#TPN 053
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
Bonus is Yuugo wearing John's vest
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(Chapter 70 | 63 | 86 | 89)
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Both contributing to Gilda's mental dig at him for looking like a mess in chapter 53 but oh, the sentimentality.
(just met lucas again and got very emotional about it)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
Hi, I haven’t said anything about this fandom for so long but... If we had to give Yuugo and Lucas realistic faces, I see Yuugo having the face and being played by a younger Hugh Jackman and Lucas by a Younger Jake Gyllenhaal or Charlie Hunnam. What do you think?
Heyyo welcome back 👋
I can kind of see Yuugo Jackman and Lucas Gyllenhaal!
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Maybe Lucas Pine
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Also while searching for pictures I stumbled across this one of Hugh Jackman and imagine Yuugo with this cut:
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
yuugo hair discourse is such a funny saga i love when being starved for content causes a fandom to gradually slip into madness
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
You know what shave his eyebrows too. Give him the doctor eggman.
I mean, how much worse can it be. The bunker has to have seen all tpes of bad hair decisions
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
While Snickers is right in the previous tags about how they have what can be assumed to be the same eye color in the manga, I’m also fully on board with a purple-eyed!Ray AU for these tags:
#Ray growing older and looking more like Isabella than he did as child is exactly my jam #more suffering for my boy
Because there’s never enough of that, right? _(:△」∠)_ (One of my favorite headcanons to indulge in is Ray growing a beard when he’s older. This is first and foremost to honor Yuugo, the man who became a father figure to him and the other cattle children in the bunker, but if he hasn’t told his family about his connection to Isabella or he has but he’s struggling with how he’s growing into her features with every passing year due to all the issues they never were able to resolve due to her death, it provides more of a buffer between himself and her.)
Forever grateful to @just-like-playing-tag​​ and others who do these edits
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Particularly this one from S1e07 because Isabella has her own eyes looking back at her for the extra gutpunch 🥲
Although you could maybe spin it as him having a darker shade of purple that appears black except in the brightness of the sun, like what pan_ahoi does in this comic: https://twitter.com/pan_ahoi/status/1557764413297664000
This would mean that ray probably couldn't keep it a secret anymore. One of his siblings, norman probably, would get suspicious and confront him about it.
That also touches upon Norman noticing this and how quickly Ray moves to change the subject.
Will it cause more pain for Ray? For him, looking at his reflection would mean staring at the same eyes of the woman he sees as a monster and a constant reminder that he is related to her, would he hate himself even more?
I don’t know if I would phrase it as him hating himself more because of this? Because no one can control their genetics, and he never delves into angst over his black hair and other physical traits he inherited from her. He instead focuses on the actions of himself and others:
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His phrasing of the “true nature” of demons in chapter 123 makes me think back to how he justified his self-immolation in chapter 32:
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He fully convinced himself that the only way he could atone for what he did was by committing suicide as the linchpin of his plan. He views what he and Isabella did—using the children of plant no.3 for their respective machinations—as reprehensible. So I feel he would still beat himself up over this inherited nature/loathsome predisposition and how their brains must be wired similarly more than actually hating any physical traits he might have gotten from her, but they would be triggering for him any time he’s having a negative-thought spiral (you could easily write all of this off as pedantic semantics though lol)
And by the time isabella has passed away and no one knows about ray being isabella's biological son, would the younger kids always point out that ray's eyes remind them of their mama? what about the older siblings; don, gilda and norman? would they be happy or have mixed feelings with ray having the same shade of purple eyes as their mother? would it be painful for everyone to look at ray?
Can you imagine everyone's reaction when ray finally tells everyone that he is isabella's son? They would bombard him with questions and encounter more topics that are difficult to talk about. Would this result in more angst and issues? trust issues??
I firmly believe that by the point this information would be revealed, none of the children of Grace Field would feel any differently about him. While they might know him now as Ray their mother’s biological son, they’ve known him as Ray their brother for much longer; the brother who even if he was distant and aloof at Grace Field looked after them and who after the escape began to more openly care for them.
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They love him and trust him to protect them so much they instinctively gravitate to him in times of peril and worry, just as much as they do toward Emma, Gilda, Don, Anna, and Nat. You don’t throw out years of familial love and affection for something out of one’s control and ultimately inconsequential. Whatever features he might have inherited from Isabella, they’ve associated them with him and separately from her longer. It probably would only register every now and then if he said something or acted in a way reminiscent of her.
But that knowledge would add another layer to their time at Grace Field, and I feel they would likely treat the subject gingerly, though the specifics would depend on how the reveal came about—if he sat them all down to discuss the matter on his own terms, if somehow they got a hold of the information from HQ about all their mothers and Ray didn’t have a chance to tamper with it (I’ve seen this in a fic which was a nice touch because I generally see him taking this information to the grave unless he’s prompted by an outside force to divulge and confront it lol), if one of the Sisters mentions it to them, if somehow Ray’s note to Isabella was on her person yet undamaged when she died, etc. But regardless, I don’t think their curiosity would trump their sensibilities about not pushing him about it because he had his reasons to keep the truth about the house a secret, so he must have some for why he never revealed the true nature of this relationship.
An AU thought (and a bit of spoilers)
Sometimes i think about an au where everything is the same, but ray has inherited Isabella's purple eyes.
will it bring more angst? To see your son's eyes staring back at you with the same color as yours? will it bring more shock to isabella? will she have a hard time looking at him in the eyes? will it cause more pain for ray? For him, looking at his reflection would mean staring at the same eyes of the woman he sees as a monster and a constant reminder that he is related to her, would he hate himself even more? And by the time isabella has passed away and noone knows about ray being isabella's biological son, would the younger kids always point out that ray's eyes remind them of their mama? what about the older siblings; don, gilda and norman? would they be happy or have mixed feelings with ray having the same shade of purple eyes as their mother? would it be painful for everyone to look at ray? edit: I have a headcanon that ray basically looks like the male version of isabella if you ingore his spiky hair and especially when he gets older. And in this au, he also inherited her purple eyes. This would mean that ray probably couldn't keep it a secret anymore. One of his siblings, norman probably, would get suspicious and confront him about it. Can you imagine everyone's reaction when ray finally tells everyone that he is isabella's son? They would bombard him with questions and encounter more topics that are difficult to talk about. Would this result in more angst and issues? trust issues??
what are your thoughts? i think I'm thinking too much...
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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Blank under cut:
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
Eggman nose version
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You know what shave his eyebrows too. Give him the doctor eggman.
I mean, how much worse can it be. The bunker has to have seen all tpes of bad hair decisions
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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#RACHEL WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME #Get that awful thing off his face 😭 #I won’t deny the possibility of him having it though. As much as it pains me. And believe me it does pain me. (via @darklight-owl)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
#no no no no no no no no n (via @thoughtsofjess)
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yuugo hair discourse is such a funny saga i love when being starved for content causes a fandom to gradually slip into madness
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
You are one of the few brave souls on TPN tungle
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Cursed imagery
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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his power
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Cursed imagery
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
#WHAT IS THIS #WHERE DID HIS STUBBLE GO WHAT IS THIS #he may be depressed but he wouldn't let his face get like that 😭 pls give him a razor (via @darklight-owl)
Listen all I'm saying is he was alone in that bunker for thirteen (13) years. Things happen. He's experimenting.
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Cursed imagery
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
#he looks even more like a rat than Peter with that hdjkasdbfbsdjf #TPN fandom continues to be the most hilarious things. S2 did inflict damage to us all I see #no way any of his children would wear this look later on #now I need Yuugo with a ratty ponytail. as an experiment how he would look with it lol
I've not gifted enough for a ponytail edit but Peter with a goatee.
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Cursed imagery
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