#my pen still not confiscated
steelsartcorner · 4 months
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shadowheart has fallen to the make-everything-hades-game-forever fever... her boons definitely make for the strongest cast builds in the game
others in this style (ish): the dark urge (OC); minthara (bg3), Karlach (bg3), gale (bg3), halsin(bg3), lae'zel (bg3), wyll (bg3), astarion (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
p-please... my pen.... someone take it away
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arctic-hands · 3 months
Does the number 4 have any meaning outside of East Asian superstition? I vividly remember being obsessed with writing the number 4 on all my clothes in middle school (two thousand and five to two thousand and seven, if there was any pop culture significance around that time) and I can't remember the logic of my little manic depressive brain in doing that, and all I can guess at is that it was a lingering factoid in my brain from the Japanese classes my school had from first to third grade and that it was part of my death obsession
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
New Girlfriend II
Lucy Bronze x Teen!Reader
Ona Batlle x Teen!Reader
Summary: Ona's tipsy
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It's hard to hate Ona.
You kind of wish you could regardless of the truce you have going on with her.
She's over all the time. She's always in your house and your face and you hate that she asks about school.
It was always Keira's job to help you with your homework. You miss Keira a lot which is probably why you stick heavily to her side when your Mum hosts a bonding night for the team.
You sit next to her and let her give you a hug that you sag happily into. You used to see Keira all the time but it's Ona that you see more often now.
It's strange but you're working on it because you think your Mum is really in love with Ona and she's so happy so you're sucking it up.
It doesn't mean that you don't stick to Keira whenever you can.
Originally, you thought it would get you some respite from Ona but it seemed that even Keira had a good relationship with her so, as you sat at the kitchen table, leaning against Keira as she helped you with your homework, Ona appeared out of seemingly thin air.
Her cheeks have a red kind of sheen that you know comes from the alcohol in her glass. She's a little tipsy, just like most of the girls in the house.
"You're so smart," She giggles as you scrawl down the equation Keira explains to you," Both of you. So smart." She breaks off into a fit of giggles and Keira leaves your side to guide Ona into a chair.
"How about we sit down?" Keira says as she takes the drink from Ona," And have some water."
Ona's giggling again and it's a little unnerving. She reaches across the table and holds the hand you're not using to write. Another wave of giggles. "You're so smart. Is it hard? Being smart all the time?"
"It must be," You mutter," Because this is my birthday party and I'm stuck doing homework."
You hadn't really wanted to do anything for your birthday. You didn't have any friends at your new school (the accent of your spoken Spanish tended to put people off) but your Mum took any excuse to get a bit tipsy without consequences and the team had ended up around your place to 'celebrate' which really acted as a dual celebration of the big one they just had over Real Madrid.
"That's sad," Ona says," I wasn't good at school. You're doing it in a different language."
You sigh softly, shaking your head in amusement as she continues to talk earnestly to you, making sure to keep eye contact so she's sure that you're understanding her.
"Lucy's so proud of you, she tells me all the time."
That shocks you a little bit. You hadn't really considered what your Mum and Ona talked about when you weren't there. Truly, you had imagined that their time was taken up by kissing.
"I want you to like me," Ona continues, still giggling and completely flushed in the face," How can I make you like me more? Arcade? Food? Food! Let's order food!"
"Let's not order food," Mum says as she approaches. She's not as tipsy as Ona is but there's a little flush to her skin. "Because then we've got to pay for everyone's."
"No!" Ona says with that dopey smile that she always gets when your Mum is holding her. "Just for the birthday girl." She looks at you again. "Ooh! Let's get cake!"
Mum laughs, leaning down to whisper in Ona's ear about something.
Keira, who you thought would be fairly awkward around the couple, just shakes her head fondly. "You two are gross," She declares with a laugh, confiscating both of their drinks. She's the most sober person in the house. "You're already lovey-dovey at practice."
Mum laughs. "This is my house, Kei. I can be lovey-dovey if I want."
"You're scarring her!" She says," Look at her!"
You've got your nose all wrinkled up in disgust and Mum leans over to pinch at her cheek.
"Don't lie, Kei! She loves this!"
You push her away in annoyance and try to throw your pen at her but you're caught off guard by Ona hugging you tight. You didn't realise she was such a sentimental drunk.
"You're so smart."
Oh, she's back on that.
"Lucy, tell her she's smart!"
"Very smart," Mum says. You're trapped by Ona so can't escape when Mum places a big, wet kiss on your cheek and then grabs you in a headlock. "My smart little girl!"
"Mum!" You cry out," Let go! Come on, let go!"
"No!" Mum laughs," You're a proper teenager now! My little birthday girl!"
"It's your birthday!" Ona exclaims like it's the first time she's heard the news," I got you a gift!" She pats wildly at her pockets before coming up empty. "Lucy, where's my gift?"
Mum's only half paying attention as she rubs her knuckles against your hair as you fight to get away, tears of laughter streaming down your cheeks. "Er...I don't know? I think you called it an experience?"
"Ah! Ah!" You had to admit (begrudgingly), Ona jumping up and down in triumph was kind of cute. "We will go to the beach! There is an arcade there! A big one! Bigger than the one here!"
It stumped you for a moment. Your love for arcades wasn't something that you talked a lot about but clearly, Ona remembered. She's smiling at you now and you tear your gaze away to look at your Mum.
"Really? And you're okay with going?"
"I'm going to the beach," Mum says," You and Ona can waste all the money you want but I'm working on my tan."
Ona sticks her tongue out. "Buzzkill."
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 20 days
Divus Crewel with the Kid from Don't Whack Your Teacher
Strictly Platonic. Also, I just realized that hearts aren't gonna stop Tumblr from deleting some of my posts.
Warnings: Heavy Violence, Swearing, IF YOU'VE HEARD OF THIS GAME I SWEAR NO ONE'S GONNA DIE.
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• Let's just say that you got enrolled here by your parents or escorted by the Ebony Carriage. Either way, you're gonna be here for the rest of the school years :)!
• You'll be 13 years old here. Everyone was surprised by how young you are and underestimated you, especially Savanaclaw students, but they backed off after you gave them the impression of not to treat you like a child. How? We'll see...
• Crewel's first impression of you was normal, at first. He sees that you're a very quiet pup and always mind your own business. However, he doesn't like how your attention is always glued to your phone... You're just like that Shroud pup. Because of that, he would always remind the class to put away their gadgets before starting the lesson.
{Alchemy Classroom}
Ace: "Pssst! Crewel's walking over here!"
Kid! Yuu: "😶!"
Deuce: "Kid! Yuu, please put your phone away!"
• One time, he saw you looking at your phone during one of his pop quizzes and and got infuriated. He walked up to you and tapped your shoulder with his pointer stick. You put your game on pause to look up.
Kid! Yuu: "...Huh?"
Crewel: "And look what we have here..."
• He snatched the phone before you could even hide it. He hold up the phone in the air and glared at you.
Crewel: "I will be confiscating this for a week."
Kid! Yuu: "😡"
Crewel: "That look won't work on me, young pup. Focus on the quiz!"
Kid! Yuu: *grumbles*
Ace: "I warned ya."
• You couldn't stand a week without your phone. After today's classes, you told Grim to go home without you and you head straight to the faculty room to recover your confiscated gadget. You knocked on the door and one of the staff ghosts answered. You ask the ghost if you could see Professor Crewel and ask him about an assignment. The ghost let you in and guided you to his office.
Staff Ghost, knocks at the door: "Mr. Crewel?"
Crewel: "Yes?"
Staff Ghost: "A student wants to see you."
Crewel: "Oh? Come in then."
Staff Ghost: "He said you can come in. I'll be off now."
Kid! Yuu: "Thanks...."
Staff Ghost: "Don't mention it, kid."
{Crewel's Office}
• You opened the door and stepped inside the office. Crewel was writing away at his desk, recording scores from the students' quiz papers. He raised his head and his brows furrowed at you.
Crewel: "Ah... Young pup. I was about to ask someone to fetch you. Sit down, we need to talk."
Kid! Yuu, sits down: "......"
• Crewel started searching his desk drawers. The room was silent, only the sound of the wall clock ticking and the flipping of papers. You analyzed the room, it's much cleaner than the average teacher's office. There are shelves containing bottles, books, and scrolls. A coat rack for holding Crewel's fur coat but the man is still wearing it. His desk has papers stacked up (most likely Crowley gave him extra paperwork), a couple of pens, a stapler, a trashcan on the side, and of course, the chairs you and him are sitting on.
Crewel: "Hmmm... Where is it?... Ah, here it is."
• Crewel pulled out a file and scanned through it. He sets the file down on the desk, pointing at the paper.
Crewel: "Pup, while I've been recording your scores, I'm disappointed that you scored lowest out of everyone. It was a 50 item test, yet you scored none."
Kid! Yuu: "...."
Crewel: "I don't understand this. Do you even value your grades? You're a prodigy, correct? You should be smarter than this... You must pay more attention to class lessons. When the master orders that you listen, you must listen. If you won't, you'll be dropped out, have I made myself clear, pup?."
Kid! Yuu: ".................."
Crewel: "Speak up."
Kid! Yuu: "..............................."
Crewel: "*sigh*, fine. If this is about your phone, I won't be returning it for a week. And looking at your score, I'll be extending the confiscation."
• Now this is one of the aspect of yours that Crewel does not like. You are too quiet. But for a quiet person your actions are very loud, considering the amount of Savanaclaw students terrified of your wrath. Crowley insisted that the faculty should turn a blind eye from your rudeness and keeping you here just because he doesn't want to deal with the Overblots. Grim's presence around you doesn't help either.
Crewel: "If you want to me to give you a second chance, I'll give you limited time to study and memorize all the magic elements and potions for this semester. Afterwards, come to my office again and I will provide a do-over sheet of the quiz, understand pup?"
Kid! Yuu: "........yes."
Crewel: "Speak up."
Kid! Yuu: "....yes."
Crewel: "It's "Yes, Professor Crewel.""
Kid! Yuu: "Ugh....Yes, Professor Crewel..."
Crewel: "... I know that you are younger than the average student, but pup, you must act like a decent adult so that everyone won't treat you like you're a bratty mutt. You're lucky that you're a child otherwise I would be far stricter. But that doesn't mean I'll turn a blind eye for you during my lectures. Now if you don't have any more questions, you are dismissed."
• You stood and take your bag, excited that you'll be leaving Crewel's boring scolding. You turn the door handle but Crewel stopped you...
Crewel: "Stay, pup!"
Kid! Yuu: "!!!"
Crewel: "What in the..."
• Crewel scanned through the file again and read another paper. It says...
"Due to Kid! Yuu's violent behavior and tendencies, they will be expelled from Elementary School. The undeniable evidence of their expulsion relating to the case of the assaulted and murdered teacher which ultimately resulted to them being the suspect as the fingerprints of the weapon matches theirs. However, the suspect escaped the arrest, including their parents. Until now, the police department still have no lead to where the suspect is hiding. If you have any contact with the suspect, please report immediately to the authorities."
Crewel: "....Pup, explain thi--"
• If Crewel hadn't raised his head for 5 seconds, his head would have been skewered by his own coat rack. He dodged the attack, making sure that the distance between you and him won't let you go near him, and pulled out his magical pointer at the ready. Angered by Crewel's quick reflexes, you dropped the rack and equipped the chair. You chased him around the room, trying to find an opening from his defensive attacks.
Kid! Yuu: "......!"
• Despite your assault, Crewel took precaution in casting minor damage and restraining spells to not heavily injure you for you are still but a child. You got tired of chasing him around so you climbed up his desk and equipped the wall clock.
Kid! Yuu: "...YAH!"
• You threw the wall clock towards Crewel like a frisbee but he summoned a shield before it could hit his right knee. You even more became more agitated and more aggressive. This time you equipped his pens and charged at the man. Crewel counterattacks your makeshift stabbing tools but he was too slow to counter the half-shattered potion bottle and you stabbed him with the pointed shards.
Crewel: "!!!"
Kid! Yuu: "...pant...pant..."
• Drops of red dripped to the floor. You looked up at his face, expecting to see his pained expression, but you stepped back after seeing the shock twisted into the angered face of a devil. His fur coat was thick so you didn't stab him that deep. The man stared at his ruined coat and back to you with almost murderous intentions.
Crewel: "...Why you little mutt..."
Kid! Yuu: "!!"
• Looks like your punching and kicking won't do anything as the man grabbed you by the collar and shouted for the Security Ghosts.
• The loud volume from the man made you cover your ears. You then feel Crewel moving and slamming your body onto a chair and summoned leather belts around your arms. You struggled breaking through the belts to the point of trying to bite it off. Crowley and the guards arrived, their jaws agape seeing Divus' damaged office.
Ghost Guard A: "W-what happened here, sir?"
Ghost Guard B: "Did someone attack you?"
Crowley: "Divus! What is--"
Crewel: "CROWLEY."
Crowley: "...gulp...y-yes..?"
Crowley: "W-well now, Crewel, I think you're overexaggerating-"
Crowley: "Oh Sevens! That must explain the mess. Your office does look like a tornado flew in here."
Crowley: "What? No! I beg your pardon, Crewel. But I won't-"
Ghost Guards: "Looks like the file checks out. Kid's an actual killer."
Ghost Guard B: "Oh welp. Sorry kid, but you're gonna have to come with us."
Kid! Yuu: "😮‍💨..."
• After Crewel patches up his stab wound, he dragged you by the ear and ordered Crowley to call for the Ebony Carriage to send you to the police department. They also made sure to accompany you with a Ghost Guard to make sure you won't try anything and explain to the authorities about what you've done. Crewel finally exhaled a sigh of relief... He can't believe he almost got murdered! Attempted by a child no less!
Grim: "H-hey! Who the heck are you people?! Where are you taking my henchman?!"
Ghost Guard A: "We're arresting them."
Ramshackle Ghosts: "WHAT?!"
Grim: "Fnyaagh! Give them back!! Kid! Yuu!!!"
• Crewel gave Crowley an earful back at the faculty room, much for Mozus' delight since he also cannot stand your rude behavior. Vargas will miss a capable and athletic student like you but he also felt annoyed by your ignorance. Grim was in the hands of ADeuce since you're not by his side anymore, the feline tried to convince ADeuce that he doesn't miss you and failed. Sam is not that involved in your student life, so he was surprised that a student like you had the audacity to assault a faculty staff. The only times that you and Sam interacted was when you bought candies from his store. He could tell that you're constantly in a bad mood and the other NRC students are not helping that, Sam remembers trying to cheer you up a couple of times by sneaking a few more candies for free, the image of your childish smile still fresh in his mind. He felt bad when he heard from Crewel about your expulsion, but it's for the best.................. That's what they all thought.
• Turns out that the Ebony Carriage sent you back! How or why did it happen? Even the Dark Mirror doesn't know. Crewel, still pissed off, decided to call the police in front of the gates. They took you but the carriage always send you back. Every. Single. Time... Crowley insisted that you must stay since the Ebony Carriage sees potential in you. What even kind of potential is that? You're practically more hostile than Floyd, for seven sakes! After trying and failing to arrest you too many times, Crewel got exhausted and stopped. Grim was happy that you're back and kept bawling that you left him.
Grim: "Fnaa... Fnyaaah! Henchman, you're back! You better buy me tuna cans for leaving me for so long!"
Crowley: "Aha! You see, Mr. Crewel? They do have potential to do better, wouldn't you say? The Ebony Carriage escorting them back is proof of that."
Crewel: "Potential to be what? A serial killer?"
Crowley: "No! I mean- the potential to be a student here in NRC. I am certainly sure that if you give them a second chance they won't do it again. Right, Kid! Yuu?"
Kid! Yuu: *nods yes*
Crowley: "Aaand... because of how generous I am, I will overlook your criminal record in your file for as long as they behave!"
Crewel: "They act like that once more, Crowley, and I will file a lawsuit against you."
Crowley: "Why don't we make a wager? If Kid! Yuu behaves for more than 6 months, they'll stay. If they cannot do that, then you can expel them and hand them over to the police."
Sam: "Hey Vargas, why don't we make a bet of our own?"
Vargas: "Hmm...Depends. Who are you betting on?"
Sam: "I'll bet that Kid! Yuu lasts here for 7 months, you'll help me lift the crates at the shop for a week?"
Vargas: "Then I'll bet that Kid! Yuu lasts for 4 months, you'll give me a sack of protein powder for free?"
Sam: "You're on."
Trein: "sigh...Idiots."
Crewel: "... Alright, fine. Have it YOUR way, but I will not be sparing you from learning discipline from me. You will be fixing my office and clean it. Why in Twisted Wonderland did even you attack me in the first place?"
Kid! Yuu: "...cuz... I don't want any more of my stuff...to get confiscated by you..."
Crewel: "......... Seriously? All this damage for a phone?! Pup, can't you see that violence only makes things worse?"
Kid! Yuu: ".... I'm sorry...for... y'know..."
Crewel: "Hm? Speak clearly!"
Kid! Yuu: "...I'm sorry... About the damage to your office... And I'm sorry about trying to kill you... I'm sorry."
Crewel: "Good. Now pick up those cleaning materials and get to work!"
• So in the end, you atoned for the shitty things you did. Crewel made you promise that you won't fight with other students, especially Savanaclaw students. You started to use honorifics toward your elders too, Trein was pleased. Due to Crewel's training of manners and Trein's training of etiquette, you became more of a decent student, albeit, still a little murderous. Sam was happy to see you shopping in his shop again.
• However, the staff can tell that you've developed a habit of being... difficult sometimes. The training and extra lessons didn't make your sociopathic tendencies go down but it appears less now. Crewel has learned that Vargas' reflex lessons helped to avoid stationery projectiles you throw once in a while during his class. You mostly do that in an act of showing frustration from the multiple tasks he's given the class.
{Alchemy Classroom}
Crewel: "This 17th century potion was brewed by the Graystone family and was usually used to increase their children's appetite so that their intake of food will be normal and they'll become healthy in later years... So for today's assignment, I'll be grouping the students in this class into 4 and each group must have a presentation according to the steps of brewing the exact potion. The deadline is due tomorrow on 5:00pm--"
Ace: "W-WHAT THE-- Who threw a ruler at the professor?!"
Deuce: "Th-they almost stabbed the back of his head!"
• The class was startled by the sound of something sharp being thrown and dug into the blackboard just a few inches beside Crewel's head. The man only tilted his head a bit before the ruler could get even a strand of his hair (all thanks to Coach Vargas). Crewel calmly turned around with a stern expression and glared at your direction.
Crewel: "No, pup. I will not extend the deadline.
Kid! Yuu, raising a pencil: "......"
Crewel: "And no, your empty threats will not force me to group you with Spade and Trappola. Now go to your group!"
Kid! Yuu, drops the pencil: *grumbles*
• The students fell silent as you grumbled back into your seat. Half of the students assumed that you have gotten violent enough to no longer make Crewel panic but made him rather annoyed by it. Ace and Deuce sat beside you, the ginger-haired boy grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you while the Blue-haired boy rambled on and on about how dangerous your stunt was.
Ace: "What the hell, Kid! Yuu?! I can't tell if that was horrific or badass but don't EVER do that again! The Savanaclaw students are bad enough, seriously, does your stupidity know no bounds?!"
Deuce: "You should be ashamed of yourself. W-what if your parents will be disappointed? I know you're a little younger than us but we're still classmates. We can't meet you if you go to jail! Who will feed Grim?!"
Ace: "Yeah! We really don't wanna deal with him again!"
• You drowned out their voices by doodling lines on your paper since your phone was still confiscated. You just nodded to their ramblings and contemplated on not doing it again for your sake. That said, you think you'll stop by Sam's to buy Grim tuna.
• Also, Sam won the bet.
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see-arcane · 1 year
Cards with the Count
Thinking about how Jonathan is trying to pass the time during Vampire Hell Staycation with all the books in the library (a guaranteed Dracula Zone), no stationery (bastard), and a finite amount of secret pen ink and secret diary pages left at his disposal (shit). Reading and writing and art are all out. What’s left?
I like to think, in this order:
1)    He remembers that he has a pack of playing cards in the general luggage Dracula didn’t snatch. A gift Lucy had bestowed on him and Mina, a pack apiece, as she insisted that it was the best way to pass an hour in dreary company that wasn’t to do with gossip or politics.
2)    He doesn’t normally play, if only because he doesn’t have the coin to meet any real gambling stranger at a table. Just a ‘for fun’ thing.
3)    Fuck it. Solitaire. Card towers. It’s something to keep his mind off the…everything.
4)    He gets exactly one (1) day/evening of peace with this. Then:
5)    “Whatever are you up to, my friend?” 
(He didn’t even use the door to give Jonathan time to hide the pack. Misted in. No shadow to give him away. Fantastic.) Jonathan staples his smile back in place and rattles off something apologetic, so sorry, was he keeping the Count waiting? Let him just put this away, he wouldn’t be interested—
6)    Smash cut to the library. The cards are now unofficially confiscated/a staple of the Dracula Zone, alongside the fancy crystal chessboard the Count loves to crush him with on a semi-regular basis. Jonathan is walking him through the rules of sundry card games. Unsurprisingly, he latches onto the concept of American poker readily. The game is a soup of similar European predecessors that light up his eyes with recognition—primero, poque, brelan—sewn together with England’s game of brag into a medley of the initial rules, both written and unwritten.
7)    “A game of skill, then?”
“Skill, acting, and luck.”
Dracula grins as he produces a ransom of gold coins to use as chips. Jonathan deals. 
(What are the extra rules here? Does he throw every hand? Does he play in earnest and inevitably lose anyway? Does it even matter? It isn’t chess, after all. Not a proper strategy game. Cards happen. Guesswork happens. A winner and loser every turn. What does it matter?)
8)    Jonathan realizes two dozen hands later that what matters is, apparently, his face. One that, likewise apparently, cannot be read by the Count in this game. Out of those two dozen hands, Jonathan has won eighteen. Of those eighteen, his hand was the clear dud for nine. Through it all, Dracula’s eyes keep jumping from his own hand to Jonathan’s tired gaze. When Jonathan wins the twenty-fifth hand and the mountain of gold on his side of the table risks toppling off the edge, Dracula bites out a word Jonathan is sure is too caustic to have a spot in the lost polyglot dictionary.
9)    “You have a gift for schooling your face, my friend.” Every word is an icicle; each as sharp as the canines jutting out of the rictus grin.
“I don’t,” Jonathan says. 
And it’s true. Now he’s schooling his face—first lesson of anyone destined for the realm of serving others—but in the game, he’s barely thinking of anything else beyond the ticking of the clock. To punctuate this, he slides the heap of gold back to Dracula’s side of the table. 
“This is only a game for the fun of it. In a game with stakes, there would be something worth playing and worrying for. When you get to England,” his face is very, very schooled as he says this, “you’ll find a much more varied competition at gambling tables. The players who really train their expressions can do so with fortunes at stake, while novices reveal every victory or loss plainly on their face.”
10) Dracula considers this. And smiles.
11) “Ah, then there must be stakes before we can play the game properly. Still, you have won the bulk of these rounds, my friend—” his hand seems like it wants to be strangling something when it drums atop the gold heap, “—and done me the charity of not taking your rightful winnings.” He throws down his cards. Ace and deuce of spades. “I shall have to speak with the kitchen about producing a stand-in prize.” 
He leaves. Jonathan doesn’t blink when he hears the door lock behind him. A card pyramid is erected.
12) Paprika hendl for supper. As excellent as he remembers. Huzzah.
13) The next time he’s herded into the library, he sees what looks suspiciously like his travel paraphernalia flimsily hidden behind a bit of drapery. Dracula is shuffling the deck.
14) “A true prize on the table this time, my friend. I know you are one to appreciate the splendor of our beautiful country, just as I know it is, for your own safety, quite impossible to go exploring alone in the wild. Too many wolves about. But if you win the majority tonight, I shall see to it that my driver takes a leave from his own many errands to escort you beyond the castle for a time, if you so wish.”
“…And if I lose the majority?” He can’t help it: “I’m sure there’s little from me you’d be interested in.”
Dracula grins.
“We shall think of something, I’m certain. Here. Deal.”
15) As expected, Jonathan’s face isn’t effortlessly unreadable in its misery anymore. He has something to play for, even if his trust in Dracula’s dangling carrot on the stick is nigh nonexistent. He loses more. He struggles more. He worries more…
16) …But the wins and losses remain surprisingly even. On into the dawn they play, matching victory for victory. Even the Count seems puzzled. Jonathan is just tired. He was never going to win. The ‘driver’ will fall to some mysterious ailment, his possessions will disappear the moment he’s sent out of the room ahead of the Count. To Hell with it.
17) “I forfeit. We remain tied, so neither has to lose.” A sour smile curls. “Besides, I have kept you up too late again.”
“One more.”
“We can say you won—,”
Dracula gives him a Look.
Jonathan sits again. Plays again.
Wins again.
Dracula hisses several words the polyglot dictionary would be scandalized to translate. Jonathan feels the first genuine smile he’s wanted to make in a month and a half try to creep up on his lips, and stifles it.
18) Dracula turns over his cards and thumbs though the deck as if looking for a conspirator. He even scowls at Jonathan’s forearms, both bare through the whole game as he’d rolled up his sleeves. Still grumbling, his thumbnail finally hooks a card that makes a cloud pass over his face.
19) “What. Is this?”
Jonathan looks.
“Oh, that’s just a Joker.”
“Yes, I thought I’d taken him out. He’s not a usable card in this game, but he’s sometimes used as a trump or wild card in others. That is, he’s there to turn the tide for whoever gets to play him.”
Jonathan reaches for the card to tuck it back in the box. Dracula pulls it out of reach, walks to the fireplace, and flicks it into the flames.
“Say what you will, but I recognize a symbol of sabotage when I see it. It should not be in the deck at all!” Still watching the little harlequin turn to cinders, he flaps his other hand at Jonathan. “Go rest, my friend. Take that infernal game with you. It is not a respectable pastime for men of our like.”
20) Jonathan gathers up the deck, gives his travel kit a last mournful look, and leaves for his bedroom, knowing not to ask after the walk in the forest as he goes. In his bed, he empties the deck into his hand again and thinks on four things.
21) He turns the deck’s neglected second Joker over in his fingers, the impish face seeming to hold a secret in its grin.
22) When he wakes next, he isn’t surprised to find the deck has been stolen. It doesn’t trouble him. Somehow, it even produces a tired grin on his face. It nearly matches the painted thing hidden, wild and powerful, in the pages of his journal.
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
a brief history of Navarre - x.r.
Xaden Riorson x marked!partner!reader (gn) Midterm week at Basgiath has you wanting to pull an all-nighter to study, but Xaden won’t let you. requested as part of my Valentine’s day celly 💕 (gonna be posting these well into March, oops) words: 745 🏷: no book spoilers and no triggers, just X taking care of his partner. established relationship between reader and Xaden. the reader wears one of Xaden’s shirts, but there is no description of how it fits on them (we bigger / taller girls are tired of reading that [character]’s clothes are soo oversized and long on us!) shoutout to the people who put a full timeline of the continent’s history online bc I was too lazy to find it all in my copy lol
“I’m calling it a night,” Xaden announces, closing his textbook. “Gonna go shower.”
You hum in acknowledgement, pen between your teeth as you read the same page for the fifth time tonight, still trying to cram six hundred years of history into your brain. You’ve been sitting on his floor for hours, and the lines of text are starting to blur together, words starting to look misspelled and foreign, losing their meaning with repetition.
You spent too much time reviewing the first fifty decades. You still have nearly another hundred years to cover, from 530 to present. 
It has not escaped your notice that the book reduces the Tyrrish revolution to an afterthought, at the end of the text. The belittling words they’d chosen to describe your parents’ valiant effort had nearly been enough for Xaden to light the entire volume on fire, but he’d settled for ripping that page out of his copy and letting Sgaeyl torch it.
You’d left it in yours as a reminder that these people are not on your side, nor will they ever be. 
The running water stops, Xaden stepping back into the room a moment later. “You’re still studying?” He asks, rubbing at his hair with a towel. “You must be really into that book if you aren’t checking me out right now. I’m literally dripping.” 
He’s a little offended that you don’t even look up as you answer. 
“This is important, Xay. It’s a third of our final grade.”
He dries his hands on his pants, taking the book from your hands easily -- your grip on it has loosened with your exhaustion.
You protest, but he shushes you. “Why did Poromiel not unite with Navarre after the great war?”
It takes you a moment to respond, pushing through the sleepy fog to find the answer. “Religious differences”, you reply tiredly. “And their king did not want to share his throne with Navarre’s.”
“Good. When was the second Cygni Incursion?”
“And the second Krovlan uprising?”
He shuts the book, gathering your notes into a neat stack. “You know this stuff, darling. You’re going to pass this exam with flying colors and set the curve for the whole class, but only if you get some sleep.”
Materials now confiscated, you have nowhere to look except up at him, and your resolve immediately starts to crumble.
He’s ready for bed, dressed only in a pair of black sweatpants that drape across his hips and cover the muscle of his legs, but every other inch of skin is exposed; the relic swirling up his muscled arm, the definition of his chest and stomach, the broad expanse of his shoulders…
You’re too tired to jump his bones right now, but it would be nice to stop, to cuddle up with him, to fall asleep in his arms. Your schedules are packed with classes, studying, training, his wingleader duties, and your responsibility for the younger marked ones. It’s been nearly a week since you’ve been able to hold him for more than five minutes. His skin is always so warm against yours, and his mattress is certainly more comfortable than the hardwood floor… 
You hesitate, still eyeing the book in his hands. “I don’t know…”
“Yes, you do. C’mere.”
You sigh, letting him pull you up from the floor. Your muscles sing in relief as you stand, your back aching from being hunched over for hours. You relax into him, resting your eyes for a minute.
“Go brush your teeth,” he encourages.
You don’t want to move from his arms, but three years of dating the boy has taught you that he won’t yield on matters of your health. You sigh, heading to the bathroom.
When you get back, he’s packing everything into your bag for tomorrow — or today, rather. You’d started studying after dinner, and now it’s well after midnight. 
He helps you out of the day-old clothes and into one of his shirts and a clean pair of underwear -- you keep a few days of necessities here for moments like these. 
You curl into his side, pulling the blankets overtop of you, and the swirling thoughts are replaced with the easy contentment that comes with being held by your partner.
“You’re going to do great,” he whispers, smoothing a hand over your back. “Just get some rest, okay?”
You don’t respond, already lulled to sleep by the steadiness of his heartbeat and the warmth of his arms around you.
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snowjanuscentral · 9 months
Omg there so much potential Even sejanus reading into things that aren’t there and like thinking Coriolanus likes him more than he actually does and making a romantic move on avox corio lol
Literally I have so many thoughts about Avox!Coriolanus, I have a fic outline but i'm gonna treat you to some headcanons, i'm Not Okay about this
(In this au, Gaul is even more psychopathic than she is in the book - she cares so deeply about the perpetual state of war, and a twisted fairness in the games, that she perceives Coriolanus' actions as unforgiveable, and effectively discards him. She can always find another star pupil to take under her wing)
Coriolanus is accused of being a traitor to the Capitol due to his aiding of Lucy Gray in the games. To preserve the sanctity of the games, Lucy Gray is pardoned, as she has been 'manipulated' by Snow's evil rebel tendencies. In reality, she takes a deal to return to District Twelve by throwing Coriolanus under the bus.
The footage of Coriolanus attempting to rescue Sejanus from the arena is heavily edited to make it appear as though Coriolanus snuck into the arena and killed Bobbin to give Lucy Gray an unfair advantage.
Sejanus' role in the arena break-in is forgiven due to Strabo making a sizeable donation to the games.
The Snow family reputation is irrevocably destroyed - thankfully, the Capitol public holds great pity for Tigris and the Grandma'am, as they appear to be such fragile and pathetic creatures.
Plot Points In My Brain That Will Not Leave Me Alone
Coriolanus is utterly broken by the whole situation. Even when he was almost destitute, he could rely on his wit, charisma, manipulations and lies to get him out of trouble. That has all been stripped away. His own selfishness and hunger has ruined everything
Mr and Mrs Plinth are offered Coriolanus by Dr Gaul, and they agree to take him, albeit for different reasons; Strabo, to teach Sejanus the lesson he still hasn't learned about the Capitol, and Mrs Plinth, to try and give Coriolanus an easier life than he would experience elsewhere. They keep this acquisition to themselves.
Coriolanus stays in a room at the end of the servants quarters. In the first week, he doesn't come out of his tiny box room. Sejanus visits him on that first night, but Coriolanus doesn't even acknowledge his presence.
There are other Avoxes in the Plinth household, of course, but they hardly interact with Coryo. He isn't obedient, he isn't anything bar borderline catatonic, and they've learned the hard way what that leads to.
Eventually Coriolanus is coaxed out into the greater Plinth residence, and Sejanus treats him nicely enough, but Coryo cannot bring himself to eat. It's too painful on his throat, the food given to him far too rich, Sejanus far too sweet. He cries.
They settle into a new normal, but Coriolanus struggles to pick up the sign language the avoxes use. Not that Sejanus would understand it. Sejanus procures a notepad and pen for Coriolanus to write out his thoughts. It is confiscated by Strabo.
Sejanus misinterprets Coriolanus' eventual acquiescence to his circumstances as comfort. He thinks Coriolanus is becoming content in his company; instead, he has allowed the overwhelm to consume him. Coriolanus feels safer in Sejanus' presence, but not safe.
Coriolanus has nightmares often, and sleeps poorly. It is late one night in Sejanus' room, and he is reading a book, Sejanus reading out the words. They are sitting next to each other, and Coriolanus tires, eventually nodding off with his head on Sejanus' shoulder.
Sejanus begins to enjoy having Coriolanus at his beck and call, just as Coriolanus becomes accustomed to following orders.
It is another late night when Sejanus' hands begin to wander. It is not something Coriolanus has anticipated. He lets it happen anyway.
(I literally have so many thoughts and feelings, I WILL WRITE THIS FIC I PROMISE!!)
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Risky Business: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: The repercussions of being in prison finally take a toll on you. You're yelling at everyone, short and curt, and you're in a constant state of wanting to cry. Will this bitter cycle ever end?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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As soon as he is done at the hospital, the police station is exactly where Chris ends up at. You, Derek, and Spencer are talking to him in a private room but he isn't saying anything. He's nervously playing with his fingers which is enough to paint a pretty picture for you. The picture is of his dad with his hands around Chris' throat.
His dad's been hurting him. There's a reason why you don't like him.
"Christopher, we know you've been going through a lot since your mother died," Derek starts. "When bad things happen to us, we get frustrated, kid. Sometimes we act out and do things we're not proud of."
He's not engaging in the conversation. He can barely look at either one of you. It's almost Friday and you're not a single step closer to finding out who made the website. If he doesn't talk, people will play it and die. Hotch seems to think that as long as he's here, he can't post.
You have a sick feeling he's not the one monitoring that website.
Penelope immediately did a search for Chris and his family. It's not a shocker that he's a loner but it's a shock that he's moved three times since his mother died. His father cut off his peer support. Three new schools in two years. That's a lot of adjustment for one kid to have to make.
"I want you to know that we're going to be confiscating your computer," Spencer says. "Our analyst is going through all of it so we can uncover the truth."
"Sure you will," Chris scoffs. "Truth."
As you're talking to him, Penelope is trying to get into his computer but can't. He's got a segmented hard drive, serious firewalls, and major-league encryption. There is no reason for all that protection unless he is hiding something. That's why Chris isn't worried. He knows Pen can't get into it.
You look at the clock and see it's 12:01 AM. One minute into Friday, and the videos start piling into the website. Kids are still playing this game despite the warnings you gave. Chris isn't going to give anything up so the two men leave but you still stay seated across from him. He looks at you nervously and you cross one leg over the other.
"How long has your dad been choking you?" He leans back in his seat from shock. How the hell did you know that? He stutters out a response but it's nothing you can understand. "Has he always been this way? What about with your mom?"
If he wasn't going to answer questions before, he's certainly not going to answer them now. You get up and leave the room. Hotch wants Penelope to go in and try because if anyone will get him to talk, it's her.
"Hotch, his dad is choking him. He's hurting him. I saw it."
"Hi, I'm Penelope. Can I sit down?"
"You're the cop," he says sarcastically.
"Do I look like a cop to you?" she chuckles and sits.
"Yeah. What, you aren't?"
"No. FBI tech analyst. I just have some administrative cyber crud to go over with you. Just a geekette."
"Cool," he nods.
"You are glum. Time is a great healer."
"You have no idea how I feel."
"I lost my mom and my dad when I was about your age. I don't know. I think I have a pretty good idea of how you feel, and I felt totally alone. Till I found the netizens."
That means been there, done that.
"Hey, I'm not lying to you. It'll totally get better. BTW, I like your nails," she smiles.
"Thanks. You into goth?" he asks.
"You know, I don't think I'm supposed to be anymore, but the love is still there."
"So, you're FBI?"
"Yeah, I know. It's crazy, but I love it. I enjoy your earring, too. Where did you score that?"
"Ebay. It's supposed to be Johnny D.'s from that pirate movie."
"Most awesome," she smiles.
"She's good," Rossi says. "She established rapport when Morgan, Reid, and Y/N couldn't."
"We should bring her out all the time," Hotch chuckles.
"Okay, your whole PGP disc encryption system is like crazy impressive."
"Yeah, I'm into that kind of stuff," he smiles.
"Stuff? Dude, you do not understand. I am jealous. That is state-of-the-art technology the feeb does not have."
"Whatever," he waves her off but is smiling.
"Okay, how did you get your anonymizing service?"
"I got it from some link from some dude online. What do you care?"
"I just think it's uber cool how you set your whole system up. Like how you use an e-shredder to obliterate your net activity and a window wiper as your secondary trash eraser. Who does that?"
"Everybody does that."
You turn when you hear someone coming in angrily. Chris' father is here and he isn't happy you're talking to him without him. He demands to have his son back and Hotch is forced to give him back since you're not arresting his son. Plus, he's a minor. His father has every right to take him away from here.
"The interview's over. His father invoked," Hotch says to Penelope.
"I'm getting you a lawyer. I screwed up and failed you when your mother died. Not this time. Unless you people have something to charge him with, we're leaving."
Will takes his son away and you look at Hotch in disbelief. 
"You heard what I said and you're still letting them leave? He's hurting his child!"
"There's no evidence of that."
Anger flares in your chest but before you can say or do something stupid, you back away.
"Sir, I'm sorry, I tried," Penelope says.
"If he invokes, he invokes. Concentrate on cracking the encryption."
Everyone is sure Chris is the culprit so they dive deeper into his life while Penelope works on his computer.
"Judging by sheer volume, Christopher's mother was sick quite a bit. His father brought her into the ER repeatedly. She's described as being violently ill each time. She spends a couple of days in the ICU and makes a miraculous recovery only to be repeated time and again. No diagnosis, no discernable cause."
"There's another video going up," JJ announces.
"That's four kids playing in half an hour."
"How many kids go to this school?"
"Its catchment is the whole county. It's almost two thousand. Garcia, we really need to gain administrative access to the website. I've written down a number of things Christopher may have used as the password. I've already eliminated birthdays, holidays, pet names, and pop culture icons," Spencer says.
"No, there was something pathetic about him, not criminal. When he was leaving, he said he missed his mom. What's his mother's name?"
"Cynthia Summers."
Penelope tries her name and it gives her access.
"That's it. Alright, I'm logging in as an administrator and shutting down the main source, but kids are still posting videos through independent servers."
"Pull up the website history and see if you can learn anything from historical posts," Spencer says.
"Christopher's ER eval shows his bruises were caused by manual and ligature strangulation over time," Emily reads over his medical file. "He's also shown to have layered bruising on his sternum."
"It looks like a CPR artifact but there's no record of resuscitations."
"Wait, all these transmissions are transcripts of the same administrator?" Spencer asks Penelope.
"Yeah, there's only one handle."
"This is weird. In the posts, his voice changes. At times he's using more articles and more precise verbiage like he's trying to throw us off. That's pretty sophisticated behavior for a kid. A writer can disguise his own writing style to make himself appear younger or less educated."
"Yeah, but it's virtually impossible to pull off making yourself appear older and more educated than you actually are," Derek says.
"There are actually two distinct writing styles. Two writers using the same screen name--one teen and one adult. Christopher was being manipulated by an adult."
Hmm. I wonder who that can be. You roll your eyes and sit back in your chair while they come to the same conclusion you did half an hour ago.
"The mother's death is a textbook case of Munchausen by proxy. The kid has been choked and revived on multiple occasions."
"You said the father worked for the fire department, right?" Spencer asks Rhonda.
"Yeah, for a couple of months now.
"In what capacity?"
"As an EMT."
"That's our unsub. It's Chris' dad. He's been hurting his own son."
Everyone looks at you. You can choose to make some snarky comment about how they didn't listen to you again, or you can choose to be quiet. You choose the latter.
"So, the father poses as a classmate and invites local kids to join the game. He bumps up the stakes and encourages them to use their riskiest methods."
"He works on Friday nights," Rhonda says."
"Which means he gets called out to do the rescues. He's not just collecting video tapes. His Munchausen has evolved," Spencer says.
"I'll put out an APB for his truck."
"He'll have to find a place to download the videotapes. They're his trophies. After that, he'll clean up his mess."
"Christopher's the only witness against him."
Your team heads to Chris' house but of course, he and his father aren't there. After a quick search, you end up finding piles upon piles of discs from where Will saved every child that has died because of the game he created.
"There are dozens of discs here."
"I was right here. I never even looked around," Rhonda sighs guiltily.
"We only had consent for the laptop and he knew it was encrypted. We didn't have probable cause for a warrant. Mr. Summers didn't have a chance to come back and get his trophies. He'll definitely try to download the videos tonight."
"This kid was doing everything he could just to survive. The extreme abuse conditioned him to shield his father. When his father came into the room, he seemed genuinely relieved like his burden had been lifted. He was elated when his father rescued him. We need to rethink everything. Now, let's focus on the behavior. What's the pattern?" Hotch asks.
"Christopher knows his father's pattern. In his mind, it will never end unless Chris decides to end it."
You take out your phone, call Penelope, and put her on speakerphone.
"Pen, when you were talking to Chris, did he say anything to you to suggest that he was giving up?"
"Giving up?"
"Like he was trying to say goodbye."
"I don't understand."
"Did he give you anything?"
"Yeah. How did you know that?"
"What did he give you?"
"When we were talking, he gave me this pirate's earring."
"He's made up his mind. Suicide is the only victory over his sadistic father. He may also see it as reuniting with his mother. The father's going to want to download those videos from somewhere, Pen, and we have to stop that process."
"I'm already on that. I replaced the website with a phishing site. I'm downloading it to the servers now. When he logs onto that website, he's going to be rerouted to our server, and we can capture his information."
"Stay on that site, Garcia. It will buy us some time," Hotch says.
"Where are they headed?" Emily asks before the lightbulb goes off in her head. "Wait. What about the mother? It's all about the mother. Garcia, where is Cynthia buried?"
"Oaklawn Cemetery, halfway between here and Glenrock."
"Chris would willingly go there with his father thinking it's some sort of refugee, but Will still needs to download the videos. He needs a power source."
"There's a chapel," Rhonda says. "They use it for burials."
"Let's go. Garcia, we'll call you from the car," Hotch says.
You drive to the cemetery and spot Will's car right outside the place.
"Sir, Mr. Summers just logged on. He's caught in the phishing site."
"Is he downloading the files?"
"He's trying to but all he's gonna get is snow," Pen smirks.
You head into the chapel with the team with guns raised only to see Will with hands around his son's throat. It's safe to say that he doesn't get very far but Chris needs to be hospitalized after what his father did to him.
Without the distraction of a case, everyone is forced to think about you and how you've been behaving since getting out of prison. You never wanted to be the one to treat them badly. You're such a loving and kind soul that it kills you to hurt the ones you love.
"I'm sorry," you announce to everyone. "I'm sorry for what I said before." Two tears fall down your cheeks. "I'm not okay, and I'm trying but it's so hard. I didn't mean any of it." You look at Penelope who looks like she is about to cry with you. "I love how happy you are because I see such darkness every day. You are light." You look at Derek. "I appreciate your tough love because it helps me be a better person." You move on to Emily. "I love how you try so hard because that shows you care. I don't ever want to lose someone like you." You look at Rossi. "It's because of your experience that helps me. I'm going to make mistakes but I can always count on you to make things right. Prison did something to my mind. I want to be here for this team. I want to do my best..."
You can't even finish your sentence. Spencer reaches over and grabs your hand and you look at him with tears in your eyes.
"We're here for you just like you've always been here for us," JJ says.
"I'm trying, guys. I'm sorry."
"We know. You're doing your best and that's all we ever ask of you," Rossi says.
You're honestly so lucky to have people as amazing as the ones on your team. You don't know if you're going to be okay but you do know you have people to fall back on if you're not.
"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My god, do you learn." C.S. Lewis.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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wroteclassicaly · 10 months
Don't mind me back again with more thoughts and maybe a lil continuation of what I started the other night same tw
Gator inhaled on the vape pen, letting the smoke permeate his lungs. He exhaled slowly, watching the tendrils curl up and dissipate in the air. "I've told you not to smoke in my house!" You snap, causing him to jump.
He sits up at attention, eyes wide. "I'm not smoking." He swallows," It's vaping." Gator looks away from your glare, messing with the fringe on a throw pillow you have. "It still releases smoke dumbass," you sigh.
And that shouldn't turn him on. It really shouldn't. But he can't help but think of the last time you were a little mean. Called him out on his shit. You on your knees before him. The way your mouth felt around his dick. How warm and wet you were. He didn't even get the whole thing in your mouth and thought he was in heaven.
Gator is thankful you had moved on to finishing the task you were doing, not even sparing him a glance. If you did you would without a doubt see his sudden arousal. Gator grabs the pillow and holds it delicately in front of him. Not suspicious, and if you ask he can say his arm hurts and he's just resting it.
You ignore him. He's been here for an hour and very few words have been exchanged. Gator has tried talking some, but you're more focused on...whatever it is your doing. A slight drop of guilt fills him as he realizes he hasn't paid enough attention. He realizes he doesn't know your favorite color. Or flower.
But he does know your favorite scent. Because every time he smells it he thinks of you.
"What are you doing?" Gator clears his throat. You turn and look at him with a puzzled look," What you asked? You said you-" a look of realization hit. You smirk at him," You aren't here on official business are you?"
Gator's breathing picks up as you drop the papers in your hand on the table and stand, stalking towards him. "Why did ya come pretty boy?" You trail a finger down his jaw. "To see you." Gator can't help but tell the truth.
You're like a drug. Better then any vape pen he's hit. Better then the ecstasy he confiscated from that dickhead one time. Better then the time he saw his first pair of boobs in real life. You envelope all his senses and take him to new heights. Gator knows that yall crossed a line last time, and there was no going back for him. "You here because of last time?" Your voice is saccharinely sweet. He nods slowly, looking up into your eyes.
Your fingers tug on his vest," Come in here in your sheriff uniform. Need to feel big and strong?" Gator shifts as he feels his dick throb at your words. "Yeah, you want to be a big, strong man, dontcha Gator?" Gator nods again. You click your tongue and grab his jaw, forcing him to look up at you," You talk way too much and now you can't say a thing? Words Gator."
Your grip is firm and strong on him. He can feel his pants getting wet from the precum leaking out. He shouldn't be getting turned on from your touch, and yet he is. He wants your touch, gentle but firm, wrapped around his dick again.
"Did you forget the question? Wanna be a big strong man huh?" "Yes." "Good boy," you condescendingly pat his cheek as you let go of his jaw and-
Shit. Hearing you call him good? That's all he's ever wanted. To be good. Praised for a job well done. And of course, your perceptive eyes pick that up. "Oh you liked that didn't you baby?" You smile widely at him," I am gonna have a lot of fun with you." "Yes please." You chuckle at his response. He isnt sure if you are making fun of him or not.
You grab the useless pillow from his lap and toss it further down the couch. You unbutton his pants and he hurriedly lifts his hips off the couch to tug his pants down. Gator sighs in relief as his dick is freed from the confines of the fabric. The tip glistening in the light from how much cum he's already leaked, and you haven't even touched him.
You smirk at him, "You a big, strong, independent man, Gator?" "Yes." "Then touch yourself."
Your words sink in and Gator whines. He blushes slightly at the noise he let out but quickly covers it up by speaking fast," I thought you were gonna touch me?" "Well, I could. But you're so independent. So strong. You can handle this can't you?" You lightly trail a finger along his length, causing his hips to jut forward," Show me how good you are Gator. Pleasure yourself."
Gator swallows as he slowly wraps a hand around his length. His large hands seem to be a regular size compared to the size of his dick. He hesitantly strokes from the base up to the tip, slowly getting faster as he relishes in the feeling.
Your eyes watching him, admiring him? Fuck, he wants to put on a good show for you. Wants to be good for you. His logic, the little he had, is gone out the window. "This good?" He grunts out as he thrusts in time with his hand. You lay a hand on one knee, smiling at him," Very good Gator. You're doing such a good job."
At your words Gator moans," Fuck I'm gonna nng I'm-" "Already? Hmm...well, go ahead then. Be a good boy and come." And he does. Thick, heavy ropes of cum cover his hand and the bottom of his vest. He gasps and moans as he fucks his fist in front of you.
"I'm a good boy I'm good i-" Gator babbles as he pants heavily. "Yeah baby," you murmur as he comes down from his high.
He's about to ask for a tissue when you grab him by the wrist and lick his hand. His dick twitches again, and he thinks he could become hard again just at the sight of you. You lick his hand clean and he stares at you in awe. "You're the hottest thing I've ever seen," Gator declares. "Thanks babe." You smile at him," You're pretty hot yourself. But we gotta work on your stamina. I'm not gonna let you fuck me if you come in two seconds." "You're gonna let me fuck you?" "We'll see. You can't be a virgin forever..."
At this point, I am encouraging you to join us and make your own blog to post these! ;) You’re amazing, babe!
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
key to the storage unit/ oh but I gotta know? thank you!!!
object + emotion prompt list here! still accepting!!
19. Key to a storage unit.
Kravitz could have sworn that being sneaky used to be a lot easier. Maybe people— necromancers, in particular, because that's those are the only people Kravitz had been around for a good while— had just been stupider in the past? It was possible, considering the amount of necromantic knowledge that just got fuckin' blasted into everyone's heads thanks to Story and Song. People had definitely been more dumb when he was alive at least.
But maybe he was coming at this from a weird point of view, considering that he was still getting adjusted to having two people with him on every single mission. The two people who, in particular, had done most of the necromantic research that got blasted out to everyone. And the two people who had multi-classed in so much shit that Kravitz wasn't even sure what their main class was.
Kravitz missed when he only had to worry about Lup and Barry in abstract. Like, "wow, these folks have died way too many times, that's fucked up!" and not "if I say one wrong thing, they will immediately swarm me like over-eager dogs and demand to know where I'm going and if they can go with me".
Unfortunately, Kravitz was bad at saying the right things. So here he was, swarmed, just trying to get his work done.
"We have a storage unit???" Lup said, stepping out of the portal behind him. He heard Barry trip, but he didn't turn to help, because one: Barry should know better by now, and two: Kravitz had to mentally prepare for what was coming next.
"Yep," Kravitz said, walking up to the building. "Well, it's more of a warehouse, if we're being honest, but same difference." It was bleak and cold outside, but it always was in the astral plane. He'd given up asking for a heater long, long ago. Lup and Barry followed behind me.
"And you never told us because…??"
Kravitz stopped at the door, sighing. He turned to face them. Barry's glasses had begun to fog up due to the temperature.
"I need you to promise," Kravitz said, very seriously, very professionally, "that you will not take anything that is in there back with you. Okay? Just like, a little promise—"
"A prommy," Barry said. Lup nodded in agreement.
"A prommy, sure," Kravitz said. "You gotta prommy you won't take any of this shit home, okay?"
"What happens if we do, though," Lup said. She paused. "By accident."
"The Raven Queen will be very, very mad at you," Kravitz said. "Also, depending on what you take, it could fracture the connections between planes, or like, your mind, or your body, or someone else's mind or body, or— a lot of bad shit, is what I'm trying to say. Do you promise?"
Lup and Barry shared a look. That was never a good thing.
"Cross my heart," Barry said, drawing an X across his chest and holding his hand up, like a boy scout.
"Hope to die," Lup said sweetly.
That's… as good as he's going to get, probably. Kravitz turned back to the door, using his pinky to slice another portal through realities and reach his hand into it. He really needed to clean out this pocket dimension, because the minute and a half he spent rooting around in it did not help his cool factor, even like a little bit. He found like, fourteen pens before he found the key.
"What's even in there?" Lup asked as he dug around the pocket dimension. "I gotta know. For science reasons."
"Mostly pens," Kravitz said, embarrassed.
"No, the storage unit, babe," Lup said. "I couldn't care less about your fucked up pocket dimension. Taako's got a whole ass spa in his pocket, it can get worse than that."
It can, but Kravitz wasn't going to say that.
"Oh," Kravitz said. "I knew that."
"Sure you did, bud," Barry said.
"Well, uhm, it's a lot of different stuff?" Was that the key? Aw, fuck, nope, that's a fifteenth pen. "Mostly confiscated necromantic stuff— which you promised not to take!" He could practically hear their disappointment. "Mostly books, but there's some huge ass bones and a few like, cursed objects? It's hard to— You'll— you'll see what I mean."
At long last, he pulled the key out. The key itself was black and sapphire blue, with a raven skull as the bow. Behind him, Barry snapped in appreciation. He slid the key into the door, unlocking it, and then placed the key back in the pocket dimension, so future Kravitz could deal with it. (Future Kravitz would not.)
The room was large and, much like he said, mostly filled with books. There was a loft up near the rafters and rickety stairs that led up to it. Most of what was in here was dust, if he was being honest. Dust and spooky, illegal stuff.
"Alright," Kravitz said. "Much like the Eternal Stockade, this room is mainly a waiting chamber. We're trying to outlast the magical energy these objects have, basically. You should just be able to like, feel if the curses or enchantments have worn off already. If they have, we can start a pile right ov— and you're not listening anymore. Great. Stellar."
Barry and Lup had immediately split off behind him. Lup was headed towards the big bones, Barry was poking around at some of the books already.
Kravitz sighed again. It was going to be a very long day.
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avaantares · 1 month
...Okay, I know I have posted A LOT about Guardian's questionable set design and set dressing, but it's really not my fault. Every time I pull up an episode to look up a detail for something, I randomly land on some new nonsense that I have never noticed before.
Today's buffoonery:
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Is that a car seat shoved into a holding pen made of pipe? Why is it in the SID hallway?? It can't be intended as something to sit on, because there's a pipe running across the front of the seat. Was it evidence in a case they couldn't fit in the filing cabinet? Did Lao Chu confiscate it from someone who illegally double-parked in front of the building? I have so many questions.
Instead of words, maybe the prompts for the next @guardianbingo event could just be a randomized collection of all the incomprehensible stuff that shows up in the background of this drama, and participants have to come up with some -- any -- reason for it to be there.
Also of interest in this shot: Zhao Yunlan's putting practice set (apparently he plays golf? Or just likes goofing around in his office), more random steampunk decor, still more mediocre motel room art, and three SID members huddling against the glass to spy and eavesdrop when they could take three steps to the right and be on the side of the office that has no glass whatsoever.
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steelsartcorner · 4 months
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my pen has still not been confiscated so it’s halsin’s turn in the ongoing turn-everything-into-Hades fever dream
others: the dark urge (OC); minthara (bg3), karlach (bg3), shadowheart (bg3), gale (bg3), lae'zel (bg3), astarion (bg3), wyll (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
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okkotsyui · 1 year
𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗘𝗦 ⎯⎯ 𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻.
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► ft. mammon - omswd
► cw ,, swearing , idk what else
► my obsession w mammon is dangerous so hes gonna b my main focus rn for a while
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getting your boyfriend to sit down and study was possible the most frustrating thing you have ever done. he couldnt sit still - bouncing off the walls of the room to try and avoid doing the actual work. it had gotten to the point where you had confiscated his ddd and threatened him with a week of no physical contact if he didnt study.
this apparently seemed to slightly work. mammon was now sat down in his seat opposite you, pen in hand as he stared down at the books and sheets in front of him, glaring at them as if they had burned his precious credit card. you paid his silent tantrum no mind, writing down your own notes and creating mini flashcards for later revision. you even ignored the small glances he would occasionally send you, knowing better than to look into his puppy dog eyes that would convince you every time to immediately coddle and kiss him.
mammon groaned for the umpteenth time that hour, one of his hands running through his messy, white locks. he looked back down at the sheet in front of him - math. it wasnt that mammon couldnt do it: that was far from the truth. outside of school, he excelled at it ... well, he excelled at anything related to money. but he never saw the point of actually trying with his school work. the only time he would ever sit down and complete the work was when lucifer threatened him with something he loved - yet again, money.
but recently, mammon had found himself slightly more motivated to do his work than usual. it was becoming more and more often that he would voluntarily sit down and study, which understandably scared the shit out of his brothers. mammon claimed that he was only doing it so that lucifer would increase his allowance, but when mammon saw your smiling face and how happy you looked at the increase in his test results, he knew the actual reason why he did it.
but this clearly wasnt one of those sweet, heartwarming moments. so, when you felt a sharp poke at your forehead, and the feeling of folded paper fall onto your lap, you put down your pen and glared across the table at your irritating lover, who was pretending to busy himself with his work. with a sigh, you looked down at your lap to see a paper plane resting there, the nose of the plane slightly crumpled from hitting your head. taking the plane into your hands, you unfolded it to reveal one of mammon's blank worksheets, save for a scribble of words on the back of the page.
'youve got a booger ¬‿¬ '
at this, your face flushed with embarrassment, annoyed with mammon for not telling you. you scrunched up the paper plane in your hands before throwing it at your boyfriend's face.
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vintage-retro-queen · 8 months
Paris Reacts to Too Brutal? Yeah, Right
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Akuma Class
Another weekend was among the students in Caline Bustier's class.
However, they were outside instead of being indoors watching the show. Ever since they started watching the show and started talking about it nonstop. When their families heard that, they believed that they were watching too much TV and being on their devices too much, and told them that they needed to lay off from the shows and do something else. As a result, the parents confiscated their electronic devices and unplugged every single device's plugs, and Max's mother even confiscated Markov, even though Markov surprisingly and shockingly (to Max) didn't mind and offered to help her with her studies to become an astronaut, they were sent to the great outdoors, and were told to avoid all screens of any kind.
The class was already feeling down about their stuff being taken away, and they couldn't watch the show; they were all now at the park, sulking and feeling the void of boredom. "Man dude, I can't believe we're stuck out." Nino complained. "Think of what next challenge Marinette is doing that we're missing." Alix complained.
They tried to fill the void of their boredom by going to their usual hang-out places to try and forget about what they were missing out on. At the zoo, at the shopping district, and some restaurants.
When school resumed, they all arrived at their temporary school, which they were told to attend while their school was still under investigation. They noticed many students talking about the same show they were supposed to watch: Total Drama Island.
"Did you see how Harold dodged them? He's already got me interested in taking figure skating myself."
"Yeah, and I didn't know that she learned all of those moves with her mom. That was awesome!"
"Who knew that a chained-kunai was almost thrown at her. Talk about a shocker."
"I wonder who will win that girl's heart in the show?"
"What?! They watched the show, too?!" Kim said in disbelief, feeling jealous. "I'm already hating my dad for this. My brother even said that it was "For my own good." Yeah, right, like he would know. They don't understand how it feels to have a friend who's in a reality TV show and is probably already getting famous overnight!" Alix complained.
As the Akuma Class sulked, whined, groaned, and complained about how it was unfair for them not to watch the show to see Marinette, Adrien feels more upset that his father has not been talking to him after that demand to get in contact with Marinette last week. After his father found out that he told Marinette to take the "high road" and tell her that lies were not hurting anybody, the two were on their separate ways ever since then, his father had no other choice but to try and get in contact with the girl himself. Since then, he shuts out Adrien until he learns of his mistakes.
Adrien swallows his pride and tries to be the lovable "sunshine boy," taking his high-road advice and trying to flow past it. He still hopes that Marinette will see the error of her ways, come home, and be the "everyday Ladybug" she was supposed to be.
However, he started to feel a harsh chill down his spine from a pair of furious and death/venging-looking eyes, glaring holes behind his head.
Celebrities + Friends and Family (+ ??? & ???)
It was the weekend once again for the friends, families, and celebrities of Paris, France.
After Jagged got his order from the bakery, he talked to Tom and Sabine about how Marinette was doing amazing in the show. They told him they agreed and knew since they had watched the show as well. After learning that, Jagged invited them to watch the show with him and the other celebrities, and they accepted the invitation. And when they brought along the other families, Jagged was glad. As the saying goes, the more, the merrier.
Where they all got together in the hotel, ready to watch the newest episode of Total Drama Island. When they called her on WhatsAppening, Luka, Jagged, Penny, Clara, Ali, Tom, Sabine, and the rest of Marinette's friends were happy to know that Marinette was up and better than ever.
After their talk, they hear one of the wunderkind celebrities telling everyone that the show is on. They turn on the TV, and the show starts.
"Last time, on Total Drama Island, the Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-a-thon, when Duncan took a snooze on the can, and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row...harsh. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island Alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her, then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks. Nicely played, Heather, nicely played." "Honestly, that was just low, even for her," Aurore said, with Mireille nodding in agreement. "Even though Eva could've pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off. She became the second camper to rock the Boat of Losers." "But at least Marinette and Lucy made her day better." Zoe pointed out, with everyone nodding and talking in agreement. "Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will Lucy and Marinette be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total Drama Island."
After watching the usual theme, they watched the Screaming Gophers looking happy and full of energy, enjoying their morning meal, while the Killer Bass looked like they didn't get a brink of sleep, which, of course, they obviously didn't get. That was until they watched as the camera cut to a sleeping Duncan. "Duncan." Duncan looks up to see Chris walking to their table. "You look like death, dude," he said. "Stick it," Duncan said before heading back to sleep. "Harold snored all night," Courtney explained. Chris laughed, "Wow, four nights with no sleep. How much are you hurting, dude?" "Wanna find out?" Duncan asked, causing his team to duck and cover to avoid what would happen. "No, no. It's cool. It's cool." "Man, four nights? That's crazy." one of the wunderkind celebrities said.
"Yeah, well, they were doing the Awake-a-thon for a while." another one said. That was until they saw Harold walking into the main lodge with a markered mustache drawn on his face. As they watched him sit down, they watched as the rest of the Killer Bass looked at him oddly and then started laughing. "Okay, what?" Harold asked. Geoff then said to him, "Someone messed with your face, dude." Harold then grabbed a spoon to see his reflection and then saw what Geoff was talking about. "Hey, sweet stache," he said. Chris then gets everyone's attention. "Hey, everyone, it's Lucy and Marinette!" the Screaming Gophers, celebrities, friends, and families cheered as they watched as Lucy and Marinette both walked into the main lodge, looking more exhausted than from the last challenge. When the two sat down, Marinette crossed her arms on the table, resting her head and closing her eyes while Lucy rested her head on her hands. They all then watch Lucy's confessional.
"Boy, even for the first time in the past two years at the ages of five and six, I stood up, not only just nights but days too. Man, I wish my friends were here to see it. But I still didn't think I would stay up for that long." "I'm sure they're very proud of you, Lucy." one of the actresses said happily. "I always wonder what friends she had back when she was young?" one of the musicians said, feeling curious about what kind of friends Lucy had that helped her gain the ability to stay up longer than ever. "Who knows? Whoever they are, they must've been very good friends." another actor said, proudly crossing his arms, feeling proud of Lucy. Everyone else agreed, not paying attention to Courtney's confessional or Heather explaining the rules to Beth and Lindsay. After agreeing, they hear Heather talking aloud to the Killer Bass, getting both their and the watchers' attention.
"Hey, fish-heads, way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" Heather then moved over, making Courtney miss, and threw the oatmeal at Lucy's face. "Missed me," she said, causing Courtney to glare at her. They then watched as Lucy raised her hand to Courtney, telling her tiredly, "Don't worry about it. I had worse things thrown at me anyway." she then finished her sentence yawning, "Such as... a chained...kunai." Lucy's head then plops down on the table and falls asleep, snoring loudly, not even aware of the campers, sans a sleeping Marinette, looking at her with shocked and disbelief looks on their faces. Additionally, the shocked and disbelief looks on the faces of all the celebrities, friends, and families.
"D-did-did Lucy just say what I think she said?" one of the celebrities stuttered. "I think she did." another one muttered. Just then, Lucy's confessional got their attention. "I know what I just said. And sadly, yes, it's true." They all became shocked to hear that Lucy said that it was true. "It happened in the second week of my first year of high school. Most of my former schoolmates, who, by the way, were rivals to each other. They were labeled what my old school calls them 'The Sides'." Lucy says, air quoting the words The Sides. "Well, that's an odd name for a group of rivals." one of the celebrities commented. "They were all fighting about something that I don't know what, but frankly, I don't even want to know why and what they were even fighting about in the first place. But anyway, at the time they were arguing, and it then started a fight and a food fight at the same time. One of them then threw the chained kunai at one of the rivals, but it missed, and instead, aimed at me." They became even more shocked and worried than ever hearing that. But Lucy continued before they could say anything. "But not directly aiming at my face," hearing that made them relieved and confused at the same time. "The chained kunai only missed me by an inch and instead slapped my face." Lucy rubs the left side of her face, remembering that. "Ouch. That must've stung." another one of the actors said. "It really smarted, and it got me so mad that it caused me to snap and make a scene in front of everyone, angrily screaming and scolding them to knock it off and tell them that's someone could've been hurt or injured or worse." 
"I can understand that," Tom said. "Sabine explained to me that she was in the same complicated issue once when she was in school." "It's true. The school I was in was through the same issue as Lucy's." Sabine admits. "They were rivals too, they even fight a lot as well, and this one girl snapped and gave everyone a harsh lecture. And I do mean very harsh. So harsh that it made everyone realize that they could've hurt a friend or relative, and they could've been written up again like they always do. But thanks to her, they stopped, and the teachers came. They got written up again, were given detention, and one of them was told to apologize for slapping the girl in the face." Everyone understood that the Dupain-Chengs knew how Lucy felt when it came to lecturing kids to knock off whatever was happening on school grounds and continued watching the confessional. "When I finished giving a harsh scolding lecture, I left the cafeteria and ended up having the rest of my lunch break at the school library." "Bummer," one of the wunderkind singers said, feeling pity for Lucy having lunch in the library. "Well, you can't blame her for trying to cool off from giving a harsh lecture." Sabine said, with Tom nodding in agreement.
"When lunch was over, and we were heading to our next class, I was at my locker, getting what I needed and saw the same chained kunai in there with a note saying they were sorry for throwing it at me." "Ah, a peace offering. Although, I don't think giving her the same chained kunai that was thrown at her would count." "Oh, I'm sure she was fine with it. The girl that was at my school had a chained kunai as a peace offering too. It was the same chained kunai that was thrown at her. I guess the one who threw it must've wanted to give it to her as an apology." "Well, you can't blame them for wanting to make it up to her after accidentally throwing it at her." Nadja says with a shrug.
"Even though I accepted the apology and appreciated the peace offering gift, I'm still mad at the betapunks with their rivalry and the one who threw it while they were fighting." "Told ya that would catch on," Jagged said to Penny, looking at her with a smug look. "Know-it-all," she says, smiling and rolling her eyes playfully. They all then watch as Lucy starts to glare daggers, looking directly at the camera. "Yeah, that's right." She then points at the camera while looking more tired than before, letting out a couple of yawns, "I'm talking to you, Han...zo Scor...Ha....sa....shi." Lucy then fell face first, pushing the outhouse-confessional door open while she was asleep again. "You know, normally, most celebrities always never say a person's name on live T.V., but I believe I can understand why she would say the name of the person who threw the chained kunai at her." Nadja explained. Everyone started to agree with her on why Lucy said the name of the person on T.V. "You know, it is kinda odd that the girl in your school and Lucy have the same experience." one of the journalists said to Sabine, sipping on his coffee. "Yeah, talk about deja vu." said one of the interns. "I'm sure it's just a coincidence," said Tom. They then continued to watch the show. "Okay, campers, listen up." Chris announced, "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it."
They then watched as the scene cuts to the location of the campers' next challenge, which looks like a gym. They then noticed as they saw Marinette and Lucy, now fully awake, with cups of Starchild's Coffee in their hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where the heck did those two get coffee from Starchild's?!" one of the wunderkind celebrities asked, looking surprised. They then hear Marinette talk to Lucy. "I'm surprised your family sent us some coffee, Lucy," Marinette said, sipping her coffee. "Yeah, well, sometimes my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop always worry about my well-being. It's been that way since I was six," said Lucy. "Oh, that's where they got them from." another wunderkind celebrity said, understanding. "Wait, three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop...Oh! She's talking about her honorary family members. Okay, that makes sense." another one says, knowing who Lucy was talking about. They then watched another confessional from Lucy's while she was sipping on her coffee.
"Not gonna lie, I didn't think my family would be watching me. Even though we're a traditional family." "Traditional family?" "You don't think she means by..." "But not like that. It's just that we don't do technology." "Oh, okay. I was almost gonna say something else, but that's different, yet it makes perfect sense." "Well, except my three uncles, auntie, and pop-pop, maybe, but still. My family doesn't use technology like everyone else, such as watching television or having cell phones." "No wonder why Lucy doesn't have a social media account." Jagged said, now understanding why Lucy never had a social media account or two in the beginning. They all watch as Lucy continues on with her confessional.
"Although we only have a telephone that we use now and then, but that's all we have in our household." "Well, that explains how they take our phone calls from time to time." "Yeah, but I wonder if they ever have an answering machine is the question." "Heck, we even have two computers for school and work. Just school and work only and nothing more. I don't use the computers, honestly. Personally, I prefer doing my work by hand. The only people who use those computers are my mother and her sister, who is my aunt on her side of the family. They are the only ones in my whole family tree who use them for their work." "Well, that's Lucy being Lucy." "Yeah, she even does a great job on every handwriting the world has these days. Print, pre-cursive, cursive, heck, she even does a lot of the fonts the document writing sites ever have." "And it's surprising to know that it is only her mother and aunt who use the computers the most." "And whenever we're not at home, you have to go out to London and find a phone booth just to make a phone call or two." "Well, that certainly explains why I keep hearing a busy crowd in the background sometimes." after Lucy sipped on her coffee again, she continued talking and said, "But it was still nice of them to send Nettie and me some coffee." Lucy then looks directly at the camera, smiling, looking grateful. "Thanks, guys. I owe you one," she said, thanking her three uncles, aunt, and pop-pop. "It's nice to know that her family helps her whenever there is something needed." "Yes, and it was very nice of them to send her and Marinette some coffee." Sabine said, with Tom, Gina, and Roland nodding in agreement.
They continued watching as they saw Duncan planking on the benches. "Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you'll do," he warns. "I don't think we're even going to," Lucy said, making the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass look at her odd. "What? I was like that once," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Some people who I rather have nameless tried to force me to get up and join them on something I don't want to explain what, and I may have accidentally given each of them a black eye to leave me alone." the campers looked at her surprised, but understood since she did it in self-defense. All of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends were surprised that Lucy did that when some students were trying to wake her up for something that she didn't want to do. That was until they watched Marinette's confessional.
"I can understand that. My dad told me once that my mom was like that since this one time back when she was a teenager, someone was forcing her to get up and join them to train on something." "It's true. I was there. After that, they all looked like they just escaped from a serious crime scene," Tom admitted, with Sabine shrugging her shoulders and nodding, meaning that she admitted that it was true. "I guess it's true what they say. Some people will get cranky when they don't get their sleep." Marinette sips her coffee and says, "And it might be best to let them sleep, or else you will face the consequences." "You said it, Marinette," said Aurore.
After that, they watch as Courtney starts to scold Harold. "This is all your fault, you know?" she said, "You and your snoring face." "It's called a medical condition. Gosh!" said Harold. Suddenly, the celebrities all looked not so surprised when they saw Lucy grabbing Courtney and Harold by the ear, glaring at the two. "Less arguing, more focusing on what the challenge is." she snarled, with a hint of venom in her tone. Hearing Lucy scold Courtney and Harold caused more campers to shudder in fear of seeing an angry Lucy. All but Marinette, who seems to be used to it. They all then watch another one of Marinette's confessionals.
"I don't like to talk down on others, but with all due respect and in all honesty, Courtney should've kept the accusation to herself. Including Harold with his excuse. Even if it is true or not. Then they won't have to deal with an angry scolding from Lucy." "Hm, harsh, but true," Tomoe commented. "Yeah, but I still feel like someone was the one who manipulated her into learning that before heading over to Muskoka," Aren said, causing people to look at her, shocked and surprised. "How can you tell?" asked Socqueline. "No, she's right. It does feel like she was told to keep her mouth shut against her will." "Well, whoever it is told her, they're so dead when I find out who it was!" Jagged said, with fury filled in his eyes. "I'd save that for the lawsuits, Mr. Stone." Socqueline looks at Marinette with worry and pity, feeling like she failed to protect her more.
After seeing Lucy let go of both Courtney and Harold, they all hear a whistle blow and see that it was Chef, dressed as a referee. Chris then explains the challenge to the campers. "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball." they see Lucy smile, looking impressed. "Ah, a basic sports game. Nice," she said. Chris continues. "The first rule of dodgeball is-" "Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah asks, cutting off Chris's sentence and making Owen laugh at the smartmouth question. Chris then continues again, "If you get hit with the dodgeball..." Chris then throws the dodgeball at Courtney, hitting her. 
"You're out." "You can't just do that!" Courtney said, throwing the dodgeball at him. He then catches the dodgeball and continues, "If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out, and the catcher gets to bring another member out on the court." "Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test," said Noah. "I know, right?" Lindsay asked, butting in a bit. "Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit Lucy," Chris said, throwing a dodgeball to Geoff while Chef tossed another one to Lucy. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out." Chris explains. "So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" asked Lindsay. "You dodge," Chris said. As Geoff threw the ball at Lucy, she used the dodgeball to deflect it, which headed over to Lindsay, hitting her on the head and making the others gasp. Chris and Lucy wince from that. Even the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends winced from seeing that on television. "Ooh, you were supposed to dodge," said Chris. "Ow.. right," Lindsay said, rubbing her forehead, which showed a big bruise. "Ouch," one of the wunderkind celebrities said, as the rest of them looked shocked and surprised. "You have one minute until game time." Chris said, then turning to the Screaming Gophers, "Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game."
After some campers sat out, D.J., Courtney, Katie, Tyler, and Harold were on the Killer Bass team. Meanwhile, Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody are on the Screaming Gophers team. "Bring it on, fishies," Heather said. "Otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." "Oh, you're going down!" said Tyler. "We're gonna bring the dinner on the table, and then we're gonna eat it!" Courtney facepalms when Tyler finishes making that not-making-any-sense sentence. "That doesn't even make any sense." one of the famous writers complimented. "Both teams ready? Best of five games wins." Chris says, "Now let's dodge some ball!" When Chef blew his whistle, the game of dodgeball was on, and the sitting campers cheered their teams on. Cody then throws the dodgeball first, aiming at Tyler, but misses. This causes Tyler to throw his dodgeball at him, but instead, the dodgeball accidentally hits Sadie.
All of the celebrities, families, and friends winced and cringed from seeing that. "That'll smear the makeup," Chris commented. "You're doing your best, Tyler! That's all that matters!" Marinette yelled from the Screaming Gophers side. Luka, Tom, and Sabine smiled, knowing that Marinette was trying to cheer Tyler up from his accidental throw. Tyler gives her a thumbs up as a thanks until Courtney gets his attention. "Nice job. Now let's see if you can hit someone on THEIR team!" she scolded. Just then, Owen ran, heading over to them, and threw the dodgeball straight to Tyler, hitting him so far up to the wall. "Ow. Darn it." Tyler said, in pain from the hit. Chef blows his whistle, signaling that Tyler is out, while the seated Screaming Gophers cheer on their team, and Cody and Owen high-fived. Meanwhile, Tyler sits out in pain.
After that, Harold holds his dodgeball, looking confident. "Time to unleash my wicked skills," he said. "Yeah?" said Leshawna. "Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!" As Harold tries to throw the dodgeball his way, it backfires. Leshawna then smirked after picking up the dodgeball, which got Harold running away screaming. Until Leshawna threw the dodgeball at him, making him slide on the floor to the glass wall and making Chris and Marinette wince from witnessing it. Chef then blew his whistle, signaling that Harold was out. "And that's how we roll!" said Leshawna. "Probably needs to work on his "wicked skills" more." one of the wunderkinder said, air-quoting wicked skills. Everyone nodded and agreed with them and continued watching the show.
Lindsay then walks to her team, asking, "Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Suddenly, Katie threw the dodgeball at Lindsay, which became a direct hit. The Killer Bass cheered while Chef blew his whistle, signaling Lindsay was out. The Killer Bass cheered for Katie while Tyler waved to Lindsay, making Lindsay smile and Heather mad, which got her to throw a dodgeball at him again. Lucy then turned to glare deadly daggers at Heather, signaling she was done for when she gets the chance. Heather shuddered in fear, seeing the furious look on Lucy's face. "Ooh, Heather is making Lucy mad." one kid of one of the celebrities said. "If Heather keeps this up, she'll end up on Lucy's despise list." one of the novelists said, crossing his arms. "I'm with Lucy. What the heck was that?" Courtney complained. "Ref, he's not even on the court." "Oops! He slipped." "Now she's gonna get it." the wunderkind rapper said, laying back and watching to enjoy the small show. Hearing that, Lucy gets more furious and grabs a dodgeball. She throws it at Heather, hitting her in the face. Chef blows his whistle, signaling Heather is out.
"I'm sorry, Heather, but you made me do that. Even though we are on this team, it doesn't matter to me anymore," she said. Marinette nods in agreement. "You tell her, Lucy!" one of the female idols said, cheering Lucy on. Marinette then turns to Chris, saying to him, "Chris, I'm sorry, but we're going to be switching to the Killer Bass team." Lucy then turns, telling the Screaming Gophers, "And please, don't push us on this. If anyone is to blame for that, it's Heather." The two walk to the Killer Bass team. The Killer Bass cheered about Lucy and Marinette being on their team while the Screaming Gophers glared at Heather since she was now out and sitting on the bench. "Either when the Killer Bass win or lose. Those two are doing the right thing." "Yeah, what Heather did is just beyond low."
After a while, they watch that it was now Cody and Leshawna for the Screaming Gophers and D.J. and Katie for the Killer Bass. D.J. and Katie throw theirs. Leshawna deflects one until another one of them hits her in the gut. Chef then blows his whistle, signaling to her that she's out. It was now Cody against the two Killer Bass. "Easy out, guys. Easy out." Courtney said to D.J. and Katie. Cody tosses one dodgeball up in the air and then tosses it at D.J. Even though it missed, the dodgeball took a U-turn and hit D.J. behind him. "That is one tough ball to dodge." said Chris. Katie threw her dodgeball at Cody, but it missed. Cody then grabs another ball and rubs it on his shirt. He then throws it at Katie. Katie then tried to run from it, but it chased after her. Katie then slammed into the wall, and the dodgeball hit her on the back. The Screaming Gophers then cheered for Cody for winning the round.
Before the campers could start the next round, they all watched as the Killer Bass huddled up. "We can do this. We just have to believe in ourselves." "Oh, I believe. I believe you stink!" scolded Courtney. "Yeah, you throw like a wimp," Tyler said, causing Geoff to laugh and Sadie to nod in agreement. "You should talk," Courtney said, scolding Tyler. "It was a warm-up throw," Tyler explained. Before he could keep talking, a dodgeball hit Tyler, Courtney, Geoff, and Sadie. They looked to see that it was an angry Lucy, looking at them as if she was ready to pop a vein and beat the life out of them. They all looked scared, seeing her looking furious. The celebrities, the families, and Marinette's friends, on the other hand, looked unamused, now getting used to Lucy's anger. They then watch Lucy's confessional.
"And that, folks, is another one of my triggers. People accuse others. Talking down on them, calling them a girl, chicken, or coward, and making up some lame-cottontail excuses." Lucy crosses her arms, looking completely serious. "Yeah, that's right. I'm not afraid to say words close to the cursed ones. And we all know what I'm talking about." "What does she mean?" one of the kids asked. "Uh, it's probably for the best that you kids don't want to know." one of the journalists said, making all of the celebrities, families, and teens nod in agreement to the little ones.
They continue to watch the show. They then watch Marinette take Lucy's hand, leading her out of the room. "Okay, you guys focus on the game. I'm going to take Lucy out and get her to calm down," she said. The rest of the Killer Bass continued on while the two were out. "Look, I can dominate this game," Tyler said, continuing what he would say before Lucy interrupted him by throwing the dodgeball at them. "Just give all the balls to me." After watching the team fail again, they watch as the scene cuts to the cabin, where Lucy is taking whiffs of her stress and anger management essential oils. "You shouldn't let this get to you, Lucy," Marinette said, helping Lucy calm down. "I know, Nettie. I'm trying to. But when it comes to those punks doing all that and talking like that, it's too difficult for me to handle." "I can hardly imagine living in the same room as them." "Yeah, I can see where Lucy's getting at." "Believe it or not, I got all that from both my father and one of my friends." Marinette looked surprised to hear that. However, she was not as surprised as all of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends.
"Oh, that would explain why her expressions and tones look and sound so familiar." one of the dubstep wunderkinder said, now understanding their point of view. "I have my father's stress in my genes, and the anger thing is both from myself and my friend. Well, sometimes me, it was also him too, actually." Lucy admits. "See? What did I tell you?" "Who knew that she got the anger from her friend too?" "And believe it or not, people often mistook us for twins." "Because of the anger?" asked Marinette. "Nope. We just both talk at the same time." Lucy and Marinette both laugh at that.
"I wonder if it was also they look alike or not?" "Who knows?" After that, they see Lucy get two more stress and anger management essential oils. She opens them, revealing that they are roll-on essential oils, and rubs them on two of her wrists and behind her left and right ears. "There, hopefully, this will help me finish up the dodgeball challenge. And hopefully, I don't go overboard on this like the last one I did." "What happened?" "Oh, trust me. You don't wanna know." "I can't imagine what happened." after that, Lucy and Marinette head out of the cabin and back to the challenge.
When the girls returned to the challenge, they saw their teammates on the bench- all but Tyler. "Hey, where did Tyler go?" asked Marinette. "Long story," said Bridgette. Courtney then started talking. "Okay, this is really bad," she said. "One more game, and we lose the whole challenge, again! We can't let that happen, people. We need someone strong, someone mean, someone who'll crush those lame-o gophers into the dirt." They then see Marinette look at someone. "I think I know who we can have help us," she said, motioning to someone on her right. Most of the Killer Bass then looked at Duncan, who was still sleeping like a log. They all know that Marinette is saying he's now the only one who can help them. However, some of the Killer Bass looked a bit scared. "Unh-unh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us." D.J. protested. "He won't kill us, guys." Courtney said, "He wants to win too." "Courtney's right," Harold said, agreeing with Courtney. "We need Duncan's fierceness to win this." "That's the spirit, Harold." said Courtney. But before she can tell him to wake Duncan up, Lucy beats her to the punch.
"Alright, stand back, folks. Leave the bear-awakening to the professionals," Lucy said as she approached Duncan. As the Killer Bass did so, Lucy grabbed an essential oil out of her pocket and let the scent reach Duncan's nose. The oil woke Duncan up completely. After a couple of whiffs, he bolted up. They all laughed, seeing the look on his face after he bolted up. They were laughing so much that they never paid attention to him hitting on Marinette after she apologized to him for waking him up. After the laughter died down, they continued watching the show, seeing Lucy walk up to Duncan. "Alright, Mister Juvenile, listen up. We're down two, nothing. As much as we respect that you need some well-deserved rest, but we could use some of your assistance on this." "Oh, and why should I help you, princess?" asked Duncan. "Because we can personally guarantee you that if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, Sir Juvenile," Lucy said, with a renascence accent in the end. Most of the celebrities and Marinette's friends quietly laugh at the nickname Lucy gave him. Duncan lets out a sigh and then says, "Fine, I'll play...on one condition. You do what I say when I say it." Lucy nods. "Okay, here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to Juvie. It's called Rush the New Guy."
They watched as Marinette and the Killer Bass used the new Rush the New Guy technique. When they did, they won a round of dodgeball. They all cheered for that. After that, Courtney had a suggestion. "I think that we should do the same thing all over again. So Harold, sit this one out too." "But I sat the last one out." "We'll sit this one out with you, Harold." Marinette offered, with Lucy nodding in agreement. They all smiled for Marinette's kind, golden heart. And are happily used to Lucy's ticked-off moments as they watch her stare at Courtney with a death-threatening stare in her eyes before Courtney could protest about the two sitting it out with Harold. Harold nods to Lucy and Marinette as thanks and signals to them that he owes them one. "That was very nice of Marinette and Lucy sitting out with Harold." "Yeah, that's our Marinette." "Our favorite little lady,"
They then watched as their team used the Rush the New Guy strategy again, and they won the round. They all cheered, and the seated Killer Bass cheered them on when they did win. After that, they see Tyler finally walk in and sit on the bench with the rest of the Killer Bass. "Tyler, where were you?" Marinette asked. "Nowhere," he said. "You were with Lindsay, were you?" Lucy teased, raising a brow, smiling. "No...maybe...so?" "Tyler, it's okay. There's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of." Marinette said. Lucy nodded, "Exactly. Just as long as you're calm and cool as a cucumber and don't expose your weaknesses to her." she said. Tyler smiles, happy to know that Lucy and Marinette are okay with him liking Lindsay. The celebrities, families, and friends smiled as well after seeing that.
Chris then announced to the campers, "Okay, this is it, the final tie-breaking game." "Go team, Go." Noah cheered with sarcasm in his tone.
When the Killer Bass huddle, they start discussing strategy. "Okay, who's going in?" Duncan asks. "I think it's either Marinette's turn, Lucy's turn, or my turn?" Harold says. "No way. We actually have a chance to win this, " Courtney protests. Harold nods and heads to the bench to sit out. Luka shakes his head at that. "Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you're made of," said Chris. They all then watched as the teams started throwing and tagging in and out team members. Noah then cheers with full-on sarcasm in his tone of voice again. "Knock 'em out. Throw 'em out. Rah, rah." then, a dodgeball was thrown and hit Noah straight in the face. "My bad. I meant to do that." Lucy called out with another dodgeball in her hands. Noah signals her it's fine since he knows that she deflected Marinette from the dodgeball almost thrown directly at her. "You're right. Sports aren't your forte." said Heather.
After a while, it was Owen against Marinette Harold. "Oh, boy." Zoe and Socqueline gulped as they and the rest of the people around them looked at Marinette with worry in their eyes. The Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen, while the Killer Bass looked shocked and worried for Harold and the girls. "Sorry, guys, but you gotta go down," said Owen. "Good night, Harold," said Duncan. Lucy elbowed him and cheered Harold and Marinette on. "You got this, guys!"
Then, they all watch Harold become confident as he gets into his stance. Marinette then breathes in and out and becomes confident as well. As the two motion for Owen to bring it, he does so, and the two dodge every single dodgeball Owen throws at them. Everyone, including the Screaming Gophers and the Killer Bass, was surprised to see how the two dodged all the dodgeballs Owen threw at them. Courtney then tells them to time out, making Chef blow his whistle for it. "Man, those two got dodge," Duncan said. "Where'd you two learn to do that?" "Figure skating," Harold answers. And Marinette then said, "I've been training with my mom. I got the hang of it back then. I guess I still got it." "Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about that." Sabine said, now remembering how Marinette learned to dodge. Everyone looked at Sabine, surprised yet impressed and amazed, and then turned back to the TV. "Harold, Marinette, that was awesome." Geoff said. "But dodging isn't enough." "He's right," said Courtney. "To win this, you two either have to throw him out--" "Which we all know Harold can't do--" Duncan added. "Well, you can't blame them on that." "Yeah, and surprised they haven't said anything about Marinette though." "Well, she and Lucy did sit out through the whole challenge." "Yeah, surprised they're now letting her do this." "Tell me about it," "Or catch the ball." Lucy added as well. "Can you guys do it?" "Definitely," "I can try." "Awesome. Now go catch that ball." D.J. said, encouraging the two.
Then, they continued with the standoff. The Screaming Gophers cheered for Owen while the Killer Bass cheered and chanted Harold and Marinette's names. All the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends cheered along with them. Owen then throws the two dodgeballs at the two, letting out a 'Cowabunga'. The dodgeballs then head to Harold and Marinette, slamming them both back at the wall. Everyone looked shocked, seeing that. But then, they see the two raise the dodgeballs up, signaling that they both caught them. Socqueline gasped, surprised, with a smile now plastered on her face. The whistle was blown once again, signaling that Owen was out, and Harold and Marinette won the tie-breaker.
"The Killer Bass win!" Chris announced. The Killer Bass cheered for both winning, and Harold and Marinette won the challenge for them. Every one of the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends all cheered and jumped for joy for the two winning the challenge for the Killer Bass. "She won!" "That's my favorite little lady! Rock and Roll!" "That is my Marinetta!" "Alright, Marinette!" "Way to go!" Even though they never got the time to watch the end of the show since it was already starting to get late, they all agreed to meet and watch the show again next weekend to see what would happen. They were all looking forward to seeing what Marinette and her friends would do in the next episode.
Meanwhile, in another location, there is nowhere that no one is even aware of.
After watching the episode, they both were still shocked from watching and hearing Lucy confess about a chained kunai thrown at her. "She still remembers that. And even said his name." one of them said, holding the clipboard tightly again. "And since there is no other way to get into her connections and good graces after knowing she is now in a traditional family is not helpful. It's bad enough that Adrien's disrespecting and good-for-nothing high-road system to Marinette is shocking and unacceptable. See if there is any other way to connect with the girl. There has to be a way to get Lucy's trust again." "Of course.
"All right, so it wasn't the most dramatic campfire ceremony ever. But I still get paid," Chris says, laughing. "Bonus!"
Desc Prologue Get to Know My OC Chapt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Chpt 3 Chpt 4 Reactions Pt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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mercysought · 3 months
[ NEEDED ]:     a letter that the writer wrote for the recipient after learning of their recent struggles in their personal life, and which contains uplifting words of encouragement, support and other things they feel they should hear to help them through. [ eleanor & maxima pls!! this is 100% inspired by that maxima & silver pen pals ask from lottie and your response because im still on the floor ]
letters / accepting / @imbricare
The letter arrives to name "Eleanor" If pressed, the servant that carried it to her room directly would tell her that it arrived with a lot of other shipments from the interior. That she had been order to deliver it directly for fear that the wine would be confiscated by Berringer. The name would not mean much. How could it, after all, while her memory was stark (which had allowed her to flourish in Nassau) there were quite a few self proclaimed merchants. Though not many that could afford the bottle of Italian wine that was presented atop her table.
Eleanor, I thought to add your last name, but could not pick between the devils you are caught between. "Rogers" for survival or "Guthrie" for nurture. Neither of them fit, so your name is all that remains. You once told me this town exists because of women like us. Fuck God and fuck Men. Would you believe me if I told you those words have stuck with me since? Not because I did not know or believed before but because of how special those times were. How rare of an opportunity we were presented with. It feels like it was in another life, and I find myself believing it was. Ever since the English ships landed on Nassau's shores, since the stories started pouring from the city about your new life: it is clear that you never returned. Given the times, it would be ill-advised to believe you were not the source that informed Rogers of my existence. Inexplicably, foolishly, however — I find myself doing so. Despite my best judgement and knowledge of what you must have had to do to carve this place for yourself. It is not something that many can comprehend or would be willing to understand, but not many women have kept their lives when forced into the same situation. It is hard for men to understand what sort of sacrifice that requires. You will find no judgment in this letter. I fear you have come to believe that you deserve this, that this is all you should, could strive for. It breaks my heart to think that you have been made to believe it: this lie that you should be so lucky to live with the leftovers Rogers or your father chose to leave behind and thank the heavens you still breathe. You need not force yourself into the image of women these men hold. To be satisfied to use these men's scraps to build a life, Eleanor. In the market, in three days time: I have arranged to help you slip away to Philadelphia with some help. No deals, no hidden terms, no strings attached. Trust never thrived between us but trust, at least, that your absence would be beneficial for us both and a great blow against England. From one survivor to the other: Let me help you, Eleanor. Please consider my offer, and take it.
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hydropyro · 21 days
Writer Interview Tag
Thanks for the tag @tavyliasin! I just finished reading yours and @redroomroaving's entries <3 I feel mine will also be quite heavy, though I don't struggle with the kinds of things you two beasts /pos do.
I will tag @dude-wheres-my-ankheg, @insanefan, @firlionemoontav, and @dark-and-kawaii,
Questions and answers below the cut -- potential mention of SA
When did you start writing?
I started writing before I could actually write. I would scribble lines onto paper or type nonsense into my grandma's computer and then 'read' it to her.
I was (am?) hyperlexic, and by second grade I had a high school reading level. In school we would do AR tests, and I had to check out books from the public library, as the in-school library did not have books that were challenging enough. This is also when I began to carry around a pen and paper and write my own stories.
The first I remember distinctly was a story about a butterfly who was lost. I don't remember the plot at all. I also wrote, and still have, a spiral bound 'book' that I wrote as a second grade project where we researched a topic (owls) and then wrote a non-fiction story about it.
As far as Fan Fiction goes -- last year! I did rewrite the ending of 'Lucifer' when that came out because they did it wrong -- but last year after playing Baldur's Gate 3 is when I first wrote a piece of fan fiction. And I am deep in these trenches.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really enjoy crime and psychological horror. The 'Hannibal Lecter' series by Thomas Harris is a particular favorite of mine.
I also was enthralled with 'Animorphs' in third through fifth grade, and had read any and all that I could get my hands on. I was not a huge fan of science-fiction, though there were a few individual stories that I enjoyed. I also read the 'Warriors' series by Erin Hunter. Another beloved series was 'Inkheart/Inkspell/Inkdeath' by Cornelia Funke, the 'Eragon' series by Christopher Paolini, and the 'Purple Emperor' series by Herbie Brennan. Fantasy/(low-fantasy might be the genre) was a particular favorite of mine.
My favorite book, though, which I read in fifth grade -- originally because none of my personal choices were deemed challenging enough -- was 'The Iliad' by Homer. I don't remember which translation was used, but it was not in prose format, so that may narrow it down.
I used to read a lot. These days, I don't read much. By seventh grade when I started my first 'real novel' I was afraid of being too heavily influenced by things that I read. In eighth grade I stopped reading fiction entirely for this reason, after a teacher (vice principal) confiscated my work and viciously accused me of plagiarism as the things I was writing was 'too mature for someone my age to even know about' (Take the hint, mandatory reporter). From that point on, I only read Biographies/Historical reports. 'Operation Valkyrie' by Pierre Galante is thrilling.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Other than my 8th Grade vice-principal, teachers were always very encouraging of my writing. The school librarians, especially. I have had my work compared to 'The Hunger Games' specifically (though I don't agree with) and I was asked to take a test that would analyze a piece of work and tell you what well-known author it was most like. I had Hemingway.
I don't try to emulate anyone, and actively avoid being 'inspired' by any works, as I previously said. As an adult, I think I could better use other work as 'inspiration', where as a child it was more 'copying', which didn't sit right.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
From second grade, all through high school and into college, I carried around a spiral ring notebook (always college/narrow ruled! Never wide ruled!) and pen everywhere I went. When I say everywhere, I mean it quite literally. Over the years I have had hundreds of notebooks full of dozens of stories. Most of them have fallen into obscurity, but a precious few are near and dear to my heart.
I write, and have always written, where I am currently sitting. In school I would write during lectures rather than take notes (some teachers had a small problem with this, though I explained that I need to do that in order to focus. I guess ADHD wasn't as well-known back in the early 00s) and my grades were excellent, so I was allowed to continue. By middle school my father had purchased a metal clipboard case for me to carry, so I could write during sport events when I wasn't competing.
These days I write mostly at my kitchen table, where my laptop is set up, or in bed with one of my spiral-ring notebooks -- though if inspiration strikes while I am out and about I have Word and Google Docs on my phone. I prefer to handwrite and then type it out, rather than write directly on a computer.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
i wish I knew how to answer this question. I have been asked many times over the years.
The best way that I know how to explain my 'process' is that -- I don't write. (Obviously I do just follow me for a moment). I don't 'build' characters. The only time I use baby name generators or the like is when I have an inconsequential side character that needs a name for a paragraph. My characters are 'born', and they tell me their stories. I just record them.
As a child I spent a lot of time daydreaming -- called Maladaptive Day Dreaming by my psych professionals. While doing chores I would be living in my stories, and these experiences would inspire scenes. Walking through the forest while camping -- scene.
Though, I will note, that the hearing of my characters is not a hallucination. It is more like -- a memory of a conversation or experience and I am recalling it.
My hallucinations are very different.
Things that I have found are more likely to get my characters talking is TV shows with strong character development. I wrote a great deal during my 'Supernatural' and 'Lucifer' days. Baldur's Gate 3 has also helped get the creative juices flowing -- though my fan fic is, obviously, directly derived from that source material.
What is your reason for writing?
A sweet and simple answer is -- they make me. The characters and the story make me. My mind is never quiet, and there is a catharsis in allowing the story to flow from my brain and out through my fingertips.
The reason my therapist may ask me to give is more -- intense -- and one I had not realized was the likely case. Feel free to skip to the next question.
Stories -- my characters, the worlds I build, the relationships they form -- are my safe place. There were times in my childhood that I would have eagerly left my home to go to 'Abser' -- lightyears away.
They are the friends I could never have because we moved every year -- they could never leave me. They are the safe, strong, and capable adults I never knew.
They were my punching bags. I was a quiet and sweet child -- straight A student because school was safe. Star athlete because I was admired and loved there. Even when I went to church to a god I didn't believe in because it got me out of the house, I was the best worshipper -- i knew all the trivia at Sunday school. And so torturing my characters once I was forced home was cathartic.
They were my avatars. They could love and live and hate and die -- when they were raped as children they could grow up into successful, happy adults -- not damaged at all. They could have loving parents who would move Heaven and Earth for them.
And, they could live out the -- more mature -- fantasies that I had and hid away out of (appropriately placed, I later found) fear that making them known and -- god forbid acting on them -- would lead to ridicule and abandonment.
In seventh grade I created a character named Kacie. She looked like me. Protagonist. Loving family. Strong woman. There was another character I didn't like much, called Leon. He was mean. Aloof.
As the story developed -- Kacie didn't, so much. But Leon told me his story. Raised without a mother by a man who hated, abused, and neglected him and his little sister -- doing anything and everything he could to protect his little sister, even if it put him in danger -- hiding behind his art trying to white knuckle his way through life -- addict -- hedonist -- angry at life itself -- and utterly alone in the world.
Of course, it is art so his experience is much more extreme than mine -- (sorry, Leon).
ha, ha, fan fic though!
Still the above -- they make me -- but playing with these little dolls that I didn't make, but that I made my own -- is just fun. Sure, I'm probably expressing more yet-to-be-discovered trauma as well, but man do I love to justify my favorite devil and make Alakvyr and Abdirak kiss.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
For my personal work -- when I graduated high school my librarian gave me a notebook and wrote on the inside cover 'Never Stop Writing'. I have yet to use that notebook. When I finished the first draft of my complete novel I was brave and sent it to my family to read. They had never read my work before. My step-dad, who is my hero, said he 'couldn't put it down'.
For my fan fiction work, I love that other people also love them! As I said, I don't percolate on ideas, and for my fan-fiction I hardly even edit. I word vomit -- try to fix some grammatical issues -- and throw it out into the world. When writing fan fiction I wanted it to be solely for the passion of writing -- not perfect.
I love to hear when people catch the little references I put in (think 'call it a ninth sense' that Raphael says in game) and when people tell me that I 'captured' an established character well. Especially Raphael and Abdirak.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Firstly -- awe
Secondly -- I don't know if I want to necessarily be 'thought about' by my readers.
My original work has very few readers -- and though those who have read it have given raving reviews except @summerwarlock who beta read my work and gave an incredibly helpful and extensive review (still raving, but also helpful tips and critiques) no one has asked me questions or wanted to 'better understand' me, my story, or characters. So, as far as fan fic
Think of me as a fan! A fan with gremlins in my head and gloriously agonizing brainrot -- but a fan.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Original Work: hahaha hahahahahaahhahahaha who knows? Probably the same as fan fiction, though.
Fan fiction: probably character development/character study. I love to pull characters apart to deeply understand who they are and why they do, say, think, and feel as they do. One of my favorite things to write is Raphael justifying himself -- and I feel especially successful when people read it and say 'holy shit, he's right'.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Original work -- I was held back by fear of being judged for writing the story the way it needed to be written. I have a character who is a power-mad king. An absolutely shit-pile of a person -- but I wrote him fairly bland. Other characters would tell you 'oh he's awful' but I never showed him being awful because 'what if people judge me for thinking this'.
Fan fic has helped me a lot with this, as well as Summerwarlock's tips. And so, the hedonistic, rapist, abusive king will do those things because it is in character. Sorry -- all the other characters.
For fan fic -- yes and no. I write for myself. I write because I enjoy it and fan fic is my passion project. I don't even edit my work, remember. I just passion all over the page (muhahah) and throw it into the ether. I love that other people enjoy my little weirdos as much as I do.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Original work -- oh, pure shit. Let's move on.
Fan fiction -- I'm a gods damned genius. No, that's a joke. There are some lines that I write that I think 'fuck yea, that came out of me?' but other than that, they're just silly little dolls I'm squishing together, so I'm not too concerned.
I do enjoy sharing it, though, especially with those who write similar things as I do. The Abdirak group I'm in are full of great, loving people who -- as writers themselves -- aren't afraid to give helpful criticism or ask questions that may make you think differently about your work. And they are also wonderful cheerleaders, as I hope I am for them.
I am a passionate person, but I am a very reserved person, so I worry sometimes that the depths of my adoration don't come across -- but I truly do adore you all, and I am so grateful to have found and been accepted into this community.
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