#my headcanons are always very silly ahaha
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bethiewhimsy · 2 years ago
ooo what are your headcanons on rachel from tgs? :D
(I know you made the post a while ago so feel free to ignore this ask!!)
hi alien :D (nooo tysm for asking!! i love rachel)
- rachel works very hard against the ditzy maid stereotype. does she beat it? not quite.
- she and hyde often stay up very late gossiping about boys (or rich stuck up gaffers they hate)
- she doesn’t have a favorite color but she knows she looks smashing in purple
- daydreams of visiting the countryside with a certain werewolf boy
- i think she has a picture of her brother stashed somewhere. maybe in her wallet or in a locket or something of that sort
- secretly hopes she dies before any of her dearest friends. she doesn’t want to go through the pain of losing someone dear to her again
- i don’t think she and lanyon see eye to eye. they don’t hate each other by any means, i just don’t think they connect on any level. so they just kinda say hi to each other in the halls and move on.
- dream job is to open her own bakery
- quite adept in knife throwing (probably thanks to lucy)
- sews all of her own clothes AND everyone else’s in the society
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sashisuse · 8 months ago
SABÉ….. i wanna hear abt >:3333 nobasalma 1950s au. ANDDDD sashisuse…… maybe pirate au??? i feel like that’d be chaotic and fun hehe
I LOVE ALL YOUR OCS BTW. SO MUCH. i have sm of your fanart in my drafts waiting to be eaten i mean reblogged…. give them a forehead kiss from me :3
AHHH my first ever ask… thank you ari… so very excited to answer this OKOKOK
let me accomplish this ask PERFECTLY
nobasalma first!!
okay this one is a little tricky because salma has the vibes of a greaser but realistically she would be a prep because she’s from the gojo clan and they got MONEY 😭 but salma is chicana as well so… hm.. i would say she started as a preppy girl but was very easily swayed into becoming a troublesome greaser. like a mixture of both for sure. nobara is definitely a prep but she’s such an outspoken person and this is why salma is like ‘oh yes this is perfect’ and they’re cute. salma probably takes nobara in a lowrider. they’re also both troublemakers. have you MET THEM!! AHAHA i love this idea actually.
okokok headcanon for this au… salma has a very fancy baby blue lowrider that she works on religiously. salma also is always picking nobara up in the lowrider AND she gives nobara her leather jacket hehehe
this one is so silly to me. so here’s my idea for it is that setsuko and suguru are the ones who start off with the ship because they’re childhood besties in almost every au so they were probably on the wavelength of ‘we’re going to be the coolest pirates when we grow up’. they get their ship. they meet shoko at some point and she’s like a healer and is like ‘lol you guys are gonna get scurvy if you don’t let me heal you wink wink’ and she throws oranges at them. LMFAO. okay. so satoru is obviously the stowaway. he’s probably some like prince in this au who longs for a life at sea. and setsuko and suguru (who are both captains. they share.) are like ‘hm… he’s cute.’ and decided to keep him. shoko is very nonchalant about the whole thing but she’s glad to have him aboard regardless. thinks the monarchy is stupid and thinks it’s funny that they ‘stole a prince.’ satoru reminds them that they DID NOT steal him but shoko thinks it’s funny. setsuko and suguru quickly join in on this joke as well. they’re a fun little crew. they kiss sometimes. I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT. (was it casual when we would steal precious jewels and give it to each other as tokens of our love and affection)
headcanon… the ship is called the rainbow dragon and honestly it makes sense because the fuckers (affectionate) are all rainbows themselves. they’re all incredibly touchy and affectionate with one another but they never establish what’s actually going on between them, which seems to be a constant in every universe. regardless, they all love each other and defend one another. also as opposed to setsuko’s canon forehead scar from The Toji Incident, i think the… pirate killer??? slashed her eye. so she wears an eyepatch a lot of the time but she always takes it off when it’s just the four of them. sashisu all agree she’s beautiful regardless (:
thank you ari for this delicious ask 🙏 i am so excited to see your reblogs on my art, i will give them all a smooch on the forehead for you i promise 🤞
AND THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY OCS!! it makes me so happy when they get the slightest attention so this is very exciting to me.
okie ask finished ✅
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vulpisnocturna · 2 years ago
I don't know but I always imagined Reiko as a long red haired darker in color than her mom with bangs a little sun kissed and expressive and brillant bright blue eyes who has an hourglass figure I think she is the type of beauty that she is so beautiful and makes head turns but at the same time she still doesn't realize her effect on people and thinks she has average beauty but the reality is totally opposite to that and also I think she has vixen like traits in her personality she can be pretty sly when she wants to and also playful because of Kurama who lives inside her in addition I can totally imagine itachi calling her his little vixen or vixen being her nickname in the hidden leave village I know it's a bit long but I am totally invested in Itachi and Reiko and your new story the time travel one and also I am sorry if my English isn't good 😊
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Hi lovely! Thank you so much for the ask, I love that you guys want to talk about Reiko, it makes my little shrivelled heart all warm 🥺
And never apologise for your English, I’m not English myself, I understand the struggle ahah
Reiko is definitely a beautiful woman, I mean, she has two very hot parents. She’s not too fond of her own hair colour (why do people bully redheads?? like get a grip. they’re hot as fuck) but I don’t think she thinks she’s unattractive. I think most of her insecurities are around her personality, and as I said, her hair. Of course to envision her anime style she would kind of look like Kushina, but if I had to think of a real life example, it would be Holland Roden (can we talk about how beautiful she is?) Big, expressive eyes, long (ish) dark red hair (copper colour), more angular face. Her eyes are darker blue, like cobalt more or less. Like not the meme ones 🔵👄🔵 that are like creepy like this. A warm, deep kind of blue
And you’re very right, as silly as she can be, she can also use sarcasm quite a lot, and she does like to be a brat and tease lol
Also definitely in the time travel fic she’s more confident in herself and acts more sly, because she’s stronger and masks her insecurities with confidence, in Unsealed Memories she gets thrown in a world where everybody’s stronger than she is and she feels inadequate a lot.
I like your headcanons about the nicknames ahaha! I think Itachi calls her a brat because he knows it makes her nervous and frustrates her.
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xiaonesis · 4 years ago
Fandom: Haikyuu (GWS)
Characters: Any
Theme: Any
Now I know it seems silly but you know how some anime have a beach episode? That or something similar to where the bachelor's get to see MC in a bathing suit. Like it's cliché but it's also one of my favorite funny moments in anime.
Like how all the bachelor's are together at the Blue castle. Like it doesn't have to be a beach. Just some relaxation at a lake or a pool. I just wanna see how everyone is gonna react to MC in a bathing suit that they bring back from their modern world haha.
I can imagine the possible chaos that each house would bring.
Honestly I was thinking of just commissioning you again 🤣 if the request was okay. Seems like this type of prompt would be a bit much for drabble.
Ghosts We See // Fireside Tales: Reacting to MC In A Modern Swimsuit Headcanons
Pairing: Featuring GWS!Ushijima/Oikawa/Kuroo/Bokuto
Tags: Humor, fluff if you squint real hard, crack by GWS standards
A/N: @decemberbellz​ You are very right that this will never fit into a short drabble! So I made headcanons of their reactions for some of them instead! And please, commissioning this?? You are truly inviting chaos for MC. Absolute chaos, especially seeing some of the reactions here...AHAHA But I know what you mean about beach episodes! I feel the same! They might be silly but they work, and are always a consistent fare in different shows for that reason too <3 Ngl, I actually had a beach chapter planned with the GWS modern boys but that was before GWS turned to focus on the Alt!Boys instead fdjhsf
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Empire Crown Prince Ushijima Wakatoshi
He would have been standing knee deep in the water, idly enjoying the cool water against his skin, shaking his head at Goshiki and Kawanishi splashing water on each other like children nearby.
Tendou would be right next to him, egging the two on and making bets with Semi on who goes under first.
All of a sudden, Tendou just stops mid-sentence, taps Semi on the shoulder frantically, and starts wading back to shore with the other in tow. No explanation whatsoever. Semi is confused, but not for long.
Moments after they left the water, lapping waves a suspiciously safe distance behind, you finally emerge from the changing tent.
Tendou whistles teasingly, attracting Ushijima’s attention.
When Ushijima sees you in the swimsuit you brought over from your world...well, they don’t make swimsuits like that in Hyquile. 
He stiffens in surprise and embarrassment at the sight of you…. He both wants to tear his eyes away out of respect, but also doesn’t want to. Confused, his brain momentarily blanks.
... and accidentally lets out a wave of electricity in the water.
Screams of pain. Goshiki and Kawanishi are no longer frolicking. They are floating. Shirabu is hustling from shore to collect their bodies.
”Did you know that was going to happen, Tendou?”
“I didn’t need foresight to figure that out.”
Aoba Crown Prince Oikawa Tooru
 Oikawa is closing his eyes immediately, not out of shyness or anything to do with morals, respect, and modesty. 
In fact, he’s praying.
Why do you do this to him?
Was it not enough that you tortured him so with your vivacious swaying hips during the Seijoh festival some moons ago?
Was it not enough that he nearly choked on his tea when you demonstrated your world’s intriguing dance to that musical piece called W.A.P?
If he didn’t know better, he’d think this was an assassination attempt.
Is immediately throwing his trademark cloak over you.
“Oikawa, this is too hot for the beach-”
Well, something else is hot too and it’s entirely your fault.
He may or may not have stationed the Blue Knights in the vicinity, much to their confusion. Does the crown prince truly need half the Blue Knights to be on guard duty here? All the sand is getting into their armors-
Iwaizumi calls Oikawa out on it with no mercy.
“Sir Iwaizumi, this is an order-”
“Stop abusing your powers!”
Oikawa is thus left with no choice but to inconspicuously hover. It’s not like he wants to; he really doesn’t!
But he didn’t like the way that Empire Royal Guard keeps looking over either.
...or his own Blue Knight Hanamaki. Maybe it’s a good thing Iwaizumi took the knights away.
At one point, you and Oikawa were keeping cool under the umbrella, stretched out on beach chairs. 
When you leaned over him to grab something from his other side, all manner of flora spontaneously combusted in the area.
That part of the beach had to be temporarily sealed off so the gardeners could cut down the foliage growing from the sand.
Oikawa can be seen aggressively sipping all his drinks for the next three days as the embarrassment periodically comes back to haunt him.
Nekoma Dominion Leader Kuroo Tetsurou
 Everyone knows that Kuroo is impossibly impassive. But you’d think he turned to stone when you emerged in your modern swimsuit.
His face goes blank when you’re in the vicinity. Others might think it’s not really different from how he usually is but Kenma can tell.
He can tell.
Regular impassive Kuroo will still have little ticks and shifts here and there - a little movement to the brow, pull on the lip, or the subtle squint of the eye.
But nope, with a foe as formidable as a modern swimsuit, Kuroo’s face has become an immovable mountain. The greater the foe, the stronger the defense.
He won’t look at you straight. Won’t even talk to you.
But don’t worry; it’s not you. Because no one else can even look at you either, with the exception of Kenma and a handful of other trusted few such as Kai.
“Oh, Yamamoto, hi!”
“Hey, you look great-”
A wall of hard earth bursts forth between your figures, separating Yamamoto from you.
“K-Kenma, w-what was that?”
“Ahh- it’s a rare phenomenon that happens in the Dominion sometimes...the earth’s plates are moving. D-Don’t worry about it. Haha…ha.”
It happens again when Lev tries to approach you.
And again when Fukunaga was about to offer you a drink.
Again when Shibayama was bringing you a plate of food.
That day, your food, drinks, and anything else you might need were served on a moving block of earth that conveniently appears when you need something.
If Kuroo can’t talk or look at you, then the others can’t either.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have much fun that day.
Owl Vale Leader Bokuto Koutarou
“Excuse me, is it alright if I borrow this-”
“Take it! I have to go!!”
Everyone who isn’t Akaashi or familiar with Bokuto is running away from you the moment you turn towards them.
As if they feared you.
But you don’t even know them! You just wanted to ask if you can borrow that person’s fruit knife to cut up some fruits.
Unbeknownst to you, a very scary-looking Bokuto can always be clearly seen some distance away from you; far enough to go undetected by you, close enough for anyone looking over your shoulder to see the looming danger.
You can go about the entire day without fear of anything because of who is behind you.
Not that you know who is behind you.
“Lord Bokuto, if I may offer some advice-”
“No, you may not.”
“-perhaps approaching her would be more favorable for everyone involved? Including yourself?”
In an extreme moment of rarity that rivals planetarial eclipses, Bokuto actually listened to Akaashi.
Which, ironically, frightens Akaashi himself. He meant it as a joke; he didn’t think Bokuto would listen. He never listens!
“Throw that measly knife away!” 
Fruit knife? You don’t need a fruit knife when you have Bokuto, supreme leader of Owl Vale, master of daggers and assassin extraordinaire. 
The assortment of fruits was sliced and diced to perfect cuts in record time. What is supposed to be a simple activity became an art form in his hands. It was - quite frankly - breathtaking to watch Bokuto cut up fruit. 
Heart-warmingly domestic but you will never tell him that.
Though his unblinking eyes made you feel self-conscious at times. It doesn’t help that your choice of swimwear shows more skin than you are used to in front of him.
Nah, what are you thinking? This is Scary Bokuto! He’s not the type to let his eyes wander…
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cayenne-twilight · 3 years ago
i'll kill a small child for the flora bingo bestie /lh
I’d kill a small child for Flora period
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Kind of a bingo? Almost? Maybe a bingo?
She’s soooo… I’ve talked about her so much on here but you can’t have enough.
She needs her own game, okay? She needs that good sweet development and to not be the damsel in distress all the time. Give her that autonomy and interesting character traits. Usually when people say, “the fanon version of this character is the valid one, the canon one sucks and we fixed them” I’m like ew no you didn’t, but she’s the exception. Fanon Flora is so good and true. People always give her interesting hobbies and wits and a sense of humor, but in canon she’s just The Girl One but naïve.
Flora’s a prime example of “shouldn’t they be a bit more fucked up over this?” She’s been through so much messed up junk that you’d think she’d have a villain arc like all those rich guys, but instead she’s going in the professor’s direction where she’s being constructive and optimistic about it. Not that villain!Flora isn’t the AU of all time. I wish they’d make something of these parallels, but instead the professor just ignores Flora “for her own good”. They don’t even tie that into the effect of his traumas like they easily could.
There is so much to work with. She likes murder novels. She isn’t intimidated by many scary situations in a (Disney’s) Rapunzel-like way. She’s an orphan who grew up in a tower in a fake village full of robot people built to raise her. How’s that for a backstory. She sees everything as an adventure. She likes dragons. She’s a Baroness with a huge inheritance. Paul used to be her enemy, but in UF he says he’s only helping Layton for her sake.
But canon only focuses on her silly girl character traits. She loves to cook but she’s so bad at it ahaha. She doesn’t know proper running form and no one’s gonna teach her so she runs like princess peach. She gets kidnapped all the time and has to be saved. She only solves a few puzzles, and none of them are really important. In the JP version she has a crush on Layton. He doesn’t even consider her as part of his family, she stays in his office? and they never explain what happens to her after UF.
Like come on! Focus on her bravery and optimism! Have her problems adjusting to normal society be a plot point that she overcomes! She’d be so good as someone who actually helps solve the mysteries and, y’know, has helpful traits.
I don’t remember who came up with the hc that she has a messed up sense of taste from growing up in robot society, but they’re a genius. One of my biggest Flora headcanons is that she’s disabled which is why her father focused so much on protecting her, paying for her whole future life, and hiding her away until someone can come take care of her. Also why Layton is so scared of letting her go out while he’s fine with Luke going on dangerous adventures after he literally died. It could explain why she’s seemingly frail and prone to tripping and falling a lot. I also hc that she’s into studying the very realistic robot stuff and that she becomes a mystery solver like the Laytons as an adult.
If I had any energy or attention span I could write a billion fics about her. I was cleaning out my tablet earlier this week and found a bunch of doodles of her. I still don’t understand why they never made a spin-off for her and instead made new characters, just isn’t clicking. My girl.
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trannyricksanchez · 2 years ago
{ prev was the-sleepiest-of-all , valentine-the-beloved , favorite--daughter }
🌗 { INTRO POST } 🌓
{ ♡ im XYZ! (aka a few other things) ♡ }
{ ♡ im a minor (6teen) !!! ♡ }
{ ♡ two spirit, and native american !! ♡ }
{ ♡ hyperfixated on dsmp!! ♡ }
{ ♡ c!connor enthusiast and c!quackity apologist ♡ }
{ ♡ in many fandoms + communities, but youll find more dsmp content!! ♡ }
{ ♡ artist / writer !! (send me prompts) ♡ }
{ ♡ thats about it!! heres my fandom list , byf/byi, and extras !!! :D!! ♡ }
🌗 { FANDOM LIST slash things im into } 🌓
{ things in pink are the things im super into!! }
° • ~ AJR !!!!!!!
° • ~ DSMP!!
° • ~ connoreatspants + jschlatt (chuckle sandwich, smplive, etc.)
° • ~ minecraft in general
° • ~ bojack horseman ❤
° • ~ House MD
° • ~ sailor v <3
° • ~ supernatural + doctor who
° • ~ sailor moon!!!
° • ~ space
° • ~ puss in boots the last wish
° • ~ marvel!!
° • ~ adult animation ! (rick and morty, inside job, bobs burgers, etc.)
° • ~ musicals !!!!
° • ~ sanders sides
🌗 { EXTRAS } 🌓
~ posts r normally random!! i talk a lot so expect thoughts that r all over the place
~ pumpkin duo, quackcicle, tntduo, karlnapity (basically any ship w/ quackity)
~ send me asks ab what i write for!!! i can give u headcanons if u want!!! or write something for u!!! just hmu!!
~ i am super duper cool!!
~ big c!connor fan !!! (and c!quackity)
~ same thing w/ art!!! i wanna get better ahaha
> my dni / trigger list is NOT public for my own saftey, but if we are close, you can ask for it /gen (although, while i believe my triggers arent others responsilibity, if i do tell you, i ask that you do be careful with what ive named around me.)
> 21+ dni (unless I know you and you've confirmed beforehand) I don't like adults following me!!! I'm a teen and just fuck around on this blog, so it's a little weird to me if a bunch of old ppl are following me
> i am dyslexic. i misspell things all the time, unless we are close you are Not allowed to make fun of me for it. same thing with how i read numbers (i have dyscalculia)
> while my dms are open, please Do Not be weird about it. i don't want weird messages or anything.
> don't be rude to me! i block people very easily.
> i Do like u, and i care ab you, but please do not vent to me. esp if i dont know u that well. i get overwhelmed easy, and im not good at comforting. (ofc if i offer go ahead!! and there are exceptions 2 this rule, like my partners and close friends)
> dont send asks about my dad!!! its not silly goofy, i miss him and i didnt hate his guts!!! condolences are welcome, but dont be an ass :/
🌗 { LAST NOTES } 🌓
if u wanna dm me for my discord!!! i am so active there ^_^
i swear i am super nice i seem a little mentally ill but just ask my friends i am so awesome
also u can ask for my other socials!!! i am also super active on tiktok and love getting new followers LMAO
thats it ^_^ btw u can always send asks!! i love getting asks!! (if anons are off, its bc im getting harassed </3, just dm me if u want 'em back on :D)
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nightfall-kachiniko · 4 years ago
jealous Mikasa Ackerman headcanons? 🥺
♡︎Jealous!Mikasa x reader Headcanons ♡︎
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Normally she’s quiet about it and just gives the person a death glare, but BOY OH BOYY IF THEY ARE BEING TOUCHY-
She’ll one, walk over to you, eye the person down, and give you the most hottest, agressive, possessive kiss while looking them straight in the eye.
She definitely shows that your her’s, doesn’t care in that moment how big of a scene she’s making. She’ll start kissing all over your jawline, neck, all while giving that person a death glare. She’ll grab your waist, pull you towards her. Just showing that person “hey fuck off, their mine”
Two, she’ll then show off her blade attached to her waist, and make a sign with her hands to fuck off.
If they don’t leave after her basically intimatating them, she’ll tell them directly, “just what the hell do you think your trying to do all over them? Hm?! They are fucking mine, get lost before I make you.” You of course would just be there in her arms, confused and a bit scared yourself lol.
And if they still don’t leave and try and touch y/n one more time... she’s cutting off their hand-
Simple as that xD
Also.. ahaha...you won’t be able to walk after tonight-
She’.l break your legs in bed out of jealously. Fuck you until you have hickeys all over your body, and can’t walk (LMAO HERE YOU GO YOU LUCKY BISH- 👩‍🦽)
She’ll IMMEDIATELY pull you into a room afterwards and fuck you silly LMAO
But if it’s just somebody trying to make friends, she still gets jealous, but not to the extent where she would do anything to hurt them, unless they try to make a move.
She’s very VERY possessive, so lucky you xD
Of course she will still eye them down, keeping her eyes on you and them, watching from afar. She’ll wait until you both are done talking, then once you come over to her, she’ll ask you with stern eyes, “he didn’t try anything did he” arms crossed switching her gaze from you to him, “no of course not mikasa!” You would say. “You sure? Didn’t make you uncomfortable or anything did he? Do I need to teach him a les-“ you would just burst out laughing at her possessiveness, thinking it’s adorable how she always wants to keep you safe :3
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kuroosweakness · 4 years ago
hellooo lia! it’s so late atm, but i really felt like sending you some more kuroo hcs bc i feel like i haven’t done so in a while :O and you deserve to wake up to some soft kuroo moments <3
when you two are walking around indoors or outdoors and kuroo realizes that your shoe is untied, he gently ushers you to the side and bends down to tie your shoe for you (but when he gets up, he taps his cheek twice so you can repay him w a kiss !!)
i think he’s a very family-oriented person and yearns for strong family bonds. so, when he’s visiting your family w you, he spends so much time w everyone! whether it be helping your mom in the kitchen, or asking to see your baby pictures (which he takes pictures of and saves to make fun of w you later), or watching whatever show your siblings are obsessed w. he even spends time w your pet!! giving it a lil belly massage and baby-talking to it <3 a true sweetheart
when it’s raining at night, he likes to pull the blanket over the two of you and watch funny videos on his phone to get your mind off of the booming thunder and sudden flashes of light. his laughter fills your ears :)
kuroo coming home from work and you can just see how excited he is to see you. why? bc he found out some drama from the marketing department. he has to share it w you! he loves how you’re able to keep up w his stories from work. he just gets so giddy bc his personality outside of work is so different than his professional one and it’s so cute to see this tall man in a suit and tie rambling excitedly about drama :,)
“hi pretty!!! i have so much to tell you. you know mina from marketing?”
“is that the one who went on maternity leave last month?”
“no silly, that was mika. mina’s the one who drank too much at that last company gathering. anyway, apparently mina…”
he’d definitely take pictures of you when you’re facetiming him! he’d have a lil album in his camera roll just for candid pictures of you <3 pls you would know when he does this bc it tells you when he screenshots but you let him have his fun. he had a screenshot of you stuffing your face w food (bc facetime lunch dates at work!) as his lockscreen for SO LONG pls stop him
if he was doing work in his room or gaming on his computer (w kenma <3), he’d be overjoyed if you came to watch him. knowing that you’d want to spend time w him even though he isn’t doing anything interesting makes him feel all warm. he’d encourage you to sit on his lap and he’d also explain everything that he’s doing so you don’t get bored!! (ofc nothing is better than cuddling up to him and hearing him talk about something he’s passionate about)
i feel like after a long day of work, he can still talk to you for hours. so you two are lying in bed, unwinding as you discuss your busy days. he’d talk about anything and everything on his mind. he’d notice how your eyes start to droop, and he’ll lower his voice and let his words come to an end. kissing your forehead gently, he’ll feel happy bc he helped ease you into a good night’s sleep. he always goes to sleep after you’ve fallen asleep, whether it’s to take pictures of you, admire your smooshed cheeks against his chest, or to ensure that you’re comfortable before he places his pillows around his head and fall into a deep sleep.
kuroo wearing rings? YES. he twists his rings on his fingers so much and is always playing with them omg. he finds it so cute when you’re playing w his hands and take off his rings to try them on. he’d make fun of how small your fingers and hands are, secretly loving how cute they are! he’d get matching rings for the two of you for important occasions (every anniversary, he gets you matching silver rings w different designs. if you like the ones w crystals or gems, he most definitely wouldn’t mind matching w you! he thinks you have the best taste <3) omg i can also imagine him posting a pic of your hands intertwined, rings on full display, every anniversary!! it’s a lowkey way of showing off his love for you <333
speaking of things that he posts, he wouldn’t want everything about your relationship to be public on social media. he likes how only he can see some parts of you (your face after you wake up, you cooking in the kitchen w fuzzy slippers and a huge cozy sweater, your angry expression when he forgets to separate the white clothing from the red clothing in the laundry). he posts cute pictures on your birthday, anniversaries, or when he takes you out to nice dates!! pls he’d write some sappy embarrassing caption tho >:)
i hope you liked these!! i realized that so many of my kuroo hcs are v soft and often overlook how much he’d tease you in a relationship ahaha i’m just obsessed w cute soft moments <33 have a good day, lovely!!
- 🧸 anon :+)
OMG HI !! I LOVE THESE <33 your kuroo hcs never fail to put a smile to my face and make me feel all giddy :'
- awwww jksljdkfj the kiss after tying your shoe- ><
- i feel like he's a very family-oriented person too :'(( thinking about him caring makes my heart ache in a way. he's too kind (if i had a pet, i just know they'd love him ahahaha)
- watching videos with him under covers :(((( in a way, i miss him more aaaaah
- YES YES him spilling tea >>> (he's a good story teller too!! and probably updates you on practically everything he knows :))) so you can learn the side of his life that you can't personally see :'
- ehheehe i'm a camera shy person but the headcanon makes me so soft :'
his teasing has no end omg, especially when he starts making memes out of candid pictures and uses them when texting 😭
- i'd go to his room and enjoy his presence any day, any time. i hope his leg doesn't get numb ahahahha
:(( he'll be able to talk about his passions for hours with those sparkles in his cat-like eyes
AWWW PLS SIGN ME UP FOR PRE-SLEEPY TIME KUROO D': your descriptions are making me so soft i can't-
kuroo wearing rings !!!!!!!!!! YES AND A WATCH <33
the social media part :'(( i don't think anyone would appreciate seeing my face when i first wake up ahahaha
PLS THE CAPTIONS WOULD BE SO CHEESY this man has no shame when it comes to expressing his emotions :'D
i loved loved loved your headcanons, tsym for typing them out and sending them to me :'(( they truly make me happier than anything else i've encountered these past weeks. RIGHT his teasing just has no end.
kuroo teases in a way where you can't deny it, and have to resist a smile while hiding away your face so he can't tease you even more- (is it bad i'm getting butterflies from thinking about it ahhaa)
i'm just as obsessed with soft kuroo headcanons :' they bring me lots of comfort <33
thank you!! and i hope you have lovely day too! and don't forget to hydrate and take care of yourself! :))
lots of love, lia~
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eldritch-araneae · 4 years ago
Windblade or Optimus Prime pls :D
Lets do both! :D
First impression:
Optimus: He's the dad! And funny because some of him lines are so hilarious ( esp the booby trap one XD). He's silly and likes to have fun despite being the leader. G1 Optimus is my absolute fav <3
Windblade: Ohohoh, my first impression was Cybervers and despite anyone opinions, I absolutely loved her! She's full of sass and such amazing friend. Telepathy makes things even more interesting, and I wish this would be explored MORE outside the Cityspeaker thing. And her design is gorgeous too!
This is why she's a psychiatrist in Sparkpulse :D
Impression now:
Optimus: I still cling to G1 version of him. TFA version was also curious, but others. I don't like when Optimus is serious all the time, and despise that in laterst version he's a cop?? (and the entire motivation and how both factions are shown, esp in comics, is just...uhhh a mess!)
No, I prefer librarian dork Optimus, and tbh this is another idea that has so much potential! Something I wanna explore in my cont.
Windblade: Same, I'm sticking to Cyberverse version with more additions ( like she's also a gremlin in my AU, Bumblebee is just enables her shbhs). Idk what to think about other version as I don't know much about them. Tho I would say, the IDW2 Windblade is so weird to me...bc apparently she's a cop too (whut??) and she seem dismissive towards Bumblebee even tho they are friends? Not for me.
Favorite moment:
Optimus: Every silly moment with him is a gem. I can't get enough of the idea of faction leader who occasionally will go "Oh look, a boobie trap that actually catches boobies" and "I will use my delicate lockpicking technique" and just blasts the fucking door XD
Windblade: Oh this is too many I cant choose ahaha! Every single interaction with Bumblebee is priceless and interesting how she was growing more relaxed around him and had fun! Being a Cityspeaker is sure a lot of pressure, and seeing her being herself when she makes a friend is precious.)
Idea for a story:
Optimus: In my cont I wanna explore the idea of Optimus being librarian, being kind and caring, but at the same he's not naive and hard to manipulate! He's a person who KNOWS history and aware and when he see it's repeating itself. Optimus is the rebel here, and knows how to deal with rich.
Windblade: I will dive deep into her telepathy and expand this idea. While Cityspeaker lore is interesting, imagine the possibilities when she can enter one's mind who, for example, suffered from mnemosurgery and try to help her patients to regain lost memories. Or at least some traces.
Windblade is a memory detective, who find pieces of information in her patient mind and put them together. Ans ofc, as psychiatrist she can use her abilities in therapy ( dont worry, anything done with consent!). So many possibilities!
Unpopular opinion:
Optimus: I don't have any.
Windblade: Cyberverse Windy is not terrible character and ppl's hate towards her is weird. I won't be surprised it's because she's friends with Bumblebee and many ppl hate him...so yeah...
Favorite relationship:
Optimus: It's interesting to see his dynamic with Megatron, since in many version they used to be friends, and then thing went to shit. In my cont there is a lot of drama between two because each believes the other sided with Functionists....but there only one belief is true.
Windblade: With Bumblebee 100%! Their friendship in Cyberverse is so, so good! My aroace ass was so damn happy seeing a such good platonic relationship that is deep. This dynamic gave me such strong Ghibli vibes bc in those movies love was always portrait as something mundane, something that always exist by your side, that you don't gave to go on the huge quest to find and prove it!
And so same with Windblade and Bumblebee! They just feel good with each, they don't need to throw vows and sacrifices for each other to prove how much they love. It's little things, like hugs, playing Cube with each other, drinking at Maccadam's, Windblade giggling every time Bumblebee does something silly and more.
Love it's just there, and gooooooosh I want MORE!
Favorite headcanon:
Optimus: He's a memelord! Mememus Prime! No one shall escape him. Prowl is crying in the corner.
Windblade: She's absolute gremlin! She's a gremlin in disguise who will cover Bee's and Sari's asses while they commit mischief. Nobody suspect anything bc cmon, she's a psychiatrist and super powerful thelepath and Cityspeaker. She's must be a very serious mech, right? WRONG!
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justgenshinstuf · 4 years ago
If you're still taking team dynamic headcanons, how would Kaeya, Barbara, Keqing and Xinyan go? Maybe a little bit of the traveler too if you want? Your writing and visualisation of team dynamics is really good so far
Here you go, Anon! I hope you’ll like it, this one turned out a bit silly x)
Team Headcanons: Kaeya, Barbara, Keqing and Xinyan
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Barbara and Xinyan clicked right away, instant besties! They discuss music days on end and give each other ideas for new songs and general art direction. It isn’t even much of a problem that they are different like night and day: Xinyan with her rebellious spirit and docile and compliant Barbara.
Barbara would help Xinyan with her image, giving advice on how to appear nicer to people. And Xinyan was an endless source of creativity and unconventional views on creating an unforgettable performance.
Xinyan even suggested to teach Barbara play some easy tunes on her ‘guitar’, and that’s quite an honour in her book. Barbara took the opportunity with excitement and even though it turned out poorly at first she was still so happy to try. «Don’t you worry, you totally rock, Barbs!»
You suggest them having a concert together, with one or another being a guest-star, and the idea had completely blown both away. Their style in performance was certainly very different, but Barbara always wanted to be in a band, and Xinyan dreamed of meeting another open-minded musician, who would support her ideas.
Kaeya and Keqing kind of stayed out of their gig, barely understanding any of what was going on. It actually became a starting point in their relationship, a common ground of sorts.
Keqing found Kaeya to be pretty smart. «Finally someone with a working brain». As she’d put it. And Kaeya couldn’t help but gain respect for how hardworking Keqing was, she reminded him so much of Acting Grand Master Jean, as restless and committed to her work.
They started training together from time to time, seemingly having more fun than they would admit. Then often stayed late, coming up with plans for the upcoming missions. They were both talented strategists, so they’d regularly discuss something mission related, fully taking a role of ‘the brains’ of the team.
You joined their briefings from time to time. It made you really happy to have such autonomous helpers, who you could truly rely on.
The thing you didn’t know is that their planning sessions were sometimes accompanied with a glass or two of something strong, while girls were busy with their music or stacking supplies. You wouldn’t even consider Keqing participating in something so improper, but it turned out Kaeya’s charm is pretty difficult to resist. Or maybe it was the ‘rebellious’ and ‘free’ spirit of the whole team that pushed her to it.
You were not too excited to find them both unreasonably drunk one night, Kaeya telling some heart-breaking stories about his brother and Keqing being an emotional mess over Rex Lapis.
- Who the F is this Lorax again? - Morax! I’ve told you already, Rex Lapis, The Geo Archon, Lord of Rock, the God of Contracts… - Mhm… So what about him? - Ugh, you wouldn’t understand. It’s like I hate him, but I love him, but I also hate him… - Oh, I understand…
Barbara would treat their hangover the following morning while you scolded them a bit for being so ‘unprofessional’. Kaeya would beg for your forgiveness and take the blame upon himself, while Keqing would certainly be dying from headache and embarrassment.
- I will never drink your freaky cocktails ever again, Cavalry Captain. - Oh, so you want to build your prosperous society of future AND make it a sober one? That’s sad. Besides, weren’t you the one to say «Yesterday's experiences will become tomorrow's strength». - I take my words back, I got myself mixed up with an alcoholic… - Didn’t you know the Archon of my city is a drunken bard?  
Xinyan, however, would find this whole situation the funniest thing ever. «That’s what I call rock’n’roll, ahaha!»
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years ago
HELLO HI HEWWO !!! Happy Anniversary🎉 to one of the greatest ships I've ever seen !! 🫂💕💕 It's incredible how much effort and passion you put into developing their relationship;; Their dynamic is so complex and well thought !! They are a wonderful couple and I'm so happy I got to met them. Their love is so inspiring. I just know that Byakuya is as grateful as you are that you two met and became so important to eachother. I can't think of any questions right now, but if you've got any headcanons you'd like to share I'd be super happy to listen !! ♡♡
And for the ask game!! Maybe ✧ and ❖ ? I wish you two a lovely day!!💓
Aaaa oh my gosh, thank you so much for your kind words, Flake!! You always make me so, so happy <33 I’m so glad to know you like them so much, it’s super fun writing all the details of their relationship and how they understand and love each other. Byakuya means a great deal to me, and I struggle seeing myself graduating high school next year while not calling him my F/O (fingers crossed guys!!! <33).
As I recall, I think yours and Taka’s second anniversary is coming up in January? I absolutely cannot wait for that!! I really adore your ship too, and you’ll always be one of my artistic inspirations (and, of course, my friend <33).
Anyway, answers to the ask game are under the cut :)
✧ - Do you prefer to plan dates out, or do you prefer to just go with the flow and figure things out a you go?
Both of them are MASSIVE planners. S/I is definitely the more willing one to go with the flow; just Byakuya’s company alone is enough for her to be happy. Byakuya, however, doesn’t quite understand that she’s just happy no matter what, causing him to excessively plan dates to give her a perfect experience he thinks she deserves.
Most of them are at night too. I like to think Byakuya enjoys cold nights the most as it tends to be the time the least people are around (it also gives him an excuse to make her huddle close to him ‘for warmth’ when in reality he just uses it as an excuse to be close together).
Most of their dates are at the night café and are recognised regulars there, ahaha. S/I often wants to socialise with the shopkeeper and the occasional passerby, enjoying all of the fantastical stories unique individuals get to tell. Byakuya of course despises this, wanting S/I to himself in the back corner. While she talks, he occasionally will fit his coat around her if she shows symptoms of being cold, or holding her hand under the counter protectively.
He has been called out by the waiter a number of times for his coddling of her and how bad of a job he does at keeping his love for her on the down low. He has been called ‘the overprotective jealous type’ too many times to count. Overall, they both enjoy being there at late nights. When seated in the plush seating in the corner of the café though, S/I is very prone to falling asleep on him, often needing to be gently rocked awake and carried into bed once they’re back at the mansion.
I ended up drawing this silly little idea today [here!]
❖ - Surprise! Your f/o is going to treat you to a special day- no budget, no restrictions- how do you spend the day?
Byakuya isn’t the most fond of — well, going outside to public spaces. He just REALLY doesn’t like people. But, he does treat her occasionally (just because he loves her so much). Byakuya isn’t the most fascinated by the planetarium, but it’s a place S/I shows great exuberance to go to — so, naturally he takes her there.
Also, a big shopping day is pretty much inbound. Poor S/I always needs his help with zippers and such -_- he’d make a few snarky comments concerning how much she needs him for everything, but he does genuinely love caring for her and feeling needed (because as I’ve said, Byakuya needs her too, he just doesn’t want to admit it).
Funnily enough, they mostly prefer to just be with each other in the mansion, alone. Byakuya’s a private man, and both their love languages is quality time (I’ve justified that in another post sksksks); they really just love being in one and another’s presence.
They might play music together though. Byakuya has a lot of perfectionist tendencies, so its a bit hard for him to refrain from critiquing everything — he still loves being able to create something with her though and it’s a very precious experience. He can’t draw super well or is proficient at any other artistic mediums, but his musical side is a very sensitive thing he doesn’t really trust anyone else with outside of the more soulless piano performances he does to show off. But creating his own music? It’s something special to share with her. Especially when he sings, that’s only for her.
(he says (in canon) he can play all standard instruments — voice is an instrument, so I’m just saying he can sing to an extent but it’s not his forte by any means)
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sachirou-senpai · 5 years ago
HI BBY💕💕!! i heard u just started this account so i’m gonna request smth to start u off!! 😚😚 recently i’ve been really stressed and falling behind work :( so is it alright if u write headcanons or scenarios on how haikyuu boys (any of ur preference!!) would comfort u after a long day of online school?? LUV U BBY ,, don’t feel obliged to write this if u don’t feel like it okk!
Hinata Shouyou
→ B E S T B O Y → kinda confused? cause all he does on a stressful school day is play volleyball → after and then he's fine so like,,,, he's kinda clueless → absolutely tries his best though → "Um, do you need snacks? Water? Umm, we could go play volleyball?" → Yes he just asked if you wanted to play volleyball after a long day of online school → I mean to be fair that's all he really knows, sleep, eat, volleyball, school, volleyball, eat, sleep → so like he's trying his best
"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?"
Shouyou had just come over on a whim, he was bored at home and wanted to say hi! He didn't expect to see you face down on your couch, looking rather beat up.
"Just a long day of school, it's just gotten to be so much, y'know? I'm really falling behind and it's stressing me out."
"Oh, I'm sorry, can I help?" He rapidly starts listing off things he could do to help you, getting more and more excited as he goes along.
"Snacks! No, water? What about candy? Oh, Kageyama always likes milk! What about those popsicles Noya-senpai always likes so much?! Oh wait! I know! Let's play volleyball! C'mon!"
He literally starts dragging you out the door until he sees the rather nonplussed look on your face.
"Oh, did you not want to play volleyball? I probably should have checked first," he says, rather embarrassed of himself.
"No Shou, I just want to spend time with you. Come cuddle with me?"
"Of course! C'mon, let's go, I wanna hold you. Or do you wanna hold me? Maybe we could hold each other. Hmmm, so many choices. We could build a pillow fort." He slowly trails off as he drags you down the hall. Your boyfriend might be a bit enthusiastic sometimes, but you honestly wouldn't trade it for the world.
→ lowkey cuddle king → yes you made a pillowfort → u fall asleep in his arms
Tendou Satori
→ Tendou high-key has a habit of just walking in to your house sometimes completely unannounced → you're not even sure how he gets up the creaky stairs of your apartment without you noticing, but really that's a story for another time → you're also not sure how he gets in because you're sure you keep the door locked → (you have a spare key you gave him a while ago you've absolutely forgotten about and he thinks it's funny so you're never gonna find out) → sometimes it annoys you that he just, comes over? without asking? → but today you're honestly kinda grateful to see him even if you were in a pissy mood, because Boyyyy are you Tired → it's not that your teachers were especially brutal, you had just been really stressed out recently and had started falling behind with your work → and you were soooo tired → and soooooooo done → you honestly just wanted to curl up and fall asleep and then wake up and all your assignments would be done and school would be over
"Hiyaaaa babyyy!" He calls into your apartment.
"Holy shit Satori you scared me! Could you like, not?" you snapped, instantly regretting it. "Ugh, sorry babe," you said, putting your face in your palms, elbows resting on your desk.
"Oh, love, don't worry about it, what's wrong? You can tell me."
"Iss stupid," you mumbled.
"Now now baby, no it isn't. Nothing that's bothering you is stupid, I promise. Now tell me, what's up?" He says, coming over to you and putting a hand on your back, holding you close.
You sigh, a big sigh and finally let all your pent-up feelings out.
"Just schoolwork. I feel like there's just so much! My teachers didn't really even assign that much this week, but I just feel so overwhelmed. I feel like I should be able to do all the work because I see my other classmates doing so well and it's honestly just infuriating. Not to mention a huge blow to my ego. I thought I was good at school."
He smiles a sweet, soft smile, and looks you in they eyes. "Baby, you are good at school. You're like, the smartest person I know! You know as well as I do everyone has different learning styles, and maybe online school just isn't yours. There isn't anything wrong with it, you're not broken, and I promise you you're not going stupid." He cups your face, "Let me do something nice for you though, how does that sound?"
You nod your head, as well as you can with his palms squishing your cheeks.
"Have you eaten yet? I'll make you dinner?"
"Oh Satori, absolutely not, you cannot cook for the life of you, you'll burn the whole world down. Have you really forgotten about the March cupcake incident? The cafeteria was closed for a week!"
He gives you another sheepish smile. "You're right, you're right, maybe I won't make you dinner." "You're right, you absolutely will not." "Okay, okay," he laughs, "Want to order take-out instead?" "Sure," you reply.
"Watcha want?"
"No idea."
"Why do I even ask at this point?"
"I'm not really sure, Satori," you laugh.
"Hey! There's that laugh I love so much." He walks over to you, hands outstretched and fingers wiggling. "I wanna hear it again!"
"Ohhh, Satori, don't you dar- AH hA Sator Ahaha stoppp, it tickles!"
He pauses for a second, "That's kind of the point, silly!"
He continues your so-called torture, which ends with you two laughing and cuddling, takeout completely abandoned. You remember it much later, when it's far too late for you to call anywhere, so you make the two of you some surprisingly healthy food. Satori complains about the tomatoes and not getting to treat you. You tell him to shut up and that seeing him was enough. All is well.
Akaashi Keiji
→ Akaashi definitely has a sixth sense when it comes to you feeling down you don't understand it (and he doesn't really either) but you're certainly not complaining and neither is he because it makes him very happy every time he can make you feel better → he's just somehow always there when you need him → one time u were just feeling down and he happened at that exact moment to send you an adorable text telling you how much you meant to him → another time you were super stressed out he happened to bring you some flowers he had found while he was on a walk → honestly just 10/10 boy → i (we?) stan → n e ways, you kinda felt like crud because you just had → so. much. work. → you were so stressed out you could barely think → you knew you were getting behind on your assignments, but you just couldn't seem to do them → it seemed so simple in your head but something about the actual doing the assignments was just hard → you felt like you were gonna scream → sigh
Literally at that exact moment, your Lord and Savior, Akaashi Keiji walked into your room.
"Hey my love, are you doing okay? I sent some texts and you didn't respond- no worries, I'm not upset. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay."
You turn your chair to face him, greeting him with a meek smile. "I'm doing okay. Just stressed out because of school. It's a lot."
He smiled at you, walking over to your desk, setting down the bag in his hands. "I figured as much. I brought you some stuff."
You perk up at this, and he internally giggles at how sweet you are.
"So, most importantly, I brought you some cookies I made today, yes, your favorite. I also brought you some pasta."
You make a face of confusion at him when he mentions pasta, and he's quick to explain himself.
"I know sounds slightly random, I know, but I had just made some and I wasn't sure if you'd eaten or not. I figured it didn't hurt to bring it."
You smile at him and stand up from where you were sitting on the bed, walking over to him and burying your face into his chest. His arms instinctively wrapped around you. "You're the best Keiji, I don't know where I'd be without you."
"On the moon, probably."
"The moon?"
He hums in confirmation. "You're a wonderful person, I know you're going to go far."
You smile up at him, grabbing his face to bring him into a kiss. "I love you Keiji. So much."
"I love you too, so, so much."
The two of you stay like that for a bit, before he breaks the hug and goes back to the bag.
"Oh, I almost forgot, I brought you this too."
He holds up a bag of your favorite chips.
"Keiii, you spoil me. I don't deserve it."
"Mmm, yes you do. You absolutely do." He puts down the chips and comes back to you, this time taking your face in his hands, and looking you right in the eyes.
"Yes, yes you do. You deserve every little thing I get for you, every little thing I do for you, everything. I promise you, you are the most deserving person out there. And I would rather give my love to no one else."
"But my scho-"
"No. I don't care how much or how little schoolwork you've done. It doesn't change how I think. You deserve me and all the nice things I do for you. No buts. And don't you dare not eat the food I brought for you. I know what you're thinking, and it's not true. You've definitely worked hard enough to warrant the good things I give you, okay?"
You nod, and he smiles.
"Good. Come, let's heat up the pasta. I'll stay for dinner if you'd like."
You nod again. "Yes please. Can you maybe stay the night too?"
"Of course. I'd love to."
"Thank you Keiji, I love you."
"I love you too, my sweet."
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debelltio-a · 4 years ago
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@vicicus​​ : 💚 - ENVY because we know he's jelly
Sinday memes
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💚 - ENVY - What is my muse jealous of?  Is it someone else’s power or privilege?  Is it something about their relationship?
In a word? Everything. Much of his anger and insecurity stems from envy. It’s a reflection of his upbringing, of being born from nothing. A majority of his life was spent disrespected, cast aside, and forgotten. At the very heart of it, he’s angry at the universe. Whatever divine creator ( headcanon post on Orson’s religious thoughts will be made someday ) up above was cruel and unkind to him. His mind, the source of his intellect and his gifts, also serves as his jailer. No matter how much titles or possessions he acquires, it’s never enough. He’ll always be that child who has nothing. I’ll highlight a few people in his life who he has felt envious of, along with how he handles them. The Erso’s     Orson is absolutely envious of the Erso family as a whole, although he definitely does not show it. To Galen, it’s one of intellectual and moral insecurity. Galen was effortlessly better than him in every single way. He was smarter ( though that was Orson’s own fault for not fucking studying ) but most importantly, he was happier. They come from a similar background ( both from poor, working-class families ) yet he could never wrap it around his head that Galen was content with who he was.     Onto Lyra — well, she has Galen’s attention and heart, ‘nuff said. Ahaha, whether or not this feeling is romantic or platonic will be kept ambiguous. But he is jealous and possessive of his friend.     Lastly, Jyn. Similarly to Lyra, she has Galen’s attention. Though in this case, how do I put it — it’s a feeling of being replaced. His best friend was moving on but Orson was not ready to let go ( something something attachments ). Additionally, he’s jealous of her childhood. Jyn was raised in a loving family while Orson was not. There’s resentment plus many other past problems ( warning: discussions of domestic abuse - see here and here ). Grand Moff Tarkin     This one’s relatively straightforward and a tale of ‘Did not unlock tragic backstory’. Orson believes that like every other Imperial officer, Tarkin is the epitome of privilege. Old money, influential, rich. It was everything he hated and envied. Though if you dig a little deeper than that, he envies the governor’s calculating calmness and bravery. Unlike Orson, he doesn’t fly off the handle with rage every time something unexpected happens. Additionally, he has seen Tarkin in action before ( and also caused a civil war on his jurisdiction but let’s not go there ) and secretly, he was very impressed. It does pain him that next to the governor, he looks like an incompetent buffoon wearing a silly costume.
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lavenderlight · 5 years ago
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40 >:)
Ahdgkhh okay here we go!!!
1: Which TES games have you played?
All 5 main series games, ESO, and Blades!
2: Favorite TES game?
Oblivion........ like the other games have traits I like more, but also cons. Like... if I had to pick a game to just play with only the Unofficial Patch, it’d be that one.
3: When and how you got into TES? I was at a game store with my brother and we saw Oblivion with all these award “amazing game” stickers on it on clearance. So picked it up. I wasn’t impressed right away (remember picking dark elf tho) so put it down. My bro played it and said “omg you have to get out of the tutorial dungeon that sucks but the rest of the game is so good!” So I made a bosmer and did and there rest is history. TES has been a special interest of mine and a big comfort series for a decade now!  4: Favorite race Bosmer! Dunmer are a close second though. Thanks Morrowind. 5: Favorite province Valenwood........... love it............ Cyrodiil too because I’m basic. 6: Favorite character Ahdjgh hard to pick because there are so many! Off the top of my head, Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth, Indoril Nerevar (what a shock, I know), Serana Volkihar, Glarthir, The Adoring Fan (don’t @ me), The Jemane Brothers, Marcurio, really all the characters from ESO’s main quest and the ending side quests who help you 😭😭. 7. Favorite faction
Thieves’ Guild, minus Skyrim’s. Skyrim’s Thieves’ Guild was awful eww.
8: Which province you would like to live in
If the lore and history and stuff weren’t a thing, Summerset because it’s aesthetic and has nice beaches. Realistically, probs Cyrodiil because I’m basic and I like how it’s a melting pot of various races and cultures!
As much as I love Valenwood, wouldn’t be able to handle the Green Pact
9: Which deity/deities would you worship?
Dibella - because I like how she’s the divine for the arts, and actual true love and beauty in the world (feel like she’s the divine most likely to say gay rights and trans rights). That vibes with me.
Makes me sad that both in the games and in the fandom, she’s reduced to “ha ha slutty sex goddess”. 
10: Favorite Divine
Dibella because see above.
11: Favorite Daedric Prince
Oh boy... hajdg I love Daedra (except Molag Bal - eww)!!! So it’s hard to pick. Just rapid fire listing some favs: Sheogorath, Meridia, Azura, Barbas (does he count?), Hircine... 
12: Favorite enemy
Dagoth Ur
13: Favorite dungeon
Hmmm, I feel like I’m forgetting some, but I enjoyed Nocturnal’s trial dungeon in Skyrim because I like sneaking and it was all based on that.
14. You have awakened and you are a Cliff Racer. What do you do?
Hunt and kill anyone who dares to step outside Seyda Neen lol
15: What would you do if you contracted vampirism?
C u r e
16: What would you do if you contracted lycanthropy?
C u r e
17: Are there any characters you have crushes on?
Not rly because I’m ace.
 If so, who?
18: Favorite Great House
The Sixth House. The Tribe Unmourned. The-
Honestly all of them are whack and have... issues. When I played Morrowind, I didn’t join any of them lol. Telvanni is at least entertaining and very out there which makes them cool. So I guess them?
19: Favorite TES music
Ahaha... I sold my soul to Jeremy Soule... I have so so many... :’)
“The Road Most Travelled”, “Peaceful Waters”, “Stilt Sunrise”,  “Auri-El’s Ascension”, “Sunrise of Flutes”, “Harvest Dawn”, “All’s Well” “The Streets of Whiterun”, “Secunda” (this is one of my all time favourite video game songs!), “Sovngarde”, “One They Fear”
Then from ESO which has other composers too: “Northpoint Nocturne”, “Moth, Butterfly, and Torchbug”, and “Grazelands Dawn” (mostly because it’s a remix of “The Road Most Travelled” 🥺)
Oh, and this song from the Morrowind dlc because the remaster of “Nerevar Rising” from 2:54 onward. (which how could I forget “Nerevar Rising”? Ugh it gives me feels! The Oblivion and Skyrim main themes are very near and dear to me too)
Also really enjoyed this song from Clockwork City - captures the melancholy vibe and I like the clock noises in it.
20: In your opinion, what is the scariest thing in TES?
I can’t stand spiders so anytime anything having to do with them shows up... I play with mods that remove them and in ESO,  I have a list of dungeons and places to avoid. If I have to do one, I make someone go with me and kill them for me lol.
The Lighthouse Quest in Skyrim was also mega spooky. As for lore, soul trapping and the Soul Cairn really freaks me out! I can’t bring myself to use soul trapping because it bothers me :( I headcanon that when a soul gem runs out of charge, the soul is freed because it’s the only way I can sleep at nigh leave me alone lol 21: Favorite main quest Morrowind, hands down. I will infodump and discuss that game’s plot forever. 22: Favorite side quest
I really like the Daedric Shrine quests, they’re always fun. Also love the silly little short quests like in Morrowind when you have to help the guy get his pants back, or in ESO where you gotta find the lost dog in Valenwood and pet it.
Oblivion has loads of side quests I loved... the missing dunmer painter, Hackdirt, that quest with the ladies who are killing men, the Floating Bowl quest... the mystery at Chorrol Castle....
23: Most frustrating experience in a TES game
I get mad any time the sneaking mechanics in ESO don’t work like the main games. Because I always play an archer-thief lol.
That one fabricant machine puzzle in Tribunal.... oh man........ I had to look it up.
And also the final boss for Clockwork City was annoying. Don’t go to the Clockwork City!
24: Funniest experience in a TES game
Other than moments intended to be funny, I sometimes laugh whenever I miss a jump and end up dying from fall damage. It’s so ridiculous.
Dagoth Ur’s “What are you doing?!” when you first attack the Heart always gets a chuckle out of me too. He sounds so... upset and disappointed in you? Lol
25: Most badass moment in a TES game
The ending to ESO’s main quest was a rly big power fantasy moment for me.
Also more mundane, but I felt really cool and powerful when I got to the point in Morrowind where I could one shot kill cliff racers lol
26: Saddest experience in a TES game
The ESO side quest, “The Soul-Meld Mage” in Coldharbour. After that one, I had to step away for a bit.... man. It hurt my heart and I still feel so bad. That was a case in the game where I really felt impacted by how cruel and awful Molag Bal is. Like I *knew* but that quest played with my emotions and made it personal.
27: Favorite area/region
Valenwood from ESO. I spend all my time there, and sometimes go to Summerset or Vvardenfell lol.
28: Least favorite character
Also don’t like Maven-Black Briar. :I
29: In-game food item you want to eat the most
Also this one recipe for a beef dish I found in Valenwood sounded good.  Maybe also the Sunrise Souffle mentioned in Skyrim?
30: If you could try skooma, would you?
No. Don’t do drugs, kids.
31: If you had the skills and resources to do a perfect cosplay of any TES character who would it be?
Probs Serana
32: Have you read any of the novels?
No, but I’ve been thinking about it!
33: Favorite class to play
Thief, or a thief-similar class like agent or rogue.
34: Which type of magic would you most like using?
Alteration seems the most useful for everyday life lol. But illusion would be fun.
35: Favorite weapon
I use bows all the time!
36: Favorite spell
Levitate from Morrowind - it’s so much fun to use!
37: Favorite artifact
Nerevar’s Moon-And-Star Ring. It’s cute lol and I like the lore behind it!
Also enjoy the Wabbajack because of how silly it is, and Dibella’s Brush of Truepaint.
38: You have awakened to find you’re in Tamriel. How do you react?
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Because yeah I love TES but also the world of it is scary with gods and monsters constantly trying to kill you lol
39: Thoughts on ESO so far
I really enjoy the world and writing! But I’m still cranky over some moments where it’s an MMO and not a normal TES game :I
I also hate that we can’t have NPC companions.  You really gonna give me a clockwork nix-hound named Snuffler and not let me travel with him? For shame.
40: Character you’d most like to hang out with
Nerevar, because I’m very awkward and shy and bad at peopleing and I would hope he could teach me how to improve lol.
But to actually hang out and chill, Marcurio would be pretty fun lol
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uhtceare-bitch · 5 years ago
Something new (1)
This was gonna be a headcanon but I turned it into a fic bc I’m fucking awesome dude , holy shit bruh , I’m so cool
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His whole , kirishima , has looked up to his sister , she was always there for him , always tried her hardest to make everything for him possible
She always tried her best to make everyone happy , safe and just having a good time bruh
He remembers coming back home one day and just feeling like trash , and as soon as you’d as him like that , you immediately made him his favorite dish and watched a movie , then you envied Mina , since there was still time and took them both to the cinema
He still has the movie ticket , it reminds him of you
He’s just your biggest fan
When he enrolled in UA you were a third year , you were a close friend with basically everyone
You quirk was ; possession , you were able to take control of Anyone’s body , that includes objects , animals and plants
Which is why you’re close friends with shinsou , you helped him out with trying to fit in and all that , you even stood up for him multiple times when people try to make fun of him or say he’s gonna end up a villain
Well now enough backstory , let’s get into the juicy juice
You woke up in your dorm room , Mario right next to you , sleeping with his head on your chest , you looked down at him and smiled , you played with his hair a bit , you knew he was catching feelings , which means he just broke the first and most important rule
He and you both knew this wasn’t gonna be a thing , you two were supposed to only have sex , there was supposed to be no feelings involved, you obeyed you’re own rules but he sure didn’t .
You were walking back to your dorm room when you heard Mario’s voice , at that point you two were doing your little ‘thing’ for two months , you didn’t pay much attention but then you heard him say your name , you immediately possessed the table , dropping your bag near your door , you saw it was tamaki, mirio and nejire talking
You felt really bad for invading their privacy but you just couldn’t help it , you need to know why your name came up in the conversation, even if they’re talking about how gay you are-
“ I’m in love with (y/n)... and I don’t know what to tell her ! I know if I try to confess my love , we won’t do our ‘thing’ anymore , but ! I should probably do so , it’s best being honest with her , than just try to live out this Lie right !?” Mirio said , with an sad smile on his face , it was adorable , he was always smiling even when he’s feeling bad
That’s what you really liked about him , he never lied , he always tried to be honest with everyone , a,ways smiling , and 90% of the time it was a true smile , he was just a nice person
Unlike you , you always faked these smiles , these jokes and laughs , you didn’t want to be here , you don’t want to be a hero , you’ve always been more into being just ... a random person ? You just wanted to walk around and do what you want , you wanted to be a hero sometimes , but you really wanted to be a villain most of the time , you always hang out with the LOV , you even caught hawks talking to dabi, they were on a roof
You promised to keep their little thing a secret , you even hang out with the both of them sometimes when shigaraki’s being a sore loser , besides Dabi has always been that one person that you just fuck with
Literally and figuratively
You ever wanted to say anything because you didn’t want your brother to loose hope , you knew you were his role model , you knew shinsou will be sad , knowing the person who told him he won’t be a villain for his quirk ,the person who has a very similar quirk to his , is a villain , knowing mirio will probably do the best and tell everyone what you are
It was too risky
While you were caught up with your (gay) thoughts , you realized that tamaki and nejire have left , it was just mirio , he was on his phone
Fuck what if he’s texting you , you quickly went back to your body , and saw that you were
Wrong he wasn’t texting you , he was actually calling you
You picked up the call “ ayo what’s up Mario !” You said as you unlocked the door to your dorm room
“ hey (y/n) ! Where are you ? I haven’t seen you in the gym today ! I thought we could have worked out together today “ mirio said happily , you could still hear the sadness behind his cheery voice
You smiled as you went inside your room “ I actually just got back , I couldn’t go this morning , besides , yesterday’s workout was very tiring , you really didn’t hold back , did you ? “ did you hate acting all flirtatious knowing fully well he’s now in love with you ? Yes , but you should act the same way you did before , if you started acting weird he’ll understand quickly , for a guy who’s grades are an average at best , he’s pretty smart
You could hear his smile after you said that “ I’d apologize but , you did flat out tell me to not hold back , I warned you , but you were asking for it so , who’s fault is that really ?” You giggled as you threw your stuff on the bed
“ whatever , ass , what did you want ?” You asked him
“ what ? “
“ you called ? What’s up ? Did something happen ? Or did you just miss me ? “
“ oh ! Ahaha I forgot actually ! But I mean I did miss you haha , would you mind if I come over tonight as well? It’s okay if you don’t want to ! But please say you do want to ...” you chuckled again , he’s such a fucking loser , you loved his silliness
“ sure you can sweetheart , but I gotta jump in the shower real quick , so if you wanna join , knock this time , you know what happened last time ...”
At the end of the night , he did indeed come over , he did indeed no knock on the door , but he didn’t scare you this time
And he sure as hell didn’t tell you how he felt .
Now it’s been three months since that little night , ever since then , mirio hasn’t changed , but he did act weird whenever you came to your room late , when you didn’t answer his calls or talked to some people that he didn’t like , or just thought that they were very touchy touchy
And you might say , well yeah that’s a boyfriend does right ? He’s worried about you , he wants you to himself , he doesn’t want others to do anything to you , wether it be sexual or violent
But the thing is , we ain’t together homie
So now you’re just sitting here , barbecue sauce on your titties- trying to run away
First you had to get rid of mirio
Second you needed a new Identity ( hehe Tity)
Third you needed to find a place to stay
And last but not least you needed a plan to convince everyone that you’re dead
‘Wow ‘ you thought as you took a sip of your coffee ‘ I need to fucking get dressed fist dude , I’m tired as fuck bruh ‘
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imaginecoderealize · 6 years ago
Could we perhaps get hcs for the main cast (+ finis and Sholmes) as to what they would do with a s/o on valentines day? (I have ordered release date delivery for Wintertide Miracles and have asserted that Van Helsing is going to be my valentine)
Valentines headcanons!
First, I am terribly sorry for the tardiness of my response! It is completely mod Apostle’s fault, and she humbly asks for forgiveness. I was away at a convention this weekend and underestimated how little time I would have before I left. Love doesn’t go out of date, I hope??
Mod Nautilus offers sweet love notes, while Mod Apostle’s are ficlets based on a theme of being separated on Valentine’s Day... with happy endings!
We hope you enjoy! We’ll see you again around the beginning of March! Until then have fun with Wintertide Miracles! ❄️
They are behind the cut for length....
“I’m so glad you accepted my Valentine’s Day invitation, mon trésor! You look so excited, have you been wondering what sorts of adventures I have in store for you? Haha, calm down, calm down! There will be many surprises for the two of us.
Hmm… how does an invitation to a masque sound? I find that nobles are much more fun when they’re masked, it gives us glimpses of the true selves that they usually hide behind their reputations.
Ahaha, what’s with that expression? You want to know if I have something mischievous up my sleeve? My dear, who do you think you’re speaking with? Oh, but please don’t worry. Tonight, all eyes will be on you, and only you.”
Lupin planned for the day for weeks. He made all his lover’s favorite treats, made reservations at her favorite restaurant and bought romantic gifts. So when the day came and his lover needed to be away from home on Valentine’s Day, he was supremely disappointed. He didn’t want to make her feel bad, so he hid his feelings and told her they would celebrate when she come back, but Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief, couldn’t let his lover be alone on Valentines Day!
He saw her off with a kiss and a smile, asked Impey to use the ornithopter, loaded it up with all of his gifts, and headed to her destination. A little breaking and entering later, he snuck into her room...
He lit his rose-scented candles, put his champagne on a tray by the bed, donned his new red silk robe and arranged himself seductively on the bed to wait.
He heard the door open a few minutes later. His lover took in the sight of Lupin’s roguish grin, temptingly open robe, and champagne and laughed with relief, “I knew I could count on you.”
Lupin was confused for a moment, but then his lover took off her coat...
The gift he bought for her- the very one he couldn’t find that morning- adorned her body most enticingly.
“Were you looking for this?” she said with a giggle, “I didn’t think you bought it for yourself...” she looked a little ashamed,  “I am sorry... but... I hoped you would come. I would have felt silly wearing this to return to an empty room.”
Lupin gave his most winning grin, “Never fear, my dear. I would never allow my lover to sleep alone on Valentine’s Day.” he said warmly, and kissed her until she melted in his arms.
“I’m glad you could make it. Hm? Why do I…? No, I’m not unhappy to see you, you should know better than that. I just had planned to cook a nice dinner for the two of us, but Lupin and the others… it turns out that they made dinner reservations for us.
… It’s at the Reform Club, one of the most exclusive locations in all of London. Lupin said that the Count had to go to a lot of trouble to get us access. I don’t know why they went to all of that trouble, I wanted to… hm? You look rather happy. What, you want me to relax tonight? Heh… I always have trouble saying no to that smile of yours. All right, then. But don’t worry, later on I’ll be sure to spoil you.
At that time… would you prefer chocolate or vanilla?”
Van hated to see the disappointment on his lover��s face when he told her he would need to travel on Valentine’s Day, but he could not shirk his duties to Delacroix. They shared a tearful kiss at the door before he left, and he promised to celebrate as soon as he came back, but he knew it wasn’t the same. He had forgotten such sentiment for a long time, but now even he recognized the importance of observing traditions together.
He finished his duties for the day and brooded over his lover being alone... it was wrong. No, he couldn’t let this happen. What kind of lover would he be to do something like that? He stood up.
“Hey, Helsing! Why are you making that face? Don’t tell me you and your sweetie are fighting again!”
He glared at the young king, “We don’t fight...”
“Well you must be if you’re here on Valentine’s Day looking like that! Or did you forget?!” he looked horrified.
Van berated himself silently, even the child king knew it was wrong to leave a lover on Valentine’s Day, “I didn’t forget. It was my duty to be here.” he muttered, “But now I—
“Don’t be stupid, Helsing. Go right now! Take the automobile. Maybe you can still make it back before midnight!”
His watch read 11:55pm when he squealed up the driveway. He vaulted out of the car and crashed through the door.
His lover ran out of the living room in a white cotton gown, hair loose around her shoulders. He felt starved of the sight, though he had only been gone for two days. He pulled her in his arms and kissed her until they were both breathless.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” he said between kisses, “I am... sorry...” he kissed her again, “to have left...” he lifted her in his arms and held her tightly against his chest, “Tell me, “ he undid the ribbons on her delicate gown, and kissed her throat. She made a little sigh of pleasure, “Tell me how I can make it up to you...”
She whispered her desire in his ear.
He felt his face warm at her suggestion, and smiled back at her. If that was his penance, perhaps he should misbehave more often.
“Oh, you’re here! I’m so glad. The tests had gone well, but Sisi has a mind of his own at times… I wasn’t sure he’d follow the scent to deliver your invitation. Huh, the costume? Y-Yes, I put it together… I’m glad you thought it was cute.
Ah, I hope you like the flowers! I know roses are traditional, but I just couldn’t decide… so I also got you a daisy bouquet and a tulip bouquet. I thought they’d make a nice backdrop. I made some sandwiches for us, they aren’t fancy but I asked for Impey’s help so they should be delicious.
E-Eh? Feed me? Haha, that’s really… really cute of you. All right, but only if I can do the same. Hehe, okay, now… say ‘ahhh’!”
Fran hated that he needed to be away from home on Valentine’s Day, but he knew the conference was too important to miss. His lover encouraged him vigorously to go, but he still felt guilty about leaving.
Which is how he found himself coming home with the basket of kittens.
He often worked late or needed to attend lectures. He hated to think of his lover all alone and hoped the kittens would keep her company.
A tiny paw darted out and grabbed his finger.
“Ow!” he yelped, nearly dropping the basket.
The rest of the kittens joined the game and leapt out of the basket to climb up his chest and up to his shoulders, knocking his glasses askew and getting tangled in his hair while he yelped from being scratched with their sharp little claws. He desperately tried to get them to go back in the basket.... just as his lover opened the door to the house to see him covered with kittens.
She stared at him for a moment. A bemused expression on her face, and burst out laughing.
“Happy Valentine— Woah...!” Fran cried as his lover pulled him into her arms, kittens and all. Half the kittens leapt from his shoulder to hers. One still dangled from his coat.
She kissed him, “Welcome home... all of you!” she said, still giggling, “I love you, and I love our new family members.”
“Okay, my cute little engine, get ready to take my honey and I on the best Valentine’s Day date ever! I thought this would be fun, you know? Taking a nice drive out into the countryside. The sun is just beginning to dip, so we’ll be able to watch the sunset together and then…! Yes! Then we can go stargazing! Ahh, to see the stars reflected in my lover’s eyes, it’ll be like a dream!
Cold? Well, yeah, I guess it is February… but Mr. Impey thought of everything! Ta-daaaa! Check out these portable heating pads I made! Oh, don’t worry, I tested them a lot… got burned a lot, too, but hey! All’s well that ends well, right? E-Ehh… what’s with that expression… okay, okay! I have blankets, too! We’ll just have to scooch up real close-like together. … Ehehe, that might be even better. Waah, Impey, you’re a genius!
Hm? You saw me… working on the Ornithoper earlier? Yeah, I thought at first that a date above the clouds would be fun, but… I realized it would be too dangerous. Hahaha, not because of the Ornithoper, but because… honey, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you tonight. Pulling over is much easier than maneuvering an emergency love landing! Ahaha, your blushing so cute! But, there’s no need to be embarrassed… tonight, the only one watching us will be the moon.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can!” Impey declared confidently when he left two days ago. But there he was with a busted engine helplessly waiting for the replacement for the broken part he needed to be delivered.
He felt unaccustomedly depressed. He couldn’t believe he was leaving his precious angel alone on this most important day. He knew she would understand. She was a smart and resilient girl. He would make it up to her at length later, but he never wanted to disappoint her. He wanted to always be there to make her smile, always wake up with her tucked in his arms on special days. He certainly never wanted to leave her alone like this.
But there he was, miles away from the nearest train station with a busted motor and no way to get home.
He gazed up at the moon wistfully, thinking of all the nights they spend curled up under blankets looking at the moon and making plans... making love, too. It was the best time in his life.  
He squinted up at the moon... was that a new crater? No... it was moving.  He could hear a familiar high-pitched buzzing....
He jumped up from the hood of the car and stared at the sky in shock.
The ornithopter was coming.
His heart leapt. The Ornithopter was coming! That meant—!!
The ornithopter circled the clearing where he stood. He jumped and waved enthusiastically. The little aircraft flashed its lights and descended to land next to him. The door was flung open and his beautiful angel of the sky leapt out and into his arms, wrapping her arms around him while he laughed, “My honey came to the rescue! But that’s not fair! It is the noble knight that must rescue his princess!”
“Nonsense!” she snorted, “We don’t live in the dark ages.” she kissed him soundly, “I couldn’t let my hapless prince lie alone in a field on Valentine’s Day!” she held up the blankets she brought.
He grinned as brightly as the moon itself, “I am in your debt, Princess!” he gave her a suggestive wink, “Now what would you like for your reward, eh?”
She kissed him fiercely, “I can think of a few good ways for you to repay me.”
“I’m taking off the blindfold now. Hehe, were you able to figure out where I took you? Yes, I thought it would be a nice surprise… oh, tonight they aren’t performing any operas or ballet… tonight is something very special.
I remembered how fondly you were looking at my antique collection, and I thought it might be fun for us to visit an auction together. These auctions are usually so crowded, though, so I arranged for us to have a private viewing the night before. This entire theater is just for the two of us tonight, our own antique gallery. And, my dearest, if you desire anything you see… it’s yours. Whether it’s a few items or the entire show, I will make sure you’re able to start your own collection here tonight.
After that, I was thinking the two of us could go on a cruise- oh, you don’t have to worry about packing. I’ve ensured that everything you need has already been loaded onto the ship. Please forgive my selfishness, but the last time I was invited to an auction cruise, things didn’t go exactly as planned… haha, you understand, right?
Well then, beloved, the night is ours. Let’s dedicate it to our love of art… and our love for each other.”
She dropped her suitcase on the bedside table and dropped herself on the bed. She had been away too long. She didn’t think she could bear another lonely night. She knew Saint felt the same way. Sometimes she could feel his emotions from far away like the touch of ghostly fingers caressing her face. She sighed and flipped open her suitcase—
There, on top, was a letter.
She gazed at the familiar stationary, Saint‘s exquisite handwriting spelling out her name. She breathed in the faint scent of white flowers that was her beloved’s signature.
The only trouble was that she had been traveling for days. There was no such letter in her case.
Trembling, she opened the envelope—
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my beloved lady,
It pains me to apart today of all days, even if it is unavoidable. I miss you tonight. Do you have all you need on your travels? Do my words warm your heart enough to endure this absence?”
No... she thought. I need so much more.
“I cannot say the same. I can still feel the shape of you beside me in this bed, your fragrance on my pillow, your sweetness on my tongue. I need all of you here with me always. I wanted to leave you roses on your pillow, kisses on your lips, share tea with you in the morning, read to you in the afternoon. I want to take you places tonight that you’ve never seen. I want to see the wonder in your eyes. I want to hear you gasp with delight. I am a terribly selfish man, as you know too well, but tell me your desires and I will fulfill them. Your pleasure is mine also.”
How many times had he told her that? How many times had they done those things? How many times had she fallen asleep with a smile on her face, her body and soul perfectly content in every way? She kept reading...
“Close your eyes for me. Hear my voice. I am touching you now, my fingers on your lips. Now part them for me, yes... like that. Taste this. Is it sweet? This chocolate is said to be the finest in the world. Do you agree? It will taste sweeter from your lips, my love. Now lie back and think of me. Your wish is my command, tell me your desires. Tell me your needs. Tell me anything at all.”
She could almost taste the chocolate. Feel his fingers on her lips, “I love you.” was all she said. She could almost feel his body against hers. She laid back, undressing as if he watched her from the page of the letter.
“I love you, too. Hehe, Are you surprised that I can hear you? I can feel you, too. Can you feel me now?”
She could... it was almost too real.. she moaned a little...
“I know you can. I know. Oh, how I know. We share a bond to deep for mere miles to erase.
I need more than the thought of you. If you feel the same way...
Open your eyes.”
She felt soft lips against hers. Very real lips... her eyes flew open.
“Hehe. Are you surprised?” Saint said softly.
“What!? How—”
He put a finger over her lips, “Shh, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I am here with you now...” he kissed her again. His lips tasted of dark chocolate.
He pulled her into his arms, “Now, please, let me love you.”
“… And here you are. I’m not surprised, you’re always good at solving the fun little riddles I leave for you. Still, I found it rather charming that you left a riddle for me, as well. … It looks like we had the same place in mind, too. Yes, you told me once that you wanted to visit this tea house, didn’t you?  Haha! Was that how it went? I was the one who wanted to come here? Well, I really must thank you for remembering that, then. … You made reservations as well? My, it looks like we’ll have the whole room to ourselves…
Hm? You’re disappointed that I didn’t bring my violin? My dear, did you really believe that the night would be ending here? Hehe, no, it would be too early for that. After this, I want to take you to a garden I recently found. There’s a beautiful gazebo there, and I think the acoustics will make the performance much nicer. … Besides, tonight, you’re the only one I want to hear my music.”
Sholmes sighed and put down his newspaper. He knew he was being foolishly sentimental. February 14th was just a date on the calendar. It was nothing to get upset about to miss a single day together.
So why did he feel so out of sorts?
He knew perfectly well, but the knowledge was uneasy. He never felt this way before and it unnerved him. He considered his intellect to be above such trivial things.
He attempted to forget his melancholy by tidying the house, but was useless. He decided a walk might clear his mind...
....And immediately spotted a familiar figure slipping between two buildings.
No one else would have noticed her unique gait and peculiar habit of looking up at the sky when she was trying to be nonchalant, but he certainly did.
She told him she would be away for the week. What was she doing sneaking in alleys?
A little troubled, he turned from his path to follow her.
She led him on a merry chase through the city, ending when he saw her slip inside a window on a sleepy, tree-shaded street.
Waiting only a moment, he followed her.
—only to be lifted off his feet and pulled through the window.
The scent of his lover’s sweet vanilla perfume surrounded him.
He was being kissed.
He answered with hunger to match. It had been too long.... He suddenly didn’t care why his lover was sneaking through the city...
She released him, “Did you like your Valentine’s Day present?” she whispered in his ear.
He understood.
Feeling a little foolish, he laughed, “You win this time.” he kissed her, “Next time you won’t get so lucky.”
“I think it is you who is about to get lucky.” she said before wrapping her arms around his neck again.
“Ha! Well, look at how dressed up you are! Huuuh? Date? You really went to all that trouble because you thought… V-Valentine’s Day? I wasn’t particularly paying attention to it… sister baked cookies for it, which you’re welcome to have. They really…. they are rather burned, aren’t they? Sheesh…
Candles? Can’t a man light some candles without it suddenly being for a particular occasion? And the flowers… wipe that smile off your face, it makes you look like a fool. … Ahh, fine! Fine! H-Here. Huh? No, my sister didn’t make these chocolates! … I made them. Had to fight off a fork-wielding little… b-but, anyway… I’m sure you’ll find these far better than those cookies—or anything else you might have received today.
I’ve never really… Valentine’s Day never… ….. I… hope you enjoy them. The fact of the matter is, I wanted to see you. I want to see you. It doesn’t have to be a particular day… I simply… want to be with you. … There’s that smile, again. … I suppose it isn’t always a foolish one.”
Finis was in a bad mood.
That wasn’t unusual. How can one be in a good mood surrounded by incompetents?
It had nothing to do with a certain person being absent from work because of a cold on Valentine’s Day. They were just the only person capable of doing their job correctly. He was just annoyed because it made his workload worse.
If he kept telling himself that, he might even believe it.
He finished up early and left without an explanation.
On his way home he was further annoyed by the displays in the shops. All lurid red hearts and foolish Cupids. Childish nonsense for frivolous people. He stomped away not looking where he was going and upset a cart full of flowers. A bucket tipped as he collided with it and spilled its contents on the ground.
It was his fault. He couldn’t expect the flower girl to suffer for his clumsiness, so he bought the things.
Now what? He certainly didn’t need a bucket full of pink roses.
That certain coworker wasn’t feeling well. Maybe this would cheer her up.... so she could get back to work and do her job!
Feeling thoroughly convinced, he turned toward her house.
He found her quietly reading a book with a cup of tea. Her face turned red when she saw the flowers. Maybe she had a fever.
She was crying and smiling as she thanked him. Her eyes bright with gratitude. He didn’t understand why girls did that. But... deep in his heart... he had to admit it made him... very happy.
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