#sebastian stan headcanon
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pepperonijem · 5 months ago
x. you are in every line || all my love finale
You have been in every line I have ever read..." - Great Expectations; Charles Dickens
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader Summary: Bucky has finally come to the answer to a problem he's been working on for months. It's love. Warnings:  none, some angst tho Word Count:  4.8k A/N: one year later... thanks for reading :) @calwitch thank you again for giving me the spark to upload the last chapter. Hope you enjoy!
previous chapter || back to library
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Snow was falling gently on the streets, and people were hurrying home, their arms filled with wrapped boxes and paper parcels from toy stores, candy shops, and bakeries. It was Christmas Eve, and there was something whimsical in the air.
“Did we get everything?” You looked up at the boy next to you, his rosy cheeks hidden underneath a checkered scarf. He let out a breath that was visible in the chilly weather. 
“Yeah, I think so,” he confirmed, looking down at the many bags the two of you were holding. “We got cake, last minute gifts, gift wrap… that’s everything.” He smiled down at you as the two of you headed to the car, Bucky trying his best not to lose you in the swathes of people on the sidewalks. 
“Bucky, wait,” he heard his name from behind him and nearly panicked when he didn’t see you immediately behind him. He felt his heart settle back in place momentarily when he found you standing by the cafe window and sped back up when he realized he had been just looking at you with a dopey smile on his face. He shook it off and walked up to you, intrigued by the tired smile on your face. “Let’s grab something warm to drink,” you suggested, and who was Bucky to deny you?
He looked down at his watch, noting that there was still time to spare before the two of you were needed back at home. So he opened the door for you and followed behind you, welcoming the warmth and comforting smell of pastries and peppermint. When Bucky caught up to you, you were already waiting for him at the cash register, where the cashier was smiling at you. 
“Good evening!” The cashier greeted the two of you warmly. “Did you guys want your regular earl grey tea and coffee?” Bucky looked at you with a raised eyebrow as you shook your head no.
“I’ll have a hot chocolate tonight,” you replied with a sheepish smile. The cashier nodded in agreement before putting the order in, then turned to Bucky for his order.
“I’ll have my usual,” he replied before handing over his card as the cashier waved it away. 
“Don’t worry about it today,” she replied with a smile as she handed him the receipt. “Consider it a Christmas gift for two of my regulars.” You and Bucky thanked her as you made your way to one of the few empty tables by the window, taking note of the streets that were beginning to finally clear out.
Bucky looked up as you let out a heavy sigh as you sat down at the table and set your bags on the floor.
“Tired?” Bucky asked, although he had an inkling it was more than just that. 
His first clue came about a week ago – that night you came back from spending the day with Steve. He had planned to tease you about it, calling it a date, but when you answered passively and headed straight to your room without dinner, Bucky felt something shift .
Later that night, he found that he was unable to fall asleep. He couldn’t get you out of his mind. He had never seen you look so… lost, and he could feel his heart sink every time he pictured your face. So with a sigh, he stood up to go to the kitchen, to grab himself a warm mug of chamomile tea, his go-to cure for sleepless nights. He was shocked to find you, already sitting at the counter with your own mug and the same weary expression from earlier. 
“Can’t sleep either?” you asked him with a small ghost of a smile. Bucky chuckled as he shook his head. He walked over to the tea kettle, pouring himself his own mug of tea before taking the seat beside you. Without a word, you offered your mug out to clink against his as you took a sip. 
Bucky wanted to ask about earlier that day, the lost look on your face, but when you turned to face him and he saw the puffy redness that surrounded your glassy eyes, he decided against it. A question would turn into a conversation, which would turn into a sleepless night, and Bucky prioritized your wellbeing over his own curiosity. There would be more times to talk, but for now, all Bucky wanted was for you to rest. 
The sound of the waiter bringing over your drinks to the table snapped him back to the present. “Hot chocolate, with a little extra whipped cream,” he said before setting your mug down. “And a coffee with two pumps of brown sugar syrup. Have a happy holiday,” the waiter greeted before he left.
As soon as the waiter’s back was turned, Bucky watched as the smile slipped from your face. “How did you know?” you asked with a sigh, taking a small sip of your cocoa. “I don’t think I even realized how tired I’ve been.”
“Call it a hunch,” he replied, not wanting to explain all of the signs he had seen. “Also, you ordered a hot chocolate, which you only do when you’re upset.”
“I do?” you echoed. Bucky felt his cheeks and ears turn scarlet and brought his mug to his face as an attempt to hide it. When did he become so fluent in you? 
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed. “After you finished reading Grapes of Wrath, I found you in the kitchen at 3 in the morning drinking cocoa and scribbling in your journal about how you hated the ending.”
You chuckled at the memory, and it made Bucky smile to see you laugh, even if only for a second. “So what’s up?”
“Steve’s going to France,” you answered, looking down into your mug and biting down onto your bottom lip. You paused before continuing, and Bucky watched your nostrils flare as you tried to blink back the tears that were starting to form. “He told me he loved me, that he always has.”
Bucky couldn’t hide his surprise at your confession or the way that he felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach. He had no idea what to say to you, honestly, but his mind was running a million thoughts a minute. What am I going to do if I ask her what she said to him and she says she’ll run away to France with him? What if she realized she actually hates my guts because I’m a meanie. A meanie? Only she would call me that. Wait, why should I care if she likes Steve, it’s not like she probably still likes me anyway.   
But when he looked down to see you fidgeting with your hands and your sleeves, he realized that what he wanted most was to reach out and keep your hands safe in his. So he did. He reached out, pulling each of your hands into his and hoping you couldn’t feel the way his heartbeat was pulsing through his fingertips.
You finally looked up at him with a trembling smile. “Sorry,” you apologized. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” Before Bucky could tell you that you never had to apologize to him, or that he would yell at Steve for making you cry, or anything at all, you took a deep breath and slipped your hands out of his. He missed the contact immediately.
You wiped at your eyes, clearly done talking about the conversation, and although Bucky still felt uneasy, he waited quietly with one hand still on top of the table for you to continue. “Anyway,” you began with a cheerier smile that still didn’t meet your eyes. “I have your Christmas gift. I was gonna give it to you tonight, but honestly, I’m too excited to wait any longer.” 
Although he was still sure there was more to be said, he couldn’t deny that he was excited, especially after seeing your excitement. He watched as you reached into one of the bags beside you to pull out a package wrapped in brown paper with a red and white ribbon tied around it. He looked at the package with a smile as you handed it to him and pulled out your phone to record his reaction.
To: the world’s second best roomie.
From: the world’s first best roomie. 
“Glad you don’t think I’m a terrible roommate,” Bucky said with a chuckle, smiling up at you. “Should I just…?”
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes as you egged him on. “Just open it already.”
Bucky obliged and gently opened the present, unable to contain his excitement at the first peek of gold under the wrapping paper. “Is this–” he was shocked as he pulled out the book inside. “This is the peacock edition… of Pride and Prejudice,” his eyes went wide as he held the book in his hands. He looked back up at the camera and stuttered out, “How did you even find this? It’s so rare!”
Bucky’s heart was doing somersaults in his chest as he ran his fingers over the gold embellishments on the cover and spine.
“Open it,” you urged as Bucky flipped the cover open gently, treating the book with care.
Merry Christmas!
I know you already have a copy of this book… but this one was so pretty I just knew I had to get it for you anyway. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of getting a head start on scribbling in this book. I’ve underlined just a few of my favorite quotes, and I look forward to hearing about yours. I’ll give you a sneak peek though, because I’m so nice:
“I am the happiest creature in the world. Perhaps other people have said so before, but not one with such justice.” 
These last few months, I feel like I can truly say that I have been happy. And you’ve played a big part in that… so… thanks, for everything.
Happy reading,
The girl next door
Bucky looked back up to see you looking at him expectantly for his reaction. He remembered what you had told him before, about getting someone the right gift – the kind of gift that every time you saw it you can’t help but think of the person who gave it to you. He got it now, why you cared so much, because he would never be able to read this book again without seeing the smile you had on your face right now and he wanted to do the same for you. He wanted to be etched in between the lines of every book you read, just as you were to him.
“I…” He began. “I don’t know what to say.” He watched as your face quickly slipped into a panic and he rushed to clarify himself. “This is… this is the best gift I could have gotten. Thank you.” The comfort that rushed into your features was enough to satisfy Bucky as he took another sip of his coffee. He would definitely be up reading tonight, looking forward to seeing what you wrote on each page.
After downing the rest of your drinks, the two of you made your way back home through the dimly lit and snow-covered streets. Christmas music filled the car, and all Bucky could think about was the gift he had for you waiting on his bedside table.
The Barnes household was more lively than usual tonight. Your dad was here for the holiday and he had been cooking up a feast all day in preparation for Christmas Eve dinner. Typically, Christmas was usually just Bucky and his dad, a pizza, and Home Alone. However, when you explained to him your family’s tradition of waiting until midnight to finally eat dinner and opening up presents right after, he was surprised to say he was excited to adopt your tradition in place of his this year. 
As the two of you walked in, you were immediately greeted by the smell of roasted turkey and desserts baking in the oven and your stomachs both immediately grumbled in response. 
“You guys are home?” Bucky’s dad called from the kitchen, where he was helping your father out. Bucky confirmed as he removed his shoes and walked over to grab a cracker from the plate of cheese and crackers they were arranging. His dad slapped his hand away playfully. 
“Go get washed up and dressed first,” your dad told the both of you. “There should be a set of pajamas on each of your beds.”
You looked up at Bucky with amusement as the two of you walked up the stairs. “They got us all matching pajamas?”
“Yeah,” Bucky replied. “That’s one of me and my dad’s things.” He shrugged his shoulders as the two of you parted ways into your bedrooms.
Before Bucky changed into his pajamas, he sat down at his bed and once again looked at your gift to him, a smile immediately coming to his face. He picked up his old copy of the book as well, and pulled out the pink envelope that had been sitting unopened in between the pages of his book. He took a deep breath and opened it.
I’m… I’m honestly not sure if you even know who I am. We met once, and I don’t know if you remember… but I do. Freshman year, you stole a book from me at the library… and you also… stole my heart.
Bucky paused to laugh. The you that he knows now would probably bite her own tongue in half before saying these words out loud. 
I’ve been waiting for years to say this, so I’ll just say it. I like you. I like you a lot. You’re the smartest guy in our year, and you’re cute, and you have good taste in books. People say you’re cold… and that this would probably be the worst idea… but I feel like it’s not. 
To be honest, a few months ago… he would have agreed. That he was cold, and that getting a love letter was one his top 5 list of things he did not want. He remembers that day, that his friends all scolded him for not even taking the letter… It wasn't until he saw it in your room the night you sprained your ankle that he finally felt the urge to even take it, and not until today that he felt the need to read it. He wondered if you even noticed it was gone.
Speaking of books… has anyone told you you remind them of Mr. Darcy? Well if not, let me be the first. Well… that’s really all I wanted to say. I’m not expecting an answer or anything… I just wanted you to know. I don’t think I could live with myself if I didn’t tell you how I was feeling. Words unspoken now will be silence that I’ll regret later on.
Love, Sincerely,
An admirer.
Bucky folded the letter back up and put it back into its envelope. It had only been a few months since you wrote this letter to him and he wondered if you still felt the same way. Part of him wished you did, but the other part remembered that he’s not the only one who wished the same.
If anyone had told him that day that he would be harboring feelings for you, he would have scoffed in their face. Bucky wouldn’t say he fell in love with you, but rather, he walked into it. Like a morning stroll under falling leaves, he doesn’t know how long he’s been walking because all he could care to do was admire the colors of each leaf. But now, it’s as if he’s finally looking up to see you at the end of the road… with someone else calling your name beside him.
With a sigh, he set the envelope back on top of his nightstand, beside his gift to you. One day, he thought to himself as he got dressed..
As he stepped out of his room, he could hear the unmistakable sound of tears from your room. Feeling his heart rate pick up, he was ready to open the door to check on you until he heard your father’s voice. 
“Well,” he asked with a gentle voice. “Are you ready to let him go to hold onto someone else?” 
Bucky knew he should have walked away right then, that was the smart thing to do… the logical thing to do. But something about you made him abandon logic every time. So instead he remained in front of the door, firmly planted until he finally heard your reply after what felt like the longest few seconds of his life.
Despite his determination to remain firmly planted, he suddenly found himself stumbling down the stairs. Let who go? He thought to himself. Is she… going with him? Why is this affecting me so much? It’s her life. She can do whatever she wants. Bucky knew that he didn’t have the right to be upset if her heart had moved on since he was the one who broke it months ago. It didn’t stop him, however, from breaking his own heart.
For the rest of that night and the week after, he tried his best to act as if he hadn’t heard her talk to her father that night. And it was working, mostly. He found it generally easy, to laugh the same way at all your jokes, to tease you about this or that, but the hard part came at night, when he was alone with his thoughts. 
On New Year’s day, he found himself in his bed, staring at his ceiling and chastising himself for feeling the way he did. He let out a sigh and reached over to pull out the gift he didn’t give to you – his own personal copy of Great Expectations. 
He remembers the time you argued with him about the book, saying that you had read it for school and hated it. He argued that you just needed to give it a chance, that it wouldn’t be one of his favorite books if it was bad. You had rolled your eyes at him, relenting ever so slightly, and he had never felt so victorious as he did right then as he promised to get you a copy.
Bucky didn’t waste any time after that day. He bought a fresh copy of the book and was ready to give it to you until he thought to himself, maybe if I wrote down what I liked about the book, it’ll convince her to like it as she reads it. He held off on giving the book to you, opting instead to take notes throughout the book, highlight what was relevant and write down why it was. Before he knew it, his notes had went from mere observations to:
“She had curiously thoughtful and attentive eyes; eyes that were very pretty and very good.” - Just like yours. 
As his own feelings for you evolved, so did the way he understood the stories he was reading. The story of Pip and Estella were no longer distant characters of a long ago time, but instead he saw pieces of you and him in the story. His notes became letters to you and everything he wished he could say was found in the margins of this book.
Tonight, he opened the book to the very back cover and pulled out his pen. He wrote out the quote that has been weighing heavily on his heart in the last week.
“You are in every line I have ever read.” – And in every line I will ever read. You are the hidden meanings in poetry, the secret love letters between the lines, and if ever you aren’t with me… I take comfort in knowing I’ll always find you here. 
He set the book back down and let out a heavy sigh. Why would I be writing this if I’m not even going to give it to her? Is it just going to stay here forever? He looked back over to where his book had sat for the last week and noticed the pink envelope that was on top of it had fallen to the floor. He picked it up and it was as if a light switch had flipped in his brain. 
If you can do it… so can I. He thought to himself as he stared at the words you wrote him. “Words unsaid now will be silence I’ll regret later on,” he read aloud. He jumped off of his bed and ran out of his room, ready to tell you everything but absolutely no idea how, deciding he would just say whatever came to mind in the moment. He had become a sudden master of not thinking.
He ran to your bedroom, knocking frantically at your door with the book secured in his other hand. He didn’t care if he sounded crazy, pounding at your door at 11 at night, he just needed to see you. He didn’t realize how long he had been knocking until his father stepped out of his room, rubbing his eyes as if he was woken up.
“Buck?” he asked groggily. “Why are you knocking so hard?” Bucky looked flustered as he could feel his own heart race in the palms of his hands. 
“I…” he trailed off, not knowing how to answer. “I need to see her.” Bucky’s dad raised an eyebrow at the seriousness in the tone of his voice.
“Oh?” he asked. He was amused, but didn’t show it. “What for?” 
“I have something to tell her,” he breathed out. His dad nodded in silence, contemplating his words.
“Well unfortunately you won’t find her here,” he said and Bucky felt himself slip into a panic. “She said she was going to be out late tonight, I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.”
“Did she say where she was going?” Bucky asked, trying to sound as calm and collected as possible. His dad shook his head no.
“She didn’t say,” he admitted. “But if you plan on going after her, bring an umbrella.”
Bucky nodded and ran downstairs, stopping only to put on his shoes and to grab a coat and an umbrella as his father suggested. He was still in his pajamas and the only umbrella left was an obscenely bright yellow one, but he didn’t have time to care about that. Upon entering his car, he pulled out his phone to make a call. He tapped against the wheel impatiently, waiting for you to answer. After a few more calls were sent to your voicemail, he decided to call Wanda, who thankfully answered after the first ring.
“Bucky?” she asked in concern.
“Do you know where she went?” He didn’t even bother with pleasantries, he was desperate.
“I think she’s at the airport… why?” Wanda asked.
“I have to tell her,” Bucky confessed. “Thank you.” was all he said before he hung up and began driving.
For the entire drive to the airport, Bucky found himself completely consumed with what he would say to you. Whether you rejected him and went to France with Steve, or laughed in his face, he didn’t really care. All he cared about was that you knew that he would let you go like that, let you leave him forever, as long as you knew he’d love you all the same.
He parked at a random spot in the parking garage and got out of the car, checking to make sure he had the book safely tucked into his coat, away from the rain that had suddenly begun to pour down. He did realize however, that he had absolutely no idea what area you were in. When he pulled out his phone to call Wanda again, however, Bucky saw that she had already sent the number of the terminal area, with a “good luck! :)” message attached. As luck would have it, he was exactly where he needed to be. 
Bucky, ready to head inside and run to the boarding gate somehow to find you, shut his umbrella closed. However, before he could even make it under the awning, he spotted a familiar face. After a week of feeling so distant from you, he finally felt like he could see you once again. He let out a heavy sigh, feeling relieved and feeling his heart tug him towards you. By now the rain was coming down heavily and the sound of the raindrops pounded in his ears. Or was that his heart beating? He walked to you slowly, leaving a little bit of distance as you finally noticed him. He was wearing silly Christmas pajamas with a heavy coat and a bright yellow umbrella, and he knew everyone was staring as they walked by, but all he could see was you.
“Bucky?” you were surprised to see him. “What are you doing here?”
Every bone in his body wanted him to just shout it out, “I’m in love with you.” But when he finally got a good look at your face, he decided to keep it in for just a little bit longer. You didn’t look nearly as tired as you did that night at the coffee shop, but he could still see the faint traces of sadness that had yet to disappear.
He smiled softly at you. “Let’s go home.” He waited for you to be securely under the umbrella before he began walking. His mind was racing until this point, but now with you beside him, he felt his thoughts begin to quiet down. The walk back to the car was still quiet, both of you wrestling with your own thoughts to the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement.
It wasn’t until you were both securely in the car that Bucky finally spoke. “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” You looked up at him as he felt his heart flutter at the sight. You nodded quietly, and the two of you fell back into a peaceful silence.
In just a few minutes, the rain had begun to slow down and Bucky parked his car at a local park right by a lake, still lit up with small warm yellow lights lighting a path. “Let’s take a walk,” he suggested before exiting the car and coming to open your side of the door with the umbrella open, inviting you to stand underneath it with him.
After a few minutes, Bucky once again broke the silence. “Were you with Steve?” he asked directly. Although he knew the answer, he was curious. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, both of you still looking straight ahead. “He left for France today.”  Bucky hummed in thought. He thought of what to say next, choosing his words carefully before continuing. 
“How are you feeling?” Bucky was unsure of what you would say, all the possible ways you could reject him all piling on top of each other until you finally spoke.
“Relieved,” you admitted with a small smile. “I thought it would be harder to let him go, but when I saw how happy he was to talk about France, I just felt relief.” 
Bucky took time to process your words. Let him go? So that means… as the pieces began to fall together in his mind, he felt his feet stop moving as things finally clicked.
You turned back around to check on Bucky who was staring ahead with an unreadable expression on his face, as if he just had an epiphany.
“Bucky?” you called out to him.
When he finally looked at you, he felt a rush of everything he’s been feeling for so long. He walked up to you, and breathed out three words. “I love you.”
“You–” you began, in shock.
“I love you,” he repeated in a firmer voice, unable to hide the smile that came to his face. “I love you, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to finally get to the right answer, but I think I knew for a while and I just… I love you.” Bucky knew he had said it four times to you in the last thirty seconds, but he just couldn’t help himself. Now that it was out in the open, the words came to him like oxygen.
“You do?” you asked quietly, still staring at him. “Like for real?” Bucky let out a chuckle as he listened.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Like for real.” He stepped closer to you, tentatively reaching for your hand and smiling when you wound your fingers through his.
“Finally,” you smiled at him playfully, pulling him to you ever so slightly.
“Finally.” He agreed, coming to rest his head on yours. “Can I kiss you?”
Instead of answering, you just pulled him in. He could feel you smiling against him, and he was sure you could feel the same.
As books go, Bucky had always believed there were only two constants: tragedy and endings. He believed every story had both of these, some books had more of one than the other. However, here, in this moment with you, he realized that in reality, there was much more to be found in a story. Here with you, there was only happiness and this was just the beginning.
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taglist: @charmedbysarge @girl-in-the-chairs-void @eat-limes-bitches @morgthemagpie @romanoffjohansson @yeehawbiatch @cjand10 @kittybeansbarnes @antisocialwritingx @geeklife314 @sjsmith56 @mxlsmith @fangirlvoice @yellowcupcakes
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marie-hoe · 2 years ago
Real Person Fiction Masterlist
My past writing for real people. I don't write Real People fics anymore
Chris Evans
Don’t laugh at me| HC
Need More Time| HC
Say it again| pt2.| <1k
Garden Boy| HC
Eating Out| HC
Besties Already| HC
Down Low| HC
Meeting Chris| HC
Dating a Southerner| HC
Dating a Brit| HC
Dating a French| HC
Dating a Norwegian| HC
Dating a Latina| HC
Dating an Italian| HC
Dating a Muslim| HC
Dating an Indian| HC
Dating a Tall Girl| HC
Just Say It| >1k| Actress!Reader
Not a Problem| >1k| Younger!Reader
Ruin the Surprise| HC
Tease| >2k
Wet and Naked| <1k
Sebastian Stan
Leave your Shoes Here| HC
Settle in pt2.| HC
Fighting| HC feat. Chris Evans
Overreacting or Over Acting| HC
“Bucky” in bed| HC
Don’t Care| HC
Out of Reach| <1k
Vancouver| <1k
Teaching| >1k (pt1. here)
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espinosaurusrexex · 3 months ago
Bucky who starts a purely platonic physical touch giving friendship with reader… until it turns into more
・゚✫* 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡  。✭・゚
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It starts off so innocently. Bucky just sat really close to you one day and noticed how the touch of your shoulder on his made him tingly all over.
The same happened when your hand brushed his, or you passed close by, and he caught a whiff of your hair - something that reminds him of the feeling he now seeks out when you’re around.
It’s no secret that either of you have been single a long time with basically no prospects for a future relationship, so no one questions when you and him suddenly hang out more.
He invites you over when you ask him if he was okay, and he realized that his day was in fact crappy and that if you offered to talk to him, he’d tell you all about it.
And when you sit on the sofa listening to Bucky talk, your hand instinctively found his and before Bucky knew it, his head was pressed into your shoulder, your nails raking over his scalp releasing a feeling within him, he can only describe as heavenly.
He loves it when you comfort him, and he loves comforting you, somehow knowing that you need this part of your friendship just as much as he does.
So it becomes a regular thing: when the rest of the team returns home to their spouses after a tiring mission, you and Bucky retreat to either one of your apartments under the pretense of not wanting to be alone.
Of course, neither of you planned for it to become so touchy and intimate... no, that would be insane, right?
It’s a normal afternoon for the two of you, hanging out at your place, a movie playing on TV, Bucky’s head buried in your chest as he lays half on top of you and you with your back against the sofa. Your hand rakes over his hair as his are halfway tugged beneath your body, seeking all the warmth he can get.
The physical touch aspect of your relationship has somehow crossed the lines between friends, but neither of you care. It feels too good to be held and protected to stop.
Bucky hasn't felt the caring touch of a partner in decades and you... well, let's just say that all men before Bucky didn't feel the need to express their love through aftercare - not that Bucky is in any way shape or form about to give said aftercare... no, you are just friends. Just. Friends.
Friends who frequently hide their hands in the other's jacket when the cold catches up to them.
Friends who bury their faces in each other's chest and lap like it is the most normal thing a person can do to another.
Friends who somehow always wonder if the other feels that spark ignite whenever they hold each other close.
Bucky feels the sensation when he's practically caging you beneath his upper body of the sofa. He lifts his head as he usually does to see if maybe this time he could magically hear your thoughts.
"What's up?"
He shakes his head. "I just really enjoy this." he mumbles and blushes, and your hand suddenly stops its path along his scalp.
"Me too." you smile and look into his eyes.
normally he'd put his head back, and you'd resume watching the movie, but something is different today.
maybe it's the way his hair looks perfectly tousled by your constant motions, or maybe it's the way he slowly blinks at you like a very comfortable pet.
but you finally find the courage to kiss him.
Follow my library blog for fic updates! @espinosaurusrexex-library
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navybrat817 · 10 months ago
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky put a mouthy rookie in his place. Word Count: Over 800 Warnings: Established relationship, mention of injury, misogyny, punching, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes defending you (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I'm dedicating this to @whisperlullaby , who got to read this in advance, because she deserves this man (along with the rest of you). ❤️Written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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A small part of Bucky felt bad as he idly wiped his hand with a towel. A very small part.
He didn’t want people to fear him because of his past and he refused to let it define him. That meant that he tried his best to avoid violent tactics unless absolutely necessary.
But today, well, fuck that. The fucker had it coming.
Steve stood in front of him, his blue eyes narrowed as he waited for his best friend to acknowledge him.
Oh, Bucky expected some sort of reprimand, but he was sure Steve would change his tune in a minute or so.
“You gonna ask me what happened, punk, or glare at me until I talk?” He asked, tossing the towel away.
The blonde huffed out a laugh, but he didn’t look amused. “Why did you break that rookie’s jaw?”
Bucky tilted his head. “What’s the phrase? He fucked around and found out.”
You would’ve been proud of him for that reference.
Steve shook his head when Sam burst out laughing a few feet away. “Sam, please,” he begged, though his mouth twitched like he was trying not to smile. “What did the guy do?”
A bitter taste flooded Bucky’s mouth as anger coursed through his veins again. He inhaled as he thought of your sweet smile and soft touch before he exhaled, the storm inside of him calming.
“Buck, you gotta tell us something,” Steve urged, needing some sort of information to try and do some damage control.
The brunette straightened up to look his friend in the eyes, wanting him to see the fury beneath the cold mask. “He told my girl to throw an apron on and get back in the kitchen when she went to spar.”
You, one of the most capable agents Bucky had ever known.
You, who had shown nothing but kindness to everyone, even when they didn’t deserve it.
The person Bucky was lucky enough to call his other half. His better half.
And some asshole rookie had the gall to treat you as if you didn’t belong there with the rest of them.
Sam was no longer laughing. Steve’s jaw clenched in understanding.
Bucky swallowed, that fury threatening to surface again as he remembered the hurt that filled your eyes at the comment. “You know I’d support anything she wants to do, whether that’s working or staying at home. It doesn’t give some prick the right to make her feel bad for her decision.”
“You know I don’t like bullies, but breaking his jaw?” Steve questioned. The guy deserved it, but did the punishment actually fit the crime?
“When she walked away, he said to come back when she was ready to see what a real man could do for her,” he said, the words coming out like a snarl.
The way you tensed up, fear and disgust flickering on your face, he didn’t think. A switch inside of him went off and he swung.
The fucker was lucky that all he got was a broken jaw. He could’ve done so much worse.
And it wasn’t that you couldn’t defend yourself because you could, but you shouldn’t have to put up with garbage like that.
A cracking sound echoed in the room before he realized he crushed the armrest of his seat. “Fuck. I’ll pay for that,” he mumbled, kicking a bit of the broken piece with his boot. “Can you just tell me how much trouble I’m in so I can get back to my girl?”
He didn’t care if he they suspended or even fired him as long as he got back to you.
The room stayed silent before Sam mused, “Technically, what the rookie did counts as harassment.”
Steve nodded. “And I’m sure Nat can persuade him not to sue for the injury he received,” he added, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We’ll take care of it, Buck. Just. No more breaking jaws, okay?”
“When it comes to my girl, I make no promises,” Bucky smiled, his heart racing at the thought of you. “And maybe he’ll think twice before he opens his mouth again.”
“The damage you did, I don’t think he can open his mouth at all,” Sam mumbled.
Bucky’s phone went off before he could comment, his heart swelling as he read your text. He had to bite back a groan, too.
“Thank you again, Jawbreaker. I love you and I’ll be on my knees waiting for you.”
You wanted to thank him not just with words, but with your body and heart. It all belonged to him, like he belonged to you.
And he didn’t need to tell Steve and Sam what the message said since it was just for the two of you. “Love you, too, baby. Nothing to thank me for, but I’m on my way. Be ready.”
“Yes, Sir.”
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Maybe we'll see how you "thank" Bucky down the road. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
3K notes · View notes
kikixreverie · 6 months ago
Your boys
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Female reader
Summary - The war has been a brutal reality check for you in more ways than one, the first being that life is far more fragile than you thought, and the second that you were deeply in love with not one… but both of your best friends.
Word count - 8k
Warnings - (18+) Smut, threesome, oral sex, handjob, mentions of war and homophobia.
A/N - Hi, im still here kinda. Suffered a pretty rough, year long writers block and then was finally able to edit this one shot I wrote ages ago. I hope you enjoy it and all its filth.
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The half-empty bar rings with laughter and the clinking of glasses as its patrons drown out their sorrows with liquor, a temporary haven for those seeking distraction from the heartlessness they've seen in the past few years. The smoke in the air was thick, but better than what you were used to, the scent of tobacco, not fire out on the field, though it lingers in your nose all the same. 
The music, a familiar jazz tune carries through that thickened air, paired with deep laughter from rowdy men trying to ignore the sickening sense of dread they all pretend not to feel. Your attention however, is divided. Humming softly to the tune you can only half remember, your focus stays fixed on him—Bucky Barnes, gazing from afar at his wide, mirthful grin, those blue eyes of his reflecting the low lighting of the bar as he sips at yet another beer. 
You watch as Steve walks over to rejoin them, more drinks in his hands which he passes to the surrounding men with a nod, which they each take from him, too distracted with their chatter to thank him. Bucky chuckles, shifting back from the group to say something to Steve, a sly grin gracing his lips, smirking as Steve laughs softly at his joke, sadly too far away for you to be in on it.
You get lost in the sight of the men you've known far longer than you haven't, and have seen sink into themselves more and more in recent years, weathered by war, and yet, beneath the surface, your heart can still manage to find a lesser problem to dwell on—feelings you never even asked for becoming even more known to you the more you watch them, both so pretty. They’d always been pretty.
"Come here often?" 
You sigh at the unexpected voice, an instinctual reaction at this point, and regretfully you looked away from the two men, staring down at your glass for a moment before you tilted your head to the left and eyed her with fake annoyance, staring deadpan at the mischievous smirk playing on her red lips. You both know she caught you staring.
You look down at your drink again, watching the amber liquid swirl in the glass as you lift it to take another sip and wince, "No, should I?" 
Her smirk grows wider, resting her elbow on the sticky bar top. She shrugs, "Depends what you're here for."
You pause for a few seconds, squinting at her as if flicking through the possible reasons to be in this dingy bar, other than an easy escape from the war outside. "Alcohol?" You ask, raising a brow. The only reason you were in this bar would be for Bucky and Steve. 
"Ah, well in that case, no. The beer here is watered-down and overpriced." She quips, clinking her glass with yours before taking the seat beside you.
"Oh, that explains it." You respond, sighing dramatically as you take a swig from your glass. Peggy hums softly, her fingertips drifting over the lip of her glass. You can feel her eyes on you, as usual, watching, assessing the situation, and you take a risky glance at her, slightly apprehensive, not looking forward to the way she's going to read you like a goddamn book. "What?"
"Why are you over here, all by yourself?" She asks, her head tilted with curiosity.
You take pause at her question, setting your drink back down with a sigh, gaze drifting back over to the group of men talking loudly with warm grins on their faces, all the happiest you'd seen them in weeks if not months... actually years. 
"I don't know, I just needed some time alone I guess." You shrug, which immediately earns you a disbelieving scoff.
"Bullshit, the one thing no sergeant would want at a time like this is to be alone. It's a tough job, we all survive on these rare few moments when we get to feel some resemblance of normal. Now tell me why you're sitting here alone."
You don't respond for a long moment, eyes flicking over to your childhood best friends again, as they often do when you find yourself in any room with them. "I'm just in my head. I can't stop thinking about what could happen... and what will. I just- I wish I could go back just for a moment, just to remember what it was like before everything went to shit. I'm sick of thinking the worst every time it falls quiet." 
She listens quietly, then nods, her hand moving to your arm to give a reassuring squeeze, "I think we all understand that feeling." 
You nod too, chewing nervously on your lower lip, feeling that sinking feeling like you've ruined the small moment of fun you’d been granted by taking notice of those anxious thoughts. Bucky's hand rests on Steve's shoulder as he talks into his ear, his lips curling up as he laughs through his own words, Steve blushing beside him, shaking his head and looking down at the floor.
"I'd give anything to go back." You whisper, eyes glued to them, thinking about the times Bucky would drag both you and Steve out dancing with him, and Steve would always step on your feet, and then apologise with pink cheeks each time as you reassured him you lost sensation in them two songs ago. 
"I'm guessing you're talking about your boys." Responds Peggy and you nod before your eyebrows furrow, turning to her quickly with a confused frown on your face.
"My boys?" You repeat, ignoring how the notion of it makes you feel, because it just sounds completely ridiculous - and yes, they are your boys.
"Yes. I mean, they are your closest friends, aren't they?" She laughs, and you give your sad attempt at a normal laugh back to her. 
"Yeah, of course. We've been best friends since we were kids." You say back, cringing at your awkwardness and sipping on your drink to try hide it. 
It falls silent for a moment, which was a nice respite to the conversation that was making you anxious enough. Peggy obviously breaks it again. "You miss them." 
It wasn't a question, so you don’t answer, just stare down silently at your glass, swallowing the lump in your throat, that anxiety just getting worse, weighing you down onto your seat. You nod because it's true. With how hectic and scary the past few years have been, all three of you have changed in some way, and you've not had time to get to know those differences. You'd barely spoken to them about anything other than mission plans in weeks, everyone just more than eager to win this war and get home.
"Go talk to them, I'm sure they miss you too." Peggy offers softly, patting your shoulder again before giving you a smile. She slips off her chair, finally leaving you with your thoughts, walking across the bar to sit with the howling commandos with a half-empty drink in her hand, saluting the very boys you were just talking about, and you fight to ignore the stupid jealousy you feel when they both return the gesture to the gorgeous woman.
You’re in way over your head.
You’d hate to admit it, but she’s right, you miss them, very, very much. Things haven't been the same since the war started, and you know it'd be naive to think it will ever go back to how it was. You feel that breath-stealing sadness whenever you look at Steve, a feeling you know is mutual for Bucky too. You still don't always recognise him when he's facing away from you, searching in a crowd for a small, delicate Steve that no longer exists, before you remember the beast of a man he'd become and feel a different kind of warm flutter when you see him. 
Bucky is different too, quieter, rougher around the edges, darker. You miss that boyish charm of his, the easygoing, easy-loving James Barnes everyone knew. He always wore his heart on his sleeve, but he guards it now, keeps it locked away for safekeeping. He barely spoke for weeks after Steve got him out of that place, barely ate. You haven’t seen him cry in months either, which is somehow much more worrying than if he were to break down into tears each night like a lot of the boys do in secret. 
It hurts when you think back to before, a time when the three of you were so close you spent most nights sleeping at each other's houses, a time when your biggest worry was that the neighbours were gossiping about your 'morals', despite how many times Bucky reminded you that the old lady next door's opinion shouldn't matter to you. 
But it did. Sometimes even you worried about your 'morals', a socially-expected guilt clouding the thoughts you'd have about them, both of them. It's always been more. A part of you always knew there was a deeper understanding the three of you had for each other, like how soulmates would be described in the romance books you had read, only it couldn't be so easy that you were in love with one of your best friends, it had to be both.
A person sits beside you again, and you roll your eyes with a small smile, turning towards them and expecting it to be Peggy back to drag you over to everybody else, but you quickly drop the expression at the sight of a man you had never seen before, smiling at you as if you'd invited him to sit there.
"Come here often?" The man asks, not sounding the slightest bit ironic, as amusing as that is for you. You hide your laugh behind your almost empty glass, which doesn’t help you one bit seeing as the glass is clear. You resort to biting your cheek when he just stares back expectantly, apparently waiting for you to swoon and faint into his arms. 
You shake your head, reminding yourself to definitely not come here often. "No, sorry." You respond, mentally scolding yourself for apologising for no reason, and then scolding yourself for scolding yourself. Can he just fuck off maybe?
"That's okay. Pretty dame like you in a bar like this, you here with anyone?" He sounds like Bucky, you think to yourself, only its not charming one bit when this stranger calls your a ‘dame’. He moves closer to you, his arm almost touching yours, which was immediately enough for you to shift away, feeling uncomfortable and annoyed that he was in your space. You scoff, deciding you've seen far too much to give a shit about upsetting some creepy guy in a bar. You open your mouth to shut him down.
"Yeah, she's with us." 
For fucks sake why can't I do the fun part? 
You already know it’s Steve's voice, strong with that Brooklyn accent, even stronger with the distaste in his voice. You don’t turn to look at him, still trying to keep the distance between you and the guy who’s staring wide-eyed up at Captain America.
"Maybe go and bother someone else." Bucky adds, moving in behind the guy, his tone much less polite than the Captain's.
The man doesn’t say a word, much to your amusement, just puts his head down and stands, walking away, probably going to find some other poor woman to bother, or nurse a stronger drink and lick his wounds.
They sit either side of you, Bucky's hand moving to your back. "You alright, doll?" 
You sigh and nod, rubbing your forehead and smiling softly at him "I'm fine, Buck. You know I could've easily scared him away." 
Bucky nods, smirking softly. He's seen you shut down many a guy before the war,
"I know, just making sure." 
It falls silent for a moment, Bucky doesn't break eye contact with you and you can't bring yourself to do it for him, his gaze soft and inviting, almost as distracting as the way he wets his lower lip the way he often does. 
"Why are you sittin' over here?" Steve asks, and it finally draws you to look away from Bucky, clearing your throat before turning to Steve on your left.
"Just lost in thought I guess." You respond with a shrug, deciding not to disclose the fact that you were lost in thought about them, as per usual.
Steves cheeks remain a little pink and you don’t get why, wondering if he had noticed the weird staring going on between you and Bucky, which only makes you blush just the same in embarrassment. 
"Thinking 'bout what, doll?" Bucky presses, his warm breath brushing against your shoulder. You don't let yourself look at him again, staring straight ahead as your stomach flutters with nerves and something else you don't want to think about yet.
You shrug, breathless as Steve inches slightly closer to you too, as if he and Bucky had some nefarious plan to make you want them impossibly more, his shoulder pressing against yours. 
"I don't know. Just lost in thought about... how bad the beer is." You say, sheepish at your stupid response, but Steve laughs sweetly, which only makes you smile. 
Bucky only hums in response though and you look over at him again, that enticing look in his eyes, "How about we get out of here? Just us three, we can swing it like old times, got a fairly decent bottle of whiskey in my room that's waiting to be drank." 
You inhale softly in surprise and excitement. It certainly wouldn't be the first time the three of you had gotten drunk together alone, but it's been a while, and for some reason, it seemed like something different now, something new.
You glance over at Steve to see him waiting for your response, seemingly already aware of Bucky's idea, so you nod, not trusting yourself to speak and not look stupid.
You all leave the bar together after gathering your things, purposefully ignoring the smirk Peggy gives you as you walk past, just wanting to get out of the stuffy bar and away from the noise for a while.
It was a silent taxi ride the whole way back to the hotel you were all currently staying at, though not awkward. You sat between the two men, Bucky's thigh pressed against yours while you and Steve sit shoulder to shoulder. 
You'd always thought that taxis were fairly spacious until you had to share one with a super-soldier and James Buchanan Barnes.
Steve pays the taxi driver with the best tip he can afford and soon enough you were all piling into Bucky's room. 
You sigh when you walk through the door, not giving a second to hesitate to go to the bed, falling forward with another sigh as you stretch out across the mattress, kicking off your uncomfortable shoes and letting them hit the floor with a soft thud. It wasn’t often you had access to an actual bed.
You can hear Bucky and Steve laughing as they take off their jackets, which you didn't have the nerve to watch them do.
"Comfy?" Steve asks, walking over to the small radio on the bedside table and switching through the channels till he found some decent music to have on quietly in the background. 
You nod, humming softly and closing your eyes, "You try wearing heels for a whole night only 3 days after getting off the field." 
Bucky sits beside you on the bed, looking down at you as you hesitantly peek your eyes open to look at him.
"Can't imagine the pain, doll. Want a foot rub?" He teases, a lopsided smirk playing on lips.
You scoff in response, laughing softly and definitely not considering his most likely joking offer. Instead of putting your sore feet on his lap, you just blush and sit up, shoving at his broad shoulder. "Shut up. Where's that decent whiskey you promised, hm?"
He laughs, picking something up off the floor from beside the bed and holding up a full bottle, passing it to you as he takes a glass from the bedside table near him, holding it out for you to pour the liquid into it. 
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go change, then I'll be back, okay?" Says Steve, a smile on his face as he walks back towards the door, and you and James both nod, watching the tall man duck slightly through the doorway and leave room gently shutting the door behind him.
Its comfortably quiet in the hotel room, though the atmosphere slightly different. You sip at the strong-tasting, barely decent whiskey, the liquid burning its way down your throat to settle in your stomach, warm and familiar.
Your gaze again drifts to him, watching over the rim of your glass as Bucky moves to sit against the bed frame after pouring his own drink, shoes kicked to the floor, watching you right back, his head resting against the dark wooden frame, a soft look on his handsome face. A strand of his dark hair falls onto his forehead, and you follow it like an arrow pointing down to the white shirt he's wearing, the top few buttons undone as some sick way to punish you even further.
"You're always so sweet on him." He murmurs quietly, breaking the silence. He doesn’t sound one bit jealous, only fond, his head tilted slightly, his tongue casually dragging across his lower lip.
"Aren't we both?" You tilt your head at him as you ask the question. It feels serious, despite the sweetness of his smile, theres something more hidden in the words, but neither of you are ready to say something like that out loud, the denial comfortable for a moment longer.
He goes quiet again, chewing on his lip as he stares down at the bed sheets, sighing softly. "I guess it's hard not to be. I know he's all tall and macho now," He pauses to huff a laugh, you watching and listening quietly and intently, him looking up to the ceiling as he continues, the smile fading to something softer, "But he's still Stevie."
A hint of a smile pulls at your lips, and you nod, holding your drink up to not spill anything as you shuffle over on your knees to sit beside him against the headboard, huffing softly at the movement, then propping up pillows behind you to be more comfortable as Bucky watches with an amused smile.
"And you're still Buck." You add once you’re settled, looking at his gorgeous face, your chin tilted upwards, and his down. He swallows softly, and you notice the movement of it, his adams apple moving in a distracting way that you swear makes you feel thirsty, so you take another sip of your drink, hoping it will settle the feeling it obviously wont.
"You sure about that?" He asks, his eyes flicking down, watching the whiskey swirl in his glass, lips set in something closer to a frown now. You know he's hurting, even if he hasn't felt ready to confide in you about it yet.
"Very." He looks at you when you say it, and you hold his gaze this time, his stare so intense, eyes so blue, lips so pink. 
It takes your dumb, denial-stuck mind a moment longer to realise that you were looking down at his lips and that he was looking at yours at the same time, and there was no actual effort to either of you leaning closer, just a magnetism and a feeling spreading through your chest and butterfly filled stomach that you don’t even question it, don’t think once about the consequences, and technically its Bucky that ends up closing the tiny gap you’d made for him to do so, putting his glass down at the bedside table closest to him as his soft, warm lips make contact, eyes drifting closed,his hand then reaching across you and taking your glass too placing it down.
With his hands free, they move to cup your face, lips moving against yours, the kiss soft and sweet as your fingers drift up to the nape of his neck, his right hand reaching down for your thigh, grabbing flesh and trying to pull you closer as your lips move faster, a realisation that this kiss can’t last forever and you both swear you need it to.
It shifts from sweet and soft, to passionate and fast-moving, an almost desperate feeling urging you to press closer, your lips coaxing Bucky's to open as his hands grip your skin, your hips, waist, thighs. You just want to taste him, just like you'd always dreamed of doing. It barely feels real, but you barely think about it when you slide your tongue against his lips and earn yourself a soft, heated groan in response.
The booze doesn’t matter, you were drunk on him, butterflies in your stomach, heart hammering in your chest, an ache forming between your legs.
You'd never experienced a kiss like this before, never this intense desperation, so needy for more, clutching at eachother and shifting on the bed, breathing against his cheek.
Time is far lost to you both, only warm skin and hot mouths and soft lips, but the noise at the door breaks through the goodness of the moment, and you and Bucky quickly pull away from each other, panting for air as your heart hammers in your chest. Steve stands at the door wide-eyed.
Bucky licks his lips wordlessly as he tries to calm himself down, sighing and pushing his hair back, looking down at the bedsheets. 
"Steve?" You ask when he doesn’t say anything, anxiety clouding the heated memory replaying of the kiss, as you wait for any reaction from Steve.
Steve couldn’t look more shocked, unable to look either of you in the eye, standing sheepishly at the door as he flushes pink.
"Sorry." He mutters, reaching for the door handle and making his turn to leave, and your heart lurches, sitting up to stop him, but Bucky speaks up before you can remember what words are. 
"Steve." He says softly, and the blonde pauses, looking over at Bucky and waiting to be chastised for entering the room without knocking, but Bucky only offers a small, hesitant smile, "C'mere." 
Poor Steve stands frozen for a while, face only getting redder as you and Bucky stare back at him, the image of the two of you kissing, Bucky's hand squeezing your bare thigh under your dress, yours tugging on his hair, its heavy in the forefront of his mind, and it sets something off in his stomach, something he likes the feeling of.
Bucky gesturesfor him to sit on the bed with them and slowly, Steve does. 
"I didn't mean to-" Steve begins, but Bucky cut him off and you watch dumbly as he handles the situation.
"It's okay." He assures, falling silent for a moment as he tries to find the words to say what he really wanted to, "We're all friends, right? It shouldn't be awkward." 
It’s actually incredibly awkward, but denial was a much easier option, and so you simply avoid eye contact with either of them as you think you’re so good at doing, as you reached over Bucky for your drink again, taking a long sip of the alcohol, focusing on the burn in your throat rather than the ache between your thighs.
"Yeah," Steve responds, sounding as breathless as you feel.
"Maybe-" Bucky stops himself, and you lookover at him, waiting with bated breath for him to say 'Maybe we should just forget it ever happened' but his mind goes elsewhere, "Maybe you two should kiss. You know... make it even." 
The tension in the room couldn’t be any thicker, and so completely silent, not a breath between you. You chance a risky glance at Steve and he stares straight at Bucky, mouth agape, eyes wide.
You feel like you need to say something, feel like you’re fighting between your mind, your heart, and your… The nerve builds up quick and words rush out of your mouth, just needing to escape this awkwardness, "Bucky, I don't think Steve would-" 
"C'mon, I'm not blind, I see the way you two look at each other. You're telling me neither of you is at least a tiny bit curious what it would be like?" Bucky cuts you off, looking between you and Steve with a raised brow, "Don't feel forced to do anything, of course. Just... I don't know... Think about it?"
Oh, you’re thinking about it, you have been thinking about it, for years, in fact you’re imagining it in way too much detail, but acting on it like this, rather than a random, heated frenzy like with Bucky, is much more nerve-wracking.
Its when you risk a glance at Steve that the doubts starts to slip away slightly. its so painstakingly obvious, the blush on his face, the way he can’t look you in the eye and he seemed just as deep in thought as you. You remind yourself who you're with, though much taller now, he’s still Stevie. Your teeth catch your lip, nerves fading enough that you feel less awkward and more anticipating. It already feels like it's the end of the world anyway, actions tend to feel much less consequential. 
"I don't know, Steve..." You start, watching with rising butterflies as he looks over at you, his lips parted, "Maybe he's right."
James grins like you’ve joined the dark side, smirking down at his glass, just listening to you shift into a second devil on Stevie’s shoulder.
"P-pardon?" He almost whispers, and you smile softly, still polite Stevie.
"Maybe we should kiss." You manoeuvre onto your knees, and James wordlessly takes your drink again, placing it back down and inhaling softly, leaning back against the bed frame again and just watching quietly. Steve breathes in, watching you move closer. "Only if you want to, of course." You add for good measure, and Steve gulps, lips parting as he looks over at Bucky, as if for reassurance, Bucky just stares back. You crawl over, settling in front of him, "Do you want to?"
He takes another moment, before softly, he nods, taking a deep breath. 
You look into his eyes, scooting close enough for your thigh to touch his, and you reach for his broad shoulders, biting your lip softly. You can’t quite wrap your head around the idea of kissing either of them ever, especially not both... in front of each other in the time span of five minutes... but there’s no room for regret, just you and your boys...
Your hand glides over to his face, holding his jaw softly as you tilt his head down to you, pressing your lips against his.
This kiss was softer, slower. You knew Steve had kissed before, you were the one who heartbreakingly caught him with not one, but two USO girls, but hes certainly not as experienced as Bucky, nervous and shy, so you stay as gentle as possible, not pushing him to go any further than the gentle touch of your lips until he presses for more, tentative, but he follows your lead, his right hand hovering over your waist before he pulls it away, and you kiss him once more before breaking the contact. You can tell how nervous he still is. 
The room is still as you and Steve pull away from each other, Steve's focus stuck on you as you sit back slightly, looking over at Bucky, as your lips tingle from the kiss, curious to see his reaction, and the sight of him makes your stomach flip.
He sits rested back against the headboard again, legs splayed out in front of him as he watches the two of you with a clearly lustful gaze, his lower lip caught between his teeth, this dark desperation in his eyes, and its like you can read the dirty thoughts clouding his mind.
You don’t think at all when the words left your mouth, but they do, "Your turn."
Buckys lips part, eyes widening slightly and Steve takes an audible breath from beside you.
"What?" The blonde gulps.
You swallow your nerves again, Bucky was right, he could see the way you and Steve look at each other, because you've always looked at each other that way, just like you and Bucky look at each other, just like Bucky and Steve.
It's something that none of you had ever addressed until now, something you'd never let yourselves act upon, but who cares what people think at this point, who cares where this could lead you. If the war has given anything but trauma to you, it's shown you how fucking fragile life is, how much you'd regret it if you never acted upon these feelings, how much they'd regret it.
"You two should make it even, right?"
Steve stares at you, not letting his gaze drift to Bucky, but Bucky stares right at him, something intense in his eyes, something between realisation and surrender, and its clear that he’s waiting for Steve to reject it, to reject him, to wrinkle his nose at the disgusting notion of a man kissing another man, just as everybody else would do, but Bucky knows that wasn't a fair assumption to make about the golden-hearted man he knows their Stevie to be. He still waits though, preparing himself to have to have to take the rejection.
"I-" Steve starts, the very same worries as Bucky filling his head.
"Steve, aren't you at least a tiny bit curious?" You ask gently, using Bucky's previous words in hopes of lightening the mood slightly, which seems to work when Steve huffs a small laugh, though he gives no response. 
You look at Bucky, seeing the heartbreaking disappointment and acceptance in his eyes. You nudge his foot, giving him a soft smile of encouragement when he looks up at you.
He gives you a small smile back, before looking over at Steve, wetting his lips.
"Stevie." He almost whispers his name, and his gaze is soft when it meets Steve’s, "Come here." 
Steve decides not to give himself the chance to hesitate, moving towards Bucky before he can think about what he’s doing, and Bucky leans forward to meet him halfway, his palm sliding across his cheek, thumb smoothing along the skin before he closes the space and Bucky and Steve are kissing right in front of you. 
Its gentle for a few seconds, hesitant on both parts before Steve’s reaching out, hands clutching the material of Bucky's shirt, pulling him forward, pulling him closer. 
Their kiss was rougher, all tongue and teeth and the sight was a lot to try to handle, all you could really do was squeeze your thighs together and enjoy the sight of your two favourite boys, enjoying how eachother kiss. 
Bucky detaches his mouth from Steve's to meet your eye, pulling you closer as his hand holds the side of your neck.
He kisses you, open-mouthed and needy as his tongue glides across your lip, steve groaning softly at the sight, his hand once again hovering over the curve of your waist.
"It's okay, Steve." You murmur against Bucky's lips before you pull back to look at Steve, gripping his hand with your own and guiding him to touch you where he had wanted to, "You can touch me. You can touch me anywhere you'd like. Both of you." 
"Fuckin’ Christ, doll." Bucky sighs, lips mouthing across your jaw, his head dipping lower to kiss your neck, "You want that huh? Want both of us to touch you?" 
You nod as you kiss Steve, Bucky giving you a hickey just below your ear like a goddamn teenager. Bucky makes his way to Steve's neck then, curious to what noises he could pull from Captain America himself, and he chuckles against Steve's neck when he sighs softly into your mouth, as sensitive and worked up as Bucky had always wondered he'd be. 
When Bucky and Steve start kissing again, you take the opportunity to catch your breath, sitting back for a moment to watch the way Bucky pushes Steve down against the mattress, everything escalating so quick and yet feeling exactly like the way it should be. He adjusts his hips over Steve, pressing against him, and Steve groans softly, his rising up to meet bucky’s.
You bite your lip at the sight, your hand almost subconsciously sliding between your thighs, applying slight pressure against your underwear as your thighs squeeze together again. 
It just feels so right, and your body is reacting like it never has before, all reservations out of the window when you fingers press against your clit ever so slightly, breath catching when Bucky starts talking.
"Y'see that Stevie? Look how desperate our girl is for us. She just has to touch herself, doesn't she? Think we should help her out?" He murmurs, speaking the words into Steve's ear, though saying them loud enough for you to hear them too, and Steve nods quickly, no more hesitation, panting for breath, lips a pretty shade of kissed.
Our girl. 
"God, yes." Steve answers.
Their attention turns to you, Bucky with that mischievous, knowing glint in his eye, "Why don't you help her out of that dress, Stevie."
Steve nods, following orders like this was a part of his training, moving closer towards you, more confident though a bit sheepish.
"Go on, honey." You say to him, kissing his jaw as his fingers brush against the zipper at the back of the dress. He somehow manages to unzip you as slow as physically possible, fingers dusting along your back in a way that brings on a shiver. He finally pulls the dress off over your head and Bucky gives a low whistle at the sight of you, their pretty lady just in her undergarments.
Your head tilts back when Bucky leans towards you and kisses your collarbone, the kisses trailing lower and lower until he was kissing across the tops of your breasts. You sigh at the sensation, loving the attention on you but it doesn’t seem vert fair you’re in your bra and panties only and these two were fully dressed. You tug at both Steve and Bucky's shirts until they get the hint and both start pulling them off, Steve's going over his head while you help Bucky undo the buttons on his. 
From then on the clothes seem to keep coming, and you chuckle softly as Steve helps Bucky unbuckle his belt and pull his pants off. It doesn't take long before they're both left in only their underwear, and neither you nor Bucky give Steve the chance to blush or second guess anything when you lean towards him, kissing his shoulder and Bucky kissing his lips. 
You'd think it would be overwhelming, but god it just feels so right. 
You hum as fingers drift across you back to the clasp of your bra, Bucky looking at you, waiting for your permission, which you quickly give, nodding your head breathlessly before he quickly undoes the clasp, helping you out of the straps and then finally pulling the bra away. 
"Fu-" Steve stops himself, staring down at your uncovered breasts, your peaked nipples, soft pretty skin, waiting desperately to be touched and he forces himself to close his eyes, convinced for a second that that was it, he was going to come right here and now in his briefs. Bucky chuckles, that cheeky grin on his face as he dips his head and kisses his way across your now bare chest, cupping your left breast gently and mouthing over your nipple, smirking as your fingers thread through his hair, swirling his tongue.
"I think we're corrupting our sweet little Stevie, love," Bucky murmurs, and you hum back at him, looking over at the blonde who sits in amusing deep concentration, trying desperately hard not to lose himself. 
"I don't know, Buck. I reckon Stevie's much less innocent than you think. Plus, he's not so little anymore..." You tease, knowing he’s listening, so you reach over, your palm against Steve's thigh, "Why don't you show us, honey? Get out of that head of yours, and come play with me and Buck."
Even Bucky groans at that, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as he continues to kiss you with a bit more hunger now.
Steve looks wrecked already, opening his eyes to look down at the two of you, skin against skin, waiting for him to come back to you. 
"Why don't you tell us what you want, Steve?" You ask him, moaning softly when Bucky rubs his thumb over one of your nipples.
"I want.." He licks his lips, looking down your body, eyes lingering on the one place you’re still covered, "I want to touch you." 
"Then touch me, Stevie." You respond and his hand drifts slowly to your thigh, Bucky still busy paying attention to your chest.
Steve's fingertips brush against the edge of your underwear, looking up at you for reassurance, "Even here?"
You sigh when Bucky grazes his teeth across your skin, tugging on his hair, "Especially there."
"Go on, Steve, I think she's still a bit overdressed," Bucky adds, encouraging him to strip you of your final layer, and Steve does so, feeling his cock throb as your bare pussy comes into view. 
You part your legs for him, your inner thighs already showing how wet you are, waiting patiently for someone to finally touch you where you needed most, and when Steve brushes his fingers through your folds, tentatively exploring, nudging against your swollen clit as he did so, you moan openly. 
Bucky leans back, looking down at you laid out across the mattress, completely bare beneath them as you lift your hips to meet Steve's hand, needing more pressure. Bucky reaches down for Steve's hand, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth as he assists him. 
"Touch her right here with more pressure. Make small circles." Bucky directs, and Steve gladly follows the instructions given, watching as you get more and more breathless as he touches you, his fingers getting covered in your slick as you whimper softly, "Just like that, Steve."
Steve bites his lip at Bucky praising him like that, his cock throbbing so hard in his briefs as he focuses on trying to make you feel good, before Bucky takes a hold of Steve's fingers, guiding them lower and lower until they were sliding into you. You gasp softly, head tilting back at the slight relief of no longer being empty, but you’re still no way near full, needing more and more, still, you enjoy this, shifting your hips as Bucky instructs Steve to curl his fingers. 
A pretty sounding moan slips from your open mouth when Bucky really starts participating, leaning on one arm as the other hand moves down to you, his thumb almost softly rubbing over your clit, watching in gentle awe and focus as him and Steve’s hands take good care of you, Steve's two fingers fucking into you as Bucky builds a steady rhythm on your clit. It doesn’t take long of the repeated pattern before your hips roll forward unknowingly, getting closer and closer to coming, the heat in your body rising, every nerve tingling... so close.
"James, I'm-- Fuck, Stevie." You moan, enjoying having two names to beg to, feeling your body tighten up as they both continue until you’re over the edge, coming on your best friend's fingers, your body vibrating as they ease you through the strong orgasm, Bucky not stopping until you reach down and gently move his hand away, bordering on overstimulation as your body becomes overly sensitive. 
"Holy fuck." Steve murmurs, and Bucky laughs at him, nudging his arm.
"Language." He teases. 
"Shut up, punk." Replies Steve, pushing Bucky’s shoulder back. You lay there catching your breath, humming with a gentle smirk as you watch them act so casual after both giving you the best orgasm of your life, so far.
"God, just make out already." You joke, grinning at the two, your body relaxed, and Bucky gives you a look as you sit up. 
"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you." He nips at your shoulder, and you roll your eyes playfully, enjoying seeing him like this again, the happiest and most like himself you'd seen him in weeks, "Good, thing I'd like that too. Steve?" 
Steve looks over at Bucky, nodding and moving closer to him, kissing softly.
You give yourself a moment to gather yourself, catching your breath, relaxing in the afterglow of the first orgasm you’ve had in a while, admiring them for a short while, and then eventually joining them, kissing across Bucky's shoulder, raking your nails through Steve's hair. 
"Think Stevie's ever had someone's mouth on him before?" You murmur into Bucky's ear, feeling pride in the sigh he gives in response, pulling away from Steve's mouth, humming against your skin as he leans into you, head laid back against your shoulder, nose tucked against your neck.
Steve just couldn’t stop staring, his erection straining against his underwear, both of you watching him with those eyes. None of it feels quite real, like it’s all too good to be true, yet so much better than he imagined. He groans softly when Bucky moves his hand down, watching him as he presses his palm against his cock over the fabric.
"How 'bout it, Stevie? Think you could handle someone's mouth on your cock?" God, the words are so obscene, yet so natural as they fall from Bucky’s lips, Steve all but whimpers when the both of you start kissing on his neck, "Ever done that before, Steve?"
He shakes his head, hands reaching to touch both of them in any way he can, "God, please."
"Not God, angel." Bucky starts, the pet name rolling off his lips, smooth as butter, sweet as honey, "Just us."
His briefs were off, his cock springing up when it was finally released from the far too tight confines of his underwear. Bucky leans forward, kissing Steve as he guides him to lay back on the mattress, hovering over him. 
The sight couldn’t be more mouth-watering, his cock a deep shade of pink as he leaks pre-cum onto his stomach, so desperate, kissing Bucky back like his life depended on it. 
His stomach tightens when you start kissing your way down his chest until you finally reached the tip of his cock, wrapping a hand around the base, kissing the tip, hearing Steve moan into Bucky’s mouth.
You lick along the underside of his shaft, swirling your tongue over the head and liking the salty taste it left you with. Steve’s an utter mess, bucking his hips and squirming beneath you and Bucky when you finally put your mouth around him, no longer having the focus to continue kissing Bucky, instead just letting his head fall back against the pillows, breath laboured and heavy as you start to suck. 
"C'mon, sweetheart. You can go deeper than that." Bucky purrs, tilting his head as you look up at him through your lashes, and you pull off of Steve, using your hand to make lazy strokes up and down his cock, shaking your head at the brunette.
"He's so big, Bucky," You bite your lip, and Steve whimpers softly at your compliment, watching as you fake a look of innocence, giving Bucky those doe eyes as you brush your thumb across the tip of Steve's cock. "D'you wanna taste him, Buck?"
Bucky already knows the answer to that, his cock was throbbing at the sight of you and Steve alone, but he glances up to Steve, meeting his distracted gaze and waiting for some sort of permission, which was given almost immediately, Steve frantically nodding his head. 
Bucky smirks, winking at you as he adjusts himself on the bed, moving beside you, giving your lips a chaste kiss before lowering his head, your hand still holding his cock for Bucky to enjoy, his tongue circling the head just as you were doing only seconds ago, as you continue to stroke Steve's remaining length while Bucky starts to take him deeper into his mouth. 
Steve couldn't hold back on the sounds he’s making, he's never been so vocal, never been so sensitive to touch, but he can’t help himself, Bucky's mouth felt so warm, so wet, and when he opens his blue eyes to look down at the two of you, he know he wont last much longer. 
You bend your head down when Bucky comes up for air, tracing your tongue against Steve's cock as you meet Bucky's eye holding his heart-stopping gaze as Bucky started doing the same, both of your mouths on him at the same time. 
It’s filthy, an act of sin no doubt you'll never come back from, but you wouldn’t want to anyway, humming when Steve starts panting, his abs constricting, you wrap your lips around the tip, pumping his cock with your hand until his cum filled your mouth, hearing the deep groan that reverberated through his chest as he came.
You swallow as you pulled away and a hand finds its way to your neck, Bucky pulling you closer. “No fair, you’re supposed to share, sweet girl.” He chastises softly, almost pouting, before he closes the gap to capture your lips with his own, his tongue sliding into your mouth. He moans softly at the taste of Steve's cum on your tongue, the pretty sound so perfect on your ears, only reminding you that Bucky was yet to be touched, focusing on yours and Steve's pleasure instead of his own. How very like him.
You rest your hand on his stomach as you kiss him back, gliding your fingers lower and lower until you reach the waistband of the underwear that he was still somehow wearing. You ping the elastic against his skin, smiling into the kiss when he only leaned closer. 
He shudders as your hand finally slides past the band, wrapping around his cock and pulling him out. Neither of you made any move to remove his underwear, you both knew he was far too gone, too desperate to wait any longer, so you squeeze the base of his cock, pulling away from the kiss only to look at him.
Hair mussed, light eyes the darkest you'd ever seen them, as he watches every little move you make for him, his lips red and swollen, cheeks flushed pink. He finally looks as wrecked as Steve, who was still getting over the fact that he just came in his best friend's mouth. 
You move your hand slowly at first, stomach fluttering with every strangled moan that caught in Bucky's throat, "You're all talk, ain't you Buck?" 
"Fuck, doll- please- I need to come." He groans, eyes fluttering shut when you kiss his neck, his forehead dropping to your shoulder, arm wrapping around your waist.
"You look as desperate as our Stevie right now, James." You tease, but still speed up your hand for him, swirling your thumb across the slit to hear his breath hitch in his throat. 
Bucky looks over at Steve then, giving a light-hearted scoff at the sight of him rock hard again, stroking slowly at his cock as he enjoys the show in front of him. 
"Fuckin' super soldier." Bucky laughs, laying his cheek on your shoulder, groaning softly as his eyes flutter closed.
You can tell how close he is, moving his head to tuck right into the crook of your neck, talking himself away like he tends to do, "Fuck, feels so good, sweetheart. 'M so close- Never felt this good before, doll." 
You were used to his nicknames by now, years of him calling you 'doll' more than he used your actual name usually had you rolling your eyes, but now, like this, it makes your stomach flutter. 
It wasn't much longer till he was coming onto both of your stomachs, hot spurts painting your skin as Bucky's hips twitched forward with every second he comes, groaning as you continue to stroke him.
Steve follows yet again not long after, and a glance over to him laid against the headboard with his abdomen covered in his own spend has you blushing, never mind the fact that he'd just had his fingers inside you, and his cock in your mouth. 
Bucky quickly cleans up your stomach with his discarded shirt, along with his own before he tosses it to Steve with a chuckle. 
You’re all glowing, surprised by the complete lack of awkwardness despite all the things that had just happened in Bucky's hotel room. Instead, you all huddle together on the bed, your head laid on Steve's shoulder as Bucky rested his on your stomach, your fingers naturally finding themselves threading through his hair. 
"Well, that was fucking amazing," Bucky murmurs, a content smile on his face as he looks over at you and Steve, his arms around your waist.
"Yeah, it was." Steve agrees, moving one of his hands through Bucky's hair too, before draping his arm above your head. 
You go quiet for a moment, the afterglow not quite enough to keep the anxiety at bay anymore, "I just wish we'd done this earlier."
They know what you mean, they know what you’re insinuating, and the room falls silent. None of you could deny the dangers, the uncertainty ahead of you, but that didn't mean you couldn't enjoy the time you had up until that moment you’d all have to risk everything again.
"We can't think like that, baby," Bucky speaks first, his voice soft, gentle and yet serious, "I know it's hard not to, but we can't focus on the regrets. If anything, we just need to live the best we can with what we've got... and if I've got you two, I don't need anything else."
You nod, pressing your face into Bucky’s hair, although you can’t see Steve's face, you know that he agrees, his fingers brushing against your arm affectionately. 
"Bucky's right. Let's just enjoy this, lord knows we've all been pining for each other for years." 
You chuckle softly, having needed this soft moment for a long while, feeling warm and loved between them, hoping they feel it too.
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spidey-webz · 4 months ago
the sweetest sin – bucky barnes
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Bucky goes undercover at a charity event to get closer to you. You’re his mission. But that dress you’re wearing is a little too tempting…
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, r deals with weapons, r and bucky have a shared history, mentions of bucky’s trauma, r wears a dress, r is also shorter than bucky, somewhat public sex (in a restroom, door closed), slight dom bucky, they’re both really horny, very little plot, oral sex (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, mirror sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, use of petnames (doll, darling), fingering with the metal hand, hair pulling
Word Count: 4k
A/N: This idea came to me after seeing the Thunderbolts trailer and I really hope you'll like this one!!
The ballroom was filled with chatter and music. Multiple waiters were balancing champagne glasses on their trays, walking from group to group and handing them out with a smile. There were men discussing business deals, old friends exchanging memories and some women holding onto their husbands’ arms as they laughed. 
None of them paid any particular mind to the man in the corner of the room. 
Bucky Barnes was leaning against a stone pillar, his eyes roaming through the room as he attempted to find you in the crowd somewhere. He had declined every glass of champagne, so he could stay alert if you passed by him. 
He had not seen you in a while. To be honest, he had never kept up with your life. His own had been quite the mess after the Blip, but seeing your name in the mission file served as enough of a reminder of what you two had shared. Bucky had been a man without a path ahead of him, only fleeing from everyone that might recognise him, and there you had been – in Romania. You had only spent a few weekends together, but he had enjoyed them all the same. For that short while, he had felt like a normal man. 
When had things gone wrong in your life? Or had you always been involved with this kind of trade? 
The files on you did not mention any criminal activity when he had first met you in 2016. Had it been the Blip that forced you to join illegal weapon trading? Had it been something else in your life?
Bucky could never say he knew you. There had been many secrets between the two of you, starting with his very own identity. You had made him feel safe and yet he hadn’t been able to share his name with you, too afraid that it might slip you at the market or at the gas station. 
Back then, he barely even knew himself. His memories had been a disorganised mess, a whirl of moments and feelings he could not exactly put together. Even being with you, feeling your warm body around him and having your lips wander like feathers over his skin – it had felt almost foreign to his troubled mind. 
Those memories were cherished by him and once he had settled back into a somewhat normal life, Bucky had found himself reminiscing about them on lonely nights. 
Now he was after you. 
There were so many women with the same hair colour as you, but he felt certain that he would still recognise you between all of them. Sam did not know why he had been so determined on receiving this mission, but he would explain it to him in due time. Bucky had promised to reduce the number of secrets he had, but he had never felt comfortable sharing you with anyone. Until now, he had kept you hidden away in a part of his heart that only he could access – in the middle of the night, in quiet moments, in the comfortable space of his bed. 
A flash of white passed by him. Another man might have missed it, but he had been trained to notice any movement in the corner of his eye for years. He turned his head to the side, trying to find the same white dress in the crowd again and there you were. 
Your dress was low-cut, no sleeves and a slit on the side for your thigh and knee to peak through with every step. He flexed his jaw, taking a deep breath as he watched you talk with a man he did not recognise. A glass of champagne rested easily in your hand, your eyes fixed on the person in front of you. He was not blessed with enough enhanced hearing to make out any part of the conversation, yet he found himself entranced with the movements of your lips. 
Bucky had feared that this might happen. He had not seen you in so long and there were so many questions floating around in his head, so many unspoken things on his tongue. But you were his mission all the same and he had hoped to make this entire ordeal a little bit easier on you if it was him that came looking for you. 
The dress you were wearing almost demanded all of his attention. His cheeks started to feel warm once he allowed the memories to flood in. He had you spread out on your bed, his tongue expertly moving between your folds, strong arms holding you in place just for him. You had squeezed his cock so beautiful during every night you two shared and this dress, the flashes of your skin, all of it reminded him of those moments. 
In an attempt to gather himself, he pulled on the ends of his jacket, straightening it in the process.  
People always moved out of his way. Even with his metal hand covered up, they often didn’t want to cross him. It was a strange sensation, no doubt. Bucky would not call himself particularly frightening. 
He did not mean to interrupt your conversation, but he did linger a little closer to you than before. If he caught you alone for a moment, he could speak to you. 
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You had seen him when you had turned around to place down your glass of champagne. Bucky Barnes had been a momentary part of your life in Romania, but he had lingered in the back of your mind for years. You had changed and so had the world around you. It didn’t change the way his touch had seemed to stay with you. In lonely moments, it had become a source of comfort, a source of wonder. Of course, you had eventually realised who he was. It had been all over the news. 
The Winter Soldier. 
How could you not know him after every newspaper in town had his face plastered on their front page? And yet he had been a stranger to you until the last second. 
Whatever choices he had made, they had led him here and they had led him to follow you. If you could trust any of the newspaper articles you had read about him recently, he was now one of the good guys and that meant he was out to get you. 
Not that you had committed a horrible crime, but you had given other people the supplies to commit theirs. Enough of an offence to have the former Winter Soldier on your tail. 
You knew he would not interrupt your conversation. He was waiting for the right moment to speak to you and that moment would have to be one between just you and him. You decided to give him the chance to since his eyes seemed to burn holes into your back. With an apologetic smile, you excused yourself to the toilet. 
Moving through the couples standing in your way, you briefly glanced back over your shoulder. He was following you, a stern expression on his face. You had only smile him a few times and those never seemed to reach his eyes in the slightest. There had been a deep sadness about the man you had met in Romania and you wondered if it was still there. 
You closed the door to the restroom behind you, but it opened again just a moment later. 
There was a tzzzz sound and you knew Bucky had used some sort of device to lock the door behind himself. After engaging in weapon trade for a few years, you had become familiar with different methods to remain undisturbed for important conversations. As you stood in front of the mirror, you did not look at him at first. 
His presence alone sent a shiver down your spine. 
Had he thought of you these past years? Had he remembered you in a positive way? 
Bucky had stayed with you even days after his departure from Romania. The memory of his touch had been with you during a shower, during the boring commute to your job and most importantly, during nights facing the moon in an attempt to feel the same way you did for those short weekends. 
His eyes continued to linger on you. He was almost frozen in place even though you did not even give him a glance again. Bucky wanted to tilt your head to the side, run his lips over the familiar skin of your neck and make you shiver in his arms as he had done before. You were right there, a temptation he should avoid. 
He was on a mission. He was not here to reconcile with an old acquaintance and he was definitely not here to indulge any of his own desires. No matter how tight his throat started to feel and how his body seemed to protest his every thought. After all, Bucky had felt alive with you. After so many years of living on auto-pilot, those nights with you had brought him back to this world a little. 
Bucky flexed his left hand. How was he supposed to initiate this conversation? 
I am here to arrest you. I need to know more about the people you’re supplying to…
Why are you wearing this dress? I can’t stop looking at you. 
Neither of these options would work. 
His steps echoed through the empty bathroom once he approached. His reflection appeared in the mirror, close to yours and you searched for his gaze until your eyes met. Maybe you had just imagined it, but Bucky’s expression seemed to soften for just a moment. 
His posture gave him away though. He was tense, metal hand curled into a fist by his side. A smirk appeared on your own lips. His eyes drifted down your neck, to your collarbones and eventually to your cleavage. Of course, he was looking at you. The dress was a nice one, showing just enough to tempt any man. 
Bucky had never been able to forget any detail about you. Having you right in front of him brought all the desire he previously felt right back. 
“It’s good to see you, Bucky.” 
He had never heard you say his name before. Back then, it had always been a different one, but it now sent a shiver down his spine. 
“It’s good to see you too.” 
You were not oblivious to the looks he was giving you. It seemed like your body was tempting him just as it had done years ago. Would it get you out of this situation? 
His suit looked good on him too. You had never seen him in formal clothing before, but it brought out the best in him. His eyes were still the same piercing blue as you remembered. Even though your weekends together had not been of the strictly romantic kind, you had spend hours upon hours gazing into his eyes and trying to make sense of the man in front of you. 
Bucky had always remained a mystery to you until your ways had eventually parted. 
“Have all these years taken your ability to talk to me?” You asked with a wicked smile, turning around to him fully as you leaned against the sink behind you. You could watch his gaze briefly turn towards your exposed knee, then flicker back to your face. 
“Not at all. I am here to talk to you about your job.” So you had been right. Bucky was here to talk to you about your trade, but if you were quite honest, you were not in the mood to talk about it at all. 
“Do we really have to talk about that? You haven’t seen me in years.” You stepped closer to him, taking a moment to appreciate the beard on his face and the curve of his lips. He looked healthier than the last time you saw him – stronger, even. Would his lips still feel good on yours? Would his hands know exactly where to touch you? 
Could he make you come undone like he had done so many times before? 
“No, we do not.” His voice had grown rougher, his gaze darkened just a little. 
Bucky could smell your perfume. It seemed to envelop him entirely, dulling all his thoughts until there was only you. 
You and your pretty dress. You and your tempting lips and a body he wanted to lose himself in. 
His mission was on the line. Could he allow himself to fail it? Return home with empty hands? Just because his hands wanted to be all over you. Bucky wanted to run his fingers over your exposed knee, let his hand wander up and up until he’d reach the wet folds between your legs. Would you still taste the very same there? 
“I did not expect to meet you again like-”
Bucky’s finger found your lips and stopped your words altogether. You blinked up at him, once, twice, through long lashes and he knew he was a doomed man this evening. 
“Quiet,” he whispered. While his right index finger rested on your lips, his left hand slid up your arm. The metal was cool against your skin, a familiar sensation you had dreamed about many times in the past years. 
“Just be quiet.” He leaned down to your ear, his lips grazing your skin ever so slightly. “You look lovely in this dress.” A soft kiss planted at the spot between your ear and your jaw. Enough to send a shiver down your spine. You pulled your arm away to grab his hand, planting it on your waist instead. 
Bucky took his finger away from your lips and looked at you, desire burning in his eyes. His pants were getting tighter the more he thought about your naked body and the promise of maybe exploring it once more. Even if this would be a short-lived moment, he wanted to cherish it. When would he ever get the chance to touch you again? 
You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to give your body to him, even if it was just for one evening. 
Pulling him just a little closer, you pressed your lips against his. Bucky’s hands firmly grabbed your waist, pressing you up against him. You could feel his arousal hard against your leg and it brought a smirk to your lips. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him. 
It was easy for him to lift you up onto the sink and part your thighs enough to stand between them. Bucky’s hands roamed your body, starting at your hips and running his big hands up your back. Your own began to wander to his shirt, opening it button for button, just to see his trained chest peak through. 
His tongue parted your lips, the kiss growing more hungry by the second. He felt like a man starved and you were the only one able to quench his thirst. 
“Need to fuck you in this dress.” His words were a low mumble against your lips, but still enough to make your panties almost feel soaked. Your pussy clenched around nothing, another sign that you needed him just as much. 
“Please do,” you whispered, already feeling out of breath when you briefly parted from each other. Bucky’s hands moved underneath your dress, squeezing the bare skin of your thighs, hands inching further to the inside. 
He wanted to savour this moment. Once you two left the restroom again, life would continue. For now, it could stay exactly like this. 
“Lift your hips for me, doll.” 
There it was. Doll. A familiar endearment from his lips and you were quite happy to oblige. Pushing yourself off the counter for a moment, Bucky hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties and pulled them down your legs. He pushed them into the back pockets of his pants, before kneeling down on the ground in front in you. 
His lips were laced with a wicked smirk after he wet his lips with his tongue. “Spread your legs for me.” 
Once your thighs had parted for him, you leaned back against the mirror behind you, the cool glass against the back of your head. Bucky’s warm breath on your most sensitive spot caused goosebumps to spread over your entire body. 
“Already so wet for me. Did you lure me here on purpose?” Even though you couldn’t see his smile, you could hear it in his voice. 
Whatever words you wanted to reply got stuck in your throat once Bucky’s lips wrapped around your clit. He sucked on it softly, his metal hand travelling closer to where you needed him the most. As his middle finger slid between your wet folds, you pushed your hips against his hand, eager for more. 
“Oh shit,” you cursed under your breath. The cold sensation of his metal digit inside you left you gasping with every new curl of his finger. Bucky continued to alternate between sucking on your sensitive nub and flicking his tongue against it. 
He knew how to work your body and he wanted to see you explode in front of him. Your taste on his tongue was enough to keep him satisfied for days. Once he added another finger, filling your pussy so tightly, you pressed your left hand down on your mouth to prevent your moans to slip past your lips. 
Your right hand found its way into Bucky’s hair, pressing him just a little closer to your middle. The tension in your abdomen became more and more, your walls quivering around his fingers. With every stroke of his fingers inside you, with every expertly placed flick of his tongue, he brought you closer to a climax and he could tell. 
Bucky felt your walls clench around his hand, your thighs shaking around his head. A deep groan escaped him. It was enough to sent vibrations through your core, your squeal only being muted by your own hand around your mouth. 
“Come for me, darling.” You wanted to obey his wishes and with one more roll of your hips and a flick of Bucky’s tongue against your clit, your orgasm rolled over you. Your hand pulled harder on his hair as you tried to keep as quiet as possible. Bucky loved the feeling of your thighs closing around his head, almost threatening to smother him in-between. 
When he stood back up once your climax had worn off, he licked over his lips slowly. You barely had time to catch your breath when he pulled you right back into his arms, erection pressing against your thigh as you could taste yourself on his tongue. Bucky’s kiss was eager and hungry, his metal hand sneaking up the back of your neck. 
“Can you taste yourself on my tongue?” His words were a mumble against your mouth, almost being drowned out by another kiss. Bucky’s eyes were wide with lust, his hand manoeuvring your neck to the side, so he could run his tongue up your neck. Another moan slipped past your lips, your body eagerly pressing into his. You wanted to savour each of his touches and stop time. 
You nodded in reply, feeling the rough brush of his beard against your jawline. It was enough to make you shiver, enough to want even more of him. 
“Talk to me,” he urged you, his mouth right next to your ear. 
“Yes, I can.”
Your voice was trembling, your hands fumbling to get a hold of his cheeks. When you cupped his cheeks, you turned his face towards you. Bucky’s cheeks had turned a soft red colour and his hips were slightly rolling against your leg. He needed the relief as much as you had. 
“I need you.” 
Bucky didn’t need to hear more than that. You helped him open his pants and slide them down, his boxers soon following. In an attempt to relieve some of the need between your legs, you squeezed them together, but Bucky quickly pulled them apart once more. 
“Need to be inside you,” he mumbled against your neck. Your hands moved to his back, legs wrapping around his hips and Bucky grabbed the underside of your thighs to position you properly. His tip brushed past your folds, eliciting a soft gasp from you. Bucky had always filled you out so nicely and you couldn’t wait to feel it again. 
When he pushed inside, you leaned your head back against the mirror behind you. Bucky let out a soft groan, closing his eyes to savour the feeling. Your walls were still so very tight around him, fitting perfectly around his cock. His first thrust was slow, but it filled you out all the same. 
Your fingers attempted to get a hold of his shirt as he leaned down and softly sucked on the soft skin at your throat. “Fuck,” you groaned, pushing your hips up to feel him even deeper. Every thrust sent another wave of pleasure through you, your body rocking in sync with his even when his thrusts grew more rapid. 
Bucky’s fingers dug into the soft skin around your hips, holding you in place as started to chase his own high. The knot in your abdomen got tighter and tighter. 
He groaned into your shoulder, face pressed against your skin, his hot breath leaving goosebumps spread over your entire body. “Shit,” you cursed again, feeling yourself getting so close to that sweet high – once again. 
Before you could reach your sweet relief, Bucky pulled out again, leaving your cunt empty and leaking. A puzzled expression appeared in your face, but you soon knew what his plan was. In one swift movement, Bucky had you off the counter and turned around, seeing your own flushed face in the mirror. 
Bucky entered you once more, this time with one hard thrust. It was already enough to send you over the edge, but his thrusts kept going. Your pussy was spasming around him, legs trembling as your orgasm just kept going. Bucky’s metal hand pressed down on your mouth to silence your moans as he kept the ruthless pace up, hitting your sensitive spot over and over again. 
The pleasure was too much, your thighs trying to squeeze together and your hands holding tightly onto the counter. His grunts of pleasure filled your ear and his eyes searched for yours in the mirror. Once your gazes met, his teeth scraped against your earlobe, his thrusts growing almost erratic. Bucky was so close too, so close to spending himself inside you. 
“Going to fill you up, doll,” he groaned and as you pushed your hips back again, walls squeezing his cock so deliciously, it finally tipped him over the edge. His low moan sounded in your ear and his face was distorted with lust. The sight alone gave you one final push to reach your next high, one hand desperately holding onto Bucky’s strong forearm. 
He held you in place as ropes of cum painted your insides white, his cock still pulsing inside you. Bucky wanted to hold you like this forever, as close as humanly possible, and never let go again. 
Soft kisses were planted on your shoulder, his beard scraping along your soft skin, leaving a slight redness behind. His lips wandered over to your pulse point, making you whimper as you pressed yourself back into his chest. 
“I’ve missed you.”
His words were unexpected, but you cherished them all the same. You had missed him too – more than you often liked to admit. 
“I missed you too.” 
There were still so many things to discuss between you, but Bucky was pretty sure that those could wait for another moment longer. That dress had already distracted him more than enough, but he wished to remember every little detail of you wearing it. That would take time. 
It definitely looked like time had stopped for the both of you, even if it was just for tonight. 
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pinkiebieberpie · 1 month ago
(singledad!farmer!bucky x f!reader)
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i'm happy to give the people what they want <33 i'm not much of a writer and it's more of a longer blurb/a few scenerios put in one longer post, but if you want to you can check my fic masterlist // inspired by this moodboard, enjoy!! reblogs and feedback is appreciated <33 (and yes the title is taylor swift coded, if you know you know.) ++ @bstorn wanted to be tagged.
words: 1.5k
warnings: death (mentioned), age gap (reader is in her mid 20s, bucky is in his early 40s), mention of drinking, mention of hair pulling, smut, kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, outside sex (fuck being quiet, they are sleeping), unprotected sex, cockwarming and creampie (but also not really??? but it is here???)
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life is messy. y/n's was actually very messy that's why she decided to move, leave her old life behind and change everything. how did she end up in a small town in the middle of texas? nobody knows, but she was there alone.
the first month was the hardest, she found a new job in a bakery, made a friend - her coworker, jessie but there was not really much to do, calm town, everyone knew each other, basically no privacy. after that first month y/n met bucky, a single father of two, a farmer and big enthusiast of chocolate cookies they were selling at the bakery. was he flirty? maybe. was he friendly? 100%.
it all started innocent.
"hi, i'm bucky, you new in town?"
"how do you like it here?"
"if you need any help feel free to reach out."
and y/n in fact did reach out, cause she needed help when her apartmet flooded. it was out of the blue the next day when bucky came to the bakery, but he was more than happy to help. that day y/n and bucky get to know each other a little bit more. she found out he has two daughters, annie (4 years old) and bea (6 years old), he owns one of the biggest farms in town and it's in his family since... forever, really. she was sure he is married, he was wearing a wedding ring, but that was just a habit - his wife died two years ago in an accident. the conversation was smooth, it was clear that the chemistry was there, but nobody made a move.
"all should be fine now." was what bucky said when he finished fixing y/n's plumbing problem. was she starring at him a bit when he was fixing her sink? yes.
"thank you, really, i had no idea what to do and i don't know that many people here... so i kind of had to ask my friendly neighbourhood customer for help." she chuckled and licked her lip a little bit.
"oh, it's nothing, actually i have a favor to ask, myself... it's okay if you feel like this is too much, but i have to help my friend out of town on the weekend, he has some problems with his animals and i can't leave girls alone, could you babysit? i can pay!"
"what? babysit? i- i never did that, but if your daughters are even half as kind as you, i bet they are angels, so yeah, i can do that, i'm not working over the weekend, you don't have to worry. and you don't have to pay me, it's favor for a favor."
was it a bit weird and a bit fast? for some people maybe, but both of them really felt like they could've trust each other. and that's how y/n became a babysitter for annie and bea. the girls were little angels, that was true. it became a thing that y/n was coming over to play with them and watch them, when bucky was working or when he was busy with whatever he needed to do. girls adored her. she baked cookies with them, they played outside together, she loved reading books with annie and bea and they loved to listen to them.
one night bucky came home really late, the girls were sleeping and y/n fell asleep on the couch too. closing the door woke her up and looked at bucky all sleepy.
"huh? you are home? i better pack my thin-"
"are you crazy? it's 3am, you are staying here, i will drive you home in the morning." he said it with a tone that left no place for arguing. she was a bit turned on by his voice, but no way she would ever tell bucky that. they were friends. only friends, with a weird chemistry, but still friends... but are you really friends when it's 3am and you are sitting on a couch with a man so much older, talking about life, drinking and being really and i mean really comfortable with each other?
that night went peaceful and quietly, in the morning bucky made breakfast for all three of the girls and when his kids were ready all four of them left his farm. first bucky and y/n dropped annie and bea at their preschool and then they made their way to y/n's house.
"you know, they adore you." bucky said while he way driving. y/n felt her cheeks getting a bit more pinkish. and she had no idea why, it was a compliment from his daughters, kind of, not from him. but at this point she knew she was falling for this man and there was nothing she could do about it.
a few months passed and everything was going great for both bucky and y/n. they were meeting almost every weekend and more than one time during the work week. one day bucky invided her to a picnic at his farm, but... it was only two of them. the girls visited their grandma, and the truth was bucky wanted to spend some time alone with his... friend? his who? that was maybe a little bit more complicated than he wanted it to be. farmer was thinking about her all the time and he was ready to make things official. he wasn't in a relationship since his wife passed and that was over two years ago! he deserved to be happy.
when bucky asked y/n to be his girlfriend she was speachless, cause of course she wanted it, she wanted it bad. she wanted him bad, to be honest. soon she found out bucky wasn't always that sweet and caring man everyone thought he was. he was a very typical girl dad, he was making breakfast for his kids every morning, doing their hair, but he was also that type of man to pull your hair very hard when you were alone. and y/n loved it. every second of it.
their relationship was perfect, y/n loved waking up next to him almost every morning, she moved in really quickly. it wasn't even strange for the girl, they accepted it, after all annie and bea loved having y/n around.
one night y/n and bucky put the girls to bed earlier, because they planned a dinner. bucky cooked and prepared everything and all y/n had to do was to just look pretty when everything was ready.
"god, angel, you look stunning." was what bucky said when he saw y/n in her short, black dress. they ate their dinner, had some red wine and since it was warm summer they left home to sit outside. the moon looked marvelous and y/n looked even more beautiful in it's light.
it didn't took much for bucky to start kissing her. first her lips, then her neck, her exposed cleavage. y/n started breathing faster and then he dropped on his knees and rolled her dress up. first he was kissing y/n's thighs, then his lips were on her already wet panties. her noises were getting louder, then bucky took off her underwear. his lips were soft at first, teasing her, but when she buckled up her hips to him that was a sign he had no idea he was waiting for. bucky's tounge was making her more and more wet and she was only getting louder. her hands ended up in his long hair, pulling them hard when he added fingers to his ministrations.
"c'mon sweetie, you are making really cute noises, but you can be louder than that... girls are sleeping inside you can be as loud as you can." he hummed, his lips still so close to your aching pussy. it was hard being quiet with this man, he was making y/n feel like she was floating with his fingers and tounge alone. after her first orgasm they moved to their bedroom. they ended up naked a second after the door closed behind them. lips and hands were everywhere. their bodies so close, lots of moans and gasps. it was a perfect mix between soft love making and rough fucking and it made y/n lost her mind. at some point bucky covered her mouth.
"shh... we are not outside anymore, girls are sleeping next door, you have to be quiet now, doll." he whispered into her ear as he bit it. he was moving inside her with a steady rythm. her hands were on his back, nails in his skin leaving marks, it wasn't long before y/n finished again. when bucky wanted to move she wrapped her legs around him.
"no, please, i want to feel you..." she purred in the croock of his neck. he hapilly obliged. and that's how they both fell asleep. bodies tangled together, their breaths steady and calm and the whole life ahead of them. maybe with more than just two kids in the future...
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lives-in-midgard · 3 months ago
Imagine playing we listen and we don't judge with Bucky:
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: Hey! This is a short idea that I had. I hope you like it! 💗
Divider made by @buck-star
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You and Bucky are best friends.
Because the other Avengers were on a mission and you were bored, you asked if Bucky would like to play a game with you.
"Of course, doll." He said not knowing what kind of game you mean.
At first Bucky was a bit confused but after you showed him a video he understood it.
At the beginning you just said some funny things until Bucky said the next thing:
"Remember when we stood under a mistletoe a few days ago?" He asked and you nodded.
"I placed it there." He said with a smile.
"Wait what?"
"No judging!" He said and you chuckled.
"We listen and we don't judge." You both said.
"Remember when I told you that Steve didn't want to go shopping for presents with me? I never asked him... because I wanted to go with you." You confessed.
"You didn't have to lie, I would have gone with you anyway." Bucky told you and made you smile.
"We listen and we don't judge."
"I love you." Bucky suddenly said. You wanted to say something but Bucky quickly interupted you.
"We listen and we don't judge." You both said again. Then it was your turn again. You took a deep breath and then you said.
"I love you too."
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buck-star | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @beaubbdoll | @sgtgarricks | @ratchildspartan | @scott-loki-barnes |  @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 |
@mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @brnesblogposts | @rogersbarber
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Dating Bucky Barnes Headcanons
Dating Bucky is easy and difficult at the same time.
Bucky isn't the one who makes it difficult. In fact, he takes utmost care of you and tries his best to make sure that you're always comfortable and happy.
What troubles you and him is his past.
For a long time in the beginning, he refused to sleep beside you. Plagued by nightmares every night, he did not want to scare you, or worse, do something to you in the influence of the terrors.
It hurt you when he outright refused, but soon you knew the real reason.
It had taken a lot of persuasion, convincing, bargaining, and even threatening for you to sleep in the same room as him. You knew that sleeping with someone who had night terrors was difficult, but you did not complain and accepted them like you accepted Bucky.
Soon, Bucky allowed you to sleep beside him. And in a few days, he grew so attached to you that he couldn't fall asleep without holding you in his arms.
Bucky loves spending time with you. He doesn't have a lot of money to spare, but whatever he has, he tries his best to spoil you and get you what you want.
His love language is physical touch. Whenever the two of you are in the same room, he'll always be touching you in some way. It's not always sexual. He just wants to be reassured that you're there for him and that you're his.
An arm around you, his hand in yours, or a tender stroking of your ankles, his hands curling through your hair, small things like these matter a lot to him. He loves it when you reciprocate the gestures.
Sometimes, he fears that you might be afraid of him. For what he did, for he was the Winter Soldier. And to be honest, at the beginning of your relationship, you were afraid of him.
But soon, you realise that James Buchanan Barnes is not the Winter Soldier anymore, he's just Bucky. And Bucky's the kindest, sweetest and the most loving man for you.
He's old fashioned, but not shy like Steve. He's the best of both worlds, being a man who opens car doors for you and pulls out chairs for you, and also the one who can start a fight to defend you.
He's ashamed of his vibranium arm, and keeps it covered up most of the time, thinking that it is ruining your image and making you two look weird. But you feel nothing like that.
So once, you kissed his vibranium arm all the way from his palm to shoulder, leaving him blushing and with a reassurance that you love the way he is.
You love it when he reads to you. His voice is soft and smooth, having a sexy rumble you love.
But to be honest, he loves it more when you read to him. Your voice is like a melody to his ears, and he'll always listen to it despite whatever you're saying.
He loves giving you piggyback rides. In fact, whenever you don't wanna walk or cannot walk, he'll lift you up on his back, no questions asked.
Bucky is not very vocal when it comes to feelings. He believes in showing instead of telling. Like I said, old fashioned.
It's not just Bucky defending you, you're ready to jump in to defend him shall the need ever arise.
Bucky tells you a lot of stories of himself and Steve from back in the day. You love hearing them, mostly because you want to know more about your boyfriend, but also because Bucky looks relaxed, happier and calmer whenever he talks about the good old days.
You're his soulmate, and he's yours. Both of you just want a quiet life, away from the conflict and relaxing in each others' arms.
He's the scary Winter Soldier to the world, but to you, he's just your Bucky.
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you-have-a-metal-arm · 6 months ago
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Slight shading of smut, fluff, and spice ✨
Summary: You wanted to play a little instagram trend to Bucky, where you ask to drive his car. And his answer leaves you speechless.
Authors Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
This was in my notes app for a long time, hope you enjoy.
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Bucky had been waiting for this night longer than he cared to admit. After weeks away on a mission, all he could think about was you-your laugh, the way you looked at him like he was your whole world, and the way you fit perfectly into his arms. When he finally pulled up to your place in his brand-new Porsche Carrera 119, everything felt right again.
The sleek black car gleamed under the streetlights, purring softly as Bucky brought it to a stop. He watched as you stepped out of your apartment, looking like something out of his dreams, and his breath caught in his throat. No matter how many times he saw you, you always managed to take his breath away. With a wide grin, he hopped out of the car, quickly making his way around to open the door for you.
"Hey, gorgeous," he murmured, his voice deep and full of warmth as he took your hand, helping you into the car.
You flashed him that smile that made his world light up, and Bucky felt a surge of warmth in his chest. He might have been an old soul, but the way you made him feel was entirely new-like he was falling in love for the first time all over again.
The night was perfect. Dinner at a cozy little restaurant where the two of you could just be yourselves, followed by a slow walk along the waterfront. The city was alive around you, but all Bucky cared about was the sound of your voice and the feel of your hand in his. After weeks of missions, close calls, and constant vigilance, this was what he needed—a night where he could just be with you.
As the evening wound down, Bucky led you back to the Porsche, his hand resting comfortably on the small of your back. He moved to open the passenger door for you, but before you could get in, a playful thought crossed your mind. You'd seen a trend on Instagram-a silly challenge where you ask your partner to let you drive their car, just to see if they trust you. You knew Bucky loved this car, and you were certain he'd laugh it off, maybe tease you a little before getting behind the wheel himself.
But as you looked up at him with a mischievous smile, you couldn't resist asking.
"Hey, Bucky," you began, biting your lip. "Mind if I drive?"
You expected him to hesitate, to make a joke about how much he loved the car, but instead, Bucky just raised an eyebrow and handed you the keys without a second thought, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Sure, doll," he said smoothly, his voice low and confident. "It's all yours."
You blinked, surprised, the keys now in your hand.
You thought he might change his mind, but instead, Bucky just walked around to the passenger side, sliding in with that easy confidence that always made your heart skip a beat.
With a mix of excitement and nerves, you settled into the driver's seat, adjusting the mirrors and taking a deep breath. You could feel Bucky's eyes on you, watching with that familiar intensity that always made you feel like the most important person in the world. His hand found its way to your thigh, fingers gently squeezing, sending a rush of warmth through you.
"Just don't wreck it, sweetheart," he teased, though his tone was more playful than serious.
You laughed, easing the car onto the road, the engine responding smoothly to your touch. But even as you drove, Bucky's hand remained on your thigh, his fingers slowly, deliberately tracing patterns on your skin. The touch was light, teasing, but enough to send shivers up your spine.
"You're doing great," Bucky murmured, his voice lower now, edged with something that made your pulse quicken. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "I love watching you take control."
His words sent a thrill through you, but it was his hand, sliding just a little higher up your thigh, that made you suck in a sharp breath. The road was suddenly harder to focus on with the way he was touching you, the heat of his hand seeping through your clothes, igniting a fire low in your belly.
"Bucky," you breathed, trying to sound composed, but the way he was looking at you-like he was ready to devour you-made it difficult to concentrate.
"Yeah?" he responded, his thumb brushing the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, his touch both possessive and teasing. "Something distracting you?"
You shot him a quick glance, catching the smirk on his lips, the way his eyes had darkened with that familiar heat that made your stomach flutter. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"Nothing I can't handle," you managed to say, though your voice wavered, betraying the effect he was having on you.
He chuckled softly, a low, rumbling sound that sent a shiver down your spine. "That's my girl."
The drive felt like it stretched on forever, Bucky's hand never leaving your thigh, his fingers exploring, teasing, driving you to distraction. The hum of the engine, the cool night air, the city lights—all of it blurred together as you focused on the heat of his touch, the way it was making your pulse race, your skin tingle with anticipation.
By the time you pulled up to the Avengers HQ, your heart was pounding, your body humming with the tension he'd so expertly built. You put the car in park, taking a moment to catch your breath before turning to face him.
Bucky was already watching you, his eyes dark and full of something that made your breath catch.
Without a word, he reached out, his hand cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing gently over your skin, sending another jolt of electricity through you.
"You did amazing, doll," he said softly, his voice rich with affection, but there was an edge to it now-a hunger that made your pulse quicken.
Before you could respond, Bucky leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that was anything but gentle. His lips moved against yours with a possessive hunger, one hand sliding into your hair, the other tightening its grip on your thigh. The kiss was deep, demanding, leaving you breathless as his tongue teased yours, pulling you into a rhythm that made your head spin.
When he finally pulled back, his lips were still brushing against yours, his breath hot against your skin. "I trust you, Y/N," he whispered, his voice rough, laced with a promise that made your heart race. "More than anything."
The sincerity in his words made your chest tighten, but there was no time to dwell on it as he leaned in again, his mouth finding yours with a fervor that left you dizzy. His hand slid higher, fingers digging into your thigh, making you gasp into his mouth as he deepened the kiss.
There was something intoxicating about the way he kissed you-like he was trying to pour every ounce of emotion he had into it, his lips, his touch, telling you everything words couldn't. When he finally pulled away, you were breathless, your heart pounding in your chest as he pressed his forehead to yours, his eyes closed, his breathing ragged.
"I trust you with everything, doll," he murmured, his voice soft but full of emotion. "And I'm never letting you go."
You smiled, feeling your heart swell with affection and something deeper, something that felt like it had been there all along, just waiting to be
acknowledged. As you sat there in the dim light of the HQ's parking lot, his hand still resting on your thigh, you knew that this was just the beginning of many more moments like this-each one filled with love, passion, and a trust that would only grow stronger with time.
And with Bucky by your side, you knew you were ready for whatever came next.
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pepperonijem · 2 years ago
i. the gentle indifference of the world || all my love
"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." - The Stranger; Albert Camus
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Summary: He's cool, smart, attractive... and completely out of your league. But that won't stop you from falling head over heels for him. Pairing: high school!bucky x f!reader Warnings: steve is a little ooc but just roll with it Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: yay!! welcome to the first chapter!
back to library || next chapter
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If you had listened to the rational voice in your head when your dad broke the news to you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
If you had started making a list of things to pack, if you had called either of your two best friends immediately after, if you decided to be sane for 12 minutes, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
However, hindsight is 20/20, but in terms of foresight? You shouldn’t be allowed near the driver’s seat of any vehicle. Because instead of making any of the simple rational decisions after your father mentioned the possibility of moving across the country, you chose to sit down at your desk and write a letter. Fountain pen in hand and a candle burning beside you, for 12 minutes you were a character in a Jane Austen novel. Probably Lydia Bennett of all people, but a Jane Austen character nonetheless.
And that letter was how you found yourself in this situation – mortified and surrounded by whispers and stares, but worst of all, the icy blue glare of James Bucky Barnes was fixed on the pretty pink card in your hands.
A simple “no thanks,” and that was it, but why did it feel like time stopped? One word was enough to crumble your fragile heart and you froze right in place. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you that you began to breathe again, and blood rushed back into your brain enough for you to see Bucky turn the corner and disappear.
Once you finally felt your heartbeat return to normal, you looked around to see the empty classroom you were in and you let out a sigh.
“You ready to tell us what just happened?” one concerned voice asked. Wanda’s voice was always gentle, always cheerful, usually loud, but the softness in her tone this time tipped you over the edge and you felt the sting of fresh tears in your eyes. She knelt down to look you in the eye as your other friend, Steve, helped you to sit at a desk.
Another sigh and you finally began to explain. “My dad said we might be moving in a couple of weeks,” you started, feeling your heart sink at the looks of hurt on your friends’ faces. “So I guess part of me panicked and I decided to tell Bucky how I felt.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to let out a sigh. The ever wise, ever charming Steve, who could see the end of any problem. His sigh was not out of pity, but out of frustration. “You know you could’ve called us right? We could’ve talked this through, came up with a better way to do this.” You knew that Steve and Wanda would not have let you go through with the idea if you had called, but you appreciated the fact that he didn’t say that.
“I know,” you began to argue. “But I don’t know, part of me… hoped he would say yes.” You didn’t miss the way Steve and Wanda’s eyes went wide as you mumbled the end of your sentence. “At least anything but whatever the hell happened today.”
You knew Steve was holding himself back. In his head he runs through every scenario before he acts, actually somewhat calculating underneath his calm, charming exterior. He knew this was the most likely scenario, but he would never tell you that, so he lets out a sigh instead and turns his attention to the math equations written on the whiteboard. 
Wanda on the other hand was a reactor. Her heart was on her sleeve and her anger at seeing her best friend upset was clear in her furrowed eyebrows and shaky voice. “I just don’t get why you keep wasting your time on him,” she confessed. “He’s too dense for his own good and he’s not particularly nice either. He’s smart academically, but stupid in every other way. He’s really not worth it.”
Steve turned around, surprised at Wanda’s outburst. “Wanda,” he called out. “Aren’t you friends with him?”
Wanda scoffed in response. “What about it?” she answered back. “You guys are stupid too, but we’re still friends.” A beat of silence passed as the three of you stared at each other, unblinking, before laughter broke the stillness. It was moments like this that made you pause to appreciate the two people you called your best friends. Although life had its ups and downs, the downs never lasted long, not when you had two loving friends to pull you right back up.
You stood up, a renewed sense of pride and determination filling you up. “You’re right Wanda,” you exclaimed and she gave you a thumbs up in return. “Boys are stupid.” Steve and Wanda shared a look of surprise.
“Well that’s not–” Wanda began to protest.
“I’m not stupid,” Steve started a little too loudly and boldly. “I wouldn’t have turned you down.” 
He finished his sentence softly as he watched you walk out of the classroom door. Wanda placed a comforting arm around Steve’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t have turned you down either Steve,” she teased as Steve shoved her to the side playfully.
Despite your renewed sense of pride, the quietness of your study period left you too much time to think and you found yourself lost in a sense of nostalgia as you sat at a table in the library.
The first time you met Bucky was still painted clear as day in your mind. 
You were a freshman searching for solace amidst the chaos of high school on the first day and you had found yourself in the library. Until now, it was a place of peace for you, but especially so on that first day. 
Running your fingers along the aisles of books, you found one that you wanted to read. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, sitting right at the top shelf, pushed just a little too far back for you to be able to wiggle it out. You let out a sigh, and rolled up your sleeve, embarrassed that your next plan of attack was to climb the shelf to be able to reach the book. You braced yourself, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath, when a baritone chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You had opened your eyes to see an arm  reaching past you to grab a book off the shelf– your book. In your head you cursed his long legs and arms, but as you met eyes with the boy, you felt your heart sink down to your toes and shoot right back up and suddenly you didn’t want to read a book that was so nihilist anymore. Meursault may not have found it, but love suddenly became something that mattered.
He waved the book in your direction and you had to force your attention to his words and away from his face. “Were you trying to get this?” he asked.
“Huh?” you blinked before looking down at the book you were no longer interested in. “Oh, yeah, I was but, I don’t know if I want to read it anymore.”
He hummed and nodded in response as he inspected the book. “The Stranger,” He read. “Is it good?” 
“Yeah, if you’re into stories about life having no meaning,” you explained, suddenly flustered at the way he seemed to take your words seriously.
“I see,” he replied. “Then do you think life has no meaning? It seemed like you wanted this book pretty badly.” The weight of his question startled you as you tried to stammer out a response but before you could get anything significant out, his watch beeped and he was already turning his back to you. “Thanks for the book recommendation,” he called back, waving the book in the air.
That day, James Barnes stole not only your book, but your affections. 
For the next four years of your life, you found yourself loving him from a distance. You’d see him in the hallways, in class, but you could never bring yourself to say anything to him and you resigned yourself to this distance. It was lonely, but it was safe, and that was good enough for you… until today.
Now, after breaking that distance, you wished you never did. It was easier to never know how he felt about you, to be in love with the memory you had of him rather than be crushed by reality. 
The final bell finally rang and you were more than ready to head home. Outside the quiet bubble of the library, the school was cheering, the drumline playing in the main hall and everyone shouting cheers to the football team, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to celebrate your senior homecoming game with the rest of the school. Instead you found Wanda and Steve and made your way home.
“Welcome home!” 
The sound of your father’s voice filled you with warmth as soon as he opened the door, the joy in his greeting briefly making you forget the events of the day. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, still smelling of spices from his day spent at the restaurant, and led you and your friends into the house. 
Once inside, your dad gave your friends a confused look. “Isn’t tonight your last homecoming game? Shouldn’t you be at the game?” He questioned as the three of you kicked off your shoes and set your backpacks down by the door.
Wanda looked over to you as she answered, “Nah,” she replied with an easy smile. “The real party is here.” Your dad let out a hearty laugh in response, which the three of you mirrored. 
“I had made way too much dinner for just the two of us, so it’s perfect that you guys are here,” your dad put his arms around Wanda and Steve who cheered in response.
“Well, once I found out you were making the world’s best lasagna, how could I not invite myself over?” Steve said. The way your dad beamed back at Steve made both you and Wanda chuckle. Steve was both an extremely talented artist as well as an extremely talented cook, and your dad absolutely adored him for it. He was always welcome to the family dinner.
“Careful, dad,” you chimed in. “Between Steve and Wanda, there might not be any left for the two of us.” Your dad laughed in response as Steve rolled his eyes and Wanda nodded. As you settled into the table, you realized your dad wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said he made way too much dinner. The table was lined with lasagna, roasts, vegetables, and lots of side dishes, enough for a feast. “What’s the occasion dad?” You asked as you looked around the table, trying to decide what to eat first. 
Your dad set his silverware down before explaining. “Well,” he began. “To be honest, I felt somewhat bad.” 
“About what?” you asked, your mouth full of lasagna. 
Your dad chuckled as he continued, passing you a napkin. “As I’m sure you’ve explained to your friends,” he gestured to Steve and Wanda. “I accepted the offer to help start the new restaurant. I thought about it some more, and I felt bad that you would have to uproot your whole life right at the end of high school.”
You looked at him, urging him to continue.
“So I contacted my friend from college, the one I meet with for lunch sometimes, and he said that his son also goes to the same school as you and since they have a spare room, he’s offering to take you in for the year.” 
“No shit,” Steve exclaimed in response as Wanda nudged him under the table, giving him a look reminding him to keep his foul language to himself, but your dad just laughed it off.
“That means I get to stay right?” You squealed. “I don’t have to leave?”
“Yes, that’s true,” your dad confirmed. “But it’s only for the year. At the end of your school year, you can move up with me, or if everything goes really well, I’ll be back home early.” He let out a sigh of relief at seeing the way the three of your faces lit up. Ever since you were little, you, Steve and Wanda had been inseparable. You would walk to school and back home together, you would have sleepovers and every meal was spent together. Your dad felt that tearing you away from them right before you would have to separate for college anyway was cruel. 
He cleared his throat as he continued. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, and that you’ll probably miss me so so so much,” he teased. “But I know you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.” He smiled fondly at the two boys sitting around the table who were looking at you with nothing but adoration in their eyes.
The rest of dinner went by quietly. Polite talk here and there, but an overwhelming effort to avoid discussing your father’s move, which was at the end of the week, settled among the four of you. It wasn’t until after dinner, after Wanda had left to go home, that you finally got to process your feelings with Steve who stayed behind to help clean up.
“Steve, you really didn’t have to stay,” You sighed as you leaned against the counter beside him as he turned on the faucet in the sink. “I don’t mind doing the dishes.”
He gave you the same winning smile that he gave your father earlier. “Please,” he began. “It’s the least I could do… you’ve had a long day.” He cocked his eyebrow at you, reminding you of the unopened note that now lay on top of your desk in your room. “How are you feeling?”
You grabbed a dish towel, helping Steve dry the dishes he washed, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Like a salad.” Steve turned to you with a confused chuckle, waiting for you to elaborate. “Don’t laugh, Wanda taught me this. I feel so many things right now but I can’t really condense it all into one thing.”
Steve hummed thoughtfully before continuing. “Okay, well what’s the lettuce right now? The biggest thing you’re feeling.”
“Hmm…” you thought. “Sad, that my dad is leaving. I’ve never been away from him that long.” 
“Okay, what about the chicken?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, appreciating the way Steve ran with your simile.
“The chicken… Happy.” You finally gave Steve a small smile. “Happy that I get to stay here with you and Wanda.”
Steve smiled back at you. “I’m happy about that too. How are we supposed to be a trio if it’s just me and Wanda?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you swatted his arm with the dish towel. “Steve, you and Wanda have enough personality for 13 people. I’m sure you would have found a way.”
He pouted in return, rubbing his arm where you swatted him before slipping back into a smile. “Not true, but whatever,” he relented. He was glad that the trio would remain a trio, but it got him thinking about what the future holds for the three of you. College was never really something you all had discussed in depth. Mostly just vague hypotheticals about what decorations to get for the apartment you’ll share and the kind of classes you’ll all take together. But in every future he could imagine, the three of you were always together.
After that night, the rest of the week passed by in a messy and teary blur, with Steve and Wanda coming over every day to help you pack. Well, “help” was a strong word. They mostly sat on your bed and looked through your knick knacks while asking for snacks. They were also very unhelpful at trying to convince you to “Marie Kondo” your room, as they called it.
Wanda tried convincing you that maybe you should leave your giant stuffed avocado behind, to which you adamantly argued against because she won it for you at the school carnival last year. Steve asked why you still kept your report card from fifth grade in a treasure chest, to which you responded by showing him the teacher’s notes, “Had to separate her from Steve and Wanda. They distract each other and draw pictures on their math homework. Always laughing and smiling in class :)”
Going through your whole room with them was a lot less embarrassing than you had expected, and by the end of the week, you were ready to go with only the essentials packed. Steve and Wanda came to see you off, helping your dad pack your things into the car and they each gave you a big hug before letting you go.
Your dad laughed at the scene, watching the three of you get teary eyed even though you would still see each other every day at school. But when he finally drove off and saw you looking wistfully out the window, he felt a pang in his chest and it reminded him how much he’s going to miss you as well. 
The drive was fun as it always was with your dad, but as he parked in front of a huge house in a very wealthy neighborhood, the grin on your face grew even more. The homes in this neighborhood were much bigger than your own, and you figured you should enjoy yourself while you’re here. Your dad took your hand as the two of you walked to the front door of his college buddy’s home, telling you a silly story about their adventures together in university.
“Oh, I’m so excited you get to meet him,” your dad exclaimed as he rang the bell. “I heard his son is actually in your grade, so maybe you already know him.”
You looked at your dad curiously. “What’s his name?” 
But before your dad could respond, the door swung open to reveal none other than–
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cattordi · 2 years ago
a/n did y’all miss me??? writing this in class 🤗 so enjoy. honestly felt like i write absolutely too much abt absolutely nothing
summary you get a flat tire on the way to a party and on top of that you’re in the middle of nowhere so you call bucky to help you
pairings brothersbestfriend!mechanic!bucky barnes x collegestudent!reader
warnings smut , breeding, praise, not proofread, choking, foul language, arguing?,a bit of fluff etc. 18+ MINORS DNI
don’t test me
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“only this would happen to me” you groan before pulling your car over in the absolute middle of nowhere.
you were on the way to a spring break party but clearly the universe had other plans. getting out of your car, you walk around to check out the damage.
low and behold, a flat tire.
“no fucking way.” you whisper. you were miles away from a gas station or any sort of place other people were. grabbing your phone from your back pocket of your jean shorts, you scroll through your contacts finding your brothers name.
you place the phone to your ear and sit for a bit letting it ring.
and ring.
and ring. until finally you’re sent to voicemail.
what the fuck?
you hesitate as you keep scrolling through your contacts looking at other options of help; until you finally reach that one person.
your least favorite human to ever walk the earth but you could never deny how he made you feel sometimes.
the man was good with his words, you have to admit it.
only problem was, he was your brothers best friend and also a dick.
pressing the call button, you wait as the phone rings.
“please pick up, plea-“
“hey y/n, what’s up?” he says and there’s shuffling in the background.
“hey, i’m sorry to bother.”
no you aren’t.
“i got a flat tire and i need help changing it. if you can’t that’s fi-“
“where are you?”
“in the middle of nowhere.”
“what the hell? get in your car and send me your location. i’ll be there in 15.”
knowing you’re at least 30 minutes out of town, you comply and wait.
after what feels like 20 years, bright head lights blind you from behind and you sit up in your car. your drivers side door flies open and a pissed bucky stares at you.
“you could’ve at least locked the door y/n. hell you could’ve gotten murdered.”
rolling your eyes you get out, “didn’t think anyone would even be out here at this time of night.”
“don’t start with your attitude.” he begins while pulling a car jack out his truck, “i’m not in the mood.”
“why are you even out here this late?”
“what are you my dad?”
“no but i’m your brothers best friend and i have the right to know.”
“it’s none of your busines.” you say and glare at him.
“tell me.”
“y/n..” he basically growls at you.
“i swear if you don’t tell me.”
you can see the frustration in his face so to be a brat, you keep going.
“i was going to get fucked.” you say and try not to laugh.
visible jealousy crosses his face and he stands from his squatted position. “you what?”
“i was going to have sex? is that a prob-“ you begin but are cut off by a hand around your throat.
“you know that pisses me off, so why keep pushing it? hm?” he hums the last part, “you tryna get to me darling?”
you do the best you can to nod as pleasure filled tears brim your eyes.
this is what you always wanted from him.
his metal hand slims into your shorts finding your clit. “do you want me to take you in my truck?”
you nod and his eyes go dark, taking a bit of the pressure off your throat.
if anyone passed by, you’re sure the police would be called.
“use your words.”
“good job baby.”
you both walk to his truck, him following behind you.
he opens the door to the back for you and you hop in immediately filled with even more excitement.
as soon as he closes the door behind the two of you, his lips attack yours. though you’re in such a small space it feels just right for the two of you.
pulling at your shorts, bucky unbuttons them and pulls them down with your underwear.
he takes notices of the wet spot on your panties and chuckles. “so wet for me already.”
his hand slids between your folds; coating every inch of you before two fingers slide in.
you gasp at the stretch and his pace only gets faster. “you feel so tight around my fingers baby.”
“i’m gonna cum.”
he stops and you’re immediately pissed off. “why’d you stop?”
“i want you to cum when i’m you.”
you hadn’t notice his jeans were down but his dick caught your full attention,
and my lord was it big.
“it’s not gonna fit.”
“oh it will. lay back for me.” he says calmly all the while, lining up at your entrance.
the anticipation wears off as soon as he slams in you and begins moving. the truck fills with sounds of moans and skin slapping.
“you’re so tight, i love it.” he says and his strokes become faster.
“you’re so big.” you say in between moans. “i’m getting so close.”
“you’re doing so well,” he begins and leans down to kiss you, “you take me so well.”
you’re getting closer and closer to coming everytine he hits your sweet spot and it couldn’t feel any better. “harder please.” you moan and he complies immediately, thrusting into you.
“i’m gonna cum.” you say and at that moment his thumb finds your clit and rubs big meaningful circles.
“my lord darling, you feel so good around me. it’s taking everything in me not to cum right now.”
he continues to thrust into you getting you closer and closer to what you both desire. “i’m cumming bucky.”
“i feel you darling, keep going. you’re squeezin’ me so tight.” he begins and you continue to cum around his cock,”i’ve waited for this for long baby.”
yours moans get louder as when grabs your legs and puts him on his shoulder, making his thrust hit a different spot inside of you. “y/n..” he moans, “fuck you’re making me fun babydoll.”
with that, his continues his fast thrust hitting your g-spot repeatedly till he comes.
warm spurts of cum fill you as his thrust slow down and eventually come to a halt. “holy fuck that was the best sex i’ve had in a long time..” you say while trying to catch your breath.
“you wanna go again?”
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 9 months ago
Sebastian Stan characters finding out you’re pregnant » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky finds out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Fluff, language, pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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The words “I’m pregnant.” falling from your lips would leave Bucky speechless, nervous, and scared, but over all, he would be excited that he’s going to be a dad. He would be by your side no matter what.
The first person he would tell is Steve, obviously.
Bucky would hold your hair during morning sickness.
He would be confused as hell with the craving combinations you came up with. You would steal some of his plums when he’s not looking or when he’s not home. When he asks you about it, you say “It wasn’t me. It was the baby.”
Bucky would give you any kind of massage. Feet, back, shoulders, you name it.
When you demand cuddles and kisses, he’ll give them to you.
He tries his best to be there for you during your mood swings. He holds you while you’re crying about something that shouldn’t be something to cry about, but he still comforts you. He also holds you when you’re mad. You try to fight him off and push him away, but he’s too strong and won’t let go of you so you give in and melt into his touch.
Bucky was a little hesitant about touching your baby bump with his vibranium hand, because he didn’t want to somehow hurt you or the baby. Eventually, that worry leaves his mind after a few days and he trusts himself to touch your baby bump with his vibranium hand.
He would be obsessed when the baby starts kicking. He would be completely astonished the first time he or she kicks. He would marvel over it while his right hand on your baby bump.
He would love having little talks with the baby. He’ll tell him or her stories about what life was like in the 1940s, Steve, your beauty, his family, and what the Army was like.
Don’t get him started on baby clothes. You two would go shopping for baby clothes after finding out the gender of the baby.
Bucky would love to have a daughter. He would love to have a son too. Just as long as the baby is healthy, he doesn’t mind what the gender is.
He would want Steve to be the godfather.
Sam would claim the favorite uncle.
Natasha and Wanda would playfully argue over the favorite aunt.
Bucky would be the kind of first time parent to buy a parenting book so he knows what to do and what to expect before and after the baby is born.
Bucky would wish that his parents and sister were alive so they can meet his son or daughter when he or she is born.
If the baby is a girl, he would want to name her after his mom or sister. If the baby is a boy, you would to name him after Bucky and he would want to name him after his best friend.
Over all, Bucky would be the most amazing father in the world.
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navybrat817 · 11 months ago
Thinking about riding Bucky's thigh.
You hide your face in the crook of his neck with a whine when he praises you. Tells you how pretty you are as he guides your hips with one hand, the other caressing your body with such care. How proud he is that you're taking what you need and letting him give it to you.
"Doing so well for me. That feel good? You wanna come? So pretty when you come. Let me see it. Let me feel it."
His deep voice is so gentle that it makes your eyes sting with unshed tears.
So you praise him, too, when you ride his thick thigh faster. How you're wet and needy because of him. How his touch makes you feel both weak and alive. And how lucky you are to have his love.
It's enough to push him over the edge with you.
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That's all, lovelies. Go about your business. ❤️
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winters-light · 28 days ago
You’re a Guest in Alpine’s Home
Words: 600?? A/N: idk what you want to call this, there isn't really a plot and i haven't edited it but i was struggling to write my other fic/blurb because the english student in me was overthinking every word and grammatical choice and i just needed to write something to get going really
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You've been dating Bucky for a while, and he finally invites you back to his apartment for a drink after a dinner date. He had mentioned he had a cat he loved very much, and you were excited to meet her but nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to witness.
As you walk into this apartment she immediately races up to Bucky and claws at his leg. Without a second thought, he drops your hand to pick her up and give her little face a whole bunch of kisses. You barely recognise the way the man in the leather jacket has softened his voice so much as he murmurs to his cat about how much he missed her and how much her loves her. Oddly, you were almost jealous that the furthest you had got with him was a respectful kiss goodnight.
A minute or two pass as he greets his kitten lovingly before remembering you were stood at his side and turning to you.
"This is Alpine," he finally formally introduces the two of you. She was adorable and fluffy and all you wanted to do was scoop her up in your arms too but the way she glared at you made you hesitate. Instead, you reach out and stroke her carefully murmuring a soft hi in an attempt to let her familiarise herself with you.
As soon as Bucky placed her down, she wandered off without a second glance at you. You watched at her as she wandered down the hall and into a room with the door open as Bucky ushered you into the kitchen in the opposite direction. "Don't mind her, she'll be back soon. She just takes a while to warm up to new people," he explains sheepishly as he invites you to sit down whilst he makes you a drink. You nod understandingly accepting the drink and sipping it as you engage in easy conversation with Bucky.
After a while Alpine makes her way into the kitchen and hops into Bucky's lap. You watch as he instinctively pets her soft fur as he continues his conversation with you. However, Alpine appears unsatisfied at the lack of attention, the way Bucky was too invested in you currently to even glance down at her and crawls up on the counter. You were a little surprised but didn't think much of it as she wandered around but she was a smart cat, and she waited for your eyes to leave her and return to Bucky before she pushed the bottle of wine you and bucky were sharing onto the floor.
It hit the floor with a loud crash and Bucky immediately jumped up and scooped her into his arms apologising to you briefly before fussing over his cat and ensuring she didn't hurt herself. You knew she loved the attention and couldn't blame her honestly. Once Bucky had properly ensured his precious kitten was not injured he stood up with her carefully and walked back down the hall. You followed behind him curiously as he entered the room you’d seen Alpine walk into earlier, you had assumed it was Bucky’s room and couldn’t help the small huff of laughter that left your lips as you realised that you were wrong.
It was Alpine’s room.
Of course she had her own room. She had a bed in every room in the apartment and toys all over the place, Bucky had sent you countless photos of the two in bed together but here was a fully furnished cat bedroom Bucky had set up for her. He had her so spoilt it was no wonder she was so possessive of him. You watched silently amused as he dropped her off and closed the door before heading back to the kitchen to clean up with you.
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shamrockqueen · 2 years ago
Messy, gritty, moody, but secretly sweet on you and doesn’t like to show it Bounty Hunter man.!!!!
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