felt beautiful. You felt loved. You felt like the most gorgeous woman on the planet. 
“I love you, Noodle,” he said, calling your baby by the nickname you agreed on. You didn’t know why, it just felt like a Noodle, nestled in there. 
Your heart swelled, seeing his face as he continued to kiss your stomach. You rubbed his head as he continued talking to Noodle telling it how he was going to protect it, love it, cherish it, and that it had the best mom on the planet. 
Tears prickled your eyes for entirely different reasons and you tried to blink them away but couldn’t. Franklin kissed up your stomach and couldn’t resist a final lick and tug on your overly sensitive nipples. 
When he reached your mouth, he smiled and kissed you. He sighed into your mouth. “I love you, baby,” he said.
“I love you even more, Franklin.”
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The Secret Franklin Saint Files | Part 1
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callie-the-creator · 1 year
boyfriend!coryxkenshin hcs
sfw. this was also posted on my wattpad, so there is no point to accuse me of plagiarism or anything
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• you already know cory is a hopeless romantic aka...the best type of partner! you lucky thing! you scored yourself the best of the best
• cory has not one ounce of toxicity in his very soul
— "he's a good man, savannah, a GOOD man. 😤"
• oh, what's that? you gave cramps either from your menstruation cycle or they just popped out from nowhere?
— this man would do everything in his power to make sure that you're comfortable and have everything you have to make yourself feel better
— he definitely wouldn't make fun of you or belittle you if it was because of your period (unlike those boyfriends😒)
• you already know that you'll make a few special appearances in his videos whether that be sss episodes or playing games specifically made for couples or ones that allow multiplayer
— it takes two, the dark pictures anthology, cuphead, you name it! you'll just have to motivate him enough to finish the games though since that's where he falls short...🫢
• but for the important question! what is his love language?
— personally, it's to each their own on the topic, but this is what i think: as much as i want to say physical touch, i feel like he's more of a quality time type of guy, you know? even if he does youtube, he still takes breaks and you can bet that he'll spend most of that time with you!
• there is not one dull moment as long as you're with him
• wouldn't be able to stop smiling if he caught you wearing his merch or any of his clothes for that matter...just not his puka shell necklace. never his necklace. ☝️ that's a big no-no
• he's definitely the type of bf who would play songs that remind him of you
— *cries into pillow uncontrollably*
• and when he is recording, you are known to bring him snacks or water and wave 'hi' to the camera
— but i'd doubt he'd need any snacks since this main usually has skittles, now and laters, and nutrigrain bars stockpiled in his recording room.
• if you text him randomly, he'll make a big deal about it and be all giddy. you make him so happy! 🥺
— also, if he's too scared while playing a horror game and dashie isn't picking up the phone, you're the second-best option for decisions! but you know what they say..."with great power comes great responsibility"
• personally, i don't think he's neutral on the topic of pda, but he's the subtle type bc he wants to be careful to not make you uncomfortable, especially when you two are out in public.
• since he's known to record really late at night, he'd do anything in his power to be quiet and not wake you up during his 3 scary games or his spooky scary sunday videos
— if he happened to wake you up by his screaming would definitely deadpan the camera and be like, "now why did you have to go and wake up my gf? 😐"
— deny deny deny, as rodrick heffley would say.
• we already know cory likes his anime, so i'm saying that you would binge-watch all types of shows and movies together. but, again, you'll need to motivate and encourage him a lot since he has trouble finishing stuff or gaining interest in shows
• would want cuddles or just to hang out with you if he got too upset over a game
— he has rage quit a few times
• cory would let you sit on his lap while he plays games in his spare time
— he will kiss your head or shoulder randomly. he'd also keep on hand pressed against the small of your back to support you, to make sure that you won't fall off. 💔 you guys are so cute togetherrrr
• his fans love you. i have nothing more to add to this.
• fanart and edits!! different youtubers garner different communities, and some are more likely to make fanart than others, but cory's has the best of both worlds! though, his fandom leans more towards the editing side of things, so expect lots to pop up on your fyp
• i feel like there would be a few videos like “3 minutes of cory being soft with his s/o” or, even better: “cory and y/n being the best couple for 8 minutes” compilations going around on youtube, tiktok, reddit, etc.
…that’s all i got! until next time <3
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somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Burning Hearts Part 8
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: *SLOWWWW BURRRRN* You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
WC: 2300
Taglist: @cottoncandyloverrrr
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Burning Hearts Chapter 8: Doctor’s Visit
— — 
“Damn girl… you look like shit. Your ankle is mad swollen.” Ikkaku’s eyes rake over your body, covered in superficial lacerations and multicolor bruises in varying levels of healing. 
“Gee, thanks for reminding me.” You roll your eyes and step into the steaming hot bath. “It’s not like I have this shooting pain all over my body to remind me that I look like hot garbage.” You carefully lower yourself into the water. Every single muscle in your body cried out in agony. “Ow, ow, ow, ow…” You finally settle into the tub and sigh. 
Ikkaku continues panting her toenails a bright shade of coral from her perch on the bathroom counter. 
“I just got my period, too. I feel like I got hit by a fucking train.” You close your eyes and slide deeper under the hot, soapy water. “Can you grab some tampons out of that drawer? I want to bring some back to my room.” 
Ikkaku sighs in sympathy. She opens up the top drawer and pulls out a box. 
“You’re bleeding AND you’re beat up like that? You better stay in tomorrow and rest.” Ikkaku says. 
“HAH! Yeah right. And who is gonna tell your psycho captain that I’m taking the day off? Because I’m certainly not doing it. He’d probably cut my arms off and put them on backwards or something.” 
“Come on, like he’d harm a hair on your head.” Ikkaku responds and chuckles. 
“Umm??? Who do you think kicked my ass this bad??? He doesn’t exactly go easy on me.” You turn your head to face Ikkaku. 
She scoffs. 
“That honestly shocks me, he’s so different with you.” Ikkaku blows on her wet nails.
“What do you mean?” You inquire. 
“I can’t really explain it… he’s just been like… weird since you got here. I mean, he’s always been weird… but with you he’s extra weird.”
“What are you implying?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“Nothing!” Ikkaku throws her hands up. "All I’m saying is that there’s been some sort of shift in the guy since you came into the picture. I’m not complaining, it’s been pretty nice having someone to ‘girl talk' with, you know?” 
“Mhmm…” You knew she was hiding something, but you were too tired to pry further. “I hope you get to meet my friends some day, I think you’d like them.” 
Ikkaku smiles. 
“I’m sure I would. Now get your ass out of that tub and tell Law you aren’t training tomorrow before you fall asleep and drown in there.” 
“I think I’d rather drown.” You joke as you sink down further into the tub. 
“Come on, I’ll help you up.”
Ikkaku comes over to the side one the tub and you sit up to allow her to help you up. “Ah!” Your ankle nearly gives out as you try to step out of the tub. 
“Yeah, as much as you don’t want to believe it, I think a doctor has got to look at that…” 
— — 
*knock knock* 
Law looks at the clock. 
11:45 PM
Who was coming to his office this late in the evening?
“Yes? Come in…”
A tired looking, wet-haired Daisy shuffles into his office. Was she limping?
“Hi back… what’s wrong with your leg? You’re favoring your right. You weren’t doing that at training today.” He couldn’t help but ask… he was a doctor after all. 
“I think I twisted it… didn’t hurt until I got back. Ikkaku made me come and have you look at it. It’s probably nothing. Since I’m here, I have some cuts that might need stitches, so you should probably- woah-“ 
Daisy stumbled, her gaze losing focus. She puts her arms out in front of her. 
“I think I might-“ Her eyes rolled back. 
With a quick ‘Shambles’, Law swapped Daisy out with a sock that had been discarded on his bed in the adjoining room. He had caught her right before she hit the ground. Law rushes through the archway to assess Daisy’s situation. She was laying on his bed, barely conscious. 
“Hey… Wake up, you’re okay, you just passed out.” Law sits at her side on the bed. 
“I-I did?”
“Yes. Have you been feeling dizzy lately? Light-headed?”
“Not really. I was in a super hot bath because-“ she stops, hesitant to tell him something. “Well, because I needed a bath.”  
“Have you been drinking enough water?” 
Daisy rubs her eyes. 
“I don’t know? I thought so.” 
“Any headaches? Body aches? Fever?” Law continues his laundry list of medical questions. 
“You threw me into a tree like, six times this morning, my whole body always aches.” 
Law furrows his brow with concern. Had he pushed her too far today? She never said anything about it… A pang of guilt reverberated through his chest. 
“That would’t explain the passing out on its own… are you menstruating?” Law asks. 
“Ew, Law! That’s personal!” Daisy’s cheeks turn pink. 
“I’m a doctor, it’s a fair question to ask after a fainting spell.”
“Okay well my primary care physician is a reindeer, so I don’t need you prying into my cycle.” Daisy snaps at him. 
“So that’s a yes to the previous question…” Law catches Daisy rolling her eyes. “I’ll give you some iron pills and an anti-inflammatory. That should help. Now let me see your ankle.” 
Law rises from the bed and moves to the foot of the bed so he was standing at her feet. He pulls up her sweatpants to her left knee. The ankle was swollen with a large purple bruise. 
“Gods, when did this happen?” Law sighs as he accesses the damage. He gently picks up her foot and she winces. Daisy must have noticed the guilty, pensive look in his eyes. 
“Hey, I don’t think you did it… I probably tripped over a root or my own feet or something in the garden, you know how I am.” Daisy gave him a weak smile. Her smile did little to alleviate him of his feeling of repentance. As clumsy as you were, it probably was him that caused the injury. 
“Right.” Law finishes examining her ankle and gingerly sets it back down on the bed. “I’ll go get you that medication and some ice for this. I don’t think it’s sprained, just badly twisted. You are going to need to rest for a few days until you can train properly again.”
“I-I’m sorry…” Daisy hangs her head. 
“Why?” Law asks stoically. 
“Because I won’t be able to train for a bit… we’re wasting time… aren’t you mad?”
“Pushing you past your limits now won’t help in the long run. It won’t be more than a few days, I’m sure of it. I see the cut you were talking about, I’m going to stitch it up. I’ll be right back.” 
Law heads back into his office and collects some supplies from his cabinets and drawers, places it all on a metal surgical tray and returns to the foot of his bed. He picks up the large ice pack and the medical tape from the tray and begins fastening the cold pack to the swollen ankle. After carefully tending to her foot, Law places an extra pillow underneath the injury to elevate it. 
“I’m going to have to get closer to do the stitches, can you move your other leg?” Law points at Daisy’s right knee and she pulls it in towards her body, leaving him room to sit on the bed and work. 
“I’m going to slightly numb the area and begin. You okay?” Law checks in with a glance to her face as he readies the needle and thread. 
Daisy nods. 
“I, uh, I would look away if you’re still feeling faint.” Law says as he notices her eyes on the wound he was about to begin sewing together. 
“It’s kind of hard not to look… can you distract me or something?” 
Law’s breath catches in his throat. 
“I don’t know! Talk to me or something, so I can take my mind off it?”
“I mean, I’ll be kind of busy. But you can talk if you’d like…” 
There was a short pause. 
“So. What’s your favorite color?” Daisy asks. 
“Wha- huh?” Law cocks his head and meets her eyes. “My favorite color?” 
What the hell was she talking about? He hasn’t been asked this question since he was young and his baby sister would make him macaroni art… No, wait, Cora asked him once… he wanted to know what color sprinkles to put on his 14th birthday cake… 
“Yeah, mine’s yellow. What’s yours?” Daisy interrupts his wandering train of thought.
Law returns his gaze to the task at hand and begins stitching the wound at its corner. 
“Um. I don’t have one.” 
“Oh come on. No one’s that buttoned up.” Daisy rolls her eyes. “You’re that committed to the dark and mysterious bit that you won’t even tell me your favorite color?” 
There was a pregnant pause.
“I don’t talk about myself because it would only cause people to be sympathetic towards me, and that’s the last thing I want. Everything before I founded the Heart Pirates is nothing short of tragic, and it’s a past I’m still trying to avenge… and, blue, I guess…” Law is grateful he has to focus on stitching the wound, there’s no way he’d be able to make eye contact with her now anyway. He sees her smile softly out of the corner of his right eye. 
“Blue is nice.”
Daisy hisses as Law pierces the skin with his needle in a particularly thick spot, the numbing medication only doing so much. 
“SO,” She winces as she tries to distract herself. “You were really touchy about the record player… Who did you say it belonged to again?” 
Law stops. Silence falls again. 
“An old mentor of mine.” Law continues working. Daisy looks at him expectantly, clearly waiting for him to elaborate… but her expression was soft, not wanting to rush him. 
“Corazon… he saved my life… It’s a long story. I was very ill as a child. I’m from Flevance-“ 
“How? Everyone from Flevance died from Amber Lead Disease? I heard about it when I was real young… my dad used to tell me about it so we wouldn’t go play in the mines.” Daisy interrupts him. 
“That’s why it’s a long story… I thought you wanted me to talk to you?” Law can’t help but smirk a bit. 
“Right, sorry, go on.” Daisy giggles a bit. *How cute.* No… not cute.
“Anyway…” Law continues sewing up the gash on Daisy’s leg.  “You know who Donquixote Doflamingo is, right, yes?”
Daisy nods. 
“So when I was 13…” 
Law spends the entirety of 30 minutes explaining his tragic childhood while carefully patching up Daisy’s open cuts. 
“Gods, Law… And I thought my life sucked… I’m sorry that happened to you, I really am.” Daisy reaches down and touches Law’s clothed bicep. Law flinches. 
“Sorry…” Daisy says after feeling him recoil from her touch. 
“No.. it’s ok. I just… don’t tell a lot of people that.”
“My family was killed too. I can’t say I relate to all of the other shit, but we have at least one horrific ordeal in common. That’s how I ended up with Grey Jaw…” 
“You don’t have to tell me about it. I know that it’s-“
“It’s fine. You asked awhile ago and I didn’t answer. I guess I wasn’t ready…” Daisy sighs. “He burnt my island to the ground, taking me and the other young girls to ‘work’ for him after we watched him murder our families. I was 16. I was there for 4 years… it was all a blur really… tried to force it out of my head…” Daisy sniffles. 
Law pretends not to notice and continues his work. Daisy swallows hard.
“When I was 20, we were freed by the Marines who launched a surprise raid on the ship. I ended up on some dinky little island and bartended for another 4 years before Luffy showed up and asked me to join his crew. Aaaand now I’m here in this mess…” Another sigh left her lips. 
“But you hate the Marines now?” Law asks. 
“There are good marines. Just like there are good pirates.” Daisy looks up at Law to meet his eyes. “You can understand that, right?”
He nods, knowing all too well. 
“All done.” 
“Thanks, doc. Can you ‘shambles’ me back to my room or something? I’ve already overstayed my welcome, I think.” 
“Just sleep here. I was going to finish research and crash on the couch anyway.” Law rises from the bed. 
“You’re sure?” She asks. 
“Yeah, and here’s a hot water bottle… for the, you know…” Law hands her the heating pad. She shyly smiles as she grabs it from his hands. “Get some rest. Yell if you need something, I’ll just be next door.”
Law is halfway through the archway when he hears her. 
“Goodnight.” She smiles warmly at him. 
Law feels something tingly and foreign shoot through his veins. Looking at her, he couldn’t help but smile back. Genuinely. 
“Goodnight Daisy.” 
**Authors Note** PART 9 WILL BE UP TOMORROW FOR VALENTINE'S HEHEHE IF THAT GIVES YOU A HINT! Also PLEASE comment and let me know if you want to be in the taglist for this series! Sorry for the slowest burn on the planet, I simply am being so self indulgent...
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alienhub · 1 month
I want to introduce you all to my Arcana OC – Indigo. An elegant, thin and fragile elf. We love this, huh?
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It took me about two months to design the character from scratch, create an accurate design for them and draw it all. And I'm happy with what I got in the end (but I still hate drawing hair).
Some facts about Indigo:
– For their race, they possessed some magical potential, but not too powerful, which is why they spent a lot of time and effort studying and practicing magic.
– Indigo is stronger in theory than in practice, but they are working on it.
– They have some complexes about appearance, namely, they are not satisfied with the structure of the eyelids (asian lol).
– Loves makeup, but they don't know how to apply it, which makes them even more upset about the structure of their own eyelids.
– They do not have the best eyesight (Indigo is quite short-sighted), but acute hearing never fails.
– The only weapon they have is a combat fan. They don't know how to handle other weapons besides this one.
– Ectomorph.
– They love fans of different designs and types, but they don't often part with their own, which is especially valuable to them. No one is allowed to touch this object.
– Their childhood years were spent in a small mountain village in the East. Indigo moved to Vesuvia with ambitions and desires to improve their live. They did not have the heart to stay in remote places for a long time. Moving was not easy for them, just like the process of obtaining high-level skills and status. And today, Indigo value their place and work very much.
– Not very long ago, they got to the position of court magician.
– Indigo dreams of having a pet, but they are not sure that they can provide it with a better life, so they postpone this moment over and over again.
– No matter how much they like Vesuvia, they are periodically overcome by longing for their native place, where they have not returned for many years and are not even completely sure if that village still exists.
– They are wary of strangers and try to keep communication with strangers to a minimum, but on their own initiative, Indigo never reject those who want to communicate with them. But they never start a dialogue first.
– They are prone to perfectionism and are often very critical of themselves and everything they say or do.
– Indigo cries when, while reading a book, they comes across a sad moment where someone feels bad/hurt. Often their impressionability makes them cry at the sight of dead birds and animals. This can spread to plants.
– Very harmless. They defend themselves only if the attitude towards them becomes frankly disgusting. Most often, they ignore small "red flags", even if they notice them, because Indigo always believe that everyone is wrong.
– Indigo is very passionate about history, art, philosophy and literature. They admire those who can draw, sing or write poetry, as they consider these to be the highest talents.
– They also admire those who are stronger than them in anything.
– Their anger manifests itself in the fact that they isolate themselves from everyone or specifically from the one who annoys them, so as not to say unpleasant things. It is difficult to determine that Indigo are annoyed by something. They won't show it.
– Indigo loves sweets so much. Any kind. Just give them more and they will be at your feet.
– They don't like tea. And coffee too.
– They get drunk quickly. Therefore, Indigo prefer not to get involved with alcohol.
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
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rambles | stu, billy, poly!ghostface | pt. 6
period sex/blood kink, discussion of their anger, domestic rambles.
Feral morning thought- convincing Billy to get tied up in some way and making him watch you ride a dildo while you’re on your period. His eyes just cutting into you as you bounce and moan with blood settling at the base.
On blood play note- riding stu on your period as he’s either actually submissive/forced to be still and Billy watching you until you pull off of him, right before stu cums, just for Billy to suck stu off with your blood in the mix. 100% creams his pants without anyone touching him.
Sometimes when stu is in a Mood™️ he becomes the clingiest bitch on earth. He’s grumpy and you don’t GET to leave he’s PISSY and he’s going to CUDDLE you for FUCKS SAKE. you + Billy give him kisses and share some candy with him and he feels better. might go out for a kill to work off some pissy baby attitude
there are days where Billy is needy and it is everyone else’s problem.
this is my little take on Billy + stu jealousy-anger-and such:
Billy- if Billy gets mad at you, it’s because of something that actually happened; any angry delusions are around the idea that someone could make you do the thing and he doesn’t blame you for that. He tries to not take his anger out on you and he tries to be mature about it but sometimes that’s hard. He would never physically hurt you. Only emotionally-mentally enough to make you relent to him.
If Billy gets mad and it’s not at you, it’s hard to tell unless he lets it known or it’s to you and Stu. He just conceals it. bitch would of loved frozen. he’ll go to you to talk about it. he’ll go to stu to talk about how to remove the problem. and he’ll go to both of you to ask for comfort. maybe comfort sex. maybe put him in his place sex. maybe murder.
stu doesn’t like getting mad at you because that’s how his exes ended up dead. but sometimes it’s inevitable. Billy does not let stu be mad at you in isolation. he’ll immediately try to talk to him about it and normally it’s an exaggeration delusion or something that can be talked out. stu doesn’t like being mad at you and he’s open to trying to fix it and he’s less of a Dick™️ to you -reader-Chan-
if stu is mad at not you, you jsut know. maybe others don’t. he’s like the concept of your mom coming home irritated from work and while she’s not mad at you, you can feel it. that’s stu. he really doesn’t want you getting worked up over it though. you’re his princess don’t worry about it. but he will 100% accept comfort kisses and you massaging his scalp.
I need you to know you could do something as simple and domestic as making them something simple like a sandwich and they’re both GONE. they’re both in love. jfc just treat them gently and let them murder and they will buy a ring.
stroke Stu’s cheek gently and call him your good boy and he is dead then and there
Date idea eating an entire xl Sam’s club JIF peanut butter jar with spoons
Have any of you seen that post ab a boyfriend showering with his gf and he cries over her gently washing his body and shampooing his hair? That’s exactly how I write the reader in all of these, that they’re the ones who’ve shown gentleness to be spared.
100% will kill your exes unless you’re explicit in that “were just better as friends/it was just not meant to be” and show that you would be genuinely mad at them if they killed them. If you don’t do that, they’re killing them either out of jealousy or revenge.
Random note: I’ve seen the ghostface - reader - j.d. ship and that’s fine it’s cute id like to be fucked by all three of them but like. J.D. is always their age. He’s like. Math older. 17 in 89, so… he would be 24 in 1996. I mean. Anyway none of that matters I’m just typing out of my ass.
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canirove · 10 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 16
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Good morning, sunshine!"
"Leah?" June groaned. "What are you doing here?"
"Getting you out of that bed" she said, opening the curtains. "You've spent half your summer there crying and eating your weight on ice-cream, and I've had enough of it."
"But I haven't" she replied, covering her head with the duvet.
"June, I'm being serious. You are gonna get out of that bed, make yourself look presentable, and come on a run with me. The preseason is around the corner and we must get ready for it."
"June, c'mon!" Leah said, sitting on the bed and uncovering her head. "You are Chelsea's captain!" 
"I won't be anymore."
"I'm retiring, Leah."
"No, you are not" she laughed.
"I am. I can't play anymore."
"Why not? Because you are heartbroken and Chilly and Mason may hate you?" 
"Because I think I'm pregnant" June whispered.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I think I'm pregnant, Leah" she cried, covering her head again.
"You think you… From whom?"
"Pick a guess."
"Wait… Mason? Oh my God, June!" Leah said, standing up.
"I know" she sobbed.
"Why didn't you use protection?"
"Because there wasn't time. We walked through the door and just…"
"Oh, my God. How could you be so stupid? Both of you?"
"There is no need to insult me, Leah. I myself have already done it enough."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But June! June!" she said, sitting down again. 
"I know."
"Wait, June…" Leah said after a few seconds in silence. "You said you think you may be pregnant. Have you taken a test yet?"
"No? Why?"
"I haven't had the strength to go out and buy it. But I don't need to, to be honest. I've been feeling sick and very tired for the past few days. And my period is late."
"How late?"
"Four days. And it is like a clock, you know it."
"But you've been under a lot of stress lately, it can happen."
"Not with me, Leah. I'm pregnant and I'm gonna have to retire early and raise a baby alone because their father hates me" June said, starting to cry again. 
"Hey, you are not alone. June" Leah said, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "You are not alone. You have me, and I'm sure Vittoria and Lauren will also be there for you. Same with John, your family and Mason."
"He hates me."
"But he isn't the type of guy who would abandon his baby and you know it."
"He isn't, no."
"And June, if you are not ready for it, you know there always is another option."
"You mean…"
"Yes" Leah said, taking her hand on hers.
"I can't do that. And definitely not without telling Mason."
"Your body, your choice, June. But we don't know yet if you actually are pregnant, so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now we must focus on you taking that test."
"I'm not ready, Leah."
"The sooner the better, so this is what we are going to do. I'm gonna run you a nice warm bath, and while you are relaxing and getting rid of that greasy hair, I'm going out to buy you a test and something nice for breakfast."
"Buy three."
"What?" Leah chuckled.
"Buy at least three tests and from different brands. I want to be completely sure."
"Ok. Three tests, coffee, and a croissant as big as your head. Does that sound good?"
"Perfect" June said. "Thank you, Leah."
"Anything for you, Maxwell" she replied, kissing her forehead.
"How much left?" June asked.
"A minute."
"A minute" she repeated, pacing around the kitchen. "This is the longest minute of my life, I feel like I'm going to have a heart…"
"June, why are you crying now?"
"Ben!" she said. "What am I going to tell him, Leah? Oh, hey, I'm pregnant with your best friend's child after a one night stand but I'm in love with you?"
"Wait, are you in love with Chilly?"
"I… I don't know. Maybe. I'm too confused and all this isn't helping and… shit!" 
"It's time" Leah said, turning off her phone's alarm. "Do you want to do the honours?"
"I can't. You do it."
"Ok. I'm gonna turn them all around at the same time. Ready?"
"No" June said, covering her eyes.
"One, two… three!"
"And? Leah, why have you gone so quiet? Am I pregnant or not?"
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bratzforchris · 1 year
Sick Days
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Summary: Luke has a chronic illness called PFAPA, which causes him to have periodic fevers and sore throats, but when he's with you, his flare ups are just a tiny bit better
Pairing: Luke x gender neutral reader
Warnings: Slight depression (?) over being chronically ill
Word Count: 1556
A/N: PFAPA is usually a childhood syndrome that people outgrow, but in rare cases like mine, it can last into or start in adulthood. You can read more about it here :)
You woke up when you heard slight sniffles coming from the opposite side of the bed. Luke was sitting up, wrapped up in his favorite blanket, and desperately trying to massage his knees. That could only mean one thing: he was having a flare up.
“Oh honey,” You cooed, moving to rub his back. “Flare up?”
Luke nodded softly, sniffling and wiping his tears with the heels of his hands. “I’m cold.” he croaked.
“Let’s take that temperature, bub.” You sighed softly, pulling the thermometer Luke kept in his nightstand out. 
Luke whimpered, but stuck his tongue out, allowing you to insert the metal device. You rubbed his back and aching joints as the thermometer ticked away, hoping to provide him with any sort of comfort. You knew how much pain these flare ups caused him. 
“101.2 (38.4 ºC),” You said gently. “That’s getting up there, sweetie. Have you had something to drink yet? I don’t want you to get really sick…”
There had been far too many times where you’d had to take Luke to urgent care during a flare up because he’d gotten dehydrated from refusing to drink anything due to his sore throat. You’d really prefer to not have to do that today, especially as rainy and cold as it was outside. 
Sure enough, your boyfriend shook his head, tears pricking his baby blue eyes. “Hurts to swallow.” he cried. 
“Baby…” You pouted, running your fingers through his tangly curls. 
Luke never, ever slept well the night before a flare up, meaning he always woke up with his curls extremely tangled from tossing and turning. In fact, the poor boy’s whole body looked exhausted and run down. He had large purple bags under his eyes and his face had been drained of color,
save for a few spots of acne dotting his chin and forehead. Not to mention how awfully he was shivering from the fever. 
Tears started running down Luke’s face as he crawled under the comforter, burrowing next to you. “I hate this. Every fucking month I’m sick.” he sobbed, already losing his voice from those two sentences. 
“Shhh, love. Don’t talk. That’s going to make your throat hurt worse.” You told him, kissing his warm forehead gently. 
That sent Luke into another flurry of tears, snuggling into your side as his tears soaked your shirt. It broke your heart to see the guy you loved in so much pain, especially when there wasn’t much you could do about it. The fevers from his condition didn’t usually respond to pain relievers and there wasn’t really a cure, so the best you could do was at least try to help him get comfortable during his flare ups. 
“Does a popsicle sound good?” You asked, hoping the sweet treat would take his mind off his pain. 
Luke grabbed his phone from the nightstand and began to type. You waited until he showed you the screen and cooed. 
‘can you look in my throat first?’ he had typed. 
You smiled, taking his phone from him. “Of course, baby. Open wide.” 
You shone the flashlight down his throat, wincing internally when you noticed how red and swollen his throat and tonsils were. The back of his throat was coated in white spots and sores, yet another symptom that came along with his flare ups. “Yeah, it’s red and swollen and you have the spots again. I’m sorry, darling.” 
Luke pouted and sniffled, but took his phone back from you to type another note. 
‘i want a grape popsicle please’ this one read. 
Smiling, you tucked your boyfriend in gently and left the room to retrieve the items you would need to care for a sick Luke. These included a popsicle, his comfort water bottle, some liquid pain reliever, and his stuffed dog that turned into a heating pack. After being with him for three years, you were pretty well-versed in how to take care of Luke during his flare ups. It killed you to see him in pain, thus you tried your hardest to make sure he was semi-comfortable. 
You tiptoed back upstairs softly, just in case Luke had fallen asleep. Much to your sadness, he was still awake when you entered the room, watching something on Netflix with bleary eyes. “I got your popsicle, baby.” You whispered, rubbing his blanket-covered belly. 
Luke half-smiled, reaching one hand out of the blanket to take the treat from you. He tried to croak out a thank you, before realizing how much pain that was putting his throat in. 
“Don’t talk, baby. Rest your throat,” You said gently, kissing his forehead. “I’ll make you some soup later.” 
The blond nodded and shivered, cuddling under the blanket with his popsicle to watch TV. Much to your sadness, you didn’t miss the way he grimaced every time he moved, his joints clicking. You joined Luke in bed, sipping on your hot coffee. Most of Luke’s flare up days were spent in bed, watching movies and cuddling since the poor boy didn’t have the strength nor the energy to do much else. 
“‘M done.” Luke whispered softly after a few minutes of silence, handing the empty popsicle stick to you. 
As much as you wanted to chastise Luke for talking, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. It really wasn’t fair that he had to deal with this every month, between the coldness from the fevers, the joint pain, and the fact that he was unable to talk to you without being in immense pain. 
You kissed his lips gently, frowning internally when you felt how warm his lips were. Luke moved to cuddle into you, laying his head in your lap. 
“My joints hurt.” he sniffled, trying his hardest not to cry. 
“I know, love, I know. Do you wanna try some liquid Tylenol? I know it doesn’t usually work, but it might make you more comfortable?” You asked, rubbing his back. “It’s only ten, baby. The day is still long and I don’t want you to be in more pain than you have to.”
Luke didn’t answer, instead opting to burrow his face into your side. As the seconds passed, you felt his large body scoot ever closer to yours, desperate for warmth. When he stilled, you honestly thought he had fallen asleep. That is until you heard a soft sniffle, followed by a wet
spot on your shirt. 
“Lu?” You asked, softly rubbing his side. 
“I’m sorry,” came the faint sob. “I’m sorry you have to take care of me. I’m a burden”
“Oh baby,” Your voice immediately softened. “Can you look at me?”
The blond looked up at you, his nose running and eyes teary. He looked beyond sick and miserable and it was honestly breaking your heart, especially since he thought he was burdening you by you taking care of him. 
“Sweetie, you are not a burden, okay? I knew what I was signing up for when we started dating. If I didn’t want to take care of you, I would’ve left a long time ago. I love you, Luke.” You stroked his burning cheek gently. 
Luke began to cry harder, making you worried you had said the wrong thing until he sobbed out a sniffly, croaky “love you too”. By this point, he was practically laying on top of you, his overheated body warming your own. 
“I know we aren’t married yet, but in sickness and in health, right?” You asked him. 
The blond nodded softly, resting against you. “Want Tunia to cuddle with me,” he whispered. 
You smiled to yourself, running your hand along his back. The boy loved his dog so much and you knew cuddling with Petunia was always bound to make Luke feel just a tiny bit better. “Let me go find her.” You cooed, sliding him off your lap before kissing his forehead and tucking him in. 
You had fed the bulldog earlier in the morning when you were grabbing Luke’s sick “essentials”, so you were pretty sure she was back on her bed now, snoozing the day away. Sure enough, Petunia was sprawled out on her bed when you reached the bottom of the stares, snoring heavily. “Wake up, sweet girl,” You chuckled, rubbing her side. “Your dad needs you.” 
Now that she was up and awake, Petunia followed you back up the stairs in hopes of getting a treat. “Be quiet, girl.” You whispered as you opened the bedroom door. 
You had been right in telling the dog to be quiet, for Luke had finally fallen back to sleep, curled up in a nest of blankets and pillows with his stuffed dog. You smiled softly to yourself, patting the bed so Petunia could hop up. With a bit of struggle–she was a chunky girl, after all–Petunia jumped onto the bed, immediately romping over to Luke’s side. 
Smiling to yourself, you crawled into the bed with your two loves, watching as Petunia cuddled up against Luke’s side, resting her head on his hip. Your blond boyfriend snored softly, finally getting the rest he needed after a long, exhausting night. You made a mental note to give Luke some pain reliever and make him some soup when he woke up, but for now, you simply soaked in the moment of cuddling up with your lover and your dog. 
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saturnaous · 11 days
I have to preface if anyone in relations to my dnd group sees this NO YOU DON'T. and don't tell nightmare. you see nothing. get out of here. anyways.
@nightmareeyest haiiii haiiii here's the guys every. I love character making very fun. waves
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okay. so I'm gonna be a little bit silly with uhm. dnd characters because I LOVE dnd characters. thus far none of them have been used but both Nico + Carmine have set places already to work in!! anyways. This fella is Nico!!! he's so neat 2 me. Nico Cybil, Deepsea Merfolk, a paladin who adventured to the surface to try to ease the sin of the surfaced/sun touched world so that everybody wouldn't DROWN.
The worldbuilding done by our wonderful dm is that there are these Titans that flood the world when awoken, and the part of Nico's religion from far down below is that their god, who sees through the sun, became terribly sad when she saw all the sin in the world and cried so much she drowned part of the world with her tears when her children awoke or whatever. Nico thinks that if he basically goes up and says "Everybody stop sinning!!!" It'll stop the flooding of everything. So his whole town thing basically sent him up with some magic armor and a little teardrop shaped piece of gold(who's supposed to be the sign of god being sad again; the first tear or whatever).
Nico also had a best pal named Clancy who he convinced to come up to the surface with him. about the point when they finally started being able to see sunlight some raiders(or something; Nico doesn't know, I don't know. that's up to my dm) came around and yoinked up Clancy. Nico logically thinks that Clancy is dead, but he still clings onto the hope that they didn't kill him. He does hold onto a lot of guilt about leading Clancy to his death and thinks about all the signs about him not bringing him along. Nico's constantly thinking about if it was his own fault for taking him to danger against his better judgment or if he didn't listen to signs from god that this was a mission for him and him alone and Clancy paid the price. anyways.
Nico's a fucking idiot. a big part of his village in the trenches or whatever is that they are free of sin; Sunlight(aka their god's gaze) doesn't get deep enough to see them so clearly it's because she doesn't have the need to watch them because they are so perfect and holy all the time. This feeds into a big complex that Nico has of "Me(holy, good, savior of all these sunlit creatures), and them(sinners, everyone born in the sunlight, those who need saving)". He's also an idiot who's never been in any semblance of any version of the real world. He has way too much confidence for a 5'3 guy who walks like a duck and doesn't know what colors are. I'm so excited to play him because he's SO stupid. his catchphrase is going to be "God loves me" followed by something stupid. They'd tell him he can't make a 50ft jump in which he'll respond with "Maybe YOU can't. God loves me" and then. he has to get held back . He's just going to be so stupid. I'm really excited. he's going to be very socially inept because he's just fucking like that. I'm genuinely so excited for him. His wisdom is actually an 8 and his intelligence is at 10. a -1 and 0 modifier respectively. hilarious. Nico you are so special to me I'm SO EXCITED.
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ermmmm this be Carmine!! more dnd. shrug. Carmine Ryder, the Werewolfe Barbarian. big ass lesbian who's going to smush faces with @orange-t-apple's siren lesbian lady HI SHROT HAIIIIII HAIII hope you don't mind the @. the @ errrrrr. ya. anwyays Carmine is very neat she's from a village thing where everybody are like werebeast creatures. she's from a line of werewolves though. Her dad is kind of a prick so she's always been a "stick it to the man" type thing towards him so she started basically brawling to prove herself to him or whatever. he hated that shit so she kept doing it. at some point it got to where she would just leave. for like long periods of time and then come back to visit her mom and rub it in her dad's face. But last time she left Carmine and her dad got into a big argument or something and she stormed out. Then at some point she got a letter saying her dad was died and it was her fault for reasons I don't think I nailed down yet . so she just never went back. she doesn't know if he's ACTUALLY dead or not but she does know it was NOT her fault but she just doesn't want to deal with that. Anyways. She's very neat. delightful even. she never wears a shirt if she's not fighting because she doesn't see what the big deal is about her tits. she only wraps them up when fighting bc her jacket is heavy and they get mad at her when she leaves them thangs out. her future girlfriend is great too if. vaguely gestures shrot would be so kind to even speak about her. Annie the girlfail bard lesbian. she's a delight as well. ermg. anyways. RUFFLES AROUND IN MY BAG LABELED MY BLORBOS.
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OKAY FINALLY. something non dnd related. swag. okay.
This is Kurgou!!! I've had him for quite a few years now but I've recently been reworking dragons in the world they are in so he's been through some updating! very swag.
Kurgou is a dragon; dragons in the world he's in are very reclusive since the great burn(the overthrowing of dragons with a divine flame from the gods), and mostly live in mountians in small villages. Kurgou's father is basically akin to a village chief. His mom was sweet, his dad is kind of an ass, yk the jist. his sister is swag though. anyways.
Kurgou was basically born with a magic deficiency; his body basically can't store magic correctly, so it leaks out. He had to constantly eat stuff just so he wouldn't get to a deadly lack of magic. His dad didn't like that; basically started resenting him as soon as they found out.
At some point, he'd start lashing out when he'd get to a bad level of magic. didn't help that his dad really sucked with parenting towards him. His mom was really nice about stuff though. very swag. jist of it is 'daddy issues'. ermng ggg. yeaghg.
most major incident was when he was mayeb 11? kurgou was left with his dad while his mom was off doing stuff but his dad basically said "I'm not dealing with you" and left him on his own. 11 would normally be okay to be left along but dragons age differently than humans or whaatever, so he was striaght up just a little guy left on his own.
his momma came home like "holy SHIT where did my husband go!!! he left my son here!!!" and panicked and gave him some food or whatever because he basically was fucked. he was like a shivering pile of whatever. worst state he'd been in before. fevery like fuck. anyways. his brain wasn't working correctly in the moment and bit part of his mom's hand off . He never meant to hurt her but she was the best source of magic at the moment and that's what he needed so in his fucked up state he didn't register anything other than what he needed to eat or whatever. anyways.
this fucked up a LOT of shit for him. his mom didn't blame him, even if she was scared of him or whaetver, his dad started to HATE his guts, even going as far to convince the rest of the town or whatever to see they could ban his ass with his track record of being violent and now actively attacking someone, someone who he even loved and didn't antagonize him.
long story short, 12 year old booted from everything he knows and forced to go find somewhere else to call home. he's been traveling for like 20+ bc he's like 34 now and stumbled upon some little mountian village where he meets a vampire fae and a lion demihuman with a reputation he doesn't really seem to uphold which is going to become his forever family mefinks? we haven't roleplayed with them in a long while but they are delightful. very swag. Kurgou is neat 2 me.
ermmrmbhngrgrmrghgm. that's all I got for now but I have more. if you ever want me to make a list and you can pick a handful for me to talk about :) ermmmgnggg ya. I lvoe making characters it's delightful
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builtbybrokenbells · 8 months
Hi t!! I just read Reaching New Heights and I've never liked a fic so fast. Bless that anon for sending the ask and thank you for making it come true in the best way. I have to admit I'm a sucker for soft virginity/first time trope, maybe because it's something I've never had. It's so soft and sweet and smoking hot all at the same time and the epitome of fictional men written by women (I mean this as a compliment and I'd choose fictional men over men in real life any day, duh) it instantly reminds me of the episode on Unwaxed podcast where Emily Morse talked about how some so many portrayal of sex scenes in movies and stuff aren't realistic like women actually need time to properly warm up and it's just not realistic for them to have an orgasm in two minutes in an elevator or something. I mean we can all dream in fictional world, but it's just awesome from time to time to read something that has the proper build up (the part with the kisses rather than just rushing into it....top tier writing) I saw dee reblogs it with the tag "men take notes" and I 🙌🙌🙌 I am on my period and anxious as f^ck because of a task I have for tomorrow but coming cross this piece of art feels like a kiss on the forehead. bless your heart for making a stranger feel so soft, mushy, and happpy that she cries a little....THANK YOU SO MUCH. (I am sorry if this is long and TMI, I'm sorry if this sounds awkward....lqiudghxiy I just really need to say it out loud because it's just soooooo goooooood)
Hello, lovely 🤍 let me just say, your words have kept a smile on my face all day long. I wanted to take a minute to formulate a proper response, because you have no idea how appreciative I am for you!
I have also found myself enjoying the virginity/first time trope, and I tend to believe that it’s because my first time was nothing short of awful (and that’s putting it… lightly) and I have spent my entire life dreaming of fictional men that would treat me better than real life men.
I was so nervous to post it, as well as Picasso, which I posted some time ago, now. It was my way of airing out my desire for someone who treated me well, yet I still recognized that first time fics are very difficult to write well. I also fear that with a request like such, that I cannot capture the readers vision as clear or well as they would like me to.
As I posted it and read some messages and comments, I realized that there’s a lot more people who have had the same types of experiences and feelings about the topic than I originally thought. To hear that this made you feel such a way makes me incredibly happy, and I cannot express my gratitude enough.
As for the details, sometimes I feel like it’s easy to forget the build up in lieu of the main event. Especially when there’s so many fics out there that are hot, and exceptionally well written. I hate to say that I did end up cutting out quite a bit of stuff from the main draft, and now that I read this, it makes me feel as though I should have left it. To know that was the part that stuck out with you makes me incredibly happy, because it stuck out to me, too. (I swear I could write a novel about good foreplay and only that, because that’s how much it means to me.)
Good banter and build up are just as essential as the main event to me while creating a scene, as well as a relationship to the story. In a world where it’s normalized for men to leave women unfulfilled, I think it’s quite important to focus on that more than anything else, especially in these types of fics.
I am so grateful for your kindness, and for everyone else who took time to leave a comment. Messages like this and people like you are the reason I come on here and share my work, and I would not be here without your support. Thank you so much for brightening my day, and I’m so glad that my writing could bring you so much joy.
I hope your task tomorrow goes well, and thank you again for being my shred of happiness for the day 🤍
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irenic-0kk · 1 year
What would it be like to date Hinata (Haikyuu)???
i love my sunshine!!
Hinata Shoyo dating headcannons!
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Content: Fluff. I mean, there's a lot of fluff in this.
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✧ When you two met, it would probably start of with an awkward one? Perhaps because some certain ball of sunshine just accidently hit someone on the head with a volleyball when his practicing his serves.
✧ Hinata kept on apologising after the incident and insisted of helping you get to the clinic.
✧ You on the other hand refuses and reassured him that it was totally fine and it was only just an accident.
✧ After that day you two started to talk with each other and at some point the two of you started to dating after a few months. (Hinata didn't mean to confess to you but he did, and you accepted his confession saying you liked him back; making him felt better, in the end he didn't regret confessing at all.)
✧ On your first date, he takes you to the amusement park.
✧ He got so embarrassed when you started to call him by his first name.
✧ His that type of person to be patient—But can be clingy at times but that's one of the things you liked about him.
✧ He always invited you to his practices. (His team would always tease him about having a girlfriend, especially Noya and Tanaka: the two literally cried after hearing Hinata had a girlfriend. Saying that he was such a lucky guy for a having a girlfriend first before them.)
✧ He likes to visit you and your family on the weekends whenever there has no practice. (Your parents was shock at first after you told them that your dating someone, but they both supported you and even told you to bring Hinata sometimes.)
✧ Hinata was so nervous when you've mentioned that your parents wanted to meet him. He was a bit hesitant at first and he kept on telling you that he didn't want to meet them (yet); saying he was scared of what your parents might think if him. You just laughed at him and reassured him that your parents will love him. (In the end, he end up loving your parents after meeting them.)
✧ He always talks about volleyball. And you aren't complaining because you love it how he would always talk about his passion towards that sport.
✧ He would teach you how to play volleyball, and you would teach him (your hobby) in return. (He was a bit struggling at first but he was determined to keep on trying just for you.)
✧ He loves it when you hug him, kiss him on the cheeks, give him head rub, or even cheering him on when he have practices or matches with other schools. (And he always get flustered or embarrassed when you done those things which made Noya and Tanaka to tease him even more when seeing his blushing face. Tsuki would occasionally butt's in and tease him as well.)
✧ He always brought your favorite snacks when your upset or when you have your period. (He was struggling what pads/tampons you wore when he tries buying one for you and he would need to call his Mom or Kiyoko for help.)
✧ He likes it when you come over to his house and comfort him whenever he failed his test/exams. He has a total breakdown when his team lose a game and tour always there to comfort him. And this is the reason why his starting to fall in love with you even more.
✧ Your his top one supporter!
✧ He would always text and call you when his at his training camp. Would send you a text every now and then, before and after his match/game.
✧ You would help him study before his exams or whenever he would take a test.
✧ He loves to cuddle with you, a lot.
✧ He would shower you with kisses on the face and would say and whisper only sweet things to you.
✧ No questions ask but he would always ask for your perfume and would use it for his shirts so he could always smell your scent whenever you aren't around.
✧ He would always bring you up to his conversation with his friends, telling them how he was so lucky to have you.
✧ Hinata would always tease Kageyama for not having a girlfriend.
✧ In some random times, he would blurt out how much he loves you and you would just get flustered whenever he would say those words to you.
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(Hope you guys enjoy reading! Request here.)
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Hi i'm curious mostly about the pre-surgery side of things: how did you fare with getting the process started? did you encounter any resistance/stalling from healthcare staff? did you feel like you were given adequate control over the process (f.ex. what kind of surgery would be performed and by whom), or just generally did you feel listened to and respected during the whole thing? how much did it end up costing you (i'm presuming public healthcare didn't cover the entire thing &/or you had to go at least partially private?), and what kind of payment plans were available (i.e. did you have to pre-pay or will you be billed later, are the installments reasonable, &c.)?
This is a lot of questions lol sorry, feel free to answer only partially or just whatever bits you feel cool about sharing! And thanks in advance. I can't access trans medical care in my country without going private (which is unreasonably expensive here) so I'm curious if things are any better in iceland (& if I should add 'better healthcare' to the list of reasons to move there since i already have a citizenship)
I would say the process of getting started went very smoothly for me. The first step was to contact Transteymið (the trans team) and ask to be put on a waiting list to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis. You no longer need a referral in order to contact them and can simply email them yourself. About a month after I applied I went in for my first appointment with a therapist. You have to do four appointments over the course of six months, two with a therapist and two with a psychiatrist. Due to the waiting list for hrt being so long at the moment and the fact that I was completely sure in my decision I got lucky though and they graduated me from that program after only four months.
After that they put me on the waiting list for hrt and since I said I wanted top surgery they asked if I was planning on going private or public. There are two surgeons in Iceland that do top surgery, and I knew the public one had a rather long waiting list and I could afford to go private so I opted for that instead. After that I called the private clinic to book a consultation and I got incredibly lucky because I called on a monday and they asked if I could come in to see them that thursday. I had heard from a friend that it generally took about a month or two to get a consultation so I honestly cried with joy over how quickly I was offered an appointment.
At my consultation I was examined and we immediately dicussed surgery options then. My surgeon told me I was eligible for a few different types of surgeries, and we agreed that double incision surgery would be best for me as it had the lowest complication rate and would give me more natural looking results. After checking that my referral was in I was able to book the surgery date that very same day and had no further consultations until the surgery itself, where we decided to not only do a double incision but a keyhole incision as well because I was scared of developing necrosis in case my nipple grafts didn't take. Overall my surgeon was very accommodating and professional, in the period between my consultation and the surgery itself I emailed him multiple times with various questions and he was always quick to answer. Throughout my entire process from contacting the trans team up until the surgery itself I generally did feel respected by the medical professionals treating me.
The surgery ended up costing me 195,000 ISK (~ €1,308 / $1,429 / £1,129), whereas without my referral it would have been something like 600,000 ISK (~ €4,024 / $4,395 / £3,472). I transferred the entire payment over because I could afford to do so, and as far as I'm aware of they don't offer the option to pay in installments (it must be paid in its entirety no later than 20 days before the surgery) but then again I didn't ask.
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32 Weeks Tracklist/Song Picks pt. 2 (weeks 9-16)
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How/Why did I choose/chose to use the songs I did
*Full breakdown, updated in real time(weekly)*
9. Hurt Feelings x Mac Miller
I have to be completely honest. I never was a fan/gave Mac a chance until after he passed. I had begun listening to Anderson.Paak. Going through his discography was so fun. I get to Oxnard and "Cheers" gives me chills. Q-tip is on here repping for Phife- Dawg and then Paak is pouring out his soul saying he misses his friend (Mac). From that point I made it a mission to check Miller out. I wasn't impressed at first. As a rapper (who started in middle school) I was shocked that this kid made it anywhere. I keep listening. I start to understand his concept, his target audience, and realize that he is developing into something major. Macadelic was interesting to me, as well as Watching Movies.... This time period in hip hop was weird to me at the time, but going back it all makes sense. I cringed my way through Faces...I hated it first because..spoiler we know how Mac goes out and he is taunting us through out this whole album(today, I understand/appreciate his work on that project and it is a big inspiration for me with 32 Weeks). Go:od Am was a fav, as he seems more healthy and is trying to get better. I fucked with that album heavy. Divine Femine was an instant classic. I shared with my wife and we enjoy it together. Now, I must add, during this dive into Mac's cuts, I also stumbled across Dissect Podcast. The guys on there broke down everything and made me truly feel closer to Mac's Swimming in Circles. I cried so much in the fall of 2021. I had been through hell, and his lyrics just made it all make sense. Fast forward to 2023. I knew I wanted to incorporate Mac's tracks in my project but didn't know where to start. I did know I did not want to fool with Self-Care. I landed on Hurt Feelings. This beat had me unleash my pent up frustrations in dealing with members of my group that weren't moving with the same pace as me. I get it, you aren't ready, but at the same time, don't bring yourself down. I truly wanted, especially one in particular, to just be ok with himself. I wanted him to know that yes, Cato is grinding, but it is for all of us. In the meantime, support me by answering the phone, sharing ideas, and take care of yourself. Unfortunately, a few days before this track was posted, another group member(my best friend) was in a fatal car accident. So now even though the song is suppose to be a pep talk, lowkey it now feels like a send off. I also recorded a 32weeks track to Mac's Wings...more on that when the time gets closer. Anyway, if you read all of this, I appreciate you. I hope you are enjoying 32 weeks, because like most hero journeys, it is only going to get more darker before the sun come out. "Took a snapshot of hope, put it in a frame. Reminding us that sunshine always follow rain. It is what it is, found purpose through my pain...ooooo, yeah, yeah." *also, try to pick out as many Mac lyric references as possible!!
10. Ms. Mural x Lupe Fiasco
This verse started out as an oldie. I had never finished it. I had initially wrote it to a JID type beat on Youtube. When I was going through rhymes and searching more beats, I knew I wanted to incorporate Lupe Fiasco's Drill Music In Zion. There are so many sweet beats to choose from...however, 1. at the time it was hard to find other instrumentals from the album, and 2. Ms Mural had the right tempo, haunting-ness, and cadence for a verse about grief to be delivered. The album itself is of course fire. Lupe does a lot of stuff that I don't want to ruin here, but makes it worth a listen. Ms Mural is like the 3rd installment of the "mural" collection which makes it even more cooler. One thing I will spoil about the album is the fact that Lupe allows the beats to breathe. He knows when to not speak, when to just let the music speak to us. To me, its like he took his time, and was like "here you go little brother, vibe to this beat for a minute before it goes off". This felt like love and very much appreciated it. Not gone lie, the times he allows the beat to ride, had me in tears. Sh*t is beautiful lowkey. *Sidenote, this will drop 9/14, and we bury my friend on 9/18. Pain of loss is tricky. To those dealing with death right now, I hope you are taking care of yourself. If no one told you that they love you today, just know that I do!! #32weeks
11. Massa x Tyler, the Creator
Ok, I used to be ashamed to say this but now Tyler actually confirms/validates me. I never was a fan of Tyler, or the Odd-future crew. I remember Yonkers dropping, and I heard the beat first. Definitely sick(in a good way lol). Then a co-worker showed me the video…my first reaction, ewwww! I knew that bug had to be fake…I was wrong. I just knew he was doing this all for clout/going viral. That part may be slightly true, however in “Massa” (and in several interviews) Tyler just flat  says that he was going through his own development and really didn’t know how to express it. I mentioned before, that I am a huge fan of “Dissect Podcast”. Cole and the other talking head helped me understand Tyler’s direction/trajectory since stepping on the scene. They breakdown Flowerboy, and  Igor and really help listeners grasp the major art this man is giving us. Call Me If You Get Lost was an instant hit/classic to me following the previous albums. He has DJ Drama on here doing his thing, Tyler is more on par with living his life and bettering himself, and is spitting some dope lines/bars. I knew that when I began 32 Weeks I needed a Tyler track. Several tracks on the album stuck out but there was something about the intro, and the way the beat comes in, with Massa that had me keep it on repeat. The opening lines I came up with were supposed to be super gritty and cheeky at the same time. On the project, death, and the fact that we can’t out run it, is heavily on this project and well…what happens after we die? The natural move was to begin talking about spirituality and how I or we, or people in general perceive God and religion. At this time, my son was truly asking about God and who that person is. He had been talking with a classmate and his friend actually shared his thoughts with my son. I chose to not mock or shut it down. I chose to expand on that knowledge. We had some great talks about it. I usually spoke freely about God in my music but at this point, not this extent, where I am on the skeptical/unsubscribed side of things. I started my own spiritual journey back in 2012, finally expressing to my mom in 2016 that I no longer follow Christ. Naturally she thought she made a mistake with me but that’s not true. Anyway, due to the people I know hearing this, and maybe thinking they knew me and now they may feel some type of way, has caused me to feel higher levels of anxiety. Since it dropped today (9/21/23) I already feel slightly better. I respect everyone’s beliefs, faith, and religion. But If you ask me why I feel like I do, I will tell you. Anyway, if you are reading this, thank you for spending your time with me. I love you and appreciate you.
12. The Halo x Marconi Union
I have this weird thing were I can be inspired to write from any type of music. I actually fell in love with Marconi Union during my Graduate School years. I had been procrastinating on a 30 page paper that was due the next day or so. I was freaking out, high anxiety and the works. I remembered that someone had mentioned this track called Weightless. Weightless is/was known for relieving stress because its totally lofi, but also moves at 60 bpm which instinctively helps us slow down and relax. Weightless was so successful that fans were requesting a longer version. The band made an 8 minute version and a 30 minute version. On youtube you can find a 10 hour version(linked above)! Since then, I have fallen in love with their catalog. On a specific day during the 32 weeks writing phase, I had a rough morning with my oldest son. I can’t remember exactly what the issue was but the feeling left me empty, like doubting my abilities as a father. On the route to drop him and his brother off at school, I put on “Signals” the 2021 album released by Marconi Union. I was like ‘yeah that’s how it feels right now.” The Halo starts to play and I began humming along. Words began coming…”Even if I fly…I still fall..” “I knew that if I came with all the proof…” It was on this day I realized that I had the power to take an emotion and turn it into sound that can resonate with humans and connect us. I hope that the track makes up feel seen and understood. I hope that you realize you are stronger than you know/feel, and that even though we fall, we can always get back up. My favorite line: “Doubting all my might is like the crushing blow, won’t get back up this time..”. – This is a reminder that doubt kills dreams, don’t let it kill yours!
13. Leslie Odom Jr x Wait For It (Hamilton Musical)
I know that people everywhere already remixed/redid/parodied/etc the Hamilton Musical. This is one is technically an older instrumental for me to use as well. However, when I was in the writing process for 32weeks, I was struggling to find the next instrumental, but I remembered this album and started listening more. Because I was late to the musical (I caught it on Disney plus when it was released on the platform in 2020) it still feels new to me. All I can say is Lin is a genius. In all the [cinematic] works that he has contributed to musically, you can hear his rhymes penetrate the material making it elevate to greatness. Hamilton has so many noteworthy tracks I wanted to use such as “Nonstop”,  “Guns and Ships” or a huge favorite “The Reynold’s Pamphlet”  but there is something about the tenderness, yet strength that operates on “Wait For It" that always moves me to tears…not really sadness, more like peace that somethings we just have to wait for. Leslie delivers an amazing performance that truly takes Lin’s words, and turns them into a mood worth revisiting.  In this track, I breakdown the timeline of the inception of B.L.A.M.E. , the decline, and now resurgence of the idea. It is a reminder that this music is therapeutic, personal, and keeps me feeling gratitude that I can create.
14. SZA x Kill Bill
Let's just clear the air right now....yeah everything I write is true, and to the best of my memories ability...especially when dealing with events that happened so long ago. This one was hard to write but before we dive into that, I want to acknowledge Sza. SOS has been viewed as a long awaited project and she totally delivers. The album is filled with awesome musicality's. Specifically, Kill Bill for whatever reason just laid on my heart. When writing 32weeks, this instrumental stuck out the most to me. I vibed with it. Those opening lines came to me easily, because I wanted to make it clear that I am happy with my life right now, and do not intend to try to revive old love lost. I believe if you pay attention, you can hear my honesty piercing through. I didn't want to hold back. A lot of the events or relations I discuss, could each have their own song. The longest one I talk about is the betrayal of a female friend who lied to her family that I slept with her, got her pregnant, and God knows what else, all to protect the parents' friend she was actually laying with. It hurt because I had no idea and people, such as a love interest, were mad at me for this and I was confused. I had been meaning for a long time to write about it, but the words never came out right. This time around I vomited it all out. Hell, I still have the Facebook messages of this person denying the info her brother gave me. In the end, the idea is to forgive, let live, and move forward. By writing all this out, and expressing hope that her and all the others find peace and happiness, has made me feel at peace myself. I can finally put that mess to rest. I am grateful for the woman I have in my life. If you are reading this just know that you are worthy of love, peace, and respect. Those young adult years get messy. My hope for you is that you navigate it all with courage and integrity. I hope you enjoy the visuals, and the music. If no one has told you today that they love you, I do!
15. Vince Staples x Take Me Home
Look, ever since I got hipped to Mac, I got pulled into Vince Staples. The Stolen Youth tape introduced me to vince and of course his feature on FACES x Rain made me go back and chech his whole discography. When I caught up on Staples' work, I believe he was just then released/releasing his self-titled record,"Vince Staples" album. I played it just about everyday. I love his authencity as a person who really doesn't love being a "rapper" but rather sees it as a way to connect to creating a better life for him. He is pretty candid about it and I respect it because even though thats true, he still puts effort and honesty in his music. When I was writing 32Weeks I knew I would incorporate Vince in the mix. This album had many tracks I wanted to utilize but Take Me Home(start at 8.14 mark), just takes the cake. The instrumental always give me chills, and the opening line...I knew from the jump I was gonna flip it for myself. "I don't wanna die, but I will for the cause...". I switched it to "I don't wanna kill but I will for my loves". I set my intro as my family means alot to me, and I do what I have to to protect them. After that the verse started coming out of me as a moment to reflect on my childhood. This mostly encumbers issues of race, bullying, loss, fitting in, and just how it all progressed from elementary to high school. As far as track number, it sits right before the halfway mark, adding to the 2nd phase of #32weeks doubt, self pity, and really just the dark themes expressed and explored in phase 2. I visit another Vince track later in the tape and I can't wait to share it with you. The visuals in this release use imagery from John Wick, Us, Get Out, interviews with Wayne Brady/Michael Blackson, Big Mouth, and Coach Carter. If you are reading this, I appreciate your time and hope you are doing ok. I love you, and I hope you tell someone you love today, that you love too! We never know what people are going through, but when we have the love of others surrounding us, we feel like we can handle anything!
16. J. Cole ft. 21 Savage, Morray x My Life
So....I don't know if J. Cole is my favorite rapper, however I do find myself revisiting his albums often. 2014 Forest Hills Drive was a turning point I really fell in love with this man's craft. I appreciated his shift in conscious, attempting to distribute a more positive and uplifting message in his music. Kendrick is one I feel has mostly focused on giving us the type of love in his music, specifically in his albums. Kendrick though, can kind of come off too complex/deep to point one may miss the message. Cole's approach is so laymen in approach that you can't miss the message but at the same time you still contemplate what he is getting at. 2021 was a rough year for me. Especially going into the fall school year, The Off Season presented so many affirmations and motivations for me to push harder to make it through. Tracks like Amari, hell the opening track ft. Cam'ron! Cam is an emcee I grew up listening to, had mad respect for, but haven't checked for in a while. Hearing his voice amp up Cole gave me chills. When I was writing 32weeks, I knew I would use a Cole beat...but which one?? I wanted it to me more recent, but like all tracks I use, I wanted it to be meaningful to me. On 'My Life', the opening lines of the sample, Cole talking about how we can't rush God, the way he opens his verse, and 21 Savage's flow all contribute to me falling hard for this track. So around my 14th/15th verse(I didn't necessarily write these in tracklist order that you come to know) I was really nervous and losing hope. Guys, I truly didn't think I could write 32 verses...especially in the time frame I set for myself. But then, I don't know what happened. I played this instrumental and I instantly heard in my head "Spiraling up, just like my ancestors DNA. Hashtag 32 weeks, my nigga we halfway!" Then the idea of using the length of the beat (just over 2 minutes) as a vessel taking me back in time to warn my younger self seemed like the right move. I mostly focus on the mistakes of not going all in with music, not seeing how much Erin truly was the one the whole time, and not standing on my own like I should have back then. I end the track with singing to my younger self that although things seem dark right now, listening to me now, things will workout. Unfortunately, I didn't heed those warnings. Sometimes we have to be hard headed and go through trials and tribulations in order to develop into the person we needed/were always meant to be. With all that said, I hope you feel this one. The relief I feel right now is the same sentiment it was when writing that 16th verse. Now, it has been the 16th video, and I feel like I can truly complete what I started. Besides, whether people see this or hear this, the goal is for me to do this for me....and I am!
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