#my most controversial post.
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mariigoldzz · 21 days ago
I'm not team Gale but why do people ALWAYS have to compare him to Peeta? He's a well written character on his own.
Book Gale is a cautionary tale. He's a product of radicalization and manipulation. He was angry at the Capitol for what they did to the people he loved and as a result made the biggest mistake of his life. (causing the death of Prim.)
Instead of actually appreciating what Collins was trying to say, ("War changes people.") y'all just compare him to Peeta. He's a boy who was changed by his environment and lost people he loved because of it. It's hypocritical for a fandom that complains so much about media literacy and criticizes the movies for pushing the love triangle to water Gale down to "Katniss's asshole love interest."
Did he do bad things? Yes. Do you have to like Gale? No, but perhaps we should look at him from a different angle and stop attacking people who appreciate his character and the message Collins was trying to send.
Edit: People are trying to tell me he's a bad person in the replies. This post is NOT about that. I'm talking about the themes of his character, not his personality. Don't try to correct me on my own post when I'm not even talking about that?? Y'all act like he's worse than Snow 💀 I literally wrote "Did he do bad things? Yes."
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shoplifting · 7 months ago
Your silent protagonist doesn't have to use sign language btw. They don't have to write things down, either. They don't have to use language at all. Not every single person who doesn't talk can use words the same as you, or use them at all, so your favorite silent character shouldn't have to use what you consider a grammatical language to communicate in your fanart and fics. AAC exists. Drawing exists. Gestures and body language exist. Btw.
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fuzziiwuzzii · 5 months ago
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Louis getting ready for Halloween ^^
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Nicknames | Sevika x Reader (SFW)
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Summary: Sevika decides it's time for a new pet name for you.
An: Don't like Don't interact. SFW and Fluffy (kinda) Not proof read
You're usually home before Sevika. Unlike her you have a "normal" job, with "regular" hours. So there's usually a good chunk of time in the evening that you spend at home alone.
Thankfully you still have things to do. Things to occupy you while you wait for her to get home. Still the ache of wanting her to be home already buries itself deep in your chest.
Thankfully you eventually hear the front door unlock, the creak of the door opening bringing a surge of excitement to your chest as you know it could be none other than your wonderful girlfriend.
You listen for her from the kitchen, quietly preparing dinner as you hear her shoes drop to the floor and her heavy steps make their way through the house.
You hear her make one of her low rumbly noises from the arch of the kitchen entryway, but you don't look up. You just hum back, a soft smile slipping onto your face.
Sevika wastes no time walking up behind you and wrapping her arms loosely around your waist as her forehead presses softly between your shoulder blades, "hey there big fella..." Her voice is low and tired but the name catches you off guard.
You snort at the pet name, if you can even call it that, pushing julienned bell peppers out of the way and grabbing some celery to chop, "Mm... I think that's meant to be a compliment? But I'm pretty sure you're bigger than me, honey."
Sevika huffs behind you, grabbing a stick of celery, "How's little man then? Or maybe Medium Bro-"
"Bro?" You laugh, "Definitely not, what's with the sudden pet name change?" You turn and take the celery out of her hand just as she's about to chomp down on it.
This earns you a displeased grunt, "Got tired of callin’ you the same thing everyday." She unwraps her arms from your waist, you already miss them, and turns to the cupboards for a snack since you so rudely took her first choice.
"I figured that was a good enough solution" She grabs out a bag of chips, turning and leaning on the counter next to you. The kitchen is small enough that there is barely any room to maneuver around one another but the two of you find a way.
You nod and hum at her logic thinking hard about your next comeback, "Right, because Big Fella is so much more romantic then hm... Babe? Oh- or honey, I'd be caught dead before saying that!" You're tease turns to a laugh when you turn and see Sevika's twisted face.
"You love calling me Honey Bear and you know it" she grumbles, digging in the bag for more chips to munch on. You can't help but chuckle at her reaction. It is a pretty clever pet name, you're proud of yourself for coming up with it.
You settle into a nice silence, or as silent as it will get in the bustling Undercity, you swear no one ever really sleeps around here except Sevika and you.
Thankfully it's not so loud you can't hear yourself think. So you find yourself not being able to help a small smile as you think about the plethora of pet names Sevika could decide on for you.
Sevika on the other hand is about to shove more chips into her mouth, you catch her and snatch the bag out of her hand, "The gumbo will be ready eventually, Sevi"
She groans as you put the bag back in the cupboard, "Yeah well 'eventually' is an eternity with you cooking. I'm kinda hungry now, Kitten."
Slowly, you turn around to stare at Sevika. She seems just as surprised as you about the slip up. But she notices your silence and the way you avert your gaze. When you happen to glance back at her she's smirking and you can feel the heat build on your face.
"I don't hear any complaints about that one..." She crosses her arms, cocking her head to the side as she glances you up and down.
You internally groan, you'll never hear the end of this, never live it down. So you might as well embrace it... Or at least not deny your flustered from it, "It. Caught me off guard at first... That's all."
You return back to the cutting board but you hesitant to start chopping the rest of whats in front of you.
Sevika slides behind you again, hands now resting on your hips as she leans into your ear, "Hm, I'll keep it in my back pocket then, sound good?"
The slightest nod you give makes Sevika chuckle and she kisses your shoulder, "I'll keep thinkin' about it... Just so you don't turn all mushy in public"
The rest of dinner is spent joking and teasing about different pet names. Then the rest of the night is her calling you all sorts of names out of the blue. You know for sure she'll have a new one picked out by morning.
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afterthelambs · 4 months ago
Shuake and Jundori are basically the same ship
List of similarities between Joker/Akechi and Junpei/Chidori:
Ship is between a chill guy and an assassin
Characters share the same persona affinity (Arsene and Loki both use curse, Hermes and Medea both use fire)
Assassin's outfit colors are mainly white and red (specifically akechi's robin hood outfit)
Assassin's persona may hurt them (Loki has call of chaos and Medea attacks Chidori)
Assassin deceives the chill guy into thinking they're normal to get info on the group he's part of
Assassin betrays and kidnaps the chill guy + separates him from his friend group because he's the leader (Junpei was lying about being the leader but Chidori believed it)
Friend group is only cordial with the assassin at best but doesn't wish harm on them
Chill guy is the only one who truly connects with the assassin
Assassin insists they dont care about the chill guy but deep down they do
While responsible for their own actions, the assassin is still being manipulated by someone close to them
Revealed that the assassin's abilities were being exploited by the families of both games' wealthy Empress Arcana (Okumura used Akechi via Shido to assassinate enemies, Kirijo group used Chidori as a child experiment)
In late November, the assassin has a 1-vs-many fight against the chill guy and his friends
After you beat the assassin, the ones manipulating them appear and reveal they're willing to discard the assassin for being weak
The manipulators threaten to shoot the chill guy instead
Assassin sacrifices themself for the chill guy during the shooting
Chill guy's greatest wish was to be with the assassin and losing them challenges their resolve to fight (Joker may or may not fold on 2/2 but Junpei gets his resolve back as part of the plot)
Toxic doomed trope
If Royal and Reload (because thats what I played):
14. Chill guy and assassin have a special attack (showtime and theurgy)
15. Assassin died permanently in the original version of the games, but they can be saved in future remakes (if you spent enough time with them and made the right choices in-game)
I think that's it? But if anyone points out more I will edit this and add them
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biancadavri · 2 months ago
Irving, First Enchanter of Kinloch Hold: I shall rename this Circle after its most prestigious member
Amell/Surana: I'm honored :)
Irving, First Enchanter of Dagna's Very Own Big Fuck-Off Tower: sorry, what?
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ddeck · 7 months ago
long lived sw races must be so extra about their hobbies. imagine you live for thousand years and a century of that time you decide to dedicate to making a single big af carpet
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andhumanslovedstories · 9 months ago
I’ve given it a lot of thought and consideration and trial and feedback and philosophical pondering on what makes a good cataloging system, and I gotta say I’ve come out the other side enthusiastically supportive of bookshelves sorted by color.
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pandorasopenedbox3 · 6 months ago
I’m not sure if someone’s said this before but I’ve always felt that Regulus could’ve very possibly been groomed as a child (And many other children that joined the death eaters upon adulthood).
Can you imagine Riddle visiting the Black’s when Sirius and Regulus were young to gain support. Can you imagine him targeting not the adults of the house but the children that were going to inherit it in probably less than a decade. Can you imagine little 10 year old Regulus Black, who’s advanced at magic and often quiet in contrast to his older brother who fights back. Imagine how Riddle would see this impressionable but powerful child from one of the greatest pure blood families in the UK and immediately seize that opportunity. Especially after Sirius starts at Hogwarts and Regulus is stuck there scared and alone. Riddle showing up randomly to play with him or take him for ice cream or whatever Regulus wanted. Him pretending to care and listen to Regulus and Regulus finally feeling like someone loves him. Seeing a second preferred father in Riddle.
When Regulus starts school he writes to him sharing everything and Riddle writes back short replies and keeps an eye on him. Regulus and Sirius starting to fight because of their family’s ideals. Riddle starts planting doubt in regulus’ mind about how much Sirius truly loves him, picking James over him etc.
The years go on, Riddle is the one there when Sirius leaves. Regulus beleives every word he says bc he truly thinks he’s the only person to have ever truly cared about him.
Regulus starts getting scared by the war. He doesn’t want to kill people, he knows it’s wrong, but when someone you idolize is constantly putting in your head that this is the right thing and those people are actually hurting you then you start to believe them.
The thing with manipulators tho, is they tend to get paranoid. Regulus starts getting really close with Dorcas Meadows who is a blood traitor. Riddle makes him take the dark mark. Oh his best friend Pandora Rosier leaves her pure blood family to get away from the war. Forces him on his first mission and to physically kill a civilian which Reg has protested against adamantly. His one thing is he didn’t want to have to kill someone. He starts using all these threats on Reg, but he does it slowly enough that he doesn’t notice. Still Reg is beginning to get cautious around him and go behind his back (as teenagers do, he still sees Riddle as this person who loves him so he’s not necessarily afraid but he starts to fight back little by little)
But oh the kicker is when Reg stays friends with Pandora, behind his back. Oh now this time Riddle takes Kreature. And that just happened to be one step too far.
Imagine 17 year old Regulus lending his beloved house elf out to his mentor, his idol, his father figure and expecting for him to treat this person regulus loves more than anything well and send him home safely only to find out how awful that person is. Imagine Regulus sobbing on his bedroom floor because nothing he thought was true in the last 7 years were real. Riddle never cared about him, he was a weapon, a thing to be controlled. Finding out everything he was taught was a lie and wrong and he should’ve just trusted his gut god damn it and left with Dorcas and Pandora. Imagine regulus realizing his brother was right all along and he loved something that would never give him anything real back. Imagine Regulus Black putting all of his hatred and spite into killing the man that had ruined his life. Imagine him signing that letter knowing Riddle was the one who taught him how.
I could say so much more about this situation and how much it hurt him. And now I’m just sad for that poor lil boy. They were children.
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yourfavecharacterisqueer · 7 months ago
since we’re all gonna die, there’s one more secret i feel i have to share with you: i hate merthur in canon with a passion.
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barrenwomb · 2 years ago
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anonimea1y · 7 days ago
since we're in 2025 now and the most popular crk ship rn is toxic yaoi and one of the newest cookies is from the st. pastry order can we pleaaaase talk about pastryvelvet now?
#my posts#cookie run kingdom#pastry cookie#red velvet cookie#pastryvelvet#i mention them as a ship specifically here but even without the romantic shipping lems i genuinely think pastry and red velvet are the most#interesting dynamic in the game#pastry was groomed into unquestioning devotion to gods who created them solely as livestock#red velvet is the antithesis of all she believes#a half-cake monster who believes in freedom and got to witness the witches' banquet firsthand#a loving caring half-cake monster#love and care being things she was never taught to value#he's basically a walking paradigm shift for her#then the ACTUAL paradigm shift happens and the truth is revealed#i always had the idea in my head that should the story be continued we'd see a cookie of darkness pastry#this is not even mentioning how alike they are in personality#extremely devoted to their respective cause. borderline militaristic in attitude. etc#the difference is that red velvet fights for a cause he himself chose under DEC and (again) cares about the people (cakes) around him#meanwhile pastry never got a choice and was (again) never taught to value kindness and love and care and freedom#and well red velvet's whole thing is freedom for all living beings cake or not#also i know the whole controversy w pastryvelvet way back when was that pastry killed some cakes but like..#just saying shmilk does way worse shit to pv nowadays so i hope we're at least open to discussing it nowadays lol#or maybe yall still hate women idk /j#anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk#tl;dr - cookie of darkness pastry cookie now!!!!!
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catatonicsx · 5 months ago
i kinda want to hate louise verneuil but i just cant. id be just as fucking annoying as she was if i was dating alex turner and all of you were just as fucking annoying as you all are, said with love of course because i am one of you.
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makeurlife · 6 months ago
wasnt gonna drink tonight but remembered macdennis will never be canon 💔 (glenn is right) (its funnier if they arent) 💔
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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leftysage · 26 days ago
I talked about st*r of pr*vidence yesterday, and how many swastikas there were in the game. Since then I've gathered some evidence and the more I looked, the more I found. I feel like I have to speak up about this.
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these are intentional swastikas. this game is not randomly generated. I understand there is a difference between a nazi swastika and a normal one. for those unaware, the nazi one swirls right on the top, and the normal one swirls left. the first two are unmistakably nazi, but I couldn't ignore the third.
there are also many plausible deniability swastikas in the game, but enough that I can't ignore them either.
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This game is not some meta commentary about fascism or anything, either. This makes me genuinely sick, and I hope more people start talking about this.
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