#my obsessive tendencies are out here dude
eleadore · 2 months
fic: as the plant that never blooms
(7,000 words)
rating: nc-17 pairing: harry/draco
"Something's wrong," Potter says again. "You have to take my wand. Stun me. Then call Ron."
Trope Bingo #1, Prompt: Sex Pollen
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sparrowlucero · 6 months
Even if a creator is a bad person it's still okay to like their work. People need to mind their own business.
Honestly it's not really that sort of situation. I'll actively defend Steven Moffat here.
There was a huge hate movement for him back in the early 2010s - which, in retrospect, formed largely because he was running 2 of the superwholock shows at once, one of which went through extremely long hiatuses* and the other of which was functionally an adaptation of an already well regarded show**, making him subject to a sort of double ire in the eyes of a lot of fandom people. Notably, his co-showrunner, Mark Gatiss, is rarely mentioned and much of his work is still attributed to Moffat (and yes, this includes that Hbomberguy video. Several of "Steven Moffat's bad writing choices" were not actually written by him, they were Gatiss.)
People caricatured the dude into a sort of malicious, arrogant figure who hated women and was deliberately mismanaging these shows to spite fans, to the point where people who never watched them believe this via cultural osmosis. It became very common to take quotes from him out of context to make them look bad***, to cite him as an example of a showrunner who hated his fans, someone who sabotaged his own work just to get at said fans, someone who was too arrogant to take criticism, despite all of this being basically a collective "headcanon" about the guy formed on tumblr. Some if it got especially terrible, like lying about sexual assault (I don't mean people accused him of sexual assault and I think they're making it up, I mean people would say things like "many of his actresses have accused him of sexual assault on set" when no such accusations exist in the first place. This gets passed around en masse and is, in my opinion, absolutely rancid.)
On top of that a ton of the criticism directed at the shows themselves is, personally, just terrible media criticism. So much of it came from assuming a very hostile intent from the writer and just refusing to engage with the text at all past that.
Like some really common threads you see with critique of this writer's work, especially in regards to Doctor Who since that's the one I'm most familiar with:
A general belief that his lead characters were meant to be ever perfect self inserts, and so therefore when they act shitty or arrogant or flawed in any way, that's both reflective of the author and something the show wants you to view as positive or aspirational.
An overarching thesis that his characters are "too important" in the narrative due to the writer's arrogance and self obsession (even though this is a very deliberate theme that's stated several times)
A lot of focus on the writer personally "attacking" the fans or making choices primarily out of spite.
A tendency to treat the show being different to what it's adapting as inherently bad and hostile towards the original.
Just generally very little consideration and engagement with the themes, intent, etc. of the shows
This one's a little more nebulous and doesn't apply to all critique but a lot of it, especially recently, is clearly by people who haven't seen the show in like 10 years and their opinion is largely formed secondhand through like, "discourse nostalgia". Which. you know. bad.
I think these are just weird and nonsensical ways to engage with a work of fiction. I also think it's really sad to see the show boiled down to this because that era of who is, in my opinion, very thematically rich and unique among similar shows, and I'm disappointed that it's often dismissed in such a paltry way.
This isn't to say people aren't allowed to critique Steven Moffat or anything, but the context in which he basically became The Devil™ to a large portion of fandom and is still remembered in a poor light is very tied to this perfect storm of fan culture and I just don't agree with a ton of it.
* I'm sure most people have seen the way long running shows and hiatuses will cause people to fall out with a show, with some former fans turning around and joining a sort of "anti fandom" for it while it's still airing. That happened with both these shows. ** Doctor Who will change it's entire writing staff, crew, and cast every few years, and with that comes a change in style, tone, theme - the old show basically ends and is replaced by a new show under the same title. As Steven Moffat's era was the first of these handovers for the majority of audiences, you can imagine this wasn't a well loved move for many fans. *** I know for a fact most people have not sought out the sources for a lot of these quotes to check that they read the same in context because 1) most of them were deleted years ago and are very difficult to find now and 2) many of them do actually make sense in the context of their respective interviews
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lightfeltmemories · 9 months
trouble trio sharing a partner.
characters include: feitan, phinks, shalnark
note: fun fact, this was left as a draft on my main for like over a year and i read over it and thought.... it would be better on here, but anyway, there's a lot of adult trio poly stuff, why not trouble trio? I have plans (just me announcing it, I already know it'll take years for me to actually go through with making said content) on making trouble trio content, fanfics and whatnot. so, here's a headcanon post about how the trouble trio would go with a polygamous relationship with the reader, nsfw themes will have a 🔞 on the side so look out! and when it comes to requesting anything similar to this..... no, i will not do the adult trio.
trigger warnings: yandere tendencies (but there's no actual yandere stuff like obsessiveness and whatever, most of it is just their normal way of showing affection), mentions of kidnapping, possessiveness, reader's eventual death, feitan carves his initials onto you because "you're his."
parts of this contain nsfw material, do not interact if you are a minor.
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How It Starts
So, who are you? For them to actually even care about your existence, you would either have to be a part of the troupe or be someone they know way back from Meteor City, I highly doubt they would go heart eyes over some really stunning person they ran into on a mission or so, because looks aren't everything, right? A pretty girl, a handsome boy, or an attractive genderless person isn't gonna phase them in the slightest, unless you're powerful enough to woo them out their boots, other than that, the choices are; being apart of the troupe (which is the most likely case, since they have a chance of them all being with you more often) or you being a friend of theirs in meteor city and their feelings grew overtime.
Who would fall for your first? I'm honestly tied between Phinks and Shalnark, for Feitan it would take like 2 billion years for his crush to kick in since he isn't in tune with his more softer emotions (yet), Shalnark to me is.... odd... he seems like the type to fall for someone oh so easy but dude is like, the personified version of "don't judge a book by its cover," and the only thing Phinks got going for him is..... anger issues, so I'd go with Phinks on this one! of course when people (troupe members) ask him about his affections towards you, he denies them with the most obvious blush on his face, his infatuation isn't exactly that obvious but there are some hints like him wanting to be next to you more or even the two of you hanging out on your off days! next on the list: Shalnark, so how exactly would he fall for you? well, he'd probably get paired up with you more on missions and when he starts to hang out with you more he starts to feel himself grow fond of you more, and it slowly grows into a crush! kind of simple really. And finally after those 2 billion years are up, Feitan is up next! Everyone has this collective idea that if he realizes he has a crush on you, he'd do the opposite of his two counterparts; he'd want to avoid you so that the feelings won't grow stronger as he considers it a distraction, he may even contemplate on killing you, which is something I really hate to say since I feel like the idea is slightly far fetched for his character (i'm guilty of saying this myself but i considering the topic of that specific post i wanted to be dramatic) but I can see why people think this, killing you only goes if you aren't a member of the troupe but since you are, he'd have to deal with you, forcing himself to accept the fact as time goes by that he is in love with you, he's confused with his feelings when it comes to you, he isn't used to crushes, no one to him is that special for him to fall for, love is very sacred to him, it's something he and the others mentioned above haven't really experienced, and as it grows, he starts to form a soft spot for you as he gets to know you well, he starts to find parts of you that made him like you to begin with. (ik Feitan's is kinda longer than the others but I'm biased he's my fav).
How would they act around you? This was really hard to do for some reason but I already stated above that Phinks would hang out with you more and would be near you a lot, at first his affections towards you wouldn't be too different to how he acts towards others, for someone like him he's pretty good at hiding his infatuation, though over time he's starting to loose the "I have a crush on Y/N" allegations, the others would tease him a little for how he acts around you, he shows to have more sympathy and affection for you, like he's more handsy with you than everyone else, and is most definitely protective over you, he really is a girly girl, ain't he? Shalnark is a bit more happier when he's in your presence, he opens up with you way more than everyone else (when you two are alone ofc) and plays video games with you, he'll never give you a break and let you win though, he's just too good! (And competitive) May not be as protective as Phinks but he damn sure isn't gonna let you getting injured slide. Feitan once again is an interesting case, since he's come to terms with him being infatuated with you, the signs will be waaaay more subtle than Phinks', you would lowkey be left confused, like something tells you he likes you but you can't exactly prove he does, you're seen with him more often, he talks to you more, but in the beginning that's about it really, but overtime he gets more handsy with you like Phinks but not as much, he would most definitely tease you when he's in a good mood, giving you nicknames and such, and of course, very protective over you.
Confessing & Relationship
Finding out they all like you! When they start to see one of the other become more affectionate towards you, shit starts to get real, a scenario where Feitan sees you and Shalnark playing a newly released game, the both of you are so happy, laughing and all, and Feitan is hiding somewhere and just stares at the both of you, the worst scenarios are running through his mind, are they dating? do they like him? he wants to do something about it but can't because for one troupe members can't fight and two, he sees how happy you are, how can he ruin that? Another scenario is the old fashioned switcheroo where you and Feitan are getting a little too handsy with one another, he's got his hand on your thigh and your hand on his shoulder, Shalnark is now in Feitan's shoes, bad scenarios running through his brain thinking the two of you have a thing for each other, a part of him wants to step in but he can't. It's kind of subtle at first until everything starts to build up, they can see each other's jealousy seeping through, let's say Phinks was the one to save you from an attacker and Feitan wasn't quick enough, a glare is shot at Phinks' way as he sees the way he's holding you and reassuring you, and he catches it, he's confused, what the hell is going on? Another scenario where the troupe is having fun or whatnot and you and Shalnark are laughing about something a little too hard, he spots both Phinks and Feitan seething in jealousy, he's also confused! Until it all hits the three of them; they all like you!
Them finding out..... So, when they finally sit and conversate about the rising tensions between them to solve it, they come to the conclusion that you are the reason why, how will they go about this? They all have a goal in mind; a monogamous relationship with you, they are all trying their absolute hardest not to start anything between them, they were all on good terms until this very incident, they had no idea what to do about this, their own friends are crushing on the same person they want, and the tensions can only grow from here, and beyond this point things can go either north (good) or south (bad) really quickly. From here on out, they challenge themselves to impress you so that one of them finally gets you, an unspoken rule, until they realize that you like all three of them, and things grow extra confusing, they're happy because "yay they like me!" but also mad because "grrr they like him back!!" So everyone involved is kinda like.............. "omg??"
Poly? So, because everything came out, they all like you and you like all of them back, they're stuck here wondering how this will work, a polygamous relationship isn't even a thought to them because they just want to have you, and it may be one of your biggest fantasies, you eventually let it out that you want all of them at the same time and because of their confusion you would have to explain to them, they argue that it's not going to work well, since for one, they are all territorial when it comes to you, Feitan is most definitely the worst one since he's never exactly felt this feeling before and it's most likely his first crush and potential relationship, and since you're pretty special to him he doesn't want to lose you to someone else, in all honesty he'd probably kidnap you and hide you away from Phinks and Shalnark if you weren't apart of the troupe, so you can be his forever, yayyy, we love yanderes!!!! Phinks is in the middle, while yes he wants you to himself he doesn't want to admit that he would want to at least give it a chance, Shalnark is pretty chill, the idea of him having you to himself is nice also, but a polygamous relationship would probably solve all this conflict between them.
They Agree, so The Relationship Starts Here! So they decided that just for you, they would all agree to date you, of course at first this doesn't sit right with them since they want you to be with one of them, but they're also like... shit, I mean we all technically got what we wanted so we might as well make the best of it!
Small Miscellaneous Things
When they don't receive enough attention. Despite you all agreeing on a polygamous relationship, they all still get jealous whenever one is getting more attention than the other, when Phinks isn't receiving enough attention he gets more agitated, prone to more outbursts and will even straight up pull you away from the other, when Shalnark isn't receiving more attention, he would tap your shoulder or find ways to annoy you like hugging you or getting in your face, when Feitan isn't receiving more attention he finds ways to get yours by breaking something like a glass cup so that you can at least say a few words to him even if they aren't exactly the most kind, or staring at you for an ungodly amount of time to the point where you can physically feel his eyes on you, or like Phinks, will pull you away from the other so that you can be with him more.
🔞 What sex is like! Sex isn't too different from the usual, you can't really have group sex with them often since shit gets competitive real fast, they will go above and beyond to make you cum the hardest and scream the loudest, but when one or two of them so happens to be away, Feitan will make marks on your body to be territorial, so show the other two or to other people outside that he was the one who made that mark there, and it's even worse because he puts them in places that aren't exactly the easiest to cover, either it be a bite mark or a scar that spells out his initials. Shalnark will mark hickeys on your neck or will have photos of you having his cum dripping on your face or you laying beside him just completely slutted out and send them to the other two just for giggles, Phinks won't do anything outrageous (he can't you'll fucking die) but will have you wear his clothes afterwards to let the other two know when they get back who fucked them out ;).
Things start to get better! Overtime they start to realize that the petty fights over who gets to spend more time with you are meaningless, and that they all love you and you all love them, it takes them a while for them to come to these terms, but in the end, it gets better for the future, and everyone loves each other, movie nights aren't filled with who's chest you get to lay on anymore, sex isn't "who gets to make them cum harder" more, you don't feel as if you're some type of prized possession, you're now treated with actual respect and love and consideration, of course there's fights here and there like any other normal couple, but life is good.... for them anyway.
You were murdered! If they ever come into your house to find it ransacked, their first priority is to see if you're alright, they find your body laying in your room, devoid of all life, shit starts to get real, they never rest to look for the one who did this to you, since Shalnark has cameras hidden away around the house, it doesn't take long to find out who did it from hacking and such, and once they find them, it takes so much to not just rip their head to shreds and feed it to wild animals, Feitan wants to give them the worst of all of his tortures, and afterwards they die by their phinks blowing their head clean off their shoulders or shit maybe shalnark will do it.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
i am currently catching up on neon void, and it is a delight to read. your descriptions of leo’s mind is mesmerizing and grabs the reader’s attention so well. it’s very diverse and unique compared to other interpretations and fics♥️
i’m curious to know what your thinking process was like while writing leo’s insanity and his own thought processes.
(spoilers for ch11) the scene that stuck out to me the most was when leo was about to infect donnie. it felt so vulnerable and raw ahh
anyways i just want to dig into your mind a little to know how it works.
keep up the great work, you are doing wonderful.
WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 you are so sweet thank you!! 💙💗‼️and ohmigosh what a fun ask.
tbh i sat on this one for a while to think of how to dive into it-- beware of my (VERY) long ramblings below!
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this question really got me Thinkin' and i kinda popped off but!! If i may indulge myself, here's sort of a wild explanation of how i approach Leo's Insane Brain for this specific fic:
does it meet R.I.S.E???
R - Realistic? I - Interesting? S - Silly? E - Existential?
R - Realistic
"How the hell do i make this sound realistic" is often an obstacle i run into. but it's also the Secret Sauce. What really gives the thought process direction. Given Leo's current situation, he's battling between what he wants and what he needs to do. Which is often a very real problem real people have. Exaggerating it helps create a fun back-and-forth dialog that can make his thoughts seem muddled.
With Leo in this fic’s setup, there are about five main key factors i rely on with his decision making:
Happiness The root of Leo’s general personification. He’s the guy who beat Krang One. The one who escaped a place worse than Hell. After years of missing home so much he’s FINALLY home. He’s drunk on happiness. He was finally home. And that relief and joy is what makes him so jubilant and goofy.
Awareness of his goal Though Rise Leo is a very funny dude, he's still a Leonardo. Throughout the series, Leo is the voice of reason when things are getting out of hand or are potentially dangerous. Leo's had nothing but time to think. Wishing what he'd done different. Wishing he had been more serious. After five years obsessing over his mistake and missing his family, the moment he see's the opportunity to make sure this never happens again he'll latch onto it. And when the stakes are high, accentuating that tension can help with frantic impact of his thinking.
His desire to see his family This desire often clashes with point number 2. Writing his internal struggle between the two helps with the “overwhelmed thoughts” vibe. It’s hard for him to choose! And he doesn’t wanna have to choose! Playing out the conflict between his 'want' vs his 'need to do' helps me bring out his nervous thinking process.
He's self-reprimanding thoughts We all love an Angsty Leo. It was hinted in the show that he had some self-esteem issues, but who doesn't love ramping it up to 11 for a fic??? That, and he was trapped with Krang this whole time. After hearing he was nothing but trash for five years PLUS the guilt of nearly ending the world, the guy doesn't exactly see himself in a great light you know? This can help clash with point 1, again helping with that 'what he wants' vs 'what he needs to do' inner conflict.
Instinct to Survive / Feral Tendencies This one is super fun. I love feral AUs/tropes. With little to no socialization in the Prison Dimension, Leo's sanity started to slip, leaving his body's natural instincts to become more profound. Plus, with the Krang Parasite, I like to exaggerate how feral/dangerous he could be outside of 'turtle' instincts. (Seeing that parasite hosts in the movie were very violent). Sprinkling in feral moments is just a delicious thrill I love adding, and it makes the insanity factor skyrocket and it's so fun to write 🩵🩵🩵
I - Interesting
Is Leo's thought process interesting to read??? Honestly, I just gun for what I think is the most interesting; Leo's relationship with his brothers (especially Raph), and the cause and effects of his shenanigans.
Also, I liked to experiment with wonky texts to help emphasize key moments or words to grab attention. Mostly because it feels like a fun surprise to read them in my opinion. Though not necessary in writing, I thought using some funky fonts might entice and excite 💙
S- Silly
THE BIG ONE!!! EVERYONE'S FAVORITE!!! 🎉🎊🥳🎉 Something I really love love love about Rise's style is that it's silly It's unique! It's fun! I love that Leo and the others are goofy and have some slap-stick moments. And I wanted to keep that with Leo despite everything. Plus, I ADORE that in this iteration of TMNT, the characters are such showmen. They are DRAMATIC. They are SILLY. And that's something I wanna celebrate!! Plus, as much as I love angst, writing nothing but pure angst is exhausting. (And I'm sure reading pure angst isn't enjoyably to everyone.) Throwing in Silly moments is like a little moment of refreshment to me 🩵
I also like to believe that Leo kept his sense of humor out of sheer SPITE. The 'wipe that stupid grin off your face' line in the movie really stuck with me. I feel like Leo would smile through his fear and still be a clown just to spite Krang One.
E - Existential
At the end of the day, Leo is dealing with a VERY big issue. I felt like the Rise movie did an excellent job portraying the severity of an alien invasion for the setting Rise had. And the weight of the situation would be too great for one person. And this is often what I refer back to to make Leo snap. A relapse in clarity of mind. A moment for the panic and PTSD to come back in full force and make him rely on his instincts. Usually the feral instincts he became more attuned with while fleeing/fighting Krang One. It also goes hand-in-hand with his awareness of his goal (as mentioned in 'Realistic' above).
And that's kinda a word-vomit of how it goes!! Honestly??? The tug-o-war between conflicting thoughts helps me write the madness in his head. It's been super fun and interesting, and I hope it's been fun to read!!! (Though I'm telling you now I will NOT be doing those floating text tables again OOF)
Thank you again for the ask it was super fun to think about ;w; 🩵‼️
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Questioning NPD, and already prof. dx'd autism and OCD culture is (lengthy and vent-ish, but not really with the latter):
📌 Carefully orchestrating this whole ask.
📌 Thinking every day about how much criteria you meet. **It's nearly all of it**, but you're still unsure if the things you've been prev. dx'd with would cancel it out or not.
📌 Stigma and misconceptions making you second-guess yourself.
📌 "-But I don't constantly or overtly seek attention/admiration..." Though I DO desire it, fantasize about seeking it, and get upset or disappointed when I don't receive what I'd like/had expected (when I do so). I'll think about it for a bit and feel a mild (?) sense of entitlement, then scoff "whatever" in my head.
I'm also afraid of people thinking I'm pathetic if I try too hard, so that's why I don't.
📌 ^ Comparing your competence in something afterwards, then being like "🤔🧙‍♂️😏" (silly ass emojis ik) when you notice that you're better or on par with whatever someone/everyone else has presented.
📌 ^ Moral OCD kicks in not long afterwards. I'll be writing a book if I elaborate.
📌 Struggling to find resources on covert presentations of NPD besides "10 signs of a covert narcissist" (it's mostly emotional abuse shit) or "the covert narcissistic mother." 🫠 Like bro please.
📌 Being afraid that by claiming you have "narcissistic traits/tendencies" and potentially learning it's all something different later that you'll seem like a fool (I feel like there's irony in this).
📌 "What if it's just C-PTSD?" (Also questioning) + "What if I suspect what could be C-PTSD is just my OCD and *some trauma.*" The fear of seeming like a fool to people (generally and those you'd seek help from) 2x.
📌 "I'm also aware of how my actions affect others sometimes, and I'm pretty self aware..."
I KNOW it's a misconception/overgeneralization that narcs 'can't have empathy' (also dude how do you think I manage how others potentially perceive me lol). I ALSO KNOW that self-aware narcs exist (like on here, hello...), but man...
A therapist once told me that I seemed too self-aware to be one as the 3 (yes) previous people they had experience with "typically only came in due to other problems like depression or perceiving others having 'the issue,' then were later diagnosed."
Self-doubt plus a lack of resources is a Bitch...
📌 That same one also used Donald Trump as an example of a narc (not that I'd disagree since I've read a bit of that one book about his family that was made by.. I think his Niece? Who's a clinical psych, but lmao...), wasn't aware of certain terms I'd bring up, and would accidentally skip questions (brought a pocket diagnostic manual with me, so I knew).
They were nice, but it made me go "hmm I think I'm more competent." Fear of being 'an arrogant fool' with that one (esp. as they've gone through schooling and I haven't.... *Yet* 😏), but seriously. Makes me teeter between whether I should just go with self diagnosis or seek out a more qualified professional (realized that one didn't specialize in pds besides BPD, so..) whenever I'm more prepared (both bringing up that fear again).
📌 OH AND BEING ASKED "Do you exploit others?..." with a waiting stare. Maybe others have no problem admitting that or other unpleasant things, BUT WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANNA SAY THAT!!! 😭 (I actually don't - at least not harmfully or often? But still).
📌 Obsessing/having intrusive memories and thoughts about people who've rejected you, left you out, did relational bullying, and/or perceived you as somehow 'less than' and were condescending towards you. Fantasizing about either winning their approval (more of a younger me thing) or overpowering them; either directly proving them wrong/that you've actually been better than them/putting them in their place or becoming famous for something unique/grand. ALL for **Years** and it sucks because it's likely that I barely exist in their minds, and I've yet to move on.
I've yet to heal/grow from this internalized shame and whatnot in full (plus there's more I could add into it like familial shit, the compassion/thoughtfulness I've had for those people despite what I've mentioned above - like ik they've had their own issues, etc.) I mean, I have been doing better... I've noticed my own growth, but it's been a painfully slow process.
📌 My mom being like "*you're not like your dad!!*" when I talk to her about narc stuff; further feeding my self-doubt/questioning. Also yeah it's likely that my paternal side has tendencies and that my dad has NPD. Way more than me actually LOL (plus I also likely get the OCD from his side, but y'know... Lots of them are old, they're Latinos, and idk what's up w my cousins since I rarely talk to them).
- Uhhhhh can I please claim 🌀🪄?
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je5hko · 1 year
Simon Henriksson
I know there might be not much cry of fear enjoyers, but here it is! simon headcanons! ( sick simon )
TW: angst, suicidal tendencies,self harm
sexual topics
Simon is a smoker, obviously, but he’s also picky when it comes to cigarettes. His beloved ones are red or blue Winstons or Malboro gold. He rarely smokes anything else (except when he’s really desperate)
His sleep schedule is fucked up, and i really mean it. Dude can go 3 days without sleeping, and then sleep for 15 hours straight.
The meds. He was supposed to take meds at first, but his mother was not really a fan of that idea. She was convinced that the therapist wanted to drug Simon with pills.
Simon was home schooled through the primary school, and first years of high school. From the lack of communication and social life, between him and other kids, he couldn’t really catch up with other people at school. He was also bullied because of being the “weird kid”
He was also the smartest guy in the school, always having the best grades and all that.
Thats how he met Sophie, firstly helping her with schoolwork, and later listening to her problems. He couldn’t really do much about her personal issues, but he tried his best to be there for her.
Never had a real friend who would listen to him, help him with his problems, and just be there for him. So whenever theres a person who’s nice to him, he becomes obsessed with them (or the other way around, cuts off the contact and dissociates himself from anyone)
Simon wasn’t exactly an extrovert too, he would avoid social interactions and spending time with others, just because he felt like its “right thing to do” and "he doesn’t belong with people"
His depression problems started when he was 10 years old, at first struggling with daily basis of his life, and then ending with caging himself in his own room .
He’s dyslexic. Do not change my mind.
Simon tried to find some kind of coping mechanism for himself, so he would feel a little bit better with spending time alone. Unfortunately the coping mechanism he choose was self harm.
His bestie (who later abandoned him) obviously found out about his self harm problem, she tried to help him somehow, talking with him about this, but it didn’t work.
When Sophie rejected him, he tried to overdose with his mothers antibiotics, or anything he would find in the house. He really loved Sophie.
Whenever Simon was in class (before he locked himself in a room again) he would try to plan his suicide, how would it look like, what would he use to take his life, etc.
Every time he tried to masturbate, he would cry in the middle of doing that… or after.
After the car accident, he wasn’t fully paralysed, he could feel his legs from time to time. If he ever had the opportunity to rehabilitate, and try to recover, he would definitely try to walk again. But he just… couldn’t show himself to the other people. Embarrassment took over him.
He’s really scared of getting actual help, so going to the doctor was almost impossible for him to do. He did it for his mother, that he loved very much.
Speaking of his mother, she was a good person, its just that, she sometimes couldn’t handle her emotions in a right way. She would take out all the bundled up emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, on her son. Simon didn’t really mind, he knew that she had really tough times throughout her life. He was convinced that he deserved every abuse he got, justifying his mother.
His dad left when he was 10, then his depression started. (what a coincidence!)
He’s an incel. sorry.
Thank yall for reading! it feels so good to be back on tumblr! :D let me know in the comments if you want more cry of fear headcanons!
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yanxidarlings · 11 months
okay so i'm supposed to be writing theo headcanons but I haven't got inspiration for him rn so here's my current hp fixation.
once again a special shout out to chat gpt for being there for me when fanfiction writers weren't. but honestly most of my headcanons for him are my own perceptions of him so yay for originality.
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as i was saying in my last post "this dude cares only for his chosen darling and literally no one else" when i tell you he's a devoted yandere- his darling could ask him to commit the most horrid atrocities, they could be the most selfish unlikable person in hogwarts (only second to him, of course) and he'd still worship the ground they walk on. once he's become obsessed, there's no going back.
zacharias's infatuation with his darling develops so quickly, whether he meets his darling at hogwarts or if he's known them since childhood; there's just something about them when he meets them. it lingers in the back of his mind, what are they doing, who are they talking to, what are they thinking about are they thinking about him. after some self reflection, he comes to a conclusion; they've given him a love potion.
it makes so much sense! his darling is too shy to tell him they want his attention, and so resorted to underhanded methods. it's fine, zach isn't not mad. once he comes to this realisation, he'll begin to insert himself into their life; but obsession or not, he isn't exactly great company, so his presence will be more of an annoyance to his darling than anything.
even if his darling expresses their discomfort or explicitly rejects him, zacharias refuses to accept it. he's convinced that they secretly love him and continues to pursue them relentlessly.
zacharias just always seems to say the wrong things. always seems to pry and cross boundries. but no matter what his darling says, he thinks they're just playing hard to get; a part of him knows they aren't, but he doesn't care about their comfort that much. sure he wants them to be happy but he'd rather they suffer with him than be happy without him.
as a yandere, zach wants to know his darling inside and out, the idea that they aren't sharing their every thought with him drives him insane. he pry's until they detail every moment of their life before meeting him and when he isn't around. as if he leaves them alone after becoming obsessed.
there is no boundry zacharias won't cross, his darling has no privacy whatsoever - but on the bright side, he doesn't force his darling to follow him to the bathroom or skip their classes they don't have with him, he'll put his basic needs on hold if it means staying attached to his darling at the hip.
seriously. if zacharias's darling decides they want to stay awake for 2 days straight, then as exhausted as he is, he's staying up with them. he'll vocalise his discontent, but refuses to sleep if his darling isn't.
he often daydreams about a future where he and the person are together forever, ignoring any signs of their discomfort or fear. these fantasies become increasingly ✨ disturbing ✨ and detached from reality.
ironic as it is, zacharias is a coward when it comes down to it. he won't hurt his rivals; he'll convince his darling to. he relies on the mental instability of his darling to isolate them from their loved ones.
zacharias is overwhelmingly possessive, doesn't matter if his obsession is romantic or platonic, he just can't stand it knowing his darling is close to other people. so he'll sabotage every relationship they have; he'll convince them he's the only one they can trust, the only one truly loyal to them, the only one that understands them.
his yandere tendencies are on display for the whole world to see, which is why, despite being pretty goddamn crazy, he's no where near as threatening as draco or even anthony because everyone knows how obsessed he is with them.
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beatcroc · 6 months
turns out i have to make an unnecessarily wordy thoughtspost about doombox too bc there is nothing about this character that isn't fucking ridiculous and also really funny and i'm kind of really obsessed with all of it. ordinarily i would just start firing but in this case I need to just. paste his bio and then go through it step by step because every phrase here is absurd when looking at how he's handled along with the other characters and the world as a whole. here we go
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first sidenote: i should also add 'nonsensical' to the list of descriptors up there, because this is a fighting game and no doubt has the typical Bad Fighting Game Writing at play that doesn't really hold up when put under scrutiny as i'm about to, but understand that this is something i've come to love about the genre and its typically batshit lore, and it further enhances the experience for me. it's all utter nonsense and its my favorite shit ever.
the biggest thing to me that makes his entire shtick ridiculous is that he was explicitly made to be a weapon. like his express purpose is destruction and/or killing people, and he certainly has the disposition to be doing that. except that he is not doing that. he's out there playing Ball Game, evidently of his own volition.
i feel it is also important to highlight that he was not originally or intentionally a boombox; he just kinda lives in there. his own bio frames it as happenstance, but sonata's dlc skin lore** implies he isn't permanently stuck in there and can kinda just hop out and take control of whatever he wants whenever he wants. there is an entire goddamn tank just sitting there in the background of one of these stages. he is a weapon. there is heavy artillery readily available to him that he could be commanding if he wanted to, but he's not doing that either. he is still a boombox. i think he likes it in there. *there's an argument to be made that maybe he's not powerful enough to control something that large, or maybe just that switching hosts is really tiring or risky. im just saying though there's like a bajillion host devices better suited for A Fucking Weapon than a boombox, but he seems really committed to this for some reason. while im here btw it's fucking terrifying that he apparently can possess thing that are Not tech as well **as a side note from that the specific mention of her boomhammer is interesting. i don't think it's an intentional implication but i enjoy the idea he has an affinity for sound-based devices; i like to think the boombox left an impression on him with its being the initial thing he possessed and got used to
and then there is the berserking. the 'rampaging', as it is otherwise called. not exactly strange on its own given his temperament and designation, but strange for the way it's characterized as only a tendency. it's only that he's prone to rampaging. he rampages often, but not all the time. just often! what is he doing he is not rampaging? getting a custom trimmed jacket with his own logo emblazoned on it? like a nerd? and on the flipside, what exactly do these rampages even entail? because it's apparently not anything destructive or disruptive enough for anyone to care about stopping him under normal circumstances.
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like how are you a giant angry "not exactly stable" weapon of a guy and everyone's like 'yeah that's fine. that's our doombox!' toxic's specific wording regarding his getting unfucked postgame is "back to his old raging self", which implies to me there's almost a certain fondness, or at least amusement, at his being like this. i know one of the core themes of lethal league is letting these oddball misfit dudes do their thing and freely be who they are, but like. is doombox sincerely just not a threat for that? like really? dice's interactions also sort of imply that his actually trying to kill someone is really out of the ordinary for him so truly like. db my man what ARE you doing out there. * re: toxic and dice's talking about him; i do also find it amusing that one of his defining traits is just being pissed off all the time. again, not surprising given his purpose/designation as a weapon, but funny in that it's like. how he's KNOWN; in the sense that it is immediately noticeable and a cause for concern for other characters to see he is Not angry. fuckin social barometer of a guy. local angry guy isn't angry, something's wrong.
the "reasons for playing in the league unknown" bit also strikes me as a little odd even though it REALLY shouldn't. i'm like 97% sure it's just written like that to make him seems mysterious and unpredictable and dangerous, but it's a weird thing to call attention to when you consider that...less than half of the other characters' reasons are known? raptor is there trying to get info on his dad, that one's well out there. dust & ashes i think have some kind of implied reason for being there as well but it of course isn't elaborated on, and grid is like trying to impress "the youth" and establish a profile or something. nitro seems like he might not actually be IN the league as an official competitor? it's just helpful for him to know how to ball for the situations he gets into with his investigations. everybody else's "reason" pretty much seems like they're just out there to have fun. and toxic says as much in the story mode intro! the game was developed for people to escape the monotonies of shine city! so to imply doombox has a separate, non-recreational reason for being here is weird. the easiest read on it for me is just that he was drawn to it cause it's intense and destructive but at the same time.... if all he wants is an excuse to wreck shit....why are you competing in a structured sports game with rules and shit my dude. you are a weapon. just go attack people. except that we've established that he doesnt really do that. so. once again. what IS he doing out here
aside from the bio though, there's of course random little tidbits of characterization throughout the game itself and they are all also likewise ridiculous.
he refers to himself in third person, which is always an amusing choice for a character in general. it carries with it a certain sense of ego, an awareness of and and pride in one's presence and gravitas. this was mostly just surprising to me bc before i started looking at everything, i'd assumed he was more or less mindless and, yknow, robotic; without much personality/reason for being there beyond being the Biggest Baddest Best At Ball Game Guy doombox is already very imposing, so this is frankly a well-earned sense of pride for him to have.....but it still doubles back to being funny again because, as i've established above, he could stand to be a hell of a lot scarier! but he doesn't seem to notice or care that there are many readily-available options for becoming more powerful and/or establishing himself as unquestionable top dog. so instead he is a boombox. third-person is also often used for characters who are a little dumb, and i think this applies to doombox as well. he is a weapon, and clearly a brute-force-over-precision type of weapon at that, he doesnt need smarts. i think this is also sort of hinted at with his voice lines; where the other characters have some kind of snarky phrase or one-liner for their kill/score voice line, doombox just goes "bye-bye". Which is still appropriately Disrespectful, but it's also very, uh... simple. again i just think there are... more imposing things a guy like him could be saying there, but i guess he hasn't got anything more than fucking. bye-bye.
anyways the ego thing i think is well-echoed by his stupid fucking jacket. none of the other characters have their logo as part of their design and i'm pretty sure the rest of the symbols are just game abstractions and don't exist in-universe, but like. doombox is just going around wearing a jersey with his own damn face on it. ok. to be clear i love his jacket but it is literally so silly for him to have that. imagine being the guy having to custom-fit a fucking boombox. did db pay for it? how? we're getting into unproductive territory here but you could ask a million questions about that jacket and they all have hysterical implications. while im on the topic of designs i'd also like to say that while i don't count any of the other blaze redesigns as "canon" like actual events the characters went through between games [like raptor in particular would have already had to have the stitches since that's his backstory, it's just they weren't a design point before], doombox is in a weird spot since the first game's design for him was very specifically referencing its HUD in a meta way for his flavor and that was pretty much the entire extent of his flavor; while in blaze he and the HUD are very much separate distinct things with their own flavor. there's more to talk about here later but as it pertains to design what im saying is i think he just went out and found a better and cooler boombox to be in between games. and also got a funny jacket. *actually i have no idea if there's even a Timeline here. the gut vibe i had been running on was that blaze happens a couple years after the original, but looking at it now that doesn't seem right. does blaze Replace the timeline of the first game? are there even Events in the first game to count as a timeline? do they run concurrently?
alright anyway the last point here is the 3rd-person thing is even moreso interesting to me though bc i was under the assumption that 'doombox' was something akin to a codename he was given when other people saw this big fucking Thang rampaging through the streets. but seeing as 1. he's definitely aware of it, and 2. not even the damn scientists who made him knew he was in a boombox [as implied in his dlc skin lore], i'm led to believe he came up with the name himself. the fucking tape in his cassette player does just say 'doom' on it so i am choosing to believe that's either where he got the name, or that he put that on there himself.
MOVING on, another really good thing is that he does this
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i just think it's funny he's continuing to use the thing as an actual boombox; i feel like that isn't something he necessarily Has to do. obviously he's susceptible to certain quirks and limitations of being a boombox re: mind control tape, but i don't think that means he has to play out its every function. i think he's doing that on purpose and i am filing it under "he likes it in there". hes listening to his jams.
also on a similar note,
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this is also not important and i realize it's mostly just a quirky videogamey way to get around saying the robot kinda character is "asleep", but i do enjoy the implication that shine city's biggest terror is like out there running on 4 D-cells.
also i'm making this guy out to be a city street menace, and the vibe i had assumed for him before was like, a random encounter in the back alleys that you super do not want to run into; but his associated stage/hangout seems to be the desert/scrapyard? which i don't really have anything interesting to say to that, but it's definitely a different vibe for his character if he typically hangs out in more desolate areas.
i think maybe the most baffling thing doombox has going on is the apparent "rivalry" with dice. this is also bizzare from dice's side of things. what the fuck does it even mean to be "rivals" with doombox? what are they competing for? what kind of things does dice get up to that doombox would even give a shit about in the first place, let alone to be considered a rival in? i mean, like, the league, probably, but why dice specifically, out of everyone? would doombox's league rival not just be whoever's the [second] strongest there? i believe dice when he says they're evenly-matched, but there isn't really anything that implies dice is of particularly high prestige within the league so it feels like he shouldn't hold much interest as a target. to be fair dice doesn't seem like the type that would care about prestige, but again, if he's not out there flaunting his shit or trying to claim he's the best or whatever, why does db care? this would be a lot easier to understand if it was a one-sided thing on doombox's part like okay maybe dice pissed him off one day and he's still mad about it. whatever. that's the vibe they go for in story mode, but then there's dice's dlc skin description, which seems to run entirely counter to that and has dice as the aggressor:
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when deprived of his usual sense and restraint, dice's first thought is I Gotta Go Fuckin Kill Doombox? even if he's over it under normal circumstances, it's clear both of them have some deeper-rooted beef in this exchange. there is yet another layer to this in that doombox is, weirdly enough, not really shown to be the kind of guy that's interested in revenge. again, going back to his own dlc description, he- and i quote- "couldn't care less" about the guys who made him capturing him and chaining him up. his only interest there is breaking out and getting back to doing his thing. if you want to be really generous, you could also read this vibe from the story mode epilogue: doombox was not the one hunting down the safety league, that was nitro. doombox was simply, as stated before "back to his old raging self". both of these to say, he simply does not seem to give a shit about people who have directly wronged him and only wants to Do His Thing. so. once again. what the fuck is going on with dice that they both have lasting beef here. i truly cannot fathom what either of them did to be so mad specifically at eachother. this rivalry is something they reference a LOT too like it's a big deal in-universe, or something otherwise really important to portray. like
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lore so strong you gotta put it on an achievement!!!!! really!!!!! and there are no details whatsoever about this????? * while i'm here i'd just like to say have more questions about dice than fucking anything else in this game. sadly there's practically nothing to intuit from the game about any of his situations so i don't have much for coherent thoughts to post on him, but my god. what the fuck, dice. this rivalry is arguably the single strangest thing doombox has going on but it doesn't even break top 5 weird things about dice.
anyways, the final section and MOST interesting thing to me in all this is that, coming out of the first game, i was really under the impression that doombox is just the arbitrary final boss monster you gotta kill; no real purpose or personality his own to speak of, and most importantly just synonymous with the game itself and its aesthetics re: mirroring the HUD design. he certainly still holds the role of big scary final boss monster in blaze too, but blaze 1. has him much more fleshed-out as his own Guy, and more importantly, 2. doesn't really consider him a Problem like your typical big angry final boss monster. or at least not moreso than anything else going on in the game. he's not a threat to be eliminated, he's respected as a character and as a competitor in the league; and more than that he just seems to be... liked? as in, liked by other people in-universe? and he's liked enough that they'll readily help him out so he can keep doing his thing? i do think latch fixed him up postgame mostly bc he felt bad about being the one responsible for getting db brainwashed in the first place but like. the game could have just as easily gone "and then doombox was defeated yay" and left it at that. instead, they seem to have a vested interest in keeping him around. most transparently this is likely just a "we can't get rid of any of the playable characters or else story mode would be noncanon", BUT the point of this post is trying to read cohesive narrative sense into places there probably isn't any, and my read here is that doombox is a sort of inadvertent guardian of the league. for 1, he does still very much embody a lot of what the game [both The Videogame and the league itself] is about, but more importantly i think his presence is just really good at keeping a lot of the more minor threats at bay. if you try to fuck with the league, you will eventually be squaring off with doombox, most likely having freshly pissed him off in the process, and i can't imagine that goes well for who or whatever is in that situation. there's probably not much that wants to stand up to him by himself, and there's even less that can challenge the league as a whole unit; he's really just a good guy to have on your side like in general when you are running an illegal sports operation. i think at Worst toxic might see him as the league's funny little mascot but realistically i think she has more respect for him than that. either way i don't think he's going to care and it doesn't affect him much regardless. for this, doombox simply gets to keep doing his thing, whatever the fuck that may be. there are certainly still forces beyond his control at play here [as demonstrated in story mode by the safety league], and when these come into play, the league in turn looks out for him and keeps him on top of his game. i'm not sure if he has the, uh.... kind of cognitive ability that he could be grateful for this, but if nothing else, we know he seems to enjoy playing in the league, so he probably at least recognizes that he's not going to meet a lot of resistance in it and/or that it's a good environment to keep doing as he pleases. i don't mean for this all to sound so transactional, but it's hard to say whether he has much charisma in-universe for people to want him around for more "legitimate" reasons. likewise, there's also still a lot up in the air on how like... sapient doombox actually is. whether he can have complex motivations about anything or if he has some concept of "having friends" or if he can experience emotions besides rage; i tend to lean to "no" on those because i am really trying my damndest not to woobify this guy, but ultimately i don't think it matters much; in the end, he and the league are still mutually beneficial for eachother, and they still enjoy having the other around. and i think that's pretty cool :)
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hephaestiions · 5 months
Inspired by your Drarry fic recs and your amazing Flintwood fic, do you have any Flintwood recs or personal favorites?
ah! fantastic ask, anon! flintwood was, incidentally, my earliest hp ship & maintains a soft spot after all these years. their functions in canon (quidditch captains of rival houses, pinnacles of a certain kind of obsessive, single-minded, aggressive athletic masculinity) conduce some of the most raw and gritty characterisations— kind of like if tracing your tongue along the jagged, broken end of a tooth was a ship. flintwood encapsulates a very specific kind of mood— a foregrounded physicality, a delicious emotional dimension balancing both subtlety and brashness. this ship is especially delightful when you're in the mood for some deferred emotional payoff, a little out of reach and more satisfying for it.
(tw for some discussions of queerphobia & masculinity!)
flintwood also works with and subverts some common stereotypes & tropes associated with sports as a site of exalted & amplified masculinity. oliver and marcus are both, in fic, often representations of what a popular (largely homophobic & patriarchal) culture understands as 'masculine ideal stereotypes'— physically hulking, emotionally repressed, narrow-focused, a little dangerous. and flintwood, as a ship, is crucially also about these 'ideal men' making the choice to step away from the hallowed halls of homosociality towards explicit queer desire, dynamics and love.
i'm getting into this because a large selection of flintwood fics i've loved deal (overtly or covertly) with coming to terms with queer awakenings, reckoning with being queer men in sports and similar explorations. my flintwood fic (thank you for reading it, anon!), addictive tendencies (~4k, T, tw for internalised homophobia) also grapples with this fairly significantly. in fact, even when the central tension isn’t explicitly about a queer reckoning, and the worldbuilding has little/no queerphobia, many excellent flintwood fics have some of the themes, ideas and tropes you find in literature accounting for our society’s (often disparaging) attitude towards queerness: a desire both intense and grudging, a sense of “i can’t have this person” justified through rivalry and/or jealousy, poignant internal conflicts, etc.
anyway, enough talk, here's a selection of flintwood fics i've dearly enjoyed, hope you do too! mind the tags & notes & remember to send some love the authors' way :)
best kept secrets by slyther_ing (M, 1.8k)
Marcus Flint is leaning up by the metal chainlink fence - gum popping, grin flashing white, and Oliver has the urge to run away because everything in the taller boy’s stature screams trouble, trouble, trouble.
twenty gauge by provocative_envy (T, 3k)
It takes Marcus less than ninety seconds to determine that his four o'clock is an aggressively annoying piece of shit.
wake up, get up, shut up by provocative_envy (E, 4.2k)
Marcus is twenty-three and half-concussed when it finally occurs to him that he might actually kind of sort of be really into dudes.
rugby boys, they play 15s by thistlecat (M, 4.5k)
Fifteen significant moments in Oliver Wood’s collegiate rugby career that did not make his highlight tape.
no vacancy by provocative_envy (M, 10.1k)
The dreams are frightening, at first.
true but not nice by v (E, 10.2k)
Marcus found out about it from Warrington, who heard it from Montague, who heard it from Derrick, who heard it from Nott, who heard it from Zabini, who heard it from Malfoy, who they said heard from the Quidditch dressing room, which really just meant that Marcus was going to fucking kill him.
self preservation by al-the-remix (E, 17.8k)
Outside the night had grown dark, and at some point Oliver had moved to perch on the edge of Marcus' bed, thigh pressed against his and tray settled between them. As if they had some sort of understanding. As if they were friends.
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candywife333 · 1 year
Seven Days Are Over Already
Here is the FIFTH part of the JK-Seven Drabble series. These drabbles can be read out of order as stand alones but make more sense when read in order.
This is part of an entire Drabble series based on his recent music release. 
Disclaimer: As usual, everything in  the fic is fictional, and the behavior displayed by the character in the fic is obviously not representative of the real Jungkook.
The next few days were pretty peaceful for me as I re-oriented myself. I heard from Jimin that Jungkook had been issued a restraining order from me. He couldn’t even be seen near the premises of my dorm, otherwise he would get detained. The man still wouldn't stop calling me though, so I was forced to block him. 
Jimin had told me that he had grown up in a really sheltered household, the type that went to Church every Sunday and shunned any sex related conversation. So apparently the dude was so sexually repressed that he didn’t even have any experience. Apparently I was the first person he had ever been with sexually, which made me even more confused. He got depressed because he had constantly been bullied through school and had very low self esteem. He was undergoing therapy for a month now, but had difficulty being in consistent attendance. He had apparently drastically improved this year after fixating over me. He was extremely cheerful and motivated now, and his grades had improved so much that he had gotten honor roll this semester. 
 How could a guy so handsome and cute not find anyone else attractive till now? If he just put himself out there, he would’ve been boinked on the first day of ever stepping onto campus. Then I remembered that he talked to me about his erectile dysfunction issue. I just found his tale a tad fantastical, I mean, how could I be the first person to turn him on ever, he must be out of his ever loving mind.
On the other hand, I was able to finish my assignments in peace. I was studying to be a psychiatrist and nothing could get in the way, including him. This year was lighter for me, but prepping for med school interviews was difficult. And though I intended to stay in state for med school, I couldn't have unnecessary distractions. Plus I liked the way my life was so far, being single allowed me to focus on myself and get to know what I liked and didn't like, what my boundaries were. Engaging him would make that goal very difficult to achieve.
If his obsessive tendencies were anything to go by, he needed therapy and distance from me. 
As it had already been a week now, he must have gotten over me. With this confidence, I got ready for bed. I left the window slightly open to let in a breeze and settled into bed which was right near the window, letting the cold air filter in  as I was snuggled into a fuzzy melange of blankets. 
I fell asleep easily, comforted by the warmth of just dried sheets wrapped around me. 
Then suddenly, I woke up to a strange sensation. I could feel a cold tongue traveling up and down my nether lips, separating them delicately to lick into my core. 
What the hell was going on?! I sat up in the body, confused as to my surroundings. I was in my dark bedroom, but now the window was open wide. I saw the glint of gold rings shimmer as what looked like a human head moved under my sheets. I pulled the sheets off hurriedly in panic and fear just to see two doe-eyes glittering with tears staring directly at me. I tried to get his head away from my core, pushing him away in a flurry of movement. 
His grip as usual didn't budge as he swatted my hands away, resuming his position at my core, as though he deserved to live between them. He kept licking, making me shiver as I couldn't control the electric cold sensation slide down my spine. His tongue laved tirelessly at my clit,  his warm hands squeezed my thighs. He moaned contently as he licked, as though he were drinking ambrosia. 
Even I tried resisting, his firm arms corded with muscle ripped my night gown as I gasped in surprise. He grunted in a satisfied manner as his hands were met with the texture of my taut nipples. He was in an unstoppable frenzy. I could feel my core tighten and throb as I felt a white blaze overtake my vision. I slumped onto the bed, my back meeting the sheets as he climbed over me to suck at my nipples. He latched onto them as though there was milk for him to draw out of them. His hands continued to trace the lines of my body, outlining my form as he kneaded the flesh around my hips and stomach. 
He pushed his tongue into my mouth as I moaned, slobbering me with wet kisses on my jaw and neck. He tasted like bananas and sprite, what an odd combination. Finally he started speaking in a broken whisper as his hands continued squeezing my flesh, “I-I am s-s-so sorry, I keep hurting you. But I am addicted to you. I j-j-j-ust can’t stop myself. I tried controlling myself for a year but it’s just not working. I don't want to hurt you, I will wait as long as you want me to. We can take it as slowly as you want. But I have to be with you, otherwise I feel like I am going insane. I can’t even function without the thought of you. You got me out of my depression when I saw you reading in the college Green house for the first time. I felt happier than I had my entire life until then.”
He continued speaking as his beautiful eyes gazed into mine, pinching my clit. I couldn't hold his gaze as my eyes closed in pleasure. “I know you were scared of me. That’s why you called the police. I hate that I made you scared of me. I love you so much that I can’t let go of you. I wouldn’t be able to forget you if I tried. Please let me be just be by your side. I know I am not good enough for you, but I will be anything you want me to be. I won't push you to have sex, though I am so hard it hurts, I know you are recovering. Let me just lick you the whole night. Let me memorize your taste on my tongue. Let me come into your window every night to lick you to completion.”
I trembled as my body shook with the innumerable orgasms he was pulling out of me. His cold tongue coated my core to the point that it felt soothing. I pulled his head up to mine, grasping his hair to make him face to face. 
I felt unhinged with him. He made me feel things I never felt before. My logic told me no, but my heart said something else. I pecked him on his lips and his eyes seemed to glitter with bliss, his mouth curving into a smile as I said, “You are good enough for me. I’m sorry that I keep pushing you away when you profess your love for me. Honestly speaking, I don’t have time for you in my life or anyone else.” His smile started to transform into a pout, his eyes shimmering with the start of tears.
I squealed in panic, “No, no, don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry. Why don’t we do this? We can try dating for a week and see if we work out. But you have to stop trespassing like this”.
He smiled , seeming more at peace than I had seen of him til now, “That sounds great. All I need is one week to convince you to marry me. I have the engagement ring ready just so you know.” 
He giggled and fell on the bed wrapping his arms around me, grabbing my butt as he fell asleep. The urge to escape his hold was dying down. I settled into his embrace, falling asleep content in his arms. 
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Personality Through Quotes
Thanks for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks!!! (here)
MY QUOTE IS: A quote about a weird habit they/someone else has.
YOUR QUOTE IS: A quote about your character's feelings about their world's government
Corah - "Hmm. Sometimes I tend to wake up in the middle of the night to stare at the stars. I don't know why, but it's very calming. I like to count out all the constellation Dad has taught me about and the tales about each one, and then I try to make up new ones until the stories get more and more chaotic and outlandish with each new one and then I go back to sleep."
Arammys - "I would say my weird habit is that, from time to time, I try making up stories in my mind, to replace the memories I don't have, and its come to the point that that habit's more like an intrusive thought rather than anything else and it concerns me. Like, I'll see someone on the street and immediatelly start imagining a whole backstory for how we might've met before and how they're my former best friend turned rival turned acquaintance - and the next thing I know I forgot what I was doing - But I'm normal, right? That's totally normal, right?"
Eidan - "I collect stuff! Genuinely. There's no real pattern to it and I don't really remember why I started. It's not an obsession or anything, just a hobby to distract me from stuff that might upset me. I'll just be walking down the riverbed and be like 'ooh that's a neat shell' and pick it up and add it to The Collection. I'll walk through the market and see a silk ribbon necklace on sale and I'll buy it and guess what, add it to The Collection. Anything that really stands out to me in some way makes it to my collection - but I have to really, really like the thing in order for it to be chosen. My collection of assorted knick knacks is as random as it is carefully curated. (smiles, actually proud of his collection)"
Nimwen - "Oh, neat! Not my weird habit, but my brother's - when he is upset he starts counting in Syllen, which is a local dialect from the city where we were born which nobody - except scholars and really really specific groups of people - really uses anymore. He also worries a lot and used to talk in his sleep - not anything concerning, just gibberish, but enough to wake me up every five minutes until I got used to it."
Rin - "People say I'm weird because I eat bugs and rodents. I don't think that's weird - they don't think it's weird for birds to eat those things, and my species is basically just a humanoid bird (okay, I'm an avian fey to be precise). Insects and rodents are a natural part of my diet, and people are the ones who need to stop being so sensitive to everything I do. Hey, is that a cricket?"
Tomasa - "Oh, my turn, my turn! I like to sing at the top of my lungs while bathing, even if I am admiteddly a bit off key I am having fun. I also like to go to taverns where no one knows anything about me and try to challenge the biggest dude in the place to a drinking contest! The look on their faces when I win is always priceless."
Masen - "Does using the bardic talents I hoped to one day be famous for to steal from my audience because I've had to become a thief instead count as a weird habit? That's not a rhetoric question, does it? I really wanna know, dude!"
Kyran - "I'm not really the kind of person who has 'weird habits', but if you really want to know... some of my inventions aren't exactly that legal, and they do have a tendency to... explode? But only on occasion, and sometimes to my favor, but you didn't hear it from me and you don't have any proof to tell anyone you heard this."
Maryon - "I like climbing to the roof of the towers of the castles - it's a beautiful and breathtaking view. I can see my whole city from there, covered in beautiful snow and blue ice, and the mountains of Tirawen are a small dot on the horizon. Occasionally, I'll see the outline of a dragon flying in the distance! I don't think it's a 'weird' habit, but it is certainly a risky one. I sometimes do this for fun, other times to escape from my duties when I want some peace and quite, haha"
Florynce - "I talk to the trees - and they whisper back at me! So do the flowers and the rocks and the rivers and the birds, and all of the forest! It says my blood runs through it."
Leora - "Don't tell anyone, or my reputation as the fearless underground leader might be at risk. But I still have my childhood plush toy and I can only sleep if I have it on my bed. It brings me comfort in a way little else does."
Elias - "Ooh, I have one hell of a list of weird quirks curated and stored straight from my brothers' childhood - Masen used to sleepwalk, until he one day he hit a wall and woke everyone in the house but not himself, Kyran one time got into an argument with an old lady at the market because they couldn't decide whether or not the scarf a vendor was selling was lilac or purple and turns out it was neither because it was pink, Masen used to cry whenever he heard a sad story involving dogs, Kyran said he hated the sea but turns out he didn't want to admit he was scared of sea monsters - want me to keep going? Because I can."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @inky-duchess @late-to-the-fandom, @eccaiia @willtheweaver @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites @illarian-rambling and OPEN TAG
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lostiolite · 3 months
hii sorry for the bother but can i request general yandere hc of yandere!Eugene from df? thanks!
HI!! SO SORRY I DIDNT GET TO THIS SOONER!!!! This is my alt account, in which I don’t log into as often because people don’t interact as much as they do on my other. That being said- here are the headcannons!
- by no means was it a matter of love at first sight, it was only when he got to know you while out of patrol did he become infatuated with you.
- you two were no longer people in the same survival group, who slept under the same roof yet never understood eachother. you got to know him, he got to know you. You knew his love for music, how
- it was the mental turmoil of the situation that led to his yandere tendencies. He didn't get along with most of the people, he hated how stuck up scarlet was, and how much of a push over jay & hailey were. He had come to understand Lawrence point of view.
- you were basically the only good thing he had. Thats why he started becoming passive to lawrences actions. While he used to point out the bs of it, he now watches. He was going to play the waiting game of letting lawrence pick off the others. When lawrence left jay for dead he feigned ignorance.
- he started lingering around you, occasionally aaking questions to get to know you. He wanted to know about you and who you were. Unlike lawrence who seemed to have held on to some fantasy obsession with you. Like the dude probably doesn't even know your favorite color yet hes fucking ballistic over you? I mean for you- yeah he understands but like... Thats not very smart of him.
- he just left everyone else, right before fur elise started playing he grabbed you and took you into one of the classrooms to escape safely. He took you too the shelter and promised he would protect you. He would compose songs just for you. His favorite thing to do would probably be raiding abandoned music shops to get you stuff from your favorite artist, he hopes that when the world goes back to normal, he can be your favorite <3.
This is LITERAL ass cheeeks i might make a short comic / drawing about yandere Eugene aswell...
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off-the-lawn · 1 year
showed my parents bbc ghosts. here are some of the highlights. might reblog w/ more of them if anyones interested. idk
mum: "oooh i like the army dude!! are we going to find out more about his ✨secret gay tendencies✨" (yes she actaully said this lol)
dad hated julian to begin with but now julian is his 2nd favourite (after pat, of course. he gets excited because pats from The North(tm)!!! just like him!!!)
mum likes cap and mary. she quite literally cried watching gone gone
*talking about series 5 theories to them + speculated about havers return* dad: "ugh i hope people dont 'ship' him with the captain!! the internet is obsessed with 'shipping' these days." idk what he said after that because i was trying so hard not to laugh because i'd literally been reading a capvers fic like. an hour beforehand. (i should actually make another post on what my dad thinks of shipping. i tried to explain johnlock to him once. didn't go down well...)
mum keeps coming up to me and saying 'five potatoes high' for no reason. thanks mum. she also started skipping down the hallway last night "just like kitty and the captain in that episode!!"
had a v. interesting conversation w/ dad about the similarities between julian fawcett and alan b'stard. he gets it.
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dxsole · 1 month
1 , 2 , 20 and 14 !
🫂 OOC ASKS | Not Accepting
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ONE. Which muse is the easiest to write?
Didi. No contest. It's not so much because she's my oldest muse (Jasper came right after her and to this day I find some difficulty writing him!) but because in some weird way, Didi and I have a lot of overlap in initial approach to things. I, am normal though, and would not actually act on many of the initial reactions I would have because I have self control. Didi, on the other hand, has zero self control. Didi is very much my lizard brain so it's just a matter of following what my first thought is and just...max out the dial.
TWO. Which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Many of my muses deserve to be caught for their crimes, however, only a few of them have actually ever been to jail and may go again because of their nature. Firstly is Dude, who is specifically a convenience store robber and repeat offender. He's even gone back to steal from previous places he's hit and is relatively well known throughout his area. He gets picked up a lot. Buck is also one who will most likely end up back in jail as he refuses to stop conning and while he's a relatively good conman, anything can happen on a job. Sometimes he's recognized from past cons, his fake identity is put into question, or someone is just a little too savvy to fall for a con. Viola is currently incarcerated, but in a state-run psychiatric hospital. Were she ever to be released into the public, even after rehabilitation, she would most likely end up right back; Viola's PTSD and very naive view on society and human connection has actually made it very unlikely for her to be able to integrate safely with the public. She'd be set off too easily. Anton is also going to jail in his canon. He's very aware of the fact that he cannot continue killing undetected forever— that being said, it's also in his canon to escape. So there's that. All other muses with highly illegal tendencies are either too smart to get caught (Deacon, Missy, Esme, The Columbary, and 85), their crimes are completely unknown/unlinked to law enforcement (Yasmin, Sister Sable, Philo, Mikail, The Peck siblings, Roy De Winter, and The Delvecchio Twins), are too rich and/or influential to make a move on (Lawrence), or would never allow themselves to be captured without doing something drastic (Truman, Lyssa, Angus, and Corbin).
FOURTEEN. What sort of YouTube channel would your muses have?
Out of all my muses that would actually take the time to make and create content for a YouTube channel, here are the stats: Whip - Book reviews to market his true crime book store. He's long-winded, not especially flashy, but his regular customers are big fans. Vicente - A lot of celebrity stuff. He's a well know model and new time music producer, so there's a breadth of genres touched upon, such as behind the scenes shorts at the recording studio, promotional clips of concerts of artists he's helped produce, sneak peaks of modeling shoots he's working on, a lot of Q&A's, work out videos, etc. He has tons of followers. Sister Sable - She's now a famous musician so obviously there are her songs, music videos, promotional videos for merchandise, a few videos of her announcing upcoming shows and projects, etc. Also has tons of followers, many strange and obsessive. Philo - Literally him talking about anything and everything, tends to lean towards reviews for tools, rants about movies, similar to his video diary but obviously not focused on him. They're almost always shot from his phone. Yes, he's still in the mask. He has about ten followers that he cherishes. Michi - Short paint process videos, her talking about upcoming shows and projects, astral projection how-to's, random, homemade music videos, choreography for her interpretive dance numbers, a few actually professional interviews she's done for local publications. Has a good amount of followers but as she'll tell you, the numbers don't matter to her. Harrison - He doesn't have a lot of videos nor a lot of followers but his students convinced him to do it. It's mainly cooking and baking videos, seeing as he makes them mostly because his students asked him to prove that he was really the one making all the treats he brought in. Hank - Gaming videos. Lots of them. He's got a great setup and a pretty good personality for it, he can be charismatic behind the screen. Tries not to curse because his mom watches the videos sometimes.
TWENTY. Which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Investigators: Zeynep, Willoughby, Whip, Wendi, Walter, Thoth, Rusty, Philo, Norm, Malachi, Lochlan, Kidd, Beau, Roy, Deacon, Grus, Apus, Calisto, Anton, and Jasper. Hiders: Viola, Truman, The Spot, Sister Sable, Father Simon, Michi, Lyssa, Levi, Jessamine, Gideon, Evgeni, Dude, Donny, Cam, Buck, and 85. Those who are vacating the vicinity immediately: Yasmin, Vicente, Shuff, Setau, Opaline, Mikail, Knox, Irena, Hank, Freida, Pris, Corbin, Cygnus, Aquila, Cesaré, Barnaby, and Lázaro. Those telling the noise to fuck off: Waylon, Sloan, Reaper, Penjani, Nadia, Missy, Mara, Leslie, Lawrence, Harrison, Esme, Rico, Renata, Pavo, Corvus, Chet, Beatrix, and Didi. The cause of the scary noise: Victor, Ozzie, Iona, Gyles, Ayumu, and Angus. The one guy who did not hear the scary noise and also the only one who can defeat it: Hugo :3
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pholiabanna · 1 year
what's on your s5 wishlist? the silly, goofy things!!!
I'M SO SORRY FOR ANSWERING THIS SO LATE finals were killing me and I wanted to wait and write a good answer to this.
First of all I'm really excited for the 4 og boys to be together again, because we haven't had one full season of them being in the same storyline yet, which I think is criminal. I really think putting them back together will bring back the season 1 feel that made everyone love this show, and I can't wait!
I'm also so excited about learning more about the upside down. The ships and characters are awesome to analyze, but I love the supernatural part and knowing that we're gonna learn what the Upside Down actually is, and why it's stuck on the day Will went missing, among other things, makes me impatient because I need to know rn.
Now I know those weren't really goofy things but I needed to put them because they are a must for me. Moving on to the silly things:
If the season takes place in 1987, the Duffers have the chance to do the funniest thing ever and include a rickroll in a creative way. C'mon, it has to happen
A lot of people are advocating for byler to get murray'd, Erica's or Jonathan'd, but I actually want them to get Argyle'd. I imagine a scene going like: Mike and Will talk about El and Mike's breakup and the camera switches to Argyle smoking a joint in the background, while he says "Whoa Wheeler you were dating supergirl? And I was here thinking you were with mini Byers this whole time, dude, that's not cool man, that's so not cool!"
I need more Erica and Lucas sibling bickering moments, they're the best
I know this won't happen, but imagine Mike's sexuality is revealed through a conversation about movies where he reveals he finds Fast Times boring af and he "doesn't understand the appeal every man sees in that movie". I mean, at this point Fast Times has become the Duffer's favorite sexuality metaphor
I know Max probably won't wake up early on, but I'd kill to get more Elmax scenes where they just bond like normal teenage girls again. Max already taught El how to stand up for herself and how to know what she actually likes, but I think it'd be so cool to see her find out what her hobbies are. I'd love to see a scene where Max just teaches El how to skate, and El keeps trying to cheat with her powers but Max tells her that's not fair.
I need Lucas and Max to go on that movie date as well, I don't care if it's impractical
Also even though I don't really care about Dustin/Suzie because they aren't a very focused on relationship, I think it'd be cute if there was a scene where they reunite in person
More Joyce, Jonathan and Will scenes together please!!!
They need to go around town riding bikes again, bring back the whole s1 vibe
Please let us see Mr. Clarke's pov, mans probably so confused every time he helped his students the town was destroyed. Also, they can't win without him and that's a fact
Troy has to show up again, only so that they beat him up and this time El breaks his leg
Alternatively, Lonnie comes back and Jonathan beats him up (with the help of Will maybe)
Nancy notices Jonathan's tendency to interrupt byler moments and puts a leash on him
I need a new iconic song tied to another iconic scene I can obsess over. Something that can top even the Running up that hill scene
Someone needs to acknowledge the fact that they are straight up calling 001 Vecna as in one of the Dnd characters, when actually he's just some guy named Henry who would probably be so confused as to why they're calling him Vecna
These are all I could come up with but I'm sure deep in my mind there's many more things I wish for and if the Duffers deliver even one of them I'll be satisfied!
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airasora · 11 months
Tagged by @confettipetticoats to do this little 10 characters in 10 fandoms tag! Thanks for the tag, this was fun to do and gave me a chance to talk just a bit about fandoms I don't usually talk about here xD
1. Louis from The Walking Dead game
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Sweet himbo boy, was obsessed from the moment I saw him in the trailer years ago. Make him 10 years OLDER and he'd be my exact type xD
2. Queen from Deltarune
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She's hilarious. I love all the characters in Deltarune (well, all prominent ones at least) but Queen in particular tickles my fancy xD
3. Aiden from Tailor Tales
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I love him, ok. I know he's almost no one's favorite route in this game and I couldn't care less. As a female switch with a tendency to prefer submissive men, Aiden hits all the right marks.
4. Saeran from Mystic Messenger
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... I have a problem, I know.
5. Blitzø from Helluva Boss
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Do you even have to ask why? xD
6. Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel
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I don't care that the show ain't out yet, I know enough about this dude to know he's always gonna be my favorite part of the show xD
7. Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3
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Yes, I'm being a basic bitch and I don't care xD To be fair, I do really love Karlach and Gale too!
8. Mae from Nightmare in the woods
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I love this chaotic gremlin so much and I hope her future is better than her past.
9. Helga from Hey Arnold!
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I introduce to you... the queen of tsundere characters xD
10. Betelgeuse from Beetlejuice
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This one is a bit of a cheat cause I actually don't like the original movie all that much, but I absolutely love the musical xD
And now I tag @pixie-skull @little-bloodied-angel and @unstableobsession
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