#my mum told me a story where she cooked food for her and her boyfriend
kikikakapo · 1 month
people not liking the same things as you is a little sad but the only exception is food because then you just have more for yourself
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Leftovers ~ HHJ [Request]
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PAIRING: Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Angsty (kind of) fluffy ending 
A/N: I hope this is angsty enough for you, I feel so out of touch with angst atm I need to get back into it! Also I made it Hyunjin as I feel I don’t get enough Stray Kids requests haha
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Staring down at your phone you waited for the message you had just sent to your boyfriend to be seen but he hadn't been checking his phone for a while. You didn't blame him, he was normally a super busy guy with training and performing but this week he'd promised you he had the time off which meant he could spend time with you. The minutes seemed to be ticking by faster and faster with every passing moment and you could feel the stares you were getting from your family members. All of the anxiously waiting to meet the boyfriend that they had heard so much about.
"I'm sure he's just running a little late," You said as you turned to look at your mother, she had a worried look spread across her face as she looked at you. Today was the day Hyunjin was finally going to meet your family after dating him for the last six months, he'd never been able to come and see them thanks to his schedule and always being busy but luckily for you he had some time off or so you though. 
Hyunjin: Running late, I'll make it up to you. Promise x Be there soon x 
Nervously you turned to look at your mum who already knew you what you were going to tell her, she could tell by the look on your face that he wasn't coming yet so she clapped her hands together. 
"Food! Come and get it while it's still piping hot!" She cried out to the house all of your cousins and siblings came filing into the kitchen, grabbing plates and heading to the table with the food waiting for them. Serving themselves as you sat in the kitchen window looking out of the window at the driveway, you figured if you stared long enough Hyunjin would magically appear with the best excuse in the world. It was this time of year when your family would come together to throw some gatherings, it wasn't anything huge but your mother would spend most of her time cooking and baking so that there was enough to eat that night and then for a week after. Sending people home with boxes filled to the brim with food, this was just something that she'd done for years. You had vivid memories of you and your cousins going to different family member's houses to do the same thing there too.
"What? No Hyunjin?" The voice of your cousin Paige rang through the air and it could have sent shivers down your spine. Although she was your relative and you'd been brought up to treat everyone nicely there was just something about her that made it hard for you to be nice. She was always making it out as though she was better than everyone around her, no matter what situation someone was in she would make it about her. It was as if she thought she was the main character in some kind of story.
"Drop it, Paige," Your mother warned her as she watched you tense up at the sound of your cousin's voices filling the room. Your mother knew that there was something between the two of you so she did her best to keep the peace but Paige wasn't going to just drop it, she'd been convinced that Hyunjin was someone you were pretending to date. Claiming that he was too good for you and that you could never get someone like him, going as far as to say that he wasn't real when your mother knew he was. Your mother was the one who had introduced you and Hyunjin, she'd been friends with his family for a long time and introduced you once when you were having breakfast with his mother. 
"I just find it funny, he's supposed to show up when we're all here and then doesn't? Sounds fake to me," Your mother slammed a plate down onto the table making you and Paige jump, you turned to look over your shoulder at her and smiled weakly. 
"He's a busy guy, eat your food Paige and be quiet." You mumbled as you moved away from the window and went to get something to eat instead of waiting around for Hyunjin who didn't seem as though he was going to be coming tonight. 
"All I'm saying is, it's funny that he never shows up when we're all around and only you and your mother have seen him," You rolled your eyes at Paige as she said it. You were sitting at the adult table with her and two of your other cousins who seemed to be joining in with her on the whole "Hyunjin" wasn't real front.
"Why do you want to see him? He's my boyfriend," You stated as you pushed some of the food that was on the plate in front of you into your mouth. Trying to act as though you weren't bothered by her more than you were, but it was hard when she made everything so difficult. 
"I just think you're bullshitting, there's no way someone like him would date someone like you," She spat out as she sipped on her wine glass but you just ignored her. She'd seen the photos of you and Hyunjin together why did you need to prove yourself to her in the first place. There was no reason for you to explain yourself to her or anyone else for that matter, your mother eyed you up from the other table so you kept your cool. 
"He isn't dating her, they're probably just friends. Hyunjin could do a lot better than you." Paige got up from the table and went into the kitchen while you were left with your other cousins who just sat giggling at one another while you tried not to let her words get to you.
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The end of the night came and Hyunjin was still a no show, with no explanation over a text from him either. 
"You have to ignore Paige, you know what she's like," Your mother said as you slid your phone back into your pocket, deciding not to ask him for answers if he was that busy. 
"I know, but she just winds me up so much and now I feel like an idiot because of Hyunjin not showing up-"
"I'm sure he just got swept up," Your mum calmly cut you off as you helped her package food up for your cousins that were staying for the night. Lots of containers were being placed into bags for them to take home the next morning. She always liked to look on the brighter side of things instead of always assuming the worst so she wasn't going to let you get into a small fight over Hyunjin not coming to a family gathering.
"I made him this," She slid a bag over to you and inside was a box of each food item she'd cooked, including some of the baked goods. The tubs all had cute notes on them from her, all handwritten with smiley faces on the top. 
"Tell him to share with the others as well," She ordered as she pointed at you, she knew that if she handed over a box of everything all of the boys would get a fair share but you looked down at your phone when you felt it vibrate. His name flashing up on the screen with a short text explaining that he was outside the house. 
"He's outside..." You whispered looking at the time, your mother nodded at you and kissed your temple, she turned off the kitchen lights as she walked you towards the front door. 
"Make sure you lock the door when you come back in, don't be out there too late and put a scarf on. It's cold." You smiled as you took the bag with you towards the front door. It was pitch black and snowing outside, nothing except the security light was illuminating the driveway. Once your mother was upstairs you began opening the door as quietly as you could before heading out to see Hyunjin standing beside his car with a guilty look plastered across his face. 
"I know, I messed up but-" You cut him off by handing him the bag of food and smiling at him, shaking your head as you told him that it didn't matter.
"Mum made food for you and the boys, she said you have to share." He took the bag from your hand and passed it through the car window, leaving it to lean on the seats as he went to reach out to hug you. 
"I got caught up," You shook your head at him, you promised yourself you weren't going to make this into a big deal but you looked at him and felt nothing but anger about him not even showing up until late. 
"I already look like an idiot in front of everyone, so you might as well go back to the dorms," You muttered as you turned to go back into the house but Hyunjin grabbed onto your hand spinning you back around to face him. 
"You don't look like an idiot, I can explain to them that-" 
"That what? That you got too busy with your friends to come and be with me?" You heard a snigger come from the window above the front door and you knew it was Paige without turning around. She'd managed to weasel herself into your head and fill it with thoughts of not being good enough for Hyunjin. 
"I was working but I'm free now. I took more time off...I'm all yours now Y/n," He told you as he reached up to cup your face in his hands but you moved away from his touch, not looking at him as you began to speak.
"You should go I'm not good enough for you and I won't ever be good enough," Hyunjin began to shake his head violently as he heard the words coming from you, he refused to let go of you as he held onto your hand. 
"Where is this coming from? I-I love you and you love me, I told you I would never leave," Memories of the first time he told you he loved you came flooding into your head. You were hanging out at the dorms when he blurted it out, promising you that he would never leave you because you were the one for him. 
"You deserve better-"
"No, I deserve and want you." He cut you off, not wanting you to fill your head with the words you were saying but it was already too late. Your head was in a spin from everything Paige had been saying and now he was here in front of you, you were starting to believe it. 
"You're out of-" He smashed his lips against yours not letting you finish the sentence as he kissed you deeply, his arms wrapping around your body so you couldn't pull away from him. Whining against his lips you wrapped your arms around his neck and relaxed against the kiss, feeling every spark and firework explode around you as you did with every kiss you shared with Hyunjin. 
"I'm sorry," You whispered as you pulled away from the kiss and looked into his eyes but he shook his head at you. 
"It's okay, do you still want me to leave?" You shook your head at his question and he smiled at you, kissing your cheek as he went back to the car to get his overnight bag out from the boot. 
"Good, Felix told me to bring you some cookies so they're in the bottom of the bag," He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walking into the house with you. Both of you stared up at the stairs to see Paige staring at you, arms folded over her chest as she walked away with a pout on her lips. 
"Who was-"
"No one you need to think about, come on...I'm still hungry and we have left overs." You giggled pulling him through towards the kitchen.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @bisexualmess007​  
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gucciwins · 4 years
Frosty the Snowman
Harry and Y/N love the holiday season but Harry takes the teasing a bit to far and well Y/N decides to give it right back. 
Word Count: 5126
A/N: hello! thank you so much to @goldenbluesuit for organizing this wonderful christmas fic challenge. thank you for allowing me to participate, kate. i’m so happy i got to be a part of it. merry christmas and happy holidays to you all. sending you all a big hug and lots of love. 
Christmas has never been much of importance in your life.
That was until you began dating Harry.
 Harry and his family loved celebrating in particular because Harry was gone for so many months of the year. They loved giving gifts, and Harry loved spoiling his family. He was a true family man who loved to be doted on by his mother and teased relentlessly by his older sister. His smile never leaves his face when he's with them.  
Ever since Harry found out how you spent the holidays alone drinking wine and hot chocolate on and off and binging all the best holiday movies. He declared that was not acceptable and that furthermore and until the end of time you would be spending it with him and his family. 
The first year was something out of a storybook, a house full of kids and adults, Christmas music all day, and a big festive dinner. Gifts passed around, photos being taken to be added to the end of year scrapbooks. Lots of stories being told; honestly, it overwhelmed you. 
Anne found you outside wrapped up in Harry's coat that you swiped before slipping out unseen. She stood next to you, overlooking her garden with you. "My son loves you; he's brought you here not to overwhelm you but to let you know that you have a family here, and you always will." You let your tears run free, feeling comforted, and loved. "I've never seen him shine as bright as he does when he's with you and when he's speaking of you. We all want you here as much as he does." Anne then pulled you into a long hug, the motherly hug you never got growing up.  Reminded you not to stay out too long. 
Three Christmases later, you now take part in family traditions, helping Anne cook dinner and staying in sweats and playing family games all of Boxing Day. 
It's what makes your move to London with your boyfriend of four years easy. Knowing they want you there, knowing that the love Harry has for you won't fade, you've gone through many hurdles together, and it only strengthened your bond to one another. 
Four years together, and you're still learning new things about each other, like Harry having to have coffee first thing in the morning, bread was a must-have always in the house, and that he owned more mugs than he needed. He picked up that you adored your shoes, meaning you wouldn't throw them out until they were ripped and beat up enough for a new pair. Also learned that you rather eat lots of fruit during the day than making food in the kitchen because it meant more dishes that would be needed to wash. You loved doing the laundry, Harry knew it was to steal his shirts, but he didn't mind. He always knew where to find them. 
The one thing that really surprised him was your love for Christmas music; you knew every song, maybe couldn't remember the name, but you would be able to sing it. It never failed to make him smile; you even knew ‘Feliz Navidad’ and didn't butcher it as he did. 
Your love for Christmas music was signified because you never celebrated the holiday, and music was easy to access. It was what you immersed yourself in. 
This is why Harry is confused when he hears you begin to sing ‘Frosty the Snowman’ under your breath, then switching to a soft hum in the tune of the song as you start to place your freshly washed sweats in their drawers. 
Harry was not sure why you did that; you loved singing out loud. You had a decent voice, as you liked to say, but why switch. 
You're clueless to Harry watching you, deep in thought, trying his best to analyze you. 
Then Harry gasps; it all clicks, making sense. 
You raise your head to look at him, shutting the drawer with your hip. "What?"
"You don't know the lyrics." Harry accuses. 
"To what?" You step towards the bed, wanting to finish the rest of this to finally go down and each lunch. 
"Frosty the Snowman."
"I do." You defend.
Harry smirks, crossing his arms. "Prove it."
"Why not?"
You frown before taking a deep breath and begin to hum the song correctly to Harry. 
"Okay, you know the tune, now the lyrics." He gestures for you to go on.
"Frosty the snowman..." Your voice dies down, you rake your brain for the correct lyrics, sending a smaller prayer you're right. "had a shiny nose?" 
"Oh, this is golden, love." He's laughing now. It's filling up the room. 
"Harry," You whine. 
"You call yourself the Christmas Queen." Harry is holding his stomach, his laughter getting to be too much. "Next, you're going to tell me you don't know the lyrics to 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.'"
"How dare you, that came out in our birth year." You're over making fun of you. 
"Okay fine, but really so many years, and you never learned. You said you love all Christmas music, and well, that's a classic, dove."  
You run a hand through your hair, your fingers getting caught on the tips for not brushing it out. "I never actually got to make a snowman, so I never listened to the lyrics."
"Are you secretly a Grinch as well?" Harry teases.
You throw a balled-up shirt of his and hit him square in the face; it quiets him down. "Conversation over." 
You walk out of the room, leaving him alone, to his chuckling. 
In your home, something was always baking. 
It was either Harry trying to better his last bread or you baking a new vegan cake that Gemma sent you. 
It's something you both loved to do.
For you, though, it was your own form of meditation. No matter the time of day, if you felt your head spinning, you'd just head to the kitchen and begin to take out ingredients letting that be your only focus. The Great British Baking Show also brings a lot of comfort to you, Harry happily laying his head on your lap, your hand running through his hair as you just let the show play on and on. 
Now, you're in the kitchen for a whole other reason; you're baking gingerbread cookies, from snowflakes to snowman and even little reindeer. Harry has invited friends over for a fun holiday decorating party. It sounded like a good idea until he left you to do it all yourself as he ran errands that he pushed off for a week. 
Thankfully, there were no distractions during the time it took you to make one hundred cookies because there would be casualties during the decorating. Just as you were putting the last dozen on the cooling rack, does your phone ring causing it to cut off Paul McCartney's singing of 'Wonderful Christmastime.'
As you pick it up to answer, you check the caller id and see that it's Gemma calling. 
Gemma forgoes a greeting and goes straight to the reason for her call. 
"You don't know 'Frosty the Snowman!'" She exclaims more than asks. 
"I'm going to kill him." You groan into the phone. 
Gemma laughs, "No, no, please don't. Mum likes you too much to see you behind bars."
"Gem, he's been relentless." Thinking back to the past few days and how he'd randomly come up to you and just begin to sing the lyrics to you, not shutting up until you tickled him too much to continue. "Please don't let it come up later." 
"I've got you," Gemma assures you. 
"Thank you."
"As long," Gemma begins, but you groan jokingly into the phone. 
"Go on," You sigh, knowing this is how the eldest Styles sibling acts.  
"As long as you tell me what Harry bought mum for Christmas."
"Alright, fair." Very well, Harry would most likely spoil this himself the closer the holiday arrives. 
Just as you were about to spoil Harry's gift, he walks through the kitchen, saved by the devil himself. "I'll tell you later when you get here." You tell Gemma, smiling at Harry as you bid his sister goodbye.  
"Who was it, love?" Harry asks, kissing you lightly on your lips, being able to taste the gingerbread on your lips that makes him beeline to the cooled cookies. 
"Gems, a huge birdie told her I don't know the lyrics to a popular song." You lean against the counter, smiling as he has a cookie in hand already; he is also a big reason you made so many. 
"Hey," He says, offended, a cookie half shoved in his mouth. "I'm not huge." 
"Never said it was you, hun." You smirk. "Thanks for fessing up."
He pouts, not liking that you outsmarted him. 
"Might want to watch the cookies." You pinch his love handles, snatching what was left of the cookie from his hand and heading upstairs. 
Harry watches you walk away, upset that you stole his cookie; also, he knows you love his winter gains. 
You and Harry are up fairly early, he likes to go on a run around the neighborhood, but you like going to the park. This morning you skipped your run because Harry was meeting up with a friend for breakfast. 
Sure, you got up at your usual time at 7am and began to prepare yourself breakfast. You usually drank coffee with Harry and seeing as he wasn't here, you decided to skip it, instead going straight to the fridge to get the fruits and orange juice to make a smoothie. Something simple, not wanting to clean much after. 
As you finally settled on the couch, getting ready to read Educated by Tara Westover, a book Gemma recommended to her then gifted to her. Tara's memoir is her story of how she comes from a Mormon background and recounts how she educated herself to go to college and learn about the world. It's a Friday, and what better way to spend it lost in a book. 
You had just flipped it open when your phone rang, alerting you to a message. As much as you didn't want to check because you were finally in a comfortable position, you knew it could easily be Harry checking in who gets worried about not getting a reply even five minutes after. He's a worrier at heart. 
As you retrieve it and settle yourself back down, not at all comfortable anymore, you see it's a message from Iz. She was the first friend you made on your own that Harry didn't introduce you to. Iz saw you at a coffee shop you began to frequent and complimented your tote bag that had wildflowers embroidered on it. You thanked her and shared you made it. Iz was shocked, just throwing compliment after compliment. You offered to make her one, but she said you had better teach her instead. Thus, a friendship began. 
Her message read: 
Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Listen in! 
It was definitely a strange message coming from Iz, but you did as told. 
Greg James was saying goodbye to his special guest, no idea who it was. "Before he signs off, he's going to play you one of his favorite Christmas songs," Greg says, then silences, allowing his guest a moment before speaking. 
"This week's Christmas song is in honor of my girlfriend who loves singing Frosty the Snowman... without knowing the lyrics. Happy Holidays."  
Your jaw drops. 
That your boyfriend's voice. You are the girlfriend. 
He went on record. 
Harry really went on live radio to tell thousands that you don't know the lyrics to a Christmas classic. 
You want to laugh because you never expected this from him and are annoyed that something personal now the whole world will know by the end of the day. 
You can't wait until he arrives home.
"Harry Edward Styles!" You yell as you hear Harry open the front door. 
He looks sheepish. "Yes, my darling angel."
"You told me you were having breakfast with Greg James, not that you were going to be on the Breakfast show."
"I took muffins, and they provided coffee, therefore, breakfast." Harry defends
"You exposed me to all of the UK to not knowing 'Frosty the Snowman.'"
"No one knows you're my girlfriend." Harry tries to brush it off.
"We've been dating four years; I'm not that much of a secret. Anne posts me on her story from time to time, and your friends follow my Instagram, fuck; you've introduced me to Greg." You're not angry, more annoyed than anything because he won't let this go.
"It's just to give everyone a good laugh; no one is going to hold it against you." 
"No, just my boyfriend and everyone who listens to the Breakfast Show." You cross your arms before storming up the stairs away from Harry. 
"Love? You're not actually mad, right?" Harry asks, pushing the bedroom door open. 
"You even got Iz on it!" Your turn around with a pout on your face. 
Harry laughs. "I honestly thought she wouldn't go through with it."
"Well, I see where her loyalty lies." 
Harry steps close and pulls you into his chest. You sigh, wrapping your arms around him. He knows how much you love his hugs.
"I promise this is the last I mention of it." 
You frown into his chest, not at all believing him. Harry pats your bum, and you take that as the queue to look up at him. He's smiling down at you, leaning in to give you a quick peck. "I promise." 
"Okay, then." You lean in and kiss him, firmer this time and much longer. Harry sneaks his tongue in, instantly getting a moan out of you. 
"I know how you can make it up to me." You gasp, pulling away, 
Harry raises an eyebrow at you. "Do tell." 
A smirk on both your faces as you guide him to the bed, very much hungry for something that wasn't breakfast. 
Harry has the Christmas playlist running; it's a Sunday, meaning they spend it at home doing absolutely nothing. To be truthful, they rolled out of bed past ten and still have their pj's on. Not at all bothering to change, why waste more clothes if no one will see them like this in the comfort of their own home.
You cooked grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and now are playing a game of scrabble.
Harry puts down the word 'light,' then reaching his hand into the black pouch to pick five letters to have seven once again. You are looking back and forth between the board and your letters, thinking of the best place to place your word. 
"I've got a question," Harry says, looking at you, wanting all your attention as well. 
"What is it?" You're focused on your letters. Rearranging them, not putting down the 'q' in your hand. It's currently useless but will eventually give you a word to win the game. Not that you both ever keep points, oh no, that stopped after you beat harry 120 to 66, and he flipped the board, causing letters to fly everyone. You still claim that there are missing letters. 
"Frosty is a cute name."
"Reminds me of that Wendy's dessert. I'm still not sure what made it so good." You say, maybe you should get up and eat some. Harry did just pick up new flavors that he had been wanting to try something about them being richer in flavor. 
"You're getting off track." 
"Sorry, Frosty is cute for what?" You don't let him answer before you're speaking again. "A dog, did you get a dog?" You pause, looking up at him, "a cat, did Anne find a stray and wants to give them to us?" You wait, but Harry is about to crush all your excitement. 
"None of that." He shakes his head at you, and disappointment fills you immediately. 
"Well, can this conversation end then? I'm disappointed." 
"Darling," Harry chastises you for not letting him go on.
"Go on then, mate." You gesture him to continue. Shifting your attention away from the game in front of you.
Harry frowns, his eyebrows pinching together in the sweet way that makes you want to rub them out until he's relaxed. "Why'd you call me, mate?"
"Oh, I've called you this before." You brush off Harry's reactions; he's always dramatic. 
"I'm not your friend." He states.
You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head and really look at Harry. "Well, of course, you are boyfriend," You emphasize, dragging out the word. "You're my best friend." 
"You can't say boyfriend anymore. I'm your fiancé now." Harry states proudly, but you feel a little dumbfounded, not knowing why he is saying that.
Your eyes widen when you look down at your left hand, and no ring rests on your left ring finger.
"Fuck, I missed your proposal, and the ring got lost." You pout, trying your best to stop the smirk from coming out.  
"Darling, I'm sorry." Harry quickly apologizes. "I'm still your boyfriend, but I will be proposing soon." He promises. "Shit, you were supposed to not even know. I really am bad at hiding things."
"Fuck, you really are." You laugh, "but boyfriend sounds cute. Can't I still say boyfriend when you do?" 
"Doesn't fiancé sound nicer?" Harry tries. 
You shrug. "Not as fun, husband is nice."
"You're rejecting my future proposal, then." Harry is teasing, and you can tell by the sparkle in his forest eyes. 
"Of course not, you dummy. You can be my fiancé and my boyfriend." You tell him like it was the most obvious answer.
"Seems like a lot of work."
"Rude." You stick your tongue at him. 
"Right, love, well try to remember I'm your husband once we're married, no more boyfriend."
"I will, hubby. You're going to be my hubby."
You both go silent.
You burst out laughing, "That's awful, I hate it."
Harry chuckles, nodding his head. "Yeah, I do as well."
"This is why I'm the brains in the relationship." 
"Right," Harry rolls his eyes at you, not at all agreeing.
"Uh, darling, I went to uni and got two degrees while you only finished school at sixteen before going off to steal millions of hearts around the world." 
"Including yours." He teases.
"I was always more a Zayn girl." You correct him.
Harry throws his arms up, "Can never let me win, can you?" 
"We're off-topic." Harry realizing how far they strayed from their starting point. 
"Where did we start?"
You sit back, resting against the couch; you take him in and smile at how cuddly he looks in the purple robe that he stopped letting you use. "Well, go on."
"Seeing as-" He pauses, hearing the familiar opening notes to the song he was thinking of. 'Frosty, the Snowman' is now his favorite song. "Perfectly timed, as you don't know the lyrics to Frosty the snowman."
"Gosh, you're never going to let this go," You grumble. 
"Nope. I figured we will have a little fun with this."
"More fun than the breakfast show." 
He gives you a pointed look.
You let out a long sigh, "Let's hear it." 
"You learn all the lyrics and sing it for me, and I'll let you get us a dog or cat." Harry's grinning at his idea, knowing you'll agree without a fight. 
"Can we go to the shelter?" You look like a kid on Christmas morning who had just received their presents from Santa, and in a way, you have.
"Yes, we can. Only if you can learn the entire song." Harry tells you again, wanting to emphasize the singing.
"Done deal." 
"Great, I'm giving you a week." 
You smile wide, nodding, looking, finally focusing back down at your words and the ones Harry has placed. You put down the word 'queen,' and this wins you the non-official game. Harry looks down at his poorly hidden score sheet and curses under his breath. 
"I win." 
Safe to say you lost more letters that day.
It's been a week, and Harry is patiently waiting on their bed as you get ready in your shared closet. Your shared closet is large and mainly holds all of Harry's clothing. You definitely have a nice share of clothes filled with gifts from friends as well as Harry's friends and your treasured thrifted pieces. You smile at yourself in the full-length mirror. 
Harry really can't begin to imagine what you have in store for him. 
The speaker is set out and ready, and all that is needed is for you to make your entrance.
You shake out your hands in hopes of ridding yourself of the nerves. You look yourself over one last time before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open. 
"Close your eyes." You call out. 
Harry rolls his eyes but does as he is told.
You walk over to the speaker and press play, letting the music fill the room, making your way to stand in front of Harry, who slowly opens his eyes.
He gasps; he feels himself start to get hard. His eyes can't seem to take everything in fast enough. You smirk, loving the reaction you got out of him. It gives you the extra boost of confidence you were needing. 
You stand there, hand on your hip in a sexy snowman outfit to go with the performance you are about to give.
The dress, if you can consider it with how short it is, has three black buttons in the center. The material hugs your chest nicely, giving Harry a nice view of your breasts that are close to popping out. The dress hugs your waist and begins to flow out right past your butt. You wore your favorite black heels that Harry sometimes begs you not to take off. You had on a plaid scarf and a black hat that matched it perfectly. 
You were the human version of the snowman except for a more rated r version.
Harry is sitting his mouth wide open at a loss for words. You blow him a kiss before letting the song lyrics flow out of you.
Frosty the snowman
Was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal
You sway your hips side to side, singing, enjoying the ravenous stare he was giving you. You throw the hat, letting it fall at his feet, but not even that breaks the gaze he has on you, not wanting to miss a single movement of yours. 
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say
He was made of snow
But the children know
How he came to life one day
You take a few steps forward, but never enough to allow him to touch you, and he's craving it; you know he is. His hands are gripping his thighs, his knuckles turning whiter by the seconds. 
He still hasn't said a word. You have him mesmerized. 
You sing the lyrics proudly, knowing you practiced all week for this moment. The moment Harry will never forget all the teasing he had been doing, always forgetting you win these battles. 
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around
"Baby," Harry breathes out, putting a hand out to touch you, but you take a step back before he can do so. 
You smirk, shaking your head no at him. You were having a lot more fun than you expected. 
You bend over, slipping off your heels, never breaking eye contact with Harry; he could very easily see up the dress that you had nothing underneath. His green eyes turned dark, and you swore your heart stopped, and you were sure he was about to attack. You were the prey, taunting him until he had enough, but surprisingly enough, he took a deep breath, and his composure was back well, just a bit of it.  
O Frosty the snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
You stopped right in front of him. Harry's eyes trained on your red lips, hanging out to every word you were singing. You reached a hand back and began to unzip the dress. The grin on your face excited for the next reaction you were about to receive. 
Once you reached the bottom of your back, the dress fell to the floor. Harry let out a loud gasp. Your breasts on display, the small owl tattoo on your hip staring at him, he could see how wet you were, and all he wanted was his head between your thighs as you screamed his name. 
You were a dream. You missed Harry's touch. It was the reason you stepped close enough for him to finally pull you in. 
He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment when
He heard them holler "Stop!"
Harry has no expression on his face as he sits you on his lap. He lets his head fall into your next, feeling how wet you are through his thin sweats. You move to stand up, but he grips your hips tightly, thrusting his hips against yours, searching for some kind of relief or a reaction from you because you still haven't stopped singing. 
"Baby, stop singing." His hand is cradling your cheek as his lust-filled eyes stare at you. 
You shake your head, not letting him distract you. The only piece of clothing left was the scarf, and Harry lets out a growl before ripping your scarf off your neck, throwing it off to the side.
Now you truly sit there naked in his lap, and you feel all the control you have over him. The song is coming to an end, meaning you've got to remove yourself from your favorite place to sit but knowing you'll be back there soon enough. 
Frosty the snowman
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye, saying
"Don't you cry I'll be back again someday"
You sing the final lyrics in his ear before walking away to turn off the speaker, an extra sway to your hips, knowing Harry is very well still watching your every move. You stand a delighted look on your face as you wait for his praise. 
"Those were the longest two minutes of my life," Harry says; he puts a hand over his heart, feeling like it might just burst out. "I'm never going to be able to listen to this song in public or around anyone that isn't you." 
You smirk, thrilled to hear that.
"What did I do to end up with someone as beautiful and perfect as you in my life." He confesses. 
"Probably stopped a war in a past life." You throw out jokingly. 
Harry puckers his lips and makes grabby hands at you. "Kissy, please?"
And who are you to say no? He spreads his legs, letting you step in between. You slip your fingers into his hair, pulling back with enough force to have him let out a moan. You lean down and connect your lips in a hot kiss, one that has Harry gripping you tightly wherever he can get his hands on. You moan as he slips his tongue into your mouth, and you happily give up the control to him. 
You pull back and rest a hand on his chest, preventing him from pulling you back for you. You wipe your thumb over his bottom lip that now has some of your red lipstick. "Seems like I won, sweets."
"I feel like the real winner here," Harry tells you cheekily, sneaking a kiss to both your boobs. You giggle, not at all surprised by his action. 
"Well," You fiddle with the collar of his shirt. "Why don't you show me how winners celebrate?" 
"With pleasure." Harry groans standing up quickly and pushing you back against the best. He strips as fast as he can, not without a small stumble; you're sure to keep your giggle quiet, knowing very well how easily he gets embarrassed. 
He is quick to get on top and kisses you hard. His kisses are always soft, but it seems the teasing seemed to flip a switch, one that you will happily remember to look to turn on again on a later date. Tonight, you are ready for an endless night of pleasure and love. 
Harry connects their lips, ready for an endless night of pleasure and love. 
Christmas cards were a lovely tradition. Harry insisted they started because he wanted to show off his beautiful girlfriend to his friends and family. He also liked them handwritten because it added a nice personal touch. Who were you to argue about it?
This year you were the one excited to send them out. 
It read: Merry Christmas from our beautiful family to yours
You and Harry sat in front of the fireplace, four stockings hanging behind you. Harry made you sit in his lap, wanting to show off your matching two-piece buffalo plaid pajamas. You both had the biggest grins on your face, eyes shining bright. Next to you, laying on top of a box that was wrapped with blue sloth wrapping paper, was a one-year-old Australian shepherd that had spent the better of six months in the shelter because the small pup was quiet who didn't do well with people, but that changed instantly the minute he met you. You decided on the name Frosty for him. Not only did Harry get you the dog of your dreams but a small kitten as well. You brought home Snow, a six-month white Birman kitten who was the rut of his siblings, and how could you just not bring him home with you with his big blue eyes staring at you begging to add to your family because he had lots of love to give. At least that's what you told Harry what the look he was giving you meant. The two siblings laid next to each other, both surprisingly staring right at the camera, making it their best Christmas photo yet. 
A photo can honestly speak a thousand words because one glance at this photo tells you how much love there is in that home and their relationship. 
Christmas was all about spreading joy and love, and well, Harry accomplished just that for you.
thank you so much for reading! i honestly hoped you loved it and would love to hear what you thought so send me a message if you like. 
i love you!
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sincerelytan · 3 years
Girlfriend V / S Bestfriend
Girlfriend v / s Bestfriend
Word count: 4245
Prompt: “Free Day” Day 7 of Digiweek 2021
Features Characters: Yamato, Mimi, Taichi, Sora, Takeru, Kari, Koshiro and Joe
A / N: I had written this a while back and thought I would post it during day 7 of free day. Hope you enjoy my attempt at this little humours fic.
Also Today is August 1st - Happy Odaiba Day
Summary: Yamato finds himself in between yet another argument of Taichi and Mimi, but this time Sora has a solution that just might solve the age old question or just make things more awkward for Yamato
“I hope we are not too late,” Sora commented as she, Yamato and Takeru were making their way to Taichi’s house.
“We are very late,” Yamato replied blandly.
“We would have been on time if you hadn’t taken so much time in picking out a gift for your girlfriend,” Sora shot back caustically. “besides, you asked us for our help.” she further pointed out.
“She’s right you know,” Takeru added; “who knew you would take so much time!” he muttered “in choosing a dress,” last part almost to himself.
“Yeah, whatever,” Yamato said rolling his eyes, clearly having heard what Takeru said.
“Thanks for helping though,” Yamato murmured after a bit of walking in silence. “I really want this date to be special.” And Takeru; Yamato said halting and turning towards his brother, “She better not find out about this surprise.” Yamato commanded Takeru in a playful warning tone, remembering how Takeru had a habit of confiding in her in just about anything and everything.
“My lips are sealed!” Takeru said enthusiastically. “Relax, she will love it! I’m sure, besides your anniversary is next week! He said beaming at a nervous Yamato.
Sensing Yamato still needed some assurance, Takeru added, “You got the black dress, the necklace, you booked the table at Il Ristorante - Luca Fantin,” he stopped and looked at Yamato, “You booked it right?”
“Yes, of course, a month ago” Yamato added.  
“And we got the limo, I know because I booked that one, Sora’s going to give you the flowers in the morning” Takeru added counting down the list on his fingers, “We have the perfect coverup story so now,” he continued as they reached Taichi’s house “let’s just hang out with the others and not let her suspect anything.” He said beaming to a somewhat confident Yamato.
Great, poker face, Yamato thought as they rang the bell to Taichi’s door.
 When they arrived at Taichi’s all 3 of them were revising their excuse as to why they turned up together and that too late. The excuse was going to be that Yamato and Takeru were held back by their mum and on the way to Taichi’s place they bumped into Sora who was going to say she came from her tennis class that was near Takeru’s place and thus they ended upcoming together.
As it turned out they didn’t really have to worry about their excuses because they could hear Taichi and Mimi arguing while they waited outside for someone to open the door.
“What’s the argument about this time?” Sora asked as Joe opened the door.
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you” Joe sighted back rubbing his forehead.
“Are they finally here?” Kari called out from the room.
“Yeah,” Joe shouted back.
“Tell them to come here and end this now.” they heard Koshiro say clearly sounding annoyed.
 “We have been friends forever.” They could hear Taichi claim loudly at Mimi.
“So have we! and we’ve been dating for 3 years now.” Mimi shot back.
“Ha please, you’ll didn’t even talk with each other during elementary school.” Taichi declared assuming his victory.
“So what! I know things that you would never ever know,” Mimi replied back with a smirk, “I am the one that sleeps with him.”
Yamato blushed bright red overhearing this conversation as he, Takeru, and Sora entered the room.
“Are you two fighting; over who knows Yamato better?” Sora asked with amusement.
 “Obviously I do!” Mimi smiled as she approached Yamato and gave him a quick kiss.
“Kissing someone doesn’t necessarily mean you know them,” Taichi said shrugging his shoulders. “I kissed Catherine a couple of times; didn’t know she already had a boyfriend.”
“That’s because all you guys did was kiss,” Sora commented back dryly.
“Touché!” Taichi smirked at the guys as Sora and Kari shook their heads. 
 “Anyway,” Yamato said butting in “I guess I would say, Mimi does know me better than you, sorry Taichi.”
“That’s my man,” Mimi said happily sending an air kiss in Yamato’s direction.
“Whipped” Taichi smirked as he received a glare from Yamato.
“Anyway, I know you are just saying this because you want to continue sleeping with her.” Taichi continued now rolling his eyes at Yamato. “and you know I am right, thus further proving my point that I know him better,” Taichi concluded with his hands gesturing and looking at everyone to agree with him.
As Yamato opened his mouth to argue back, “A quiz!” Sora chimed in quickly.
“I will ask both of you’ll a few questions about Yamato, and whoever answers most of them correctly is the winner.” Sora continued excitedly as Yamato, Mimi and Taichi looked at her with confusion.
“That’s a good idea but obviously Yamato will agree with Mimi and cheat,” Taichi said shooting a look at Mimi.
Before Mimi could argue back to that, “Written cards” Koshiro butted in. “Sora can ask the question, all 3 of you’ll get a card to write the answers and then everyone can reveal the answers that they wrote at the same time, so no one can cheat,” Koshiro explained.
“You can’t be serious!” Yamato said facepalming while Taichi and Mimi were giving it a serious thought.
“This is a great idea” Takeru chimed. “Although technically I am supposed to know him better than both of you’ll.” He said pointing at Mimi and Taichi, “but this way I will find out things I don’t know about you” he added with excitement.
“This is going to be so much fun” Sora smirked with gleaming eyes as she looked directly at Yamato.
“I’m sorry Yamato”, Joe added sympathetically patting Yamato on his shoulder. 
  While the others prepared the questions, Yamato, Taichi and Mimi waited in the other room.
“Better game up Tachikawa,” Taichi said stretching his neck, getting his game mode on.
“You’re going down Yagami,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes at Taichi.
“Oh Boy!” is all Yamato could mutter.
 “Okay, we are ready,” Kari giggled as Taichi, Yamato, and Mimi entered the room.
“Please sit at your assigned seats,” Joe said, pointing to the chairs that had each of their names, a bunch of empty cards, and a marker for them to write with. “This way no one can cheat,” he said as Yamato, Mimi, and Taichi took their seats.
“Rules are simple,” Koshiro continued, “Sora will host, asking you’ll questions about Yamato, you get 10 seconds to write your answers on the cards and when asked you will reveal what you have written after which Yamato reveals his answer, Kari keeps score, and we can see which one of you’ll knows Yamato best.” He finished taking his seat near Joe and Takeru as Sora stood in front of the three participants.
 “Welcome to the game of Girlfriend v/s Best friend; a game where Mimi, the girlfriend, and Taichi, the best friend or is it the other way around?” Sora spoke commanding everyone’s attention as she began the game joyfully in her best host voice.
“Anyway, where both will try and answer some questions about Yamato. The person with the most correct answers wins the game and proves to the other that they do indeed know Yamato better.” She continued gleefully.
 “Okay, let’s do this!” Mimi said with a determined look on her face. 
“Bring it on!” Taichi answered equally determinedly.
“You all are enjoying this way too much,” Yamato said annoyed.
“You have no idea,” Sora replied giggling.
  “Starting off with an easy Question, Question 1 for girlfriend vs best friend is What colour M&Ms are Yamato’s favourite?” Sora asked grinning at the three.
As soon as Sora finished asking the question Mimi, Taichi, and Yamato quickly wrote down their answers as Koshiro timed them.
And “Mimi” Sora said pointing at Mimi as Koshiro gave her the nod indicating the time was up.
Blue – Mimi’s card read. “He always snatches up the blue ones while I go for the red ones.” She said smiling broadly.
Blue – Taichi’s card also read “this is too easy.” He said lazily.
“And now for the reveal, Yamato?” Sora asked turning to Yamato.
Yamato sighed and held up his card, where it was written Blue, “remind me why I agreed to this again?” he asked in a defeated tone.
“Because it’s fun and we get to take your case,” Sora said with a bright smile. “Also, I get my revenge on you for dragging me through 20 different shops” She added the last part softly to Yamato while Mimi and Taichi were busy taunting each other. “A point to both Mimi and Taichi” She concluded loudly pointing at Kari who giving a thumbs up and wrote down the score on the board.
 “After an easy start moving on to Question 2!” Sora continued with the same enthusiasm; What is Yamato’s favourite food?”
As before all 3 of them wrote down the answer as soon as Sora asked the question and Koshiro began his timer. With a nod from Koshiro, Sora asked Taichi and Mimi to reveal their answers.
Pizza – Taichi’s card read. “obviously” he muttered while showing his card.
Onigiri/Mochi – Mimi’s card read “I know this because I cook for him.” She answered giving Yamato a sweet but dangerous look indicating his answer better be this.
Onigiri – Yamato’s card read. “I like pizza and mochi as well,” Yamato said looking at Taichi apologetically, while Mimi gave him one of her widest smiles.  
“Oo bad luck Taichi, looks like Yamato’s favourite food is Onigiri.” Sora concluded in her host voice. “and that’s a point to Mimi." She said pointing at Kari who put another point up for Mimi.
“Whose favourite food is not Pizza!” Taichi said out loud and annoyed as he threw his answer card down.
“We all like pizza but you have an unhealthy obsession with it Taichi,” Kari said sighing. “Seriously I once saw him finish 2 large pizza’s in 1 go,” she added looking at the group.
“Hey, those pizzas were to die for,” Taichi said defending his love for pizza.
“Oh, is it the place you insisted we go for my birthday?” Koshiro asked. “Oh yeah, those pizzas were really good” he agreed, much to Taichi’s delight.
“The very same” Taichi answered happy that Koshiro was there to back him up.
 “Which reminds me, we should order some food for later,” Joe said taking out his phone to place an order. “Any suggestions?” he asked looking around.
“Pizza” Taichi answered before anyone else could. “And Yamato my Pizza is on you for not answering pizza.”
“And mine too” Mimi added. I agree with Taichi on this, she giggled much to Taichi’s delight.
“Wait, What! But Onigiri? Fine!.” Yamato said just throwing his hands up and giving up.
“Hey, I am the host, my Pizza is on you as well,” Sora added to the mix.
“I keep the score” Kari chimed in.
“and I time you guys,” Koshiro added.
“and I am your brother,” Takeru said giving his best puppy dog face.
“you guys torture me like this and expect the pizza to be on me?” “Some friends you are!” Yamato started protesting.
“Pizza is on me and Yamato,” Joe said giving Yamato an apologetic look as Yamato put his hands on his face in annoyance.
 “As Joe orders the Pizza, we move on to Question 3, What is Yamato’s preferred pizza topping?” Sora continued in her host mode.
“Was that question on the list?” Koshiro asked giving Sora a confused look.
“Well, I just thought of it” she added. “come on guys it’s a relevant question!”
Alright, muttered the three as they wrote down their answers.
“And for the reveal,” Sora said pointing towards her best friend, “Mimi”
Double Cheese – Mimi’s card read. “Yamato really loves cheese”
Double Cheese – Taichi’s card read as well; “you better not answer anything else, our friendship is literally at stake now” Taichi said dramatically.
Double Cheese – Yamato’s card read, “you know it” Yamato exclaimed as Taichi grinned chanting, “Our friendship is saved.”
 “Mimi leading by a point, we move on to Question 4,” Sora said laughing at the exchange. “Which is Yamato’s favourite band?”
“And answers,” she said as she got the nod from Koshiro.
Mimi and Taichi held up their cards at the same time
Nirvana – Mimi’s card read, “Yamato absolutely loves them, he also likes Linkin Park though.”
Nirvana – Taichi’s card also read. “Yeah, I remember this from elementary school.” He said shooting a look at Mimi.
Nirvana – Yamato’s card also read. “I think everyone knows this.”
“Apparently they do, adding a point each to Mimi and Taichi.” Sora concluded.
 “For Question 5” Sora continued; “Which sport does Yamato least suck at?”
“Thanks for putting it that way,” Yamato said rolling his eyes at Sora.
“My pleasure, and Mimi?” Sora smirked, clearly enjoying her role as the hostess.
Basketball – Mimi’s card read “He loses against Takeru every time,” she said earning a grin from Takeru and a very annoyed “hey” from Yamato.
Basketball – Taichi’s card also read. “He really sucks at soccer.” Earning a further “hey!” from Yamato.
“I can beat every one of your asses in Basketball,” Yamato stated as he showed his card that read Basketball.
“and yet somehow you always lose to me”
“Shut up Takeru.” Yamato glared at Takeru as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to Question 6,” Sora continued. “What is Yamato’s favourite guilt trip series to binge?”
Doctor who – Taichi’s card read when Sora called out his name to reveal his answer. “I don’t know why but he loves that show.”
Glee – Mimi’s card read next.
“Mimi that’s your favourite guilt trip series, not mine” Yamato said, showing his card that read – Doctor who.
“but you always watch glee with me” Mimi pouted.
“yes, because you enjoy it, I watch it with you,” Yamato said smiling at her, at which she further pouted.
“Looks like Taichi knows Yamato’s Tv preference here better than Mimi” Sora concluded. “With a point to Taichi, he is now caught up with Mimi.”
 “And for Question 7,” Sora continued in her best hostess impression. “If Yamato could have anyone’s superpowers from the Avengers team, who’s powers would he want to have?”
“Great question!” Kari said looking at Koshiro, who had suggested the question. Blushing at Kari’s comment, Koshiro nodded to Sora as the time ended.
 “Mimi? Your answer please” Sora asked her friend.
Captain America – Mimi’s card read as she looked at Yamato with a dreamy expression.
“Oo Captain America, that would be a hot choice,” Sora giggled. “Taichi?”
Iron Man – Taichi’s card read. “Please, Yamato is more like Tony Stark, also he’s the coolest.
Thor – Yamato’s card read. As everyone gave him a bland expression. “What?” he added.
“Seriously? I thought you like Captain America, you have a keychain of his shield” Mimi squealed, somehow offended, “also he’s the hottest! and you definitely have the Ass, perhaps not America’s but definitely Japan’s Ass.” Mimi added winking to a very red Yamato.
“Hmm I don’t know, maybe; Yamato, give us a twirl now, will you?” Taichi said trying to check out Yamato.
“And deleting that image from my mind,” Takeru said making a face at Yamato.
“Yeah, but I would prefer Thor’s powers, I could fly and manipulate thunder and also not to mention I would be a God.” Yamato tried defending his answer.
“Okay, no points for anyone, looks like you guys need to buck up your game, if you wanna win who knows Japan’s Ass better,” Sora concluded laughing.
“Shudd up.” Is all Yamato could say red in his face as everyone laughed.
 “Moving on to DC, Question 8!” Sora continued as the laughter died down. “Who is Yamato’s all-time favourite DC character?”
“I actually like DC more than Marvel” Takeru added to the room.
“Nah aa, marvel all the way” Kari shot back at Takeru. “They have better movies”
“Please, who can compete against Batman?” Takeru chimed in.
“Have you read any of the comics?” Koshiro asked them both.
“some” Takeru mumbled while Kari shook her head.
“And before this gets into a Marvel vs Dc or TV vs Comics, answers please!” Sora slipped in halting that discussion.
Batman – Taichi’s card read. “obviously”
Nightwing – Mimi’s card read. “This time it’s definitely the butt," she added with a squeal.  
Nightwing – Yamato’s card read. “It's not because of the ass” Yamato added to a gleaming Mimi.
“Okay, seriously Yamato, you have got to give us a twirl!” Taichi exclaimed.
All Yamato could do was glare at Taichi as the girls giggled and the boys laughed.
 “We are just getting started on to the good questions” Sora added cheekily as the laughter subsided. “Moving on to the next question! Question 9” “What age did Yamato have his first kiss?”
Yamato and Mimi both blushed hiding their faces behind their cards as they wrote the answer.
“And Mimi?” Sora asked
13 – Mimi’s card read
16 – Taichi’s card read. “He was a late bloomer” Taichi teased
13 – Yamato’s card read as he held it up to cover his face.
“13? Really? Who?” Sora asked surprised, asking the question that was on everyone’s mind as Yamato was extremely closed off as a person that time.
“Mimi,” Yamato answered slowly “the day she was leaving for the states”
“But you guys weren’t together that time,” Koshiro asked. “or were you already secretly dating”
“Well, it was unexpected for me as well, I mean I did have a crush on him that time but didn’t think he had, so imagine my surprise when I went to tell him goodbye, he kissed me.” Mimi smiled at the memory, “And he’s really improved a lot since then in that department” she added in a teasing tone.
“I knew I saw the two of you kiss, you told me I was seeing things,” Takeru exclaimed at Yamato.
“I didn’t really want anyone to know,” Yamato said apologetically to Takeru.
“Those mood swings make so much more sense now” Takeru added laughing.
“Okay, moving on” Yamato gestured to a smiling Sora.
 “This game is just getting started,” Sora said amused at Yamato’s embarrassment.
“I am going to kill all of you,” Yamato replied pointing towards Sora and the other spectators.
“Kari, would you tell us the score please,” Sora said sticking out her tongue at Yamato.
“Taichi needs to game up, as Mimi is leading by 2 points.” Kari added with a giggle.
  “Revealing more secrets of the lone wolf, moving on to Question 10” Sora smiled “What is Yamato’s favourite alcoholic beverage?
Even before sora could ask for an answer,
Beer – Taichi’s card read. “phh please” he added with an air of confidence.
Old Fashioned – Mimi’s card read. Please, Yamato likes his classic gentleman’s whiskey drink”
Old Fashioned – Yamato’s card read.
“What old fashion? Are you kidding me!!!! We always drink beer together” Taichi bellowed.
“But I like a good whiskey, bourbon, or scotch.” Yamato tried to defend himself.
“And you don’t like the beers we drink together?” Taichi asked absolutely furious.  
“Yeah, of course I like beers but that’s not my favourite alcoholic beverage Taichi” Mat tried to explain.
“oh! So now beer isn’t sophisticated enough for you! First, you turn your back on Pizza and now Beer!” Taichi crossed his arms absolutely fuming.
“Taichi” Yamato tried to continue.
“Next boys’ night you get your own fancy-ass drink” Taichi pouted cutting Yamato off “Sora, next Question”
“Taichi” Yamato tried again.
“Next Question Sora”  
 Giving Yamato an apologetic look, Sora continued “Moving on to Question 11, What is Yamato the most afraid of?”
Ghosts – Taichi’s card red. “Remember the time when me, Takeru, and Mimi pranked Yamato” Taichi said laughing at the memory as they had spooked Yamato quite badly.
Ghosts – Mimi showed her card, smiling at the memory.
Ghosts – Yamato’s card read as well, cursing Takeru for revealing his secret.
 “With Mimi still in the lead, Question 12” Sora continued with a knowing smirk towards Yamato. “Which celebrity is on Yamato’s list? Basically, which celebrity does Yamato wish to sleep with?” she further clarified.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Taichi held up his card excitedly
Merei Kiritani – Mimi held up her card with a stoic expression.
Mariya Nishiuchi – Yamato held his card, looking anywhere except at Mimi.
“oo she is pretty” Joe let slip to everyone’s amusement.
“Didn’t she come for one of your shows?” Takeru asked with an innocent curious look, while Mimi looked surprised, and Yamato tried to signal him to shut up.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” Yamato dismissed Takeru.
“Hang on!” Mimi added looking at Yamato now. “When was this? And how do I not know about this?”
“She came backstage as well” Takeru added. “I remember it was when you were in New York for your work visit,” Takeru said looking at Mimi.
“Mimi, I swear, nothing happened. She came to meet the band and that was it, I walked out of my dressing room when she came in”
“Okay this even I didn’t know,” Takeru said amused. “I just remember she came backstage to tell you guys she really enjoyed the show.”
“Are you telling me, you had the opportunity and you chickened out?” Taichi roared with laughter.
“Excuse me?” Mimi said tartly to Taichi.
“I didn’t chicken out Taichi, I didn’t want anything to do with her.” Yamato replied just as tartly.
“Not what you said when we were watching ..” Taichi continued in a teasing tone
“Shut up Taichi” Yamato cut Taichi off. “Mimi, babe, its not ..”
“We shall talk about this later,” Mimi said narrowing her eyes.
 “Is this over yet?” Yamato asked to the room where the others were just giggling at his misery.
“no no, I want to see what else I don’t know about you.” Mimi replied in a teasing manner.
“Is it lets torture Yamato Day, today?” Yamato asked rhetorically.
“Mimi,” Joe asked cautiously, still not convinced of her mood, to which the ever bubbly girl just smiled and winked. Satisfied that Yamato won’t be in much trouble, Joe cleared his throat, “I think we have 3 more questions” to which Sora and Koshiro nodded.
The bell rung indicating the pizza was here. Joe and Yamato went to get the pizzas and pay for them, with Yamato insisting to pay for the whole thing and Joe politely but sternly telling him that they can split it amongst both of them.
 Handing everyone their food and beverages, as Yamato and Joe got back in their place, Sora continued the game.
“To continue on to Yamato’s torture, Question 13,” she asked, “What type of porn category does Yamato like?” in a very serious and calm voice.
Joe almost choked on his drink while Koshiro spat out his drink, as the remaining two roared with laughter.
 “Taichi?” Sora asked barely able to contain her laugh,
Cheerleader – Taichi’s card read. “I remember the time when he used to fantasize about Mimi in her cheerleading outfit all the time. I don’t think he’s gotten over that.” Taichi said raising his eyebrows cheekily at Yamato and Mimi.
Threesome – Mimi’s card read. “Really? You used to fantasize about me back then?” she asked amused. “And here I thought you were dropping hints for a 3way.”
Cheerleader – Yamato’s card read. “That wasn’t a hint, Mimi. I told you it was a misunderstanding.” He said blushing furiously than he ever had.
“Shame,” Mimi said casually checking her nails, “I might have been game.” She added with a wink towards him.
Taichi nearly fell off his chair, while Koshiro did fall off his chair, his mouth open with shock.
“You lucky lucky son of a gun,” Taichi added to a blushing Yamato, with a slight hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Misunderstanding?” Sora asked trying to fish for the story, while Kari just laughed and Joe looked down embarrassed.
“Okay, too much information for me,” Takeru said clearing her throat. “Next question please,” he said gesturing towards Sora.
 “So having that opportunity taken away from him, moving on to Question 14.” Sora continued still between her laughs. “What is Yamato’s safe word?”
Sora wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks and gestured for all of them to reveal their answers.
Orangutan – Taichi’s card read.
Orangutan – Mimi’s card also read.
Orangutan – Yamato’s card read as well.
Seeing the shocked look on everyone’s face, Mimi looked over to Taichi’s card and in a very loud pitch voice, almost shouting exclaimed, “What!!”
“What! No way, What! How do you even know that?” Mimi bellowed.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Taichi laughed falling off his chair, as Yamato just stared at Taichi with total shock. “Dude we really are soulmates.” Taichi managed to say between laughs as he struggled to get off the floor.
“I’m done, you know what I am done. All the other questions are irrelevant now” Mimi dropped her cards, got up, and walked out the room.
“Mimi come back,” Taichi tried calling behind her. “Princess,” he called after her as he got up and ran behind her still laughing his head off at the coincidence.
Yamato just shook his head, covering his face with his hands, as the rest of the people in the room erupted in laughter that went on for quite a while.
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Dumplings 101
Characters: Henry Cavill x female reader
Word count: 1.179
Warnings: Mentions of being sad, depressed, homesick. The rest is pure fluff.
Author’s note: I miss my mum so bad today, and I listened to ‘Homesick’ by Dua Lipa, which made me miss her even more.
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader and her parents who are figments of my imagination.
Tag: @katerka88 @littlefreya @hell1129-blog @mitzwinchester @mary-ann84 @valkavill @sciapod @henry-cavlll @luclittlepond @iloveyouyen @trippedmetaldetector @radaofrivia @omgkatinka @gothwhopper @fcgrizi @alyxkbrl​ @singeramg​ @onlyhenrys​ @henrythickcavill​ @madbaddic7ed​ @palaiasaurus64​ @queenslandlover-93​ @magdelen69​ @shellbilee​ @mis-lil-red @vania-marie @tumblnewby
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Feedback is appreciated.
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It had been three years since you last saw your parents. They lived far away, while you had moved to London to study. You had ended up falling in love and stayed, even moving in with the man of your dreams.
You talked to your parents at least once a week through video chat and your mother texted you every day through a messenger app. She would send memes, jokes your dad had thrown at her that day, or simply just a message of love, telling you she missed and loved you.
You hadn’t felt homesick in a long time. But one day you were walking through Chinatown with Henry and the scents of the food reminded you of your mum’s cooking.
Henry, the sweet and caring attentive boyfriend, noticed you were feeling a bit gloomy and sad. He asked what was on your mind, and you would answer that you felt a little homesick.
A few weeks later he came home from grocery shopping, which had taken two hours longer than it used to. He walked into the kitchen and laid out all the ingredients he had bought.
“Ground pork, spring onions, garlic, coriander, chilli, ginger, Chinese cabbage. Honey, why have you bought these things?” You asked him curiously, watching him take out the flour and potato starch.
“You told me yesterday that you missed your mum’s dumplings, so we’re making some,” he smiled and reached at the top shelve for the largest bowl you owned.
A light went on in your head. All the ingredients matched perfectly with your mother’s dumpling recipe.
“Henry… did my mum give you her recipe?”
“Yes? Why?”
“She guards that recipe like a dragon protecting its treasure. How did you do it?”
The doorbell saved Henry from answering, as you went to open, puzzled by who it could be. Outside stood your parents.
“Mama?! Papa?! What are you doing here?” You hugged both and clung to them for dear life.
“Invite us in and we’ll tell you everything,” your father chuckled and patted your back. He waltzed inside and patted Kal, who happily wagged his bushy tail.
“What’s going on, Henry?” You asked him as he and your father shook hands.
“Your sweetheart of a boyfriend called us a week ago, saying you were awfully depressed and missed us. We took two weeks off from work and flew here, arranged by Henry and everything. We’re even staying at the hotel just a few blocks over.” Your mother chipped. She went straight to the kitchen, “And something about you wanting my gyozas, so I gave him the ingredient list, but not how to make them.”
“See, I knew something was going on when he said you had given him the recipe.”
“Today, I am going to teach you two how to make them, then you won’t miss me as much, dear.”
“I’ll always miss you, mama.”
Your mother smiled softly. She pulled out an apron from her purse and asked Henry for a notebook and a pen.
“First we start with the dumpling wrappers…”
She quickly took over the kitchen, as any cooking-loving mother would do. You measured the ingredients while Henry kneaded the dough. Your father sat at the two-person table, where you ate breakfast with Henry, and played tug with Kal. You and your mother stood at one side of the kitchen island, while Henry worked the dough, his muscles on display.
“Here you go, dear, you’re drooling,” your mother handed you a napkin. Your cheeks blushed a crimson red, but Henry just smiled at you. He knew it, the cheeky monkey, what effect it had on you when he showcased his biceps.
“There, it’s all smooth,” Henry handed your mother the dough. She inspected it and approved it. After wrapping it in film, you moved on to the filling.
“My mama taught me how to chop everything nicely, so it will have a nice mouthfeel when you take a bite of the dumpling. But we’re going to use your meat grinder.”
You put the meat grinder attachment to your kitchen machine. You put almost all the vegetables through and had this wet mixture in the end. Henry was tasked to shred the small block of ginger.
Your mother added soy sauce, sesame oil, and black pepper as seasonings to the veggie-mix and then added the ground pork and ginger. She mixed it thoroughly and set it aside.
“Mama, how do we know how much soy to put in?” You asked.
“You can always panfry a little of the filling and taste it, dear. Henry, be a darling and roll the dough out for me.”
After your mother was happy with the thickness of the dough, you used a small bowl to cut out circles. She filled the dough with a teaspoon of the filling and showed you how to fold it closed, making it stick together with water on the edges.
The first few attempts were disastrous, you kept overfilling the dough and ended up with ground pork all over your hands. Your mother showed you over and over again until you got the hang of it. Henry, on the other hand, impressed you with his technique. He shouldn’t have been able to work with such a delicate dough, but the way he folded the edges so gently, made you wonder how he did it with his large thick fingers.
“Well done, Henry. Looks like you’ve tried this before,” your mother praised him.
“Not really, but it is a little similar to working with pasta,” he smiled. You had been nervous to have him meet your parents, but now you knew there had been nothing to worry about. He was turning on the charm, full throttle.
You went in search of a pan with a lid while your mother and Henry gushed over filled pasta. You heated up the pan with some neutral oil and added the gyozas in a circular pattern. When the dumplings had gotten a golden and crispy bottom, you added water and put the lid on, letting the dumplings steam and cook.
“Henry, will you set the dinner table, please?” You interrupted the two food-loving talkers. Henry smiled and went to grab the plates.
“Let’s make some dipping sauces,” your mother clasped her hands together and went to work. Your father helped Henry with glasses and chopsticks.
10 minutes later all the food was on the table, with you sitting next to Henry and opposite your parents. You thanked for the food and started putting food on your plate with your chopsticks, your parents doing the same, while Henry had a little more difficulty using his.
“Here, you hold it like this. One in the crook of your thumb and sitting at the tip of your ring finger, the other sits a little higher and nestled between your middle and index finger.”
He did his best and would learn with a little more practice.
“So, these dumplings are the ones that you can eat without getting tired of them?” Henry asked.
“All day, every day.”
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perseusannabeth · 4 years
My Hunger Knows No Bounds - Part 2
Okay, so this is based off a prompt I got, asking me for an Elriel labour fic. I kinda had to end up splitting it in two, because I'm still writing, and this would get super long otherwise. Part 3 is coming soon, I promise! Also I've not properly proof read this so I'm sorry for any mistakes. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1
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Ever since Elain had knocked on his door to ask for some food, they had set up a routine. They hadn't told anyone else about it, especially not their siblings. Cauldron knew that they were all a bunch of busybodies, and would ruin a perfectly good thing with their meddling. Azriel could already imagine his brothers with their knowing looks and raised eyebrows, and he didn’t want to imagine what Elain’s sisters would say or do, especially not Nesta. He knew that they meant well, but there was no way that he was ready for his brothers to start talking about the possibility of him being in a relationship again, and he knew that was exactly what Cass and Rhys would start talking about if they heard about the set up he had with Elain. 
Plus, with Cassian and his big mouth, there's no way Mor and Ciara wouldn't find out. While he knew that he could get Mor off his back easily enough (just tell her about Amren's secret relationship), Ciara was a whole other ball game. Unfortunately, with three older brothers, Ciara had figured out very early on in life how to get what she wanted. With their big age gap, the girl was able to get pretty much anything she wanted and get away with murder. He didn't always regret it, but when she turned to use her big fake innocent eyes on him, he wished he was less of a sucker for her games. He even knew she was playing him, and still fell for it.    
Truth be told, he wasn't quite sure exactly what his relationship with Elain was. They spent some time together with their family, but that wasn't the same. They spent many evenings together, eating and laughing and talking, just the two of them. Azriel had made quite a few recipes from the blue cookbook his mother had given him. He knew without a doubt that if it hadn't been for Elain, he wouldn't have touched it after the one time he had cooked the biriyani. He found it was quite nice to cook for Elain and to have a secret time that was just for the three of them. The baby was so active that you could never forget about the third person (not quite) in the room.
Elain was so easy to talk to. That wasn't something that he had ever found in a person, not his brothers, not his mother, not Rhys' mum, but somehow, Elain made even quiet, stoic Azriel want to talk. He couldn't quite believe it, but they spent most of their time alone just talking about anything, and he was more than capable of carrying a conversation, and participated in it just as much as Elain did, something which he had never been able to do before, and was very proud of.  
They would talk about so many different things, some topics light and fun, some topics dark and heavy. Azriel found himself wanting to share things with Elain and looked forward to these evenings often. To this day, not even his brothers knew the full story about what had happened to his hands. They had pieced things together from what Rhys' mother had said, and when Azriel used to wake up with nightmares, and his aversion to fire. With Elain, he had been the one to bring it up. She had made it so easy to talk about, he hadn't even noticed the phantom pains he got when he usually thought about what had happened, because she had been holding his hands. He hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face either until Elain had wiped them off his face so heartbreakingly gentle. He had felt at peace when he had told her what had happened like a weight had been lifted off his chest and he could finally breathe.  
Perhaps it was the fact that he knew Elain would never judge or pity him because her situation made people judge and pity her. She knew how dirty and horrible the judgement and pity made him feel, how he would do anything to not feel like it was his fault it had happened.  
Azriel hadn't wanted to pry about the father of the baby. He knew that Elain had recently moved to the building and that she lived alone. Her sisters would go with her for any baby-related appointments, and Nesta was Elain's birthing partner, much to everyone but Cassian's amusement. Nesta had been so horrified by the birthing video, that she had refused to have sex with Cassian for a week. Both Azriel and Elain had been shocked that they had even lasted a week without jumping each other. 
Elain had opened up slightly about Graysen, her ex-fiancé who had left her because his family had put pressure onto him to marry someone more suitable. Azriel couldn’t help but get angry at Graysen whenever he thought about it, because how could someone not have the backbone to stand up for the woman he loved to his family. His father did sound like a piece of work, and Azriel was glad that Elain wouldn’t have to deal with that, but he pitied Graysen for being stupid enough to give in to the pressure and give Elain and the baby up. How this man, who claimed he still loved Elain, could give her and his child up was beyond Azriel, but he was almost selfishly glad of it because, without that, he would never have his nights with Elain. 
Social interactions often left Azriel feeling tired and drained, even if the interactions were with his family and friends. It wasn't something that happened all the time, and his family and close friends were very good at reading the signs of him hitting his limit, depending on how sober they are. A drunken Cassian, for example, cannot read any signs of anything, and even if you tell him outright, he still might not understand. A drunken Cassian should never be let into your bedroom at 3 am because he 'missed his favourite broody brother'. It is a scam, and he will cling to you like a koala clings to a tree.  
Azriel never felt drained when he spent time with Elain. It wasn't that he felt energised after being with her, he was pretty sure that was a myth. But he did feel calm and at peace after spending time together, happy even. Although his family and friends could make him feel like that, it was different with Elain. She made him feel like that every time they were together. He couldn't quite explain it, but he knew that their dinners were some of the most relaxing evenings he'd had in a while.  
He wasn't ashamed to admit that he got excited whenever Elain text him to ask if he was cooking for her. Today was no different. When he had seen that she had texted him, he instantly felt the corners of his mouth start to rise. It had been just over a month of knowing Elain, and he had never said no to her. He was pretty sure that it was illegal to say no to a pregnant woman anyway, but he had never been tempted. Elain was just so sweet, how could anyone say no to her? 
When Elain had texted him today, he had been having a boring day. Cassian was off work because Nesta was doing some fancy pants lawyer stuff today, and Cassian was a good boyfriend who was going with her to support her. With Cassian gone, Azriel had nobody to laugh at for being an idiot. Rhys was in meetings all day, so he couldn't laugh at either of his brothers for being love-struck fools who smiled dopily at their phones every time their significant others text them. Azriel tried to tell himself he wasn't jealous of what his brothers had.  
Azriel had had to get his head down and do some paperwork which had been mind-numbingly boring, and the reason why he had been putting it off for so long. He had text Mor to see if she was around to save him from being bored, but she apparently had to do inductions for some newbies. Ugh. He hated how everyone in his family had responsibilities.  
Just after lunch which he took with Nuala and Cerridwen, where they had a catch up (no Mor it isn't gossiping), he got a text from Elain, asking him if he would cook for her again. Azriel couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, even though Nuala and Cerridwen gave him some funny looks for it. Thankfully, they had been friends with Azriel long enough when to comment on something or not. He had no illusions that they would let it go, they would simply bring it up at a time when he had to answer. They were just so good at getting information out of people.  
He spent the rest of the afternoon thinking of which other recipes he could cook for Elain, and what ingredients he had in the house. He probably wouldn't need to go shopping, but he didn't mind if he did need a thing or two. These days, however, he tended to keep his apartment well-stocked in case he needed to cook for Elain at short notice.  
Elain had said she had been eating cup-a-soup for the past 2 days and would be for lunch too because, although it was just water and those gross dried ‘vegetables’, that was what she seemed to be craving. He needed to feed her something nutritional because he knew those stupid powered 'soups' had no nutritional value. Over the past month, he had been googling what was good for the baby, as well as making sure that it didn't make Elain feel sick. If he was going to cook for Elain, he might as well make sure that it’s good for her.   
He decided that he would also make dessert for Elain, which was something he didn't do as often when Elain had dinner with him, mostly because she would usually want to have something that she had baked. He and Elain had figured out the perfect system so that she didn't feel guilty about eating his food, since there was no way he would let her give him money for cooking, or even for ingredients. He would cook the main meal, and Elain would bring over whatever she had baked. Today, however, Azriel had told Elain he would cook desert himself today. He wanted to surprise her with a dessert from his mother's cookbook. Elain had been enjoying milk flavoured things a lot lately, drinking it at any given moment, even having it with her meals, so Azriel had decided to combine her two favourite pregnancy cravings, sugary things and milk, making a dessert called rasmilai which was a sugary, milky dessert with strange little dough balls in it.  
It had been one of Azriel's favourite deserts as a child, and had been craving it himself lately, but had decided to make it for Elain. He knew if not for her, he would have never made it because he was too lazy for that, but making it for Elain was so rewarding that he enjoyed cooking for her. The way Elain’s face lit up was exactly the same as the first time she had eaten his cooking. He wasn’t quite sure what it did to him when she was so happy at the sight of food in front of her, only that it made his chest feel weird and tight. 
Azriel decided to finish work at 4, which was early for him, and definitely earned him a few more strange looks from Nuala and Cerridwen but he ignored them with ease. He knew he would be getting grilled about his strange behaviour in a few days after they had snooped around and asked his brothers and Mor about what was going on with him, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
Azriel drove home, now not even attempting to hide the smile on his face. He seemed to smile more since he met Elain, another thing he didn’t really focus on too much. Or something he didn’t want to focus on. He seemed to be doing that a lot, but then again, Azriel was the master of avoiding thinking about his own feelings. It was definitely not a problem, his siblings had no idea what they were talking about. 
Azriel sent Elain a quick text to let her know that he was home and going to start cooking, just in case she wanted to come over and keep him company. It had happened often enough now, Elain laying on his sofa and talking until she fell asleep while he cooked. Azriel would notice she had gone silent and cover her with a blanket, making sure she wasn’t lying in a way that would cause her or the baby any discomfort. 
Elain replied as he was getting the milk into a pan, with a ridiculous amount of sugar to boil away, telling him that she would be coming over soon, with a share bag of prawn crackers, that she would not be sharing. Azriel let out a small laugh when he saw her text. He was never sure if Elain was having cravings, or if she just used them as an excuse and this was how she ate normally. Since he had never known her before she was pregnant, he couldn’t quite say for sure. 
Thinking about Elain’s pregnancy, Azriel couldn’t help but think about how big Elain was. It was the one thing that put him on edge around Elain, how she looked like she could topple down at any moment and not get back up. He tried not to be overbearing and annoying, but he was always worried something would happen to her and the baby. He had spent more of his free time reading up about pregnancy than he would care to admit. He certainly understood why Nesta had refused to have sex for a week when he had watched a video of a woman giving birth. He definitely did not envy Elain for that. 
A knock on the door pulled Azriel from the swirling thoughts in his head. He opened the door, instantly smiling as Elain waddled in, still eating her prawn crackers. He couldn’t help but laugh as she eased herself onto the sofa, still eating. 
“Az, the baby likes the smell of whatever you’ve cooked today.” 
Azriel couldn’t help but blush at the casual use of his nickname. “Tell the baby thank you, I’m glad someone appreciates my cooking.” 
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adenei · 4 years
Finding My Way To You - Epilogue
a/n: It is done! I hope you’ve enjoyed my version of Ron and Hermione take on Australia. Enjoy this fluffy piece of fluffness! Another big thanks goes out to @be11atrixthestrange for being my beta for the second half of this story! <3
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Epilogue: Wagering Bets
Ron and Hermione had just apparated from the Ministry to outside the Burrow’s wards.  They’d gotten up incredibly early on Wednesday morning to return home Wednesday evening. Hermione thought that might be better to help them adjust to the time difference. 
“Think Mum’ll have dinner out still?” Ron asked her.
“Probably. It is half six, after all. I’m not sure I can eat dinner, though. The time difference has me all out of sorts,” Hermione stated as they walked down the lane toward the house.
“Says the witch who thought taking the first portkey at three in the morning would help us sleep better tonight,” Ron chuckled. “Maybe it’ll make it easier to adjust if we eat the right meal.”
“Perhaps,” Hermione agreed. “Who do you think will be most excited to see us? Your Mum or Harry?”
“Mum, no doubt,” Ron said confidently.
Hermione laughed. “I’d wager on Harry,” she countered.
Ron reached out to open the door and they were welcomed to the sight of the family eating dinner at the table. No one looked surprised to see Ron and Hermione walk through the door, but everyone was excited that they had returned. Mrs. Weasley had rushed over to them, and after she hugged Hermione, she began smothering her son. Ron noticed that the whole family was there, as his mum ushered them over to the table and began filling their plates.
They were peppered with questions about Australia and the trip, and the pair took turns answering between bites of Mrs. Weasley’s delicious cooking. The food in Australia was good, but nothing beat a home cooked meal at the Burrow in Ron’s eyes. Everyone was floored that they happened to walk right into Hermione’s dad while out on a stroll, and that things had gone smoothly in reconnecting. 
Hermione had explained that her parents were planning to return in August, and Ron asked Bill and his father if they’d be willing to help check on Hermione’s house and prepare it for her parent’s return. Both quickly agreed and were in the process of planning when Ginny interrupted. She had a look of impatience about her and Ron had a feeling he knew what was coming.
“Why didn’t you answer my question?” she asked as she peered at him inquisitively.
“What question?” Ron was feigning innocence as Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“Mate, she knows I wrote it, so I wouldn’t try and avoid it,” Harry muttered.
The rest of the table quieted down now, and Ginny had a look of mirth on her face. “Fine, I’ll ask it again. Have you or have you not gotten things sorted?” 
Knowing this was coming, Ron had thought up the perfect remark to set his sister in her place, while avoiding the subject until he and Hermione were ready to tell everyone about their relationship. “Why do you want to know so badly, anyways? Have you wagered a bet or something?” Ron retorted.
He expected his family to laugh at his response. It was absurd, wasn’t it? Yet, as he looked around the table, everyone was staring silently, waiting for an answer. It was only when Ron caught the tiniest of smirks from George that he realized that they actually had placed bets.
“Bloody hell, tell me you didn’t..” Ron groaned. Hermione’s cheeks were pink from what Ron assumed was embarrassment.
“So, are you going to keep us waiting or not ickle Ronniekins?” George asked.
“That depends on what the bets are,” Ron shot back.
“Ah, but that’s none of your concern. You see, you think you’re doing a good job of hiding it, but the fact that your ears and face aren’t that red from embarrassment tells more than you realize,” George explained.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Ron said in an annoyed voice.
“It means you two are clearly together now since you’re not sputtering nonsense in an attempt to avoid it,” George said triumphantly.
He did want to tell his family, but not with George taking the mickey out of him for it. Ron figured he should be happy, since it meant he and Hermione wouldn’t have to make some big, uncomfortable announcement. Plus, George was acting more like himself, which was also a good thing, but he was still miffed by the whole ordeal.
“That’s rubbish,” Ron said. “You’re just trying to win whatever you bet on.” He was trying to call George out, but again it backfired when Percy spoke up.
“So, the charm bracelet on Hermione’s arm is simply a souvenir, then?”
Ron’s head whipped around and saw that Hermione’s elbow was propped up on the table from where she was just resting her head in her hand. It wasn’t that Ron was going to deny it as Hermione looked sheepishly up at him. Her eyes were trying to express an apology, but he didn’t quite believe it. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d planned it that way all along, which was brilliant, really. It was their way of telling his family without really telling them, and the fact that Hermione had even thought of it was brilliant.
Before Ron could muster a reply, or even a reaction, Ginny instinctively reached across the table and grabbed Hermione’s hand. She was examining each of the charms, and as if his younger sister wasn’t already obnoxious enough, she started listing off the tiny figures for the rest of the table. 
“A book, how fitting,” she smirked. “Oh, and this looks like your patronuses, an otter and a terrier, very nice. A seashell?” Ginny said, looking up at the two of them. She was so focused on Ron and Hermione that she didn’t notice the shared glance between Bill and Fleur, who knew exactly what it meant. 
“And what’s this last one? Well, well, well, if it isn’t a heart! And it’s engraved with something...are those roses? Who knew my brother could be so romantic!” Ginny said as she let go of Hermione’s arm and sat back down, a triumphant look etched on her face.
Hermione looked at Ron again. There was no embarrassment in her eyes, only pride. She was proud to wear his bracelet, proud to have him as her boyfriend. Suddenly, the opinions of his family didn’t seem to matter anymore. He had the girl of his dreams and he wasn’t about to waste another moment pretending they weren’t together. Without bothering to care that they were still at the dinner table, Ron leaned over and kissed Hermione full on the mouth in front of everyone.
The gesture was met with cheers and wolf whistles, and all bets seemed to have been forgotten in the present moment. He vaguely heard people’s comments of ‘it’s about time,’ or ‘finally!’ Ron was pretty sure he also heard his mother say, “Oh, I always knew those two were meant for each other.” 
When things calmed down a bit, Mrs. Weasley stood up from the table and said, “I think this calls for a celebratory pudding!”
“Mrs. Weasley, I hardly think that’s necessary,” Hermione said.
“Yeah, Mum, it’s too late to prepare anything spe-'' Ron was cut off when his Mum brought a magnificent looking cake over to the table and set it down in front of them. “Why does this say ‘Congratulations Ron and Hermione’ on it?” he asked. The two of them were completely stunned.
“It- it could have been for our success in finding my parents? Or- or your offer for the Aurors?” Hermione said weakly.
“Oh, don’t be silly, you two! We all knew this was a long time coming,” Mrs. Weasley said.
“But how did you-” Ron asked.
“Mrs. Granger, of course! She told me you two had finally figured things out. We agreed we’d always keep the other informed if any developments were made. Honestly, we’ve been waiting since the Yule Ball, so it really is about time,” she continued, embarrassing them both now.
Everyone at the table burst out in laughter, and Ron found that he and Hermione had joined with them. When the spotlight was finally off of the two of them, Ron leaned over to his girlfriend. Whispering in her ear, he said, “Should we be worried about our mums plotting things now?”
He felt Hermione smile. “Perhaps, but I think it’s a small price to pay,” she said as she leaned into him.
Ron couldn’t have been happier. He was home, with all the people he loved. Hermione’s parents were coming home, and they both had plans in place for the future. The future. 
Less than two months ago, the future was so unsure. If you asked Ron then, he would have said he didn’t expect to make it through the war, and many close to him hadn’t. But now he had a future, with the woman he loved right there with him. Anything was possible, and he was determined to make the most of it, with the ones he loved right there by his side.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re Half Korean [Request]
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A/n: I tried to keep this as broad as possible so everyone could enjoy it I hope this Is alright for you sweetie
The first thing that Jin saw was your hair, he hadn't even seen your face but he knew you were beautiful even from the back of your head and the way you walked he could tell there was just something about you that drew people in.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." Jungkook joked a little too loudly which caught your attention and you turned around to see them looking at you. Jin's ears turned a bright red colour as soon as your eyes connected and you giggled at how shy he was getting around you when you hadn't even said anything to him.
"S-Sorry he's just he was just messing around...You're just-" Your giggling stopped him from rambling on and Jungkook stepped in asking for your number for Jin.
"What he means to say is, can he get your number?" You looked at Jin who was cringing behind Jungkook for being so forward about this.
"Is it true?" You questioned Jin, more than willing to give him your number if he really wanted it and it wasn't just some kind of joke to them both.
"Yeah, it's true. I'm Jin," You smiled to him bowing to greet them both before introducing yourself and getting to know Jin a little more before handing over your number right away.
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When your relationship was first revealed to everyone in the media everyone seemed to want to put their own opinions into your relationship like it mattered what they thought when in reality it didn't.
"Are you reading through articles again?" Yoongi asked when he came back in from the studio that day, you groaned looking up at him when he came over to greet you by kissing you on the forehead.
"You have to ignore it, I don't care what they have to say and you shouldn't either." He told you as he picked up your phone to see which article you had been reading, it had something to do with how you were only half Korean and Yoongi would have been better suited for someone who was all Korean.
"They're just idiots with a keyboard who think they know better when they don't." You knew he was right deep down but it still sucked to have them printing things about you like this and it hurt you a lot.
"What can I say or do to make you feel better?" You shrugged your shoulders and he sat down beside you on the sofa cuddling up to you and leaning his head on your shoulder.
"Movie night and take out?" He questioned making you giggle as he started kissing your shoulder whispering everything that he loved about you in your ear so you would be reminded even though you were having a rough time right now.
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Hoseok knew that you were half Korean and that you grew up in a different country but he had no idea how fluent you were in Korean until you started yelling in Korean one day when you burnt your hand on the oven trying to get food out and he heard curse words flying from your mouth which made him chuckle until he realised you were hurt. Then it was both of you speaking Korean back and forth while he cleaned you up and questioned where you'd learnt your Korean from.
"My grandmother taught me, she told me it would do me some good." You laughed as he wrapped a bandage around your hand to keep a cold compress on the burn on the palm of your hand.
"I learnt from the day I could talk, my house was a mixture of Korean and English words. Sometimes using Korean in English sentences." You laughed and Hoseok smiled as you spoke fondly of your childhood asking to hear more about your upbringing since you were a new couple and were still trying to get to know each other more.
"What do you want to know?" You questioned plating up the food you had burnt your hand on and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Everything." He smiled looking at you walking around the kitchen.
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It was your eyes that made Namjoon fall for you right away, he was walking around a small bookstore looking for something new to read when a book moved from the shelf and he saw you staring down and flipped through the pages before deciding to put it into the basket you were holding. You looked back up and your eyes locked onto one another, you greeted him in Korean and bowed to him before going to find another book. He followed close behind wanting to know more about you and why you sounded so fluent in Korean,
"How do you know Korean?" He questioned as you walked side by side around the store, you looked at him with a small smile. All your life people had questioned you on why you know both English and Korean,
"I'm half Korean so I was brought up with the culture and language because of my family." He smiled and questioned you more on why you were in Seoul right now and what you were doing. Deciding to ask you out for a coffee date to get to know you more, but it was your eyes that made he practically trip head over heels in love with you. He could stare into them all day and listen to you talk.
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Jimin knew you were half Korean but he didn't know you knew everything about your culture and lifestyle until he came to yours one night for date night and you'd cooked and prepared traditional Korean meals for you both to eat.
"You did all this by yourself?" He questioned as he noticed you laying the table and you shook your head,
"I called my mum for a little help with the main dish but everything else is all me." He wrapped his arm around your waist kissing your cheek and smiling at everything you'd done for him.
"Come on, before it goes cold." You whined looking at him before going on the hunt to find chopsticks and extra plates for when you needed them.
"I can't believe you did all of this for me." He whispered when you joined him back at the table, you shrugged your shoulders.
"We do things for those we love." Your eyes went wide as soon as you said it and Jimin stared at you from across the table,
"Love? You love me." You nodded slowly not sure what his reaction was going to be but he smiled brightly.
"I love you too Y/n." He said before digging into the food you'd made.
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Taehyung adored the fact that you were half Korean because your home was a home away from home, your family accepted him like their own and he was always welcome there.
"Umma?!" You called out as you walked through the front door carrying the bags of shopping she'd asked you to pick up for her, she told you she was cooking a big meal and you had no idea why you just did as you were told and picked up everything she asked for.
"Umma!" You yelled out as you struggled into the kitchen only to see your boyfriend sitting there with your mother, grandmother and grandfather all of them now turning to look at you.
"Tae? What are- When did you-"
"I invited him over for some food, he looks like he hasn't eaten a proper meal in weeks! I taught you how to cook why haven't you been feeding him?!" The bags were pulled from your arms as she continued to rant on about how you needed to be cooking for him more.
"I do feed him and cook for him, don't I Tae?" He faked a dying sound and prepared a dramatic death scene which made you glare at him before making everyone some tea pretending to listen to everything your mother was saying to you.
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You and Jungkook hadn't been dating that long when he found out that you were half Korean. You were talking with Namjoon in the studios when he came up behind you and scared you making you scream out a curse word in Korean which made him laugh thinking you'd picked it up from him but then you started playfully yelling at him in Korean and he stared at you dumbfounded that you knew that much Korean and hadn't thought to use it until then.
"How do you know so much Korean? Have you been taking lessons?" You and Namjoon started laughing and he looked at you both still confused as to what was going on and where he'd missed the joke.
"Jungkook she's half Korean," You laughed a little harder but stopped once you noticed it was getting to Jungkook,
"I'm sorry baby, I should have told you I could speak Korean." You giggled kissing his cheek and walking with him to go on your date where you spent the entire time switching between English and Korean in your sentences and Jungkook turned it into a game next. The first one to speak English had to pay the bill and he lost.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @chimchims-stories-and-tales @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @btsiguess-kpop @rjsmochii
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
Lily doesn't think it will be that hard to hide she's been dating James for two years, and friends with him for five, but when she and James end up working together as temps every day, she finds out how intertwined with her boyfriend she really is. 
@thisismegz shared this Tumblr post with me (thank you, darling!) from @women-inthe-sequel and it felt so very Jily =) So obviously, I had to write it for Jilytober! Enjoy!
Lily chucked her bag down on the table in a rage. The fact that the order had been misdelivered was not her fault, but that didn't change she'd been thrown under the bus and blamed for it, not that this wasn't the first time she'd been framed for something that went wrong. It also didn't change that she'd been fired over it either.
Her phone buzzed and she sighed as she saw James' picture on her phone.
"Feel like cheering me up?"
"Always," James laughed. "What can I do for you today, Evans?"
"Slowly pull out the bowels of Rosier and Yaxley with a white-hot hook?" Lily fell down onto her bed and kicked off her shoes.
"Vicious," James' chuckle was throaty and Lily wished he was with her where she could feel it rumble through his chest.
"Well, they managed to finally get me fired, so it feels justified at the moment."
"They what?!" All laughter and teasing had gone out of his voice.
"They blamed another misdelivery on me, and I found out they'd been filing complaints against me that I didn't know about, and I swear that Riddle was in on it with them because he showed me documents stating that he'd notified me of those complaints and strikes against me, but I know he didn't." Lily took a deep breath to try and calm down, "None of that matters now though, they got me out and that was what they wanted. They won."
"No!" James almost shouted. "I'll talk to Dad, I'm sure his solicitor will take your case! We'll sue them for everything they own!"
Lily smiled, knowing James was on her side always made her feel better.
"No, they aren't worth it. I'll report them, sure, but I'm not going to sue them over it."
"Lils, look," he went to say more, but Lily cut him off.
"No, James. I'm not going to waste my mental energy on them anymore. I'm going to take a day to calm down and then I'm going to get on to trying to find a new job."
James let out a long breath. "Love, I know you don't want to waste the mental energy on them, but wrong is wrong. Would you let me just mention it to Dad?"
Lily rolled to her side and shifted her phone, "I guess that would be fine, but I'm not personally taking them to small claims, alright?"
"Right," James sounded relieved. "I promise you won't be involved at all."
"Thanks, darling," Lily felt her stomach grumble and she groaned. "Needing a new job aside, I need to find something to eat."
"I'll call Mum, I'm sure she'll be happy to cheer you up with food."
Lily's stomach grumbled again, "Are you sure that she wouldn't mind cooking for us?"
James laughed, "Lils, my dear mother always tells me I'm not home often enough, and then immediately asks when I'm going to settle down and give her grandchildren."
Lily grinned, "See she never says anything about you settling down to me."
"Yes, because she wants to keep you around. Trust me, if she didn't like you, she'd be doing everything in her power to push you to marry me tomorrow." James paused, "So am I calling Mum or not?"
Lily pushed up off her bed. "Yeah, call your parents and ask if she'd make me some daal makhani to drown my sorrows in."
"You can count on it," James' smile was evident in his voice as they disconnected the call, and Lily internally admitted that she was looking forward to seeing it after the nightmare of a day she'd endured.
So, when Lily pulled up to the Potters' large home thirty minutes later, she couldn't stop the excitement bubbling in her chest, and even with the awful day, she smiled as she pushed open their front door.
"You're here!" James came nearly running around the corner into the entryway, sweeping her into a tight embrace.
Lily took in a deep breath as she held him close. The smell of James mixed with the smells coming from Mia's kitchen were pulling all of the stress out of her and replacing it with warmth and happiness.
"Come eat while it's still hot!" Mia called from the kitchen.
Lily laughed and kicked off her shoes before taking James' hand to walk into the kitchen.
"Laadli," Mia hugged her, "Eat up, and there are jalebis too. A little sugar will make everything better."
"Thank you, Mia," Lily held on to this wonderful woman who had stepped in when her mum had passed on.
The family dinner was exactly what she needed. Lily finally felt calm, and while she still didn't know what she was going to do about a new job, she at least felt like life was going to get better, for no other reason than she was surrounded by these wonderful people.
"James," Monty handed him his plate as James cleared the table. "The new client at the agency finalized their paperwork for their trial run."
"You're taking on another company at the temp agency?" Lily asked.
James nodded, "Yep, which means 90 days of me pretending I'm not a part-owner."
Lily laughed. After they'd finished university, Monty brought James and Sirius on to the temp agency he started decades ago, but part of the deal was they would be guinea pigs to each new client to be sure the real temps would be treated well. Since they'd just signed a company a month ago and Sirius was currently being their guinea pig, James would need to take this new one.
"What does this company do?" Mia picked up her glass and drained it before handing it to Lily as she helped James clear the table.
"They're a paint manufacturer," Monty said, "But they want the temps for their customer service department."
"You told them they'd only get one, right Dad?" James looked over from the kitchen sink.
"I did," Monty nodded, "they asked me to try my best to get them two."
Mia looked at Lily for a moment and then smiled. "You should be the second temp!"
It took Lily a full ten seconds to realize what Mia was implying, but James beat her to a response as he shut off the water.
"No, Mum, Lily's an industrial engineer who deserves to find a job that will actually utilize her and not pin her to arranging low-level deliveries. She doesn't need to be working customer service while I evaluate this client."
"And why not, chotu?" Mia turned on him. "This way she gets a paycheck while she looks for something new and when she does find it, she can leave; no one expects a temp to stay forever."
"Mum," James' hand went straight for his hair.
"Mia, that's really sweet of you," Lily cut in but then Mia turned her mom-eyes on her.
"Laadli," she cupped Lily's face in her hands, "This will be good for you, give you something to think about other than that awful place that didn't appreciate your work. And you'd be with James so you'd have fun. Learn from an old woman, Lily, have more fun in your life."
Looking into Mia's wise umber eyes and feeling her small warm palms on her cheeks, Lily felt almost like she was under a magic spell.
"Well, if Monty thinks it's alright."
Mia held her eyes and kept her face in her hands. "Of course, it's alright, Monty will see to it."
A part of Lily's brain was sure that Mia was exercising some force of will over her, but there was something so comforting about it that she decided to ignore how much this felt like a magic spell.
"Then, I think it'd be fine. It'd give me time to find a position that I really like instead of settling for the first thing that pops up."
"There, see," Mia pulled her hands away from Lily's face with a smile, "We can always find blessings in disguise if we're willing to look for them."
"Lils," James stepped between her and his mum. "If you want to do this, we can make it happen, but don't feel pressured into it. You don't have to."
Mia tsked loudly behind him.
Lily gave him a small smile. "If you're alright with it, then it would really help me out."
James' returning smile lit up his face. "Eh, I guess I can handle it. At least I'll have someone to talk to, yeah?"
"And I suppose I could handle having to talk to you every day." She smirked up at him.
"Well then, that's settled." Monty chuckled, "James, I'll put you in charge of the paperwork and arrangements for all of this."
James shot his dad a grin, "I'll have it all settled by tomorrow evening. You're looking at the two newest temps for Royal Paint."
It wasn't a week later that Lily was pulling up to her new place of work - at least until she could find a new position in her field if expertise.
She saw James step out of his car and she waved him over. There was one thing that she wanted to clarify with him before they started this.
"Morning Evans," James moved to kiss her but she put her hand on his chest and stopped him.
"Does this place know you're one of the owners of the temp agency?"
James shook his head, "No, everything Sirius and I do is on the back end except for this, so no one knows we aren't real temps when we show up."
Lily nodded, "Alright, in that case, I think it would be a good idea for us not to broadcast our relationship while we're here for these three months."
"I don't want to cause any drama, and Sirius isn't available to switch with you if they have a problem with us being together. I think it would make everything easier and safer if we kept our relationship between us."
James sighed. "Are you sure?"
"Please, James," Lily smiled up at him. "I promise when we aren't here, I'll be the best girlfriend in the world."
James laughed down at her and laced his fingers with hers. "You already are but if it'll make you happy, then sure, while we're working with this client, we're just two temps, not a couple."
"Thank you," Lily looked around the parking lot and upon finding it empty, quickly pressed up and kissed him. "I suppose we should get this show on the road then, eh?"
"Yeah," James stole one more kiss, "We don't want to be late on our first day."
Lily and James walked into the grey cement brick building and were welcomed by the receptionist.
"Hi, I'm Amy, you must be our new temps."
"That's us," James nodded and Lily forced her down chuckle as she watched James start scanning the office. He may be wearing the badge of temp for the next three months, but James would never be able to stop being the shrewd businessman that helped his dad's company thrive.
"Just a minute and I'll fetch Scott, he's our manager." She clicked a couple of times on her computer before grabbing her desk phone. "Scott, they're here." She set the phone down and turned back to Lily and James with a happy smile.
"He'll be right out."
Not a moment later a man came walking around the corner.
"Welcome! Welcome to your new home away from home! Welcome to Royal Paint!"
"Thank you," James stepped forward and shook Scott's hand. "I'm James Potter."
"And I'm Lily Evans," Lily stepped forward as she watched James turn to introduce her. That was her first hint that hiding their relationship was going to be harder than she initially thought.
"James and Lily!" Scott shook her hand. "I can't wait to get to know you. I'm Scott and I hope you'll view me as your mentor and friend while you're here."
Lily nearly balked at the difference between Scott and Riddle. At least Scott didn't seem to be out to fire her from the get-go.
"Thank you," she pulled her bag higher up on her shoulder and smiled up at James.
"Look at you two," Scott stepped back and looked at the two of them, "You look like you could be on the cover of one of my wife's romance books. Don't you think so, Amy?" He turned to the receptionist.
Amy laughed, "You're a hopeless romantic, Scott."
"And I'm usually right about this sort of thing."
Lily felt something akin to panic gripping her stomach. "I'm sure that Mr. Potter and I can keep things professional."
James covered his laugh with a forced clearing of his throat and Lily fought the urge to glare at him.
"Don't be ridiculous," Scott laughed. "Royal Paint was started by a husband and wife team. We have no policy against workplace relationships. But let's get the two of you settled in and then you can get to know one another before you make decisions about first dates and whatnot."
He turned and led them down the corridor.
"Mr. Potter?" James whispered as he smirked down at her.
"I panicked!" Lily glared at him.
Before James could comment further, Scott had led them into the next room.
"This will be your launching pad!" Then he gestured to the two women sitting at desks that faced each other. "And these lovelies are the crew that will take you into the stars! Gladys and Arabella, this is James Potter, and here is Lily Evans. James, Lily, this is Gladys Vance and Arabella Figg."
The women smiled at them but before either could say anything, Scott had moved to the single desk to the left of Gladys and Arabella's workstations.
"This is where the two of you will be set up. I'm sorry but we couldn't get a second desk in here soon enough. You'll only need to share for a wee bit, but we'll get you your own desks in a jiffy. The two computers seem to fit alright, though, so shouldn't be a problem. Let's get you logged into those computers and Gladys and Arabella will train you up on what you need to do."
"Scott, slow down, you're spinning like a top." Gladys chuckled. "We'll take care of these two, you go do the manager things you do."
"Off you go," Arabella stood and made a shooing motion with her hands.
"I'll leave you in their capable hands then," Scott bowed awkwardly. "And if you need anything at all just step right into my office. My door is always open."
"Thank you, Scott." James chuckled.
Arabella shooed Scott again and he saluted before stepping out of the room.
"Well, you survived our fearless leader," Arabella chuckled. "We run things a bit more down to earth here in customer service."
"He's very enthusiastic, isn't he?" Lily laughed.
"Don't you two look cute standing like that?" Gladys smiled at them.
Lily looked over and realized she and James had gravitated towards each other, standing so close they were nearly touching.
"Oh, sorry," she stepped away from James, "I didn't mean to crowd you."
James' hand shot to his hair, "No problem, barely noticed."
Gladys and Arabella shared a long look but didn't say anything more. They helped James and Lily get logged into their computers and showed them how to respond to online inquiries from the website and how to find the answers. The job was so simple that by lunch Lily felt not only like she knew what she was doing, but that she'd been doing it for ages.
"Did the two of you bring lunch?" Gladys came to stand at their desk. "Because either way, Arabella and I are taking you out."
Lily laughed, "I brought a can of soup, but I have a hunch it'll keep till tomorrow."
"Are you sure about that?" James laughed, "Storing things in metal, who knows what could happen."
Lily laughed in spite of herself but stopped just before she went to playfully shove him.
"You two are cute," Arabella grinned at them. "Did either of you ever watch the American version of The Office? You two could be Jim and Pam."
"Oh, yes!" Glady exclaimed, "Lily's got red hair like Pam, and James instead of Jim!"
Lily looked at James and laughed, "I don't suppose you want to be called Jim?"
James rolled his eyes, "Do you know I threaten my brother with roasting him over a low fire for it?"
Lily grinned, she did know. "Oh, but it could be fun, couldn't it?"
James adjusted his glasses and leant across the desk, "Depends on your definition of the word fun, Lilian."
"Do you know that isn't my name?" Lily rolled her eyes. He did know.
"And now you know that Jim isn't mine," James countered with a smirk.
"I like them better than Jim and Pam," Arabella's voice brought Lily back to the present and she silently kicked herself for slipping into the banter she and James had built their relationship on.
Trying to avoid the habits that had formed from two years of dating plus another three years of friendship before that might just prove impossible.
And that premonition proved to be exactly right. She couldn't stop herself from the unconscious part of her brain that reached across their desk to touch his hand or his thigh. She could never keep herself from standing directly next to him. And she definitely couldn't stop the way her eyes would seek him out naturally. It was just so much a part of her to be connected to James.
How did she ever think she could hide this?
"Hey," she whispered across the desk three weeks after they'd started with Royal Paint. "I have to take my car in to have it serviced tonight, can you give me a ride tomorrow?"
"Of course, do you need a ride back from the service station too?" James nodded.
"I was going to request an Uber but if you want, we can make a night of it."
"Sure," James grinned at her. "We could make something at yours and watch a film or something."
"Sounds perfect," Lily moved to grab his hand but caught herself, opting to take a sticky note from the stack instead.
"How is the job hunt going?" James smirked at her.
Lily rolled her eyes at his smirk even as she grinned at him.
"I had a firm call for an interview and my references."
"That's amazing!" James' whisper went loud and Lily giggled.
"Riveting conversation over there dears?" Gladys smiled over at them.
"Just wondering when you're going to invite The Pips over and finally admit that your last name is really Knight." James smiled over at Gladys and Arabella.
Lily trained her gaze back on her computer and the mind-numbing work of answering customer questions.
"I'll be at yours at half six to go drop your car," James whispered and knocked her foot with his.
She looked up to see that smile that still made her stomach flutter.
But James bringing her to work the next morning ended up being more of a to-do than Lily had expected it to be.
"Well, hello there!" Arabella stepped out of her car as Lily and James stepped out of his.
"Hi Arabella," Lily tried not to groan.
"Is your car alright dear?" Arabella looked as pleased as one of her cats might look had it caught a mouse.
"It just needed to be serviced. James was nice enough to bring me to work this morning."
Arabella nodded understandingly but her smile seemed to grow wider. "What a nice thing to do."
"What was a nice thing to do?" Scott walked up behind Arabella and Lily thought she might die.
"Lily's car needed to be serviced and James was kind enough to bring her to work today."
"A proper gentleman," Scott walked up and patted James on the back. "Well done, my boy!"
"Lily ought to take him to lunch to thank him," Arabella looked at Scott, "Don't you agree? They've proven they're hard workers, I think they could do with a long lunch today."
"Capital idea, Arabella! Yes!" He turned to James and Lily, "I agree, take a long lunch the both of you!"
Lily looked at James who was putting a great deal of effort into not laughing.
"Alright, then," Lily looked at Scott and Arabella helplessly.
Clearly, she'd need to rethink her original plan of hiding their relationship, seeing as everyone wanted them to have one.
"This whole thing has gone pear-shaped!" Lily huffed as she got into James' car for their enforced lunch date.
"Hey," James leant over and pulled her in for a slow kiss. "It'll be fine." He smiled as he pulled away. "You're going to go to your interview next week and they're going to wonder how they've ever managed without you. Then they'll hire you, and you'll be working for an amazing firm before you know it."
Lily kissed him again and let the warmth that had always been James ease some of the stress away.
"You know," James put the car in gear. "We could play this to our advantage."
"Play what to our advantage?" Lily fiddled with the radio.
"We could be the new office romance." James knocked her hand away from the radio as she tried to skip over a song he liked that she didn't.
"The new office romance?"
"Sure," James slapped her hand away again. "We could stop trying to hide the way that we're practically an old married couple, to quote my mum, and just be us."
"You're mum calls us an old married couple?" Lily laughed.
"Of course, she does."
"Why, of course?"
"Because she's my mum," James shrugged.
Lily grinned as the idea started to form in her mind. "We could sneak around like we did our last week of university."
James looked over at her with a smirk. "That poor custodian, I'm pretty sure we nearly gave him a heart attack."
Lily giggled, "I think you're right; this could be fun."
"Yes, and then I can stop smacking myself every time I go to touch you as well." James reached over and grabbed her hand.
"I know right? It's like I'm in love with you or something." She teased.
James parked in front of the restaurant and leant over to kiss her again. "That makes one of us, then."
Lily smacked his chest and pulled away but James caught her around the neck and kissed her passionately.
"I love you," he murmured as he slowed their pace.
"You better," Lily laughed and pulled back. "So, we're doing this? We're going to be Royal Paint's new office romance?"
"Yeah, let's have a bit of fun."
And they did. Lily didn't stop herself from making faces at him across their desk when she got bored. She didn't stop herself from asking James about their plans for the weekend. She didn't stop herself from walking out of the office with him after work. She didn't panic when Gladys mentioned how sweet it was that she was hitting it off so well with James. When Scott stepped in to tell them he'd managed to secure another desk for them if they wanted it, she agreed with James' insistence that they didn't need it.
The one thing Lily did still stop herself from bringing up at work when they were around their coworkers was her efforts to find a real job, and how things were going for James in his real job. Just because he was playing temp didn't mean he didn't still have his real job and everything that went with helping his dad run the temp agency.
She was trying to discreetly check her email on her phone to see if the company that had interviewed her and called all three of her references had made a decision on hiring her yet or not when she was spooked by James swearing under his breath.
Lily glanced quickly over at Arabella and Gladys before whispering to James.
"What's wrong?"
"There's a problem at the office. One of our temps went rogue." James' hands went to his hair before they immediately dropped to his phone to type.
"Is it going to be alright?" Lily leant closer.
"If Sirius and I get there in the next hour then probably." He looked up at her. "I've got to go. Do you want me to make something up for you to get Scott to let you out early too?"
Lily shook her head. "I don't want to make him suspicious of why you're leaving and then not let you go. I'll stay and finish the workday."
James grabbed his backpack and threw it over his shoulder before coming around the desk to kiss her. "Thank you, I'll text you once this is resolved."
Lily kissed him once more before he slipped out the door.
"They're already kissing goodbye," Arabella commented with a grin.
"They're meant to be," Gladys laughed, "Where is your prince off to?"
Lily rolled her eyes at them, "His brother needs him, he's going to see if Scott will let him out early."
"Oh, Scott is a pushover for that sort of thing. He probably would have let you go too if you'd asked." Arabella pulled a cat hair off her jumper.
"I wouldn't have been much help," Lily shrugged.
"So, how's having a new boyfriend been?" Gladys pulled her coffee cup to her lips and smirked at Lily.
"I'm rather enjoying it," Lily laughed and turned from her computer. It was becoming apparent that the two wanted to talk more than they wanted to work right now, probably because James wasn't there.
"I can imagine," Arabella winked at her. "Have you spent much time together over the last month and a half?"
"I guess we have," Lily tried to think of what sort of pace a regular couple would take, a couple that didn't have the history she and James had.
They'd been at odds in their first year of university, but when everything had happened with Severus and the Marauders at the end of first year, well, Lily realized that she'd been dead wrong about who her friends were. Thankfully, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were more than happy to put that year behind them and welcome her into their friendship. She and James had been friends for the last three years of their time at university; his parents were who she relied on when her mum passed away, joining her dad on the other side and leaving her with just Petunia and Vernon for living family members; James introduced her to Marlene and Emmeline and Mary and Bridget; the Marauders and everyone attached to them had become her family.
It was the last day of exams their final year at university that James had found her alone and somehow the two of them had finally stopped dancing around their feelings for one another and snogged the daylights out of each other.
They'd been inseparable for the last two years.
But how did one act like they hadn't been in love with the man they were with for years?
"You look unsure? Is everything alright?" Arabella frowned at her and Lily silently cursed herself for not having better control over her emotions playing out over her face.
"Oh, er, yes, I just, I, er, I'm waiting on an email." Lily reasoned she was a temp; she probably didn't need to hide that she was looking for something permanent; it was just James' position that she needed to keep to herself.
"A good email or a bad one?"
"I suppose I'm hoping it's a good one, but it could be a bad one."
Gladys narrowed her gaze. "Lily, what sort of email is this?"
"The sort of email that could get me a position with an engineering firm," Lily watched the two women carefully and sighed in relief when they both cried out exuberantly.
"That's wonderful," Arabella laughed, "but won't you miss working with James?"
"I'll miss it," Lily nodded because truthfully, she would miss it.
Working with James this way had been exactly what she needed after the fiasco at her last position. It had been healing to be with him day in and day out. It had made her realize how much she needed him, how much she relied on him.
"Well, most people don't work with their partners; you'd be joining the ranks of the rest of us." Gladys chuckled. "I love my husband, but I wouldn't work with him for all the money in the world. We weren't meant to be business partners."
"Amen, to that," Arabella rolled her eyes.
It was a couple of hours later that James texted her that he and Sirius had sorted out whatever had happened with the rogue temp. He followed that text up with the sort of response that helped Lily see why Mia called them an old married couple.
James: Meet me at mine, I'm bringing dinner.
Lily smiled down at her phone and then jumped when Gladys' voice spooked her.
"Email or boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend," Lily chuckled. "He managed to sort out whatever was happening with his brother."
"We're having dinner tonight," Lily looked up at the clock and sighed; it was still an hour before she could leave.
Gladys looked over at Arabella and something passed between the two.
"Pack up your things, deary, Arabella and I are going to bully Scott into letting you leave early."
"No, that's alright," Lily shook her head, "I can wait."
Arabella laughed, "No isn't an option I'm afraid. We're rather fond of you and James there, so I think we're going to get our way and get you on your way."
"Really, it's fine," Lily protested again.
"Oh stop with the propriety and have a little fun, Lily." Gladys stood up. "Let's get you off to that boy of yours."
What could she do? It was as if these two were in cahoots with Mia. Lily packed up her things and tried to hide behind her two bullies as they approached Scott's office.
"Scott, dear Scott," Gladys stuck her head in Scott's office.
Scott looked up and laughed, "Oh dear, the both of you, what am I giving in to today?"
"What a dear he is," Gladys grinned at Arabella before turning back to Scott. "You're going to tell this sweet child to get herself off to her new boyfriend right now."
Scott glanced back at Lily and winked at her.
"I suppose you'll let the entire office know how hard it was to wear me down?"
"Of course," Arabella nodded. "We had to make a fuss about what a wonderful employee she's been these six weeks."
"And we had to point out that it has been slow all day and that it definitely won't pick up to where Arabella and I can't handle in the next hour," Gladys added.
"And don't forget how we're all invested in Lily and James," Scott added absently as he looked at an email on his computer.
"Oh yes, that too," Arabella laughed.
Scott looked back up and blinked, "Lily? Why are you still here?"
Lily shook her head and smiled, "I'm on my way out."
"Give my best to James," Scott called out to her as she walked out the door and to her car.
Lily texted James that she had been forced out early and then drove to his flat. For a moment she thought she saw Monty and Mia in their car on her way, but she was past them before she had a chance to do a double-take.
Walking up to James' flat felt like home. The knowledge that he'd be on the other side of the door when she opened it wrapped her in a blanket of comforting domesticity. Lily wondered if maybe she should forgo renewing her lease when it was up in a couple of months.
She pushed open the door but stopped dead in the doorway.
The lights were turned off, but there were battery votives on the floor making a pathway towards the kitchen.
He didn't answer and Lily resisted the urge in her to turn on the lights. She blamed it on Gladys' and Arabella's and Mia's insistence that she have a little fun. Instead, Lily kicked off her shoes and set down her bag to follow the flickering lights guiding her further into the flat.
Every light was off and the curtains pulled tight over the windows, making the floor look like it was glowing with the little votive lights lined against it. Lily stepped into the kitchen and paused. The lights led to a chair, sitting dead center on the kitchen floor.
"I am not doing a seance with you, Potter," Lily looked around. She nearly screamed when her phone vibrated and sounded in her pocket.
James: Please just sit down Evans
It was followed by at least twenty eye-roll emojis.
Lily rolled her eyes and texted back.
Lily: Fine, but I will kill you if this is some sort of prank…
She included five devil emojis before hitting send and cautiously sitting down in the chair.
"Now what?" Lily called out and looked around.
James stepped quietly into the kitchen and grinned at her.
"You always suspect me," he leant against the doorway, his hand running through his hair.
Lily forced her eyes back to his face. "You've given me plenty of reasons to do so."
James laughed, "You know, I've been thinking about how nice it's been to see you every day, but now I'm wondering what I was thinking."
She rolled her eyes but laughed with him.
"I was actually thinking the same thing after you left today."
James' smile went soft and he moved slowly, purposefully towards her.
"Good," his voice was that low rumble that made Lily want to pull him flush against her.
Then James came to kneel in front of her and Lily suddenly couldn't breathe.
"What do you think we make sure we see each other every day, even after we finish our stint with Royal Paint?"
"James," she laughed, but it came out a breathless sound.
"Lils, will you marry me?" He slid a ring out of his pocket and held it out to her.
"Of course!" Lily couldn't stop laughing, even as James pressed up to kiss her, lifting her from the chair and lifting her feet off the floor.
"We should turn on the lights," James laughed with her.
"Why?" Lily finally started to get a hold of her laughter and was trying to move their kissing a little further forward.
"Mum and Dad should be here any minute. Dad's parents took him and mum out to dinner when he asked her to marry him. I told them we could do dinner, but that I wasn't asking you at a restaurant."
"Oh! I saw them on my way over!" Lily laughed. "Well, I guess we can keep this going when we get back."
James hummed as he kissed her again, "And we can talk about what we're going to do with this darn temp job."
Lily's phone buzzed in her back pocket and she jumped when James reached into her pocket and pulled it free to hand to her.
"I don't think we'll have to worry about it," Lily grinned down at her phone as she looked at the screen.
"Yeah?" James looked down at her phone.
"I got the position!" Lily laughed. "I'm engaged and I got my dream job on the same day!"
"Well," James kissed her, "While we're discussing good news, I have one more thing to add."
"Dad and Sirius and I have been working on a surprise for you; we've managed to get Riddle and his cronies into a world of trouble that I don't think they'll be getting out of anytime soon." James' grin was wicked.
Lily narrowed her gaze, "There was no rouge temp, was there?"
"Sirius and I were the rogue temps, we bailed at work and went to make sure our plan went exactly as we wanted it. I doubt that your old place of employment will still have a license to practice business for much longer."
"I love you," Lily linked her arms around his neck and kissed him.
James pulled back to look down at her, one of his hands coming up to trace along her cheek before tangling in her hair.
"I love you too," and he kissed her.
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can we get a sequel to the age gap where y/n and sebastian discuss the whole kids and marriage?
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sebastian had always wanted kids but that thought had pretty much been stuck in the back of his mind for as long as time itself
once he went past 35 he started to believe that maybe kids weren’t gonna happen so he forgot about it
that thought returned once one of his college best friends had a kid
he had invited sebastian and y/n over to the hospital to meet the baby and no doubt he was excited
he always found it odd to see any of his college buddies become parents, the dawning thought that “hey this guy’s a dad” would constantly cross his mind and this time was no different
“how are you feeling?” y/n asked the mother as sebastian’s friend told him the labour story. the woman was tired but with this happy haze on her face as she stared at her baby, slowly nodding. “well, she looks lovely” “do you wanna hold her?” “can i?” “of course you can”
y/n craddled the little bundle of covers where the baby girl was wrapping in, giving her a grin and cooing sounds as she rocked her gently
sebastian stopped his conversation to look at her holding the baby as if it was their own
“hey seabass, your girlfriend’s a natural. when will you two have a little one?” “no in the cards for us at the moment”
had he not been so distracted in his answer, he would’ve probably noticed her looking down to the side, forced smile on her face 
eventually they left the hospital room allowing the new mum and dad to spend time with their baby
as they walked into the car, sebastian could sense something was wrong
she sat on the passenger side, head leaning against the rain dropped stained car window, turning on the music which was her universal sign of “i don’t wanna talk right now”
“hey, where do you wanna get food?” he tried to cheer the environment up, no idea of what he’d done “i think i’m just gonna cook tonight, love”
being called love should make him feel better as whenever she was mad at him she just called him “sebastian” or his full name but she wasn’t mad. yet it sounded wrong.
“you sure? will’s restaurant is serving that spinach pasta you really like, i could get you some.” “seb, honey, i’m not that hungry” “oh ... what about dessert? frozen yoghurt with white chocolate sauce?” “seb, you have a read through tomorrow” “it’s online, baby. let me treat you” “you need to rest”
now sebastian was worried. no to spinach pasta and frozen yoghurt? 
once they got home, she installed herself away from him, going to check what leftovers they had on the fridge before sitting down on the comfy chair by the couch 
“do you really not wanna have kids?” she spoke over the show she had put on the tv. sebastian turned his head, mouth dried up. “i know we never discussed it but i always thought ... i mean at least in interviews you used to say you wanted kids” “you think i don’t want kids?” “well ... seems like it” “what? y/n i’ve always wanted kids but ... i thought you didn’t want to have them now” “well not now now but in one or two years i would like to have one” “you wanna have my baby?” “no seb, i wanna have my second boyfriend’s baby” “we can have a baby?” “considering your swimmers still work yeah” “oi, don’t get cheeky come over here”
y/n blushed before sitting on his lap, sebastian immediately kissing the side of her face “our baby will kick every other babies’ ass” “seb” “what? it’ll be a very hot baby” “seb don’t call our future baby hot” “sorry babe, but a baby half you half me? baby will be both smart and gorgeous. you’re the smartest woman i know” “seb just because i have a science degree doesn’t mean i’m the smartest woman you know” “you’re the hottest nerd i know” “you’re just trying to get under my good graces” “i am definitely trying to get under something from yours, but it’s not your good graces” “oh god, it’s like dating a university fresher all over again” “i think we should practice some baby making” 
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years
BTS 8th Member - Your Friends
Best Friends: Kim Hanbin (B.I from Ikon. (Pretend he’s still in Ikon and YG didn’t snake one of their best artists.) Your mothers are best friends and so when you moved to Korea, he was the only person you knew so you clung to each other. He was also one of your best friends through high school. He is your best friend and you both have always been there for each other. The both of you tried alcohol for the first time together, which you stole from his father’s liquor cabinet. Were there for each other’s first relationships and first heartbreaks. You were there for his parents’ divorce at 12 (I made this up idk if it’s true). You ditched classes and went to go sit on the roof of your apartment building to talk about your futures together. His aspirations for music and yours to live peacefully. In your friendship group he is the grandfather that clings to his youth. He hates any physical activities other than mountain hiking but loves going on nights out. You both even got matching tattoos as soon as it was legal, and it will be explained later. “You can’t push me away Y/N! So, get angry, scream and shout but I’m not going anywhere! I’m your best friend that shit doesn’t work on me!”) Park Shinhye (Despite your age difference you two are best friends, you consider each other sisters. Grew close because you both work in the entertainment industry but both don’t have girls around you, you by being in BTS and her by being an actress so when you both met at an award show soon after BTS debuted you clicked. You both were there for each other threw everything. She’s one of your best friends and you often have movie nights when you’re both free. She cried for you when BTS won a daesang for the first time, that moment went viral. BTS walked off the stage, and were still visible by fans but near backstage, and you two ran at each other like dramatic losers as she was crying more than you were and you were both shouting at each other to stop crying while continuing to hug. Fans love that moment and your friendship. She often states that you are her best friend both in this industry and in life. “I never really thought it was possible to connect to someone like that. But I honestly think that in another life we were sisters.”) Min Sooah (Best friend from high school is your secretary, for now, and is one of your pillars. You would not be able to function without her. There’s an ongoing joke that she is basically your mother, you worry her to no end. She is very grateful to you. After her father broke his hip and was not able to continue working, she had to drop out of university to go to work. You gave her the job as your secretary despite her not being qualified. You needed someone you trusted, and you knew she would work hard. Now she is one of the most important people in your company. She is the Dad of the group always complaining about how “I gave up my youth to look after you brats and none of you have time to spend with me? Okay I see how it is. Daehyun this is your influence on them!”) Ok Hwayoung (Best friend from high school now she is your personal shopper. After university she became a personal shopper, and you thanked the sky’s because she chooses all of your clothes to pack when traveling or when you have formal business meetings. You like buying clothes but you hate the process of shopping and trying things on, so you tell her what pieces you want, and she’ll get it. She also organises your wardrobe ‘cause she’s OCD like that. She also is a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to talk you and Hangyeol into giving up your partying lifestyle because, “How are we supposed to have a group wedding if you don’t let yourselves find the ones you idiots?!”) Lee Hangyeol (Best friend from high school he owns a mechanics and auto repair shop and he is the only one you trust with you cars. He is also the only one of your best friends who encourages you attitude towards your love life as he is also not into committed relationships. You're both each other’s wingmen. You guys are basically the epitome of lads’ lads when around each other. You’re the loud, annoying people in a bar gassing each other up to chug your drinks down. Whenever one wants to go on a night out the other is always down. “Who needs a relationship? Tequila is just as good. Gives me a fun night and then when the fun wears off it give me a headache and regrets. That’s basically a relationship.”) Tae Daehyun (Best friend from high school he works as a pd on tv shows mainly running man. He was also on the track team back in high school. The two of you often go out on runs together. After seeing what the industry is like behind the camera, he worries a lot for you. Especially since he knows no matter how crappy you feel you’d rather down the nearest bottle of alcohol than talk about it. So, he always tries to let you know if you need to talk, he’s there. Also hates how much you and Hangyeol drink and always tries to make sure you guys eat a proper meal before going out and drinking. He’s also the one in your friend group who can be bothered to cook, he got so offended when he found out you hired a personal chef but then he tasted her food and is okay with it. He’s the Mum of the group. “What the hell is wrong with you all? You can’t throw a knife at the apple on his his head! Are you crazy? See this is what I have to deal with Sooah. But if you weren’t so busy working, you’d know that!”) Ryeo Chungae (Best friend from high school and she works on the public relations for your company. When she first joined your company, she always felt like she got the job because she’s your friend, but you wouldn’t have given her the job if you didn’t think she could do it. She went through a hard time when her boyfriend cheated on her with her old boss. Instead of being scared of falling in love again she wants love. Trying to convince you and Hangyeol that it’s is amazing when secretly she is glad that you won’t be able to get hurt. She is a pushover in all aspects of life except for work. When it comes to work, she is a force to be reckoned with. So instead of staying at her old job with her boss she resigned after making a scene about the boss sleeping with her boyfriend which got said boss fired. When she is with all of your friends, she is also very outspoken and opinionated. However, when it comes to people she isn’t comfortable with her anxiety acts up. You and all your friends are protective of her in situations where her anxiety gets bad. Her ideal life is a Hallmark movie. “One day I’m gunna meet the man of my dreams. He’s gunna be tall and handsome and most importantly he’ll take me away from all of you dumbass motherfuckers.”) Hak Daeho (Best friend from high school he works at Songsun’s shop as and is in charge of customising cars. He is the one that never wants to go out and always wants to stay home. He prefers a night in with his friends than at some stupid club where Y/N and Hangyeol ditch a half hour after arriving, most of the time. He doesn’t have the best relationship with his family after they found out he didn’t want to become a lawyer like his parents and siblings. His parents kicked him out and cut him off. Y/N payed for his college tuition even though he protested, you just said it was a loan and that he can pay you back someday. However, after he had been able to save up to pay you back you told him to shut up and buy a damn apartment which is what he did. Thanking the universes for his friends. He stayed in an apartment with Hwayoung, Daehyun and Chungae during college and no matter how many times he couldn’t pay rent his friends always had his back. It also helped that every time you visited you stocked the fridge and freezer. He thinks of you all as family more than he does of his own family. “You guys are a bunch of fucking idiots. Like you’re my family but damn you guys are stupid.”) Park Soomi (Best friend from high school. She is the most subscribed to female Korean youtuber with 11 million subscribers. She is also and ambassador for Jeonsa cosmetics although at first, she didn’t want to be as she felt like it would be using her friendship with you to her advantage. However, after you convinced her to accept, she did. You also knew that you could trust her since she has always been honest with you and never expects anything from you. You also knew that she would be advantageous for your company so it’s not like you’re just giving her money your promoting your company through her brand. After you explained this she reluctantly agreed. She is the loud, chaotic crackhead of the group. Constantly doing dumb shit. “Hey guys my pineapple was being difficult long story short we no longer have a microwave.”) Im Kyungmin (Best friend from high school, he is a part of Soul & Bones, a hip-hop and house dance crew. When you were younger all of your friends would go to his contests. Everything you learned about dancing you learned from watching that crew. You always loved the way their dancing looked and the atmosphere they created. But you were realistic with your situation knowing you’d never get to dance. When Bang pd wanted you to be a trainee you were hesitant, but he practically dragged you to that audition. And during trainee days he helped you with your dancing. He says your better than him now, but you know you’re not. Soon after you became a billionaire Soul & Bones were set to end. Their investor pulled out and most dance crews are under entertainment companies unlike soul & Bones. Kyungmin was devastated, Soul & Bones was his whole life. So, when you decided to fund it he was conflicted. On one hand he was thankful and on the other hand he was guilty. But after you told him what the crew meant to you, how you were also friends with everyone else in the crew and couldn’t let it end when you could do something about it he was on board. You however made it clear you don’t own Soul & Bones you just pay for things. Now it is considered the best hip-hop dance crew in Korea and one of the best in the world. He is the one in your group who seems high most of the time but isn’t. “I think that pizza is thinking shit about me... I’m gunna eat it not ‘cause I want to but because it needs to die!”) Close Friends: Mark Tuan (You met at a BTS and Got7 collaboration for and you both clicked immediately because you were both from western countries, you were both raised in similar cultures so you had become close friends easily. It is also less lonely when you both miss your home countries if you’re around each other. It was surprising because your personalities are the opposite, but you bring him out of his shell. Whenever you guys meet you always speak in English and it’s a relief for both of you since it is your first language no matter how long you’re in Korea. You both also relate on how different your home countries’ standards are compared to Korea in terms of public image, behaviour and many other things. It’s very easy to be your true selves around each other. ) Choi Youngjae (You guys are the same age so you clicked easily. Even though you’re closer to Mark you’re still close to Youngjae. The guy is literal sunshine it hard not to like him. There is also a group of idols born in 1996 who he is a part of.) BTS and Got7 are both close to each other so you are friendly with all the members. But you are the closest with Mark. Woo Jiho (Zico. You both met when BTS and Block B did a collaboration at mama. Namjoon and him knew each other but they weren’t that close, so it was unexpected when you and he hit it off. You are both close friends and hang out when you can. He often asks for your opinion with his music and the two of you once spent an entire night just messing around in the studio. He says that you are one of the only people to get him to take a break, when he’s in work mode, and to have some fun. Clubbing isn’t really his scene so you and Jaemin often have to beg him to go out drinking with you guys. He used to have feelings for you but after some time in the friendzone he realised he is okay with you not having feelings for him as long as you are in his life. No one knows about the feelings he had for you.) Lee Jaemin (A YouTuber who has 7 million subscribers. The two of you met through Jiho and got along very well because you both like alcohol and clubbing. However, he maintains a clean public image, so your company is fine with you being seen in public together. Your members aren’t very fond of him since the time he showed up at the dorm drunk looking for you and threw up in a plant. They think he is a bad influence, but you know what he was going through and know he’s a good person. He feels like he can be himself around you without feeling judged. Yoongi really hates him and the friendship you two have.) Kang Yujin (She is an Instagram model who has 18 million followers and 2 million subscribers on YouTube. She met you and Jiho through Jaemin. However, once the public found out about your friendship many thought she was using you in order to work with Jeonsa cosmetics. But you knew this wasn’t true. Yujin was the kind of person to drive to McDonald's for you at three in the morning when you had a nightmare about your father and wouldn’t tell her what it was about. The kind of person to kill spiders for you even though she’s scared of bugs too. And due to the public’s reaction, she was scared you would end up thinking the same of her. You told her how you knew what kind of person she was and in order to make a statement to the public you both posted a photo together on her Instagram announcing her endorsing your company. She is a very close friend and an older sister figure to you.) You, Zico, Jaemin and Yujin often go bowling together or go out to eat and are also drinking buddies you are very close to them. The four of you are often spotted in public together. Kang Seungyoon (You both met through Hanbin and both of your personalities go very well together. Musically you both also mesh very well together. You both also often play pool together and he gets triggered at how he’s played longer but you kick his ass at it. Whenever you both have the time you go out for food and drinks and spend all nigh playing pool and all night, he complains that you’re a cheater and he won’t stand for it. He’s a very good friend.) Kim Jisoo (You met her first, soon after they debuted, in the bathroom. The two of you clicked and then you met the rest of the group through her. It was easy to become friends with them due to BTS and Blackpink both being at the top of K-pop, so you were a lot more understanding of each other’s situations. She is a very close friend of yours and is an older sister figure to you. She always gets excited when you send her the new launches of Jeonsa cosmetics and does vlives talking about it.) Kim Jennie (Despite Jennie being introverted you charmed her during your first conversation. She found it very easy to talk to you despite being slightly nervous and you were her sunbae. She was surprised how easy it was to talk to you. You are a people person, and she is not so like most other extroverts she’s met she thought you would clash but surprisingly your personalities match very well. You bring out the fun in her.) Lalisa Manobal (Lisa. She looks up to you a lot in terms of your dancing. She is very clingy towards you when you meet, and you love her crackhead energy. You learnt to speak Thai early after BTS’ debut, this made Lisa feel like she could connect to you on a deeper level. You have also helped her with the racist side of K-pop, her being Thai and you being half Arabic you’re both no stranger to how harsh netizens are. As you have been going through it for longer than her you are able to comfort her (kind of because you’re emotionally stupid but you try and push that aside for your friend).) Park Chaeyoung (Rose. She was also born in a western country so when she met you it helped her feel less homesick. You both often talk about childhood TV shows together and relate to each other when people talk about Korean things from their childhood that you have no idea about. Even though you’re from different places it’s nice having someone who understands the difficulties of moving from western culture to eastern.) Kwon Jiyong (Gdragon. You guys met backstage at an award show when BTS and Bigbang met. The groups are casual with each other, but you and he became very close especially because you’re friends with many YG artists. You also both like to party a lot and often go out together. He views you as a very close friend and is often nagging at you to eat and rest properly You try and hang out whenever you both have time.) Matthew Kim (BM. You two met during an inkigayo. He got lost and was swearing in English. So, you approached him and asked in English if he was okay. You helped him find his way back to his dressing room. He knew who you were and that you were British as BTS was well known then. However, he was expecting you to be arrogant and was pleasantly surprised with how nice you were. You and he got along well as you have similar personalities. Both extroverted. The two of you also quickly found out about your shared love of partying and clubbing and now you often go out together.) Peniel Shin, Ashley Choi, Amber Liu, Stephanie Young Hwang (These are some of your other western born K-pop friends.) Red velvet (You are good friends with the group mainly Joy as you are the same age. You, them and Blackpink try to go out together when you can. Irene is also very protective over you and sees you like a little sister.) Park Chanyeol (You have very similar attitudes you were good acquaintances but then you both worked together on the Goblin ost (Pretend it was you instead of Punch p.s I love that song so fucking much.) He always tries convincing you to let him drive your cars and you always say no. He’s a very fun person and you guys have a good laugh together.) You’re friendly with the rest of the Exo members but the closest to Chanyeol. Your best friends are: Hanbin, Shinhye, and all of your friends from high school. However, you are still close with the rest of your friends.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Comfort in Despair: Chapter 17 - Leon with Flowers, Part 2
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Leon x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Galar is rich in folklore and tales of the supernatural.
As a Pokemon Researcher who specialises in ghost types, this is a great opportunity for you to investigate and learn more about the paranormal.
Along the way, you meet Leon (in the most awkward way possible) who becomes embroiled in your adventures.
^ Basically this story is about ghosts :/
Rating: General/Teen
@marydragneell​ - here is chapter 17
Leon with Flowers
(Part 2)
["I don't know how to describe the places I was in today, the searing pain and torment of thousands and thousands of beings, myself with them, tortured to their breaking point and then beyond. I did not want to believe that regions of such unspeakable horror existed. I moved through layer after layer of anguish, descending into more and more primitive levels until eventually I reached a level I can only liken to hell itself. Excruciating pain. The suffering tears you apart until you've died a thousand times and can't die any more. Then you find a way to die some more."
- A Perinatal Interpretation of Frightening Near-Death Experiences: A Dialogue with Kenneth Ring, by Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D.]
It’s time for dinner and you are starving but unfortunately for you, Graves cannot cook even if his life depended on it and so he takes you to Bob’s Your Uncle in Circhester for a swanky three dollar fifty burger meal.
You stand beside Graves with your Rotom who continues struggling to get a signal; he isn't doing so well for some reason and you're beginning to think maybe he could be ill and a trip to the Pokemon centre might be needed.
Beside you, a father and daughter duo are ordering food at the counter adjacent to yours. The dad bears a striking resemblance to Rose and is extraordinarily loud as he orders from the menu whilst his daughter cringes and glances around, hoping no-one is staring at them.
Graves is unaffected.
“Yeah, she’ll have the, uh, Bob’s cheeseburger meal with the Bob shake-shake fries and a Bob soda. I’ll have a Bob’s triple cheeseburger with extra Bob special sauce, Bob large fries, a portion of Bob nuggets and the Bob spicy wings,” he says as he leans on the counter and stares up at the menu board that hangs off the ceiling; the lightbulb is about to give way and it crackles and fizzes weakly.
Is there anything here that isn’t ‘Bob’? you wonder to yourself as the cashier reiterates the order.
Even the toilet signs are labelled ‘Bobs’ and ‘Bobettes’.
The cashier punches the order in and Graves pays, then he grabs two Bob straws and some Bob napkins and Bob-BQ sauce. He tells you to search for a seat whilst he waits for the food.
You haven’t eaten at Bob’s Your Uncle since Sonia took you a year ago or so, and the food is yummy but greasy and mostly geared towards families and kids; you find a quiet seat away from a large family of six where the exhausted-looking parents deal with their screaming children who are playing with plastic Centiskorch figurines.
And Graves arrives in a few minutes with a large tray of food.
“Here we are,” he says, placing the tray down and rubbing his hands together as you glance at the two wrapped burgers, the fries, the nuggets and wings; he begins stripping the paper covers of the Bob straws and hands one to you, “Help yourself.”
He holds up two Centiskorch figurines wrapped in plastic. “They gave me these for free. One for you and one for me.”
Although it's been a while, Graves still treats you like a baby.
You want to decline but Graves hands you one and pockets his own, then picks up his large Bob burger, inspects it briefly before taking a large bite.
“How's your arm?” he grunts out.
"I'm fine. How was your talk with Rose?"
"Oh. Right. Yeah, this is for you," Graves fumbles in his pockets before he pulls out an envelope for your taking, "I know you told me to look for the painting but we swept the entire area and found no painting made of human skin, hair and blood."
"Damn it. Rose hasn't contacted me for any follow-up nor has he mentioned anything regarding my payment."
"I covered it. You don't need to do a thing. I spoke to him about your contract and terms and conditions, also told him you're my goddaughter so we came to a mutual agreement. I managed to persuade Rose that he was being a bit too quick to penalise and you're still kids so you're bound to mess up and he agrees he's being harsh, so he says he understands your hard efforts and he says thank you for everything you've done, so he's forking out a bit more than what was on your contract. But I don't want you speaking to Rose anymore and he don't wanna talk to you either."
"I didn't mess up," you bark as you lift the flap and pull out a little piece of paper lodged inside. It's a cheque and the figure is huge. In fact, the sum is bigger than any case you've taken. Your eyes widen in their sockets at the extortionate amount and you gape at Graves.
"You did well," he says.
"This is hush money," you hiss, waving the cheque in the air.
"Just be glad you got some kind of compensation."
"What about Tanner and Cole?"
"They got paid too. The amount was less than yours, of course."
"Are you serious?! They got paid off too???" you exclaim. Graves merely blinks numbly and you growl in response, your fist curling tightly around the cheque, "I don't want it."
He narrows his eyes, puts down his burger and you know he's serious when the food is no longer his priority. Looking at you squarely in the eye, Graves jabs a finger at your direction and says, "Here's some advice: take the damn money."
"You don't understand-"
"No, I do understand. You're bitter and angry and you look like you're in the wrong. He used you and he's managed to shift it in his favour. He got away with it and I get how you're feeling, with the injustice of it all. But this is Chairman Rose of Macro Cosmos we're talking about and we have no proof of whatever shady business he was up to which you and I both know, and this is the best I could do. And I'm very sorry, but you need to accept it, okay?"
"This is a life lesson. Learn from this."
".............Fine," you begrudgingly grunt under your breath after a prolonged and insufferable, tense bout of hesitation, and you angrily stuff the cheque into a random pocket of your bag and concentrate on devouring the rest of your meal.
The atmosphere has turned horrendous and as usual, it's because you and Graves are at odds some way or the other and an uneasy silence spawns between you and your godfather. Frustrated, you discover you may no longer have any appetite if you look at him any longer therefore you avert your gaze to the window where various passerbys with their Snoms and Bergmites brush past and Graves focuses ahead at the wall behind your head. Occasionally, he will clear his throat and grunt.
"I got a question," he suddenly says.
“Are you dating Leon?”
You almost choke on a fry. “No.”
His expression scrunches with mild disbelief whilst you avert your glimpse to your lap and Graves raises a brow.
"I know that look. I know what that means," he says, but your lips remain sealed. "Alright, you don’t wanna tell me. That’s fine. It’s none of my business anyway. As long as you’re not doing drugs or smoking or whatever, I’m not going to pry.”
You suppose you can tell him, Graves being your godfather and all.
“Leon and I met in the Wild Area a while ago; this was before the Giant's Seat incident. He helped me with a case, and afterwards I warned him not to go near the Giant’s Seat due to the missing people. He somehow went there anyway and I saved him. He wanted to thank me so I had dinner at his house. I guess you can say it’s strictly business.”
You nod. “Then I took Rose’s case and Leon came and-“
Graves waits for you to finish but you have frozen in your seat so he says, "And?”
“He came to save me,” you murmur, “That’s the first thing he did. He raced over to save me.”
He observes as a smile blooms on your face and you sigh. As you think about Leon, your smile widens.
"I know that look as well," Graves utters, brows raising a further time as he grabs a napkin and dabs at the corner of his mouth. "Well, it's about time you got yourself a boyfriend. And I'm damn relieved it's not that pal of yours, Jace. It's great that it's the Champion, I don't need to vet him."
"What do you mean?"
"I have a right to know and meet the boy you're dating. Your dad will be so worried-"
You and Graves blink at each other, before he sighs.
"You know, when you were unconscious, they said you called out for your parents a lot," he mutters, "I have a photo of them. I think you should have it.”
Placing his burger down, Graves wipes his greasy hands clean with a wet wipe before he pulls out his wallet from the pocket of his jacket and brings out a glossy print.
You take it off him after you settle your own burger down and wipe your hands. It’s a small photo of your mother and father sitting on a picnic mat with a baby bouncing on their laps. It’s you, and beside them are their pokemon: Ghastly and Sableye. You also spot a young Graves with a blonde-haired young woman to their left.
“Is that Ellen?” you ask, “your girlfriend?”
Graves raises a brow, surprised. “How’d you know?”
“I remember her.”
“I’m surprised you do.”
“I remember mum and dad mentioning her a few times. What happened to her?”
“She passed away."
“…I wasn’t aware. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“Do you mind if I ask what happened?”
“Car crash. It was a while ago, I've dealt with it.”
You wonder if this is Graves’ attempt to bond with you and your table grows quiet as Graves chews silently before he swallows down the rest of his burger.
“I don’t like to think about it,” he says when he’s finished, “…If she went to heaven or hell or not. I like to just think that she’s…well…that’s it. It’s over. You’re gone. There’s nothing. It’s…a simulation or something. I don’t like to think about what’s on the other side. I don’t want to think about returning to this earth. This is hell, I believe. This is punishment.”
Aware that you’re discussing with Graves about mortality and this is the most he’s spoken to you about the great beyond, you sit up properly in your seat for a change.
“There are accounts from those who experience NDE’s-“
“What’s that?”
“'Near Death Experience'.”
“Anyway, these accounts insinuate the existence of a heaven and hell. There are some who saw a light or experienced overwhelming peace, and then there are those who describe descending into an unending darkness and hearing the most inhumane noises known to man. And lastly, some saw nothing but darkness and a hoofed creature.”
“Good grief,” Graves chokes out, and he looks uncomfortable so you decide to stop.
“Try not to see it that way,” you add in an attempt to lighten the gloomy atmosphere, “life is too short. Make the most of it while you can.”
Graves wipes at his forehead with a clean napkin before he nods briefly. “Listen, kid, I’m sorry if you ever felt like I wasn’t there for you or if I didn’t do enough. I think about that night and I...I miss your father a lot. I miss your family. And I know you’re still mourning for them,” he says, “I know.”
Rotom flies from your pocket and zooms into the air, grinning widely. "I'm baaaaaack! ZZzzzignal!!! Bzz bzz bzz! Zrttt! Oh my dayzzz, you've received five mezzagezzz and three mizzzzed callzzzz from Le-Le-Le-Leon!"
"Uh...Is your phone okay?"
"Yeah, he's just excited."
You grab Rotom and he allows you to check what Leon has sent you: he tells you he dropped by the hospital but you had left. He's been trying to reach you and he called Sonia but she doesn't know where you are either. You quickly type a reply, apologising for not being able to reply on time and that Graves had picked you up.
"Graves, can we go?" you ask, when you finish replying and Rotom moves to hover near your shoulder with a huge grin on his face.
Your godfather grunts under his breath. "Fine, let me finish the fries first..."
After dinner, it’s getting late and although you're desperate to go home, Graves asks if you want to stay over. Graves has a house in Wyndon and he does have a room for you should you ever decide to stay with him but you decline because you’re used to staying with Magnolia and Sonia. Regardless, he tells you the room is available for you should you ever need it.
He drives you to Wedgehurst, navigating his car over the bumpy road of Route 2 and he drops you off at the doorstep of the quaint house, parking the car beside the lawn; the front door subsequently opens upon your arrival and Magnolia comes hobbling out followed by Sonia, Poltea and Cutie.
You all share an embrace as Graves exits the car to open the boot to grab your possessions.
“Thank you, Inspector Graves,” Magnolia says as Graves waddles up with your bag slung over his shoulder.
“It’s nothing,” he says; he’s so tall he towers over your entire group.
“Would you like to stay for tea?”
“We already ate,” Graves says with a guffaw.
Everyone heads inside; Magnolia and Graves bring their conversation to the conservatory whilst Sonia helps you with your bag and you head upstairs together.
“You seem to be getting along better,” she comments as you climb the steps with the pokemon clinging to your shoulders.
“He’s trying his best,” you reply as Cutiefly nuzzles your cheek affectionately.
“Leon popped by earlier,” Sonia says, “He said he wasn't able to reach you and was dying to know if you were back home or not. When I said you weren’t, he left with Charizard. He looked really sad.”
"Yeah, I've had terrible signal problems all day," you reply, and Sonia raises a brow.
“I knew there was something going on between you,” she replies, before she flashes you a wide grin. “Don’t leave him hanging.”
“I already messaged him, Sonnie, don’t worry.”
Once you’re in your shared bedroom, Sonia plops down on her bed with a sigh and your shadow contorts in bizarre fashion; this can only mean one thing, and Gengar promptly emerges. He seems happier to be back home than in the hospital.
“Hey Gengar,” you say, whilst he swims around in the air, carefree. You rummage through your bag to find Mimikyu and Runerigus’ capsule and proceed to let them out.
Runerigus is the newest addition to your team and although you’re a little anxious to release him, Tanner has informed you he is a ‘chill guy’, which is a little odd to describe a pokemon but you take Tanner’s words to heart as the stone pokemon emerges before you.
You were under the impression that he would be quite a large and intimidating pokemon but he is in fact, shorter than Gengar who looms over it. From what you know about Runerigus, they're solitary pokemon who can live for many years and their bodies consist of the grey slabs pieced together by cursed shadow matter. Your team is growing bigger but nevertheless your pokemon gather round and Sonia leaps from the bed to stand behind you, peering over your shoulders.
“Oh, a Runerigus…Where’d you get him from?” she asks as Runerigus looks around his surroundings cautiously.
“From a painting made out of human skin, hair and blood,” you reply, and she shudders violently, “I heard he’s nice.”
You focus on the pokemon and say, “Welcome,” as Runerigus exchanges glances between all of you, “I hope you like it here.”
Looking right and left with its single purple eye, it clasps its large hands together and nods. It appears to be trying to communicate as it continues shifting its gaze up and down until it spots Leon’s poster on your wall and appears stunned, glancing at his image. It shuffles over, its rocky body dragging against the floorboards and emitting sounds identical to a fork scraping on a plate; Sonia clamps her hands over her ears from the deafening noise.
It stops in front of Leon’s poster and turns to you, pointing at it eagerly.
“Ohh, I get it. You need something to haunt,” you say, and it nods fiercely. “Go ahead.”
It flaps its arms up and down energetically before it inspects Leon’s print from head to toe, then it proceeds to spring up and off the ground and dives for the poster; you and Sonia stare with widened eyes; instead of crashing into the wall, it dissolves inside and the poster ripples.
Leon’s eye, which was once a beautiful golden hue, converts to a brutal shade of violet.
“Are you sure about this?” Sonia asks, cocking her head and crossing her arms with her finger under her chin.
You nod as Runerigus looks around before his eye creases with content. “Yep. He looks right at home. I'm fine with that.”
“As long as he doesn’t peep on us whilst we’re changing, I’m fine too.” Sonia adds.
Runerigus rolls his single eye.
As the evening progresses, Runerigus returns to his capsule after hanging around in Leon's poster for a while, Graves bids farewell after he's chatted with the professor and returns home, Magnolia goes to sleep and Sonia asks if you want to go with her to attend some exclusive makeup event with Nessa that’s taking place in Hotel Ionia. You politely decline because you want to spend some time with your Pokemon.
Therefore, you are alone and left to your own devices and you haven't received any response from Leon yet and you don't know where he is or what he's up to. However, instead of waiting around like a lovesick Lillipup, you opt to be productive and since you’re no longer going to take on any cases for the time being, you make some edits to your homepage, outlining that you will go on a much needed hiatus.
You also begin packing away some of your tools, namely the Khira dagger and your talismans which you tuck away into a safety box that you keep under the bed.
With Graves’ photo, you place it inside the box where it joins a small stash of old, salvaged photographs.
One photograph depicts your parents on their wedding day and the other is the last photo you took together as a family: a trip to Dendemille Town with a rented RV. You rub your thumb gently over their smiling faces.
Another photograph contains yourself and Jace. Not only did you have a questionable hairstyle and fashion sense but you appear jaded with a timid smile whilst Jace is grinning and shaking your hand, marking the beginning of a long-lasting friendship. Considering how long you have been friends, it’s then you realise Jace isn’t exactly the best candidate to take over should anything happen to you and you will need to find someone else….but that’s a thought for another day, you suppose.
Next, you grab your old journal where you had detailed Ezra’s teachings and all the symbols and exorcism prayers he taught you. You flip through the notes you made on pronunciation, translations and all your trials and errors and your mistakes.
As you continue packing, you pull out your radio and dad's journal from your bag which you will continue to keep with you for now.
Although you're not going to take on any cases, you head to the Pokemon research lab with the pokemon to conduct some research on Mimikyu and her speech capabilities.
The walk doesn’t take long and recalling that people actively call you the Witch of Wedgehurst behind your back, it is uncomfortable to make eye contact with anyone along the way and you pull the hood over your head, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your garment and keep your head down.
Once you arrive, you unlock the door, head inside and meander to your work space.
As usual, your desk is rather dusty and your whiteboard is still in the same place where you had left it a while ago; the pictures of the missing gym challengers and the map of the Wild Area are still fastened over the surface.
Although you hesitate for a split second as you scrutinise their smiling faces, you quietly remove them and tidy the photos away in one of your drawers before you grab an eraser and scrub away your notes, bullet points and other various scribbles. Once the board is cleared, you use a black marker pen and on the newly cleaned space, write some letters of the alphabet on the whiteboard as large as you can and set up three chairs for the pokemon for your experiment.
Releasing them, Gengar and Mimikyu sit down whilst Runerigus hops up on the seat and his head almost hits one of the low-hanging lights which makes you grimace. Nevertheless, he clamps his hands together patiently and since he’s been under your care, he has been a rather docile pokemon despite living in a human skin slash hair portrait.
You glance at your pokemon one by one and smile. “Hi everyone, thanks for joining me today. We're not going to work on any cases for the time being so now that I have some downtime, I’d like to test your ability to speak. I’m aware Mimi can say a lot already, but I’d appreciate if everyone can join in.”
Everyone nods and you grab one of Magnolia’s wooden canes from the side, using it to tap the first letter which represents A.
“This is the letter ‘A’,” you pronounce it loud and clearly for them, “Mimi, I’d like you to go first. Repeat after me.”
“A,” says Mimi, with virtually no problem whatsoever.
“Good job,” you reply and Mimikyu giggles, wiggling two tendrils happily in the air.
Now it’s Gengar’s turn.
He struggles, clenching his teeth viciously before he grunts out, “Geng-ah.”
“Not bad. but try saying ‘ah’ first.”
”Ah-geng,” says Gengar, and Mimikyu lets out a snort of laughter.
Everyone turns to the grudge pokemon next and Runerigus has been silent the entire time; however, you're amazed when he emits a rather high-pitched, grating shriek from somewhere.
You, Gengar and Mimikyu uncontrollably wince until he stops.
“Interesting," you murmur under your breath, "And this is the letter ‘B’…Runerigus, do you want to have a go?"
“Screeeee……screeeee-eee-ee!!!” Runerigus shrieks wildly as he flaps his hands up and down. As though aware he is unable to properly pronounce, Runerigus blinks for a fraction for a second and tries again, “SCREEEEE!!!”
“Mi mi!!! Mi mi mi mimikyuu!” Mimikyu jumps up and down in her seat and rants heavily in response to Runerigus’ screeching, pointing her claws at him accusingly.
“Calm down, it’s not his fault,” you say, as tensions run high.
Poor thing, beads of sweat begin dotting the stone slab and so unfortunately, you agree he should stop.
It’s Gengar’s turn now, and he says, “Beng-ar.”
You take down notes in your journal, scribbling down how Runerigus has zero speech capabilities and Gengar can only say his species name with mild alterations despite possessing human teeth and a human tongue.
Mimikyu on the other hand, can pronounce the letters perfectly and proceeds to recite much of the alphabet with very little trouble. She tells you she learned some words when she watched TV whilst pretending to be some kid's toy. She smugly dances and happily twirls in her seat whilst Runerigus and Gengar are totally defeated and throws their limp gazes to the floor.
“Guys, it’s okay,” you try to cheer them up but they look at you sadly.
The pokemon are dejected despite your reassurance and a twang of guilt hits you in the gut until a gentle knock on the door captures your attention. Looking away from your unhappy pokemon, the door to the research lab squeaks open and a purple-haired young man enters the establishment with Charizard trailing after him.
You freeze on the spot and the atmosphere in the lab becomes intense in nanoseconds. Your heart jumps in your throat upon his arrival and he glances at his surroundings before his gaze lands on you as you stand limply by the whiteboard and once his golden eyes meets yours, you struggle with your breath as your cheeks grow warm, your gut clinching uncomfortably.
It's Leon.
He's here.
He's finally here.
You swallow down the growing lump in your throat as he carefully strides over with his hands behind his back.
He's in a new shirt. The muscles in his arms seem to bulge more than ever. His hair looks longer, more tame. Did he always smile at you like that? Did he always look at you like that? You are noticing these little things about him all of a sudden though you're unsure why.
“H-hi Leon,” you stutter out whilst you tuck a loose lock of hair behind your ear that falls in front of your eyes, “What are you doing here?”
It’s happening. It’s happening all over again. The blushing, the stammering, the racing heart, the butterfrees dancing in the stomach. It shouldn't be happening, but it is.
And then you remember the almost-kiss.
As you fret on the spot, Leon says, “I-I came by the house but no-one came to the door so I...I thought I’d find you here.”
He's stammering too, his voice laced with nervousness.
It's not just you.
Leon anxiously steps closer, his light footsteps echoing audibly over the lab's pristine floor; he stops a short distance from you and shoots a quick glance at your pokemon in their little chairs in front of the whiteboard with all letters of the alphabet and chuckles, “What’s this? Pokemon School?”
“Um…Sort of. Mimi can speak human language so I wanted to test the others too...”
“That sounds interesting, how’s it going so far?”
“…S’okay,” is your timid reply as you clutch the cane to your chest with both hands and shift your gaze to the side.
He smiles warmly at you and as you dare to look up, your eyes meet for a second and simultaneously, you both look away. Whilst you hastily cast your glance to one of the bookshelves on the second floor, Leon throws his glimpse to a random potted plant in the corner.
Clearing his throat loudly, he stands with his hands gingerly placed behind his back. In fact, he’s been holding his hands behind his back the entire time. He appears to be puffing his chest out a little.
“I went to the hospital; I wanted to visit you but you weren’t there."
You nod. Your gazes meet but this time, you do your best not to look away and neither does he. “Yeah…I got discharged and Rotom couldn't get any signal until just there. Sorry.”
His expression lights up when he realises you do not look away and you witness him falter slightly on the spot under your piercing stare and he lets out a nervous-sounding laugh. "Ah, it's okay, there's no need to apologise. I took too long and couldn't find the time to go and see you. I should be the one apologising."
You shake your head.
There is another quiet moment between you two albeit not an uncomfortable one as you stand near one another, staring; Leon’s voice seems to have gone into hiding as you smile at him and his smile widens too before he murmurs, “I, uh…I wanted to give these to you."
He reveals his hands, slowly lifting them out and presenting a large bouquet of beautiful, multi-coloured flowers from behind his back.
Your eyes widen thoroughly; you were not expecting this at all.
Gengar gawks whilst Mimikyu blinks. Charizard wheezes and chortles and Runerigus flings glances between you and the Champion.
“Um, I….I hope you like them," he stutters, coughing into his fist briefly.
Leon has brought you flowers.
Choosing to lurk behind the plethora of florets, he does not see you gently reaching for the bouquet, and your fingers brush together accidentally; he stiffens all over as you wrap your hands firmly around the light pink cellophane wrapper before you gently lift it out of Leon’s grasp. He watches as your eyes sparkle with delight, the corner of your lips curling into a fond smile as you carefully run a finger over the petal of a delicate looking lilac flower.
“They’re beautiful,” you murmur softly, “Thank you, Leon.”
His confidence fully restored by your words, Leon grins widely and he takes a small step forwards; however, he's also quick to change his mind, clearing his throat once more and returning to his previous spot. With freed hands, he removes his cap and cradles it gingerly in front of his chest, his messy hair sticking in all sorts of directions.
“I’m sorry, I would do this better if I knew how.”
"Do what?”
“Courting you."
You blink wide-eyed as your gazes lock together once again before you decide to bring the bouquet closer to you, covering as much of your face as you can behind the flowers.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I asked the florist for help,” he admits as he hides his lower face behind his cap, cheeks growing red.
You’re both hiding behind whatever you can get your hands on.
And he’s blushing again, which you think is cute but so are you; your face is also heating up uncontrollably.
“T-thank you, that’s very thoughtful,” you reply with a shaky but excited lilt embedded into your voice, “do you want to stay? I can make some tea….”
Leon’s expression dampens at once.
“………I can’t,” he almost groans aloud, “I have a busy night ahead.”
“Oh, well…maybe another time then.”
“No problem.”
"Perhaps...you'd like to go camping with me again?"
"I'd love to."
"Just let me know when you're free."
"O-of course."
Once again, a sea of silence blankets the two of you until Charizard taps Leon on the shoulder and snorts loudly, his snout emitting short puffs of air. He jerks his head towards the door, growling.
“Right, I’d best be off now…I’ll see you,” Leon mutters, and you nod.
“Bye, Leon.”
Leon returns his cap over his head, adjusting it properly; he stares intently at you and an immense bloom of joy swells within your chest as you clutch the flowers to yourself. Swept up by the longing depth of his gaze, you hide your face behind the flowers once again. Your cheeks are so hot, even the petals feel warm. He’s only forced to stop looking at you when Charizard taps him on his shoulder once more, indicating that they need to return to their duties.
"Goodnight," he says, with a widening grin.
Reluctantly, Leon turns away. As he makes his way to the exit, he will occasionally turn round and smile at you and Charizard will wave and you wave back; the flame pokemon waddles after his trainer and you watch as they both leave the lab, but not before Leon subjects you to one last look over his shoulder.
You’re finally able to breathe normally when the door closes behind them and Gengar and Mimikyu titter loudly in their seats whilst Runerigus slams his rocky tail against the floor with glee.
“Class dismissed,” you utter, and the pokemon are free to do as they please as you glance down at the bouquet in your hands.
Smiling, you lean down and take a quick whiff.
They smell heavenly.
16 notes · View notes
loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XVI. La vereda de la puerta de atrás
A/N: Finally we know what happened to Harry! I’m excited for you guys to read this, let me know what you think :)
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I can barely make it to my room. It surprises me how many tears we can make without drying ourselves. I started crying the second I got away from Harry’s house and I cried all the way to my house in the taxi and still I’m not done.
I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why in the world I thought it would be okay if I just talked about that but the fact that Harry’s friend collaborated on the association and the way he said “it was their son, right?”
It wasn’t just their son. It was Dylan and Dylan was everything. Dylan made me play piano every day, Dylan would come over to my house just to see me for 5 minutes even if he lived 40 minutes away, Dylan showed me the best sunset I have yet seen. And Dylan was also a musician and he was a friend and, yes, he was a son, and a boyfriend and a grandson.
He was my first love and I swore he would be the last because there’s just no other way. He was half of me, it’s as simple as that. We were connected and we still are and we will always be because that’s just what it is when you find the one. I know most people don’t even find them, most people search their entire lives to find what I had with Dylan and still never find it so I should be thankful because it’s better to have loved and lost than to haven’t loved at all; but it’s just so hard…
I lie on my side on my bed and let the tears soak my pillow. I can’t push the memories away now. I opened the dam and now everything is coming out and choking me. I remember my Mum knocking on my bedroom door, the way she looked, I’ll always remember the way she looked. And my screams, tearing my throat up, and her small arms trying to hold me as I yelled and fought. I remember the sirens and then the hospital and Dylan’s mother’s face and how my hands trembled.
I don’t even know how in the midst of all the horror I’ve fallen asleep but the vibration of my phone against the mattress wakes me up. I bring it to my ear without checking the caller ID.
“Indie, thank God!” Harry’s loud voice pierces my ear.
“What is it?” My voice is hoarse after the sleep and the crying.
“What happened?” He asked. “The doorman told me you were crying. It’s the first time he tells me something like that.”
“Well it must have shocked him, I’m sure the rest of Med students that leave your apartment leave with a big smile and freshly fucked.” I regret my words as soon as I say them. “Sorry, that is none of my business.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“What happened, Indie? Were you crying for something I said or didn’t say or-”
“No” I cut him off before he keeps messing up “it has nothing to do with you. It’s just… I cry every time I talk about him. I don’t like talking about what happened.”
Harry sighs.
“Yeah, I understand…” He doesn’t. “It’s the same for me…”
“Listen, baby, I gotta go but… Uh… I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
Tomorrow night? He’s crazy.
“I can’t.” I lie.
“Tomorrow is Sunday, baby…”
“I have plans.”
He sighs.
“Indie, I-”
“It’s true.” I lie. “I’m not like you, I do have a life.”
My eyes fill with tears again. I am a horrible person. I don’t even know why I said that to him but I can’t even speak now, my throat is completely closed. How could I throw that in his face after what he told me? I deserve all the bad things that could happen to me.
“Call me when you’re not mad anymore so we can talk.”
He hangs up. The distress hits me harder, it wraps around my chest and presses down and I feel like it’s going to collapse but I don’t even care if I stopped breathing.
Whenever I think of him, it’s like it’s happening all over again, like I never did all that progress, like I never went to therapy or like it’s the first time this is hitting me. But it’s not; and I know what I have to do. I can’t be alone or I would go down the same old dark road again and I don’t want that. I can’t endure that same old story.
Jason appears on my door not half an hour later. This reminds me so much of those months too but somehow instead of a trigger is comforting because he was there for me then and he’s here for me now and he’ll be here if I need him tomorrow and his hug always feels like the world can’t touch me if his arms are around me. I start crying again.
It's not as catastrophic as it was before but the quietness only makes it even harder. My heart is breaking all over again and now it’s doing it silently. Frustration is added to the pain because I don’t want to stay always stuck here. I want to move on and be able to talk about Dylan without wanting to die myself and instead here I am, on a cocoon on Jason’s arms as I silently cry on the couch.
I tilt my neck when I wake up for the third time today and find Jason with a deep frown and lips on a thin line. I look away from him and pout like a little girl. Of course he’s still mad at me. This doesn’t change what I said to him.
“How did he find out?” He asks instead. “Did you tell him?”
I nod and feel his hand on the low of my back as he shifts closer to me.
“A friend of his collaborates with Dylan’s organisation and… He asked about him.”
“Harry did?”
“No, his friend. Harry didn’t know anything until this morning…”
Jason hums. His hand keeps drawing figures on my back so I dare to look at him again.
“Are you still mad at me?” I whisper as if I was afraid he would hear me and then say yes.
His eyes bore into mine.
“Do you really want to talk about this now?”
“So yes.” I look ahead but from the corner of my eye I can still feel his eyes fixed on me. “You can leave if you want.”
“I also didn’t have to come if I didn’t want to.” He points out. “But I still came because I love you.” He sighs. “Listen, I wish you would keep your opinion about my relationship to yourself but I talked to Marie and I know where you’re coming from. I know you mean well, Indie, and that you’re just worried about me but I respect you and the only thing I ask is for you to do the same.”
Oh, God, I don’t want to cry again.
“You’re right, J. I’m a terrible person and I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you or disrespect you. I love you so much.” The tears win the battle as they roll down my cheeks. “You’re… You’re still one of the few people that actually put up with me and… I know I’m… Not making it easy for anyone but” I sob “I really do need you all. I feel so alone, J.”
His muscled arms wrap around me as he pulls me to him.
“You’re not alone, Indie.” His voice cracks. “You’ve got us, we’ll always be here for you, and you’ve got your family. You’ll never be alone, Indie-pixie. And about me putting up with you, I never want to hear you say that bullshit again, do you hear me? I’m fucking lucky to have you. Anyone who has you in their life is.” He presses a kiss on my hair line. “You take care of me and I know no matter what I can always count on you and I fucking love you, okay? We all do.”
“I love you too.”
“Good.” He puff a laugh. “Now let’s go eat something, I’m starving.”
I’m not but I go with him to my kitchen and watch him cook pasta for the two of us. If Dylan was here he’d force me to eat. He always did that but I always dismissed him. I’ve never had any eating problem, it’s just that Dylan thought I ate so little because he ate like some hungry lion all the time and for some reason he thought I should eat like him. He loved my mum’s cooking.
I remember back in Capitol in my house, which now is my dad’s house, we had this huge kitchen with huge glass windows that looked at my mum’s garden and I remember right before we started dating we would do our homework on the kitchen while she cooked and Dylan would be the taster of everything.
I imagine I would try to cook Spanish food for him now. He would like that I took up cooking, that’s for sure, and I’m sure he’d like everything I made too. But I’ll never know because he’s gone and he’ll never come back.
It was so hard to be in that kitchen or in that dining room or even in my room. I can barely sleep there. Everything at Capitol reminds me of him and that’s why it’s just so hard to visit my dad.
Jason sets a plate of pasta in front of me and I grab the fork even if I couldn’t eat if I tried.
“What did you guys do last night?” I try to divert my thoughts from Dylan to literally anywhere else.
“We had dinner at my place and then we went to Loft 39.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Yes, but it would have been better with you.”
I smile even though I doubt it.
“How’s Ollie?”
“Lost.” Jason shrugs. “She told me what she did to Mario and you’re right, it is nasty.”
“I talked to him last night, he was at Elvis Buchanan’s birthday and I think he’s falling for her…”
“Who the hell is Elvis Buchanan?” He frowns and I chuckle.
“He’s a guy.” I shrug. “He’s nice.”
His eyes look up from his plate to mine.
“How are things with Harry?”
I shrug. Well, the other night he cried on my bed and last night he told me to get my own blanket if I was cold but after that we spooned and he ate me out this morning. So I have no idea.
“What do you think?” I ask him instead “You know, about Harry and me?”
“What’s there to think?”
I shrug.
“I don’t know… I mean… Do you think he’s using me?”
“Do you?”
I shrug.
“Where is this coming from, Indie?”
“It’s just… This morning he talked to this friend and when he asked him who I was he said I was a Med student.”
Jason’s eyes narrow.
“And you are.”
“Yes, but… Is that what I am to him? A Med student?”
“Well, what is he to you?”
I’m struck dumb.
“A friend.” I tell him.
He nods.
“Well, I’m guessing he was just trying to establish you, I guess. I mean what else could he say? It’s how you met after all.”
I don’t want to keep talking about it, especially having Dylan’s smile on my mind so I look away from him and nibble some on my past at the risk of throwing up.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asks.
I guess that’s a way of taking my mind off. We play Failure to Launch but I fall asleep soon after Sarah Jessica Parker shows up. Grieving is really exhausting.
Warm hands lightly shake my arms and I blink.
“No, it’s Jason.”
I rub my eyes and see Jason looking at me with sorrowful eyes.
I feel my heart crashing on my chest. I haven’t seen a single photo of Dylan since his funeral. I can’t. But it’s heart-breaking to realize how hard it is for me to remember his face now. I know the colour of his eyes, and I can fantasize about his smile but if I close my eyes and try to see his entire face, I just… It’s not like a picture.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.”
Jason walks me to bed and lies down next to me before he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him.
Had I been with Harry, he wouldn’t have woken me up to take me to bed. Instead, he would have picked me up like a kid and take me to bed himself. I don’t know why I just thought about that.
Jason’s fast asleep but I lie wide awake on the mattress. Of course I would do that, I’d fall asleep at any random moment and then stay up for the rest of the night. As much as I try to fall asleep it’s impossible and I wonder if this is how Harry feels when he can’t sleep too. No wonder he was harsh to me, this is terrible.
I haven’t gotten anything from him all day after our talk on the phone. Not that it surprises me after what I told him, but I still wonder how he’s doing. I wish I could talk to my therapist right now. Well, I don’t, because I know what she’s going to say and I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to fight her again, but I guess I want to know what I’m thinking and I know it sounds silly to say that but I need help figuring that out.
I remember when Dylan passed away I had this feeling in my chest and my belly and I thought I had asthma but it was none of that, it was just anguish and the thing was I couldn’t put my finger on it to the point where I just thought I was sick on my lungs and not on my mind. Even after therapy though, sometimes it’s hard for me to kind of know what I’m feeling.
I need to get out of bed. I’m driving myself crazy and, since Harry’s not around, the only other thing that manages to take my mind off, is downstairs so I try not to wake Jason up as I make my way to the reading room. When I slide the door opened, I entertain my eyes with the moonlight hitting the piano and without thinking, I sit on the stool and lift up the black lid so the keys are exposed to me.
I run my fingers through them, I haven’t played in three years. I’m not even sure I’m going to remember how to play but my fingers seem to remember Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata even before my mind does.
I’m not me anymore, I’m a part of a bigger thing, I’m a part of what’s playing and it surprises me to realize before I met Harry, I had resigned from feeling this way, from not thinking and just being but after I met Harry or since I know Harry, this is how he makes me feel. He makes me feel like music does.
It scares me because I know everything would be less painful if he was here now, if he was sitting down on one of the reading chairs listening to my sonata before he stood up and took me bare. But he is not and he won’t be here because it’s just sex between us.
I look ahead when I finish the piece and find a flabbergasted Jason staring at me with his lips parted. I look down, embarrassed.
“That was beautiful, Indie.”
“It wasn’t.” I complain. “It was sad.”
“It was sad and beautiful.”
I don’t understand how something can be sad and beautiful but I’ll let it go. I know Jason’s tired and I should try to get some sleep too.
“That was the first time I played since Dylan died.” I say. “Do you think I’m betraying him?”
Jason’s eyes hold mine for the longest minute. I don’t expect what he says.
“He’d like him.”
It’s been a chill Monday. I’ve only had two surgeries and two hours of office so I’ve been able to work on my patients’ record a lot but it’s been hard to focus.
Family weekends always drain me, especially when it’s not my plan so I didn’t have time to prepare, not that I prepare very well anyway and to make things worse, Indie hasn’t contacted me yet.
I know I should give her time and space and all that shit but I’m tired of this back and forth with her. I don’t even know why but I have this need to make sure she’s okay and I just don’t want her to be in pain. It’s as simple as that. And knowing she’s gone through that… I guess it just explains a lot of things.
And I know I don’t deserve her, I don’t deserve any of this but… I’m starting to think maybe I don’t have to… Be alone all the time. She doesn’t want anything other than the physical relationship we have from me and that’s good, that’s safe; but it doesn’t mean I don’t worry about her. I never thought someone like her was going to show up and just change everything but for the first time since it happened, I actually want to tell somebody about it. I want to tell her. Yet I don’t know how… Because for all I know she might just storm out of the room- the girl has a temper- or tell me she’s not an ONG or something like that but… I just think if I can get her understanding I might forgive myself and I’m starting to think she might need me too.
Harry: Are you at uni?
I know she is because she was driving herself crazy when she had to miss lectures because she was sick so I don’t think she’d skip a lecture for any other reason. I think it’s cute that she’s such a psycho. She gives me a hard time over the amount of hours I work but I’m pretty sure I won’t see her face at all during finals.  
Indie: Yes.
Harry: At the lectures hall?
Indie: Yes
Indie: What do you want?
Harry: I’m picking you up
Indie: What?
Indie: No!
Harry: Why not?
Indie: I’m going shopping with Marie.
Harry: Well, go some other day.
Indie: No, I’ll see you some other day.
Harry: Please, love.
Indie: I said no but don’t worry I’m sure you can find some other Med student to fuck.
I hate it when she says that. It’s none of her business like she keeps saying but she really does get on my nerves when she acts like that. The only reason I was seeing other people is because she said we were “just sex”.
Anyway, I’m picking her up. I’ll drive her and Marie to the shops if that’s what I need to do to be able to talk to her. She can’t just act as if she cared and then shut me out and push me away whenever she feels like it.
I am leaning against the bars where the students lock their bikes when I see her walking out of the lectures hall holding a folder against her chest. She frowns and pouts like a mad little girl when she spots me and I know it shouldn’t be funny to me but I just think it’s so cute that her face is so giving. She stops in front of me and doesn’t stop frowning but I’m grinning at her. She’s hilarious.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“You gave me no other choice.” I shrug.
“Yes, you could have waited for tomorrow.” She whispers through clenched teeth.
“You would have given me another excuse.” We both know that.
“Why are you smiling? Do you think this is funny?”
“Sort of.” I admit. “I mean, I’m not fully sure why you’re mad.”
“Anyone could see you here.” She looks at both her flanks.
“Indie, I work here. It’s not strange for anyone to see me here.”
“Yes, but talking to me?”
Her words sting but I don’t let her see that.
“I told you I can’t meet you today.”
“Yes, because you were going shopping with Marie who is nowhere to be found.”
“We’re meeting at the shops.”
“Okay, well, I’ll drive you.”
“I don’t want you to.”
“I just want to talk.”
She studies my face. Her hair is tied up on a long braid that falls on her back but some thin locks have fallen out of it and dance over her face. I want to tuck them behind her ear but I don’t. I need to stop doing that sort of things. She sighes, she’s going to say yes.
I smile and walk towards my car and she adjust her bag on her shoulder before she starts walking next to me. She is texting someone and my hands seem to have a mind of their own because they hold her waist as we walk down the kerb towards the parking lot, afraid that she might not see it and stumble. Her body tenses up, she’s just as surprised as I am.
The drive is silence because she’s still texting whoever it is she’s talking to and I take the time to arrange my thoughts. I’ve never actually told anyone about this. Those who know know because they’re a part of the story one way or another but I’ve never sat in front of a third person and told them about the accident.
When I pull over at the shops parking lot, Indie unfastens her seat belt but waits for me to say something. She’s nervous and she’s probably uncomfortable too but I don’t want to do this here.
“Should we have a cup of coffee?” I offer.
She weighs her options. I don’t think she knows I’d do whatever she asks me to but she nods. I wait for her in order to walk side by side to the nearest café we can find and I dare to place a hand on her lower back as I gently guide her to one of the tables. She’s scolded me before about me not touching her in public and even though she just fought me for showing up at the lectures hall, I think she doesn’t mind the contact when we’re not in the hospital.
We take a seat on one of the tables near the far window. Through the window we can see the road, there’s a narrow pavement between the café and the road, but not many people pass by. It’s too cold for walks already so all we see is cars driving by. When a person walks by though, I see the fog coming out of their mouths as they breathe. It makes our spot cosier since warmth is not something you can see, but; likewise everything, it’s something you can feel better when you’re face to face with its absence.
Indie looks incredible, as usual. I love how pink looks on her and how cosy she looks on her winter clothes. Her hazel eyes bore into mine like she was a deer and I was the spotlight and I don’t know why all of a sudden she’s giving me that look. That’s the look she gives me on the bedroom too.
“How are you?” I start.
“Good.” She shakes.
Am I making her this nervous? I’m the one who’s nervous… Maybe I’m passing it on her. But she just looks so good and soft and fragile… I don’t want to say something that would somehow hurt her. I feel my heart beating fast and hard against my ribs. I’ve never been more afraid of anything on my life but I don’t want her to blame me and I’m afraid she will.
“Are you nervous?”
“No” she shakes her head “I’m just cold.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
I start taking it off before she can answer but she stops me by lifting her hands in the air.
“No, I’ve got my own coat. You’ll freeze.”
“I’m not cold, baby.”
I lend her my jacket and she covers her shoulders with it before she tucks her hands between her thighs trying to warm up. I order two cups of coffee and stare at her.
“You’re always cold.”
It’s true. She always shakes when she ends up alone in the bed because she moves around a lot and unlike me, her hands and her arms are always cold too. She nods and gives me a knowing smile.
“Are you still mad at me?”
She shakes her head. Good. I won’t ask why she was mad in case that makes her mad again. Plus, I’m about to tell her a very intimate part of me. I need her to be on my side.
“And sad?”
Her big eyes look down to the table. The waiter places our two cups on the table and her fingers break the wrapper of a sugar package before she adds some sugar to her coffee.
“I know you are, Indie.” She stirs the coffee. “And I understand.”
The repetitive movement of her hand stops and my heart follows suit when she looks up at me. I’ve never seen her like this before and I wish I could take her pain away but for the first time I don’t feel like she’s better than me. I don’t see her like this girl who takes care of everyone, drinks gin and doesn’t let you get too close. She’s vulnerable and she needs me too.
“I didn’t like that you dropped that bomb like that and just left as if we were strangers but that was not about me, I take it. And after the way you talked to me on the phone, I understood you didn’t want to see me or talk to me and I’ve respected that but-”
“Why did you say you understand?” Her eyes bore into mine and my breath catches on my throat. “You said that that day and you’ve said that now.”
I take a deep breath. Here we go…
“My sister had a car accident when she was twenty-two years old. I know it’s not the same, because she didn’t die, but… She almost did.” My voice croaks but the way she’s looking at me, with brown eyes wide opened and her full lips shut makes me go on. “Uh, she was in a coma for 5 days and… We didn’t know if she was… Going to make it. She did but… Uh… She can’t walk.”
Indie places her hand over mine and only then I realize I’m shaking. She intertwines our fingers and I stare at out hands. Her skin is so much tanner than mine and so much softer too.
“I’m very sorry, Harry.”
How can she be sorry? Her boyfriend died on a car accident. This is not the same… Yet it’s still hard.
“She was pregnant.”
Indie’s eyes sadden further and her grip on my hand tightens. I can’t tell her.
“The baby died on her womb and it teared in the accident so they had to remove it in surgery so… Uh, she can’t carry babies now.”
“I didn’t help her or anyone at all. I just… I couldn’t. Even now I can’t even look at her without feeling so terrible.” I confess. “And I know she doesn’t want that, she doesn’t need that; but I just… Can’t overcome that, I guess. So… It’s always very hard for me to see her and that obviously has driven me away from my family.”
Indie nods. I guess she doesn’t know what to say to me.
“Is that why you started working so hard?” Her voice comes out in a thin whisper. “You told me you kind of buried yourself in work… Is that why? So that you wouldn’t think about it?”
I nod.
“I was eighteen when that happened and I think that’s the reason why I decided to become a doctor. My sister spent the entire summer in the hospital, you know, learning how to… Be, I guess and after I went to uni and… Everyone was like going out and having fun and meeting new people and falling in love but I just… Was not in that point in my life so I didn’t really make many friends, also because I wouldn’t let many people in and… Yeah, I guess I just started studying a lot and afterwards working a lot.”
“Do you not see your family at all anymore?”
“No, I do.” I nod. “I visit them every once in a while. They were here yesterday and the day before, that’s why I didn’t, uh, I don’t know contact you to try to comfort you even though I don’t think I would have been successful.”
I give her a sad smile that she reciprocates.  
“Is that why you can’t sleep?”
Kind of. I nod. I lick my lips before I bring my cup to my lips and take a sip.
“You didn’t have to tell me about this so thank you.” She gives me a sad smile.
“I wanted to.” I confess. “I wanted you to know that you’re not alone and that you can talk to me if you ever… I don’t know.” I smile at her.
“Thank you.” She has a sip of her coffee before she takes a deep breath. “I never really talk about it or him.” Her dark eyebrows lower on her forehead. “I… I… I don’t like how it makes me feel.”
I hold her hand and bring it to my mouth, kissing her skin as she stares at me with a surprised expression. I’m surprised too. I don’t know what I’m doing.
“You don’t have to.” I shrug, trying to dismiss how I just crossed the line. “I just want you to know that if you ever want to or need to, you can tell me.”
“Okay.” She smiles. “But I’m better now anyway.”
“Good.” I rub my hands together as I give her a smile. “Then what do you feel like doing now?”
She chuckles.
“Going shopping with Marie like I told you.”
Oh, so she wasn’t lying.
“Can I go with you and give you girls my opinion on the changing room?”
“Of course not.”
I click my tongue and make a grimace of disappointment that has her chuckling again.
“It was worth a shot.” She agrees making me laugh.
But now I can’t take the image of her perfect body trying on lingerie out of my head. I imagine the way the soft lace would rest on top of her skin because she always wears clothes that fit her perfectly without being tight and that always drives me mad. How easy it is to just slip her panties down her soft legs…
“Don’t go shopping, Indie.”
She frowns. This is insane, how she unwillingly and unknowingly controls my emotions giving me the mood swings of a pregnant woman. She’s driving me crazy for real.
“Don’t you want to show me the underwear you’re wearing now?”
Her eyes widen but don’t leave mine so I smile mischievously. I know her better than she’d like and I know she likes it when I talk dirty to her. It’s like everything we’ve talked about before this, as serious as it was, is not on our minds anymore. It’s hard to think of anything other than her when she’s right in front of me, giving me her attention like she is now, looking at me and listening to me and just being here. I want to be closer to her.
“Do you not want my mouth on you, baby?” I lick my lips and watch her cheeks tinging pink. “Do you want to know what I want?”
Her lips part but instead of answering she takes air in. I don’t need her to say yes for me to know she does want to. She always does.
“I want to put your perfect ass against my kitchen counter and eat you out like you deserve, love.”
Her juicy mouth parts and I feel my dick hardening. She’s so easy, she’s as horny as I am.
“And then I’d fuck you onto the counter until your ass goes numb. Look at you, you’re blushing.” I grin. “It never fails to surprise me how shy you seem to be out of bed and how dirty you are in it.”
“Maybe I’m the perfect example of a lady out and a slut in.”
If she had said that any other way, I would have played along but the way she lifted her chin and clenched her jaw gives her away.
“Indie, you’re not a slut.” She rolls her eyes. “Why? Because you like sex? That doesn’t make you a slut, baby, it makes you a human.”
My hand reaches for her braid and I twirl a finger around it before I grip it between my fingers and gently pull from it bringing her face closer to mine until our lips are inches away.
“I like it” I tell her “that you’re free and you know what you want, it’s fucking sexy, baby.”
I press my lips against hers before she can reprimand me for the PDA and I feel her breath against my mouth as she takes the kiss. It takes her a few seconds to reciprocate but I smile when she bites my bottom lip. I bet she’s shutting her thighs together but before I can check that with my own hand underneath the table, her phone rings and she pulls apart.
“Hi, Marie.” She gives me a death glare as she wipes my saliva from her lips. “I’m having a cup of coffee on” she tilts her neck searching for the name of the cafeteria “on Sionpa, it’s right next to the- oh, right, yeah, yeah, that’s the one but don’t” she all but yells “worry, I can, I’ll go out. There’s no need for you to come all the way here. See you in a second.”
The things she would say not to have her friends see me. I smile as she leaves a bill on the table.
“Here, I’ve got your coffee too.” She says.
“Thank you.”
Her eyes narrow. I know she was expecting a bit of resistance on my part but I know she doesn’t like it when I don’t let her pay so she won’t have it. I grin.
“Oh, Harry!”
Indie turns around and Adam grins at us.
“Indie!” Adam’s face lightens up as he leans in to give me a light hug. “I hadn’t recognized you! It’s very nice to see you! How are you?”
This guy is so well-mannered and friendly. It even surprises me that he’s that close to Harry.
“Hi, Adam. I’m good, thank you, how are you?”
“Good. What a coincidence, hey?”
“Yeah, what are you doing here?” Harry asks him.
He’s stood up from his chair and is now standing next to me with his hand on my low back.
“I need to get my mother a present. It’s not going well.” He smiles.
Harry chuckles.
“Just get her a book.”
“That’s like the least personal thing you could get her.” I complain.
“I don’t think so.” Harry argues back. “A scarf is less personal.”
“You are the king of presents.”  
Harry shrugs and Adam chuckles at our interaction.
“Is this what you were having?” Marie points at Harry with raised eyebrows and an annoyed expression.
Oh, shit.
Adam laughs and my friend her eyes roam up and down his body. He grins at her. Alright, what is going on?
I look at Harry but he seems as lost as I am. He gives me a confused look as if he was waiting for me to solve this but I don’t know what we’re supposed to do either.
“Hi, I’m Adam. I’m a friend of Harry’s.”
“I’m Marie, a friend of Indie’s.”
Adam shakes Marie’s hand and I think everyone can see how she turned into the heart eyed emoji. Oh, Marie, don’t be so obvious… But he hasn’t taken his eyes off her either. She smiles nervously.
“Do you guys want to have a cuppa?”
“Well, we-”
“We’d love one.” Marie smiles.
“Sure.” Harry surprises me.
What are they doing?! I give Harry a death glare but he looks away so I focus on the other little devil.
“What was that? The shops are gonna close.”
“Well” she shrugs “the shops are there every other day.”
I stand there like a fool as Harry brings two more chairs to our table and takes a seat himself. Marie does the same and that’s when my head goes into a short-circuit. I would have never thought I would be having coffee with Harry at some random cafeteria, much less with Marie in what looks like a double date. Harry licks his lips inside his mouth amused and taps the empty chair next to him but I sit down next to Marie.
“Did you call him?” Marie asks me the second I sit down. She’s back. “Or did you follow her around?”
I feel my cheeks heating up but Harry grins as he looks at her.
“Second option.”
“And why do you do that?”
My eyes widen. Did timid Marie just ask that? She’s frowning at him as if she was a cop confronting a criminal and my breath catches on my throat. Harry looks at me before he looks back at my friend.
“Because I like her company.”
“Just because of that?” She challenges.
“Marie, dear Lord, shut it.”
“No” She frowns at me. “This is bad. She’s a lot younger than you, mister, and you’re her mentor, what if-”
“This is half the cuppas.” Adam says as he places a cup of tea before me and the other one before Marie. “I’ll be back with the rest.”
“What’s your game?” She resumes her accusations as soon as Adam walks away. “What do you want from her?”
“Marie, seriously, you’re embarrassing me.”
“Why? If you don’t ask the questions, somebody has to.”
“I’m not a-”
“I’m not playing with Indie.” Harry answers cutting my words short.
He’s studying Marie’s face with a stern expression. I wouldn’t be able to tell what’s going through his mind.
“I never have and what I want from her, she knows perfectly fine since the very first day.”
He doesn’t seem mad or annoyed at my friend’s rude behaviour but I’m beyond embarrassed. Thankfully, Adam arrives with his coffee and Harry’s and takes a seat next to his friend before another word can be spoken.
“Were you guys on a date?”
What is going on today? What sort of question is that? Harry chuckles and only then I realize he’s looking at me. My face must be a technicolour poem.
“No” I answer before Harry can embarrass me any further “we don’t go on dates.”
“I beg to differ.” Harry challenges with a smug smile.
I’m going to kill him. Adam and Marie look at each other trying to see if any of them know what’s going on but I mean neither do I.
“So how long for have you guys known each other?” He asks Marie.
Thank God, I need a break. Harry’s still smiling at me, he’s clearly loving this.
“Four years. We go to uni together.”
“Oh, so you study Medicine too?”
“Yes.” Marie nods.
“Oh, gosh, three nerds and me.” Adam jokes and my friend laughs.
“What did you study?” She asks. “If you studied at all.” She panics. “Because it’s fine if you didn’t. I mean you don’t have to, you know, it’s a valid choice not to and it’s also a valid choice to study. Please somebody stop me.”
Adam throws his head back and laugh and Harry fights against his smile but fails. Marie is adorable.
“I studied Journalism.”
“Oh.” Marie nods. “It sounds interesting.”
“Well” he shrugs “I’m currently working at this big cosmetics firm. I’m the crisis management responsible.” He nods. “I get all these free products that I don’t even know how to use.”
I chuckle. He’s great, what a subtle way of letting my friend know he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I almost bow at him.
“Really?” Marie chuckles. “That’s so cool!”
He chuckles and frowns.
“I mean, you can have them even though you don’t need them.”
I try to control my chuckle because he’s not laughing but I catch Harry rolling his eyes from the corner of mine. He then looks at me and smiles. My phone screen lightens up and Harry’s eyes drop on it too. He’s the nosiest person I’ve ever met. It’s an Instagram notificacion.
@gemmastyles liked your picture.
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pixiegrl · 4 years
Oooo okay this one is kinda niche so take you time but “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” with mashton but make it magic
I really took my time filling this but! It’s finally done! Love a good magic AU but i think everyone knew that. Have some Michael as a fairy/Ashton as a werewolf/first meeting of the pack dynamics! Enjoy!
On ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29008818
“What if they don’t like me?” Michael asks. He’s been biting his thumbnail, holding Ashton’s hand with his other. Michael’s nervous. He thought he would have gotten over his nerves for dating a werewolf considering he and Ashton have been dating for a month, but it seems that it’s not meant to be. Last week, Ashton had casually proposed the idea of Michael meeting his friends Calum and Luke for dinner. This idea would be less scary for Michael if it wasn’t for the fact that Calum and Luke are Ashton’s pack. Ever since Ashton relocated from Australia and his family pack in order to build his own life, Calum’s been Ashton’s best friend and pack mate. Luke’s a recent addition, Calum’s mermaid of a boyfriend, who Ashton’s only ever mentioned in passing. In fact, despite the fact that they’ve been dating a month, Michael has yet to meet Calum or Luke due to schedules. Even though Michael met Ashton at the pet store he and Calum own when he adopted Moose, his dog, Calum had the day off and he’s been working odd hours at the store since. Luke’s been busy helping spring brides pick out their dresses and Michael’s been busy with his own spring weddings and all the cakes that go into them on top of the usual bakery things. This is the first night in the whole month the four of them have been free enough to officially meet. Ashton had suggested a homemade dinner at the apartment the three of them share and Michael had agreed. He wants to meet Ashton’s pack mates. If he and Ashton are going to a long term relationship, it only makes sense that they should all meet. Michael wants them to like him and he wants to like them. 
Of course, that was a week ago and now Michael regrets agreeing. He’s been overthinking the whole thing ever since. Ashton’s pack isn’t going to like him. He’s a dumb fairy, with all his plants and his glitter everywhere and where there isn’t glitter, there’s flour from all his baking. Michael’s messy and loud and when he’s happy, he shines much too brightly. There’s no way Calum and Luke are going to like him. Luke’s a mermaid, cool salt air and effortless grace, and Calum’s a werewolf who owns a pet shop and gets to play with dogs all day. 
“There’s no need to be nervous Michael,” Ashton says, pulling Michael from the anxiety spiral that he’s going through on their walk.
“That’s easy for you to say. They’re your friends, they already like you.”
“They’re going to like you, Michael.”
“But what if they don’t? We’ll have to break up if your pack doesn’t like me.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I like you and that’s enough.”
“That’s such a load of shit. It’s your pack. You would be miserable if they didn’t like me.”
“Well, it’s a good thing they’re going to like you,” Ashton says, smiling as he presses a kiss to the back of Michael’s hand. Michael huffs, rolling his eyes, but blushing.
“Stop being reasonable,” he mumbles. Ashton laughs, face lighting up, dimple prominent on his cheek. Michael shoves his hand in his pocket, trying to stop himself for continuing to bite his nail. 
They make it to Ashton’s apartment without incident, opening the door to the smell of burning food and laughter. 
“Did you let Luke cook?” Ashton calls, laughing as he pulls Michael into the apartment. 
“I resent this line of questioning,” the tall blonde says, popping his head out of the kitchen to frown at Ashton. He’s terribly pretty, with curls and clear blue eyes, in the way only a mermaid can be, meaning he must be Luke. Michael would despair over his beauty if it wasn’t for the fact that Calum is clearly trying to fan the smoke of his failed cooking attempt away from the alarm. At least Michael can say he has one advantage over Luke.
“You have clearly set something on fire.”
“It could be Calum.”
“Please. Like Calum would attempt to cook,” Ashton says, rolling his eyes. Calum lets out a growl, Luke snickering under his breath.
“You left us in charge!”
“I left pasta to boil, sauce simmering, and I told you to heat up garlic bread. I left you the simplest instructions, which were to just watch them while I picked up Michael. How did you manage to start a fire?”
“Luke thought we should turn the oven heat up.”
“This is your fault for trusting us. You know better,” Luke says, pouting. Calum laughs again, coming over to press a kiss to Luke’s cheek in apology. Luke lights up immediately, turning to press a quick kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. Ashton coughs, pulling their attention back to him and eyes widening when they see Michael.
“Oh my god, hi! Hi! Sorry we’re, um...usually not like this,” Luke rushes out, trying to wipe his palms off on his pants, crossing the room, holding his hand out to Michael. Michael takes it tentatively, surprised when Luke pulls him into a hug. 
“Leave him alone Luke. Not everyone is as clingy as you,” Calum says, laughing as he comes up behind Luke, clapping Michael on the back, grinning. 
“Please. I was never as touchy till I met you wolves. Pack animals you are.”
“That’s a lie and you know it, cuddle bug,” Ashton teases. Michael feels something loosen in his chest, watching the way Luke dramatically huffs, the three of them clearly playing out an argument they’ve had before.
“Michael will agree with me. It was getting too dog in here anyway. Us non-wolves gotta stick together,” Luke says, winking at Michael, as he links arms with Michael. Michael blushes under Luke’s attention as he smiles, all dimples and laughing eyes.
“Hey! We’re wolves! You know this!”
“And you always call me fish, so!” Luke calls back, tugging Michael off towards the kitchen. He clips his hip on the doorway of the kitchen, blushing when he realizes Michael’s noticed. It eases some of the tension in Michael to know that even Luke’s as clumsy as he is. Luke turns to Michael, grinning once they’re in the kitchen, safe from any sharp edges or doorways. Michael finds himself at a loss for words, faced with the full force of Luke’s attention.
“Help me set up? We’ll let Ashton take care of the food before he starts smacking our hands. He can be such a “pack parent” sometimes,” Luke says, letting go of Michael to rummage around the kitchen, grab the plates and utensils. Michael takes the offered plates, letting Luke stack the forks and knives on top as he grabs glasses from the cabinets.
“You guys all seem pretty close.”
“Of course. Calum and I have been together for two years now. They practically adopted me into their pack within the second month of dating,” Luke says, leading them into the dining room area to set up the table. He can hear Ashton and Calum banging around in the kitchen, snarking at each other as they finish cooking.
“It’s never odd for you?”
“The closeness?” Luke asks, placing the glasses on the table and turning to Michael, taking the utensils from him.
“At first. I’m sure fairies are very similar to mermaids. We’re not very close outside of our immediate families and even then. I left my family pod when I was 18. Meeting Calum and seeing how close he and Ashton are, the idea of a pack and that family bond, was overwhelming at first. I almost broke up with Calum like four times in the first few months of dating because it was too much for me. All the expectations of a pack and the idea of what they wanted from me scared me. For so long, it was just the two of them. I was an added element that was unexpected.”
“What changed that?”
“We talked it out. Explained ourselves and realized that we liked each other enough to work past whatever awkwardness we were feeling. Open communication is the healthiest thing.”
“You should like my mum.”
“Well, she has good advice,” Luke says, leaning over to bop Michael on the nose. Michael scrunches his nose up, but smiles all the same in the face of Luke’s beaming smile. It’s hard to be unhappy in the face of Luke’s glow and shine. Luke keeps chatting with Michael, asking him about the weddings he’s working for, if brides are as annoying shopping for cakes as they are for dresses. It’s comfortable, easing Michael into a sense of security he’s not used to having around new people. It’s easy though, being around Luke, trading bridal stories with him until Ashton and Calum come into the dining room, carrying the pasta and what’s left of the garlic bread. They settle around the table, dishing out food. Calum asks about Moose, allowing Michael to launch into a story about the dog he’d adopted from their shop, getting to hear about Luke’s dog Petunia, who’s been sleeping in Calum’s and Luke’s room till they were sure about Michael meeting her, and the dog Calum’s semi-adopted from the store that he’s not allowed to bring home just yet. It feels like Michael’s always been here, just another part of their little pack, part of their family.
Eventually, they finish dinner and Ashton offers to walk Michael back to his apartment. Michael bids Luke and Calum good-bye, promising to make dinner a once a week occurrence for them. Ashton intertwines their fingers on the walk home, humming lightly under his breath along the way.
“So, what did you think?” Ashton asks, mock innocent.
“I liked them, but you already knew that.”
“I did.”
“Do you think they liked me?”
“Michael, they asked for this to become a regular thing. Luke asked if you could bring Moose by to meet Petunia. Calum wants you to bring dessert next time. I think they liked you.”
“Good. That’s good,” Michael says, nodding. Ashton laughs, stopping to pull Michael into a soft kiss. Michael returns the kiss happily, smiling into it. Ashton pulls back, resting their foreheads together.
“See? You had nothing to worry about. You’re practically pack already,” Ashton says. Michael smiles, trying to tamp down on the warmth he feels in his chest hearing the words. It’s too soon to be thinking about that, of being a permanent part of Ashton’s makeshift pack, of what it would be like to move in with Ashton, see them everyday, to be a part of a family. For now, Michael allows Ashton to hold his hand, walk him home, and to let himself think about the possibilities of things to come.
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lauras-collection · 5 years
More Than I Know [Epilogue]
Tom Holland x female reader
Words: 1.2k
Warnings:  fluff, fluff, fluff
A/N: Here’s the epilogue! I thought about writing about their wedding but then I thought it would be cute to show how they tell the reader’s family that they’re engaged :)
And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for reading this story! It’s been so much fun to read all your reaction and I hope you’ll be around for my new fics as well ❤️
I’m also going to post a few bonus chapters at some point so keep an eye out for those :)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
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You slipped out from under the covers, trying not to wake Tom. It was still quite early in the morning and it had been a long night. You picked the shirt that Tom had been wearing yesterday up from the floor and pulled it over your head before stepping into the bathroom. Yesterday had been quite a day. After spending the whole weekend moving yours and Tom’s stuff to the new house, with the help of both your families and movers, of course, you had enjoyed your first dinner in your new home. The house was significantly bigger than the flat you had shared before and you could see yourself starting a family and growing old in this place. Tom had cooked for you and because the dining table had still not arrived you had sat on one of the moving boxes, pasta plate in hand when Tom got down on one knee. Asking you to marry him. 
For the longest time marriage had always been something that you felt pressured into by your family. Even if they only did it because they wanted you to have your own happily ever after. You always thought that you’d someday get married because that’s just what happens, right? But since being with Tom, you’d found yourself thinking about marriage in a whole different light. You genuinely wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. And even though it was technically just a piece of paper, it meant so much more, and you wanted to take that step with him. 
You stared at the diamond ring on your finger. Surreal.
“Having second thoughts?” Tom mumbled wrapping his arms around you from behind, his warm hands moving under your shirt, touching your skin.
“Never.” You replied and Tom placed a kiss on your shoulder. You turned around in his arms, his hands slipping from your waist to your butt, his fingers running along the lace-trimmed edges of your panties.
“Are you excited to tell your family?” He questioned as he pulled you closer, placing a kiss on your lips.
“My mums gonna ball her eyes out, she’s gonna be so thrilled.” You smiled at the thought. “And I think dad’s gonna be excited, too!”
“Well, your Dad already knows.”
“He does?”
“I had to get his blessing before asking you.” He shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. And it made you feel all warm inside.
A few hours later you arrived at Kate and Daniel’s place. They were hosting a little family get together and you couldn’t wait to share the news. Kate opened the door with a warm smile on her face. 
“There you are! C’mon in guys. Mum and Dad are already here.” She motioned for you to enter the room and as soon as you did you heard quick footsteps approaching from the living room. Little Ella came rushing towards the two of you the biggest smile on her face.
“Uncle Tom!” the two-and-a-half-year-old exclaimed raising her arms up in the air. Tom quickly picked her up and placed her on his hip. 
“Hi Ella, how’re you doing?” he asked making the little girl giggle.
“Very good.” she started playing with the collar of Tom’s shirt. “Draw with me?” 
“I’d love to draw with you! Where’s your drawing stuff? In the living room?” with that he walked towards the living room with the toddler clutching onto him. 
Ella was born about nine months after the wedding, if that wasn’t a successful wedding night, and she had been fixated on Tom ever since. He was her favourite person besides her parents. You couldn’t really blame her though.
“She didn’t even acknowledge me.” You laughed and turned to Kate who was also grinning. “Promise me you’ll like me more than Tom.” You addressed Kate’s baby bump making her laugh. 
“Ella probably won’t let Tom near the baby in fear of losing his attention.” She said as you both entered the living room. “Your chances are good.” You nudged her with a roll of your eyes before greeting everyone. Daniel and your dad were deep in conversation and only looked up for a moment to say hello, immediately continuing their conversation. So you sat down on the couch next to your mum, you both watched as Tom drew with Ella.
“She adores him.” Your mum said and you nodded. Every time you watched Tom with Ella you wondered what it would be like to have a family of your own with Tom. He’d be such an amazing dad. You hadn’t really talked about having children, not seriously anyway. Shortly after Ella was born you had talked about it briefly. So you knew that he definitely wanted children. He had grown up with three brothers, so his dream was to have at least two kids, but he wouldn’t be opposed to more. “So...when can I expect some grandchildren from the two of you?” Your mum raised her eyebrows and you lightly slapped her thigh.
“I’m only joking. Kind of. No pressure, love.” She smiled softly and turned her gaze back to her granddaughter. You wrapped your arm around her in a side hug and placed a kiss on her cheek. Your mum absolutely adored being a grandma, it’s as if she’d been born for it. Kate had to have a word with her every once in a while so she wouldn’t spoil her too much.
You walked into the kitchen to help your sister with dinner and half an hour later the whole family was gathered around the dining table. You leaned closer to Tom so you could whisper into his ear.
“Should we do it now, or wait until after dinner?” Tom shrugged his shoulders. 
“However you wanna do it, darling.” He kissed your cheek with a smile and you nodded. Might as well get it over with. You cleared your throat and contemplated on knocking your fork against your glass but that seemed a little much. Tom reached for your hand under the table. 
“So...Tom and I have a little announcement.” You said and everyone turned to look at you with wide eyes. 
“We’re getting married.” You said and raised your hand to show off your ring at the same time as Tom said: “She said yes.” And for a moment you could’ve heard a needle drop before everyone started talking at the same time. As predicted your mum was teary-eyed, so was your sister. Ella didn’t really understand what was going on and Daniel pat Tom’s shoulder while your dad smiled gently. The food was now forgotten as everyone congratulated the two of you and your mum already started questioning you about what you wanted the wedding to be like. When everyone had calmed down a bit you told them how Tom had proposed the night before. Everyone was so happy for you. And you felt like you were the luckiest girl in the world, surrounded by the people you loved. You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with Tom. 
Who would’ve thought you’d be getting married to your fake boyfriend?
@jackiehollanderr // @alicethestral // @snowxbarryxendgame // @van-horn-dashner // @sltwins // @yeahimcrying // @ohhhotstan // @heathera101x // @xxnomercy // @bbyxk // @infamousmany // @zabdisamor // @starsholland // @kthemarsian // @jillanaholland // @lamesister // @madon566 // @prettylittlevampire1864 // @llamazarecoolaf // @ultrunning // @rachaeldonnaspiteri1 // @ilmondodiennie // @poorlittlesuperstar // @averyfosterthoughts // @crazyfreaker // @tbh–idk29 // @oh-mymendes // @stxfxniexreads // @fwess // @parkeroffline // @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven// @iwastornsincethestart // @claredolphinbear24 // @simnons​ 
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guesswhofern · 4 years
The Surprise Party
911 Lone Star Week, Day 7: Anything Goes
Summary: After a succesful proposal, there's one more surprise in store for TK. AO3
One day late, but here it is - Day 7. This is a continuation to my Day 6 fic. As always you’re the best @qveentasha. @starsignoutofwhack you asked, I delivered, I hope you like it! 
“My love, you’re finally here,” Carlos mother, Sofia, says to TK as he steps through the threshold of her house. Ludwig runs a few rounds around Carlos’ mother before racing towards the living room and probably into the garden. The glass door is open,the sun is out, and TK can hear his dog barking, most likely at birds.
She’s wearing a white apron over her red blouse (a present from TK and Carlos last Christmas) most likely because she still baking some sort of dessert.
“I’ve missed seeing your beautiful face,” she tells him during their hug.
“Mum, what about me?” They hear Carlos say, jokingly heartbroken about the fact that his mother’s fawning all over TK and ignoring him. He can’t be angry at her, though. Who could resist TK? He certainly can’t, especially if he turns on his puppy eyes when asking for dinner or special favors in their bedroom.
“I missed you, too, Sofia. We planned to visit your daughter and granddaughter today, but apparently Carlos decided to take a little detour today,” he tells her, breaking the hug.
Before Carlos or his mother answer, Carlos’ sister Emilia joins them with her newborn daughter in the hallway. “It definitely saved you a lot of gas, Titi. No one would have been home.”
His soon-to-be sister-in-law started calling him Titi after her oldest kid mispronounced TK when they first started talking and it stuck.
“Hi! What you doing here? And hello to you, too, baby girl. You look so cute in this tiny dress,” TK coos to the baby, switching her from Emilia’s arms into his.
“You know me, can’t say no to my mum’s cooking.”
Moving towards his fiancé, Carlos wraps one arm around his shoulders and smiles at his sister. “You won’t get her back until we leave, that’s for sure.”
TK looks up at him from where he’s holding his niece safely near his chest. “Speaking of not getting her back - we have a present in the car for you to take home later and, in addition to that, we also offer you an unlimitless voucher of us babysitting when you want to go out,” he tells her.
Carlos’ sister smiles. “Thanks boys. I appreciate this very generous gift, otherwise I know you would never babysit the kids. So glad you thought of that,” she teases them.
They all chuckle. “You’re welcome.” Carlos presses a kiss against TK’s forehead, before whispering into his ear. “Look at mum, she’s very discreetly looking at your hand. Maybe we shouldn’t keep them waiting any longer. She’s too polite to just ask.”
TK smiles and looks at his future mother-in-law. “Do you maybe want to move this into the living room? Do you still have to work in the kitchen? Carlos and I may have something to tell you.”
“I’m done,” Sophia says, turning around to go back into the kitchen to put the apron away, but not before secretly smiling at Carlos who returns her grin happily.
Carlos takes the lead and goes to the living room, smiling at all the people standing in the garden, waiting for their moment to surprise TK (who doesn’t know that this is a surprise proposal party). He still thinks only his dad Owen knows about their engagement, but he's in for a surprise.
His boyfriend is about to sit down on the couch when he looks up from his pretend chat with Emilia’s daughter and looks toward the glass doors.
His mouth opens wide. “What-?”
The glass door opens and Judd is the first one to enter the living room. He hears a joint Surprise from everyone in the garden and begins to smile.
Everyone who is important to him is there. Carlos’ family, including his (if he had a favorite) favorite cousin, Eddie and his son Christopher. His dad is also there, with Zoe and Buttercup, who’s running around with Ludwig. His whole firefighter family - Marjan, Mateo, Paul, Michelle and Judd with Grace.
“Carlos?” TK asks, confused.
Emilia has taken her daughter out of his hands again so he can greet everyone. “Carlos, do these people know why they’re here?”
TK smiles sheepishly and nods. “Yes, they do. I didn’t know Eddie was in Texas, though, so that’s a surprise for me too. And to be upfront with you, I did ask Judd, too. Not just your dad.”
TK turns around after hugging the last person hello and returns to his side. “Thank you,” he tells him and presses a kiss to his lips. “It’s a little overwhelming, but this is great,” he adds and hugs him before stepping back to stand next to him, one arm still around him.
He smiles up at Carlos before looking to all of their friends and family.
“As I was informed, you all know the reason Carlos made you come here,” they hear chuckles from everyone, “Carlos asked me to marry him and as you can see from the ring on my finger, I said yes.”
Everyone claps and hollers with smiles on their faces. Carlos squeezes his waist and looks at TK like he’s the happiest man on earth. The feeling is mutual.
“Food’s ready whenever you are,” Sophia, Carlos’ mother, tells everyone. “Cutlery and plates are in the kitchen and you can eat wherever there’s space.
Everyone says thank you and begins to move into the kitchen, but Eddie stays behind. Carlos didn’t see that Buck tagged along at first, but he said hello before joining Christopher on his way to the kitchen, after squeezing his hand shortly.
“It’s so good to see you both,” Eddie tells them, “you should come back to LA soon, Chris can now skateboard with the help of some special equipment Buck found and he wants to show you. And I bet he misses Ludwig as well,” he adds, chuckling.
TK and Carlos chuckle, promising that they’ll come back soon. “Enough about us,” TK tells Eddie and begins to tease him. “You and Buck finally got your heads out of your asses?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but blushes. “It’s a long story containing two near-death experiences, but yeah. You could say that.”
Both look shocked, but quickly recover. “We’re happy for you. You deserve happiness and I’m sure Chris is loving it.”
Eddie shakes his head and chuckles. “You can’t imagine how much. Buck has been spending most nights at ours and Chris is taking advantage of it.”
“I want to hear more about it later, but let’s eat now.”
TK and Carlos stay at his mom’s until it gets dark and almost everyone has left. He spent time with everyone and they all had a great time. Sophia’s food was as amazing as always, and thanks to the best future mother-in-law they even got to take something home with them.
Mateo even found some fun engagement games on the internet and they embarrassed themselves a lot, but wouldn't want to change any of it.
They’ve been home for a while now, enjoying the quiet after a long day surrounded by so many people.
“Today was good, wasn’t it?”
TK hums in agreement and snuggles further into his chest on the couch. “Today was perfect, thank you for the surprise.”
“My family was so excited when I told them my plans, they decided they wanted to have this little surprise party.”
“Imagine their excitement when we get married,” TK tells him, laughing.
Carlos sighs. “Our phones won’t stop ringing. Maybe we should just elope.”
“Mmh, I could get behind that, but they would kill us. And more important, I want to have a wedding with all our most important people present.”
“Agreed, I can’t wait until I get to marry you,” Carlos kisses him softly after saying it.
“I love you.”
“I love you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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