#I had to realize yeah this nigga do not really like you shorty
callmenaex3 · 2 years
After the last, well, one and only nigga I let in did me dirty I can’t help but to be cautious around men. When I say this man intentionally tried to impregnate me the entire relationship after I repeatedly told him I never want children. Only for him to make up an imaginary ass child that never existed in his head that I was “lying about.” My whole immediate family, my ex and friends all fell out w/ me b/c they all swore I was lying. Mind you this is over 3 years ago and I still don’t trust any of the people involved in that whole situation. I think that is also why I don’t like people in my business, because ain’t no way they wanted to watch me take a pregnancy test in front of them to prove I wasn’t lying. Oh and they didn’t stop there 😂 they went onto say I had an abortion, again something I never had, since the tests all came back negative. So I apologize in advance if I come off mean af. I clearly was too nice that people thought they could try me like that. I never got one apology from any of them either. They all act like I didn’t stop talking to everyone for 2+ years and try to randomly talk to me like I forgot… all I ever wanted was an apology
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch. 15)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thic OC
Warning: Language
Side note: I fell off big time I know so forgive me for that and this is a short chapter because I decided to make the next one long.
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*Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos*
Walking into the lobby of the famous Palms Resorts, Amiyah looked around stunned at the beautiful interior. Greeted by the Turks and Caicos citizens and employees of the hotel she received a fresh alcoholic beverage from a silver tray. The colorful and cooling drink made her mouth water. Taking a sip she closed her eyes as she visited paradise.
“Welcome to The Palms Resort! Where we hope your stay is everything you’ve dreamed of.” The woman on the other side of the desk smiled acknowledging them.
Amiyah, Kelley, and Durk walked to the counter. All three with their complimentary drinks in one hand and pulling on to a weeks worth of luggage in the other. Their flight had landed over an hour ago and it took them a little less than half an hour to get to the place where they would be staying for the week.
“Thanks! I have a few rooms booked under the name of Derrick Lewis.” Durk smiled speaking to the clerk and pulling out his I.D.
She returned one back taking his card and went to her computer to type in his name. It took her less than a minute to see the reservations before handing over their room keys. Durk gave her a slight head nod thanking her and then turned towards Amiyah and Kelley who were standing next to each other with wide grins. It was nothing but pure excitement clouding over their faces.
“Alright listen up. I only got two rules. Don’t go breaking shit in the room and don’t go getting nothing out of the refrigerator or mini bar that they have in there. Not tryna have y’all running up my card.” Durk spoke calmly pointing the room key in their faces.
Kelley kissed her teeth. “Durk she is grown and it’s her birthday tomorrow. If she want to get a drink from our bar that’s in our room then she can.” She went for the key but Durk moved it out of her reach.
Looking her up and down at least two times Durk chuckled before turning towards Amiyah.
“Miyah you wanna tell me why your friend, who ain’t pay for shit, speaking for you? That’s what I’m confused about.” He replied sarcastically.
Amiyah grinned stepping in between them. She politely took the room key from Durk and handed it to Kelley.
“Alright okay. We get it Durk. You paid for everything so we’re gonna respect your rules. Okay? We’re all just here to have a good time.” She smiled rubbing his arm.
“That’s all I want, is some respect. At least someone gets what I’m saying.” He directed his speech towards Kelley who simply rolled her eyes at him before walking away towards the elevators.
Durk shook his head watching her leave and laughed.
Amiyah pushed him lightly by his shoulder.
“Durk can you please not act like an asshole to her on this trip? That’s my best friend and I really want her to have just as much of a good time as me.”
He waved her off. “Ain’t nobody thinking about that girl. She got a problem with me for some reason and I been feeling her energy since we arrived at the airport back at home.” He went back towards the entrance and checked his phone.
Amiyah sighed knowing what he meant. Kelley did have some sort of dislike towards him. Mainly because of the time he put her out knowing that she had no where else to go. Before then Kelley never cared too much or know much about him besides hearing his name ringing throughout the streets and discovering that her new best friend was his younger sister. But the moment Amiyah went to Kelley’s door crying she knew that she wouldn’t find herself getting along with Durk at all.
Following behind him Amiyah stood on his side. Scooting closer she leaned her head on his shoulder and holding on to his left arm. She smiled looking up at him before speaking.
“I really appreciate this Durk. None of it would be possible without you.” She glanced at him looking into his eyes to let her know that he was very much appreciated.
Durk smirked trying to nudge her off but failed
“Get off of me girl. Damn.” He snickered.
“I will once you come with us. We’re tryna see our rooms and you’re waiting out here for what?”
Amiyah wondered why he has still yet to move. There was no need to stand at the entrance unless he was waiting on something or someone.
“I’m going I just have to make sure he gets here first.” Durk answered checking his phone for the third time.
Confused but curious Amiyah asked. “Who’s he?”
“Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Erik was meeting us.” He replied nonchalantly.
Within an instant Amiyah felt the butterflies invade inside her stomach. This was an off guard moment that she didn’t know how to receive or handle. Why wasn’t she aware of him tagging along on her birthday trip? Did he asked to come? Specifically for her? She had so many questions and thoughts running around in the back of her head but she simply pushed them to the side not wanting to make it weird for her to ask them aloud.
She sent a small smile. “Why? Why is he coming?”
Durk shrugged. “He wanted to be here to celebrate your birthday tomorrow. As well as other reasons but yeah.”
Amiyah nodded her head. “How did he get here? I didn’t see him on the plane or at the airport.”
“Since our flight was booked my mans had to drive another state over to another airport just to make it here around the same time. I know for damn sure he came out of pocket trying to get a tick at the last minute.” Durk chuckled.
Amiyah joined him as she was flattered to hear about the effort Erik put in just to be here. She hadn’t seen him since the night he came over to speak with Durk. In the inside Amiyah was hoping that this trip could not only get them back together but to come out and tell her brother about everything. Maybe it was a good thing that he decided to come after all.
Interrupted from her thoughts she heard Durk shout out.
“About fucking time. Welcome to Turks and muthafucking Caicos!” Throwing his arms up he walked towards Erik who was getting out of an all black sprinter with other guests.
Amiyah took in his appearance. He was wearing a short sleeve navy tropical print collar button down shirt that was opened showing a wife beater underneath. With his famous gold chains hanging around his neck. For his bottoms he wore white drawstring shorts and a pair of white forces to finish the look. He sported a black Nike book bag off his shoulder as he went up to Durk greeting him with a dap. When he smiled Amiyah could see the gold on his teeth peeking past his lips.
“Aye a nigga happy to be here.” Erik laughed going in for their brotherly hug. Glancing up he spotted Amiyah standing behind him next to her luggage.
Amiyah flipped her freshly done knottless braids to the side with her drink still in one hand as she held eye contact with him. It was different and intense. It was a look that she hadn’t seen in a while. In fact it was the same way he looked at her the whole night when she went to his place for the first night. Even a blind person could see that the look behind Erik’s eyes was pure desire and need.
When she came to realization Amiyah glanced away ending the staring competition.
“That’s a fact. So where’s shorty at?” Durk pulled away gaining Amiyah’s attention.
“Right here!”
Following a high pitched voice, all hope that Amiyah had in her body completely went out. There was Harmony standing next to him with the prettiest glow she had ever seen. Her hair was gorgeous as she rocked the goddess locs. Her silhouette showing past her floral maxi dress. Nails and lashes done to perfection. Of course she was his guest for the week. It only made sense. They had to be a couple.
Feeling a sting in her chest and burning in the back of her eyes Amiyah wiped away the feeling of defeat and walked over towards her brother.
“Hey Erik. Harmony. Nice to have you guys here.” Amiyah put on her best smile. She didn’t really mean it but for the sake of keeping peace on her trip being cordial was the best option.
“Thanks for letting us join you guys.” Harmony spoke up. She went in for a hug.
Us? So she must be speaking for the both of them now.
Amiyah thought returning the kind gesture.
“It’s no problem. So I’m gonna head to my room and change and probably go to the pool after. I’ll let you two check in.” Smiling she turned on her heels walking to her baggage. When she gave a glance back she saw him staring into her eyes with sorrow. Amiyah shook her head and went towards the elevators.
“Girl I have to give it to him...this room is the shit!” Kelley stated opening the door to let her in.
Amiyah viewed the room. First thing she noticed when she walked in was the decked out kitchenette that opened up to the livingroom area. Across from that was a bathroom and bedroom on the other side. The door was opened and bags were already placed on the bed so Amiyah figured it was Kelley’s room. Walking past the livingroom there was another door that was closed. Amiyah opened it. Her mouth dropped as she entered the master bedroom that had a balcony facing the water.
“Yeah I figured you would want this room.” Kelley said as she helped her with her bags.
“I love it, but you know I would have been fine with either one.” Amiyah smiled walking to the glass sliding door. She opened it and stepped out on the balcony. The scent of the ocean hitting her nose.
“Well you’re only getting the finest shit while we’re out here because you deserve it. Happy birthday sis.”
Amiyah turned around to see Kelley holding up four miniature bottles of alcohol. She smiled shaking her head at her friends stubbornness.
“Kelley where did you get those bottles?” She giggled lightly taking the two that was being handed to her.
Cracking open her drinks, Kelley shrugged. “Where else? The mini bar out of the fridge. Now drink up.”
They collided their bottles together taking one after the other. Amiyah made a face towards the bitter drink. She could feel the liquor warming her body up. After the long flight all she wanted to do was wash up and put on a bathing suit to go take a dip in the pool. Going back inside of her room she threw the empty nips away. Grabbing her suitcase and putting it on her bed she unzip it and searched for one of the many swimsuits she packed. Her favorite color caught her eye.
Pulling out the light purple two piece set she also took out a sheer white bottom covering. Amiyah grabbed her toiletry travel bag and went to the bathroom. When she came to she stole a glance inside of Kelley’s room as she saw her getting ready as well.
After an hour of continuous switching in and out of the bathroom the duo was finally ready and leaving out of their room suit. They strolled towards the elevators in silence and only pulling out their phones to record snapchat videos. Kelley hit the button that goes to the lobby while the two waited for the cart to come up to their floor level.
“Hey by the way Erik is here just to let you know.” Amiyah spoke up coming to the remembrance of his presence from earlier.
Kelley’s brows knitted. “The hell. Why is he here?”
“I guess he wanted to be here to celebrate my birthday.” The doors opened allowing them to walk in.
“But that’s not all. He brought his friend, Harmony, here with him. You remember the girl from the Valentines Day bash?” Amiyah stated jogging her memory.
Kelley nodded folding her arms. “Okay now why did she have to tag along? They together or something?”
Amiyah shrugged her shoulders as her reply. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure if they were but from her coming on this trip with him it only had her thinking that they were. Why else would she be here with him? It probably was a baecation for them. Amiyah sighed as she stressed herself with all of her questions.
The doors to the elevators opened as Amiyah and Kelley made their way outside towards the pool area. Already filling up with the other guests it was beginning to get crowded. Finding an empty spot on the lounge chairs Amiyah and Kelley decided to sit a few feet away from the bar.
“I’m about to get a drink. You want something?” Kelley asked standing up pulling on her pink neon swimsuit.
“Yeah get me something that’s fruity but sneaks up on you.” They laughed in unison.
“Okay, I’ll be back.”
Amiyah watched her walk away. There was a line that was already formed so she knew it would be a while before Kelley came back.Taking of her sandals she kicked her feet up to lay back on the chair. Their spot was right by the shade so the sun wasn’t beaming on her so much. Amiyah’s gaze scattered around, watching nothing in particular, but at all of the guests having a good time.
Enjoying the good music along with the warm breeze that blew every few minutes Amiyah relaxed into the chair. Her eyes closed to get the full vacation experience which she found to be peaceful was just as quickly interrupted by a shade blocking her from the sun. Her eyes jolted open to find out what was the cause.
“Sorry to intrude on what seems to look like a blissful moment but I couldn’t help but to come by and introduce myself.” A tall dark and handsome man spoke with a hand out directed towards her.
“I’m Ryan.” He waited for her to shake his hand.
Amiyah gave him a few blanks before introducing herself as well.
“Amiyah.” She replied softly. His hand much larger but soft cradle hers gently before bringing it to his lips to kiss her skin.
Blushing she looked away towards the bar to see Kelley still in the long line. She wasn’t looking at her for help but just to see if she noticed her being approached by the stranger. Amiyah quickly turned her attention back on him.
“Beautiful name miss. You’re from The States right?” He asked with a southern accent that she caught on to.
“Yeah I am. What about you?” She smiled politely.
“I’m from Georgia. Decatur to be exact.” He gave his soft pillowy lips a smooth lick.
Taking a seat on the lounge chair next to her he placed his towel that he was holding down next to him.
“So what brings you to Turks and Caicos?”
“Birthday. It’s actually tomorrow and I’m out here for the week celebrating.” Amiyah’s hands became clammy under his stare.
“Oh Happy Birthday. Mind if I ask how old you’re gonna be?” His voice was soothing and calm but dangerously low just how she liked.
“Uh 22.”
“That’s what’s up. So you like to party Amiyah?” A smirk grew on his face.
Sitting up a tad bit in her chair she looked at him confused.
“Somewhat. Why you ask?” She giggled out of nervousness.
Ryan shrugged. “A pretty girl like you I figured you would. But you can’t possibly be out here alone. You must’ve come with someone right. Like a friend?”
Before she could answer Amiyah heard a deep voice interrupt.
“Yeah she came with me my nigga.”
Looking behind her she saw Erik now in a pair of all black swimming trunks and Nike slides on his feet. He had a bucket hat on to cover his eyes from the sun. He was holding a Corona beer in his free hand as he sipped not taking his eyes off of Ryan. Seeing his abs glistening from what seems to appear as body oil Amiyah clench her thighs as his muscles flexed effortlessly.
Ryan glanced between the two. He looked at Erik before turning his gaze back on Amiyah.
“Damn and you was gonna let me talk to you knowing you had a nigga. That’s fucked up ma.” He shook his head.
“Hold on that’s not my man-“
“Baby just cause we had that little fight back in the room don’t mean we not together. Stop acting like a brat.” Erik cut her off sitting on her chair. One of his hands went to touch her inner thigh catching her off guard.
Ryan grabbed his towel and held his hands up in a surrender position.
“I don’t know what the fuck y’all got going on but that’s between y’all.” He stated and walked away.
Amiyah quickly slapped Erik’s hand away. She watched as he took a sip of his beer before folding over his lap and laughing.
“What? Why you looking at me like that?” He asked through his chuckle.
“Because you lied talking about some fight that we had in a room. Really Erik? Why would you say that?” She folded her arms.
Erik waved her off leaning on his left elbow facing her. “It’s not like you would have like the ugly ass nigga anyway. I was doing you a favor.”
“He was not ugly.”
“Well he damn sure wasn’t your type.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then what’s my type since you think you know me?”
“Nobody else but me. I’m the only nigga you should be fucking with.”
Amiyah couldn’t tell if it was him that was actually talking or the liquor. All she knows is that he was making very bold statements for someone who invited a female friend on a trip with him.
“Erik have you forgotten what you did? Bringing Harmony out here and yet you expect me to not meet or have anybody. You lost your mind?” Amiyah shook her head not believing the audacity that he had.
Erik sighed sitting up. “Amiyah it’s not what it looks like. I only did to throw your brother off. That night I came to y’all crib he was asking questions and getting suspicious. Next thing I know he asked me to come with you guys and I invited her.” He paused touching her hand gently.
“I promise it wasn’t to hurt you.”
The genuineness in his voice sounded sincere but Amiyah still couldn’t help but to be confused on why he would invite her knowing how she felt about Harmony. Her feelings were pretty clear the night of the party.
“Erik I know you’re not trying to intentionally hurt me but seeing her here with you just made me feel a certain way. We’re supposed to be here for my birthday week so excuse me if I’m having a hard time adjusting to this new person that came out of no where.” Standing up Amiyah started to walk away until she felt a hand grab her wrist.
“Miyah don’t hold this against me. I was really hoping we could talk. To straighten things out.” His stare became apologetic.
“I don’t know if-“
“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” A light voice shouted catching their attention. They turned to see Harmony walking towards them in her light orange bikini.
Amiyah’s eyes averted to her white painted toe nails. It was going to be a tough week to get through with her being around. But she couldn’t blame Harmony. Erik was the reason for her being here.
Erik smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah I was just out here talking to the birthday girl.”
Harmony sat her belongings down and wrapped her arms around Erik’s torso. Standing on her tippy toes she leaned up to kiss his lips. Erik caught off by the action pulled away and chuckled nervously. When Harmony noticed she made a face before turning towards Amiyah.
“Hey girl! You ready to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?” She smiled trying to start a conversation.
The moment Harmony was invited by Erik to go on this vacation with him she was shocked but thrilled about them taking the next step in their situation-ship. But when she found out the reason behind it she immediately had a bad feeling about going. Harmony wasn’t much of a fan of Amiyah. On the night of the Valentines Day bash she could feel the tension between Erik and Amiyah. It felt as if they had history and were trying to ignore it. She wasn’t suspicious until she seen them leave the V.I.P section one after the other. That’s when she put two and two together.
“I am. Tomorrow is gonna be great actually. I have a few things planned out for us. You know like Jet ski-ing, tubing, snorkeling, stuff like that.” Amiyah spoke through her forced smile. A relief came over her when she saw Kelley walking back with her drinks in her hand.
“Here you go. They said this was highly recommended.” She handed over a slushy drink that was in a cut out pineapple.
Amiyah happily received it and played with her straw before sipping. “Thanks.”
“Well all of that sounds fun and I can’t wait. I’m glad Erik decided to ask me to join you guys.” Harmony stated tugging onto him.
Kelley rolled her eyes and looked her up and down. Her gaze then shot to Erik’s who was wearing a guilty expression all over his face. She shook her head slowly and gave him a look.
“Yeah and I hope you enjoy your time being here.” Amiyah could feel a little bit of both hurt and jealousy coming over her. Putting on a poker face was the best way to hide her feelings.
“Durk told me that we were also doing a big dinner for you out by the water.” Erik finally spoke up.
“We are, you thinking about inviting anyone else?” Kelley asked him with her eyebrows raised.
Erik ignored her as he focused on Amiyah. He read her body language knowing that she was uncomfortable. He was starting to regret on making the decision of bringing Harmony along. He was only doing it to cover face instead of thinking about how she would feel.
Amiyah lightly brushed against Kelley hoping she would catch her drift. It was her way of signaling her to chill out.
“Yes Erik we’re having dinner and you both are welcome to join.”
“We appreciate the invitation girl.” Harmony smiled before turning to Erik. “Hey, let’s go to the beach. Please?” She pouted.
Erik chewed on his lower lip out of habit. “Yeah I was heading there anyway.”
“Perfect. Alright ladies, we’ll see you later.” Taking his hand she pulled him away towards the beach.
Kelley and Amiyah stood in place and watched the two walk away.
“Can’t believe the nerve of that nigga. That’s okay because we are gonna find you a new man for the week. Like the one that came and talked to you earlier.”
Amiyah turn towards her to see a smirk covering her face. “So you did see him?”
“Girl I noticed his fine ass the minute we came out here and I just know Erik probably fucked it up for you the second I seen him.”
Amiyah giggled nodding her head. “He told him he was my man.”
Kelley rolled her eyes. “Typical. But I spotted him on the other side by that grill and bar place. You wanna go see if he’s still there?”
Amiyah smiled knowing that her best friend was willing to do anything to get her back into good spirits. Taking a long sip of her drink she allowed the liquor to linger through her body making her relaxed.
“Let’s go.”
If Erik could have his fun then so would she.
Please excuse any mistakes! (Needs to be edited)
I know this chapter is short but next one is gonna be long and I’m pretty sure y’all know why...👀! Yes the wait is finally over in the next chapter!!
Tag-list (Let me know if you want to be tagged for next chapter in comments)
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Erik and Reader are best friends and Reader is the best freaky love for Erik but he doesn’t know how freaky she is. He finds out when he sees her at a heels class dancing to Beyoncé- Rocket.
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“Deep down, everyone doubts themselves. Sometimes, I think I’m not good enough but at the end of the day I know I’m the fucking shit. I pray you quit overthinking, replaying failed scenarios, feeding self doubt & seeing the good in everyone but yourself you deserve more, ma.”
He passes Y/N the blunt, licking his full lips with a quick swipe of his tongue, and showing off his gold canines. Taking a puff of weed, Y/N watches Erik scratch the side of his defined torso over a tattoo that says Fuck Reality in that cursive lettering she loved to see. He yawns, blinking his sleepy eyes a few times before looking over at Y/N. She couldn’t help but look at his face.
“Make yourself a priority, Y/N. For real. Stop settling for these toxic lame ass niggas. When you meet a real nigga you gon’ realize you was never asking for too much.”
Y/N passed the blunt back to Erik while staring out of his bedroom window from his king sized bed. She knew her worth, she really did, but she always ended up going back to the same fuck boys.
“You’re too fine to be giving all your time and energy into him. Too fine. My bestfriend needs to know her worth. You looking at me like that but I’m being honest, shit, when was the last time you felt appreciated? When was the last time a nigga did something for you and didn’t expect something in return? Called to check up on you? Texted you back? Ate your pussy because he knows you had a rough week and you just need your pussy ate? Some good sex? When?”
Her carefree bestfriend with his tapered dreads and full beard and mustache. His sincere whiskey colored eyes and messy brows that he always talked with. Raising them, creasing them. He smooths a hand down his solid and sculpted chest before resting that hand over his abs. The gold rings on his fingers against his brown skin was just as beautiful as the sun setting before them.
“I can’t remember. I’m embarrassed to say,” Y/N finally speaks. She heaved a sigh, unzipping her velour pink hoodie, a white form-fitting shirt underneath, “I know I deserve more. Ugh, now I’m going to be single and lonely for Valentine’s.”
Erik sat up on his elbows, the hue of the sunset against his russet skin, “I’m your valentine now. i’ll be there at 10pm climbing through your bedroom window with flowers. Dahlias right? Cool, I’ll see you later tonight?” Erik gave Y/N a teasing smile. She knew he was trying to make her feel better but it didn’t change the fact that it sounded so...honest? Like he wanted to do and say that.
“Scary movies and chill? That romantic movie shit is played out. We can snuggle close with some popcorn with Freddy Kruger on the screen.”
“Your obsession with 80s slasher movies is amazing,” Y/N laughs, “Why must you mix Valentine’s with blood and gore, Erik?”
“Why not? Instead of bleeding your heart out because you’re heart broken, you can watch a heart actually bleeding out,” Erik chuckles before he ashes out the blunt in his ceramic ashtray that Y/N made for him with 4/20 carved into it.
“Should I dress up?” Y/N played along.
“Just keep those same straight backs in your hair and wear those little stripe linen shorts that make your ass look nice. Oh, and that mini white T-shirt that says Daddy on it in pink letters. Can’t forget the mix match ankle socks either.”
“You can wear a durag with a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. The ones you wear that’s all loose fitting on you because you refuse to wear a tighter one? Yeah, and a pair of Vans.”
“What time for our little date, ma?”
“8. And don’t be late either.”
“To a date with you? Never.”
“Okay, I have a question,” Y/N turns towards him, “what’s your idea of a perfect night with your girl?”
“Hmm,” Erik rolled his moistened lips in deep thought, “Dick rubs and intellectual conversations. Head in a comfortable bed. Falling asleep with my head laying on her crotch so I can just pull her panties to the side and eat her pussy. Honestly, give pleasure by just being there. We don’t even have to talk or fuck. Presence is just comforting.”
“That sounds amazing,” Y/N never had those things but that’s what her bestfriend likes? She wished she had that same treatment.
“Those chill, nice nights with someone you feel comfortable with.” Erik spoke in a low tone while twirling a single loc, “I crave that.”
“I know, ugh, me too, Erik,” Y/N laid back against the bed, “I have to go to class today.”
Erik gave her a questioning look, “What class?”
Y/N turned around to lay on her belly, “A heels class. Remember I was telling you that I started doing this like a month ago?”
“Shorty, I have other things going on with me right now I didn’t focus on that,” Erik gives her a sad look, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ve been working on a routine. I think I have it down. It’s gonna be real sexy.”
“Sexy? Who you tryna impress with this class?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Y/N teased.
“Ah, man. That ain’t fair, ma. I’m your bestie.”
“You are but I don’t need to tell you my business,” Y/N rolls her eyes into her head.
“It’s cool, cuz I’m coming there with you.”
Y/N’s face flushed.
“What? I can’t come-“
She didn’t want Erik to watch her dance. Being surrounded by those women made her feel like she was in her room dancing in the mirror. They all connected because they related to each other. If Erik came there she would probably mess up her routine since he would definitely be watching her move. It was a heels choreography class and Erik is a man, he’s going to watch. Y/N wore either a pair of black high crotch panties with fishnets and a cropped t shirt or a form fitting leotard with black sheer stockings. Six inch heels on her feet with a skinny heel since she’s gotten better. Popping her ass and hitting splits to the music. Erik never saw her like that. What would he say and do when he did?
“It really ain’t that deep, ma,” Erik jokes because Y/N was spaced out, “I promise I won’t laugh at you. I don’t have shit else to do but sit around so let me come with you.”
Y/N pondered while staring down at her hands before heaving a sigh of defeat, “okay. You can come.”
“I knew you would say yes,” Erik gave her a half smirk, “You can’t tell me no even if you tried.”
“Don’t embarrass me in there, Erik,” Y/N spoke to him with a warning in her voice. She knew he could be silly and fuck with her but when she danced, it was her time to shine.
“Teh, girl, you really think I would do that?”
Erik got closer to Y/N, leaning on his elbows while his face got closer to hers, “I’ll be on the side lines cheering you on. I promise, okay?”
Y/N looked up into his eyes, giving Erik a weird look before turning away from him, “Okay.”
He was acting very...strange. Not like his usual self but Y/N could be overthinking it. She sat up on her knees, lifting off the bed to put her sneakers back on before picking up her velour jacket and her PINK gym bag that carried all of the things she needed for class.
“Put on a shirt and come on, Erik.” She picked up a shirt that was wrinkled and balled up on the floor before throwing it at him, “I’m not trying to be late!”
“Calm that shit the fuck down, Y/N. Don’t give me attitude before I really make you late for this class.”
“You calm down yet?” Erik asks Y/N while following behind her to the dance studio that held her heels class. The closer they walked, the more Erik could hear the deep base to the sensual music that vibrates the walls. He’d sit back and watch a bunch of women shake their ass in heels. Erik looked at his bestfriend walking ahead of him as she lead the way with a sway of her hips. Those tantalizing hips. Erik looked up at the back of her head as if she had eyes back their and could see him checking her out. He couldn’t help himself. Like he said back in his room, she’s too fine.
“Are you going to behave?” She looked back at him over her shoulder with a brow raised, “Well? Are you?”
“Yes ma’am,” Erik said with a husky voice, “whatever you say.”
Y/N rolled her eyes before making a left turn, opening the double doors to a dimly lit studio with a pink neon sign of a woman in heels that read dance. A few chairs rested in the corner of the room, mirrors were placed on one side of the wall so that the ladies could watch themselves. A guy stood off to the side in deep conversation with a short plump girl about 5’ 3 dressed in a mesh leotard with red fishnets and heels. He was fumbling with a camcorder that Erik assumes is used to record the ladies do their routines. On the polished hardwood floor, directly in the middle, were all the ladies doing stretches. Some were down in a split stretching out their legs, others were bending over to touch their toes, stretching out their backs. Erik recognized the music. It sounded like Teyana Taylor & Kehlani- Morning.
“Okay, I gotta get myself changed, I’ll be back, alright?” Y/N spoke with a whisper to him.
“Yeah, I’ll be over here,” Erik pointed to a black chair with a leather cushion to sit on.
“Cool,” Y/N gave Erik a silly smile before walking away, waving to a few ladies as she made her way over to the dressing room. Erik rested his hands in the pockets of his black cargo pants that he wore. The wrinkled shirt wasn’t the shirt he had on. He was wearing a muscle tee with the sides cut really low, giving you a view of his muscles and scars along his ribs down to his hips. Black boots on his feet and gold around his neck and on his fingers. Erik scratches his scruffy facial hair while looking around the class. When he did this, eyes were on him, wondering who this handsome guy was that came with Y/N. He entertained their looks for a minute before taking his phone out of his pocket to scroll through pointless apps.
“Oooo, Y/N, what routine are we gonna start out with today, honey?” A tall mocha skinned girl with a large curly bush and a black catsuit on asked. Erik looked up at the mention of her name. His eyes seemed to widen and gawk at Y/N. Erik was in a state of stupor. Stupefied but mesmerized at the same time.
“I have something I’ve been working on all week but that can wait for tomorrow. I gotta have a guy to do the lap dance with. When is Montell coming back?”
“Girl, why use Montell when you can use him?” The tall chick pointed at Erik. Erik looks over at Y/N, watching her eyes grow wide.
“Erik? No,” Y/N laughs, “He’s just here to watch until I’m done.”
The chubby chick that was talking to the camera guy came over to intrude, “Isn’t that your boyfriend though?”
“No. He’s my bestfriend and he’s just going to watch.”
“Well, can I use him for my routine then? I put a little something something together to Ciara- Body Party and I need a nigga to pop this ass on. He so cute, Y/N. Hi bestfriend!” The pretty chubby girl waved at Erik who returned the wave with a smile on his full lips.
“He is cute. How can you just be friends with that?”
“Dominique,” Y/N was referring to the taller chick, “Erica,” She looked over at the short plump girl, “I’m using him for my routine.” Y/N spoke with finality. Wasn’t no chick in that class gonna put ass on him if it wasn’t her.
“Oh? Why the change of heart?” Dominique folded her arms while giving Y/N a sassy smile. Y/N didn’t say a word as she walked away, looking over at Erik before sticking her tongue out at him. He was in a fit of laughter, clutching his chest and everything.
Y/N was dressed in a black thong with sheer black stockings that had tiny rhinestones on it, a tiny black and gold wrap top that made her breast sit high and black stilettos on her feet. All that ass out and bouncing each time she walked. Erik knew his bestfriend has body but damn, he never saw her like this. Y/N was fumbling with a wall audio system that was installed to play throughout the studio. She found the song she wanted, pausing it, then grabbing a chair to bring in the center of the dance floor. The other ladies crowded around and the camera guy set up so that it was facing her. Y/N then walked over to Erik, a roll of her eyes while trying to fight a smile. She got down in front of him in a squat, talking closely with him. Erik leaned forward on his elbows to hear her.
“Okay, so I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that but,” She sighed, “I’m gonna need you for my routine.”
“Hmm,” Erik smirked, “What I gotta do?”
Y/N licked her lips, “All you gotta do is sit in that chair for me. You’ll be in that chair while I do all the work, alright?”
“Let me ask you something,” Erik narrowed his eyes, “Why did you change your mind so quick?”
Y/N rolled her eyes away from him before kissing her teeth, “You gonna do that for me, or what?”
“You ain’t off the hook, ma,” Erik stood up, while looking down at Y/N who was still in a squat position while staring up the valley of his body to connect with his eyes, “You gon’ tell me after this class.”
“Whatever,” Y/N finally got up, grabbing Erik’s hand with force, walking him to the middle of the dance floor. He wasn’t nervous one bit. He wanted to see what his bestie could do.
“Sit.” She instructed, earning oooo’s and ahhhh’s from the ladies around them. Erik raises his brows at her before taking his seat real slow, legs wide and one arm stretched over the back of the chair. He motioned with his head for Y/N to get started, his eyes intense and heated. Y/N motioned for one of the girls she started the class with to play her song.
Beyoncé- Rocket began to play.
Let me sit this ass
On you
Y/N sat down real slow on Erik while looking back at him. She wound her hips, back arching and ass moving up the length of his crotch nice and gently. She did a spin on his lap, her leg going up and over his head so she could straddle him. Her hands grabbed at his shoulders before pulling on his shirt to bring him closer to her. She made him watch her while her hips moved over him. Erik has to hold onto the sides of the chair.
Show you how I feel
Let me take this off
Will you watch me
Yes, mass appeal
Don't take your eyes
Don't take your eyes off it
Watch it, babe
If you like
You can touch me baby
Do you
Do you wanna touch me baby, ooh
Grab a hold, don't let go
Let me know
That you
Ready (ready)
Erik looked at her with eyes so deeply filled with desire there was no denying his attraction to his bestfriend. Y/N held those eyes with her low ones, before grabbing his jaw to tease him. She almost touched his lips with hers but she pulled away before Erik could even get a taste.
I just wanna show you now
Slow it down
Go around
You rock hard
Y/N stood up, getting down on her knees in front of Erik while running a hand from his chest down to his crotch that was indeed rock hard.
I rock steady
She bounced up and down in a squat to demonstrate how steady she would rock on that hard dick. A few chicks wolf whistled at that, cheering her on.
And rock right up to the side of my mountain
Climb until you reach my peak baby, peak babe, peak
And reach right into the bottom of my fountain
Y/N pats her kitty kat to indicate where that fountain he needed to find was.
I wanna play in your deep baby, your deep baby, deep
Then dip me under where you can feel my river flowing and flow
Y/N went back on the floor, her legs coming all the way up to rest on each side of her head. She was open like the peace sign. Her hands ran up her body, eyes still on Erik to show him that she was nothing to play with. He gave her a sly smirk that showed off a single dimple. So this how she got down? She danced all freaky like this? Showing him where she wanted him to go with his hardness?
Hold me 'til I scream for air to breathe
She grabs her neck, body arching from the floor. Erik could feel his dick growing stiffer.
And wash me over until my well runs dry
Send all your sins all over me, babe, me baby, me
Rock it…
Y/N got up from the floor, swaying her hips. She stared into the camera, moving in those heels like she was wearing a pair of sneakers. Erik didn’t know she was this flexible. When she arched her back to pop her ass, getting into a split stance while running her hand on her crotch he wanted to lift from that chair, pick her up, and hold the back of her neck while making her pop her ass on his hard crotch. He had to have restraint because this is her routine but FUCKKK, was it hard.
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Bathe in these waterfalls
She grinned her hips into the floor before bringing her legs up from behind, her heels almost touching the back of her head before rolling over to lift a single leg in the air, grinding her hips forward. She was showing him what that body could do. She was showing him exactly how freaky his bestfriend could be.
I do it like it's my profession
I gotta make a confession
I'm proud of all this bass
When you put it in your face
She stood, arching forward, and grabbing her ankles while looking back at Erik. Her ass popped and swayed from side to side.
By the way, if you need a personal trainer or a therapist
I can be a piece of sunshine, inner peace, entertainer
Anything else that you may read between the lines
You and I create rockets and waterfalls
“YES HUNTY!” One of them yelled out while snapping their fingers.
Erik nods his head in approval. He found himself rocking to the beat while tapping a single foot and grinding his hips in the chair. She rode that song with so much ease. Beyoncé’s voice mixed with her sensual moves had everyone in that room watching in complete silence now. The song played on and then that’s when it became really intense...
I can't help but love the way we make love
Daddy, daddy
Ooh child, ooh now
Yes, Lord, damn baby
She was going crazy. Popping her ass, arching her back, looking at Erik with her mouth hanging open. Swinging her head from side to side, running her hands over her breasts before jiggling them. That continuous Daddy, Daddy, has Erik losing his mind. The self control was unraveling.
You driving me cray, cray, yeah
You ain't right for doing it to me like that daddy
Y/N crawled towards him. She was staring at him like she wanted to rip his clothes off and show some attention to the hard dick that she felt growing in his pants. When she made it over to him, she got into a handstand, her legs widening into a split, before descending back on him, her legs wrapping around his waist while Erik pulled her forward with his hands on her hips.
Even though
I've been a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad girl
Y/N bends her body back while grinding on him so hard and forceful that Erik couldn’t help but to grind up into her on that chair. His hips were lifting from the chair.
Tell me what you're gonna do about that
He wanted to do something right fucking now. Y/N was driving him crazy. His growls and moans were trapped in his throat because of everyone surrounding him.
Punish me please
Punish me please
Daddy what you're going to do with all of this
Y/N turns around, her ass rubbing along his chest. Erik moves his hands down her back before slapping her ass, causing Y/N to gasp and everyone around them to cheer and clap.
All up in your face, yeah
Hell yeah
Love me so deep
Ooh my shit's so good it ain't even right
This shit wasn’t fair. She bounced on his lap in a continuous rhythm to the freaky beat. Since she wanted to give him a little lap dance to this beat she was definitely going to fuck him to this song. Bestie or not.
I know I'm right
Hell yeah you the shit
That's why you're my equivalent
So sexy
To Erik’s disappointment, Y/N got up from his lap, circling him in the chair before standing behind him. She lowered her arms over his shoulders from behind, taking her fingers to drag his muscle tee up to reveal his chiseled body. Abs flexed, skin so smooth even with the raised scars, her nails clawing lightly at his ripped abs all the way up to his chest. Her lips lightly touched the side of neck, giving him a lick there while the song faded out. The room erupted with applause at her routine. Y/N wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck, rocking him back and forth with a big smile on her face. Erik grabs her arms, holding them with a grin on his lips. Y/N did her thing.
“Girllllllllllll,” Dominique shouted while coming over to hug Y/N, “You had your bestfriend ready to hop off this chair and handle you, girl.”
“Oh? Really?” Y/N spoke into Erik’s ear before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “I’m sorry I put this ass on you and you couldn’t do anything about it.”
Erik clenched his jaw. She only fueled him more.
“Nothing to say? Hmm?” She dragged on.
Erik looked up at her with a tilt of his head. She knew those hard domineering eyes meant one thing and one thing only: she was going to get it for sure. He had something for her after this class.
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mollyshaj · 6 years
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Brandi Richards
“What’s your problem?” Sade asked. We were sitting in her back yard while the kids played in her pool.
Tristan aint shit 99% of the time but he has her and Damien living lovely. She was staying in a brand new two bedroom house that had a pool in the back and a game room for Damien down in the basement.  Along with a closet full of designer labels, she had a shiny Range Rover sitting in her driveway, all at the expense of Tristan.
“Kaylin and his bitch is the problem,” I huffed. “I wanna drink but I don’t want her running back and telling that nigga an
“He still thinks your ass is pregnant?”
“Yeah, I thought he would’ve caught on to me but he hasn’t.” I shrugged my shoulders. I was lying about being pregnant but so what. He didn’t need to be with that Ebony bitch when we have a family right here and waiting for him.
“You’re a trip,” she laughed.
“It was your damn idea,”
“I didn’t think you would actually do it. How did you even fake a test?”
“You can find all sorts of things on the internet that was the easy part. It was the ultra sounds that were a little difficult but I found a website can make them look real so I got some.”
“How long do you think this shit is going to last though? At some point you’re going to have to have a stomach and your aren’t gaining any weight.”
“I have that all planned out.” I smirked. The whole fight with Ebony was on purpose for me. I needed something like that to happen so I could have a “miscarriage.” I didn’t expect Kaylin to come and stay with me at the hospital so I had to drop that shit.  It’s cool though because the ways was kicking me with those heels on I could easily waiting another day or two before these so called cramps start.
“You’re the damn devil.” We both laughed. “You already have him raising some other niggas child and now you about to make him think he’s losing one. You’re a treacherous.  
“Man fuck that, as far as he knows and thinks Angelic is his daughter. He doesn’t have to know I was fucking somebody else, especially a nigga that’s in jail anyway. He loves her, she loves him, and she looks like me so I’m cool.” I shrugged my shoulders.                  
Playing with Kaylin like this could ultimately fuck me but he’s not going to do anything. I’m Angelic’s mother and once he hears about me losing a baby he’ll really realize we’re meant to be together. I already got him away from Ebony; I just need him to forget about the bitch.
“Ma, Giselle here!” Damien shouted and I looked over at the back door and some girl was closing it then came over to where we were.
“Hey girl,” Sade got up and hugged her. “This is my friend Brandi, Brandi this is Giselle. We work out at the same gym.”
“Hi,” I said to her and she did the same before sitting down.
“So what’s up with you? You haven’t been around in a minute.” Sade spoke to Giselle.
“Yeah shit has been all over the place; my dad is up here going crazy over my sister.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know why he’s making a big deal about it.”
“What’s going on and I didn’t know you had a sister. I thought you only had a brother.”
“Nope he has two other daughters; I don’t really fuck with them too tough.”
“Aww shit, what did you do?” Sade asked with a laugh.
“What makes you think I did something?”
“You’re a sneaky somebody that’s why, tell me what’s up. What did you do?”
“Alright well the oldest one Jas, I might’ve fucked her man a few times but the nigga came to me and he was dropping that bag. Fuck was I supposed to do? Say no, we already didn’t get along so I just gave her a reason.” Giselle shrugged her shoulders.
“Damn, okay I see why she doesn’t like you.”
I had to laugh at that, she was out here fucking her sisters’ boyfriends; I can see why they don’t fuck with her. I wouldn’t fuck with her either; I can see why Sade likes her though. They have a lot in common.
“I don’t care; she never did so it doesn’t even matter. My little sister Ebony isn’t that bad, nothing ever happened but she’s close as hell with the other one so I don’t play her too close.”
“You said Ebony?” I asked, that name immediately stood out to me.
“Where you from?”
“Jersey City,” I looked at Sade who shrugged her shoulders. “What happened? Am I missing something?”
“Your sister Ebony; is she dark skin, average height, has a son?”
“Yeah, why you know her?”
“I know of her,” I rolled my eyes. Why the fuck did Sade go and have to befriend that bitch’s sister? I don’t need any more reminders of this bitch.
“I’m guessing you don’t like her.”
“No, she’s fucking my daughter’s father.”
“For real?”
“Yeah,” Okay I was slightly lying, I knew he wasn’t fucking her but he had to be at some point with the way his ass is always chasing her.
“Wow, and she has my dad up here on a murder mission looking for her baby father because he’s back and wants his son.”
“Who is he?”
“His name is Quan,”
“Quan, he’s brown skin with dreads?” Sade asked as if she was familiar.
“Yeah that’s him,”
“I know who he is, I heard he has a lot of money. Nigga went down to Atlanta and became big time down there; I didn’t know that was her son’s father.”
“Yeah that’s him; he’s having a party tonight at this club in Newark. Y’all wanna go?”
“I don’t know about that,” I shook my head.
“You said Ebony was fucking with your baby daddy right? Well, how about you give her a taste of her own medicine, plus I know he’ll want to know about her little extracurricular activities.” Giselle smirked.
“She’s your sister; you don’t know me from Adam why are you getting mixed up in this?”
“I’m not getting mixed in anything; all I’m doing is inviting you out to a party. Whether or not you go is up to you.”
I thought about it for a second before shrugging my shoulders. I might as well; this could help me keep that ho away from Kaylin. I’m his baby mama so I’m not going anywhere; she’s not going to want to deal with me so she’ll stay far away from him if she knows what’s good for her
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Quan Jones
I sat in my car outside in the Walmart parking lot waiting on Ebony to come out. As soon as I got back in town I had eyes put on her and I heard she moved out of Jersey City. Giselle’s dumb ass didn’t know her exact address; all she could tell me was the town.
I was at home when one of my people called me and told me she was in Jersey City doing something up in Journal Square. I got the exact location and I’ve been following her since I saw her going to her car.  She stopped at this Walmart forty-five minutes ago and I was still waiting on her ass to come outside.
This bitch thought she was going to raise my son to be against me or something. Giselle told me my son hates my ass, anytime she sees him and asks about me he gets an attitude. That’s all Ebony’s doing, making him all soft and shit acting like I was doing something wrong. If anything she was the one fucking up. She knows I don’t go for all that back talk yet she doesn’t shut her damn mouth. That’s not my problem but I’m not going to sit there and stand for the shit.
I put a lot of time and energy turning Ebony into the perfect bitch. I met her when she was 13, and Giselle, who I would let give me head here and there hooked that shit up. As soon as I saw her little thick ass I knew she had potential, i gave her sister a few bucks to bring her to me and she did. 
It was easy getting in her head, buying her shit young bitches love that shit. When she got pregnant I knew if I didn’t have her before i definitely had her at that point. I moved her in with me as soon as she hit 18 and that’s when I really got her mind right. It wasn’t until she pissed me off to the max one night that everything got fucked up. Talking to a nigga but wanna give some bullshit about it being her brother, the bitch was lying to me and I got in that ass.
I might’ve went too far and I realized that so I left town and went down to Atlanta to get my shit really going. Ebony was supposed to come with me but that incident happened so I left her and Jayden up in Jersey. Now I gotta do all that work again in getting her smart ass in line.
It’s cool though, I plan on fixing all of that shit as soon as possible. The last time I saw her she was running off at the mouth again, then had the nerve to have some pretty boy ass nigga in her fuckin’ apartment. I was going to get her ass for that shit too.
Another ten minutes went by before she finally came out pushing a shopping cart full of shit. I waited until she got to her last few bags before hopping out and going over to her.
“What’s up shorty,” I smacked her ass making her jump and turn around. When she saw me I saw the fear flash in her eyes. That’s what I wanted to see, she didn’t forget after all.
“What the fuck? Are you following me?”
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is where the fuck my son is.”
“MY son, you’ve been acting like he doesn’t exist for the last five years. Now you want to pop up asking for him when you know you don’t give a fuck!” She shouted at me. The fear that was there a minute ago was gone and now it was only anger in her eyes. Fuck, I’m going to have to really go in on her ass when I get the chance.
“Keep your fucking voice down before I slap the shit outta you out here. You think I give a fuck about these white people? I’ll fuck you up, don’t play with me.”
She rolled her eyes but kept that fucking mouth closed.
“Now as I was saying, I wanna see my son.”
“He doesn’t want to see you, and I don’t want him seeing you anyway.” She said back. “Nigga I don’t even wanna see you. If I have to get a restraining order on your ass I will,”
“Go ahead, and we can go to court for custody too while we’re at it. You know I have the money for a good lawyer so I could get my son. How much money you got on one? I think I’m the better parent for him anyway, you’re making his ass soft.”
“You know what Sequan, fuck you. You wanna beat my ass, go right ahead and do it. It won’t be the fuckin’ first time, I can tell you one thing though I’m not that same bitch. Put your hands on me if you want to I’ll fuck you up out here.”
“Oh so you’re tough now?”
“Yeah, I’m tough and grown. I’m not the same little girl your sick ass groomed and trained to take your bullshit. If you want to go there nigga we can but I promise you, I will make your life hell afterwards.”
I looked her up and down then laughed. This was comical and annoying at the same time. I see I’m going to have to put more work in than I originally thought. This bitch went and forgot who I am, I plan on reminding her though. She better get herself ready for it.
“You know what, you got that. I’ll be seeing you soon.” I winked at her then went back to my car. Beeping the horn at her I pulled out of the parking lot.
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secretaddiction-ff · 6 years
” Is this going to be Mr. Right? Or Nah?” Izara cringed at those words.
Izara never had a “Mr. Right”. The guy she thought was the one, played her like a fiddle. He played her so bad that Izara started hating men. One point she loved hard, but now she could care less. Men don’t excite her because she already figures they will do something to fuck up everything anyway. Izara always said if the right guy ever comes, she’ll drop all of her “fucked up” ways, but until then she’ll continue to do men dirty.
”Eh, probably not Randy . Hell, I still don't know him like that. You ready?”
”You are like the worst. You get men and throw them away when you're tired.” Izara rolled her eyes. She didn't care and she wished Randy was the same.
”Well, what else can I do with them? They're only good for sex and money. Let’s go.” Izara made her way out of the house. She didn’t have time for finding the “one”. She wasn’t interested.
On the way to the party, Izara had so many things going through her mind. Was she ready to deal with this guy? She didn’t want to, but he was a big spender and was already giving her gifts. Izara normally didn’t care for guys giving her gifts, but she was hoping these gifts would lead to actually money soon. Gifts didn’t pay her bills, money from her job and other men did. If Rick wanted to keep her around, he would have to pay and she already expressed that. She was a gold digger to some, but also like an escort to some as well. She felt that if men could go around asking women for sex when they wanted, why not get money from them? To her doing it for free was dumb, especially since she never liked the men that liked her.
”Damn, you didn't tell me he was living like this?”
”Yeah, but I still don't know Randy.” Izara said searching for her vaporizer.
”What don't you know? He has money and -”
”That's it. I'm not really interested in actually being with him. I don't really care for how he's been showing me off like I'm some damn trophy.”
”Then why are you still talking to him?” Izara sighed. She knew the answer, but now it was becoming pathetic.
Walking towards his front door, Izara noticed Rick walking out. She could hear a lot of noise and she knew it was a lot of extra people. She's been to house parties and parties on a yacht with a few athletes and it was annoying to her. The girls were super annoying and so where the corny ass men. She only came for the drinks and Rick. She just hoped it wasn't any girl or girls on here that would get jealous because she was there for him.
“What up shorty? Didn’t think you would make it.” Rick grabbed her by her waist and Izara was caught off guard. She didn’t like that at all.
“Hey. Why wouldn’t I? I said I would. This is my girl Randy, Randy this is Rick.” Randy waved and Rick nodded at her. “Before we come in do you have any girls who think they’re with you? I don’t do drama.”
“Nah, you don’t have to worry about that. “ Izara knew he probably was lying. A guy with his type of money doesn’t have girls thinking they’re not together? It was bullshit to her.
Walking into the house, Izara noticed how many people were in and out. At first, she was nervous, but quickly became annoyed at Rick basically leaving her. She was glad she had Randy with her because the number of stares they got, made her very uncomfortable. She wanted to tell Randy she wanted to leave, but she didn’t want to seem uptight or anything. So to make it seem like she was okay with being there, she grabbed a bottle of champagne and a bottle of patron and began to drink. She would need it.
“Damn who is that? He keeps staring you down.” Randy whispered. Izara turned her head a little and recognized the person. It was the guy A.D. from the night before. What was up with him?
Pulling her Chanel shades up, Izara got a better look. A.D. He looked better than the first time she saw him. He was very good looking and his tattoos complimented him very well. Izara kept her eyes on him for some strange reason she felt he could feel her staring at him and that’s when he turned back around looking at her. Izara quickly put her attention back on Randy.
“I guess some guy he works with. He was staring at me last night.”
“Last night? You met him already? He’s fine as hell, maybe that’s who you need to talk to.” Izara had a thought, but it clearly faded when she saw a girl rolling her eyes at her.
Normally, Izara would ignore girls that gave her dirty looks, but the mixture of patron and bel aire champagne, she was itching to say something. Izara was never the catty type and she didn’t want to go there, but the way her vibe was she could say anything to the girl. She didn’t even care if the girl had other girls with her either.
“Do we have an issue or your eyes just do just to do it?” Randy snapped her neck when she heard those words leave Izara’s mouth.
“What?” The girl rolled her eyes and continued to drink out of the champagne bottle.
“That’s what I thought. Roll your eyes again and watch what happens.” Izara sat her drink down and that’s when Rick interrupted.
“Yo what the fuck? You starting bullshit again, Paris?”
“Why are you saying something to me? This bitch is the one causing problems! You fucking her or something?!” Izara figure. This was probably one of his little ho’s and Izara didn’t have time.
Izara got up and Randy got up right behind her. Izara was over it and Rick felt bad for even having the Paris girl there. Izara felt that if Rick was trying to impress her, he needed to do a better job. She was completely turned off and ready to leave before she hurt someone. That someone was the girl and if Rick didn’t explain it would soon be him as well.
“Yo Wait, Izzy.” Izara kept walking and finally left out, finally turning around when she realized he followed her out of the house.
“Why are you leaving?”
“I don’t have time to deal with shit like that. I’m not even fucking you and that girl is tripping. I don’t have time for the bullshit, I thought I explained all of this to you.”
“I know. Look I’m sorry about that shit, don’t leave.”
“It’s best if I do. I don’t want to have to fuck her up.” Rick chuckled a little, but soon realized Izara was very serious.
“Alright, I’ll tell her to leave.”
“Whatever. If I don’t see her walking out, I’m leaving.” Rick nodded and went back into the house.
Waiting to see if Rick actually was going to get rid of the girl, Izara took a puff from her cigarette and Randy waited in the car. Izara was becoming so frustrated that she finally gave up and was getting ready to leave. To her surprise, the door opened but it wasn’t Rick or the girl, it was A.D. Izara’s heart started fluttering and she pulled her shades down.
“You’re waiting to see if shorty about to leave?” Izara wanted to ignore him, but she was feeling a little confused.
“She not leaving, but you should.”
“Why is that?”
“I’m not even going to hold you, don’t even fuck with this nigga. You’ll be disappointing yourself. You’re too beautiful for that and I can tell you’re not a dummy.” Apart of Izara wanted to believe he was right, but also she didn’t know if he was being jealous.
“How do I know you’re not just saying this.”
“I don’t have a reason to lie.” Izara got a smell of his cologne as he got a little closer and she wanted to get even closer. “Adonis. Izzy right?”
“Izara, but I guess Izzy will do. We’ve met already.”
“Yeah, but we didn’t meet at a good time. Get out of here, though. This not the type of party you or your friend needs to be at.”
“Are you really being serious or are you trying to cover his ass? I have to ask because it’s little strange for you to even tell me all of this. I don’t know you, I just know you’re cool with him.”
“Cool with him? I don’t really know that nigga either if we’re being honest. My nigga Juelz fuck with him, I’m just here. From the few times I’ve been around him, this nigga doesn’t give a fuck about the women he supposedly likes. Don’t fuck with him.”
“Whatever you say.” Izara pulled her shades backed down and walked towards the car. Maybe Adonis was right, but she needed to see things for herself. She was willing to give Rick one more chance; Strike two.
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troublemakerfiction · 7 years
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Pulling up to my house I mentally prepared myself to see my place torn the fuck up. Knowing Nicki the way I do, and with how she was going off on the phone there is no way in hell she left peacefully without any problems. I was ready to deal with the worse.
I got my bags out my trunk then went up to the front door. I took a deep breath before unlocking and opening the door. When I walked in the smell of food cooking immediately caught my attention. I instantly got upset because I told this broad to get out of my house and she in my shit cooking.
I dropped my bags in the foyer and went straight to the kitchen ready to deal with this bullshit. To my surprise my mother was standing in front of the stove flipping chicken over in a frying pan. Now, I was really confused because I didn’t see her car parked anywhere but here she was.
“Ma,” I called out getting her attention. She turned and smiled at me. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew you were coming back today so I wanted to come make you some good home cooking. I know you’re not eating like you should be with that thing around.” She scoffed at the thought of Nicki.
My mother isn’t the biggest Nicki fan which is strange because she loved her when we were younger. She said she gets weird vibes from her and that something is wrong with her. My mom didn’t even like Nicki being around her period.
“Is she here?”
“No, she said something about going to handle some business, I don’t know. You need to get rid of that girl and find somebody new. I’m telling you Messiah, that girl has some issues. She’s not right in the head.”
“Ma, Nicki is a dead issue because it’s over. I told her to get out; she wasn’t even supposed to be here.”
“Oh, well shit if I had known that I would’ve put the bitch out myself. What brought on this sudden decision? I’ve been telling you to drop that girl for years.”
“I know andI’ve been thinking about it for a minute now. I can’t take her anymore, she’s too damn insecure and she’s been starting drama for no reason.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re finally listening to me.”
“Yeah finally,” I chuckled. “What’s up with you though beautiful.”
“What did I tell you about talking to me like I’m one of your fans.”
“I don’t have fans but ma, you are beautiful.” My mother is absolutely gorgeous. Honestly she looks like she could be my sister if anything. Whenever we go out people think she is, when I say she’s my mother they always looked shocked.
“I know that.” She laughed. “I wish I could say the same thing about you but you look like your father with his ugly ass.”
“I’m far from ugly,”
“Sure you are. Finish telling me about everything. Does your dumping that bitch have anything to do with that girl you told me about? What’s her name?”
“Millz, but yeah. She’s a big part of the reason me and Nicki is done.”
My mother knew all about Millz and the situation with Nicki. I’m close to my mother so telling her about my woman problems aren’t new. Thankfully she knows how to give me some advice then step back, she makes her remarks but she’s not interfering in my life.
“Alright so I know she went on the trip with y’all, what happened?”
“You don’t need to know what happened ma, trust me.” I chuckled. She knew exactly what I meant to because she picked up a dish towel and threw it at me. “Chill,”
“I hope you wore a damn condom. I want grand babies but I need to meet the girl first.”
“That’s not happening right now. Shit, it’s not happening any time soon.” I went over and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for cooking for me mama.”
“Yeah right, back up,” She playfully pushed me away from her. “Besides being nasty what happened with you and this Millz girl.”
“We talked, and I mean really talked. We’re going to see where shit goes and how it works out. Not rushing into anything though.”
“About time, you’ve been lusting over and wanting that girl for years. I’m glad y’all are finally getting it together. So when am I going to meet her?”
“You’ll meet her when the time is right.”
“The right time better be soon, I know that much. What are you going to do about Nicki?”
“Tell her she has to get the fuck out of here when she gets back.” Just as I said that I heard my front door close.
“There she is, here’s your chance.”
Seconds later Nicki came walking in the kitchen and smiled when she saw me.
“I’m glad you’re here and your mother being here makes it even better.” Nicki said.
“I told you to be gone when I got back, what are you doing here?”
“Oh I’m leaving, my stuff is done. You probably haven’t been upstairs. I just need you to sign some things.”
“Sign what?
“Well I need you to co-sign on the lease for my apartment in New York. You want me gone alright fine; I’ll give you enough space. This way I won’t be in your way, yet you’re still close enough to come by.”
I looked at my mother and she had the same expression on her face that I did. The fuck was she talking about? It was at this moment I realized my mother was right about something being off with her because shorty has to be crazy if she thinks I’m co-signing on a fucking lease.
“You really are crazy as hell, see Messiah I told you.” My mother shook her head going back over to the food.
“I’m not crazy, I’m far from it. Also I’ll make it easy on you and only require you pay $10,000 a month.”
“Have you lost your mind? I’m not giving you shit.”
“I’m just trying to help you out. I’m sure when we go to court the judge will require you to pay more. Take my offer and be happy.”
“Why would we go to court Nicki? We weren’t married or anything close to it. I don’t owe you shit and I’m not giving you shit.”
“See that’s where you’re wrong, I’ve got you by the balls for life.”
She went in her purse pulled out what looked like a picture and handed it to me. I turned it over and it was a sonogram picture. I looked at the top left hand corner and her name was printed on it.
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah nigga, I’m pregnant and if you think I’m killing my baby or you’re just going to walk away you got me fucked up.”
“You’re on birth control, how the fuck did this shit happen?”
“I might’ve forgotten to take my pill once or twice.” She laughed.
“You sneaky bitch!” My mother shouted. She tried to push past me and jump on Nicki’s ass but I pulled her back. As much as I would want my mother to beat the shit out of her, I couldn’t let it happen. Not while this bitch is possibly carrying my baby.
“Ma chill,” I told her then turned my attention back to Nicki. “So you trapped me is what you’re saying.” I clenched my jaw trying to calm myself down. I wanted to put a bullet through this bitch’s head for doing this corny bullshit.
“Yup, pretty much. I knew once that bitch came back up here you were going to front on me so I secured myself. You don’t have to sign the papers right now; I’ll give you some time to adjust to the news. I’ll text you about my next doctor’s appointment.” She gave me another smile then walked out.
“FUCK!” I punched the wall putting a hole in it.
“I knew that bitch was sneaky, I told you to drop her ass a long time ago. Now look, my first grand baby is being carried by a nutcase.” My mother ranted.
I tuned her out trying to get my own thoughts together. I was having a kid by somebody I didn’t even want to be with. I was prepared to never deal with this bitch again and now I’m stuck with her for life. Two things really had my mind going. How the fuck was I supposed to deal with a kid by this bitch and how the fuck was I supposed to tell Millz about this shit? We finally get on the same page and this bullshit pops up. I can’t for win for shit.
Three Weeks Later
“Trouble you might as well fix your face. This is happening, be happy about it.” Nicki said as we walked out of her doctor’s office.
I came here just to get confirmation about whether or not she’s lying about all of this just to fuck with me. Turns out she wasn’t lying; she’s just hitting two months. I wasn’t mentally prepared to deal with this bitch for the rest of my life. I knew she was about to make me go through hell.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Ooh that attitude isn’t a good one.”
“You trapped me; you think I’m going to be happy about this bullshit?”
“I didn’t fuck myself and get pregnant.”
“You’re right about that but you stopped taking your damn birth control on purpose. You know if I knew your ass was skipping pills I wouldn’t have fucked with you.”
“Oh well, it is what it is. You might as well deal with this. Now we can be a family and have the life I’ve always wanted.”
I shook my head chuckling. I didn’t find what she said funny but it was too crazy for me to believe. This bitch was on some other shit.
“We’re not going to be a family, understand that shit and get it through your head.”
“Why not? Is it because of Millz? Do you really think she’s going to want you when she finds out I’m having your baby?”
“What I do with Millz isn’t your business so shut the fuck up.”
“You shut the fuck up. Have you even told her I’m pregnant?” I didn’t say anything and she started laughing. “I’ll take that as a no. Ooh I wish I could see her face when she finds out.”
“I really wish you would shut the fuck up. Go home or wherever the fuck you’re staying right now. I’m not about to stand here and listen to your aggravating ass talk.”
“You’re just salty because I’m right.” I waved her off and walked to my car.
When I got in I punched my steering wheel in frustration. I really had to deal with this bitch and I knew she wasn’t going to make it easy. Nicki is a petty ass person and knowing her, she was going to make this much harder and complicated than it needed to be.
She was right about one thing, I haven’t told Millz about her being pregnant. I didn’t want her knowing anything until I knew for sure she wasn’t lying. I was hope Millz didn’t get mad but she’s unpredictable. You never know how she’s going to react. I’m honestly expecting the worse.
Deciding to get it done and over with, I made my way to Millz’ office. I knew she was down there getting everything prepared for her grand opening this weekend.  As soon as we got back from LA she went to work or renovating her office space and getting the look right. From what she told me, her decor is done, she was just hiring some more of her staff. So far she already had an assistant, and a receptionist, she was just looking for other designers, decorators at the moment.
I parked in their expensive ass parking lot then made my way up to her office. When I got off the elevator I smiled looking around. The whole atmosphere of her office let you know, her services wasn’t cheap. Everything about it said luxury and high class.
“Can I help you?” The white blonde haired blue eyed girl that was behind the desk asked me.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Mi-“I stopped myself realizing she more than likely wouldn’t know who the fuck I was talking about if I just said Millz. “Is Ms. Diamond here?”
“Yes she is, she’s in her office. What’s your name I’ll let her know you’re here?”
“Messiah Garnett,”
“Okay,” she picked up the phone and punched something in. “Ms. Diamond a Mr. Messiah Garnett is here for you. Alright I’ll let him know.” She hung the phone then looked at me. “You can go up to her office, take the stairs.” She pointed to the hallway next to her desk. I went up to the office and knocked on the door before I walked in.
“Come in,” I heard Millz say. When I walked in she was talking to a tall model like dark skin girl. They both looked at me before Millz told the girl she would talk to her in a minute. The girl nodded then walked past me out the office, closing the door behind her.
“So what do you think?” Millz asked with a big smile on her face.
“It’s nice as fuck, I like it.” I walked over to where she was and kissed her on the lips. “Are you busy right now?” I wanted to take her our to eat and break this Nicki news to her. She’s less likely to go off in a public place.
“No, I have my last job interview for the day at three o’clock so I have about two hours of free time.”
“Let me take you to lunch.”
“A lunch date? This is pretty random.”
“I haven’t seen you in a minute so I want to feed you.”
“We’ve been busy,” She chuckled.
The last few weeks have been crazy for the both of us. She was dealing with opening her business up here, still running the business she opened in Virginia and her children.  I had the tattoo shop shit going on, and I still had the illegal part of my business to run. Crazy thing is the street shit wasn’t giving me any problems at all. Everything was on lock as far as that part of my life. It’s the personal shit I can’t get a hold of.
“Well right now we’re not so are you ready?”
“Yes I’m ready.”
“How many people are you trying to hire?”
“I need one other designer, a decorator, an event planner and an event designer, plus I need another receptionist. If everything goes well, I’ll be getting the space on the floor below us too.” She grabbed her purse and walked from behind her desk.
“That’s how you dress at work?” I asked her with a smirk on my face. The white fitted dress she was wearing had that ass on blast but not in a bad or tacky way. It’s an appropriate dress, her body in it just made the shit dangerous.
“Yes, this is my version of professional. This is the good thing about being your own boss; you can do and wear whatever you want.”
“So your employees can dress like this too?”
“If they’re signing their own checks yes, if not no.” She shrugged her shoulders. “They can’t do what I do; they just need to do what I say.”
“Bossy ass, come on.” We left her office and I took her to one of the many restaurants that was in the same area as her job.
When we got seated and ordered our drinks she looked at me with her eyebrow raised. “Alright, tell me what’s wrong.”
“What makes you think something is wrong?” I asked.
“I know you, this is very nice but it’s way too random. I know it’s not because you missed me or something. You have something to tell me and hope I won’t lose it in public.”
“Damn, are you the Feds or some shit?” She knew my whole plan from the jump. There is no getting over on this girl.
“You know better than that. Just tell me what’s going on.”
“Alright, it’s about Nicki.”
“Oh boy, what is it?”
“When we got back from LA, she came to the house and told me she was pregnant. Before you even say it I know it was three weeks ago, but I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know whether or not she was lying. I didn’t want to get you all worked up about it before knowing the facts.”
“So since you’re telling me that must mean she’s pregnant.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I went to the doctor with her earlier. She’s just hitting two months. That shit shocked the fuck out of me man.”
“If y’all were using protection it was bound to happen. Why are you shocked by that news?”
“She was on birth control, apparently when you came back she started skipping pills. I didn’t know that and was going on about shit like we were before. Now she’s pregnant.”
“Damn,” She shook her head. Our waiter came over and put our drinks on the table, took our food orders then walked off again. “So what are you going to do?”
“She says she’s having it. This ditsy bitch is talking about she wants ten grand a month and for me to co-sign on a lease for an apartment or she’s putting me on child support.”
“I know a lawyer that can handle that with no problem. I’ll call him when I get back to my office. He will handle everything trust me. We’re not about to be going back and forth to court with her ass and she’s not getting ten grand a month either.”
“Wait, you just said we’re not going back and forth to court.”
“I know what I said, what’s your point?”
“So you’re not walking away from me because of this shit?”
“No, it is a lot to handle but hell you didn’t turn your back on me or get all mad and shit when I got pregnant. You’re literally in the same position I was in. Break up with somebody then that shit pops up. The only difference is I don’t think Nicki is going to be as peaceful as Cameron. So, like I said I’ll get you in touch with the lawyer and we can go from there.”
“I’m surprised at you,”
“Why? I know I’m hard to deal with some times and I might come off like a bitch but when I care about people, I’m always there. I’m not going to walk away from you because that bitch trapped you, because of me. I’m sorry but that bitch if crazy as horse shit, who does that?”
“Something is wrong with her ass for real. I should’ve listened to my mother when she said that shit.”
“Your mother said what?”
“That Nicki was crazy and something seemed off about her. I don’t know why I brushed that shit off, dumbest shit I could’ve possibly done.”
“You know I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant. I was like now I’m stuck with this nigga for the rest of my life. I thought we were going to go through but he surprised me. There is no drama with at all.”
“Well Prophet grew some common sense over the years I see. Besides it’s different, he didn’t get you pregnant on purpose.”
“You’re right about that but fuck her. Let her have the baby, she’s in a rude awakening when she finds out it won’t change shit. She’s going to be a bitter bitch, so you really need to keep eyes on her.”
“What do you mean? You think she’ll try some shit with you?”
“Hell no, I’m not worried about that bird. I’m talking about when she has the baby. When Tonya got pregnant with Imani she thought he was going to be done with Shante and be with her. Her ass felt stupid as fuck because he wanted nothing to with her. When she saw he was dead serious about not fucking with her, she started treating Imani like shit.”
“That’s what that shit with her mother is about?” All these years I didn’t know why Imani didn’t have a relationship with her mother. I know they didn’t get along but I didn’t know the details. They don’t really speak on shit in their family too much.
“Yeah, she was mad because he would go all out for Imani but not pay her any attention. She got jealous and started doing some bullshit. Imani was 15 when she went to go with my uncle and got away from that witch. Pay attention to your child because bitterness, desperation, jealousy, and mental illness isn’t a good combination and that’s exactly what’s going on with that Nicki bitch.”
“I’m going for full custody right off rip, which means I have a few months to really make some moves. My shops are doing well but I need some other shit going on to match my income.”
She nodded taking a sip of her drink. “You’re right; they’re going to look into all that stuff if you file for full custody. You have to figure out some other things to invest in.”
“What is your degree in again?”
“Entrepreneurship and Interior Design why?”
“That’s perfect.”
“What’s perfect? What are you talking about?”
“You can help me open a business, plus tell me what’s good to invest in. As a matter of fact, the business I want to open, we can partner on it.”
“Partners? Oh you want to be business partners now?”
“I’ve seen you get your shit up and going in a matter of weeks. You have the drive to make something pop off so I know my money won’t go to waste.”
“I don’t know Trouble,”
“First of all what did I tell you about calling me that?” I said in a serious tone. I didn’t want Millz calling me Trouble, the nigga she was getting and Trouble are complete different. She wasn’t on the same level as these other bitches, so she wasn’t going to address me like they were.
“Alright damn Messiah, are you happy?”
“Yeah, I am actually. What you mean you don’t know though?”
“Opening another business so fast? I’m just about to do the grand opening for my company.”
“I know that but it’s an opportunity to help me out and make some more money. I know you’re not opposed to that shit.”
“You’re right,” She smiled. “Fine we can do this together, but you better not try and make me do all the damn work. I’m not playing with you.”
“I got you, trust me. I want to do a lounge type of thing. Not a full night club, Lock already has that going.”
“That makes sense, we could serve food and I do mean actual food. Not just hot wings and potato skins. I want it to be laid back but upscale at the same time.”
“I feel you, so you got my back with everything. The business, the shit with Nicki and this baby shit.”
“The baby thing is going to take getting used to but I got you. I mean, you let me move in with you when my mother kicked me out. I was pregnant and you didn’t turn your back on me, so I’m not going to do that to you. All I’m going to say to you is, my temper isn’t easy to control so keep that bitch in check. I will forget she’s pregnant and beat her ass again.”
“Nicki isn’t going to be a problem for you, trust me I have it under control.”
“I’m going to trust you to handle it. I’m going to trust you until you give me a reason not.”
“I got you.”
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“Look at you playing daddy day care.” I said to Cameron when I walked in his living room. Dyce and Darius were on the floor sleep lying on some blankets and to my surprise Karma was on the couch knocked out too. “So you’re really stepping up with her? That’s good Cam, you’re growing up.”
“Yeah something like that,” he chuckled. “You don’t have to wake them up and take them with you. I can drop them off at school tomorrow. I signed Karma up at the same day care so they’re all going.”
“Well you are a good father, annoying as shit but you’re good.”
“Thank you I think.” We laughed. “What’s up with you though? Your grand opening is this weekend right.”
“Yes and the boys are coming and if you and your girl want to come you can.” I told him. I had no problem with Cameron’s new girlfriend. They were good together as far as I know, as long as shorty isn’t a bitch to my kids we’re good.
“I don’t have a girlfriend anymore. We’re over.”
“What happened?”
“Things just weren’t good with us. She was insecure always sweating me about shit. In the business I’m in the last thing I need is an insecure chick around. You know what I mean,”
“Yeah I feel you. You do know you’re going to have to give that shit up at some point though. You can’t be a 40 year old pimp, that’s not a good look and my sons are not doing that shit either.”
“Our sons, it’s a family thing. Come on, you get where I’m coming from with that.”
“I do and they’re not going my family business either. I want them to go to school, go to college, and be normal boys not drug lords on the rise.”
“I hear you man. So are you excited about your opening?”
“Yeah, I wish I could say I’m about to relax but I know that’s not happening. I have to get that up and running plus Trouble wants me to go into business with him.”
“What kind of business?”
“Like a lounge type of things, we haven’t talked about all the details but we know what we want to do.”
“So you’re about to open up a whole new business?”
“Yeah, I have to make my money.”
“Do you have time for that?”
“I’ll make time for it.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Cameron what are you getting at?”
“You work a lot already, and I don’t want you to have so much on your plate that you forget about the boys.”
“How would I forget about my kids? I can’t forget being in labor for ten hours and pushing two boys out of my pussy. Don’t go there with me Cameron.”
“Go where? All I’m saying is you work a lot, by the time you get them at the end of the day they’re asleep.”
“Not really,”
“The last few times you’ve picked them up they have been asleep. Am I right or wrong?”
“Alright and? I’ve been busy working, so?”
“So? We’re both parents, all of this shit shouldn’t be on me. What are you going to be doing? Out here playing the female Bill Gates while I handle them by myself?”
“Cameron you can get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I get them up every morning; I wash them, dress them, feed them then take them to school. You don’t pick them up until five and I pick them up at seven or eight the latest. That’s two to three hours at the most. Let’s not act like you’re with them all day playing Mr. Mom. You’re out here selling bitches half the day so relax.”
“All I’m saying is, they don’t see much of you right now. How do you think that shit is going to be if you start up another business? I don’t think you should do it.”
“Well it’s a good think I don’t give a fuck about what you think. The last time I checked I was grown and I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to do. I’m not a deadbeat fuckin’ parent, I’m working. You need to focus on you and the child you been neglecting for three damn years before you run your mouth about me and what I do with my children.”
“You really wanna take it there Millz? For real?”
“Yes for real, you pissed me off. Don’t try me like that for real. I’m going home now, bye” I didn’t wait for him to say anything else I just walked out before I really ended up telling him off. The last thing I wanted to was hit a rewind and end up in a fight with that nigga like we used to before.
When I got home I poured myself a glass of wine and sat on my couch. I wasn’t furious or too angry about what Cameron was talking about but it was irritating to hear. I do work a lot and the fact that my business is new is very time consuming but I’m not doing this shit for just me. I was doing it for my kids too. I wanted to give them something to respect.
Growing up my mother was barely around but it wasn’t because she was working or doing anything productive. It was all about her partying, shopping and everything else. My father was busy a lot of the time too but it was because he was out there grinding for us. Even though I would preferred my dad being around way more I can respect the fact that he was working.  
I could easily sit back and use the fact that I’m the mother of Prophet’s children and Dice’s daughter to not do a damn thing. I don’t have to work if I don’t want to; my uncle will handle any and everything for me if I ask him to. I don’t need to do what I do, but I do it because it’s fun for me, I love it and I want my kids to respect their mother.
I don’t want them to look at their dad and see him providing all of these things but their mom isn’t doing a damn shit. I’m going to work; I’m going to continue to open up businesses and make my money, make some more money. If Cameron has a problem with that, oh well. I don’t give a fuck.
Walking into tattoo shop I went straight to the back so I could go to Vick’s work area. My grandmother supposedly had something for me and instead of sending straight to me, she went through Vick.
Before I could get to his area Dro came walking out the bathroom. “What’s up Millz?”
“What’s up,” I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.  I turned and looked at him like he was stupid. “Let my arm go.”
“I just wanted to tell you, you look nice today.”
“Thank you, now can you let my arm go?”
“Why are you acting funny with me?”
“Nigga I barely know you.”
“Alright, so get to know me then.”
“What do I need to know about you? The last couple of times I’ve seen you, you pissed me off.”
“Trying to check me like you got it like that. You don’t know me, so don’t ask me no personal shit, don’t come at me crazy and most of all watch your mouth. Thank you, goodbye.” I went to walk away but once again this nigga grabbed my arm. He really has a problem with personal space and boundaries. “Can you let my arm go?”
“I will just listen. I did come at you crazy a couple of times, but I’m a nigga who speaks his mind. So, if I have a question or have something to say I’m going to do that. Fuck I need to bite my tongue for?”
“When you don’t know somebody you don’t come out your mouth to them off rip. That’s disrespectful and disrespect isn’t tolerated over here. Now, let me go.” I snatched my arm from his grip then stepped back. “I’m trying to keep my temper in check these days, and you grabbing on me every two seconds is about to make me forget all that shit. Keep your hands to yourself.”
“Look, let me make it up to you okay? Can I take you to dinner or something?”
Chuckling I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. I can’t do that.”
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“Both, trust me I’m good.”
“Let me guess, you have a man now?” I was about to answer him when Trouble’s voice cut him off.
“Yeah she does,” Dro looked at me then at Trouble before chuckling.
“Aight, I didn’t know man. I’ll back off.” When he walked off I turned to face Trouble who had his face screwed up.
“Let me talk to you for a minute.” He grabbed my arm pulling me into his work area and slamming the door. “The fuck was that about?”
“Why were you even talking to that nigga?”
“I can’t talk to people now? Don’t start the jealous shit with me.”
“I’m not jealous I’m asking you a question. That nigga likes you and I’m not feelin’ that so stay away from him aight.”
I just looked at him waiting for him to finish what he was saying because surely there was a punch line to the joke. I don’t like being told what to do. I had no intentions on being around Dro, and him asking me out made it clear to me that I need to keep my distance. Trouble wasn’t about to tell me what to do though, nope not happening.
“Why are you looking at me like that? I know you heard what I said.”
“I heard you but I’m trying to figure out who you’re giving out orders too. I’m tired of you niggas trying to tell me what to do like I’m not grown.”
“Hold up, the fuck is you talking about? That nigga is clearly feelin’ you if he just asked you out on a fuckin’ date so yeah I’m telling you to keep your distance. I don’t give a fuck about what stubborn shit you’re on right now, you heard what I said.”
“Yeah okay whatever.”
“The fuck is wrong with you? Who pissed you off?”
“Nobody pissed me off.”
“Bullshit, you have an attitude right now. What happened and what niggas are telling you what to do?”
I sucked my teeth and sat on the tattoo chair. “I went to pick the boys up last night and I was talking to Cameron about everything business wise. I let it slip that we talked about going into business together and he came at me sideways.”
“Came at you sideways how?” He raised his eyebrow. I could tell by the look on his face he was about to get pissed.
“Relax; he was not on some disrespectful shit so calm down. He was basically telling I don’t need to work so much because of our kids. Almost making it seem like I don’t take care of my kids because I work.”
“That nigga sells pussy; he should be the last one talking about anybody’s job.”
“That’s what I said. It was just irritating. I know I’m working a lot but once everything is on the right track it won’t be so hectic. He wasn’t seeing it like that though. Now I’m here because Vick has to give me something from my grandmother and for some reason I feel like it’s about to be some bullshit.”
“If it wasn’t something dramatic she could’ve just called me and told me what it was. Why would she need to send me shit through Vick?”
“You know Vick is like the head of y’all family besides Nasir. He’s the oldest, so maybe he wanted to do it.”
“Well I really don’t have much room for bullshit so I hope it’s nothing crazy. You’re not off the hook though; don’t come at me over no nigga. I’m not thinking about anybody but you and you know it.”
“I know that, but it is what it is. I don’t want you around that nigga at all, even when you see him here. Leave it at some hi and bye shit.”
“I hear you,” I chuckled getting off the chair. “Oh before I forget,” I went in my purse and pulled out a business card. “This is the name and number of the lawyer I was telling you about. Jack Dennis, he will have all of that shit straight.”
He took the card and smiled at me before kissing me on the lips. “Thank you ma,”
“No problem. Let me go see what all this family shit is about.”
“Vick is in the office,”
“Alright,” I left his room and went down to their office where Vick was at his desk sketching something. “Aye nigga be alert, I could’ve came in here and blown your head off.”
“Niggas know better than that, I’m glad you’re here. Sit down.” Vick said then went into one of the drawers in his desk. I sat in the chair in front of it looking at him skeptically.
“Before we go even further, is this going to piss me off or make me cry?”
“I mean, I don’t know depends on how you look at it.”
“Okay, that’s not really telling me much. Did somebody die, or did somebody steal or lie from me? Which one is it?”
“Just look,” He pulled out an envelope then handed to me. I looked at it and it had my name on it but the address wasn’t mine. It was the address of the shop.  It was from somebody named Dominic Jones who was clearly locked up since the letter said Rikers Island.
“What is this and who the hell is Dominic?”
“This is Dominic,” he put a picture on the desk. I picked it up and looked at it then back at Vick.
“Okay, I don’t know him. Who is he?”
“He’s your brother.”
“Excuse me?” I had to be hearing wrong because what brother? The last time I checked I was an only child. My parents didn’t have any other kids, so the fuck is he talking about?
“He’s your brother; I just found that shit out too. None of us knew besides grandma. Your father didn’t even know about him.”
“Wait pause then rewind. What do you mean my father didn’t know? This is his son? What the fuck is you talking about Vick because I’m confused.”
“That’s not the only thing, there’s this too.” He put another picture on the desk and it was another guy except he had a medium brown complexion.
“Who the fuck is that? Another brother or some shit?”
“Yeah, his name is Dylan. They’re fraternal twins and their both your brothers.”
“Alright,” I put everything on his desk then stood up and started pacing back and forth. I was more than confused. Where the fuck did two brothers come from? “I woke up this morning an only child and now you’re telling me I have two brothers. What the fuck?”
“Can you sit down so I can explain this shit to you?”
I sat back down and gave him my full undivided attention. I wanted to hear this shit. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“Alright so they’re 19 years old. Uncle Dice stepped out on Keisha with some Spanish bitch around the way. Before she could tell him she was pregnant her parents sent her away to some family in Miami, so your father never found out about them. That didn’t stop their mother from giving them the last name Jones; apparently she knew them before they changed their last name so she stuck with Jones. When they were 9 years old she brought them up here so she could finally tell him about them, but this was after his murder so she left it alone. They moved to New York and have been living there since.”
“Okay, so how did grandma know if my father didn’t?”
“Well as you can see by that letter Dominic is locked up. They didn’t have money for a lawyer so their mother told them to ask their father’s family. She gave them grandma’s name and he looked her up and found her information. He reached out to her and told her everything; she flew out here to meet Dylan. They took a DNA test and it matched, they’re your brothers. They’re twins so of course he’s Dominic’s father too.”
“What the fuck,” I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I was just at her house a few weeks ago and she didn’t say shit but now she wants to deliver this news to me now. “Why didn’t she tell me this shit?”
“She was just getting back into the swing of things with us and she didn’t want to upset you. Don’t get mad at Unc either because nobody knew about it. Shit, I’m just as shocked as you.”
“So now what? Did she help them with that lawyer shit?”
‘Yeah and now Dylan wants to meet you. You do need to read that letter though.”
“You’ve spoken to him?”
“Hell yeah, I was checking that shit out before I let you anywhere near the nigga. I did my research and his story matches up so it’s up to you if you want to meet him.”
“I don’t know, this is a lot to take in. I really have to sit back and think on all this shit.” I wasn’t really opposed to meeting this so-called brother of mine but I was skeptical and stressed out. Between the new baby mama drama, my baby father irking me and two brothers I knew nothing about reaching out to me I was about to lose my shit.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 9: part 2
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“Alright Henny and coke got you” I said to this Man at the bar. As I went to go make the drink, I seen Zion standing at the bar looking at md, she gave me a small smile. “Hey!” She yelled over the music. I just looked at her and walked off to finish making the drink. She already left me 10 missed calls and 4 voice mails and a lot of text messages. I mean I forgive her, and I want her no doubt, but I slick felt some type of way like she used me. I brought the man his Henny and coke. It was two other bartenders so I could slip away for a little minute just to see what she has to say. I signaled her to follow me out back. When we got outside, I lit me a blunt and leaned up against the wall. “What’s up?” I asked her. I was looking at her and She was looking good. “Look, Kyrel I don’t want you to be mad at me okay, I just, I’m scared that when I go back to Atlanta I will miss you and I haven’t been this attached since my first heart break, and I apologize for how I said things last night, I care for you it’s just I’m not ready to give my all this felt much better and safe when I thought we both knew this was a fling” She said. I shook my head at her. “But it’s not, when I met you, I wanted you, and I was dead set on making you mine, okay”. She just looked at me, “Ky, look I understand that. Most men be all over me and want me and pine for me, niggas even stalk me, but nobody has ever flipped the script on me where I cared about how I made them feel. I feel really bad, I feel really scared and I feel butterflies when I’m with you and I think maybe yes I’m falling for you, and I’m hard to get, so that’s just a weird feeling, I haven’t felt in forever”. I shrugged my shoulders, “So what Z, you want us to be together or what? Cause of this is just a game you can save all the bullshit” I stressed to her. The back door flew open, it was my homie Maurice, he was emptying the trash and probably coming to smoke a cigarette. “What’s up boss” He said to me dapping me up. “Oh, hell nah” Zion said. Maurice clenched his jaw. “You know this bitch?” He said. I looked him crazy cause why was he calling her out her name like that. “Nah homie I need you to watch your mouth” I said. He smirked. “Oh, this you playa?” He said laughing. I looked at Zion. “You know Maurice?” I asked her. She looked pissed. “Yea I know this nigga” I looked between them trying to figure out what was going on between my homie and the girl I might make my girl. “Remember the shorty I told you about that’s her” Maurice told me. He came in mad talking about a girl he fucked and how she left him hanging after dinner he was dogging her out. I felt like killing somebody. Because here she was in my face pleading with me when she fucked my homie not even a full day went by. “You fucked my homie?” I asked her. She looked at me confused. “What?” She asked. “Come on baby tell my dawg how I bussed in them guts earlier” Maurice said smirking. I looked at her. “Is it true?” I asked. She sucked her teeth in and shook her head. “If you believe anything out this slimey ass grimey ass nigga mouth then nigga we done” She said to me. “So how you know him?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “He asked me out and I went out with him but then I realized he was a clown and for the record I only went out with him to try to get my mind off of you, you wasn’t calling me back so I thought I should just continue doing me, and yes doing me is meeting a nigga to make me feel good for the night then dip but he wasn’t worth none of my time, it only was a 45minute meet up before this nigga told me he wanted to fuck me and drive around in my car with his bum ass” She snapped. I shook my head not only was she trying to play me she went out with my home boy and maybe fucked him. “So, you lying to me? Why are you even here Zion if you needed a nigga to make you feel good?” I asked. She slightly laughed. “For the record, I would never sleep with this motherfucker and I have fucked worst niggas but the whole time I realized, I wanted the way you made me feel so after wards I came over here to see you to fix shit with you, but fuck this. If you want to believe him cool but at least I tried”. I had a lot of pride in me. She looked at me. I looked away. She sucked her teeth at me. “Whatever” She said, I watched her shake her head and go back inside to leave. I wanted to go after her. I tossed the blunt to follow her inside, by the time I got in there she had left. “Damn it”. I said. Maurice was right me, “Man fuck that hoe ass bitch”. I grabbed him and dragged him into the bathroom. “Why you lie about fucking her?” I asked. Maurice just smirked. I grabbed his shirt and pinned him to the wall. “Man, cause I don’t know, you believed it, plus that bitch embarrassed me and had me banned from the lounge!” I threw him into a staw. “Stop calling her out her name!” I yelled before walking off. My dumb ass had to do some dumb shit. If Maurice did not come outside shit would have been back good between but I had to let my pride take over.
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I woke up with a headache, from smoking all that damn weed and drinking all that liquor. I looked at my phone to see missed calls from Diamond. “Damn It” I said to myself. I rolled over and got out of bed and looked for my clothes. I forgot I had to meet Diamond for brunch so we can talk about our relationship. I listened to my voicemail from her. “Samar where the hell are you, we have reservations at the Potato bar 12:30, its 11:20!” She stressed. I sighed and looked at the clock it was 11:45 I needed to get to Diamond. My phone started ringing again, I seen it was Diamond. “Yo baby girl I’m sorry Tye and I got lit last night and passed out with her friends” I lied. I heard Tye softly groaning. I looked over and seen her turnover. “Samar hurry up and get here” Diamond said. “I got you” I said hanging up. “Where you are going?” Tye asked. “To Brunch with Di” I said looking for my shit so I can leave. “Why are you going out with her after we just fucked Samar, you not even taking a shower with yo nasty ass!” She snapped. I sighed “Yo don’t start this bugging shit, you been spazzing lately, you know how I feel about Diamond” I said annoyed as fuck. She threw a pillow at me. “Your full of shit Samar why would you go out with that bitch after she fucked somebody while yall was together?” She started getting up and putting on her clothes.Diamond had gone on tour with Brent Fiayaz and ended up fucking him on tour, she apparently got pregnant but then got an abortion and lied about to me. “Yo why you bring that’s shit up?” I asked. She knew how I felt about that situation. She rolled her eyes. “Samar what the hell are we doing?” She asked. I shrugged “Whatchu mean? I told you what it was” she put her hand on her hip and what the fuck is it? You get your relationship right with that bitch then fuck me when its convenient for you Samar, what are we like fuck buddies now? From best friends to fuck buddies. Let me know Samar because I need to just move on��. I shook my head, “Nah I’m not about to let you fuck another nigga Tye”, She opened her door and stood there with her arms crossed “Samar I don’t want to do this anymore” She said. “Do what Tye?” I sighed. “This, you trying to tell me who I can fuck and who I can date like a side chick. Samar I’m sorry for fucking this shit up, we should have never complicated things, I need space from you” She said. I smirked at her cause she just talking. “Ima come over later I promise” I said trying to grab her cheeks and kiss her. She pushed my hands out her face. “Damn you really mad?” I said laughing, I cannot Tye serious she always gone be there like we besties she aint going nowhere this just a little baby ass issue, she will get over it. She mugged the fuck out of me. “Samar get your shit and get the fuck out and don’t come back over here later, I said what the fuck I said. You not my nigga and you don’t want to be, so let’s just stop this shit where it’s at we fucked twice that’s it yeah we have feelings that you don’t really take into consideration and loving you without you knowing was better than this” I shook my head at her, “Aight Tye Whatever” I looked at her holding my stuff. “What? You can go” She told me. I walked out her room and she slammed the door on me. I went downstairs and let myself out, this girl was tripping.
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“Here you go” Daryl the sprint guy said to me handing me my phone. I felt relieved to know my shit was fixed. Melody was on my mind heavy, so I dialed her number. It rang a few times before she answered. “Hello?” She said. “Hey, can I see you and we talk?” I asked. She breathed into the phone. “Yeah”. Okay, give me like 25minutes aight” I said before I hung up the phone. Trey and Freddie had met up with me in the food court. “Aye new phone who dis nigga” Trey said laughing. Freddie had a little baddie with him. I looked at Freddie and he smirked. “Keyshawn this is my bro Isaac, Isaac this my little shorty Keyshawn” He introduced us. I smiled at her and shook her hand. My homies been pulling baddies left and right. “Well, I need the whip again today” I said. Trey smirked. “Mel?” He asked. I shrugged, “Man don’t worry about it” I told him. “My home girl Neesha having a little kick back so yall can just ride with me” Keyshawn said. Freddie nodded and threw me the keys. “Be safe dawg”. I nodded. I left the mall and went to the parking deck. I got in the rental and put her GPS in. Bryson Tiller “Been That Way” started playing “I wanna know how we became so distant girl, the way we fell in love it was almost instant, I’m trying to find a way around it, girl tell me how you feel about it, you still love me that’s the way it sounded, Thank God I would have never found this”. I drove to her Airbnb just listening to the lyrics.  “Baby it’s been that way, Baby it’s been that way. Baby I still feel the same, something I got to maintain listen to me when I say baby its always, its always been that way”. I guess my phone knew I was in my feelings cause Miguel “Sure Thing” played next and I was 5 minutes from her place, “Even when the sky comes falling, even when the sun don’t shine. I got faith in you and I so put your pretty little hand in mine. Even when we down to the wire baby, even when its do or die. We can do it baby simple and plain cause this love is Sure Thing, you can bet that never got to sweat that” I sang along. I texted Mel and let her know I was pulling up. It was like 5:15 pm.
She waited for me at the door. She had on boy shorts and an oversize crop top with her hair in two buns. When I walked in, she looked at me awkwardly. Music was playing throughout the house. I see Tye was rolling up weed on the kitchen bar stool. “What’s up Tye?” I said greeting her. She smiled and waved “Hey Isaac”. “Aye you got another blunt?” I asked her. She nodded; I passed her $10 she shook her head. “You good”. I nodded. “You clutch with it, you know I always fucks with you” I told Tye, she just laughed. Melody led me to the back yard. It was a big ass pool with a waterfall out there and a little bar area. We had to walk down some stairs to get to the yard, so we just sat on the steps. I grabbed my lighter out my fanny pack I had across my body. I lit the blunt and started smoking to ease my nerves. Melody started playing with her hands, then she stood up and started talking. “I went on a date last night” She said. I could feel the jealousy in me rising. “A date, with that nigga?” I asked. She slowly nodded. “I wanted to be honest with you”. I was mad not going to lie. “So, what he hit?” I asked. I looked at her and she looked at me, I was looking into her eyes to see if she would lie or not. She shook her head. “No”. I could tell she was telling the truth, but she seemed uneasy. “You ain’t do nothing?” I asked. She sighed and laid her head in her hands. “We kissed that’s it” She said. I was picturing her and this nigga, shit making my skin crawl, I felt sick as fuck. “So why we are talking then Melody?” I asked. Why she ain’t with this nigga then. “Because I can’t get you out of my head or my heart, it felt okay at the moment but then I had to stop because shit could have gone far and I would have been disgusted in myself cause you know that ain’t me Isaac, I feel like my body is yours okay, like I only want you to kiss me and you to touch me not anybody else it doesn’t feel right”. I wanted to be mad at her for kissing this nigga and going on the date but honestly after the other night she probably thought I was done with her. “Why you even go on the date?”. I asked her. She shrugged “I figured we was for real done, so I thought maybe I could get my mind off you but that’s it” I watched her looking stressed. I just palmed my face. “What’s up with you and that thotty you left the Pajama Party with? Tye saw you with?” She said. I sighed because I forgot all about Shorty, even her name. “Aight look I was drunk as hell and mad about you and Ole boy so yes I took her home, did we fuck yeah almost she just gave me head and she barely did that, you was blowing my shit up and she left.” I admitted. “So, when you get mad at me you try to fuck other hoes, that’s what we are doing?” She asked mad. I shook my head irritated. “Mel, right now we still sorting shit out, yes I got mad at you and dude, and yes I thought if you left with him you was fucking him and I wanted to just get mind off you and this nigga, and I felt crazy about it after you left and I broke my phone, but I’m here right now letting you know that I do want to be with you and I don’t want no other man to have you, Shit makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about this man kissing you, touching you” I said feeling all this emotion I try to avoid showing. She just looked at me and started crying a little. “Come here bruh” I said. She got up and looked at me I brought her closer to me so she could sit in my lap facing me. “You going to see this nigga again?” I asked her, looking her straight in the eyes. She shook her head. “No, it’s not fair to him for me to be in love with somebody else and lead him on, But I do need to let him know” She told me. Man fuck that nigga she can leave homie hanging. “Man, aight”. We just looked at each other before she brought her lips to mine and we were making out. My hands trailed down to her ass and softly grabbed it. “Mmm” She moaned into the kiss. I broke the kiss before things got to intense. “Go break things off with homeboy” I told her she slowly nodded. “Okay fine”. She got up off my lap and we both got up from the bench. “I want us to get to know each other again, and I want to take you out and get to know you and date you the proper way” I said. She smiled and nodded her head. “Alright”.
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“Hey Ri-Ri it’s Ant again, I’m calling you from my homie phone cause I know you blocked me but I just want to say I’m sorry mami, It wasn’t would it looked like. Nina is my ex we were just catching up” I said over the voicemail I left for Ariana. I knew she was pissed and probably thought I was playing her, but I was not, I really went to go meet up with Nina because I needed to clear my head. I was scared about what I am feeling for Ariana and I had not felt that way since Nina and I broke up. I wanted to see if I had finally moved on from her and I did. I called Ariana again, she finally picked up “Hello, who is this?” She asked sounding sleepy. “It’s Anthony, I wanted to know If I could see you so we can talk” I asked. She groaned annoyed “There’s nothing to talk about Anthony I saw you out with another girl” She said. “Look I can explain, can we please meet up?” I asked. She sighed “Fine, I will meet you at the beach” She said. We hung up, and I got up and prepared myself to meet Ari at the beach. I got in my car and headed over. When I got there, I seen Ariana leaning on The Rental Jeep going through her phone. She had her hair in a scarf and some basket balls shorts and over size tee shirt with slides on. I got out my car and went over to her. She looked at me mad as hell. “So say what the fuck you got to say, because I don’t have the time for any more bullshit” She said. “Well first of all why was you drunk at the restaurant?” I asked her curious. She shrugged, “Because for your information I met up with Marlon, he was apologizing for how he acted and that was it then I stayed to drink by myself if you really needed to know” I smirked at her irritated she got me out here trying to apologize when she was meeting up with that nigga. “So you tripping on me but you was with Marlon?” I asked. She put crossed her arms getting upset. “Nigga, I didn’t hear from you all damn day and yes I went to hear what he needed to say I was on a date like you were avoiding my calls, you know what I’m leaving” She said, I quickly grabbed her arm. She snatched her arm away from me. “Don’t touch me” She snapped. I put my hands up in defense. “I’m sorry Ari, I just don’t like how he did you” I said. She sucked her teeth at me. “Excuse me? You did me the same way fucked me then disappeared to a new bitch or is that your girlfriend or wife?” She asked. I shook my head. “No, Nina is my ex okay. I was getting cold feet about us and I wanted to make sure I was fully over her before I pursued anything with you because before you came we had been broken up for like atleast 2 months, and we had been together for a year. She was the first girl I ever loved, and I was torn over her when I found out she had got with another man when she was with me, and I wanted to make sure it was nothing there that was it” I said to her. She started laughing. “So let me get this straight, you ignored me all damn day to see if you still loved another bitch nigga just save all the bullshit, this shit is over between us. I won’t be played off no goofy shit okay?” She stated. She unlocked her car doors. “Ari it’s not like that, I just wanted to give myself to you fully without having feelings maybe for Nina, that was it” I told her hoping she would understand. She shook her head. “Just leave me the hell alone Anthony” She said before getting her car and leaving. “Fuck!” I stressed. I pulled out my phone thinking if she will not believe me maybe she will believe Nina, I told her how I felt about Ariana that day at the restaurant. “Hey Nina, can you do me a favor?”.
0 notes
truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.4)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, teasing
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Her Spotify playlist resonated through her speakers in her room. Going back and forth between baking her face with a setting powder and checking the time on her Alexa, Amiyah prayed that she still had plenty of time to get dressed.
“Why the hell is time moving by so fast today?” She stressed walking to her closet. It was now 6:34pm which gave her lest than half an hour to finish.
Taking in consideration to what Erik asked her, she made sure to go out her way to put together a bomb outfit for the night. Amiyah didn’t want to be extra but she wasn’t trying to look boring either. After taking almost two hours to decide, with her ranksacking her wardrobe and overthinking she settled for a chocolate off the shoulder jumpsuit and paired them with a clear short heel.
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Walking to her body length mirror Amiyah checked both side profiles before standing in the middle.She tried her best stretching out the fabric just a bit to prevent it from making it seem like she had no breathing room. Then going to her breast she pulled it up to not show so much cleavage but contradicted her actions when she slipped it down trying to even it out.
“I want him to see them but not SEE them.” Slapping her hands on the side of her thighs she sighed.
She was overthinking again and her insecurities was starting to show. Reminding herself about the meditation tips she once read on she copied some of the steps that she could remember. Inhaling for three seconds and exhaling for five. She calmed her nerves.
The ringer from her phone echoed in the room. Looking at the caller Id it was Kelley FaceTiming her.
“Okay sis you look cute. Where we going?” Kelley asked as, from what it looked like from Amiyah’s view, she was getting into her car.
Unable to hold back her cheesy smile Amiyah informed her best friend ,with details, about what she was going to look forward to for the night. She felt like she was on cloud nine and she couldn’t come down.
“Wait so he’s taking you on a date?” Kelley asked genuinely happy that her friend was finally starting to put herself out there in the dating world.
“Well...” Amiyah hesitated.
“Oh God! What is that pause for?”
“I mean he asked me to hangout...isn’t that the same thing? Right?” Amiyah, completely oblivious of anything that had to do with dating or relationships.
“I don’t know honestly..but if he wants to see you then he HAS to be interested.” Kelley wanted to make sure that Amiyah would take in her friendly words of affirmation, not wanting to her to stress and end up renigging.
“Okay you’re right. But he should be on his way now so I’ll talk to you later and let you know how it went.” She blew air kisses to her.
“Alright babes have fun.”
Their call ended and it was a minute later she got a text from Erik letting her know that he was ten minutes away. She walked to her dresser and picked up her Carolina Herrera Good Girl perfume and sprayed on all of her pulse points so that the fragrance would emanate from her skin and into the air.
Throwing on her black waterfall duster coat she got one last glance at herself before walking into the livingroom. As she waited on the couch while taking pictures on Snapchat she heard a set of keys. Snapping for head towards the door she watched the bolt lock turn with the handle of the door and in came her brother.
He had his phone squished between his shoulder and ear showing that he was listening to someone on the other end of the call. His hand holding a Versace bag while the other closed the door locking it behind him. Eventually he glanced at her for a good three seconds and then looked away as he walked to his bedroom.
Amiyah sat confused as for the very first time her older brother didn’t bombard her with one hundred questions. But even though this was a first she still kept her guard up.
Hearing his footsteps again he appeared in back into the living. Phone still up to his ear, this time with him holding it. She studied as the expression on his face change from how he looked earlier which was, heedless to now showing curiosity. He stood there staring at her.
Maybe she spoke to soon.
“Hold on..hold on. I gotta call you right back.”
Without even waiting for a response Durk ended his phone call. Placing the phone back into his jeans front pocket he cocked his head to the side taking in the view of his little sister.
“What?” Amiyah spoke nervously as she kept her eyes on her phone and every now and then she would glance at him.
“I’m just trying to figure out where you think you going, and who you think you going with? That’s all?” He sat on the love seat across from her waiting on an reply.
Knowing that there was no way that she was going to tell her brother the truth about her going on a date with his right hand man/best friend, Amiyah had to make up a lie. That was essentially committing suicide for the both of them. Aside from that she wasn’t even sure if it was worth the risk to even tell him about was going on between her and Erik. She didn’t know if this would be something that could turn into a serious situation or ended up to be nothing at all.
“I’m going to dinner with Kelley.” The lie slipped easily through her lips.
“Dress like that?”
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” She questioned really wanting to know from a mans perspective?
“Like you bout to go out to eat just to end up at some random ass nigga place to get fucked.”
Her mouth dropped opened. Tightening the belt on her jacket to close it she stared at her brother, shocked from his words. Taking a couch decorating pillow she threw it at him.
“Don’t talk to me like that Derrick.”
Whenever she would call him by his real name she was upset with him for real.
“Why you hitting me..you the one with ya tittes all out and now you sitting here lying talking about you going with yo friend.” He waved her off.
“I am. We planned this about a week ago.” Amiyah didn’t like to lie to her brother but she had to make it seem believable.
The familiar IPhone ringtone went off and she looked down and saw that it was Erik calling her. Being so occupied with her brother insulting her she didn’t realize that he sent her two text messages letting her know he was there.
Erik 💕: I’m here..ready when you are.
Erik 💕: I see your brother car out here. You good?
‘Oh my gosh not now Erik.’
She quickly declined his call. Amiyah looked at her brother with guilt written all over her face.
“Why you ain’t answer the phone? That’s yo nigga waiting for you? Pick it up!” Durk relaxed against the couch eyeing her.
“I don’t have a nigga and I already told you that I’m going to dinner with Kelley. That was her and she’s waiting for me now. Bye!”
Picking up her purse she walked to the front door. Before she even got a chance to unlock it, Durk was right next to her with his hand against it as he blocked the exit.
“Aight so I’ll walk you down.” He shrugged his shoulders.
Amiyah’s face scrunched up into a scowl.
“No! I don’t need you walking me down like I’m some child. I can handle myself. You’re always trying to control me-“
He cut her off. “Miyah don’t even start that shit. Just because I look out for you doesn’t mean I’m controlling you. I know how these niggas are around here and seen how they treat they shorties. So my bad if I’m helping you.”
“Okay and I understand but you have to trust me too. I’m very responsible and you know this. If I tell you I’m going one place than believe it...damn Durk sometimes I feel like you treat me like I’m your property instead of your younger sister.”
Amiyah expressed her true feelings. She felt as if she had no breathing room. Deep down she knew that her brother just wanted to protect her but she was getting older and due to his overprotective-ness it was causing her missed opportunities.
“Durk I never go anywhere. You know this. All I want to do is just hang out with my friend without you hounding me.” She gave him her best pout.
“I don’t hound you.” Shaking his head he sat back down on the couch.
“You’re right you don’t.” Amiyah stated sarcastically but agreeing just to get his approval.
There was a silent pause for one minute.
“You taking yo ass to dinner and coming right back?”
Nodding her head rapidly. “Yes.”
“Miyah let me find out you lying to me I’ma get my homeboy Erik to follow yo ass and find out who you fucking around with.” Durk scolded her.
“Okay, gotta go!”
‘Boy only if you knew.’
She thought to herself as she bit her lip to refrain from smiling. Unlocking the front door and opening it she wave a quick goodbye and began a fast pace walk to the elevator pressing on the down button. Not taking any chances she wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible. The doors opened and she walked inside. Picking up her phone she called Erik. It only rung two times before he answered.
“Hey you still alive.” He gave a soft chuckle.
“Whatever. I’m coming now. I’m in the elevator. Can you do me a favor?” She asked with a soft tone.
“I need you to park a little bit further down. I’ll walk to you.” The elevator doors opened and she stepped out strolling to the entrance.
“Yeah. I got you. I’ll be two houses down to the right.”
“Okay thank you.” She ended the call.
While in his car Erik reconnected his phone back to the USB charging cord. He sighed as he took his car out of park and moved up to the location where he told her he was going to be. Shaking his head with the realization the he really had to sneak around with this girl. He was a grown man hiding from another grown man the fact that he wanted to take his younger sister out. Never in all his years of dealing with the opposite sex, he had to be this discreet. This was a new level.
Finding a place to park he left his car running and got out. Walking to the passenger side he leaned on the hood and waited for her to reach him. She came into view a minute later. Checking her out he noticed that she had make up on. This was the first time he saw her with it. It wasn’t a need for her though because she was already stunning with her natural features.
“Look who made it out alive!” He grinned poking at her.
Rolling her eyes but still blessing him with the sight of her beautiful smile she hit him playfully.
“Shut up.” Her laughed echoed through his ears.
“C’mere.” He clasped her hand bringing her body into his. His arms embrace her as they found their way around her waist.
Amiyah welcomed the act of affection swaddling her arms around his torso. He chuckled removing her arms. Lightly grasping her wrists with both of his hands he brought them around his neck before returning back to his previous position. It was his way of teaching her how to hug him correctly for next time.
Leaning in her neck Erik whispered against her supple skin.
“Hold me like this mama.” His body rocked them side to side.
Amiyah almost felt her eyes rolled to the back of her head when she felt his lips touch her neck. He was the epitome of being a tease and knowing what he was doing to her body. If this man was to tell her to jump she was going to take off her heels then asked him how high. Erik was the walking definition of having a sex appeal without even trying.
Their movements ceased and came face to face with one another again. Erik’s hands now relaxed on her hips. He leaned against his car to give himself room to fixate his eyes over her body. Her black coat covered her outfit. Taking his hand he began to untie the jacket belt.
Amiyah grabbed his hands halting his actions. She looked around before bringing her eyes back to his.
“What are you doing?” Her voice shaked.
“Let me see you.” His hand went up to her chin tapping it gently.
Being successful this time, he unfastened the waistband and revealed her wardrobe. Erik’s eyes gazed at her figure. Her tittes sat up flawlessly. The way her cleavage showed had Erik tempted to pull the fabric down and suck on the pillowy like flesh.
“You look too good right now.” His dimples appeared as he spoke. He closed her jacket and tied her belt.
Amiyah bashfully looked away. Butterflies being introduced to her stomach.
“Thank you...it was just something I threw on.” She nonchalantly responded pretending to be unbothered from him practically eye fucking her.
Erik’s eyebrows raised. “ Oh just like that make up too, huh?”
“Whatever Erik can we go before my brother come chasing after me?” She slipped her hand into her jacket pocket to make it warm as she waited for his next move.
“My bad mama. Here you go.” Erik opened the car door for her. Waiting until she was inside safely he closed it after her and strode to the drivers side.
“I like your outfit by the way.” Amiyah chose to make conversation once he got settled in.
“Thank you. I can’t even lie I was tryna look good for you.” Speaking honestly as he observed his outfit. His head then relaxed against the seat. “What you think?”
“You look really nice to me Erik.” She shyly retorted but giving a sincere opinion.
Prior to getting acquainted with Erik, Amiyah always found herself intrigued with his sense of style. Making that another reason for her to be attracted to him.
“Damn just nice..I was going for fine but fuck it I’ll take it” He fastened his seatbelt, drove off and en route to the movie theater.
“Oh my God. You are so extra.” Laughing she made herself busy with her phone, going back and forth between scrolling and taking small glimpses of the road.
“Can I ask you a question?”
His deep voice had her melting right in the front seat.
“Yeah but you just asked one.”
He snickered. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Purple, why?”
“ I’m trying get to know you that’s all.”
“Oh okay well it’s purple. What’s yours?” Pressing down on the power button of her phone she place it in her purse.
“Black? Really?” She stated questionably.
“Amiyah don’t start no shit with me.” Erik laughed as he looked at her.
“ Erik, me and you both know that black is the most basic color you can think of-“
“And purples not?”
“No it’s not and it’s actually the color of royalty thank you very much.” She fluttered her eyelashes sarcastically.
“Okay princess, you got it...It’s still ass.”
Amiyah grew warm from the new nickname in spite of the insult he made about her favorite color.
Erik laughed as she rolled her eyes for the umpteen time that night. He wasn’t actually making fun of her color, he just wanted to help her calm her nerves with some light play. She looked tensed to him just sitting there on her phone. If he didn’t know any better he would have thought that she wasn’t feeling him at all but he knew it was just her introverted ways.
Turning on the radio to break the silence, he went to the local hip hop station. Juicy by Biggie Smalls resonated through the vehicle. Bobbing his head to the beat with a little bounce of his shoulders Erik started rapping the lyrics.
“This my shit. You don’t know nothing about this, huh?”
“Whatever yes I do. This a classic.” Amiyah bobbed her head as well grinning.
“Nah you too young.”
He rapped a bit more before Amiyah jumped in and joined him.
“I'm blowin' up like you thought I would
Call the crib, same number, same hood
It's all good
And if you don't know, now you know, nigga”
Erik’s eyes lit up surprised she knew the words. Most of the ladies he been out with in the past always pretended to have the same interest in music as him but would never be able to recite one line from the song. His lips curved into a smile.
“Okay you valid. But that don’t count because everybody know that song.” He joked
“Why you always trying to play me Erik.” Amiyah sighed playfully.
They finally arrived at the movies. It was Saturday night so of course the parking lot was overfilled with cars. Finding a parking spot close to the entrance, Erik turned his car off and hopped out strolling to Amiyah’s side and opened her door. He held out his hand to assist her.
“Thank you.” Her eyes gleamed.
He drew his lower lip between his teeth. “I got you.”
Closing the door behind her, he clicked the lock button on his key fob. Amiyah started to walk to the building. She was stopped in her tracks. Erik grasped her hand intertwining their fingers and began to walk next to her. She peered down at them and beamed.
“What movie you want to watch?”
They were now standing in front of the movie display booth where you could purchase a ticket without waiting in line. Erik kept scrolling until she spoke up.
“I want to watch that one. Monster Hunter.”
He gave her a blank stare.
“Do you even know what it’s about?” He chuckled.
“Yes a little bit. All I know is that it has T.I and Megan Good in it, so I want to see it.”
“Wait you said Megan Good. Bet.” His lips formed into a smirk.
Erik’s fingers tapped on the movie icon. Purchasing two tickets he waited for them to print before separating them and handing her one. Amiyah received the ticket as she gave him a dirty look. Jealous about his comment she walked to the concession stand to wait in line without him. Erik felt the feeling of jealousy radiating off her body language. She had a little attitude on her. Following her footsteps he stood behind her invading her space. His chest to her back. Erik’s head dipped down between the area of her neck and shoulder that was exposed laying a soft kiss on it.
“What you mad about....Hm?” The breath from his words bounced off of her skin.
Amiyah felt her pussy jump. Crossing her right leg over the left she clenched her thighs. Too afraid to even speak she bit her inner jaw and shook her head instead. Not long after she felt his strong hand travel around her waist to her front slipping in the inside of her jacket. He gripped her pudge. Amiyah’s small hand quickly wrapped around his forearm bringing it down.
“Erik!” She gasped out loud. Looking around and hoping she didn’t draw any unnecessary attention.
Her head tilted up due to the height difference to stare in his eyes. She was surprised she could even make contact after that stunt.
“I asked you a question so answer me.” His low voice demanded her.
“Nothing.” Hers barely coming out as a whisper.
He knew she wasn’t telling the truth but he didn’t want to push it out of her. Erik wanted her to be the one to make a decision about being honest with him. She had to make that step. But along with that he knew that she would have to trust him first. His hand roamed up to her exposed neck and lightly clenched it forcing her to move closer to his body as if was anymore capable. Amiyah felt the chill of his ice pinky ring as it laid against her skin. The sticky lipgloss that she wore created a tiny saliva string as her lips parted. Erik eyed the full plump flesh feeling enticed to suck on them.
“Chill, aight.” He waited for her to nod before he removed his hand as the line moved forward.
Fuck me. Were the words she wish she could tell him if she had the confidence to. At this moment she felt her natural sticky lubricant attach to her panties. She created a wedged with her underwear between her lower lips from all of the thigh clenching. None of it helped at all, it only generated a small amount of friction leaving her wanting more. She felt the walls of her vagina contract around nothing.
‘Did this nigga just grab my throat in the movie theater?’
She thought to herself touching the area where his hand left. Amiyah kept her eyes fixed on him as he ordered the drinks and snacks for the movie. She watched the way he would point at an item whenever he wanted the employee to get it for him. The way his jaw would tighten every now and then. Not in an angry way but out of habit. She took note of all these things.
“You ready?” Erik wandered back to her handing her some candy and a medium lemonade.
“Yeah. Thanks for buying the ticket and this other stuff.” She moved a piece of hair behind her ear looking away sheepishly. Her mood switched from a few minutes ago.
Erik sipping from the straw of his Powerade observed it.
“Told you I got you.”
Bendix Diner was one of Amiyah’s top five hidden restaurants in the city where she loved to eat. It was and old fashioned style restaurant that always gave her an aesthetic vibe every time she went there. Currently seated at their table she flipped over the menu searching to see what she might have a taste for. Their family made apple cider donuts were her favorite item from the desert section. It’s been a few months since she had one and now being here she craved it.
Looking up at Erik she monitored his activity. He was checking out the art hanging on the walls seeming to be amused by it. His eyes shifted back to her. Wanting to pretend she wasn’t staring at him like a creep she informed him about a dish on the menu.
“Their Turn Me Loose meal is really good. It comes with catfish and jalapeño hush puppies. You should try it.” She gave him her recommendation.
Erik made a face. “I don’t fuck with seafoood.”
“Oh I’m sorry.” Amiyah apologized feeling embarrassed from assuming.
Erik picked up on. “Don’t stress it. How were you supposed to know I don’t like seafood? Don’t be to hard on yourself mama.” His hand reached across the table and caressed hers lightly offering his reassurance.
She sent a half smile. “What do you like then?”
Erik paused and bit his bottom lip. Deep dimples showing themselves from the action.
Her eyes shifted towards the window seeing that it became fogged up due to the pouring rain that was coming down relentlessly. With nothing but the barely audible music coming from the intercom through the restaurant, Amiyah felt as if he can hear her heart beating through her chest.
“I meant food Erik.”
“You can be that too. Ain’t never have nobody eat you like you was a full-course meal before?” He asked her on the spot.
“You..are..” She shook her head. “Ridiculous. You know that.” Not having a comeback, those were the only words she could produce without stuttering.
Sighing and smirking he leaned back. “I’ve been called worst. But how you find out about this place. It’s low key as fuck. I like it.” He changed the subject.
Pleased with the compliment she responded. “I used to come here with my dad when I was younger. That was before he went to-“
“Prison.” He finished her sentence.
The look of confusion approached her face.
“Durk told me about him a few years ago.” He informed not meaning to alarm her.
“Did he tell you he was doing life without parole as well?”
Erik nodded his head.
She scoffed. “They said that he was the head of a drug ring but I don’t believe it. I mean I never remembered him being away from us long enough to even have the time to do that.”
“Sometimes we hide certain things from the people we love so that they won’t get hurt. And I’m not trying to insinuate anything when I say that.” He spoke honestly.
“No you’re right. But the last time we were here together I was thirteen. He took me here after picking me up early from school. It just sucks that I can’t even remember anything about that day but I want to so bad.”
Erik nodded his head totally understanding what she went through. He dealt with his own lost at a young age as well.
“I lost my father too. I was eleven when it happened. He was murdered. So when I tell you I know what you been through I’m not just saying that shit.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Her face soften when she seen his eyes sparked with hurt.
“You gotta learn how to live and heal right?”
Nodding her head in agreement she used her thumb to tenderly stroke his fingers. They were still holding hands the whole time as they shared a moment to be vulnerable with each other. It was intimate. That’s when she realized she had more in common with him than she thought.
“What about your mom? If you don’t mind me asking?” She desired to know more about him.
“I never got to know her. She passed away while giving birth to me.”
Erik felt his mood change with the thought of never being able to experience a true mother’s love. After the death of his father he was tossed back and forth from home to home in foster care. None of the caretakers genuinely cared for him, all they thought about was a paycheck.
“My mom overdosed when I was in high school. That’s why I live with Durk now. He’s been taking care of me ever since. I guess with everything that happened he had to find a way to survive for the both of us which lead him to the streets. Durk had his run in with the law but after our mom he became someone different.”
Amiyah spilled everything out on the table not holding back. She never had someone who she could vent to that would actually listen. Kelley was her best friend but she even kept some secrets from her. Amiyah was always afraid that one day the same person she trusted with everything would turn around and hurt her. From the moment she laid eyes on Erik she never thought that. In her eyes he looked as if he was a walking journal that she could expose all of her deepest darkest secrets to and not have to worry about one of them getting leaked.
“Now I see why your brother protects you the way he do. He just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” His eyes gazed into hers making her feel small.
“Well, sorry If I ruined the mood. It’s been a minute since I’ve talked to someone for real.”
“I’m here for whenever. Only a phone call away.”
The waitress came around and sat a vanilla milkshake with whip cream in front of her and a water with lemon in front of Erik. Amiyah recognized her from the many times she been there.
“Are y’all ready to order.”
“Yeah, let me get your Turkey wrap heated up with a side of french fries.” Erik picked up his menu handing it to her.
Writing it down she took his menu and smiled.
“Okay and for you miss Amiyah.”
Her lips curled up bashfully.
“I’m going to get the honey dipped chicken with French fries as well. Thanks Stephanie.”
Going back to her pad she marked it down. “None of our famous donuts today?”
Erik looked over and read the hesitation over her face so he answered for her.
“We’ll take four of whatever they are.”
“Alrighty. I’ll be back with your meal in fifteen.”
The waitress disappeared into the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to do that, Erik.”
“What? I wanted to try their famous donuts. Oh you thought I ordered them for you?” He laughed.
Rolling her eyes she heard her phone buzzed. Reaching inside the pocket of her coat that was laying next to her she got a text from her brother.
Durk 🤬: When you comin home?
She sighed and text back.
Amiyah ☔️: I’ve only been gone for two hours..I’ll be back soon.
Placing the phone back in her pocket she put her attention on her milkshake taking her first sip of the night. Erik watched the way her lips wrapped around the straw as her cheeks sunk in whenever she sucked to taste some of the creamy treat. His tongue swiped over his top lip lightly.
“Let me get some..” His eyes darted between the milkshake and her lips.
Laughing she shook her head. “No, why didn’t you order one?”
“Because I was thirsty and I needed some water. But that looks good as fuck.”
“So then just order one Erik.”
He smacked his lips. “I don’t want a whole one I just want some.”
Giggling she pulled her beverage away hiding it from his view.
Erik’s eyes glinted before he got out on his side and slid next to her in her part of the dining booth. His right thigh hitting her left plush one causing it to ripple from the sudden movement. Having one arm behind her and the other reaching for her drink he leaned in.
“Stop playing and give me a sip.”
Now being backed into the corner she was trapped. Still firm with her answer she shook her head sipping once more.
“You not gon give me nun.” Biting that bottom lip Amiyah felt that came out as a double meaning.
Tired of going back and forth she gave in and slid her drink to him.
“Just a sip. That’s all!”
Erik nodded but not really listening, took the straw into his mouth and sucked the liquid. He didn’t have a big sweet tooth but he had to admit that the milkshake was fire. Taking more than what he was told he sat it down after gulping more than half of it. He leaned against the booth. One arm still around her.
Her mouth dropped as she studied that half her drink was already gone.
Smacking her lips she pushed at his chest. “Erik I told you not to drink that much...now look.” She whined picking up her cup to show him.
“Damn you can’t be hitting me like that on the first date, Amiyah.” His free hand rubbed the area pretending that it hurt.
She caught his words that slipped from his mouth. “I thought you asked me to hang out? You didn’t say nothing about a date.”
“What you want it to be?” Erik sized her up with his deep throaty voice close to her ear. Her scent filled his nose making his dick twitch.
She gave him a once-over before looking a way.
He grabbed her chin gently bringing her face millimeters away from his. “What you want it to be baby girl?” His eyes drawing her in with a lustfull gaze.
“I want a date.” Her lower lip quivered and skin apprearing flustered.
“Then let it be that.”
Erik couldn’t hold back anymore as his lips connected with hers. He gave her two soft pecks at first just to warm her up before giving a full lingering kiss. He tilted his head going to left making hers do the same. The taste of the vanilla coming off of her mouth drove him crazy. She was tasting as sweet as she looked. Her kissing compared to his were lighter and didn’t apply enough pressure like they should have.Letting his free hand travel up to her neck for the second time that night, he lightly squeezed before pulling away from her lips.
“Kiss me for real...” He bit her bottom lip and tugged it while watching her reaction. Her body shuddered.
Amiyah’s toes curled. Her stomach filled up with butterflies as she felt his hand around her throat. Her mind at the moment felt high. She didn’t really know what she was doing, just trying her best to keep up with the man in front of her. Mocking his actions she pressed more into the kiss and brought her hand to his cheek to give herself leverage.
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Breaking them apart was the sound of a phone ringing. Erik reached in his pocket and pulled it out. Reading the caller ID he threw his head back blowing out air.
“Fuck..” He stated agitated.
Wiping her lips she looked at him. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s your brother, Durk.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @blowmymbackout @curls-and-crosses @madamslayyy @goddessofthundathighs @eriksjournal @wakandamama @wawakanda-btch @wakandas-vibranium @wakandaforeverwrites @ghostfacekill-monger @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce
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Erik sending the Reader vids of him beating his dick and he nuts on the screen
Warnings: SMUT
Okay so the last one was appealed llab. It’s the gif I posted with it which was perfect and tumblr wants to fuck shit up. ANYWAYYSSSSSS enjoy this nasty smutty love that my beautiful friend @goddessofthundathighs wrote up and let me tell you it’s good 😩😩😩😩😩💦
Like, Comment, Reblog 💖
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New Moon. Your favorite time of the month because it allowed you to cleanse yourself old old energy and set new goals and manifestations for the weeks to come. This particular new moon fell on your favorite day of the week: Self-Care Sunday. You had already spent the day pampering and treating yourself with a fresh mani/pedi and new weave, now it was time for your spiritual bath. Since you and Erik had just called it quits, you decided to focus on love. You started by saging your bathroom, making sure to focus on the corners and around the doorway. Next, you added 6 drops of jasmine oil and honey to the water; 6 being the number of love. You then added your rose bath salts and rose quartz stones to the bath. You finally lit your jasmine incense and submerged yourself in the water.
On all night // quarter five //
I’d be insane if I let you hit // I need you
Should be here // For my regretful morning
The sweet scent of the Strawberry Pound Cake candle you recently purchased from Bath & Body Works invaded your nostrils along with the jasmine as your body sank down into your bath. You closed your eyes and began visualizing yourself in a loving relationship while placing the rose quartz over your heart. You had your Me & Somebody’s Son playlist on full blast and were currently being serenaded by Ari Lennox when your phone buzzed against the toilet.
“You up?”
You stared at the words that accompanied the lewd video before rolling your eyes in annoyance. Of course Satan Incarnate would text you some shit like this while you were trying to relax. Jackass.
Though you were no longer an item, he knew how much watching him jerk off turned you on. You loved the way his face scrunched up in pleasure, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth sent a chill straight to your core. Damn him! You had half a mind to ignore the message and roll back over until those 3 dots appeared again.
“If you gone ignore a nigga, at least turn ya read receipts off, y/n.”
“Nigga fuck you!” Your fingers fired back before they found their way between your legs.
Up late, again // Head on my chest, hand on my ass //
Up late, again // Back it up on you, breathing fast //
Oh, up late again, yeah // Tell me how it is when back it up there // It up there (mmh)
“That’s what I want you to do,” he responds with the grinning devil emoji followed by another video. You hesitantly clicked play, only to find him stroking himself faster and now moaning your name.
“This dick misses you, y/n. Daddy misses the way them walls hug mah shit when you ridin’ and the way that fat ass bounce up and down.”
You were really turned on, now. He was completely naked except the thick Cuban link choker around his neck and the gold pinky rings you got him last Christmas. He had been back home so his accent was heavy on his words. It made your pussy throb. His tongue passed over his bottom grill as his hand squeezed his thick shaft. Your mouth watered as you watched the beads of pre-cum ooze from his tip. That was the last straw before you stood from the bath and took a seat on the side of the tub. You grabbed the shower head, turning it to the massage setting before placing it between your legs. You mewled as the water pulsed against your already throbbing clit and were just finding your groove before your phone buzzed again. Another message accompanied by another video.
“You playin’ wit mah pussy, y/n? You know you can’t do dat without Daddy’s permission.”
“You ain’t my Daddy no more..”
“I’m always Daddy, you just stubborn.”
Erik was always unnecessarily arrogant. You loved and hated that about him. He was one of those niggas that knew he was fine and had no problems flaunting his good looks. It was the one thing you two argued about the most. You hated the way women fawned over him and how he ate up the attention. He always dismissed your claims, accusing you of being insecure. He was a certified asshole, but he was yours and you missed him.
Make your easy to North Hollywood // Target lingerie //
Kissing your lips // Dipped in Backwood tips
I been crushing on you // We can fake watch the news, if you like
You watched the videos on a constant loop, allowing the shower head to bring you closer and closer to your peak. You were almost there when another message came through.
“Come see me..”
You stopped. Although you wanted him to break your back like a glow stick, you knew how things would eventually end. You and Erik were a never ending cycle of toxicity and although the dick was bomb, you didn’t want to bring that into this next phase of your life. You placed the shower head back in it’s holster before stepping out of the shower. Your inner freak was cursing your entire existence, but you knew you had made the right decision. You wrapped a towel around yourself before grabbing your homemade Shea Butter to moisturize your skin. He sent more videos, but you ignored them as you got ready for bed. You were about to power it off for the night when a final message caught your attention.
“This could’ve been you, but you playin’..” You clicked play on the video only to be met with ropes of his cum shooting towards your face. His moan was deep, animalistic almost as he finished himself off. He smirked devilishly at the screen, revealing his fronts before speaking again.
“Wanna lick it off? I know you want to, ma. I know that mouth is drooling right now. Damn, girl, you just love being stubborn when you could have been on your knees catching all my nut in that pretty little mouth. Got me cumming on my phone.” Erik thumbed some cum from his phone screen, rubbing it along the tip of his dick slowly. “You see that? That’s your mess to clean up. Keep playing with me if you want to. Watch how you come running to Daddy.”
You wanted to resist, but your inner freak couldn’t be sated by your fingers and vibrator alone. Erik had permanently ruined sex for you, his arrogance and nastiness were in a league of their own. He was the only man that had ever made you cum just from talking. You quickly slipped into your favorite Fashion Nova lingerie set and grabbed your keys from the nightstand. He FaceTimed you as you slid behind the wheel of your pearl white Porsche Panamera, the only one of its kind in the garage of your apartment building.
“Yes Daddy?” You answered sweetly.
“Thought I wasn’t Daddy no more,” he replied with a smug grin that made you roll your eyes.
“You want me to come through or nah? Cuz I can get back in my bed,” you snap.
“Get back in the bed, then, y/n. I ain’t the one that wanna cum right now.”
You shot a piercing glare to your phone screen, which made his grin even more smug.
“Yeeah, that lil pussy throbbin’ ain’t she? She wanna feel this thick ass tongue sliding up and down, fuckin’ that lil hole like I would wit my dick, don’t she? Yeah. You want Daddy’s face all in it, my beard soakin’ wet wit ya juices. Don’t be shy, you can tell Daddy what you want.”
You bit your lip, staring at the phone with pleading eyes as he spoke.
“You want this dick, pretty girl? Just say the word and I’ll be on my way. I know how much you miss ridin’ this dick in my G Wagon.”
You whimpered uncontrollably at the thought of the last time he fucked you in the back of his truck. He had your legs on his shoulders, digging out your pussy like he was searching for a buried treasure. Even when you came, his powerful thrusts didn’t stop.
“Spread dem legs fa me.”
Without hesitation you did as you were told, reclining your seat back so that he had an unobstructed view of your dripping wet center.
“You gone make dat pussy cum fa Daddy? You gone make a mess in ya front seat like I did in this chair?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned as you drove 3 of your fingers into your entrance. Under his commands you flicked and fucked yourself until you squirted all over your front seat and phone screen. You were so caught up in your pleasure that you didn’t realize he had left his place until you heard 3 raps on your window. You readjusted your clothes before rolling the window down, only to be met with his fat, throbbing dick.
“Give Daddy’s dick a kiss, pretty girl.”
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Crème de la Crème: 35.
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“So you did all that just to prove a fucking point?” Evie asked as we hobbled out her party
No one seemed to notice. August was too busy fussing on the phone, Sean was too busy being the life of the party, I hadn’t seen Aaron in about an hour and everyone else we came with left so my and Evie’s exit went smoothly.
I nodded with my head tucked into her neck “You shouldn’t be so damn complicated.” I murmured inhaling her scent
It was definitely one that I missed. Her skin always had a sweet scent lingering on it. That was one of the aspects that made cutting her off so hard to me. I would get one whiff of Evie and want to be up under her all day.
“Did you even consider my feelings while you were trying out here trying to prove your stupid little point?” she asked
“Did you consider mine every time you were on your bullshit?” I asked
“You’re so full of shit” she kissed her teeth
“Yeah, but you still fucking with me though,” I said as I placed a kiss on her  collarbone
Caressing her thighs, I kissed her again “Come home with me?” I asked
Her eyes rolled, probably thinking I was trying to run game “How come you get to have an Airbnb and we have hotel rooms?“ She asked, "I like big spaces, plus I’m the boss so I make the rules.” I kissed her neck “So, you gonna come back with me? I wanna show you your present.”  I said as my car pulled up
She turned in my arms, a smile spreading across her beautiful face “You bought me a present?” She asked with her eyes wide. I guess she wasn’t expecting a nigga to buy her anything. 
“Of course.” I matched her smile
She looked at my car, that was now parked in front of us. She nibbled on her bottom lip, looking around. I knew she was contemplating going home with me.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” She shook her head as she pulled away from me.
I kissed my teeth “What do you mean ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea’?” I mocked her voice. “What’s to think about?” 
She squinted her eyes “What’s the big deal? I’m not going home with you plain and simple. I don’t owe you anything, you’re not my man and you don’t have any jurisdiction as my boss on this vacation.”
She was getting on my nerves, there was no need for her to be acting like this. Every time I think I’m getting somewhere with this girl she pulls some shit like this.
I scoffed “This the same energy that put us in this position in the first place.” I said
"Ashton stop, you did that bullshit because you thought I was one of these little bobblehead bitches that your little mind games usually work on.” she chuckled “And you know what? I just realized that you would do anything just to get between my legs. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why we’re friends just so you can fuck.”
Shocked wasn’t even a word that I could use right now. She really had me drawn out to be this fucked up ass individual. Did I want to fuck her brains out?
Yes. However, I wasn’t in it to just get between her legs and skate.
Contrary to popular belief I did consider shorty to be my friend. I didn’t even know why she thought any different. 
“We back at this shit again?” I asked “If you feel like I’m just trying to fuck then why you here? Why were you so quick to run back in my arms if you been knew that pussy was all that I wanted?” I asked
Her nostrils flared “You’re absolutely right, you remember that energy you had when we first met? Let’s go back to that, fuck you Ashton.” she said and pushed passed me
I tried to stop her from leaving “C’mon, Eve do-”
“Fuck you!” she said over her shoulder as she stuck up her middle finger
I ran after her and grabbed her arm. "You’re the one who’s always fucking tripping, I told you I liked you and y--"
"Ashton, get the fuck off me! You always wanna throw that “I like you” bullshit in my face to satisfy me but that shit isn't working anymore! You wanna sleep with me and that's all the fuck you ever wanted!" She interrupted me, shouting
"’Cause that's not wha-"
"For the rest of this trip please just leave me the fuck alone. Let's go back to not liking and giving a fuck about each other since that's what works best for us. Leave me alone and I damn sure will return the favor."
“Well, I can’t do that,” I said firmly
She scoffed “What Lil’ rich boy? From the time you popped out of your mother, you’ve gotten everything you’ve ever wanted at the drop of a dime and when you realized you couldn’t have me you opted to play with my fucking emotions and I almost let you and that’s why it’s fuck you for life, Ashton.” was the last thing she said before turning around and storming off to god knows where. I didn't even know how we got here, but the shit was ridiculous.
If she thought this was over, she had no idea what she was in for these next couple of days.
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“You can’t stay cooped up in your suite for the whole trip, did what he said bother you that damn much?” Tish asked
“Yes, Tish!” I groaned
Regardless of how angry I was, none of that anger was aimed towards Ashton, I was angry at myself. Ashton, the only feeling I felt towards him was hurt. He didn’t understand how small his words made me feel.
I was quick to run back into his arms because I wanted what we have, or had to be real.
“Don’t you feel like you just overreacting? Just a little bit?” I looked at her incredulously
I thought if anyone would understand where I was coming from it would be my best fucking friend.
“No, I don’t think I'm overreacting. You know what, I’ll talk to you later, bye.” I said “No, Evie do-” I cut off our Facetime before she was able to finish her sentence and tossed my phone to the side.
I blew air out. I wasn’t prepared to go back to Ashton and I being so hostile towards each other like we were in the beginning but, if I were honest, times were simpler.
It’s hard dealing with all these feelings when I didn’t know where his feelings for me stood. It’s like I never get to see the side of him like the night we opened up to each other in Malibu, I always got the Ashton in the bathroom at the Christmas party and I wasn’t okay with that, it just took me too long to realize that.
I was too busy being smitten by his charming ways and that vicious tongue but last night made me realize that I didn’t have to deal with it.
Looking at the jeans I wore yesterday hanging on the frame of my bed, I crawled over to it and took the business card out of my back pocket.
Flicking the card, I quickly went over to the hotel phone and dialed the number that was on it.
It rang a few times before there was an answer “Hello? Rick Gonzalez speaking.” his smooth voice floated through the phone
“Rick? Hi, it’s Evie, um are you busy today? I wanted to take you up on offer.” I said
He chuckled “You’re stuck in your suite again?” he asked
I laughed “Not quite, I just wanted to take you up on your offer.” I said
“Well Ms. Summers, put on your best bathing suit and meet me in the lobby in an hour.” 
“You look amazing,” Rick said as his eyes wandered over my body. I smiled and looked away towards the beautiful ocean. The water was amazing, it was so clean and very blue. 
I smiled. “Why, thank you handsome.” I flirted back. He showed his beautiful smile by grinning widely. this man was so damn fine, it was almost unreal how fine he was. 
My eyes drifted from his and landed on the waves crashing against each other, taking in the beautiful scenery. The ocean was absolutely breath taking right now. The sun was going down so the sunset beamed off the ocean. 
 “You know, I’m shocked that a woman as beautiful as you and of your caliber is single,” Rick spoke softly as his arm wrapped around my waist, pulled me from my deep thoughts. 
“Well believe it,” I said as I looked up at him as he looked off to the side. 
“You’re friends are coming this way.” He whispered lowly in my ear, his sexy accent turning me on in ways I never felt before. My head snapped back to the guys walking over this way. Sean and Ashton had a look of confusion that turned into anger. 
I understood Sean looks because he was always in big brother mode and refused to let me be around any men outside of our little clique. However, I didn’t see why Ashton ass had a frown on his fuckin’ face considering the fact that he didn’t even want me in that way.
That shit was still fuckin’ with me, I didn’t know why it was messing with me like this. I had feelings for his ass and I wished that they would just go the hell away. I needed to get over this man and the best way to get him off my mind is getting to know Rick fine ass. 
“What y’all out here?” Ashton questioned once he caught up with us. As soon as he opened his mouth I rolled my eyes at his annoying ass. Where was Adrienne doormat ass when you needed her.
He didn’t need to question me, I wasn’t his woman.
“Don’t answer that, that’s none of his business.” I snapped as Ashton glared at me. I grabbed Rick’s hand and lead him towards the water. 
I came to have a good time, If I knew that the guys were coming out here I would have Rick take me somewhere else. Bad enough I feel like these niggas always keeping tabs on me. 
Not to mention I didn’t want to have shit to do with Ashton at this moment. I just wanted to have fun with Rick, and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I’m not letting these niggas ruin my fun, and that’s a fact. 
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I was pissed, nah fuck that, I was fuming right now. I watched Eve with this Spanish ass nigga, Rick. His hands were all over her and that shit was pissing me off even more. I knew Eve was being petty just to get back at me but she was taking this shit too far. 
To add fuel to the fire, she was out here looking good as fuck with this little ass bathing suit on, the little cover up she wore over it was not doing what it was made for. Her ass on full display and letting this nigga touch her ass. 
My eyes were glued to them, watching their every move. I didn’t give a fuck if I looked like a damn stalker, I wasn’t taking my eyes off of her. Evie really was out here tripping.
She just knew that I was just trying to fuck her when that shit wasn’t the damn case. I really did like the girl, but in the mind of hers, I was all about playing her. 
I noticed that Evie had walked away from her Cubano boyfriend and I took this as my opportunity to walk over to Rick for a chat. As I approached him he wore a sly smirk on his face. “What’s up Ashton?”
“Evie is what’s up,” I said cutting straight to the chase
“What about her?” He asked crossing his arms across his chest
“Well, that’s my girl.” He cocked his head to the side and glared at me. “I know, she probably told you that she was single but she’s not. We just aren’t seeing eye to eye right now, so she’s playing this little stupid game.”
“But she sai--”
“I know what she said, but listen to me, you seem like a good dude and I don’t want you to get caught up in our shit. That’s an engaged woman, I just didn’t want to blow her spot up in front of everyone.” I said
“What do you mean?” he asked
“I mean, that’s my fiancée. We’re planning on getting married in the winter time. We’ve been together for five years with twins at home. Before this trip, we got caught up in some bullshit and she’s been doing petty shit to get back at me ever since and honestly, I would hate for you to be sucked into our bullshit because of her shenanigans.” I told him in the sincerest voice I could muster up. 
He mouthed a “wow” before rubbing his head “My bad Ashton, I didn’t know that was your wife to be. I’m going to step off.” 
“Thanks, man and I am sorry that’s she’s doing this right now. You know how women can get when they’re trying to get back at you.” I said
“Yeah, trust me, I know.” he nodded
“Thanks for understanding, man.” we slapped hands and I walked off chuckling
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songficsbyrissi · 6 years
Let Em’ Know (Part 2)
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Previously on Let Em’Know..... (click here for part 1) *click bolded words to see how characters look like*
  “That’s mine, y’all! Y/N Y/L/N belongs to Erik Stevens and y’all better remember that! I’m back!” You shook your head at his yelling traveling up the stairs and back to your room. Erik was still yelling and as much as you wanted to tell him to shut up, you didn’t. Let em’ know, baby. Let em’ know...... ************ “Ughhhh I’m gonna body myself!” You whined as you unravel one of the braids of your braid out. You were a whole dumbass for doing your braid out late last night when you had work in the morning. Because now, your hair is not even dry yet but you couldn’t find your scarf so you couldn’t wrap your head up and call it a day. To add insult to injury, if you didn’t hurry up, you were going to be late. It wouldn’t look good that the only black girl that works at Victoria’s Secret is running late. You decided to pick your hair out and wrapped it up in a high bun. You came to the top of the stairs and rushed down until you heard voices. It was your parents, JJ, and.....Erik? You had to eavesdrop. “Wow Erik. It must’ve been really terrifying. You are a very brave man.” Your mom spoke. “I learned a lot in the military and I would say I did it for my country but that would be a lie. It was for my dad. This country don’t care about my people.” You stifled back a laugh. Typical Erik. The nigga was a perfect mix of Huey and Riley Freeman. A black revolutionary hood nigga. You sure knew how to pick ‘em. You heard your dad chuckle. “You are completely right, my man.” JJ spoke up. “Mama, I wanna join the military.” “I will military whoop your butt if you do.”
You snickered at your mom’s response but ceased when you heard her talk again. “Erik, you should know that Y/N was really hurt when you left.” Your mother paused. “We are happy to see you but if you intend on leaving again, leave for good. I never want to see her like that again.” You choked up at your mother’s words and nodded. She was completely right and Erik knew it. “Ma’am, I’ve came back for good and I’m letting everyone know that. Your daughter still has my heart. She making me work for it but she’s worth it.” “That’s good!” JJ chirped with some attitude in his voice. “You had my sister crying in her room and eating all the cookies in the house. I got my eyes on you!” You finally made your way down the stairs with everyone turning their head towards you except JJ who was still mean mugging Erik. “JJ, why are you looking at Erik like he ate the last cookie in the house?” You sighed trying not to giggle at your little brother. “Because! He is the reason why you ate all of the cookies that one time!” JJ stepped closer in the older man’s face. “You owe me cookies, nigga!” “Jonathon!” Your mother gasped as your dad and Erik laughed in their hands. “Where’d you get that from?” “Alright guys! I’m leaving for work! Bye! I love y’all!” You ran out of the house and got into your car to prevent getting in trouble for JJ’s choice of words, which wasn’t your fault. The little negro needed to stop eavesdropping. As you practically sped to work, your phone rang and you groaned thinking it was your dad calling. You picked up without looking at the screen. “Dad, I never said nigga in front of JJ. It was one of those bad kids at his school!” “Girl, I ain’t your dad. But I am your daddy so you’re close.” You glanced at your phone seeing Erik’s name on the screen and made a sour face. “Yeah no. I only have two father figures. That’s God and my father. Hallelujah!” “Stop clowning.” Erik laughed causing you to smile a little bit. “Anyways, I was wondering where my princess is going.” “For the last motherfucking time, Stevens-“ “You prefer queen?” “Shut up.” You rolled your eyes pulling into a free parking spot and turned off the ignition. You exited your car grabbing your gold Michael Kors bag and locking your car doors. “So you just not gonna answer my question, princess?” Erik asked impatiently. “Ohhh look who has selective hearing now!” You cackled wickedly as you entered the Eastgate Mall passing the leaving customers. Erik sucked his teeth at your smartass remark. “You were too busy getting threatened by my little brother, I guess. I said I’m going to work.” “Oh shit! Look at you! Working and shit and you a college student. Ok my little Michelle Obama!” You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. You could not stand this nigga, on God. “Where you work at, ma? Might come visit you.” “Nope. That info is only available to my nigga, sorry. Alright bye, I’m going to work now.” “Y/N-“ You cut him off by hanging up and smirked to yourself. Not only did you tell Erik he’s not your man, but you hung up the phone in his face. You were really teasing and testing the fuck out of him and it was fun. You deserved this after that little stunt he pulled. You clocked into work and began your shift by stocking perfume and folding panties. “Hey Y/N.” You turned to see Damien, one of your classmates from last semester walking into the store with a bouquet of flowers. You lowkey hoped those flowers weren’t for you. Damien was a nice boy who had a crush on you. He was Jamaican, 6’5, and captain of your college basketball team. He was cute with the nicest eyes. You started talking to him but realized you just wanted to stay friends with him. You turned him down nicely but he still flirted with you. You were a “persistent nigga” magnet. “Hi Damien!” You have him a side hug. “I’m surprised to see you here. How have you been?” “Ahh I’ve been alright and I was visiting my uncle who lives here in your city then I remembered you said you worked here. So I took my chances hoping you were working today.” He handed you the flowers. “These are for you.” You smiled nervously trying to cover up the fact that you were cringing inside. “Oh Damien, this is sweet but-“ “Hey princess!” Erik’s voice boomed throughout the store and you were wondering if you were relieved or annoyed he was here. Erik looked Damien up and down with his face scrunched up and pointed at him. “Who the fuck is this nigga?” You nodded to yourself. Yeah, you were annoyed. “Erik, this is Damien, my friend from college. Stop being rude, negro.” You glanced at Damien and gestured towards Erik. “Damien, this is Erik-“ “Her boyfriend! And I don’t appreciate you coming in my girl’s job trying to romance her and shit.” Erik glimpsed at the bouquet in the other man’s hands and chuckled. “You not even romancing her right, nigga. Y/N hates flowers. She finds them pointless and waste of money because those shits die.” Erik turned to you giving you a Wingstop container and you gasped, smiling wide as you opened it. Inside of the container was your favorite 6 piece Cajun wings with Cajun fries. “Peep how her eyes glowing at the food and not your raggedy ass flowers. I know her and you don’t so hang that shit up, b.” You snapped out of your lustful gaze and hit Erik’s chest. “Erik, apologize right now. That’s rude as hell.” Erik sighed turning to Damien. “I’m sorry you can’t have my girl.” You scoffed pushing Erik away. “Damien, I’m so sorry. Excuse him. He’s too much of a nigga to function.” Damien was visibly annoyed with Erik which was completely understandable. He wanted to fight but decided against it. Erik looked ready, not caring the man had 5 inches on him. Damien focused back on you, giving you a smirk and handing you the flowers. “It’s fine, Y/N. Please still take the flowers and when you realize this clown doesn’t deserve you, give me a call. I’ll be waiting.” He sent you a wink and left the store. You sighed deeply. You were not even gonna bother telling him that Erik technically wasn’t your boyfriend. Shit, maybe he’ll finally leave you alone. “I know this nigga did not just wink at you!” You turned to Erik seething. “Erik, what the hell was that? You embarrassed me!” “I’m sorry but not sorry, princess. I had to let him know what the deal is.” Erik explained himself causing you to groan. “Look, once we’re finally back together, I won’t have to do this because I know you got it but since you’re technically single, I gotta make sure these niggas back off of what’s mine.” You squinted your eyes. “You are full of shit. You are still going to fucking do it.” Erik sucked his teeth then began to laugh. “Yeah, I’m lying.” You shook your head holding back your smile. You lowkey wanted to laugh but you couldn’t let him know you were somewhat amused by his antics. “Whatever. How’d you remember that? My favorite wingstop combo and how I feel about flowers?” Erik touched your chin, lifting it up. “You’d think I’d forget that, shorty?” You raised an eyebrow backing away. “Wait, how’d you find out where I worked?” “You ask too many questions. I’ll see you later, princess.” Erik kissed your temple and walked his annoying ass out of the store. You turned on your heel making your way to the back to put down the food and flowers. On your way there, your white co-worker, Stephanie, grinned at you annoyingly. She was one of those wannabe black girls who was using slang and getting tans to resemble a lightskin woman. You would beat her ass but you liked working here. “Oooh I see you, girl. Is that your man?” “Don’t worry about it.” You answered with attitude and she put her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying. If you don’t want that fine milk chocolate man, I will gladly take him.” She smiled wickedly popping her gum. “Try it and I will gladly slit your throat.” You snapped smiling back sarcastically and continued to the back room. **************** Erik opened the passenger door to a black Volvo with heavily tinted windows and took a seat. The woman in the drivers seat side eyed him with her mouth twisted in irritation. “You stay having me wait long for your ass. What the fuck were you doing?” He groaned popping open the glove department to pull out a blunt and lighter. “Don’t worry about it. Just drive so we can do what we gotta do.” She glanced at his lap seeing your face as the lock screen of his phone. “Did it have something to with this girl you keep talking about?” When Erik didn’t reply, the woman snorted and continued. “You are a dumbass motherfucker. You are playing with fire and you are not the only one going to get burned. You know that, right? Keep it up and you on your own. I ain’t getting burned, Erik.” Erik took a drag of his blunt and blew out the smoke. “Ain’t shit getting burned but this blunt right here. My ex ain’t got nothing to do with anything, aight? If you were really with me, you would know that I got you. Stop bugging.” She put the car in drive. “Be careful. That’s all I’m saying.” Erik chuckled deeply taking another hit of the blunt. “When am I not?”
Tags:  @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightchaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1
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adeelusionaldiary · 7 years
Photographs | A Dave East & Sevyn Streeter Short
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Angry wasn’t the word. Falon was livid, but that was more so due to the fact her day was shitty and now to top it off she was locked out of her apartment. How she had managed to misplace her keys was beyond her because she definitely had them when she had left the apartment this morning. Of course, her good for nothing roommate wasn’t home and didn’t care to answer her phone or respond back to any of her text messages that her iPhone marked as delivered. The cheery on top of  the cake, she had to use the bathroom. Hearing footsteps she looked up from her spot on the floor. It wasn’t her roommate, but her next door neighbor. They only knew each other in passing, occasionally throwing a smile each others way along with some general pleasantries, but that was the extent of their relationship. That was gonna change today all in the name of Falon not peeing on herself.
  “Can I use your bathroom? I’m locked out and I don’t -”
  “Yeah, ma.”
 “It’s Falon,” she said correcting him.
 These NY dudes and their slang. The term ma irked her soul because for one she was no one’s mother. Try explaining that to them and they’d fill your head with lies about how it was a term of endearment. Silly niggas.
  Rising from her spot on the floor he opened the door with Falon behind him. Her eyes took in his apartment, immediately noting the different layout his held. She was kinda jealous. His apartment was much nicer and no doubt his rent showed that.
 “Bathroom’s right there.” He said pointing her in the direction.
 “Thanks. Can you hold this for me real quick?”
He turned to find her holding out her camera bag. He took it from her and she ran off as if she was in a marathon. He shook his head as a chuckle escaped his lip before he found his way into the kitchen, placing her bag down on the counter. Taking off his jeans jacket he threw it over one of the barstools before aimlessly rummaging through the fridge, but nothing appealed to his taste right now. Fuck it! He went into the master bedroom and retrieved a pre rolled blunt. He’d smoke after home girl left. Exiting his bedroom was the exact moment she exited the bathroom. She glanced in his direction as he approached her and silently they walked to the kitchen where he had left her things.
 “Thank you so much. You are a life saver.”
 “No problem.” He responded.
   “Well let me get out of your hair.” She removed her camera bag from the counter and got ready to leave. She didn’t know where Lauren was but at this point she knew the girl wasn’t coming back and she’d probably needed to start scrolling through her contacts to find arrangements for the night.
 “Just chill here till your people come back.”
 “I couldn’t. You look like you’ve had a long day and wanna unwind. I don’t wanna impose.”
 “You’re not. Besides I’d feel like an asshole sending you back into the hallway to just wait around. At least wait around and be comfortable.”
 What if Lauren didn’t show up till the AM and what if no one was able to take her in for the night? Besides she was all in this mans personal space and didn’t even know his damn name.  
 “I don’t even know your name an-”
 “Dave, I’m all in your space and knowing my roommate her ass isn’t showing up until the morning. I just really feel like - ”
 “Ma,” Falon shot him a glare even though she was really in no position to do so “Falon, you’re good. I got a spare bedroom. You could leave in the morning once your roommate gets here.”
 “Why are you doing this?”
 “I mean if you really want you could go back to waiting in the hallway.” He responded.
 “I’m sorry. I just –“ ‘Stop overthinking Falon not everyone is an asshole,’ She chastised herself. “Thank you Dave. I appreciate it.”
 It felt like that’s what she’d been saying all night.
 “Do you mind?” He asked holding up the blunt. Sure he was in his home and truly could do whatever the fuck he wanted with no regards, but now he had a guest to accommodate and no matter how much he wanted the stresses of the day to roll off his shoulder he didn’t want to be rude.
 “Before you do that can I ask you something. You’ve already been gracious enough and this might be asking for too much, but I might as well shoot my shot, right?”
 His eyebrows rose in confusion. Was she hitting on him?
 “Can I snap a few pictures of you for my photography class? You just have this unique look about you which is funny even coming out my mouth.”
  “Word?” He asked intrigued by her words.
 “Yeah.” She said as she pulled out her camera. “Typically a guy like you isn’t my cup of tea, but it’s just something about you and I’m not sure I could pinpoint it.”
 “A guy like what?” He hoped some ignorant shit didn’t come out her mouth or he just might go off.  
  “Heavily tatted. Never been my style. Always liked a few tattoos here and there but on you it really works. Not to mention I like my coffee black, no milk, no sugar.”
 He chuckled before speaking up.  “Where you want me?”
 “We can go back to my –” Before she could finish her sentence the reality of her situation sank in and she let out a groan. She was going to kill Lauren. At least she had her camera bag and could swap out a few lenses if needed.  Glancing around she pinpointed the couch. They could set up some nice shots there.She walked over to the couch and Dave sat down getting comfortable. Falon quickly got herself set up and now she was ready.
 “Test shot.” She took a photo and quickly reviewed it on her camera. She made the appropriate adjustments to the setting.  Nodding everything was a go.
 “Look natural. Don’t think about it.” She said before the camera hid her face and she began taking pictures.
 A few seconds later she stopped. He looked like he was thinking and it turn it was showing on camera. Removing the camera from her face she spoke up.
 “Don’t look at the camera. Look pass me. You have really intense eyes and that can definitely help these photos out.”
 She went back to snapping and he was doing much better this go round. She knew she had some great shots and if kept up the work this would really help her out with classwork. Her professor criticized her work and that had been in her head all day, but she was letting it go and knew these pictures would prove him wrong.
 “Can you stand for me?” Falon asked and Dave did as requested. She looked around before going to kitchen and grabbing his jacket he had on earlier. Crossing the room she hadned it to him.
“Sorry. I just need to switch it up a little bit with a slightly different look. I’m going to move around a little. Try and follow the camera around a little bit. You don’t necessarily have a move around but adjust yourself accordingly.”
 She went back to snapping managing to catch a few shots of him putting on the jacket. This time she utilized the space moving around the space so she could get different angles and looks. This man had some real talent even if he didn’t recognize it. Maybe her photos could show him a different side of himself he didn’t even realized her possessed. 
 Placing the camera down she began looking through the photos.
 “How far do your tattoos extend?”
 “Both arms, my neck and a few pieces of my chest and abdomen. Why?” He asked though he already had an idea of where she was going with it.
 “Would you mind?” The shirt flew over his head and Falon had to keep herself from drooling. Why did she find this man so fine? He wasn’t her cup of tea, or coffee, but maybe he could be her water to cure all this thirst she suddenly had. Moving around his naked back now greeted her from the opposite side of the couch. It was such a contrast from the front that was ink filled.
 “Wow. Do you plan to do anything to your back?”
 “Eventually when I think of something good.”
 “Can you hold your arms out straight? “
 She took a few shots before she asked him to turn around and instructed him on what she wanted to accomplish in these last few shots. She wanted his tattoos to stand out though his abs had no problem calling attention to themselves. Upon taking the final shot she began going through her photos and she knew she had enough material to work with for class.
 She removed her iPhone from her back pocket and snapped a picture. Portrait mode along with that depth effect doing wonders for her photo.
 “Wait, what’s that for.”
 “My personal stash.”
 “Oh really. What you bout to do with it?”
 “Keep your ear close to the wall tonight and find out.” She said before heading in the direction of his spare bedroom. “Goodnight.” She yelled before he heard the door. He shook his head laughing to himself. Shorty was a trip.
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nothin2somethin-ff · 7 years
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I stuck a finger into a cigarette burn hole in the dirty tan couch. I bit down on my glossy bottom lip while trying to mentally control my breathing. My eyes burned as I stared ahead at my supposed family member.  She smiled, and crossed her leg over the other.
“What do you say?”
“I can’t leave her…I’m all she has.”
The woman closed her eyes, and let out a breath. Once she opened her eyes she was smiling again.
“Your mother is very selfish Shyne. She left my brother, and now she’s leaving you too. She left you for the drugs, have you not realized this?”
I shook my head, and glared at this woman angrily.
“She loves me, she just needs help!”
“Honey, you’re so young. It’s not your responsibility to take care of your mother. She’s supposed to be taking care of you. If you live with me, my daughter, and your father I will make sure that you live the teenage life that you’re supposed to be living. No one is trying take you from your mother. I’m just offering a healthier environment.” She looked at me with sympathy. I groaned and rolled my eyes.
People always came around trying to stick their hand out to me.
I wasn’t bothered that people were trying to help. But, I didn’t care for people coming around showing pity towards my living situation. People usually took me as some sort of charity case.
At the end of the day I was surviving, and I would continue to survive with or without help. I didn’t need a damn thing from anybody. I didn’t want anybody feeling like I owed them anything. People like this woman could take their little sympathy and get the fuck out of my face.
“No thank you, show yourself out.” I spat, pushing myself off the couch and leading the way to the front door.
“Your dad really cares for you. He really wants to change things for the better.” She stood up from sitting in the lawn chair. She smoothed out her business attire and headed over to me.
“Yeah, I can really tell by him coming here instead of you.” I laughed bitterly, opening the front door.
“If you change your mind call me. I’ll leave my business card behind. It has my cellphone number and work number on it.”
“Don’t wait on it…” I spoke truthfully, nines time out of ten I wouldn’t be contacting her.
“I promise you would love it. Even if it’s not permanent. You could stay with us over the summer to see if you would like to stay with us. Just think about it, please.”
Once she was on the other side of the door. I shrugged, waved goodbye and closed the door in her face.
I couldn’t see myself staying with someone like her ever in my life. It seemed like the woman couldn’t breathe with how uptight she was. I would be walking on eggshells around a family like that.
“Girl, you’re telling me Clara Huxtable came to the crib talking about adopting your poor ass and you said no?” I rolled my eyes because she could never take anything serious.
Rayna and I walked into the cafeteria. Everyone’s eyes were on us per usual. We were the ‘it’ pair of the school. Girls usually wished they could be us, and boys wished they could be with us.
I might be considered broke at home, but my boyfriend made sure I walked around looking finer than wine.
“I’m not poor, Ray.”
“The money you’re getting from that little corner boy that you’re fucking is nothing compared to what that family can provide.”
She was right but I wouldn’t admit that to my girl.
“Kenny is not a corner boy. You know his brother owns the streets and he be stacking Kenny with some.” I defended my man, like I always did.
Rayna broke out laughing after grabbing her tray of food. I mugged her before grabbing my own tray. She was still laughing while leading the way to the table.
“I knew you were funny, but I didn’t take you as a comedian.” She plopped down in her seat and immediately picked up her slice of pizza.
“What’s fucking funny?” I grilled her.
“Shy, I live and breathe these streets! Your nigga is out there selling daily. Whatever words that nigga is feeding to you don’t even consume it. That nigga has been lying to you, baby girl.”
I sat next to Ray, watching her devour her pizza.  
“Whatever Rayna…” I pouted, spooning up some applesauce.
“You need to go check on what your pops is talking about. This could be something major, Shyne. We’ve been talking about getting outta the hood and this is your chance!” She spoke excitedly.
“You’re not gonna miss me? I can’t be leaving the ghetto without my girl…”
She kissed her teeth, and waved me away.
“You know you’re my best friend, and I don’t fuck with nobody else around here. I promise I’ll find a way to visit your ass every damn week. If someone popped up with a chance like this for me I would be chucking up the deuces. Leaving ya’ll to sweep up my dust.” I shoved her, while we both laughed. “Really Shy give it a try.”
I walked home from school with a lot on my mind. I didn’t think moving with my father would be the best. My living situation could be better, but this neighborhood was my home. I was raised here, and I always thought I would end up dying here. Some of the older women in neighborhood helped me out when I was in need. Since my mother wasn’t fully capable of taking care of me like a mother should. I had grown up with people out here, people that I borderline considered family. The love of my life and best friend were here, how could I leave a place so close to my heart?
I shook my head, watching as I dragged my feet on the cracked and filthy sidewalk.
“Aye yo, Shy!” I snapped my head up, and looked over at where the voice was coming from. I smiled wide when I noticed it was Kenny’s older brother. I jogged across the street over to him. Keith was chilling on the front steps of an apartment building where all the fiends flocked. He turned his hat around so that I could see blemish free brown face.  He smirked at me with a toothpick tilting down on his bottom lip. “What’s good with you, shorty? Where you going?”
“I was heading home. I have so much homework to do…” I sighed, sitting next to him on the steps. He nodded, glancing up the steps after hearing Ms. Carter step out of her apartment.
“You still fucking around with my brother? I haven’t seen you around.”
“Yeah, I’m just trying to finish off my junior year strong. I’ve been focused on all my school work.” He rubbed his hands, and stared at me approvingly.
“You different from everybody else, Shy. You not meant to be out here with us thuggin ass niggas and these dropping drawers whores.” I laughed loudly, Keith has always been a jokester. “I’m so serious, shorty. You need to get up out of here as fast as you can. Enroll into one of these little colleges, get you a nice paying job. You so damn smart, you could do anything you want.”
I combed through my hair with my fingers as I really thought about what Keith was saying. It was like he had read my thoughts. Even though I wanted to stay, he was right. I couldn’t just stay here when there’s so much out there for me. Before my mom turned in to a fucking crackhead she would always tell me that I needed to start stepping out of my comfort zone.  
I looked ahead as I watched the sunset.
“Someone came to my apartment earlier, on some fresh prince type shit. She was talking about taking me out of the hood to live with my uppity side of the family.” Keith chuckled.
Before Keith could respond, this scrawny ass nigga stepped ingin front of the both of us scratching his ashy neck. He looked around the block before licking his chapped lips.
“What’s up Ke-Keith, le-let me get some of that white girl.” He stuttered.
Keith shook his head, pulling out some cocaine from his pocket. He traded the nigga the cocaine for some bills. The scrawny dude smiled like the damn Kool-Aid man before he took off down the street.
Keith looked back over at me, while pointing to where the dude just ran off.
“That’s a reason why you need to go ahead and take your kinfolk up on that offer. Fuck all this lame shit out here, you deserve more than this.”
“What about Kenny?” Keith frowned.
“Man Shy, you need to stop fucking with that nigga. He not treating you right.” I furrowed my eyebrows. Kenny was treating me better than anyone else has ever treated me. I didn’t know what Keith was talking about. I was tired of people thinking they knew my relationship with Kenny more than I did.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with the way he treating me…” I said defensively.
Keith shook his head, and chuckled. He pulled the blunt behind his ear before lighting it.
“Kenny my brother, Shy. I live with that nigga. He’s a pathological liar. You can’t be believing every word that nigga be feeding you.” I sucked my teeth at the fact that this was the same shit Rayna was saying.
I didn’t really want to be talking about my relationship anymore. I stood up, pulling the straps of my backpack further up my shoulders.
“I’ll catch you later, Keith.” I glanced back at Keith before I took a couple steps towards my apartment
“I’m just tryna look out for you shorty. He’s not who you think he is.” Keith shouted after me.
I walked into my apartment, dropping my bookbag next to the door. I skimmed through all the mail, most of it being bills. I huffed, dropping them on the living room coffee table. I didn’t know who was paying those damn bills because I was tired of asking Kenny for some money to pay them.
“Mom!” I shouted, walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner for myself.
I looked in the fridge with utter shock. The fridge was completely empty. I swung the freezer door open coming up empty again. I started to panic, searching through all the cabinets. Nothing.
“This bitch really got me fucked up!” I was heated, storming out of the kitchen, heading for the stairs. I jumped up two-steps at a time with steam shooting out of my ears. “Where the fuck are you?!”
I shoved her bedroom door open. I growled at seeing her cuddled up with some young ass nigga that I’ve seen around selling to the fiends.  I walked up to her pushing her body back and forth.
“Ma, you ate my got damn food! Kenny bought me that shit for the week!” I cried angrily.
She shot up in a panic, looking around the room confused. She stared up at me with sad eyes. She knew exactly what the fuck she had just done. What was I going to eat for the week?
“I’m sorry baby, we were hungry and other people came too.”
I looked up at the ceiling trying to calm myself down so I didn’t kill this woman.
“You know what? Fuck you, this nigga, Kenny, and this fucking neighborhood! I’m staying with dad!” I spat harshly. She was so scared that she couldn’t even respond. I walked out of her room disappointed in what she had become.
I jogged downstairs, and grabbed the business card the lady had dropped off earlier.
“Hello, this is Laura Davis, how can I assist you?” I rolled my eyes at the formalities.
“Hey Laura, it’s Shyne…” I sighed.
“Oh! Hello honey, I didn’t think you would call this soon.”
I didn’t either.
“Well I thought it over, I would like to give it a try.”
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selfish-ff · 7 years
02: FEAR
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I looked at my ass in my body length mirror. I smiled and placed my hands on my knees before popping the cheeks. I laughed at myself and twirled in the mirror to take in the romper I was wearing. It was my favorite thing to wear during the fall, spring, and summer. Not only did it have my ass jumping, but the titties were popping too.
You could consider me slim thick, a coke bottle figure to die for. I had ass and titties, but my tummy was tight thanks to my daily morning workouts.  I had an addiction to tattoos after getting my first, so I was covered in them. Many may say I was full of myself, but I just knew I was a dime. No one could tell me differently.
“…and all my bitches with the shits!” blared through-out my bedroom. I looked back at my phone to see that my best friend was calling.
“What’s up, Kay?” I answered, combing my fingers through my hair.
“You ready girl? I’m heading over there now.”
“Yeah, just honk when you’re outside.”
She agreed before we both hung up. I made my way into my walk-in closet. I slipped into my Michael Kors sandals, and grabbed the matching purse, both gifts from June. I bit down on my bottom lip just from the thought of him. He had a lock on my heart with his initials on it.
Sometimes I swore I had more love for June than I had for myself. It wasn’t just an attraction when it came to June, it was so much more. He had been with me through so much, and we have built a bond that would make it hard for me to ever let go.
June was almost perfect in my eyes, the only problem I had with him was his commitment issues. I could tell that he had love for me and may even be in love with me. But, he still has had the urge to fuck around on me through the years we’ve been together. I was fully aware of the lifestyle that he lived by but that shouldn’t excuse him from being faithful to me. He wouldn’t even agree that we should live together, and I know it’s cause he’s fucking around on me still. He claims he hasn’t but I find it hard to believe because of the past. One thing I was sure I knew about June was that he wasn’t a liar so I should trust in him.
Kayla honking outside snapped me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my keys off my night stand before rushing out my front door. I locked it behind me and headed over to my girl’s Lexus that Dontae had bought her. Dontae was more like Kayla’s sponsor than a boyfriend. They didn’t really do relationship type shit, like dates and staying the night at each other’s places. Dontae would just drop some cash on my girl and they would fuck. I knew it killed Kayla inside because she really wanted to be with Dontae exclusively.
“I’m gonna kill this nigga, Ari.” Kayla greeted soon after I got comfortable in the passenger seat.
“What did he do now?” I chuckled, and she sent a glare my way.
“I think he’s fucking with Kenya!” She whined, and my eyes bulged.
“Our boss?!” She nodded. I let out a harsh breath while pinching the bridge of my nose. “What happened for you to think this is going on?”
“Trixie sent me a picture of her leaving his place.”
I wanted to laugh at how neighbors could never mind their damn business. But, I was in utter shock that my best friend and boss were sharing the same nigga.
“Maybe, it’s not that…Maybe she hooked him up with an in-home tattoo or something. Have you talked to him since you found out?” She shook her head, and I noticed her eyes began to water.
“I don’t understand why this nigga keeps treating me this way. I haven’t done anything but ride for this nigga and love him. I wish Dontae was like June. Ya’ll are relationship goals.” She cried.
I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes at her seeing my relationship as an example.
“June is not a saint, he used to and maybe still is messing around on me…” Kayla looked over at me with a ‘you know damn well he’s not fucking around’ look. I wish I was confident enough to say that I didn’t think he was.
“Well if you don’t appreciate him, pass him over this way.” Kayla joked. I shoved her making the car swerve a little.
“Only in your dreams, that’s my baby.” I cheesed. We pulled up to tattoo shop and I knew Kayla’s mood had gone back downhill by the look on her face. “Are you gonna be okay, Kay?”
She nodded, we both stepped out of her car. After walking around the car, I brought her to my side hugging her close. She wiped her eyes and smiled. My best friend was strong and I knew it would only take some time for her to realize her self-worth.
Just as we were about to step up to the tattoo shop the door swung open, and out came Dontae. He smiled at me showing off his gold bottoms. Then looked over at red faced crying Kayla, he frowned and walked up to her.
“What’s wrong with you?” She shook her head side to side instead of speaking up on how she felt.
“You need to talk to him Kayla…” I whispered to her, and she huffed out of annoyance.
“Can you tell Kenya and Libya I’ll be in there in 15?” I nodded, and went into the shop giving them their privacy.
“Good Morning, Ari.” Mali, the new receptionist greeted me. I smiled and walked up to the reception desk. She was a cute little something, and looked just like the both of her sisters. I had only known her for about a week and she was already my favorite out of the sisters. She was a sweetheart, and I found myself easily conversing with her every morning.
“I saw that photo you posted. I was weak as hell. You need to get a new roommate!” she nodded in agreement.
“Ten steps ahead of you girl, I already applied to switch rooms. I have never lived in such a pigsty before in my life. Feeling like I need to be walking around here oinking.” We both laughed.
“What are you doing for lunch?” I grabbed a mint out of the candy bowl.
“I’m actually meeting with someone for lunch, but we can do lunch tomorrow?” I stuck my thumb up and winked at her.
“Sounds like a date. Has my client arrived yet?”
“Yes boo. Come up here and talk to me whenever you’re free it’s get boring just sitting here.” She pouted like an infant, it didn’t help that the girl already had a baby face.
“Girl, you know I got you…” We shared our signature handshake before I headed back to get to work.
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I promised my sister that I would pick up my niece and bring her back to the shop. So, here I was parked outside of my niece’s baby sitter’s house. I grabbed my phone out the cup holder, and hopped out of my fixed car.
“Damn baby, how you doin’ today?” I glanced back at the group of boys hanging out on the porch across the street. I waved and smiled.
I knocked on Ms. Keisha’s door, and looked around at the neighborhood to see everyone on the block outside enjoying the nice weather.  
“You always coming around here with them little booty shorts on, come on in baby.” Ms. Keisha opened her door wide enough so I could walk in.
“Good afternoon to you too, Ms. Keisha.” I chuckled, she shooed me off.
We walked further into her house, pass the living room and into the kitchen. I showed off a toothy grin when I saw my niece, and she did the same when she saw me. She hopped out her chair with crumbs falling off her dress. She ran right into my open arms. I picked her up, kissing all over her smooth caramel face.
“Auntie missed her baby so much…” I squealed, hugging her tight to my body.
“Missed you!” She kissed me on the cheek, and hooked her arms around my neck. “Where’s mommy?” She frowned, with a pout.
“You’re gonna have lunch with auntie, then we’re gonna see mommy, okay?” She nodded excitedly. “Thank you, Ms. Keisha. Libya said next time she drops Lei off she’ll pass you the check.”
Ms. Keisha nodded, and rushed us out before the other kids started crying for their family. I hiked Leilani on my side as I scurried to my car. I opened the back door and buckled Leilani into her booster seat.
“Ayo, Mali!”
I stood up alarmed. I didn’t know that many people out here, and not many people knew me out here. I also knew not many people out here had the same name as me.  
The person that the deep-toned voice belonged to jogged across the street over to me. Butterflies began to flutter in my tummy. I quickly patted down my hair and smoothed out my clothes, making sure nothing looked out of place.
June smiled seductively as he took in every inch of me. He bit down on his bottom lip and shook his head.
“You out here tryna get these niggas attention, shorty?” He teased.
I shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. Once again, I was nervous and shy around this man, he probably was thinking I was a fucking mute. I chuckled at my thoughts, causing him to show off his dimpled smile.  
“That was cute. Why you never talking to a nigga? I scare you or some shit?”
Not only did this man scare me, but he also made me leak like a faucet. He was so fine and so damn assertive that it turned me on.
“No, I’m just tired.” I lied. He laughed, knowing damn well I wasn’t telling the truth.
“What you out here doing?” He furrowed his eyebrows. He looked around at all the niggas on the block while stroking his beard before looking back down at me.
I stepped to the side so he could see my baby niece in the backseat playing with the iPod Touch my sister bought her young ass.  I shut the back door, and opened the driver’s door.
“Ms. Keisha…” he said to himself. “So, shorty gotta little shorty. Where’s baby girl’s daddy?”
“Her dad’s dead, and this isn’t my daughter. This is my niece.”
He stuffed his hands in his denim jean pockets.
“What you out here doing?” I mocked. He threw his head back and laughed.
“I’m just out here handling business, always. But check this, let me get your number just in case you have problems with your car again.” He licked his juicy ass lips, and smirked. This was one sneaky mutherfucker.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m just trying to focus on school. I’m not trying to date, fuck, or chill.” June nodded, and poked his whole ass head in the car.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He spoke to Leilani. Leilani gleamed, and waved. “You think your auntie should give me a chance?”
Leilani switched up to the other team and started nodding. I rolled my eyes, and looked back up at June. He had this knowing smirk on his face.
“TiTi, he so cute!” Leilani chuckled. I was through with her trading ass.
“Okay, I’ll give you my number but don’t think that means I’m interested in whatever it is your trying to pursue. I just like making my niece happy.” I shut my door, and rolled down my window. I read my number out to him, and rolled my window back up without waiting for a response. He tapped the hood of my car, and blew me a kiss. I shot him a head nod, then drove off to meet up with Mama Betsy for lunch.
Leilani and I walked into Red Lobster hand in hand. She was cheesing hard because this was her favorite restaurant.
“Good Afternoon, how many do we have today?” The hostess greeted.
“Actually, we’re here with Ms. Betsy.” She nodded, and then led the way to where Mama Betsy was sitting.
When mama Betsy watched me and Leilani walk up to the table her face brightened. She hugged me and then picked up Leilani, holding her tight.
“I didn’t know you were bringing a little treat with you, Mali.” Mama Betsy smiled, referring to Leilani.
“Yeah, I’m heading back to my sisters’ tattoo shop after we leave here to take her to her mom.” I responded, slipping into the booth across from Mama. She sat back in her booth with Leilani in her lap like she was a baby.
I bet my niece was loving all this attention. She knew damn well she wasn’t getting babied like this from her mom nor her aunties.
The waitress came to the table, giving mama her drink and jotting down my drink then Leilani’s. When she walked off Leilani grabbed her crayons and began coloring on the coloring page they gave her.
“So, this precious thang is one of your sisters?” Mama Betsy questioned, and I nodded.
“Yeah, my sister had her back when we lived in Atlanta.”
“How old is she if you don’t mind me asking?”
“She’s about to turn four in a month. Our little baby turning into a big baby.” I pouted, remembering when Leilani was born.
“Time flies, speaking of time how is school?” Leilani squirmed out of Mama Betsy’s lap, and sat beside her. She sucked her bottom lip in and focused on her coloring.
“Everything’s good but my roommate situation.” Mama Betsy laughed.
“I knew that wouldn’t last long honey. I know someone you could room with. The roommate she had already dropped out.” I arched my brow, encouraging her to give more information. “Her name is Dylan, this is her first year too.”
“How do you know her?”
“Her grandmother is my bestie, girl! Back in the day me and her grandma used to pop it on these very streets.” I chuckled, and shook my head at how silly Mama Betsy was.
“I’m actually very interested, I need to move out as soon as possible.” She nodded in agreement.
The waitress came back, dropping off our drinks. She wrote down our orders and asked if we needed anything else. I made sure to remind her to bring out another basket of their hot cheddar biscuits. They were my favorite thing about this restaurant.
“I’ll call her grandmother up tonight to see if her room is still available.”
“How long have you lived in Cleveland?” I asked, while pulling apart a biscuit.
“Oh child, for years. I stopped counting the years a long time ago.”
“You have three grandsons only?” I stuffed the half of the biscuit into my mouth, then took a sip of my water. Mama Betsy tilted her head and smirked.
“No, I actually have four. I have three grandsons from my son, and one grandson from my daughter. You’ve met June…Then there’s Dontae, Jahari, and Chris. They all are knuckleheaded little boys.” She laughed, and shook her head. “I’d do anything for them boys though.” I smiled.
“I actually saw June today…” I felt the need to say.
“Now I love my grandsons, but I want you to be careful baby. They all aren’t the best when it comes to dealing with women. I could tell the first time I met you that you would have a kind and caring soul. By you reaching out to me for lunch and the conversation that we are having I can tell that I was right. This being said, I wouldn’t want anyone to tarnish the glow that you have baby.”
I nibbled on my bottom lip, not knowing what to say in return. I mean I thought June was fine as hell, but I knew he wouldn’t be good for me. I don’t even think I ever had the thought to pursue anything with him. I just saw it as a crush that I wanted to keep to myself.
“I understand, Mama Betsy…”
“Just call me Mama, honey.” She grabbed a hold of my hand, and squeezed it tight. The warmth of her skin made it seem like everything would be alright. “Now, let’s talk about these sisters you have and their shop you said?”
“Yeah, both of my sisters run a tattoo shop downtown. You should come in one day and check it out. I’m the receptionist there until I can find a job in connection to the field I’m studying.” I spoke excitedly. Mama Betsy chuckled, making me frown.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing baby, you’re just so passionate about everything. I adore that about you. I never asked, but what are you studying?” The frown fell, and a smile lifted back on my face.
“Early childhood education, I want to be a kindergarten teacher.” I cheesed just from the thought of having my own classroom and the impact that I’ll place on so many children. I couldn’t wait.
“That’s fitting. You’ll be a great teacher…” Mama gently replied.
Our waitress came over with our meals. We all ate like we hadn’t ate for days. The food was so good. Leilani ended up dropping a lot of alfredo sauce on her jean dress. I went to the bathroom and changed her in a t-shirt and her sweat shorts. After we finished eating Mama promised to get in contact with me about Dylan. We talked little about meeting up again before we went our separate ways. I played Leilani’s favorite Beyoncé album, B’ Day, and headed back to the tattoo shop.
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“Told yo ass you were about to get caught up in some shit…” I laughed. Dontae glared over at me, before walking off towards the warehouse.
“Stop messing with that nigga before he throws the iron hammer to yo dome.” Jahari goofed. I laughed with that nigga and we both followed behind Dontae.
The lights were off in the warehouse. I frowned, and looked around confusingly. This nigga Chris was supposed to already be here for our meeting. I wanted to get this shit over with, I was tryna hit Ari up on some late-night shit after this.
“Fuck all that shit you niggas are talking about, where the fuck is this nigga Chris?” Dontae barked with his grumpy ass.
“I’ll call that nigga, last time I heard from him he was leaving some class.” Jahari reminded us.
I had completely forgot that our cousin was enrolled into CSU. We had all got our business degrees except for this nigga so we pushed him into getting the shit done. He wanted to build up his own little lounge downtown but with that he needed to learn about the ins and outs of having a business.
“Yo, tell Arielle to stop getting into my shorty’s head, aight?” Dontae spoke, while we waited for Jahari to come back with news about Chris’s whereabouts.
I looked at this nigga Dontae like he had lost his damn mind. He knew damn well I didn’t get involved with all his messy shit, including the advice my girl gives her best friend about them. I didn’t give two fucks about no grown man’s dealings with some females.
“Man, Dontae get the fuck away from me with that stupid shit.” I gritted threw my teeth.
Dontae’s ass decided to step to me, cracking his knuckles and shit like he was about to do some shit. I arched my eyebrows, and clenched my jaw.
“Nigga, you better back the fuck up. I ain’t scared of yo jolly giant ass.”
With that being said, this nigga actually decided to throw one, I dodged that bitch and hit him with a two piece. Dontae groaned, then growled and tackled my ass on the dirty ass ground. We were tussling on the ground until our younger brother and cousin came in, pulling us apart.
“What is wrong with you niggas? Get in the fucking office!” Jahari spoke angrily. Jahari was the funny one out of all of us but when he got mad, he was the worse to deal with.
I huffed while stomping to the office. Even though Dontae was my brother he really had me fucked up. He was really letting these girls get in his head. He needed to chill the fuck out before I got our father involved in this shit.
“Why ya’ll going at it?” Chris coolly questioned. He was the calmest out of all of us.
“This punk nigga mad because both his bitches know about each other. No more pussy for this nigga.” I laughed, and Dontae lunged for me.
“Dontae sit your hotheaded ass down. We don’t have time for them female games tonight. Tonight, is about business, calm the fuck down!” Jahari shoved Dontae back down in his seat. Dontae sent me the meanest glare he could muster before he smoothed out his clothes and cleared his throat.
“So, I checked all the numbers last night, every single business is running smoothly except for our streets.” Chris informed. “Chelsea, the trap over closer to Mama’s was running low this week and I have a feeling it’s that nigga Jordan.”
I sighed deeply, sinking further down in my chair. I knew damn well it was that nigga Jordan, he thought since he sold the most out all our soldiers he should get some kind of raise. This nigga has been caught slipping into our cash more than once. In my opinion it was time to off this nigga. Jahari and Chris swore that if we killed that nigga we would be losing a lot of money. But, we were already losing a lot of money with this nigga dipping his hand into our shit.
“I know this nigga ya’ll favorite, but I’m about to piss in this nigga’s cereal.” I flat out admitted, and they all knew what I meant. I was gonna ruin this nigga life, by ending it.
“I’m with June, ya’ll niggas be letting this nigga slide with every fucking thing.” Dontae agreed.
That was one thing about us. Even though we may argue and fight at the end of the day we were brothers. So, we would always have each other’s backs.
“I actually agree with ya’ll…fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me…POW!” Jahari made the gun motion with his hand. I smiled approvingly, this nigga finally agreed with us instead of Chris.
Chris sighed and shrugged.
“I’m with ya’ll on this, surprisingly.”
We talked some more about a plan to off Jordan. We knew the nigga had a sister that was enrolled into CSU. We had no idea where this nigga lived. We never knew when the nigga showed up at the trap to work or nothing. Our best bet was to get our information on his sister and make a little visit. Shorty would easily give us information about her brother cause I guess her grandmother used to run deep with Mama Betsy.
Niggas stay getting way too comfortable.  It was time for us to snap these niggas back into their places.
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aviationfiction · 7 years
Feed back
Feed back
She is not fair to the human race. She is the cause for a war; serving as the undeniable demise of a million men. Her sun kissed skin gleams brighter than the finest gold and her intoxicating olive and honey eyes, serve as her weapons; weakening all who dares to stare into them for a lengthy period of time. Every aspect of her body is sculpted to perfection. She serves as a paragon of the higher power’s capabilities and showmanship. She is the personification of his excellency.
Yoooo this if I wasn’t blown away with the way he described her. Like I love reading from his pov because his words are like poetry. The way he describes and pay attention to every little intricate detail that is Autumn is absolutely amazing.
The way he looks at her is fascinating, especially because she doesn’t even know nor does she view herself in that manner. If Autumn could magically hear his thoughts, she’d either he baffled or embarrassingly amused by how enamored he is with her beauty. He notices every damn thing she does; even the things that wouldn’t matter to her or anyone else.
The bouncing of her ponytail was nothing in comparison to what was happening below her waistline and I nearly tripped myself as I purposely sprinted ahead of her to end the visual and cease those thoughts.
I laughed so hard tears where coming out. I can actually picture him doing this. Lol son Autumn had this nigga mind all in the gutter and I loved it, because he tries so hard for it not to go there. Especially with her.
He’s embarrassed by those type of thoughts because he doesn’t want to objectify her. That’s typical male behavior and he’s not trying to fall in line with that type of gawking but he can’t help himself. No matter how much he tries not to, he’s going to look and think about it. It’s natural behavior. He shouldn’t fault himself for that.
“No one’s home. My father’s in D.C. for something work related and my mother is out there for some type of summit or conference at Howard University. I’m assuming they’re most likely going to stay an extra day or two to do their romantic thing and return home. So yeah, it’s just me here today.” As we walked along, she snickered. “Why am I making it sound like I’m sneaking you in? I’m sounding so hot in the pants teen right now.” “Well. Are you sneaking me in?” I teased her and smirked when she widened her eyes at the question. She then lightly smacked her hand into my arm. “No. It just makes me think of the movie ATL when Lashonate’s character Tonya says to T.I.’s character Rashad look my momma not home, you want to give me a ride? And then Rashad says man your momma ain’t never home. You remember that?” I haven’t heard of the movie nor seen it. I knew Tip was into acting but I never had an interest in seeing him do it. I’d rather be a fan of his music; mostly the earlier work. This is the second time I’m hearing that Lashonte name from someone. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anything she’s acted in before. “No. I’ve never seen that.” “My God, Dante. What do you watch when you’re at home chilling? You better not say House Of Cards either.”
For her to not only offer to cook for him, but for her to invite him into her home. Says a lot. That whole little exchange was so cute, because every time she finds out that Dante haven’t seen a movie or a tv show, baffles her, and I think that’s really cute that she’s tryna put him up on things.
She’s comfortable with him and she’s building a trust level with him that allows her to continue to allow him to come even further into her world. She trusts the respect that he’s shown her thus far and that’s what’s really important when it comes to those two.
I also love and find it hilarious how out of touch Dante is when it comes to films and popular culture overall. He really does live in his own little bubble. Autumn’s going to have to school him, because Stacey isn’t getting through to him.
Three reasons. Faith. I’ve always believed that we as human beings put a bit too much faith in God when it comes to every single thing. I don’t know why, but it felt like such a lazy approach. Around that time, honestly, I felt like I had nothing but him to cling to. It was the first time I put it all on him and firmly believed that he’d make sure I made it through it all in some type of way. I’m standing here and I’m functional so those blessings were gifted. The second is hope. I’ve been one hell of a pessimist over these past couple of years, so I had to work on becoming hopeful again. I’m still working on it but I’ve progressively gotten better. Lastly, myself. I don’t know what the hell the future holds for me. It scares me to think about it but I have to believe that everything’s going to work itself out positively for as long as I work on it.” “Faith. Hope. Self. I like and highly respect that. You know, a lot of people usually name their family or something completely outside of themselves as reasons for living and that’s cool but ultimately, I believe that you have to want to live for yourself before you can have the desire to live for anyone else. That falls right along the lines of needing to love yourself before you can attempt to love someone else.” “Exactly. You get it. It’s not a selfish way of thinking. It’s simply the way things should be.” Suddenly, she turned and swung open the fridge’s door to examine the contents inside. “You said French toast is your favorite right?”
This was so heart breaking for me to read. But for her to still be able to pick up the pieces and move on, had me yelling go sus. And I just think it’s so awesome that they’re both completely comfortable with each other to divulge things to each other that they normally wouldn’t.
Her strength is admirable and her ability to speak about it and be informative when it comes to his own story is beautiful. Her life is important and it’s good to know she realizes that and also that she’s found outlets to restore her faith in God and in herself. The rawness between the two of them is one of the driving forces of their friendship. The open honesty continues to draw them closer to one another and it serves as an outlet and escape from what does pain them in their individual lives.
“Yes. It’s just television sweetheart.”
I smiled so damn hard at this, even tho it was a slip up. I was like yes Dante
LMFAO! A slip up that had both her........and him shook!
When she caught him peeking, he was so damn embarrassed, but it was so cute.
My famous southern fried chicken, a vegetable omelette, and cinnamon French toast with a homemade bourbon peach sauce smothered over them.”
Well damn Olga I felt like I was watching an episode of Chopped lol. Shorty threw down in the kitchen. And for her to keep him company while he ate. And for it to seem so natural. I just love how comfortable they are with each other.
She made her time in Miami useful in that manner. Though it was to appease Andreas, her cooing skills do come in handy and Dante was able to get a taste of what she spend a lot of her leisure time doing. If he sticks around, one thing he won’t complain about is being hungry, because she’s sure to fill his stomach up upon request.
No. I was only asking because I wanted to know if you’d like to hang out with me today? I have a few things to do but it’s sort of a loose day for me. First I need to head home to freshen up and change. If you get ready while we’re here, you can just go with me. I have to stop by my office to wrap something up. What time is your appointment?” “It’s starts at five. It’s later in the evening because she’s coming into the office late today.” “I can drop you off. I’m supposed to check out a property around five thirty, so I can drop you off and pick you back up. Tonight, Diddy’s hosting a party at the club to celebrate some new flavor of Ciroc. It should be fun. He always brings a crowd and tons of special guests with him. Are you up for it?” Though I wanted to finish it all, I couldn’t eat another bite. After having swallowed down the last bit of French toast I had left, I tossed in the towel on the half of omelette and piece of chicken I had left.
Okay Dante I see you boy. Don’t wanna leave her. I was surprised she agreed tho. I kinda felt like she wasn’t thinking that would be doing to much, but obviously she’s more opened to them becoming better friends.
She’d already spoiled him with the breakfast and the company, so he wanted to keep that going for the remainder of the day. It’s surprising for someone who tends to always be by himself to desire an entire day worth of company, but again, that attests to how close the two of them are becoming and how much he already values her presence.
“And your closet damn near made me pass out. It’s amazing and that mirror that you have in there? Whew! Your closet is very Christian Grey.” “Very who?” I pressed send on the final e-mail that I needed to send over the Hakkasan group and glanced over in her direction. It was one hell of a gamble, but I was able to secure him an extended three year partnership with the group as a disc jockey and music consultant. He’ll be the resident DJ at Hakkasan nightclub once it has it’s grand opening, Wet Republic, and also at Omnia nightclub inside of Caesar’s Palace. “You’ve never heard of Christian Grey?” Her giggle was sheepish and her face suddenly turned a slight hue of red as her body shifted on the chair. “No. Who is he?” “Nevermind.” She couldn’t cease the laughter at my lack of information about whomever she was referencing to so I did what anyone would do. I immediately opened up another tab and typed the exact name into Google. When the results appeared, I clicked the first link available. “Christian Trevelyan Grey is the male protagonist of the trilogy, Fifty Shades of Grey. To the outside world, he appears to be a handsome and attractive young man in the business world. However, he has a hidden face: he is adept of BDSM.” It was my turn for my face to flush in embarrassment as I skimmed through more of the synopsis about the man. Fredrick’s talked about his weird interest in BDSM enough for me to know exactly what it is and what it entails. Autumn couldn’t contain her laughter no matter how many times she attempted to do so and the smirk on my face was by followed my narrowed eyes as I pondered how she made the connection between myself and this character. “How is my closet very Christian Grey?” “Because it’s very sleek, masculine, and it’s filled with suits, dress shoes, and you have those pull out draws with your ties neatly folded inside of them. That’s how Christian is described. He’s a business man, just like you are.” “But why do I have to be compared to the kinky ass business man?” “I’m not saying that you’re kinky. I’m just comparing your styles in terms of business attire. I wouldn’t know if you’re into BDSM or not unless I asked Samira or that three month girlfriend from college.” “Or you can just ask me.”
I cackled so damn loud my coworkers were looking at me crazy. And for her to say she would only found out by asking one of his exs and for him to boldly reply or you can just ask me. Phew chile. I can picture Dante dominating Autumn or the other way around. Hell for the right person you’ll get kinky for them.
LMFAOOOOOO! Dante decided to test the waters with that response and he cannot deny that even if he tried to. He wanted to see just how much she’d flinch or if she’d actually go there and open up the floor for that invasive but obviously intriguing conversation.
You think Dante’s dominant in the bedroom? Hm. Her too? Well, you’re definitely right about people bringing out all the works when it’s with the right person.
“Okay, Google Images does you no justice. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful in those photos, but damn, you’re fine as hell.”
I freaking love Stacey man. I just love her.
Stacey is a mess, but we have to love her. She can’t help but to be her loud and obnoxious self and that is by far what makes her so damn great. She makes Dante squirm and he needs that.
I’m not done with my feedback but I’m at work so I def will be leaving the rest later on tonight.
Thank you so much. I truly appreciate that and I’m glad you’re enjoying it thus far.
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troublemakerfiction · 8 years
Summer 2012
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Amilia “Millz” Diamond
KP and Envy’s Shorty Swing My Way was on blast in my room as I went through my closet trying to find something to wear. One would think it should be easy finding something to wear when you’re always buying stuff but no that actually made it worse. It was too much to pick from.
My hair and makeup was already done. I took my shower an hour ago, so now I was just standing in my closet in my black panty and boy short set looking through racks of clothes. I know I didn’t want to be overdressed just because I was going to block party but I didn’t want to look raggedy either.
I went through my closet for another ten minutes before I finally figured out what I wanted to wear. White denim shorts, a white racer back crop top,and my Ninja script baseball jersey. My mineral blue Jordan 7′s were going on my feet and the only jewelry I was going to rock was my watch and stud earrings.
my I was putting my outfit on the bed when my bedroom door opened and my mother came in and shut my music off.
“You know knocking is a thing for a reason right?” I asked her and she cut her eyes at me.
“I’m not in here to hear your smart mouth. You are not deaf, why is the music up that loud?” She put her hands on her hips waiting for my answer.
“My bad I didn’t even realize it was that loud.” She gave me a look that told me she knew I was lying hard as shit. “I’m for real; I didn’t think it was loud.”
“Mhm, where are you going anyway?”
“Kim is having a block party for her birthday so I’m rolling down there with with the fam for a little bit.”
“For somebody who says they can’t stand Jersey City you’re always going over there.”
“I can’t stand it but that’s home for me. I’m comfortable there, I know damn near everybody. Hell, I still have friends over there.”
I was born and raised in the downtown area of Jersey City, New Jersey. It’s not the worse place but it’s far from the best. Just like most places there were quite a few upper class neighborhoods, but we also had some ghettos. I couldn’t really complain though, I’ve always had whatever I needed. My father always made sure of that.
“Go and have a good time. Just don’t call me from jail.”
“I’m not going to jail, why would you think that?”
“Have you met Darnell and yourself? You two are crazy; the only one with any sense is Imani.”
“Most of the time we’re fighting for her anyway.” Imani is my little cousin. She’s 18 years old and avoids drama as much as she possibly could. Imani pretty much stayed to herself but people still choose to fuck with her because they know she won’t fight back. It was alright because every time somebody picked on her me and my older cousin Darnell handled that shit.
“I know that but still, just stay peaceful tonight. Is Cameron going to be there?”
“Yeah more than likely, I really don’t care. I’m not even talking to him right now.” I shook my head thinking about my boyfriend Cameron or as the streets call him, Prophet which I find funny. Prophet my ass; I wish the nigga would give himself a revelation to get his shit together.
“You and that boy get on my damn nerves. Every other week you’re breaking up and making up. What happened this time?”
“He’s mad because I’m not trying to move in with him. Of course that mouth of his went to running and I punched his ass in the face.”
“You need to stop doing that. I know you’re out here busting these little bitches up but you can’t beat a grown ass man.”
“Do I look like I’m worried about him? I don’t even feel like talking about it anymore. Can we drop it?” The last thing I wanted to do was think about Cameron and his childish ass ways. According to him I’m still on some little kid shit because I still live with my mother.
The fact that I was 21 and still living at home didn’t bother me at all. It’s not like I’m here because I have no other options. Between the money my dad’s money, and the ten grand my uncle deposits in my account every other week, money was far from an issue. I'm not ready to leave my mother yet. Half the time we’re arguing and she’s getting on my nerves but I’m not going anywhere any time soon.
“Fine but before you leave I wanted to talk to you to about something.” She took a seat on my bed and I raised an eyebrow at her.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Well I’ve been meaning to tell you that I met somebody.”
“What do you mean you met somebody?” I crossed my arms over my chest looking at my mother hoping she wasn’t about to say what I think she was about to say.
“I’ve been seeing this guy, his name is Eric. Amil, he is so nice and sweet.”
“So you’ve been dating somebody and didn’t tell me about it?”
“I didn’t want to tell you about some random guy. I wanted to get to know him to see where it could go before I let you know. Besides, I’m grown I really don’t need your permission.”
“You don’t need my permission but you could’ve said something especially since you’re always in my business. Does he know about me? Does he know you’re still married? The fuck does he think that D tattooed on your ring finger stands for?”
“Alright Amilia you need to watch your mouth and remember who the fuck it is you’re talking to. I’m not one of your friends. I know you better watch your muthafuckin’ mouth when you’re talking to me.”
“Or what?” I raised my eyebrow at her.
My mother always did this. She comes at me but she knows she’s not going to do anything. The relationship we have is a weird one. I love my mother to death, and I respect her to a certain extent. I would never fight my mother or hit her but if she comes at me stupid I will curse her ass out. It’s been like that since I was little.
“Little girl don’t test me.”
“I’m not testing you. All I’m saying is, you’ve been seeing some nigga I don’t know shit about and you weren’t planning on telling me until you knew where it was going. So now that you’re telling me that means what? You’re marrying this nigga or something?”
“No I’m not marrying him but if I want to that’s my business not yours. How long do you expect me to sit around and be by myself?”
“You aint never sat around and been by yourself but we’re not even about to go into that.”
“What do you mean by that? What are you trying to say?”
“I’m not trying to say shit, I said it. You can take it however you want.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“So am I not supposed to date Amil? What do you want from me?”
“Right now you could just leave me alone. I would greatly appreciate that.” I grabbed the outfit I was wearing and went into my bathroom slamming and locking the door. If anybody knows how to blow my shit, it’s my mother.
I was in a good mood, ready to go out and have a good time and she wants to spring this bullshit on me. I don’t care if it’s been six years; she said that shit like it’s been ten. I don’t even know how she could want to date anybody after my father died.
The man you called the love of your life is gone and you’re worried about some other nigga? Shit like that doesn’t add up to me but it’s whatever. I’m not even about to linger on it. I know this was just a green light for me to really turn up tonight. I needed a drink after hearing that bullshit.
“MILLZ BABY!” My cousin Darnell screamed my nick name when I got out of my 2011 Lexus IS250. I got the name Millz from my cousin Vick. He started calling me that when I was little and it just stuck with me. I was fine with it because I’m not a huge fan of my first name anyway.
“What’s up D?” I hugged her when she and Imani came walking over to me.
“Nothing, it’s a whole lot of people out here. That’s good but annoying at the same time.” She shook her head.
“More people more bullshit.” I told her and she nodded in agreement.
“Exactly, but I told Vick and them that I wasn’t going to touch anybody. I’m keeping my word on that.”
“Mhm we’ll see how long that last.” I smiled at her.
Darnell is my older cousin and I love her to death. When I say she has had my back through any and everything I mean that. If I needed something she was there, if I was crying and dealing with my own fucking emotions, she was there. She’s a true ride or die when it comes to the family. Any time something is going down she’s front and center to get some shit poppin’.
On top of everything else she is downright gorgeous. Darnell and I pretty much wore the same size. We were both proud size 10’s and we wore it well. We’re cute in the face and thick around the waist. We both had wide spread hips and thighs thicker than oatmeal. The only difference was Darnell stood at a good 5’10 while I was a cool 5’7.
“You’re showing out aint you,” I said to her while I looked her up and down. The red short set she was wearing showed off curve her body possessed. Our outfits are similar but at least I had my jersey giving me a little coverage
“It’s hot,” She shrugged her shoulders.
“Well you look good bitch, and you look good to pumkin.” I said to Imani.
Imani was the smallest of us standing at 5’5. She was what people are out here calling slim thick. She wasn’t skinny, but she wasn’t big either. She had enough to hold on to with no stretch marks or cellulite in sight.
Even though we shared some physical similarities due to our fathers being brothers, we were all completely different.
Out of the three of us I have the worse temper; I’ll be completely honest about that. Anybody that really knows me and my family will tell you that I’m just like my dad. We react first then ask questions later and even then we still don’t give a fuck. It doesn’t really take much to set me off and because of that I get into a lot of fights. It’s not on purpose, I just don’t tolerate bullshit.
Imani is the shy one. Not only is she the baby out of all of us, she’s my Uncle Nasir’s youngest child and only daughter. She is his most prized possession. Over protective isn’t even enough to describe how he is when it comes to her and because he’s had her guarded for most of her life she’s timid as hell. She has a bad habit of letting people be disrespectful to her so Darnell and I always ended up in some shit because bitches loved using the fact that Imani doesn’t fight to their advantage.
Darnell has to be one of the most dangerous bitches I’ve ever seen in my life. The girl is scared of nothing and she will fuck somebody up. I’ve seen Darnell square up with niggas and knock them the fuck out. Her dad raised her and her older brother the exact same way. He didn’t shy away from teaching her certain things because she’s a girl, if anything he pushed her harder because of that.
I’ve seen my cousin stab people, she’s shot at people, and she goes harder than most niggas. She’s official for real. Darnell does not play and a lot of people see her appearance thinking they have her all figured out but she’s as hood as they come. She’s just learned how to suppress it and keep it under control now.
“Vick and them are already here,” Imani told me.
“Alright let’s go over there.” I locked my car doors then walked off with them.
While we walked around looking for the rest of the crew I couldn’t help but laugh at the stares we were getting. Bitches were mad as hell holding on to their niggas as if we were going to steal them while the dudes outside were damn near drooling.
If I had a dime for every time a nigga yelled out damn shorty, or what’s good with you ma, to me and my cousins I would double my bank out three times over.Eyes were stuck on us for more than just our physical appearances though.
Our fathers had Jersey on lock at one point. When my father Darius “Dice” Diamond and his brother Sean “Solo” Diamond were murdered six years ago my uncle Nasir took over. He ran everything for a few years before he stepped down and this nigga named Trouble took over. Our fathers are hood legends and everybody knew that. If you had a problem with any of us it was a strong possibility your head could get blown off with just one phone call.
When we finally made it over to our family I took a blunt out of Haze’s hand and pulled my lighter from my pocket.
“Damn rude ass, you couldn’t ask for none first?” He laughed at me.
“Nah you’re good.” I gave him a hug then hopped on the hood of his car and sat down. Haze is my older cousin and Imani’s older brother. His real name is Hazel but he hates it so we just call him Haze. If you call him by his government he will look at you like you’re a dummy.
“What’s good Millz?” My cousin Vick said before giving me a quick side hug. Vick is Darnell’s older brother and they were the children of my Uncle Sean.
My father was the only one to have one child but I was cool with it. I didn’t need more than just me in my space anyway.
“What’s up Vick? How long y’all been out here?”
“Not long we just got here maybe an hour ago. How have you been doing? Everything good?”
“Yeah I’m fine, you good nigga?”
“You already know I stay good act like you know.” He smiled at me before laughing. “You know I saw your boy out here earlier.”
“Where was he?”
“He was just around with his boys then he slid. I don’t know where he went.”
“Alright,” I know if Cameron had his ass around here earlier he’ll be back.
I’m wondering if he left because my cousins are here and he knows he can’t be on that dumb bullshit he’s always on. Vick has no filter and will have no issue telling that nigga off for even looking like he wanted to try and play me.
I sat on the hood of the car smoking the blunt thinking about what my mother told me earlier before I let the house. The fact that she waited to tell me is annoying; that means she was really taking this nigga serious and I wasn’t ready for that.
“Millz, are you good? You’re looking all spaced out.” Darnell asked after nudging me. I looked at her and nodded my head.
“Yeah I’m good I just got a lot on my brain right now. You know my mother told me she was basically dating some nigga named Eric?”
“Wow,” Darnell shook her head.
“What D?”
“What you mean what?”
“I see that look on your face,” I could tell Darnell had something to say but she didn’t want to risk starting an argument. Darnell and I can’t argue for too long, we will start swinging in a heartbeat. I don’t know how many times we’ve fought over stupid ass disagreements but it’s been quite a few. 
“Nothing, I was just waiting for you to continue. Are you mad that she’s dating? Or are you mad she’s just now saying something.”
“Both, I mean I don’t know. I know it’s been six years but that doesn’t seem that long. I still remember seeing that shit like it was yesterday man.”
“I know and I know it’s hard for you but come on Millz. At some point you have to realize that her life is going to go on. You can’t dictate what she does.”
“Oh please she’s been living her life. That shit was never on hold before or after my dad passed. I’m not trying to dictate her life; I’m just not here for it. How do you just move on from something like that? It’s not like her and my dad broke up, he was killed. That’s completely different.”
“Sometimes you have to move on Millz. What is she supposed to do? Sit back in that house all alone while you go out and live your life? You’re rarely there and when you are you’re in your room asleep. She wants some companionship; I don’t think she’s wrong for that.”
“Why are you acting like she’s been stuck in the house? She parties more than I do, the fuck?”
“You know what I mean.”
“She could’ve told me something before now.”
“Millz let’s be real no matter when she told you, you would’ve had a problem with it because you only know your mother to be with your father. I get it; trust me I do but shit my mama had to move on and we had to let her. Now look at her, she’s happy as hell and I know my father would want that for her. You think Uncle Darius would want your mother going to bed heartbroken and alone every night?”
I looked at Darnell and sucked my teeth. I hated when she was right. “You get on my nerves Darnell I swear to God.”
“I love you too.” She smiled then lit the blunt she was holding in her hand. “Aww shit here come Trouble and the crew.” I looked over at where she was looking to see Trouble, Xavier and Trouble’s little cousin Kason walking over to us.
“Why did you say it like that? You know damn well you’re happy to see Xavier.” Darnell likes to front like Xavier is so sickening but she loves that nigga, everybody knows she loves his ass and he loves her right back.
“I’m not thinking about Xavier, he annoys me.”
“No he checks you. You better stop playing, you see that nigga? Bitches will do anything to get with his ass you better come correct.” Xavier was a fine ass nigga.Actually all three of them were fine.
Xavier stood at 5’11 with a dark caramel complexion. His body was like something out of a magazine, the boy was cut up. He stayed in the gym which is understandable considering the fact that he owns two of them. Tattoos covered his arms and majority of his back, his hair was always cut low and his facial hair was always lined up.
Kason was the baby of the group but he was a looker in his own right. He was the same height as Xavier, skin the color of creamy peanut butter, he had a slim but muscular build. His dark brown dreads went a little past his shoulders. Between his cute face and that smile of his I know he had these little girls out here going crazy. I’ve even witnessed a few showdowns between his groupies.
Trouble was the tallest of them, standing at 6’2 he was built like a basketball player. He had a light complexion, nice pink plump lips and the boy even had freckles and dimples that sunk in every time he smiled. His arms, chest, back, neck and legs were decorated in ink. All in all the nigga was fine as shit.
“You say that like he’s unexplored territory. That nigga is for everybody.” Darnell spat making me laugh.
“I’m going to tell him you’re out here not claiming his ass.”
“No you’re going to shut up and not say a damn thing because you know I’m playing.”
“Mhm now you’re playing?”
“Whatever, I don’t know why you’re always worried about us. What about you and Trouble?”
“What about me and Trouble? He has a girl, and I have a man.”
“So why are y’all always staring at each other then? I’ve seen that shit; just watch when he comes over here. You might want to be discreet, you know his bitch little Bermuda is around here somewhere.”
“Stop it,” I laughed. “Her name is Blanco,” I told her then we started cackling even harder. The crazy part about it is we really don’t know her name. We just know it starts with a B, sure we could ask what it is but it’s way more fun getting it wrong.
“Whatever the fuck her name is, you know she’s around here. I just saw her not too long ago.”
“I don’t care; I’m not fuckin’ with him so she can take her stale ass weave and that funky ass attitude somewhere else. I will kick that bitch in her ovaries she better relax.” Trouble’s girlfriend really can’t stand my ass and I can’t seem to understand why.
I don’t want her nigga; I have my own so she needs to save all the extra shit she be doing for somebody who wants to play with her stupid ass. I’ll slap the bitch and go on about my business; I’m not with that talking shit.
“It’s whatever, you already know even if she does say something that’s all she’s going to do. She’ll get all hype then he jumps in front of her and stops her from getting that ass whooped. It’s the same thing all the time. It’s going to come a day when he can’t save that bitch.”
“Well I’m not thinking about that bitch she can die for all I give a fuck.” I shrugged. When Trouble and his boys came over they greeted my cousins then he looked at me with a smile on his face.
“What’s good Millz? I can’t get a hello or some shit?’ He came over to and gave me a quick hug and peck on my forehead.
“I was waiting for you to speak to me. What’s up though?”
“Not much just out here grindin’ you feel me?”
“Yeah, what’s up with the shop? I need some new ink.”
“I got you, come by this week. I would say Tuesday; I don’t have too many people to handle that day.”
“Aight I’ll be there, you better not have me waiting too long either. I’ll get Vick to handle my shit.”
“Vick nice that’s my nigga but you already know he can’t even get you like I would. Just trust me, what’s up with you though? Still working at that daycare?”
“Yeah but I’m about to leave that shit. Handling kids that I can’t discipline like I want is not the move. Some of them are good but the other ones are demons.”
“Dealing with kids takes patience which is something you don’t have too much of. I don’t even know how you got hired at that place.”
“I do what I need to do to get my shit corrected but I’ll figure something out. Plus it doesn’t hurt that my aunt owns it.” Before he could say something Imani storming past me looking like she was ready to cry, caught my attention. I gently pushed Trouble away and got off the car grabbing her arm.
“What’s wrong with you Mani?”
“She’s out here,” She mumbled.
“Who?” Right when she was about to answer an annoying familiar voice cut her off.
“Imani! Bring your goofy ass here!” I turned around to see her dumb ass mother coming over to where we were. When she reached us she tried to grab Imani’s arm but I pushed her back.
“Don’t come over here with this bullshit Tonya.” I snapped at her. The sight of Imani’s mother irked my nerves; she’s an evil ass bitch for real.
“Mind your business Millz; this is between me and my daughter. I gave birth to her not you, if I wanna grab her punk ass I can.”
“Touch her, go ahead and do that shit you already know her father will be out here to fuck you up and that’s after I get done with you. You know Darnell is here too right? Remember what happened last time?” I laughed at the angry look that appeared on her face at the mention of Darnell. “I see that shit healed up nicely.”
“Fuck you little girl.”’
“Fuck you too, big bitch. You’re not touching my cousin and I will be telling my uncle about this shit. So have fun with him fuckin’ your dumb ass up. He told you to leave her the fuck alone.” I looked at Imani who had tears running down her face. “Go wait in my car alright,” I gave her my keys and she couldn’t wait to get the fuck away from her mother.
“What the fuck is going on over here?” Darnell walked up with Xavier right next to her. His arm was draped over her shoulder.
“Nothing, Tonya was just leaving. Isn’t that right Tonya?” She looked at Darnell’s hard glare then just walked off. Weak bitch.
“The fuck was that about?”
“She was trying to fuck with Imani but I handled it. Fuck you coming from?” I asked her.
“Oh I went to my car to get my other lighter. Where is Imani?”
“In my car, I’m about to see if she even wants to stay. If she wants to go I’ll take her home. She didn’t drive here right?”
“Nah, but you’re going to drive all the way to Cherry Hill to take her home then what?”
“I don’t know but I’ll figure it out. I’ll text you if she wants to leave.” I went over to my car and got in. Imani was sitting in the passenger seat wiping her face and I could hear my uncle going clean off. “Damn Mani, you called him?”
“Hell yeah she called me, what the fuck happened Amilia!” My Uncle Nasir shouted through the phone. I could tell he was mad too because he said my first name. Nobody calls me that unless they don’t know me like that or I’m in trouble.
“She tried grabbing her but I was there to stop it and when Darnell popped up she ran off. I don’t know what the holdup is; you need to sleep that bitch.”
“I’m going to handle it alright, Imani are you coming home?”
“No not yet, I’m not ready to leave. I’m staying with Darnell tonight.”
“Alright well Millz you make sure she’s good.”
“I got you Unc,”
“I love y'all, be careful”
“Love you too dad.” Imani told him before she hung up.
“Are you okay now?” I asked her.
“Yeah I’m alright, I need a damn drink.”
“I would get you one but I don’t need Haze trying to knock my head off, you know you can’t hold your liquor. I’ll get you a wine cooler or something.”
“That’s cool.”
“Alright come on, wipe those tears. I told you about letting people see you cry.” She checked her reflection in the mirror then wiped her face before looking at me. “That’s better, come on.” We got out of my car and walked back over to where we were.
When I saw Trouble all hugged up with his girl I had to keep myself from saying something smart. I can’t stand this bitch and by the look on her face she was about to go running off at the mouth like she always does. I looked at Darnell who just shook her head and gave me her cup. I didn’t even bother asking what it was; I saw it was brown so I just downed it. I might as well get fucked up
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Messiah  “Trouble” Garnett
“Yo Millz, you need to chill on the Henny girl.” Vick told her when she poured another cup. I think this was her third one if I’m not mistaken.
“I’m good Vick, I got this trust me.” She told him. He just shrugged his shoulders. She was grown there was nothing he could do about her drinking.
“Nah he’s right Millz. That Henny will have a bitch out here ready to box.” Darnell said while looking at my girl Bianca.
“I saw that shit, cut it out.” Xavier told her but all Darnell did was roll her eyes. It was no secret that Darnell couldn’t stand Bianca, shit neither could Millz and she couldn’t stand them either. I don’t even know what the problem is, they just don’t click.
“I’m about to go find my friends, I’m done with this rude ass company.” Bianca told me while side eyeing Millz and Darnell.
“Well bye then Bicycle.” Millz waved at her with a big smile on her face. I almost wanted to laugh because Millz is the definition of petty but I just left it alone.
“Whatever, I’ll see you later baby.” Bianca kissed me on the lips then walked off.
“You know, you sure know how to pick them my nigga. She’s a keeper,” Millz said before snickering.
“Aye Millz, there go that nigga of yours.” Haze said and she turned around and looked at where he was pointing.
“I’ll be right back.” She walked over to where him and his boys were talking to some girls and I already knew this was about to be a shit show.
If you know Millz, you know she doesn’t play when it comes to that nigga. I’ve seen her swing on that nigga just for looking at another girl. He’s smart enough to not hit her back but Millz be on some next shit, especially when she’s gone off that Henny.
We watched her go over to Prophet and push the bitch he was talking to out of his face before turning all of her attention to him. She grabbed him by the shirt like she was trying to yoke his ass up. Prophet handed his cup to one of his boys then grabbed Millz by the back of her shirt and damn near dragged her ass back over to where we were.
“You act like you losing your fuckin’ mind Millz!” He shouted at her before letting her go. You would think she would try to walk away, nope not her. Millz turned around and mushed him in his face.
“I told you about having bitches in your face; you really like playing with me my nigga. Now if I break that bitch neck I’ll be wrong right.” She got in his face so he grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against Vick’s truck.
“Stop putting your fuckin’ hands in my face Millz I told you that shit already!” Darnell went over to them and pushed Prophet back.
“Alright chill the fuck out man, don’t choke my fuckin’ cousin.” Darnell snapped at him. “Fuck is wrong with you nigga?”
“Darnell mind your business man,” Prophet told her while shaking his head. “She came over there trippin; you should’ve grabbed her ass until waiting until I yoke her ass up. Shit, you the reason she even like this.” He looked at Millz then waved his hand right when she opened her mouth to speak. “I don’t even want you saying shit, just go to my house.” Millz looked at Darnell who just nodded her head.
Millz sucked her teeth then walked off to her car. I wanted to look away from her ass bouncing in the white shorts she was wearing but I couldn’t. Her body was pretty much perfect. I was in a daze until I heard Darnell yelling.
“How the fuck am I the reason for anything she does Prophet? She’s grown!” Darnell yelled at Prophet.
“You never tell her ass when she’s wrong. She just came over there on some bullshit making a fool out of herself and you sitting here telling me to chill like I’m the one that came over here beastin’ on her. You see she didn’t even move until you gave her the nod. Stop making my woman so damn dependent on you man. That shit aint cool, tell her when she’s wrong and let her know that you aint the boss of what the fuck happens over this way. I’m tired of playin’ with her. Fuck outta here.” You could Darnell low key agreed with him because she just shook her head and moved back.
“Now she backin’ up and shit.” Vick said before laughing. “Darnell get over here and let them handle their business. That’s not your nigga, yours is over here ready to snap your neck. You better mind yours.” I looked at Xavier and he was glaring at her. He hated when she jumped in other people’s business because he didn’t like anybody jumping in theirs and neither did she.
“Let’s go Darnell,” Xavier said in a calm tone, too calm actually. She came over to where he was. When she got to him he put his arm around her and whispered in her ear. I don’t know what the fuck he said but she just nodded her head.
“Aye Prophet, handle your business man. Just don’t hit my cousin and we’re good.” Vick told him.
“I’m not putting my hands on her crazy ass but she just gotta stop doing that bullshit man.” Prophet shook his head.
I felt for him a little bit because Millz is a lot to handle. She doesn’t know how to let a man be a man. She’s always trying to control some shit and she doesn’t know when to back down and just let shit go. It’s like she dead set on getting the last word. I give the nigga props though, he has patience. I wouldn’t be able to deal with a woman like that. I’m not stuck in the 50’s or nothing like that but my woman has to know how to play her position. I’m a grown ass man and I’ll be damned if anybody especially my woman is coming at me like she’s running shit and definitely not in public. I don’t play that stupid shit.
We spent a few more hours at Kim’s birthday party before everybody headed out. I got in my car with Bianca then pulled off after honking my horn at Vic and them.
“Are you going home or you coming to my house?” I asked her.
“I’m going to your house.” She answered me. I was about to turn the radio on because I thought she was done but she kept talking. “You know things would be way easier if you just let me move in with you.” Bianca said
I sucked my teeth and glanced at her before turning my eyes back to the road. “Here we go with this. Bianca, what do you need to live with me for?”
“Why can’t I? You’re my man right? What’s wrong with us living together?”
“I’m still waiting for a good reason, us being together aint good enough. You just want to move in so you could be nosey and have your ass all up in my shit.”
“You act like you have something to hide.”
“I don’t have a damn thing to hide at all, but I don’t need you spying on me. I can’t even go get something to eat without somebody reporting my every move to you.”
“My cousins care about me.”
“No your cousins are jealous of you that’s why they’re all up in our shit and dragging you into some drama. You need to stop letting them do that. You’re always trying to help them fight and end up getting your ass whooped.”
“Whatever Trouble, why are you even trying to change the subject? We were talking about me moving in but you wanna talk about my cousins.”
“I don’t want you moving in with me Bianca; we’re not ready for that. Just let it go, it’s really nothing to talk about. You always bring that shit up just to get your feelings hurt.”
She sucked her teeth and sat back with her arms folded. “Take me home.”
“Now you wanna go home? You wanted to come with me a minute ago.”
“Yeah well I changed my mind, take me home.”
“Fine,” I shrugged and made my way to her house. When we pulled up in front of her apartment building I sat back and looked at her. “You’re getting out tonight?”
“You really brought me home?”
“You just said you wanted to go home? The fuck is wrong with you?”
“Alright but you really did it.”
“You damn right, I already told you I’m not for the bullshit games. I don’t do that childish back and forth stuff. Get out.”
“Fuck you Trouble,” She got out of my car and slammed my door. I should’ve got out and choked her ass but that’s what she wanted me to do and I didn’t feel like it so I just pulled off.
Bianca is always bringing up some bullshit just to turn around and get her feelings hurt. Why she keeps doing it, I don’t know but you would think she would know better by now.
 I’ve been with Bianca for two years now and I have love for her but at the same time somethings about her irk the shit out of me. One of them being she doesn’t want to do anything. Right now she has her own apartment and place but the bitch doesn’t work and I pay for everything there. I’ve told her multiple times she needs to do something and she says she will but I never see any progress being made with her.
When I got to my house I got in the shower and threw on some basketball shorts before lying down. I couldn’t even doze off good before my phone started ringing. I looked at it and sucked my teeth when I saw it was Bianca calling me. I didn’t even bother answering; I didn’t feel like dealing with her or talking to her. She wasn’t going to do shit but piss me off. I’m not that nigga Prophet, I’ll be damned if anybody especially my woman is coming at my neck like I’m a little ass girl. I’ll just leave her alone and let her get her mind right, and if she doesn’t we don’t have shit to talk about.
Walking into the tattoo shop I decided to open with Vick I chuckled when I saw him going back and forth with his girlfriend Gianna. I already knew how this was going to end. She was going to slap his ass then he would go begging her not to dump him.
“What’s good y’all?” I asked, getting their attention.
“That nigga is right there. Ask him if I was on some bitch at the party.” Vick said to Gianna. She looked at me like she was waiting for me to lie for his ass.
“He’s your friend Vick; he’s going to lie for you. My cousin told me she saw you on that bald headed bitch Courtney.”
“I didn’t even see Courtney and tell your cousin to mind her fuckin’ business. She’s always in your ear about me like she hasn’t tried to have my dick in her mouth multiple times. I told you that bitch is phony as fuck.”
“Yeah whatever, let me worry about my family. I don’t say shit about yours so don’t come at mine, now were you with that bitch?”
“No! I keep telling you that but you wanna act like you deaf. I got clients about to come in I don’t have time for this bullshit.”
“I’m just asking you to be sure, stop screaming at me nigga.” She snapped back at his ass.
Gianna and Vick are something else but they were the perfect match. Both of them are crazy as shit when it comes to their relationship. I’ve watched her drag the shit out of some bitches over this fool, in all honesty she fights like a nigga. That’s probably why she and Darnell get along so well. They’re both grown men stuck in female bodies.
“You’re getting on my fuckin’ nerves with this bullshit. I didn’t do shit at the party, damn. Don’t you have a job to go to?”
“You don’t think hearing about you on other bitches is annoying to me nigga? Watch the shit you do Vick.” She grabbed her bag off the front desk and walked out damn near slamming the door behind her.
“Damn, trouble in paradise nigga?” I asked before laughing.
“Shut the fuck up nigga,” He shook his head. “What the fuck is wrong with these chicks man? I didn’t even do shit and I got her coming at my neck.”
“You already know how Gi is, why are you shocked? I told you when we saw Bri’s dumb ass she was going to make up some bullshit.”
Bri is Gianna’s cousin who can’t keep her nose out of their business. Everybody except GiGi realizes it’s because she wants Vick for herself. I told him he just needs to get rid of that bitch, go dump her ass somewhere but he calls me crazy whenever I bring the shit up.
“I don’t have time for that shit. If I keep getting accused I’m really going to give her a reason to think I’m doing some shit.”
“And she’s going to kill you, Gi is crazy as hell you might not want to do that.”
“Whatever man, what you doing here anyway?”
“Got a client coming in for some big shit on their back. You know I only come in when the shit is worth it. Haze coming by later, I got a job for him.”
“What’s the deal?”
“I got a call last night, niggas trying to move in on territory that doesn’t belong to them and I’m not feelin’ that shit.”
“You know that nigga Paco? He just got out like six months ago.”
“Oh you’re talking about that big buff for no reason ass nigga. So how are you handling it?”
“You already know how I do. I don’t linger on shit and I’m not with that tit for tat shit either. He’ll be out of the way by tomorrow morning.”
“Dumb nigga, all he had to do was get down with us but nah. Nigga wanna be difficult and shit.”
“Well he’s just going to personally find out why they call me Trouble.” I shrugged.
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