#p5r analysis
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afterthelambs · 1 month ago
Thinking about these sprites again. We know that Akechi can intentionally give himself big sparkly doe eyes, and they make us think that it's all strategic manipulation, just a carefully-crafted facade. But the engine room sprite shows that when he's caught off-guard and the walls are down and he's really laid bare, that wide-eyed expression comes natural to him.
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He wasn't in the right state to control himself at all. Akechi's engine room expressions were raw and honest. My theory is that the wide-eyed look was his normal when he was a child (Proof of Justice OVA being the best evidence), and becoming more dour was learned after years of isolation. He said "Let me show you who I really am!" well turns out he is baby
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moniericreative · 15 days ago
On today's episode of "neat sprite details":
For as much as the game itself likes to poke fun at Akechi and Shido looking vaguely similar (before an NPC brushes it off), they share a surprising amount of facial expressions actually... 😳
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(Oh god this boy's already being hit by the Shido genes at 18)
Joke aside, it really reminds you just how much a kid Akechi is, since you could arguably chalk this up as him emulating a figure in literal power in order to rise up it himself (And also cause he's his dad).
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megaderping · 11 months ago
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Something a lot of people mistakenly believe is that Akechi enjoys the work he does for Shido and that he takes the orders to kill without any resentment or regret. These text messages shed some light on the way he thinks and show that this is not actually the case. Unfortunately, these texts are entirely missable if you finish the treasure route to Sae's Palace too early. As a result, this crucial characterization is often overlooked and people take what they know about characters like Persona 4's culprit and Persona 3's traitor and assume that Akechi is playing it straight.
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But even without these obscure texts, it's not like the game is subtle about this. Akechi's lack of freedom and agency is a recurring aspect of his character that people will often cast aside because it's much easier to boil him down to "crazy serial killer" than actually look at the complexity of his situation and his own victimhood.
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Throughout his Royal confidant, Akechi's perfectly crafted mask cracks several times. Moments like this show him offering an out, even if he's MUCH happier if you don't consider it.
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He doesn't WANT Joker to change. As much as he claims to hate Joker, he admires his convictions. Wishes he had what Joker had. Wishes he could have been more like him. See: the Gun About rank up where he mentions how he used to want to be a hero of justice.
The creepy smiles and shit you see on 11/20 and in parts of the engine room are another mask Akechi wears. Akechi ALWAYS swaps out his masks to best serve his situation. Yet he still tells Shido not to kill the thieves, that Morgana is just a cat, and is perfectly content to leave them alone, and after his fight in the engine room, when the mask literally breaks...
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We see his regrets on full display. He isn't proud. He's done making excuses. All those little times the mask broke in the Royal confidant were ways to set up this moment. He genuinely cares SO much about Joker, but that caring was dangerous to his objectives, so he HAD to hate him. He HAD to want to kill him to achieve his objective, and yet...
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He still cares. He's putting out spikes in third sem, no doubt because he suspects his own fate should they destroy Maruki's world, but...
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maskedrivals · 8 months ago
The claim that "shuake wouldn't work out because Akechi tried to kill Joker" is funny to me because Joker canonically prefers "just everyday Akechi" over detective prince Akechi.
We have proof of Joker's preference in the third semester. Okumura was revived as a loving father in accordance to Haru's wishes and Akechi was revived as his maniacal, violent self in accordance to Joker's wishes.
Joker could have revived Akechi to be any iteration of kind and friendly but he didn't. Instead, he wanted Akechi to have the same personality as his black mask self, the same personality of the man who attempted to kill him. Joker canonically prefers Akechi's true personality, whether the player agrees with him or not.
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detective-pancake · 2 months ago
Hey, so I don't want to be that guy, but when are we going to acknowledge that Akechi was right?
No, I obviously don't mean about the things he was very clearly wrong about. I'm referring to the things he says in interviews about the Phantom Thieves. I hate how many people switch up after playing through his betrayal who previously agreed with his views, because nothing he said is wrong and nothing he did changes that fact. He speaks in the TV Station on the objective facts that he should know about, and with or without the context of his form of justice those facts stay true. It's a fallacy to claim that his form of justice being universally less approved of makes the Phantom Thieves better by comparison, or discredits anything he said. I don't think the Phantom Thieves are evil, or that they should necessarily be imprisoned, but I do think that they are not morally sound. They're kids. Prior to his betrayal I think he served his purpose well, but it's easy to disregard the validity of his words when you find out that he's a murderer. With the knowledge he SHOULD have had (and that many DID have), everything he says is true. And honestly? It still can be true for basically the entire plot of the game. Mishima's confidant tests the thieves in that way. They could have changed the hearts of anyone who's not a persona user, for any personal reason. It's a slippery slope.
I'll use these three options as an example for why he's right:
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"They're justice itself" is just subjective and incorrect, because justice as a concept is individualized and given how each Phantom Thief has different reasons for being one it's ridiculous for even them to say. Their first target was before they even formed a group, and Ann was ready to kill Kamoshida. The others were not even going to step in, and they were going to respect her choice either way. All the members are so different, so this is an insane claim to make.
"They're necessary" is wrong because to say they are necessary is pretty disingenuous to all "justice" that has ever happened BEFORE they existed. I don't believe that the Thieves were a necessity per say, and personally I think their actions can only be judged on a case by case basis. Some Mementos targets for example have issues that stem beyond what they have done. Now they have their desires stolen but still have the issue that pushed them to immortality in the first place, plus a shitton of guilty baggage. The Thieves only help with the atonement, but not the push. How many of those people didn't just go right back to their past behaviors? How many of them got worse in other ways? Think about Futaba, she felt so guilty for something she thought she did, she formed a palace to condemn herself to die alone. To claim the Thieves are necessary to reform society implies that their method is the most effective, and I think that's a lot to claim for something they don't understand.
"They do more than the cops" I almost agree with. Legally the police in Japan in this game anyway (yes I'm aware it extends to reality in many ways, but I'm referring to just the game right now) are corrupt and flawed for the most part, but the thing I don't agree with is that this makes the Thieves a better alternative. They're not. For the same reason Yoshizawa says later, the Thieves can only do so much as vigilantes, and to imply that society should rely on these faceless nameless flawed people to fix society is not any better than what they have now. Especially with the method being unknown, potentially unsafe, and easily exploitable. I cannot be the only one who if the Phantom Thieves were real, would be extremely alarmed by the prospect of a group of vigilantes "changing hearts" right? It's so vague, and the pattern is dystopian. At least police methods are familiar
What I'm saying is that they're kids, and it's kind of insane that this game places Akechi as the narrative foil for the Thieves in their message and then makes it so easy to disregard because "he's an assassin so how could he know anything about justice". The Thieves don't either, and Ann was nearly a murderer. If the bar is "don't commit murder when you're infiltrating someone's mind" then it's far too low. I wouldn't trust a group of adults with this power to reform society, even less a group of teenage vigilantes. I'm 19, and I find this odd. And Strikers frames them as even more righteous, and it bugs me even more in that game. At least Royal has the third semester to give a bit more nuance to how big of a responsibility Ren was given, but that's also very frequently misinterpreted.
I love this game, and I love this fandom, and I have thoughts that get weird and ranty. I apologize, but I hope you all found this as interesting as I did.
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persona-brainrot-real · 1 year ago
Uhhh does anyone else wanna discuss ryuji the hotheaded vulgar boy who acts before he thinks and always yells at authority being the immediate person to keep Makoto from getting into fights when they first go to Kaneshiro’s palace or am I the only person going crazy abt it
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Like wdym the guy who usually charges in headfirst no question no hesitation is the person keeping her from getting into fights that she pre-awakening would not be able to handle. Wdym he’s staying level headed for her safety. Wdym he’s the first to get mad and lash out at unfair authority or to enjoy fighting Shadows but knows to pick his battles to preserve someone else’s safety over his own. Especially when this is before they start knowing and trusting each other so he’s just doing it for her because he’d do it for anyone. Does anyone else hear this
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 8 months ago
Ok, I think I have a pretty good idea of why a lot of Akechi's dialogue is... like that.
So, even before his confidant truly started, I noticed that he has a real knack for directing the flow of a conversation. This is very fitting for someone who is both a detective and skilled at interviews - when there is a topic and a goal, Akechi is in his element.
All this to say, he's actually kind of controlling when it comes to conversational flow. He probes for information, or turns the conversation around to a particular topic, usually the Phantom Thieves. He manages to take a few of Joker's dialogue options and spin them so they sound mildly incriminating in the context he's placed them in - the only way to truly get around this is to pick answers that feign indifference, and even then, that's more than a bit telling. He's clearly very good at this kind of thing.
But then, we get conversations where either Joker does something he didn't expect, or else he doesn't have a particular goal in mind - and the conversation stutters. In the first instance, Joker does something (a particularly egregious example is putting his glasses on him and fluffing his hair in rank 3) which both leaves him wrong-footed and no longer in perfect control of the situation. He just kind of... freezes, for awhile. It's hilarious. He has no idea how to respond.
He picks up control again in the phone call afterwards, having chosen to play into it, turning this "fooling the crowds" into a kind of game or secret between them. Nice save.
But in instances where there isn't an obvious topic and the goal is somewhat nebulous, for instance, that one Leblanc scene, it becomes pretty apparent that Akechi doesn't have the right "script" to go off of. Again, it's particularly notable in that scene, because I'm fairly sure he didn't have any specific reason to be at Leblanc, other than him looking for a quiet spot now that public opinion has turned on him. And because there isn't anything specific he's digging for, he kind of just ends up throwing things at the wall to see what will stick. Probing for any kind of recognizable reaction that he can jump on and work with, and that just doesn't really happen in this scene.
He references Sae, a woman in a respectable position, to Sojiro, but instead of that netting a welcome, it earns his ire, given Sae's recent actions against him. He then tries to greet Joker, his... rival? friend? enemy? person who at least seems to somewhat enjoy spending time with him? But Joker's responses are somewhat short, and Akechi practically wilts. He tries to commiserate by oversharing. He tries to involve Futaba and reaches out for the only topic of interest he can think of around "young people". He compliments the coffee. He compliments Joker. He tries to invoke that connection between them. None of it is really sticking, nor does it serve as a jumping off point for him to steer the conversation, or even really start one.
So, he basically just ends up having a one-sided chat with himself and then leaves. Hilarious. Also a little sad, if I'm being honest. It's really giving "guy with no friends who only knows how to speak to adults" energy. If there's no specific purpose to the exchange, or he is not in control of its direction, he seems to be kind of out of his depth. He succeeds only in being a little awkward and confusing, more than anything.
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lightningqueen11 · 3 months ago
Thoughts about Akechi because he's infected my brain
We really never see the "real akechi" in Persona 5 or even in Royal, I think. That's not to say there aren't honest moments and real emotions, but every moment we have with Akechi is him trying to get us to serve some greater goal of his. In vanilla that goal is obvious: he wants to get close to you to further his vengeance on Masayoshi Shido. In the third semester that goal is less obvious but I'd say he wants you to think he's an irredeemable monster and that you shouldn't care about him so you reject Maruki's deal. Third semester is slightly more honest with Akechi- his convictions and feelings are all real, but he portrays them in whatever way will get you to do what he wants while keeping you at an arm's distance.
I think the only moment in the whole game where Akechi isn't putting up some sort of mask is after you beat him in the engine room. Before he's kinda having a big feelings moment so while it's honest, it's an extreme. After? He has no more reason to act, he just has his one request: destroy Masayoshi Shido in his stead. And you do, for the last request of the boy you never really got to know.
So who is the real Akechi? I don't think Akechi knows himself, I think he's lived so many years with a mask as Shido's Assassin or the Detective Prince or a pleasant boy that he doesn't know which is real. I don't think we'll ever see the real Akechi, not in anything mainline, both because they better not be making another Persona 5 and because there is no 'real' Akechi without the masks, without the deception. His character is like Joker's, he's constantly tailoring himself to be what he needs to be because that's the only way a bastard child like himself can survive. It's why I like wildcard Akechi fics so much, because he's just as malleable as Joker. They're rivals, after all.
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monkey-overalls · 1 month ago
Like Him but it’s Yusuke being unable to make a name for himself in the art world after the scandal. Wherever he goes, people only think of him as “Madarame’s former pupil, what a poor boy”. He is someone to pity, someone to feel bad for. When he finally believes he’s been given a real opportunity to improve his skills from someone who doesn’t care about his past, it turns out that all this twisted collective wanted was to market him as a tragic, tortured genius.
Like Him but it’s Yusuke lying wide awake every night, terrified that he will one day become just as greedy and manipulative as Madarame. He can hardly pay for a single meal on his own, he desperately needs the money; what if he loses sight of his morals in an effort to stay afloat? The man he once called sensei taught him many things, but the most important came after the curtain was finally pulled back—sometimes the cruelest people are the ones who say they care about you the most. Yusuke can hardly pick up his brush without thinking of him.
Like Him but it’s Yusuke choosing to hang the Sayuri in La Blanc instead of hiding it away, never to see the light of day again. He is conflicted by the emotions it brings him. Relief that the true meaning behind Madarame’s supposed masterpiece was finally revealed. Despair that this is his only reminder of his mother’s face. Appreciation for her unwavering kindness that carried her until the very end. It is bittersweet, but it gets easier to deal with when surrounded by people who don’t define him by his legacy. Here, he belongs.
As he waits for the others to show up, Yusuke examines the painting once more. He spots his own features in her gentle expression.
He has her eyes.
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afterthelambs · 10 months ago
I'm not sure if I believe the "Wakaba Isshiki did unethical experiments" theory in the fandom, but I do think this is the biggest proof of it in-game:
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Because how the hell would she know that?
The first explanation is that she did experiments by sending people into palaces and then testing what happens to them if the palace collapses. Which is messed up for obvious reasons.
The second explanation is that she did NOT test it, meaning she was just making shit up. Which is funny but also would make her a terrible scientist. This explanation is less believable because everything else about her research is too accurate.
There's also a theory that Wakaba did unethical experiments on Akechi specifically. I'm not sure I believe that, since the evidence for it is pretty shallow (like the featherman game scientist experimenting on grey pigeon). But this scene is once again the biggest argument you could make for that theory. The researcher in the image above refers to palaces by their correct term 'palaces', which they say was based on Wakaba's research. But that's only something you would know with firsthand experience of the metaverse. And the only person they know who could access the metaverse was Akechi (that we know of, but i dont think Shido would rely only on Akechi if there were other options).
So yeah this scene is very sus. It's most likely the writers didn't think too deep about the implications. There's no way they wanted Futaba's mom to be sketchy, right? But even if it's not intentional, the scenes and their implications still exist. So in conclusion those theories make sense, I get it, and I don't blame anyone for headcanoning them and having fun. And tbh anyone involved with cognitive psience was portrayed as some degree of unethical (maruki for example), maybe this is just on-brand
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preludicrous · 2 months ago
analyzing “no more what ifs”: akechi's humanity and his fate
post length: ~2k words. SPOILER WARNING for late game content in persona 5 and persona 5 royal, as well as the ‘Proof of Justice’ OVA
no more what ifs is my single favorite track from the entire persona 5 and persona 5 royal soundtracks- like everyone else, akechi is one of my favorite characters in the game, and no more what ifs is a song very closely tied to akechi’s character, often consider by the fandom to be akechi’s equivalent to beneath the mask.
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in persona 5 royal, it plays when akechi and joker visit the jazz jin. in the OVA, it also plays at the jazz jin, which joker visits while grieving akechi’s fate in the engine room. the jazz jin as a location is deeply tied to akechi, being a place that akechi goes to relax, think, and spend time alone outside of the public eye. akechi takes joker there and tells joker quite clearly that he never brings other people there, and muhen, the jazz jin owner, points this out as well. the jazz jin is also the location where the game lets you say farewell to akechi on 3/19. going there allows joker to talk with muhen and reflect a bit on him and akechi’s relationship, and it's also there that joker finds akechi’s glove in his pocket.
given that no more what ifs plays in a location that is so important to akechi, it’s fitting that it’s a song that about akechi’s mental state and gives the players a peek into his psyche. just like beneath the mask gives players more about joker’s character, revealing his struggle with his identity and place in society outside the metaverse, no more what ifs tells about akechi’s hopes and fears.
i also believe that while on its own no more what ifs is already quite a profound and meaningful song, the full meaning of it can only be appreciated within the context of maruki’s third semester, and how that ties with akechi’s fate. to me, no more what ifs is about akechi’s grapple with mortality, given that his existence is likely fundamentally tethered to maruki’s false reality. after all, even though it plays before semester 3, the jazz jin as a location and no more what ifs as a song only exist in persona 5 royal and not base persona 5, which to me is a sign that the song should be considered within the context of the full game of persona 5 royal, and not just the base game of persona 5. the connection between this song and akechi’s mortality is also strengthened in the proof of justice ova, which takes place following the engine room and akechi is implied to maybe have… well, you know.
even the name of the song, no more what ifs… yeah.
the lyrics
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akechi’s entire life has been defined by fleeting relationships. his father abandons them, his mother dies, he is passed from foster family to foster family. he can’t make friends due to his public image as the detective prince. but joker is different, quite possibly the first real friend akechi ever has, and even though he needs to kill joker to realize his goal of taking down shido, he also knows on some level that his and joker's relationship isn't so simple.
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on a literal level, akechi goes to the jazz jin alone often to think and relax. to sit with himself and take a step away from the world. in the third semester, he is alone emotionally even if he isn't alone physically. other than maruki, nobody else knows the secret of his fate, akechi’s the only one that knows that maruki’s reality is keeping him alive. even though he’s physically alongside the thieves and allies with joker, he grapples with his fate alone. and in the face of his impending death when the thieves inevitably face off with maruki and eliminate this reality, akechi looks back on his life, reflecting on and questioning his choices.
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akechi’s entire existence has been focused on revenge and survival. given his relentless nature in pursuing his goals, and the numerous obstacles he has to overcome, he was too focused on moving forward and never thought twice about what he was doing. but in the third semester, both of these goals fall aside- shido is in jail, so trying to get revenge on shido no longer drives him, and survival doesn’t really matter either when he’s fairly confident that he’s already dead outside of maruki’s reality. akechi finally gets to catch his breath. without these two driving goals occupying his mental energy, he gets the first chance to really look back on his choices and collect his thoughts on them. were those choices correct? is he proud of who he is, what he’s done? all these questions are also much more significant in the face his looming death. it forces him to look upon himself and see what he managed to amount to, and if he’s happy with that, since he knows his story is coming to a close.
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akechi looks back on his life and, upon reflection, decides he has no regrets. that he’s proud of what he has done and what he has chosen. that no matter what anyone else says, he is pursuing his own notion of justice- for which he does not apologize.
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this line strikes me as particularly poignant in the context of maruki’s reality, where so much has changed, including things that shouldn’t be able to be changed. after all, in this reality, akechi is a free man, he has not committed any crimes, he’s on good enough terms with joker, he’s not a murderer. he could start anew. but he refuses to. because akechi’s trauma and choices- those are what make akechi who he is, and akechi never apologizes for who he is.
akechi will always be himself. he refuses to be anyone else. he refuses to live in a reality where he is twisted and changed into someone he is not. in the ending where maruki’s reality is accepted, akechi regresses to solely being his detective prince persona- a persona which we know is a lie. the ‘real’ akechi gets erased, which is awful - to akechi, he would rather die true to himself, than live as a fake-sweet, more palatable version of himself that satisfies someone else.
akechi wants a lot of things. he wants a less shitty father, friends, a place to belong, the opportunity to atone, for his soul to be free and unburdened. but those things were just not in the books for him, unfortunately. and, in the face of his death, he learns to be okay with that. he lets go of the idea of maruki’s world, the idea of having all these things, the possibilities of these ‘what ifs’- because accepting maruki’s reality would be a betrayal of himself, his past, and all the struggles he had to overcome.
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quiite possibly my favorite part of the song- we find out that akechi is afraid.
akechi is adamant in front of joker and the other thieves that they take down maruki’s reality, even though he’s aware that it spells death for him. he seems certain, determined, unafraid of death- firm in his choice, free of all doubts, to the point where he even manages to fool some players.
don’t let akechi fool you. this decision is not easy for him.
akechi HATES vulnerability and being vulnerable around people. he’s afraid of it, and given his background it’s pretty understandable why. he HATES being pitied so very much. so he puts up a front of being certain, confident, and unafraid, because that's what he feels like he has to do.
all the characters grapple with uncomfortable losses and sacrifices regarding the real world and maruki’s ideal world. but the phantom thieves support each other through it, and sumire also has everyone even though she isn’t technically a phantom thief. akechi, however, doesn’t allow himself to open up about his fears to anyone, so he silently grapples with his fears completely alone, quite possibly through the entirety of the third semester, even though his fate is likely the worst one out of all of them.
he is also worried that the phantom thieves, particularly joker, finding out that he’s experiencing fear and having doubts would make them less firm in their resolve to challenge maruki. he knows he can’t live in maruki’s reality, he refuses, which means he needs joker to take down maruki. joker finding out that akechi would no longer be alive if they take down maruki already makes the choice more complicated as it is. if joker knew he was even a little bit afraid of the consequences, joker might end up changing his mind, which he cannot allow to happen.
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he very clearly downplays his life on 2/2, referring to the threat on his life as “bullshit” and “trivial” - he’s convincing himself as much as he is convincing joker. he’s ‘burning his dread’. joker responding with something like “this isn’t trivial” angers him, because joker is acknowledging the one thing he is trying to deny- that he’s afraid of dying.
akechi is afraid, he just chooses to reject maruki’s reality anyway. he steels his resolve and refuses to compromise his principles, even in the face of fear. (the same idea can also be applied to 11/20, btw- it isn't a stretch to think he's afraid of what he must do- of killing & losing joker). it’s also fitting that ‘burn my dread’ is mentioned here, given that p3 thematically focuses on death.
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akechi is living on a time limit, so damn him if he isn’t going to make the most of every day. damn him if he isn’t going to cut the bullshit, drop the act, show his true colors. no more detective prince- he has only a bit of time left to live, so damn him if he isn’t going to live as akechi.
(he’s still not being fully honest in the third semester- he’s still keeping people away by overplaying his terrifying, ruthless exterior, he’s still using those unhealthy defensive mechanisms that he picked up in his youth, but he’s… closer to being honest, closer than he has been for a long time.)
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i like this line because it just humanizes akechi, because even underneath all the anger and the lies and the revenge, he’s just a boy. he likes billiards and bouldering and jazz. as angry and bitter as he is at the world, music still speaks to him.
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remember: akechi HATES losing and particularly hates losing to joker. just as joker took the reins and carved his own destiny, akechi will do the same.
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of course, the first line is about the idea that nothing is guaranteed and nothing is to be taken for granted, especially with akechi now knowing that he’s living on borrowed time. after all, the other people maruki revived, okumura and wakaba, simply disappeared without warning as soon as the phantom thieves realized they weren’t real… something that could just as well happen to akechi when he least expects it.
the second line though– throws me off. akechi has never exactly been a joyous person, and he’s… not really trying to fill the last few weeks of his life with joy based on what we see of him. i think this line might just be a bit of an outlier, or maybe he’s finding joy in the little things offscreen and we just aren’t seeing it because he’s not willing to be vulnerable in front of joker?
regardless though, no more what ifs as a song is about akechi grappling with his mortality, accepting his coming death, and coming to terms with his life. it shows us more about akechi, makes him more human; he’s afraid of death, even though he doesn’t want anyone else to know, and he genuinely likes jazz, which explains his constant visits to the jazz club. just like beneath the mask shows us more about joker that we don’t get through the rest of the game, no more what ifs gives us a better understanding of akechi and the offscreen struggle with his mortality that he deals with in the third semester.
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i love this song, and i love akechi.
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moniericreative · 6 months ago
The Saddest Tragedy of 2/2; Damned Regardless of Choice
Wasn't sure if anyone else already talked about this, but after going through the Persona 5 Royal Artbook a while back, and again recently... Something about the whole situation just really struck with me.
Obviously, spoiler warnings ahead for Persona 5 Royal, specifically Third Semester's Februrary 2nd.
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So, unsurprisingly, I'm referring to Maruki's Deal.
It's a common interpretation that Akechi's 100% gung-ho against it.
But there's two separate moments that show a rare bit of... Wavering in his resolve.
The first is the Phantom Thieves meeting in Maruki's office with Lavenza:
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Out of all of the Phantom Thieves, the only one to play devil's advocate and remind the group that Maruki's actions benefit them too is... Akechi, of all people. Not Joker, not Makoto, not Lavenza or anyone else.
It's solely Akechi who brings that fact up.
In the same meeting, beforehand he was very upfront and crass about how manipulative Maruki was being, and how the man played the other thieves like a fiddle...
And yet he says this in spite of all that.
There was no reason or prompting for him to, and Ryuji even rejects him politely afterwards too.
So surely this was just an off-line of simple pragmatism, right?
Well, here comes moment number 2, in one of the optional Jazz Jin hangouts you can get with him:
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He plays it off as some idle food for thought with no deeper meaning, but... It's Akechi. He usually doesn't just say things just to say them.
There's always a hidden meaning to his words.
It's pretty obvious he's referencing his space in the Phantom Thieves, a group that's civil with him but doesn't particularly have any inclination to be friends with him... But it does beg a question...
Is he happy? Now that he's no longer being controlled by Shido, or burdened by a lifelong revenge?
By the sheer existence of this conversation at all, directed only towards Joker and in a place that he's comfortable in (second to Leblanc) it's pretty safe to say he is, but has reservations about it (i.e. 'If their happiness hinges on the group's unhappiness.')
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Now where does the artbook come in? Well, inside the P5R artbook, there's a handful of interviews that expand on some parts of the Royal exclusive content.
What was the one bit that stuck with me?
(Thanks to VeskScans on Twitter for the high-quality scans of the artbook: https://x.com/VeskScans)
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Per fan-translation:
Creator's Comment: "When I think about how Akechi's wish is to play chess with the protagonist after school, I want to tell him 'You like the protagonist after all, don't you?'"
Akechi's Wish.
He has a wish that Maruki actually does grant him, and it's to essentially be friends with Joker. It's mutual to Joker's own wish to be friends with him.
So add up the context of all three, and it paints a very depressing picture already:
Akechi is genuinely happy for once in his life, but doesn't think he deserves it at the cost of everyone else's. It runs opposite to his own sense of Justice, and his negative views on himself as a "cursed child," and that fuels him to keep denying it.
So with him being split between the two sentiments... It's unsurprising that he would rely heavily on Joker to make the ultimate decision; Whether to accept, or to deny. Because he himself can't, and Maruki knows full well of that.
Sure, he keeps pushing Joker to deny Maruki... But why?
Is it because what Maruki's doing is wrong, and he needs to be stopped? Is it the closest thing to a punishment for all of his actions, which has been constantly denied to him up to this point? Is it the closest thing to a confirmation that he's undeserving of such happiness, especially with how much blood is on his hands?
Who knows.
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So how does any of this tie into Maruki's Deal on 2/2? Isn't Rejecting a false reality the obvious choice here?
Well... It's simple.
You're not really picking between a true reality and a false one.
You're picking between:
The acknowledgement of Akechi's growth (Hereward), the righteousness he carries as The Justice arcana, and his freedom from being under someone else's control his whole life.
And this:
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Think about it. Maruki gives you multiple opportunities to accept his reality, and they become increasingly personal to Joker with each one.
First is the happiness of the general public.
Second it's the happiness of the other Phantom Thieves, especially Sumire.
Then finally, it's the happiness of both Joker and Akechi.
If the first two couldn't sway Joker's decision, why would the third?
Because you want Akechi to be happy and no longer suffering. You're the one in control of making that decision as the player, remember?
And both he and Joker are also fully aware of that, given how they look back at you in the "Accept" ending.
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Not to mention in spite of how he reverts back to his "Detective Prince" mannerisms, almost as if he was a different person entirely... We never actually get any indication that he goes off to fight Maruki alone, or try to fix everything himself, do we?
Sure, he says "... Well. I have your answer. There's nothing left I can say. Our deal's off."
But what can he say? Once again, you've exceeded his expectations.
And once again, he's left as speechless as his "you really are..." moments.
You chose him over a "true reality." You told him to his face that he matters, you accept him as he is in spite of everything he's done, and you want to keep spending time with him as equals. As friends.
There's no anger, betrayal, shock, or even hurt in his voice. Just quiet acceptance because after all they've gone through together, he knows Joker wouldn't lie about that.
It's a truth he has to accept, even if it conflicts with his image of himself. He's wanted by someone else, for the first time in his life.
Of course he has no need for a deal anymore. They were always the closest things he was willing to get to a friendship, without establishing a close tie that could potentially hurt him in the end.
Why would he need one when you chose your bond over all else?
You proved to his face that it's not just some temporary truce with mutual benefits. It's a genuine bond for both parties, not just to him.
... It's just a shame that something you've done with him up to this point with genuine intent has been perversed into a means to sway both boys and you into compliance.
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Ultimately though... You're the one stuck between two choices for him:
Forsake Akechi's happiness, and finally being wanted for who he is and not whatever pleasant image or service he can provide.
Forsake his freedom, and all the growth and accountability he's accumulated thus far from his own sins.
This teenage boy is damned regardless of the decision you make. All because a man with a Jehova complex noticed that he matters to Joker (and by extension you as the player), and uses him as an ultimatum to get Joker (and you) to comply.
All because said man is well-aware that Akechi's actual fate is vague. Did he live? Did he die? Who knows, neither he or Akechi actually confirm it. They just dance around the subject and leave the assumption up to you. But he'll take full advantage of the vagueness to justify his actions to you, and show why his goals and yours are "truly in alignment."
And the worst part is that Maruki's doing this with a genuine intent to make his life happier afterwards, much like youself. It's not out of malice, or a sick sense of delight, or with the airs of playing god.
He's distorted. He's a man with good intentions that have become so distorted that he inadvertently perverses the very desire to do good for the world.
And just like Shido, and Yaldaboath, before him...
Akechi's the number one casualty.
You're just forced to decide which part of him the gun is aimed at this time.
Because this boy can't have both. It's one or the other.
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megaderping · 9 months ago
A while ago, I made a post going into parts of the missable Sae Palace arc text messages, such as these:
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However, that post neglected to include a full transcript. I have since transcribed all of these texts, which occur on 10/30, 11/3, 11/7, and 11/11. You must not infiltrate Sae's Palace until after these dates in order to get these.
Transcripts below the cut! Crossposted to the P5 sub.
The first of these texts takes place on 10/30. You will miss this text if you infiltrate the Palace on the first available day.
Ryuji: Yo, Akechi.
Akechi: What is it?
Ryuji: You got any idea who the true culprit might be?
Futaba: Oh yeah! You said you saw a masked guy, right?
Haru: I wanted to ask about that too.
Futaba: Did you really see him? The masked guy's gotta be the true culprit, right?
Akechi: If this so-called true culprit is acting alone, then there can be no mistake about it.
Futaba: I see.
Yusuke: The next question is, who is that masked man?
Akechi: Unfortunately, I do not know that much.
Futaba: Ugh, you're useless.
Akechi: That is quite harsh.
Futaba: Aw, you're making me blush!
Ann: That wasn't a compliment...
Akechi: At this point, I have yet to even grasp any clues. But once this is dealt with, I will surely capture him. I promise you that.
We'll be counting on you.
Akechi: Perfect. Leave it to me. It may sound somewhat odd for me to say this, but I am an exceptional detective. I assure you, I will catch this culprit. Look forward to it.
Can you do it?
Akechi: Hm? Do you not trust me?
[The rest plays out the same as the other option.]
What's funny about this exchange is how the Thieves know Akechi's deal and are just playing along. It makes some of the reactions (especially from Haru and Futaba) read as comically passive aggressive. However, the more interesting texts start coming on 11/03, 11/07, and 11/11.
Starting with 11/03.
Ryuji: Goddamit. People're acting like we were the ones who killed 'em.
Yusuke: I have even heard them say we are assassins hired to deal with psychotic breakdown victims.
Ann: Ugh, that's obviously not what we're trying to do.
Akechi: This must be part of the plan to shift blame onto the Phantom Thieves. After all, the true culprit is the one killing the people on that ranking list.
This is unforgivable
Akechi: Indeed. I have no intentions of letting this slide.
This is total BS
Akechi: But that is the truth for the general public at the moment.
[Both lead to...]
Futaba: Man, this culprit guy really won't let up. I don't remember ever doing anything that'd make someone hate us THIS much.
Haru: He used my father as well...
Akechi: I cannot fathom what his motive may be... We will just have to capture and interrogate him.
Makoto: But before that, we need to change my sister's heart. That's our first step toward stopping him.
Akechi: I must agree. The true culprit will be caught, but before that we must deal with Sae-san. If ranking is being taken into consideration, perhaps I will be targeted too... Just kidding.
This tells us that Shido is deliberately having Akechi target high ranking targets on the PhanSite in order to terrify the public with abhorrent acts of violence, much like he did in April. It's a way to make people feel scared and more reliant on Shido to be the change that Japan needs. But if you secure the treasure as quickly as possible, you will miss this added information that really deepens how cruel he truly is by ordering hits just to paint a convenient narrative.
And this is definitely Shido's idea, because on 11/7 we get this gem...
Haru: Do you think the culprit could be someone at our school?
Yusuke: That seems somewhat sudden.
Haru: I mean, didn't they find a calling card in Principal Kobayakawa's office? I thought you had suggested that idea yourself, Yusuke.
Yusuke: That was just a generalization.
Haru: But if Mako-chan noticed what was going on with you guys, somebody else might have too.
Ann: So you think that "somebody else" is trying to frame us? What's gotten into you so suddenly?
Haru: Nothing has gotten into me. I just think there's a chance the culprit is related to Shujin...
You might be right. / There's no way.
[Both get the same response:]
Yusuke: What is all of this about? It's too soon to be jumping to conclusions like this.
Haru: Well, I was hoping to hear a professional opinion on the matter... What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?
Akechi: The possibility is not zero, but it does seem a bit unlikely.
Haru: Why do you ask?
Akechi: A normal person would never do such a thing. They would have no reason to callously murder your principal.
Haru: And what if they weren't normal?
Akechi: Are you implying they kill for the sheer pleasure of it?
Haru: No, not like that. What I mean is, you need certain special abilities to navigate through that world, yes?
Akechi: Ah, so you're saying the culprit is a Persona-user.
Haru: Yes.
Akehci: I see... How perceptive. Truthfully, I was considering that possibility myself. But it is difficult to think they have ties to Shujin Academy.
Haru: Why?
Akechi: There would be no motive for them to carry out such a cruel plot. Clearly our culprit is acting behind the scenes to accomplish some grand objective. He likely has accomplices. It is even possible that he is being controlled by someone.
Makoto: Controlled? By whom?
Akechi: If I knew that, I do not think we would be in this much trouble.
Haru: I see... So even someone like you doesn't know, Akechi-kun.
Futaba: Looks like our genius detective's not so much of a genius after all.
Akechi: Haha, harsh as always. If there is one thing I know, it is that the culprit behind all of this is extremely shrewd. But don't worry. I will catch him, no matter what it takes.
I'm looking forward to that. / I wonder if you can do it.
Akechi: More importantly, we need to focus on changing Sae-san's heart for the time being. If we cannot do that, everything we have done will be for naught. We absolutely must succeed here.
There is so much to unpack here. By far, it's my favorite of these texts because of the light it sheds on Akechi's motivations and intentions. First, we have Haru pressing the subject. She clearly wants to squeeze answers out of Akechi. She's subtly putting him on the spot because she knows...
But Akechi lets slip that no, actually, he doesn't do this for pleasure. That actually, he is being controlled and that the true mastermind is someone shrewd that he intends to take down. Amidst all of Akechi's lies and platitudes during this part of the story, we see a crack in his perfectly prepared mask. In a way, this is the most honest we've seen Akechi outside of his Royal confidant and on 8/28 and 9/3. In a way, he's sharing little slivers of himself with the rest of the team (either begrudgingly or for reasons he doesn't fully understand) the way he already has with Joker.
And it actually explains a few things that happen later. Namely, the way he downplays the need to kill the other Phantom Thieves until after the election (keep in mind, he does intend to knock Shido down from his pedestal) as well as treating Morgana as "just a cat." Obviously, this doesn't absolve Akechi of his guilt, but it does make it clear that he isn't as remorseless as a lot of people believe, even if no amount of sunk cost fallacy is gonna undo the damage he's done.
Hell, when combined with his lamentation that he didn't meet Joker years ago in the engine room and his reaction to Morgana explaining changes of heart, these texts further solidify that his feelings toward both Joker and the Thieves are extremely complex and absurdly messy.
Plus we get Haru and Futaba both taking shots at him, which is fun and also extremely deserved. :p
Moving on, there's one final missable November text on 11/11. It goes as follows:
Akechi: So, about the investigation... It seems they have no evidence that can truly be called as such.
Ryuji: Well duh.
Akechi: However, it seems they have no intentions of changing their plans.
Ann: They're going to investigate at both Shujin Academy and Leblanc, right?
Akechi: Indeed.
Makoto: Hm. I can understand Shujin... But why Leblanc?
Akechi: The key is Wakaba Isshiki.
Futaba: Is it cause of my mom's research?
Akechi: Correct. Her study of cognitive psience is closely connected to this case. Of that, there can be no doubt.
Futaba: Then this guy's really the mastermind behind all of this?
Akechi: That would be the case. There can be no mistake... The one who erased cognitive psience from this world is surely the culprit behind everything.
Makoto: And getting rid of the research was the only way they could use its powers?
Akechi: How perceptive of you. Yes, that is the only logical conclusion. Both Sae-san and I were searching for clues about that research. But just as we were about to deepen our investigation, this commotion began. And to make things even more troublesome... There was only one person with strong connections to both Shujin Academy and Leblanc. And that person turned out to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
Yusuke: So the culprit had calculated all of this in advance?
Akechi: Heavens no. That would be impossible. This was a miracle created by the coinciding of multiple chance situations.
Ryuji: Dude, you hear that? He says you got miraculously bad luck. Don't that make you feel good?
I'm so lucky.
Ryuji: Y'know, shitty luck is still luck.
That's not funny.
Ryuji: C'mon, you gotta be able to laugh it off at this point.
Haru: Yes, your luck really is impressive.
Akechi: At any rate, that's the current state of things. And that's why we must obstruct the investigation at all costs.
Makoto: Yes, that's our intention.
Once again, we have Akechi laying it on thick that Shido is the one behind everything, as he was the one who ordered the hit on Wakaba, stole her research, and had his own research team develop it further. And keep in mind, Shido's own words, first on 11/21...
"Those who get in the way must be eliminated at times—that's the correct way to use the Metaverse."
And later, his Shadow states, "Moreover, it was thanks to me that Akechi was able to properly use his power to begin with."
So we know that even the idea of inducing mental shutdowns came from him, even if Akechi offered his Metaverse abilities as part of his stupid revenge plan.
What this shows is Akechi wants to hint that there is this bigger puppet master, even if he's going to betray the Thieves, and this is actually really consistent with his Royal confidant. In Rank 7, he uses a billiard games as a metaphor for the upcoming betrayal kill and gives Joker an out, even if he's much happier if you assert your rivalry instead. This makes his warnings about the connections to Wakaba carry a very similar feeling, and since these texts were in Vanilla, it's likely that the Royal confidant built on this foundation.
But then there's the fact that the Thieves are fully in the know that Akechi is going to betray them, so it recontextualizes all these texts where they are genuinely trying to squeeze as much info out of him as they can and likely having to restrain themselves hard (especially Futaba and Haru).
And all of this you will never see unless you delay the infiltration until 11/12. So, the next time you play Persona 5 Royal, it might be worthwhile to delay Sae's Palace to see these in-game! They're really cool and it's a shame they aren't scripted events.
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maskedrivals · 9 months ago
Foreshadowing and symbolism in Persona 5 Royal - Maruki and the cat
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Maruki's Confidant Rank 4
Maruki: I spotted a kitten that had gotten itself stuck up in a tree. I tried rescuing it since I felt bad for it, but I ended up with the clawing of a lifetime for the effort. I had no idea a cat's claws were so sharp...
Joker: Talk about a reward.
Maruki: Ahaha, that's true. But I was able to rescue the kitten, so all's well that ends well.
The kitten represents the phantom thieves, who didn't want to be saved from the situations they were stuck in. This is where Maruki reveals to the player that he is resolved to rescue others, even if they don't want to be saved — even if they fight him over it.
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The Thieves Den Conversation
Maruki: The other day, I saved a cat from a tall tree. I hadn't climbed like that in quite a while.
Sumire: You did? That's so sweet, Dr. Maruki!
Maruki: The thing is, even though I was trying to help, the cat lashed out at me with its claws... And then I fell right out of the tree. It was a bit of a disaster.
Sumire: O-Oh... That does sound rough...
Akechi: You're so naïve. Trying to be a good person only gets you taken advantage of. You'd be a perfect target for scammers.
This time, Maruki says that he fell out of the tree and it was a disaster. This conversation can only be seen after you've completed Maruki's confidant and have unlocked the third semester. Maruki falling out of the tree foreshadows the end of Maruki's boss fight — both end with Maruki falling, unable to save those who had resisted him.
Sumire and Akechi's reactions to the cat story also resemble their feelings in the third semester. Sumire is sympathetic towards Maruki, and Akechi mocks Maruki for trying to save a cat who wants to be left alone.
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detective-pancake · 2 months ago
Hey, so I don't want to be that guy, but when are we going to acknowledge that Akechi was right?
No, I obviously don't mean about the things he was very clearly wrong about. I'm referring to the things he says in interviews about the Phantom Thieves. I hate how many people switch up after playing through his betrayal who previously agreed with his views, because nothing he said is wrong and nothing he did changes that fact. He speaks in the TV Station on the objective facts that he should know about, and with or without the context of his form of justice those facts stay true. It's a fallacy to claim that his form of justice being universally less approved of makes the Phantom Thieves better by comparison, or discredits anything he said. I don't think the Phantom Thieves are evil, or that they should necessarily be imprisoned, but I do think that they are not morally sound. They're kids. Prior to his betrayal I think he served his purpose well, but it's easy to disregard the validity of his words when you find out that he's a murderer. With the knowledge he SHOULD have had (and that many DID have), everything he says is true. And honestly? It still can be true for basically the entire plot of the game. Mishima's confidant tests the thieves in that way. They could have changed the hearts of anyone who's not a persona user, for any personal reason. It's a slippery slope.
I'll use these three options as an example for why he's right:
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"They're justice itself" is just subjective and incorrect, because justice as a concept is individualized and given how each Phantom Thief has different reasons for being one it's ridiculous for even them to say. Their first target was before they even formed a group, and Ann was ready to kill Kamoshida. The others were not even going to step in, and they were going to respect her choice either way. All the members are so different, so this is an insane claim to make.
"They're necessary" is wrong because to say they are necessary is pretty disingenuous to all "justice" that has ever happened BEFORE they existed. I don't believe that the Thieves were a necessity per say, and personally I think their actions can only be judged on a case by case basis. Some Mementos targets for example have issues that stem beyond what they have done. Now they have their desires stolen but still have the issue that pushed them to immortality in the first place, plus a shitton of guilty baggage. The Thieves only help with the atonement, but not the push. How many of those people didn't just go right back to their past behaviors? How many of them got worse in other ways? Think about Futaba, she felt so guilty for something she thought she did, she formed a palace to condemn herself to die alone. To claim the Thieves are necessary to reform society implies that their method is the most effective, and I think that's a lot to claim for something they don't understand.
"They do more than the cops" I almost agree with. Legally the police in Japan in this game anyway (yes I'm aware it extends to reality in many ways, but I'm referring to just the game right now) are corrupt and flawed for the most part, but the thing I don't agree with is that this makes the Thieves a better alternative. They're not. For the same reason Yoshizawa says later, the Thieves can only do so much as vigilantes, and to imply that society should rely on these faceless nameless flawed people to fix society is not any better than what they have now. Especially with the method being unknown, potentially unsafe, and easily exploitable. I cannot be the only one who if the Phantom Thieves were real, would be extremely alarmed by the prospect of a group of vigilantes "changing hearts" right? It's so vague, and the pattern is dystopian. At least police methods are familiar
What I'm saying is that they're kids, and it's kind of insane that this game places Akechi as the narrative foil for the Thieves in their message and then makes it so easy to disregard because "he's an assassin so how could he know anything about justice". The Thieves don't either, and Ann was nearly a murderer. If the bar is "don't commit murder when you're infiltrating someone's mind" then it's far too low. I wouldn't trust a group of adults with this power to reform society, even less a group of teenage vigilantes. I'm 19, and I find this odd. And Strikers frames them as even more righteous, and it bugs me even more in that game. At least Royal has the third semester to give a bit more nuance to how big of a responsibility Ren was given, but that's also very frequently misinterpreted.
I love this game, and I love this fandom, and I have thoughts that get weird and ranty. I apologize, but I hope you all found this as interesting as I did.
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persona-brainrot-real · 5 months ago
do you think akechi ever saw himself in haru, the way they were both seen as disposable tools by their fathers? do you think he struggled to understand how she could have so much resentment being used by her father but still love him and believe that theres good in him. do you think for a moment killing a man who treated his child like that felt cathartic.
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